The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 04, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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12 SOUTI —I SIDE INDORSED DIXON. iih rauhoN it rn. itr.ixiiio \m ( 4m \ Mill) %4 'ft 4 4*tft|| VIMII. \Vi W. (Mlmn"' **tm • fruit n i lul' I'rm *• llam •• 1 1n . Prom •<M ng tle < Hu|i|H*ri <*f II" 1 ( n ndliliici ft*r iln* linn* r jil\ I omits Mlee \ ||*>i nl'l l lim l lul*’* %*fl*n. Ml mm ftiHlliiiiH * Will Raft Ml | | tin* ill (|l ivt'll* (lul* ■H ,iiii.H Itieml < lull 1, ••*! rs ftre llr glnnl iik t Take ii l*rf * Infer iuol Wr. 'Tfi,. \%4v. W. i > ''•'■Hi South side Admin- Dtmilont Club, iit i routing l**t night. I vi (!i* * ti*j v i ' v ii iml r -•in* nl 10 th- <i clltlacy f Abkrman Jmix M. Dixon f**r thi May * rally. fb-Milut ion*, I’Opim*mllfiK Ins rr •- -r I and his |* rsonality, wi n jmswl I >■ n tu. irdmoua vote. Ii W l —* ii nanty evening. and for ihu „,,.o|| : |ic rrovil that Killhf’M ft* tiry Hal 3 on Witt WnMtnirar Hrm, w lot it liMxrs' 1 on**. Th* r vn ie only • * *ty ft.— nln th*' hdl lmi I'r* M Cut;* vs ' 11. uf thl'lU*'. * 111 •* I I >!••• Ii j 1,, m.fd f, but till * a • < reiweil by twelve or fift• • n In-far- it.* i, ding ha<l ilj**or! • Mr. J. M Wllbon, nt Hi. outset #*f the nuelinc off*rl c'<! unv< 1 th* 1 1 fid" ©f the flp Howl, T' volu r i•• • "WJif • ' h* time ‘r I '• ** ' 1 *• inufili'li* ul 1* . •!• ! for • f * y of S.v uah b ? *•" mi- **' **. "Wli* r it 1 projwr for this Hub :. thin tlrao**-*’ to r vi- an exj.r fion or ■> opinion it* wli" It t ■*n.‘i.l rs th* most ■tillable ,r<<! .ftui* fur h* position • .Mayor * *1 tin cPy of S• v imi h hnl, ••\Vh* r — ;t w• havt in our *iy a- ntl* nwn r< r*<l au **• tis who ban Ly • • own I*- • v r,i ;i •. Ability and industry puihol tiliri*e|f to the front; one wh • viblllty l~ , will k ri"wn, iii lin ■< d* !> ir.l.*o . whose hH*<rt> , v ty |i iov*r Urn quesfioia l. find whwwo rottiinands the i-onliilWH'e ;tjil rwpert *f hla fellow elttsena In every wulk of Hf*. wfc t*m th* ofh-. M* k'. mhl not on*- who ■ ih *tfl • . ;int "Win r —• th* am* k* ntlem.m h i ft ( rveil t u ofttrer of tlw city of H.iviin nallfor •• |H-ri(>.l of llvt y* ir> with fhlelt tyaiul onltnm*> J t imporiant iin miiieen. ami w* ri* now able to |>oint wdlh |-r i*li to hi* ofh< i.'-l i• • * r‘l. • -'i'll,, m- fore. i it rt that the w \\\ 11- *.ru* tfouth.'ift' Aflmlnlntr.Ulon ('lull, ir' i m - nii * - mlil-'l. h**r by en<l*..... ri“~ !;• Hon. James M. Dlx*n for Ihe t!h'e of Mayor of the rtty of S vanmih. ,M l we Jo |-**reby pletJn* him our Inft nml Kiip|<ort." 'PI„, r . hit s.u.H w* ri- <*-*<!* Iby half • Wn v l put upo*v their |i.* i. • a*l carried winanlmously anl with enthusi ism It win* evident fnut <h- llx*n si-ntlnu nt jiniotiK ~t fm h,! inmih* r 1- very ‘tr uu: that lh* r w.. r k for him will l nthir 11 siji nr i that they will h tiofedlngh Obapiion n<oi m -♦*< !>• *l* ** n*t ro ‘‘lve the nurxetiln.itbin arul < *rry the • le.-tlo A rowamnilMti . em * -tin,' f M -i Juniis Wiitofi t -• rl J Whelan anl Kh. i ;ti't. wn* |i|n*int.t t rail ui"' AMerma •*' Dixon thin motnlmc >! notlf . him of the a< tton th< ial haw <ak*-n Mr ills US‘ , r.lh (|i* Htton <f Mr. DlacnV randldai \ . • hi be ~ it poilllarv to* witti ttowlUVMieww i the (b* !’ eunWilate M ill h iiikme-l an equal < —hm> with all other- before the Cllllfii* —>* dub aucus When u i *inlu.i lion foaar the m iyoraltv wtw to !• mab the j‘UW would |iU> ho fiivrh' ah l ■II won I o* riven at even show Mr. ! MW ii i! ■ id tmi i • tatfti with l|r, \V W Omborne. an<l pro|i i y ipanl*—^t #* the li-Hilrr of the i*ltlsenw Club fcawreew. and had le . n iurl that this W(Mlld the ,11-. "In vwnartih'h eontWi ilrw " said Mr Wll lon. ih utfh the f’oniu .• t lon wan iit rea*! fly npi> it’ent want to say that tiling have. me to a pretty |* In .ii\ ivituli. tvheii r —*en who krer**t hronuht ii my* Where —jliout u who omr from a for fton if* intry Kuwslan Jews. In fart, ran CVitrol the (toilet 1 fore* of Ihe eitv. In 111 eleciior for n * i. * rate, and rnak* it . ns Hi > want it.” Them* remark'-. Intrnle<l to apply to th** Uesnrs t funke who were mrouc |* ir tlians • •( M.iristrati* in hi* r.**.• for re** |* etion. t|y il*iuu*4| ih* crowr-t. whloh and j|.di lu t' and lusli)>. Mr, I I* *u* ft Introtu •! a r dutlon. dlfwtlt* a th |r*-*hlnt to Apioint a e-m --tnlltee tw>tv., to (*#* Hiinoune<| nt th lull ii •- tlnr. which • huulii eon>l I* r th (|Uestloflari of nomlmulnic eandblatei* ir al dermei M’ Mtbl it w is the w n of lhe dub io have the M-eiioci of th city In whi h the itiemU-rs of the clu livid i— preei titc-1 on th*- next Hoard of Aldein* * . anil that if this ambition wi <o lie *all*. -. now was the time Io 1m- Sln wi* rk. The n-s,. tit ion wuh .uMd ■nd th— committ** will be apiMilntol hv iTeshl* f* Hornwell within the next !uy or lw< and .innourw'ej it tlie meethiK ot Friday ffi.ght. The a-.* '*d |.| t < all* t utentlun Io th* fail ll t b would 1m- lie* *t--ary for th* Itinnla* wmr* of th*- club to pay their tux* - for IWilir* ,rder n> vote at the munb ipal < l tlon of next Januurv. aid call* I ii|>on them ■ |l (o at# tbit tfeils vi dotx *v\ • don't nt to h.iv* *ur ln<lr-* rn*nt >t Aldern* Dixon an empty one." said the preside omit, "but w* must a 1 Ih in n |n- i -to our votes for him u J.m ' A fe; tUP of the meat Ini: w.ts the pres rna a **■ *1 Motive rt>o{ ration *f Mr Kl -wnrd J Whelm, u pr* -cm -hrifT of the City <* . >urt of Sivam <n, and In the pun* a protra ♦ht Mbrulct ih polHlri.m Th* r* h*'i- .it the m** titiK who hv U • *, of |he un. (Mditiral %% y of Ihlnkiio* a- Mr \V *,e!nn Their nt five m*Mtlnt: emphii iliu t tie ' Ondliloo (** affairs that un f ’• and < In r*• <nt I* * I r ; r I elfin 'b Morn I in: N* w miuvlok* that r'Hdju tnient in U-.,j |.liti<- w e In pro (tress, t h*il th* - hlheriftt Club had, rs w*r tind <*~i a ! .