The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 11, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TO HAVE A FREIGHT AGENT. MH'TNKRV* 4 OMMCIK 1%l HITIIK.- *K%TATIVK 4T V%\ %M. ( oninirrrlM I Aurm Will llr loraieil in (hr Ofttrr I ard b the l*nrn< ger Ilrpnrimmt—4rnrril I rrlghl \unii Art I ul 1 rairrilax •!•* Igriil Will llr Naiurd Within Trn llntt-Mr. N*tl nml Othrr o|tli*lh lirltl I imlfrrnrr* With Plant t*ui and < niiral I r**iglit 4ttlials llrgdriling '* Order of Thing*. %lr Nll **%• Will Dr rhr Idtnni hu'* Prom I nangirn tion of I'rrighl Irr. Th*- Ho .f nr. H romm-'i n a <> in within ten da> • Ti.e r*pr >#ntatlv e of the f r**jrh* u** i iiwnt H thin city hai not ywt bli r.imfd. hut the official# con # i* rtfig: rft to whom thav shall p.ace :n ;rgi of the interest* of the t a<l S< : , of ti e i-reeent re|*r **n t • ■ \\' - i- Milon :# h* Inw that he yr ili ii< 1 i* M.ittituh will he chosen 1 r ihe t i • -* the Soiithern n j* v • emtdoyer 1* for the a Ivan r? rn* of the fit tent. < Joori m n ar* |r > m ar.l * aler# them o ir Ti* ugh the ti. in for the pi? n ha r a I♦ en #ctt I upon. the war on f * t *• agt ncy ha# The office on Pull tr**t. he. tween York and Offlcrthorj* \*nue now ev r !f led hy t* • | i *>r*rrt. will he umml jointly by the freight aral pa##ng**r d.*|Mirttnentf haii ral Kn ijrht \g*nt K A Nell of the ft.vith* rn gave th e information ve*tr day He at 1 other S u4h*rn Rai wa> fr-nflemen v* re In the city looking after tr fhr arrangements Incident to their **- lAbllihintnt of a fr* ight to Sa vannah The-.*' a m|wttivlnK Mr Ni a*. Mr I* I \\ r- tm • rlnier detrt of the Columbia Dm■ :■,. Mr I A Kmer ► a- ant g* n*" il freight ig*nt a < arhston. i.rl Mr D K Williams, rom to* r* ial agent : J * k son villa s w<• • held h v the Sou*hem freight official* with there of the Cen tral and he p|*nt Bvt*m yeeterdav The alteration- I* lh* S- .*h< r.’** method of jVaoh ng Savannah *n.l tho tnaug iratt -n of li* freight art it.'e demand chargee In the agreement * that have heretofore ex l*ted and It w i ije-n th*** hange- that the off!• dale onferred The South-rn ha bw#n using the Pant System * tra k# from Yemasee to Si vannah for it* paaseng*r e.*rvl ** Hy the (simulation of he own line fr-*rn Albnla e to Hardeevllle the Southern has lr* n en abled to o'-i Inn th- u#** of the PI int System b*rw**ti Yam a **.***' md ffanlee vlll*. The pa-senjcer train-, however. gttU run into t‘ Plant System #h*l In Savannah and w*i : l continue to d< *o until th’ union et itlon ha been ron-’riu P 1 I Freight trim# oger the Southern how gver. will tu • i use the Plant Syatem ter mini!- lut \ 111 be handled over the Cen tral Railroad from the Junctl* n of th* latter wi h the Plant Syatom. four mile from th** (lt\ Th* Southern - freight trains will run over the Plant Syatem le -tween llardeoville an l the ’ ntral Itatl traffic arri between the South ern and th Plant System and between tha 8 - ithern and the Central w.ip the purpose tfl the confermce*. Mi Nell - i*l i representative of the Morning Newp that the owning of the new line to Savannah and the Inaugura tion of n freight aervice will b of dis tinct advatil.4ft to tie- city. Savannah will be one of the termini of the Southern, a no fr- mi’4 train* will Im- run by the line aonih of thi- rlty lioth to and from Savannah an equllaWe idjinrtment of rates will Ite eff’trd. For |o|nts that might Im* confkiertNl territory contlgtioua to **>•. Savannah ml Charleston rate** will 1h arrwuw’el ii|*on the mileage basic Savannah having lower rates lo pointß nearer it (Imn Charleston and vice versa Tm* raw terrl’ory. through which the lire Iwiween All* n ! ile and Hardeevllle. fifty-two mile- long runs. 1 nearer Sa vannah than (Ti irbson. s that hle city will hav the advantage In rates Satisfaction 1b found by the Southern ofllelalß In th** arrangement that ha- been made with the Central for hateMlng the Southern's fr* ght Mr. Neil Bald the Cen tral tms nr excellent gyPlain oft rmln ilp and eplendld faclfltlea for handling freight lel!ver:*-B will l*e made for the Southern by the C*ntral In precisely the game manner b for lta own ghlpper- The arr irgemmt Is much the an me as that whi. a st* and between the Central •nd the f eorg iitm! Alabama, when th* former w- s handl ng the buplnese of th* latter, making all deliveries. The Cen tral'p Biding*. nl Bpur* will be at th* gervlce of the Southern Tnvellng Auditor Smith of the South ern w ,*s In the city y* -i r-lv che. king Ir. Mr It < T relevant, agent of the Centra!, who will be agent aUo for the Southern. Th Sou hern's flrpt freight tr*4*n wag run Into thi* c tv yePterday. an ii dally gervlce will be maintained until such as the bulne**? of the South ern has grown piuflbient to warrant an Increage. THKY bIIHK l\ IIUPIOM. rrf*l*lrnt F.rwln > • Plant tyilrm and Southern %r* In linpport. President H C. Erwin of the Plant System paid yePterday. when asked by n rec*r* .