The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 03, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 orrici a. CITY GOVERNMENT. offhial PHo( F,friNb or <oi %- i it.. Savannah G. Nov 21. I9ft --The regu lar meeting of Council * an held this even ing M and o'clock PrOfnl, th* Hon Her man Myers. Nlmvot, AliWiMn Gearge \V. T va.-e chairman of ('out* t). n in Alinen Hchwati Horn g a iMill* Thorn* '. Jarrell. Doylt, Bacon. Hai and Dlion Minute*- of meeting of Nov 14. IM9. were upon moimti unfit mod a* published. REPORT* OK rOMMITTKEB. Oly of S.iviuniiMi, Nov 2S lfOQi—The Coßiini i r A'ltiurn* report that they have •tanuiM-*! and found orraot I*lll/ •ifralm th- <*liy amounting to sixteen th -;! i two hundred ntvl cifhty-ono dollar and twenty-five cents, n* per ac companying •rhaduli, and recommend that th* >/ine be passed for payment (too. J. Mill*. rj; .rmin Committee on Aitountu 514.3 M 25. V(ep*-rt received nnd account* passed f>r piymert Herman Myers M-iyor. Board of Health — 'lfirrr* and employe* $1,157 fio Time of hard** 7 Oft T me o' hand* ft <■*— 1,170 to < ’rematorles—■ Turn of hard* IIW V city Clocks— Them* Bros. p) V Dry Culture— -I*eo Frank 1 3ft 1 dion. Mitchell A Cos Ift W Time of hand* HO 77 Time of hand* 2*7 37 395 71 tHupcnaary— rolunuiia Drug Cos .$ 214 M Rotorooue Cos 75 Mutual irae Light Cos 7 (W Officer* and * np.M\e* 1C 'ft The < Mil lie Ire Mfg. Cos.. 3 3> L pptnan Urox 41 '-9 K Hollo well 1 'ft K. M link* r 1 ft) Bout ham Hell TAT Cos. 17 ft - 4*l 9* Fir* Uniforms— 1* Stelnh * h $5 00 Hoepltala— Bt. Joseph'* Infirmary $ .Vft ftft Bavamiati Hospital ........ 200 00 Georg** Infirmary ... 900 00—9 9CO to Harbor and Wharves— Wmia in Armatagf —$ .Vft (ft House Drainage (City)— Patrt k Farrell —| 14 to It- denial/ 34rv Annl* Mcfkay $ 12 ftft laurn Grove Cemetery— Time of tiand* Market- Chao A Co* $ SI 45 A & Ha* on ft ftft A A Bacon 3 f/—s 47 jr, Paving*— E. I/ovel) $ n Attgue.a (V Q Cos. . . 417 19 Tune of batata A*, h-$ 714 9$ r.irk/ and Squares— Tim* of linn la yfj jy* Police— . Tame/ F Furlong 3 1.5 Georg* J I< itthetmemr ... ft 75 T T W rig tut ft 35 r iv wright ii T A M- or*- "j) 14 H. Clements 11,35 TV*-, tern I’nkn Telegraph Company *42 W. K Ward 3 P Barrett 1 25 Mutual ( to# lAght (\> ... 14 7“ Collins. Gray non A Cos lArt 19 Fred B*'h wars .** *3— yj Poll * Fnlfo'm* aal Overcoats— I'a’.k Clothing Cos. $ )ft2 ftft Garfu-ke A Ann 2L5 30— 447 to f*usll Buildings— Mutual (la* IJght <V> $ Ijc T\ AH H La-ttlmore 24 7ft Mutual Ga* laght Cos 4 34 Mutual Gas Light Cos.. *4 Kdleoti Electric Illumi nating Company 475 y, 4* Plumbing Inspector— y VV t'ampo* $ Rm A 8 I (aeon a Son 5J fiO Thomas West ACo 275 go 25 printing uni Stationery— Wii N. Nichols $ ;► Wm N Nichole 545 Braid A lluttor 29 n> M 8 A I> A Byck 1 OR If J A meat, Jr . Mgr ... v 35 4* N. Stem gno Oliver S Nichols 2 00— 49 55 Salaries— J .him L RankAn f l*ft ftft Jonathan Stern 20 ftft Offleem and employes .... 2 9A— 3.229 9^ Benvenpet 1 ej*rtmeni— < C. tß*et*e $ |i Wm Taylor 4h 4*> A Hanley Company ft fo K. Lovell's Sons 2 Cohen-Kutman C. A W. Cos .... 11 m Tme of hand* <97 ggg eg Worm Sewers— Pha’hinaM'ht * Hriok Cos 102 no Sink Department <E. o M. n|Mrlmrnn J E Fulton ft Ron,agents.S ft tu J firry M Clarke hi H E Deaverny 2 7U A R I'ulford 540 Mrn S J I'adv 5 to— 22 SO Street* and larw Cliettahot*'het S Cos ... $ 102 on V C. Pwcrttl A Sin .... Tji Tho* Houlihan *7 01 Oeorgla A Alabama Ry.. Mtt) Vn Tutor • t A Hanley Cos IS ]i> .' .\l I 'mi .V- 'to I|9 Dixon. Mitchell A "*o p* 7; II J Arnett, Jr.. Mgr ... TB !.ovoir* Son* 23 M r- It Thom.i * A Son 1! 20 Oohen-Kulman C. A W. Cos 35 97 1 • r 1 nkt si Savannah Foundry M.Co. 2 11 Augus ’ a CVmcrvt (1 Cos 332 ftft •rune o' lian I* 1,331 90 Time of hand* IS 7a Sidewalk*- Cnnttalncehoe n. Cos 272 00 John McGrath 19 w 1> T Elliott II J, T. l.lllott 12 98 (It'll. 1/llHltlil 12 01 John McGrath 17 91 Georgia K. A Cut Stone C\> I3 7t> l lant SvtHi m f Ry 112 91 T one of hand* 137.99 1.350 Vi Taxer, 1900— \V O A- R. C. Harrison 1 87 SO J. r. Him ry <* Ixatgan A Shcfxull 2 90 !tltne> llroa 4 98 Oeo. W. Owen*, attorney lor H. Taylor 6 00 — 85 6u Waterworks— l*ii) roll, Nov. 19CA 11..V11 10 J.t*. M. EH on A Cos 17 57 Bond, Han troll 17179 ftotal, llanUon A Cos IT* 75- 2,0X1 27 Water Work* Extension— Central ot 17a. Ry. Cos., 110 70 l*.mt Syrtem of Ry* 2 Richard Fogarty 17 70 J l>. Weed A Cos 17 2* bhldniY iy Shell Road O).. 11 90 Time of hand* f V. B. C. 1. Pl|* A Fdy Cos. 927 87— I.l** IS Total *l.! 2S The Committee ol the Whole, to ahlcn u retetrid the following appliceilon* to retail liquor, beg to report favorably thereto. Herman Myer*. Chairmen Committee of the Whole. Adopted. Abram*. M. I> —No 42 Bull etreet. Beckmann George—No. 112 Whitaker •reel. Cottir.glam John—(toutheast corner Drayton *nl Broughton rtreet*. Cotln.g in. Join—No 20* Kroughtot. street, w> ■ err Jo n -Corner Habersham nd Bay street* I"'-* 1 II 1. N*irthenxt corner Stew ari nr.d Wi . n etrectr, lh gnatt. lman,. No. 619 Indian *treet r Dirks, A J No. :i'tj Whitaker atreel, ■ Girftken Herman H Tvnrthwest corner f and I'rlce etreet*. OFKKUAL. Graham. C. F— Pula/ki lloue. Bull I street. Mick*. It. M.-Ne 23 Congre-* street 1 west 11 timer John II —Northwest corner I Jonea **! Hii*en*tm street*. K.ugman A -No. kT7 81m** stree* Duos. John F.— Laberty snd Habersham streets. Mrnoef. Carl—No. ftft** Liberty street, east. McCormick. William—No 425 s t r ret. M Bride. T F Nr 525 Ray street, east O'Keefe. James Mgr .Southwest cor* r •' *' ••••}. ** • I l ’ . g •* ■1 • ■ Bullivan, John—No 15 congress afreet, weal. buihv m. John J —No 30 Bryan at reel, east. Travers. B —Nr 34 Bull street, Hcreven 1 i'M*t Wat eon and Pow ers—Do Boto Hoto*. Lib erty street, ca-o W tuft-, Jont T —Corner Oglethorp*- ove mi*' aid liou/ton tr*ets. Th* Committr- of the Whole, to wnlch *v referr/ri the appil'Mtloo of Mrs It W Cunninghtm for permission to transfer her liquor license frm the corner of Toy* .or and Hast Broad street-* to No. 437 s ms streel, teg to report favorably there lo. Herman Myers, chairman Committee f th* Whole. Vdopted. The Committee of the Whole, to whl *h wm* referred the p< tit ton of M 8 Gard ner H-kitig perm.sslon to transfer hi areef groery license from tie corner of 1 Whitaker am) VV yne streets to the south west corner of Whitaker anl Jones stre*' *ane. tx*g to report favorably thereto Herman Myers. Chairman Committee of the Wnole Adopted The Committee on Finance, to which w- referred the petition of Mrs. O I) Pa lei representing tho Womans Home Missionary S<* ety .