* orn hop* und that they v vr- xradunlh n! vliik them?** \< filth o * • * r ,i. other t. of th* • - liens* stem *lub. Xhnt Ih* r* ire f* lions with- <*'•*> them*, ‘tux ■*! I *.-1 event, Mllll S *nie Of the J.J., *to mode. |,uiV* . ro too jn to d*e:bt. VO 11IM tvs X r\TK F%|||. Jln*nr— All* feetlnx nt f'll> 1%- eluiawrtue lor Uei|n*'XtlN> MterniMin Miy **r My* Publishes a • .ill in •<*- clay's Jfffcinrnlrtu N w* fer a meeting of * | |- *en t* p i* o hel lat the C'ity Kx* burnt** to rmrrov—afern*>n for the purpnn* of t k- Irk ii #dr romhlrr.itlon th** <|uc '.lon wheth* -r or ©or rah shall t.ik* d -vuntiy * Hie oppurt ar. It y for hoi dim: ih* State f air here next fall. The att* I>*l •nte * l*unjni.-iis m* n in especially dr illed. "Tl* f I'eoffi** to l> no doubt of th** f"'i 1 • 1 Mvor \|y* ri, y-t* r*lay. " ‘ • trie Utah* fair if w. want ft Tile '| **• t* he ,|, | i)iiw J* w i**the* Of Il't *' *’l Uid. rirtke it T o *|l<* tlon ii— o'- w*lll'll re- - largely with the fcwliw If th V are wIIISuk to i*, the s k And < xuarMotee the ni<n**y tv- I U< uSw ■ 1 *tt . *i ( 0 end. An nr- MnU*’ '’ *’ will ' i * • ary, (f eourse. nd jr Mfh, ... nt ini,. r * t I** mxnlf-st.Mj . temi*' : •*'>’ * * will probably le* forme- i t.,. meetii A \Ve*lneMlsy after noon. * * M> or Myrfr Is of the opinion that with fi pro Wtgp*'? In-erent displayed in the matter livt)—. "UUhc- m*n and *dtlxens ener- wily t He fair *n |„ made ami 1 Hnvirasßtisn amt that |r would l*e buvan f trth'a i®ri ttu have it berw flt \IIIX. IP TUB lilt'll Mr, I'oimdMf lona f#r New \eateiii> tin 1 llltiitf to He land Thla VHitilli The wrk of charing nway th* 1 ***r s of tb* hurti**l portion of < hat ham A* *d emy, prepnriii >ry t*> lt r bui ilr - h> • Hi* wart <*ontru< link fomiMiiy, to whi< b th* • v>r,tract ha been let by the Board oi Trustees of ihe ai adeinv, wa- i* K'tn >• trdiy nwirninx Close uion SOu.uOU will b* |*.*l*l lfi- rofit rail ins: *ni|.oy for work wtd h w I 1 not i.e u the qulpiotnt of the liull(ltr>K with h*itii k apiMnitua r plum‘Mm It i said a fiat th*- <•**•, in* elmling lh*t- Items will Im* v lose upon y?r. 114), IT* sl*l* i * J I" lltif-T 1 -of th*- Btewart Contra* ting (‘ornpuir said yesterday that th** f*'ii;*l v<i ■' of thr bulUllrig will be kii*i l** ii r i .f i • mtier. Mor* no n will I** pm nt w,*rk U|>n the n* af ire nway * ■i* *l* i*i !•* aid the ■• ft wain • - r ifudt) n ' they van b* w**-ur* , *l. Th*' hamls ri ..*w *i ck*l In rlearing way • • j*•* r• * ally tui;.-l lumber, tb** fail* f) ' hri k arul •! * r ii r from around at 1 " and. ih* Mill i w.i.’J Af- r that ha* b* * n ih* w*i - wil i* pull* and ntal tt' :•! • i* makr way for the n* w tap in ibdi stt >• i V* How *n k will Ih um*| in the ©on !ru *,*,n f th** but PI luy- and the Irlm tn inwill I*. kr y oton*. Mr litir^* ' • t th. tu it* rial u-• *1 for the xlerl*r will t*. hinillar In appear it. e io ths* of •Me *w Lawton buihiuiK on State .irct, r *r I oil La kMiy: two week?*, on* v*ar Ham pa>*- ' *b** boning of atw A* adem • ’I * *** •~ i lb* r wih gr at n**<-d f*>r wrk ui *>r it r Mor it ..n to b*a in a- a I" "ibb . n. .hi -* til l allot her tr*n-'plr and to delay It. Tb*- of Tru.-*;*-* hl I a meeting n- r I tig lifter the fire, w bl* w.? on D* * 17. ISA, and decided t*> * x i" 1 and • IbMiinuir e mom y, amounting to nl*°tit |L'••!. atifl oth* i fund they hai u. bam! In tin r** instruct ion of the build imr ii|Hit) |um Ist-ly the wttno lire \\ #i* n n w of a his let l.don g*t abro.n|. a *l*. and and prof.-d wax rail *lby h umb r of prornin* nt gentl* rn* n. who obj*-* t i t*> i un ntr.**-li\e h bulltl iiK h*lng erected w i* the u>|*<>ritM.lty .*■ • in* and *x •lb nt fr the adornment of that Immediate ?•*• tb ri **f th* dty bv an *d|f|. *• that would b** if* thorough k* Oping with in(Mn>ing triK*tur.s that alrrsdy t*iand there, tVI In-orge A. Sier**er v f’apt. Henry lilun un i • Hi* r w* r* iini*ng thoi*c who ••• I r* • I for :• m*.r* i*r t* in Ming them the old A ebrny, while the li**anl of L*lu< •- tlon wa - <|e* bit and in fix ohjeetiofi It* the • hat * hcln*; I* ? r for the n -loration tan lug the form of a mol*m s. h<*ol, complete In nil Its and talla of comfort an<l cunvrtb h nec A of the Honrd of Ivluefttion I t suit, and 111 protect Ih lug ftelt! to t h*' Ibwtrd ef Trmt ♦ it fit I e> mm Mf* * * were •(- |M*int#-*| h> the r* ftpeettse Iwmllos f.*r con fer* ncer The-e coii/crenceft r* ulutl fin ally in tb* M*)of*ti*n of a ( bin ibrnlfi t by Mr llenry I'riiaii, • vnplovi .1 by th** Hoard of Tru-tc* ar hitect, tlnrug i the Honrtl of K mention hat) also invite*) nrrhltcet* to Mibrnlt plane. "Ht* of whleh. of Mr 11. \\ Wlfettver, war* vb w* I with * '**•>•!,il favor. The Moiml of Tru*- lee., felt that, having employed Mr T’r- Ln. they nlwuibl a*lh* re tt hD plan, an*! that flirallv determiiusl ui-n was r* gar-l* I l v iKrth iNianls as In every way satisfac tory. 1 was fliotixht that the quesMnn had l*et-n v. tiled, hut w hen th** hi t** it*-'? 