The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 03, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS I ibiluli.*. .- * Incorporated ÜBS J 1< ESTIKL. Pr nldent. TO BE READ TO-DAY YtoKINI.KVS IN THE MiNATE. SJ3SIDY BILL SCHEDULED. u iix lorn: If* kithkh on tiea iav or nmuxißOAV. I rnilrra nl Ikr llur to I’rr• Im porintit Ylrn.nrr# With Alitor. I rrllalwo I Otnmlttrr \\ orU Al ready Ikon* —Army Hrorl*mi lull I r*ent—llratoornth Likely to .ulrr a ibrltnte Hrainrr Kmlrnal ,,m jh** rrr**nl 1.a%%. .i.imetun, Dec 2 —Tl.c Senate will b* , to ortfer a# 12 o clock to-morrow, i-.ond he pT'(bblr rradlnfr of the 1 *n'. meat .*■ . will transact no bua the annoumt nv-nt of tl# death j. thr rvoeaa of Senator# Davis nl ,vi . n the mttiSMir ha a born read. , 1 r t k live alttlng to a close. r Al l-on will make the announce ,i In the raee of his lain colb auu.. ~ , Gear, and there la ho|>e that Sen , \r. on mav arrive In time to per „ ,-imilar service concerain* H-nator Davis, .... .uviouru f msnte be preceded j . nrtnwny of h wearing In now t, .(* •a. who this year are Mr. DoMiver. v |oon appointed to succeed Sena t < and Mr. Dillingham. who take* , j. f .niu-r,' o ruplel by S**nafar of Vermont, and the ap:>oir.m< nt of viv.ial mnm;!to * *o wait upon th l .item and tho House of ReprewiMa t v o*. M prvo experts to get up the frhip . . iv tliii on Tuesday, and if not on y 10 hive the Bp*>oner Philippine i tii*|M •and. This all be the beginning i * Important work of the session, and u, n the success or failure of th* sch me lr much of th* future course proci t' for the entire session. In , rto (. omplih this result it Will bo i. ■ li t to get the consent of the I* ;.i *‘i. -*li Committee on Order of Jiu.-l --i *. hi \ t*> this end an* cilnK of that • “mittfe will lx- he.d after the mljourn „ of the .Senat. . Monday afternoon. > t | r \• id to-day that h* air. ady hid conferred with a majority of Hi** member* of committee, and that h* felt •“* tr* -i h* woulti have i'O difficulty in ■ , ~r . their assent to the proposed change 1 jar theft hu* been no coneu.tai;m v i Democratic -nator*. hut the friend shipping bill aK tot look for fa - il opposition to taking up th*- W.i j f ,.ni utai source. A motion to up .. a*ui is not <k UitaLl*. unrUir the ri. n .. rules, ami they are confident of a r *.:■ ity **n . vote if a roil call shouM ie o. or..< 1 It is probable • friendly ... r, * will e m.ute with Senator . kiii.. who tins me Nicaraguan Nil in *r*. that hi)', being on the calendar \ <i -> ial order for the loth instant. 1 r • I- . inn* ta-.k of .in effort during e Hick to get up the llay-Pauncefote ty ti. exH*uiive tail there is ait im d* Unite prog: .mum* t this nd. A rmv* merit Is on foot now to hecur* the a-fient of the Commltiee on Foreign Re t . to the ib.m io.imont of the I>a\is ■n dm* nt to c treaty for the fortlfl- itt* i of the projiosad car a I Ti *• usua i iist m of a ljmirnlng Aiver from Thursday until the following Monlav l . 4 the !lr?*t wks of the e*;on pn>b > will be le,Hr id from this fA*f"k>c hat Is the desire ~f the Kcpubli an i icw here, ard they say there probably w • no such adjournment this wt'‘K. i < “ I lltl t mh it rt i t OTBIE lloiie l.emlrra Bent on \ Igorotia letlvlty During short tenslwß. Wnwhir.y *>n. lec. 2.—The lenders of the ll* m- ar* |r* purlng to pro** with gr*.t vtK-r the important bin*in* ss of the short ;< n of Congress which convenes to n • rruw Already considerable preliminary • mmittec work has l*en done on the ‘mpor’:iit m*-;iMires—th** bill for the re :ton of th* war revenue taxes the ru \ reorganisatioi) bill, the river and i iru.r bill and several of th* 1 appropria te • bills—nnd the legislative mill will tart under a full head of steam. The ■my rcorgan S'Kion bill Is conslder*sl par '' ilnrly urgent, owing to th* |*osslbl!lty •*f its mfeilnir trenuous opposition aft*r r* idles tli. b nate, and It i- the In • i a lon *f th* bnders to get it out of 't. way at the earliest p*M*lble moment, b be roiwrtt'd. probably, on Tu*'s •iny and will b* taken up at once, utiles**. further consultatVn, It is decided let the legislative, executive and Jull appropriatSon bill, which also will i ly on Tuesday, In nheod of It. T' . r).>mo**rat* will caucus on the srmv • ! <i Wednesday, ind the imficatlon** • *' ire that they will offer ns a sulmtl ' fr the permanent reorgnnlxatton • >ur* a bill extending for two or thr*’ * the pr*vcnt law f.>r a provision!; firmy. T *• bill to reduce tho war revenue taxes e*n practically completed by th* R**- n metnlers of the Ways and M**an< <i ?t ?e. and It will b*‘ submitted to ** full committee on Tuesday, un.e<H f the meantime w < aucus of :h<* Repub. *' sht?id he f**m>d n*fvlsable. )*om* ■ f tin* Rcf>ubllmn members are not *.. 1 with th** lief of articles relieved of •*x it loti by the bi I, and if too much op ,o*;|on Incomes evhient the Ifiulers prob • 1 M call a onferen< e or caucus for I'uriwee of adjusting and harmonus • c differences. ' 'ti Thunal.iy the Grout oleomorgarlne "i : ome up as a soerial order nn ■r a rul* mad** nt the last se?