The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 10, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 NOBODY SEEMS TO OPPOSE IT. C Ot'.ATY Turin liFM’l mK BILL RAY 4*o TIIH4M i.H I K IMMOI 4LL ilf>prMrnllUr Vi riu * if (hr Hilt 4% hfeh I'rrmli* th- ( oun Tr**- •rrr tu %||*oln n 4 I* rk. Ml *to r Pub llr I’.iprnar, !• PlMMird— lt Villi B* Hr cm •*• thr < oani) iinhorUlr# \r%er I'llrtl m Prof Ml I ■■■ Hr. Well* *Mlf If Tbr> ( ualil iflord ti it! Quirt In lh- I !*•. s o < #ull Hr. Rut ll- lioran't I Link tlir Hill la Proprr or Ihnl It 4uicht In Piaa. Ilrpmentaflvc Dxvti WrlU lIM l*t t hi thi th tmliffcr* nc* ot the author lt.o> h*fc w.ll b# rMpot)iib> tor the rr >. I in ihr bill Authorizing th* ccifMy Ut-iiuVer to appoint a clrrk to b* l -id ly tht county. b oima a law dr U>li (he atitua of thla 1 I and hit poet lion as to its correctness •iti propriety. •'Weil, it tiss the House." he r • •‘wered, "sud unless some effort 1* ini!* to prtvini it. it will probably ps*-* lie tk*nnte. Heretofore, nobody has* nt*e<J L voice in protest and the bill has !>♦•* n .fferrd to attain 1 present poaition !*• < uie there was no opposition Per - >r *. > sai lMr Welle. *‘l think t :*#■ fe ll. I wr .rtgr W hy. th* ->’(••* tr#*a . r - i* 12.000 a year, and the county f *• tnir. receivir4t a salary off o nrhc certainly to t*e ah.- tu emj > h; own .• rk and pay him. Do you xpt t to make any effort • I *ient the ii?*-aif• uf the bill? Mr Weils was ask* 1 •Not unless I r* * .ve some ewlence of Ciposlton tp H- p w** fr >m th* insti tuted author It 1* - *>f the < -*unty or th*- Public. So far ap lam advised there h.- 1 BMI 1 H t • i vratitlM authoritl • rand told tfcsß that if they would draft a protest or Rive me e*‘tn* indication- **f their wishes •“! po sition in the matter, which I could pre e r to the Ifous* 1 would gladly u||--o-# the bill. They have never sent nru any such protest or given me permission to us** their names In the matter "Oh, l *ni not going to give them away." -lid Mr \V‘lle. w hen he was a k < J shorn he* msnt when t- us*l Uu sor<l "author**lee " **l wrote to enough it them, an 1 I never *; and induce them r t say anything >r lo anything th;if would nuthnrtK rru to oppose the bill ** their representative. U infer the rtreum r-UUices when they did not feel railed upon to expr* s their opposition to th** me**sure. 1 huv#- not felt railed u|on to invite the renaure and abuse that won 1 la* rer’in to follow my persona! and un supported opposition. Hut I *l**r’t think there l- any reason fur th** county **- Minking this addlltoru*! charge, and I don't think th*- bill ought to bte'ome u law." The bill in question, which w ** Inrro lured bv Itepre-mtu ivs Harden provide, that the county trea-urcr shall Is* au thorised to rnu*> ■' a < lerk. • i sal *r\ of s>■• a ysar. which shall he paid out of the county funds Kepri* ntsUv- Wells returned to \- Imp* night, in m party which |nrlu*l ed BenHtfrs Gann Bplnks rnl If imrfek The named constitute th- sub committee of the Committee on Kdu itln of the Henate that came to Bavatuiah to Investigate fb- workings of the colore*! college at Thunderbolt. TltYlVt* rtHI % MtillT WMOOL. Means at the Disposal of the Hoard. However. liipuflielrnt. Effort* will Y*# mads to induce the IVar*l of Kdoration to re-establish th* right school for boys. Misa Fanny Mini- Is reparted to have l** gun the move men: and t.’ie aid of gentlemen of influ*nee will be secured in the hope of making tt sue c assful. Rev Dr. John D. Jordan, pastor of the First Baptist Church, ha* • <yel to .is sis* in the undertaking. He will endeav or to persuad*- tn Board of KpSumtlon to give tioyi, sito canrxit iittcml s< h- i during the day. mu opp rtunity to do s at night. I)r. Jordan s.ill yesterday that he ballevei* this advantage should !• plac'd in the way of boys, who have to work during th*- day. and. therefore, are unable to attend the public schools. Cu tes* the chen< *■ a* given them, they will grow trj> without education. Mr. Otis Ashmore, sui***rlntendent of th* public schools, and that toe financial |o -eitton *>f Uie Board of education U not now such as to admit of the r* - oration of the night school. TTe demands upon She tmard are such as t< It lmt* -l bh toi it to entor int and •i* r expense In IHitT the night school was discontin ued. The fund- nt the tomman I of tn* li**rd of Rdut afion Insuffi- inet * admit of ltP < ■on 11 nuance, pih! as a iiuiM'-r of necessity It top; *d. Its w<rrk had been effective dating t!>* sever.*l years of Sts existence, and kMihtle- ther** would have tjeen a large *-c.roKnwnt each ye.r Lad the lK>ard te*n aide to tear the • - I*em*e. At one tlm*- there wore an many as l&G boys in the school. wli h was con ducted tn the Whitfield bulklJng. and at no time did the number fall lelow To. HI t.iWAY l> i llll*l*l-:4% A M|l tUB. FrlKlitenrd Hors** Made a Hath hot Uhp Mopped 1m III* Driver. A runaway that but for the cooim*n >f the driver, might have had *riotr conseiquences. happened y*‘Pterday oftir r<ion on the eaet side of Chippewa Squar on Berry street. I)r. T J Cbarlton*s buggy with Henry Benders, driver, was standing near the aidewaik when the horse b' .inw* fr|ght*n c<i by the u<lh n spieirancr of another tiorse that had et- u|*-d from a staide on street, and came dashing around the corner. I>r. Charlton s hor** madt w break westward on 1 -rry street, hut