'Op tra tors had lMs-n ii,vit***l to make wen opened it wa found that t|i* <*>*l of the building would lx* fir ibove the un an* of the iMKird of trustee- It *hcn U - mi* liee • try for them to modify th** pi in* to some extent, th# prln<*l|al change l*elng the removal of a cupola that would cost • nine Jn.osi i* build, and. it the inv time, tb vi-* ii m* ins for rab-ing more mon y This result* t| In an ap|M*al to the Board of V lueatlon. which agreed to make e*v payments, amounting to saver*! thomumd .). i; li.d.s I * dig given li*- l*ard f truatces. Thus, by modifying the plans and raising aVlltlcNial man*y. the U*u l i ( tr’iriri-N were cnabliM to award t.i© contract. l*ar*nts whose children were attending the tvn Chatham schools. Nos. 1 and 2. that wore quartered in the academy build ing. and the children themselves hive Ih on subjected to great Incouvenletk'e fdn * the fire, as afternoon ?* sskma ha*l to bo Instituted for them at the Cathe dral and Masslo Schools. The arranu* * m* nt Mil * t.*i** best that could i*# ni *l**. though th** school authorities knew tlm it would not prove satisfactory. As the months dragged *n ami no Immediate prospe* • of w.*rk Im*ginning on the new aca*ieniy e* • m***l to exist, parents Im- . m to give vent to their discontent, and two meatlmi'- In pr< tc t were hehl. N**w tha the work D actually under way. parents will 1m reli* v*sl to kcow that th*re is a prosi*ect of their chlklren Iwdng restore*! i the opening of next term to their old I.H-atton for morning sessions, though In quarters that are fur superior and in ..wry detail perfect for school purposes. 1M TO Hi: ■ imp. 4 bear Nought lo WraootH Tllui* 4)u4 ftoioitat 4.u>ton Tro4ip#'rt. Inspector General M G. Cihcar of tbc Georgia State Trooi m war In the yi i r lay. Imving come *!wn from Guyton, where he h* t 4he membera f th* Effing ham in the *ffurt to straighten out th* misunderstanding relative to th* • aptainey of the iin>oi. This r*‘viltt'<| In an ngr- merit up**n Fapt. Dasher, who will haft* the chief command. Ttitw h*l be* n disput' and wl4l him h> Mr Nid Inger (Vi ob* ar left last right for At until He* aald th* officer quot**l in 4h* Alorn ing N-wa of Sunduv r .uttv* l*> the us#- nign merit f the companies it Ttiom i-- vlll* . \al*l<et i, Quitman n*l \Va> rs- €•* the First Regiment hal mlsunlcrwtoo<l him It wtild not. h* - I*L have m**n tioiu-d anything a trout . transfer *f tom panics from tin* Fourth Infantry to tin First or from any command to another Iwfor** ii h * ui*m uin that course h-**l l** t4l t*a> lied. AGAINST l it ft Nt IIIM'. HILL. I'r4*hle*f I’uim nml It epreenttlx e lliiil**ii Ito Not ftpprote. Presi.!**tn John M Egan of the Crtiira) Kallr.- .l t s not approve tkT tin* hll; l>* mllng in th* 1* gisl.mir* t imp**-* u tax uisiti franc his** s. It would mean the i-xc* .-Ivo laxiiiton f the railroad.-. Mr Ft;on sat*) he hn<l made no careful stu*l> of the hill, but in *loes hot Ih'llcvc it wti. Ix'come a law. Inquiry tails to devehip any activity ;ip<#n th*> part of the railroads In fighting the Mil. They cither Isdleve that it would not l*“ hurtful t* their Interait** or that p> * l.*l * rfort up ii their part will not h needed t* < *mjei** its *l'f4at. B* pr* eil lativ* Vft I nil rn*teri sat*! last night that li* ilon* not approve th** hill him scir. and wiii uoi* igalnst If wh. n It I** report**#! l*a< k ! tlie House hy th*' com mittc* t*. whleh It wn r* ferred. ANNUM s FBI! ft OEFHHOX. (orporNl Harris of llie lllues ftftmlt inct io know His I'nle. Fotpl. It F Harris of the Republican Flues was in th* editorial rooms of th* Morning N* ws !.-( idght to learn If any news had lx * n received from Atlanta r 1 attve to th** finding of the cm rt-mart l* l that considered the ctnrges that w**r. brought, against him oni upon which he vms filed in Havannnti s*kih* wo*ks ag • Nothing from th. c.- had been heard nr,#f the corporal’s l>iig wait for Infornui tlon wna not to be (nought to un .*ii 1 lie aaid h#' ha*! xptfctfd to heir from Fa|t. J Ferris*Cann. who Is repre-.r**- ing him Ir, the case, but had not .lone mi. He *ild he would leave f*r At lanta to be upcn the iu* nc to which ac tion box been tramsferred. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1900. NOT TO GET THE $5,000. ki:i it** To HP. 11l Ilf lion: foil TIIK m iT'A OVI'HIIH TftfkN. lion. \\ i 11 1 noi ll<irl*n "*nil l.n*t Night Thai ll** |loe Not Hrlleve #m \|i|ir*i|trlnllttti lor the l*ro|M>- •*1 <lg lethorpe Mi,iiiinu*nt \\oul#l He Int 1 1 ti I lon al II nolut lon it flie <lp ( ontiell (tiling for llie Approprlnlion •> ll*** Mute of ft*,- #mn) \V in It* ml Before (lie ||ue. < olonlnl nutl Wnr llecord* ol 4eorgln llnv H* f nmpiled l> N*mi* One I .|ie'ta II|d)r|, Jdttle ho|*c L # r?t*rtalned hv Hi (*r seutatlv* WLilum l! <rdn that the reso lution n<io|di j by *m* (Tiy Council m and • ailing upon th* LcgUtuture to appro priate IS.UOO toward •* fund for the rr* •- ikm of a monument t Oglethorpe will m*-<4 tlf t>f that Issly and re sult In the appropriation Isdng nuuk. Though ii frlul of th* movement for the • stabhshm* nt of monum*nt to the foui.b*r of th* cok*ny, Mr. Harden said It ' rdt- 4. t iit h tie* not I** lb\* It would !* eonMitUtlof! il f'r the ture to nmke th*- appropriation arid, therefor*-, he i<MS I)*.*t l# ii* v* It will do so. The resolution was offered upon the floor of the House by Hon. David Wells. l is Uhi*rs4<md It w* nf* rr*sl to a ommlttc*. but li Is 4bought an adverse r**iort will le mud* The Hepr**s*motive from Glynn •'ounty had pr* . fit**i su* h a r* oiufion on hehulf >f th* Oglethorpe Monument A SiM latton f Itrun w< k tailing f*r an appropriation toward similar fund for tin *r* j**t f • nxmii nietit on 8t Hlmon’s Island, hut the Hep r -cr.taiiv* *!