*-lon. It fUfKm* s a tax of jo cents |>er poutsl on butterine or other manu turAsJ iHittcn* colored In Imitation of ~Jrr - It has strong backing from the if a Interests, and w hile* if will m-et 'ith worm opposition lrt>rn the Int* rests l h*t are nnfaKonlsing Its pass.**:**, when **■ 1 ** vote its pMute is rcgard*Hl as foregone conclusion. Two days. It is and uk*ht. will suffice for i consideration. >aruniay. under a special order made Ist session. Will be devoted to eulogies • h** life, character and public services the** Rcnresentatlve Harmer of 'harda. who for several year **n -1 ll the distinction of the member bold - the record for longest continuous er an*l. therfore. entlfWl to the obr t. "Father of the House." Nl > business will be transacted at the ion to-morrow beyond the probable r ‘ding of the president's message, owing • *he deaths of the late Representatives dy of New Jersey snd HcfTecker of ♦ ware, which occurred during the re ' *. as well at the deaths of Senator '"ur and Senator Davis §iUnmnai) iHormmj "\ctos ORGANIZING FOR ONSLAUGHT. \ull-\ Ire I ommttter >la> He ts|st> j rd *> the I'nrLhurm S<*iet> In Its \\ ork. N w York. Dec. 2.—Th** Anti-Vice t’otn niltt*-e of Fifteen apimlntcd by Charles H. Smith will protxibly nu*et ta-murrow for ! oiganuatlon Headquarters for the com tuittee will he selected ainl various sub ucnml t* ** will le appolnteil to take up j th* r.i.-ade in earnest. It was rumor* • to-night that the I*arkhurst Society would be asked io aid the committee. In that cv* nt * x-r<l|ce Coromhion* r Frank Mo-% may l*c asked to act as counsel far the committee. Not in the recollection of the oldest rest- | dent of "Red Light" districts has that sec- I tlon of the city b*en so Icareil of lis d<*ns *f vlcloua chararurs os it wan to night. When the Tammany Ani-Vic*- ( ommutt e mad* Its rejwrt on Friday that thcr - wn* i.o vie** In the district tli** mem bers lab red mi ler . misapprehension The houses had shutters ckmed. but the basement etitrai r were s ill open. Tbs owner.** took fright, however, on Saturday night aid fbd. They had r*;ii that (’apt. Titus w.s rotnlng The tight between Capt Titus and the dive-keeping clement his row bocom* a waiting gam* The dv -k**-jsTs fa il*vo that the r*form wave s*i**n will be over, and, therefore. Intend to keep their shut ters closed until they "ir**t the tip to resume business). Committees of citixena In the d.drict* will )>♦• apfKdnted to Keep a sharp toi< h for the return f the dive keeper- The worn* 1 In the district will also organise to that end. To-n*oiiow Capt. Titus will appA'ar In th** Fourth District < .tirt as witnes- for landlords who claim that they hav** been unable to drive ouje* unable tenants fiorn their premis s. TLua ind his p>lice men will glv* the n*s - try evidence, x that the laisllords cun have no excuse. TWO TRAINS RUN TOGETHER. I score of Persons Killed and Mstj Injured in u < olltsioii on the Mexican Central. San Antonio. Tex.. Dec. 2 Bdwird Itische of this city, has Just arrive*! with details of n terrible wri-ck of two trains on the Mexican iVnttnl Railway last Thun* lay. l which more than a wore *>f persons %v. r** kllie*! *n*l sixty lnjure**l. many of them fatally. Roth trains were running at thirty miles an hour warn they met In a valley between two great hille fifty miles south of JumllDo. midway the town of Tamcfeiiacba snd Symort. One train jrrted a construction crew of 150 m* n tod the o(h< r whs a freight, in eie up oi tUty-flre empty cars. Three engines and forty can wrere pile*! up jn a mats of debris thirty feet high, in which tho dead nrtf wounded were burp'd. Two i< th*f train employes ure Anted cans, ami they saved their lives by Imitt .iUite flight, as In Mexico employes of a • rain must suff* r if fatalities at tach to ti train wreck. The survivors at tempted to lynch th* Americans, but they escaped over th*' hl.l and are supposed to have reached I’nit* 1 States territory here they an* saf*. Mr. liiache can giv** hut scant dt l of the wreck, which Is said to be th* wots in the history of Mexico. He left th* srene l*eff*re the names of the killed and irjured hd been oh?a;nel. CONTRACT FOR A CRUISER. Ottomna. fin.frnnrßt Onlrr. Our I rnm I r,ni|* nn.l Inrl.lrulnll,- l*>. Indnaßlty. ConManttnople. I>•— ‘ 2.—r.v.hA. Ottoman mititrtrr of mt.rtnr, an.j <!rn Wllllamr. r<-|.r.*wnttng thr Cramp Ship btillillnc Company of Philadelphia, havr <Une<l a conlrart for the eor.trueilon of a .miner for the Otioman navy. The price to he tl.l I* f3.Vi.OtW, which IncMe, £13,(i0 ua Indemnity to tnr fnltrd St.lira for loear auetalned by Americana during :he Artnenlmt nnorm. CONDITION SATIAKA**INMIT. The f anr 1*.a.e,l lamH flay and firn.l iii.ll> |. lu<-re.lnif In <Hrrnaiti. Uva.Hr, European Kneela. Dec. 2 —The followlntr bulletin rcuardinir the condition of Emperor Nloholaa wrr lr.ue.l tonlay. "Tho Caiir [>a*'e.l n very good day >r tcrvlay and Sept well la#t night. HI, MaJctJ-a condition this morning Is very ull.ditorv. HI, a|i|ietlte Is returning and hla airength grmlually Increasing. evening hla temperature has #7 b ami hla pulse M. This morning me for mer kb, S7 uiu* the latter 72." Mart, for l.lmilta. I'openlMigen. Dec. 2.