-oiHative of th<- Morning New*, that the relation.* that now e*!*t between the Plant Svßtem and the S uthorn Hill wav are p* rf* tly hannuntoup and pleas ard and that they will be continued after Jan 1 The question was Inspired by a dl'pat h recently* publlphefl to the effect that the Southern nnd the Seaboard Air line have 1* -n * very thick f late an l that the hitter might take the plane of th* Plant System In the good grace* of the Southern after Jan 1 The running of the Southern of Up pas genger train# southward from Sa\ innah over the*oard Air Unt Inofead of over the Plant S> , fn is at present. ha |een hinted a: The rurno.- was rather rurprleitig In view of the fact that Thirl Vico President and General Manager F. P <iannon **f tne South* rn had told a representative of the Morning New just h few lays before, when he was her** *.n Ms Inspection trip of the new Alleiwlule- Harb* vllle line, that the relations now • xleilng b-tween th* Plant System amd hi# own ro.i 1 would continue. President Erwin*# and <iara!tai U jv**> this matter settled Is vv. Id yesterday bv a railroad m.*n that he 1. Ilcv al the report w.- due t a ini-utsi* r-taadir i the source from which it ni> arte*l of th* deal tha* has *ffe<nd by the Southern with the Central r*itlv* to (he use of the Savan nah terminal of the Central. Preoddeni Erwin said then will be no vice pr- *' i* •.1 • l* i*ml by the stockholders of th* 1*’ S\stem it the approaching affuvjal m ctlng This announemu nt i- In fulfillment of th* prediction ma-l* by the Morning New- some time ago when reason for th* 1* if was advanced in th** f. t that #h* general superintendent of th 1 ant ?• m h.i' ;k*n th* office rooms ilv> w occiiple*! by Vice Presi dent s R Kn<tt during his connection v. n tne Plan* System and h*# assumed most *.f th- liltief th.*? fell to the vice presiden* Th- method# and organliAtlon of work Introduced hy Mr Knott are ad h*red to. nr, 1 t was *h<>tight lx-fore Mr. Krwln's nnrwvan* *mei t that here wni every rrason t. )>• -ausii.i with the pre#- •#it conductor the affairs of the nystem. H%1|,4 run I*l. %\T Birr KM. Annfh*r (arm From Marxian*! steel 1 *ln> la Hrlna Ia loaded. Mr. Ueorg# L*. Croll, reproeenting the mm. WITH ne-KIDNEY DISEASE r COMPLICATIONS Go at once to your Druggist, get. bottle of WARNER’S SAFE CURE And begin the easy march to Health. W nil) mill you a Mmr>l holtl* FREE on rclpt of po*t! card. A<Mr. *. WARNER rt SAFE CCRB CO . Rocnefter, N. T. Mention thl. p*pnr. M.i \ ln<l B’> nl Company of Spirrow'* l>..|rit mar lul-'room. I In lh*' rlty to look ..ftrr thn Jllvry to ihr f-unt 9> *- tem of the .ntpment of *t—'| rai l* that ma>ln ilwar* lh-* Fla--- Flo:l*1a. Thl. 1. th. fourth cargo of r ll* undor thn or*l.i pUrwl hy th** FI nt ityn t.m with th- Maryland hi'-nl - - thn Flon la ha brought to fhavan -1 Mr Cro’.l'n oompany la furnishing 70- stnnl r ills to tnn,i > *!*""• which i, lavln* ih*m a. r-pllly •>' t,|n Thn p .rilon of thn linn up*ai hl* h • in work I. I"*w hnlnsr -lonn Is that h.- Wa%* on ai.*l J ksonvllln It t thn intnntloo of th* system, hownvnr. to rnlav all It- tranks with -hn hnw ratl^. mr staii.ia -t hntng nvnntv pounds A>u :t* mil— on thr Alatwnv. Mull.-** ... I, t** I*l*l with *0 |Mun*l r ill*, as tiv and curve* thnrn .Inmunrt haaviar **t<-vl. FOR IMUlTltltl. PHIHiBKM. Plan to annum Snw 1n.1..-lrln. Hr by I’ls*! W>*nm. Thn Plant Hvst.m pasnt,g.*r d.part rnnnt has hit upon a plan that should bn i ffrctlvn In aWlt.g m the nstabllshm. nl ot Industrial nntnrprlsna along Its Hn— A nipping bureau will furnish thn Halit Svsimu with thn namns and addrnssn* ot ~.1 manuf.i luring Industries that am up on thn point of changing .oration, and .:.*w information, givnn otu by circular, to thn Plant Syatnm agent-. will nnabtn thn town*, and . Itms whnrr those ug. nt* am to oi n correspond.n.'n with th.