The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 06, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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financial and commercial. [iifbisK i rom rem hr of THE PtT'l MARKET*. thr Detfliß# *■!*• “I ocr .1.000 turrrli Were llrporlfil-fnlrlU Turpeatia* Firm at iHNs-Fo'iaa l uturn Vet l nrlianiiert to Hnlnli \dsaoce—9ork* Cloee With a • how of <ltrntli-ko-l and Tele graphic Markrta. The Mornlnp New* Olllot. Wednesday. Dr." 5. ~ feature of the local market* to-day the decline In the higher grade* of f;n# which "• followed by brisk trad „c trom all ■outer#. For several daya , , i there ha* been otne hesitancy ehotm the part of the larger buyer* In the , ot getting In on a lower baal* than nilooe. and when thl* opportunity of , it war quickly embraced by thoee v ,n me euppllea. The eplrlt* turpentine market doted firm gf .Tr. w4ft a fair de , , i Iha offering*. The cotton fu market loaed ateady with prlcea , „ r nangrd to all advance of three •. sto k* ruled eaty during the <ar- I art of the session. but closed with a of strength The wholesale market* c|n | jteady and unchanged. The fol to ,rg rent me of the different market* i .how th* ion* and quotation* at the , ,c*:nc to-day: local and General Market*. I. tl Cotton —Quiet. l-l*e lower. on Future*— flleady. unchanged to k Eaey. cloalng (iron* ~e> -Call. Heady iftk per cent pentine—Firm. 39r j i a—Firm. 1 and above io off , n eeri OF—Unchanged. featurele** V -it—Steady. *,c higher r ; h'.’.mler S* up. May rhad* off ■nts— Unchanged T o. i• ion#— Cloalng • 1 tfT2or up. (OTTll*. V - cotton market e.o*e>l quiet at a <!'• c, of !-l*o. with eal* on th* *pot of ; e* Th* day - * receipt* were ft 31* <n. 7.313 '.a*t year, and 13.1*2 year be -1,,.. i„*i Tu demand wa* reporfe.i good, tPo .e there war not an unusually larg“ r. doing Cotton future* ■ loaed at rei un< hanged prl.,ee to an ad v i- of 3 point* ;he following were the otflrial apot quo in,.a at tile . kae of the market at the t noon Kacharge to-day : * laiPt day year middling 3 13-14 7^ M IdMi g 9 9*14 7*4 lertwr •* Market quiet. sale*. I'd Sivtnnah Receipt*. Exports and Btock Receipts this day - 8.38* Receipts this day li>i year 7.11.“ Thl* day year before last 1.1.063 Receipt* since Kept 1. 1900 569.616 Sami' day last year 533,5*6 < oaf riporb . 96.; Stock or. hand this day 116.731 Sami' day last year 138.73* R* rtpi and Stork* at the Ports— Receipts this day f10.1.Vl Receipt# this day laat year 46.31* R'cclpis thla day year before laat.. 37.1*9 Total teceipt* aln>*a Sept. 1. IW. .110.169 Same tinn laat year 3.130,397 Y*ar before lane 4.66.'.*® Stork at all port* to-day>! B'-vk same dny laat year 1.031.081 t' . movement* at other porta Galveston—Quiet, middling 9 11-16 c; net ref! a. 1C.213. Bros*. 16.313. sales, 777; Meek 290.1*1 New Orleans— Quiat; middling 9 13-I*.-; tat re-elpta. 25 lit. groaa 25.181. ealee 3 TO*, rvk, 332.296 Mobile—Eaay; middling 9 9-lSr; net re ceipts, 357. groaa. 357; aalea 200, stock, 74 *39. '"harlcst-in—Steady; middling 4Hc; net re ■ lpt*. 449; rroaa. 449 atock. 13.56* Wilmington—Firm; middling 9S r n*a re relpta. 1 454 rroaa. 1,4*4; atock 33.61*. Vorfolk-Dull: middling 9* 4 e; net re " r* 3.311; groan, 2314. aalea. 62. atock. 31.111. Haltlmore- Nominal; middling 10'*c; eroas, 154 rock. 12.9*' Netv York—Dull noddling. 10 J-ltc; pet receipt* 2 969. groan 12.291. aalea. 2.607. ttork. 59,41* Hoston—Dull, middling 10 3-l*c; net re r*iP*. 2619; groan 4,022 I’hti.idslphta—Quiet; middling 10 7-16 c. i et receipt*, 179; groaa 179; atock. 4 09t Daily movements at interior towns Augneta—Quiet; middling 9 : *c net re "pte. 1 707; grons. 1990; aalea, 916. stock. 311 Memphis-Steady; middling 9 13-tgr. net •• 'e-pda 3,(59, groaa. 5.300. aalen. 3.000. s'vk. 117 997 At Louts— Qtile' ; middling 9 13-16*-. net f“ elp*a. 2 7W; groaa. 13.064, lalea. 50. stork, 63.115 Cincinnati—Quiet; middling orjc; net r*- epta, 1,711. groaa. 1.7*1; sole#. 25, atock. * I*9 Houston-Quiet; middling 9 U-I6c;ner re ■ e ptn, 23 956; gross 3 95*; aalea. 60S rto*-k. :,*n l.otil\ille—Firm; middling 9 T *e. Export* of Cotton Thla Day: iaiveaton—Continent. 1.237 Near Orleana—Continent. 2.030. coast ie. 4 210 Mobile—Coastwise 200. tsvarrah—Coaatwlae 963. Norfolk—Coaatwlae. 4 269 N'aw York—To Great Britain. 1.3*0, con ’ nent 274 Total foreign export* from all porta t la day—To Great Britain. 1.433: to the ntlnant. S.J6I. Total foreign export* from all porta ' '• far this wk—To Great Britain. 50.. 1. to France. 22.626, to the continent. 119 Total foreign exports alnce Sept 1, 1900- ■ Great Britain 1 2*9 653; to France. 342.- tO the ooritlnent, 908.753. BE9 1*1.6910 COTTOY. At the lower prices there |s a marked !rov<ment In aea Oiand cotton trading * the closing of the week laat Friday is estimated that cKnaid* rahle sale* '"vs beer, mode, approximating l.jOti l.agt, * h the demand eucb aa to promise lib * 4 for the preaent week Buyer* *rd fuctora have apparently come to ’•rn.a at to the trading basis. Sale* of round lot were reported thla Monday. F'nces shout a* follow*; Fttra cholct F'orlda* 22 i;22’j tncy Oeorgtsn 3t>'jft3l 1 *tra choice Georgia* .... r tol # Georgias 19 *tra fine Georgia* 1* he. Georgia* 17 Receipt# and Stock*- 1800-01 lS9*oo *lpt past week f 2.33* 3.31* and iporta p*at week 1.61 k) 6.115 ! 