—Tho Doger Czarina has started for Dlva.lia. AN EDITOR COWRIT* SIICIDE. Irtlinr AVrlr of Ollnnn Sheet. Mini ■elf Ttiroiiuli the llen.l. Ottawa. Ont.. Deo 2,—Arthur Weir, night editor on n local paper, committed suicide last night by shooting hlmaelf through the head. He have* a wife an,l two children The suicide was a on of William Weir, formerly manager of tho Itanqtievllie Marie, whole now serving a term in prison for complicity In the recking of that Institution. Weir slot himself )ut aa his wife was emetine his room In one hand he held the photograph of a Montreal w.enan. TI2NIII KEII THE SEN ITORfHtll*. tlov. I.lnd OWees Hie llnuor to l.oren N\ . t *llln. Minn*a|>olls. Die. 2.—l.oren W. Collins, U.fvubltcail associate Justl e of the Stat* 1 .-tupreme Court, was yesterday offered by Uov Und the l!nlte<l Stales eena.orrhlp made vacant by the death of Cushman K. iatvls. Mr. Collins has not yet accepted The man aptwlnted by Gov. Idnd will hold until a senator shall be elected by the State U-glsiaturc. which will convene won. _ Tnrko-fiermnn IMftlralty Settled. Constantinople. Dec 2 -The Turgo-Gcr man dlfftculty r-gerding a coaling station In the Red Sea. haa been settled. Germany intimating that the only wanta a eUtMW dvrrtng the Chlneae crista, SAVANNAH, CA.. MONDAY. PEC'EMREK 3, I‘H)n. TO WORK AT TAMPA TUB (*r\rn \l, M MIMTiII l h ITHIKF f’il.lsßD oi l . CIGARMAKERS TO CONTINUE Til 818 XTHM.i.Ii: WITH NO MIT TM MIM l> MitllT. lto\mn k*-r* Hcnmln Ouf f llliiilvr the Xiip|t|y >i Hun. >l*N*iniff lii >rw ! ork to l outer With l*rrilr > nf 4toiti|ier nml \*L III* itt (itf 11 iig on llo\ *il*t>l > l*r**m \ **rk. Tampii. Fla., D . 2 At an early hour *hi* morotna. aft**r lo*ig wm, tho Traf!*v Amnibiy • tlhsi ih* g* uoral tym* jmiltotlf Mnkf* off It wan *l* ■ !• 1 that tho striking union* should o !• th* In- <*lk irrnak*m l’:k>n In tin* Inure*! of whom > h*< K-iterul irk** wtia called, with hh* rul dot.aiioni* fr*im theli !>**larlni Every lln** *#f ind)i*try will Im*- glrs work nxcept the boxmaker* Thl* being the lnbi*try lit* 1 with the rlK.irlraSe.ii wa# deter mined to k***pth*-a* factories clo*c**i nml iliuh himi r t*w sup ply of boxe-* hm much st* jo • #i>t*. Tho clg.irmakers will oi<tin)i' their struggle whit no settlement In *ieht A ‘omml't**e from th*- Tra i.-s Fnlon spent yesterday visiting th* various cigar fsetorich where Int*matlonal men ha l been etnpky*i. uwi a-k**d If th**** 1 men could returt to their work T ey wer* told by the man.i>.etn*nts that thl> w.mi!*| be satisfanory if th** oth*-r rig rntakcr.** did not objo t It Is st ile*! on authodty to-night how ever. the Intt*nin’i n.d m* n will n*t appear at at has two f.i ’rs - wli-r- 1 they were working They w I * all for work to-morrow nvrnlnjt t th other l i lories and It 1* lielieved to-night the IT'** slt-t’eia men may permit them to work. The Trade* Assembly mukea the state ment to-night that Hon Robert M Nani e has gone to New* York a* the legal a ret representative of the a-sernbiy io confer with F’r* .-1 l-nt Samuel <Jom:et*. relative to the lnUr *ltuuis*n here lie will state the *.!> , an*l *.k lrei*h*m tJompers to take such action ** possible toward cutting oflT the supply from New York, and to have railroad men stop hairing Tampa made cigar*. Prominent c*fTW*ji of the railroad or •l*T9 here soy .h ir or*i* r* have hern |os itively ordered! to tak* no a.-ii**!) toward u*-Isting th* strlk*-:* a** they are not Mthliated with the un!N*ns WILL HELP TIMId TniKr.R4. t*real!*nt Goaipera Wnkea n state ment of I**-tiers tiMi*a Attttuie. Washington. Pee. 2.—Pr.*sident Samuel • Jumpers of th<* Anu riran Federation of Labor left here to-night for Louisville, to attend tho twentWh convsmion of the Federation, which )• says will b*.* the iarge*t and most representative meet ing ever h* Id by tiiat body. Just ash was aoout to leave hla office f< r the railroad tut lon to-night a report* r a-ked him regarding the course the F*d • ration of lait>or w .11 tak** concerning the cigar-makers strike n w in progress In Tampa. Flo. Mr. OompTs was not Imdin **i to enter Into any discussion of the subject, however, but h* did make n general statement as to the uttitudo of the federation, saying “We ar*- going to do everything within * ur pow*r to anl our f* How work* rs of Tampa to secure those two essential rights: First, the right to work at their trade and calling, and second, the right to organise in any organ * i *n connected with the A mar lean labor tnov tnent- It would be too much to enter Into detail* us to what th-ut tnpli* " IDYItM oi 111 It F.I. %< Tl ITV. loin iii bln IssnrarslH fils** tiovern mrnti *1 r*aiM* n Hot llnttte. Kingston, Jamaica, Dec. 2.—Advlre* brought to-day from Colon by the Royal Mali steamer Don. Capt. Newton, indl fte tha* continu.mcr of consah’rabb* rebel activity in all quortera of Colombia. loist Wednesday n strorig fora* of |n- Miigents captuml tht* town of Chagt***. fffuan miles from Colon. Eight hundr.