The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 08, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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n* hen any manifestation of In ,[.fftgy The market was finally „ty at a net dec.lre of 13018 1■ . prevailing frclln* of Jo , iw: inveai-ed by an unsansfac- 1 uni from splnnere In thl* coun v ell a- abroad, an onrmuractory i ir non goods aid disappoint .mini* Ibe attitude of tlie- *pec iitll.-. Included in to-day's sell t ur|or proportion for ehort ac i, an heretofore the rule. tilt ii trinvi ia yiTiRE". a York, Ih*c. 7.—Cotton fuiurea open %.i\. Prices as follow a: Ofeti High. la> Cloae. s*• Si Iw. ~y .... j* 6s 9 .66 953 8.56 .s: 9 54 9 38 9.41 Ml 'J IK 9 34 9 31 , .}• II . .. 9.78 9.(0 , 9.73 (.0 l ItIIIIPOIIL 4 OTTO9i MARKET. ■ tl. De<'. 7—fipol. moderate busl ,trices caster; Amerl. .in mil The ia|es of 41k- day were ' t f which 500 were for apeeulri • xport and Inoluded 4,990 baba H celpla. 10,090 bales. Inelud* . • I tics American. - , jiei ed and t lueed qiilel Amer . e, ; lilr.g. low middling tlause, De '.’Ttl buyers. December-January. .1 .filers. Janunry-Kebruary. 822 . t -• ers. Februarv-March. S.3ud sell , ' April. 3 !M seller*. April-M ay, r< May-June, 5 1205.13d selb-re. 5 lod seller*. July-August >r*; August-Bepu-mber. 4 57d sell \tt\ imLEtl* 4t>TTO\ Olßhf.T. \ , Orleans. Dec. 7—Co4lon futures • . „• :S9 43 April 9X'i937 j 9.37*9 38 1 Msy 1403* e, . 9 1799 38 June 9.31fi9 S3 y,. 9 3*69 r July 9 33*9 31 4 OTTO! i.ettehs. , Y'ork. Dec. 7 - Murphv & Cos., say: ...... Livi ipool ut.cnangod for srots, i .. 5-ld; fu'ure* opened 2-641 * i ..i>ed at a net decline of S'-jIJ ~i TnU market opene<l about 5 points n* i iuled steady wilth only small , :,t .. i- during forsnoon Port re f. | aie l.hnul aa totnrwrel with last ■ t-ut the weekly interior movemen’, r son - days men was running eon . , , ,y |r. ex e of corresponding week-i ~ evst.ia sea-on Is now running more < s•. to last year. Pew care to moke t 4 sale* her*, owing to relative strength . ini ii nih* and strut.) sloek In New 3•. though Southern markets are ex lacted o give nay In the near future til. me demand become# more active H i,d general than at preient. The morn :r < - --ilon was comparatively dull, but tiers was evidence of selling by the locale, ni l n was rumored that some Inside pnr n hod advance Information of the bil l's isport to l>e Issued next Mon.lav • . l.e bearish. The amount In sight - -his week was larger than expected, t r. g ii round tigures 44', bat, against 447.- Or UK week and 377.4VW last year. The eellsr.g movement became more aggres sive during th* latter part of the session. •• < .I- line uncovering slop-loss orders. Ji-iiai- .le-tnlng to 957. the entile mar ’s'■ sell i g on an average of 15 to 20 Ii“ cm best prices of the day. KatS n .'*tl port receipts, 47>.Onn against 39.957 I mr. IMI.KLI C OTTO 91 HEPORT9. Vrw York. Dec. 7.—T'omp.irallve cotton t a’-rr-nt for the week ending to-day; Nil - pis a( all United State* Irts luring week 301.718 Nee receipt* < all t,'nltwl State* tons s.tine week last year 248 936 f ’ ipt* to this dale 3.451.973 7 1 r- i.pts to same date last year 3.266.283 Expert* for the week 266.487 E'l-wi* for the same week laal vear 114 447 ' •al experts to this dale 2.607 314 Teal exports to same time last i-'nr 2.098 4*4 9 ik it all I’nMett States port* 818.333 1 k it all United States ports •.itne time last yeas' 1.005.097 Pc k at all interior towns 671,92 1 ’ Heck at all interior towns earn* nme last year 777 314 F' k t’ ldverpool 18*i¥> F' s .it Liverpool same time last f 'k of American afloat for Great Hr.’.aln 2*4.000 F’ k f American afloat for Oreat Hritain same Urn* last year 138.000 I'einr-iratlve statement of net re-elnt* ’ all the (orts durlnc the week en ling Pi alay evening. Deo. 7, 1900. and during the - im* week last year 19..i.0l 1899 04 r.dve.ion 7T..\ 89 958 73.t53 * Orleans j 99.147 48.038 31 15 1 7.832 9 op* F. iruiah J Wi.510 39.60 ' r ir.esion j 3.4815 7.210 " Imlngion 17 314 14 B*9 Norfolk | 3*1105 14.421 Tbltlmore ! 1.484 s.*>l New 3ork | 7 548 2.8*1 I Jos-on j 12.921 5.833 Philadelphia ; 7*l 410 C T' nsacola ! 1 3.521 Brunswick j 4C N wpnrt News | 1.473 1.395 • u paratlv# staiement of net receipts *M ports from Sept 1. Ifrto. to Frldav < ■ nlng Dec. 7. 1900. and from Sapt. 1. !'"• Jo Friday, Dec. 8 1899 R' elpl* since Sept. 1. 1900-41 1399-eo r.ulve.ton • 9*B 544 1.049,5*1 N*w Or.ein* ... 1.213.133 832.577 Sl>*7 g.O f>vn na h .. I 881.3*9 344 799 f ' erbaton i 1*3.792 133.349 Ik'l mlngion | SJl.o&i IM.K4 Notf' .k ' 313.475 I*4 878 P * limore | 14.714 43 f New York ; 31.44* TS.OJ* B'won I 31,312 29.138 Philadelphia I *738 18 ?I7 ' . I 43.091 83.41S 1 * -\* k : 37.383 22 411 Newport New# 13.1 K 2 404 T*v *1 3.651.923 3241,507 • k of i-otton at al! ports. Dec. 7. ■I in the same d.iy of th*- \eek I ■ ii Pons. j 19004)1 1899-I*o 7 w On.- ms | 322.136 344.111* t-.ilveston | 192,333 233.310 " 119,6*1 147.0*3 ‘ *' lesion 1 13.337 33.852 ) m.iigion II 227 15.7'S* * York 41.33* 1**4.492 1 •’ .*rt* 25.32'' 31.512 ■- .j Slight 1.053,092 'l*VP*l|;>T IVTO 9144 T. * Orleans. Dec. 7 —Secretary Hester's k.v I'otton Exchange sla ement Issue*! ■*e an increase In the move -1 •*:’ • sight competed wl'h the seven * :ns this date last year In round - *: -4.