* • lar* and ft Mr. Harden * 4he tlm* that he did not U |b-ve his efT<rt n Is half **f hla constituent- would be suc cessful. Though ther. Js n general sentiment that calls for the Mubllshment of a monu metit it* fg * thorjM Mr Harden !>. - n#t l*#dlev* the la*glsktur • in s** 4h-lr way dear tow ard t iking at v a t ion !sk'.ng toward thcr sulf. lb -:i how* v**r. that th** move mi nr seems t have won such w ith* advert!** mnt and t* have *r* at* and such Intel** ! is o give v* ry italic itUin of Its • VcntUMl sucres Mr Harken is a in* mb* r of the Ai*i*r**- priutlons Commit t**. th** meetings *f wliieh in hits attend* and r*gulari> A yet, h* said, the committee havt* not • a h* 1 the ep* el.ll f*atur* if tlitir work, hut u** still engaged upon th* routln* appro pri itbai** Knit have to f. e*>r,v|.* r* -1 t* x fhetti * .ch y*ar Often *• v* nil hours have *• I*** #levote*| to #th in rn of the general appropriation hill, a-* -p#*nk<rs on h-*half *f Institutions that are Ih neficiaries of tti" Sta* appear to r pt* nt t urn Im*fore th* • uniTiit*. s n w* he ots* with tfi* appropriation asked by the State A vium f-*r the Insane, whet, n great deal of money is tiMiini to provide aceomtn<*ln- Do*> for the many lunatic- that ar* wait ing in the Jails throughout the state for admission Mr Harden Mild it was --town Dial there are s*ni* .Vo f these lunatics lr William Dun tin of Kavannah was among (he trusters* of th* isydum who *cd It* for* fh Appropriations Cum mitt** *4i the institution s Uimlf. Ask.-I about tfi* effort of the Dattgh t* rs of th* American It* volution to hav** an appropriation made by the slat- for the transcription of the colonial records of Georgia and th-lr puhllt itton. Mr Harden stikl that he imdurstood that there was ot)e*#|on to approriratlia: a lump sum, but that he thought it Ilk* ly the matter would *e provided for hy the employment of une jmtkou to copy and compile all (Seorgia war records, from *-artiest colonial days thn>tighout the B(anlsh w ir. the r. rnun ration to Ik* something like ll.w** per annum The col onial records n*w tr-.isur*sl m tlie Brit ish arrhiv.M in Lon*ion would le includ ed In this work. Two hills regarding this matter were introduced, on* calling fw the publication oral the a(>t>r<*ri.itlon r*r a lump sum to defray th** exp* us* and th* other de ni tndlng the cupb•ynint of ? ni- suiia hie iM-rnon for doing the work, the com pensation Im*lng named A lltlKMl OF VN N \ 11. tlm. ftft . F. Dn n I**ll of Nets llftnip slilre Io Wpontl the ftft Inler Woulli. lion. Warren F. Danb 11. of Franklin, N 11., is a gue*t of Hie D* Soto. Mr iMiiadl is an ex-mem her of Congress nn*l ;s an old time N.-w England Denwv rai Ne ll* .-s to .‘-ay, he lias not taken nun'll *>f * hand In national f#<>)ttl s In recent years Mr lianlell was fr a long time *>ne of the largest paper manufacturers of New England, owning the Wlnnepesugie Mill at Franklin, N If . hut went out of the paper bindtie* on the formation of th** trust a few years sine**. Having been a manufacturer all his Ilf*. Mr Ixiuiell still t.<k's a k* n Inter* st in manufacturing matters, and is k*** ping a <dos* watch on 4h* d'V**lopni* n-t -f th** Bouth a I ng thi lit •• ll* Is a* * omiMiibsl by hi" "*n. Warren !•' Daniel!, Jr.. n*i the two will spend pi act. ally the entire winter In tis* 8 ■ ith. "I Irav** hten ill the habit of coming Houth **v*ry five r six > irs." said Mr Daniel! to a Aiming N*w** re|*ortcr, ‘ and 4lls la not my first visit t*> Savannah I have been h*ie b*for* aid hope t* c rn** again I have taken * onsi 1* r *l*l* inter* st in going about tli* t>wn and noting clung**s and lnqrov*ments Savannah is a good. s*ll l town und her repiraiton as such is well * t bLsh'l throughout tin country *’ Mr. Dinlcll ‘Xpn 1 his pleasure nt h*iiting that Havannih was moving f>r an Increase*! bpth of \\nt#'rin her . an net. with a fair p? • t of su•* * *# "Th*' move is on the right Hue and -houM su •- ce*-d," h** said. "It will mean In* ream'd commerce and will benefit the port in many way- Ido n**t know **f a s ii*ori anywhere on th** c<j4' j that F more le rvlng of co* si b raii n **\ th* go em inent than Savannah. The g*v* mite nt tM.Rt!* to l*e spending *'onsl|eralle m*>n*)’ in su'h lmpro\ • m**nts Just now. n*l I have no doubt Suvimnah will get what she w Mr. Danlwll ex|x*c!s to -;wnd ?h* greater fart of th** winter s**.*s*n moving al*ou: tli tough the South anl tuning th** condi tion f affairs and *w a her* He wants to get hatter ac'tvtialnted with the people of thb section, he says. ftl ftft I 14.111 TIMIUI ftftl>T. 4 oreornn Uin <• I p ftanln**! n ftft el •er UriKlil ftftilli w liernril. Tommy (Nr****rnn. S.vnnah's pugilis tic ch impion, may have a chan • *o me*‘t u fOo*l man soon. John Farr, wdio has always taken quite an inter* M in Forco ran. has Inen corresponding with Tommy \ft *st. ft )>(•'•! welterweight *rf N* w York city. In reference to arranging a Unit for him here with For *• il.. West is willing to come, and "Mr Farr expects to get him down here In January. Corcoran is willing lo tight him Vft* - hits quite a i* *r i. having fought a numb* rof match* wuh tli.")-. <si m* n. He has fought Jo* Walcott thr*-*- tim*s *nd i?< said f* have whlj*p-*i botti W alcott nd "Mysterhwis Illdy" Smith. Air. Farr takes th* iHisition that it is tlm** for For tran to go tip against some rnuti of note nd then if he wins n victory h** will In *n por ti U> do something for himself ifi the larger cities. Remember, a pint of Cook ’n Imperial Fhampagn*’. "after a night of it," mukes the new day brigbt.