The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 03, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 gffjc fHofnins |CetD#. M ..reuse >Mr ItL eaeaaaa*.. t.x NUXBAt, •>:< CMHI H . IIMHt. Registered at it.a JSostoffice i fa. ant ah iUK MultMM. M W every day In tbs year, aii<i esnel l* tuktcilMn In the cl:., or —n by n. . at ' a li.vft H f.r .x ra.ntb , and l.!w for ore year. lilt. MOM SIX* >E> bjr ia*l’, tt limes ark <rP oil Sunday !*.), three months, i. * . ill c*x.t:.. one year k OC. ilttt. ui:t Kit M.w io l*a week (Mor Jay aid Thursday) by niki , one year, S: u Bv..,rip!to p vabi* In ailvir. • R— -1T..1 by money order check or reffist-rel letter. Currency ten: by c-ail at rUk of re i,4r. Tracalent advertisements. other tbio epe>-;ai column, i, al or readme n tlcaa aoi.-'iwr,t< and ct or wart cclutn , 5 r.t a .;r.t Fourteen llnaa of mate type equal to one u n in depth—l* 'he standard of mraaremeot. Contract rs ~m ard 4;■ countr made known or. app-loa.l >a a; bj*.r,* ffi Ordera fcr delivery rf the Morn n; N-w to itr re,;den e or jla c of ba*;t tu *n be mi i# !,y mall <r y • I hoe e No Its. Any irreßular.ty in de. v try mould be an media tel) reported. Lot tart and t-'.tcrynm ,and ba al d-eseed MUM XIhi* MW a. no amah Oa. KASTTMt orrn f.. 33 P rk Roar, New tm * I Jtkl r M 15DEX 10 £W ADUHIISEMLNIi SAeetln* —Georsrta M;tka) Society. Military Order*—Order* No. 30. Inah jaaper Green* Special Not! e Butrane* Water, Parry and Re-preened Brick, Sa vannah Buibfina Supply ■ '<mrnr. Business Notice*—E. A W. lusundry. Steamship Bche4i*le—Mawhant* and Miner*' Tranyportetion oempany's Steam ship* for BiMlieore and Philadelphia. Auction bale—liar**. Wsrn. lUmeSa, Eton, by A K Wilson, Au ttoneer. AmumnnHs .Tlir K l!mt * Hearn Com pany. at Toeuter T**-iu*b!. Kurr/tore. Carpet*, Draper!** Etc— land ray dt Morgan. Mineral Water—Muffalo IJthta Water. Ee*sl Notl ,-#*—< 'I tat lon* from the Court of firdlnary of Chatham County. Biscuit, Kt -Notional Bis ult Com pany. Christmas Bouvenlra—At IFmat.'s. Washing Powder —I’earllne. Medical—'Twin fill*', Hoatettee*# Stom ach Hitter* 1 Hood's Pill*. Cantoris. l*r. Hathaway Company. Cheap Column Advertisements—-Hip Wanted. Employment Wanted. Cor Kent. Por Kale, Eos*. I’ersonal, Miscellaneous. The Weather. Th Indications for Georgia to-day are for ram, freeh nawerly wind*, and for Eastern Kloctda partly cloudy weather, probably rain In eastern portion, fresh northeasterly wind* t f .w to Dooly county are worth IX to fin per acre more now than the tome land* were worth a year agu. according *o Judge Henderson of Vienna. That show* what South Georgia la doing 1 rent Paul la likely to eaprflenea a chill In Germany, after hi* warm reception In France. Emperor William t plan* will not permit of hi* weeing the man I torn the Transvaal, and 1i I* pi<dty eeriatn lhal official Germany will follow the lead of the Emperor. There ku hr mi Mine talk among New Jersey Demorrata of giving 81-PIMIiIMII Cleveland * romplimrniary vole for I'mted Mates senator It transpires, however, that Mr. Cleveland has not been a clllxen of the state long enough to make him eligible, hence the graceful are will not be performed. hast week he UrtUsh sinuiuhlp Boliv ian sailed from New Orleans for I totter ('■m loaded with a rwrgo of *.# tons of grain. Thfe la an exceptionally large cargo Tire ai.ip went out drawing twenty-eight fret. It Is snip and cargoes of tnls class mat Savannah will be able to handle Wtlgfl she gets her twenty-eight-foot chan nel. • ongr-ss is to be petition* <!, at an early day, by the leading public museums, atl galleries and libraries, to repeal tint por tion of the federal inheritance law which levlev a tax upon bequests made to sic h corporal lona. The petitioners. tiriM point out that they are public educaitonui in stitution*. sn<l we *u h deserve the aid and encourage men; of the government. The Norfolk (Vs ) Landmark protests against newspaper writers ratling she rmwager Krnpree* of China “Tsl An" "Bhe is no more Tsl An than she Is Thing fang I- no ' it say. Really, what differ enrs does It make so long as the reader* know who Is meant 7 If we could get them used to her as "Mary Ann" It would do Just as well, but sin • she lias been started a* “Tsi An w see nothing to do but keep It up There Is a probability that the great Roger* Locomotive Works at Paterson, N. J.. which are to be dosed down per manently In that dty. wHi lie removed to Birmingham A movement m on foot In the Aiaoama city to secure the transfer, ard 11 glvea fair promise of suv.-ssa. The Itoger* works are among the most famous In the world, and their locomotive* ure known wherever there wre rallghads. To remove them lo Birmingham would lie to I’d' * them In a position where (hey could dictate prices for American locorool ives, since they would be in the heart of fhv* coal wsal iron dtotrlct of Alabama. Representative Reahortt Wright of Floyd, according to report, was righteous ly indignant at the absenteeism noted In t*.e House on Sat unlay Practically two thirds of the members were out of their seat* llr Wright think* that free rail way passe* are largely to blame for the condition of affair* If the gentleman from Floyd Wishes to institute a real refotm let him Introduce und support a hill pro * * Ostwiral Assembly, and prohibiting uio payment of per diems for day* not actu ally served. Touch the absentee member on his pocket nerve, and he will stay In Atlanta and attend to his business. Mr. Wright, as a reformer, ought also to support aa strongly as he can the piopo. sluen tor biauutai aesskmo, 1111. IT.ITK PEI9KM MULL # From #o*n# thing* irhlrti h*v croppbd o* 1 .r lii# pubic' prints ii it (Mir to inter <d* • rl* i- * a 100 fr. tie Lag.