The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 04, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 CITY'S DEEP WATER BOOK. <KPIF* M%%1; RRK\ MM TO "*%• atom** %mi nr.PRKn:\T iTiu;*. PrMM-nfa Ini rmn ii*. MIlIHlw •***• \rg uniriH In f **n vin nk‘ i Inltu for D-*|cr \Xi*r. Timfßi' Hnnna-r. Pop*-. Mloioo ol Jack, of Ihr fhrrt* llalln| frH*. Mnk* full l %blr ll**- xietva of |h•* < (*mmrr litl Mtun f ion f tar I’wri nid If* I’rmprrlhr , uf lfnl *•• Wflh llrrprr \A m i*r— 4 uad \n\nl Moe** Hrn. t umhMiiH U, Jihlpbrokora Kiwf olhvri Mil f uinrlbulr lintn. bkiv Aiviafi * Ilb.s> f"r r water ami | tha • • ■ wo *1 t♦ 1 •nlf to th* . part u ti *• ff t TANARUS ..*4 th* tli pth ■ of WkP't ; i ’ r < 1 to thf i* A. ar* i*t fc'-th In . 4.04 oj* l\ th** ctlf a fh* 4 f ,'i ni. of Nlm'Of Mvfr- m I wfil '* ■' i >w I l '' i ; v! to titts te ’* 'f* ntAtivan In f'uiiKro* and in® <s tww *.pjp f‘ throughout th*' <v*un tr* Th* pAinphiei i* rar r .v* 1 y< far .'t\, 1 ur.a • wrork of mailing wo- lirur at mvr to** **!• or nml i**;>r ■'>*•' l— u.g given firat cc*<V i ion. It • *m i- ( pag • nr*l la f * k M '■ ir 'or m*Hon. facta ar*l * ? i * to ut# ; pnat and <■ mar i Si. n r.*h. • hawing the 1 S1 > *tn in ownm* r* a i which ha# bian ni ; wUh . r w.itf, .j-i ahowlx.g lt*e nlvaMak- a to | .'**#■ h from a forth r rc *<j k,Th of •rm oiiannvi T* • *ra mar* >*' r • of • *><* pmai * .ar * thf cliy. thr cotton, naval 'Of< arwl luvitw rmti, and tioo# #gsMff'*..l tn m*ior Nona of bara nil oomnm.<nl *\ Ir.c* and r*u marl •**>* :r AxA;roar' |>rri‘ <oo.- mnroMa. e#* and the lm;ioftaiV"4 •rhtoh the oia) with i'i-m h* 4 eTtp#*eind to #nin with f mh*r improvem-m* in h#r harht 11 tH to th* aof r on* ♦. *tate that vary full. valtmbV ami Inlireailna aantrlbu ion* w. tn* • • ♦ ara con? n utci ity Traf?!' unrAfu - A. Poj e. of the Acwbuttru Air Unt K,*i wu) and K \' Hinton of the <'tntr.*l of CSeorgUi flail* way The llttla voiuma announ* ea Itself an Facta in Kau.r of I* * the Itiver aid Harbor at Hlatravmtah. On from 'A Feet to JA Feet at Mean HiKh Water, Da cenjber, 1)” Th - tnaxodu tion la an i irea* to the onater* and representative* *f the I'niuvl Pta'aa by the Mayor In the >i*nln* |r asrapha of hta lmrxi(ktlon M.*>or Myers aay *! *1 bear to present herewith for your con elder at ion in connection with the i** thW*n for an appropriation to increase the depth • 1 t from the rity of Savarnon to th sea, from y> fe**t to fe* t mt mean hith water, tin* opinion* of th<e<. let r|iiallfl and i.y lona - quamtam-e with its • ommerclal tnt r-ats sn*l th- busimss Interests itenerary *f Georgia. FiorKli, Alabama, Houth fur- - llna. Tennessee. Kentucky, fihio, Illinois and other stntis whose products m< k an outlet through thki trs, to p upon th# efr*'te -u*h n imin>vemeni would have in bringing larger draught vc*dh here, with lower freight rates, reducing the expense f himiling exports nn.l r doundlng to the l*efunt of the pr<Mfucers as well as fn the upbuilding of the <-om mere# of ttavann.ih. “Fwm these appended wtntemenfM sus tained by figures pn * nla! therein, It will seen that h*r** his b* n in th*' past twenty year* a vast increase in the comsner .- / Sav.inpah the direct r * il? 4>f th* Improvement <*f it.* harlnir. *f the rMptd ngiiculturai and industrial *h*velop mert nf the territory tributary to It, an I of the continued expansion of the rail road system* having th*-.r chief terminate it this point In this period the depth of the channel his trn Increasgl from about ntn*ieen feet to twenty-six feat, the value nf Its commerce from r7©dv.- Ofi* to fI&MMvOO®, Sind the total tonnagi of les*** !** entering and cl* wring at the Cus tom H*>u>. 1.3f*:.44 to 3.115 381. Tha effect nf * very font add. and to the depth of i h.ii uel has been speedily sppirent in the Increased volume of ttattic uimhi It.” The (ondMtou of the channel a * the close of the war and the Improv* ments m. i.- from tlm# to tm* alnce C with the results obtained, are r**vlewed by the Mayor. n-l dtUdlo given •* show the greatly benofldal results which have ac crued to th* city by r*-aun nf these im provement* of tb river. The fneceised fostnage of *he port and •!** increased site of the vessel* omuig here urv e |*eelfllly dwelt upon. A table is given, showing the number of entered and • l**red *t th*- Siviin tuh Custom House, their tnnnxige. the value of exprr* and the total commcpc, bar the past t**n years and f>r lAtd. Ths table shows that in IH*S th** to'.il tonnage, foreign and <oas wl**. wm 1,342.4R4 In JiPi tbi* had tncreaaod to 1 A?*; and in lx!dl to 2 11S Ski The value of export* in JMtrt was SI9.SV7.fSt. in 1 s** fCIMVJ.. M nd in 18VS 174,7t1*.%4 o*>tton biviptu Wert v^o,. &1A balee in \*m. 90S 517 In I** and 1,101,- 4M hi lkW Naval st*r*-s rtreipp were Sit.