The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 06, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 WILL ASK FOR STATE FAIR. rITI&F.V" 48#OCIATIO\ WITH i %ri- TAt OF 4LVMHH) TO HE om.%Nl7Kt> I’ltr ThMa*N*it l)nllr I sen *••- •rrllaeff tn n Hunt Mlnutr*. Thouili fhr Nire and Kot Oxer I nltinuliiMlr In ll**- Kin %% iih —4 nmmillf* 1 of Twenty dvr to He 4|| t* ird Tn-dny •* ( nmiiM fnr limi for Mock | the f ff.NtMNMft in an \Him to I nnclnef the Fnlr-Tke l|Britlon *>rrloaly nnl t ner% all % ely IMnrune! by the M* ei i nil. Hivanui warns fh** Stair Fair and will timlrrtwk' t nite W' *W in surwrrlpUon* to m m<k omianjr for t * fun<►' -f hnkllr>K t*ar. or a# mu* ? of rmr;nt sr may he nmderl. Thm j* t • d* of the rre->*jnjr of < Itlierw helii mi the City Klfhai RH y* terday after no*m Juat to h**w the.r faith in the iwwrHwrit th*#e present sub rrrlbcsl at, oven S&XMA to the k of th* * ompsr.y to he organised later on TV • r w<:* jut nt|rhte*n * ihe rlpfiorvs, va^y.c-. |: • to ff** each. Ther* w -r* tthmi-r h#:f W>t**n nlherv pniftyit. .nrn* of whotn * t their intent ion of sub#* -tiring a i t avers nee i- , In |o r of n ituU-ra. tor wa t- !-' h irrah I* ir.' *# alKut it. The q** wti n of w atlher nr neat Hjivanmih Ma-uld a-k for tne State Fair was IB u***d -• rioualy wn.l earnestly Thnr** iv v*• d*nibt In tr** mlr.d# of anyotif that Sax tniah could tske hold of and run a State K.dr in go * i tyl*. hut ther* was some quest loti ms t whether suffPVnt lnt*rr.-t rouU h* MiuiifS'i to Insure the no xearv funds and the manage men f of the I#• r in a manner r radii aMe to Savsnr.a It wn* *gr*vi that It would t* better n*t to have the fair than to have it and not make a sur ras# of 11, and therefore it was d* Uie-i t take step# to find out whether or no* t * people of .'a-. :mi u!i really want th- fair by the *-t of the pc* ket nerve ll is believad tnnt the ready rrrfpona* at the nsretiog will tuiv# a good effert. The crowd rather *i<w In uailiHinit and it Ka> nearly 5 o'clock when Ma><*r My* rs railnl tfie Dwrting to order in tha found! room. On motion of t’np M J Doyle Mayo Myers w a** l* '*<i bulrmau Mr E, W. N*em was • > f#*l ret ary others present at the meetlnif were Col J H. Kstlfl, Ua.pi D G Puns*-. Mr J. W .lad'on. I* A .Stovall. 1 A. Solomons, 8 L. Unmn. Osorge u 8 hwarx. MaJ (). M RyaK R M Hull. 8 B. Adam*, l/opold Ad er. M J Soiontans. M J I>tn vergert*. I. <*.;, #t, D. R. Falk. 8. Krous kofT. B. li. Davy. Phil M Russel;. John A SuiUv.N;. Joan 1a Ardw r. Robert M Hicks, M Iryfuw E I okann*. Geotv ■■ N. Nirhok, Fred M Hu,l. The cal. for tn* rn • ling. published by the Mayor, wns n td by tie *ev#tary •itl Mayor M '.-era mad*- a statement of the s*tua;ion. Tlie indl* ,4th* are th4t under proper auspices Aivnnnah can s* cure the net Rtate Fair. h* said. I th-i.K Bavannah sto>b make an ef fort to secure the fair for neat year sitd trie Mayor. Tt Is ciwtoraary with rwir merchants to prnvkkt form *A entertainment e,i ri year for the purpose of nttrai tut the psopie. but rernt entertainmen's have t of proven • aatiafaetory as is dewire-i The State Fa.r w* n.<l te on a larger scab rrriwi 4nytbli.ff of the kind wc nave .* tempted in recent years, ir would inter est the pep}e of ti>e !ate generally, and there is every reason to believe that wtil attract many of people t* #Lvaanah.** .\layor Myers sanl he did not think th* exposition at Charleston would interfere in iiny wa> with the holding of n sf* * Fair at ftavannah. The fair will he he'd in November, whereti* ihs Charleston Ex position doe# not open until Dscsmisr Many exhtbttors will natural.y take ud %er>tage of the opportunity to exhibit at both place* To ondu> t the fair creditably, cons ti er abb mon* > will b needed, ** said the Alayor. “and It will tie necessary to form an association for the purpose, and to secur*? aubscripthms to stock These suh s riptlona wIR not ije In the nature - of do nation*, hu: t ie stibaeriheni ar|U have th prospect of gettirar th** greater j*art >r all of their money returned to them.” The Mavor kr*wledge,| the <fforr* made by ,Mj Hvab in taking up this question with the Executive Committee of the Btaie Agricultural Ariaty, and * .tiled upofi him fur a statemeni Maj. Ryale said there |* not the slight sat doubt about Savat.r.b ability to se cure the fair. The officers of the Agri cultural Society and the members of the Executive Committee *re anxbMjs to have it come her*, he said. T.e only question is whether the psopie of Savannah nae wiikng to undertake the fair in a manner to put it ii|*>n a plane which would be creditable both to the city and the Btat* Agricultural Roolety The V t bloat a fair was a credttable one and the Agricultural Society people had been mu h pleased, but Havjinnah would be expected to do much better. Heretofore. MnJ Rials said, the Stale Fairs have ultnply been local alTitr* un der etate supervision What Havannuh should iV la ■> hold a real State Fair. one whlrh will arouse *h<‘ lnteic| of the pc.