The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 09, 1900, Image 13

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IWKT TWO. ; L ER'S. ADLER’S. ADLER'S. ADLER’S. ADLER'S. ADLER’S. ADLER’S. ADLER’S. ADLER S. ADLER’S. ADLER'S. ADLER’S. ADLER’S. ADLER’S. ADLER’S. ADLER’S. ADLER’S. ADLER’S. ADLER'S. ADLER’S. ADLER’S. ADLER’S. The Largest Christmas Tree Ever Seen ! It Reaches Away Up Into the Third Story. Santa Claus Planted it for Savannah's Children, XMAS TOYS. me BEST ON THE MARKET -The Celebrated "TflMPfl" 2-Button Laflies’ Kid Glove .oo New Dress Goods and Silks. lifktas. guaranteed absolutely pare silk, In a large assortment ol colorings, worth 75c. cn Reduced to jUu ill-silk Poplins, in a handsome variety ol shades, in cluding old rose, castor, pearl gray, cardinal, pink, white and black, worth SI.OO. QC n Red need to 0 Jli BLACK SILKS. Black Taffeta, good rustling quality, with a lustrous lioisii, 27 inches wide, worth $lOO, QC n Reduced to 0 uli Black Pean de Soie, satin luxor, satin marvellieux, corded, plisse and crimpled Talietas, QQ n Reduced to uQu DRESS COODS. -j-inch Twilled Back Broadcloth—in the very test and most wanted colorings, such as purple, re • Ja. , ictor, light tan, navy blue. Vale, heliotrope, .irk green, black—The very best materials for en lit . shirt waists, etc worth 5i.25 a yar.iOQp —t last of them on sale Monday at only OdU 4'.. ,h Black Cheviot Homespuns—Wool, and ou wouldn't have such a .lllnce ottered you but lor the backward season. We bought them at about all price from one ot tife leading makers of New Y rk.and they are just the right weight for storm : eparateskirts. The prices instead of "5c OOp ard will be only ddu DESIRABLE SHOES. Slippers for Xnu* Presents —W arm Fur Trimmed Ft i slippers, in ail colors, at $1,25. hildren’s Felt Slippers, Red, only 75C. Ladies’ Patent Ideal Kid Queen Strap Slippers, hand t :;is, French heel. A splendid slipper at $3.50. price $2.50. Ladies’ Sandals, in all styles, toes and straps, the ewhere. Our price SI.SO. Men’s Box Calf and Vici Kid Romeos, in tan and B k, hand-turn s lies, also in opera l slippers, 5--50 > Ltvats2-00- - Tan at, l 111 tck Kid Rorn*ow henry sole*. II 50 quality for .goc All now *o:hU. gu.ltrd Satin soft Sole LiM, fur trimmed. In red. blue W mimethtiiK* ni<e. at *7 3cr. CHRISTMAS lIANDKI RCIIIEFS. • *■* La e Trimmed f\ Ladles Hem at and r\ i i*red corner# | 1/7 sw!*h Embroidered 111 A • iiematltched I 111 Lace edtfe an <l pure III 1 enda in iultfala 111 linen center* / ftl • '.'it* red Japan**'* I 111 Scolloped Lmhroldered # / 1 1 Vv Llv Real Lace Handkerchiefs, $1.51) (o $12.5(1 A UNIQUE PRESENT FOR THE HEAD Of THE HOUSE A TRICOT SMOKING JACKET, ,S.. $5.00 LARGEST TOY DEPARTMENT IN THE CITY. Bring or send the children. We have people to take care of the little ones and show them around % Boys’ large, l g -£3 well-made Ye* Wxrx locipede, WOllh 51-75. go at $1.39 iron Nickle Plated Stoves, omplete, with pots. go ll 25f. Toys, X-mas Toys, WHY NOT A Carpet for Christmas ' hile They’re Cheap? Beautiful Carpet FOR _ $l.OO Yard. ,ni as Toys, X-mas Toys. - ' - U, IMHO ■ O. * go at IVW. - - ■ ■ ' - _ _ ADLER'S. ADLER'S. ADLER S. ADLER'S. ADLER'S. ADLER'S. AOLER'S. AOLER'S. ADLER S. ADLER'S. ADLER’S. ADLER'S. ADLER'S. ADLER S. ADLER S. ADLER S. ADLER'S. ADLER'S. ADLER'S. ADLER S. ADLER'S. Morning Xmio. X MAS T O Y S X MAS 15. m. l .'**?