- '•- w ~f indu ing the proprietors or companion I rn-nstabUsh their plants. Following Is porlhan of thn announcing th* Intention of thn I lain Has ten* to adopt thl* plan: •To Ag-nts It Is the purpose of this ■-ompan) <• publish from Uni- to time In f—motion sneurml through thn various newspap- rs of different . nterprlsns and. s.r ing -o tnakn new location* Agents will phase communicate this Information to the < lilxctis at stations where they are i„ |n order that the . Itll-ns may he a.lvlsel and will take Ml h step* as they deem pr..|*-r Agents at P*dnt. whnrc iH.ards of tra.b- lire 10. at. and saoul.l . om nium, at. thl* information to the se -r.-tary ~f the tswrd Ka.-h agent shou.d co-op , rale to the fullest extent In thl- - '• In order lhat the results ma) he !netl *al to the station* along the line as w- ll is to the company ’* <HH|bTM%b IKII.IIHI II 4TF.B. One and One-Third Fare. Will Re < haraeil for siodnents. Christmas holiday rites for student* of schools and colleges have been announce.l by the Chairman of the Southeastern l a*- senger Asssxlallon. The -olatloo will sell round tHp ticket* to -.tud.nt* Of schools and colleges on 1-e-. If> to Dec. ;l. Inclusive, with final limit Jan s. for on and one-lhtrd first - ..** one-way fare* I ..tween all points east of the Mississippi and south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers, except that between potnts In Florida a rate of on- first c ars fare for the round trip will apply. |.M I \f* \>'l 11. PASSES. Thl* I* the Season 11 hen the fssr lesles Ire *Cehaned. Now Is the season when requests for annual passes are being rsdvnl by fh* railway officials by whom they are grant .d It Is usually the custom for tne gen eral malinger or other nflh Ini of a line to send to all roads from w hich the courtesy is desired h list of the officials for whom annuals are to he given Con siderable work attaches to the miking of the annuals, as a great many hVe to tie Issued Avery heavy tourist business this win ter is expected hy the north-and-so nh ;inc* A passenger man said yesterday that the correspondence received !*y his department Indicates that the movement will Ih* the heaviest In the h!tr> of the roads Information has reached him that far more than the usual number who serk the pleasures of the w irmer climate of Florida and Houih OrorgU during the mld winter will take the trip. The general pros|rltv In which the country Is rejolc. Ing Is accountable for the traveling spirit Mint has selg.-.l those who luvc money to s i*’ nd. The tourist mosement has s an-ely be* gun as yet Th. Florida lines have taken down many northerners w o have winter hem. s In Flon la ansi sons who have gone o * ay at the stn.ll hotels and board ing places. None of the large hot. '* have opened for the winter yet. however, a* they wall for the tide of travel that set* 111 after the ho llaV - The pro*!" . live tourists do not like to leave their homes he fore Christ ma* ->r It I- probable that the movement souths cl would begin carder. Th. vestibule.l trains are to !• |xit on about the middle of January General jsi-sengcr aiisln.** hold* up re markably well will, the roads Reports of the freight d> parttneftls als> she.w heavy earnings and. on the whole the roads have nothing with which lo he dis satisfied. Mr P. P. Pickett, general freight and passenger agent of the Atlantic. Yal 'osfa ind Western, with heudquarter* at Jack snnvllle, was among the visitors In the city yesterday. Mr. Pickets has many friends In Savannah who are always glad to sec him. rir.iilarw have lern received In Savan nah announcing the apisrlntm.-nf of Mr H. H. Tate to be a*sl* g ncrai pa-- senger agent of the Seaboard Air l.lne, with h*-adquariers In Atlanta. The -ir cular also detines Mr. Tat.- * terrMory Hl* advancement on the Hewboard t* a distinct atid deserved promotion. The THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. EEC EMBER 11. 1900, I S'st. m Is given two a**l*tant general pa ---tiger agents hy the ap|>olntmrnt. Mr A <> M . Donell of Jacksonville being the , other. A meeting of riant System and laiuls vll.. and Nashville ofti.-lais will he held In Montgomery to-morrow for a dl. u-- -lon of .-hang— in for the Hast jnd West service they operate for passer.- g-rs General Superintendent IV. ft Den •im and Tass.-nger Traffic Manager P w Wrenn will represent the riant Si tem The Conference Committee of the Southen-rern rassenger Association will hold a meeting a. New Orleans on Dec. 1 MM IL PlfHsfll 11.. Mr. F, Weber was a passenger of the riant Syst.