The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 04, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 tiuch i•!< kinl wrrf a coonne/# Infill tO follow. 1 f**’l 11141 Wt ‘tHHlld fl'Jt #ult r fo |aas an ojipririunit) to ntiflrm Ux- covtllal' tit * ih.H riUtwl l#*tweefi u* •n in from tim- of #ir Mirilwt ndoptn(k(K6 and to ©nh H* iniitiml n r;M of that •omnin *5 m-#. u-• * fca.ii 1* natural between tht two cotin* :r.** fly th© tfrmf of th© trrtv of peace Hu !|fM* )#ouodlng thr Dhlllpfffwe group m the ouuthw# t fallal to Inclmt*- •mail IflUKit lylna W* t of <fl * Zulu* which Imh always b© ■ moa niitil as ntvlcr Sj-.u i*r control, rhi- oecu|ttn <# f'buiu •■•> < Kjnun ■uiu b> <•* n,.% tl fore *l. i"'t claim an tin- part of Hi <ll tiw *** n!S, equity i .i.-h c..,h1 i t In to curt the < of the irraty by r<- moving uli pi* i* IW** ittoumi of future fn.- and© re tootling rwpnUni the Unerpret*- Ikx, of it* third article. I directed the negotiation ©#! n #*u|#pl©m#*fitary treat' which wil t** forthwith iai<l iNtfor* th* jj, wh* r© * B|h O )Uitw alt title alKl LN*im of title to the |*.iin#i* nan© i m wHI \it to any uml all uinixh be long mg *> in* I’akopi'iiie archipelago lying ouiskl© t.j*- line** *l* ► Tlhert in ©t*i thiol *rti> ir, BIH ) that all such inland* Khali *•* , ~i ri, ■ • 1 • id)*-* l ilk the • *©Mon of th* ar< h r , ,i( U ae fully •* if they had b©©n % - ■ \ in .ij it<i within th* r lit - 1 . i. ration o/ Ibis c©-*l#>n too Um * { j:# IO pay B|in fluhoU. A is not* p©nting to ©ff© t the re oir:tn*.lelalloti mad* in tny Uit annua) u< m<* iimt a P propria tint hi.l had i carry into execution Article VIII of tu© treaty of i-ur© with Spain. h> wrhi# • tb* t’ni.Nl State* aotumel the payment a* certain claims for indemnity of t*- ci'i* z n* again**! B|aln. I ask that action n© taken to fulfill n..' out Mutton. Toe Kite #>f S-dfli ha* epical the in vita ti o*< of :r.* rnii“J State*, Her run)' and (lr.t Britain to arbitrate claim* glowing ut of I* •*©* sustained in the Samoan Inlands In the course of rnt - ft ary' operzt Kilts mud* tie mm ry by the dnuorbafu • * in I*/.*. oar claim*- uf- ; th* gov# rnment of the Sultan for repu ration for Injuries suffered by American citizen* in Armenia n i else where glv#* proms** of e arly at;d satlsf •©- tory e* tthvuefit. Ill* Majesty ' icool dis position In t/df* r - aid ha- iH*en evln ei by the l*uan< * of an trade for rebuilding the American coiiegfc iu Hat|oof t'ommerelnl c (invention*. The fatiur* of action by the Senate at Stlast m -io*i uj**i th*- Hfinm-r ul n vention then submittal for Its considera tion and approval, although ritiasd by the gr* it pr-ssure of other legislative liusl* p. ini < a !*• •! nuK’h dis.ip|>tntment * the .igri< ultunal find In lu trial Interesta of the , .wintry whk*h hoped to profit by their provisions. The convention i*ertod* for t.iir latlfbatlon having • xt- it ie -c itn in < • snry to sign additional aril' 1* - exiending the time for that purpose. Th** ai 1 r'jue*tcsl on our isirt. and the oth* §i iemmeitts lr w th the ex *ir.*4i of one , tvi > ntlon In r t lo which no formal reply has l*ei ri elvod. Hlive my la>*t communication to the Oungr©ss on thl# subj ,v ’ ?#;* • la! comtner cial wgreeuw-nta und# r th#* thlr#i w**t-n ui of th# tariff act have b#--n ii< lim*#l with J*#ir* ;**al. with Italy and with U©rmany. U *mm* r In! cociv©till*ifs un#)*-r tb** g**n* rai limltati*#fi of the fourth - • fion #* tl * i it . , i, iv*- lN*en cnm ud# and with N.- rigua. with Ecuador, with the l nurd id# *n republic, with tir-sit Britain, on behalf of th- I ichl of Trinidad. anl with Inn mark. cn behalf of the Island of Kt Croix. The*© will le early communicated to the F- r.,i#. N ,>ttu( ion-' with ot h*-r govt-m --n,, nt? ar#* In |-r*Mfr***i for the Improv©- tm-ot and s© urlty of our commercial re lations. Th© poHcy of reclprtvlty a*i manifestly r*-t upon th# principles of International equity and has he#*n s#i r* r ©#!ly op proved 4#y th#* p©opl© of the Unite*! Htat-'-i that th©r© ought t*i h© n#i h sitailon tn either l*rn h of the Uongree-* In giving to It full * fr# ct. This governm#*nt desires to preeerv# the pvHK just an! amicable vumn*re!al r*la tiors with all foreign **ouvMri* ufiomv *1 by the Industrial iivah*V*s necessarily *l©- v#-loped In the expansion of international Ira*)# I* Is believed thnt th© foreign gov erumofi* generally enter tali th- warn© purfK # . ltb# n ’.igh in some lnatancen th©r© ar© clamorou*# demand-# iijioii th#*m for legMla'lon operlfVeftlfy bo-ti}#* to American Inter ©at*. Hh©ul*l th*s© iWnandf prevail I rh*ll ©-mnrmr l*Hte with th© Uongr#-*, may b* t * -*#'V tm * t-. #*m - •icy. Th© exposition of the resources and pro loots of the Western Hemisphere t* tf bcU! at Buffalo next year promls©* lm r*ortant result# l , n#ft only for thr United Htstet- but for the other participating countries. Ullß-lmrrlrN aintes. It is gratifying thnt the l;cln-Am *’l'(in att©K hnv© the liveliest interest u nd h f©* t that *n International Amrf* Pan conirre* # will b© hel*l In ihe City of Mexico while th© exposition Is In prog r#*sa. en©C#t*rages these f*eo#l© of ft larger display at Buffalo than m*ht 1 other wise pricth*. bl©. Th* work f preparing on exhibit of out n slum I r **>urees Is making satisfactory p •**•* - tit ! r th* dt r<*< tion of dif'r©nt officbtH of th** f#r i! government *n#l the varlouf *’ ? # -of th#* UhP>n have shown a dPnosllton toward th© moat liberal i*arilclpatloti in the n terpri'*© Th#* Bureau of the American It, oiMi rontlnu# - to discharg#* with h© !’ pr 1* st r ,.o]ts th# irn|Krtant work of proming r xrdlal relai*t#s lid ween the United ft*(tt© aft*l the laatln-Am#*ri .-n courtfries n II of which are n#w activ** memh#*ff of th© Intern tilonml union The bureau h*s ?#n Instru tn ittal tn bringing about the agret m nt tor another international American U n ttr*-** whl©h Ik to meet in the City ot Mexico, net >• r. Us#i Th# hit (ii s fu ture for m*h©r term of ten years is ;*s sur*l by the compact. !• the #ongre- will d*iultlcss have much to !• with -hoping n# w lines of work and n grceral policy. Its hm# filin' ti th#- In terest- of Latln-Amerlcan tral* i wabdy appreciated and shows a gratifying devel opinen t Tli© |rcflcnl ittllttx of the consul r •drvt**e In obt Tiling a wld* ring© of In formation a* t#> th* inthl rl* . and com mere# .f ot **r countrle *nl th© opportti f -.v for Intrcsluclng the mP of our g#*o*l hav* k©|i sttadlly in advance of th* not. ).