* iatur* llh the* p*. mr al tne Horn# of tf.* ißrmWri b#U#‘ * #|>- I ri% that mar* otooey *.# b+ing j *• 1 ir jm. r.t. cbfi tfttrt to be ar>4 more ttum the Halt can aff-ri. ur.S#f tfif' rate of t4xat*oo u ir. re?* i coht.a* et#M>. In hi* mi-tput th# Governor lntim!r4 if at, In the roam of • year or two ihe prr*aioi burden nooks n j ? o al ifaM II -*n. The atat# i-t no# i *l.i * it rsif h u.l t.> mtet #U !' * i -iii#r. h *h* tfc##ury. afKi if ifte penetort .iA r g* tm atiil further Increased rem tour of taxa tion w;ll h’*e to b ff-ur.-l or #iiw* th tax ratf* will ha%*e to h* i,v *noil By tom' the <•{ ,* n entertained that Mifficlmi are hit r*< exefcix<4 In rrant.ra pr *• ** •* t •re a? r w —*•* drawtn# pet.‘ton* who are rot uml* r a rtrlat inn rpr# t#tKn of she law ent ;Me<l to 1 hear It w<rukl not be at al! *trar.£e if w-*r# the It la worthy of ■not.'■# that the number of (tcnilorm in moot* of the rountle- f tti-rh iar*ef in preport'on to the population that in ^h •r Ir.d* *4. wttnm of th- m**t oopuioue rour.tiw* have very few ptaiiantri, while it h rot *rary it *r • ir. r* -?** ? to eome *f the aparsely ael e<l <xuntlef. There ongr* \ h* # thorough inv* ‘liga* fion of the jr.. r roll It woukl p*y the etate to appo;r t a comml.-'iun to make It. The oos-t wou*i not be Urge, and mi. :* result In kivlng many > i-- ind* of tioiaft annually Every or* in tended by the* law to have u pension hou.d have t. but the law' should i*e • arefuMy observwd. It i unjust to those who wre themsrtvfw not rrwr* than an.e jto * tra a living to t* tisd ! o pay pen* | Mona to thvee who a Ire*) ly have ine.*m* , i • ufT. t< tnair.r tin tl >m Ir * omfort, or a r>- able to earn tab.c in om- THE It HM* l lll.i; ÜbLIVKHI'. It is the ambition of Fosstm *ter General fSmith to exfrwl the rural free delivery aa nearly irroughou UM| M he I during his term of office. HU an j nial report a Its for a large appropria ! ion for the service, ar.d th# prababill j *ies are tnat it will ie granted. Much •A the opposition whi h has heretofore re * n b ird *.a* disappeared, ar<l there ar*- few if any ongrtsstgnen who r* not lamortr.g for an extension of the #ervke n their districts. What Is th rural free delivery ** ft i* j pra ?i< ally u travt iit.g pte t offl e. In a **:# The carrier is she postmaster authorhrd to perform all of the fun % lor. •if a fourth-*!* postmaster, an 1 others •hat have no? heretofore been Included in •iKh offlrials duties The rural rarrKt Gil# stamp** and post offb-e stationery. j register# letter*, draws and pays money | order*-In ehrrt he bungs to the loor of ?he farmer either daily or all •f the ronveniencaw of the i>ost offi e of the sown. li has been estimated that the rural free detlverv ran be operaied In “l per cent, of the country territory of th I'nltrd Stales, or that about t*'.oO square mile* i an be covered by the carriers. The cost of dovertng thia territory, at the no -ent rate of compensation, would oe jin the neighborhood of IJt> t©Q,4W> p* r year, j As .in offset, romethtng like Til per cent. of l ie fourtll” Jus: post **fli* to* would be j liscoatlnued. together with a number of the -tar routes, the coat of which la now i Lo* .'•*> This would make Ih* net oet i of the rural free delivery S!a.**JU.huo a year. | The |*>pu!utlon which would tie served by ' these route* I about 2f,fMß.tlun t*ers*tus. | which would make the cost of the service tS cents p* r t spit* per annum Payments, lof course will tie made out of the nation al treasury, and not by aaaessnießle upon J the people served. Is Itv servi'ie worth the cost? No sec tion In which It ha* been established has | ever had gay ta *i' t • find it pleci th* j larmcr and tile woodsman In constant and | ready communication with the markets j and the outer world. I'nder the old plan J si i- t,.<.-ary for the farmer to let--- the j -ervice* of a man. or a boy. and a liorsc j the better part of a day every time It Is lesirt 1 lo get the mail. In Ihe run of a year this loss amount* to a pretty con stderwhle sum. even where "mall day" c<>mes only once a week Aside from the e. onomy lo th* Individual, the rural free delivery. It Is claimed, will make <ountry life more attractive to farmers' son* and daughters, and thus check tho irtideiK'y towards a concentration of population In the cities. UEimiilt M4lt HI E. There was re -rnlly qu.arrlc i In and shipped from IV kens roun'y, ibis slat*, ihe largest single block of mrrhl* ever cut from Its natural le-d In thl* country. II was twenty-seven feet ami two Inche* long, by four feet font Inche*. by four feet three Inch* *, containing In a!! upwwrd* of j .VO cubic feel In else It compare- with I the great monolith# which were quarrlej ; by the ancient Egyptian# and set up In their temple# This newest Georgia moti- j olltti Is said lo be perfect In tvery de all. I notwithstanding It* great six*' There Is not a crack, a discoloration or a flaw In It anywhere. It l* of white as pure as driven anow throughout Its entirety; ml Its phyrh *1 formation Is us perfect as It* color. That Is. Ihtr- are no -pots that ore either soft or coarse of grain. Th ro are few place* in the at wh. h th • great block of pure marble could be dupli cated. and none wtnr* II could lie Im proved upon So large and heavy was tho monolith under *ll* usslon that .a ipecal r.iilnay * ar had to he constructed tor It. The *ar anil It* freight together weghed upwards of 7i tons. Georgia marbies are already well known, and highly appreclaie.l, by hull era the country over. .! p* rac.ns wl o i ave -aen the magnlhcenr Corcoran Art Gallery in Washington hav** lcn for ed to knowir-lge the beauty of Ihe ma erlal used In Its construction. Probably fe.v beholders arc j* ire that all of tin mar ble employed In Ihe building of (hut splendid pile ' .line from the tiUis of G o gla. yet such I* the fact. The state capi tal of Rhode Island furnishes allot isr striking demonstration of the b tin. cf Georgia martde. About three-quartc-* of the marble In that edlfl e came fr- m iliU state Jn the city of Wrr est -r. Mae* . one- of the handsomest building* 1 that of the Slate Mutual Life Insuran* e Comiwny. built of Georgia marble. One of Uie handsome-1 bulldlngw pi the wor and, bir male. Is the Congtradonal l.i ra-y In W asnliigdoii, larg- iy of Geor gia roande. Tha weal lb of Georgia In marbles Is very gloat. Xu Uio four no:tUvr*aUtß THE MOKNING NEWS: MONDAY. DECEMBER 3. limn. countie* of Ii ktm.s, CJdmer. Fanniri a*4 Cheroke- there are deposits cf greit ea- Ir ‘"ertain k> al' ?• *re to be found ar*d mar #a. In dudb g th* I g ly prised green that Is so rm and so 'o*t.y In -re .-e-iion there la a rtU> <i4 that has i 1 for several mUea upon a *-po-I*. t r - ire t and mo t baa at if ul marb . T • eapotta ion of thU wealth of th# fir *- * h.*lid:iig mat* * *a. In th world h a heretofore beer* nvmpered by ala k of lo cal *apltal The time i* coming and Is not far off. when Gaarg'a wIU rank with any other te itun of the world as a marb a producer. % Ml. 11l TKI sot M t KOI WMI fM. T* poultry pradu t *f this country is eoiir* rvaiive.y estimated to he worth two h aioli -1 and mnety ml. wn dodar* a y *?, -anore tfwn the % tlu ol ah the m.l h owe in the t’nited t* *ie- What profr lion of this gr• at wealth I* be ? < produced in Georgia n We have an answer in the fa shat mor that '* f toe * ggs ar.d poultry that w* ♦-oesum' com* to u* from other states, to th** north of u# prin i from T-:. n* 5 k ee and Maryland. We do not, according to the statistics, raise or.t-half *•( what w, .at In the poultry produ %* iir, . We import every year, and partk ulariy and iring i.> fa.l and winter oxKMi *. thousands of dcKsens of eggs urifl ihoiisat.u off- of drc* k *d poultry There is no r>nmot, for this There ihn*t at . w lion of th*-. worol (hat s* b ?• nr auiitd ?•* poultry ratting than Geor gia. The dimats, the soli, the water, the products of th# fields, are all peculiar?;, adapted to poultry farming. Then why do mot our farmers rl*e chicken* as a matter of profit? M Moat of them seem to think that the poultry Industry * -mall for them l> undertake.“ **> an In lustrial bu i-tin i**ued by the Cen tral of Georgia Hallway. And that Is probably about the truth of it. ! The bulletin, which baa been published | for gratuitous distribution along the line* of she f>r,?ra.. * ontoin in amount of in- I formation re*pe< ting the poultry b*iine* j hat la valuable It ie well written, ar. I ! ought to have ?he effect of arou?tng ?he | insert*? of Georgian* ir* hen* and egg* A word of warning 1# uttered again-t rushing biindiy Into the business “Any old thing’* will not do In the racing of chickens. The slack should be iticcM. if profit! are so be taken. **Sc¥ub * fowls wih fait lay large, fine egg*. One might am reawonabiy expert "scrub” cattle to produce thoroughbred offspring. ”Buc j cesaful poultry raising," ays the bulk— i tin. t* e*weniiaJ) m qw tion of desail ’ Many perrofi who get the “chicken fever” are quickly cured of It by the *rnali exaction* of tht* busine.** They 4e . line to 1/e -iih- red with the lWti* details deeming them unworthy of their atten | flop. Hut It i tht#'- listie things that go to make *■<*..- A kt of c hi,kens | l* very little more trouble than a small ; lot. j There Is no trouble about a market for j the product. It may be that the country : store of th** neighborhood doew not care to buy *-gg. but the ritiea want them al ways. Tenrn-#*♦* n 1 MtrySand find it ; profitable to ship eggs hundreds of miles; I wou.d not Georgia find it profit aide to hip them thirty, forty or fifty mike to the critic*? At presens eggs are retailing t th** eiti* of Georgia for upwards of two cent?* *a h, an<i the mod of the rn*h‘ v for th**m is being sent out of the state. For ten month# out of twelve, usually, the egg market i good. ! There i> seldom t* glut, in-l the profit on she output, to the producer, \> it**r than for about any other farm product Georgia ought not only to rtiise her own . poultry and eggs, but a considerable ?ur* ! plus to well to state that are not so favor i ably conditioned by nature. Mill' *1 Hflltl Mil.l, TAfTirt*. Among the report* floating about Wash ington 1* one to the effect that Itcnre. -emotive Burton. Chairman of Ihe Itiver and Harbor committee, ha* tiern told th it If he opposes the ship subsidy hill the river and harbor bill wl l be defeated, Mr liur t.m Is an Ohio mu , and brdnr the heal of the River and liarlior Commute, he a good deal of Irifluen In Ihe House It seems that he Is not In favor of the ship subsidy bill. He see * a good many argu ment* against It. anil If reports do not do him Injustice he has been very free in sxprt-s-ltig hi* opinion lb respect to the bill. Ills talk has reached ihe ear* of those who are pushing the bill, and tbee hive undertaken