The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 11, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 gljc IHorHittfl JErtotf. M - ralßf New* Hnildlfir *K Tl I>DAV. iu;i KMIII H It. UHM. fi<4tHer*l at in* ft'o* to ft. r m H*inn#h Ilifc- MOM MMi !U:H9 ! putt- *1 t\ ct\ da> in thi* year, and ►r'.al to at>*v rtbrr In ih* < 1 . or *fß b> r. • . at 79 cents a month, 14 uv f r r a m out to*, and ft' 00 for one y #.r. i lift: tioilMM. NKU. by m>l. alt l rnes a week < without Sunday lsao>, three months Si >. *a roonlha, H. 0, on > r 16 00. nit. ucr.Ki i m:w * two huhi a week < Monday a. J Thu<t*Jty) by n*i , cne )m: |. 00. Subscription# piyabl* In advan e It*- ir.t b> money order, che-k or reglat re I U ter C’urror. y ent by mtii at risk of tender. Transient a lverilaement, other thin eperUl <*lumn. local or readme n .tlcea anusemenlw an I cheap or i\ant lumr., 30 a line Fourteen line* of irp* -equal to one In h In depth— 4* ‘b* ataiul ir I of mea urement. Contract rateo onl dl*ount made known on application at bu-ina * om e Orders fc r delivery of the Morn n< New* to either reader- • or place of lu ine.-a can be made by m.*ll <>r by telo l hor.e No 2l<\ Any Irregularity in dollv ery ehould be lmme>llatejy reportel Letter* and teiagiamo ahoild be #1 dressed ’ HOftMNG ItEtol bo amah Ga. HAtimv OFFM F 3 Park R e N#w York city, H. C. Faulk: * r. Manager HQ 10 SEW ADVERIISEMESIS. Motlnfs-Amlant Iwin lmirk Ix>dire N S-fl. F. and A M . Havannah Lodfe No 3*3. n P. O. Rika ftp**ci#l Not lea* Huwanee Bprir.*- IVater, Wall Paper. Paper Hang. rat. 8.- vjnnah Pudding Supply Company; Ship Notice. J F Mini* at Cos, consignee— Katrina n Clueters. Large and Soft. A. X * C W West. Notice. John B. Mi *;iilre, atiperlntend'iu. Notice to Superior Court Juror*; Ship Notice, Strachati A Cos , consignees Amusement*—Mabel Paige In "J ck> Sweetheart'* at Matin* * and “Tire Prisoner of Algler*'' at Night. liuaioes* Notl-- Hunter Baltimore Rye Whlekey, Henry Solomon & Bon. role agents; Franklin Clgir*. Financial—The Chatham Hank Calf Skin. Kid Skin, Patent leather and Other Bho#* for Men- B>k iiro> Fine Black Divmi Goodi*—*At Foye A Kikwtein'a. Hatlroad Schedules—Plant Byatem Legal Notice*—Citation From th* Clerk of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County. Stf..<mhlp Schelule*-—Ocean Steamahip Company. Gelatine—Eat-Well Gelatine Whlakey—Duffy' Mlt Whiskey; Yel low Label Whiskey Cheroot*—Oi l \ irginl i Cheroot*. Medical—S. S S . World*a DUnenaary reparation#; Lydia !*’a Vegetable Pill*; Hood w Sar*.i*arllla; Warner's Safe Cure; Ayer'* Cherry Plot oral; Tutt'w Pill*; Dr. Hathaway Company. Cheap Column Advert iaetnent a—Help Wanted; Employment Wanted; For Rent For Sale; Lout; Personal. Mlsrallaiwouk Tin U rnilirr. The Indication* (or Georgia to-day nr* for fair wath*r. variable winds; mid for Karlrm Florida, fair weather. except probably ihoarn on the Atlantic court; light north to east wind*. Advices from Manila. by way of Hone Konir, arc to the efTeot that <h* Ameri can po*lllon In the Philippine Inlands la brcotnli "lltcraaalngly hoprleaa." Pe.-- bap thl* report emanated Irom the lions Kona rillplno Junta that Knglund could not And. Sophomore societies are to tic abolished at Yale Pnlveralty. The faculty, hy a practlrwily unanimous vote, ha* passed a resolution to the effect that the gocletk-a mint yo. It I* not propoaed to eliminate them at on-e. but to let them die out by not talons in new material. In Cleveland. O . the other rdsht a bur st ir entered a house and stole tc* troen the proprietor. On the bureau, however, the Invading thief left a note which read a* lot Iowa: "With the help of Almighty tloa and my health, 1 will pay you In one >*r. with Interest. You have a steady Job. while 1 mu.-t aleal Ihla or starve " Some time* one must feel a pang of sympathy for even a thief. The Christmas tree harvest ha* begun In Maine. It Is estimated that the peo ple of that state will realize tWU.QOh this year from the sale of the tree*. Why a Georgian should want a Maine spruce, whan ihe much more beautiful holly, with Its myriad red berries, abounds In Ihe Georgia wood*, passes understanding. Nevertheless there will he thousand* of Maine spt uces sold In Georgia during the *ezt two week*. An efTori la to be made to Induce the rext sees,on of the New Jersey Legis lature to re-eatabllab the whipping post The women of the state are leaders of th* movement. It Is (Mimed that during recent years wife-beating has been large ]y on the Increase, and an adequate pun ishment for that crime te demanded Two years ago a bill to re-establish the whip ping post was Introduced, but tt was ob jected to by the churches. Now. tt Is said, th* church Opposition will be very weak, elite* It Is pressed that whipping ahall be for the punishment of wife-boaters only. It seems that there baa been an et chant* of compliments between Oen Adna It Phaflee, the American, and Count von tValdaraee. the German. Chaf fee. the American, did not like the way th* Chines* astronomical Instrument* at Pekin were l-eing looted, stolen and car ried away He had some regard for prop erty rights, and the decency of *o!