-i sov*inm*-f)t troops were sene to relievo the town and sharp ffghting fallowed. Tt* government force** lost he.iviiy, but the lehei* w*re compelb-al to r-tire*. Before the Don 1# ft n* ws h id reached Colon the Insurgents were utut< king Forto Colombia ind S#i *anll!a and that government reinforcement* had b**n or dered there. It was belle M*d a l Colon that the insurgents had changed their plirin and would concentrate against Colon, instead >f Panama, owing to the sir * t precautions taken by the government at the latter city, law was being strictly enforced in Colon and large numbers of people had been imprisoned under suspicion. The United ft at* h ship Ban roft and thr* British second- lass cruiser Intrepid were at Colon Friday when the Don left. VeilllH T I Ol< DOIPdA. Editor M*llridt* fallen g?no for llt \eii Kpnp'-r Plant. Mitchell. 8. D . Dec. 2 -The Jury In the css* of Edlfar M Uriel*. who sued forty citizens of this pin e for damage a for the of hi new*p|ier plant nearly rtv. y ar* ago. returned a v I t late last night, iwsr i.i g M* Bride n> damages. The newspaiwr i lar.t was de stroyed hy cblxens w o we-e offended by articles aihgid to have ippcurtd in tins |iu ion. COtL IMGTX l\ < 4Md*lO*. Thirl) Hosts Hunk %l>ot Huntlnicton Kn tall lug n Los* of Plmmh Huntington. W. Va., Dec. 2 —The steam ers Tom Dodsw'orth .ind Volunteer, both FtlLsburg towiioats. collld-d tw* nly tn le u*io\e here this morning Abr>U< thirty kml boots, eon alrdnx *W fX)f bushes of coal, sank. The Io sls I su.* Both h** •deamers are owned by tne Fitttaburg oal combine. Twenty-one Heaths In til. Ban Frnncltco. Cal.. Dec. 2.—Two mor or those injured In the Thanksgiving ao rtdent died to-day, making twenty-one deaths in all. To-day's d*nd are: Ellery Crandall, aged 12. and E. I*. Tice, aged #O. Xlnm of the dead ware buried to-day. CHANGE IN THE CREED. \ VN*|ular \ ole PniinniU a t'hanae ul n *t|pleni*uiar) t reed Mu> He HeroinM*ended. Chftcag*}. Pee. 2 Toe i*ommlttee ap |v>lnted hy ~e lust Ar.snti&lj of t.e Presbyterian ('hur i to consider the re vis net of the ere***! of th** church will m * t in Washington 1 C\. Ttwrsdav aii*l lr iletTak Johnson of Mc'crmlt’k Tite, olog., i Seminaiv who i* th** chairman, will leave Chicago to-morrow to prrskF. ‘The vote which l>r J*nnwon will put )w --fore the committee |.* a follows. For a re- V) 'on. 67;for a supplementary creed. €7; for a itMtituthma* ere* *l. 15. f*>r *n • !**■> statement. 11, for . dismissal of the subject, 45. Ihekie* thee** there ore forty prspbv t**n* which Have not lx*rtt hesird from most of them Iw Ing either In China. In dia *r Mexico. ir, John-on said: "Tiie popular vote of the PreahyterkMl Church ind I ales ihat some change In our creed is *litna-niisi Kxa*tly what that change or rhar g* will !*•. I cannot say. hut p is probe: Je that th** committee will r* * ♦•mm-i and to the next General Assembly that a Mipplern* ntury creed U' tslotsel. "I should *Hy that tle new irtlcle would U another s ttndard of doctrin* In ai*litl->u to th* f*ur kh *t principle* now coot Mined m the old creed and authrtss! fs*i * .motioned by the Presbyterian Churcii. All tlie essentials of our fai*h will probably he contained n this wip plement, but put In such a form a* to be rl*ar to the popular mind. Home of our creed has is en misconstrued, and that is w/y onir presbyteries have Msk**d for m* rely an explsi.story statement." COMPLETION OF SHORTCUT. Ilie goutliem*n Ne%% l.l* Metis *-e* klleiidnle mill llitrdeestlle %ow Heady for Traill**. Columbia, S i'.. IN" Just a year ir>* tht Southern opened its "perry Ex* teneton." irivti.g it an outlet to the South Rortte Cm and Prnlmulur. List evening, the extn --!*■)!. or short cut. from Allendnle to Har •ksevlke. that lias iH**-n under construc tion for several months, woe completed. Tnis let* th** Boat hern into Bavwnnah by use of only a few miles of the Plant System, and shortens the distance between Columlda and Savannah by fourteen .* considerable |t**m with the h>t si>ee.| xmpetl.lon of the Bealxmnl. tl* i cr 1 M ti*.-iger Gannon Is expected to ln-P* • th 1 rs*l to-day. an*l the Railroad Commission will tnapect it. preparatory io opening the tine, next Friday. Tne n r w road is fifty-two cn*.*s long, and.- gravel hallaste<l MUUUM.iI HA Kirs HE FLY. He Denmaneetl Kosth African Var and I rged Kinunraa. t ape Town. Dec. 2-—Replylng at fftellen- L sell, <*a|e Colony, to an uddrens pre sented to him by the leaders of the Afri kander Rural. Mr J K Mcrrltnan, former of Cupe Colony, in the rours*- of an Impassioned speech, denounced th war iu Hou:h Afilca as "one of the black est spots In llritish annals." Th** present methods of llritish warfare, he said, wer* Mich as encouraged the worst elements on lioth sides anal wr*- buuntl to twove fats! 4 it tlu: ultimate t•*•.* ** of the country. H* declared that neither he nor Mr J. W Hauer, former cammlsaioo* r of public works. w*uld attend the Worcester Con gr* as, It should be said that the Con gress was eiiglneere*! by politicians, anl he up pea led to ill Afrikander* to speak boldly whan upbokiitig vhelr rights. an*l yet "U* avoid wild language or actions wh|< h might lead to the abngitlon of the last vestige Of freedom." Mr Bauer, whose ► ech was rather IT,or** rniatant. *l**mn4cd the removal of H r Alfred Milner, whom he *|es* rll*ed as "violentiy aiwl-ljutch.” He ileclamft that If Great Rritaln deprived the two repub lics of their in*leper.dence slv* would loai- Ui, affection of all Smith Africans. Re ferring to the Worcester Congress, he urg. ed th* delegapa to show firmness. IT4LI II %h % PtlHriT. Her Clilna lisped!lln € ost Her Thir teen Million Lire. Rome. Dec 2.