went only a few feet when H turned Into th* rquars and Janms-d the hogev Into a piilm*-tto tr*-- wni<h It • anplet-4y pulled out of tm- ground, but smashed I* yond the rear wheel of the v - Lhde in doing so. The driver, though taken by surprise vj/ii-n the first dash was mad stuck to Lie and did not leave the buggy until he had the horse under control. Had L* not done so the rocisequcn* es mig’it Lave beet) serious, ae there were n hum her of children ph*ylng in the square, and beside*. H number of psdestfiaos wore In the vMniry. NYRKK MAY Hi: HFCOItDFft. ID* Friend* Msking n ( ampi In llln Intern**. Mr. Bhelby Myrh k la understood on l*reity t -i authority to be an aspirant for the re, ord-rshtp and Is said to have the support in this amltdtlon of Hon. F CJ dußlgnon ar<d ostier Influential friends Mr. My nek is n ij ukr young man and did * run- speech making f*r the adminis tration side u*h summer Recorder Hrt rldga IS pretty well thought of by the pfosrjt bard, however, and does not •Und half a bad rhanoe of re-election. Brought Hack Three Deer. A party of deer hunter*, consisting of Messrs T J Dscis. George Perkins. Hen ry Perkins, Walter Howard and G. M Willett returned from Ossabaw Island yesterday with three deer as the result fa three day's hunt. The weather was fusat. and game plentiful, watch made Ike trip a AM** enjoyable one. Bit* BLACK t 41 *HD ALARM. Kurnlng llallding Mletakea for Works of i olios Of I Company. A -beet of flame, proceeding from a turning budding northwest of the .ty. U* The immediate direcTson in which the works of th*- Southern Cotton Oil Com* par y located, excited strong apprv ! cr.f .on la.-t that the works were again aH*se Tr*e fire became notVeable about A IS o clv k and Superintend ett! Mag of th* departmen*. with a vm* a. er.g;ne and a detachment of men, proceeded in quirk order in the direct.on of the Maze It was currently reported over the csfy thaf the Colton Ci; Works w-re on fire r-J Mr L W lia k. U manager of the company at Saiarnah. went out to the works When : • firemen and Mugu re reached the w rks. It was dts ier*d that the tire was some half a mil* aw a leyond tne tra k> of the Sea t> ari Air Lin* and not to he with th* apparatus It was sent back to Yh* l e 1* stroyed a hultding l*Mated i*sr th Hermitage, '•akl to have con- Yr.'d material f >r v*-g*-'able pa sage* of various kirnD. and also communicated it- j -•-if to and destroyed some of the bay ( r k- near the houj-e. The r*i->rt i- that the property destroy* • l l .onged to Mr Be-cbe*-. Fur a tku** trw* lire a 'tided well up towards the hc.ivr-ne. tuid It ** * med ttiml Its serious n* and the value of the property be- Ir g destroyed were greater than th*y w, r* after*.r l. proven to la* The prob ahill’v {- .at the will not exci-t*) a few burnlreal dollars. NOT Vt.VlN'l TIIK HILL. 4 t|. %\ % ll* MUi i the l*alt|on <if 4f||'rr • • the taUßrde. Th<- t '.<<unc* men| from AH.tnm that Cbd. W *• <l ir inspector general of the Georgm Htat# Troop** s opf*os*<l to the tail row lefore sn* legislature, which. If pi--id. would make the Savannah Volun teer Gui’ds battalion <-f heavy artillery, h o revivi ii p -mi* nan e to the final oufcotm* of that mat ter Pol T. S Wylly, Jr , of th** First Infantry has announced that he is going tu Atlanta rlns week n<l this gave ri-*- o th** re|H*rt that poiwdbly his trip had something to do with the propntu*d itrtll- I* ry bill, but hi* reply *o th** Morning New* reporter, who saw him about the r* port, will put at rest any further rqiecu luflon as to his pot.*ai In the matter, and tlmt of the First Regiment. Col. Wylly w in tol l -hut it w n reported that - trip to Atlanta would le for the pur of protecting against the Guards' battalion being detach***! from the First Regiment. ' You can soy for tn**," .ild <*•! Wylly. "that It Is wrl'hout th** alight ••-! foundation In fa** sp aklng t*n my - If. and I am sure I voi. • tie- sentiment f in* whole raiment when I say that I lwv* th*- hlgh*-Ht f* ellng of friendship ami > omrndeshtp for the Guard's. Hut I would riot. If I could do so. |ut the slightest otv -tarie In #he way of tliejr proposed leg islation What we. ah the First Regiment. w*n 1- a reg men f fully equipped and ready nt all times for quick and efficient service Whether the organ!zat.on In ludes the Guards' battalion, the Augusta battalion, or *lngle companies stationed it different places. Is a matter entirely with the Governor and the military de partment In Atlanta. "Certainly It would never o-rur to me a- an officer in the.stat service to sug g- t to tio*e <>m lals or to the depart ment any personal preferences I might entertain, or to suggest i* th*-m what I m-ght shlnk w- is their duty In such mat ter.