to si leu e him and 'o bring him into line with Its supporters by treatenlng to defeat the river and harbor bin. It would seem from this that It Is the purpose of the hackers of the ship sub sidy bill to force It through Congress without tigard lo It- merit or whether or not tho people want tt. There must tic big money In It for somebody, or else Ip marUi would bed p*tided upon to se cure It* passage Asa miller of fact only the shipbuilders and two or three strong lines of steamship* would be beii edled by It. It l even said by those who have given the bill very careful study that If it should he paseed the merchant marine of the country would be Injured rather than benefited. All of Ihe subsidy money would go to a few strong companies, and they would build on.y enough ship* io absorb the subsidy. There would he no Indu im-nl to others to build ship* ard establish Iranspormtlon line* between the ports of this country and those of osh. r countries Hcsldea. the steamship* that would get the subsidy ar* not Ihe kind that do the bulk of the carrying trade. What are known os tramp steamers carry the hulk i of the freight* between this country and Europe It !. tint the purpos* of the bill to give steamers of this class any part j of ihe subsidy. The more the ehlp suh -1 sidy scheme l studied the clearer 11 o;>- : pears that the purpose of It Is not so ! much to benefit Ihe country as to benefit I certain great Interests. That this la SO will doubtless appear when the bill l* | taken up for consideration. The ship subsidy bill Is going to receive -ome twin! blow* in the house of It* : ft lends. Republican opposition to It !* growing. Congressman Burton, ehlrm *n of the River and li.irier Commit ee ml who. by the "ay. conies from he .itor llanna's own town—ha* declared in o ,*- i !tlon to the measure, and now Repre sentative Broniwell. al-o of Ohio, li s gone on record In an Interview as oppos ing the scheme on principle. Mr Brom ic 11 iMlnls .Ul that li i- rot the f i...h cirrler# but tne r.tney fast | eg e hl|>r that are patronised by rl h pe.p.e : which would receive Ihe bounty money. I And theaa veasels Uo net bead aid. Therr 1* apptrrMlr a Ilr prokpßet for •em- *<>rt of Mnl! . u.a! !• - Mtktkwt *Ut>r du u.k the of Coo* (irV. ah n Oeglr., ?o* !.jror ' .< or i th t * follow It, Many •t*t !• -la: ftv, heretofori- provej (i no)ttf are tow oa of t :• way. It lx rot to he A how ever. tra: a *i.a! tel 1 w fc* t th o .sh* *• withoat at-ei.u taw of>i* -ti Th. graa- tr,*ocnttn< nlal r lw .y ry*~ |.m> h\ *■ not yet *lveti up lb ttfht. T . •nt.- anal lnlweU, by th- tj -t a ;.• rful frten<i when C. I’. iiii.uo,.M die.*. If Itir hard Crtttit-T So • N.-w Y rk an I w to Eric land to ,rure f-'rfect T* a ‘ at,.l r**t. he mla ert It! caJcuUtt n *l. in ly He !.• already run up agaF-at tho Drtti; . Itp-ooi- tax as,.--* -t. who has In formed h:m that he mj*t pay ttxea on an i ■ tmir of IMt.Mt am untln* to about t •>: Mr. Crok.r la trying t< avead h payment. T:ie iMitirh offirlaia however, are ea and to be Inexorwhb when they get hold of a rich ailen. It la remembered in Enitlatel, too. that Mr Croker l.a* ax and Idnieelf a , Hoer *ym;*ih.*vr. Thera ! a ptralMent rumor ahoul Waihtnguxi that Gen. C F. Eagan t to be restored to duly as tbmtnlaaary gen eral of au bat, l trice of the army. The day that Kagan H> restored, pardons ought to go lorw ir-1 to ex-Capa Carter and the Cuban i <wt office robbers, not with.‘and- Itig the latter have not >: Ghi convicted PllllfOA VI,. —Job Ca.i- tt of liiwar-lsvtl!e, Ta . Is a bu.ty man t’ntll recently b- held lx ofTI *■ In lh,t town. He was hu ? i Janitor of the town h*:l, driver ot the |o k-up town ■ '.eik. driver of the boro t-h team and -treet comrai toner; The our thought that he was entirely too busy an 1 removed him as bu gete. btxt he Kill 111 it the five other p.stti jn.s. —Gen. Juan Eul* Buoron of Guatemala who Is now In Ran Enc els o on a vi It was a lieutenant c. k>net on the staff of Ow; John C, Fremont wnen th- Fmtlt : finder made his treaty', trip a ro*s the Ibxkies. Ha wnt to Qua mala In ! and recently obtained „ C ot. • l n for a 1 railroad lire which Is to cto>- the Chtje ! pache mountain* retr the rose of th great volcano of Santa M irsa. which ts 11 <• feet high. —The late Henry Vlllard gave away a deal of mon-y during his I fe'lme In addition to t.umerous benefa tlons te-- stonxi ,n European charitable ad edn rathonal Institution*, ha contributed llber a Iv to the oregen and Washington *• it umverxllle.. Harvard. Ctiunt .j. the M.*l ropoltan Museum of Art and the Natural History Muteum In Centra! Turk, New Voik —Considered from a purely phy-l-al l.lnt, m ny Europeon rovaltl s me v fair ly be set down a* squs'ly. Toe Cttr cf Russia Is only ft feet 3 Inches tall the King of Italy 1* 5 feet S incite* and the Priri.'. of Wales l> but • feet 4 Inch-* though he welch* 317 pound*. T' - fa King * prize goes a> IF* Mijewty cf V -rt ugal. who tip* the hum at 3H i-oun Is: he Is & feet lnches tad nit it.ii r hit*. —’ When we're married, dear, you won t oe always threatening to go hem.- to yotir mother, will you "' "No. I'll threaten to have mother com-- nd live with u.* " —Exchange. —Flossie I* six year* old. "Momma." sl.e asked one day. "If I get married will ; have a husband like lUlf.aT' "Ye-.” replied the iiiMlier, with an amtis -I -mil*- Ami If I d< n't get married, will I have to he an old maid like Aunt Kate?" "Y'e*. Flossie." "Mamma," she said, after a short pan*.-. It's a tough world for us women, atn't It ?"