The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 11, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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. ~E hour day discussed. j i mV. thauk* okiom i.u I|B l UILI ENFOIICE IT AF TKH JIS. t. M ung Hr 1U l Ford'# Hall • 4 *u- I, r aud Takr Aetlnn Beaoln- Hrrllr Thai Ihr Cent reel ora ihr Offer of Tlir Mar-Hoar , | 4 ,.( n> anil Proelalm Ita Ac _ aprrrhra f'all I lion , tl Mra f the Inliin# to He i.adfaat Broke** Atrrrneat mior Excitement, r stive# of the various labor un ..naiinab. engaged In thr building r i .if Korda Hall laat night for of announcing tha position of ~i the nine-hour day project, a err adopted declaring that nmc hour* should conrti , i- work. , . ..rohably 130 m*n In the lull , was exprr-saod at the fact , , ting was r.ot larger, and It la urrnlue the correct reason tor r t lack of interest. However, , no lack of Internet among those . I the meeting made up in en . Im i |t locked In number*, ting knew no distinction ot •ne s.tvcrol colored unions of i r d** were lergely repre ’ | t.ivlf, of the colored union I . if. and Joiners, called the order, and was elected tem -m in. presiding over Ite fur. Hiotir. T. J. Naughttn, dia •er of the National Federa „ tor. war made secretary ng feature of the meeting wae ,•. ,1 i ontroversy between William r enthusiastic trade* unionist wl ,l c.g vocalist, and an unknown m the back of the ball It , i That some four or flv# members .-liters' union had agreed to >. n hours a for Mr. E. P. ..,-*i contractor, who l* a*l ~p, large concession* to the .. , rounced the action of tha* who, he claimed, had vtolat , ement not to work mote than a day, in very strong terms, h>- said: t thing tha carpenter* Union -,■ Itself and for these men la •nern down the river and drown I am one of them." ssld the ex . liter, rising ha*ttly io hi* feel . ng in Sharp * direction, "an i n i kc to s*c any blanktty-blank , its meeting throw mo in the offered to perform tha service ii I, with admonitions to keep i,. and gei down to buslnea*. the i weeded. •Iv ihe action of three men, who hours i i-i'. wa a sor* spot present at the meeting, for v ■ agreed to forget it. every , one of tha speakers hy whom 4 a* addressed would forget VlCht. : >us speakers stressed the pur meeting. saving that It was . ■ accept 'be off r made hy tn* r *c: .alders and contractor* of the ■ a time of the last strike. The • r of the unions I* that the in iii c- agreed that after Jan. 1. l*oi. otild constitute n day's wi>rk. T.n .-aid last night that tha coo r would be held to this promise. * ng committee was appointed .-alutlon* on this subject: J ■1 .1 T. Way. J M. Doty. J. A. Johnson, Sm Cameron, Amo* i. , :n James B Willla and O. H. After consultation the eommlt- I. .1 nuh resolution* outlining . f the building trade* unions . 11l after the first of next year. : labor interests. In the tight for ■vn protection, and declaring in ;m t the National federation of ls i 're solutions refer to tha promise r,the member* of the Builder** .Mt.iti last MV. that the nine-hour .i -ii tn mould go In effect next Jan u 111. resolution* declare that the will iv.. held to this promise and mat they shall he nouiM of the . 't that ha* been taken. audition of the resolution* wa* i root! a* they had been read and • ■r< adopted, Without discussion, by . . urumoue vote. - he* were mad* by Mr. 8. Krous t r William 8. Harris, W. H- Burgeas. -ilent of the Colored Carpenters' - J McEneneany and J. X. Chts \il of them encouraged the mem 's he unions to be steadfast tn their ■ and to renumber that "tn union strength." The spew he* were r,■ erate and tn good taste and no at in> body were made. The speek i l they were not assembled to make ■gainst the contractors, but mere t.oun-s to them that their offer of • i r. hour day was accepted. Hit. MACLEAN HE9IONB. *-tlr. taUsion Before F.nd of III* Term. Malcolm Maclean tendered hi* *- *•> as a member of the ! r*r< ar.d Tree Commission to "iv: Myers yesterday. The demands private business affairs upon hi* * *v i. were given by Mr Maclean as ground for his resignation lac.aan was apiwlnted a member ■nimlssion by Mayor M'ldrlm and * hei something over two e*r* to i’l-t t i omplete his term. He took " ■ rrrl tn the work of tho romml*- * o . .I cowed himself valuable mem associates on the commission ret his retirement. Mr Maclean ’*■ charge of loturel Grove Cemetery. "* ■ . his department of the comml*- fi'ir. work. ;*mh*r of tlte Tark end Tree c cre..won are appointed by' the Mayor approval of Council. The vacancy tr. vahly he filled a' the meeting of 'i to-morrow night. CITY HHEVIT4F.N. *r ~iit l-amdmark Lodge of Maraoa hold Ms annual election of officer* JHixliia for a New Trial* 'lon foi anew trial In the case of P .limes and Marlon A. James l.e Florida Central and rrnlnm i.lroad Company wa* filed tn the l f> urt veeierdey by the plaintiff#, am-iff* sued the railroad company triage* for the homicide of their *' and the jury decided against them ol lon for n new trld I* hased on ■ errot* tn the chnrgu of Judge ■* * * ■ <d. Canjiy Esculetts Cures PILES or Montj Retaoded. WHY SUFFER? •r k israntge at following stor*.: kfr. Jon.'* - , Masonic Temple. W. K Iteld’s, M i low s Cietrg- Ixmnelly . i..l W. A 1 igman e >n Ga. y MAN linos.. Savannah. Gm., and * Li Ac bavannab. Qa , Luatrlbutors CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. Cast or in is n hurmlosK stihstjiiit* lor Castor OU, Pare goric, llrops aittl StKitliiuc Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contain* neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic Mib'tanee. It destroys Worms anti allays Feverishnesa. It cure* lMarrlttea and Wintl Colic. Itlrelieves Teeth fnsr Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulate* the Stomach mid Bowels, ifivliii; healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signatureof^^^^^^ C In Use For Over 30 Years. OFFICIAL. ~ORDI N ANi'eT^ By' th# Finan ** (.'ommitc** An ordinance to anaaaa and levy tow and raise revenue for the city of Savan nah; for th* regulation of certain kind-- of business In the corj>orat* and Juried,c ttonjt limits of *akl ci:y: fixing penaltl** for the violation of the revenue ordinance* of said city, and for other purpose* con nected with taxes and revenue of aald city, Section 1. The Mayor and Aldermen of tha city of davannan, in Council as sembled. do hereby ordain That from and •Iter the first day of January. 