• expansion of our fore ign trade msi abundant vid# n * has been fumlslied. tioth ut horr. amt abroad, of th© fact that the cuitsuMr re|Hirts In cluding many from our dlp -mai|c r*ire sOfltatives have to a conn 1. raid extent tioittlfd out ways and mean-' of €li*fH-ln of a great variety of manufactured gocsb which otherwise might not hav© f#Hir.l sal© abroad Testimony of forlgn observers to th# eofTim* rclnl fficiency of th© con*ular corps seems to b* conclusive, and our own manufacturers and exporters highly up l*r©cU' Mi# value of th* iwrvlc* ren d*red. not only In !>*• printed re[#orts. but ii iso in the Individual efforts of consular officetk to firmnoie Amcrlcun trade. An Increasing part of th© work of the bureau of foreign commerce who-e primary dut> It is to cotnpii# and print there r**|Nr Is to anew* r Inquiries from tra*!e organi zations, huairi#*?*# holla#, etc., ns to Im-i --n ln various of the |n*rtK of th© wor I iiral notwithstanding the smallfkNts of the force employed the work has In-en ho *y tematteed that responses re nia*l© with euch prompt nr ■ a a to elicit flattering ©n. comiunih The exprrlm©n of printing th* (-eniulur r©i#rts *ially for lm*m*#.llaie us# by trade bod P--. #*x|K*rters and lh<* presn. which was b# run In January. lk)s, contin ue* to give general s itisfaction. lli-vrnurt. It Is gratifying to Ik* aide to stale that the surplus revenues for th** fiscal year ended June 30. 1900. wens 779.527,000.18. For •he six preceding years w#* had only de ficits. the Hffßrtgute of which from IM*I to 1199. Inciurlve. um#/unte#i to $*83.022. • 991.14. The receipts for the year Loin ’l sources, exclusive of postal revenue, ag rregated 1587,240.982 M. un#! expenditures . all purposes except tor the udmlniatra- lion of the poiat department t4fi.7lJi.7tl Tl. The mtipil from cn*4ot were an increaae. over ilk* pr csilng y *r of Ji7tm.oß The re el i Us from .uteri.a! n venue were 535U.K7.- ati*- * ;*n lucre .ae of over I*9?. The receipts from mlscebanaous source* v* r** n'ill, as again*! Pt,JMIC> 93 for the previous year. It 1* Kratifylng *ijh> to note that during the year a c'onsMt rabie rrsluetlon i- shown if) th exp ndllur* ■* of tfu jcoviri The War lH| irtm*nt exiaidltures for the i fiscal year lSk* w* re $: ;i 7*4.7i7.7'*. * re- | dueUon of over th of luo. j In th N vy the xienllturea were |.V, '£,l <77 for tl year ‘two. aa ak ilnst ,d..10t .. f.r • preceding year, a decrvßM of 17 - V In the expendi t ir k on a '.Hint of t.i- Indiai - there wua ad < * 4m* in over ifttk of S2.ZM,O9L Sfc. and In the civil and tnlw-eilaneou* ex jirn**' for r*o. for which there was a re- ; daction of 113,414.988 74 lU tiu- of the excess of revenue* over expenditures, th* secretary of the Treat*- \ iiry wa~ enabbd to ply bond- and other 1 m uritl. t’* th sinking fund l> the anount of fv.Mi Vsj**;. The details of the sinl t*: fund re set forth in the te l*rt oi the s- ret ary of th- Treasury to which I invite attention. Th- rt* retary ..f th. Treasury * sflmate* that the re r .pis for the current tiacal year will ax init*• i> *>),• *l, am) the exiwfiditures i-* **- * < MVif .*' M h.tiailC." Of |S' Th# prt -* nt •on iiUon of the tr* awury I* oi.e of tjr.<loubt#d strength. The Mvaiiab.e #sh baltnc' N->\ '->>* was $138,908,744 f’rider the form f st**tem nt prior lo th** fli. t i'll law of March 14. la*t. this would iav m im-luded In the stutement of .iv mi.aide rash gold coin and Million held f.*r th* rcb mption of I’tdled Sates note*. If this form were pursued the cash bal ance, In lading the present gold reserve of . hal-tt < • Nov >V IW®. was J 01.&&. In the general fund, which l- wholly *#'*s• r it* from th* reserve and trust funds, there wa> on Nov. 30. |7>i ( Bßi'>.d7S.l& In g*id . oin ir.*l bullion, to which should b* add .J J... .7 ;** in goal cert 111 wt< - subject to i>* i. against which th*r* is held In the Mvl ion of redemption gold coin and bul lion makitig a total tiolding of gold umounting to $yn, 047,372 1&. P'tirllier Kinanrr It will be the duty, as I am sure It will h* th*- 'lispiMitlon, of the rongrt-ss to pro vide whatever further legia.utlon Is nead d t<> in ur* th#* continued parity under a!, ronditiont between our two forms of metallic money, silver and gold. Our sur j• ii- r* vi mi* /l ive |x rmltd the B#* re t,iry of th# Treosury. th eh#-# f 1 1• ti - .11 year, to call in the funded nan of continued tit 2 per cent. In tlie sum f 1..' ' 1 *• To and including Nov .V. 7223,48*, 10(1 of theee tonds have been iMtd This mi together with th* amount which may a true from further redemp tion under th* call, will be applied to the sinking fund. The law of March 14. 1900. provides for refunding Into 2 per cent, thirty-year lionds, payabl#-. principal and Intereat. In gold coin of th#* preaent satd.ird value, that portion of th*- pnllc iebl r#*pr. *ut *■*l by th>* 3 per cent, bonds of ll**. the 4 ,* r rent-, of I*>*7, and the far cents, of !.-*!. of which then was outstanding, at th*. date of said I iw. 148,900. The bol*i . rs of the old InmvS presented them fr • xchang* bet w# # n March 14 and Nov. 30 I 4 9® irg to the government on these tmnsac- tions aggregate ffi.KHi.l4g. Another # ff* # of the t*i#eritlon a** stat rd t>* th# S# retary Is to reduce th#* rharg© upon *h© treasury for the payment of Inter# -t tr##n Ih#- lt©> of refunding i. !*v • i ii* t. )<> )!♦• sum f more than I7.nrp.usi annually. From Feb. 1, !!M, to July 1, 1107, the annual Interest charge will b* r©*lu • and by ih© j*um of more than five millions, and for th© thjr tren months ending Aug. i, 19**. by ii- million. The full *l# iaiV of ih*# r# futvling r- given in th© inmuii riHri of Ih© Becretarv of the Tr**a**4fry. Th#* beneficial * fT#-'t of ih© flnar ttil a**t of I#W. mi far as it r*lat *s (• th© m-lificatlen of the nati>nal bank ing a©t K alrea*ly npparetit. Th* pro vision for th© Incorporation of nation H ;* with i aplt.fl of not less thin 7-Y --••* in pli© f not * x*-e©*ling 3,000 inhabli- Miits is r* ulid in th#- ©xtt naion of lank- Ing facilities c many small communlti*‘s hitherto iaat >to provide them©##lv©s with • inking institutions under the national v*t©ms. There were organised from th© •-(; iMtn*-nt of ti# law up t#v n#l In* luding Nov :v\ national banks, of which *. w* h:h ipltMi I* ■* than 7>.W#*. ai i PH with capltnl of 7f*‘.<W6 or more. It is worthy *f mention that the greater number of rciuks being orgnniged under th© law ar© In s©* tlons where the ne<* ! *f banking facilities has been moat pro noun<Nl lown statil firet. with thirty t>ank # of tn* smaller class, while Tex*. Oklahonni. la# ban Territory nnd th© .Mtd #!l# .