* 2tf barrels In IWn\ W..M7 Iwrrel*, In IK and 1,3M,2fb barrels Itt IhW I timber ex ports were Hi. 991,000 In lkk** 121.‘R*** 000 in into, and MTftgl.iw In lß*t Th* Ravamuib Clearing Ase latk>n did not begin liusi neea until IMM In which year th* bank cleararw'i s were |!f1k..Wi.174 Ui year the clearance* wer# |l3tk,fl4 714. f I'or the |.n mom k.h of M* ve*r to Cku. 91. the clear unc-s are already or |V,urt hf® greatar than for all th* previous year. The poparatlon r 4 th** etatltl h and in formation contained in he pamplilei w is und* rt k* i by th** Mayor it ih Inatanct* of Capt. C K. Gillette Cnlted Btes en gineer in charge of tHI dlstrl t. who an nounced that a preliminary examination. single moment that consumption will f iffiSfcfffizHim "'■ ,r strike vou a It does WpJtklr ’^_ nol corTIC * l '* l w * v ' think it*is * little cold, but a little hacsirsg ; then a little loss in weight; then a harder cough ; then the fever and the night sweat*. Better stop the disease while tt I* yet creeping Better cure your cough today. You can do it with aratrs Cherry, Pectoral The pressure on the chest is lifted, thst feeling of suffocation it removed, and you are cured. You can stop that little cold with a 25c. bottle; harder coughs wilt need a 50c. size; If it’s on the lungs the one dollar size will be most economical. "I roofldentle recommend Aver’* Chert* Pectoral to ll ray patr* n* I in using it now tu my own family. t arty years mbi I feel sure Hstmil n.y Ilf, AS. Ptosoii, M t)„ Jib. 4,1594. Fort Madison, lows. r 4 ICC Of Kidney Disease is oftentimes cn VsdU JU shrouded in mystery. FF F FCT ° f Kfdnc Y Disea3 is NOT rnyste nous, but is known to all. FI IPF or orms Kidney Disease is Warner’s Safe Cure. A vege table Specific, and for the past 2 1 years favorably known in all parts of the civilized world. rx /~\ /'-'v - u‘ tli August 22 lU> I j Ul if IL | |\ I- • n bbv i h thiti bul ftrigb: * d*•♦**.• s < Oid chill t ov* ute ao.l I f**H is if I w*rs •1x m*d man I>r ttor*-# nooias I UkU hi* prf* glfUbD ai*.l • f *ttirur or*e *h*n mr dru<gm who wftj * ireno.tii frisnd itjld fi“* that iu hts opln *o Wur r*sr a Saf* • •*-*f wgs tbs bs**t m- ucinr ca srtl* for itriglii ■* I t*vk * oUi* ono* i irnul >*llv f**lt rtl.ev sd. 1 kf*pt huitic it pslisot.y sud r**guirly fortw> mouth* sn4 w esutwt d****rl <• my testing' when 1 found that I was cm red Bright dis'S*-* 4 .* a tliios **f the n4t and lwi ill to a> to cscryoue suiiiiirly aff** t#*9 try Warn**r's Safe C-rc hours rers reapsctfuliy. JOE HOSE. PUFF *AMPT .T Warnsr** Rbfs Cars 4snt on r* rtpt of (XMita! card A<ldre* Warner vafe Cure Cos., Rochester S. Y Mention this Pj>er. wit I 4 v.ew a furih**r oonxuieratin of | h* pian for deepe !ng the t• I i wefity-eigbt feet had been i*rovided for : ,n<i sin) 1 -.mpfoto 4*d #Uiailel lutietlce of the present *ommorre of the (art In a*idttlon to thl*. Cap! Oillotlo ; ifl ally requested Information as * ! the pruiisctlvs comm* rce ># tt* rwrt, i :t*e *** tlons of country from which such i •mmerer nold r^orwbly be ♦xp te.i j the nature nf tlu* articles on whi b such | in. rm-*1 traffic might be egpsc-ed. In s|*ea king of naval more*. Capt Oil- i Jett* said "Prestim bly the shlfaiu n- of i aval stores will decrease. What annal j 4%r cent. of au< h decrease cm be *x p.. tod? What commerce con be e Xpert rd t;k* th** pUc* **f the and r* as* In i aval store-* and m what quantity aiwl j l*r wb it r -ison?** He al-4. asked 'ln what wav Is the present < ornm< rce hampered bv tb* pr** ,*r i navi gat Ira i faellltU's** What de'xvi n*cur m the prewent traffic due to laK of depth or other facilities ’ larger shMai this port than can be * .OQiniodated by Ihe present urr.nge meot?*' A copy nf Capt Gillette's b tter was In closed by the Mayor to * tch rabrood ofli • ial and business man of whom he is <l m-sted Information and th* gr*atvr fssri of the Information, statistk*s and arau inent in th* replies to the re quest arc in answer t** the quartos of Ou|H. Gillette. The information obtained In *hts man r.-t H full CWI Al’l- "-S tliorouKl. r-vl.-WK of Jvnn*ih * |iro.-nt iiiml tlvc r<.mm<*rr<- nrr *lvmi hy Mr I*o|m-, tr.itfl. intu**r of llu Sm l.ur<l Air Unn. n<l Mr. Minton, u irtlr mnrmK-r of th.% Ontrnl of <!■ •*>■ a briefer but iumpr'hrttelve review of *n -nun:..!! by Traffic M-nK.r I> K Jerk ..f the I ’lent m The tn. r.-aee.! < .n --merer-, both of the port nnd the rellrriHile ome the Improvement <rf Ihr harbor. I* w.-ll hrotiKh! th atvl er— Ul attention l> ealle.l to the fact that th. mileage of the llnea i-nterm* Aovatinah has aliooet .louhl.