*40. Por the seven day* of De *he t-tala show -m Increase over ' Of 61 rgki Kor the 98 dsys of the - * that have elapsed tha .iggregete • h.ead of the 98 day* of last year 364 - ’' amount brought Into sight during past week has been 441.131. against for the seven days ending Dec. 7. year. n- vsmsnl since Sept I. shows rs ' ’ll United ports 3.643 741 , 255.929 last year, ovcrluhd across "I" Ippl. Ohio nti-l Potomac rlwrs. ’•'them mIHs and Canada. 330.709. ** **t **>*.BB9 last year. Interior stock* **s of loose held at the close of th# uerctal year, 406,U4, against 309,439 MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trade Building, Savannah Prlval* leased wire* direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans POTTO*, STUCK 9 AND UR AIN. New York office. No. 41 Bruadway. Office* in principal cities throughout Ilia Houih. BVrise for our Market Manual and book containing Instruction! for iradera list year; Southern mills taking 433.296 against 470.440 last year Fo.ttgn export* fo. the week have been attain i 1U9.375 last year. Northern nidi taking and Canada during the past seven days snow a decrease of 69.0X1 as computed with the corresponding period last year. The b>ta< takings of American mills. North South and Canada, thus far for the reason hive been 1 275 890. ugutgst 1,- 54*1.618 last year. Blocks al Inc sealmuid and the 29 lead ing Southern Interior centers have In creased (luring the week 51.523. WORLD’S VISIBLE SUPPLY. New Urb.ilis, Dec. 7 —Set rotary Hes ter’s statement of ihe world’s supply of cotton Shows the total visible is 3.5*7,917, against 4.103.777 last year. Of this the lo ts! of American cotton is 3,016.917. against 3.521,777 last year, and of all othr kinds. Including Egypt Brazil. India, etc 551.'M*. against 582,(M> last year. The total world’s visible supply of cot ton shows a decreas-e compared with last year of 533.8*<* Of ii,* a, s i 1 ( vtsibh- supple there Is now afloat and he'd In tlreal Britain and Continent al Europe 1.717.0(0. ag.ilnsi 1.630.00*' lat year. In Egypt. I4l*’ against 170.4810 last year. In India. 192,0*1. ugamat 206 000 last year, and In the United Slates. 1,515.000. against 1.878,000 last year. i>i4Y cooni. New Tork. Dec. 7.—The whole d*y-goo*ls market has shown a quiet appearance to day. and business generally has ruied moderate. No change In ptlces In any direction. Coitcn goods on hand allow slight Irregularity, hut maikrt Arm on forward deliveries. Print cloth* dull hut firm. Linens are In fair demand ut firm prices. Burlaps Inactive, but prices mutrt l Allied. NAVAL 9TOHE9. Prslay. Dec. 7. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—The turpen tine market closes to-day at a slight de cline below last week s prices with sales for the week of 3.331 'Asks The demand has been moderate, and excep* for one or two day’s sales did not run very fa: above the average mark In the main market has remained featureless all week, with nothing to add Interest to the situation. The receipts were 6.605, against 6.202 lasi year, and th# exports 2.711. against 9,113 last year The exports went to New York 1.048. Philadelphia 156. Bal timore 10. interior. 161. Hamburg 1.365 KOSIN—The rosin market moved u|* about the middle of the week, and showed strength which was promising for a fur ther rise in price*. The improvement was advance of 5c on E F ti. Tuesdav On Wednesdav I and above went off sc. which offset the previous day’s Improve ment The demand w * fairly good. Sale* fer the week were 16.572 barrel.- The re ceipts were 23.588. against 25.939 last year, arul the exports 30.*M. against 2**559 last year. The exports went to New York B*4. Philadelphia 300. Baltimore 1.589. 1 “ ,prl "’ 2.631. Hamburg 4.060 Buenos Ayres, 3.800. Antwerp l.'Ob H.irburg 6.2S<*. Quotations— At the . ,o-e of the msrke! io-dav the following quotation- wet* bul letined at the Board of Trade: Spirits Turi>ent4ne—Quiet, 34*c; sales of 9". l casks. Rosin firm; sales. 3.37*. Prices as follows A. B. C *1 ** l 11 D 1 3*l K 1 r 1 40 M 1 70 p 145 N , j 1 .V* W O 2 w H 1 63 W W 2 85 Same Day Las* Year Spirit** Turpentine—Firm a? 4 s -'. cm .k* Roirin—PuU irMki 1 noovc, firm H ami b*lo* . 1.3 W barrel*. A. B. C 1 1 I ** 4,1 D 1 10 K 1 y; 1 10 M I * y 1 20 N 2 3<> M 1 23 33' O 2N) H ' IS.'. W 33' 365 llecelpl* I’aet YVerk. ;Bp4rll Roam Receipts rest week *asX. 2.5.58* Game week iast year ) 5.292 25.V39 Exports lasi week 2.711 2'.65l Paine week last year 1 9.11S 2'.559 Movement# — New Y'ork I *■•*4B 881 Philadelphia I Mt Hiililmore I 19 1.589 Interior I l* s 2.881 Hamburg I L 345 4 - fjin Buenos Ayrea I t 3.859 Antwerp I I-*® Marburg Ii A,20 Tot#: exiwii- 1 2.711 29.651 Receipt* and Sleeks. Keieipl*. shipment* and stocks from April 1. Ii® 1 . to date, and to the corre sponding date of last year; 1999-69(11 Ppirtls. Rosin. Stock April I. 1909 2.197 142 5 Received this week .* 25.688 Received previously 292.982 721.287 Total 399.884 892,381 Exports— Foreign !*•> •* New Y'ork 33,948 87.909 Coastwise and Interior 41.361 2*6.524 TOU I 362.54* 746.372 Slot k on hand this day . .. 38.341 149'J08 3999*100 Stock on hsnd April I. 1999 •• >’-.09 111.396 Received this week i.