-m yesterday for N". w- York. Miss E. L Thompson left via the Plant S stem yesterday for Birmingham Mr. A. R. Roberts of Ogeechee Is regls j tfini Mt thr B rtvfn. -Mr II M M.iA**r of O.xrnrtt a<# amonflr th** arrival# t th# Ht r**\**r. ynterdfiy, J I! Walk*< of ('harleiuon la a atj#*#t of th** Rcrrvrn. Mr j. \V. 4’aiiarxan of BainbrM** la a Ku**Bt of th* Bcravm. -Mr. J. W. K* vii>|.|fi of Waycro## Is lB *>r.Nl at th** Ber#v*n •Mr J. I* Tobin of Ail#n*lale Is a ffuest *f th* Screven. Mr* Shelley n.**ett l**ft via the Bout hem yeßterday for Richmond. Mr I: W fail!lo11 of Bap*>lo in a ir\ir-t of the I*u 1 1 oki. Mr J. \\ Woo!ward of Dewey. Fla., 1# r*#t**re*l at the Pulaski Mr W M Foy of Bto klon Is reui.Btered nt*the Puia.-kt. Mr. W (}, Tuten of Pembroke 1# a . cuest of the Pulaeki. Mr. J H. Ollff mu! family of Adabelle .ire registered at the Pulaski. Mr. J D. Jam*** of Columbia Is refflß terel at the Pul ekl. Mr S. Wllenslir left via the Seaboard Air I>liie yesterday for New York. Mr R F. S-im* of Atlanta I# at the De Soto. Ml# a W. L A veil he and Mlbb Swear ingen left via the Plant By#tem y* % rd.iy for llavan.i. Mr. R. Simmon# and Ml#* Lula Sm mon# of Statesboro are guest# of the Pu laski. Mr and Mr#, 11. I. Thom#en were anions the |ja>**ener# of the Seaboard | Air L*in yesterday for Norfolk Mr. Charle# S. Heard of Augusta w<# | .imong the gue#t# of the De Soto ye terday. Mr. J J. I/odge agent of the "Runaway | *; irl** Company * is registered at the De i BoUk Mr# K J Millar returned la#t night on the City of Augusta from a rliH to friends in New York and Taunton, Mas# Mlar Eula Shuptflna will leave hy to day'# steamer for New York, whore she will spend a year In the study of music and voice culture. Mr and Mrs. R A Crawford have re turned from their bridal trip to Washing ton. Baltimore and New York. They rived yesterday morning over the Hoirth - m Railway. By a colneldence, the same tra n brought Mr. and Mrs A. A Law rence. who were also returning from such iit trip a# Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Th** many friends of both young couple* will be glad to welcome them home. Plßffl'lSD A UFAPKHADO. | one Men*tier of the Foaae Was Killed by the Fugitive. I#>g.n#port. Ind . Dec. lA.—Chief of Prv ! lice Foley and Patrolman Barney Burch. Dick Costello. Ben Dean and 4}eorge Gra ham pursued a desperado for six mile-* this evening, shooting at him at every opportunity. Th< mnn, who Is believed to be Mar vin Kuhns an escaped convict, return# 1 the ft re at Intervals with two revolvers. killing Dean l*ater a |bw#o of officer# and citisen# ' armed with shotguns and revolvers start ed out to find the fugitive It Is thought he cannot escape, a# the town** and coun try have been warned for miles around. Kuhn escaped from the penitentiary at 4*olumbus. O Thanksgiving day. lie was under sentence for murder. HILL TO IIF \ 4 IMIIDITK. b M |<| |fle Will Vtun for the Preldenr> In lf4. Chicago. Dec. 10 —The Chronicle will i e v to-morrow: Dtvld Bennett Hill, eg-Governor of New i York, and former Fnlted States Senator j is to be a |romlnent candidate for the [presidency on the Democratic ticket In I!K>4 A |e< la ration that 1b equivalent to • (terson-il announcement by the New York man was made here last right lv J.*niep K. McGuire. Mr. Hill's political lieutenant. Mayor of Syracuse and chair man of tne Executive Committee of too New York state organization. \n\\ K %lI.Ntl\D COMPANY. 4 linrtrr to He Given the Briinwlek and Hlrnilnshsm. Atlanta. Dec. 10.—Application ha# been made to the secretary of state for the In corporation of the Brunswick and Bir mingham Railroad Company. The charter will be granted to-morrow. The rai road ib to le mo miles In length and will cot M.TTin.QIXJ to build. Three tti Ulon dollars of this amount has hen #ul*b. rlb*-d ari l 10.0(0 tons of steel rails are contracted for j to be delivered as foal as ft adit}* is now- j * VIRICR ni II KII.IIK. (rrn. Had a ( In.i- all—Olh.-r Nrw. from %%ajreross. Waycross. fin .De 10.— About * o’clock Rand# # Pi. rrf* > nt> farmer, started out of town, rossing th* Way cross Air Line track, near the depot *f that road It Is reported that Crew s was under the l r flue nee whisky and ventured to-. near sn engine tha* was approaching Hi* wagon was knocked into stniti ereens and he bare \ escjptd with his 11 f**- He r* i iv* l *vt nil ugly brui-■•# an l his collir -on* w broken. Crews was taken i in#* Main*- Hotel, where his won. i were Iby Dr. R. P I* ar. From the ix* t information obtainable Crew was nt fau.t. Tt* hou-c formerly occupied by Mitch J M*x k. t e miies Muith of the city, w • and sit- ved by fire last night, aoout • o'-do*'k. Th** h<! bet-n bought by Leu 4*o!Jln.