—Njshvillr Banner. ■ Ro you reject nt*-!" the young lawyer said, rather bitterly. "I wonder If it would do any good to appeal tho case to jour father'” Rhe shook her head ' There I* no an- al from my decision. Hi,* replied. "I ant what you call the court of last resort '* "But I i-annot give up the rase In this wav'" he exclaimed Rho dug the sand with the point of h r parasol. „ . , . . "Mr Braxton." she add. softly, might you not ask for anew trial?"—Chicago Tribune. I IRHIINT I llgtllAT. The Chicago Chrersih le (Hem ) s iys ■ Prince Grorge of Greece, who i- to w..l prln. .or Victoria of Woles, has petitioned 1-or.l Sailabury to annex to the British crown the Island of Crete, of which lie is iiirh commissioner and within whose con fines hi- must resell- The reason assign ed is that otherwise Princes* Victoria will become a tubjact of the Sultan of Tur ky, a Mohammedan ruler who has in* solute right to re-diforce his seraglio from among hlw subjects Th*- Rrlrlsh tax (aver will he more Itkeiv to apprehend the teal motive to be attachment to the puv I purse, which, under the reigning sov • reign, has been mde to stretch even into the third and fourth generation of (hose tha: love Her Majesty and keep her commandments.” The New York Commercial (Ind.) says "There was a trilling difference In the es timate* of Mr. Carnegie and Mr. Frick a- to the net earnings of their company lor tho—a nieie mailer of lll.*>*i>.oo(l —and It now appear* from unofficial announce men Is that the profits for the pact nine months were approximately WOOOO.UnO, which would Indicate that the thrifty Scotchman's estimate of ItO.OCh.SOd fur t ie year was more nearly correct flam tan: of hie Man Friday .t 1C.0W.000 ft must he a bitter dl*appolnfment to Mr. Frtck, however, to leu: n of this shortage of *2 - ae**#) || estimated profit*. For less 'seri ous errorw of Judgment' than this men ! nave b*n known to go out deliberately I aid commit suicide.” The Philadelphia North American (Rep ) Isays- "The story that Senator Tiatt *v..l I resign from the Senate and lake a pta.e | 111 President McKinley'* cabinet, although ! seemingly supported by circumstantial I evidence and corroborative detail, it not i redlWe It I- not think ible that | .dent McKinley will handicap himself dur ' ng hi* second term. In which he net ; nr ally wishes to tn ike a record that will renvtnbefed with prste by ht* parti ,nI respi t by the nation, by calling into hts kmuicil and official tamlly a po.ui al , boss of the culiber of Piatt." Professor'* Prophecy Failed, While a student at Harvard I'nlverslty, say* the Ladle*' Home Journal. Phillips Brooks was walking in tho yard one day with a prof*-sor. who asked him warn he Intended making of himself. "I am thinking of the ministry," an swered the youth. "Then banish *U'I thoughts,'' said the prolessor earne-tly. “Your manner of speech would forever bar you from be ing successful In that calling Many year* lain w het Phillips Brook* w-.t* on -of Ihe world's great pulpit ora i tors, the mow expert • r In Kngland took down one of hi* sermons and said: "Any stenographer who thinks he ha* I conquered fast talkers should try Phillips i Brooks." !)iploniu > Won Ikr Wh#n Senator Mark Haora, fotne tlm# Ago. ir a ie* a qa: ‘ trip to Nt day a litmipAptA * ru*t fix 4b* vn bu liy etta* king rum vrt x reporter o fii hot#K rcktti Ka#*y Evfnlni Po* f - He** h*r* an tom* rraaod tjuporUnt to the pui.-li f<i:d the > ty ;r. Watch hire, #•- whom h" • . -*n3 make fitm tell what they talk about get the whOk atory.” Tti* er w-n* fine hotel. He found Mr if. . quiet corner of the lobby ar.<i #ttei t*.* • ran i. Thr fienalor with anxry rnpna*t#. Why nou.<i I F t i va> rd to your it- I- ’ I : a . li t} .nr but attavk me. ’r*s#in tm ana vilify me. Wh> (houkl I nay * word t you?" My ti''W*p*p* replied tha reporter ca ml> "ii.l- vr> #. t* 1 i;r iLi!i n We want 10 know , . h* it th.' rip far n* it too erna th* j .* Wouldn't you prefer to t*.l us* > ur- A rather than to have ue learn—pe* dbly una%oi4a bif* Incorar tn<in some other #•> ?*’ txad flfiM * what, but he still spoke with curtn*** *TTI tell you. I tiac* ome her** on private matter# orj*. I hnv# i * errand of putni inter* *• i of >rr: rvi ! xfn to m- rt no on** here Now I have told you this like a fentletnan. * i l kt *v you will tmliev# m* ,ke a gentantir. Cjoddtf, fir.” Tl)* reporter nirt this with that diplo macy which H th* inspiration of the in *:ant. He #sid **l tiumk you for your frankn\| r H nra. r i af you say, I. of •• o*re. be lie v j F a* you *F. w* have hoard of your presence here. Oifierf. therefore may o#<> hear of it I Kr ow you are expecting to no one. but preeninen: vneu—unexpectedly to yourself— may . *me hf - : * #*■** you. **ml : Imfior t. nt piibti ma>?*r-. t’ndtcr ir. at ructions f;n. m> uty r. t *for-■. 1 t .if k I nail have (• wall and * if. unexje* itily ■ *:• i* ir. Th* tftnafor * fterr.m---- afu and his ( i brixhtenrd with a grin; he r* allied tl.a ?* reporf‘*r would io hl> i* . ? to tn tt him fairly, and throughout the rest of the day was cordiality itself. Hard to t Th# ranstts office* in Wathitigton if often puzzit-d to know hr*w to classify the re turus of occupation In coses wh**re the efiumeroton* have n.ven a too literal de- rip?an of a person - employment, says the Youth# Companion There are two *nsu term- to cover such c?ee. CV. u pat lon# not Iniuded in the regular list may be entered h * “O. T..” meAhitix thinirs.” ot "N G ." srhi n-• tni for "not gaUifui ” To choose between the jwo sometime# suggcstN amu ing * oni|<li ct lions. An enumerator In Irdtina report. 