* - K*. l ived prevlonsly 271.8 .6L4il Total 019 h Exports- KorrlKn * 191.963 393.624 New Tork *UU 127 19' Coast wise an.l interior -JM*** n * Tola) ttlm-k on hand 11,997 1® 912 Charleston. Dec. 7-Turpcnilne firm al 3*.' It.,sin firm nnd un-hanged YVllmlngton. N <’ Dec 7 —Spirits *ur pentlnv. noihlng doing, receipts. K cask* firm 113901-R: receipts. 477 Oru4* turpentine steady nt SI.4A n<l 92 W. receipt. V* T.r sal I1.IA; rfc^pti. Orleam. Dec 7. -Receipts Rosin. 972. turpen’lne. 12. exports, none fiaamcial. MONEY—Th* demand keep# fairly up with the euppl)’ RANK CLE AHI NOR—Th hank r|-4r ins* during ihe pa*l '*“ "*re N 13. • sralnst 8U93.7T7 82 for fh# correapond-nz period last >~r. end M.25A1 19 for fh" orrespoaulm* period of l** B Cleerirg. by Days: vilwur 1.226 968 22 Tuesday We(ln*#d*y J "Z Tmiredwy^^^ FIVA AC I AI.. JOHN W. DICKEY, • lark and Hoad Broker, U911T4, 04. Write lor Llet. I'HE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER S. I'.KK). Friday 1.161 047 7a Tota. 1*4.504.902 15 FOREIGN EXCHANGE Market barely 4a> s, il so',; ninety day*. 14 T* l ,.. francs. Pari* and Havre, sixty days. 5.21%, Swiss, sixty day*. 5 24%; Belgian. 6.24. marks, sixty day* 94, ninety day* 9*S DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Umlj; banks are buying at 1-16 discount and selling * follows: 325 and under. 19c pr - intum. 325 to Ate* 15c premium. 350 to 1100 *-■ premium lino to LLP 25c premium. I'.”' lo 31.000. premium: 11,000 and ovr, 75. per M premium. BEt’l'RlTlEß—Tha South appear* 4o be Central securities. New York lurtles buying them. •tacks. Bid. Ask. Augusta and Bavannah R R ...HO Uo y Atlanta and West Point 1.46 ... do * p r cent certificate* 108 Augusta Factory 84 88 Cltlxens Bank 135 ... ( Hank HI 111 Chatham R. E. AI. Cos.. A 57 68 do do B 58 57 Eagle and Phoenix Mfg Cos 102 10'. Edison Electric Ilium Cos 107 11*1 Enterprise Mfg Cos 1> 103 Germania Bank 131 ... Georgia and Alabama 26 28 Geafgt.i Railroad, common 216 219 Ilrai i evllle Mfg Cos 180 I7n J P. King Mfg Cos V>3 V* 1-angley Mfg Cos 115 li Merchant* National Bank 115 li6 Bank of Savannah . 153 157 Oglethorpe Savings ind Trust ...112 113 People's Savings ami Loan 101 ll Seaboard, ommon 11% 12', do preferred 29 39 Southwestern Railroad Cos. ... HO 1 * 111 Savannah Gas Light Cos 24% 36>> Southern Bank ...158 14*1 Savannah Bank and Trust ....... 117 Sibley Mfg Cos, Augusta 6a 88 Savannah Brewing 103 106 Honda. Bid Ask Char . Col A Aug Ist s*. 1900 .in no Chat. & Gulf R R 5 tier cen>. Ist mortgage tO2 I'M Atlanta city 4s. 1922 107 Augusta city 4s. 1927 106 I*l9 do 4'r. 1925 11l no 7*. W.l 107 do 6s. 1912 122 Ala Mid. ss. Ind and 1928. MAN 101% 103% Augusta Factory. 6 per cent. 1915.111 111 Brunswick A 33’rstert) 4*. 1928 .83 86 C B R. A Banking collateral 5s 95 C. of G let motg sa. 1945 F * A 120 121 r of G con. ss. 1913. 51 AN 98 9tt C. of Ga. Ist Incomes. 1946 53'6 54’a do 2nd Incomes 17 18 rlo Id incomes, 1963 8 9 C of G (M G A A. Dlv ) 5s 1947. J A J 97 98 C of O (Eaton Branch). s*. 1926 J. A D 94 99 City A Suburban R R Ist 7* 110 Columbus City 6s. 1900 107 Charleston city 4s. 1909 100 102 Eagle A Phoenix Ml 1s 4s. 192* 108 110 Edison Electric Illuminating 6* 106 - * gia Railroad 6*. 19;o .... ns m G. 8 AF . 1945. J & J 113 114 G*-orgla A Alabama Ist ss. 1945 P* 107 Georgia state 3' t s. 1930. J A J 110 112 do 3%*. 1915. MAN K*% 107 no 4%5. 1915 119 120 Macon city 4*. 1910. J A J. 118 118 do 4 1 ,*. qnar Jan 14* 109 Ocean B'eamshlp ss. 1920 lot 108 Savannah city ss. quar Jantrary 1?1 Ii 111 do hr. quar . Fehrimry, 191* 1*48% 109', South Carolina state t>4*. 1933 117 119 S.bley Mfg Cos. 6s. 19P3 h>2 South Bound Ss . .... 99% Wj 8 . F A W gen nit'ge 6s. 19*4 125 124 do do Ist 5s gold. 1934 Its 114 do Ft: John Dlv . Ist 4e 1934.,,. 96 96 WEEK’S II INK 4LE 3 RINGS. New Y'ork, Dec. 7 —Total bank < Igarlngs at the principal cities of the I'nlted States for th' week ending vesterda) were 12.253.63'.514. an increase of 15 3 per cent, as compared with a year ago Tola! outside New Y'ork rT79.641.92r., or 4 4 per cent. Increase New York. Dec. 7 —Money on call firm at 4f)S per 1-ent The last loan was at 6 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 404*, per cent. Sterling exchange week with actual buslw - . In banker-' bills • 11 Ss' for demand and at 54 81% for sixty day-. ik—t**d rate*. 31 82'j61 84’y. Commer e|i| l,ills, II 6*-’,SI S1' 4 Sliver certificate* 6Pii6sr Bar s.lver, M'j Mexican dollars, 5*V. Government bund- were weak, state bondi* wero strong and railroad bonds were Irregular. PTOCKA AMD IIOMJ9. Prospecll’e Derltnr to Lash Reserve Has Depresalng Effect. New Y’ork. Dec. 7.—The prospect of a decline tn cash resources of the banks of upward of 37.009.90, proved too much for the fortitude of speculators fo-day. and they soH stock*, reversing the movement of yesterday. They had th# odvaritag# of new points of strength In a number of Individual s'oek* amongst th# low priced one*, but a demoralized lone in one o two of the industrials more than offset thl* advantage. The sub-trezaury .llor.e has taken up from the hmks during Ihe week 16.109.