*nl s iperlntenderw of rhelr Haven H*>mg prof>rrty. asking ,1 re- in whole or in part of . bill of $27“ 14 for laying .1 brh k pavement or sidewalk in front of th* II iven H*me property, lag to recommend n dor.ntum of slftft.oo, the "•me to lie nppli* 1 to th** credit of the bill of $27“ 14 Geo VV. Tledeman Chau man t'omniMtee on Finance. Adopted The *'ommlttee on Finance, to which .** refetrel the p *tit on of O Connor. O’Byrne a llarirllge. attorneys for Marv J Carney. de|rlng to make lot No 21 ''olumhiii ward. f-e simple and asking the usual dis ount of Ift |*er cent. b*g to rejiorf favorably to same Georg** W. Tledematv t hair man Finance *’ommlttee. Adopted / The .luln: ("ommlttee on Public ffeaPh and Finance, t*. which was taferrel th** petition of John M**txg r asking the refunding of $7 paid fr ean ng an I filling | Ay vault at premises No 17 N jrh Oglethorpe ward, sewer connections ' having la.n made, beg to report favora- I bly thereto ' J G Jarrell. Fhaliman Joint Committee. \do|te*l The Joint (’omittee n Public Health and Finance, to which was referresl .he ; p*-til.on of Adele E Jones, asking that j she is* refunded the amount of $24 paid Into fit* <*ity tre.sury for cleaning and filling privy vaults at I t A Mldd e Ogle thorpe want, sewer connections hav ng r*en m.*le beg t.> re|wrt favorably to J. G. Jarrell Chairman Joint (’ommlttee. Adopted. Tne Joint Committee on Pu* lie Health sud Finance, to which wa* referred the pet Mon of Taicy Win*, also estate F Mlrault askic.g Council t refun.l the sum of $3 ea h paid for rl.xinlng and till - Ins' up prlw vault at No 52 White wanl and No Trf* Ifsnry street, etar. "ewer enn n* (tons having been mnd*-. l • to report favorably thereto. J G Jarrell ( hairman Joint ( ommlttee. Adopted. 1 .bint Committee on Public llealh and Finance, to which was referred th** l-ctifion f Susan M 8 **tt and children, -•-king the refunding of $2 To for clean ing end filling privy vault at 510 Taylor treet. east, sewer connexion* having been made, beg to re|ort favorably there to J G Jarrell, Chairman Joint Committee Adopt**! The Joint Committee on Public Health and Finance, to which was referred the petition of c 11 Ripple, asking the re funding of $' (ft for cleaning and filling privy vault at premise* No *l7 Duff> p'.ee* west m g to re|K>rt favorably there to. J G Jarrell. Cnolrman Joint Committee. Adopted. The ( ommlttee on Public Henlth. to which w.,s referre*! tin* tetition of H K T>e.*-on. asking permission to transfer lot No 2249 Laurel Grove (Ym"ery to Mr* fxndse F. E. Dre. son. beg t> r p ft fa vorahly thereto. J O Jarrell Chairman Joint Comtrdttee. Adopted. The Lfint (’ommlttee on Public Health Slid Finance, to which was referred the in tit lon of the estate I Mlriult, asking th,* reftmdlrx of $.! n* for cleaning an*l filing sink <t 514 Henry -treet. east, beg to rc*'r( favorably to warn*' J G. Jarrell, Chairman Joint Committee. Adopted. the Committee on Fire, to which was ref*‘rr**d the petPlon of T M Cunning ham. executor i-.-'at* J Waldburg, aklny !•■! mission to erect one pen she<l on lot N 9 west of Bell street, wharf tot. *eg to report favorably thereon, w th the pro vision that the loof lc c vered with ap croved comiosMlcn roofing or tin. 1 Isaac O llm. 4’halrman Fire Committ **. Adopt, and PETITIONS AND APPLICATIONS The following application* to retail ll nuor (or the Vr I*H **’ r. ir-.l to li,- ,'ommltt*r of U'<- Whole Vnth i-on Jo, N S9 Haiololph V„g||„. Th.*.. No 1M ryan ircM. " \l.<*l, Chß* . fouthr ml corner Ua> on.l Abcreorn streets. Bcwan. J O , orner Bull and Beat JuiWnhoop. J II No oO W>t Broad stfeet. Hohn II N No 3S Ka,t Broad street. Connery. C P.. No ll Bi Julian Krort, west Innmark. J M No l(T Firm -ir—i in. Ik,. \V C A No. 331 WhUakrr I street. IXivle. M .1 . Mark*. S.inaro I>, r 1 Goo ,7* Wf,L nirrot in, i,. Wm north, T-. cornor IJh-rly irnl W t >t Miral* Kntrlmin. A II . No. 7IS Eaat Hro.l j ,trt pt, ornt-r Gwlnnril. Kleholr, K. norlhwi',t corner Liberty | ..r.. t lane and Kal Broad ,trre Inohol*. Sr I Ik. No. I*ls Cemetery -Ireel. orneO Waklbura -lr .am tjinv, . W c . noiihwt'-t corner Barnard und l;r.wtn .trrets, a. N* 11. No I3> Broughton atreel * UN l tlnltna. J. A . No. 9 Drayton treet. I'.ifTkin. Harmon H . No. .22 llroneh ton street. p|S llrlmken. J 11.. noitth. t corner l.lh ert> and Whlluk< r ,treet. liatt. Kruncl,. No. II JefTeriwjn atreet., J K . No PrealJent Mreet llermanti A Berenihlrr. No. 1. Barnard .tree. Klene, Herman. No. 131 Bryan *tre(, w. ,t Kelly, A T.. Bay lane near Bull atreet Lyon,. John A Cos.. northea,t corner Brouglwon and Whitaker atreet,. lanr. N,, No. 15 Broughton atreet. eaat. Ixvort. Chit H . No. 11l Cottgrea. a rret, wr,t. Melneke, P. A.. No 5*3 Bryan atreet. .t'U. M inning. P.. No. 13 Bay .treet, eaat Morrlaon. Sarah. No ‘O9 Oge I thorpe .ivenue- esi.t. M. yer. J K.. No. s*l Htm, atreet. MeAloln. T K.. No. 3* I’rlee atreea. Nell, utto W., No. *u Broughton atreet. weov I HE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1000. OFfTCIAL. Ohslek Chas . southeast corner Ogle thorpe avenue and Reynolds street Ohslek. John, northeast corner Hay and West flroart streeis Peters. Fred northeast comer Bur roughs and Park avenue Reilly. L . 12K Bryan stress, west lioentseh, Martin A Cos.. 23ft Broughton street, west Hegcpoualoe. A. C. A Cos., 211 Bryan street, west. Rehm L. C.. northeast corner Jefferson wnd Alice street?. Itepke. John No 229 Drayton street. Rocker. J W A Rro., southwess cor ner West Broad ami Jone* streets. Raskin. 8 corner West Broad and Gwinnett street*. Sampson, IV. .VC Rrvan street, west Schwarz. Geo.. 317 Congress street. we*f Htetnman Bros., No. 44 West Broad •trees Steffen, llarty, East Broa*l and Ogle* thorpe avenue Schwarz, Geo C . corner Congresa ai. l Whitaker trect. Behnaara, H J . No 401 Wilson street. Belnjlters, G , So lift Pr.ce e*r* r Scherer. J H . 