~a<L Tilld IMIORkKD MVKMi. Ilrt District North-Lnd**r %rr f#*r the %lay or f*r Hr-rieetion. The North Gal I'olltl-al Club of the First dlMrict nut at Ibnly Hall list flight an*) Indorsed Mayor Myera for i?- *e *)• hi Thete*w**r thiny-flve metniiers In ittet dan . when fTwddent James Mc fJuire calbd th** m‘*etlig to or ler at • • !****k. nn*l several others strolled in durii.g the me. tlr.g. The club claim a rn* rn! • hip of over J# utul th** attend* anee would douhth su hA. c been larger but for the unpb-asant walh#*r. S. ret try Faiiner Kirkland announced that owing to his activity in l*ehalf of Jus i, . Nathans' r* -*lection In (bo Bcn oo*l district, he had i t had Urn** to pre iwr* the minutes of the previous mcct ir.g ll* wi> rtalily forgiven ,*y the club. It w.i and * i*ied to hobl weekly meetings of the club on #*a h .M*rti*!ay night here after. Th** following ***t of r* -adutl>ns, in#b*rsmg Mayor Myers, w.m p( q*-.**d and adopted hy a rising voir. Whereas, the time 1.. r the election of Mayor ami Aldermen of the city of Ba vi h i' appro.) hitig and itlxens gen erally an again directing itwlr 4h*ughis i* the s* h < tlon of a chief executive for the * By g*v< mm* t, Arul w luTcas, wa . the rncmtw-rs of th#* I North Hide l’olltiru! reviewing the I work *f th** iwesent almnlstration, are itif'liol that it has m* t the approval of the great mass of cltixcns and that they pr-pared to Ind us. Its eor>du*k of the city iMisiitess witn their votes fur its con t.nuance In off! • . And whereas. It h (flprrit)iy im|s)rtant ' t/iat, during the next two years, with th#* v.ork .-f obtaining a lar-p river Improve nsnt apprupriatbm la-fore It. with the hoi,-* drainage svst*4n t** Is* c#Kntdcte#l. *nd with str**et fwving. street os*ening an*l other |>tjhlle ini|*rov*fu>nts to !** carried #n on an • xu-nsive seal* . Hivammh should have ms its Mayor on** qualified hy experi encc in c|ty affairs and htjslnf-sa matters to sujsTVlse and direct in the interest *.f wi>* economy, so thtM the city may re ceive full vain** for its expendltur* sand while progressing avoid wasteful out lays. Th.refor*. be It r* *lv*l That. If h** I** in th** held, this club will support the Hon. Ib-rmar Myers for another term as M i *vor. and * alls upon him in behalf of the ik ixetis of Havannah t l*m* andl.Uite bef. r*- th* jh ople f-r r# -el***t on to his pres* nt otth * . realiaing that as such • ean ti'laie h< will harmonist*, unit*' .iu*i strengthen our entire party and se er* in o\**i whelming vi**tcry the polls. Th** hulrmari was instruct* t to ap|s>int a * *immi ll *• • of thre* t notify Mayor My* ers of its action and ri*ort nt th# next B!‘*tiiv of the club. Justice Wi khirn. who was pr* -**nt. thanked the club f‘r tti* complimentary v.t** which li*- f*— celved at Rlturdav'i elet*tlon, his vote i4:- lug .V{s allliough h*- Ii *l no o(>posltlon. "I think the club’s tlmnks are due the Judge for rot having any ©pi*o*utloo." remai k *1 on** #f th* m**mher. meaning, of course. I hat the club hall thereby be* n saved mu h hard work. Mr T J Hhettall wl\p was present, was called u (■*!). and said that he cou *1 report the victory in the B**oond district. This sMi#*mt*nt was received with ap plause by the rnemi**rs. who are evident ly admirers of Justice Nathans. There h* im: • further husln* ss. an*l the ape lit ers who were expected having fal **l to app* ir **n a*<Km of the rain, the nicvt ing adjourned. MUKb II \I N hftrHTKI) TO-lIAY. % JMorni ! enter *f Inrrensing Inten •ll* Moving in ThU lilrrrlloa. The run of exceptionally pleasant weath er that characterized the last several days was broken yeserd*y I* wan cloudy all the morning, hu4 i was n#t until about 1:30 o'clock that it btgan o rain. It contin ued Intermittently throughout the after noon. the fall up to 8 o'clock amounting to .fd of un Inch. The maximum temperature for the day was Ol *lgre* uud th** minimum 48. giv ing u mean of f#7 d* gr* *-s. I aU>ve th nor mal For the month ther* Is on excels of heat of 3 *l**gr*e#. and f<*r the year nn Ned • I * I Oi Hk •!*.:•• Tb l shortiig* of rainfu.i for the year amounts to 6.89 Inches. The Washington ftwecael predict* rain for to-day. and for to-morrow fair w*tith *r. with colder in the r.i?r rn isrt Va riahl* wmls, Iwvomlng fiah northwest, may Ih* ••x|Hcte|. At 8 o'cha-k last night n st*rm center of moderate hut incr*-asing Intensity wus over Houth* ast Alabama an*) Southwest Georgia, moving . , efts i• n first not • i by tit Weather Bureau * ftl e yesterday morning o ,i shallow #lcpres.-*lon. While there is not sufficient energy to produce dangerous winds. It has caused general rains over the entire Bouth. east or Tcxits. th* rainfall U lng heavy at At lanta at>l excesfdva (3.1S Inches in twelve hours) nt New Orleans At the time of observation I* was raining at Savannah Fharhute, Bibigh. Atlanta. Montgomery an*i Mem his. and it had i*e corn*- . oler ov**r Tex ns, Oklahoma. Mts s *url. Arkai - bouisiut a Western Ten n .** **, Misslsstpfd at.*l Aloluma. N I Hallo MAIM.ft WOI NURD. %Attltel With n Knife at t llrouah tn nihl IdiMt Broad JMreet**. I.vrniiM Brown nisi James Young, ne gro* -. were arrested yesterday morning by Patrolman Ivet| on Ihe chargr of a-saulting. with intent to munKr, Georg* Thompson, also cotored. The iff ray t*ok place at Broughton an.l Lot Broad cr.ets about 9.15 o'clock. Wa-ldngion u-r.iultcd Thompson with a knife ami wounded him in several places The principal wound was ma*le In the back, hut Ih* ro ar* other cuts, on th. h* and. arm and hand, the latter being mud* bv Thomps.