The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 12, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 28-FOOT PROJECT ASSURED. *xx xnnaicn all Tim I 111 111 UR %NR ID Tlr Hornlns Xrwn Una Informa• l*i na to ihr Hlvrr ®n#l Hart*r Hill Xim Hr lit m l*r*|iirr|. XX )il©tft .lns(|- fles It In I'rptili'llng Tltttt X** *bn( MiviMinNh Xal% XX 111 Mr ran(r#l. < o|. Lfitrr Ilit* ln|irraai <1 11l l- Imgiiri XX Itli Ihr lin port • ••*••• oi lli'iiliutf (irnrroual) XX III* Mvrn- , trail'® Hiarl.or ll.porli of KUi* ni rra Are XII Ila• XX •• \rr*lril to I oanplrir ilr xruuHirn*. Savanna . r-> #*xp* iuoi* t*‘- j g.#rJ to ihr further improvement of her river •nil bar *i uppear likely to b© fully j r , a.ixrtl. Th* Morning New* ha* Infoi* mat lon of a reliable character to the el- ; f, „*t tr.r * ummlttee on River* and | Harbor* exp. >• to h© .title to report It# t .1 to th- H. ■:*■© Iwfore the close of the j jre*i." ti 1t 4t liberal provision *vnj 1. made f< i the Bvanit;ih harbor. The Htwr arl Harbor Committee 1* j>urulng unusual t tint In making up it* |vli Th* # on* of the - ommiiiee r© h*l behind ( kie) door*. and t * tiv ni rir of tne committee re plwJsel to f- ri > ;* to what transpire* in the • *tn ( m!**•* room Thl* |* bring .lone to pr* v* i t uri'lue pressure l* ing brough h t>* ,lf of vtrMU* proJ< tK. hi .1 i?. ml Vivn'<!t of three projrcta have l***n .1* heiirlim* before th.- committee. Thl* 1* where Savannah * advantage come* .n In having a cimgrr- nmn v. •* 1* h m*-m- , b. i of th** fllver and Harbor Commit te j The committee ih under to l*c fr.mung the m< a.stire upon the re nmrnr*n flat lon* of the hlef of engineer*. Inle- ] pendent of outdde Influen *>. The recent report of the examining b ir l, which was written by Capt C I Gillette. engineer nt Havanna- Im* k* i up by the tn.lnr e mtnt of (b n Wilson, c lef of the eugin t*.-r eorp*. 1* *o dtrong arid convincing that J the Morning New* feel* authorised In j tciyli.g that Savannah will got prictl .|ly •II *he ask* for In the bill about to la* i• ,n•! i• • it U: ?.r. to ♦** (niaitltn j of th commiti r* to |>n*nt the m*-a*u *■ | to the llmi). within the next two or tnr* • day*, with tie . x }>©<* tat ion of *- tiring ii* | jmr- ige before Chrl*ma* Thl* m* an* | i ■ bm fm df u**iou or U lay of any kind, avid that th" • ■ the Him*- by the committee. There I* J consider a hi© bustne*.- of Importance be- j for. the pr.- nt >•*.>* lon. and If the bill ; lroM nf.’d by th* commit!** tie of a *•!!-- fa lory character, wi I kubtlr** be tne if. it wiil In all pr !*nblllty l>* pi -ol without change of any kind. Tne confld. net w ith which Congressman l#©ster *|>ke of I Ml* matter ix'fore In* d#*jHrtur** for XX •*hlngton I* confirmed hy th* information ju*t given. Col. I***ier |i,► (H.-n imh i.*te.l with the River and Harbor t*oinmittee *o lng timf he i> able <* eixe tip rhe l**ig t* for> a mut ter of Hu* kind . ’ ually come* up for #t* tion ll* h.* exirc mI confidence on thl* *ii*Je t * ver hlii h the matter of the 2k-foot project wa* browned la*t •ummi r. lie roxKHl7.. 4 the order for th* complete > arv*y of th* harbor, and that for ii * I‘iHini .tttim of the 2^-foot project * favorable *igr>. ('apt. Olllette** r*- yiort upon the survey *n l the report ot the examining board, of which Capt. <lll - wa* e.eo a member, were hnth favorable to the farther Improvement of the channel. and thl* eeem* to have completed all th t video <• needed If anything further wa rn ded It wa* f’.irnl*h‘l by the fact* j*n*l *tatl*tlc* r ntaln*-*! In the city’* deep w i er pamphl* t r* .* iitly >* r.t out by Mayor Jdyrr* to all of the mem tier */*f Congre** both House Hn.i S.iiai. XX th the great Increase In her railr.wl end terminal facilities, furnished lv the completion of the deaboard syatem, and th*- building of H* magnificent terminal* h**rr and th* entry of the Southern Hall way into th rlt\, atal w Ith th* lncr.MHp*l d< pth of th* • hnn*d. which likely to 1h realise*) it an early day. Savannah a* *m* le on the highway to gr*t.