—ln the Chamber of Depu ties to-day 8 gnor Ru Hnl. minister of the treasury and ad Interim minister of that the budget of IflMblfOl al present show<<d s detl *u of 19.000.u00 lire, of whi *n 12.00P.000 lire must bo charged up to U) expenses of the China expedition. Tha minister said, however, that in vl*w of the continuing tnersasa of the ravenue over the estimates this deficit .-ertatnly would be greatly reduced before the -nl of the llauncial year. He pointed out also wnlle the estimats far show fd a <k*rtrlt of lS.<Mte,ooo lire. her<* again no allowance had b-en ma*!e for increasing revenues, which would proiaibly reduce the deficit. riignor Rubinl explained thst these small dcfk’lts arose from the paying off of tha delH. and from outlay for railroad con struction The budget situation he char actmised as essentia!•>* goo.l, but he m slat) tha; It was "abao.utcdy Imperative to abstain from ail Increase of taxation ir>d fre*ft hams. In *r*ler to secure u budget which, hy raising credit and con fidence in the country, will enaide the governn)nt to proceed with much desired, extensive and useful reforms." MeCLOI.I'N HttATH A MIITKRT. % New York I'nllremsii'a Body Found Floating In Fast Hirer. New* York, iMr 2.—-Mystery surrounds the finding to-day of the dead t#ody of Fol|cman Patrick McGioJn. which was floating In the Last river at the foot of Ninety-fifth at reel. McGMn, who wax regularly detailed to duty in the House of the <Jood Shepherd, answered I o’clock roll ail as usual this morning at hi* (Alice station and th<n left to go. it wax bellev ,d. io the House of the Good Bh(>h*rd. Timothy r-illaban. captain of n canal boat, at :50 o clock discovered the body of the poller man In the water. McGloln had be-n on the force about tweaty*flv years, and was 44 years old The police raid to-night that their inves tigation led them to believe that MoG.oin had been walking along the river froa; and had **lstd with apoplexy or faintness and had fallen into the water They Okl not regard hi* death with aua ptokm. CHANGED HIS COURSE PIII MIM M Klllt.EN Alt IM)U\a TRIP Id Hl.iftl.lN. KAISER COULDN’T SEE HIM. THE TM.tN\ % 1.1. PHEIIM:NT‘ H* I I’ NOT 1: 1,1111. t. TO C.I.K MINI (•rrninn Pres* ttmlier Sererr—Thou • of People In (dlognr %n -lou to <K*t ta Ullmpar *f tlae llset . Ileputa Hons fall to *>ee Him of His Mattel—Ha- W 111 Itrnisiu lai l lu*> Till edit *’saln a ll* rltn I*s 2 Mr K • r h a aban doneal hi* \l-|t t* li**rlin, owing to the reo> pt <u* official Intimation iha* !-7uis*rui Wiillani r**gr**ie t a In **oi •*- - quonce of previous arrsnvements, he wli. )*e unaahla* to te eive him The 11**4? statesman th**t* orr. will prs?e* dir*'l fi\*ni tVMcgis for Holland He t.* e gra|*he*l to tlt!- eft*** t tin* uftiirmton The Cologne t*a tta*. in a lns,* r*l communiqu* rays Mr. Knigrr'a visit Is • taat agree *b> ;** <;• ; mat M atm (*••- Ing to oi*.ami ini* v* ti n in HRaFith Af rl*.i It would Ih a k. j\* j'!ii *1 n take; jt would ♦ **ven a area' cr.m to allow him to entrrtain even a spask of Tw>je that tie umn> w ill render lilm any practical supitoi ; Tills declaration is M*companlt*l with repra*’hn* M Kruw !••! .r charg- I with "having ..• i* -. I us* l* .. guer rilla warfare and having di <v.i l* and Ger many’s advUv when h* Mill might have followed it." The press g*nerlly strike* the sam** note. \\ %VlTlfl % 1.1.Dd M'i OF HIM tinny Peopla* Ir**i al Around Kro ner'* Haatel to ( ailßßa*. Cologne. Dec 2.—Thou.-ands of people wotted to-day In the vicinity of the Ca thedral Hotel to catch a glimp**** of Mr Kruger, who. whoi replying to the *l*iu tat ion of Bonn student** in ih* 1 afternoon, !■ ?*•*'i*lb***l the e*iuxitkmal progr* ~ of the Transvaal, thank***! the atudent* f*w their klnl wad -in** ai'U* **k hands wi’.li each. Afterwnrd h* ripje ir* 1 upon the haloo ny. wher* h* w * l*ul!> * er*l from l*a Iw Having r*M***l for lislf an bo*ir he went into the vestibule of tne hotel, which was crowd**! with visitor* Here, relaying t a aleputniion from the Pan 'lerman league, ws*htng him wuc **ss. he referred to the **!**• re between ihe Boers nnl tne German*. It Is expected tlist Mr. Kruger wlli re main here until Wednesday. Kill M HltW\ %i It PItIXFH. >a*s opaper* Prim Hat- Kalaer** fum * TeiegrtMti to krßrr lu |*itMJ. Farts. Da** 3- Emperor William’s r**- (uaal tJ re. * lve Mr Kr agn rau-*'l general suroriae tier*. Meet of tne morn ing (taper* mnk* it an a*x u*< for article* *ym(Mithixi<iK with the lloer statesman or *00*1*1111)ing the Kal.