127 West Broad street Stabnvr. John. No. 524 Bryan street, west Toussalnt. Chas. No. 502 Oglefthorpc liemif. east Tlenken. k’red J., No ttt Liberty street. east. Verukl. Ell. No 42 Barnard street \ oilers. Wm . southeast corner Taylor etid W-m Broad streets Weitz. B . northweat corner East Broad md ll.irrls street*. Williams A Grice. No 34ft Weat Broad street. Petition of Frank Grover, fnsiiector for marine underwriters protesting against the rc(eaiing or amending of the ordi nance providing for th- placing of m<n r k arresters on the funnels of smoke*ta k upor. vessels In the river also attaching copies of similnr >rdlnanc#s in force in the principal cotton jK>rts on the Gtilf # Aae read mid refaried to the t’ommtUee of the Whole. Petition of Jas. M Barnard. Jr., chair mat. River and Harbor t*mmittre of the Sjivonr.ah t’oiton Kkchange. protesting against the rei>eal of the city onllnance requiring tug boat* to use spark-aie tors while in the harimr of Savannah. p**tl. tloners ronsUlerlng this one of th** great 'M safeguanls against fire in the cotton on ih** dock** and alongside the shipping in the port, was rei| .in*l referred to the C’ommllee of the Whole Petition of 17 <\ Way. announcing the death of e-Flremnn J II G.v. which occmrcd Nov 19. I9s>. and asking that tl>e amount of SSO per month paid to Mr Gay by the city prior to his death, be continued to hts wife and children, during ihe present admlnlat ration and further asking that the city pay the burial ex~ j raises of Mr Gay amounting to S3O. was and referred to the Committee of th* Whole. Petition of M V Faina, secretary and trra*>uier Pilots' A*cr atlon, concurred in by Jas M Barnard. Jr . chairman Com ml*ak ner* of Pilotage, asking the jvissng. of leg elation in the Interest >f commerce and the comfort of cltiaene regulating i trie use of whistles and sirens in th* port of Savann.ih. was reed and referred to the Committee of the Whole I'etytton of Mr, ItcLert M Glbbea. prea t-1.-nt of the Klng'a Datightera I'nlon atate, that they have quite a number of i hlldren confided to their tare ttvat would rtheiwtoe be a charge upon the nubl'c that they are under an eanenee of J.V per month for houae rent In the care of 'h-m. and aekltig Council to d'in,e a monthly aum toward, the aur-lmrt and mairtenanre of thla charity, waa rcatl n*l r> lerretl to the C immlttre of the Whole. I’etltion of Ja. M Barnanl. Jr . roni ml.atoner of pilotage, auhmlttlng the fol lowing rule, adopt*d by the l>ord. and t-klng the approval of came, waa rcud and referred to the Commute* of the Whole: Pilot* In taking ateumera out of "allp." aball atatkm a mttn at the end of the pier to ace that the river ih clear, and when ao Informed may atari hi* *hlp and a* the *ame time ahall give otic long con tlnuott, hla*t of the wh'atlo until he en ter* the river." “Ma-ter* of*. when leaving i "•lip." aball conform to the above rule, excepting that they will not be required to station a mini at th* end of the pier utile** they have a veaeel In tow. Petition of K D. White & Cos say* that they are about to commence *he manu facturing of the celebrated elartlc roof ami boiler paint, and aaklng that Counc'l Ox a Hcenne for the remainder of the year, a* the ta* ordinance fail* to provide for any aiw.-tflc license for the la,* of bu*tnea*. waa rend nnd referred to the Commute# on Pina nee Petition of It A Vlnarakl. a*king to be relieved front a tine of til on lni|c*rd uie on h m In the roltce Court, for falling to tnke out a lteenac for doing bualneo* dur ing the year 18n0 a* a shoemaker, wa re id and referred o the Committee on Finance. Petition of Wm J. Mleeally. Jr. naklng to !• relieved from Ihe payment of n bill of M 1.70 for laying curb on Thlrty-aecond .treet In front of lot* 73 2*. 19. and 33. Itcppard ward, the property of Joeeph ltoaenhetm. prtltloner claiming no nuthor liy bn* Item given for doing the work and further a,king |w*rmt,*lon *n be heard upon the petition, waa read and referred to the Committee on Finance nnd Street* and Lane*. Petition of S. llyman. atatlng that he wa* run Into and knocked down by the police paarol wagon on the evening of Nov 3. while crowing Bull atreet. near Broughton, thereby belrg Injured, and of f. rring for the consider*(ton of tui to to waive al! claim* against the city for dam age* for Injuries received, w t* read and referred to thp Police t 'ommlttee. ivtltlon of ,undry merchant* doing hu*l r\e* on St Julian atreet weat of the cltv market, aaklng the paving of the raid atreet between Jefferaon and Montgomery with vitrified brick or other 'iltable ma ter|.| wa* read and referred to the Com mittee on Street* and lame* Petition of O Kultnan. pro.(.lent Antl seiit,- Broom Company, and other- a-k- Ing that an electric light he nl iced at the corner of Weat Broad and Williamson •treet*. w.i* read ard referred to th Committee on Street* and l.ane* Petition of the Pvrk and Tree I'emnilt *ton and the military commander* nk- Ing that the Park Kxten-lon !*• thorough ly plowed, harrowe.l and rolled a* soon ~* I*>,,|t)le. In order to plaee P. In fitting and proper condition fot |utr\de purp-ae* wa* read and referred to the Committee on Street* nnd lanw Petition of K Rheftall P Krouakoff and other projH-rt.v owners, repreoentln* l.'f" lot* In ihe MMltheaotern |*irt of Savan nah. and a-klng that the ditch running from llalteraham -triet. mil to Water* road, between Klghth and Ninth ,treet*. he covered and ,• werage i>l|-, lal 1 It* present condition being a nul-ancc and a menace to the public health of that lo alltv a* read and referred to the Joint committer on Street* and Lane* and Drainage. petition of B I> Ho*enh-ook. asking p rmla-lon to httlld three pnvy vaults on lot*. D. K, F. Law ward, iietltloncr tv make sewer connrclton to the new hou*‘ sewerage system a* -ooti a* availabb. waa read nnd referrerl to the Commute, on Public Health Petition of Richard Waring, for per m'aslon to dig privy vault at the corne of Ninth and Hardee atre-t* w a re and and referred to the Committee on I’uMl Health. pvtltlon of Tho* llenderon Set a# Grove Cemetery to Edward T Mahanev, •V I* read and referrel to tho Committe on Public Health. Petition* of Mr, M K Houlihan an I Mr*. Catherine Otto, naklng the refund mg of (to each paid for cleaning and filling up sink- at No Heppard win nil No. To Mercer ward waa read and referred to the Joint Committee cn Public Health and Finance Pet It ten of Wm. M. Wallace, asking to be reUvved from the payment of bill of orrinA!