- dlcrs; so he wrote a letter of protest to the commander-in-chief. Von \Valdt; see Thit returned the American's let ter to him, be, sure of "its tone " The American wit over-scrupulous. In war fare. according to Kuropean standard*. It I* lermlttsd to destroy, appropriate, or Otherwise make way with the valuable* of the enemy, with no questions asked and no objection* interposed Th* Amer ican idea of honesty and uprightness Is dovdadiy tiresoms tv Use buiopcan mill- Bl*G mind. TUB IKI.LT < DU Th. decision of flit- Supreme Court in th* Neely ias*. which w,, ariutd before tribunal ycirtiiky, a ,11 h- looked for in this country a. *<ll an lit rulu with deep interest It pc .inn the qur-s --t.n Whittier th<- rntt.d Stale* have n constitutional right to coistrol thi> af fairs of Cuba—whether their occupation of the inland Is I. anal Neely, a* the whole country kr.ow- is hekl on th# charge of having mnlviilol a very large amour.! of money flooring to the ('tilcart postal fun 1 nhlie a tine ar th# portal agent of Ihc t n'd 81-itea in Havana. Itefote the g irrnmeut wa ready to arrest hint h< (!• 1 t N< w Vork and * i tltere arr* elect lie . ted out a writ of haheo, eorpu- and demanded ht liberty on the ground that hy the :r*v'>* of Pari, c ’till. t . an • i fi and lode prn.ienl Mat#, ■>'< i that consequently the military o cupatlo* of tht i-. t by the 1 *ttlted <c la unconstitutional. The rourts the re exist hv military au thority. If that authority Is unconetl tutlonal tai • urt, f *‘u ■*. it ts con tcni cl. lute no T.Bht to try Neely The case pt< -nt# an .nt< r< -ling polr.t. nit mil n eive the eloei- attentlen of tic court A good ileal depend* upon the de i ion 11 H ghoul I tot held that thi United Htwte* are wholly without hii h rity In C'ut>a. an l t. or heett ever since '.ie - gmng of the Ir* r *f l*at - th* It f Hows that all of their acts thete inre that time ar*- Illegal That - ,lon of the i-ople who are ho-tile to the United States, and It aid* *rs to o pretty large s. -tlon, would at e.iiee- tn - st upon the withdrawal of Amiri an troops, sea tha* I'ujmng coull tak* pos s. sslon of the Island Nothing e-ould lie w. rse for Cuba than a s'ate, of afTairs like that. There would ite e liaos In *ho Islaisl at oftce*. If lit# United Pnie-e M te and promptly in .. or l anee with the de-ctalun The extreme ele ment would feel that it had a free hand to do as It phased It cannot of rout,# t* predicted with any degree of certainty what the de leion of the court will be. but In admin istration clre-lr* It la believe! It will be that the United State*-, under the treaty of l aris, have a right to occupy t'uba until anew government I- established !r> the- Island, and that the right to extradite ,* an Inherent right. Independent of treaty stipulation. • Neely ts making a hard fight against g* ng l>a* k to t'uiM. Im-c.iusi nil the* In dentions art that his return would mean a long term of Imprisonment. TUB POTTOX I HOI - HU.POUT. The government's monthly e-otton crop report, t .—ll*st ye-terelay, was som*'What of a surprise. It was thought thwt It would show a- small a crop a some of tits previous reports of th# season.* I showed a larger one, giving an estimate of 10,100.010 bales. There w.* a very con siderable *!*•* line In I lie prl' e of futures, and a light decline In the price e>f spot cotton. It r**ems that the government suceevel e,l In k* e|*tng its re-i*ort secret tin’ll the time for making tt public. It vmis sail than Ihe subs’.ance of the report was of fered on Saturday to ,p culators In N'-w York. It was doubtless offered by som one, who *ll.l not know whst tt was. If the rrfeurt had lte**n known the rnark* t would have been lower than It wa* when th*v report was made public. It is doubtful If the estlmat# of th# government as to the lie of the crop will he generally a .epte.l Hut few of the popular estimates have placed tho crop ataevo 9.75(1.009 hales. 11 V ,-ome of Ihe tiesl informed men In the e-otteai trade- It Is thought the crop will lav below Still, a good deal of confidence la felt In lit# government's r#|iort, and it will have a very bled iiiltucncc on 'he nur k#l for several iliys. Hut. a-lmlttlng that tlie crop Ir a iatge at, the gov.-rnment’* re|>ort mikes tt, the supply will hardly be equal to the demand. Owing to tho short crop tact year It would seem a* if Uie ib mand alintil 1 be sufficient to bring th# price up to 10 cent* a pound. It D safe to predict that there wdll he a pretty lively up-and-down movement In the price of cotton during the r< malnJer of the sea son. \ 41 IiGKITIOY TO tllltl*TM\ Minri'gnv. The season of Chrirtmas shopping Is now fairly open, anil purchasing for the holidays will go on brl.-kly for the next tw.. week# U should be she pbasure. as fi is tho duly, of every holiday shopper tn Savannah to give the local stores the first opportunity to furnish Ihe articles that may lie wanted. The nicrciiane# of Suv inttah are as enterprising as are these of any epy in th# country. They have gone to thr trouble and expense of antic ipating In their stocka about every legit invite wan* that may be felt in th.s sec tion of the country. They know that they ar# in competition with Northern stop*, and are prepared to meet such conipelt tton. Hls no more than wha* t* duo them, therefore, that Savannah people should giv# them an opportunity of filling tnelr orders. Heretofore there has been too much of rending away to New Y'ork. Fhlladelphia. Boston and else where for holiday good* There is no good reason for It. Many of 4h#s# who send #0 other cttle* for their holiday sup plies are persons who practically get their living out of Ihe Savannah merchants and tradesmen. An oppredatton of the eternal film s* of thing- ought lo suggest lo such p#opl# that 4hey spend their money at home, when l they make It. There ts Something In clvi pride, after all But If lhrr< were not where ts the omrnon reuse tn sending away for goods when similar arliel#* can be