'slpts thl aaaaon I *V<6* 42.62". e *•* patr week j 2 o*6 2.337 tock on hand | 22.192 .6 COTTOX FITIUKI. the Market rimn ttnir and la* • hanarit in a Points Advance. Ntw York. Dec. S—Toe cotton msrket *■ rptionilly narrow en<l unoventf ley Tbe opening war steady ot on * ,r 'ee o( 2 point* to o decline of one t K nt. and (or the remainder of the day * market worked within a range of a t Is. rioted steady at net unchanged s to on adbanca of 3 point#. The * at the local trading was ItdlSMI V"*tt ronirnris hy Liverpool par:l' i i*t purchases of Auguet-depleml'-'f i-ir own market. The heat support Tinker had. apart from tha eoverlr.r ions, was Xew Orleans buying •ell '• "a* cheeked hy team of a bullish *'e report from Wsahlngton next ■"rrlaa. The movement was a heavy MURPHY 8t CO.. INC.. Board of Trade Building. Savannah Private leased wire* direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans COTTON. STOCK* AND CHAIN. Naw York office. No. 11 Broatway. Office* in principal cult* throughout the Soulk Write for our Jd:irk*t Manual and bock containing tn-utuctfon* for tradtr* one. and the trad* was inclined to In* creas* crop estimate* The Southern *pot market, without any parllrular change wa* reported to be supported by mam forca rather than by a *atOl factory demand Horn spinners or e*. p< rters The general smiatlon reflected genrrai timidity on h* part of the trod. FLICTI ATIONg IN FITIRH9. New York. I>ec S.— Cotton fulure* open e.l steady and closed ,-ieady. Prlcea a follow*: . lOpen. High. lyya I'loee. January .....j"" 75 J7S 970 9.75 February ..... 9>* j 9.M 9S* 971 Mink :< e 8 !>e. 9.59 April | • 4J 9.42 9 2 9 C. May ...j 957 | 9*i IU June j *54 957 953 IM July I9 31 IM Mt |9 53 August 9*l | 9.77 9 14 9 74 September ...| j .. I .... ft 5k December ....) 9fts|9ftg|9 79 |9*3 LivßMrnoL cotton ninrket. Liverpool. Dec 5 Spot quiet; price* easy. American middling. 5 13-J3d Th •!"* of * he. day were S.lkVi hales, of which 500 wer# tor speculation and export and Included 7.4rti American. Receipts 49.090 bales, all American Futures opened *nd cioged quiet, hut steady. American middling, low middling clause December. 3.23f1529d, buyer*. De cambar-January. ,'.24d. eellcrw, January- February. hZifjSZUS. buyers; F.-ixuny- Mar h. 5.21d. buyers; March-Aprl) 5.1*<1. sailers: AprF-May. 91*05,17.1. sellers May- June, 5.i4d. buyers. June-July, (.lid, buy er*. July-Augusl, e.OSd. buyers. Augusl- September. 4.5731 sftd. buyers Liverpool Fxehanae la Close. Liverpool. Dec. 5 —The cotton exchange will b cloaed Dec. 24. 25, >s * n d 31. and Jan. !. NFNV orlean* cotton mirkbt. New Orleans, TV* • 5 —Cotton futures Dec .... 9 WI4J9 vl April 9 5409 53 Jan. asked J 5! Miv 9.5509.53 Feb. . 9 57ffl.U,June 954n 953 March .. . 9 5709 M July 9 53-59 25 4 OTTO> I ETTLR*. New York Dec ft—Murphy A Cos. aay Cotton In Liverpool unchanged on ppot* Futuroa deotii e,i l-ft4d, regain'd half and losxl net de line of .s-44 I The port re ceipt a and advl* e> front Liverpool caured th-ie tn.trket lo rule eaxler.but without any x. prexfture The ln)preg)on >eeme to l*e geniral that Southern rnarkotx will have 10 give away toon owing to Indlx poaition 10 |oy axkel prices Tha email atock here, however. U* agalnat an Intior tant decline on near month* B* ml-week ly. thirteen town*, 125.1n 107 and IM.M7 In 190. Snlpmenu 124.324 agalnat 106.SK> StOi kft 487.707 ag.ilnM 05.000 Kwtltr*ated nil ports*. 00.107 ttgairat 45 24K la#? year. New Orlaana egpe.'ta lft. to 17.0 b) agulnsrt AU>. H<*uxton 11.04 to 11,000 agaln**t 10,289. Our inArket wax un. uaually dull unlay For the paet week outr Ido buxtnexs hae been on a very mol - wale To-day'a fluotuatkma were confined within a range of tx to eight polnta. There to be n to await government Teport to b#* leaned ne-xi Monday th# 10th. and if moo con firm* Netll'a extimate. ay of mlllon.wa are lkel> to ee an advance, if on the other hund eatlmate in the neighbor hood of ten mil.ton. xharp daclln# ta an ticipated N#*w York. De*' ft -ll ib -xrd Bto A- Cos. My: The market* have ulowly V'lined on the xeldng by holder* who feel dl*ai polnted at th# movement* continually gaining on taut teuton. On the fl ret of t tie month th# movement wa# practically Y*>.- fifiO bate# larger than a*t year If now #eem# Ilk#*ly to gain a'h #• k thl* mon h Therefore, to reallxe the current crop es timate the movement after the turn of the year must lo#e sharply It i* expect ed the bureau repent on Monday will be a bullish one and the local trade will not sell fearing the effect of auch a report on the European *plr,n*r#. Liverpool again sold Aug tint freelv here to-day agalnat of August-September In their market Th##e low prices for the period of scarcity, should we have n >inall crop, are puszliug the outir# trade Dll Y GOODS. New York. Dac. 5. Bualnes* to-day Ira cotton goods his shown no chanae so far as the home trade Is concerned, but In brown cotton* there have b*en aom" salov for export, to China, probably sevrtml hun dred bale* Price* are without change In any direction. Print clo’ha Inactive throughout. Men's wear woolen and worsted goods dull and low prices being accepted by seller* Drear go-via qule and Irregular In prleo. NAVA*. STORKS. . Wednewlay. Dec * SPIRITS TURPENTINE—The turpsn tine