- 99h. m lading the deposits at th# su'i ireafiiry for telegiaphlc transfer to the Interior The dl e t movement by express, although support-d to he small on bal ance. I* certainly In favor of the Interior There Is a suspicion also that the local movements of cash which have heipel out the showing of the banks for the last few weeks, is not to be relied on this week These gains have been du to * large extent to th# opera ions of a alngi# bank, in which Is centered some of the most important interezlz in the financial world. Including copper mining stock* Th# course of Amalgamated Copper dur ing the week baa given rise lo the ip ptehemdon Ihit Interests Identified w.pi It nerd not t* expected to have taken measures to conserve th# gene-al money market situation. The loan Item also. Is Ih# subject of much perplexed surmise While there has ti##n some speculstlva liquidation In th# ato. k mark#:, there has been some large borrowing for out side financial operations Including suo scrtptlons. to a lit’,9o(B® I sue of ThlrJ avenue railroad bonds, which also closed to-day with the annnun.ement that It had b#*n large’v oversubscribed. If there has been any roneldeiable loan expansion double effect on the sin p us reserves may prove somewhat seusirtlot'al. cepe.-lalty with Ih* mo: trying period of Hie year on Ihe maiket lo te- Immedlaiely faced Liquidation was not urgent In the stock market, but was quite general. Even Ihe Erie sec jilties yielded temporarily on the denial of a story attempting to ex plain their movement by alleging that the company hail purchased the Fennsly vanla Coal Company. Bo'h the slocks and bonds, however, rallied subsequently >o top prices. Besides thl*. ’lrength was shown by the Bt Loul. and B<n Fian -I*-o stock*, led by th* second preferred with n advance of 2% and th# New York., Chicago and 81. Louis led by th* second preferred with an advance of 44. On Ihe other har'd, there we* continued weakness In Tennessee Coal on perslvttng rumorv that the dividend would he passed The stock fell et on* rim* 2% and after flu* fueling lev# lelby closed <v|thln 4 of me low**! Coincident with th# meeting of the director* of the United Ktete, Rub ber Company, th# common stock broke 4 and the preferred Mock 5% without meeting any effective support It wa# re ported after th* tn#ei ng. without equal authority that the company had reduced the price of R* good* per cent., and doubts were exprezeed Of the maintenance of the dividends on the p eferred Paclfl.! Mill broke nearly 4 per cent, on the large decrease In net earning* reported for Oc tober Unsatisfactory resu ts of th* meet ing of Western rab.oad presidents to in force the obseivniHie off elghi rt’W. helped to depress th* railroad Hat. There was weakness In people’* Gas. Tobacco, and the local traction*. Th# cloaio wa* moderately active and easy and many stork* were at Ihe low point. Huwlress In t<on.i* ,v>nllnued large. There wae |>roftt taking tn some of the pe> illative l-aues. hut there wa* i nota ble Increase m Ihe demand for high grade bond*, which made the market \ery broad Total sale* par value II,ISS.Onr t nlted States Ts and 5 * declined per cent, on the last call. Today a total a4ock- sale* were 6*11.704) •hares Including Atchison 21,1 up. do pre ferred, *.**); Kalilmoie A OhW 8.5 W; Chesapeake A Ohio 8.149; Chicago. Bur lington A Quincy 5J> Denver A Bio Grande preferred. 9*5 Erie l-u* do liret preferred, 49.M9; Manhattan 12 mi -otirl Pacific 16PM). Miasouil. Kan-as A Texas, pteferred 5.400. New Y’ork Cen tral 6.140. Northern Pacific 16. an. Ontario A Western 6.38*. Reading, first preferre.l 25648'. St Louis and San Ftanclsdo 8.100. ilo second preferred I.lth, St l’airl 14.2c*), Soulhsin Pacific n *•. Bouthem Ratlroid 7.448), do pee tarred 6.1)8', Union Paclfl* To). American Smelting and Betlnlna . >. A me* bail Steel and Wire 8 , Anxen >.i Tin Plate B.n>. American Tobacco 29,641); Brooklyn lupld Transit tfontlncn tal Tohacco 7.1i8). Federal Steel H '■*); People * via* 19,t8M); Sugar, ex-dlvktend, 32 - 7(8); Tennessee Coal A Iron 29. An. United States Rubber 23. an New Y'ork Stock List. Atchison 3H‘i YYanash 9 do ptef *. , 1.. , .t .2.* Ball A lihio .. 7a Wheel. A L. E I Can. Pacific.... 85 do 2nd pref ... 27', Can So 68 |Wtw. Central ... 11 c'he*. A 0hi0... 36’, Third Avenue 114 Ch 4 G. W 14i s B. A i) pref. 84% ChL It A Q . IJ4', Nati Tube Chi Ind A L . 23% do pref la do pref 97 A mil i')>pper 1' I’hi A N !6a‘j Adams Expi- - II C. R. 1 A P in Am Express )4) C. C. C. A St la (SU, U. H Express .. .’MI CoL So 73 |VVe.I, Fargo Ex 138 do Ist pref . 43', Am Ciotlon 011 341'. do 2nd pref .. 17-, and. piei . . 1 , Del. A Hudson.U> Am Malting ... f, Del. L. A W.... 1118, do pref J;. . Den A R 0.... 75 Am S A Reins In . do pref 79'r <l*> pref 95 1 * Erie 16-VAm Spirit- l' t do Is* pref .. 45% do pref 17 <}t. Nor pref . 178% Am H Hoop ... 27’, Hock. Coal 15 do pref 75% Hock. Y'alley .. 38% Am S A Wire IF Illinole Central.lß3% do pref 85 lowa Central .. 19% Am. Tin Plate . t do pref. 4)5 do pref 87% L. Eti- A W. 36 Am Tobacco .. 1(Y", do pref t'46 j do pref lake Shora ...114 |Ana Mm. Cos ... 47”, L A N 49%j8r00k R I 17', Man. L lorscol F A Iron •> Met St Ry. .166% '7ont Tobacco . 3 , \lex. Central.... 13 | *l** pref B<)_ Mlrr. ASt L .61 |Federe] Steel 48% dO p’ef ... . tO),' do pref Mo l’ iflc 59%!'Ten Electric 145% Mobile A Ohio . 9>% iJluoo-e Sugar --i’. Mo K A T 13 do pref 1 do pref .TTSJtntl. Paper— 22% do pref 37 , do pref .... N. J Central . 