1901. the in habitants ot said corporate ar.d JurtxdAc tions I ltmlts of said city, and Ihos* who bod taxable property within the same, and thoee who tranaact. or offer to transact busmees therein except such as are ex empt from taxation by law shall |y to ward th* support of the government of said city, and for fh<' safety, benefit, ton ventenc# and advantage of said city, me taxes hereinafter prescribed Sec 2 Every peraon and corporation owning real proiwrty In said city, trvciud tng improvement*, shall pay a tax to h •sessed hy Counc I upon the value of sai l property by the first day of April, 19'1 at the rate of per centum upon the value there of, except on such psoperty a# may tie ex empt from taxation under th* law* of thta atate. Sec. 9. Every person and corporation owning or holding tn irust or cona.gnmenl household, kitchen or office furnl ure, priv ate or profegsloeal libraries watches, Jew elrv. plate, musical Instruments hi hard tabled In prEaie re*M*nree, stock* In money corporation*, bonds, cote*, or other evidences of debt, money, solvent debi*. stock In trade, and every other kind of personal property what soever, shall pay a tax at the rate of per centum on the value of such personal property whatsoever owned or held on the firs: day of January. IWI acd If any person or partnership shall n -galre tn business a* a wholesale or retail dealer In good*, ware* or merchandise of any .tee rip;ion whatsoever Rafter the first day or January. lFfi, they shall pV a tx on the value of such good* and merchan dise (as they may he possessed of on the day of the date of their beginning business In said cityt. which tax shall tie of such proportion of said tax a* the time left tn said year shall bear to the whole year, ex cept such a* may be exempt from taxa tion by the law* of this stale or of the United State*. Sec. 4 Every shipmaster, captain, su percargo. agent or other officer of any ve* •el. or other person* wno shall charter or offer to charter hts vessel, or who ahull sell goods or articles of anv kind from any vewel or wharf, personally purchase cargo or collect freight, except through * II censed broker or commission merchant shall be considered a commission mer chant and pay the tax hereinafter pre scribed fot commission men hams Sec 5. Every person transacting, or of fering to ttsm-act. any of the hinds o' husltua. huelnafter specified (whether In councilor with any other buslnea* or not), shall pa> *h* >.x herrlnaf er pr-- •cribed for every separate place In which he shall transact or offer to transact bus iness. vlr.: Auctioned * (doing a general auetkun buslnes.-) mid cdmnu-'sJon merchant or auctioneer (doing a r ' ' nessi and broker two hundred dollars Dealer* In goods ware* and nwrehan due. Including dealer* In drug*, etc. (In addition to liquor lax or license), a# loi '“iValera exclusively retail, except th"** conducting a department store, thirty dol l*Dexler conducting a department elore one hundred dollars Dealers exclusively wholesale, or retail dealers selling at wholesale, one hundred dollars thoaa conducting department sTles m no event paying a ama.ler tax than that pro#Hif4 for in th* prcdtiMl 11 Dealer s' in liquor doing a wholesale tare ir—aa iwo hundred dollar*. Broker* In liquor, two hundred dollar* • Bank*or hanh agent or agent* of bank er* engaged in buying or selling exchange including every person or company Join* a inking bualnees flfly dollars: every Mrk w-itiiout a saving* departmeni at uche.l aid every saving, bank fitly doi ... ..Very bank w,,h • v ' n K* deivtri mt astarhed. seventy-five dollars Kverv p-rsoti. firm or corporation, olhet than those paying the-tcea*e Just men- Honed r-qurted of banks, and banker* buvlng and sailing exchange, fifty dollars. Cotton bickers, or brokers or dealers In a'ocks, bond# *i*> real estate, and every produce, grocery, and naval store* broker, and every tesldent agent represen fng fnn-res.dent dealers, merchants and man ufarturer. exclusive of brokers in liquors. M vcoiy-ilvt dollar®* Person* oiler h> • pawnbroker en C.eed in the business of lending money an personal property, three hundred and fifty Broker* or agents buying and selling fu ture* on margin, five hundred dollars. Broker* or dealers In stocks, bond-, real estate and Itve atnrk. with the privilege of selling same at auction, one hundred who rosy handle or tocelv* goorla on consignment, one hundred do,- *Bhip brokers, one hundred dollars Dealer* In butter, lard and cheese, eighty engaged In the sales of horses, cattle or mules, who keep no stable* for the sale of same, one hundred hollars. Dealer* In horses, rattle or mules, who keep no stable for the warn*, one hundred Pawnbrokers, five hundred .Mlara Proprietor* of each room kept or maintained In the city of Savannah for the role of roots on races, anall pay tha sum , of fifteen hundred dollars per annum. Build ng and loan associations, one hun dred dollars. wo, . Doan associations, doing a banking busi ness. ore hundred dollars. Every fire or Ilf* Insurance company do ins business, whether dhectly or through an agency or through a brokfr. iw u bun dred dollars for each and every agency or agent or broker doing business In the city of Savannah for every fire or life Insurance company which h* may repre sent In any wry, Including each company to whl -h he may send bu*ln** P*JT the tax of **'o hundred dollare In all rase* where the company doe* not pay the •ax Itself- , Broker* doing busliut** under Hie act of the legislature of Georgia, appro,d Dee II I*M ami entitled "An act to prov-d* i for and regulate the business of Insur ance brokers in this slat*' and to auttyor tse utsuianse to If* procutvd by them bo- THE MOUNING NEWS: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 11. WOO. OFFICIAL. >on<l the limits or the stale upuo prop' erty within the st ile, and for other pur <po*e." are cxpresslv Included, the mean ing and Intent being to make the agents atal broker* referred to responsible under the pains and penalties of this or Imanc* for the st* ■ tfle tax of two tiundre<l dol lars. a* provided f<w by ordinance of the city of Savannah, auopud on the Jith day of September. 