©#! WV ern sec*lon- of the country hav© also oval U-d themselvrg largely of • |,ru t.i*br the near law A iarv* tn©# *in national bank noth in circulation has i-eult**l frim th© pr.a --v ion of th© act which permits national b.aik* to psu© clrcuifitlng n*>t#*s to no par value of the Unit'd Btnt.-s bon#ls d*- posltcd IIS s#* urlty Inst#a#l of only 9o per -nt. thereof, s heretofore. The tm-r©a*© ‘ti *ir u'at.t - rof©' from March 14 to Nov. 9) Is 777.0k9.57h. t nrrrsr) n# '‘••lt IttiilnrM Nrctls. Th© party In power it# committed to such ■ tl-. ition j- tvlll lietter mike the cur r* m y r‘stH>iislv© to tin* varying needs of tub# ut nil seasons unl in ud geo* tioris. Our foreign trade shows a remarkable iii-ord Of commercial and indue trim prog , Th# t#> *1 of lm|iorts and exports •>r th© first time In the history of tn#- , ~untrv cxee©d©*l two billions **f dollars. Tr© exports nr© greater than they hive , ver )>#wn before, th*- total for th© tto'iit war iy*o lictr.g 91.394.tffi,f>JC. n Increas© over 1599 of f1ft7.158.7W, un Increase over IS.‘X of lie?-5X1.752. over 17 of $-447. hhl greater than IV*. of f5D.1ft9.414 The growth of manufacture* in Hi* Urdt*l *9 ItoriA of tnanuficturei! products largely . \.*<>©d ibtsM- of uny previous year, their vuiit#* for 1!* o being f|33,l&l.ftsft. acairu-t Ut.TOJIB2.I4ft In IS9B. ii n liter care ot 2x p*r cent. products qrcr# niwi export**') -iuririK I>*' In gr#*Ater volume thin in *V9, th* total for tn© year being fSJS. v * in. eu.iinst f7R 1.77 ft. 143 in 1* Th# Imports for,the year nmounted to 1R49.1M1.1M. i*n Increase over *f 7157 - 7’JJ ♦:*.. This Increase l largely in mate rial}* for manufacture, and Is in t©sponge to Hi*- t.ipid <lev-lopm©m of mai.ufnctur ing In th© UniUsl Htates. While th*r© man imiH>rt©| for os# in man Ufa -turee Kt 1900 material to th* vn.u** of 779.76fe.972 In ©X©**n* of 1899. It Is reassuring to oVerve that tli*-r*- !h a teieKney t>w rl !©. * a#* in th* imp • *fi*n of gyticl*a mat ifa - tur©#l rr:*!y fr consumption, which. In !9MO. formed 15.17 |*©r cent, of th© total Import* *, iiiif*t 15.51 p*r cent, in :.v* nnd 31.09 per cent. In Ki'duer ifi*- War Taxes. 1 recommend that th© Congr*ss at |ts prevent session reduce the Internal rev • riue {nx**!* mi*o##i to meet th© expcnsci* •if the wr with Hpam In th* sum of thirty mir.tons of (V#iiarH This rcdu<* Hon should !*• secure by the renii.<elon of tho*© ia\# - w !i; n exis-rb-n**#- has nhown to lie th*- most Kurd* rwom# to the iixlur tries of th© people. I s|H<-l:ill> tir* that there lie inciti|#Nl In whatever r* luctlon nud th© legacy tax. bequests for public uses ot a literary* • durational or charitabl*- character. Amerleon v# •;#. 'luring tn© past thr©#- year*# have cnrrl*-l auout 9 per cent, of our exports and imfiorts. Foreign sni|w should carry Hi** least, not th© gr#-at# *i fiart of American trade. The r-markahl#> growth of mr t©#*l Inlu9try. the progn-Hs of shlnbuildlng for the domestlo trade, an#l our steadily maintained expenditures for th© navy have created un opportunity to pkac© th Fifitni Htates In the first class o f m time powers Aid fo Mrrrhnnl Marias-. Besides realizing a proper nut Iona) as- rut ion this Duana the heaUbv growth TJIE MOKNIKG NEWS: TUESDAY, DEC EMBER 4, 1000. weather.accessories anS Label niwpij. WHjS^EY L'vdpy^* .* v \ f*?M\ uet da . vsa n ’p°f Vciiow' W -i)[ ] I- a bet will often forestall a I4 / serious cold. A helpful tonic I ifV in case of illness or indiges !] 1 ti° n — and a pure Rye for those who 1 fa H WFujPtf want a pleasing stimulant. (It’s the Hr average drinker’s favorite.) 1 m.: ‘,‘kki Call for it tchertrtr good liquor* art told. •* Uf a .|| ntkl* M'L Yve IB M rvl> und liUkr> to iho. Ihr * will *md >u sample botil**ftre. uu receipt of I3ct. todefr kinc.ctc. A #tdr #-* * rrr* r * >r—-yg f*o 47 K rxrtyVilTl O *f ifc- rat* fM-oiir- along ad our c art* of m distinctive ra tioruil Industry, expanding the field for protitable employmt nt of ialtor and raid* t..l U will tucr#a*e th# transportation fn rtlitles and reduin* freight chargeui In vast volume of irbluets brought from the ifi terior to the s*-lK>ard for # xport. and w ill strengthen an rmy of the rational and frn- • upon will h the foursi rs of th# government nnd their successors have r- * ll#d. In again urglr.g tmm#*-liat#* a tioit by the • orwn-i* <n in# isure* to promote 1 Arneriiein shipping arel foreign 1 ilinct att#ntion to th# recommendations mi th#* subject in previous m# s * .g* an i j particularly to the opinion exp re*.-' and In tile message i>f |S9D 1 am satisfied the judgment of th# country luvor- the |K>IU-y of aid to our hut bant marine, whl* h wilt b'us l.n our rMnmrm and markets un#l uobidkl our carrying <#i|>a< ty for the prcalu-ts of agriculture and manufacture, which,will *h- Increase of our navy, mean more work and wag# * to our countryen# n. a- W'-il a - safeguard to American mteree s in every isirt of th#* world. The nttcntlon of th#* Congress I- Invit* and to the recorntnendailoti of th*- BKTetsry of the Treasury, in his annual report for I# gbl t ion in behalf of the revenue cutter service, and favorable action is urged. It e trn tit tlie Trual*. In my last annual message to the Con gress. I called attention to the i#*r*sxMy for early action to rc ind> su- h evils a might Im* found to In connection wiWi combinations of caHtal organised into trusts, and again invite attention to my I discussion of the subject at that time, which concluded with these words: It Ik apparent that uniformity of #<*. tion legislation upon this subj-ct in On several states Is much to is desire#! It Is to Ih* ho|e| that such uniformity, founded in a wise and just discrimination between what Is injurious an*l wiwit I.* fill anl n* Miry in lusln#*ts i|w*ra lions, may be obtain# and. and that menn may Is- found f#r the i*onrr#*ss within the limitations of ls cons tlt tit tonal power to Mj|>pb mint an effectlv co#l#* of state l**g tslat.on as to m #k# a complete syst*m or law - throughout th#* I*nlt#-1 Bt*t. s *de niiate to cofn|*#d a g rural observer.# • of the salutary rules to which I have re ferred. The whole question is so Important nrv* far Teaching tbit 1 am sure no part of It will lie lightly conufdered, but every |*has if it will have the studied tellleratlon 01 the Congress, resulting in wl*##* and Judi cious action. Itestrnlnt upon such cemblr.a lons ** are Injurious, ami which are within fester#*l Jurl!l*-tlcn should l* promptly H*plie*l by th#- r , ongr*ss Vltiilr## In I lie V*hlll|p!ne. In my last unnual tmasage I dwelt at s *in#* length upon the coiMlition of affairs If the Philippines While seeking to lm l-ie.