*. $4 for cleaning privy vault at No 2 Bar tow ward was read and referred to the Joint committee on Public Health and Finance petition of J. (i Butler, a-ktng to be refill*), and the sum of F *; paid tor clean ing and filling pnvy vaults on south of lot 3 Barry ward. read and referr ed to the Joint Commute*- on Public Health and Finance ORDINANCES On Ms first By the Ftnanc* Committee An ordinance to mwss aid levy taxes and raise revenue tor ihe city of Savan •< ' k of hustl e** In the corporate ard juried c ttonal llmtio c*f s• 4* % flsSi i • • for the v'.oU'lonof * revenue otdlnar *■* of si and itv and for purpo.** • coil nec'**d with taxes and revenue *-f said city. Setdlon The Mayor and Aldermen of th* * tty of Savannah, m Council s -s*-ii.bled, *io hereby mri.itn That from and after the first day of January, 19ul. the in ha 4tar*ts of /a.J corporate and Jurlsd <•- ttoi l . nilta <>' um iv and thoae who ♦o and ixsbla property withia tha nme and those who transact or offer to transact, bueineiw therein except such is are ex empi from taxation by law. shall pay t'* ward the supimit of tle government of slid city, and for th*- safely, is nefii. con venience and advantage of said city, tha taxes hereinafter prescribed. He 2 Kvry .*n I cotrporailon owning real property ;n sakl city. Includ ing ImpfoV* rv4 nts. shall |'ay tax t*> be *- .-He. and hv Council upon the value of e il l property by the first day of April. 19"1 at the rate of ler centum upon the value there of. except on such |*opert> a* may l*e ex emp* fr*>m taxation under the laws of this state. gee 3. Every p*r*on and corporation owning or holding in trust or consignment household, kitchen or office furn Pure, prlv nle or prafeeftonal libraries, watches Jew elry, plate, njusi at Instr ;menls. hl’.Hard table* In private residences, stocks in money corporations, bonds, notes, or other evidences of debt, money solvent deb*** stock In trade, and every otlnr kind of personal property whatsoever, shall pay a tax at t lk* rate of per centum on the value of such p#T* property wuatso*ver owned or held on the first day of January. 1901. and If any person or partnership sha’.l en gage in business as . wholesale or retail dealer in goods, wares or merchandise of any des rlptlon whais*ev#r after the first day of January. I>l they shall pay h tax on the value of such good* and merchan dise las they may he |*.*#*ned of on ihe day of the da'e of th* ir beginning business in said city), which tax shall of Svich proportion of said tax is the 11 said year shall bear to the who> year, ex cept such as may be exempt fro*n taxa tion b> th* laws of thts state or of the Friled States. Sec I Every shipmaster, captain. Ml- : percergo. agent or other officer of any ves or other I- r*on • w vo shall charter or offer to Charter hi* vessel, or who shall sell goods or orllrle* of nny kln.l from anv vessel or wharf, personally purchase cargo or collect ftelght, except through a ll censed broker or cominl**lon merchant shall he considered a commission mer chant and pay the tax hereinafter pre scribed for commission merchant*. Se 5 Every |>er*on transacting, or of- : ferlr.g to tt.n' act any of Ihe kind* of : SuallH-a* hnelnaftcr ope • I lied lwhetli*r in wlllt any other baaloeae cr not) shall pa> the tag hereinafter pr - , rtbed fo every *<p.irale place In which he shall transact or offer tv* transact bus iness. vlr.: AuctioncM* (doing a general auctbin bti.tne.,) nnd commission merchant or j auctioneer (doing a general auction bunl nm) nn. broker, two hundred dollar* Dealer* In good*, wares and marchan di-r Inchtdlng .iealer* tn drugs, etc (In : addition to l-quor tax or license), sa fol- | lows; Dealers exclusively retail except those conducting a department store, thirty Uol ' 'l* tier* conducting • department More, one hundre-l dollars. Dealers exclusively wholesale, or rel.vll dealer- selling at wholesale, one hundred dollars; those conducting departm nt stole* in t > event paving a ama I-r tax than that provided for In tha preceding i >h. 1 tr.,lf rn in liqti*r fioinc wholosftto W |n. *.w tn'o )<un.rcJ fiollurs. Bnikftrs in liquor, two hunfirM dollar*. B,nk or bank ;Knt or agfflU *f tonk ara rngnxftd ft buying or srlllnß axchinc* Inc lullin'-; rvtry ici?on or company Jumi , in nine** fifty dollar-; cv**ry fink wltnoui a mvliucs department mi tached. Ir,*; evi ry bank w lih a eavlnss depari ment attached. *eventy*flvc dollars. Every t .*•-**, firm or rorporadon. otha* th;in those jKiylnx tin- license just m-n --tion*l reqifrled of bank*, nnd bunker* bu> hk and -elllnx exchange, fifty dollar*. Colton lucker or broker* or d< alcra In bond* and real estate, and every produce, grocery, aixl naval store* broker, nnd every resident agent r.presen*fng i.oti-r* s.dent dealer*, merchant* in<l vnin ufayturcr . exclusive of brokers In liquor*, seventy-five dollar*. Fersonf oiler than n jviwnbroker en B.igetl In the buslne** of lending money on persona! property, three hundrnl ami fifty dollar**. Broken* or an in huxincand -elling fu tures on margin, five hundrt l dollars. Broker?• or dealers In stock-, bonds, real estate nnd live stock, with Ihe privilege of -elllng same At auction, one hundred do’.iars. Brokers who may handle or receive com la on consignment, one hundred dol lars. Bhlp broker*, one hundred dollar* Ik ders In butter, Jard and chaesa, eighty do!lnrs. Dealers In tildes, wax ami tallow, eighty doltora. Brokers engaged In the sales of horses cuttle or mules, who keep no stable* fir the s-ftle of same, one hundred dollars I>* ah rs in horses, cattle or mules, who keep no Mabfh for the s.itn**. one hundred dohar* Pawnbrokers, five hundred dollars Proprietors of *ch |*>ol room kept or mdnmlnrd in the city of 8 vannati for th*’ Mile of jkols on races, shall pay the aum of fifteen dollars per annum Build k anl lean ossoclatlon*. oe hun dred dollars. I>aii association*, doing a banking busi ness. one hundred dollars. Every fire or life Insurance company do- Ing whe?ter dlracily or through an agency, or through it l>roker. two hun dred dollars for each and every agency or broker Every aget.t or broker doing in the city of Bvannah for every fire or Ilf# insurance company which he may repr - sent In ary way, including each company io which he may business, shall pay the tax o' txxo hundred dollars In alt cases where the company does not pay th* tax Itself. Brokers doing business under the of the if Gtorgta, approttd i * 14. 