The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 02, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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GUAM’S TERRIBLE DISASTER. ,t\I.KU. TOW'S W lE LrAIUEO AM) VIVVY WERE KILLED. Morru We* 'Or Aevrrest Knonu Iber- In EnrlJ Vrt-I**lc and (.uurniurnl Buildings l *•■ Urrr | nruiO. ll and M ra<kril-'. dvr, trr * Orem* Ulattraa nnd jo.wl |ill Are heeded Thr ) u.riaillr Had to He Abandoned. ,i Ja. Pec. I—He*r Admiral Heaney, , „ official reports of the recent ty whn-h vi-ited ttie Island of Guam, it the s.ortn was the aevcreai id lu(a> years. ~ lace at A(iu and the govern butldlngr aero unroofed and wrt k- The net reached the Plaxa. Many , i., m-less sought refuge in the aid Ja.i No one 1* reported to kllle-l at Agana, but the mcr eatue.l by the recent epidemic of -ip has been much Increased by ex ni st of the dwellings have be*u and. :• and. ~)wr. of M.trajan was levelled and ..ifht persons were killed. Several were killed In various small vtl , and several small coaster* are tnlss . reports have been received from uiitler. Cocoanut trees and all destroyed and food la being dis , io tho sufferers. t; Ramey has ordered the Are f ;n Cavite with IrxM supp.h* r -urn and meats are needed and It 1 that donations be sent from •so States-. Tne Brutus, from Ca i the Solace, from San, nrr. rerently. wl.l relieve Imme , i . • rds. ndlng of the Yosemlte upon the nnd twisted her snd abandoned and sunk Nov. Iti The Newark has gone to Investigate th* ditaster. i 01. Goodretl. commanding the M irir.e BatsuMon, with UjO mar ne, i,. to,.g to relieve the troops He will land to-morrow The reb that vicinity have been active o; .1* ** i-hoent of the Twenty-fifth In ti the mountains near Ihe. found >mp of the guerilla leader Joaquin i . i, Suspend*,' from the trees near ~rap were the le-lie* of three am,got proof was found that the rebels had tortured other captivee. Twt.lve hundred botomen entered Vlgan. !i! f Luzon yesterday afternoon and - ,rrn -red to Capt. Green, of the Thirty ,.d 'r.fantry. This Is th" largest num • r of m*n tvho rave yet surrendered on l.uson at ore time. Gen. Tlnto has beer, k#,; :% a swarm of bolomer- along the mountain* and they have Impoverished the food supplle*. GEN. DE WEt’iS IN DANGER. Kaos nlil to llnxe Him In n f orner. lint He t\ 111, no llonbt, Faslly Fstrlente Itimself. l- r ton. Deo. L—The Evening Stand,ud report, that a great fight Is In progr. s between Gen. Knox and Gen. PeWet.near Roaxv.lle, In the southeastern extremity f the Orange Hiver Colony, and that th, . e of Gen. l>cWet Is considered lm i, ", nt. , first dispatch from Gen. Kit.honor hi* cip i I*y of comman,|cr-ln-ch,ef of rtri h fur. ,s In South Africa 1* and B!,, mfoncln, Nov. SO. and confirm* i . reports of fighting between Gen !* .* r and Gen. I>,-\Vet as cabled Nov "• and adds the latest reports—that Gen Knox .* In touch with Oen. DeWei's force t ir Tat, lie rg, twelve miles north of ttethul;*, Grange River Colony, that the it ■rs attacked Boshof Nov. 2S and re* tawed he attack Nov. 12. and were re ■ and w thout Brit sh loss. Ger h'lt here- al o -t' Is th t N v. ■ n PttSl srts fight!lt# with h • V.ljo. i ..n I Er sums e . s cd ha h drove the Hoers to a po itlcn In !w I dty cf Ritf ntelo. T. e British casuaitl s were heavy Col 1 oy 1 ar.d five < t er ofll -er were w un 1- fl, five men were killed aid fifty were sounded St IT AOAIMT THE HAM) O. brought to Present the Paying of the starch Dividend. 11' w York Dec. I.—Suit has been begun the Culled States Circuit Court by ■bn D. Crtmmlns against the Baltimore n1 Ohio Ra lroad Company asking for temporary Injunction restraining the •rr.pany from paying to holders of com n stnek the 2 per cent, dividend deciar ‘l payable March 1 until a dividend shall • ,r. and In favor of holders of pre rr< i sti k of what shall be a propor rste part of all net earnings during " year ended June *O. 1900 The complatnant also asks for a temper f injuctlon refraining the company ‘• ci deeiar ng any dividends on common " 'k out of any future net earnings renter for any year until after a div er,d of i per cent, on preferred stock • ’ aeh year shall have been declared. CLOSE, of HE VI TV COVTEIT. itnslne Llllntt One of Those Selected by the Committee. New York. Dec. I.