* Your Informant. I am Inclined to think, must more accustomed to han dling m liters of |s>litics than military. No. my trip to Atlanta, has nothing what ever * do with ny o||MM-itkn to th* <Guards becoming a battery of heavy ar- Mllery. or anything Hm* conne<*ted with that battalion " lIXF.D TNK HFMhlVilllll.lTV. Officers ire to I'sy fr the V.os* ot l*rnierty In the Hines. An order from the military department t Atlanta r**l itlve to th*- finding of the te;ir*i *f urv' y appointed jMm** tm* ago to look Into th** pmperty liJt *f the Re. publicm Blues hat l*eeti received by the • ommandlng officer of the First Infantry. The tMtard found that there were a num ber of articles lont. their value txdng In t lie n*-l i :Jorhofc| *f IP* Of this nmourt It Is adjudged tbit t’.apt M Ed Wilson, the i-r -nt commani-r of the cotnt>any. pay all hut about f. ns he Is regarded as principally r> 'iH>nlb|e f*r the *>f th* property MaJ. W L. Grayson, the com manding offb * r immediately preceding r I|*t. Wilson, Is to pay th- %'■ fhat. with the amount paid by t’apt. Wilson, will c*mf-iisi:e th* state for the loss. (’apt. Wilson isked for the br.inl of sur vey i- -o**n as h** found that the company w.s short ;i |*ortk#n of Its property that • ould not be fourul ir*l-rs wre issu*-d from AtUuita iiccs*rdlngly, and (’apt. 1* F. Gleason of tiw* Irish Jasper Greens, f’apt. Walter E (*<MH*y. adjutant of the First Infantry, and Lieut R. G. Tunno *f company B of the Gpards were d**- tailed to serve on the board. HIGH .1. FOLEY 111. ID. %o Ear ns Is hnuan He Has No ItelNtivrs In This Gauntry. Mr Hugh J Foley of this city died Bat iirdav In Jacksonville The news was received yesterday by Charles Coles, pres ld**ft4 of the Bricklayers n*l Masons Fn }• n. No I, of which organization the de ceased was a member. The notice came from member of a similar organization in Jacksonville and asked that instruc tions regarding the disposition of the body l# wind *t once. Hu far as Is known the deceased had no relatives in this city, and he himself toM one of his fellow workers her** that he bad no kin In this country. He owns prop erty here, however, and his agents have be* n notified by (’oles of his death, and •Mil make an effort to-day to find If then* Is a relative here who cares o have the lo(1 y brought to Savannah for burial; oth erwise it will Im buried 1n Jacksonville. Foley was a Unit 6S years old. He was lntt in Savannah about three weeks ago. FOOTBALL FOR (HRI*TM%. The lliah tehnol Team and n VHfkrti •lKKr*iinllii I*. I’lio Tliml Im%. Even though the Savannah Football Team play away from home on Christ mas, as It is quite likely to do. Savannah fans will still have on opportunity of see ing a good game, as two teams compose*! of the younger players of the city will play at the Holton Street Bark on that < u*e of he t* ams ta that of the High School, which has some excellent player* ir Its rank*, and wh*ch on Thanklvinf Day defeated the Lawton Cadets team by a score of 10 to 0. The other team is made up of several of the Lawton's players, but ha* been strengthened mate rially. Both teams are pracekrlng almost night ly and may be expected to pul up a gvxxJ and acAentlflc game. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1000. W. S. MELL'S SECOND TRIAL. THE MAYER F J 4 ME* 111/IIEE WILL (4IW HOM % Ji H) TO-DAY. v|rrlnr I nrl llimim U 111 He 4 rnw4r*i %\lfh I nlrrr •(•*! I.letrn ere—4 tr Is the Y|**sf Celebrated In 1 im! the Evidence Interesting tear Thro|h-\r 1 rial Granted He. eatave if t hr* of Section 7.‘t. 4 hararter of kome *f the state’s Y% It nesses \% 111 He Attacked— % Look and Hitlerly t *ntes(ed Trial I iMiknl for. William S Me’,; will be placed on trial for the murder of Jim*'* Buzbee, hi* trorhcr-lr aw. In tb* H r r <’ourt, 4hi‘ morning This will be the eoond trial of this now cuebrat* i The first trial resulted in a convi' *.lon ar t sentence of death by hanging but tie Supreme Court granted an w* mai. This will be had to-day The *se has been so much In the public eye and the public prints arcl so much ha* been written and said .ilout It that there 1* " ir* nr r,e ir, Havanneh who is not f.vm.i*r w in It in all Itx ptuise.x The boy wh rn Mell hot nn<l killed was about 16 >esr* old. Th* re were no exten- ' u.vlng clr urns*ti • in the- story of th< homi* fie to! I fr--m the rtand by witness*** for the cat- . but Meir* own siat*m*n* mad* out a -a-e of **-If-defense He claim- I rd that Bux-*ee wa*- advancing upon him I with h drawn revolver when h* fir**! the i fa*al -1 a u and b.t he wui < omi* lieil t< fire in order to save hi* own life. With the root lot. for anew trial filed b> M‘-U’* count'd there were tlie affidavit* '*f two or it.r* person*, who claimed that | they had .-*■*■ n .* r* volver Bing bv young j Huxb+ c s sid* after the la*l hfm**df had fallen, fatally wound'd, to th** grotind. It will he contend* 4 *! that this revolver was ; made away with and con* n-I by th* boy's mother or some other of hi* rela tive v. connections or frien*L Tit*- d**--|sitn *f tt> H i|*r* nc (’*ntrt awarding anew trl*i <kc-- n*a *ll-. u-- nn> feature of the c.i . other than th* charg*- by Jmlge FaUigant of Be--tion 73 of th#- (’rinilti.'d (’Oil* l** the charge which I as been comm >n y rnale in till of the Hu~ tierior Cos rt* of he Mate when n and fendant Interjac***i iitc defense of juMlfi cgtlon lu-eently the Hujifcm** 4’ourt cam, . to the roflclufiun that ttr* charge was all wrong unle--* there wa* w the t**urt alle*l a "mutiiu comlwt" la tween tin panl* Two or t d"/.eri curd<- ■.,-<• - from the various • lr< ill-., have be* n r ver**tl In the Hupretn* Court by r- ion of the trial Judg< having this sec tion of the * *|e The case 1?* a l'>ng one and the evidence exceedingly voluminous A* It 1* probable that the defense will introduce consider- j ably more evidence than It did at the Ihm trial. It I* likely that three days will elapse before the ran- goes to the Jury Boll* 1 tor General \V W. Oshomw will prOM - Ute for ttje state, w hile the defend mt w.ll Im- repre*. n?