-tr "Th** Kaioer Is no l aigir n modern lg>bengrin." soys th** Echo |e Fail*, "bu a simple dic|pie of llismarck. HN at titude is dictated by tne interests or Germany, which he consider* idem lea i with tn*c*e of Englatel." fA*me of the |k*p**r# pub.ish th** Kslr**r's famous telegram of itls. to Mr Kruger Mde by ssi* with nut of yesterday Th Intrarwigoant an*l oth*H Nationuliai or guns comment with thair customary vlo lenea. mtlTOha ( 11.1, IT A HI 11. I.ondon Capers Fu lb usinsile !!ecum nf ••ermaar’a Attitude. I/Oinkm, I>w 2.—AH the London morn - Intr pHpers comment wlih tinh<niulxl en tbuwiasm the abiui t snub adminls fared by Fkapsror Wiluain t Mr. Kruger which Is all the m r- tiulkvolMi* wheat contrasted with the I to* r Hut‘:nan'i con cwdedly suc‘e#*.u| visit to Franc# Tin ?nub Is regsiuel a further evidence of th** better relation* xlxtlng between Great llrlta.n and Gere any YOmper* r WIIN im s telegram to <he Ger man minister at luxein ur* ws‘ the our i'cn;i- of a disieitch wM • Mr K . r *nt to th** Kuis* r on arriving at the G r mar, front!* r "On reaching German soil I hasten to express to Your Maje-ty nv set tlnn-nfa o r reapeetful devotion nnd •r *!.I sympa thy," The official explanation offend thmuvro tho German pr-*s l that steps hnl not been taken to whe her Mr. Kru ger's visit would he agreeable. The Boer delegates admlg thi# tncy have receive*) • serious cbe<k n*l Mr. Kruger is *ld to be extremely dbhegi tened. There lei rumor that he tut* been requested to avoid Be glan terrßoy. FIRTMBR liKTIIIA OF FIGHT lloera n |.iil. *t \\ Hh ll n* j Lows Aenr Itictfontcln. BloefnfoCxUdn. Dec. 2.—Further detail* hove ivuen rece|v*l ngardlng tlw flg)t near Rletfonteln )etw<**n Die British un der Gen. Fag* i and the Boers under Com mandants Vlljoen and Erasmus, Nov. 2S and 29 Oen. Paget, toward evening on the sec ond ilay, closed In upor the Bo**r position with the intention of attacking n xt day at dawn. The Boers, however, with re inforcements. including three guns, mad** a d*.|wfate attack a nit severs righ'ing *n sued The Boars, who were repulsed w'th heavy losses, withdraw In a northeasterly ilin f’tloj.. Gen Fa-**t. having occpple| t)H*lr position, sent niounttd Infantry In our suit The New Z*wi mdera displayed gr -* gallantry, losing Jive out of the nix wound ed officers. LORO HOUR MTS TO LAOYSMITII. He Rxprewseif Ills Admiration ot the Gallant Defense of Town. Ladysmith, Natal, Dac. 2*—Lord Rob erts. who arrived hers on Friday, hnd ln •pcctsd Majuba and Igtlngs Nek while en route. Replying to an address from the towns people hsra, h expressed his admiration of the gallant defense of the town, which %* characterised as "a glorious memorial of Britbili pluck and enduran- only Mpi.tll J try tin* d* *111)11.all It UMI bra v ery of the re .lex ini; f < roc " li# MVhl h trti‘*i**l th* k*N was not far distant when t**.* w.Kild reign .-.ipr> tii . , and Without ill f*e. n It.werd i *•• uuered f*** " Font Ri : - -I* Vu- vUth'd Clci * * ’*! tlu DiitToiitil: . Isittl*' fields %* I irtli**r lletall*. D*s* s. No further *leti|s have I lH'*-n recetveil regarding th*- capture by J fle Boet>* of th** tin **h gnrrlson at l* >%■•-drop, Nov hut a is said that Gen D\\ **t hi. j*cwn guns. PROTESTS FROM THE POWERS. Thr) llua'l Waul I’ckln'. Ohßmata r> llwlilm ,1 ul tl* AH*rM..mlrißl iH.irumrßtß. Tlan I>ln. Ik. 2. vl. Dr,- 2. Erot.Rtß .Hi.) hav. forwanl rl l.y Kirill Mar.-luU I'uunl \>h \\ it.l. r ••. •> lha .niJilwr <>r r: |nw. r >irK In* ti .a |,r>>v, of ttn nim.valof a liißiutnl a. Irirtni.m nIR from tit,’ jj*..* rvii tar> t I‘rktn Muat of-thr prim iih.l tn- Rtninirn.a havr !• rt. pri-;arr.t far ■hlp liirau RUI lahrllnl f. r lit If n w fi Karin Tli t ’him - - tlinti- Iv <U> not nrutrvt. hrraurr. ■ mrtntwn. of 1.1 Itun* < Rlafr p.Rt It, tii.ti rl.Jrvtl HR .nl'l •■' UHO >■.. ,a* whitrvrr thry -„>■ or ,h. tn tnr .av of i r t.i nly . D.-tia tim lvll trait tl| t. Tnr otjßrival i V I iinlvrr tlly rvaKtiD ■ U ar on. of tto no>l Intrrratin* Maht lit !•< hin Mori thr imMiumr i- imj ■>.. j.f |i'hjo. nr ,a.r \ J tli. at’! Nlony of ihnn nt. magnltlrrnt bfolt*'' l *oti although i. i , f ri. .Inn tym-. ran —tlll !>• ur.l for , ti* purt-*o rof ant, .< ,1 oi.r*‘rvatloii ’i 1. nurn'-r of .'hin*-<- riturnlna hi*. „.rn < ori*l. rlo> RilltnrtlW .luiln* tio> ,i . .lay* Al'ian i>H> , * M ' It lomily. ■I■ i,. j*rav<>.'> marahat. of thr v-.tioir. hh t lona air hr in* .l.u.y lufannr.l v f> Ho * lirr' .ii>oiit of rrturnUn: It***.;*, t'uf only tin... or,*) ag-tinßi wlwiii tiirrr t. ~||V. rt hi. II r of haviiiK hlll.'l IM tlvo Chriauanr Tho Ural Io omnflvo Rin* a !h** air*.- of tha lißßilna ran vMt.itißV from Ti* n Tln to I‘akln To* ilin- *tol not *■ oi*r*t .l howßV.r, foi moral u* un<ll h<,ui I tra. U. WITH H'l'lim tl. or W IMII IIV E. Krrnrli ati.l lirrnmß lirwralß la IH % 1.1.. Tltrlr ttiroaaniral It.n.ty. lavn*l*at. D.r 2 l>r .M.*fl"on, talrlr.R to thr TißMot from Kokin, .aya: ■•ln Durati on-, of their r*r*ttabl t*ol- Iry of r pppoprinllon thr Krrn ♦ ami f*> I man griirr.tT. with fount von Wal itriaor'R a|>t>rvai, hav r. niov. l from thr ~l. of Kr kin thr *tt|*rrU aatronotulral Iti •trumotvta | tit th,- <• rrnturl* a ..*> hy tli .l.ruit father- Half of thorn will Bo l l . rlui ami ttio r. t to I’aria ••Tli# <>i ..n.atioii of Ihn j* f of van dallam la that Itiartnueh aa the r**tiirn of thr* court I# #** improhat*-.