—The famous Pan dr rv-an beauty contest closed to-day 1 i * **e awards were mad*. This was a ' 'iltton held for the purpose of **- ■r the two most beautiful women in at, - blonde and brunette, to typify ’C and Souih America tm the official ! -'t- of th Pan-American Exposition l fTuio ir 1901. A committee of ten. '' i- h Senator Chnuncey M. ilrman. selected from thousand.- of Km,’ graphs tent to New York. Mls oleman Wood of Chariottsvllle. ' 'A represent North America, and Miss lx n Eiliott (Mrs. N. C. Goeslwln) bru -1 e. to represent South America. TORLEVT* V\ ulMlt.ll OIL DOT. 1 popalar Ofileer Got In Some Good Sword Work, • ntalnehleau. Dee. 1 -Capt. Coblenta. • on Nov. 17, fought a duel with ,v with a brother-in-law of the tutf th Mm Lehaudy, this afternoon , not lie r duel with an artillery nfli- Pt. Glliot. |n consequent of a dw arieing from the unpopularity o: '"lent* with his fellow officers. Glllof wn* wounded In Ihe chest. farmer pihvd iie to. 'short Hill „r Telia. County Killed (nkncmii Part). *'On. Dec. I.—Word reached Macon " t* l * assassination of Mr Egherl farmer In Twiggs county. Ills dead was found In the iuj<j with a ou et <i th* back. The cause of the kill • - unknown, and thara Is no clew to aasessinw MANY RELIABLE WITNESSES Prove That Old Cases of Chronic Ca tarrh can Be Cured. HALF THE ILLS 0E MAXKIXD AliE CATA'ULHAL IX SATIRE. C a t a p r h of Long* Standing; in One of tho Most Stubborn Diseases to Cure. A Medicine that Will Cure Sueb Cases Dcnerves a Ve r y Ilivrh P.aee in the Annals of Medical Discovery. Such a Medicine is Peruna. f ■ ""t HOTTBANDS of teitlmontals are I pouring in every day of oid JL of chronic catarrh that have re stated all treatment for years, betas promptly and permanently cured by Pe runa. These reports do not all rcme from ob- ! scure places, a gned by obscure people A nrire proportion of these le:ter are writ - en by men and women prominent in bu-- inese and professlofjai circles and roar, of them well known from ocean to cocci Tike, for instance. Col John Franklin Waters who occupies a prominent j ♦ ion amoeg the leading trial lawyer* • Chicago He has probably obtained more verdicts against corporator.* in suits f personal ,nj ima than any man of ii.s tn *he United Btates. and during his prac- j tice of over fifteen year* he has not lost a single case In the Supreme courts of Illinois and Missouri. He is a hard worker and has the energy of four men. For a number of years he had been af flicted with chronic catarrh and having recently been h r ugh’y cured nf hit old affection, an interview was ob aln and with h‘m by one of otir reporters in which he j gave the following srarement to the pub lic: Chicago. 111.. Aug . 1900. Th* 4 Peruna Medicine Cos , Columbus, 0.. Gentlemen—>“lt gives me great pleasure to testify to the merits ot *nch n north) remedy for catarrh a* >oar Prrnoa. I had suffered for a a uni her of >ears from this very dls iitrerhb‘ disease nnd had tried many so-cnlleil remedies, hot until I used IVrnna none had the desired effect. I feel that I am perfectly cured and can cheerfully SVooin ineml Pernna to any one suffering from catarrh.** JOHN F. W ITER#, I**o F,. Itaudolph #(., ( hleago. 111. Another case equally well-known in Chi cago Is reiw>rte.l through a letter from a veteran railroad man. MORRIS MAKES SHARP REPLY. (Contlnuel ftom First Psge) otton and woolen mils at Roswell, my county, urging myseir and colleague to oppose the child labor bill. 1 earned It to Mr Kllburn and showed It to him, and without any requtw whatever from me he mid that he would release me fr *n any prom Use I had made him and for me to act as I thought right about the ma - ter. The statement made by the dis tinguished editor of the labor Journal to the effect that I had this petition before I was elected, and that a similar one wts presented to me at the last session of the General Assembly Is a mistake. This U the only one I ever received. "Now. the statement that I personally solicited the vole of Mr. O’Connell or made him promises 1* wholly Imaginary, for I never had the pleasure of meeting or speak ng to h.ra until ofter I was elect ed speaker pro tem, of the House "In this eame srtlcle I notice the Hor.. Mr. White says that either Messrs. Hous ton Kllburn, or O'Connell has more sense in a minute than I have In a month. T shall not take Issue with him on this po sition. and If he can derive any pleasure from it. he has my permission to make It a standing advertisement In ht* paper." WILL MOVE TO NASHVILLE. ail a. MaeDonell Made Secretary ot Home Mlaaion Society. Macon. Dec. 1.