194. and entitled “An act lo itrovMle for and regulate the business of insur ance brokers in thb* state, ami to autsv>r x Insurun t( be orocurel by them be yot.d ihf limits of the state upon prop erty within the state, nd f.r other pur loses, '* are expressly Includ and. th- mann ing aid Intent tielng to m*k* the an nh sml brok* rs referred to responsible umler t!• pains tm! penalttoa of ibis 01 for th |h . irt tax of tw* Hundred •!•• • larw as provided for by ordinance of the c|fy of Savannah, nuopted on the 25th day of Fcptember 1593. Every maiine. surety or other Insurance company doing business, whether directly or through an agency or through a broker of an attorney. fifty • tailor* for each <nd every agency or broker or attorney. Every such 'gem, broker or *tt w#j • ng h * I ness In the cltx of Savannah for f' sry urh company which h rt may r p'eaent in any way. sin pay a tax of fifty dol ors In af • nsr * here tie company do s •01 iay the tax f relf. and this t rovls on * a I *PIly 10 any r* it. broker *r . tt rney xxh > *oe h* sine-* f r marlm- company on u hat Is known *v.pen to ! a " l.’\ery idem Insurance comiany .!>- na I* tab ess, ah ther dbec ly or tlrui h Mi* ngancy • t through n b okar, one h n ir*d dodara for each and exery apney or broker. OKI’IHAL Fie?) t - who ♦■half he -worn by the Mav ii u - hereby auikorlaed to d -minister Ihe **alh for tu It purpose! as a pubit* w. ghar of any foodi, w ares or m- r (handDe, twenty-five * o.lars. Eveiy averag* or insurance adjuster for com pan leg for whn h he I* not the local |n*ur ll e oyent, fitly dollars, K* • |> rs or i r opr I tors of hote*a that con tain s* venty-five room* or upward, one hundred dolfars or proprietors of hotels contain ing under seventy-five looms, fifty dol lars. Sewing ma'fune agents or agencies fifty dollars, the same each and every ag• n <;>• Dealers In sewing machines, fifty dollars. In-alers In cosl. one hundred *1 >.lar*. liealers in stationery or books, filing exclusively at whol*-ale. or at retail and wholesale one hundrcl dollars R* i ail dealers in stationery or books, thirty .lullsts Oil mills, one hundred dollars Manufacturers of or dealers in fertilizers. no paying tax na n .ommi-slon merchant, one hundred dollars Owners, proprletoi*. lessee or le rep of cotton pres- establishments, thre* hundr* 1 dollars, every hand c*/ion press, twenty five dollars. Us*r. lessee or lessees of a Junk shop, or Junk dealers, three hun. dr*l dollars Cotton pi kerles. to he confine! exe'u stvely to the purchase or sale of oMon, ore hundred *1 liars; and all liner. l * of looe coicon who buy fr m oth*r* than cotton merchants, cne nui dred and a v enty do' ars. I‘r prl* iocs or owners of chiton gin es tabli-hments •ne hmdr*dd ling Every * mml slon merchant or factor, on** hun iid d-lt.r*. Every <!*aer tn pou'try nnd coun try produc* , one hundred dollars. Job work house cleaning and upholster ing. ten dollars. Dealer* in bicycle supplies and repair ers of hlcyclea. thirty dollars. Exporters of cotton.lumb*T. naval stores, or other merchandise, foreign nr coast wise. agei vor repr* *ntatlv* of firm of exporters, two hundred dollars. Stevedores, fifty do I rs I very lighterage nr river transfer. In dividual. firm or company, one hundred dollars. Proprietors or owners of lumber yards, fifty debars Dealers in brick or agents for th* sale of hr.* k. seventy-five dol.ars Dewier* In wood, thirty dollars. Keeperg of warehouses for the *b>mg* of cotton, mere hand Is* goods, etc., for each wareho’j**. thirty Jol’ar*. Proprietors or owners or keeper# of Mi llard or pool tnhles. other than ihose used In private dwellings, fifty dollars for ech tu *le. Profrletors or ow ners of ha-atelle tables, twonty-hv. dollars for e*u h table. F*ropr;cror* or owners of ten-pin alleys, thirty dol ors for i< h all* y I‘roprletors or owner'' >f saw mills or planing mills, with or without lumber >*rls attached, one hundr***) dollars and on each eah and blind factory, or agency of Mnh ami blind factory, fifty dollars On the owner or proprietor of * v/ry Mum engine used for hoisting purposes, or any other business where steam Is used, not regularly taxed ag In this ordinance stated and enumerated, twenty-five dol lars t’otton shlppe-rs. twenty-five dollars, t'otton weigh* rs. twenty-five dollam. Rhocm.Akers. ten dol lire Men haul tailors, thirty doilan* Every clrcib. with or without a menag erie. for each and every day performing In the city, two hundred and fifty dollars. Itinerant ‘•bows, one hundred dollars per week or any part thereof; flying hors-s, twenty-five dollars per month or any part thereof; other minor exhibitions, ten dd lare per week, or any part thereof Denier* <>r vendors of mood*, wares.mor rhandlN* . drugs and small wares, selling ®r introducing he <nme f*r sale by meanx it public exhibitions, one hundred dollars l>e? week, or any pari thereof. Hand organv or strolling band of musi cians, five dxliars |>er w e|r Every person, company or corporation engaged In the businen* of operating or running a the.iter for theatricol exhlbl tloni#. three hundred Joi'arw j*er annum. Every theatrical troupe, minstrel troupe or other troupe acting or performing in any public hall In this city other than m the. Her. shall pay five dollar# for each performance. Every proprietor of a concert hall or va riety show .'‘hall pay a license of one hun dred doilais. Persons or partnerships running a grist mill, thirty dollars; every per.