purchased at home for the sum# money? All things considered. Savannah merchants are able to sell goods, ami do sell them, about as heuply as they can be hid In the Nor:h ern cities Let local purchasers, till* year, try the local merchant* before ronding a mall order to th* North A man of the ram# of Jones l being mentioned In connection with the office of At inrney General In Prerlib nt McKinleys cabinet, to succeed Mr Grlggr. who wtli tetire on March 1 next Mr. Junes i* a New Y’ork lawyer, ami hsa hts offi. e some, where In ih# neighborhood of Wail streot. He has h#n th# attorn#) of several large corporations Th# fat men of N-w York ar# going lo s#nd a petition to th# managers of the theaters protesting against the present narrow seals and asking for chairs that ar# big enough and wide enough to hold a ilo-poutid citUcti comfortably. THE MOKNING NEWS: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 11, VM\ \|FU* OF \ **HE %THE. M Mr. Wu Tin* P,ini. th? <‘htru**r mini*- ter at Yl'*tii tiff ton. I* wtokt m.ght be oil it l a heathen by coi-tru tiOti id v of i Chri*t in r+ bison, lie I* t , ig, > riitnew, in *i irit *nd b Ib f lb r m*t *ubficrll>e to c*ur l lej*? of re g i ftnl • lib* beyond the g U\e. If a • j*t* the ConfUclnn theorit*; and be *y.‘ twfittiui < uld l>e calkd in *gi tf he lived In th* j*reent *lay. .N’t Vf r ).*!• -i Mlnleter Wu nudf a *tr!k ln< uldrfM heft re the Bo* My for Lthb <ai 'ulture in New York the other night. II - itomtnti* *ho*<| rb-arly tat he w n rlo*e and intelligent Miident of hi* rrwin r iture Hi* addreM wa* flut of i ilS|:**mit, at t.i* *rn* t.m* that of a • i I* n of life anti character. H-d .iking of i'onfuciauLm. he took I'i* n to Mini' of the precept* c( that * o|e of r*thie* with tho*e of < hr:>lan:iy. arj*J to rontr.ti*t thrm The l*i f "tutnlnff the other <he k" when •if h.ol If * n ‘•mitten, and th* theory of V\f jour cntme*.'* eeemtM to rtrlk*- ?.* Mlnlntrr • - Oth rw l*e. >* y (un*l f. • inl plea*.nt to the ear. 1 ut are aitoi* thrr contrary to the natural lm|‘Ul*e |.| mifl in ah - humor* breas-t bv divine po>r The minister •i* < lati i he *u!l not unde rat and how ihrihtlat) rould trich the do<‘ tnr.e love your cm mi* -,** and then de fiun I ti b leading of certain Chinese tun* tionurie* who are alleged to le re* l :*- ! r th* H*>xcr nov* ment. H* tlnd.H it liffl iilt to comprehend tho doe tr r of lirotberly lo>* which the ml-* ►i'Uiari*' 'irry to foreign land*, while niany of tho** inlMiloiiari*a now demand r jer mor*. than an *>e for on eye and a tooth for a tooth. !n*tead of doing jr.n who de|>liefully u*ed them, th* mi- are demanding hioo*l for blofl and >n indemndy into the bargain Minister Wu make* the fatal mistake of Judging the Christian religion hy the • onduct of a few indl\ 1 duals especially :f le t* and for the it would b* as r* a -or.etble to *ay that Confu-'ki* wa* a fraud and a mountebaiiK becauj*© certain of hi?* follower*, the Boxer*, committed murden and outrage*, a* to say that ChriKtianity w* a failure because cer tain adherents of it demanded tho fui llllment of the old Mosaic law on the part of Chin i Perfection i* not to be found in human nature There has been only one jierff'Ci Christian life, of Christ hlm-eif. Nevertheless tho** who •an • htly en*leavor to live in accordancc with the teaching- of Christianity come ■ loro to th** I*l* al and perfect life. Mini*- tt r u demands the letter of the law. and overlooks the i*tlrit of it Tlio Vnltwl Bute* may rightfully In ibed a Christian nation. Their course of conduct is dictated by the Christ an religious spirit probably more than that vf any other country. European coun tries are bound hand and foot by pollll , i4 l considerations in dealing with other count ties. The Fnlted Beales, untram tnel*d by • ntnngiing alliance*, are free to conduct themselves according to the dic tates of conscience. That they are guided largely by the teaching* of the Christian religion Is to le seen in their attitude with respect to the present Chi nese complications. The Fnlted Btate* hive stood, and are standing. lot* Ju*t terms for the Chinese; terms more lenb n; than would ** ar(*or*ile*i to them except f..r the good offices of this Christian na t on. One must Judg -of a religion, ; *>f other things, by its fruit China ha* Mt.-Kwi still for thousands of years under Confucianism; all of the real progresn that has been made by the human race has been under the ennobling, enlighten ing influences of Christian-ty. 1.01 KHNORI IT 4HTS, The Kentucky trouble appears 10 I># spreading to other states. Oov. Thomas of Colorado lias refused to honor a requi sition of Gov. Mount of Indiana, ostensi bly for the reason that there is some technical def#i t In (he requisition papers, but really because Oov. Mount refused to honor the requlstt.on of Ihe Governor of Keneucky for Mr Taylor, who 1* n refuge# from the latter state. This Is an unfortunate Mate of affairs, not only be cause It tends to defeat the end* of Jus tice tn tlie eases In question, but also be cause, us Oov. Thomas Intimates, other governors may follow the course pursue! by Gov. Thimiiis, If called upon by Gov- Mount to giv* up fugitives from Justice Gov. Mount is quoted as saying that the reason lie refused to give up Mr. Taylor was that h# dirt not believe thit the lat ter coukl have a fvlr trial In Kentucky But. what right has h* to ilecirte whether a man accused of crime In Kentucky, and who Is a fugitive in Indiana, can have 1 fair trial tn the former state or not? Is It not th# fact that Gov. Mount prot# ts Mr