-Mrs R. W. MaeDonell of Macon has been chosen general secre tary of the Woman’s Home Mission So ciety of the Methodist Church In the South, and tc-day wired her acceptance. The election was held at Nashville Mrs. MaeDonell will change her place of resi dence to Nashville. She Is a daughter of the late president of the Georgia Acad emy for the Blind, and Is noted for her work for Christianity. Avery quiet tl-cikm for Justices of th ncace waa held here 10-dav, in n t of the nine gtstrt-t. of the bounty Tw.. of the districts did not hold an election, nog caring enough for the office to attend to the matter. _ 60V. JOHNSTON H •* MOTRED. Sam ford la Nosy Governor of the State of Alabama. Montgomery, Ala., Dec. I.—At noon to day Gov. Joseph F. Johnston retired from the executive office. Owing to Illness th new Governor. W. J. Samford. was unable to come to Montgomery for his Inaugura tion He took the oath of office two days aso at Opelika, and to-day Gov Johnston turned over the office to T D Rsmford. a •on of the Governor, and his private sec retary. Col. Uiftni'a liody irrlff*. Han Francisco, l>ec. l.~The remains of Col. Llscum. Who felt at the head of the A meric in troop* before the si Is f T>n Tain, arrived hire this Afternoon on tn transport Thomas. The baly will II- on the Thomac unit! Monday afternoon • r Tuesday morning, wl.en it will be t iken under military eaoort to the train, which will carry It to the national cemetery at Arlington for Interment. Dunne Ha. Typhoid Fever. Chicago Dec. 1.-F Peter Dunne, au ,hor of the "Dooley” papers, t* at Ht l-uke's Hospital tn this city with t>,.!iol.i fever The physicians at tlrat -relieved h* had pneumonia, but to-day changed their diagnosis, and staled mat Is* is no; now in a dangerous condition. THE MOKNING NEWS: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2. 11 MX). / r ' —* l gi.()\El. JOID nt\>KLIN W ITER# OF < lilt U.O. > ) ‘u \' | i < } > v.*|*lmlii 11. I ) >•*. | THINKS DI NS s. (•n fllf'Dl \nUm I nju n*t ln \ga£na( flr (ioornmrnt. Ealtlmore. Dec. 1 -Ueut J>*eph Strauee of ihe Hnliwl Nuvy, by Uniiwl Stale* DUirtol Attorney John C. 110.-e. fiied an ensatr i to a bill of oompia.nt of Gaifi ll of Stump Neck Chari--* county, a*kl. K fT <n Ir.Jttnc lon lu prevent governin'nt official* from turn ing their gun* In the direction of hi* prop eriy when teatlng them Lieut. S ratia* 1* Inspector of orfinan - In cr.a gn of the naval proving ground at Indian Head, Charie* county, Maryland. It wa* alleged In the bill of comp’aint that projectiles. In some Instance* *gh tng more than a ton, fell or, G.tlfi* I*l * property. The roneu* - lon h-1 shat < re<l the window* of hi* house .m l th fo in datlon had been damaged. The value of the property, it was sal-1, was damaged because persems transa lng buelnes* in the water* surrounding It were alra.d to approach. , O.ILI 4 ttlt VI \I. VISITS. Kruger Advised of All That He Can Kxpect In llerlin. London. Dec. L—A special dispatch from Berlin says: "Mr. Kruger has been advised that Count von Buelow, the Imperial chancel lor, will only exenange formal visits uiih hint, that publ.c demonstrations will be suppressed and that the prop-eed muni cipal banquets will he abandoned. “While there Is much sympathy and curiosity to see Mr. Kruger, them Is no chsnee of such a furor, as occurred at Marseilles and Paris " KELLOGG HAUL! lAJIHED. He Is a Mem her nt Senator Davis' Law l irm. Bt. Paul, Dec. 1 —F. 14 Kellogg, of the law firm of Davis, Kellogg and Severance, of which fitro Settavor Davis was a m<-m ber, recelve*l a painful Injury while re fr<jm the Davis funeral this af letnoon. He was leaving the cemetery in a carrltg- • th C A. S' vet on e, the oth er surviving member of the firm. w.en me horses became frightened. The car rta<* was lurched forward by the horses :ml Mr Kellogg as thrown with force against