*l by Mr. Joseph A Cronk and R. L. Coldlng. Th**r** h I- * n *rn* • i*t-r-fi* r >n 1* * i fiostponement of the hearing might b* made necessary because of tire enforced absence **f th*- nrit: km! witness tor th* state, but It is now understood that she will be on band when court convenes this morning Mr Gold ng said the other day tnat he saw no reason why the defendant h<>uld not be ready to proceed. The case ha* attracted more general public Interest than any in several years and this morning the court room will b*- crow ft***! In a number of w ays the cos* Is sensational, rot the lea -1 feature of It o*ing the attacks that will certainly be made upon the character nd reputat.on of some of the witnesses for the state. It Is undoubtedly true that the <ll *: --1 •i --some of them ar*- not proof against attacks of this character. The morning after th*- comml-odon *f the homicide, 4’oroner G*n tte :i-l*l an In qtttft over the body of th** dead la l At this Inquest. Mr*. Mell. the w; t- of the nlayer and the elst**r of Ins victim, told the Mime story aoout the shooting as is told by th* other • ve-wl * -'• s. After a while, howev#w. eh** repetited of the action m her part and told another story, exonerating her hu and from blame At the last trial an Ingenious m*tho*l was rc sorter! to by the lcfcns- In order to g*-t this s***ond story before the Jury Tile Wife, of course, J* not a comi*etent wltne-s either for or again -it her husband, so the prisoner. In hi* statement to :h*- Jury. ri" at*i| what he aid hi* w ife ha l told liim. The strict rule* of evld*n*e do not apply tu th* statement of th*- de fendant. and In this w.iv It was possible to get the exculpatory story before the Jury The sta *-. on the other hand, hid no way of getting the other story of Mrs. Mell lntrr*du, *d in evidence. OFFH EH* MEET TO-MGUT. YlnJ. (iravßOi'a \nvv*r nml Vutwnt >lnj#rit> *• ll* 4 iMividernl. The meeting of the line offl-* t of the First Infantry that Is to be held to-night at 10 o'clock at the Regimental Arm try will doubiles* Ik? Interesting At ill it meeting the answer of MaJ. VV. L Omy* s*>n to the committee of officers that n*>- tlfl*-*l him of his elect loti to the li**utcnant colonelcy of the r*-lm**nt wld t** mode known. M.ij Gray-on having signified 111 ln**niiun of replying to the committee to tla y. The election of a m J>r for the Thlr*l Battalion of the First Infantry, postponol for several nnctlng . 1 also to * oin** up f,*r Informal **ltli-meni Gap:. G 11. Rlcbanl*ovi, emnil ary of ih- reglm •, . has been Indorse*! by the three out-of town companies for the majority, and a preced* ni f sup|*rtlng th** nomine- *f the battalion In ne*-d of a major has b cn established among the officers. Owing •* * the fact that th* vari i* mili tary organizations In the city twive their drills to-night, the hour for the meeting of officers w.i fixed at 10 oV!o* k By that hour the drill* wt:i b' over ti-l the offi *rs will be ready to • ni'*. for th*- meetlng. Those of the First Battalion will take part In a ha i a lion *lrill that has been ordered by MaJ. Grayson. Mi <ll (4 i:4olt YET TO Mlt. SMITH. ( onunlltrr Has Yl lln-mnmi-mlnl to ( unwrrua• *•• Another l'n*i>r. No arrangement hn- yet i*ecn mad*- 1* the congregation of the First J*r* i*yte rinn Gtiureh for a successor to Rev. Arthur J. Hmlth. The committee apivolr.t ed ty the -ongreg it lon to look into th* matter has taken no action y**t. and wii make a recommendation only after a care ful selection. It whs exfiected :lmt one or two of th members of this commltt* •- w- il*l have ben in Atlanta v*-*t* rlay t hear th* Rev. Br Bull of th We*t Kc.l Giurch hut hs It ih- rw.inl dtt'<*ver*d th i Ir. Hull would not 1* In Atlanta then the committee did i u v |* ii ? known whether th* trip will .* mad later or not Your Hrwl Work Cannot be done unless you have gcod health. Y‘ou ca not have good healt; without pure bksx!. Tou m.*> have pure j boo! by taking Hoods Barstpa diu now. You cannot realize the good it w, do you until you try It Begin taking 1: to-d y and s<e how qut k y It will give you ar. j appetite, strength and vig r and cure your rheuir.atlsm, catarrh or *crofula. All liver ills ars cure! by Hood's ITUs. 2Sc.-*d. EOft THE STATE FAIR. (aiiMMing i timmil lere Will Brain Their Tnurt Ts day. I* will only require a couple of days n<w -do'r j? wiil br known whether or rti Bai nnah wants the Btat*- Fair. It is not expected that all the money needed w - sates ritird in that tim* hut the put and response will he sufficient to show whether or rot the people want the fair. T?e (snvti inr commltiet* will begin their work this morning The indications • u**m*n who have f#:t the pub.i puleo n the subject are very gratifying and they will brgtn their work In goud spl it. Many of tn*? committeemen have th*m eiv*-a subs rirwd iibersliy. and are hen* • ;n tb*- tight humor to interest others, l* t >tt eahle ftature l- that ol thu tw*..ty-hve ur thirty commHteemen ap {toaueii t.’iere have been very few decltna- UOi.f*. and oil uf these fur guuJ cause, n*r t** a;-e the pirtiea defining were a * it to t-e abaeni from the city or be c.ium of th- absence or Ibn*■.