‘. who iw<i made eoin** r* pa rut or y -• o> -upylr.g the H-- l"-t in addition to tin* houae about 1 bush* i# of 9wr*t potatoes banked he ir the hou**’ Hi# los# is about s** with n* Insurwnc* Th** first was of linendiary oitgln. This place is th** li' iu: i spot wh* rn th* f*t mous Widles nn - cr*e or-urred in lib Rev. H, 8 Abbott, preJilent of th* Wol* van Conference. pr*-a h. and two very irceptubie sermon# at Trinity Church yesterd y morning and night. Yesterday morning Rev. W. E Mum'- rd, founiler of tlie In dust rial Home for Frlendles* Children at Macon, prea h*-l a’ the Bapt ist Church, and ist right he occupied th* Pr*sby ternin pulpit The W sum s Foreign Missionary So cl#ty o* upie-d the evening m First Meth odist church last nlgfit. Pr. J l. Walker received i telegram yesterday afternoon n ling him to Black -hear i< ad. i#h * r of Hon A P Brant ley. who was seriously ill. H# went me • n a spec la! train. AtlAlLA%T*a VICTIM l>F\l). I.tnr hlnu f lltiftm the I'lrst Flo>l i omits tins llnd. R*>me Ga . De 10—Mr*. Joe White who was so fiendishly assaulted by the negro. Bu*l Bufus, whowi# lynched Sat urday. died last night, about 11 o'clock, Lon* her ir,juries. Her skull w\* crushed nnl her body horrlb v lacerated in h**r struggle again i the brute. The lynching, whi!** deplore! B app.i.ved hy tne communilg in wnico he g> and woman llv* J. Bh** wa# the mother of <veral children. This was th** *• lynching turn lias ever o<x*urred in Floyd county. lilt lit FH 1 1% CLEVELAND. Formal 4'hnraen Preferred %Knlnsl Member* of Connell. Cleveland, 0., Dec. 10. —The special cotn mHte of the City Council which investi gated charge# of bribery In connection with the granting of a contract to the Gam* w li Fire Alarm Telegraph Company to-night preferred formal charge# ngMinst fur members of the Counc 1. Tne aceusid members wr.* John O'Donnell. D. B Hteuer. A. W. Henry and Lev* N. Purtly. w ho. It in charged, each re. eived jwy for his vote on the - ontra-- T’ 4 * * incil will eh a# a court to try the charges. TOO Ml 4 II AIIAIVI till French Deputies Want to Cut 4>f| Consumption of It. Paris. Dec. lA.~The Chamber of Depu ties to-d.iy unanimously adopted a reso lution calling ti|s>n the government to prohibit the manufacture and sale of .ill alcoholic liquors pronounced '‘dangerous'* by the Academy of Medicine. The re.-<v lutlon wa# aimed at abdnthe, the con sumption *f which ha# nearly doubled in ' * mm atondi .ii :•- 000,000 litro# annually. MAM IIODIF# HHUIUIIT HOME. 4ur Mol ill era and Mallors W hn V.ost l.lve* In Philippine*. Hitn Franci- o. Dec. 10.—The transpori H.inoo k arrival to-day front Manila via NiuiMk! with th** bo*lle# of about l..*##* -ailor# n<i soldiers who either died in tMttle or #UC4*itcidMH| to the ravages of dis ease in thi- Philippines, 4‘hlna. CSiiAm or Honolulu. This i# the I argent number of bodies brought home since the outbreak *f the Spanish-American war. There wer* eleven d*ath# on the voyage. Tn I lit lic**rc \ev Note*. Tallahassee. Fla . Dec. 10—J. B. Whit ffeUl. State Trea- urer, ha# remltUsl to the several count* a entitled thereto th* amount# due them frm the proceed* of sale# and redemption# of tax sale# cer tincite# for th** month of November amounting to S.MAI3b 4' , arl!* an* out announcing the of Cupt. Harry Porcher Ba> of th** Columbia Light Infantry. Lake city, to Mls*t Elva J.-v i*' Bending. Will t ike place on Dec. 19, tit D iaviin. NVls. Capt Buya Is also a professor in the state nor mal college at DeFuniak. A. J Anderson. 11 T. Thom and Char lie Villar nr** new enlistment# in Bitter> ll at Pensacola. 4.en. \N mml Itetnllnte*. Ilavan . IH*-*. 1A —Gov. tlen. Wood to day severed the official cofine tkirs of the Havana Bar with the gov. < tnmen: in consequence of the action of the iißsodation yesterday. In electirg t> the Bo.ttxl -f Governor# five depose.t judge# who had been removed for *li>- hon**:ity. Y On Guard YLk The wamingeough is the faithful senti mA nel. It tells of the dihX approach of con- Aiin sumption, which has killed more people ” u - ,r an( l pesti- combined. It l life lls of painful ifwli i I j rh ‘" ;><i sore lungs, XbWbmß* 4 n'cak throats, hron chins, and pneu monia. Do not suf- Jn fer another day. It's use- W less, for there’s a prompt ~ and safe cure. It is yvyers Cherry, sectoral which cures fresh colds and coughs in a single night and masters chronic coughs and bronchitis in a short time. Consumption is sure i ly snd certainly prevented, and cured, too, if taken in time. A 25c. ; bottle for a fresh cold ; 50c. size i' for older colds; $! size for chronic i coughs and consumption. “ I alwstr# k*C|i* bntM#of Avar's rh#rry Farioml on hatui. Th*n vrr’v titn** I get cold 1 Uki:a itllie of it sn*| Ism letter at one©.