144', let. lede A* N. Y. Central . Ml>* I Nat Bis ill' . 7% Nor. A 'Vest ..41% and pref 91% do pref 51 National l- No Pactflo (' s and prrf 92% do pref 81% Natlona Btee| 33>, Ont. A \V . 25 V pref. 92% Ore. R A Nav. 42 N. Y Air Brake 161 do pref 78 ;North Am l*% Pennsylvania 14.% Pa 4flc Coa-t Reading 3" d*> Ist pref do I*4 pref 0% i<> 2nd pref 0 do 2nd pref. . 31% Pacific Mall li% Rlo G. W. .... 6, 'People s Gas 97% do pref Pressed H Car r < St L A S F 19', do pref fC% do Ist pref 75% Pull. Pal <ar ?' do 2nd prt f 46% 8 Hop A T . .*■*, 8t L. Sw 15% Sugar 13) do pref ...... 37% tlo pref 114% St. Taul 12-% Tenn. C A 1, ... 61% do pref 177% U. P. Leather .. 12% Bt. P. AOm 12" do pref. 78% 80. Pacific ... . 41 it . 8. Rubber ...25', 80. R-llstay .. ■ 17% do prel 7 ‘ de pref 61% West. Union .. 82% Tex. A Pad %!R. f AS. 15 1* Paalfto 79, ,10 pref 64*j ilo prsf. B**’, p. C. C. A Ss L. 57 Bonds U. 8. 2s ref ill i0.4 . 56> re* I*B , N V. C. Is li - do coup ... 11*6 N. J. C G. 55.127*, do 3s. reg ...I**9% North. Pa. . 3i. 70% do Je. c'p... 14)9* ~ <l<> 4 1155% do new 4. reg 137% N Y , C A Si do new 4s. c'p.137% Louis 4s .147’, do old 4s. reg 114% N A W. C A 95% do old 4-. c’p 115% Or*-. Nav. Ist. 11l do ss. reg. . .113%! do 4- do ss. coup 112% Ore. 8 L 4s. .1*12% I) of C. 3 655.124*, <V* con. 5* ..117*, Atch . gen 4s .16*3. Reed Gen. 4s 91'.. do adjt. 4- B**, R <1 let !<•>% CTan Sou 2d 108', St L A I M C of Ga. con cot* 5# Ill', 6s 97*. 81. L. A S. ) do Ist tnr. S3*, gen e .129 Vv >1 Inc 17*, St Paul con 176-% r. A O. 44* ...104 i P . C. A P do 5a 124% let 119% C. A Nw. C. 7a. 119% St P , C. A P C. A Nw 8 F I 6s 122 Deb. 5s 118 8011. Pac. 4s .. Kf% Chi. Ter. 4s .. 93’, Sou Ry. 5s .113 CO) Sou 4* 84*, S R. A T 4 TANARUS D. A R G. 4e >1)1% Tex. A Pac Ist 114 Erie * len 4s 8<) do >4 78 F. W. A D. C. Union Pac. 4 !*)7% j*l 77', Wabash Ist ..116% Oen Elec. 5s 1*9% do 3d .. 144* loan Csn Ist . 115% Weet Shore 4s 115 I. g. N IT.l T . 4s. 104)4, Wise c#n. I*l 87 M . K A T. 2d 71', Va Cent W do 4s **% , •enhonrd keearltlea. Baltimore, D*c. 7—B aboard common 114011%. preferred 294i29% B nds. 72% New York. Dec 7 —Consolidated Gas closed I*B% New Y'ork Dec 7 -Btandard CM. 7954) F® Murphy A fo.'a Mncb Letter. New Y'ork. Dec. 7.—Tha slock market opened act!’# and showing very irregular changes There was a further particu larly saver# decline in Ten nee sec Coaa and Iron, which mgd* that slock a con spicuous feature of Ih# dealing*, and Su gar, after opening stestdy, alio develop ed renewed weakness. A* was the case yesterday, the Erl# issues and other an thracite coal share* were firm on reports that grrang'-ments were making which would Involve the abandonment of fh" protected Independent coal railroads to tidewater. The movement# In the Indus trial quarter were Irregular. There wa* a sharp rise In Anwrlcan Smelting on reports that * roneolldatlon with th# company's largest competitor wa* arrang ing. but elsewhere the price change* were comparatively limbed and Irregular Lillie wa* -ton# In the local traction group, but th ton# of the dealings tn that quarter wae eomporatlvelv firm In the railway Ik", aside from th# anthra cite shares, th# dealings were largest In Southern Pacific, Missouri. Kansas and Teza* preferred. New York Onttal and the Pacific stock* A steadv, though a-Hnewi-at uncertainty, was pre-ent In the dealing* In th# ra Iway list at large speculative sentiment **emed *o be In Ihe main Influenced by apprehensions of stringent monetary condition* durlnf the remainder of the month, and the fe#|- Inga In thl* re#p#C' were as usual. c -eemuated hy th# prohabllßle* of a large reduction In the banks’ surplus reserve* In their weekly #tfements of average* to-merrow The Loud' n market showed general de-llne* on renewed fears of h'ghei money rates at Hurt po.nt. hot he declines In American* were limited to fractions. There we* otherwise very lit tie of Importance developed overnight, bearing upon *he financial situation MISCKLLASBOLP MARKET*. Note—True* quotations arc revised dally, end sr* kept a* near a* possible accord with Ihs prevailing wholeawin price* Official quotation* are not used when they disagree with the ptlcea whole saler* aelt. Country and Asrlhers Produce. POULTRY—The market I* eleady Quo tations; Broilers, 30045 c per pwlr; had grown, 45®5ve a three-four las grown, 55u Southern Railway. Tram- Arrive and Depart Saiannah on 96ih Meridian Tima—One Hour bloater Than City Tun* hcdule tn E st Nov. 25. 1960 READ D'OWN ToTIIK EAST i READ UP- - N N |<'em a run* I N-> 3- N > it . J*miu l.v .. ' Sivai.nat* A* - Wan 111 (Eastern Time) | | • 2lpm 4 28am Ar Ua-k'llle Lv , 14>*an*i , 07pm 4 55pm -i 'am Ar ... v olumbla l.v : ■ m ’■ -•*•* 9 li'prn 9 4v.un Ar Charlotte . l.v | 9 pm *’)m 11 44pin,12 23pm Ar Greensboro Lv 7 ibpm ik*m \ . . N.rtolk 1.) ■' • m 12 ■'•:am JBpm Ar' . Dan villa . ..... . .. Lv 5 to. m 4 38am 1 • 25pm At Bl hiiMMui l.v 1301pm'.. 0 I 2 3 tJpni .Ar 1 1. Lyr- hburg ... Lv ( 3 53,*m 1188 1 "" r-ir* Ar ChaifcMleavttla ... . Lv 10pm|UK w 7 .'on. ,v >■ i'ii* Ar Washington . ...... .. Lv U 16am 95 pm *<*■ n. \r Ball more Lvjj i -’-’am 83 pm 11 %.,in 2 56. m Ar Phil tdrlphla .. Lv|| I 50,nt| 4 iipni 2 03pm a 25.11 HAr N w Yik I-' U lOami 3 2ip n a >*pn, g 00pm a 1 bom i. Lv| 6 DOp.Ujk' loam No 11 To Tilt. N * RTII AM* - No & (Ceairal Tims.) I 12 J'jiii Lv Savannah ....... ... Ai s!