*, ,urh heaiztl. i ful inatromrria ahonki not h*- ezpu-*’*l to th# |M>aalbUfU* of Injury when Kokin I* no lonrr th# capital,” OPTlimt a’lll.l. a %Nf.l INK. — V.lniinlalralloa Itallr,# thr Vtlnlalcra of I’u.trra Will t.rl Toarthr#. Dre, 2 - A.lmlnlaf ration of n* iir eoniinm aamtulna tliat Hi* nun lalrra of Ihr Kow*r# t Kekln will mum r*-**‘h a lomrmii erour *l <*t nzr.‘*'ni#nl In tha rltmturU t. !■• m.Jr U|a.n the Chlnra# nn|.* ilal K>.v rum, tat. in wlltfaetlon f.w tho Hoxrra oiitraa## Tho Siat# Drpari ment I- in e..mmuhleai|on with thr min* l.trra n*t amhaß- nlora thr Knit. I Srat- a f<> .ha European eourta uli't n*lvl*’e*a whl.-li have com# from them tr./rn ilmr t.m# i,.vl in# ..ftl* lal# hrr* to hop# that th# Kowrra will hr brm,*li to th# paliton m .Int ,ln**.l hy tin l*nltr*l Sta**'. In .Irollna with tli# fhln* viz. that ihcrr RtHM,l*ft n.S I.# demand, U|Htn tha tmp*'rial t- v-rriumt which It I" not *.|# to fulfil Our *.vrmmnt ha# per ,,iM.ny ha'd io tha. v.# In th# [avarrr#. of t o* nr*Ollll<W>a lrtwr*‘tl t!v ntnltler . nt K, kin. an t If th# principle *•' tin. .ontentton * >n t maintained In ,h*- or. *ln#*l n*> c to lr hnn-t *1 to Ih# fhlnrr*. plerilpo’rntlaile!. a *lrcl le.l vantv*# will he h.*ol at thr afaii Thr at - tluvle of iMir (jovarnment nil thl ttllijtet ha# #r<n mi le clear to Mr C m* < r Th" nn-etlna hriwern him (Mr f.awfrr) ami thr German nnd BrPlah mlnla’rr# nt l akl.i preaumahly w-a# In compjlane# with thr mlnleior'H Ineiru. tlon# from WnehhuH.jn Nothing h.i torn hrar*l from Mr. fomr*T by th# Stale Do,>aitnirnt lor! day#. fltlM i: IHHThHtHrt tin. W it* to N#KotlNtr for thr I ontrof of thr Itnllroatl. Irondon, D#*-. S.—Ar.-rwdlnn to th# Bl Keter.hunr eorr*epond<nt of th# T>aSy Ma.l. Krlner l'hkt**mky. now In Krkln. vi . e immleeetned to n* aotlkt# wl.h Id ,1 in# Chung for thr tranfr of Hr- ron m*: of tin- Shan Hal Kwan to ftuafla. i miiir.lT on ili in ese aiTi itiin. ■lr Moberl Hart Think* nra.ntmrtt Knrtly laurton. Dor. 3.-" fount von Waldrr##e nrprr’KO* eorne anil -itudr, * unyi. th# Ke* km corrt pondent of the Morntna Pout. \ oneernlna exp*dill #■* Into thr nurround in country, "hot hr bnlcvra that they ! , r „ pee* ..ary and .olulary Moat ot Ih# liritlah ofll -.-r. approve them. Sir Robert Hart, in In* eoiir## of n onverration. ...I*l hr oonaldered the rr rrntmrnt anatnat f*>rrlitnrr to Ir* partly pint, and the outyrowth of thr lat alxty of tieaty rriatkair H>- ###m* to think th# aatllemrnt would hr a <lim.-uil problem "Ghlnerr militia form, arc hrln# form ed everywhere nnd even If thr |tni>ortari.>n of forrlltn arm# t* prohibited, a aupplv will I. ,-.i*lly olrtatnaNr rhinc" .ireenal* A body of on# hun*lr#rt Am* rl. in cavalrymen l srortlnf nome f hln car offlclnta Io Tlrn Tln." "Chan* Ku Tun* ha received a dl*- lleh front Sian Kti.' Ray# Ihr Shnn*hal orr-RpOildent of Ihr Standard, him to lop the forwarding of further .lit*,die# to th# provltter of Sher SI II la rumor#*! that Emperor Kwan# Su will rr. turn to K.-kln Immediately, and that tho Empr#a Dowafer will follow If the recep | ||n #lvrn him l Rallefaetorj " ! The Khanhl correeiwndent of Ihr Time# aleo report* lha. It I# believed In well Inform#*! tlrclet. that thr fhlnre i court l anzloua to return to Krkln; hut he say* that auch a course would not be ((rttiiXe to U Hun* Chan*, who hope* to nab) an advantage from dtMenalon* a man* the Tower,. To Transfer to Berman*. Tien Tain. Dec. t.—Rurnla. It ta under afoot! her*, will transfer the Shan Hal Kwan Railroad to tha Qarmana, Dec. tf. DAII.Y p A VKAH 6 f'KSTS A f'f'PY WKfKI.V I'lMr.S-A WKEKOI A TEAR NEW SACRED HEART lYtl'MKaklt II Klli UONira IT All l.t *T \'* NEW EDI I It 12. C/RDINAL GIBBONS PRESENT. hi it'ii. t wEMmt\m.PS RKRilnv til \ I.YMt.K tut, nrpaf), l!l*til> Kelley of a*nnnah I'r.arhnl thr E, lie .1 ten I Inn Nrrmoa at Ihr Etrnlnu a.-r,lee—••rleata and Krrlnle* Praia n III*, .nee I'rrarnt. I.lenl tlrallirr for llie Dr.11.-a llow. I nralliiMl (iililifliii in \iliut* aiual Ttirurr In A#m% Orlaniia. Augusts, 1• • 2 Tin* }t)‘ it lot) *’!•• or ibs fi*cr*i Hsan i’ aw tn-tey " ‘ sour, a- ot HU ti to tbs momiisrs -f th* Paris!). n*i wucom*- ful in cvsry •biaii Th** wnth#r wt lb il. ,j lirtght suit tliioy *la\. with a *’i#*ir, ■ r • U)ip(h. rf iu*| tsotpen* nn I i*. sllstMbn *' i•• morn log **x [ 1 '' w 1 •* 1 ar ! ial OiMions li***<l i *i* gtr l :ur** anil l l*v .-r —th** m rntnri w,* limit i *n\ly by th full . c)•> of th* bu'bbtu ,<t j)|y nil svxtlnblr s|m< • in iha* *M lM*itig with hairs, but th* s nti'l n* roniii fully v i|t|v! |o As ti* k-• nt uiini- .tn to f„* ktvUm norm ►* i ft f!ftv ‘ I’M ca* h. snug sum nut* a l l fo th hur* s fund from this m,ur*. i’al hoi Ps. ta- ms a rul J**ws minglg'l in ih# suditixD, A Io •> cbg’t) ill t!) - prebitf soil priests n .*mbisl in |) l# , ~',l S. .r.i Ib ari Obttfgfel to mu*h in I- ly ),aif Mutual th’ Mim-Ic U> tin* new * ililt . Tht* | t.H <B*ai(n wag if rt. - iv Firs cmh* the Bacrst Hr’sirt FatistH.fifty tiroiu umi- r rommnnl of <fapt F II file*. Ihc a-bM bring h| ii bug!