*-;# upon you that th# grave responsi tidily of the future government of thus • l>lands t-ls with the Congress of ti* Tidied States, I abstained from r#** om mending at that time a specific and form of government for the territory act' unity h# 11 by tii- United States forces, und as long as insurrection continues that the military tnu#< neec-sarlly Ik* supreme I staled my purpose, until th- Cc ngresx -. all have mod#* kimwn the formal *x (•ressloti of its will, to um* the authority vested in me by tli- const Hut ion and th** statutes to uphold the sovereignty of thou# dt'tam is Un#l*.<is In all other pla es wh* r#* our li**g rightfully flout a. placing, to that .nd at the dlspv>sal of the army and navy all means W’hleh the ilt>aralltv of Congress n#l the people have pro vided No contrary expression of the Congress having bon made, I steadfastly pursued th* purpose so declared, employ ing the civil orm as well tow mi th#* tc -• mptishment of pacllhrotlon an*l the In stitution of local governments within the lines of authority and law l'rogr# hs In ttv b*j *l-for !Hrection has been favorable. Our forces have success fully control!#*#! Ih© gr-at#r pari of h#- Inlands, overcoming th© organized forces of th#- Insurgents and carrying orl#*r and administrative regularliy to all quarters What opposition r* main* in. for th# m**>: part, scattered, obeying no concerted p! iti of atreteglc action, operating only by th© methols common fo th© traditions of guerrilla warfare, which, while Ineffective to alter ih© general control now ©*t b -ilshed. are still sufficient lo ing©t ln?-w curlty among h# populations that hav# fit th© good results of our control nnd thus delay ih* conferment upon them of the fuller m#*nures of local self-govern ment. of education and of Industrial and agricultural levclo;#m#-nt w hich wo aland ready t*i glvi to ih#*m. By the spring of this year the effective opposition of the dj*satisfaction of th#- di-satisficd Tag:*!* to ii© authority of the Unlte<l H4atcs wo*# virtually ended, thus opening th© *l>or for th© extension of a atalde adminlat nit lon over much of the territory of ih© archipelago. Desiring t#> bring this about, 1 appointed In March laa civil rommui-ion. compos#l of she Hon. W |. Taft, of Ohio. ITof Donti C. Worcester of Michigan. Hon. Luk© E Wright of Tonne/*©©, lion. Henry c\ Id#* of V rm<mt. and Prof. Bernard Moses of Cailfornle Th<- alms of their mission and the scope of their authority ar© dearly s#’t forth In my Instructions of April 7. If***). addrce.-MMI to th© B#*# riary of War. to u* transmltt©#! t#> them In Hie message transmitied to the Uon gr©*##* on th© fifth of December. 1998. I said, s{waking of th© Philippine lslan#ls: "As long as the insurrection contintiSH ihe military arm must nree-earlly Ih* supreme Hut there Is no reason why M©|*s should not 1 taken from tlm#* to #lm- to Inaugurate governmenti ©•#:•©!tal ly twipular In their form as fast a- t**r rherj is held aisl controlled by our trooi**. T.i Hv's end I tm coutlderlng th#* id vlsabilliy cf th** rc um of th© • ©mmis skm. or su#Ti of th* members thereof ns ran li# ># ••ured. ill th- xiitng iti - thorltie## md facilitate this work through* ( out the |slin#!s." To give # ffeci to th© Intention thus cx pr*M#'l ! hav© appointed Hon. W F T‘f of Ohio. Prof. Dean c? Wotv*©ster of Michigan, Hon. Luke E. Wright if Ten nesaee, Hon. Henry C. Id#* #>f \ ■ rmont, nd Prof. Bernard Mooes of Uslifoml.*. to continue and perfect tiK* work of or ganising an*l establishing civil ■ com ment already by th#* military authorities, subject In nl! respect* to any laws which Dongress may hereafter enact. Work nf th© l*lilll|i|tfn© ( ommioioH. Th© comm lesion err mm# l will me • and act as a board, nnd th© Hon. Wil burn H. Tuft Is designate#! tm president of the lioard. It Is probable that th© trans fer of authority from military enm igander* to civil officers will be gradual and will occupy •• considerable p©rfo#l. B* successful iicromj llshmcnt an*l the ,*r ©nance of peac# and ordca In ih meantime will require the most iierfect co-operation between th© civil and mlll j tary uuthoritks in the islaa#i and both should In* directed during 4h© transition P rUsI l*> tin* am? executive department. The com ml lon w-|!l t her# fore- report to the S* r t iry of War ami all their action will Ik* subject to your approval nnd con trol. You will instruct th© commission to pro# r*d to the cpy of Manila where they will make their principal office, ami to communicate with |h* military governor of th# Philippine Isl *n#ls whom you will Mt th# m tlm#* dir# ’ to reruier to them every a --*lanr# within his pow'er in th* |h rformun. # of th#-tr duties. Without k,tm|H*rir.g them by t>o speclflc Insiruc tl#>ns. they should in general b** enjoined, alter making themselves familiar with the conditions ar#l n#-*ds of the country, to devote their attention in the first in m mce to the establiKtunent of municipal government, in which the natives of the Islands, both in the cities an-l in the rural lommunlties. shall b#- nffordel the oppor tunky to rnui*ag' their own local affair.- to th* fulbht extent of which ih#*y are apahfo and subject to tl l*ast degr-*e of aupervlH#in and e< > ntio! which a careful >tudy of 1 heir capacities and #>t ♦•rv itlon* of th# workings of natlv#* control show to h* conslsterrt with th* man ten a nee of law, order ami loyalty. The next subject in rder fr importance should he* the organiaation of government In the larger sdiiilnlstratlve divisions cor r< imndinit t* counties, departments provinces. In which the common Interests of n>iny of several municipal it lea falling within the same Jin* - or the same natural geographical limit.*, may l##*st I*#- subserved by a common administration. Whenever the commission is of th** opin ion that th# conditions of affairs in th*# island Is su* h that th#* - entral arm may I##* transferr#*! from military control they will rr fort ih.* conclusion to you. with th-ir r oinm#*fi:itions ns to th#* form of '©ntral governm# nt to l>* established for the purpose of taking over the contro* Mexii-nlng with the first lt*y #>f B#*|Ht*m* b#*r. 18$V. th#* authority of exorcist*, sub j#t t to my approval. thr*Migh the Bee re -1 ary *if War. that t*art of the power of government in th** PhlHpp4ne* which is of a legUlatlv# nature is t> be transferred from the military governor of th#- Islands to ‘tht- commission, to Ik* thereafter exer <.