*>im (lo lain Tims 1 • Ihttt Lv Cos umhta Ic ! : 26am 9 stß)tn Lv .-part 1 tihurg Lv ■ 4 15pm 12 10pm Lv A-h-'ll I* Lv J Apm 4 02pm Ar not Burma* !■' '• 65 , n 7 20pm Ar % KoJivUle Lv 8 Sam 5 iOan) Ar Lexington *•• L’ ! ’.*) a>t'n T4sam Ar Cincinnati l.v 6 uopm 6 oopm Ar 81 Louis - 1-' 8 aan ■ m Ar Ladtevtlla Lv,, 1 tia * All trains arrive and depart from the Plant Bveiem 8 alien. THROUGH CAR SEI4VICL. l-T* ’ TRAINS S3 AND 34 DAILY. NE'V YORK AND FU'RIDA EXPRESS ' aatl buleil I,inited trains, with I’ullu an D awing Room bleeiung Cals bciwacli Savan nah and New York Canoacta at Washington with 1 1 t-xpr* •* n Pullman Steeping Can* t>etween Chail4te and Richmond aid <’ti I riot te ai.d NOi folk Dining < ar* Serve *U meale between Savannah ad Washington TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAILY THE UNITED STATES I ASI MAIL Vestlhubd limited trains, carrying Pul mm Drawl*,* Huom Bleeping Cars between Sevan ah an t New Y'ork Dining Cers serve alt meal- betw,*n Savannah and W'aarli.g'On Alto Pullman Drawing Hoorn Slerplnx Cars belween Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and ’Tlia Land of t • bky.'' For complete Information **• <0 ral a scbedulaa. etc apply lo F 8 GANNON. S-l V I’ A G M J M CULP T M W A TURK. OP A . Waidilngtotv. D C 8 It HARDWICK A-st Gen'l P** Agent Atlsnts Ga it C BI.ATTNF.H. Ticket Agent. Pin'd Sydem SiitMvn JAMES f'REKMAN. C 1’ A- T A IB Bull •'feet Savannah Ga Phones fit! ''DC: hens. 654)7.c. rooster*. thfifOc. ducks. :>*U7sc. geese. 75c*1$l I'D. EGGS- Fresh candled. 224113 c; cold stor age. 21 u 22c. BUTTER -The tcaie of the maiket is firm Quotallons Cooking lit . Imita tions. 23 New York -talc dairy, 24%c, ex tra EJglns. 27c CH EES 85-. Marker firm. fancy full . ream etinsi*. la’sc fur 2*) to 22-pound average; 25fj30-pcund averages, 13c. Early legrtsblra. IRISH POTATOES—Northern, *199 CABBAGE— 6418 c per head ONIONS—YeIIow in barrels. 12.'®; crates. 9no; red, 82.99 Breadstuff. lay and Grain. FLOUR Market steady; patent, $1 .*>, straight. *3 ‘5. fancy. 13 65. family. 8> 40 MFA l>—Pearl |*er barrel. $3,541. pet tack, tl 15. city meal, per ack. lolled. It <*s. water ground. 1112%; city grit*, sick-. 11 15. pear! grits. Iludnut*. i>er Ivarrel. $2. tier sack. <1 3u; sundry brand*. |1 15 CORN—Market firm, white. Joh lot*. 66- . ut ~.*s *u’ . tnixal corn. Jub lots, *23. carload iois, 69c. Hlc;’B. Market st.-wdy; demand good. fancy bead. sc. fancy. 4!*c. Prime 6 /lood 1%fi4% U„ ‘* Common **6 OATS—No I mixed, carload S3'ic; joh tots. 354138 c; white cllpix-d car*. 38c. ,ob. 40- BRAN—Joh lots 9.'.- : carload lots. 90 HAY-Market steady; No. I tlnvothy, jWV-. job, 95- No 2. 945" Job; 85e car*. • ngar and Coffee. SUGAR— Cut loif 6 19 Diamond A 584 Crush' and 624 Confectioner# A -tl Powdered ’..(ilWhite Extra C.. 3.14 XXXX pow'd ...5.0 Extra C 6 .9 Granulated S‘ Golden C. o* (’ 5 H Yellows 4 91 Mould A fOO COFFEE- M, t.a 2* e Film# No 3 . ]o%e lava * K c'Good No. 1 14>%c I’eabcrry '< c Kelr No 5 . to o Fancy No. 1 . .11% Ordinary No. * . 9*yo Choice No 2 —lt>%c|i'ommon No. 7 .. 9 c Dried end Kvsnnrsted Frails. A PPLE46—Ev nporaled, 74l7\ic. aun drpd 6%4|6 A PRICOTB Evaporated. lc pound; nectailne* 118-. R.AIBINS —1. L, 82 10, Impetlal aahlneta |3 75 loose. seiund noxes. B%c pound PEAI'HEB-Evaporated. pealed, 17Yfc"; uirpeated. 8%4)f9c. PEAKS- Evaporated. B%c. Ilardsvnre nnd Hulldlng anptillea, LIME. CALCIUM PLASTER AND Cement—Alabama and Georgia ilmo In fair demand and sell si m cent* a twrrel; ue‘lal calcined plaster 11.00 per barrel; hair. 46e Rosedale eemenl *. 3WH.3; carload lots, special. Portland cement, re tail 12 25, catload lots. 12 4)Jf2 3i). I.T MBER. FOB VEMHEI.B HAVAN NAH—Minimum, vaid Maes, lin.sofill 00; ear sills 112.500n0n difficult •.*•-*. II ao fill hi,, ship stock 1:6 WJlt.Hu, sawn ties. sK'rffß 6'. hewn lies 35*l3*c OIL-Market stead), lemand fair; Ig nat )s‘i ;>h , West Virginia hack. 9012 c, lard. 58c; neaisfoot, 6u4i7oc; machinery. 16 025 c. llns*<l Oil. raw. 7%0. liollal, T*>yc; kerosene, prime white. 12-. water whit*. I3c: Pratt's aatral 14c. deolorlzed Move gasoline, drums. lHc; empty oil batrela. datlvered. 55c SHOT—Drop. 11.0. B B nnd large. 1 75; chilled. $1 75. IRON -Mark#* very steady. Swede, 5%c NAILR-Cul. 12 39 base; wire. *2 60 baee BARBED WIRE-13.0 per 100 pounds GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin crack •hot. 14 I®, half kegs. 12 25. quarter keg*. 51 25. champion ducking, quarter keg*. 12 25. Dupont and Haiard smokelean, half keg* 111 35, quansr kegs. 8675; 1-poiind, canisters. 11.99; lass 25 per rent ; Trols dorf smok'-’.ess iwwder. 1-pound can*. 81. 19-pound cans. 90c pound (niton Hanning and Tlea. BAOGING— Maiket firm. Jute. 2%- pound (9l>c; large lot*. HVye: email lota. 2-|K>und. 7%c; sea leland bagging 12'V TIES— Standard. 45-pound, arrow, large lot*. 11 30; small lot*. I! 33 knit. 11 Id*-* and Host, g^LT—Demand Is flr and the market steady. ■ arload kus, 100-pounl burlap sacks, 47c; 100-pound cotton sacks, 4*c. 110-pound burlap sacks 51%r. HO-pound cotton sacks. 13H; 125-pound burlap sacks. w%c; 136-pound cotton sack*. 