-> of business t- which prevent*-*! them fr m i.Uik their sttentt*n to outside matters. A thorough division of the work has • .. made, the various Interests being al lots* 1 t* sei arate • *mmn *•- Inshad of dividing th- >-ity Into districts. A few ,:r*- were overlook and In making the a*- lotrnent, but th*/* will b#*Added on to-day, t Ini* i Yon being not to overlook an** ; wh<> ni.ty d:r* •:> or iiidir* -sly tenefft* 1 by ItoUhr.g the fair in Savan nah it is a long tlmr- since Savannah had an affair of any kind to bring the |K<ople here fr*m ull quarters of the state," *aid i g* n(l*-m n lnt**re*i**d in the movement, si. i it h im* w- were I-#lr.< som* thing *o wake the p#*ople up to the fact that wr ere still doing business at the old t ind Savannah has ken touch with a great portion of the** and the sooner w* con get ton-h with th*tn again the t***tt*r ff we will be. Nothing w.ll yerve ?hl* piirj'OMe batter than large state fair conducted by suc--eseful business men. The small entertainments we have •! tn r* ■ eit ycar have only drawn limited numrer of p*ople from th sur roui *ling counties, and it is dm** we reach *i out som*what h*yotul our own doors. We have held >tu ♦•seful celebrations her-* ■ n large s ! Anyone who looks l*a<‘k tne variouik centennial and military elebratlons will remember this As far i k .• thirty yisrs ago the fairs at S \ant.nh were very- largely attended The I-*?-u..:i-*n of Bouth Georgia and Florida • -* in this t** i lc! increase*! two and n half time-, and the railroad facilities ar- Kumenjoiy niTicrior to what they were t** *-n With the assurance of the fact that there is t ie a first class fair on a Urge tie held In Savannah, there u:d • no *itffbnlvv in drvtwing crowds h*r*- which i? will tax the city's facilities to accommodate. "In fiict." he concluded, "it Is about time that Savannah had a big entertain* ment Just to show our friends thst we an do these tilings on> e in a while, and that wh*n we *jr. we can do It in better style th*in anvliody else. That Is Bivan nib - w v of doing things find it will be the wav with the State Fair." In * o Savannah decides t* get the fair 1' is alnadv |>rot*os* and st**is be set cm f-4ii to v,, jj . ttie or<iering here of a num 1h r of warships. |>rol*Mb|> an • ntlre s*|uad run No greater attraction can bo offered t' the |Mop. of th*- Interior than a fleet •*f warship.*-, and hundreds wno have never s-en a liatlk.-hip would come* for this tiion* As the fl*K*i would l*e certain • * in-dud* -*CT>e of th* v*-s>e|s which par t !pat*xl in the fighting at SatPiago, Ma r.IU an*l elsowhere. the attraction woul I ie* all the greater. The Georgia Agricult ural Society has a big pull with the Influ ential politicians of the state, most of whom are members of the society, and with the influence exerted from this quar ter and that brought to hear by the friends * f Savannah. 1t is not likely that there i b 4 mu h -iiti: tilij in Mcttflog th necessary order. 4N THE lll’M ItltEt TION. Dr. Frost Mlds for the Llt*rnl Res nrrrrtbin **f the Hody. The pulpit at the First Baptist Church j yesterday morvdr.g was DIM by Rev, Dr. J. M Frost. corr.**pond;ng' secretary of ihe Sunday School Buar-l of the Southern Baptist Convention, with office at Nash- I ville. The sermon preached by Dr. Frost was pronounced by the congrega tion one of the most profound and inter ••stlng that has l>ecn delivered in the church. Ttw "Kc.urrectton" the nubjeot up on which Dr. Frost spoke. He consider d ?nv tlm*. the pr-ons and he power j *f th** resurrect km and destiny after the | resurrection. Th** view that the resur rection l- to be literal, a restoration of Ib** earthly body, was advanced by Dr. Frost, who rgu#* 1 tha! those who are op- D , *cd to thfe vb-w #ir* lnclln*-d to leave the power of Gcxl out of consideration, wher* is It is thfe very power that is to work the great r •nfrmati**n anil aga.n transvert that which has gone as dust unto diiM and ashes unto ashes into cor poreaHty. This power of God Is not understood. It j •'•* not reckoned upon, I)r. Frost said, and m* n shrink from a belief simply because they do not recognise a power that Is In finite and a- able to effect that renurrec j t:*m of the body as other wonders that i .tr*- disclosed. Dr. Frost stopped over In Savannah for fh day only, as he leaves to-day for Ar ilia Fla., when* he Is to attend the Florida Htat* Baptist Convention. The pulpit at night was occupied by the | pa.*tor. Rev. John D Jordan. DD. who 1 preached upon the "Ten Virgin**." Dr. lordan said that nil manner of ln*-rfre tit ns, from the most sublime to the ni* st ridiculous, ur** placed upon the par able of the ten virgins, telling of one I r* a In r of whom it was reported (bat ds Interpretation was that the ten vir gin* were really five mm and five wo rn*! . the nu n being those who wa re In ?*adiness for th. c>ming of the bride , groom and the women being unready. *ther preachers have b**en wont to as. ume spirltuallti* s as existent In man> adjuncts uf the real sense of the iwruble aid have drawn le-son~ and found anaio. v ies of gr*ut number Warning and promise of the second ontr.g of Christ was the pastor's Inter pretation of tb* parable, atul watchful, ness was declared to be the gr*teat of tlie I* .