1596. Every marine, surety or other Insurance company doing hnatness. whether directly or through an agrncy or through a broker or an attorney. fifty dollars for each and every agency or broker or attorney Every' such agent, bicker or attorney doing 'uch bu*- lne In the city of Savanna,i (or every tuch company which h> may r p eeent tn any way. sha l pay a tax of fifty dol ars In alt case* where the company do. s not pay 'he taw I self, ord thla provf* on sha I apply to any ig*nt, broker or att irney who does husinets for a marine company on what Is known a "open policies ” Every a. "idem lt.surance company do ing hutines*. whither directly or thrnuah an no ■ t ranch a k kar. oaa h ■ ird do. ar# bir • ach ->nd *>ery *cncv or broker.* Evety perron who *nalf be sworn by the Mayor (w o t* hereby auihortud to ad minister the oath for Mich purpose) as a public we.gher of any good*, wares or m- r cbaudtM, twenty-five uo.lar*. Evety avi rage or uisu.ance adjuster for cixngtanies ;o: .O h he U not the kxal liiturunce agent, tl.ty do. Ur.-. K > pels or ptoprt' tors of hotels that eon. tali, Severnv-flve room* or upward, on* hundtud d.ifars K.' pers or proprietor* of hotel* contain ing under seventy-five rooms, fifty dol. tars. gening machine agen.u nr agencies, fifty dollars; the ramc for each and every agen cy. Dtalera In sewing machines, fifty dollar*. Dealers it. on., one hundP and dollar*. lieaiern in stationery or books, wiling exclusively at wholesale, or at retail and wholesale, one hundred dollar* Hetall dealers in stationery or bonk*, thirty dollars Oil on* hundred dollars Manufacturers of or dealers in fertiliser*, not paying tax as a commission merchant, one hundred dollars Owners, proprietors lessee or lesreea of cotton press establishments, three hundred dollars, every hand cotn press, twenty five dollars. Owners, proprietors, lessee or lessee* of Junk shop, or junk dealers, three hun. dred tlollars. Cotton pi kerles. to he confined exclu sively to the purchase or wile of cotton, one hundred and liars, and all buyers of loos# coiion who buy fr m others than cotton mere: ants, one hundred and #• -y --cttiy uo.iara. I’r. prl to,* or owners of cotton gin #- tab. hmentr. •ne hundred and line Every commission merchant or factor, one hundred dollars. Ktety a er in Ive poultry *nd coun try tuoducc, one bundled do>.ar. Job work, house cleaning aud upholster ing. ten dollars. Deali rs in bicycle supplies and repair er* of bicycles, thirty dollars. Kxi>orieraof cotton.lumber. naval stores, or other merchandise, foreign or coast wise. agency or representative of firm of exporters, two hundred doliata. Stevedores, fifty*. Every lighterage or river Iranefer, In -1 dividual, firm or company, one hundred ■Jolla rs. Proprietors or owners of lumber yards, fifty*. Jiealera In brick or agenta for the sale of brick, aevenly-fiae doli*r* Dtaltr* In wood, thirty do Lar*. Keepers ot warehouses lor the storage of cotton, merchandise, goods, etc., for each warehouse, thirty*. Proprieror* or owner* or keepers of bil liard or pool tables, other than those used In private dwelling*, fifty dollars for each table. Prop! ltors or owners of bagatelle tables, twenty-five dollars for each labte* Proprietors or owner;* of ten-pin alleys, thirty dol ars for each alky. Proprietors or owner* of ,-aw mills or planing mill* with or without lumber yard* attached, one hundred dollars; and on each sash and blind factory, or agency ot aash and blind factory, fifty dollars. On th# owner or proprietor of. every steam engine used for liolatlng purposes, or any other busmes# where steam I* used, not regularly lsx-d. us tn I his prUumn. e staled ami enumerated, iwenty-fiva dol lars Cotton shipper*, twsnly-flve dollars. Cotton weighers, twenty-five dollars. Shoe maker*, len dollars. Merchant tailor.-, thirty dollars Every circus, with or withouf a menag erie, for each and every day performing In ihe city, two hundred and fifty dollars. Itinerant shows, one hundred dollars per week or any part thereof; flying horses, twenty-five dollars per month or any part thereof, other minor exhibition*, ten dol lars per week, or any part thereof. Dealers or vendor* of good*, wares,mer thandise. drugs and amall ware*, selling *r Introducing the same for sale by mean* *f public exhibition*, one hundred dollars per week, or any part thereof. Hand organs, or strolling band of musi cians. five dollars per week. Every person, company or corporation engaged In the busmes* of operating or running a theater for theatrical exhibi tions. three hundred dollar* per annum. fcrery theatrical troupe, minstrel troupe 9r other troupe acting or performing In any public hall In this city othsr than a (heater shall pay fiva dollars for each performance Every proprietor of a connect hall or va riety show shall pay a license of one hun dred dollars. Persona or partnership* running a grist mill, thirty dollars; every person running a flour mill or flour and grist mill, thirty dollars Bread or cake bakeries carried on by means of steam, machinery, or other mo tive power, fifty dollars. If carried on without steam or shtr motive power. thirty dollars. Master builders, mason*, mechanics and other* taking contract* for work, thirty dollars Architects, civil engine*!