596bc, y*)-l>ound burap sacks, 91c. HIDES-Market firm, dry flint. 13V4c; drv salt, ll’yc. green salted. c WOOL-Nomlnal; rrlme Georgia, fre* of sand bur* and black wool. IK-; black, 19c, burry. Its-. Wax, 2ic. tallow. 3A*-. Deer skins, 24r. Fruits nnd >ul* ATPLEB—Northern variety. 12 50413 0. ORANGES—(Fia.) UidBIM par box PRFNES-dCs lo yw. 10c. 60s lo 90s, B%c; Oh, to 70s, "c. 79a to Isa. 95yc. 80* 10 90*. 6c. Phi to lODs, 5Hc BANANAS- U 26112 Oil hunch LEMONB—Market steady- at 12 0, COCOA N1 'T 8—91.35 per 109 PEANUTS— Ainpl* stock, fair demand, market firm fancy baud picked. Virginia, per pound. 4%c; hand-picked Virginia, ex tra*. 44r; N C seed teanuts. 4c NUTS—Almonds T .r ago a ITc; Iv c* ' |9c: walnuts. French, 12-. Naples. U6sC. pecans, lie; Rrwxils. lie. filberts. 13c; as sorted nuts, 0-pound and 35-pound boxes, U>.e Herns, llama and l.ard. IIAOON —Market firm; D 8 C. R. sales. TV; D. 8. Bellies. *% 'Eastern), accord ing to average size, p 8 bellies. BY*c (Western); smoked 4' R eldes %r. HAMS—Sugar cpred, l)%(lU*r. loARD —Pure. In tierce#. %<- In 0- pouiid tins and 90-pound tuba, (V#c. t-nmpound. in llerees, 6%c, 50-pound (in* end 90-pouml tubs, 6%. ’ll H) Fl.l ( > | til FIBII —sl ickerel half-b trrels. No 1. 0. No 2. IT 40. No 1 6 75. kits. No l. II 2*. No 2. il It'. No 3. AV- I'odfish, I -pound bricks. *• . 2-jxmnd bricks 6%c; Smok'd harrlitg. per hoz. ;*9br Dutch herring, in kegs, i; in. new mullets, halt barrels. 13 75 SYRUP Maiket qute', 'ieorsl* off 1 Florida ayrup. hitylna at *8 u . selling at 334134 c; suaat hoitso #' |4VfM( . HONEY Fair demand; strained. In l ar ids 654!4Dc kallon. High wine# basis. $1 27. IM EAA EHkIIITHS. COTTON-Savannah 10 Boston per 1 st.. 15c; to New Y'ork. per i*wt 39.-; to Philadelphia, per hale 11 Baltimore 41 FOREIGN DIRECT- Bremen. *••. Liv erpool. 4%'. llamburw 4Zc; Gena. Me. Barcelona 55c- Manchester 45.' Havre, 4*B . Antwerp 40-. Iteval, fss-. Rotterdam, PS Trieste 53, INDIRECT Liverpool 357138'. liambtirc. 448-. Gothenburg, 6* i.t'MKKR By Sail I reight* steady. 4 Baltimore ami eae'watd, 1159 to 15 75 t *. M, including Portland. LUMIIEK— By sieam Bavannah to Baltimore, to f It. R or II and O. dis ks. 15 6), to Philadelphia 16%r par cwt (I irounds lo fool), to New Y'ork. |6 f3i per M. 17 25 lo dock; light, ted to Boston, pi 5n NAY'AL STORES—Th# naarket Is firm, medium size vesswt*. Rosin—4'ork. fur orders. 3s tkl per barrel of 319 pounds, and 5 per .enl primage Hplrlts 4s 9d Isr 40 gallons, and 5 per cent pilmace Large veasals. owtu I*. spirits. 4, Jl. Bteam lie per lots pounds on noun. 21%. on spirits Kavannah lo Roa'on, and 9690 on rosin and IK on spirits to New Y'ork GHII3. PHOY laiova. SCTC. New Y'ork. Isec. 7 —Flour market was rather easy with less lining and huls low erect on account of the Irregularity In wheat. H) flour dull and easy; fair lo good 12 •(.: 19; euoiue to fancy, 13.154)3 45 Buckwheat flour dull and eaav, IJ.IiY; 2 29 Kuckwheat quiet; 697962 c * 01 n meal firm Bariev quiet; barley malt quiet; YVeat ern. 654172. Wheal %kmt steady. No. 2 red. 7%c. f o.b afiiHti; options after a firmer open ink wlkch was influenced by small Ar gentine shipments, and steady English cables, turned weak and ruled heavy ma; of Hie session under bearish continental odvlcea and favorable Argentine harvest news Hu vers were also restrained by prospect* for a large increase in North wrest Slocks, very small rahle acceptances and lack of outside speculallvr .>r*lers. In the last few minutes a ae.ond rally occur red on covering and th* .dose was steady at %c -f*. line to #c advance. Maiea in cluded No. 3 rsd January closed 78c; May. 79'jc; In . ember. 77% Corn—Spot, easier. No. 2, 46. , elevator Option market was generally steady all day. demand being Inspired by cables, rains In Ihe coni belt, a heavy disirlb utlon from Reahoard points, and poor gi ailing at Chicago, closed firm and '4c net higher. May dosed 42%- ; De*mber. 6Yr i*at#—Rpot quiet. No t. SPy. options quiet end about sleaetv meats easy, pickled shoulder*. 5%fl Lsrd steady; December closed"" *7 n‘j nominal; ptfa4). Fork mwiijy. Rutter firm, ersamtry. lSffjg. factorv tftfW*-. T ' Cheese firm large September. 11 Ue, small Sepiemher. 11%.' large late mad*. • small late made. He. Eggs strong, state and Penimylvanla Ti 0348’ Western regular packing at mark. 221J27c Potatoes quiet. Tallow dull. 1 .11. ~ I|C f * Rosin quiet. • Turpentine dull and weak 427!4 ,, v Rice s'eadyf Molasses Wtsady; New Orleans, open kettle, goo.) to choirs. 3204*8 Cunbage sleadv Ootton hy atsani lo Uverpool J)8- Coffee—#pot Rlo weak. No. 7, Invoice. 7>.); mild quiet. Cordove. *H4|l3i,e Tic m. for coffee futures opened barely steady at Iff IS points decline, and ruled active end Irregular under realizing and some short selling with a later partial reaction on covering But th* undertone wae still weak on account of the contin ued heavy movement and unsailsfactoiy *rcu!aiion and dfscrlbutlon of sup pits# . losed barely steady, net 10 to 16 points lewer Total sales 13.9n hags, including February at *0)r; March. 9 15* ... 