Taylor from arrest simply because the latter Is a Republican? If Mr Taylor were a Demo rat would there be any hes itation on the part of Indiana's chief ex e. utiv# to give him up to the officers of Ken tie ky when proper papers were pre sented for him? Mr Taylor 1- charged with being an *c. rejsory to th# murder of Gov. Goebel. Theri must be considerable proof against him or else he would not hesitate to re turn to Kentucky and face his a -cusers It is hardly probable that Ihe courts and Juries of Kentucky are so prejudiced 'ha* Mr. Taylor could not get a fair trial It Is true, th re Is great bitterness be ta-run the political In that t*4c. No rlouht there arc many Democrats there, who. believing Mr. Taylor gull y. would like to see him punished hut It Is doubtful If there are any I> moerat* who want him subjected to punishment of any kind if he Is not guilty. lint because Gov. Mount is doing w rong In not honoring Ihe requisition for Mr. Taylor. Il doesn't follow tisst O- v. Thomas is Justified In refu.-ltig to allow Indiana fu gitives from Justice found In Colorado. 10 I.# token ba. k to the slate tn which they were t ndi. led If Gov. Thomas’ example should bo gi nerally followed, it w ould not be neecssary for criminals to seek an asy lum in foreign states with which we have no treaty for the return of fugitives from Justice. They would be safe from arrest by simply crossing slate lines. Italian murderers and other criminals are safe In ihe United Stales, for the time being The Italian government has no money available with which to pay for the transportation of criminals from this country to that, hence extraditions or# temporarily of no avail. The other day a self-ooglfeased Hnllaa murderer walked scot-free out of a New York police sta tion because Ihc It illan government re fused to pay the expense of transporting him lo Italy (or trial. Tho Rov. J. J. Ax tell, tho 'fig Mi US pn !h(, " i>C Mlrhigein. mot hl int<-r It, the- piti# rttii tl.# e ther i tsht. In .1 team at I'ekntla A i'rof#eei,o:!al p war put a,.ellk#’ th* unauapociln* 1 r#a. h#r anJ aue e#-i#J In raachtng th* phut of at Jaw In th# tlrot rourxl The fight w.i- ju-t an orvJlr.e.ry mill for u pure,* m-n.'- a ago Mr Axioll th# pastor of a < hitrch at H.jvai Oak. where h*- I<-I a iruo >•! agalliat th# herroom A rrko*’i>#r >h. J#rt#>| to ht vernuHit and ." I Ih# l>rea. her to fight with g!ov# The' . l l#ngo ,a. ope..! nid th# pr#acher twut hi# man For a tlm# th* ron*r#Ka'lon of hla rheir h w4* prvw I of th* militant pm. her. hut afi.r until!# It crow tlre-el of him. and Intimate.! that tf h* we.# to krUt feir aneth#r Job nobody would w##p Th#n h# oporee-'l a harper ohop. arvl ran It for a time. Finally he drtflevl to Pontia . where he ran up nralnat the prof' eiona: pr.. tl*ht#r who put him out. A Uhl ago min oeema to have solved the eervant-glrl problem In a eourt e>f that .’Hy the oth" r day a -,-rv int ntrl .1- leged !h*t he-r employer had her hyp- f r *lx >e.,r-. do ring whl h time he hid been obliged to perform tho du tie, of her p.e it Inn. If ehe perform.! them well and eattsfactorl y. the em p over in to he congratulated upon tile a.hleveme-nt. Uoerilkly houaowlves and emi> will have to take couree# In hypnotlrm. In ord'r to get th# house work don# a* It nhnuld !>e. Mireonl th# min claim* lhat lie will h* ahlo to perf.- 't .1 f.yetem of eendlns telegraphic mo.iae# hetwe.n iando) anil e’htna at a cost not greater than I iftfle 1 word. The prva ent rate le something like I. a tv Old.> It. —A Sivelety ha.- been org inixeil in R 1 - timore to erect a memorial of (irti Philip Ree.l, .1 Maryland so.eher. who won fame In the war of Ihe Revolution and the war of IXl.' He wa* aleo United State# tha ator from Maryland from !•< n I*l !■ and ,n a memlier of the 110 ire of Rep resentative!! in the Fifteenth and Seven teenth Congress'!-.-. —The rrest-lent wrote hts meerage with hl own hand, a Wu-hlngton correspor. l er.t of the Chicago Record tells. As '*■ll il he had memoranda furnteneil from lit# several executive departments. 11 *lel not. however, . lap the manuscript Into hts message, us most of hts prole rssoi * |,av# done, with a few erasures ar.ei hi tcrlinej tlotis. hut he carefully rewrote every line submitted I>> hie wbinet min- and other ©nicer# of the govern ment. I|e is ui the habit of dictating most of h(s messages and speeches, hut nearly all of this met sago was written In bl own hand. —Mr 11. fv S Pear**, war corresiwtut rnt of th# London Dally News, telle the fnllow'ing Iluiier story: The General and Mr I'eare* cam# home in th# same bon: Each evening ihe m l p ay.-l "God Sav# ihe Queen" after filmier on deck. (if ■■ours#, every Hrltnn st eel up and te moved ills h* el-run cruig. A number of Hollander s. however, remained seated and covered. The llrltons were very wngr). md It wu- feared that se-rlous trouble might follow. The anxious captain pri vately ..•nsul’.d Gen. Huller "Sir." in said, "1 wish you would tell nie what you would do under th# clrcumst.ll • t you were cocnmarwler of this ship." * 3l**. replied Huller. "I should osk Ihe hand not to play 'Go.I Save the Queen.' " BRIGHT IIIT*. —... ... -Inadvertently Pleasant. —"I didn't know tt was to be a comic opera. "R ell. you knew Ir was to he an opr-a given h> .111 amateur comptny. didn't you*' "-—Chicago Record. —II# shot a man. bur. then, o' course, Tnat’h common on 'he Platte; But when he took in' stole a horse. We drew ihe line at that ~Chicago Tribune —Fully Guaranteed—Mrs. Fadd: Are you sure that this pure food la a stand ard article Gro.