#, surveyor* comractor*. thirty dollars. Heal ear*tv eol.eetor* and agents, twen ty-five ,dollars; cut-raw ticket dealer*, asenta or brokers and ticket scalpers, fifty dollars. Proprietor* or owners of Inteiligrncr of fices. ten dollars for each office. Men on I tie or commen ial agencies, one hundred dollar* Dally newspapers printed bv steam, or other motive jjower one hundred dollars: everv weekly or other newspaper printed by steam, or other motive power, fifty dollars, every dally ntwspspet wwtkad ti]L OFFICIAL. hand, twenty-nve dollars, and every week ly newspaper worked by hand, ten do lara Job printing offices worked hy steam. g* water, or other motor, fifty dollar*. If worked mithou: steam, g is. water, or other motor. iwenty-Avs dollar* Every proprietor of a hook bindery, without a printing nffle*. fifteen dollars Manufacturer* of aod* water, veiling from founts, twenty-five dollar*, and man ufactttrlhg and bottling sod* fifty dol lar*. celling soda water from fount*, ten dollar* tor each fount. Public steam laundries, fifty do,k>r* Public laundries run without steam, twenty-five dollars. Bottler* of beer or ale, fifty dollar* Hoop boilers or tanners, for each estab lishment. ten dollar* Barber shop*, four dollar* for each chair. Person* engaged In (he httetr*** of gas filling or plumbing, or both shall take out a lUwn*. (or which he aha I pay thirty dollar*, and shall comply with th. troy ta lon* of an ordinance adopted Kb 9. I*9*. amended Nov. *O. 1\ further amended April 19. 1999 Dealer* In path"* oils and builders’ sup. pile# other than manufacturers, seventy five dollars Dagtterrean artist* photographers, am brotyper* and portrait painter*, twenty five doPar* Steamboat, veael or other agencies fifty dollars; every agency for ocean gleam ships, each line, one hundred dtyllara. Broom factor!** thirty dollar* Lampblack fa ora-s fifty dollar* Manufacturers of plaster or cement, fif ty dollor* Coppersmiths, fifty dollars, manufac- Hirers of still*, one hundred dollars. Ice factories one hundred dollar* Wholeaale dealers In Ice. one hut dred dollars, every retail dealer In Ice. ten dol lar*. Patch and every museum, tweniy fiv* dol. lar# • Ga* companies, five hundred dollars; every electric light company, five hundred dollars Restaurants or eating house*, twenty five dollars B o* pounding or cleaning mill*, with or without grist mill attached, one hundred dollars Fortune tellers, palmist or astrologers, five hundred dollars. Brewertea or prrson* manufacturing any malt liquor*, or agenr* of same who have net already paid the wholes* # liquor and wholeraie d-aier>' tax, three hundred dol lars Manufacturers of cider or vinegar, or either, fifty dollar* Telephone companies or exchange*, six hundred dollar* each, each Independent telephone of two stations, two dollars and fifty cents Street railroad companies, whether tin der th# conlrol of another rompany or not tn lieu of tks specific tax heretofore required, shall pay to the city of Bavan nah for th* privilege of doing business In th* city Slid for th* use of the streets of ths city, at the rate of one hundred dollar* per mde or fraction of a mil* of Hack of ths math line, eliminating all switches end double tracks and conforming tlte charge to one line of tracks on each street used in the cltv of Savannah by said railroad rompany. and It shall be the duty of street railroad companies to make a return under oath, through their proper official, of the amount of thetr erarkag" tn the rlty of Bavannah. and In addition thereto, twenty-five dollars for each and ev ery car at any tlms used hy such company In the city. It shall also be required Itiat each ami every ratlrood company doing business in this city shall take out badges for ell car* employed by them, which badges shall be furnished hy th> city trersurer. and which shall be numbered It shall furthermore be re that *aeh ar.d every cor cmplojed by esrch and every street railroad com pany shall have such badge a herelnbe for# provided securely fastened tn a con spicuous place upon th# Inside of such ear Proprleiors or keepers of a skating rink, twenty five dollar*. Undertakers or coffin warehouses, thirty dollars. Person* engaged In loading or unloading a e*, |k by horse power, Iweoty-flv* 'lol lart for each nolstmg apparatus used Express companies, five hundred <lo!lara, and. In addition thereto six dollars for ev ery otie-horse baggage express wagon, and twelve dollars for every two-horse In./ gage express wagon employed by su>Tt companies Bill poster* or distributor* of hills, or advertisement*, ten dollar*. Blacksmith shop-, each forge, eight dol lar# Cooper shops twenty dollars. Carriage repositories, one hundred dol lars; everv carriage or wheelwright shop for manufacturing or repairing, twenly flve dollar* Cigar manufacturers or retailer*, •wen do, ui Dye house*, twenty dollar* Mllllnerv e*tehllhm*nt. ten dollars Gunsmith establishments, ten dnlleie. Foundries.thirty dollars; machine shops thirty dollars: every foundry ami machine shop, sixty dollars. Menageries, fifty dollars per day Marble and stone yard*, fifty dollar*. Wholesale or retail dealer* or Khlpper* In fish or oyster*, doing business outside of city market, fifty ilollara. Bhlpplng master*, one hundred ilollars. Shooting galleries, one hundred doliais Proprleiors or keeper# of green groce ries one hundud dollars. Stencil cutters, twenty dollars Tsllors, nor registered as merchants, ten dollars. Proprietors or owner* of marine r*IL ways or dry docks, fifty dollars. Dealers paying e tax as wholesale dealers, and every green grocer, snail bo pet mil ted to do any business hereinbe fore laxed, paying a lees tax than tax for a w holesale Staler, without paying any other specific tax Every person engaged tn th* business of transporting or carrying goods, wares,due passenger* or baggage tor hire, bv rt.eena of wagon*, drays, trucks, cart*, omnibus*- or carriages of any de scription. or of letting carriages or other vehicles for hire, shall pay a lax accord ing lo the number and character of ve hicles employed In such business, vtx.: Every person employuif one-horse cart nr wagon, six du'lsrs. every person em ploying one-horse dray or truck, righ dollars; every person employing one-horse cab. hack or buggy, or vehicpa of any description not otherwise specifi cally mentioned, #x dollar#; every per son employing on* two-hors* ■ art or wagon, dray or truck, twelve dollars, *v ery person employing one two-hors* cab. hack, buggy, omnibus, earring* or yehicl* of airy description, eight dollars, every person employing one turee-liors* dray or