- i b* ti #*ni in the place and stead of the military governor nni#*r such rules and regulations as you shall pres*Tli>e. un til ih* establishment of the civil central government for the Wands contemplated • #Vng:*K Shall otherwise provide Ex#r #*ln* of this legislative authority will ln .lu I# th# making of rules and or*l# rs. hgvlng th. flfect of law. for raising of revenues by taxc*. customs duties an#l im- Iorls; tb* af#t#ri#;riHtl- n of the Islands for an educational syst-m throughout th** iHk. th#- * talii-‘ nv nt of a *>'•**• m to KfH ure an efli# lent civil serviaa; th#* or- ganization nnl es nbllshm*ltt of , ourt*; th- or Mini ration ard ©M.Mishm#*n of mu nicipal ami depart m# nt governments, and nil oth*r matters sf a civil nature for u hk h the military k••vernor 1* now com (vtmt to |#r*vi.k- by rules or orders of a legislative ©harai’fter. Tn© r<’mmHo*lon will alMi hav#* power during tin* rams period to ipnolnt to *dl) • su h oflUt-rs under the Jikild 1. educa tional and civil service system and In th#* municipal ami depsirtmimial gov#*rnroeiita, A> ,|| i>♦• prov Med for. Until th#* m -pl©'# transfer of ontrol th© military gov ernor will remain the chief executive head of th#* government of th© Island* un-l will exercise th© executive authority now po- Kiir l by him ami tit her# In ©xpr**sly assigned to tli© commission. subj**t. Ivow- v©r. to th© ru'<* and or#k*rs ena#*t©d by i h- commissicn in Hi© exercise of th© I©- Blatlvt* powers owferrel upon them In lb© meantime the munlcipul an*! depart mental gov-rnm*nts will continue to r- to the military governor rad b© sul>- jtri to hi*# administrative supervision and c#nr#>l. un lci your .itrcetlen. *ut that sii pervislon an-l control will be confine#! within th© narrow-.-t limits consistent with th*- requirements that th© powers *f government if th#* municipalities an*l !©- imrtmcnts shall b# honestly and ffectlv©- lv exercise*! and that law and or*cr and Indivblual freedom shall Is* malntaln©l. All legislative rules ami order*, ©it b -11-hments #>f governments and np|#o4nt m.nts to office by the comrni***!iHi will tak#* effect Immediately ° r such tlm as they' shall designate, subject to your approval nn*l action upon the coming l r c ,f th© commbslon’s rep-art*, which are to In* mo*!© from Urn© ♦o time, as thdr action is taken. Wherever civil governments ui •"">••• 1 1 atcm I under th© direction of th#* commis sion guch miiltary. garrisons n#l fort Wtll be c ontinue I for th© suppression of maintenance of w and or.ler ns the mllltarv comma rder shall d#*-n r#*qul ,H,* ,n,I the military forces shall be ut nil tlm©s subject, under his orders, to *. u- # l ol ih© civil authorities for th# malntenanc# of liw an#l order, ami Ih** enforcement of their authority. Municipal flux ©rumen Is. In the # * tabHshment of municipal gov • -rnmente tlu* cqmmlsrloi will take as tin# iu. w *>f their work th© government* .*# lahilsh*#l ay th military Oovernor un#l©r Mis order # f Aug. . anl under th. rejiort of the board constituted by th* Military CSavernor by hb* order of Jan .11 190i). to formukite and report a plan of municipal government of which his han ot, Cayctteno Arellano. pr©siV#*iit of th Au,ii-r la. n.i • hrtlrman. and they will civ© to th© * ncluslofia of weight ami consilemtlon which th© high character and distinguished abilities of IH member* Justify. Jn th© consti ution of departmental or provincial gov* rnmcntoi they' will give • specini attention to the existing govern ment of th** lslnn.l of Negros, constituted, with the approval of th© peopi** of that Island. un*t©r t >e order of th# military governor of July 22. 1998. and afier veri fying so far u. may b© practicable, th# reports of tu* -ucc* rsfiil working of that goverum*nt. th©y will be gukks! by th.- experience thus acquire*!, so far as It may ! In* apjdicn >l© to th© condition existing In other portions cf the Phil-opine®. Th*y will avail themselves to the rudest #!©gr#*e pi of tea bl© of t)c c*oncluslona reached by :h© previous commkision to the Phlli|i pinvs. In the distribution of the powers among Ih© governm#-nt* organised by the com mission th© pr# sumption Is always to lie in favor of th© smaller sub-division, so thnt all th# powers which can pr>'Nr.y b© excreds**! by th© municipal govern ments shall be vested in that govern ment. and all til© powers of a mine gen eral chara ter which ran be exercised by th© departmental government® shall f© vesteil In that government, and so thnt In the governmental system, which Is th rcsult of the pro©# s. the central govern m, nt of the islands, folkiwlnx the example *>f Ui© distribution of the powers between the state nr.d the national government of the Unite#! Sates, shall have no dire#© administration except of matters of pure !>• icua#i cogtnp. and itw>> bvc only soch supervision sn#l control over local governments c may lie necessary to se cure and enforc#- faithful and nt a*i mlrdstratlon by local officers The many different d©great of dvUiza tion ittxi varieties of vbstom and * apa ty among she peopk- of th# different is*ands preclude very definite instruction a;- to Um w* r • whl h tht poop • lak tle seie* tion of th**lr own officers, but these general ruks are to be observed; >u 11 % i*# to Him* I’rfferriirr. That In all cases the municipal officers, who administer th# local affairs of the pt opl*-, are to be web* 1 *1 by the |* opie and that wtic-revcr officers >f more ex tended Jurisdiction are !* Ik s<iect#l In any way. tailiv.s of th* is.ands art* t*> be prefarrad. ami if they #n *e found t#m- I##-tent anl willing to pc*rL.irm th# <Jiti#*s. they ar#* t# r* -%• ihc dti n* prefer once to any others. It will Is necessary’ 81) s*me offices with Ameri ins. which, after a lime, may tie well sill* I by natlv# of the Island*. As soon as practicable u system for an • r taining th- n#* t/< anl fin - .- of # andldat# * f#>r civil offl# o should Ik* put In for a- An indispensable qu i lfb ation tor uii #if?T ##* and isisitions of tru-t and authority In i #* Islam)* must t# t - time, ami un<‘<#ndl tional loyalty to the United B: n< • and tii-olute and unhwmpet# *1 power to te move and punish my oft) * r d#*vating from that standard mu a ail tlinu t># % retained In the hands of tU centra, su* j horlty of th- island In all ih© fornix of government and ad ministrative provisions which they ar# u- 1 thoriz# i to pres 1 . *• the should bear in mind that the government which they are # stablls-iing i~ deslxi.ed not for our satisfaction >r for the x* press ion of our theoreti *1 vi w hut for the h.iispinens, pea#-#* and prowperiiy of tin* (icople of th© Dhllgiplne l-ia:#!