*c • v*mni*- ! •! Imi**g|;iii' <‘ in*l pr>**i rlty. and gr ater iiwefulne** to the entire *•**•- tlon **f countrv which find* in outlet for It* pr..du at her |*ort MKT MO 111 kT XUXIXTr.RX MI’.TI IIN. Dlnhop! * to Xl*lt *pnt Xlade I '<i in mil by XVmlry. # R* v. Kd. r Kook. Rex*. Otiool F. Kook find Hl*lm>i> Hendrix of Ka*a* Klt\ reached the .Ity y***terd.y morning from I'uihUrt, where they have b*en in at tendon* ** at the annual meeting of the South Qcorarla Conference. Hcv. liaacom Anthony ami Rev. J A Smith ar# ex|*ct c*l to-day. A* ho- already bach wtatid in the Morn ing N* w-. there will be no change* In the Savannah mlnl*ter*. All of them were able to present remarkably good rn*ort* concerning i ielr work and the ►amt* ma> be Mild of the chargee i* who.e thr.Mtgb* out the Jurtagi iion of th*- i onference. l<l!h<g Hendrix, one of the beet known figure* In the fkiuthern Mcthodtat Church, S* her** on h \.-!t to hi daughter, Mr*. XVaring XVhlh on Id* l.i*i trip to Kuropc Bishop Hendrix s* ure*l th* original manuiv-rlpt* of Join. XVi -I* y * diary, written while li* was conducting hi* w rk In and around Htivannal! r l it i- t * Intention of th*- Ills hop while h-t* i ■ make a study of ih-‘ |i> 'alltie* di - rilM *J XVefiey. He ex* jje*-!* tint with tin lof this diary hi will able •*. * •.n up some of the dif ference* that rim .\t-*i reg<irllng th#*ex ct location* . many of the place* of which XX. sli n f . ik- The Hl*ho|> lnt.ii* to visit nil of the ptace* with which either of the \Va*lev* was ldentille.l hv either residence or work. A* enme of the .. Including Fred erica. arc *1 turned on the 1.-l.inds of the coast, a trip down the <-oh t ha* been arranged. In th- party that will go will U> ll* ndrlx. Hex*. Kd F t'mk. ami iil*o tha Rev Mr. Waler. president of ttie British We>leyan Conference, who Is on route to the Bahama* but h*s come vlu Savannah for the expfe** purfmse of visiting the place where Methodism may b sai l to have la un It* n live llf- Hun lay. Ib c. it. Blahop Ih ndrlx will prea h *t VVe-ley Monumental Chur h and at Trlntv Church, and Hcv. Mr. NX li ter also will ip-cach. axxKt&its iximßfißp mu.. r I •- ii r I ii u 4siirlNtlnn Approved Measure for m Fxnmlnrr. A meeting of th* Rdvaniub <’lcar!ng AR* p*h la tlon we* hekt yeatrwday. and the hill |i-n*i:rig In f he tor the ri>- p'dntm* sd of un examiner for state hunk was approved This hill provide* thnt •uch un ex iminer I* to receive 13.000 |*er ttnnum fca’ hi* -.-rvl **s. i>f which amount tiie state is to p.i> one-half and Ilia liank* ot the stata th other. Cielet the p *-s*nt law the examination of t!*• bunk* 1* made hy the tr*ne arer, whowi salary a* tree urer Is 12.- 000 ie*r annum, arid wlior* *olary a* Plate bunk examiner l f] !>*• and expettset. Itrvii mI *erleen liml-tl, The closing of the series of revival ser vices that has t.en conducted st the Ijgwtoii Memorial by Rev J. H Patton of Marietta, took place l-t r.lght. This, a* ha-* been all the others, was well attended. Rev. Patton and Mr*. Patton will leave to-day for their home. HATTKHS 111 roftt: rot iflL I nr of kpnrk 4rrr*lrr on ktramer* to hi* < Moaldrrnl. The question of the use of spark ar rester* by fuels uts .in*l other vessels on • 1:*• river will be fought out l*efore the Kiti Council ic-nigM Those interest*-! l*otn the Insurance men and the tugboat (tt-op!* havi t.een no ihisj to be p: -• r.t Tfi- m.iriin in-ureiice men urge that the present ordinance ie*jirlrg the '* J of . park arr* t*-; ii|>on the <*mok- ~ta' ks f all vessels plying up n the river t*e *n forced as a ne t pre* uti*u ogalnst fir* and as a needed -ht to th*- i**rt in the matter of marine Insurance rt* s. The steamer and tugltoat je v ri>.e contend thit this g*-neral nf r m- >t *f th* *:- pram . is t r tir- lv unt * -.ry find ur reason iblc No ■in Interpi etatl*n bus lieen placed up n the ordinance herd fore, they *ay, and no evil result* have followed. Th*A do n*t Obje t to thl.