- pb- of the entire HIP llv ..IT. ring a if fldently large premium* for county ex hibits a krg- number of counties could he Induced to make nhlMtt n<l every county exhibiting mean* a large attend ance from that county. He suggested pre mtums of ll.loti for the beat county rx hlhit rr.ulm* down to with neve ml Ills' premium* at eonao a I too prize* Atlanta. Augusta. Macon and Valdosta all mart" profit* on th fair when held In those town*. Major Kyals eold. and there It no r*#..n why Savannah should not do a* well Hla eallm.ite of the neoesaarv fund for conducting the fair wn sSooon to urn and In arriving at this he had taken care to mike an outalde eatlmate. With the* fund In hand he believed that the fair could make nil egpetrae* and rntrplu* of fid.OW besides With thta monev eould repay the stock holder* their subw-rlptlon* with a divi dend besides. Other ritle*. Major Ryal* add had traateil the Agricultural So. ie tv badly and pome are now heavily Indebted to It. Hla Idea la that the Savannah Asao rtatlon ahould offer the Agricultural So etety one-half of any aurplua, or dividend that might accrue, and thue otdaln tho haarty and acttve support of thla large and Influential body. The horse race*. MJ. Ilyalt aald. ahould t>e an Important feature of the fair, lie met n number of the race-track peo ple In Atlanta. Ju*t aa the fair waa breaking up there, and they were a 1 •anxious to come to Sivannah A sti'ce*- ful fair, MJ. Ryals raid, would probably reault in the estab'lshmcnl of a perms nent race track at Savannah. The question of whether or not Savan nah atioukl beatlf herself tn behalf of the fair w* dlaeu* tome length by Mr S Kmutkoff Mr S L. Isixaron, 04. .1 II Katlll, Mr P A Stovall, Mr J. bn 1. Areher and other* Mr. Krouakoff and Mr, I-azuron were enthualaatlc upm the euhjert Cot. K*tl)l t>*> conservative and narratad aome .4 hi* prevtoua exfw-rlenee* In hl* line All spoke in praise of the eueceaa which Valdosta had recently made of the fair, and gave that little city full credit for Ita good work. The people of Charleston. it waa mated, had quickly subscribed for their exposition, and the propia (Cot. no usd an Third Page J 4ti joc key mi iirr. Improbable That the Movement Will lb- |*aabe| for a W hlle. It unprobabu- that i meeting of the f-ntl'rrwn lnt#r*-*tai th the organiu I<a of a Jockey club in Savannah far the ;.urpope of '.wkuirir owner* of string- of racing horses to bring their sto k he.- • I r Wittier meets Stl! b** held sonr Gen W M Hordor, was ena.rmin of the ma- * meet Inc hehl l*t sprir<g at tne I>e 8o o. ulid wll call another me*-ring whenever the mmjttee* then appointed, are ready to report A gentleman who ;m or re of the corn* mlttees, atid yegterdkj that I believe it wll be worth whl.e to • ail i ni*- tli'g before r ext spring In fa* ? he said he thought -t be better not to i meerir,sr as no preparation or r -rwngemef.t fr stock could he made in time f..r having rt**e t . s winter and too me* tan** wo I be lr*st hetwes*> th‘ nd next winter, should a meeting be he id now 1 stub a long wait, the gentlem n •• ■>!. there wou’d t>e a strong ' han ♦ of ki.Mttg interest m th** movement before r •> :11 be * irr ei out N t more than x month w>uld be required to get tb - l.i well afoot and complete It. and for t. 4 r* .ir-on he advocate* waiting until March or At r 1 lie fore holding another tn • tli.g lle*dde> he said a r.'im'er of wr ilthy tourists fr*im th* Nrth wll le i* r at Hot tim* and their interest in a I* an for the estabilshment of a ra e -••lit-* for winter me*-ts might be aroused They might be tnduced to Invest In and aid the movement. On* of the rnmltte*— was appointed • * ascertain farts and figures relative to th*- establishment of the rare c.wirse, the e-ection of Hereditary buildings etc . while ||.* < ther was to cor.'* v pond wi h owr- r* **f racing string- at the Nort i, r a- ertaln their oplnl n if* to • e wis am <<f su* h a plan fo- Savannah. Just what was done nnd what wis 1* irn**d the committee will not he known un til a irr !r g of thoae Interested U* called by tien. Gordon. Tit* f*f* * • t would not have t*n allowed <i In,. *n a ft las since the meeting Iv r spring hid it n *t !• • n for the unf *r •a• * *U nt ti nt )*fe|l <en OerWi That \ -> but a snort wntle after the m*-e?ing an*i the ehairman was incapaci tated frnen taking further part Ills in ability t . p-rt. j 11 e lit it mr* ting prevent <d another from being h*- *1 as It warn •h -■ t that he might s*--n be able to it ♦etwl Tim** and ragged abmg. however wiiho * Ms recovery, and then he left for a European trip, from which he hn* but recent y returned <#r p Inte*e- w is created hy the talk of • raeeco ir-* t the ’line, and it seem 'd th it The movement had received an lm fietus that would result In Its successful nrn<. ijfion An Idea preval'rd that about ••* wotiid cover all the costs for the #>• b. '•.■intent of a perfectly appointed rnlle • and it was clear enough that no difficulty would be found In raising u Urge portion of that amount A numler *.f merchants and others, believing that ihe many peop’e who would be attracted by race meets would heneflt th** city vsstly reaxdlly announced their willingness to mtrlbiife to the sto. k of ftie enterprl*e and then* Is little doubt that it might have all i***efi raled h;t*l vigorous effarts been made. Th* neiv plan for the Sire Fair mav *ake the place of the r * e c*-nirwe pro)e for the time being. If the flr w* r** given In Fax inrvah and prm-ed a surc*w the arguments In fax'or of the race course sr.d regular winter meets of running hor sew w*xuld b** stronger than *vw, for the coiirse would have been practically established for the races that are always an a*^*gnpanlment of the Georgia St ite l air The course and buildings wou.d probably have to he nut in better condi tion than they nnx f be for the fair as 'he be*t running the country would be expected from the North by a Jockey lub hut the knivowmenti hc-hhi rv would be comparatively little Tte great er part >f the expend w*mM hive h*-n wut hafood by the Fair Association. Tho.