*)'* rlnt.-hing th* hl<i of th* kn'.Te and its Ulng diaw'n through hi*- hand > \N . ington ft’. hut. r’so, l arv and with taking | art In the B**th the a lilants an*l their victim wer toUeti to tin aria-kc Washing*on nnd ft ourg w • r** |*‘* k*d up. whll* Thompson aft.r havliik ins wounds <lrc*d by Dr. E 8. Osborne. Wa- taken to hie twine In the anihu’an * It Is thought that n n •*f his w.-und- Is seriou**. Uit u * l*onl will he nccepieil for the prisoners unit* the result of th* wounds Is definitely known. Mil l, H 11.1. ft FOB DIYOV Fourth Dint riel ( luha to imnlitn mate In His Interest. The Hast Hide Conservative Club will meet to-night at Labor Hall for the (Hjr l*osc of Indot-lng Alderman James M Dixon for Mayor an*l (lino to arrange for a union meeting with the Reynolds Chib of the Fourth district on the foil wing nittht It I s # pru*osed to make the lat ter meeting <i grand rally for Dixon, with i vie a u show ing that the alderman da** h own district, the Fourth, solidly with him. i;i.K( tion % r ?rr. pai i/s. Wardens nnd ft**Slrynien C hosen for llae ( nmIDK 1 ear. At Hi Paul’s Episcopal Church last night the election of wardens and of \©s trymen took plare, and resulted as fol lows: Ben lor Warden— J. H. Elton. Junior Warden— C W. Howard. Jr Y**t-trymetv— A. B. M#nre. F. W Garden. J. C Tyson, W. R. purse, W. \V. Egvrtun and E. Ucflckw. J 1 MUST KEEP WITHIN BOUNDS. 'I III: Kl >(TIII\* *MI IM TV *>•• 4.MAM, Jl HV MKI | Judge I’HlltKsnt Idd the kuperlr Court Brand Jury Tlmt It Must Itetnrn at u ln<ll<‘tin*ui \\ It••*% er It Finds There Is Hittsonnlilt* taroimils t llellexr lit** ftc*us***l (iallty—Petit Jur> Mtotilil (hrter mine* I Itlsunte €|uestlot *f 4nllf or Jnnoi’eiirr— 4 nrrv Inu f I*- -**• I -il ftftenpcm* tlust He Htopp4rd. f unUassnre <f I'ullr) l.otteries n M**nre to the t milmunity . Judg*> Failigant s charge to the grand Jury of the Hutsiior C -urt. > * >t.*r*l • fiMrnlng. war. in gen* ral. abu.g th* iim .•f previous charge i*liv**i* 1 by him :• I previous grand jurl* >. In one r* .-,**•<*t onl> was It unusual This portion of the charge was <lf*\v>t.*d to an Deposit <n * f in* function!* of t • grand Jury an*l ti). litnU.i• *. tmisM* i by law ti|v>n Iti# powers. Th*- rharg* •# tMi subject followt i whAt Judg* Fal | gant had to say on the subject * T Ju-tu * |of th< i fH Mc'C ar,l •.i ryii g • n* del w* j hut he -‘at# that he had t in- It- nuon of criti i-ii.g ti*# •• 'ti*• of in | particuhir grand Jury In any |grUcular case. i "It Is no* for the gran#! Jury." iM JioUre Falllgant, "to *l*-termine th* guH: * r IntifWhci* *f the ;*■ u-**l It i- for th* grand Jury to examine the wßrw #• - brought h*'fore it and to decide, from ih# (‘-vldetw e thu® adduced, whether *r not there is reuse*nab!# ground to bellev** that the <)ef#*n*kant Is guilty If the *l*vision iiach! is in th#* aflirmative. it is tfi* lu4y of the grand Jury i> return tr i ill It is the function f the i*etit Jury, when the ca-* is tiled In open court. t* fti*> ide the final question of the ilof. i Int absolute guilt or innocence f the crlni* with which he i- charg***) There i?< ♦lun ger that the ends of Justice will h *e fcAtcd. if the grand Jury attempt* to J Judge Falllgant charge#! th*- grarl Jntv • eers which the law r*quir shill b* •x --umtnc*l an-1 th* * publb institution- ar 1 agencies of (government ov* r whi h It is v.'stcd with vlritorial |*ow*r. He said, how—ver. th*t when ther** are three Su |Hrior Court grand June* annually, . b the ease in this county, might well happen that t#x in .• | (ltni r* devoted l * *pe*Tions and examinations and that the grand Jury, relying upon the thorough j ness and z**il of its predecessor, might well afford t* 4.*.k* on *f them *n faith and #h vote Its uttentioo ( matters that r* more pressing and *m**rg**nt in their nature But 4ln* books of one cl ** of ptihli*' offi cers. th** Ju-’ic* of the |" ** . July Falllgant charged th* granl Jury t * x imln** with great thoroughtuss and ran It Is e?*p. 'ally I)**** wary. hesa.d that the w*lmmistr.i4t*Hi of Justha* in the erur:. s I)4* 11 I** kept free from reproach >r taint. The Jtistie# of th* |* • • ir- Vest*.l b> the constitution and laws of the Mute wi4h larg* civil and rrlmiv a! i>*w# r. an 1 ihey hold in their hands th* opiiorlunltv. If they no dcolrc*, to |h rpetrato great wrongs. There ho* bean a gorwl d# nl of criticism Sn recent years, said Ju*lge Falllgant of the way Justice is administered In the-#* inferior court**, and som* few open and dcflnlt** charg s. While he did not credit the statement that there Is c at abuse of Judicial dls''retlon. It Is yet the func tion of the grand Jury t# Inve-tigatS th*sc ju. stlons closely and to mk* such pr* - 'cntments a-- best scrv* to eradicate nny **vils that are foun*l. The law again** carrying concealed wn|ofH ram** in for it-* full firm* *f Judge Falllg im’h attention. find •h* p* <’ ih i, now lieeocnltig so common, of violat ing this provision of law. for ts full shore of hi JuiHrla] rood* mmtlon. T* ihio unfortunate .ml criminal practice Judge Fa Hi Kin! Iracrtl the origin of rev • rt! of the lamentable affravs that h.v* • Irit*iif• *1 the tTHfir ending of m*w- than me of them. It I* the grand jury - fluty •o Inv* -tlaate vlol.illone of this law strictly and promptly. Indict those In wins*- guilt of the off cnee (her* is* r.