*' Jsufcs O. lh wi'oa. Oct. 19 lkM. El I'aso, Texas Fore warned, Forearmed, The liability to disease is greatly It aeued when the blood is inpootlcon dilion, and the circulation healthy and vigorous. For then all refuse mattei is promptly carried out of the system ; otherwise it would rapidly aceumulat* fermentation would Like place, the blood become polluted and tlie consti tution so weakened that a simple malady might result seriously. A healthy, active circulation means good digestion and strong, healthv nerves. Ah a blood purifier and tonic* S. S. S. has no eaual. It is the safest and best lemcdy for old people and children because it contains no minerals, but is made exclusively of roots and herbs. No other remedy so thoroughly and effectually cleanses the blood of im* purities. At the same time it builds tip the weak and de bilitated, and reno* vatea the entire sys tem. It cures permanently all manner of blood and skill troubles. Mr. E. E. Kelly, of Urbana. 0.. write#: •• I had Ecsoma on my hand# and face for five yca-s. It would break out in Uttla white pustule#, crust# would form sad drop off, laaving th# skin red and Inflam ed. The doctors did mo no good. I used nil th* medicated soaps and asTvos without benefit. B. B. S. cured me, and my skin is c.s clear and smooth as any one's.'* Mrs. Ilcnry Siegfried, of Cape May. N. J., sirs that twenty-one bottles of B. 8. 8. curoa her of Cancer of the breast. Doc tors and friends thought her case hope less. Richard T. Gardner, Florence, 8. 0., suffered for years with Bolls. Two bot tles of B. 8. n. put hi# blood In good con dition and the Boils disappeared. Send for our free book, and write our physicians about your eaae. Medical advice free. IMC SWIFT PECIFIC 00.. ATLANTA tA> play r.u m:d r,ni:Ai m \\d%l. Mudenf* Pelted %cior* If* Aatl-Jew- Ish Performance. 8t P#t#rshurg. Dr**. 10 The s *anda '“sused by the demonstration on Thur.- iav evening last. or. the flrsf production of th * nti-Jewlsh play entitled * The Contra* i handlsts," during wni h the nctore were ; pelted, |>erß*>rial conflict f- Unwed an 1 the I erformance had to h #toppl. Ib still the subject *f considerable dlsrucsion here .mil threa'*nß to start a stislent ag ta- Mon. the university Mm; iTbising large ly with the demofistrative hundre*! (’hrls- Iti a i stulents who they purilriiiar* i In th** riot A bon !<•. sty!* r.t# m- B*turdav. had ifler listening to some flery* speeches ooo • leinned M. Suborbln, e lltor f (he Nov e Vr* mva. for hi# ac tivity In the n tempt to launch the anti-Semitic play, the th*— ter msnngemvfit. the police and other . The |oiic4*. late Thursday night, released the flf i y |*t r#ons arrested chit ing the dis turbs ii e atwi no prosecutlcaia hgvs yet been announced. After 4 • Mudent# meeting It Iwcame known that the minister of th** interior tad sent the newspaper r circular |*a|H*r positively forbidding further allusion# to ti.e scandal The authors of the play have reiln iu>hed the effort# to produce 11 BLI MP IN POTTO* '#* 14 F/. 14* Effect on the Mill Men In the New Fniclnud tlstra. Fall River. Mass., Dec. 1A —The slump in cotton price# caused by the favorable report from Washington to-day on the oiton crop outlook, was not unlooked lor by manufacturers in ths* city. Most *f them ref use* 1 to purchase cotton ex ept for nci essury uses until the bull movement begun. Bo short of cot toil had he local manufacturers become tnat the otal *- imuted #tr#'k on hand fo**l:iy ii- rdly exc**eded KVGOO hales, an ainmim •vhlch would tide tne many corporation* ver but n short perlcsl of time. t’otton and cotton joihs arc now cquit i6l*‘ In price and thete is some profit in trading .it present price#, the margin be tween them being favorable to m mufac turer- of prints. The doth market i# very firm, despite the slump in •ulmi. s| IT OYER ONIIId.KEEN ESTATE. Effort to Mslntnin Imperunlons lien roentes I* Involved. Cincinnati. Dec. 10.