- Large size Black BiHS large GO-CARTS. OS&* Boards, on easels. N well - nude 1 We Dave the lamest worth 39c, goat * wagons, till line in the city. We MMI J9 C ". ' sejt. wbip yon as a special l A rs . Potts’ Toy i and lioes ' i-JmKz' price—yoar choice ol II Sad Irons and tW* Worth $l-98 I. jL tWO—at [W —ilstands, worth 10c. v go at $1.49. 25c Each > I go at Large, Iron axle, heavy, well-made Doll Hammocks and Stands, 5 C Backboards, worth $2.00, goat $l.OO worth 50c. go at 25c each. X mas Ton s X mas i ON s X mas Toys Well-made Roller Top Writ ing esks ' w °rthsZso, go at s The Boss Red Chairs or Rockers go at * f [9c NVe are offerinn tone special* In our China and Houselur* nlshing Department. For Monday we offer you Solid Bowl*, Platter*. Celery Traya, and Comb and Bruah Iraya, all olealy decorated and worth 50c each, at 25c each. Decorated Qerman China Cupi. Saucera and Plate Set* go at 10c. Will! lied lies si Some Swell Effects in Women’s Garments. Misses’ Plaid Golf Capes, fringe finished, were SS.SU.US Misses' Heavy Cloth Reefers, sailor collars, handsomely trimmed with braid, also finished at neck and Qfl 50 Misses’ Heavy Kersey and Melton Reefers, odds and ends of styles and sizes, were $7.50 to $lO.OO. QC fifl 100 Girls' Ready-to wear dresses, lined through-P I Aft out, cashmere revers wI'UU Ladies’ Heavy Golf Skirts, stitched, 6 TOWS at bottom. sl. US Ladies’ Mink Scarfs, 8 tails 81. US jjL Gray Kritnmer and Black Astracnan Cape V* Moufflon edge, were $12.50, t $8.50. CPSL 15 Ladies’ Tailored Suits. ikjjW WTrKfflr * n O x f or( 1 and Light Gray, Skirt lined with percaline and IHH tW | coat mercerize lined... $5.00 1 1Y v! Ladies’Tailored Suits, in Cheviot*. Jj'3 -jW I \ \ ' Venetian and Ladies’ t.lotli. blouse JmMi I j ii 'f and Eton Coat effect, coat silk lined. $18.50. II JOYS r ■ ■ MllllS. II IS II ill US' Minis SAVANNAH, GA„ SUNDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1900. Yuletide Joys At this happy season of the year, when everyone is striving to bring pleasure into the lives of others, we have made strenuous endeavors to do our part. Our part consists in making prices so low, that even the poor est can enter into the'spirit of this joyous season. And This We Have Truthfully Done. SEE IP IT IS NOT SO! As a special nvc offer you three dozen of our Covered Turkey Roasting Pans at one price; they are worth Stag Handle Sheffield Steel Carving Sets, worth 52.50, go ®t $1.19. Book Department. Wlaw purchaser* In thin line* nmkf their n>W--*:• ffirlv tefo*e the lnevilMe hn|. Wiay ruih oivura For th* next we**k or two you will Lav* a t*iter opportunity than )ix will later to kk c t*rfully through the hook • and .ir'ermlor wlwat you desdi* \V offer a very Urge a*oortment, at prices (h it aiu.ot U dupli at. l. a lew Of which w** quote he low . The LuptOfl "Gold Bertas, ” 10 mo , half "HANDY VOU’ME EDITION. Pa-kH white vellum, gpdd lop#. leather. In Po**ni and lk**k a A collection of 2&0 choice title* nontly very pretty sift lorn?* by Burn*. la** tMund, well prime. l. t*n gw*il paper, in fact fellow. fMev t-n twi Tenet y *ori Hbort > first >'lhm ttfhik In every rentes t The gtorlea h\ Kipling Mitchell, Kußkln. (Uiltl- I lint of tiiKen haa beau ■<> finer jMieci*| en.Hh. lamh and other* only 300 of :Mat It In -Judes a.moat over) aLtndaul them Prb e v> j Aork. Pile _ Itmr.Hß ANl> PRATER noOKA~A fine * aaiorinxint of HI til. i*. Kplm ..,.*1 Prayer !.• Hnk>. 1* mo A choir, lino. prc,. |u...k an.l Hymn..; an.l , .ihoilr I'r.iy.r tlljr bound In cloAl*. •mmrt.'