-on running a flour mill or dour ard grist mill, thirty dollars Bread or rak<> bake res carried on hy means of steam, machinery, or other mo tive power, fifty dollar* If carried m without steam or o.her motive pwcr, thirty dollars. Muster builder* mason*, mechanics ami others taking contracts for work, thirty do 11 rs Architects, civil engineers, surveyors contractor-, thirty doll us Real estate col ectors and agents, twen ty-!! ve dollars; cut-rate ticket dealers, w brokers ti k I woatper*. fifty dollars. Proprietors or owner* of Intelligence of fic. **. ten dollars for each office. Mercantile or commercial agencies, one* and dollar*. Dally newspapers printed by or other motive power, one hundred doll it*, every wea-klv or other newspayer prlnieil by steam, or other motive power, fifty dollars; every dally newspaper worked by hand, twenty-five dollars, and every week ly new*patter worked by hand, ten dollars. Job printing office# work* *1 by steam. g:i*. wilier, or other motor, fifty dollars. If worked without steam, g>s water, or other motor, twenty-five dollars. Every proprietor of a l*ok bindery, without a piii.ting office, fifteen dollars. Manufacturers of **oda water, -e ling from founts, twenty-five dollars; nnd man ufacturing and bottling soda, fifty dol lars; selling soda water from founts, ten dollars for each fount. Public steam laundries, fifty dollars, public laundries run without steam twenty-five dollars. Bottlers of beer or ale. fitly dollars, ftmip boiler* *r tanners, for <a*'h estab lishment, ten dollars Barber shops, four dollars fey each chair persons engaged In the business of gns fitting or plumbinc. or both, shall fake out i license, for which lie sh i I pay thirty dollars, nnd shall comply with the provis ions of an ordinance adopted Feb 9, 119$. amended Nov 30. IK*, further amended April 19. 1599. Dealers In paint*, ol e nnd builderfr’ sup pile*. other than manufacturers, seventy five dollars. Dagucrrran arils!* photographer/, arn brotypers and portra t painters, twenty fix.* dol ors. Stenmloat. vessel or other agencies fifty riollai*; exery ae.ency for ft un steam, shii s. each line, one htndrol dollaia. Brocm factories, tfiirt' dollars. Lampblack fnctorle** fifty dollars Manufacturera ot piae er or c-ment. fif tx do Hors Coppersmiths, fifty depat/ manufac. Itar< rs of stills, on* htn lr-d doltars. I ,* factories, one hundred dollar* Wholesale dealers In l< ■ on* hundred do'Ur every retail and al* r In k* . ten dol lar*. Each and every museum twenty-five dol lar?* Gae companies, five hundred dollars; every electric light company live hun.ire \ dollars. Restaurants or eating house-*, twenty five bdiar* R ce pounding or cleaning mid*, w :h or without grist mill attached, one hundred dobare For utu tellers, p.ilmist or astrologers, five hundred dol ors. Preweric# or persons manufacturing anv milt liquors, or •gems of same who have not air* •!>* paid the who c-ae liquor .md whole n o and a ers' tax thtee hundred dol lar*. Manufacturer* of elder or vinegar, or e ther. fifty dollar* Teiephon* or exrbnriges. lx hundred dollars a* h * h it *l* j*. *d. nt teiephon. of two stations two dollars an*) fifty cent* Rireet railroad companies whe her un. der the cordrol of another company or not, In lltu of tho opeckto fax hentoforo OFFICIAL. required, shall pay to the city of Savan nah for the privilege of doinft business in the . Itv and for the use of the streets of the city, at the rate of ooe hundred dollars P**r mile or fraction of a mil# of track of the main line, eliminating a‘l switches *nd • i ka and fotwlfti Iba fcAVft to one line >f tracks on esch street used -n the •Mj of Aavnnnah by said railroad company, and It shall le the duty of street railroad omparies to mxke a return under oitl through the r proper ofiielal of Ihe amount of then trackage in the city of Savannah: wnl in addition thereto twenty-five do lar for each and ev ery car at any time use*) by such c-'inrsny In the city. I; shall also be m ;nlrcd Hot each aid every railroad r**mj any kdng business In this city shall tak* out badges for ail * ir employed b> them, which badges fhnll le furnished hy the city treasurer md which shall t>e number**l It shall furthermore be re iur*d that ea h a*l every far employe*! i ~, u and tract ralif -•* ! com- I any shall have such badge as hereinbe fore provided securely fastened in a con *1 l uous place upon he inskle of such car f’roprl** ors r keepers of a skating rink, twenty-five dollars. Fndertakerg or coffin warehouse*, thirty dollars. !Yrnun* engaged In loading or unloading Vess* 1* by horse |ower. twenty-five lol lar* f*r each aoisting apparatus used. Express companies, five hundred dollars; and tn addtlh n f hereto six dollars for ev ery one-horse Uagg ige express wagon, and twelve *loli .re for every two-horse bag gage express wagon employed by such companies. Bill |r>'ter- or distributors of bill*, or ii Ivertlsements. ten dollars Him ksmlth shops, each forge eight dol ls Cooper shops, twenty dollars. Carriage repositories one hundred dol lars. ever* carrlnge or wheel a right shop for man ii fart utfng or r-pairing, twenty five dollars Fig r manufacturers or retailers, twen ty dollars. Dye houses, twenty dollars. Millinery c-inbllshments. ten dollars Gunsmith esrahllfthmcfitf. ten *lollars. Fouitlrles. thirty lollars machine ho>s thirty dollars; every foundry and ma nine chop sixty dollar**. Mentgcrles fifty dollars per day Marble and stone yard*, fifty dollars Wholesale or retail dealers or shipngrs In esh or r\ters doing business outside o' dry market, fifty dollars Shipping masters, one hundred dollars Shooting galleries, one hundred doll a: s Proprietor* or k**per* of green groce ries. one hundred dollar*. S'encll cutters twenty dollars. '1 ailors, not registered a* merchants, ten dollars Proprietors or owner* of marino rail wax not dry iffkr. fifty dollars. Dealers p'.xing m lax as wholesale art! • xery green grocer, shnll \*o pet milted to do any husinens heretnlxe fore taxed. i*ax a e*s tax than tax for a w hol***;le dealer, w ithout paying any other specific tax. Every t*rrn n engaged in the hualne** of trarsitattlng or carrying good*. wares merchandise, passengers or baggage 'or h're. In of wagons, drays, trucks, carls, i mnlbu*et- or carriage* of any de scription. cr of letting carriage* or other vehicles for hire, shall |*\y it tax at x*nl ln to the r.urnb* i nnd character of ve hicle* .mptoye.l in such business, viz.; J very person employing one-horse cart or wagon, six do'lars. every em ploying one-horse dray or truck, eight dollar*; exery pereor. employing one-horse cab. hack or buggy. or vehebf of anv description not otherwise Mpeclfi cftl.y mentioned, six dollars; every per ron empoxing one two-hor*e cart or wagon, dray or truck, twelve