truck, eighteen dollars, svery person em ploying on* four-hora# dray or truck, twenty- flv# dollare. every person employ ing one four-horse omnibus, thirty dol lars. and Ih* la9 lo be paid by any per son employing mote than one vehlcl* of tlte same or different kind* shall he ac cording lo the number of vehicles empio)- ed at th* rates above specified Keepers of sal* and feed stable*, flfey dollars, but nothing herein contained shall authorise the keeper of such sale and teed subles lo sell any live stock of any other person without first paying the broker* or dealers’ tax * required under this or dinance, every keeper ef a public or livery etsbl*. flftv dollar*; every keep, per of feed stable only. fifty dollars; and In addition thereto, a* e part of th# earn* tax. according to the number and character of sny vehicle# employed In such business, either by let ting for hire or In th# transjynrlatlon ot goods, passengers or baggage, at tha rales above specified for taxes to be paid by per tons engaged in Ihe basinet- of transport Ing. etc., for hire Persons employing or using one or more vehicle* of any sort to he drawn by ohe or more horses or mules lo connection with any basinets In which he may be en gaged, for tha purpose of delivering goods sold by them or In any other manner, shall pay. in iddldon tn Ih* specific tax required of them for such business, as a pari thereof. ■ graduated tax Mmllar to that berrtnbafor* required of persons #n gaged In Ihe but.ii*** of transporting, etc . for hire. sfiNnllgg to (ho number and character of such vehicle*, at the sum* rate. Every owner of a wagon or other ve hicle used moving advertisement*, one hundred dollar* Every pushcart or harrow used mov ing advwUswmtuti, tw*nt/-av dollar*. oi rit i u.. Huckster* incjudlng dealers tn Ice creunt frith, -mall joint shops vendor* of sm til ware*, and keener# of * cook* Ifov# or cook-bop. ten dollars Persons selling trom pushcart* or other veld | exiepi . mi,try csr'a selling thetr °wn prod., e, one hundred dollars, ul>.m patmitt of said tax the treasurer shall famish i badge which nu he placed tn a rorupi ttotia place on *u> h pushcart or vehicle direct dealer* in twtiltr). for which a badge ehall he lncd ten and. llat - Manufacturer* of paten roetil tin* not engaged in the husttu -* of a druggi-t one hundred dollar* Agent attorney* a' law, or other per sot* r> go ating |..ans on real #m u, , \ enly-flt. .hjllare Burglar alarm com pan e* or ag<nt*, rnt% fUe tlol,;ir D *l*i s fti Im i. lfv or for n!e of ihlrij Mariuf.i tur r* of print!,' or aalf-f.ii i *4 {tour !o h, tlfty U4I t? Hrfall •>*Ulrijt pouliry or ttr* \, in adtiliion to Uh* i.x ot a mail r r v*niy A*en<'tr* and othrr nol ti*>rFln before -tally menitoiieii, thirty toiUri< Kver\ Ur unmet. ruonr %# othtr |Mr*on *oliduns tr iUs *t onkrv. or buiin.**b for • notbrror for him#lf, ththfr rrsidnnt f thta city or here, and having no ru*U pla* •of buliu tn tin* oily, and aver y prddltt mi iliiviant iiau-icm tia.ler and vf i v person m ding or *f frrtrHK to t*v ffamfdt. atmli p\ th aim# tax ra*|utr***f f r#’rtd#nt and nialion ary d***i#*r tn thr* ramr* arflrlc.-, hhl im offlerr of tiia city fha.t be authorial to rr dur** or !n anyai# . har #> tuch ta* raqutrtd. nor *hal| aurh Itinerant dr,*>r b* allowed to art! hi* warra urnlrr thr Ii <*ftr hf any am ttonrrr, or undrr thr n irnr of a.v factor or rominlMlon itifi hint who haa paid hia nx tn* a imttJ h#* hhnwl! • hal! hava paid a!) uir rtqtilrrl of htm by lh! or*fnanTr*; pr.ivldad, NMrevrr, that any tranairnt ptnon franca,'unit or ofTrr line to tranaaoi. any of thr kind* of boat n#** m#ntbated in ihm parafraph. aHima or offrr.n* only ti raaidrot dcairra r man. ufacturrrr In thr aprelflc arttclr or <otn modtty ao’.d or by mm r and not bringms into or krrptns in tha city any atot lc for purport of driivrrv. thall not bo rrn’iirrd to t.i> any tax or licanaa f^r,. Every person, company or H>rporaiu>n rr qulrod by thi c'tl*>n to pay a rpe iflr or biiflunr* ax ahall f.tkr out a llcrnxr or rr celpt which ahall rtair the hua!nra or oc cupation In which aurh par-on company or cort>oratb>n la nuthorlMd to rngrxar, and whlrh ahall h#* rx|*blt*‘d to <rjy mar shal of his drpmv at any tlma upon de mand. And if any prraon, rompany or orporaltrm ahall m*go tn any bu*inaa or occupation for wh; h ach licrn**#* or receipt la require#! without fakirift out the same or who ahull fall or rrfuae to exhibit the ram* upon demand to the city marshal, or hia deputy, such |>eraoi, com pany or corporation ahall. upon conviction before the* I’oltca t'ourt of the city of etavannah, aubjtct to \ hne not to exceed one hun dred dollars, and Ir.iprleomnent not to ex v'ee#l thirty days H her or hotft. In the tiis erdton of the court Sec. ft The occupant of any premlaex where n doc or dogs Is or are kept shall pay for every do* !o kept an annual it ene of one dollar Upon payment of this license a badge •hall be Issued to ihe peraon pnyiny the Ir enae for the do* and every doe found runnm* at iarxe without aurti badge shall l*e lmiounded, and if not claimed In forty-etgtit hours, •hall he diepoeed of Sr 7 The value of real property to be tax*d under the second session o. this or dltiance nholl be aa.*ertaiue#l by means of the asaeasment provided for by tlw ordi nance of the cite on that subject, or any ordinate amendatory • leieof. the value of person i) property to ho taxed under the th rl se non of this ordinance, the partlcuars and character of the buatne** lor which a tax lx require#! under th#* fifth •ectlon of this ordinance, nnd the number of dogs kept. provide#! f*r in the alxth section of thl*< ordinance, shall l*e ascer tained by vne-in of the return.! hereinaf ter prescribed ®ec. ft Every person and rorporarloo owning real property In said city on the first day of January, IWI. ehall ie>' taxes upon such real praoerty upon tta a * see a merit thereof lawfully adopted Every per son and corporation owning; or hokHna in trust or on conslgntmitt. personal prp* erty In sail city on the tU i day of Jnnu t • able • b* taxed unde th thii*l and fifth o ti n of this ordimuf n ept al#s kw In banka amt laankinx asso ciation.