-sons that are taught by It. KIfRIYEIIV KLECTIO* OX TU-XIGHT. Fee Temple's Vohles Will 4 r**ss • Few Hot Deserts. The nobles of the Mystic Shrine of A lew Temple will hold their annual elt'Ctlon to. night An original and unique notice has b n sent to all of the members. The ob- J* <q of the meeting as set forth is to "hold the annual meeting, to elect officer** i ltd representatives to the Imperial Shrine to take In a few unrcgenerxte In lid. Is. ami l* t them l*e as servants unto us. and to Inquire why every Noble did n**t have an el*-pliant or a camel to ride at our l ist parade, and t*> find the owner of the diamond ring found In the ‘Streets of Cairo." The notifi ith.n further contains an al leged translation of some tablets recent ly discovered at Nippur, and which are - aid to offer proof of the antiquity of the order of Shrlners, but It takes one of the initialed to discover the fact. 11l use nt Lower l*reas. Several bales of cotton were damage 1 by a fire that broke out at the lower cot rim pres* late yesterday afternoon. The Are was discovered In its inclpiency. for* i tiinataly, and (he damage done wax but alight. TRAVELED 75.000 MILES. THREE TIME* ARCH AD THE WORLD 1A THREE YEAH*. Dr. Morgan. I . *. A.. Think* He fins llrokrn tlie Record —Has *ren Venire In 4 sits. 4 Itina and the Philippines In Eight Different *hips of the %n%). and Is Aow Du ll** *hore Duty for a ( hange-Itr rruillnx 4m*ers Will Return to *asnnnah In Fehrnar) and Expect to Obtain Man* Recruits Here. The officers of the r.asal recruiting Imard left last night for Birm.r.gham From Birmingham they will go to Atlanta and thence to Pensacola. The board will return to Savannan tn February, when it is Intended to sp* nd a w* • k here. The offi cars of the hoard are will pleased with their May here, and only regret that It was not longer. They regard Savannah as a good recruiting field for the navy, and expect to secure quite u number of recruit* on their return Dr. D. H Murgon. j --*<! assistant sur geon. who aTom;*anl e the l*oard as an examining offices, can Justly claim to be a muchly trav*l<d man During the last three years Dr. Morgan mis traveled 77..* • nllca by sea. not Including several thou sand more by land He hoe seen service in eight different vessel* luring that time, was In active servh • both in Cuba and the Philippine**, and baa been around the wo:Id three times. Some time previous to the breaking out of the SpanDh-Anu r. an war Dr M r-*m was on duty with th* Cincinnati off the South American coam The ves • 1 pot in at Ruenox Ayres by order** about four months previous to the war. and after rolling and ref-airs, then proceed* 1 slow ly northward, arriving in the n* .ghUvr hood of Guba In time to f*rti ijate in the hostilities, the C.ncinnatl l*#-ing nt ttched to Admiral Hnmi>son‘s ffe-t. "Gapt. Chester had his ship In a splen did state of discipline," said Dr. M-*rgar. •o a News reporter ni i ' He made us all work hard and we w. r* Itdbie to be called to general quarter* at any hour of the night Th** marksman ship of the gunners aboard th*- Gin w rail was something remarkable, and I • not believe It was equahd by any other ship of the navy during the w .ir W*• missed the engagement *t Bantuigo. fe :ng a little distance away on Id k.u duty, but we had plenty of It'• ly w rk previous to that The Cln* ru*ti t-u.k l>rofnlnent |Mrt tn the bombardrrn nt *f Matanzas. and the work k>iu* tavre b> her gunners was remarkaM**. Resides the Cincinnati, Dr. Morgan has seen service during the last three ye In the Monongohela. the Franklin, the Harvard, the Yale, the Celtic, the Bin. the Hamce ar.d tlie Vermont. <f th*-• he says, the service on the Yale and •he Harvard was the m -i |*?--asant. t lx*fng th** two Amirl an lln* r-. tbe Paris and th** New York, which had le-en *n vertel lrto cruisers. Havltur ami*!*- |xis senger ac commodations, the officers w. •• all<* to enjoy the very b* -'t tf *juaiter on these ship- Dr. Morgan rracb#*l the Phlllpfiti- w March 1. IW. and r-min*-l ther* one year, seeing considerable active service, tne navy working in active .> *perilion with the army. The marine and naval battalions were frequently sent ashore to act In conjunction with the army und the •urgeon* had plenty of work to k> "The Filipino* show no repect for the Red Cross." said Dr. Mo can. "and every man of the h epital party had to go arm ed with a Kmg-Jorgensen We had to protect ourselves as well as th** wounded men who were In our care, an I we had some pretty lively experlem^-s." Dr. Morgan landed at San Fran Is'o some time since and came East, being a-dgm-d to the recruiting work. He doe not Include his trip across the continent In his 7** miles *( travel, th© latter be ing entirely by sea. Dr. Morgan think* hi* total of 75.tw0 miles sea travel and three tim**s around the* world In three* tK-uts the record, and very probably it coee. A M>MON IA JAM ARY. t nlled Mates 4 Imitt end DlMrlrt 4 uiirte to 4 on vena- Then. It is expected here that the T’nlted States Circuit and District Courts will convene in Savannah about the cond week of Junuory. As usual. Judge Em ory S|MK-r of the Dblrirt Court will pre sab* also in the Circuit Court. There ore quite a number of criminal *a.