a lamp post A bone in the right elbow was fractured Election In tnlunihus. Columbus, Oa., Dec. 1 —ln the alder* m iet-' ,ic non the mdeperdent rket triumpheil over the Gc-od Govern* ment ticket, seven out of eight candidate* going in by a good majority Toe names of mow- elected araDt*muk<* Ed. Me- Pall. 721: Banner. Sid; Kaul. 702; Orelr. m; Hortmin. S>3; loiwreit ■. C. Jones. CM There were only seven candidates un the independent ticks-: Dlsmukee ,a* tn the Good Government ticket. The closest race was between Mar-rum ■ml Hartman, the latter * mij rlty be n* rs.y H. Great Interssi was taken In the • ctlon. There were 1.41*) regl*teil voi rs and IJO2 vote* were cast yen Public Hath for Women. Santiago da Cuba Dec 1 —T l >- new ■ übllc ba'h for women, b I t by the s nl •ary department, was op ' tu--*ay and Tfn women an' gi I- ‘ook lva tag n* ;he 01H>Tturltl**s • ITe e ' litre • ‘or- w - men of the 1-wer ilat* have b en n Ihe habit of bathing In * c- ve w-itiio't p >- teetton and have bran fr*q tenth I fer rupted by men who atole their ciothL.g. j fapt. John H. Lyons of Chicago, pas t -enger ng* nt f<T var ous railroad compa nies for the past twenty-four v-at*, con -1 nectel with the l’ istolfi •• Deiwrimen: f >r six years live Department for six ! vears, and at pr e- t •• nn —el with tn# liratwl Trunk Railroad, had a *im in | -ase. Me ia ave cr-n iII r <nd o p om j ment member of O A It (' mi Nn. I*'.- I For twenty years he suffered with chrome catarrh, but thank* to Reruna I* tiow- entirely cur**<l. He writ's of hi* .-are In the following wor.l- The l’ *runa Med rnc Cos . Columbus, O : Gentlemen—lt affords me much pleas : lire to make a statement In behalf of your ' meritorious remclv I'< run.i. I have u*.<l * same for catarrh nnd have found It to D* j all you elaiin for k. 1 suffered for I twenty years I cheerfully recommend j Pruts to snyorte sufierln- fr tB cs-arrb, j a* I lielleve that. ,i In my case, It will prove a sure cure.” CAPTAIN JOHN H LYONS. It;:* I'r.itrl*' Ave . Chicago, 111. Addr* th* Pi run i Medicine Cos., of Co s! lumbtts, uh.u, f,r in*iru<tlve free litera ture on catarrh. Mil It KTIt lilt IT* DEFEAT. Ileal the Army Football Team by a Score of II to 7. Philadelphia, Dec. i —On Fronklln Field ' to-day lb* navy retrieved P- def-s* of | taut year by tht ashing the army by a score of U to 7. It was a fierce contest from stars to finish and was only won by the hardest kind of playing on the part of th** Annapolis .adets. The West Point boys. In the fac of de feat, never fur a moment weakened In tht play and won the spplau** of the multi tude of spe tutors for fheir gameness. Neither team played gilt-edged football, but what they lacked In the finer points of the game, the elevens more than made up by the zeal and earnestness with which the players went at each other Their *n marked with a reck less abandon that stirred the army nnd r.avy ofileer* In the crowded stands to wild enthusiasm. The greatest crowd that has assembled on Franklin Field In a number of year* was out to see the game, aid many men distinguished in public life occupied seals on either tho W est point or the Annapolis stands. Be trelary Root and a party which Included Lieut Gen. Miles oc tipted a box on the army side and a number of Russian nave, oflicsr* were present. Following m the line up: Annapolis. Position, West Print. Read left enu BmlthfCap: ) W’U.lama I. tackie Farnewor.h, Finn Fremont left guard Royer Whitlock center Betttann lb-.knap right guard Ooodsp e, Adams right tackle Bunker Nlchois r.ght end .Burnett /.ell Long qt ba-k ,lahm. William Fowler (C.) It. h back,,Cam t Ha k t Land rt. h buck ..Cltrk Pnipp* Smith, Manly ( back Phillip* Vi h *ls Touch-d--wn Lend. Goal (■ rn touch down Fowler. Goals fr m fl |!, Cla *, Long I'mpire. R D. W enn o' 11 rani Referee. Edga Wrtg tl ton. liar ard Timekeera *. T -J H re Pe-. *y| anil end J. P. Oa line . Penn viva |*. linesmen. * / Grave*, Jr.. nd IVllsm Potter both cf r nn v vmla, Tim, of ha v, ml utes each. PtlHTfl lilt 1% PHAM lltF. A’alaablr* Grant Usds to he nor It it mini Valdes. Ran Juan de Porto Ri*o, Dec. 1 —A most valuable franchise has been granted to B'nor Ramon Valdez It consists of water tights In the Rio Pin a. fifteen mile* fr rt San Juan Sufficient power * ob'.alnab.