-rt ilulinc the laat twelve mref.he. The tr.ifß‘ trur na rrtr thoe thar this In - t mi lease not only means an tr , rt-ase of fitclHUe, for btteltww*. Int -hnt It necea-arlly nieane an inctease In romm.-r.-r in a-bUtton to The natural Inrrraae which le tain* reali*..l f>.m the raplt .let .-loom, nt of th.. terr .,ry tributary to Savannah. A- to the prospect for Increased comm-rre. It Is lerinted out that with b rier water nt 8a \ and the net--ss.iry conatquenee of .leeper rtmft Is with heavier ton , ~„r. the rsllrtiaffa would neeeesarlly. In 1 heir desire for business rearh out over . 1... tr eaten.ive mll-oirr *U'l connection, ret Other lines of business than those thov now rntoy B|.e. lal attention Is pabl t.. nml. iron phosi.hatee an.l * r! ’ ,n ** luealucts which wottl-l certainly ffn.l Jhelr way through this tort In large arul In crrn.lng .paint tie* The rallr-a I men, vs well as the chants hold that the eottJtt receipts of t .,e port are likely to Incrfas. notalilt - tan-ling the large consumption,, of ...non t.y Southern mills, the more e*ten.l.-.l mil. age of the roa.ts enaoltng them to reach out Into practically *H of the stabs for iMisui. ss of this character l-igurea M r- rivet stmwlng that fctavannah te -tv e.l an Incrraseil pererctage of the las' crop while all other port- r. elvc.l a ia cr.-as.-I percentage, the .leer.aae In some Insttiiirer being quite large V. nsv ,1 stores. iKith the rsllr -ol mi> .„,i the naval store* merchants egrr* In contradicting Capt. CtlMeite-H Impression t„ the pr|’ Uv decrease In tin- in'.r future of th.- re-elpss at thin port H I* admitted that there ‘ prevalent im nrwslim to till* eft. i w tlnn sin. c, Inn It Is stated 4 FI it the oapenen.c of the I lot two M-asons has shown this 1m ,... mmbt h t 14 I’ pot**™ out thii though ttir naval "tores terrllor> haw 1,. .n gradually re •.din* fiom Savannah ih. rail lines from the f.orl cover urac il, ,|K all of the | rr sen I naval stores ler amt find It to tnelr ut t. test to hrlntt the products of the pine here while the facilities for handling n.ivA) Mores are so much greater than at ,111 V of thr Other ports that the producers naturally prefer to ship their product* here, notwithstanding the longer haul. The conclusion id luh the rallrrw.l men and the naval stole nun Is that Savannah will maintain her own In handling th* products of the pine for the nest ten .r . r., . n i.-sr- at 1* i*t, an.l that with even a .te. line of tu. Industry rt<r that per lul slu will still mitmaln her pre-enil nen * as a naval stores p*>rt is.siuse of rh. natural ol the huslnt -a at this |:lnl and th. sup. rlor taelUttea offered for handling It. Tlie naval stores men who contrllaiie fails .ml irguroehis on thl- line ui< .Mr. J p WtW in-. president of rhe J. P. William* Company; Mr. John It, Feains. president ol the Kills-Voting Company; Mr, J. F. C. Myers, vl. - president of the H I‘. Shotl< r Company. Mr W. C. Pow ell, president of tip Southern Naval Stores Company, and tireig ,v Jones The cotton busln. its afTeeetd by the Improvement of the harbor. Is discussed by W. IV Oordon A Cos. Hutler, Stevens & Cos., and Karow A For re r. The last annual report of Supt. Merrlhew of the Cotlon Kxrhnnge. Is also Included Strachan A Cos. and Wl.h r a • „ 41*. cuss the question from tit*- sian*h"*lnt ~f th* ehlpbrokers. both upholding the tit-**! ol deeper water anst giving instances showing whtm the luck of greater d-,d:i has mtlttated against the port The Southern 1 ‘..lion tall Company giv* figures showing the great Inerea e In the • sport* from Savannah of c*>ti..r . * I oil and meal, ihe r a port s now being about Ifsi.OWa tiarrels of oil and about -o■ pounsls of meat annually. The lunde r |ogt|". as represented by Secretary Stillwell of the Southern I'm. Cos., and £. U. Hunting St Cos., preotul ng TlfK MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1900. uree showing the targe In*-r**Mse |n their business since the dss|M*nlng of the chan- | ni. and mrongiy urge the need of lrurea* *i depth. J. M A t*o. stato that > H-rvld ri!e •xmm-ro- in phoipliftt< won!.l s*-**k an outlet at thta |*ort wlh u de*i**rr j dtantifil I 'resident I O. Puis*, of the Foard of Trade. briefl> reviews the sitxo ution. ehowtng that there are n numkr ; of raasoue any Havann ih may t xpwt an ; InnMieed trad* and commerce wlthing the next few years If the Senators and llepr*-**nottv-’f study fMmphlet th*y can hardly fall ki be ■•onvin* ed of th* ju*(i ** of Sitvnn imh r claim. If they r.*k d-v*- trmihb to Inform thcmselvos upa* the aullent pdnti r>r > *.* > nt*d thR argument will doubttaae le •tifllfleni. Mayor Myers ha* written i nuvnlM*r of the hading nosufajivr*, notify- Ing th*-m that of the t*.