** ti(t of boy*, a sol inn march ng tali j. a that i>rr rnovt | |*tng Tlw*n cam** n ian<l of altar lN>t ir -n il in roU’S of nut. jMirpla an,! whit* tlia* tulora of tha of th** 81-h •(• m l f>ru*’ribt)*l by (hr church far 4ei Ira lory fuu tton- NVxt cm mo the <-roMi iasivr, si r aindHl by a Mar boys wl.l) caffiacrs Th-n f**|t>\v• | a Imhm! of lri***ta t i iuatlosi utul jKoi b ttllig hi* tr Ia- :!■ *amc FaftlUml Glh- Lr>i i Uni iii th. iat i a i* urul riut of his offlia*. its 1 tig llowii’g IMI id Imrofi by al - fir !*>, aft* r th of priftroly ra.urta, ty|4\| f H*c fad thai <hr Car *4l roast r.*ni <• • a prim* < f th- church. Ac ctanpiinylng th? CTitriiisai were )*• am* *>f b- iK*r NVxt * im*’ Hif iap Nitnltruu of <Turl"i*!oii. -Imllarly ottrndotl ami fol l'*tt. iby Bishop K- I* 1 ) o f HavantMkb, arwl bfa s!tmdsiH) At th#* flout of th#- church !*)* im|Msttlg |mK* fit hl|lw|. a fit! white ♦ill ths irb*gta rlmritvc!, Ci tail da l Gilifam* I .*ml 111 irunfdial. 1 aUfi.-Ur ts eirci4 thw uura.’li )>l**ssltig b.* • inlor T)Hs com* jl< vl, tIM jrm a*flA/f) ttoiiwtd tht church, snd as it riul s the or<h*str ami full chorus in tha* organ gitUrfY over llie ch trutKM* burst forth Iti loud a?ti j yful ho sannas anl tbs <\ijailnal blfuisd tho In in lor as be hud do no the xu*rior m tha callllcr. Than followed the* iolotnn pomlfi < al hJgli mgaa s*ing hy Bishop Northrup. Assisting in this into • the prifn*U*.il of fiegrs wor Arch Daaron Rev. Ftelhor Ba r.)i), V. G , of Atlanta; Ifaoon Rov. lU<r -iao of liait Hiiora*; Bui> liearon Uov I ath*r #4haltt II of A litMi: Dt -'o? * of II *tu>r to lha • *ai linul, ll* i T W HuGcr. S. J-. add It*’v Father <V.4#crt of Atlanta. eha;*Ulna to ?h** Ills hop. H*v. D. rtavag#} of Mon’- goot**r> and Ibv. W. Quin an of nab; ma*i**r of wsijgtilM, Fatter Me* Maiioti * Ht. Fatrb k s Church of Au* gusti. Then folk wr-.| the -at-rmon i>* Cordtox! Gib M.itk wiilckt a * ll.ati’fi*NJ to with iro founri attention With m any cfTr* at display, either in rhetoric or cluquna*o, but in a sltnpV and *fT< iv* Myle, tho Cardinal pr ached an admlrablo wfiRN *n "Th* Kli whip of ClirM snd th** Duty of Man to Give Him l/oyiil Allegiance." ||* began by miying: "Th* *bi ion of thl heatritlful lem |de t n Almbrbtv Oasl. under the invoea tion of th** .’-tacred Heart of Jcutus Chrlat. la. m.v brethren, a public and m aolemn sign of th* aovereigoty of Jf*eu t'hrlat over ervlfty i)nd over the soul of man. I’f’.rlst J#*au Ih rof only our High iTfaat; I fa* U also o*tr Kplritual King." Then he cootras#*d tha* <llffcrenca be tween th# manner In which Jesus acquir ed Ills dominion m*r us, compared with the cuurve of earthly co* queroHß, d**cUir Ing thill Jesus naif tra load us not by fm f, ’mm by par' Melon; fief by the Im perial award but by ’hr aw *rd of tho Fjdrlt whWh Is the word of Goal: not hy enslaving the bodies of men, hut by rea cultig their MOD Is; m * *y aheVllng the bltwd of others, but Hla own. In reeog nitlon of which o**l bad **xotfed Him aleave all ru>rs, an that every nation shall onnfeas Him to Is* the Hon •( God. the Father Next he conlraated tha Kfngklom of Fhrlft with carthlv klng d'ns, declaring that while the latter had their territorial limits and w-re maintain ed by the sword. Hla kingdom—tha hurch—ls without limitation In t* i rritory or dumtion. anal |. mainuiiiNl by love. Th** fiwist notable iKtssagc of the dis course was that declaring that there wai no conflict between loyalty to tha klng i>m of <*hrlst ind !*>ylty to one's coun try, iHit the latter should not come first, lit* sold: "Rome time ago, I think about the time of the of-tdrig of the war In South Africa. I read In an English Jour nal some remarks ascribed to a promi nent divine Me mode thl* observation, which, let ua say. whs prompted by over zealous patriotism *1 am first of all a British subject nnd then I am n church man.' That D Just the same, my brethren, ,*s if one of you w#*re to say to-day, ’1 am first of all an American cltfien nnd then I am a Christ lan.' I do not think much of the loyalty of the religion of vnan who relegates hi* Christianity to tha ba. kground. ! He* nothing in the religion of Christ that is opposed to th** Constitu tion of the I'nlfcd fftstes I aaa nothing In our const It u ion thut is at vurtanew with the teachings of the gospel. They gr* in perfect harmony. Ttierefora 1 would rather say I am. thanks be to God, at tha* same time a Christian and an Nrmrl* an < litxen. By the grace of Jimin Christ. I am a Christian. By the favor of divine providence, 1 am an American citizen. The I#ord haa Imixised U|*on me th> double duty of loyalty to Chrlat und to my country." Than followed an argument why men should have faith In Chrlat, and showing th** weight of *~tlmony that exiats to Ilia truth of th* gospel am! concluding with an appeal to men t*> give Him their !n --* s* rate t** Go 1 vmir v. 11 to-lav by ol- Berving Ills commandments; conaacrata to Him your heart, by loving Him. con secrate to Him your memory by calling to mind the bleasings which He haa be atowed upon you. Oh. to-day. bretham, let Christ bring sane it Ift cat ion to your soula. To-day we sanctify this church. Sanctify tha kingdom of your heart* to ICoatUmcd oq FUtb rage.)