mark*' opened and m. at 39 . with *a!e of 957 casks and cloned firm and un changed with further sale* of 3.7) cask-. The demand was good throughout the day. and the volume of trading waa gen erally satisfactory. The a- m in<l w- dis tributed between buyers for both foreign and dome-tie account The day * receipt* were 1.009. md the export* 1.923 ROBIN'B—Th* decline of Sc on T and above waa the signal for lively trad In ; m rosins, an shown by the report* of sales at the low#- basis At the opening at the Board of Trade the market op-pe l firm, with grades E. F and G 5c off as the Inalde price*, with sales of 1.456 hr isi*. Ths closing was firm at a decline of 5c on I and above, and with E. T. O firm it the outelj# prices with sales of 36117 reported at these prices. The de me ml was good thioughout the day. The tecelpia were 4 96* and the export* 4.75* Price* aa follow* A B C *1 3 I > D 1 3d K 1 66 g 1 40 M 1 70 js 1 65 N 2 l rt q 1 50 WO 2V) H 1 55 W W 2 *5 Receipts Wedneaday Spirit* Rosin C. R R 8 . K * W 532 -’ 102 ft A 1. , ... 677 Exports Wednesday 8. 8 Chatham. Baltimore .. to 8 8. Allogamy. PnlU 155 V*> 8. 8. CRy of Augusta, N. Y. .. 603 Nor bark Bravo. Hamburg ..1.355 4.060 Naval Store* Statement— Spirits Roi'ii, Stork April 1 3.197 142 5 6 Receipt* ;o-dey l.ooi* 4 9 Receipt* previously 293.120 735 792 Total *lnce April 1 ft* 326 * 266 Export* o-day IFJ 4.759 Exports previously 26".2M 7*4,046 Export* since Aprtl 1 267.1*3 73* 0* fl'oek on hand to-day 36.'.9t 144.4'.. Stock laat year ®-*W 156.134 Charleston. Dec. S.-Sptrlta turpwptlne firm at 3*Hc- Rosin Arm, unchang*d. riYAYCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY, • task and Hoad Broker, Al'Gl ITA. 04- Wrlta tor Elat. I'HE MORNING NEWS: THI'KSDAV. DECEMBER fi. IHOO. Wilmington. N C.. Dec 3 —Spirits lunr. pintinc firm. 3ftyg|V%C. receipt* 49 casks Busin, hrm. |! 2n.i1.23, receipt*. 2RI bar rels. Crude linpenline steady. |l.4* and 53 4'' receipts, 1 * Kyrets. Tar Hrm, 11.45; receipts. 175 battel* FINANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keep* fairly Up with the supply. Foreign i xchanoe-Market b*r*iy days. lit-., ninety day*. 34 79 1 ,., franc*. Part* and Havre, sixty days. S2IS Swiss, sixty day* 5 24V Belgian. 514. mark*, sixty iluys, *t, ninety days. 93V DOiIEBTIC EXCHANGE - IS (code, banks are buying at 1-14 discount and selling a* follow- 325 and under. IV pre mium. 535 to 550 15c premium: 530 to ftOO Us' premium. thX> to 390. Sky premium luo to ’* premium. Il.uh) and over. 77c per M premium. SKCCRITIKB—DesirabIe securities are st ar. *. . specially Iwnk stoc ks Central oi Georgia Incomes ar* again active and strong blocks. Bid Ask Augusta and Bavtnnah R R ..110 110 , Atlanta and West Point 1> ... do V per cent certlflcatae I'M ... Augusta Factory 94 99 Cltlaens’ Rank 135 ( hat ham Bank Ul 112 Chatham R, E &I. Cos., A 57 eft do do B 55 57 Eagle an. Phoenix Mfg Oe M) M Edison Electric Ilium Cos 107 JlO Enterprise Mfg Cos 109 13 GeinianU Bank 131 Georgia and Alabama U > Geofgia Railroad, common 31s 219 Granitevlll* Mfg Cos lo 17" J P King Mfg Cos ine IM Eantlsy Mfg. Cos 115 11> Merchants National Bank 113 119 National Bank of Savannah 153 137 Oglethorpe Savings and Trust 111 113 People's Ravings and Loan Ml log Seaboard, ommon 1155 U‘i 4o preferred 29 10 Soilhwestern Railroad Cos .. ,IW* 4 111 Bavannah Gas Eight Cos 24H *>> fftonthern Bank 155 IV Savannah Bank and Trust 117 Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta k> 9* Savannah Brewing 4 103 1* Ronds. Rid Ask Char . Col * Aug Ist s*. 1900 105 110 Chst & Gulf R. R 5 per cent. Ist mortgage 103 194 Atlanta city 4s. 19£2 107 100 Augusta city 4s. 1931 105 10* do 4'js. 1935 HI do 7s. 19u7 107 ..... do (is. 1913 133 Ala Mid 3s. Ind and IKS. M * N.101*9 l'C> Augusta Factory, 9 per cent . 1915.111 113 Brunswick & Western 4s. 1919 53 95 C. R R. a- Hanking collateral 5* 95 .. C of G lsl motg as, 1945 V * A 120 131 C. of Ga. con. s*. 1*45. M A N.. V 99 C. of Ga Ist Incomes. 1945 .vp* 54' do 2nd Incomes Wk 171* do 3d Incomes, 1945 3 9 C of G (M. G & A Dtv ) 5s 1947 J. A J *7 9k C of G (Eaton Branch). 6s. 192 V J * D .... *g *9 ; <’lty & Suburban B R Ist 7s .110 ... Columbus (Tty s*. W 9 107 Charleston city 4, 1909 ....Mi Mi Eagle Phoenix 311 Is *. 1929 UK 110 Fkllson Ijlectrlc Itlummaitng He !of> Enterprise Mfg (U. 1902 . . IM Georgia Rallr-ad *. I*lo 115 177 G. B A F 1945. J A.l 113 114 Georgia A Alabama Ist S*. 194< 105 Wf. Georgia stale 3>*s. 1330. J A J... 110 113 do 3'i*. 1915, M & N 105 107 do 4**s. 1915 119 120 Macon city *s. 1910. J A J ... lift 11ft do 445. quar . Jan. 10* I*9 Ocean Steamship ss. ISOO 104 1-A Savannah city ss. quar January 131* 110 111 do ss, quar.. February, I*op tofttj lm ; South Carolina state S l **. 1*33 .117 ll* I S.blev Mfg Cos *g. MM 102 ..... ! South Bound 5* 99*4 !4 8 r A W gen ml ge ft*. 19.14 ISi 13* do do I*l 3s gold. 1934 113 114 do St John Dlv , Ist 4s 1934 *6 Ft New York Dec 5.- Money on call steady at IV- per cent : lasi loan 4 per ent Prime mercantile paper 44f45* per cent Sterling exchange barely steady, actual buelnese in bankers' bills at g 4 *>'* for demand, and at 31 *l% for sixty davs; posted rate* 54 ft- 1 * and 94 ftft'j; commer cial bills 5* ,4 1H Stiver esrlin ates. tildftftc: bar silver. 