1 ".irunkard us the o* cupation of one i-t •i* met. Th census offlto enteri-1 him • ' N. 11. -in.-., the next c.ilumtt a.-'< rt.-l this to by his occupation for twelve rtiontiis in the ye !ir , and steady drinking i*. to .-ay ihe least, "not gainful." Ttteie -another sense in wn. a a drunkard n .ii • . and he Ni;. ' N n . . in ... have the tnclmutloas of u detective, re i’ort—l several men In hts district >e - rooks.' "pi. kio.-kets' and "Kamhiers They were entered a* N. r;, li it hough th.-tr o. -upadon* miv have been more gatrful" :o th* rn than to their v ietirn*. A Oeorßia, m in who*-*- oc<ujilin was re |K>ri**l as • sl-i Jobs goes on Ihe Ulster O. T.—''other things." While some of th.* occupations which the enumerator- give are unusu .1. they rr. |.r.. i >rr..t ,\ tramp was do. - r:i- Ins "kxifer. not gainful, unemploy ed twelve montns " An extra thrifty per. son w is In one instance reported as "oo cupadoti mgser," and another “lives on saving-." A Connecticut woman, whose :n.*ien.l wan described as an "Idler,” gave her own ncriffiatton ns "washing and wishing.” c'j I iait tr ie it i< that "wishing" for ■something better form, n jnrgr parr of the tin ru i! occupation of most twople. An*l the Ini.nsity of fhl* wish doubtless produce- marvelous and benerlnal results. In n ClilneMe *eli.o.l, Th'-re are l.hs) Chine; e pupil* in Queens ‘ ollege. Houg-Kong. varying m age from i*; n** up to twenty-three, and many of them hav. family cares in he shape of a lf at;.| . hlldren .at home, -ays the New and ork Tribune. IC<i h year sees a decrease In 111- proisarliaii of married s.-tioolhoys, amt the average age become* 1.-ss everv >. ir. In its early history boys of all c v.ero to be found In the school, and H was quite possible to find father and ron rt:n a dead heat for the lirst prise Sometimes family rivalry wis productive of dire results, as the following .xtu-rienee of Mr. .May, the second master, bear* withers. Mr. Mly had hut ,a short time at the school, when one day he noticed * not a boy was absent, and lie mad" Inquiries a* to the reason. The fol lowing dialogue In Chinese took plaee Oflleloui- Boy—Pl< iso. sir, Li-ho-wack li,r.'e well. M ister—What i* the matter with Mm’’ Officious Boy—Hl* father thrashed him In ' nlcnt and he is 100 laud to come to ehaol 10-day. M id, r—He moc h ive rommlrlM a grave fault to merit so severe a thrashing What did he do" Officious Boy—Please Mr. he laughed when you caned his father yesterday. Henry Irving's 1 lever Criticism. Plr Henry Irving can give the keenest but upparentlv most Ingenuous, crl ictsm. say* Hon lon M A. P. For In-tuncc one of hie com-anv Mr. Valentine, was east for un old Italian refuge*. a capital char u er sketch. In Mr Ilnero’s "Bygone*.' th Studied the pa t carefully uni nn etdered hlm-elf perfect at Ills first r - hears*l. S r Henry wat -h-d Ihe rlece from beginning to end without saving a .neh> word. That w ,a had ign When I ie lest word was spoken he r ime nve to Ihe old Italian refugee In hi* usual quiet way. "Are ioi going lo pUy It like thilF he a skeil. Mr. Valentine suspected that If he sail "ye*.” Irving would foslhly retort "Then. I shvulln't!" |f he ail n Irv- Irg would n.atu a ly ask. "Then, why not I ipet It aa you me* t , ,■ c he Wisely an wared: "Well, on t'.as lines. You see. It's tnv fl st r heirsil," "I sic.'' rep a ted S*lr Henry with a kind *u*lle. "An old I'allan r ugee, |*n t It" Hood iwrt. yes' At pro. ent it's Val entine with an a rent. Isn't II"" He Went Bound It. Before Bismarck reconstructed the map of Europe, and made a united Germany, say* Hendon King, a doirn little principalities used to annoy tray. • U-r* by topping rhe m : ,t fron tier* until they had satisfied the custom house demands. A Yankee once hal his earr ase stopped at the frontier of a potty prince s country. The Herr Ober Contm. !'*ur at the custom fiouse. i-ame forward and. much to hi* Indignation, wa ri cilvrd In a nonchalant way. The Yankee w is Utqjentlemunly enough not to g*t out ' of tils . arrl ige or even to take off hi* hai i The Herr Ober Contro.eur *har t c ! ly demanded Ihe key of the ' tourist s trunk*, which h. subor 'llnate hegan handling roughly. "Here, ! hands off." shouted the Yank-e ”1 don i ci me from the Fnltetl State* of America to tie controlled by you. Put those trunk* t... k. 111 not go through yo j *■< *||. pj; turn 1 ck I'm In no hurry anl do*, t rare for losing a day You're iu> country. You're only a spot I’U go round you.” And he did. -SI Paul's Lutheran Church al S-:hwi-nksvilie. Pa , ha* hern celebrating Ihe one hundred and fiftieth *nnivrar of Its foundation. In Ihe Past seventy year* It has had but two pastors, Rev. Frederick Waage and hi* son. Kev O'- Win F. Wtsp Tn* latter has heto in I charge slncu IfTtk ITEM!! OF HTBWS9T. —The high v<s! of Insurance In ftyuth Dakota hs* resulted! in an agitation for *tate insurance in that tat*- are! it i** • • ter up Numerous mutual organiaailona r, iv sprung up a* a measure oft i*' f. but thea** are not under * ontaoi of the in surance onunissianer. and as >% r* run in the Interest of tin officers only. -T ie British embassy et Washington is being enlarged and rafumiabed. Most of th# material Is bt- igfit from Knglan I —-th# irpet**. th# hang ogm and th# furnj ture— u: the wall par#r l of Amen n nage. The British an>ba-**a4.