#. and the mi-asures adotni shoukl b* ma#t* to ( conform 10 their customs, their habitw and even their prejudb ♦s. t# the fullest x -tent coisalstent with th© accomplishment of the Indisi .-ns !*!#• r# #jui-. t# > of Jum and ©lTectlve govcrninenl. At the same time th# romifll--R>n shoul*l bear In mind and th* |k#*|#u* of the islands should In* mule plainly to understand that there are certain cr* at prlnciph * of gov ernment which hav* mad#* th** )#*.-is f our governmental system which w* b *m necessary to tlto rub- of iuw and main tenance of individual freedom ami *>f which they have unfortunately l**en de iu#*d th# experien *- -■ *1 by us; that there are also certain practical rules ot government which we h -v# found t* )>e **.>K*#ntial tot lie prevrvation of th# • at principles of liberty nnd law. and that these* principle* anl these rui©* of govern hunt must .>* establishe#! and maintain#*#) in their for the sake of their lib erty and happinesv, however much th*-> may ##nf|;ct with th© ust##m- m law of ptotadui© with wm ti:#-> are fa miliar. Three* Inviolable It u !••. It Is evident that the ino-t enlightene#! thought of the Philippine Islands fully up pt- -lale th** luiporiiill # of these princi ple* anil rule*, ami th* y w ill Inevitab y within a shot# time command universal assent. Upon every division and bran h -f th#- governm-nt of th#- I*hllk>pines. I her© for©, must be lmpo.-il thre# imp© iable rules; That no p**rson shall be d'Trlv#-1 of life, liberty or proiMrty without pto •• *•* f law. chut prlvsto property shall not In* taken for puiilic us#* without just eompens ition, that In nil rlminal prosecuitoiis the ar cus#‘d shall enjoy the right to a sjm■*■-dy und public trial, to tie lnf.*rm©.l of th© na ture nnd cause of th* a#*- usution, to be confronted with the witness#** against him. to have compulsory pro • s for ob taining witnesses In favor, jnd 10 have the assistance of counsel for ids de fense; that excessive bail shall not tie re qulred. nor #*xces©i\© fines Imp -• J. nor cruel ami unusual punishment Inflicted; that no person shall be put twice in jeop ardy t rth ** itn* <ff©io or I- omjK 11<1 In any criminal case to Ih* a wltnc against himself; thai the to h© *#©- cur#* again-- ? unreasonable search and seizures sh ill no! be vtoUt-'ed, nej-her slavery nor Involuntary s-rvltude shall *x except as a punlshm.-nt for crim# -. that no b>l! of attainder or ex-posl-facto aw shall In* passt*#!; that rs> <uw sh.iil be iMss-d abrbiging the freedom of sj>e*ch or of the press, or th# rlgh! of the mo ld© to fM-acttbiy a -* mb.e and petition the cov# rninent for a r#-dr* ss of grl#*van >-. thru no law shall t*e made rcsi •otlnr mt * -tabliKhment of r>-iigbin or prohitiiring the free exercls** thereof, and that th#* fre© # x rcise and enjoyment of religious prof# s don an#) worship w bhout #llk rlmi nution or prrferenc# shall forever t* nl owed. It will b* tin- duty of the com mission to make 1 thorough lnV©>:iga iion into th* titb s of th !rr#- tracts of land held or claim#*! by individuals or by ’©ilgloin* orders; Into the justir# of th#* claim* and comp’olms made agninxt such landholder.-# by Ho poph of th© Plan#! or ny port of th.- poptc. nnd to s#ck 1> wise and peaceful measures . just settle. | ment of the controversies nnd redress of wrongs which have cau.-e 1 strlf# and l#:o>lshei! in the past In the perform n#-#- of tht* duty Hie commission Is enjoined t sc© that no Injustice is don# . tr* h ive I©- ganl for suhstuntial rights nr.d equity, dis r# garding technlculiib-s *0 far j© substan tial right m rmits. and to observe th© lol >wing rules: l*nrl Treaty 111 >it lie \ iolntril. That th# provision of the treaty of Paris plftlgimr the United Htates to the proti-e --tion of ail right© of property in the 1s- Un*le. a* well as th© principle* of our own government, which prohibits th© taking of private property without dll#* pr.>ce-s #>f law. shall not rie violate#!; that th** we!, far#- of the pfople of the Mood-, which -hould be a paramount cariMd# ration, shall t* attain©#! conedMently with this rule of property rights; that If It I* <mi# ? neceaenry for the public Interest of the Gontagiosis Biood P&isosn There is tiopoiHouso highly contagiout. •o deceptive ami so drstnictivc. Don't tie too sure you are cured because all external sign* of the disease have disappeared, and the doctor says you are well. Many per sons have been dosed with Mercury and Potash for months or years, and pro nounced cured —to realize when too late that the disease was only covered up Ukc BOZO* Uko. .trfacetoCrei'k out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them have been infected by this loath some disease, for ro other poiion is so surely transmitted from parent to child as this. Often a bad r.isc of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula ot severe skin disease] an old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can be traced to Mood poison con di'early The Sin of tho Parent. life, for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, unless properly reated .md driven out in the S. S. S. is the only antidote for this peculiar virus the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the hi ■l, and it does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards, j£5X JMX cures Con*, igious I'dood i 4. 1 S*. ’ l’ uison in any and all stages; contains no kjp •) nnnera! I . break down sS# r N6 W \ourconstiluti n ; it is purely vegetable aiid theouK h: and puri fier known Uist clesnM-s the blood and it the same titee builds up the general health. Our little book on contagious blood poison is the most complete and instruc tive ever issued; it not only tells all attout this disease, but also how to cure vourseifa*. home. It is free and should be in the hands of creryonc seeking a cure. Send for it . IHE IWIFI SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA. M. aapaT ZIZ 1 \\ r ’Ttsatw CASTORIA for Infants and Children. Cuatnria In n liurinl**N aub#tltut l’or CaMtor OH, Par>- j-nrio. Drops and Sonthiuff Nyrups. It 1 Pleamaat. It aontsiitiN n. itli. r Opium. Morphine nor otll.