-cr, Y'cs, ma'am' You'll notice that It's high-priced, looks like do-!ils cult, und tastes Ilk# excelsior.— Puck. —The Manly Thing.—Eleanor: No. I can't t-ar college theatricals. I don't Ilk# lo see 1 man take a woman's pari Rosalie: M> go .loess' 1 think It w-oul 1 b* cowardly of him tf ho didn't —Phila delphia Evening Rulletln. —The Ladder of Preferment —First law yer: Young Hla. ketone his political as piration*. hasn't he’ S- ond Lawyer: Why do you think so? First Lawyer: I notice he cal'.# all the !>aike*p*’* by ihelr first name*.—New York Weekly. —An Eye for the rreseti: -Mbs Smooth* No 1 cannot glie you my an swer until the first of next year. Mr. Sottelgh: But. why? You say you lovr me. anti Miss Smooth#: Why, you silly thing! It cur engagement were announced now. none of the other men would send m*> a single Chri-tmas gift.—Baltimore Ameri can. ( t WHEAT t HMMEAT. The Sprlr.gfle.d iMs s.) Republican (Ind 1 says "Gen Shatter still ha* difficulty In posing as a war Hero. The House simply wood not consider him in lhat light and ruthlessly struck oui the provision for nl* retirement as a major general liSstead of a brigadier general. Some of Shatter's trouble In a hertc role 1# du* to tli# mem ory that h# rod-' on bu klird In-dead of a hofs# during ih* Sa itlago campaign. Tils warning will nut be ;ut tn tuture u*- plranta for military honors In the hrait* of the American people Poesibly in the year* to come they will tolerate a gen eral rl.ling an au'omohile on th# field of bailie, but a bu Vboard—never!” The Ctnclnnatl Enquirer (Dem ) says: "The 'one. two, thrre. ban*!' style of legislation has taHiti hold In the House of Representatives Tii army tail has been rushed through 'on the double quick' In the • x.ict shat*- that the Presi dent and the Berietaiy of War nuggeeted The question is not one of right or Jus t: e. but of wha' the Executive Depart ment wants. The House h.* become an a.most useless body, and cwndlda*#* who have not been elected to tt should find .1 great deal of consolation in the.r de feat The Senate Is the only boily which ready consider# subjects of legislation. lis iKisitlon as the balance whe 1 of gov ernnu nt confirms a good many thinking people In their oppoMtion to the election ot senators by direct vote of the people." The New York World (Dem > rays: ' Subsidies can only be paid to ehlpbudd ers and shipowner* by first taking the money out o' the pockets of all th" re** of the people who arc not In that line of business A subsidy system #0 be Just must subsidize every class of citizen*, and equally And nobody would care to have such a syetem." Tho Philadelphia Record (Dem 1 save "The eiianudilp subsidy bid to pul 3.70 - fltn.AOU of the money of American taxpay ers Into (h# coff'rw of wealthy ocean transportation companies Is mildly called the shipping hid' by Its champions Are the subsidy monger# ashamed lo cull the tiling by It* real name?" Ike Mortal Port of Ulor). Facto Kph: and the llt'.l# hoy were strolling down Rroadway vary slowly, says the New York Times It was rwtn .ng, but aa the tittle fellow had on hta rubber* and was well wrapped up, Kph felt that he. was secure against the ele ment, And to the boy et little thing like a cold seemed a small price to puy for the marvelous descriptions of the points of interest along the way. *'Oh. L'ncle Kph," raid the lad sudden ly, "look at that!" "I been a-lookin' st it foil a long nme," was the answer. ''Dat's why I ain’t done siv much. Klndah mek ole Kph do some tall thlnkun.’’ "What Is It'" ak*d the child "Mow ly rubbish T>at’s what 'lts." Hut up thir>—look—those figure*. Why, shey'r# soldi-m and gun.-. What Is It, I'ni-le Eph?" "Well, sene# you so resident, guess I'll hif 10 tell you. But I don't 'spec' you'll know tiny mo' 'bout It w hen I gtt froo “Why not? Don't I always Ilk# your" "Y'e-p. Rut dt# ain't a stohy Leastways, -tot 'sadly. Y’ou J#* only a boy, so how you cwtne undahatan." The hoy sil l that h# would try to. any how. anil after promise of no Interrup r ous has h#en exacted. Eph romted a long skinny finger al th* obje r an l soo.l silent for several mlnuteui. Finally, with <!• i-p -ol mnlty and an #lo ii'i.ii. Shut had been caught from one- of th# brethren at a lit. revival meting he began: "Hat. -- h* said "am de peht oh glohy. I>u( am ile skin and bones and !V-h oh greatness. I'al am de last po fr.irmunt of de dcvoshutl oh d>- people oh dry I-10l And II only goto show ila- dis yeeih tiling oh bein' a hero ain't all It ■•ra- k< and up to he. Tie. I v's eyes dilated and h#cm'k ..l timidly that he didn't exactly under stand Ti nob' said Y7ph. "t tole you von wouldn’t. Did you eleth heah tell oh Mlsi.ih Adm l Dewey?" ■ iif course." abouted th# child. "ns' the one papa hail th# picture of all dec orated with flags.” "Ifst't him. But I notlo# you say de plctuah papa had You down s*v and pic ture pjp got. Whah dat plctuah now''" Tome to think of It, Uncle Eph, I haven't seen it lately." 'Da - plotuih am turn to de wall. bov. An' thing ovah yondgh am dc Mtstvh A Im'a! Dewey ahch on It way to de dump.” "O." said th hoy. "what a pttv'" "Well, maybe, an' maybe not What d# use of ile flesh and ile bones wblout els soul and de rpi-rrlU* And dat gone cut of. It long igo Listen. I gwln# tell you all 'lvout It." The law user:e.l readily and th# nalr stool watching the loading of ihe debit,, H# v era I carl lurs ea and a mule war# #1 imping restlessly "s‘‘,u 'memlsih how Mi-lah Ad'mnl Dewev 1101 e fl mflsm de tt;vanc< rs In de Vanilla h >'hoh. doan you? Well, afiali evuhhody done want him *o rum right home an' lie ile Uralsldent. 