-r and Iw iv* f%urc#fote hael a large package of ?am* pies of wall rjfr sent from England, th# best that is produced there. i>u! nothing them so well as what they found in this country. —John Bunch, a pioneer citizen of Ma con county. Missouri, is stung th# town of La P;a?a for injuries a.legM to have beer, received while In the calaboose *l that p.ace loot August. He was arrested for tom• trivial cause and found on be ing locked up that he had for celimat*#* an a ive and exceedingly indignant hive of bees 'Hie in?* ?> regarded him as an intruder and stung h.m severely during Ins srx hours ©f confinement —Tf •*** w .o wish to send magazln* * and other reading matter to the e*i - ?. the Phitippine# can avoid transportation charges by forwarding the to ai.y rommki# try department of the artnv. These books must he |n gc*oi condition and the literature of a wholesome * nar. t<r. Th# books and magaaines mj*t e pa k* 1 jln sotmtantial ttaxw, but nor wUr* ■ J | to any in*lividual. They should he al > dreseed io hospitals, commands or libra | ries. —The coffee-growing industry in troj cal Afrim ja developing The seed was introduc'd into th* coun :ry about five years ago by som*- English I missionaries with the object of a#certain j ,r <* whether toe resources of the • oumry were favorable to the culture of t:. *r tiGe. The grourul ppe;irs p* uUarly •dapted to the industry, since t * year ; toi* of coffee were ex(sorted from I 1 Kr.da eion*- an| fh# rested of this j > er i produ- non will tie even greater. —Cattlemen in the v ini?y of Klmbad. D, ar; much exercised over ot attle which have teen grazing In fields of cornstalk- Nearly every cattle raiser ha# lost from one to twenty he id. ami ex amination of the stomachs of the dew i animals shows no unusual con lit lons Sometime* a steer will drop d<* almost immediately after being turned n amor.# U© stalks Several animals m y thus l>.* loot, yet when the her*i is turn •! into an. oth* r field of stalks cioar by no evil re -;iH may show ihefnsdv> s —Owing to the high price of currstu? taeir Use In pium pudulr.g and mince id- Will he greatly natrlcted during th* holt lay* The crop, the growth of which is --onfined to Greece and h. lonian Isl ands. Is a partial failure thi~ iut owing to the attacks f mildew The only kn ,v specific' forth!* blight is sulpha!, of cop- < |ier. ari.i on accoun! of the ■ 1 .j of the copper from which It I* mad. the ! |iuor*-r growers of currants are nr able ro ! purchase the sulphate. The prl • of the fruit has Increased by leap* and hound until to-dxy It is five times greater thn at this time last year —The question a to whether the off spring of deaf iK-rsons ure likely to he bwf tin been carefully Investigated r< etttly by Prof. K* 1 1 fit A Fay. and on importer' morograph on Ihe subject ha* ■ beer, published hy the Volta Bureau cf 1 Boston Prof Fjy his consider**! care- ' fully rhe data nfford**! by statistics of over ( Wi marriage* of dfaf peoph in the fnlted fitun and ha* research looV—l upon as th- most conclusive proof > •nlyanci*! thj> there i* no Inheritance of acquired rhar.ieiers, so fur it h ast a * tne | It t erit ince of ,1. afn* -* |* cot; err -d l*i f Fay shows that If th- deaf people w jo marry *l-' not have *I. a f relativ*-s the marrfkge la no more likely to result in and. af children thin the marriage of ordi nary people, while tin marriagi- of hea;- ing i- reons with and. ,if relative* ! J u i I* llk.-iy to result in and. .if children an marriage of the deaf. -The observatory at Manila which has been maintained for a numtier of years ind ha been of great service tn the m v-stlgatlon of li* il m- t.-rologt al phe t.omenu. has published recently ,i nie.rt by P. Jose Coronas on the- earthnaak. .- for the year 1X37 In th. Philippine isian.L Thls ]*articular year was vnarkeij by m i nusually largo nuinlier of th* -*- disturb ances. and no less ih.n shocks ~n- re. corded. The entire a:eh petagn was affect. i*i to ,r greater or lesser extent, though only five shocks were experlrn -e.| Iti M n- I'.oro. I araqua. and th* central par .f Luxon. In the northeast of Bamar on the other hand, there wire more than on* hundred shocks, many of which vv. r.- oflen destructive. A number of the ejrt.i quakes arc discussed in detail, a-el it |- Stated that four of the h*s k* were re corded at distant places. Instruments at Wild* and Edinburgh, more than Rfi miles away, Indicating the dlsturharc* - The mean velocities of the two principal earthquakes st Zamboanga are given at 5.7 and R.l kilometer* per second along the surface. —A high-speed locomotive which ha* been shown at the Tarls Exposition lui* attracted considerable i Item lon from the press It was constructed on somewhat novel lines, and was design-d to draw heavy trains at high speed. It If quMc striking tn appearance, as the call for the engineer I* 'dared on a plat -4 forward trucks The fl reman is placed hi the usual station behind the l> filer, an I I* In communication with the engine-r through tubes and signal bells Tho ho ler I* quite large, with a low stack, while * locomotive proper. The driving wheel*, of which there are two sets, have the ex treme hlght of R fe.