-*ti - aMe av ur*d to believe In hie charge on the subject of gambling ir.l keeping RamlnK houses Judge Falll mnl stressed that form of it known hs the policy lottery with parti ular f*rco and discussed It at considerable length. It appanls to that p>rtlon of the rite’s population, said the eotirt. which Is bast able to look after Itself and leiM a d** to lose Its money. It Is the form of gambling to which the Ignorant and the poor, those classes which ought to hi* un der the peculiar protection of the law. are addicted, an! it Is amor g these clas*- that It result*, want suffering and eventual crime, are to be found The policy shop* *akl .1 iffiT** Falllgant. prey upon the public and they should be sup preased by th*' strong arm **f th** law It w r fir the grand Jury. following the course that had been ado: ! *d by Its pre decessors. to do Its full duty In this mat ter. The grind Jury was selected and worn In before It wts charged by Ju Ige F.liti gant. It la made tip as follows: John It. Young, t > eman; Albert I. Bhellm;n. William J Lindsay. WII lam <’ Neblllnger. Henry W Palme . Charles A. Cog. Clayton H. Woods. James IV M*rri h**w. John T Wed, William It M:/.g*r Ambrose lOtirlich. Walter S. King. Chari* *- F Cler, Kdward J K-nti.-d*.. Ororgo J Mills. Abram W. Ha mon. Chri( ; Bel J H H O o m r t i C. Wylly. H. •' Morgm Wlll:*<rn M In vam. W. F. M Cauley ad Hmlie L k stein. f Three Imile#ment Returned. The grand jury rnr*d for ii. lt •••*i*tl*n Immediately after receiving* tie •'air e of Ju I. Fall -.' II t. .11 and I I r a -h*r? s* - siott, irttiuml thr* • ii.u.etru* nt*. oik- f r assault with lntvnt to rap and two f*t byrglary. HLas Uoln-rts. n negro man. Is charge b> his slater-In-law*. Chai ** Halbert.-*, with an attempted criminal q>mu.i upon her daughter and bis nieta Roberts’ •!- b ged victim Is a * hlll of four years The story was told In the M*>rnlt g New ai the time of the rrlm* > alb .• and **.i.mis sion. The grand Jury Indicted Hoc it- for the offense. Aden 1 try an and Edward Taylor were both indicted for the <¥ime of burglary, though not for ihe same off cm--• Hryan Is charged with banking lnt> and en tering the store of H II IV ejd* s A Son and making awa> with slat* i t\, . re volvers. He was captured with the stolen booty shortly after h* made th, haul. After the grand Jury had complett**! Its business, the sob tor gn< r Miel he ha*l no further cases for it to • <nsid r ami It was discharged - bj ( * t 0 . |i. ri>|)l><. OF (OI.OMUe M il,, Discovery of the Ohere A itvtntin••! to tttstorlcnl Huelrp, The Dfo*tnlsr meeting of th* Georgia Historical Bociety was held last night Only the u.-ual routine bush Wils tr.iiia.icud* .Announcement w .h nia.le hv Mr Olla Ashmore of th* f *.* j. already tubliahtd by the Mor leg New*, that th * Obverse of the seal of the t . lf r color v of Georgia had been fund. care ful search by Mr Ashmore, H, n W(l . Ham Harden and others h id failed to dis cover this seal, and the s j ••* ** of .\|j H ib*nntng of Columbus was t. uiiarly grat ifjlnd io the member* o i the oviety DEI*I TY ft* ft It *ll ft L IT T IT I I*. Tin* Man Trap In Iront of * hatbaa* A -ial-in > Finally Hotrd. The r*>f>e which tomeboil y stretched across n*l along the sidewalks in front *>f the Chatham Academy some time ug aid which caused th* serious injury of Mr Charles Brown Sunday morning, was removed yesterday and a temporary board f* nr*- was built, at the ends of which lights w re placed last night. The r# iX4u*ilidt> for the placing of the r-i** ji r*ss the w ilk* was a little *lllll - to io#‘atc. Super in tendent of Poll*** 8 rvm hal the fir*t rope stretched around the building, hut somebody stole it. he sikl. The superintendent *ahi yos t* r l.t) th it he had r* thing to do with putting up th.* r*. *nti rope. Director of ptiolio Works Gadsden was wske#i about the matter. He said be ..n*l. i! Superintendent Screven had it put uje Ttie hr**m- n said they had nothing to do with it. and for awhile it in*d to Ih* a matter of doubt us to how It p-4 there. I’lnall' on** of the men in the *• ivenger department said he ihji jt up by Hoini'lvMly l ist ’s orders. 1 >eputy < it> M.irshnl C'rcam* r was finally 10*41- **l i*s th*- responsilde 4artv. Marshal Or* an*er said he passed the A idem> ruins a week or so ago atul < v :he dangerous •ndition of th*- walls. f|. t. iephoiie l SuperlnU'Udent of l'ollce Hi r< ven for r. i**. but th** aupertntend • ti# didn't have any. and after s*une ef fort the mar 'wl got one from the city * .ole* . and ba l It pu: tip along the wa k H* ni>l given ii no attention since. ?ail. and *til not know last night that it had been an obstruction to pedestrian* Hid i.d not heard of anybody being In jun 1 on a# 4‘ouut >f it Oft * I Eli ftlL ft ftVKHK FI ft 171*. Ninefct-n Pleas f t*ulll) Filed In 4tie Niiperlr 4‘onrf. Nliu-tean <f the negro o>.~t*rmen of ThundertH:t and Wilmington, who w*r*- li )j. (*<l by the last grand Jury of th* Su rior < urt for tfic off'nse of gathering %- •. r- from the l* i-* -l M* of Fapt. ft >)4iistus < * niFr. liter* and p*s of guilty in that tribunal yM!erla>. anl were sen t* n • 1. • a* h of them, to pa\ a fill** *>f $3 v\ iiout costs, or serv- c4.e month on the minty chain gang. T < pi**i> were enteral by Mr Gforp W. ii- k* tt. of counsel for th** defend ants. in c.imidiance with an ugrocmetit ma*i* witli the solUdior aeneial. * The *Kr** m*i)t wa that th**s** pUus *houK! Ih* .iiMri.l iii a#** the Supreme f’ourt refus*l i n* w trial in th* u.