-- imbued with the racing spirit nr! tne dejrire to have the winter meets nay feel tha* the fair races provided the fair Is held in B.xv;innh. will suffice for a y r. ir*l for that reason. |t may bo that •% meeting with the view of *e ‘ahiishlrig n Jffckey <*lub will rot he held until after the Ktate Fair. none; iMiti.v uki.l \ o Very H .-•••I * I.lkrly tc K,lr%nlor' Kail. Mr CharVn fb h upp. cerk for Mhot* Meinhard A- 8 haul. who wan lnjur*d by the fall of the el valor night before Iwt. ihr story of which was told In the Morn Inc News of yeaterday. waa reported last night as rritlng a easily an coult be expected. Ills hurts sere an painful an they appearni to there who saw* them, but there wore no deveiopmenis. nave for a sprain that made Itself evident Thin aff*ctn the back, but It in not believed u will prove eeriouw. The young man's friends trust he will ooon be amoni thetn again. Edward Wlllln, she porter for Messrs. Ar Rchaul. ws* reported an get ting on probably Ihe of Ihe three who wre Injur*-1 bv the fall. Ahrtm Uoarh. the porter for the Metropolitan dothing Oompany. wan not farina no well, m his hurt' were very lasaiciftft nd g no dular sw tiling* had appeared to add to hie fliftoombTl. i fine of Ihe httndn of the elevator's mechanism had .s.ipped when the three m*n and the large t>ox of jcoods were on the lift, thereby causing the accident. Workmen were hunv yesterday In rrpwlr. Inc the damage and fixing the elevator so that It would not hr likely to ever fajl again. TO IIR4 HI IT Foil TIIK \UY. Hoard Will lie In the Vtest f This \\ r**k. The navy recruiting hourd which ha* lwen receiving recruits for the navy on the Gulf coast for the last month or more will arrive in Savunruih to-day and will he located In the old T’nlfed States <’ourt r.a>m In the Cuttom House toalny, to morrow nnd Saturday Capt. W. W He nintn r of Pcnsaoda In the head of the Uan). The court room and the oil Jury’ room which will be ucd by the surgeon a* an examining ro”m. have been put in ord* r for the rerrulilng board. It In nafe to say that Savannah wi.l furnlnh as many re cruiin an any city *# ltn size M!AATI> %It %• Y*a MKKTIHIG9. i Services l.ast Might tan darted by Capt. Hettpater of Tampa. The rneettren of the Salvation Army last night were conducted by Capt Demp ster of Tumi**. Fla. The raptam stopped In the city on his way to Mobile, where he Is to engage It' army work. Avery attentive crow! greeted the army worker** on the street and an inter esting congregation was present In the hall Tti army work *e< ms to he i*re grcsxlng and meeting* are conducted In ihe hail 111 President street, west, every night at $ o'clock llouffU*' Arm Taken Off. The arm of James E Douglas. the fire, man who woe Injured d*y before vester i%my by a Beft Lane car wan amputated at the Savannah Hospital yesterday about r.oon by Dr A B Simmons The naturs of the Injury made |t necessary to take tha arm off between the elbow and the shoulder Mr. Douglas stood the opera tion well, and Is expected to be abi* to iaavs the hospital shortly. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1900. SOLOMON SHEFTALL HELD. PitnIIIM'XT I.HOI a:lt HIM IKiURD ill *t oil i: t ommi**iom:h I*KH Ik. 1 barged With I'uttlng tn ('irenlstlsn a lie Ineil stlxer I rrllliente—liicl drat an U hteh fh l barge Is Hased Oresrrril l.ast Augusi —Mr. shrftall ladlgaant I > Dealea thr 4 barge end >o Ev Ile wee He* Art Bren lei ra il need to I'rnif 11 —— ft 411 We* Het*ei% Aram X* to 8 1 is—llepoal led at southern Hank and Redeemed l.*t and After e lime llrnpprar ed. Sximon Bheftali * w • l known whole *mle grocer, was arrested yesterday morti ng and r* iUfi*d h*-fore f'nltel fliates Commissioner J Fred in tne after noon. on a charge of piuch g In iHrculailon a *tlver c#-rilfi* ate ra.c 1 in denomination from tL to $1" The irr m upon which the charge !•* based ar I for which th** irtf*t was made occurred during last August It was writ ten up In the Mom!* X News at the t.m** of the occurrence, th*vugh no names w*-re uc*l. Bii • that tnv J. M White, a I'n;ted Fiat** S* rr* Bervi e agent, has been investigating the matter and s er. •lav swore out the warrant under which Mr Bheftali wa- arrest*-l As o.i a- h* wac notified of the charge against him. Mr! gavo bond for his appearance whenever h* t- I- l i.<! thu- a.oil* . any further t * esslty of bis detention. The facts In ihe case are* that on or about Auk 1. Mr ffheftall ha*l deposited io his • redit in the Bo*.thern Bank the raised certificate, which w taken ther. by his ashler. James J I-e y. In th afterro n ttse trouble with the b- I was discovered, it w.i raniol to Mr. 8h f • all’s offi* e by A M. Glover, then acting tslier r*f the Bouihern Bank, ar and *h amount of It wns refunde*! Tne raise] certfft ate was left In Mr Bhe*all’s p*> se*-ion Subsequent v It disappeared an*j then turned up strain A’ the hearing before the commissioner yestep-ay afierr.