-t 2 4 Inche und the * ylltulhr* are j> by :7’i Inche*. Tn. etigir l designed to draw trains fror.i MO to 220 ten- si a speed of ab*ut i". tnlles per hour, and is expected to develop about 2,000 hotse-power. Although ro rec ords of actual tests have a* yet been pub lished. the locomotive has been pra s*| by engineer* for Its novel and Ingenious construction, as well as Its striking orig inality. —With the Increased demand for gutta percha for submarine cables and other electrical work as weil as for golf-baits, the present sources of supply have been severely taxed, and In many instances a diminished yield has ensued. The qu*v lion of flnikng a substitute for this dm (•rial has been engrossing the attention of many chemist* and botanists, and numerous expenments and exploration* have heeti made with this object In view, i *n# of the most recent discoveriiw in this I Held le lately repirted from Zantlbar i where a tree has been found which fur < rushes a sap or fluid that coagulates when : l: is p.a'cd tn lioiilng water, sod forms a | substance closely resembling guttapercha. : Tne tree I* found at I>ung3. and when , uppeil with a knife th* sap rxuiles in ! the form of a white liquid which coagu late* when pUiced In water. Tnls mate rial ivnen cool become* very hard, hut - While cooling it a, plastic and can be moulded mto any desired shape. The j tree has a fruit which resembles a peace , in shape, hul Is shout as large as a small melon. The new material Is being thor Highly tested by experts, and While U Is mat thought loot it Will prove equal to gutlaperchs. It a> lmp,d ,hal It can i* employed for many of the purjkfses f.. r , which that article le now u*ed In such j an event |t will become an article of j commerce, as it abounds tn Zanxlbor and | can he produced at small expenao. Ocean SieamsniD Ga —FOR— WewYork, Boston -AND- Ut THE EAST. I Fur (> -<..! cabin accx>mmo>Jatlon& A the cuoiiorts ot h mo.lvm iiotei. E.:tfij Il(M* li ' Xctl.wl table. Ti ni.jls ana turth# alMorJ ship. Passenger Pares irum Sitaanii TO NEW YORK-FIRST CABIN, E)l FIRST CABIN ROI’ND TRI! , E-. IN* TEKV.EDIATE CABIN. Hi. INTERM t'— l'. ATI. CABIN ROL’ND TRIP, U- •, STEERAGE. *lO. To BOSTON—FIRST CABIN, 133; I IRSi CABIN ROLND TRIP. *3- I'*. TEBMKDIATK CABIN. 117 INTERM! * Ii vri; CABIN ROLND TRIP. ]3t ; STEERAGE, 111.75 Tic rxprrw* s!camhip* of this Hn xr aprvJlntc I to rail from Savannah. Crutra (I*th) rn. ri.lian time as follows: O.IVAWAII Til HEW YORK. CITY" OF ALQLBTA, CapE D TLEBDAT, Dec. 4. J.a> p. m. NA.-.c JIEK. C.t|,t Smith. Tilt RS* DA V, lie 4:30 (e m. KANSAS CITY. C.ipt Flatter. BATI R. DAY, Dec. S. 600 p riv CITY Oh BIKMINGHAM. Capt. Br, MONDAY', Dc. 10. S:o p. m. TAi.I.AIIASSEE. k'apt. Askine, DAY. I>.. . 11. s.OO r- tit CITY OF ALGI'STA. Capt. Diso'tt. > . I*. 13, 00 a. m N'A'OO.'HEI, Copt. Smith. SATLR. DAY lie.- IS. u. 30 a m. KANSAS CITY. Capt Fieher, TUESDAY, I>. 1. 3:00 p ni. TA LI. AHASS K K <'ipt Aekin*. THt.'R. DAY’ I>. J. 30 |> m CITV OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Bent, FRIDAY. n< 31. 300 p. m CITY OF ALGLBTA. Capt. Da*-l, SATURDAY. Dec. 3. 500 p m NUTKICHEE. Copt. Smith. TUESDAY, Dec 1". 7:30 p m. KANSAS CITY. Cars Fisher. THLR* DAY. Dec 77. #:*) p m TALI* A HASSLE. Capt. A,kins. SATUR DAY', l>ec , 1! 00 p. m NOTICE— St* imet.lp City of Blrminw ham wil not carry passengers Steamship CITY OF MACON. Cepr. Savage, will ply between New York arid Boston on the following schedule LEAVE NEW YORK FOR BOSTON (from Fl-r North river, at 12:00 noon) I>.-c 7, 12. 17. 21. A a. LEAVE BOSTON FOR NEW YORK (from Lew* wnarf, a! 12:0b r.oon) Now. 9* nro. 0. lb. 14. 1 24. at. This company r*werve* the right • chang* If aiilnga without nwy* and wMhout liability or accountability there for Sailing* New York for Ravarnah Tues days, Thursdays and Saturday# spm tY (J HHEWER, illy Tsket and Pas senger Agent. 107 Bull street. Savanna Ga K. W SMITH. Contracting Freight Agent Sovannah, Ga, H G. TItKZ EV A NT. Agent, Savannah, G i WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent Trsffi Department, 221 W. Bsy street, Ja ksnnvllle Fla W If PLEASANTS. General Fre.eM sr.d P i- '-ngi-r Agent. New Pier S, Nor'k River N*-w V. rk N Y F F. LEFF.VRE. Manager, New P".r 31. North river. New Y**rk. N. Y. Mefcftgnis S Miners IrDnsporlotion Go Steamship Lin es To Baltimore & Philadelphia Tickets on Sale to All Point# North ard West. Firet-cias* ticket* Include mee’.s tertha Savdniitih to iiaiticnori' etui Fh;.e* d* pm i /No otnmodations *nd cuUlne tihecjuali tl The !- imkhlpe of ihie cofnpeny er# !..t \ to s.i ! from .Savannah • follow* (Cntrel Standard Time) TO MAIaTIMOHJC. Cfl ATI IA M. rapt. Jame*. TTTESPAT, T 1 4 4 p fl! Ti: v . AS. ’opt EHdrele, THURSDAY, Dff ft a p m I )| MII.LKH. rapt. Pctwr*. SATUU* DAY. Dec R, 7 p. Rl. ITASr'A. I'ipt lliliups. TFF2BDAY'. Deft 11, 10 a. m 1U Fill I, A DEI. PH IA, ALLEGHANY. Capt. Foster, TUESDAY, Dec 4. 4 p m BERKSHIRE. Capl. Ryan. SATURDAY, ; I ! : m. ALLF.'IHANY. Gant. Foster, WKDNE3- DAY. I*•* . 12, 9 p m. T cket Office No 112 Bull street. J. J. CAItOLAN. Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav. Agt Savannah. Ga, W P TURNER, a. P A A D STEBRINS. A. T M J C WHITNEY. Traffic Manager. General Offices Baltimore, Md. for the last IT years has boon a trifle over |7<i> per your. It i THE BEST and the .argesi a *• | deni Insurance corporation for Commer | * ial Traveler: In the work'. W’e hav*' a membership of over 21.5. We have a re s' V. • 11-I *.f .V. • 114.*W1 N*> * ommr traveler can ifford to be without the prO- I lection we give him Write the Secretary, •vho will cheerfully give all Info m l'"* 1 II D FINLEY. EDWARD THEVETT, President. Bee. 4k Tress. | ABBOTT’S ’ EAST INDIAN lorn Paint t Cures Cera*. Bunion# and Wane . Speediljr and Without fata. t run siu it iu Dnuwsn LIPPWAN BROTHERS, * Wholesale Druggists. w Ulppman's Bloch, Bavaaaah. Os.