44V'; Mexican dollars. JOS- Government bond* weik: slate isu.ds inactive, railroad bonds Irreg worn* AYD BOYDS. ilsrket Opens Weak Willi a Closlag llnrsf of Strength. New York Dec s—To-day's market somewhat reversed the speculative por tion of yente'dar. The enrly part of the day showed a continuance of the reac tionary tendency. Eondon took tt* cue from the de pro sal on her* yesterday and sold the Amo-1 n. offering from that •ource amounting to some 90 000 shares The profeaatonul traders aim continued bearish and sold stock* abort, butt: be came obvious during the course of the day that there was no urgent pressure to liquidate The decline tn prices brought no large offering* and the bears were disinclined on this c ount to purtue tltelr campaign Consequently, thny bought to cover thetr contract* and turned the mirket upward The recovery- was helped by strength In a few stock*, hut whether the upward course of prices late In the day waa due generally tn any other cause than the tak ing of bear*' p oftts on the abort sales which were invited by yes ertay'n weak ness remain* to be seen The develop ments tn the money market, which Is the true Index of epv-u atlon at nresent. con tinues against the preeumptton for active tpeciilaHon Call money ratee went to 5 per cent, again to-day and the move ment of currency to the Interior continues unabated To-dav lam rvo waa trns ferred through the eub-lreasury to Chi cago and 1275 000 to New Orleana Thla rat* of depletion I* far too large to per mit of any extenalve credit expjnston hv New Yo'k dnanclil Insttt'i'lon* and would not require a long continuance to force .a ehaip coutroctlon of loan*. It will be remembered tha: In the perlol of repression preceding the e'ectlon bank er* were practically unanimous lu the opinion that reeouroea matt be conserved for the enlarged requirements of bualnea* after election The outpouring of rrellta after ele tlon. however was on such a >rge scale aa to overwhelm all deminds ind force an eaay money rate, tn rp t* of the furious speculation which raged for aeveral weeks. Now. after enormous In roads have tern mad* by such specula tive commliment* a# well aa by Invest mant In securities upon avail ihle credit* the expected demand for money la mani festing Itself. The larae movement of urrency to th Interloß and the very large yo'umc of Interior Iwmk clearings ,rr q plain indication of the *c:lve nee! for money through the count.y An *'- live money market le generally expected between now end the first of the year, after which th* Januarv disbursement* are expected to make for easier money. A loan contraction by New York banks : e 4 ms. there! rv. highly procohle and the effect on t ' k MnW 111 he melt ured by the Anan-lal resources of those hod It g StO kr A perl and of qute'ude in rpecuiatlon and a liquidation of weak accounts la an Important safeguard agatm* *u-*n a situation The strong point: tn *o-day* market were itnong the low-priced minor etocks the Erie* Peo la and Eiatarn. the AVabish stock* the Bt Joe and Grand Island stocks and o her* of that clas* being ccn*pl-tiou' Atchison pre ferred and Ml*ourt Pacltl ■ were also strong and Brooklyn T snslt and the steel stork- were In demand Huger was very tevcrbdi, and after rallying from early weakness to about a point over laat night It lost th* gain again in a few mtn u.c*' trading. The Amalgamated Copper had an extreme decline of 4>4 Kfore showing any resistance, bm they strongly ravoveivil over half lb* loss Buttress was la-lter sustained In Umds than in slo ks. and some important g.ln* were shown, bur there wet* also reactions In other points Total sale*, par value. 54.t75.tmi Fulled Stutea teiundtng 3* declined 4* and the 3s and 4s and S ' per cent, on the last call Total stock sales to-day were 715. *dp shares. Including At bison 33. An Atchi son preiarred. 17,100, B.ilmnore an.l Ohio T.tftn. Chesapeak* and Ohlc. U'.lOh, Chi cago. Uurllnglon and Quincy. 7.009, Den ver and Rio Grande.> Eie 15 •. Erie ft reft preferred 11 10" Louisville and Nashville. S.dOO. M inhat an. S.MX). Metro politan Street Railway 7.000; Mutsourl Pa rlllc. H.fcW. Northern Pacific. IS *vu. Penti sylianla *.sdi. Reading llrst preferred 11,500. St Paul. 14.000 Bouthem Pacific. 29 100, Southern Railway, 23JV Southern Railway preferred. 13 *•'. Tex- and a Cldc. 11,950; Fnlon Pacific. M.7W. i >n l*adrtc preferred .'•*>. Wabash. 9 o. Wabash preferted, 7 Sun. See and Wire, 11.100. American Tobacco. 10.9 V People* Ges. 9.3rt' Sugar. 40,<fkl; Tennes see Coal and Iron. U su> New Y'ork Stok List .’ftN I Ul h D'l" R 317 . At-hlson . .. .UP- Wabash .. 9 do pref tt <k> i(tef TZ'i Beit A Ohio .. 794, Wheal A L. E 1" , Can IV i ... 15 '> do 3d pref .. Can Bon . s*>, Wise Can. I<* Che* A Ohio . 37', t Third Avenue 111 e Gl W 14‘ H. A- O |H*f . KSS C. B A Q IliL Null Tulte Su’j C. I A L .. 131, .V. pref lU'r do pref . 57 Am Copper ... 9." t C A E I. . 97V Adame Kt 19' C. A Nw. .. ...194U American . I'- 1 C. R. 1 A P.114N Frilled Slates . 51 C. C C A Si 'Wells largo ..112 Louts ft* l . Am. Col Oil ItU'j Col Bou 7 Mo pref •In Ist pref 12‘t Ain Malting .. do 2d pref 171. do pref 2u r*l A Hud .1151, Am P A R 7>F D. I. A W IV | do prel 9S D A R G . 247* Am Biwrlts ... I‘i do pref . 79 do pref . 17 Erie 14** Am Steel Hoop 27 < do Ist pref . 