1 til* M'stall Ad'mal Dewey he - ty he got llttlo boalneea to attend to fu-t In-n he cum hick home.” "That was whan they had the big pa rwde-. wasn't II?" "Yes. Dat de time And aft ih dat he ride In a kerrldge. tindah !i# ahch and ela p>o|i|e day act loonle. De parade la*' most a whole day. "And wahn’t ruffin' too good 'heut then, fob HlsMk Mi'll Destroy. !>•. gni I • got to hah n hon e a’l 10 hlsself. atvl dev go'n' buy l! foh him "But Ml-tah A'lm'al Dewey he think wliat *le use of a house #f dev ain't Mime hraly In It to lub and do d# mendin'. "And he says he goln' to g.*( m.ihrled, 1 c l hah someone te t iko kyalt oh de house." "Of course." said the hoy; "Juwt like mother. "Not mevntn' no dlsre'p# ' to yof pa. soilin' lard and bein' a hero ain't ele same Y'o pa he 1 Irene go! de right to mahry yo' ma But evahbody ly it dlffunt wi t Mls- I tah Adm'al liewev "Ai when h*- say to de Judy dat as she gietn' to h.if to wash ile win lahs and keep ’ dc frun' to' lewll polish, dey hettah Jes' i p'oy dat de house belongs to her. il.ih I was do worst row you ehah hear tell of. ' !#■ people say dey want il#m presents I back.” "Wusn't It Ills house?" "Well, he had de houee.'hut some .me , else .1011, hah hold oh .|e string Anyhow ho’it dat time It war no i ed at d# Rost office 1 bit dey want such a rush to de monev ohdah pihtment. and de men whit n v- trvln' to get money nuff to moke j ovah dis yeah ahch In muhhle And dal • ley had |>li-nv time to go out fieh lunch be tween o|>entn' ob envelopes. "Dey done dey l-s'. But you can't put j href In a de-ad teeety " J.tei then the refractory mule gave a kick and a large s. tlon of staff was 1 shattered Into fmgntents. I To. Mistah Adm'al," remark*! Eph. I shaking his head gravely. "I thought all ■ I** mules .time had iley shy at him Rut I it looks like dere's some left waitin' foh Ia chance." ■ • ■ Hong's Htsnstlons Tip. The New Y'ork Tribune (Rep! has tht* ! story In it# Washington correspondenee; Kx-Qov. Hogg of Texas has been a mighty Pope roe In his day. Nothing har been heard from him directly since the cataclysm on Nov ti On that great o#- | ceis.on Hogg waa In Popocratio h*adquar i ters at Chicago, snuggling close lo Chair man Jones and putting the touches on hts unpa gn of extermination ] against the trusts when he should become 1 Attorney General of the United Btates un der Bryan. According to the story, the ! Texas delegation ha* brought to Wu.-h- I mgton, Hogg was mover! about noon of the fatal day to send to his law partner it Austin. J A Robertson, a reassuring telegram, couched In proper Popocrallc phraseology, thus "The American people are driving Im perialism Into ihe sea of oblivion. "Hogg " On receipt of this telegram Hogg's law partner strode forth and bet WO on Rry an'* election When the news renehed Austin th next day Hogg's law partner strode forth to the telegraph office and i blistered th# wire* between Texas and Chicago with this t< legrwm •‘What the devil ts imperialism and where the blink is ihe sea of oblivion? Y'ou owe me t*' , V Robertbon." A Title nt the Plains. Mrs Carter s.iy* In Harper’s Raxar that i she was with the Seventh Cavalry that 1 marched and cwmped and scouted on the route laid out for the K.ansaa Pacific Kadroad The fevod was monotonous, and those on the march over the barren coun try would tell tantalising tales of the goo.) things they had eaten In the fltates. The habit of hospitality, however, was #0 tix e-t that the soldiers would mer. ly add .a plate for he visitor, or give up their own if there were not enough An old offl. err. In 1 roesing Ihe plains. Invited a brother officer to dine with him, not know ing lhat hts sirpfllte- were so low The "striker" put the only two iluhe* on th* mesa rhe*t table. The host took In the limited bill of fare wt a glance, and sail "If vou don’t ear# for rice, help your j s< If to the mustard." The Drover DM hot Lauah. They were In the grocer's, says Tlt-B'.t* 8 ltd the grocer, seeing a tdir,d man about to enter. "Are you aware how (IrlFate the touch of a blind person u? When Nature deprives us of one sense, she makes amend# by bringing the othir sens., to extraordinary anittniss Let us iltus r.iie by this genrteman. I'll take , scoop #s sugar and let hint feel It. ,nd y nil w u • how quickly he'll gall wbal ■ The blind ntnn having entered, he was put 10 the test He put his thumb and | Anger Into the # oop. and without hrs -1 llalion mid, "That !• land. ' ITIIWS OF INTERCUT. —Tlhrteen i-olon-d women, whose ages range- from 25 to 75. are attending night m-hoel in Jersey City and taking their first lessons in r* a.Mng. Several of tha- o.‘lcr women wet# born In slavery, ami sum. of these have become sufficiently accomplish ed 10 read a simple history of the United B:ates with its record of the emancipation of their race. —A bill is to be Introdur-ed In th# com ing New York Leglslatut* providing that cltlxer.s who fall to r-glster ami vote shall lee drawn for Jury duty before !iiose who exercise Ihe right of suffrage Many rich restelents of the Eastern nietropo Is have been escaping Jury duty by refu-mg 10 register, and the measure ts Intended to rra n such delinquents. —Notwithstanding a report to the con trary. the Istplanders who are returning 10 their native land from Alaska, where they hav been engaged In th# care of reindeer, state that Ih# experiment of transplanting the deer has failed, and that the climate of Alaska Is not healthful for Laplanders Th# failure of th* plan of propagating the deer Is