*o,, ih*-*. fa tw w* r* te - titled t*. |y M G! ver Mr Mills B Lane, v•* president of the C’itix* i- Bank, where the second apj* ranee of the hill occurre*!, by Mr. I. II t'iark. wh* tru one of trie victims f thin -*•- *: 1 nn* i - c. r.rd l y 8*- ret 8* rvl* ,Yg*sit J M. Wright, who has Investigated the #e Mr Fla. k said the tiil had ’r hi *nt him b\' W 8. Lynch of itin cir.. inl ie rai f* in It to a country firm Thi- In ter firm had sent the till) to th** Pltlgans l ank to |i a note, and It h. i *n re- Jevte.l nnd stampr-*!. the stamp wir ■<. in rci ink Just wh it wis the trouble Asa matter of fact the work of rais ing the bill has been clumsily done, and a x*ery casual Insp* tion suffice** to dis close It. The ap.M trance of the bill at the Citizens Bank wa alut 8* pi. 1. This was uliout the cat#* for the govern ment. so far as tt was made out nt the h-airing yeet**r*lay afternoon. >n beha.f of the defendant, ('apt. J M Rogers, hy whom he was repr*-.-* nte*|, introduced two witnes-er-. l*oth of them employ**.* of Mr ttheftali Thes* W. F. Y.tigncur and .James J Insft* y. Mr \'lgneiir tes#lrt*i that on th*- morn ing in question a remittance had * ome to th* house from E O. Futch, one of Us drummers. A considerable portk>n of thh refnittance wni In currency, and after making the proper entries on the books he had turned the money over to the cashier. Mr Legcy, for deposit. He had rot noticed that there was anything wrong with ny of the bill* Mr Lea y said he remembered receiv ing the mon' and that he had noticed at the time there was something queer about one of the hills. Ir had not occur red to him. however, that the hi! was raised, and he had simply thought that It was. i*erhaps. anew Issue lie depowit -d the money In the hank, where tt was received without qu* •! n In the of er noon. how**v#T, Mr tllr>ver had called at the store with the bill, said that it had been raised ar.d a*k* 1 tha # P be ex changed. The money was refunded Mr. Sbeftsll made a s atement In hls own behalf. He said that th*' first Indi cation he ever had that lh<-re was such s bill In existence was when Mr Glove** hal called it the store Hid ask*d that it he redeemel. He had Inxestlgatcd the matter. 1 erne*) tha Mr I-cacx hal tio ticed that there was something queer about one of the bills he had depo-d*e com* to Ihe conclu-1 >n that the bill bad been dM*oslre*l for him and redeemed it Mr Bheftall said he had then continu'd hl investigations in*l by examination of Ins ca ! h bawnc nn*l an Inspectb*n of the pavi ents made .lurinc th** morning In question had become reasonably well * on v,i •**! that It had been reeelved In a package hent him bv Mr. Futoh. lie had th -n handed th*- bill ha k to Mr Ku h. after keeping it In hln possession for about two weeks. .nd thts wes the I f h** hA<l ever seen of It When he bind**-! the certificate to Mr. Futch his Instruc tion* were that It should he returned to the man from whom M Futch had re ceived It. At the hearing. Mr. Rhefinll win no* permitted *o relate conversations had with him by Mr Futch. but he told a Morning News rejunter that Mr. Futch had told him that the hill had either been lost or stolen. Mr. Shrftall rakl tht he knew nothing about the matter, further than what Is outlined above, nnd was absolutely guiltless of any responei 4lltv for the bill s rpp* , .ir.n.*e in circulation Tbe hearing was continued by the com missioner until thlp afternoon, when It is hopel to have Mr. Futch and W ? Lvrv’i of Rincoti. jii attendance. Mr lync4t la the man from whom Mr ('lark thinks he secured the bill .t the tint*' of Its second appearance. Mr. J J. Gleason, te h*r of the Scuth<'ni Bank, was In New* York at the lime the 1411 was presented there. On his return to the city he akd Mr. le.u y to bring the bill to the Itfink and lei him examine It. atvd this wan don** He afterward# re turned it to Mr. Bheftall. Ho far an the evidence has progress'd, there iem IK* reason to itt . h guilt Mr Sheftall. lie sold that he was In a position to substantiate fully everything that he has said aid that the evidence given by Mr Futch would serve to ex onerate him completely, if any further exoneration was needed. OfMI OKITITM. F.lecflons by Oslriltorpr stid beKslli l-odgea. At the last mooting of DeKalb of Odd Fellows the following off! ere were elected: Noble Grand— I C. 11. Oaraon. Vice Grand—W. K. Norton. Treasurer Kdw ml Moyle. Herr eg ary W. W. Grusa Oglethorpe I>dge No 1. has elected the following officers: N G— E. A l.aron, Jr. V. iJ.-T. (* I*Wce?tl. Permanent and Recording Secretary— T It Hutton Treasurer W 11. Whitehead. Trustees—John A. Hid ton. Davis Free man. and John K. Raaon General Relief Committee—T J Din kies ll S Holding Property Trustee- W c Travis Organist-James Van Berscho: Special at Fek^teln's. Gustave Eckstein fk Cos. will red to-day and to-morrow on!y. LOOO ya'ds of M-lnch cheviots and serges. In plain and fancy weaves, all colors, warranted all wool and worth $1 per ya*d. for this speUal sale. *k .