** her* f r Hghti: g the city of San Juan, for manufacturing i urjoses and fur the op station of a trolley system Senor Val dez, It Is unite * ood, will sell out his ngnt* o tn*- R o Plata Klectr c Comtoiny. In which a number of Philadelphia ckpl taliala are Inter* sted. which will spend itou.'o tn exploit ng 'he cot ,-*•■ a. Denied Heat VV n limit v Treate*! Philadelphia. Dec. I —Col A. L Mills. superintendent of Wist Point Military Academy, to-dav l*nlM that Oxcs* L Boo* of Hr!* 01. Pa . a former West Point "Sdet. was harshly treated by the tu<9ents at the academy. President l>ls< Takes the Oath. City of Mexico, Doc. I. President Diaz this morning took the oath of ofiLe as Pr*aidant of ihe republic few tbe next four yam M’CLFLLANS ARE RELEASED. niotAi n m inm ipb otni: on l'l til* v| | f‘.Hi ,l*| :\sf. I urge < ntvid \i in 111 il at the I onrfl tliiis* in Hear the t roc>***tllttat*. It Un Mated 1 hat Robinson an It tack II I if* a Knlfi—Thai Us* the lt< Niun Met lellao tor vluMif { Hint l lie I % i*l int In Detail. j assembled at t if* Court House at M o’clo a ••* -• to hear ‘be rvkft. oin tne i 'mu mu j trial of JetsM? M l l‘. lUt*. I Sheriff T J McOle.. in and l’' '- • man N J M at rasrgewl the W, . lof H>i ' \ it t ion T ok- I giv i ic l',r T * . . an i* vui : of which e<J in i'i. Morning News of FrbUiy, o*'- . .r* I . in.-St directly tn fn>nt of t.u* J ■ irm. • jr * The de?-tm* was repn - .id . ihr, I, A WaaSOU, JtiOge J h .Sw i and Toouw r A litynoW-. wai.e I .r* t . .r. i by ti n C C rhoin • J i ig.* J. Williams of t;i* >'*t> Court of W.i> croae*. occupied the bcitch. Hon C. r T snae asked the court to , a the bearing to some future time .aMi ueb a ! • had . thy J)*l Uen em , ,'Vei )’> the pi or. cut ion. atvl had not . n givtn im* to eitnet* aequaitu h.m elf math the ia ta of the a-e, or to sum tnon*. He recognu* and he f* '• t iit the deP’ti-iar.ts, a xcordlt * . th* o>nMi:utlon. I .and tho right to de mand jtpredy trial. t th law a s> grant t > j*; utio ~np,c time to prepare ‘ q 4., , f the * Judge J I. 8w it. for the defense, star ed t it tht warrirts had *en a* rn ou* night lsfore i* • fi hi whl h be Inferred that the pros nation had been given as tparat as fha dtl dm The defendants had an absolute right to lematal o s * trial, witboil further ts9tpanement An *nomination of tin n* *-• ad bunging out * f fa ts wl.l es tablish w hethf i th* defendants, who are .ill vtfl. iis of th* .aw and deprived of their ii?><r . a! 1m comm tied or discharged " Cos. 1' ■ iu.ih responded that while the ;u is wr< ttworii *>ut t ight before 'a-' at i cd It the hands of a conata- I- yet “ Mate had n t been given time li . ' V the trig* TSie KM.i-ron tens left yesterday morn ing for Ko.k-ton to bury their brother Tt;• id i ‘ returr - the !t\ until ms* night Nan •* *f th*’ wltnetMii were* not •tiv'ti to to* j>r • it'-n until this morn ing, and 9-me * f them had not l*een unit* tn ntd In view of this, he asked a post ponement Judge Williams finally con -ented to allow the state until 1 30 o'clock this afternoon to summ* n witnesses and get ready for the trial l*hj kielmu' Testimony• Court convened at 1:90 in the afternoon for # the ; * of hearing eviden. * In the ase. I. Morrison w.te the first witness sworn He te-tilled that he had been *ll - upo i just l>* i‘M noon •** • gamine Henry Itoblnaon, whom be found In * dying condi tion In ti* hal.way tending to the Co-n ii ? amber. "The min bad a gunshot wou n and abo u t two tnc h * be low the It f t Ipp • sil l. and only gave a f*-w rasps after I got to him That wound a used death. In the presen eof Po liceman Westberry and others I search* and the dead min. finding an empty ptsto* a v * anl a m* d<itn*.ds4 pocket krdle on da person. The knfe was not open R ich a woiii and ,n Robinson r celvtd iisumll> •rove- fatal in a very short time W valkli K d'Wn Flar.t avenue wi.en Math | Hears and T T. Thigpen, in a buggy, me: me ami told me to flurry down, as a man was si.ot ** Quest oi ed by Judg* Sweat. Dr. Morr -on said that i man wotikl have the power, and if w< id l*e |*- Ml* for him to e.ose a knife nnd put It n h |*o ket after be ing shot i IMlimo w.o, even though the effect of the wound was deadening J. B. Jon* **, father f J A Jones, wu?