du# to the differ ences In food conditions —A committee has been appointed to revise the French naval signal book, as well as Ihe system of taetic* for ligtw squadrons A similar revision was made in I*9l hy a committee under th# presi dency of Admiral Charles Duperre The present revision Is due to Ih# fart tlait w hen Ihe. squadrons met for m aneuver* In ih* summer some discrepancies were found in their practice. —Plans are under consideration at the navy department for the employment of all cadets who shall graduate next June as w itch and division officers, and the Idea I- to mak- these young men of ficers In fact rather than as hitherto keeping thi m as a sort of upper messen ger boy. "In everybody's mess and no body s watch." This action of the di-|iart ment ts In anticipation of tho abolition of the two yoars' course at sea. —An authority on bacteriology says that many disease may be traced to the citing cf unwashed fruit, and iartlcular ly of unwashed grapes. After washing some crape- which had stood for u long tlm* in .1 ha-ket on a fruit star.d ih# mar, of science found the water con tained tubercle bacilli in sufficient quan l tt.s to kill a guinea p g in two days Two other guinea pig* which were Inoculated with the gercn-lnf<->:t#d water died wi:hlu six weeks. —Th# coffee-growing Industry In tropi cal Africa Is developing tremendously. Th* seed was Introduced Into the country about five years ago by some mission aries. with the object of ascertaining whether the resource- of th* country were favorable to the culture of the article. The ground appeals peculiarly adapt lit to the Industr.. since la-t year 100 ton* of c.ff.e were from Uganda alone, and th# result of !hi? year's production will be- even greater. —Old-time fMwnhrnkers in New Y’ork are to m. *t increased competition from [ the Provident Loan society, which was a pet s> hem* of the late Commodore V.m --b-rbilt A ill t l branch of h# society Is a:K> 111 to be ote-ned, this time In the Ten derloin district, richest of ult fields for til# pawnbroker. Its next-door itelglilsir* j w .il be John L, Sullivan s saloon and a : gambling-house, and will 1 Imrg.v 1 1- - cent a month The right pawn-brokers already 10. ated In lhat district charge three times as much.— Cb'na Is peculiar as being the habi tat of the most northern siievles of mon key found. These inhabit the mountains terih of Pekin, and are entirely fre* from ihe dieases which carry off tropical monkeys when Introduced into cold cli mates They enjoy playing In the snow and g] |tart oily iki not suffer In the least from the cold They, too, grow to a I large siie. adults reaching nearly three j and one half feet In high*. They u e . very Intelligent, and large numbers ar# taken und trained for exhibition by the | Chine ic. i —A Missouri boy, serving In the Phlllp ! pints, writes home: "Counn grows tpon laneoiisly here, as does nearly everything 1 else In regard to the war here, there Is no war. The danger we are In Is by iielnr caught out after dark ulon# or oil ihe road with only four or live men. Th. rt you are liable to gel your hind cut off with ’a #.i >. tht FUtpino ktuf.- it 1, ~i-mo'i mo'i like the American cornknlf*. only It lias a slight curve In It and Is Jugnted They tell me that If you are captured by the Insurgent you are treated all right, but tf you full Into the hands of the negro huswhackcrs the chances are that you j will never live to tell It." loitcrt reports from the Kentucky, I ent from tllbraltar. show that this tin. • hip bids fair to tie a record break, r In the matter of efficiency, for on licr ar rival at that point, following a very suc cessful run across the Atlantic, her ma citlnery and l>oller# were reported as be ing in the same condition as when she sailed from New Y'ork The progress of ihe Kentucky so Manila will I#- watched with deep tnterrst by the navy depart ment officials, for the anticipation among thos# competent to Judge Is that litis ves sel will be as efficient in th# matter of long and successful cruising as her Illus trious predecessor, the Oregon. —Some hoy* In Macon. Mo., recently fed th# contents of a box of a#tdlttz pow ders to a goat belonging to a family which had recently moved into the neigh borhood. Then taking tt for granted lhat ho wae thirsty, they led Rllly lo a n#i - hy trough ami permitted him to drink heartily. 80011 the fixilng began and th# g*at tor# down the street toward the woods at a reckless pace. Some negroes living several m I** out of town claim 10 h tvt seen Old NY k himself, as they ver ily believed, rushing along the road ’.n broad .liyllght 111# majesty resembled ar. cnoimous goat, they said, but tiu-y recognized him as th# devil, because he { was spilling fire and brlmatonc I —A collection of Civil War relics has j been landed In Brooklyn. N. Y . by a ' freinht steamer It consist* of *> eons of shell, gt apcshot. bullet* and fuses The projectiles, from thirty-two round shot to ten-inch shells, had been crushed and broken under trip hammers, but the grapeshot anl tome canister, also th* fuses and leaden bullets, were tntict ! Tlx collection come* from Forts Oatnes - nd Morgan, which were a part of the 'defenses of Mobile bay, and It will h r- m Iteil and devoted lo mercantile pur pose* In ihc lust year the demand for scrap Iron has tm-n so lively that a great deal of old iron hitherto considered use less lias been sold ntnl utilized. Including quantities of old war material stored lit various forts. —T. Nagura of Toklo. he traffic audi tor of the Government Railway* In Ja pan, who ha* been examining the rail roads of this country, ts In Philadelphia. "I am afraid." he a iye. according to the Philadelphia Press, “that my country ha# a hard road to travel before she can ever approach American Ideas of comfort and speed in ra lway travel. 