* otganUr*! umkr the lawa of this • tale or of the i nlted .States, *, .’.! make a return !hef, as pro\nlwl by an ordl tun c of the city of Savannah. pssd March 2.*. lft. touchltia the Boiira of Tax Asaeisorw for the city of Savannah, and under the ru!e and regu|<fttouc of sai l board. The pn-fldenl or a ttiip president of any bank or banklnf; association located :n said cltv, shall, by i.*a wth *lay of Janu ary, itftd. mak- a return to the Board of 1 II A • or a of (lit afock of said *nk or banking association, and the value thereof, an*i shall be taxed upoii the basis of •ucti value, am! tn the event of the failure or refusal of a president or acting president to m ike ?h>* return, then !• shall he th> duty of the Board of Tax Assessor* to assess the said stock with the power tu the e,til Board of Tax Assessors to double-tax the •aid bank or banking aasn. latton, Every person liable to taxation un dm tie fifth aecilon of this ordi nance statll make a return of the huß noa (!) who be Is emrage*!. and of tha numbtr and charac er of vahl las by which his tax la :o \jo gja :uaud hy th* Board of Tax As>ae-ora by the .Dlh day of January. 1501. and every parson commene ng to carry on any of the said kinds of business or fit reaslng the number of bin vehicles. .r omtjv net ng to ard use vehhka. after tha first day of January*. 1501, shell mek# m. return thereof within fen days after so com mencing or Increasing Every person hav Inc a ii g or oogs on the first dy of Jan uary, 1501. shall make a return thereon to the Board of Tax Assessor* by Ihe 30th day of January, 1901. and every person bringing a log or and ga into the city after that date, to be kep’ here, shall make a w m far rmurn wth n ten daya after a#> bringing In such dog or doge. Sec. 9. Ail 4*e* hereby required for real and persona! property held on the first day of January, ltfc/l. and for buxi nes* In which any pc ton *h *ll be enxag ed at tha* date, and of persons having vehlcl a and doga In ami! city at that date shad he conadered aa due on the first ia> of January, 101 and all ixxe? required of persons commencing to transact any b* a neat for whi~ti a lax la required, after the first day of January. !*!. or commencing after that data to u*e vthl les and straat railway cats not then In use, or bring nu any dog or doga !nt aald city, ahall te dua Immediately upon the comm rv Ing of bualnes, using such vehicles, or brl glng Mich dorf Into tha city And all taxes of •very kind shall be payable to ihe cpy treasurer, provided, nevtrihel***, mat any tax ilprn property aaaeafe#) for the wools yrsr may t*e itd quarterly, at tha opt MM of Ihe taxt-ayer, computing frotn the firat day of January* ItDl. but 111 th# event that any q*iartcr*s tax 1< not paid when th# •am# Is payable, lixn the treasurer ahgil Issue an execution for the nrnount of the tax for ihe soar remaining urpaf-l. n* hereinafter provided. But any pera* n or f rm rommenc ng hue neat in th a • Ity after July 1. 1901, or running afi#.r that date vehicles for t;<e transport an i> of gcioda, wares or mtrchandlea. or paMk-n --gers, which were not run befote that date, upon tnakh g i ronipt return of ihe earn# with n en da>a after rich business has commen ed or such vehicle* hav been run. he or they ahail be tax#d otie half of the yearly lax assessed by tha ordinance, prov and *1 ald tax b paid with in fifteen days after such return, other wise the entire tax shall be col lected The term vehicle, aa used In this section, shell lncludo street railway cars Any reel property Including new im provementa. waich ahull banorae taxaole #ha first day of January, lkfi, ahall le subject to taxation ftom th# flr*t day of th** month Immsttialely eu# reeding th i lira* when (In. larm swcooiee taxable, an I the owner or.owi.eri thereof shall pay ’ such proportion of the tax required by thl** ordinance a# the time left in the year 1901 I shall bear to the whole year. I ttev. 10. It any ptiaou or corporation orrit I*l,. • hall refuse t ntglect to pay any tax ra qutred by thl# ordlitame within thirty daya aitr tl. anr uha i be !ie and pa%- tthl* a** abr>\. prov id* I or hall negl *t or reftis#' to | v anv double lax •**?* 1, as above provku.l f©t twenty days after no.tce has be served on such persona or corporation* ot such the city treasurer ahall #* *e iMih-rm thorefnr and lor the furlhei sum of one dollar for costs, and Ihe city in it *h # shall prorewl wall* #-h • x uil-*n tn the name manner t sheriff lo## under th# execution# from th Superior fourh of lift* etsic #ubj< *t f,> tha pro vision a of the act of she (ienaral A##tnbly if the Mate of Georgia, jm *ed Feb J 7 1*77. Every person or corporation who shall |>a> hl or It# taxes on teal nr per#•> l property, or both, promptly wit In fifteen day# after th** hr#t of April,July October and Jann/.ry. the lime here ne fore specified for the payment thereof • hall t*e entitled to a deduction of P) i r centum of the amount thereof, and the city treasurer I# hereby dlrtflel to ni ke such deduction upon the rc ipt of the tax and e\cr> iwraon or oorporMion who shall pay any other taxe# required by this >rdl nan* * within thirty days after the aame shall became du< shall I*** en- HUed tc reduction of Irt jxr centum of the amount the**of ami the city tra.tsu >i | herebv dliect* 1 lo mak# such dctlu* lion U|on *h • re * tpt of the tax Sec. 11. Every peraon tranxacting or of fering to tr*n* t either • * th# kind of business hertlnaftet nanwd who are In bu#ine# on the fii*t day of January. 1901. •hal), within Ih.rty day# arter ttie first day of January h*>l, take out a license therefor, vU Every auctioneer, every broker every commission merchant, ev ery plumber every barber and all others doing bustne * without any stm k in trade rv ry owner or lessee of a luuk !i p or cotton pi* l.ery . Junk -b aler. * v rv vendor of small war*** huck*eers. hawk ers. Inchtdlni deal-ra in i e cream, fri t ar.d poultry keeper of a . -wkstov# #r . .*ok ahop. and U hereby d*cl#rd to l c the meaning of thla ordinance that tin* h.