-e*i awaiting Judge Speer’s arrival here for trial. These cases are not of particu lar interest or importance ami most of the defendants are out on lond. While It Is not positively known that a grand jury will le summoned atul these criminal cases disposed of. It is more than prob able that this will happen. Besides tbe criminal business there are a large number ot important -Ivll ease* which await decision by Judge Bp#*er. These include several mutters on the ad miralty and maritime side of the cour. and several eppetl* to the equitable Juris diction ar.d powers of th#* * ourt The greater part of the bankrupt v business is lieing transacted by Judtc Speer In Macon, where discharge* are being granted at the rate of five or six a week in cases originating In this division of the district The Circuit and District Courts were scheduled to convene in Savannah during the early part >f November, but the •tons were not then held It is confident ly expected, however, that they will con vene here early next month. MILL AO Ml A ATE 4HIT4 EltV Mrrtlnx of Klnu’* Daughter* l nioii Till* Yflemnon. Th#*re will be a meeting of the Kings Daughters Union at 4 o'do. k this afternoon, at the Sunday School building of the Inde pendent Presbyterian Church. Offi ■•• rs for the coming year will bo nominated, and It is desired that there he n full at tendance. The Offices so nominat'd will be elected at the annual nutting of h#- Union, which will tak*- place next month. It is probable that a number of the? pro em officers will I>e retained. YVILI. MAKE >iav IMI'HOVCW^TjI. Munilar Srhiiol Honm nt f'lr.i I.ytrrlnn <'hnrt*li ll.*lnic Itrnnini.*.l. Th. ffundiy School rexim of the Firit J-rr.byt.rkin Church Ir Ixlnir renovated. Tlir wail, arc being r'-'oj.irr.! the woo.l work |.iliitr,l. ,n-l the tl.H>r .t.tlnci .ind (>oliehe.| Th*- work tv,i. h gun * few <fev i*o. nn,| will ... , .l,ou! tltc m 11<1 ie of title week. When completed It will be one of tne pr> tie*! an.l lw*et nppolnte.l fiund.iy School room., tn the city. kn.nll Fire on llnrrla at reel. A telephone alarm of Are w- a . wnt to Enrne Cos No. 3 lait night about 11 o’clock ChemJool No 1 r upon.bNj ar.d found that the blage. a email one. wa tn the basement of the house a: No. lit Harris street, east, occupied by colored people The fire which was hardly of any moment, was cauacd by eeuing a lamp without a chimney too o clothes horse on which were a number of clothe, that took lire. The damage i, In.icnill cant. CHRIST** 111 MAT SI DU Mr. Strong Talks of Hl* Friendship for Hl* DUrlplea. "Christ's Friendship for IBs Disciples' w.i* the subject discussed by Rev Char.©* H. Strong at Bt. John's Church lt*4 mgat. tl uting the third of h.s series of ser mons upon the life of Christ. Rev. Mr Strong's design was to show Christ’s re lation to Msdisrtpk* from the hetnan side ar.d Incidentally His relation to ail His followers from the human side of His na ture. T * calling of IBs disciples. Rev Mr Strong dd. was the third great event in the Uf. of our Lord.following shortly upon Mis return from the wilderness where h# hai L'<n tempted >f Satan and h#l com pleted Hi* consrcratlon t#> Hi* work The 'no an- iples, John an*l Andrew, who had . J with John ttl© Baptist, hearing the utter -!• Uire tluit Christ was the Lmb b-1 mrtud from Sfe- Baptist and fo *w-d Christ This incident of their ap pr*M- h to Ghrlst. their re<- ptlon and sub ■ -■pient treatnictu by Him. ttigtlber with t it of t o- <ch r life* • wa> made the basis of th# discour*#* Mr String drew attention to the fact thit Andrew, upon flruling Chrl*t. sought out bis brother. Sim i Refer, that others w • w<r*- -ll i sought out friend** and r *tlu r. Jam* the r.-other *f John, be iishortly found among the dis tpl* and that In this way the lb tie Kind sis r*i i • • Mr Strong dl.*ouj-ed the son • 1 fru-r.dshlp which was established •* u •r, Ghrl*; and Hi* disciple* their contiden e and trust In Him nd IB* con ai.t * ar*- i\>r their we f r- Their knowl- u l g * of II n. he sild. must have be*n m* *i'i *y of Hi* him . side. *’*h' rtuture iairr'tiv*s sh w that they bad h.t I t '• knowledge of Hi* divine natuie, .4ii-l y t th** narrciv#** show that they rnanl?*-te*i toward Ilirn an in enu .*nd p --i >na:c personal devotion. M 'W < hr Ist must have afpeare#| to IBs i • | * how He exercised this great * i over them was discussed by Mr. That Chri l must have been a min of mu h f***rsonal attractive!!***. hat Hi fa nd f rm must have been in k* t g with His character. Mr. Strung ib'#!lift’d upon the grouiwl that possessing such I'Obllltv and majesty of character, it ii not l*e otherwise than tht these attrlbut*- must have expressed th* m >• dvt sin 111- personal appearance. !fe remarked upon the fict that th** early mcdeval painters did not represent • h 1-; .* ph>d<-Ty attractive as Indica tive of tla fact that the early Christians did i.ut :w u> n Ilim that personal N-.iry to 111- character. Km Arg* •■#>. Michael Angelo and other dls ilr.gui.-hetl painters had corrected this im pi. it aid hod given to Christ the >t utv r itural to IBs purity an 1 nobility of nature. Though dlvlre Mr Strong said. Christ was thoroughly human and the story • how througiiout that He frequently laved that frlend*hlp and sympathy. w ! hls i • -•- ary in every human mind. He felt the need of this love and devo tion of His disciple©, and this Is why at v ir.o is turn* he reminds them of their • .*rtion of him In IBs hour of need. If GhrDtHins to-day. Mr. Strong said, would 4 sly m*re ■ in fully the human side of Ciinst’s nature and find how thoroughly h> w i.h In touch wlh human nature they would find less difficulty in understan#!