*— Uhlrich Pierce, executrix of the estate of Made line V. Dahlgren, widow of the lato Al mira! Dahlgren, fll* l an answer in the Fnlted 8 ate# Court to-day to the mother daughter and Remain and Vinton suit of Senator A II M (kxldard. joddard li*mnin Goddard is better Known nt Countess von Overbeck. The e#;ate of Samuel F. Vinton, i wealthy Ohio pineer. 1# Involved Th# suit wa# for i rehearing and restating of a < our.t* It is alleged that ihe Countess ha# for feited her right# by delay. I is alleged •hat the Count* e made piteous nppea # for money to maintain the dignity of in mpecunlous Austrian baronetcy. nnl that fun I# were Mipplicd to her through char itable motives. TER HI TO 111 %L FONVEATIOV. Object Is In Form a Mate From Okla homa find Indian Territory* B*>uth McAlister. 1 T . Dec. lA.—Three hundred and fifty delegates, equally di vided between Indian Territory and Ok lahoma. met here to-day in Joint conven tion. pursuant to r call previously issued for o delegate convention to take action in the interest of a single statehood, that i* the formation of a single state from 4hi two territorie* Orgjnlzatnon was effe* ted to-day. and a prominent "Blngle 8: ate hood Commit- : tee" of twenty m**mban appointed The 1 dims cf the committee are onp #rd by two i element# —those in livlian Terr tory who > oppose any statehood at all. or who favor two state#, and those in Oklahoma, who favor the Immediate admission of Okli homa alone, the Indian n itton* to be al 1- ’ ed from tlm- to ilm** liter. On Iml it rln I 4 omnt l**|on, Washington. Hoc. 10.—Th*- Senate hue imilrm< *l the n**nnn iton of D. a Tomp kum of North Carolina. 10 l>> a m* mbvr of the Industrial Comm I**l on. —An IngenMis automoblltat of W.Hough* by. 0.. who operate*)* an electric vehu le, ha* rlBK* 1 up •* connection iw-wccn hi* stable and hi* turn by means of whPh in* ran. Imm* II.i•• iy the pow*r is turned off .if the trolley * tat lon f**r the night .- lighting current omee from th* rail* M’lrt'K), switch his automobile storage battery Into in***, thu* furnishing cur rent for lirhtlng purposes f.>r the re mainder of the night. —lt If reported by the bureau of Rou i American republic* that an *x:*)tlv ,p . posit of roe* garnet, situated n, , r Cujiut* lav In Mexico. Is to Ik- worked ..r, i Urzo ft ale It proonee* to hrlng In the market n price equal to that f the finest onvx. which It surpasses in benwt} Thi* re'sa- Mte. aa It Is* otherwise <■ ille j. j* , whhe sandstone filled with beautiful little ery*. tale of garnet. nrhk*h ir u*> ...ft , !>♦ useful a* it'-mit —"Harriet tbit |>e-k> and . f • , ;r , y x9§ given me fleas." "Pear me Harry how you do grumble? You ought to be g ad thev are on you In stead of on poor little Blnkic."— Life. " | Popular Publications. Popular Prices. Th? New York Weakly Tribune has for rwnrty sixty year# leen ret-og* niiHi m# tin# Faopien N <* hami Family New B{s4|<er. for farmer# and villagers. Its #pl iftOUi Agricultural Department, Its reliable rmtrket r#i*<>rt.#. re cognized authority throughout the countr> . it* Fla#/.’lon Nai.*#, Its Bclencc# srai Me et.antes I>epartmnt it# fascinating Fhort Stories, etc . r*n kr |! ludlsp* nu bie in even family. Regular subscrip tion price 11 00 per ywir. In connection with The TT.bune wc offer to thoce who desire to v.-cur 4 * t,-.* magizine#. lllustratod weeklies unJ agricultural Journals, th** following #t. Inducements: W 5 Regular With Weekly Trt-W Price Tribune, Tr On** Y'- r. On** Year. on* N rth American Review. New York city i " 4 Harper's Marazln*- New Y'*rk city I ,a> I*" !lari>er*s Jiazar, .V w York city ,M 4MI Har|r* W#k.y. New York Its * 4I " 4*-t Century Magazine. N-w York By 4.uu 4i* 8t Nicholas Magazine. N* w York city 2"" n<( McClure’# Magazine. New York ■ lt> I *•• Frank Le>l!*-‘# Monthly. New York city l- <rt l -*• Mun#ey*a Magazine, New York city I"* T Success, New York r.ty . ’ l ’ 4 ledger Monthly, New York city ... l *" Puck. New York city • ‘ 4 * '* Judge. New Yoik city !>•*•;}• '# Weekly. New Y’ork city 4 • Review of Revi* , Wß, N* w Y‘>rk < ity - '• - "I Bcrl*pT# Magazine. N*w York dry •• M 2 <* American Agrlculturtst. N< w Y’ork Ity IT-* Rural New Yorker. New Y'ork dv 1 T • Cosmopolitan Magazln**. Irvington. N Y' I* 1 ® 1— Country Gent lemon. Albany, N Y' - - “* Farm Journal. PhiUde.phia. T’a T LliHdncott's Mucazl/ e. Phil*:eiphiii. l*a * '■ " " Youth's Companion. Boston M 1"• - Farm im| Home. BpGngfleld. Mas# 41 1 New Englmi llomeeiead. Bprlngf!ekl, Mas I " 4 1 . ► Gftoil Housekeeping. Bpringtteld. Mas# 1 4,4 l** 4 Farm. Field and Ft re# kb-. Chicago. 