43'; and" pref 7*. Gt N pref 179 Am S A \V t.'. Hovkeig Coal .13 <in ptef . , Hocking V. . 3D, Am Tin Pl*:e t. : . Illinois Cen .124 I do pref ' 1 j lowa Cen. .. .39 Am. Tohwcnn psc. do prel . ... 4ft do pref I.V L E AW.. 33 Ana. Min Cos . 47', do pref r.... PA Ifrouk R. T .71', lj*kc Shore . 2lu’ Col E A I .. I L A N S3 . Com Tob 35 L 109*, *k> prel 91* j Met St Ry. . 147*, Federal Steel . - , Mex Cen It • do pref ?4'i M. A Si. L. l o*9 IV do pref 99 l , Glucose Sugar .. .3 Missouri I’ac dir* do pref Mobile A- Ohio 40'.. Int. rn Paper .. 2.1 M. K A T. .. 13 • do pref '.3 •In pief ... ,fF. Dn-led* Ges .. 70 N. J C 144 . Natl Blvult .. 27 i, N V. C. ... 142'. .In pref 91 N A- IV 417% Nall lewd 19 do pref ftl Vt pref 9." North Pee.. ... 10%’Natl. ♦ r,, j do pref SIN 'hi pref 93 On I A W 21*4 N V A R ..lft9 Ore Ry. A N 12 'North. Am 13'. do pref 7ft ’Pacific Coast sft Pennsylvania .112'. do Ist pref Reading 19'* do Jrl pref .. C do Ist prf 43 Pacific Mali . 47 do 2d pref .. . 7 % Peo|ge's Ges . 9c. Rio G W 45 !'reseed S C 19 do pref .. . 344' At pref 45 St LAS F IC, Pull Pal C....RM do Ist pref . 75 S. R. A T s*, do >1 pref 4ft I ,' fhigur 127*. Si. L. Sw . IS**' d> pref 114'j do pret33l,* 1 , Tenr c A 1 . b S' Paiii 12ft** t*. S leather . 114* do pref 174*. do pref . 71*. St P A O .130 F. S Rubber .. 29’ Sou Fa. . 41V do pref 34 Non Rv 17V Western Fnion *2', go (.ref 42'%ft IAS I •’'* Tex A P* SO’* do pref 47. Fnlon Pec 71%F r C. A St do pref .. ftlK law!* 57 Bonds. U.B 2s. rfr rgloP, N. J C ger do coupon tor. 5* 124 .lo 3*. reg I'9\ N. Paelflc 3*. T'f^ d*> 3*. cou . .109', do do 4s . .lOV, do new 4s. reg i3l' N. 5’ C A St do new 4s.cou IS* 1 , I- 4s 147'i do old 4-, N A W con 4, o'*, do old 4s, c0u.115*4 pre Nav. Ist* 111 do s*. reg .113 1 do do 4s lOJ 1 * do 6 - cou . .113 lOre ft Line ft- 12* Is, 'ft.',. * At-h gen 45.. 1021, Read gen 4s 9|t; and- adj Is 39 R- G W. Ist* UWn C of O con. 6s 97SBt L A I M do Ist In- 7-7'* con Ss Ills do 2nd In. .. 17 SI L A H F C Bouth 2nd* 103 H gen. 6s 12*N r A O I',s .14141 S’. P -on* 175*4 do do 5s 120 St P C. A P C. A N con Ts 139N Ist* 1194* do do 8 F. do do 5s 121N del. 5s ...lift 8. Pactfle 4 2'4 Chi Ter 4 93'- S Hsllwsv sft 11.7 C South if ■ *3% Stand Rope A D A R O 4s .M | Twine 4 ... 7 Erie gen 4- 74'a 7. A P Isis .11314 FWADC , I do do 2nd* 7ft ft .H! Pacific 4*. .149 LAN uni. 4- 140VWab*,h Ist* ...117 M K A- T 2nd* 7IH and" 2n b lff-'i do do 4s 93*- W 8 4s M AO 4*.... 34 >* WV Cen lets. 3A4, N. X C. lefts 199ft.Ve. Cenlttrle* .. 92', New Ycrk D*' 5 —Standard 011 sni fq*w York Dec 6 -Consolidated G* closed 191*, MnrphT A (V> Rlnrk Sew York Dr- X —The rt*v k market ot') nel active and with prl e- for the met part materially below yesterday*# Anal figures The dealing? were heivtagt In th' railway list and the dacilna* th thit quariar were the moat extenetve except tn the case o? Bttrar Thit stock sun piled th' buik of 'be d*a'!n# tn th* early ma ke' and continued depressed on ac count of the di*ppoft"meti fait at yaa tordav *df tlei and daclaratlon In the ra!l - list the *>tlvc feiture* were floißh am Faclfl th* Atchtaona Cheeaiwak* and Ohio ant Erie Issue* The litter proved contrary to the general tendency of th# market end were actively dealt In at advancing prl er The local traction tesues wet, rot partl-ularlr ac'lve but continued to reflect preeaure Among the apcdaltlae a rattur fltmsr t-vte prev.tll *,l. notably for Colorado Enel and Iron, while Tennessee Coal and Iron, after opening substantially lower, rai led *h*-p --ly. In the industrial quarter aetd* from Buga' the active features were Amert •an Steel and Wire and Federal B'eai. h- ih Of which were notably Arm Th* London matkit for Amert-an etocks was acalri ,t.prc#*e<l tnl f re|n hou e sold quite heavllv her* U|Oti the opening of huslnce- There si* ttttl* or nothing In th# new* of the morning bearing upon the gene 1 al market or particular sto- k Tha request for proxies to be voted at ths re*' annul! meeting of th# Ameri can Steel and Wire holder* Issued by a prom nent Wall street house attract'd some attention a* Indlrall g a disposition to '.ue*'lor. ihe method of the preaent managemer t rollo*""* '*e early deal ings th* genet al market developed a some*hat ataadter tone with th* excep tion of Sugar which continuad lo reflect pr**ota Financial Yolaa. bank clearing* at th* four leadtn* elite# „< Tennessee I**' *k •• follow* Mampht* ; * sT Knoxville >2 Total **• T!.e®floutl.ern Fanfl) a annual report about to be Issued v|U show on tn rea" tn grnas earning? for tn* year of $7 29,. Ml. on ,n-T#**e tn operating ear'inro < r $1 988 2W>. ands net mere*#* of i. SHi 2.1 T.te Increase hi n't earnings i* $29,347. MIS) ELI. VYBOI S MARKETS. Note—T beam quotation# ara revised Southern Railway. Train* Arrlt* and Depnrt Ba.nnah on 9t b Meridian Tims—On* Hour Mower Than City Time. Iktiedule In Effect Nov 16. I**' READ DOWN TO iTI I F.AcT rt! U>!'P No M No • p tin 4l Tun- > N 13 6&pm 12 gam Lv Savannah ... Ar 314 am; 3 15; m (Easirrn Time) | | 4 :ipm | 23am Ar Black villa Lv 1 anam; t 01pm 4 I'.'pm t. lnsnt Ar ... ‘ olumuia ... Lv 1 -Wim -1 a,tm * Ipm 9 43.1 m Ar . Charlotte I.' 9 '2pm ft ujm U 44pn>,lJ Mpm Ar Greensboro Lv 7 10pm • 4Mm ft'bain ar N r folk ! I.' tfttpm 13 31am 1 ttpm Ar ...J...... Dniivllle .TTT7.. lv i e,,,, 4b.ini ft g.pni Ar Rl housed ... Lv U Hlpin II >l' u 340 am .1 43pm Af .. Lyn hburg Lvl, 351 pm: 2 kfttm 4 LVsm 5 X>pot Ar Chariot tee\til# Lv 3 (wpnttli 31 hi 7 35am 3 50pn> ,Ar Washington . ... Lv II Mam 9 btptn 9 15am 11 35pm Ar Baltimore Lvl 5 22am ft 3 pm 1133 am 2 Man, Ar I'hll .grlphia Lvl 3 MV,m * 05pm 2 U3pm t. 2Uam Ar N- w York Lv| U l®*in * * ktpm 3 Atpm.Ar Iso I .n . Ll| 3 P > 1” " m Nt > *4 T ~ ~TO THE NORTH AN!