dollars; ev erx perron employing one two-horae cab, hack, buggy, omnibus, carriage or vehicle of any and script on. eight d< liar*; every person empio>mg one three-horse dray or tu k, eighteen dollars; every person em ploxlng on four-horse dray or truck, twenty- five dollars; every |er*on employ ing one four-horse omnibus, thirty dol lars. and the tax to be paid by any per son employing more than one vehicle of Ihe Mine or different kinds shall be ac cording to ;he number of vehl des employ ed at the rate* above specified. Keepers of sale and f*ed stables, fifty dollar*, but nothing herein contained shall authorize the keeper of such Male nnd feed •table* to sell anv live stock of nny other person without first paying the brokers’ or dealers tax nn required under this or dlnan< . every keej*er of n public or livery h' hie. fifty dollar-; every keep. P*r of feed stable only, fifty lollnr*; nnl in aldit!ou thereto, an a part of the mme fnx. according to the in • and < hat ter of any vehl ,*•# employed it! ouch bualiiMs, eith/r by It ting for hire or In the transportation of good# passengers or bags ige nt the rate* • ‘ove Nj>ei'ined for taxes t> le pill by j>er sons engaged in the bu*ine* of transport Irg t . for hire. I’*r*on* employing or using one or more t chicle* of nny sort to be drawn by one or more horses • mu>* In connection with any bti-lne** in which he may he en* gaged. for the purpnee of delivering good* •01-l by Ihem or In nny other manner, •hall pnv. In addition to the epecthc tax required of them for euch builne**, n* a P'H thereof, n graduated tax similar to that hereinbefore required of perron* en raged In the bus.ness of trnn*portlnK. etc., lor lure, a cording to ihe number and character of uch vehicle*, at the *ame rn' e. Every owner of a wagon or other ve hicle u*el . moving advertisements. one hundred dollar* Every pushcart or barrow tiled mov ing advertisement*, twenty-dvr dollar*. lltick* ter*. In< 1 . I,tli g dealer* In Ice erram. fruit, email paint shop*, vendor* of small w*are*. *nd keetier* of a coAk tove or cookshop. ten dollar*. I’errons rclllt g from pushcart* or other Ia •' • country carta selling th r own produce, one hundred dollars, upon payment of sail (ax III* treasurer shall furnish 1 badge which shall he placed In 1 conspicuous place on *urh pushcart or vehicle. Htteel i|. a!*r* In |>oiiltry. for which a bilk* shall lie Isstird, ten dollar*. Manufacturer* of paten: medicine* not engaged In the busier>* of a druggist, on* hundred dollars. Agent*, attorney* at law. ce other per son* I egotlwilng loan* on real estate, sev enty-live 'toilets. Burglar al irm com pant* a or agent* twenty-five dollar*. Is -tier * It; bicycle*, or agents for sale of -im. thirty dollar*. Manufacturer* of hak ng powder* or elf-ralsi g flour. ,w i-o h. fifty dollara Retail dealer* eel |ng dressed poultry or fnsit mtat*, in addition to the tax of a retail dealer, *■ venty dollar*. and other business not herein before si* tally mentioned, thirty dollar* Even . . r t i.n-r or other pt soliciting trade <>r orders, or business for nnoth'T or r**r h.rTwJf, whether ro*Mfr\t of thl- city or c.senhere. and having no fixed * 111 till# City, and Iv. ry P"idler anil Itinerant transient trader and every transient person selling or of lerlng to sell by sample, shall pay the Sim* tax 1 squired of rest lent and station ary and tiers In the 'tine articles, and no 0111. er Of the city -hall ! authorized lo re •ittee or In anywise change such tax #0 requir'd to * -hall such inner ir.t dealer '*> allowed to F- II his Ware* under the license of any au- tloneer, or under the name of 01 \ factor or commission mer hunt woo "* paid III* ttx I* tu<-a until he him.-. II • hall have paid all taxes required of him by lh,- erd r.ance; provided, however, mat ary trapsleni person transacting or offer ing • transact, any of the kinds of bust ness meml med In this paragraph selling or .inly 10 rs *1 lent .b aler* or mm ilnetiirrr* in the *1 eclnr article 01 .-om nu dit' ...ild ot ofT.* .1 or him or her and not i;ng;ng inloor keeping In the ctjy any * for purpose of d...very. -hall not be required to tuiy any tax or license fee. E-crv | rsitt company o> corporation re quired by this **. Hun to pay-a e;.*-|tp- or I itstnei * tax shall take nut a been** or rs* > ' itl slate the business or oc. cupnth.n m which such ter*"in company or corpxratlor is a it h.>rt g-. 1 to engage, and w hich shall be . xhlh ted lo lh* oily mar. shsl of his deputy, at any time upon de. brand. And II any person, company or corpora 1 lon shall engage In any business or occupation for which *uch license or receipt Is required without first taking out OFFICIAL. I'tH^^e^^wh^ . aiklbit the same upon den v | vnaraha!. or his deputy, such \ • pany or corporation shall. up.n ie fore the To* Ice Court city of Savannah. U- * . . a fine not to exceed o . h , 1 *lred dollars, und Imprisonment i. * . t ceexl thirty days, either or both creator of the court. Sec. ft. Thr occupant of any p rtrrilt . where a dog or dogs Is or are k-j. . pay for every dog so kept a *‘ license of one <k>llar Upon* tJ, this license a badge shall be i person paying the license for a . and every dog found running , wtrhout such ioadge shall be impou c V and If not claifaed in forty-eigi - j ;r , • hull be dispoeeul of Sec 7. The value of real proper! \ t . * laxv'd under tlie ascond secilon <> t* . or> dinance sh*ll he as erta n**l ii> tr* am of ihe assessment provide*) for t> t . ~ nance of the city on that subject. , r ordinance amendatory thereof th* of iwrsonal snp>rt| (O be ti the sedion of this ordinal , partlcu an* and character of the for which a tax Is required under * . section of this ond e. nnd the r . of logs kept, as provided for in • section of this or) e. shall !• , . tln*l by menns of the returns ,#,. . t ter prescribed. See S. Every person and corporation owning real properly in s.iii first day of January. 1901, shall p, - 4a . , uion such real property upon t * j . ment thereof lawfully adopted K> * r : .. f . >on and cor|>ora(ion owning *r h , trust or on consignment, persona p* rt p. erty In said city on the first da> j ary. IFI. liable to be tnxe*l . , „ third and fifth sev'Gons of this ord i .i - stocks In banks and hank ? elation* organlze<| under the of , state or of the United State*. *ho:i rnak return thereof, as provided by o 0 -} . nance of the city of Savannah p 4 * i 3larch 22. 