-a<V CIOiKO THE DOLL Htl%\. f*rle to the Winner* Were award ed ifdirnlat Ulrraooa. s ond and dosing day of the doll show given by Fro*be 1 Orel# of King’s I* iKhter*. was as great a success as the fir* . and many visitors were In Fuat ham Artillery Hall yesterday to e***e the dis play All day. up so o’clock in the af ternoon. the show was In progress, and ; the amount realised from ,a*lmlssion barges was considerable At , r o'clock yesterday afternoon the prize* in the several * lass*** were award ed. Tha prize among the girl dolls, which w is presented by Messrs. B H. A* I To., w* awarded to tne doll ensered bv Mrs J imcs Hunter. To# prize for the b st baby dpU wa# presented by Msarv Theus Brothers, and was awarded to j Mrs N F. Jackson Among the fancy- j dr*iw*#>d dolls, the prize, presented by Mrs. * J F C Myers, was won by h# Ogle thrpe laght Infantryman *hat was en tered by <bipt. G A. Gordon Th* prize j for the Wt old-faahloned <l*4l was pre- j naoi by Mwsrs. Ja *k#*n Metzger A <’o. .and wis awarded to Miss Mamie Marshall. In the class of doll* that were I entered by merchants, th** pr.*e, present- • i by Mn- tieorge liarnum, w.s awarded Mrs tlntss. In four of th* classes that were adver- j *:s*l an Insufficient number of dolls were j •'titered, and no prizes were awarded T }; w t* an understanding that existed • !*re th* entries were mad*. Tjie pap**r *.', t ie rg dole, the lotS lress*d b> rr.eii. and :he crippled and dtswbled do! 1.4 wer# these clasaea. Mb** Oulte Garrard’s puper (1011. Miss Meil Thomas' rag d4l. •nd rr Phillips' wWfow doll, however, were given honor bl* mention, as th;y In| In the competition anssig the few • at were entered 4U their respective I" lasses. Tu* beautiful hsihy W>II. tipxin wni h many vot* w* re r**> dvl wus awarded to Mw*. Jmli Hunter An at>c,i*4i of the |ois belonging to the r i* w • hell after th* award of the | pr:z**s, hut the crowd showed no very i ardent l* to hwl and the effort to s*il i the pretty plavt.lings fell flat Only two i r ihre* wer so, ! hut the members of •he ciraJw are still hopeful of d.sposing f • i* do,ls. and thereby adding to tne fund 1 they hold for rharlt.'thie purposes. TO I*l T VIIHBB niIBHOROthiD. %n Ratlmate f the t o*t ulmlM#*l • Maj. Srrexrn. Th* recent ndatlons of Bupt Thomas 8 teven of the police and Sunt J. K. Maguire of th* fire department, that j the wir*. of the lame we.l system and fire slcrm system be put underground, re sulted in a notification to Bupt <’kl bom of fire and police alarms, to make an erdlmate or the probable coat of such an arrangement. This estimate was com pleted yesterday and submitted to Bupt s reven. It is a* follow*: ffavannah, Qa , Dec 4 I§l—“Maj Thomas Hrreven, ffuperintendent Police r>**p.-rtmeni. Savannah. Oh Hear 8r I r* >je 'tfullv sut>mlt the following stl mate on an underground system: I can place timlerground the wires north of Perry wtre*>t connecting fir** l**>xcs Nos. 7. R. !>. 12, 13. 14. 18. IS. 81. 82. and Engine • ’ompanl** No. 2 atid Pole* boxes Nos i: 21. 24. SI. a. 5!. 123. sftid 144 at a total <-,> of t.'4U.06, subdivided as follows North of York street: Labor and ma terial for fire depart men Ms**. 50. labor and material for poll> department. 1929.&0; to *al. |l,v; ( By combining the systems will ost SI.TT South of York street; Labor and ma terial for ffre department, flag. labor ond at* rial for * department. |4fß; to ’al. h* ’2> By combining the system will ost $*.22 i r The police department north •>f Perry street will coat $1,422.50. You will observe that the proposed un derground system embraces all the fir* and police boxes In the business district, thus affording absolute protection to the most va.liable property In Savannah dur ing our periodica! s*rms, as Engine Com panies No. 2 and 3 can respond at iny time to these alarms This would be i l**rmanent improvement that would ma terially reduce our operating expenses. ■ the und system depre iates 11 i- n**r 1" per cent Storage Batteries nml Rwitchhoxrda—A omplete system of storage batteries nrvl mod* rn switchboard with all safety de vi *es • an b< Install'd .'is fo.lows Fin* and Po'tce combined. ff.SKi; Fire Tepanment. I*. •'•O; Poll**# Department $900; total, 12.500, The net suvlng by using this 4y*!cm will t*iv for Itself In rive (M years and Insun* good s *rvl *• No try In the I’nite I of Savannah's commercial im ortance 1 without this Improvement to the ffre and ix>J!ce departments. Itespeotfully. W. I' Flalrborn, Superintendent Fire and Police Telephone Alarms.” J At F.n FOR ms rOKHIAAIOtI. s. K. Platshek Heeovered a Verdict for 917.1 From Faye A Morrison The rise of Ran> K. Platshek against Foye A Morrison was on trill In the (Tty Court all of yesterday morning and until late yesterday afternoon. The cose resulted In a verdict for the plaintiff for $175. about one-third of the amount sue*! for by him. Mr Platshek negotiated the lease of the new Weed building for the firm of Foye A Morrison, before that firm's dissolu tion and the retliement of Mr. Morrison. The b-ase was for ten year*, and the plaintiff claimed that hls services In ar ranging It were easily worth s*•'#>. Mr. Fuye told him be would glvt him STe* There whs *©tne rather spicy tes imony during the trial of the case yesterday, neither the plaintiff nor Mr Foye speak ing In very complimentary terms of other., Thlngr wore smoothed over, how ever. evn the verdict of the Jury being a compromise. tl is said that when the first ballot as to the amount of the verdict was taken in the Jury room the amounts voted for varied between sls and