- n-e granted to any auctioneer fhall not author tx# such auction er s© sell for any tran sient dealer, unleaa such ti*u*ient .leaier !, first pad a I tax## required of hm by thla ordl* a nee Every It m e<j a '• on ♦er shall have the pr viftrge , f #j.p b ttn : ,n# as daiant ci er wh< ae name Mad le recorded In the trea#ur*r a s • ffc# ant tn fertd on be license tamed A* and no (#r-nn shah fc peitnl'ted to be an auitoneer or xetvlue rr er un II ie shall have umt* plied with the c ndltlon# mill nwl n Ffit ion MJ.> of the Rev o and *\*t of Geor gia. known as the tvde of lxftj And In • verv license taken out by Ih* owner or leasee of a junk shop or •t n ph kt r\. or by a Junk dealer it shall le dt*(|ncrly express* I net such lunk -('<-! or cotton pickery, rr Juttk dealer. aha'l at wave h* subject to (he visl et on Oi in# i<>! <-.• of the Itv. and 'hat such pei*>n* shell in' purchase fr, m any ns under ire aye • f 1* vests, a duplicate of which I cos . ij>n ■on .r person* taking on! the same, wud expressing hla or thetr assent io such nod (lons, shall oe retained bv tli ■Hy treaaurar. and on r*fu*l to sub mit si any I!tn* tn such visilatl n. ■> on com 1 lion In Ihe Folic* Court of having purchased Com any on* undei th* age of It years, auoh license shall he revok'd and such Junk shop or coiion pickery shall Immediately be cl **d hy th' M • or And eiery such Junk *h p. Junk baler or <• ton pickery teens* - hall he subject io ihe further ■i rd t on that the amt ahail be subject lo revocation hy (he Mayor ot Re corder If. on examination ha'or*- him In the I'ollce Court, he sliall I** >.i ‘.tied and shall #o pronounce that any alotvn prop erty I* fund In such Junk shop, or t tha possession of any tunk ueale*. mid such condition shall be expressed In the license of every such Junk shop or a- ii*r. Kveiv person required by the provt tvna of this section and by Ihe ordinance passed In Council March 14. l*M. In referen-c to tak ing out licenses, who shall commence io Itausa t or offer to transact in tide city any of the kind* of business mention and In Ihi* section, afier the first day of Jan uary. IMI. shall take' out license before ommenciug bu.iins*. *# prow d-d tn mid ; ordinance, peered Mat h 14. IWI. which -aid oidtnanoe I* of force The lit ertse heretn provided for shelf he Issued by the city treasurer. And If any t>et*.m trana acllng, or iifTering lo transact In -aid city, either ol the kinds of htisinee* In tide sec tion -pacified, -hall tie found without such licenee dlspayed n • conspicuous manner In hie. her or their place of hurtle a*, he. rdie or they ahull, on conviction there of In the Folic* Court, be fined to a sum not exceeding one bundled itoitar*. or sen - prisoned nol more than thirty duya, or tiolh. In Ihe discretion of Ihe court No *l** |fie IP-ense or permit lo do taulm-s shall be transferable by any |iers<ni nr linn un U -a ih* transferee i the bona fide successor at Ihe same place of th* Iran*- feror. end un;*** ail Indehtedneae due on said license by Ihe transferor le fully paid and a n*w bond given by lb* Iran.sfere* ! wherever a bund la required by oidl naace. Ilut a |>eienli or Arm may Han*, fer hi, licenee or iiermll fiotff on* place lo another with Ihe |nrml**loii of Coun cil Sec. 12 On and afier lb* Itrsl day of January, 1301, Ihe price of a license In m il ma t Vinous or sidrlluou* liquor* at teiali •within the corporate and juitsdiciional urmte of said <My for one year shall be two hundred dollars net. without discount, but a license to sell al retail may be Is su'd ii!*)n paying one-fourth of the sum due for a yearly It enae and upon giving note* beartug H per ceni Interest from Jan 1. 1901. when partle* are already In business, end from del* In case parti'* commencing burtnesa during Ihe year, wlih Indorsement# or eurelle* satisfactory lo the Mayor, to secure ih* luivni'ti’ of tiie Other three-fourlhe of said ium> tn three equal payment*, on the twelfth of March, twelfth of June, lend iwelflh of Septem her, 19ul provided, however, that upon d# fault all th* notes ahall become due and payable, the aatrl payment# to he made whether the persons giving such notes or sutety shall go out of business or not, and the applicant ahall b* required to sub mit. as **curllie. two responsible free holders of this city • prerequisite to the Issue of said license (no officer, clerk or employ* of Ih* r|iy ehstl b* taken as ** curtly on such bond, snd It shsll he the duly of th* Mayor to pa** upon auch bond* before any Weens* Is issued here under): and no license for th# sale of melt, vinous or eplrltuou* liquor# ehall cover Nkr.y other business whatever than the sal* of malt, vinous or spirituous llquore. end shati apply to but one ptgc* for tho aala of #a:d liquor# whether under on* roof or otherwise. und*r a penally of not more than one hundred dollars And no bar room • bell he Ikensed which has not an entrance to It separate and distinct from the entrance to the dwelling, and Ihe licenee may. tn the discretion of the Mayor or Recorder, be forfeited for any viola tion of sny state law or city ordinance; and tn ih# caa* of torfeltur* the Ucenee • hall not be renewed for the space of two years, except hy permission of Council And It shall he the duty of the Clerk of Council to publish quarterly an alpha betical 11*1 of all person* IF ensed to sell liquor a* aforesaid All etn-h li cense* ehall he taken out by p*rousts already engaged In busln*-* with. In thirty day* after th# first day of January. '9Ol, and In the .