* WIST | No 35 (Central TVpw I l|__ 12 34am' i,v " igvttUMl An * M (Ha-torn Time t * Sbuni Lv t o umbla L' ' I 73am 3 kstni ,l.v i paitnntmi g Lv ) 4 15pm U 10pm Lv V. .... Ash'Vine .... I-V 3 46|n 4 02pn Ar ... not Springs ■ ■ 1 * 7 Sbf'tn Ar Knoxville Lv , 5 25am 5 loam Ar lAllftflse Lft MMR 7 43ain Ar Cincinnati •Lv ft 40pm 4 OOprn Ar St Louis 7 54am Ar LOtllsvtUa Id I*■ Ail trains arrive and depnrl from th#Plant System Station. THROFGH CAR SERVICE, ITTC TRAINS S3 AND *4 DAILY NEW 11) UK AND FI/tKIDA EXPRBSB X aetl buled limited trains, with Pullman Dtawing Room Sleeping Car* belwetn Savan nah and N, w York • onoect* at XVasnlngton with Colonial Express lor llosion I'iillnian Sleeping Cars between Citarldl" and Richmond and Charlnite and NOi folk Dlnfng Cats Serve all meals b--lween Savannah and Washington TRAINS 4 AND 34 DAILY THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vestlbuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars bet ween S.ivanoh and New York Dining lab serve ail meals between Savannah end W.anlngton Also Pullman Drawing Room Klerpln* fare between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and ' The Land of th# bky " For complete Information na to ratio schedules, eic apply to F 8 GANNON. 3d X' IV AG M J 31 CULP. T M XV A TURK, G. P A, Washinglon. D f 8 II HARDWICK Asst Geo'l Pa'* Agent. Atlanta Oft G GR'hOX'ER Ticket Agent Plant Svatem Staal'vn JAMES FREEMAN C P A T A . 141 Hull street Savannah Ga Phone* fc'd daily, and ar* kept near as pvsMble m accord with the prevailing wholesa.- prlces Official quota'i.m* ire not used when they disagree with the ptl •* whole salere ask (nuutry and Northern Produce. POULTRY The market |* ateedy g" tattoos Broiler*. 3oes,v per poo. h.f ,rowsi, 43630 c. three-iourlhe grown "t 40,-. hens. 4o7|7.'k', roosters *ih6t> duck* ,H7s<'. geeee. 75cttll 00. I>IGR-Fre*li candled. 224f23c. .old elor age 216 22c. MUTTER The tone of th# market ta Hrm Quota Hone Cooking. 21c; Imita tion- N. w York state dairy. 24'st. ex tra Elgtiif 27c CHEKHE— Market tlrm. fan-y full (team ciieeae. l.l'y' for 24 to 22-pound average. 2ft4)3u-pound averages. 13c. Early Vegeiahle*. IRISH POTATOES— Northern, 3190 >a>-k CARRAGES-.XT*. per head ON IGNS—Yellow in laurels. 52 94. -raise 90c. red L’Oft Hreadatnlf. May and Grain. FLOUR—Market steady; pnient 1134, straight r 6 faney. 33 6'. family. UK* MKAL—Pearl, per barrel. S3 Vft. per rack, 1115. city meal per sack, bolted. SI 45, water ground. II iri. city grit*, aack -11 IS, pearl grit*. Hudnuts. per twrrel 52 •>'. per -ack. II sundry brand*. *1 13 CORN- Marker tlrm: white. Job lot*. (*c. carload lot*. 42 . mixed corn. Job lots. <3c; • rlo%d tot*. 59, . KlCß—Market steady; demand good, fancy head. 4c; fenejt, 3lyr. Prime * 414t4k Fair ... 4 04H Common *'4 OATS—No 2 mixed, carload. 33'4r. Job lotg. 35034 c. white cllptte.l- cars. 35c; yob, 4b PHAN—Job lota. sc; carload lots, 9b HAY—Market steady; No I timothjr, 90c, Job. 95 No. 3,9 b |ob. 53r, cr. ftoaer anil Coflra. BFGAR- Cut lo.f 6 it Diamond A 5,34 Cruehed •74 C-nf-c loner# A ~4t Pow.lered 5 9l|While Extra C.. 5 74 XXXX pow'd ...! Extra C 5.9 Tlranulated S.t4Gohlan C 5.00 5 *9 Yellow# 4 91 Mould A 0.00 COFFEE- Mo-ha 1® e Prime No 3 1044 c lava 24 c| Good No. 4 !o4c Pea berry 14 c Fair No 3 10 o Faney No 1 —llly-' Ordinary No. 4 #i^c Choice No. 2 10*4C|Common Nr. 7 9 r Dried and Eiapnratrd I rail,. APPLEB-Evaporated, 7*f7Hc. xun drld. s'%fi4c APRICOTR— Evaporated. 10r pound; nectarines !(V --RAIBINB—I* I. . 12.10: Imperial nehlnet* |l7'., loose. Bb-taftund boxee. ft\c pound PEACIIFO Flva pormied. pealed. 1%; unpeg ted ftftftfJOc PEARS— Kvapceated Hardware and Kalldla* knppltea, DIME CAI-CITM PLASTER AND Cement— Alabama and Georgia lime In fair demand and sell at *0 cents a barrel; special cal Ined pla-ter $1 dry per barret; hair. 47)5'* cement t; 3IK/1.3; carload lot*, special; Portland cement, ro tall 52 25' carload lots. |2 o)#t2,3f) DUMBER. F o n VEBBEI.B SAVAN NAH- Minimum. yard sixes. lio.joult 00; Mr sill* 112 .Y>tfl3.oo; dtlTlcult atgea, g 4 On •l*®. ship stock $166091960; sawn ties, prrmSßO; hewn tie* 35*8*- Oie Mgrket Steady, demand fair Ig na! i-WYk-. Wedt Virginia black. 9fsl3e. lard. B*c. neatsfoot. 6<)fr7<)-; machln rv. 14 fffSr. linseed oil. raw. 7644'-. botlad. 79bj'; kerosene, prime whit*. 19c; water whit*. 13c; Pratf* aatral 16c; deoloriaed atov# gasoline drums, Us*o. empty oil batrla tsllvered. 63c BHOT—Drop. $1 60. B B and large. 175. chilled, II 75 I RON—Market very steady. Hwede. s>4c NAILS—Cut- *2*6 ha**; wire. $2 haa* BARBED WIRE-13 60 per 1"" pound* GUN POWDER— Per keg, Austin crack shot, 54 00. half kegs *225; quarter k**. 11 25; champion ducking quarter kegs. 12 25. Dupont and Hasard smokeless, half gvga $1135; quarter keg# $5 75; l-|>ound. .-antater*. $1 00; lea* 25 per cent ; Trola dorf amokeles* powder. 1-pound can*. sl. 10-pound can#. 