*mjhl**t have boon s**nt and tlrni full ex tracts be mad** f>r pui*it< ttlori. AT TIIE mKATKfV. Iv llml-llraru t'o.'i Etrfllrnt l*er forumnrp of •• % Nstmeg Maloti. ** The Kllmt-lfc.irn company rqiened a week’s eng ig nei:t last night with a per form. tin of the pastoral drama. **A Nut n g Match.” The weather mas dead hk itnst a good aliening, ns far as u large audience was concerned, but th*- o|*ening piece was entirely tuoMiful, and the .• dlence show*' I It- ipprotmt I<at by frequent applause, which !ik*-n**<i unto h prolonged bowl during th* pile-driver seen**. whi<‘ii wus a very i.vki setting a pretentious <n*. In*!# * I, for a popular-price com pany. * A Nutmeg Match” Is i four-act plav. the e* * nr of which is laid lit a country *i 1 1 of C—mar item It va mil uwei and admirwhiy . ie*l, the company sits tatnliiK the reputation It ban ma*le h*re during previous * ng.ig* inent • K. M •Kim tall. as I’nelc Hot*, was a typical char acter and his portrayal was capaide in*l syrapathetti Alma ll*‘arn os the ca prickms and tantalising *lnlers wa **x * elltmi, an*l put has of Ilf* int the pb ee, George Klimt. William Marble. Fn**l Tll llsh. Fred Walton. IViulln** Maddern, Hv. lewl* an*l Josephine Fox all nxnr In lor a share of comimndailnn. Baby l.*wta and Mr. KimlNill appeared In specialties and were well receive*!. Th* matliUN* Nil to-day %vi!l b* "An Tn Bocent Sinner’ and to-night **The Comnxv dor* ." a naval dmnia. which the company di*l here last e afon w ith ginul fleet, will l*e put on. of < iroruf I*, lira). Mr. 12 o'clock thl* morning ai No. i* Gordon ulrrt'l, cast, after a lona lllnr*©. The •!#*- -•a-©*! %%.• 6*l yean* old on*! was known to many |K <fi< In Bavannuh H* !• iv. > n wife, but no * hiitircn. 11l funeral %s t.t lake pla*-e to moriow mornir.E THAVHIJa OF THK KVKLIIH. Van \\ Ink 7.J<hi Hllp* in Flft> \ pars, From the NVa- York Herald. “An quick < a wink" In a proverb of tompariaon. Th* rapidity of th*' wink, however, is of more lniert*t a •e|m|st.*> In Germ .in' whq hav* lutelv computed that 111 *M.r waking tuHirs hy winking nner u ae.-ond on an average man |m florins th in voluntary function n lean than .Vi.*n tlm- In a day, or In .1 year <ra-ihum Ilk* 19.uOu.OUD time*. Manuring the li-tan . that txHh yrll<lH travel a<* •• quarter of an Inch, It In w*u that the total** travel**! In a lifetime of fifty year* l no less than 7.200 miles, or one-third way 11 round the a lot*'. "And yet thee common wonder* of onr dally Itfe ta conic in*lgnifb -ant when w ixune to eonsMrr the several function* of the normal body." said Dr. George F Hlirmly lit commenting upon th©<*© calcula tions. "The miracle of our ordinary cx- IfiH.' t* has grown #• <vmni<Mi| I>■ • by fa mlllarlty that w** pcldom regard these things In 1 t-rious light Tak- the circu lation of the Mojd and the action of the h*art. for Instance, which don< a work In *• lifetime which represents the lifting of Never*! million ton*. Th* * iKuatkui nf the eyelid Is merely typical of a'l pari* of the body |e*rformlng fund lone dally w-hlch wh< n reduced to figure* co. loeeal.** An * mient New York practitioner mjjv |d*nicj .and this view with • ■ rvntlon* (M-rtalnlng to thr rae “Those flgur* * arc < lee Modi v Inaccurate.” was hi* comment, "for th* re von that p*oj>t differ In th* freqticn* y of winking us In any other nor mal act on. For Instance. the lark-haired and nervous type of both *©x* * w;nk factor then the phlegmatic, and while one wink to the *eeond will do for such in or ganisation one wink in five to eight **-c --ond* suffice?* for the phlegmatic, Inactive organism. Tl*o num sensitive the quicker anl faster the art 100 of th* I*l Nature! has provided very carefully for Just the function by giving the higher up, |.* U nger and finer lash©* than the lower or der.” The eye regarded a* ‘‘the window of the sour* 1* smenewhat out of d.t* Modern scientist* prove that nil the expression in In the lid—whether quick or sknr m ac- I tlon. dr*iplng and dreamy or >rt and rapid. The clean-cut eyelid In an indies- \ t ion of health The Orient a?* . lip th* **>©- lasher >f tbvir Infant?*, ?o th* lash©* may grow long, full and curving to cur tain them from the ray** of the tropical Min nd also to proud them lain the sirocco driven sand. { THE WEATHER. Fore* o f f r Tuesday and Wtnir.e* lay: ♦ •'•►rgla: Haln Tuc'Uy. Wcdn*s*lAV fair with COider In m (cm pnr I; v ri aoi* winds, ta* omlng fre-h uo thwr* : rly. **rn Florida: Cloudy Tu* . wi t> rain tn *.is<ern jionton We’ii* *tay. fair, cx* p* p obulcy rain oti the tulf coast; **l r in i a her* f*or :•., fresh sou he • 1> w.nd-. ridfting to w* - rly. W***i*rn Florida: Fair Tut--day uni Wednesdai; fresh northerly winds. Sci Carolina Hum TuP*lu> Wed n** * I * older; fresh to . ii*k ** ii i t >* ** t* wan .**, ta . oimng norths cuiterly T . -*♦.