* the nen witness sworn. He sill "The ltohins* n boys went out of It E. Jons*' Mole and turned *!•> AI) tlie street. Ther. wen* Mat. J.m, Be rv nnd a young sou of Jim. Mat was the last one out. He -Upped out a J*?*e MedeHan rod and said *#• in • p" v J* u*r> ‘ "The. lat ter. after paeMrg, ha ted turned, steppe! forward nnd struck Mat on the h“a*h rtie other b > * had gone on a l. As J ie kepi striking wl b his revolver. Mat tried to itch him to keep from being nurt. Henry ran up, and Jesse struck him. 1 did not >■*• any knives or other weapons in t e hands of th*- K-iblnaon hoys T'*m ami N* w M< * hMan ram* rushit.g up and joined In the tight. The for met bud walking stick, the Utter h tub. 1 saw boh weapons r•• and faj) several tlm*s, but aw no knife in Henry HoMnson s hand. To the best of ny know ai|t< the trouble o< betw**en 11 aral L 2 o'clock The Uobin*on hud been in H. E. Jones' grocery store fifteen miruiiee Mat bought a piece of tof co They told me about the troubl* that morning between Curt B obi neon an Jes-** Me le lan. \N m n Mat sprdee to Jesse there was no tone of a<*ger.“ U lint. IlifiliMmllti Nan. Ed. Higsiidth, who delivers meat for l. her's market, h-ard a noiae and step ped to the door "Jesse McClellan had Henry Robinson by one arm, and Newt M Cteiian had tem by the other, wrihc Tom McClehan sto and in fr nt, striking Hit rut.. Newt to.d the sheriff io stop hit ur.g R ddnaon. w Idch he did. wher* Je*t tho Newt hid hold of Robins.n and kept him* from striking a post Newt, an* both had revolvers. Bomel>/dy cam ~p and a*k*-d wlu* snot the man. and Jese said, 1 did.* It was probably a m.n ute and a half after I at*rip*-d out that be snot was bred, Rob.ns >n fall almos* ii*meuiate y after being shot. Saw no Kttife in h a band nor on the ground b - • te niiu. arid tie was not advancing u> wurdr Jese wh n shot. Ha fell fiat Of his la k with u rns a? bis side If ha t<*m cuttu g ai J* ssa when shot 1 would have c n i . ar.d 1 did not see anything of the k ud." T e n xt win as was J. C. Hope, nwi cutter In Lutbar'a mu ket. He as Id, w.aan be heard ylst and shoi h ran to the door *nd s.*w Henry RoMnaon failing to th* s-dowaik. Newt. McClellan had hold of lii rU lit hand, and had his pistol In h rand, but put It In his p'.-cket aJ>out th* time Rot in* or fed. h ., r i #• shout rut mix II- rnt up ft h >lr.i m n. r m, i h ut i ii knl In ul p rk •t. tn hts hnd. or • n l r r u <1 He co.ikt tot r ave ilui tnr kn f ■ n<) pit t In hi* pock<i a'ter h *a* o Robln- M>n llvfd .b ut s* minute*. Heirfi Je * M C.elUn zy. "Damn Mm he t lei to cu' me." Mi 1 It bltlfon hi* hea.l *ll’’ aril*re 1 fr m cfTart* of wourtl -er-R *1 I th* fraca- Tfiu *' V. ’ Th " r ‘* thln ' I knew Je rM C • l*n w * atlr. tme over hr a 1 *!th pi ’o He .rv r* rt o help nw* and * 'u al on hlT*. Newt, -arre rp "•<! h’ hi m- ar4 fen he he Iff hit me over the h awl h a Glek kno klr kmeto th Mwe k. I W I *• * r. *t* 4 li* ' , * l * l, '' , * '*• A* -i'ieltan eel** "Get ou* * ' the way 'lorn. I ll fix the •'l (Ir * <l * nr J' fe., inetantly. He ha 4r. ball- and <H4 u,e hi* ianhe a' i.l He told of irouh> between Curt Kohinnon swwl Jee* M-f'lellan early Thurwtay He deni*,) •ht any bat ple*nt r-latione e*it*d between the Robinson* owl the MrCle*- lan*. The Def-nae Hunt From When the defense openxl W H Miller who <)>l KM **i of t.i* <!.*. *•!<! he heard a pill*, shot, but did not know who fired the shot. Jeano McClellan teoGHed that he m*t Met. Jltn, Curl and Henry Robinson, and GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN & GO. Bland 15 Broughton St., West. HOLIDAY PRESENTS We are allowing and elegant an exclusive line of Novelties in Holiday tloods. and invite the piblic to call and inspect them. As usual our prices are t e lowest and our noods are the best to be found in the city. * r!