1 might add. also, that she same thing Is true of other coun tries 1 have visltt-d since 1 began my travels We began wrong In Japan W# built th# first road with the narrow three foot six-inch gauge, and We kept on build ing road* to suit that measure. It is too t.i tt- -1 ir la-d g. nr , Bh I sqppos# w-e must make up our mind* to It some day. Hut we must order all our loromu tlves and equlpm-nt made narrow gauge, ami It co*l u * mori Japan order* al most all h*r railway machinery now from th* l nited States Th* order# to Hald wlns and other firms Increase each year. We build very few engines In Japan. La bor t* cheap ther* . but we have eery lit- i tl# raw material." A I LXAS WONDLR. Hall's Oreat Discovery. On* small bo'tls of Hall# Graat Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder trou bias, removes gravel, cures diabetes, sem inal emissions, wsak and lam# backs, thsuma.ism and all irregularities of ms kidinys and bladder in Poih men ana wo men. tcgulat## b.adasr troubles In chil dren. If not sold by your druggist wt.l be sent by mail on receipt of tl. one small bottle ts two months' treatment, and will curs any vaes above mentioned Dr K W. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box O. 8t Louis. Mo. Mend for tssilmonlals Hold by all druggists and (Solomons Cos., davannab. Os ■lend Tills. Dotben. Ala. July IJ, Dr. K. W Ilall. Bt. Louis, Mo.—Dear Sir: Wc have l>een selling your Texas \Ycnd#r. Hall’s Great Discovery, for two years amt recommend tt to any on* suf fering with afiy kidney troub:# ,i being the best remedy we ever cold. Yo-irs truly, J. R. Y’OL'NO. 1 t JI. Of HOPE IT! MCI 1 1 R 7 St MIIUI Ul For Isle of Hope. Montgomery. Thunder bolt. Cattle l'aik and West End. Dally except Sundays. Subject to c.-iaogo without ISLE OF HOPE. Lv, City for I. or II j Lv. Isle of Hop* ~ < A* am Lorn T> n!h |iOu am for B-vlton 7.9a in from Tenth |6U) am for T-tuh S3d arn from Tenth , 7uu am for T- nth 915 am from Bo.ton ; am for Tenth 10 30 am Jrom Tenth lo 00 am for Tenth i: )11 11 from T- nth ; 11 uu am for Bolton 115 pm from Uoltqn ,11 m for T. nth 2SO pm from Tenth |3OO pm for Tenth 3 S') pm from Tenth ! 240 pm for 80l on 430 pm from Tenth , 3 pm for Tenth 530 pm from Tenth | 400 ion for Tenth ti 30 pm from Tenth , (uo pm for Tenth 730 pen from Tenth J 700 pm for Torch 830 pm from Tenth I 300 pm forTenih !• 3o pro from Tenth j 300 pm for Tenth 10 30 pro from Tenth |lO 00 pro for Tenth MONTGOMERY. Lv city for Moni i> Lv. Montgomery - ' 3 30 am from Tenth ~ i 7 15 am for Tenth 23# pro from Tenth 1 1 15 pm for Tenth 3u pm from Tenth |COu pm for Tenth CATTLE PARK. Lv city for Cat.Park| Lv. CatUtTPark ~ am Irutn Bolton 7Ou am for Bolton 7M am from Bolton (Ou am tor Bolton luu pm from Boitoo 13u pm for Bolton i3O pin from Bolton 3OU pm for Bolton 700 pm from Boiion 73u pm for Boiton t ou pm irom Bolton | 3 30 pm for Bolton tiiundkruolt! Cor leaves Bolton street Junction 6.34 a m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 11 3i)t). m. Car leaves Thunderbolt at :00 a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12 OO midnight, for Bolton street lune tlon FREIGHT AND PARCEL CAR. This car carries trailer for passengers on all trip* und leaves west side of city market for Isie of Hope. Thunderbolt and all Inter mediate points at 9 00 a. m , 1.00 p m . 5:00 p m. Leaves Isle of Hop# for Thunderbolt. City Market and all Intermedia!* points al ii:00 a. m.. 11:00 a. m , 1.40 p. m. WEST END CAR Car leaves west side of city market for W’.it End fi 00 a m. and every 40 minutes thereafter during th# day until 11:30 p ra. Leaves West End at 630 a m and #r ery 40 minutes thereafter during th* day until 13:00 n'elork midnight H M TrOFTON. Gen Manager. Mercnoms S Miners Traosporiiiiioa Cos Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Tickets on Sale to All Points North and Welt. Flrst-elass tickets Include meals and berths Savannah to Haltlmor# and Phlia d- Ma. Accommodation# and cutsln# 11 a led e steamship* of this company ar* ap pointed to sail from Savannah as follows (Central Standard Time): TO BALTIMORE. ITASCA. Capt. Billups, TUESDAY. Dec. 11. 10 a m. CHATHAM. Capt James, THURSDAY, Dec. 13, 11 n TEXAS. Capt Eidredge, SATURDAY, Dec 15. 1 p m. D H MILLER. Capt. Peters, TUES DAY, De. 1, 3:30 p. m TO PHILADELPHIA. ALLEGHANY, Capt. Foster. WEDNES DAY. Deo. J 2, p m. BERKSHIRE, Capt. Ryan. MONDAY. Dec 17 3pm ALLEGHANY, Capt. Foster, FRIDAY, Dee. 21. 5 r m. Ticket Ofilce No. 112 Bull (tract. J J. CAROLAN. Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav. Aft. Havar.nah. Ga. W. P Tf’RNER. G P A A D. BTEBBINB A. T M J C WHITNET, Traffic Manager General Officeg. Baltimore, Md. RAISIN SEEDERS. Meat Choppers, Etc. m [ . 113 ilroutfbioa Street. Wnt. Wood Mosaic Co.’s Parquetry Floors Have been Ltd In many of the com fortable home# In New Y’ork, Boston and other cities More cleanly and economical than carpets Plain nJ fancy floor* lal! and pollahed complete over old floors, making a solid anl beautiful Improve ment. Having a number of floors to lay In Sa vannah this month we can quote figure*. Catalogue and estimates may b-> had by addrrtng J M ADAMS. 127 N. Charles street. Baltimore. Ml- BRRNNAN BROS* noiCSALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. ii WAV MHI.KT. Irk|k.Mllk