The Jurors finally agreed to fix the amount of ‘he verdict at $175. with which the plaintiff professed hlmeelf reasonably well siti*- fled. CIIRDTNAA AT RKTIIMDA. Friend* off the llys at Aea Aead Them a M**ter for a Tree. The toys of Bet herds have Just been remembered by some of the old frfenis. John Course? anl Henry Buchanan, once Beth rod ahoys, but now on the revenue cutter Bout well, collected from the offi cers and crew of the Bout well sfi 10. which they have ?ent to Mrs. Chaplin, to he used In behalf of a Christmas tree f.r the boys, who have no home to go to during the holidays. Those who feel •> dls|**el to aid In this cause may -end their donations to Mrs. A. V. Chaptiu. Betheada Orphans* Home, and they will be acknow ledge I. An after-theater thought, a bottle of Cook’s Imperial Kxtra Dry Champagne Special Schedule to Tybee n*g| hfh. Account Odd Fellows oyster Roast. Tybee train which la scheduled to leava Savannah dally at SOD p. m . win leave at 2:00 p. m. Thursday. Dec $. to accommo •late the Odd Fellows and their friends. J, C. Haile, Gen. Paaa. Agent.-ad. DIED A NATURAL DEATH. POI RTH DBTRKT RBYHOIIM f MR DIRWIId KO HI LIHITATION. Excited .Advance Sllrr of l.a*< Mg ht’ at Labor Hall I* rod weed Ureal Expectat 4 w. I*i They Were Iriiumr*! t IH*ap|M*l*i iii**ni-Ilip t Inab Met, ldateaed to Jnatiee Hsinohb nnd Adjourned Without |>a>— Whole I'nwroUng Oeeapletl |.e* Than Fifteen Xlln u••*— XA . 1., tiraxann Indorsed for Aldrrmnn i>> thr *uth*4dera. The meeting of th# Fourth District Reynold* CJuh, that had been ailed for last night, with a i4ar. of trumpets or I the announcement of impending excite ment. was held hut it was one of th# quietest ar.d shortest po.ltia. meeting > of the season. The club sucre.l-d In t - cofnpllshlng Just one thing—lts own death. Yeatcrday morning the fo. owing ex clt#i ar.noun* ement appeared in th t sp‘cia4 columns of the Morning New “A meeting of tb U irth. lit t Reyn oltla t'luh w>ll l>* held tonight at laV>r llnll. Keorganilalkn will be had, ari l a general discussion of t • p..:t. *1 situa tion, preparatory to municipal - tmi*aign, Ail voter# of th* di*r t must aft v. • busirveea of viral lmrortan“*. t* u h*ng csmlng election, will t*. trar:a* l**l Tht* L HU . President. W. T. MacDonald. P.-*-r**tar> On the streets It wns gem rally under stood that the meeting would Indor.-e t:i* atvildac.v of Akierman Jam* s M Dlxo: f or Mayor, and In reqsmte to the call about eighty residents o? t!i* Four! Dis trict gather* and in laibor Hail last night. Their confident exration that som*. thing would In|*pen wa doom*d to nppoinitnent. President Thomas L 11 ill < l."l the meeting to order and then Just *e Reyn noldx thank* l the club for th* - fforts it had mad# to secure his r* *lecti*>n—* f torti which had been i** rf* .y suo • ful. Justl** Heynoki.** s>ul the clu * h.*l accomplished the object of Its **\[o**r. • and that when it adjourned it should be without day. A sufficient of the club mem bers had been brought to understand the situation and a motion to ad}urn sine die wa* lmm*tilrtte.y offered. I wa imm* diately put and carried, o imittmg of t o debate, and *he ni"! in w ■* at an end It had been In session |e . quar ter of an hour Justice Reynolds stated ;<*-t night tha! there would be a big meeting of the Fourth District on Monday night, when a Club would be organiz'd to take imtT in th* municipal ampaigu Everybodj atMwit the had waid that thi would indorse the candidacy of A.derm.u Dixon. But th* whole thing look* >i Juat a little bit strange. GRAY SORT Et>H .ALDER M AH. lotion of South End Pidltlrnl Club l-n*f MkHI. The South Em) Pollti* a! Flffh laid ft peaceful and orderly me*'Ling at hs ji (era at Whitaker nn*l Thirty-ti' h vreets ast night. Of the sever l luo rn* < t wrhlch have be#-n held recently, the meet ing nasily took flrnt rank as to the . 4 t>- •nd character of the men preset;!, ar.d the orders manner of the pro edmgs. The meeting was railed to order b> President R H Clements. Secretary J Bernhardt b*lpg in hi? chair. It re quired about fifteen minutes to dispose of the business of the meeting. Tn a f business was the nomination of Mr. Will*am L. Grayeon ** th* csndkiatf* of the clu for alderman from the Boith iik The nomination wwh easily arl quickly carried, nnd the president wh tnstruoted to appoint a committee of tiC teen to notify Mr. Graysot) of the club's action. The president apiKrintel the following | committee: Robert Holland. It. II Clem ents. T It Hutton. J. (j Buckheit. Freil Schnaars, K. J Groover, Edward Hol C C. Eebey, tieorge W. All*n. John F. CH'Slgny, t\ \% Brunner, J. C. Himherdt. C. M. Ma.piiu?, It 8. Mep Thomas Ho.