1199 touching the B >*•<) * „ Assessors for the - iy of Savai i under the rules and regulation . f > \ board. The pres blent or acting president of *■— bank or association iorvM a /a *1 city, shall, by w.e -ath day of j Jt . sry. 1901. make a return to th- Rom 1 of Tax Assessors of th* •-k *-■• 1 hank or banking a asocial l i xni the value thereof, atwl shall be taxe] u >. the basis of sucfi value and In th* • - * of the failure or refusal of a prei <fi. <* acting i resident to m ike this return, t It shall be the duty of the Board of Tit Assessors to i**‘ess the sakl ste * with the power In the said Bear , c* Tax Assessors to double-tax tv # said back or banking asso lan Every perron liable to taxanon r der the fifth section of this o *li. nance shall make a return of th< ; ii -ne-s in which he Is engaged, ard of toft I unit er II il ton *r f e I 1c i hi tax Is o be gia*iua(**l hy th i. <. 1 of Tax A*'o*or hy the s‘lfi day of January. 19ft!. an*l every j? n commencing to carry on any of th* said kinds of business or In r* s i trie number of his vehicles, r comm mg o keep aid me whl k*. alter the fir t f (ft January. 19ftl, shall make .* r* i irti thereof within ten <lay* after * • rr.- m* ncing or Increasing. Every | er*-o i ; v- It g a dtg or • ogs * n the first day of Jan uary, 1901. shall make u return ther*<n *• the Board of INtx Assessors t * 3i)th day of January, 1901, and every person bringing a dog or dgs into th* t after that date, to b* k* p* h* r* make a am far tauim w th n ten *1 > i after so Mluclng In such *l* gor •> - I Ail iaxes hereby r<i :|n f real and |>eraonui pto)*rty h* I*l n the first day of January, 19/1. and for i; - • ms* in which any if son hill !* .me •tl st tha: date, and of vehlcl sand .l**gs I s*l 1 aha.l le cons dered s due on i e : of January. 19**1. and all tax*" rr.j -* f per* ns commencit gto trat sact r.y i • mss for whl h a tax Is require!, after b* first day of January'. 19ftl, or mm t £ after that date to use vchLles hih| railway cais not li en In us. . <r u. n any dog or dogs into said city, snail i • e Immediately up* n the comm ncing In business, using such vehicles, *r lane : such dog Into the city. Ami aB .. • f every kind shall he pavahv t > i by ireasurer; pro ded. n*vert h> •* t at r. lax up* n | roperty assessed for tb v e year nay le iold quarterly, at t■■ e o ft <*f the taxpayer, computing fr m et. day of January. 1901. hut In ’h* t ■' any quarter s tax 1* not :*al 1 w n same Is payable, then the treasurer - *1 issue an execution for the ~nt < t of the tax for the year r* n. i •*' unpaid, as hereinafter provl ed Flit a y per* ii or firm common* ng !• - n*s* ;n t ; city aft* r July 1. 19*>1. or running .*f• * *late Vfht les for ihe transports', n f goods, wares or merchandise. * r pi • '* gers. which were not run b'fo< tM: d*te. u|M>n tnaklt g prompt return of -h* : aavne withn en days after such bidi*-* has commenced, or such vehicles hi • been run, he or they shall he tsx*d hnlf of the yearly tax assessed lv • crllnance, prov and l sfckl tax l paid * !n fifteen days alter such Mutii other wise ttc entite tax shall he ■4* Iccted. The term vehicle, a* used In ihß section, shall include str?ci railway car* Any real property. lnclu*)lng new lir>- 1 provements which shall becx>m*- tin *lf after fhe first day of January. 19ftl lw- eobject to taxation from the first da the month Immediately succeeding Ume whet* the same becomes laxnM nn 1 the owner or owner* thereof shall p*r such proportion of the tax re<ju!red hy thl* ordinance a* the time left in the* year , ’ shall l>ear to the whole year, j Sec. Ift. If any person # or corpor.m l ** shall refuse or neglect to pay any lax qutred by this ordinance within i r v days alt* r the same shall he due and p'*- ! able ns above provided, or shall tied or refuse to pay any double tax ass*’' - - 1 as above provhled for. twenty *l3."* a t r notice has been served on such per-on* corpc-r.itlons of such asaessimnt. the eh> treasurer shall issue executions the ref l ' ami for the further sum of one dollar for x>st*. and thf c|ty marshal * ' proceed with such execution* the some manner as < .loct under the executions from th** • • provli lona of tto xct of th A Ass* rnbly of the state of Georgia Feb. 27. 1X77. Every person or corpora! * who shall pay his or Its taxe- on iril *’ r ltersonal property, or both, promp v " in fifteen days after the first of April J October and January, the time h*r fore specified for the payment th*’ shall I*** entitle*! to a deduction of * • entum of the amount thereof. * city treasurer la hereby directed to rr k* such deduction upon the receipt of the and every i*crson or corporation wh* * pay any other foxes required by this owl nance promptly wßhln thirty lays ■ the earn** shall become due, shall 1 # titled tc a reduetkm of 10 per cento th** amount thereof, and the city tre ?u I* hereby directed to make such dedu* ’ “ u|on *he receipt of the tax Sec. ii. Every \ ersen transacting or • ferrc to trwnawrt. cither of the kt: ! Imsinesa herelnaftet named "ho 1! ' business on the first day of Jnnuar shall. Within thirty lays after the day of January. 19ftl. tsk. ou* * i therefor, viz.: Every auctione* * ;; broker, every commission mere iant. erv plumber, every barber and doing business without any *!- k in * * even* owner or lessee *1 a Junk *h cotton plenary, every Junk dealer vendor of small wares, buckler*. _ ers. Ineludlni ttohn In i< * r* jm and poultry. of a cooks’ * sl op; and It •• hereby 4eclarl , 1 c meaning of this ordinance that * granted to any auctioneer shill t n lie such aU 4. n er to sel* for am f slent dealer. Udeas such ta - bo nrst pad a I *• - ;• I by this ordinance. Every Itotn <d _ .er shall have the prvtoge •f, 1 • # as latent cr er. whrse r.nntc r#corded In the ire., ur ro oT • ' , ter*d on h llrenae UHucd. A*d *> or Shall e peimlttrd to b.? an 0 . verv-ue matter inU le shall ' n piled wlih tha condlttons J ll ~ , r# *ect on l|S5 of the R* via and <d of f |n : fila known as tie C’vde of nr every Hcenae token out by the r lessee of a Junk a bop or co’too v yCootliiued on Beventh t’4^