*> bight. V - ef.iay Weather a ? Ha v u twli Mj rnum Minimum temperature l a. tn.. 4 degrees M. an teng* tat ure * •iegfee**- Normal temperature —. . r >3 I gr-** of t> mprrsturc 4*i* gr j <s A umuiflird excess since Uc, i >... ... S degrees A * umulatcd excess sin* e Jan 1 degree* liainfah I inch Surmul 'fe in* I* ■ * * | IMS |)| ! ff II ! • ft* i* f • . lines Jan. \ (Ml *- ‘ Itiver Report The bight of th* Kavan rah river at Augusta, at 9 a m <7'*th n* - r:<*ian tne y* H** riiay. w i **'•*■ a rise f-i curing the pr* * ilng twenty four hours t observations taken nt th* same mo ment of tim** it all at attorn*. I >*■ . 3.190 ft, K •*’ p fn.. 7Th meridian time Name of .Station , T V Uain iiOMYCMi cloudy Pi | 9 .09 New York city, cloudy .. H ut rhlladelphlst. cloudy w H | .ii W.iEllington city, chzudy . 4s ta jjo Norfolk, cloudy \ &• 1. j .01 cloudy *d J 14 ,<* W'limlngton. cloudy Oi 12 .00 ’* arlorte. r.imlng 42 j L .44 Haleigh raining 4S i h ,<*i Charleston, raining 03 } 1* ,3 Atlanta, raining ft 1*) IV> Augusta, ratntrig S3 0 .26 Savannah, raining • *>l j 6 >4 Jacks*mvide, . loudy \ oh 12 j 06 liil-iur, cloiniy 71 j lo j .26 Key Wear. lean* { 76 I, .00 Tampa, cloudy ( 7‘* h Mobttr, cloudy f2 j 12 } >4k Montgomery, rain trig .... 4K 10 hi Vicksburg. • ■•oudy .j S'* j in .10 New Orleans l*udy fis I, 3.66 •Hlresion, *!*r*r ........ 14 h* Gorpus Ghrtoti. clear ... M i 6 < Balestlne, cloudy 42 lo • Memphis, raining ...... 46 6 j .06 Cincinnati, cloudy 46 j I* .oo Pittsburg 1-uly 46 k 01 ItufTwln cl*aidv ti *. Detroit, Hntftdy ] 42 6 .00 Chicago, cloudy * ,v. io .on Marquette, cloudy } II I, | ,92 Sa Paul, and >udy i 34 K T IfavenfMirr, cloudy 36 I, * T Jit lul*. cloudy 42 H f .ut Kf ** City, cloudy ....j 3* | 6 T Oklahoma, cloudy -to g | on Is**lg. t?i‘y, clar 36 | j .00 North Piaffe, cloudy ,„.| 44 I, .00 II H. Boyer, lo*nl Forecaa* OfTicail A A oi.l\ EH TWIST I9TOHY. |tol*rf J. 1 Inpp. as as (to*. Firrrl ts Hrl|i In Hank Vtnthery. From the Fhlladclphta Pres* Sort ha nipt* us, Mass., Nov. 29.—Not I*ll to-*My has b**n revcab*d the whol*- my.*- lery nf the famous $2 ftfn.mvi Nnrthumirfnn Hank robbery of lS7tt. Rol©rt J Clapp. w.*nri t'V'so.vM' in hon* * pursuit*. has confessed that as a yHith he helped Jnrnes Dunlap, “Hob” B©ntt, "Hoi" L© ry. and “Bhang” Drape r—the rhrrwd cat quartet that ever gagged a wat< lunar or blew' up a safe—put through the gl rnt.' I'fvnit*, this v the talk of the world. Beni* grace, outcast tramp, brk©man roust about. prospector, Uot***rt J. Clapp has been, Noiv he Is a millionaire for a chang*. HD Ilf*- haw been on** long ro mance. Even now he weeps for his bride—an Indian squaw. It w*s she who tt v ded to him the .■*. r*-t of the Felly river. Alask . n*l brought in him the Knowledge that has given him his gold Dunlap and H*ott, with lertry and Draper, planned the great Northampton Hank robbery and got iw\y with nearly le*ar>' nn*l Draper r* -+tored th.-ir share and got off without sentence. Dun lap and Bcf*tt were sent to State pri -on f.r fifteen y* ars each Scott dl***l In prlaovt. In pec: Dunlap wn* pardon* and in DBB by Governor Ru-seU, of M issnchu * tts. Till to*<Uy It was never known th t “Hob” ('lam* was ev r In th*- g mg. Gapn's %tr> of the Hobhery. “I was In that gng,” said Mr. Clnpp, seriously, “though Ir was against my wl I Ibmlnp met me when I was working ih .* h*>r*tlcr. and. learning that 1 was from Northampton, his old town. tH>k great in* t*-r st n me. Finally he cam* t. me with an <4Ter of a grfvl round sum to aceni pnv him and 1 few frlerwls on * busln* <s trip to N rthampton We rea h*'d N*>rtb nmptoo at night Dunlap naked me to how him th* schoolhouao 1 Hrilge tr*et. I t*s-k them about my old hem#- inn and pednted out the hank, the school liouse. the l*ank’s w*'hmn, the ea*filer, hin home. anl everything elsr they want cl. They o miflui ih** seho*>lh*MiNc wiule they staid there. ’ Mr C pp went quietly over the aiory of the North.mtton Bank robbery. On the nigh* of Jan 2T, D76. seven m *sked men *nter**l the hotis** of J*hn Whittle .*•■>- cashier of the Northampbui Hank and seixe 1 th s*v*n member* of the family. They were bound, gagged and haiulcufTe*!. Mr. Whlttleh- y was after t rture. to reveal the omMnation to the Iron box inel k the safe ll* give several wrong num er-, tut the desperate gang finally forced him to *ll wfuit they w .nl**l Th \ got nearly $2 tt**.ono. money and securities. ‘Th** pluiwW r w.m not -oru < tied in the e* ho<dhoie/* said Mr. f’iapp. “but taken t> Wore# ter, and ?h**n to New York.” A “drink run 1 *snhUshed at Akr n , has quite bueinoss for want of euf fl lent custom. “IT’S NOT BIRTH. '••r Wealth. \or Stale, Hut *filt Ip nml tilt* That Makes Man fireat.