6 aor Bugar—Raw firm, fair reffning 3 15-16* centrifugal 96 test. 4 8-19 c; molastev sugar J 11-l*c; refined steadi’. fOTTOY ar.ED OIL. New York, Dec 7—Cotton seed oil was considerably steadier and mrs.e active on sales to fill Maiawllies Steamer pr mpt oil selling el IByc. Prime crude barrels 284 c; prime yellow 314 e; off summer yel low RkeOllc: p Ime win'er yellow 170 *7%e; prime while 34035 c. prime meal 325 0 .. CHICAGO MAIIKRTk. . Chicago, Dec 7 —Higher cahlss. light Aigentme shipments and rain In the country, together with report# of a better cash demand and fears of a rupture be tween Portugal and ilo lmd. combined tn help wheat to-day, January cloying 4c. higher. Corn closed a shad* 10 %c and isais ’ye up, and provisions 2YsQ5c lower. Plant System of Railways. Train* operated hy 9nth meridian tUaw- One hour slower than city time. In effect Nov. S, *> Ail tratua Lv Bavannith Daily Ar. Savannah Bel w een 2 16 am H tvannah |l3 I" am I) 1 m Waycuss | 1 flu a<u • . • am J . ksonviita iv U am 3 '■ pin Ind Fktida ,;3 4a pm 5 o'pm (Monia | 7 I*'pm Bet ween 1 3' am ... Ravannah GI 45 am m| • 1 7 .<u am 1 1 > pm ind Last 6 55 pro Lv Brunswick Ar Brunswick llciw. I, 6 Fam . llrun wick i* * ftm 9 0 pm Je-up .... | U pm . kavannah and .. 17 15 am J • ksonvilb il 35 pm ConnrctUaia at Port I'anipa with Pan insular and I J> ntai ilrumtli leaving fur Key V\ ,*: ami Havana .viundaya, Thursdays ~. i Saturdays. HRa m. Call al Ticket < iff) ... for further infor mation. J. 11. POLHF.MI'B T P A WARD CLAUK U ' Ticket Agent. D* B.UI. Hotel Phone T3 B W WItFVN p>.lnzer Traffic Man ager. Savannah Ga mt;i:<u>Gi\ % livcoy ffehedul# Effective Bep( 19 191®. Trains arrive at amt depart from Central 81 a 11. u. Was: prtsod. f'Kil Ilf Liberty street kkh 611 rl.l la ii Time-On# hour slower than city lime Lave Arrive Savannah: Augi" la Mat on Atlanta •I 46an Mil ■ . - 1 • OOptn and all Iniermcllate |Mlnts| | Augusts Mneun. Alluhla.; Athene. Montgomery, Co-) *9 ODptn lumhus, lltrmlugham. Am- *6 OOaro Isrlcu#, Kufaula and Troy.) 6 00pm I Msver Aiv ommi 'latl >n )97 48am 12 (sqim Guyton Dinner Train ||4 bptn •Dully lEv rpt Sunilav, BETWEEN HAVANNAH AND TYBEE 751 h meridian or Havacnah city lima LEAVE SA V ANN AII Moittlnv only 625 a tn Dally azeapt Monday 9■• a m flatly 34® p. m LEAVE TYREE Monday only ; 16 a. m Dally *x**pß Monday 10 25 an Dally 639 p. m. Connerllona Blade at terminal potnlg with all tealna Northwest. Weal aod Boulhwe*i Rreepli.g cal., on nlgbt trains hetwegn havannah and Augusta. Muon. Allaoia and Blrniingnam Parlor cars on dzy trains belween Ba vanuah Marts and Atlanta. For ri'mplote Inform." lon, schedulos, rales and * ooneetton*. applv to W O BREWER, CRy Tl. ket and Pate enger Ag#nt. 107 Bull street, or W R McINTY'RE. Depot Ticket Agent. .1 (' HAILE. General Passenger Agent. E II HINTON. Traffic Manager THKO. D. KLINE. Gen Superintendent. Stvacnah. Oe /^B^VESTIBUttO (IMITED Double Daily Service Thr abort litir tr- Norfolk. Waaldnctan, lie minor.. Fblladelphla, Now York and ,'h* Eo<. ARIUVAI. or TRAINS FROM No 27 Norih and East sno am No. 8 I'rnmark and Lu ll Sta llon* 10 90 am No 21 North and t*t 11 10 pm No 04 Jackaonvlile anil Florida... Ik pm No Ti M'nHonwry und Waal I |> pm No 7* Helena and l> al Polnta.. 1 45 am No M Jackaonvliln and Florida...ll 40 pm DBPARTFRF, OF TRAINS FOR Nn 27 Jacksonville and Florida .. 2IK am No. 21 Jacksonville and Florida .12 U pan No II Naw York and Earl. 1 M pm No. 24 Tianmark and Aupunta 1 W, pm No 71 Montcotnrry and Waal 7 am No n Halana and laical Station* ( in pm No M Naw York and Karl 11 11 pm MasSlfli ent Fullman buffer rl'.pln* car aarvlca lo Washington Baltimore l’hila dalpbla and Now York, alao lo Jackaon- Vllle and Tam|a Pining rare from Savannah to llamkat and Richmond lo New York DufTei parlor cara Savannah lo Mont comer). For additional Information apply to Ticket Ollier, Hull and Bryan (traela. Rhone 21. The lead Inc future# ranaed aa follow*: Ocentnc liicheei boweat.Cloamc Wheat. No 2 Pec 7DHO7M, 7>>‘, 7n*i TIP, Jan TO’.hTl'i 7*. TmYfIWH 714,071 H llav 735574 747171*, TVS 7rtT*74 Corn. N<* *■- Dec .... 2rl*', *4 *7H 2T*4 Jan MS • 3hA, 24 24* Hay ... A*, 'i 96 T ANARUS, Id*, XA4, 345(24\ Oat*. No- 2 Dec 21H 21H 31*4. 21H May ... 22522S W 4 23*. 23% Mere Fork, par barrel— Jan *l2 224 *l2 25 sl2 US 112 3 May ÜBS BBS 2192*3 U Bard, per 10U pound pr 7 10 7 15 7 10 TIIH Jan * 92*4 S <1 May ti 9f, S *S * Short Rlbr ner ton nonnd- J,n 5 32*,* .' * S May * 37S 42% *• Cah quotation* were a* Mlow*: Flour quiet, and steady: No 2 Sprlnc wheat, aargfic. No. 2 rel. 74- . No. 2- corn, 29c: No 3 yellow M2*c. No. 2 oota. 3k-; No. 9 white. 9Na*V.-; No. 2 White.. 54 S j-,. Fair to choice maltlnr barley, V>d,'>7 No 1 f l ®* need. Fie. No. 1 North western. 9t.71t; Frlme timothy seed. 24 m Me*, pork. |>er barrel. 411 27Sffll-5. Bard, per l'* piunda. t7.1007.U5: Short riba aide,, tlooaei. 14 500A72. Dry Halted ahoulderf. (boaedt. V*4|%o; abort clear ,I!,t iifcxedi 54 1J06.M. Whlaky, batda of high wine*. 9127. ••It C arrd He." "Oraybeard broke up rheumatlam on me," *aya Mr. Cha*. Thomas, the )• eier on Whitaker street. "And put me In better health tnan I hava enjoyed la a lone time." Taka Oraybeard FlUa for that dtscy feeline—Boat appal Ita. and follow It up with a bottle of Greybeard It ta all you need Ueapef* Drue Cos., eole prop*.. Sa vannah. Oa.~ ad A Hlch-Orada Institution for Eadlts Shorter Collece. Rome. Qa. WrUa for eatalocue—ad. 9