-r Nimoti,, Mtl.stiuicp. It (iNtroyi Worm* and allnyt. Peverinlmrs. It cured Illurrhcß niid Wind Colic. It relieved Teeth, in*' Troubles anti <*ureH Constipation. It refrulateH tin, Htotimcb and Dowels, tfivliur healthy and natural uleep. The Children’s I'anuceu—'The Mother’s r riend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signatureof^^^^ In Use For Over 30 Years. Qk7svrmj.^>>saaiaaaaiißßliiilaapilMgMi>MSMaaaa p* od# of the islands to dispose of calms . 1 • b< not lawfully itcqulr#d and held, dl-po sltkxt shall In* rnmli- thereof by due 1# g and l>r<*> *lurt* in which ih* r# shall Ik full >p|iortunity for fair und tmiiariuil hearing .nd ucuinnt. that If th* mi# public- ln t* -# st> require th# extinguishment of th© property rights legally acquired and held due • mp ns ition shall be made out of th© public treasury th i refor; that n* form of r* ligion ami no minister of religion shall Ik for# ©d ui*>n any community, or ut#*n any citizen of the islands, that, upon tb other him I. no minister of r©;i glon shall I lnt#-rf#-red with or molested in fol,owing his culling; und t >at the p ,ration b* tw©*ii state* and church shall be real, entire and absolute. It will I## the duty of the commission to prom ot#- nnl ©zteral, and .s they find oc . .©:on. to improve, the* system of ©tu<'*- | ion nlready Inaugurate ) by th# military a ithordies. In doing this they should re gaiti us of first imp rtance th- #*xtcr.sion . fa --em of primary education which 'hall !•© fr# * to all, and w hich ©hail shall tend t#i fit th© people for the #lutles 1 *>f citixcns. n#i for the ordinary avoca ‘ tion of civilized community. This in *truc-r;ofi should In* given In in© first in | -tut - •• in ©very part of th* Islands in th * language of th<- |ieople. In view of th#- i l i# .it mimlN-r of language* spoken by the I different tribes, it Is esjiecialty important t# the prosperity of tin- islands that a onsm n m#- Hum of ccHnmunlcation may #* # -; .1 alisti# #l, am) it is obviously deslm- Ic* that this medium should be th© Hm.- | lish E'j-- i #1 atu nt’. n snou and !>e nt uiu#* given to nfTor<Hng full oppor ti.nK> :#> all th#* |eop!e of the islank# to acquire th#* us#* of the Kng.lsu language. | It niv Ik* well that th#* main changes which shoubl Ih- mad#* in the system of taxation and in the body of the laws un der which the peopi# ur#* governed, ex * lt >uch < nanges as have already Ih*# n j ma#l !*% th<* military government, should 1 i#e rel#-gat©d lo th© civil government 1 which is to In- established under the.* *ius plc# -of th#* ummisKiixi. \ It will, ho waver, k* the duty of the omm:-slon to Inquire diligently as to I whefbe-r there or#* #nv further ©hung#* | util *h ought not to b#- delay©|. anl if so. th#*y are authorised to make such changs, I stibjtN't to your approval. In ktng so j tri©> are to bear in min#l that taxes which I f#*nl to I* n.ilize or repress |nluptry an*! ••nt*rprise r# to In* avoUl©*!; that provls- I Jons for taxation ehou’.l be simple, so that # i t t th# v -'hhilvl affect th* f©wr*st pracll •c.ldt* f ts of taxaiion which will serve i for the general dfstiibutMin of the burditi. Th© main I -sly of the laws w hich reg'i* iite th* right- and oblly at lon a of the p*o j pie. .oulil *#• m iintained vefth u- lit l l<% J ii ■ rf> r#© * |vssi v *!# Changes mni * ) hou'.*l h# mainly in prevedure. n#l in j (h© crlinii.ii lawn to secure speedy inl : impartial trials, an#) at the sam# time ef f©* tlv#* ## 1 min Ist ration and reap#*?t for in dividual 1 ight*. With 1 neiiillr<l Tribes. In #) allng with th#* undvilizcsj tri *©s *f the island© the con>mi**ion shoul*) adopt ! th** k m#* *otirse folliwti by Congress in I permitting th# tr*l'* of our North Anu-r* 1 c.n li.d.aiih to niaintain their tribe', or ganlxition and govt rtitrmt. m#l un#let which many of thou© trio..- are now liv- I ing oi pea#*© and contentßi#*nt. surrounded j by #• # ivilizution t#> tvhlrh they are un )<.• >r un w illing t* -onf>rm. ■ B.i h U ibal government a should, how j • '*> subjects#! to Wise and firm reg j ul; tion. nnd, without tsn#):ie or p# tty pi ter!**r**n. c.Mistant and ictlve #*ffirt >houM In* exeri'ised to prevent kr an>u* | pra*tlces *nl introdi© • < ivllix# 1 tiMtoms. j I |-ai ail officers ind #mploves *f the I idled Htales, oth civil and midtury. I slKHild be Impt! .'©#•! a s# nse of th© dutv j*° observe not mere ly th© material, but ! tin- |K*rson.| n# social rights of the p##o j i4e of th# un#l t.i tr# it them with Hi#* same * mii.-v and respect fr their ; tiers#nul dignity which tn# people of the j l mt©#! Fla .are accustomed to r* qulr** ! from ♦ ach other. Th# artic.e* of • a.#lt ula tion of the city j *i Manila *n the l.sth of August, lk*s. | 'onduded with the # words: "This city, its inhabitants. i:s churches { un,i religious worship of all. Its ©duM ‘°** and *stHb||shm©nts, and its private property of nl tes©ription<i. are place#) un#i. t ih© .-(#• Jli sif-guar#l of the fai.h h'*t!#>r f the army.’* I Ixil. v,. (hat I I*. (.1.-ilk,. ha- hwn faith (ull> k, l*‘ Ah I,sail .iis.l h i -ip. l „n Oh.l ati.>n !>>,* ii(H.n (lie Rovrrnmrnt of th.- 1 11K..1 Stilt., t., K ivo protection for prop ; ,r, > ~n’ l * ,f ’• civil nd religion. fre*|om !.m I win-, firm .m l on.-. m*ti xukUnro in Hie Path* o! |h ice am! properity to | *" 01 ' u( ,h '' I’lililiniliie llan.|. [ <hnr*.. thl* i nmmieelon ,!„• r „ r , h c l-' r <Win>s -of thl> oWiKutlon. Wii , "" ,"><• honor C( „. I 1 " ">•<• *>f tm ir o.tuiry. !t, u„. t | rn . ! ikp* that thniUKh t't.-lr latw-rn all ihr n, ! I ...Me may * ’ ’ ** l '*’ victory to Amerknri arm.-' t Manila. ,nd .. # their bind- und“r I-nl.'S'stl't.'" 1 ' ,IJ ‘' r , ’ ra ** fC,,on °# he * ol "' - 1 ' r ■ t-'llv with the entrance of th "m.nlHHlon u„.„ it, UW , c.iuend to be I-hu. ■! by Miic Arthur, the military ito.crnor of in.- I’nlllcpin, Inlands, on u. a pro. luni.ithm of amneetv hi seticioua terma. of wltir h many of th.- itiHiiraer... tank nhani.u;.. mi. in* then, a numUr of Imp nant Ivadara. llnpoel. Ken, t ..n...i1..|„„. This com ml. (-ompoaad of .•mloent ttu.iiH ihc .live—. K ,.„. graphical and pdltlcal Interesta of the • runtry. and hnnln to their tack the J™li* of I. m ami I, n, K , m w. r , 1,1 • oucati .iial, idmlnP-trailvr arwl jicti ,“ ‘ ,r ' 1 " Li.a: >ioßr<, fr m .he o.ilH, 1 A, , arl> Aujf ~ mil.mltl. Ia nreltmlnary refwn. wide;, 1 ' *'* #’• ' "'*• .'"nsrcea n nf from v fd# h it a:f irs that alre.idy the go** .1:.. t- of returning order are felt; that huatnew. Interrupted by hi.e.lm tm . proving IH .xtcndn; Uiat a l.nrcr ate,. |H under ...nar rulllvutlon than ever a-forr, thot th. cuetam;. revenuee are great, r than n .mv . me during the S|vni. j*h ruh that th. , tunny and emrlenoy In tn© military administration have ersat •*#l u surplus' fun.! of s'..o(X>.QOi>, a\*atlabu for needad public Improvements; that n •mngrm civil rrvj t- law Is in preiKim ticn : rhnt railroad ommunlcatlons are ©x pafwiifig. opening up rich district* an#i teat a comprihenslve scheme of ©ducat on Is being organised. I .si t©r reports from the commission show yet more encouraging idvancc toward In •uring I bo beagUit 1 4 UVny and g#^ government to th© Kiliptnos, In th* u test of humanity md with the aim . 