*ph*phortrs ( rpttgni I‘lsnot, M**tal IXrvims, Kttl* Drums, Nlcklc cornets, Nb kit'd n* ?rvs. ] I'tinted Horns, Jintc*l In,ls. ] 1 Kills Kid Body Dolls, llnrmlcis Air tluns. (tenulnc Air Rifles, Having* Banks t <ubli,.tl i l. H'k Batiks, China Tea Bsts • Ulna Wash B*is, Magic Uninnt, Trunks. Lotto Gatusg, f ru*ti Ustncs. Writing l-ks. Work Box*> Brass Folding Beds, Fins Colognes. Best Extracts, si k I*amtr<Hjuin*. DRESS GOODS AT YOUR OWN PRICE 2,000 yds Dress Goods,worth from iSc to 50c, and consist ing of novelties in Plaids, Cheviots, Series, Henriettas and Kiannels this week at 25c B ack Cheviot, all wool, 45 inches wide and pood value at 1.00. For Monday and Tuesd v only, 50c READY-MADE GARMENTS. Ladies' new style Box Coats, in Black. B'ue, Tan and Castor Kersey that were bought to s II at SIS, but owing to a late >eason we close them out at §lO 50 Ladies Cloth Capes, in Black. Tan. Castor and Navy, well worth $8 00 our price $5.00 Children’s Golf Capes. Spccia price s2.‘>B Ladies’ Walking Skirts, worth $3.50. at $2 40 Black Dress Skirts, good value $7.00, at .... $4.98 All our 54.00 French Flannel Waists at $2.08 Ladies’ Flannelette Wrappers, special SIOO )lail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN & CO. t eon of Jim's In front of Watt Harley's tore atiou. 9 o'clock m the morning Curt -tupiied him snd said, "Now. Jetaw*. 1 am . to *ettle that matter." to whlcn li-sen replle,! that he oorvddered It 1- ,cwiy scttle.l Henry snd Mat caught old of him while Curt struck him Hi the face. "I reached for my pisbil, hut llenry to'k It from me. Curt stru-k me two or thr>e time* In th* face and once In tbe breast He th*n left saying he would get his gun ind tlx me I asked hsm to return mv ntsioi, and Jim sakl he would send It to m* Think th* whole tr<* I* grew can f th* arrest of Charley Robinson about a month ago. when we had a little altef stlur. with Curt." Mr. M'*l*ll in then guv# detailed ac cmM/: of th* affair. Referring to the dtlfi ulty that tnommg, he said "My brftUiers and tny**lf had decided to drop the matter, and I had started home. A* 1 paused J*ai*— grocery, Hen ry Robinson came out and cut at me I k .ife I Struck tie Ink ofT lb am* again, when I drew my pistol and hit Mm on tho head. Mat struck at me mil I hit him. Henry. Jtm and Util rushed on me and I hP first one and then the other. Henry kept after m* with a knife and seeing the other two uming Oh to me. Tom and Newt struck heir. Newt caught Henry by the arm. but h kept coming at roe. and I shot him "The fight her* wn genera', and a d*s -rlptlon I* !mpo*a hie. A* 1 shot Henry, my brother c ught him bv the a m R 'hlnaon lo ked tme and sad. ‘You have shot me' I told him l-a -hould nut hive tried to cut ma. H* then suit hi* knira. put It Into hi* po-ket, reel-d vnd fell taring esset cown by my irotheri, Toro and Newt.” The testimony of T J. McC e] a n W R. Newsome, let n C emen* B n Colilns t T Th gpen, M* 'hew Kara J hn P. Ca-on and N. J M Ciellan o rob tated t a. of Jest* M CMlatl end the and dens rested. Hon C. C. Tlornvi *p k* for the s-aJe and Judge J L. Sweet and Hoi. A Wl -on for the defer a* A't*r heirl'g the avid-n-e. Jule W'l- I m* rmdered hts d* l ion. cqult In - the M C ellsn* or. he rr und f -elf-d f-n e The curt adjourited ah ut ten o’clock Wayrrn** Vews Vote*. Wayrross, Oa . Dec. 1.-A. P Perham t, i.>n have Closed a -rid* for the outfit f the Self which hsd been levied >r under various and sundry attachments was pub.lalxrd usiti! reeent yby Kzrs Jama The outfit wras hl*t under mortgage by part lea In Cincinnati. O'llo. Arthur Waktrep. a white boy residing with has father. A L WzMrep, on Fran cis street, wa* shot In the foot while irelessly handing ■ rifle Tn* J H Glllon Machine Comivany ap ples for articles of tn-orporatioti for a term of twenty year* capital stock t* liO.uw. divided Into shares of llot each, but the petit oners desire tne privilege of increasing to tJRXOUO. The .ncorporaturs r# j 8 Bailey, M C. Parker and J. II GUion. #ll of Wayeroaa_ This company la represented In Wa petition l*y Toomer A Reynolds. J 8. Batiey, A. Beswwns. P. N. Harley, J. IV Johnson and Jno A Youroans ap ply for artlc.ea of Incorporation a* "The IVaycrosa Ice Company," for twenty ytwira. Th# capital stock 1* Df.oW. divide i nto shares of *!tk< each The Price—MoCuUey Cos. have given the contract fur tho erection of large ware house on their tot near the Ullton machine shops The building will be of brick, cov ering a space of kki by 300 feet Til* mam hulidlrtc will be 70 by IS feet, a bay building 28 by fs) feet, and stables to oc cupy the balance of the apace Th* Plan, System will run a track over