*iihar The club did not express itself op the subject of th** mayoralty. It wa under stood mat tler# were some member? ii*#ent who were *ksirous of br.nging up this q stlor but the> wer*- given n^ • noourage merit. There were fully 125 members of the club |n atterKkinc*. Tne lub has an enr<* ,and membership of 521 AA AAT THE TRIATKE INSTALLED. ('redifor* A*k Tlmt Temporary Itf eelverwhlp Hr Dissolved. An application for an order up the temporary rcteivership of tne bank rupt estate of Mark Apple was fllr| in the T’nlted fftater* District Court yester day evening by Messrs. O'O tiLor. O'Byrn • Ac Hartrldge, r*prerniing the creditors it; the case. Hlncc Mr. Apple was declared n bank rupt his estate has been administered bv United States Marsha! John M. Barn**#, who was appointed temporary r* elver by Judge Spe r The application filed last evening on b<*haff of tne creditor#, asks that th* temporary r* * iv r hip be dissolved, ar.d that the eie<'UC4i by the reditor* of Mr A L. Alexand. r, as trustee, be *x>nffrme*l by the court. The appa vKion nu*le to Judge flpeer is U accor.iance with the decision reached at a meeting of the creditors, held la- Sat unlay. Tne procre* of ad minis t nt; ;*m has now* ret* bed a point whdi the cre*|. Itons. ttirough their representative, catt take the matter directly In charge, nr*! ;his they wish to ln Ie h probable that ♦he order asked will be readily granted by judge ffpeer. FKKIH TFNF.II IV AN HNGINK. Lively kmnahup at Itarnnrd and f.lberty Street*. A buggv heoraglng to a Kro tigiton street furniture more wo* badly smashed yew terilay morning at Barnard nnd Liberty • meet# by the horse becoming frightened t the asphalt engine and running away Only a young negro was in the buggy when the animal fir at hegan to show • lane of fenr. nnd he promptly got out of the vehicle and endeavored to hold the an imal hy cetrhlng the bridle, the ho-*.- broke from him however, and running south on Harranl street broke th shafts and wheel* of ftr buggy before he n„ captured. Watch Oat, Children, Watch Out!! The hlggcat Christmas tree since the day* of old King Cole. It |* a hgen.l In Adler's store that years ago in the ground before the More <* built, old Bunta Claus planted a Christmas berry, and that aooner or later a Christmas tree would grow up through the stoic And sure enough, there has grown up. through the floor up Into the thbd story, a gre t Mg Christmas tree, loaded with toy* ,„4 thing* for children Never before has Kuvsnnah se-n such a sight. It is a filry tale, exemplified ard Illustrate) fo,. th<> chllJren - * detigh'. Santa C|.u no doubt will go down each chimney of everv home In Savannah, but hs and hla army of aa aUtanta will assemble at Adler'a anl gather from off thla big tree most of the toy* and things that he will give them The children had better sc rk*nt* ci, u , personally at Adler'a, aisi tell him what u bring them —ad, AT Dl PKY BTREET fill H( H. The specie I Ksrxlfsi Hy the I‘aatnr Attraetlwg Much latereat. RexMval servicso have been in progress at Duffy .Street Baptist Church during the preaching, hnx'ing been done by Rev R 4 Van Deventer, pastor of the church. The '•abject on Tues Jay nigh! was ”Prn terostai Antecedents.” showing xvhat wa reedful to bring a * a .-on of Pentecostal .f*.*.**jngs the church. On Tuesdo,- ,ugni slr. \’an Deventer poke on *T*en tfc- hI Blessings. ’ The subject wa* m* st mt* r*w;lngly handled, and make de* p lmpr* ssicn on the *x*r>gregation night the subject was Am Ia ‘■ran.’’’ Tie sermon <*aussd many o if- <ot jg rcgat.>n to look about their #tlr it .i. ti iiuonv. and when the question w* * n i fc**d. not ii gr*t many ventured n aflfrmatlve answ*r There seemed to -■ arou?*‘d u strong spirit of sclf-exami- MituH . while the pr-icher dw**.t upon tne • r"us |K>lnt# of evidence, by which the *i * can be made. The congregations have been large t h evening and all who ait* nded have K-id thoroughly intere#t'd and been *4j**d by th* clear and earnest presen tatiou of these subjects. Mr Van laexenter is a icaker aw well is i\ r*r t* her of more than us tail ability and ai y*>r. who hears him can but be >ene.utel ie Well as pl* a and. It Is exiiected th* public will take ad v intag* of th e S'-rvlces during the week *c*l "iM attend th**m. Mr V m Deventer’s sermons during the week w.; be specially directed to church member*, hia subject for to-night being T * Consecration We Ni," The ser vice.- begin lit $ o'clock. I>l. HI ICO II THE XB\T LECTURER. Will Ite Heard Dec. I.* on **Faota and l ietion Alut (lie Ji*s." The thirl leeture of the Savannah Lec tor- <v. rse will he given it the Guards* Hull la. 12. by Dr. Ernll G. Hlrsch. who wii. e]* .*k of ‘ Facts ani Fiction About the J* w Dr. Hlrsch is a distinguished divine, editor of the Reform Adx*o Ute. nd ru’*bi of the 84nai (' eg a tion. und is recognized as one of the foremen*! schokir- and orators of th< day. ”Fa t- and fiction at*ou: the Jews.” sold Savannah gentleman yesterday, who ha- hard the lecfure, “is of Inter • st, not alone to J*wih people, but will !*<• found to be of absorbing interest to . othr .reeds. Rev. Dr. Sheldon, when here -pok* of the unity of the* churches, but Dr H.r-Ch goes a step further and d*vot* -a imriion of hls lecture to the ‘Brutnerhood of Man.’ As ti e Jew# have been Inhabitants of nil countrhs and have lived with ail rues, the ;•*■ ture covers a wile ffeld. On© of th* most interesting portion* of It Is that devoted to the history of the Ro nmc nt the time of the crucifixion of | Christ, and Considerable time is devoted dso to the origin of one of Bhakesi*eare‘s : gr-atest characters, 'Bhvlock ' In Hirerh i>* one of the greatest ©u : th'irlfies on Bihll al subjects in the United States. He f* of Semitic i lar.guag'-s at tlik University of Chicago, Ind whatever he #oys may be token n authentic His talks on r** iglows subject# have b*-. n given in all the le i*Jlng Lx cum and Vo- ng Men’s Christian Aie*o iatlon U ture cour-es of the North und j West.” MARKET BTALLA RENTED. __________ Present Qrrapsnti Retain Tb*i I'lnces for Ihe Cos min a A'ear I The renting of the stalls in the rr r I for the t*>r>k p ae# in the j Market yes'erdn x* n.orr ing, being c n | iucted by City Marshal John Power. Tn* enting pro ee l*l in tbe ordinary way it c present o**cu pants re nlr.i.g t * r tall.