90c pound Cotton Hugging and Tlaa. HAGOING—Market firm. Jut*. 2'4- pound. *V, Itrg* lots. •H’’. email lota, '.pound. Tic; aea lal.nnd hugging 12'-y TIES- Standard 43 found. arrow, large lota. $1 *O. amail lota. $1 $3 Wall, llldea anti Waal. BALT-Demand l ffr >* market steady; .ark-id loie. im pound bur.ap t ac k*. 47c. 100-pound cotton Mcks. IV. IPi-iwund burlap sack*, elite. 110-pound cotton sack* 52V.0; 135-puumt burlap sacks. MPjC. 135-pound cotton sack*. s*Hc. jfo-tK>und burlap sacks. 91c lllDF.B—Market firm, dry flint, l3A4c. dry salt. ll“>*c. great) aallad. 6c. WOOL*—Nominal, prlma Georgia, free of sand bur* and black wool. 19c. black. IV. burry. !<* Was, 35c. tallow. 354 c. Deer akin* 2o> Pratt* and 'all. APPLES—Northern variety. 12 6083® ORANOER-tF a > s3soe3# per box PRUNES —4<* to Mie. 10- . 40# so 60s M4c; 0a to 70*. 7c. 70# to 80*. *V4c; 8® to 80*. V; to* to KOI. sAjc BANANAS—II 25173-00 bunch LEMONS—Market steady at 13.10. COCOAN UT5—44.35 per 100 PEANUT*—AmpIe sun k. lair demand, nurket fl-m. fanuy hand-pPked VirglMs. per pound. 4V'. har.d-plrkcd Virglnts. ex tra*. 414*; N C *e*d ;eanuts. 4c NUTS—Almondr T*r ago-ia 17- ; lv ca ' 16c. walr-ute. French. Be; Napiea. 12Vf . pecan*, lie; Braalle. 12c; filbert*. 13c; as sorted nut*. 50-pound and 25-pound boxes, 12 l ac. lln4'itn. llbmi Mini I.aril. IIACON Nlarki't ftm. l H C li Ii I I . • , inK lo nv#raiii' *•!**, I* S hiill* t. (Wpibrn), Miiokt- I (’ li toll!*'*, IIAMR--Hu*ir nr*<l. U'xijVl *, laAHP Pur*. in IlmeN. h\* . in (MMirul Miu* nn<l Abpound iub, * **• . comitound. in tlune.., < 4 < , aO-|>ouvul tin*., iui fc ixjuiid tub*, FIHII-Mhi bir*harrii#. No 1. M No. 2 |7 On. No. $. 7i. kitk. No 1. fI ok*. No 3. It 10. No Vk l-lMHiml lirtfk *'. 3-i*ouhl britka. herring. In kigr, $1 10. ne-w mullei*. tmif b.irrelß, |*l 7.". HVHKI’ -NUrkit quiet; <iorgU <i! FlorliU eyrtiio. buying at . xelllug at . hii|iir huuiie • . *. liONBY Fair ib*!. (raliit*(l, In Nir teln. . r H>w*n gallon. Hlgli *lne baftix. H 77 orKA* FRFeMiTHA. rOTTO.V - Hnvirnih to Holton per x mm.. Zy to N>m York, per rw* . 30e, to Philadelphia. ier bglr- tl. Baltimore 11 Fi>HFISN DIHKi-r-Bremen, ♦>*. -4* 1 - . M imburg Mr GA<HI, kl.'. liarctlona. ik', Mn< h*tri Mr, Havre, kk . An two 40. Ti b Nte U. INDIHKH Uv*r\m*A dhSitto* Hamburg. 4o <*olhenbirg, &3 . M MIJbH B> Ball • Krelghtg hUiuly; to FkltlH)or< arul eaatnraid. MZO to 75 t ei M. In< ludingr Portland 1.l 'MUKH By claim- Savannah to Baltlmor# I*. ftO; lo P It. H or B xnd O do-'kc le. sb. to PhlUilalphla. t *r rnt (4 |M*undfi to foot), to New York, |g per M. 17. J. to <lock; lightered to ItONton |M Ik) NAVAL HTOHKH The nurkiM lx firm; meJluru aiz* Hoiin 1 ork for ordert. t*l barrel of 310 pound- aid 5 prr .ent primage Bplrlt 4 9d ♦#> gnilonx groxx. and 5 per cent prlmjg°. I#arge ronln, 4- S*l. 8 tea in lie |K*r 100 pour d* on r'9xln. on xplrltx Havannah to Boa ion. an*l on roNtn and on 14*1 rtt to New York i,n tn. ritoviatov*. KTt . New York, Dc-- 5 Flour mufdccf war very firm and generally held higher prices, although buyer* view* were unchanged Rye flour easy; fair so good $2 90t13 !. Buckwheat flour quiet, $2 15412.39. ftuckw he ,t dull Br>Q63c. Oornmesl firm, Hrandhvwln* $2 4Mt2 an Rye firmer. No 2 Western, 66c f. o. h afloat H'at* rye 514152). Harley etendy Barley malt dull. Wheat-44pot firm; No 2 red 794. Op tions experienced decided early strength on a big advance In Part* cables and gen eral rength elsewhere ahroid, together with further rovrrlug on tht* side and fairly active nutaldr speculative rnpport In the afternoon, however, resMxlng pro duced a setback which left the . In** about steady a# 'iff**- advance Hale* Included No red January, closed T4*4c, March WC,, D*< ember 7atyc Corn-Spot firm No 2. elevator Option market advanced eh-irply again early In th* day. led by a *< are In Decem ber short -and fortified also hy heavy clearances, light country acceptances, high rabies and slrengfh of cash property I# Anally yielded to realising and Goaed easy at He rlae on December, but 14c ton* on May May cloned 4f*c. December 44'e Oats Spot steady; No. 2. J6V,e. Options quiet, hut Arm Ref steady Out meats dull Lard firmer, Western steam'd $7 SP4 Refined steady Pork raeady. Butter firm; creamery 19f|26<', factory 13ft 1414 c. Cher** firm; large September 1114 c; small Heptembc 1114 c . large late made I<*4*7K)Hc; email late made 11c Exxs steady; state and Pennsylvania. 361539'. Potaloe* quiet. Tallow quiet. Petroleum dull. Roaln ateady Turpenin* market quiet, 42ft43'je. Rice steady Molasses steady. Peanuts steady Oebl ag* steady. Ootton by *t*em to Liverpool Jfkv Sugar—Raw Arm. hut quiat; fair refin ing 3 15-ltk Coffe. spot Klo eaay; No 7 Invoice. Tl4c Mild quin. Cordova 9t4013Qr The market for coffee future* opened steady at 15 point* decline, and further declined 5 point* on aome position* fol low Inr adver** cnbles, la-g* receipt*, tin satHfactory spot demand aid * much litcraaaa In tha world r vlsibla aa expacae-1 liquidation waa quit* actlv* The murkel rallied partlallv on covering following •- francs reaction hy cloalnr Havre cable hut the genera! undertone remslnod feeh'e tn the absanc* of spstculatlv* aupfsort rioeed barely weady at 19915 point* net decline Total **l*s 1$ 580 bug*, including De -'raber at 56.95C6; January $6 15 March $6 II ( OTTOY SEED 013.. New York Dec. s.