to the lot at once, and work will bogiri (}. M Ell-sum has th* contraoL The Woycross lxrige. No. 9*9 B P. O Flks. will hold It* annual memorial ser vice at th* opera house. Rurvtay, Dec. 2. at S o'clock. Invitation to Gibbon*. Birmingham. Ala. Dec. ) VV H. K-t- Irg. president of the < nmmerclal club, has forwarded an Invitation to Cardinal Gibbon* to visit Birmingham on his re turn from New Orleans to Bail I mors. < #ll ilold Noxeßl. *, IfftMin* UUn e B< \* . Moi l Hrtk. Bhnvlng H* t*. Infai f B. Mr < diar ** 1 *rT Uoim, PhotoKrapii A Ihuimc, hkiPfl A hump oblong Albums, 1 *%* ih* r tJois!,*, Portfolios. Chatglair>e Bags, Bhopplrtg lug, Vmt ul Present t. Fur Collars. Fur Capr*f, Nork Ruffle*, .HI k IlHiwlkorchtef*. I ogre liandkrrrhtefe. I’rr%* tat b n I'mi rHiNg Kid Oloves— thr Best t.*r Muff at 1 B a R<f*n*!sanc# s*'*rfs, Ranntexaurg Squares. Herutim-nnee Billow Bham#. E C K S T E I N S MEAT MEN CORNER EGGS. ““——— The Deal Mill Make the I’hllltp. Career In Corn lank Like About Thirty t ent.. Chicago. Dec. 1 —The Titni > 11.-raid to morrow will say: A corner has been made on - Kgs The puce Is now 19 cents a dogen and bow high It will go no one but the men who are engineering the d*al run tell. Th* men. Armour, Hwlfi and other packers and -beliefs wlw control the corner, have al ready madt at out loOfI.OUO, and their pco tlta have only begun. The deal Is of such i proportlona that It mokes the Phillips car ter on crn seem Inslgnlfk .os TYie desl i has been eng.nenred by the packers, Ar i n.our and Swift, who are the largest own <rs of refrigerator tars tn the country and wuo have facilities for handling eggs to better advantage than regular deal eis. There Is also in the combination the Western Cold S orage Company, the Mon arch llefi igeraor Comparer. Purcell and Tinkham and C. H. Weaver A Cos . all of Chicago; Haskell A Boeworth of Beatrice. Ni b , who buy at lUO stations tn Ihe ooun tty. sre a'so heavily tntereated. YOlltK WAN ASPHYXIATED. He Slept tn a Room MTfb a fhlnese Charcoal stove. Pekin. Nov. 29.—Con Von Yordt, who commanded a German column of 1.000 men who had been operating In the vicinity of Kalgan. three nights ago, slept In a room In which wss a Chinese Move burn- Irgr charcoal. He was asphyxlatod and when discovered was very 111 He died yesterday. German iroopa wl.l meet his remain* and escort them to Pekin. Col. von Yorek had distinguished him •elf during the Kaigan expedition by forcing his way to s d.fficult pass bald hy over WO Boxers. The Germans report that file Chinese loss was heavy end their own slight, the exact number of the tal ler not being ascertained. The Germans ar* otlil very active, small bodies of from X> to 100 rlatly leaving Pekin and seldom returning w.thout some Boxers and arms In It el Ktatea Minister Conger Invited the American residents to a special Thanksgiving service at the legation to day. The ssrvlor wss wall attended, most of the officers not on duty being j present. < HKISTI V\x HVVR ttlOTt lt*Fl>. VI, a sores Taken to Prevenf Fnrther Attacks on Them. Parts, Dec. I—At a meatlrg of th# cabi net this morning the mir.t***- of to,'Sign affair*, M. Dsloasse, announced that ha ChrPtlana had te-,meted the towns hv formerly Inhabited in t * pr vine# or Canton, dl*ttl?i of Si un T.:k. e-orted by Hen h artillery at,d C Itie-e tr op Ofll la I notice*, he said, lad been pcat-l n the villares requettlnx t e populxtl n • not to disturb the Cr.rt tlans ,nl an noun-ing peuul.lrs fer lu ther o tragoa. The Chinese uutho illev la e bren nott flcl that they wl ! be dismissed and thalr go*'d* ixjtflsai and la e. e of e ewst trouble. The Ch.n*s* who ■ r k,-wu ti have been guilty of md-der will b- exe cuted In the presence of the Fr-neh troop*. ( Ivll Arrxte* In Philippines. Washington, Dec. I.—Free Idem McKin ley ha* Issued an executive order direct ing the united Rtatee Civil Set vice Com mission to render such assistance as may he practicable to th* civil service board, created by the Philippine Commission to ,*tab;th and maintain "an honeet end -fficlent -ervlee" In th* Phlilppi't** Th* •c.mmtsston ts Instructed o conduct civil -ervee examinations ther*. on the request of th# board, under raguiaton* heraafter to be agreed on between tbe two bod lee. 9