** This Is the mo:to on the letter head of a well-known grocery rtrm in \V uwtown, N. Y . Fr* and 11. Hush & Otx, and Is Indica tive of the character of th* men. Mr Hush himself had quite an experience with f* < and iti relrtiioti ** hen lift, as h** w.n r**- fiieed ir*ran*e three years ago lt*>tau>** the examining physician found he b*l Hrtght's disease and could only live a sh rt time at the best. "My own ptiyslclan stiggfut**l that I make n ra*!Ual change in diet About trial time my attention was called to Grai* - Nuts fo*d. and I liegun with d**S4r |* nilssi>*n to ua* this f**wl Of course I ha j l. **n fortddden th* use of sugar or starohy f*MM|, fan my doctor knew that Grip— Nuts was o mpi-.d of the starch of wheat mtid barley trinsfornwHl inb grajie sugar and in this condition is easily digested "To mak* long nory short. <Sn>*- Nut* has been a constant dish at mv t. Me for three y* us. I have taken no m*d Icine during this time and I am now strong are! healthy and capable of d<>lng o hard day * work every day.'* Bo muefv f*r jHire food. pn>p*t*lv se lected an*l p-rfdtly oookel by exp*rts at the fiictory. There Is not a alngb dl ease in the category of human ills but what can be helped by the use of pure ftewl of this character, and moat of ih* widmary d*sa*os can bo cured. MH9. 4 I9TU: a 4 IHBO M ITEHIAT She T*ll* .1* ir MiirrUon - faeketi Her, • F!dorado Kr f Mr* OHn <’as tie*a dying atat* ment w y n>a i** pu*:ic to-n4gN. it iall.* how Jcasie Morrtaovi < - al!**d on her oi* t morning of th** as s.iult an*l how t , discussed M Mor rison’s rotations with \|gtlc M*sa MoT il r* ha*l ai#:t r ai I -k* ilf M Gas tl had written It Mr Gastlc said no. The Mat**men* gn**s on:* nt tire: denhd a I I told her t find in g th a f I *on?**- *| it ali and h- sold: ” ‘Well, >ou may r* I t. - letter.’ “As she said this sh** iros* from the ioung *. iiji.l, pa*-:ng • n , *.;.t **f nu niid io my right, looking out *f *i tloor. - e askel me if th* r* w ,%- n> *u.* a!**4it the Duuse. 1 saw the tatter In her tali .m 1 alien rhe arm**- fiom the lounge. ‘The next *hing f knew Jewd* M >:rta**n struck me across tne ihro.a with a raxor which she had In her tight hand. I rrieu to defrnd mvself h** b**.**t I ouki from the blow*. I cut m\ Hngcrs In trying to get the raxor I tom h r. I ylso e reame) all I < **l Fh* 1 wtm ji of m- K? • g t **fT •!<• and it tu r-* If in ih** and arm*. I >aw her do If. ‘■J***l - cut n.* or .-truck me with thf raxor a great numt < of tlmea.” lll sio.mni won 11l OF iiltMOMi* llnnrlro Devixar \\ n* W llllnjz la <*lic Tl•• in I | t**r Hi* l.4bert>. Ki Paso. Tex . I>er. 3. Maurtco levixar. who ha- served tertn* in the pri-on* of I r'lcna. Spain, and in ltai\ and 1“ w micd ut Havana, was arrested lasi nigh! on a M* \t*an tVntral passenger triiin. When arrested th* man h<i i 14 *.uc worth of di *m *n l- ar and J* wetas *on , * a **l taut his person. He w s disguiaed ns u runcharo. n>) w* taken tut** custody by •he Ju*irex chief of poli-e ff*-r*i to give up everything he poseef-eed <* random to secure hi* liberty. b i\\-Fll KU*4 61 vlEi TKO sm>. \nrtiruiNti PrrMi Worn* the People l< Information. Christiania, !>*< 3.—The re crit at*|e*r tun*e of i hand of Butt*!an saw-fllera, u,.-- poe *1 io I*** military spies. i.j - orcanon -1 lively comment in th** Norwegian press whl. > ha* sarii <l th** p*op.* i. -t to ! ar n.-h them with any information. Similar taarwta of Russian iv-fli*r have pr*vok**t eimiiar untwsiness tn Kwe. •leu. To I'roio ul#* P*kt*lHce Fraud*. Havat.ti Dec. 3.—Messrs Horatio Heii ta*ri.* and Luduit M. Tamar have received oftlciai appointments a.- special attorneys tor the government in prosecuting the postofyice fraud*. They wi I *cgir. th** preparation ut she ,!.•* immediately In wrdcr to liring them to trial at the earliest t**ssible moment. Money to Itu % Stock. Havana, fv\ n —One hundred and ten thousand dollars huv )t****n appr*prlate*l f *r the purchase of 3.0 u cattle and 300 br*o*l mam to be distribute*! < üban farm**rs. Honor lan oste, se*r‘tary <f Agri ultur.- has de tdel In favor of Kntu ky stock as !•••* t adatited I*l Cuba. I. VM. IH\ u:m> hi; II %TIIK. The Actress and Her Yeung Husband Separate. From th** New York Bun. Iwndon. Dec. 1. —Mrs and her young husband. Hugo *l* Bathe, who Is *n heir to a Imronetcy, have definilsly |sTied, withotlf a suit since the bit er re turne*! from the war in South Africa It s**ems that the wedding, which look place in the Islat 1 of Jersey. w. quite Im promptu. Mrs. lomgtry obtaining the license There are no divorce law** In the Channel IdanD. but the dlffl uily prob ably n in Mir mounted if !*•<*>* .