1# U-g up an enduring, self-supp .i> - 1 Ki-lf-atlminldtfring community in fir Eastern seas. 1 would imr th© Congress that whatever 1# * may l© n*u-ted In resiNCt to iu ) pin** Isl intis shoul#) In* along t. • roils lints. Th* fortune of A t tbrown up n this nation an uns -u. • s wnich shouki Ih* uu©dilKhly tl, , 1 and devolved uj#on this govcriim- 1 A mural, us Well us materia), resi*-i; toward these inUUons whom w | * freed from un oppressive yoke I have, mum another occasion, \ th** Filipino* 'th* wiinls of th* n Our obligation as guardian w,© .• li ly assumed; it must not lie otiwrw m honcMly fultill©#!, iiiintng first o ..[ l.ciD’fU thoe© who have com© ui * r ir fostering care. It Is our fluty s# . u 41 Hum that our flag may In* no l© - i.- 1.. > In th© mountain* of Luzon an#l tic f*-.# 1* son©* of Mindanao amt Negros, t! is at home, that there as lier# . it * 1 Ih* the r©v* red symbol of liber . • enment and pi ogress in every a-#i . >f d#*v©lc^ini*-H 1 Ths Filipinos art* a race quick to !©arn I and to profit by knowledge. li# w . 1 j )... I rash who, with tht touchings of •-'’ • - 1 poraneous hlktory m view, would ©x a limit to th© degrte of culture ad a-t --| vanccment y within th© r- ** h of ti. I |*©opl© If our duty toward them 1 faitk- I fully performed. (•ort-rnment of Portw 4Hr*. The civil go\f*rntn##tW of Porto f: • t*r \il*l for by th# act of Ongr©s ai-i-m.- ©d April 12, Is in uc<*©--f;d - j tion. The courts have b#**i • - •. Tht governor und his associates, w tx.ih InttiilgtMlv utul liaimonion-ly. art in ! lng with com men fin bl success. on the sixth of November, u g* • • il ©lection Was held In th©; 1 for tn* ".1 b* rs of th© Legislature, n#l the l y elected has been called to ©omen** on tft first Monday of IVccmber. I recommevtl that Ircislatlon bs -parted by th© Congress conferrlnc u;oii the Secretary of the In terior sup#*rvl*don over th© ptildl* lan.K In Porto Illco. and that he be .;*.r- #4 tn ascertain th© |<>-ati#in and <|uantl#v of lands the tItI- to which r©mau I In th* crown of Bi#atn at th© laie of # - i-*i of Porto Itieo to the lTiit#*l States m ) .1 ptiropri.itlai necessary for surv# - b** mad® and that the me thods of ti * - tion of such lands be prescribed J> hw. \n to fh' l!n oil if < nlm On th** 25th of July. 1. I dir. ! th%t a call In* issued for an election lt> ' 1 for numbers of a conoUtution *1 *••© • tion to frame n conotHtMlon ni • -.i-K for a stable and Independent gov# rnm • in th© is!anl. In pursuance thereof, ths military governor Issued th#* following In structions: "Whereas. Th* % Cousrr©** of th#* Ur* I States, by Its joint rcsaintlon of Apri s‘, !v> #p. land: | “That th#* peofde of the Marl of rokt nr©, and of right ought to b© fr* n 1 1 Independent. "That the Unit#*d Btat©s hereby .!*• j claims any *llspoel , lon or Intention to ©t ' rcis* sovereignty, jurls.llciion or ■ ! over sal*l Inlan#!. ex#*ept f*r th© i '* i tion thereof. n#l asset is its #leterm;ci thin, when that Is accomplished. t #' I the government and control of th#- l.dael to Its people. "And, whereas. The people of Cuba hive established municipal governm©n • ’h 1 dy ing their authority from th- auffn j °f th# |teo|ilc. given under Just and • 1 b lows. 11 nd nr,- now readv. in Ilk* mt j to pro< e*-d #to th* establlshm*nt of a ©ral governm*nt whl'h shall as*urn#' m*! I ©xerclse sovereignty. Jtirlsdlctlon and con trol over th© Island. "Th©r#-fore, It Is ordered. That s ©lection b# held In th© Island #>f Cu • the third Hamrday In S#*;*t©m)K -r In ’ ! year 1500. to elect delegates to the *vm vent lon to meet In th© city of flavin nt 12 o’clock noon, on the first MonD v * n I N’ov©m*er. 19, to frame nnl to*,)t a con stitution for Ih#* people of Cuba, and m imri thereof, to provhl** for an r ‘ A ' m#*nt with the government of th*- 1 ■ i‘ and States ii|N>n the relation*# to exist bets © that government and th© gov©mmm © i ruba. and to provide for the ©l# ■ ti •© ! the ©lectio people of officer* under * *’ constitution and the transfer of th -'' v * | ♦ rnment to th© officers so elected T *'' I *lection will Ih* hell In the -#*v#* '•** ing firecincfs of the lsbn#l and ui •***■ " 1 pursuant to th© provtslons *>f the •• • law s of April Is. I9f*. anl 111© * ,rn ' ! * ! ments thereof.” f The el#-©tlon was held on th© 1 ’ 1 0 Hejitemlier and the cot\veirtlon n v * n on th© sth of November. 19*** *n#l i 1 '* In session. In calling the convention to order military governor of Cuha mad** tl * lowing statement: military governor of the ls!in ” resenting the President of th© ! ■ Rtaten I cull this convention t*' It will h© your duty first t D ' r '\. M o fop! a constitution for Cuba. i that has been din© to formulate n your opinion ought to tn* th** r©h**i*n>* tw* en Cu'm# and the United B • jf . Th#* **onstltutlon m*Kt adequa’#i\ a stable, orderly nn*l free <rov.* t tr " When you have form ul® ted th#* ’■ K which In your onlnlon ought * A Xi tho • ween Cuba and th*’ Unt.d F* ' government of th© Unite*! B doubtless take such action mi ’> ‘ s ■ shall to a final and agreement betwgen 4he neople © - ' countrles to lie promotion or tn* mon interests. w . All fri#*n#s of Cuba eIH ~€ . your l© I Iteration* with the In*#*rerd. earnestly desiring *” 1 j shall reach Just con©lu*K>*. * that by the dignity nd * , m ual self-restraint an*l wls© Nn #t which shall chara ter!*© Y*tir ... Ings the capacity of the Cu *• P* rfprnwrrtnllvf ,oVfrticn! nl nally llluftrsiod. Thi’ fuivkimentat tri> r.i>rern(atlv sovrnim. n' ’’ ? „ trtornhip. Is rrrnlt!vo rf thr prop'.,', in ” ' ( , v . (Irs. oonflno.i hlmrtf strlolly •>' )r>i]( limits of his ilollnmt ro* ,< ' r * rtm . rnoh restraint there rsn be no re h,|: ornmrnt. r(M fnb-r the order pursusnt to #* 1 0 have been elected amt convene*#. T*'*' no duty and no authority to I##’ j the peer* nt aovernment of th'* Your powers nre strictly Itmi'e.i trrms of that onlrr. i*ber When the convention ronc'udcH (t . I r|lt transmit to the Congress th< iUUW wt U#tuui by CUe Btwveiuw* 1 w