**. tli**re being no changes. The mar • ■*hal r* Ived E 43.40 In cash tr**m parties w’ n pa *l in advance for their n*l •b’alrtd the lo per cent, discount. B*.nv* | f th - lei.llng mark* t people chose to pay j for th*ir stall# by the xre*k. The vaul a *h* ( on,, t of tie market re rent**.! | by th** >• ar and return a neat Income to ' ,hf ' 1 * l The city’* io*al income from ib* market is about !! . *••.•! year. Tlfl. tMTIt k OF f'HOTOGR.AHIIT. 0 ' lr. U. F. Alkrn'a Talk Brforr Ihr < nn.rra rr,il. Dr. (V K. Aikrn d.llvrrd an Inl-r—l- Ins 1.-, lure tho i*v;.nnh Cam-ra Pluh In - • nlcht on Ihr "Optlr* of Pho loitraphy." The subject is purely a technical one f.,r phouart aphers ll wa-. ll.iiMraitd hy h.a. lcboard ahei, her and .Iran lea- and .. |o hy the mem ber of he etub with eloaesl mirnlhai. T lecture wa, the ltn.l of Ihe Wed n. - Uy night ’alka alnee the course . e'opt- i |.it> In the .ummer. The talks Wiu l. given either every Wednesday night or every oher week. mad a hooti.kaa iii a. I'lre Department Called for a knp poaed Fire in Klrhy'a store. All alarm of fire was turned in yesterday morning nt k o'elo. k from bo* No A.'. Conur'-aa and Karnard eireefe, for whac appeared to he a flro In Klrby'a 10-rerde •tore. The fire departm-nf teaponded In a hurry cn.y to find ttiat the of a fire ha I been caused hy a defective flue 111 the Mote of Mr. Daniel Hogan, and ihat the -moke seen coming from Kirby', wa. due *o ibis cause. Sneeae nnd Hint*. That 1* what you must do when you have catarrh In the head. The way to cure tills disease Is to purify the blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine soothe, and l.eals the Intlinicl surfaces, rebuilds the and 11 ate tl sues and pern at.ently cure* . itarrh hy cxprll'ng from the blood the scrofulous taints upon which It depehda. He sure to get llood s The non-lrrltailug cathartic—Hood's Pills -ad Novelties for Clirlalmua Prearnt* for I (i it Ira. Build sllved purse*. I*o hat ptns Oold and silver halrplna. Kelt buckles. Igirge and small powdsr Nixes. Cut glass, silver nn<f ebony salve Jars. Tooth and nail bruahe*. Silver waist sets. Kyeglass chains. Fine umbrellas. ’ , Key rings and chains. Hamers. Vinaigrette*. Shoe hooks, shoe horns, etc. Sternberg A Cos —ad One enr of elegant fire proof safes, the best In the land, arrived to-day at the Baltimore wharf. AU constat of an a* greg.ue w.lght of over thirty thousand pounds In this cwr are safer of all sizes, and are made by th* celebrated Hern.* Manufacturing Company of Pittsburg, Pa., belonging to Li Bros. Lipf.mun Bro*., wholesale druggists, Llppman's block of this city, are the only concern In the alat* that carry ri stock of (Ire proof safe* in store, and we nil! guarantee to sail them aa low' as :ha manufacturer, with th* freight added, aa w# hav* special arrangement for mak ing spe-U) prices W* also hav* been furnishing quite a large number of *ll - (Ire proof chests which have given great satisfaction. Purchaser* who want anything In ih Are proof safe Una will do well to call on Uppmaa Brow—ad. “Elegance” —and - “Durability” COMBINED In our flne hand-mat ‘‘Coach and Ka f Harness. Congress and WbiUkcr v, LEO FRANK. I i-ve . This is the Trade Mark of the Best Builders Hard ware : that made by the Yale &Towne Mfg. Cos. Those who contemp!t building should send for o k artistic brochure "Artist and Artisan:" free. H.H. PEEPLES &. SONS, 125 CONGRESS ST., WEST. It never hts ' j i 1 THK HI7ST id: a.- d* nt Inj-urinc** corporat'o * r ■ i cbil Travelers In ti e world. \V• hav- i membership of over 2.fior>. We u p serve fund <f over IlfVuOO N ’t er 1 traveler can to be without pre lection we give him. Write the c who w*ll cheerfully give all info m i a H. D. IMXLEY, EUWAUO Tilh' KTT. President. 8f . A T ca . CHIMNEY TOPS. FLUE r;PE FIRE BRICKS. GROUND FIRE CLAY. Ell Ill'S I. 113 Ilrouirbton Street Wes: Card Engraving. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE HOLIDAYS- Kngravlnj? name plate an ISO rar-1. • 1 Knimvinjc n.ime pla<* and 100 rarT I rintln*; crde from your own plat* ° Printing 100 caul* from your own plate.A-J THE BEE HIVE, M HI TANARUS/., Bt. Julian aud Whitaker ytre t . Wood Mosaic Co.'s Parquetry Floors Haw laid in many of i )f0 ’ for table hom* In Nrw York P n n ‘ other clil*e. More cleanly and * 11,1 * than ri**t* Plain and fancy r ■ and |*oifcahcd complete over oi l m.iking n solid end brriutiful lr l> , o vr * mmt Havinir a number of floors to lay I" 1 vannnh this mvnth w* ran quoi flgurca. Cntalortie and had by J M AT‘AM" K 7 N <’harlce aercet. Beltlmor. M ORANGES. Headquarter* for FINK FLORIDA ORANOK* FRl'lTfl AND VBOBTABLKB “■ *' kinds. BF.RD RY’E. SITED OATS HAT, GRAIN. FEED. FLOI R. CHEESE. BEANS. Teas. Rice Straw. *hk W. 1). Himkins & BAVANNAN TH iATRE. THE KLinr-HtARN CO. Preaenttng at he Matinee Tc4*r "A Nt’TMEG MATCH " Price* Adult* JOc. children Ihf To-night at *:JO o'clock m THE DIAMOND BREAKER- Prlcea- lOc, Hue and SOc.