-as* of persons , * to comment-* business later In the year, oefore commene ng husinem; end any dealer In llquot- as aforesaid, falling or refusing to lake out a llcen#' to sell liquors, as aforesaid, shall he liable to • penalty of not more than one hun dred dollar* foe every day any such per son muv sell without a llcenae. or b* im prison'd ft>r thirty days, or both Sec. H Every person transacting, or of fering to tranaact. the business of tran# porting or carrying goods, etc., passen ger# or baggage for hire, by means of wagon*, dreys, truck-, street raiiwar 1 car*, or other vrtitcl##. snd every keej. r of a public or livery stable employing such vehicle* In hts buslnem. and every other person keeping and using street railway car*. or other vehicles. In other kinds ot business, shsll. upon pay- Ing the tax heratn before prescrib ed take out a badge which will be fur o.tdied by she city treasurer fot each street cur or vehicle to b* *ritplo*d In au< h business tthe number of street car. or vehicle* to b* employed lo b* stand oil oath) which sha I he placed In • con spicuous place on Bitch vehicle er streat ; rar— -except vehicle* kept by keener* of jar bile f livery atatdes. lo be lei for hire orruiAL. an! vdilciea u#ed for pie iaura or eon vetiieuca-and /any perxwm using ot em ploying au> vehlcl# or street car on aueh undue** without b. nffixe*!. ex ept #a af(*r*suid. Fhall be (tout-.M taxed, and on convict lon thereof in the Bolt# Court, m*> be flne<J ti a sum not exceeding one Hundred do. are or In pil**miient not tuor< *han thirty days, or h*Mh in the dis cretion of th** court H c : Tic ordiMU T of Nm 14. 1*431, requlru’g b* <e# to be taken obi* for toga, end ptr#*-fit tng other r gulationa for doge, •ti fat a* the provision# of the same are not • oi jo-dent with thl* ordiitwnce, |* I*it l> r**r mad and b Ui*d to le 'n ffill for • Every I'eraon falling to tak nut r nae for i dog. or falling to pay *!• ! en*e a* reqiilren! hy section ft and xof Huh . *dn *e shall. ’*{Hxn ronvy. t ton I w fot * the Fou . ourt of fhe cltv •'f SavHiinaU, b mu # l* a fin# not ta •x * * tine* * i with tn# alternatlva >f imp’ •run* ii t • io i Xit.,l th re* days lawful for tha M V - r id oi with thj concurranea of the Finance Crmtnltiaa. to ippolßt within #lilrtv day after the firat day of Jantiarj * ompetefit person wh • du v i ahall o report to tfi# lioard of lax \ -• ors and rgv h i !• •*!' l -tv ftom lrr# to tint* all p' 1 • *u* aid city required to mak* 1 at v return **r to takeout any lb #na# required bv thr ordtiutn wlw * hall reg ie* i or oirai to 'lo - ■ iu>t all property aub )e* t * taxation but n-u r, ;urnad. and to perfotm auh other tlufUs In **unec’lon with th# ahn\e a# rn\ i require*! of him by the said Mayor and Finance f mmlt- And auch person fiall cotitlnue in the performance of hi# duties only as long ,t.a bis a#rv|cf# shall he <x<sl<lered neeea try by said Mayor nnd Finance (Vgit tnlttee ai l “hall receive such comp*n o ilon a- may shall specify it, P Thai tlie v let K ? < \iun> il h#. and he |h hereby diret ted to report *o Uouncll at th*' IBM meeting In every .juar ter the amount of monev expcmle*! for each department up to date of report, and a* >*'> a .* iv d* . artmen* making anv disbursements shall haxe reached the lim its provtbd in the budget the ci#rk of Pottnell shall at on* notify tha head of that tle|rtrnent flee 17 ThJ# ordl nano# shill h# subject to slieraiton and repeal. In whole or tn twrt. a# anv tun# during the year 1901. f . uid it b* deemed advisable, and n# such amendment or repeal in any partb*i ir shall be coi)S!rti#d to tmi*atr the right of f’ouncil to a**c"# and levy a tax far the whole of said 3 car whenever tn a de de< 1 All ordinance# and parts o f ordinances conflicting with the provisions of this ordinal • are hereby repealed, pro vbled, neverth* lc <• that so much and such part> of ordinances heretofore passed aa provided for th# issuing and enforcement of exv* utk*tM for any tax oi assesamenf. or i*#rt of tax or a • nient. required by any such ordinance and now remaining unpaid shall continue and remain of force s. as to authorise ihe treasurer to Isau# •m b executions and the marshal to oollaet the same until mien tax*# or aswramant ahnll be fully paid, ordinance *d in * otmcll, Nov. Si., ipa. and published for information W I* HAIUEY. F.erk of roun ui. ARREARS FOR GROUND RENT. t’lty of davanturh. Olfio# City Treasurer. Dev 1. I*** The Mlonltm lot* are In arrenra for ground rent, of which ownera are hereby notlfle.l C f* HaiAee <lly Tmaauror Calhoun Ward-Lot , 2 quarter*, lot 21. 2 quartelV. Char Mon Ward—lxH 1, 2 quarter*. *at V, lot sft. 2 quarters Chntham Word -Kart H lot 31. 2 quar tee#: east *j lot T*. 5 quart* r ColumWu Ward-Eoat turt lo* It. 3 ,|'i*rtr- . went 1 , of *<.( t*art r*f lot 30, $ quarter*. eraw(oru IVrnl-W.N *■ |o( . 2 quar irr,. l-y 22, 2 quarter*; lot 31 3 quarter* Crawford War), iaal—M.Udit; |m( * 0t ' I, 2 quarter*. Ward ftwithraet part lot 24 1 quarter*; hu 2!‘ Forayih KarA-UM I*. 2 quarter* Ft .tikllu ward—Lot 2. 2 quarter*. ea*t (i loi 27. 3 quarter*. New F'rnnhlln Ward—Eaat H lot H. 2 quarter*. tir.rn H ard Ear! part lot 4. 2 quarter*; eouth lot h> i quarter:.. iKHilieaat 14 lot 2*. 3 quarter*. .1.0 kron Warn l.ot 23. 2 quarter*. nu*l ■ lie ■, lot 32 2 quarter*. Jmi t r VS .lid l.ot 38. 2 quarter*, weet lot t* 2 quart era; -* ■( \a l*.t 4*, 2 q<tat -1 't. loifayeMe Ward -Weet H UW 1, 2 qu*r tere, lid 41. 2 quarter l,ll>erly WanF-Lot 4. 2 quarter*, lot I. 2 quarter*, lot 3.3 quarterr, lot 10, 2 quar. ■ tie. , aet loi I*. 2 quarter*, *t lot 2.1, 2 quarter* I uUeki Wool lad 1. 2 quarter*, *oqth i, lot 22, 2 quarter* Troup Ward lad 12, 2 quarter*. wet part lot 22. 2 quartei*. north c lot 37. I quarters; eaet of outh Va lot :17, 3 quar t„rs. (ot F>. 2 quarter* Warren Ward Wt 'j lot 1" 3 quarter*, kx l, 2 quarter* Wuehlngton Wald—Wet lot 14. 2 quarter*. All persons liavtti* ittlereet In the atone lot* are hereby uorlfied that if tha amount* now due are ntd paid to tha city treasurer on or f'efore Dee. !3th ln*t . 1 will prweeed on Hie morning of Dee. 14 r enter aieordjn* to Ire JOHN POWER Chy Martha! IT'S ICERTAIHTT THAT Smith's Chill Tonic A trade mark WILL CURE Dengue. Typhoid, Intermittent, Malaria, Inti All lorras ol Fivers. ALL DHI'OOIBTB BELL IT ON A GUARANTEE —Manufactured bjr— COLUMBIA DRUG CO. f IIAVANNAH. GA. Bone Meal For Chicken F##d and Fertlllwf. NITRATE OF SODA invaluable for "noma-mUed" farUUaor 1 Th* ■ lieapeat and moat concentrated OB tha market Fend for particular*. HAY. UH AIK. COW FEED, IIK AN, *7 IT. SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, Phone #1 Ui By tret. weot. jTd. WEED SCO iAVAaIAk, aa Leather Beitiag. Strain PackiiM & Hose A*al* f NEW XO&K BUBB&Jh Bk.LTi.NG AND TACKLNU COD RAN L. 7