-ary by securing a domicile in Kofiind. Hugo • terald *te P.uhe Is the e.dest son of Bir Henry l erelval *h- U he. Tne latter is the owner of estates In Devon shlr* Buss* x and <’ unty Meath, to which t :>n Is heir. Hugo Hath* .*nd Mrs. langlry wer* marrt**d in the iaiand of Jersey on July 27. ixkk. shortly after Mr - k*ith The er<-mony wa- pri v *!' and no announcement of it was m.*|e for several weeks At the lime of hi*- murrlug *l* Hath*- wa- is years old, w'bllt* lit* wife vs.l.*- 47. Mrs marriag** did not Intel fere with her reap 1 * <if ii** In Bkif>* y Grundy's play "The Degenerate which took place in Lon d*a. a ivainth later. Young d* liathe was at th*- opening |*-rf*iin 1 nee and oi-ru- I I**' 1 •* l*-*x wllli t:i 1 >uke of S ixe-('otfiirg and Gotha iiul l'riiKt- Louis of Baum berg. it was reported that de Bathe laid been •ut fl by his father for having mat t !*• Mrs Langtry, iaitsr it was rumored I hat the two hud s'parated. This w.i I .s. and * hi* fly up* n th* f. t that for sever ■ I weeks th**> had not Ikkni seen in pub Ic together. In De* ember d* Bathe starte<| for Bouth Afri.-u to take parr in the war while his wif* Was pr* paring for her American trip. Upon reaching h*re la*c January Mrs Langtry characttrixed as fa Is* • the Merle <* she ,nvl *'*-r hits l and hit*l n’iwrair.l and extolled th- lat t.-r s course* in going 40 the fixwt Bh* ha. l a map of the Transvaui ma*i- on which the |*ositions of the British reg> ments were shown by little flags At her i>q formsinc *j* hen* she recited Kipling v Abwnt Min*)*-*! Beggar," and the ft-ellng >ie jmt Into her recitation was taken to Irdn at** that her tiuHiKhts were with her huslMtn*! In several interviews th* aet 1* ss dH*larr| 'hut had It not t>een for th** war the Dtt* r would have com** with her to this country. "1 always rent the pipers the first thing in the morning.” sh* **al*l In one inti?view, "to e**e where my husimnd In in order that I may move firs* the flsg which stands for his regiment." De Hat he, it wis rnortr*d afterward, bad to return to KngDnd beciuse Of tll ll aa eh IHaaer Than Iw* states. From th* New York World. There Is a cattle ranch in Texas not quite as *arg* as Alsace-teorralne, three, four* ha the si a* of Wale*, an I much l ry*r than For to Kico uial aim** t un arge as llaaatl. It cotiUl swhlloa* up the states of Hh **l*- In In rid and D* la wan, in lr-*l and w ild >v Uonfl*** ttcut hy mans thixesnd a* res. ItN area Is at>ui square miles. 1? i* distributed over nine countle-* Tucked away In th northw*-t corner ‘f the Forhan*!!** It w<v.ild rot Is n.l m*i) out of T'-xa*. which D larger than either Ft since or the German Kmpir** Its name is th* X 1 T ranch. It tr owtidl by n iTilcago syndicate. The prop riy i not yet w *rk* I t<> anything like its full capacity, iwit it sustain# aVtout •* * lof y.title aid r-*s The F 'fsilan n of the ran h Is very scanty. Only 12.'* men are employed to ks>k after the ljv* stock, each man • ovstring on an average s* square ml.*> Their labors are slmp!iflel by the exten sive system of barbed wire fen* e* 'f*here are ran* h houses, wells re ©r v* ire. wlmlmilte. dams and all •:h r to c seorles ueaUd or* such a property. Ab>ut twelve yearn ago. wh-? Texts m ed*.d a new *uiu Ipitol th ture adopted a novel fi;n to get it. promise was heal forth that a vast tract of land would be glv n for ih* building. AnH*ntr those femp'ed by tHI - offer were - X-Senator Charles H Farwel! 1 -*| j|„ ' brothe- John, who ultimately formn| a -yndiente in Chicago and took upon themselves the responsibiaty of treating the proposed cupitoi. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN & GO. 13 and 15 Broughton St., West, HOLIDAY PRESENTS We are showing an elegant and exclusive line of Novelties in Holiday Goods, and invite the public to call and inspect them. As usual onr prices are tie lowest and our goods are the best to be found in the city. t*|M!*hi E? Dir-.lngO.iw. Drum., c,lw *- K- iiks Orum!>, Olovn Boxes, s kl. Cornrti. g~ JliOlcitti S^t*. Vt-kll Horn., V Bh..vlnic Br t. I-. 1 nt Morn*. if*' Itourtotr SMi. j.Hntnt lH;i. BO , oll;,r “ n ' l Cufr „l ),(,, ■ l’hotoßraph Album*, Kit Body Doll*. ****' A.tturo*. Harm)#** Air Hun*. ut:on Album*, o.nulr.- Air Hlflr*. _ H*. ms* Bank*. Portfolio*. . .*nt.:.*t...n iAKk Bankr. | Chatelaln* Ba*. China Tn. S U, Bhoppiru Ba. China \V,h Brt*. E( IT**ful Pr***nt, Mafic taint'mi, E* Fur C ’ > "* r *- ; Tr ok* ■ liotto (lame* I N--k Ruffle*. £m?n.*,. | 81 k Handkerchief*. tf*. !ll flame*. laic Handkerchief. Wrttln* Deek*. jkl Preiwntntion 1 mbreH*. Work Box ,-*. |x| Ktd <tlove—the Beet Bra** Kotdlna Bed*. " " Child'* Muff and Boa Set*. Fine Col.*r-. Rcnalaeance Bc.irf*. B.*t i*. 