—Trade In oils was althout naw featuraa. sa ler* offartng free ly at th# market and demand atilt quit* unimportant Prlma crude barrai#. Bfi 33Vc nominal, prim* summer yellow. 31c off summer yellow. B®4c; prime winter yellow fTfWTV. prim* whits. 34085 c, prim* maal. S® '* CHICAGO MARKET*. Chicago, De- s—Al one time to-day th# wheat mark'! showed good aaln* on atrong -able# but later reacted on local selling. January closing steady. H< high er. December corn ckcd H higher and Plant System of Railways. Trains operated by IDth mtrUUM On* hour alowrr than city tima. In etTm t Nov Ail tr.[aa Lv rkivannab liaily. Ar .Savannah 4 " .X • I, JIS am| .........8 ivannah. (13 10 am sam ....... W)>iNß 1 (f* a m * ■ am. Ixckeonviua io \\ ui 3 £* ini. nd I b.id4 JU 4u pm 7* oi lan *'in:*9 j 7 U pm Beta * an t v ,im .. .. H'lvamah *3 45 am ft 10 am .. Charleston |7 firt am 1 Ar Brunwwltk llei ween ft 4h am Mrnn w i k * Oft am • .ft pm • ■ H*\ iniisth ittd ... 71 ft am i.t'k.onvll* Ulpm Conor tl<via >ti lull 'lampa with Pen- InMiiar .tit.) 4) id* nlai iaavuitf for Key . and Havana Mundaya. Thurr ) i>. hi ! Hit ird ivx 11.00 p m. C'all at Ticket lor furmar infor mation. J. 11. POMIEMI H. T P A WARD CI.AIIK Cl v Tl ket Agent. |># Ho!o Hnirl Phone TS. B W WRKNN. Paxrenger Traffic Man ager. Savannah. Ga Vgeorcia 1 H*‘hedlule T'fTectlva Sept 10. lOftO. 'Piair e arrive at xnd depart from Central Station. Weal Broad. I* t of |.)fvrt> atreet 90ih Meridian J hup nti hour elower than rlty lime 1 Arris* Ha\amah Savannah: tug ta Mi.* i: Mian to, ** 45 it 11 Coving'(Hi. Mll!f>tgevll|e *f otpm (and all lnlerm*<duta |Rlnte| jAug'-jxtii Miron, Atlanta.! j Athene. M ntgomery. Co-| W|*m|lumbu fdrmli gtuim. Am- *4 Krioiid, Kufatila and Troy | tft n*| m Dover Aciomimx bit lop jrT llam tT OOprn (iuvuin Dinner Train. |f4 60pen •Dally |K* Ipi Sun-lav BETWKKN SAVANNAH AND TYBEE. 75th meridian or Savannah city tlma LEAVE HAVANNAII Mivndii \ • aily . tn Dally e*oap4 M<*vwfay Mu in Dallv 2:<W p m. LEA VE TYREE Mondiy only 7.15 a m Dally exeept Monday 10.2 ft a m Dally ft 30 pi. m. < onne- iHMie made at terminal polnta attb all irairia Nortbweat. Weal al South weet Sleeping can on night train* between Savannah and AuguMa. M 1 on. Atlanta ant Binning Parlor tare on d.iy train* between Sa vannah. Ma<ot and Atlanta. lot complete Informoilon. achedulaa. raten and •'onnec’tlooa. appl> lo W (I, BREWER City Tl. ket and Paaa •r. r Agent. 107 Bull xtreei er W fl M TNTYRE. Depot Ticket Agent. J 1 IIAII.K. General Agent. F II IIINTON Tram Manager TIIKO. I> Ki.INK Gen Huprrlniandent. firvannah, Ga [IMITEO Double Dailv Service Th* abort line b Norfolk. Waabingtott, Baltimore, Philadelphia. Naw York and the East. • ARRIVAL OF TRAINS FROM No 27 North and E**l 5 Of) am No. 23 Denmark and Loral Bt No. 31 North and Last l$ it) pm No 44 Jackconvlll* and Florida... 1 40 pm N 72 Montgomery nod West 4 35 Ptn No 74 Helena aid Le* al Point*. •45 ant No. 66 Jacksonville and Florida .11 pm DEPARTURE OF TRAINS FOR No 27 Jacksonville and Florida 5 04 am No 31 Jacksonville and Florida 13 t* Ptn No. 44 New York end KaM 1 58 pm No 34 Denmark and Augosta .16) pm No 71 Montgomery and Wrat . 7 am No 73 Helena and lax-al .Station* 6 9n pm No 66 New York and Eact II 69 pm Magnificent Pullman buffet #l> • ping car scrvice to Washington. Baltimore Phila delphia and New York, also lo Jackaan vlll* and Tampa Dining car* from Hatannah lo Hantat and Richmond to Naw York. Buffet parlor rara Savannah to Mnwt gomerv. For additional Information apply to Ticket Gfllce, Bull and Bryan atreala. Phone 38 - Mar a abode lower Oat* cloaed nn changed and provision# 7V4030c Improved leading future* tanged a* follow*; Opening. Highest, lowed Closing Wheat. No 3 Dec 71H071H 71H TIH TtQftTlH Jan ... 72 May 74’575t 15V* 74># 74V46T74H Com. No. 3 Dec 37H#*7H M STU 3TU, Jan s6\ffM , s 36*4 3M, 96 May ... 369.>)Y 3? 1 . 36' 4 0$P, 36'Yflll** Oala. No 2 Dec .....2m®MH n'ytniH 21H ItH ilav ... 2P4 34 rr* BQ Me** Pork, per birrel— Jan .. . .sl3 OTS 312® SI7ITP- sl2 23H May 12 00 12 12’4 l> 97'j 12 13H Lard, per ICO pound*— De- ... 7 22>J 735 715 T 17H Jan A) 6 99 6 8.. 6 89 Bhort Rib*, per 1® pound*— Jan .. 6 27>4 6 274 6 6 STA* May .... *35 6 3144 613V4 6 37V Cash quotation# were a* follow*: Flgur dull and easv; No 3 spring wheat. CHft W,.., No -' red. 72ffT4c; No 2 corn, 37V449 TTHc. No 2 yellow 97\c; No 7 oats, 38c; No 2 wnlte. 264 c; No 3 white. 254196)-; No 2 rye. 496150 c fair to choice mailing bartay. Sbfts7c. No 1 flnx**ed $1.674116*; No 1 Northwestern. $1.71; prime timothy seed. $4.1ftfi4.90 mee# pork, per barrel. sll 12419 11 35; lard per 1® pounds. $7 Jo©7 33H; short ribs Hde* (looaet $6 50(18 75; dry aall ,d shouldars (boxed) s'. onc,<f6-®'4; abort Claar side# (toned) s6.V<|*:>; whisky, ba sic of high win**. $1.22. ••It Cared 41*.” "Orsyhaard broke up rheumatism on me.” says Mr. Chas Thomas, th* Jaw et*r on Whltakar atrsat. "And put mo In betiar health than I have enjoyed tn a long time." Tak* Greybeard Pill* for that dlssy feeling—Lost appetite, and follow It up stth a botll* ot Gray-beard tl ta all you need. Heeposa Drug Cos., aoie props.. Sa vannah. Ga.-ad A lllgh-Grada Institution Cor Ladloa Shorter Col I ego, Roma, Ga. Writ* for _ catalogue—ad. 9