11 1 ,a4 T *•* Orange Judd Fanner. Chb ago. 11l 1 w Kpt:oml#t. Indian.ipoll**. Ini. 1-00 1 < Ohio Farmer. Ceve|an>l, O 44 Mic .lgan Former. Detrdt. Mich 444 1 " 4 Farm and Fireside. Springfield. O 1 4>4 Farm News. Sprtngfleld. O 44 Horn** and Fnrm. Loulsvll **. Ky 44 l"* 4 The Farmer. St. Paul. Minn 41 Tribune Almanac. 1901 erid cash with order. Those wishing to #ubs rlrv tor mo-e th in or.e of the above publi^a 4 lor. -n nection with The Tribute nwiv remit at inh l#her#’ n-gular prices. A*ldie## THE TRIBENE. N w York . t LINDSAY & MORGAN Are Headquarters for Furniture, Carpets, Draperies, Vestibule Lace. Folding Door Portieres Lace Curtains, Silk Lambrequins, China Silks, Inlaid Linoleums, Straw Mattings, Carpet Size Rugs, Window Shades, Table Covers. BRASS BEDS. Have )n*t rffflTfil *omr elegant one* %xltli canopies. NY art h looking at even If yon ln not svant to buy. Won’t charge y • a cent to look. DINING ROOM FURNITURE. NVe have on llplny (he e*t assortment f kll•• hoard*. 4 hitia Clos et*, Extension Table* an*l Choir* that you xvlll ever hove the rtiane** tn look at again. Buck’s Ranges and Stoves. 2.N PER CENT. OFF the regular prices this nrrk. Nothing off th** quality. NYhat we *a y n e and o—we DO DO. and ne *av that tve *ell tir goods "Not how cheap kind, hat how good kind." at tje same price nn*l often les* than you get the Inferior grade at *tl*r stores. BEWARE OF BAITS- One thing cheap, and make it np on the next thing you hay. N\ r do not sell good* forcowt. Can't pay expense* If we lld. No one el*<* can either. Nee the point f If you don't, come nud *ee n* nn*l we will **n lighten yna. NEW STORES, BROUGHTON ST. JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes From tha moat ralabratrd manataptarri-9, both ilre-proot and hn ra lar proof ulrl and xanlt dnnra. Wr rarrr an Iwnrn, atnrk nt Flrr-pronf -afra. Our atnrU rm brarr. a rrr y rlraaat llnr from 7IM) to 4,<HM> ponnda, Inrln.lir, .Inal, and double doora. and a visit to nor raliibllahmrnt to tn aprrt thrar elrvant >nfra will hr n aonree of much protll and ln ■ trortloo to oar frlrnda. Thr prlrr will hr a. low na nil, rrallr I'lre-|iroof Safr ran hr made, and oar motto la quality and Safely of thr Oral linport aorr. •rod or rail na aa for farthrr partlealara, rataloiaar and prl sra. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers of B'ire-Proof Safes. McDonough & dallantyne, W Iron Founders, Machinists, e lllhi-L.mltli. II ti 11 rrm nk r r.. nmnnt.rlurrra <f Hlkilom gSjx ufciWß - . and rrr nml t'orlnhlr t.nslnra. Irrlirnl and T|> Itilnnlnu ■ lorn Mill., .ii,. r .till anil I'na., -lia rtlnu, I’nllrya, r| r . \ . TELEPHONE NO. 123. % 4.real It*■ Ilul*n lliurnirnt. Nrw York. Dec. in.—a conference w a** held at the Young Men** Christian As sociation attended by clergymen and busi ness men from New York, and huge cities for the purpose of planning for .1 Mg religion.- movement founded upon tlu* evangelical Mw!- Plane for intending tie movemen to the entire country w*re perfected and '>mmltt*s appointed to facilitate them Wellkmma Turfman Killed. Cincinnati, Dec 10.—Kdmnrd Hrown. a wed-known ra-e horse owner. w<* run over and killed today bv a l*>utsville and Nashville train on the railroad bridge -ro- 1 11K the Licking river near I*at >nU. Ky Hrown was .I*. year* of age. the mm of Jamee Hrown of Port Worth. Tex . and a brother of Galen Hrown. n wed known turfman now at fcUn Franc lac o. New York Tri-Week.y Tribune on Monday. W t ln* i.v * s Friday. 1# a complete Up-to-da *♦> ~i.i newspaper, three la># in tie with h!I itnp>riant new# of n . fo ir day# Profusely li.uvira * fll.ed with Intercetliig rmdinK . Who wi'.i to kep in clone lo .. \ news of the coition and w -r <i i; subscription trl 11.50 per year. General Hlretrle IHvlilend HoMon. I)k*. 10.—The directors General Electric Company declared 1 * blend of 2 per cent, and an extr 1 of 1 per cent., brining the divi I • ' the 8 per cent. Muds for th yr. Turn!) Hound** to * lirno Tr nton, N J . Dec. 10.—Splk s ■ v ‘ | of Horton aj.d Horry Berger of 1 J formerly of Phi ideli-hia. fought t" ’ j rounds to a draw to-nlaht. Mtlllten tiol lied Louisville, Dec. 10 Dave Suil ' ” New York. got tin* d**cisi-<; ~r over Tim 4’allahan of Phllade ph eighteenth round liefore the New mrn Athktic Club to-nlg^U