3% Berm I*** nee Square* M k Lam trequlM. ' ' DRESS GOODS AT YOUR OWN TRICE 2,000 yds Dress Goods,worth from 35c to 50c, and consist ing of novelties in Plaids, Cheviots, Serges, Henriettas and Flannels this week at Black Cheviot, all wool. 45 inches wide and good value at *I.OO. For Monday and Tuesday only 50c READY-MADE GARMENTS. Ladies’ new style Box Coats, in Black, Blue. Tan anH Castor Kersey that were bought to sell at sls, but owin? to a late season we close them out at $10.50 Ladies Cloth Capes, in Black. Tan, Castor and Navy, well worth ?8.00 our price Children’s Golf Capes. Specia price $2. < *5 Ladies’ Walking 1 Skirts, worth $3.50. at $2 40 Black Dress Skirts, good value $7.00, at $4.08 All our $4,00 French Flannel Waists at $2.98 Ladies’ Flannelette Wrappers, special SI.OO Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN k GO. FINE GRADES OF WHISKIES. WHISKIES. WHISKIES. The R. G. Whiskey gallon $ 2.00 Glendale Whiskey gallon $ 2.50 Crvstal Spring Whiskey gallon $3.00 Gctden Wedding Whiskey gallon $3.50 IN CASES OF 12 LARGE BOTTLES: Th* Anted.luvUn Wl.Ukry bott.,l bjr 0 of N*w Vork tltfiO Th* P*xrl** Whl*kiy bottled In bond n liendenon. Ky . fun Th* Peart* Wblikev botl.rd In bond by CUrk Brother* tUO* Meredith Rye Whiskey, botl.ed >1 thlr dut.hery .n Ohio SU-H Goidon Wedding Wtukey. our bottltr * . t*.fe LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Lippman Block, - Savannah, Ga. CREAT AUCTION SALE —OF— Residence Lots -AT— VALDOSTA Dec. 11-12, 11)00. Moore-West Land Cos. IQO acre* of the rnoet de-lraS o lot* In the rao-t lloiirl-hlna town I Oc-r --*la. will b,- *o! 10 the hluhr.t bhMrr. No fake mlm an,t no rewrv itlo*,. Th, * - lot* lie on Ih, be iu if 1 hi I b*'t w on ti - *lrln,t I ran h ami rine f'ark an,l on th- Kleotrlc Car*- minute* from ih,* center of town tVa;,r malra from the arteelan Well* of he city. Thl* I, the op trtunlty for the Invertor .1 i.<t the h m<- btillrler. All buyer* have e<tu,l ch.nce- Tern* on,e*thlrl c.,,h. one-third h-e,* tmmthe, one-tht .l -l* month . Inlereet on not*w wt 8 per cent. K-memhcr the dac Deo. ,11 and U For further lnftu-m.ition addre-* A. T. Mi mire, Valdosta. Oa. Bone Meal For Chi, ken F,-el and Fertlllaer. NITRATE OF SODA Invsluablt fer ■‘tioma-mlxt-d' fertillsgr. Th© hs*pst anti m*t >n **nrated on Ikb mrkr R#nd for pnrtb'* HAY, GV1.%1%, < OHI FEED, lilt prt, SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, Th, neg„. 1U Hoy afreet. w*t ODD NEWBHAFBBS. 3W for 25 ctU. at Oiuainc*. OUke Momtu* Nwa sl i * i. of hop;- n mb a si rt St IIKDLUI For I-le of Hope, Montaomcry. Thund tioli. Cattle i'ark and We*t Knd. Daily e. ~ Sunday*. Subject to cn.,n wiinout notice ISLE OF HOPE. '• City for 1 of if.j Uv. liie of Hope * - "" f o,n Tenth |(n am for Boltoa > 0 urn front Tenth tuum for T oth , , ’ ,m fr m Tenth j 7 UU ain for T. ntb ' . am lto., un ,ii, um for Tenia ‘ ni !t ni Ttriwh iu uo am for Tenth - y n n from Tenth ,11 uu am for Hot,on ' m ,11 It am for T.nth - pm from T< nth j2UO i m for Tentti ■' M pm from Tenth j 1 40 pm for Bolton : n l’ m ,ro * l > Tenth JOO pm for Tenth -■" Vtn Tenth 1 4 00 pm fur Tenth 'j " ,n '-um Tenth j 6 00 pm for Tcrlb opm front T„nth 7no pm foi Tan h ~' ' m front T<nth 800 i m for Tent t 1 3" pm ir. mT mb 9,0 pm for Tetfh 10 sj pm from Tenth 10 00 int for Tenth |U 00 pot fwr Tenth montoomert. t ' City I r Mart; I) | L, v . Mont(omcr, 8 k am Ir.-m Tenth |~7 15 am for Tenth ••' pm from Tenth iD pm for Team * put tiom Tenth | < uopm for Tan th CATTLE BARK. Lv *•*'> for Cat.i atk, Lv. Cattle Park * *> am Hot,, Bolton j 7 Uu am for Boitoa <m am irotu Button j oo am for Mutton " F'*' ,ro ' 80, ton jl do pro for Morton u pot Irutti litrilott j 2 OU pm for Bolton • O' 4>in from Bolton j 7 do pm for Botlort THUNDERBOLT. Cnr 1,-ave, Bolton atreet Junction 6J* •• tu and every thirty minute* thereafur olit,i m . I * r Pave, Thunderbwtt at *. m. an J *'ery thirty minute* thereafter un'll l- '0 mtdntEhl, for Bolton *treet June- Uon. FRKHIIIT AND PARCEL CAR Thl* car rarrle* trailer for pa*en*r* 0,1 ail trip* iiiaj leave* writ *lde of city market for Is e of Hope. Thunderbolt nnd all Intermediate point* *1 *-0U *■ m • 1 <*• p m . N|> m Leave* I de of Hope for Thunderbolt. City Market and all Intermediate pol 1 ”* • t 6.uu *. nt.. ll.op a m . 1 40 t m. wierr end car Car leave* wet side of city market mr West Knd 600 ant and every *’ minute* thereafter during the day until tl:*> P ra - Leave* We*t Enand at 8 ery 4h mlnu'e* thereafter during th* '■ ’ until 12 en . -eleek midnight H. M IVTFTON rien Mnmg'* — JOHN (i. BUTLEB, -DEALERS IN- Pnlnt*. Oils and Olatus Bab, Blind* and Hulldarg' Supfdlea. Fl*'* !*“ Decorative Wntl Paper, Foreign and L meaitc Cement*. Lime. Pl.taler ,tn,l B* ■ Bole Agent foi Abeatln# Cold Water Pa SI Congress street, weal, and D Bt ■treat, west.