.l colors, with h. at vir >•> |i <■* K., .1 *nd fancy-ink ornament,,,nm Th 1.M..1 In ho a,*..rlmenl I. one tok wwrimtn, "!•* of J* standard lit , h „.„ w „ „ lr .y h* worM’a beat author. Our pH TI AOttKltS' HUM X, nlc-ly bound t..r the*, book* c ijvulumo , n „,ll l. ,n„. r . with dtvlnlly circuit * v ‘ fold It g Ue f*'v *7 Indira. Prlo JUVENILE BOOKS. 31.45. YVe have a stock of fully 90,000 of tlw* |;p -yijwl l’ Ti\er Book* niul Hymnals, books. Including;: timely or In 40c to h-,,H H< >Yrt-*urh *uthon. u Oliver Op- , ;11h0| ,,. Vrmytr | U ,ok*. jfc. lo j. n ~c h II . Horatio Ak* r. Harry furl lonian. I r. ntH. oil*. Elll*. Kent)-. SlnUvlu-v. r. Wake mor. naan lo cihiWt an.l many oihrr*. ,>,,r ' <dld ,y lsal.. c .hall . lore all I ..It HIHIJt <M,r lln* of there In. 1.l- , H,r line ~f 1 I’APHR HOOKS many many popular hooke by such author.- a- 1,1 "• '"•'*"’*l hundr*.H of 1.. lisa M A ct,. Mr*. M>title, Ms. r. ‘ ; " I*'" 1 ’ 1 "• I,iK Mr*. Mole*rih. Kate l>oi,*l .* Wl- cl, ‘ ,r '>!•••. ,H K.ael paper, at only la *ach. Fin Amanda Itouklia*. IL>aa < wrey hiw| n tr.y other*. Price* 7rvan to $l !• h 4 lIHIITIH4 i lIHHi, ( ALEMIAH9 * 'IrOR| 1> rb'Tl’HK BOOKF. over 3"0 .%Mi HOUhl l lt-A VAI4T \.M rh'doe kin<le. prlcew frt>m 3c to 11.9a. ■ hl.dren-, Ulnen and lnd. atructal-la \ tMIi:D HIIAWTIIW AT book*, a vary large a**orititciit to *el*H’t FHOM at TO from. lV* to fine. HANDSOME FURNITURE CHRISTMAS Q O This White Knamel All ’ <1 i>n Iron Cril >. hrass knobs rc :<Lr+fff] ’a sides, strong, well yr'Hli 1 * If ?H 7 I Iff ONLY $5.25 - iMBEII hptojttji This White Enamel* ~* ■ i Bed, with new hook I a -p. brass knobs, like J v wU*- £■* <2 -aMircut, worth $O.OO, J| £ & ONLY $6.50 ' This celebrated Rory O’Moore Kocker, in Rich |\uul | j Golden Oak and Cherry, BSSBuT/JT genuine leather seat, bolted arms, large and comfortable,worth $5.50, Only $3.69 x MAS T O Y S X MAS is. XMAS TOYS. Choice j&b Millinery. > Millinery That Was Planned to Evoke the Admiration ol Every Woman. Millinery That Excels in Beauty and Daintiness. We Have Never Shown So Many Styles. And Never Before at Prices So Attractive, Line Trimmed Hats at $2.50. • Ready-to-Wear Hats, Fedoras, Roosevelts, and all the latest, 98c and $1.25. DOMESTICS. Yard wide Fruit ol Loom Shirlmg 7?^c KM Unbleached Sheeting 15c 10- Bleached SbeKing IHc Single Bed Sheets, made ol PeppueF 39c Double Bed Sheets, made ol Pepperel 49c 15c Pillow Cases ~ 10c 25c Hemstitched Pillow Cases 19c BLANKETS COMFORTS. Full size (omlorts. regular price $l.OO 69c Sateen Covired Comfort, filled with while cotton, regular price $2.00 SI.4H 11- hnelisb Fleece Blankets, regular price $2. .<1.48 , 11-4 TV bite all-wool Blankets, regular price $1.50. $3.75 11-4 White all-wool taliloruia Blankets, regular price $6.00 $4.48 appropriate for cifts. M.rnllVent <Hply of Coloninl Clock!. In th. lutr.t <W .lirfiM, from *3.60 to *O.OO Hi-illn* Kl.v*-r Novell!** tn Horn*. Hutton*. File, N.U n„.l Tooth Brunh**. for 26**. 3* 60.- "*i Kteriinic Silver HuppHe*. In lett. r opener, Ink eraaer, hlotln - . *rrvrlop. n4*t*ner, *'■•*l hoUrr* nl v..le for O*,. Ktwmv with Mlver irlmniln**. In .'lotlt .I*l llalr Flruh. . l*o Coml* *nl llaiel Mlroor*. for Uic. IS ■ll 1! II mi mu is KU II II 101 111 PAGES 111 TO 24. Toys For Boys And all the Joys Of the Happy Christmas Tide For Children Everywhere- X-mas Toys. X-mas Toys. Suitable Presents For the Holidays. HANDSOME RUGS. WILTON. AXMINSTER. SMYRNA. Beautiful Skin Rugs. ialack. VAJ M I TC, GREY. X-mas Toys, X-mas Toys. X mas Toys X mas Toy s X mas Toys