- Ir>g in and becoming In sympathy w .th Him Tn- v would not attend Hl**ervlc# mere ly ii matter of duty, but would gladly make sacrifices be<\iu*- of this friendship. "Th** Chrlsilan life." he said, "can be made real to us when we realize that our love for Christ Is based upon love for His perfectly human character." While the pulpit could impress these truths. Mr Strong said, they could bet be taught In the home, o pure and simple home life, being the surest foundation for the church ar.d for society. AY ll* AD A MAY It F.AIG A*. Reported That Hr \\ ill Give t p III* 4 otniiinnd of I lie Hlue*. It Is said Capt M Ed Wilson of the Refmbll an Blues will resign his com mi'flon because of the action of the Gov ernor 1n tho matter of the eourt-m ir tal findings in the case against Corpl. R B liiirri* of hi* company. Harris was found guilty under two of the charges y the court. an#l the fin#ti(!g • were ap pro vid. but the Governor pardoned the ffetidcr Gapt Wilson, It Is understood, g.c an Inkling some days ago of the probable ruiion of the Governor, and It is .Haul that he stated to one or two of his frlltuls that he would retire from hit* command, believing that ho should o so In the event of his position toward Gorpl Harris not being sustained by the reviewing officer. Following Is the Governor's announce ment of the result* of the trial of the two colored prifoners who appeared be fore the court-martial The men were niemh# rs of the <%>lquitt Blues, a Savan nah c unpany, anl their trial follow* and Im nudiately after that of Gorpl Harris: "In the cases of Corpl. E D. Brown and Private Jan. Walker, of Com p.ny F. First Battalion, colored, the find ings arc approved." Brown was re*luced to ranks and fln*d g, Walker was dishonorably discharge© from the state's service. us." said a prominent business tn#n yes terday. ’Mv Wfe takes It, and I notice j*h** is enjoyln f better health than for y* ars. Tho children keep well by taking It " Graybeard may be obtained at all drug s'ores or write to us for it. Heapes* Drug Cos., solo prop* . Savannah. Ga. -ad. One cor of elegant Are proof safes, the Iwst In the land, arrived to-day nt the Itoltlmore wharf. All consist of an ag gregate weight of over thirty thousand liounds. In till* cor ore safm of all sixes, .md are made by the celebrated Horn.. Manufacturing Company of J’lttuburg. r.i . tH-toiigaig to L.:|a>man llroa. Utppman Itrus.. whobeate druggists. l.!|>ptnnns block of this .city, ore the onlj concern In the mate that carry o stock of tire proof safes In store, and we will guarantee to sell them s low as he munuf.n Hirers With the freight a kb.l ae we have si. lal arrangement for Ing special prices. We alro have be-n furn -hlng n (urge number of rll- Vi rware tire proof chests which have given great . ttlsf.ietlon IMrchasers who want uny dug in the tire proof safe line will <lo well to cnll on I iron —ad. r. P P.. a Wixi.lertul me.||clne; It gives an apt-tlte. It Invigorates and strength ene. P. I*. I", cure* rheumatism and ol pains In the side, back and shoulders, kneeo, hips, wrist* and Joint* I*, p, j>. cures syphilis in ull its various stage, old ulcers, sores and kidney comp.alnl I*' P, I*, cures .aiartuh, e z-m.t erysipelas all skin disease* and polnsonlng! I’. I*. I" cur. a d>s|a-;>e|a. chrool female complaints jii.d hroken-ilown constltuiiou and lons uf manhond. P. P. p. , |,.*t blood purltler of th. ig*-. ha mad. m re permanent cures ;han all other I. .eat r-m --edles lappman Hros.. role propr.etura Savannah. Oa —ad. **H * tired Mf," "Oravbeard broke up rheumatlam on m." eaya Mr Chaa Tnomoa. the Jew o Whitaker street. "And out me In better health i have enjoyed ur a lorat time." Take Urayfceard PUl* for that duty feellr.*—Lot: appetite and fo’.ow it up with a bottle of Greybeard. It la all you need Reepeae Drug Cos., aole propa. Sa vannah. Ga.—ml A Ttlfh-Grude Inetltutlon for l,a.t'n _ Shorter College, Uome, Ga. .Write for •atevegua.—ad. Come to see tis to-day regarding the new Stove you need. We can save you money on any stove purchase. The very best makes. The very lowest prices. The very best terms. Come see us to-day. Win. & H. H. LATTIMORE, West Congress Street. Hogan's The Great Sale —OF— ■I mm Jwu J 0 Now On! Our aim Is to k!v© tb** m***r satis factory nrtlrlf for th# feast nullify. TLst this xvlll br dour sslll br prov rn on yonr visit to our stores. Fnnoy Artlclrs of rvrry drscrip tlon. Lovrly line of If nntlkrrrhlefe. silk nnd linen. Dolls, drrssnl nnd undrrssrd, lit tlr nnd big;. Fancy llosr nnd Hntf llosr. Il<ii ti tif ii I line of Ties, nil colors ni*l shnprs, nnd other trlx to# numerous to mention. e I omc nnd look, whether you par rliitsr or not. Daniel Hogan, Corn.r nroughlon ami ’ABBOTT’S , EAST INDIAN Corn Paint Cures Coras, Banioas sad Wsrts i Speedily and Without Fain. i FOR Si If 8! ILL DRUGGISTS. #LI PPM AN BROTHERS, I WhoUsalo Druggists. Lippmaa's Block, Savannah Os MINGLBDORFF& CO. MACHINE! R LACK SMITHS AND BOILERMAKERS. Telephone 553. 510 Indian *trc*t, Savannah. G*- ami C)ii:>ti. g/AVAIN,NH r B K Week commencing Monday. Dec. 10- (Except \Vedn inlay.) WINSOME MABEL PAIOE and the Southern Sio , k Company. Presenting to-night the sensational n*t*" tlcal drama. "The Captain's Mat** ”* dally, commanding Tuead.iy Price*— Matinee, 10c and 30c; Night, M 20r and 30c. gSVAINNnH THEATER WEDNESDAY. DEC. 11. CHARLES FRO ISM AN PRESENTS Clyde Pitch’s Great American PIT> “Barbara Prietchie,” —with— EFFIE ELLSLER AND A GREAT CAST. The entire New York production a *l" n 150 r.tahie at CTtlerton Theater. PRICES-SI.M, H.oo. 75c, soc and on eale Monday,