-* f L* wis Ftaslcr. Frasier was trod and found guilty, his motion f*>r anew trial overruled hy Judgt FulltKMnt, and his ap|s*nl to th* Supreme Four! d# nle t The facts In all the case* w* re ill* sam*\ und it was agreed that on*- should control all. The solicitor general stated that the suit* would b*- will tig to have the court mi| • luie with* ut an*l Mr W vft Gordon. Jr . who r* pr* Fapt. • lender in the \ ictous nmtters of oyster iwigatlon wiU which the latter has h*l r**ntly to contend. that this would aI m> he agreeable to the prose cutor. Judy.* I’.illigant then impos*Hl fines of ft * but he w.t nform*'l by th** court that w* • small ati amount os ould t>** cof sider* and. About Igilf • f the fines w* r* piid yes r ! ta> and F * majority of the other* will l#e paid >cf#*re the expiration of #he ve day allowed hy Julge Falllgant for t ais puriiose. Ml TRIAL I’OVmiM'J). Hum simnion*. nllnn Barnes, Will ft**i ll** Tried I ntll Friday. The . ise of Sain Simmons, alias Sam Barnes, which wax to have been tried In trie Superior Court to-lay. has been |oet pomd until Friday. Simmons, or Barnes is tin negro who sli*.t an<l killetl John Woli* miet a sailor, in Yu mac raw. At ko>t he lnt> been indicted for this rim#* by th* grand Jury, but the evidence of the several witnesses for the Ma c is exceedingly confusfng and confuMil. Yesterday morning, when n <? were being . -lgifted. Air. It. L. C*Mli g wh) r* {*!• >• nt> the d*feti<lant. -isk- and tlia' It lw cone nl tied until Friday, and to this muc and requc<*t the a*ll itor general a-sente*!. lnsti-ud of to*day being devotsl to the trial of this murder case, th* #l!vorce #U** k t w ill be cleared. A pan* I of Jury m**n 1 •- tw*n *lrawn an 1 summ-med for tin* |*urpo of r* * * >tu Ring casrrs of mari tal unhappin* i". an.l ihe Jurymen will have much to do. The divorce docket is • lor.*-: one, and aunu* <*f the cuses are Interesting. THE bftft ft Nft ftll HIM CUB. >t*etliiM at il* He Nolo To-ntatit to hrminiit- tli** 4 1011. A m# etlng will be held In the parlors of the 1 Bvto to-night for the |*urpo?<e of organizing ci hunt elub. invitations have b *ii s**nt out and It Is expected ihat the m*'*-ting wdl l largely atteu*Kd by lov*rs of the chase. I'*er> ttovenirnt Htirta When you have rheumatism Alusel*** feel in*! so:* and Joints are painful. !( does not |4y io suffer long from this dio . ,ts when it may t*e t uia.l #*o piomptiy and p*rf*ctly by HtHl‘.- HarsajuirllJa Thb im#ll goes right to the Si**t lu'utralix* s th# nudity of the blotxl, which i j *>- rh un*at wn. and puts an end to Biliousness Is cured l-y Hood's ITUs. 25c. —nd. r-i*nfi> fr ft our Lot makes beautiful fan growing shade and li. ar the i-tH'l ••■t nuts My N.- Plus I'lina •ire the niU'si In all restarts known, only fl for a x dk li e thee* If you rail to-day ,il lj Perr> str.s-l, <asl. If wanted for ■ lUi.try place* *h. y mil soon make you a fortune 111' i- r Mi by > x J U Anders. I* tun ni i,ili.*(, Suannali, <l.t—ad. •flraylxani Is a tamlly mi dlclne with us." aald a prominent business man yes terday. "Mv wife takes It, and I notice sh- Is enjoying lietter health than for y- ar*. The children keep will by taking It" firaybeard may be obtained at all drug stores or write to u* for it. Kespesa Drug Cos., aole props , Havannuh, (la -ad One rar of elegant tire proof safe*, the best In the land, nrrlved to-day at the Ttalilmore wharf. AM consist of an ag gregate weight of over thirty thou-un | poiMals. In thla ear are safes of all slmes. and are made by Ihe celebratesl Barnss Manufacturing Company of Pittsburg. Pa., belonging to Leppman linos Up min Pros., wfioltwale druggists, l.ippmans bfis k of this city, are the only e -nrern In the state that carry n Hoik of fire proof safes In store, and • will guarantee to sell them as low as the manufacturer with the freight adds*! as we have special arrangement for mak ln *" >I | • - Wi i Iso have he-n furnishing quite a large number of sll lerwure nre proof chests which have given great satisfaction. Purchasers who wani onymlng In the fire proof safe line wdl do well to call on ljppman Hrua—ad A tflgh-Or.ide Institution for I-adlea Bhorier College, Home, Ua. Write for catalogue.—ud. "Elegance” —and— " Durability" COMBINBD in our flne hm l-i , ‘‘Coach and Kay” Harness. Congress and Whitaker S' LEO FRANK. Hogan s This week we will give with every cash purchase of ten dol lars a handsome Christmas souvenir. Don't forget that we have cut prices in all departments, and the goods are all fresh and new. Our specials for the week are: Dress Goods, Comforts and Blankets, Linens and White Goods, and the beautiful line of Christmas Trix. Daniel Hogan, Corner Broughton and i m ri | i *w> This is the Trade Mark of the Best Builders Hard ware : that made by the Yale&Towne Mfg. Cos. Those who contemplate building should send for our artistic brochure "Artist and Artisan:" free. H.H. PEEPLES & SONS, 125 CONGRESS ST.. WEST. CHIMNEY TOPS. FLUE PIPE FIRE BRICKS. GROUND FIRE CLAY. I [lll's SI 113 Ifrouv'bton Slr*et. \S - Wood mosaic Co.’s Parquetry Floors Hare b.-en laid In many of i J fort able homes In N- W York P ' : ‘ a other cHlcs. More cleanly and than rnrpiste. Plain and fancy and polished complete over ol - making u aolld and beautiful P I " m as- Having a number of floors t*> ■' ... vannah this tnooih we • >n <l ! ' '' figures, ratajogtiu and setlme'. * n'c had by addrelng J M Al ' ' ' 277 N Charles iwrcet, ltaltlm ami iekjiti. SAVANNAH THEATRE THE KLIMT.MEAR> CO.. Presenting nt the Matinee 10-dnr *“■ ’ cent.winner.' ... ... Prlres. Adults toe. CbPdrer. in Tonight at sg) o'clock. 'The Course •'<' Prlcos. 10 tfinnil **' OI.D NEW BPAPBIIfi. > tot S ** Jiuslness Ufllca Morning News.