- re quirement h* to i *,! actu.illy eng in th* hi'.tint; *f otuai. tut ho! I that It l- um • *ry .?* ap -lie! io st am v .1 > c nri ally Ttu ir hlef objt*ction to ih* U' of spark arrester* is the alb ged Interference with the lraf* from trie bo|i i- th* • in-r* aelng the anvount of *.ii consumed. The it h itl i are that the aicamhoai m*-r will * arry th*dr p int an*l that .he oidinaii**' %'l I ! " •mended w a* to apply only to v -m*ls er.gaged in the haiidiiug of cotton oft flat aiki barge*. ijt m p I -ina - (edition for abae. tr.* r. >f th* nu. m . resulting ft >m tht g- i. ral a I Imllscrlmtnate u*** of siren and other -I**.*ri w v =i tb • by itraft at In* rl\er and • oiu sh**r* and th*' lessening the numb* r of alutc* exchangr and, wi. ab be on-bl r*l The sr. *-• hikl Igin* Committee l x -perle*l to funk* it* report ns to *trt*- available for n* w street railway dn* and there may !• **>n>*- dkcu**lot on this sub ject, though no decisive a* tion 1* expect ed. The Committee of the Whole will mot again Monday night to t.ik* tip the qti * lion of th** budget f>r Hl. th* *ntir* tint, at the me*-ttiig night before kst being glv en lo I'ent-Mmsi-tn of the tax ordinanc* Ih** only cluing* r |-rt*-d is ttat In the li* - -•- **f rnusi** ha . which was in (•rea-“*i from s!*• f* s.‘* B ’ at>n*.ill\ This matter w; itebate*) at *om*- length, sev ••rn. f th** aldermen xpr*--ing the ofdn that *hr mtr-! - .*:!! tv re a d-d t* lh city and ►hotihl • itft* r not be 11- ■ rued it ill or 1> put uiid* r a very high jl*n*** Th* reMbt w.. o compromise Th** il • t • to p wnl*r*k*'-i * will r maTh r f>s im *t pr*-*)(. Th** complaint-* **f the merchants were conskter*-*! by the • itnmiTt#** . I*ut as tb#* license I- already n high one f-*r the business condu t•- 1. ihe members did n* •** hw they <otil#l make it any higher without prohibiting ih* bust ncs** alt *r*’ther Home restrl* tlons may be placed t)|K>n the (hiwnbrokers as to the lines of bu-lnc'S to be conducted by them under their license. i:\tta%M.e board nkt. Ileiiitfiintln f Superintendent mill Ollier Mutters < nnsldered. A meeting of the board of managers of the Woman * Kx< hang** was he|#| y*j*- terday morning In th#' <.*Uiirtls* Hail, Mrs I>. \\ Haskell, the president. |>r*-si!tr>g. Several matter* of Imfiortance were broiiglit befor* the meeting, the principal bring that of the resignation of Mrs Mun nerlyn as superlntthdent of the exchange This was accepted with regret Several applications for the position were m the hand** of the secretary, but it was |e*lred that all w ho might desire to apply should have consideration, and for this reason. It wa** <!• <‘Md lo postpone the election of a successor to Mr- Munnerlyr until n sul s**iuent meeting Applhatbms must Ih* sent i Mr* Max WolfT. No 210 Taylor street, west, by next Tuesday. Th* r#-f***rf of Mrs. fioorge ,T. Mills, chairman *>f the House Commit tee, show ed that the tea given by the exchange t Its formal opening tial been n derblvd su< -*. The treasurer’s r* i*t>rt sh<w*'*i a hi lance on hand of s£*V>.tW It wa* decide*! to hoUi an art reception n#-xt Wedn*-."day. wh*n f.m*v work. ilc fures and th*r .irtlsilc thing- will Ih- on ••xhibltloti and for sal#*. The Exehattge 1* already mail#* Iteautlfiil by the display of many snides, and the t*l 11vt>n of other* will make |i a pi# • well worth visiting An arrangement has been made, it wa* announced, whereby fresh csk*-* will he on hand nt all lime* A diffUmity .ilwnit the sale of cakes by the Kx havtge ha* been that fre*h ones could n f always h* secure#!. The removal of thl* #lllll *•• 11y will. It la thought, ic-ult in the sale >t a gr* *t many more ik*-*. No r irnmag** sale will lie held until I>uii It wav <)>. klr 1 that It would not he w*-ll to attempt to hold one until after the holl iiiv*. Kent. be|i g fr#*e from social idea sun* t< a marked ws r**- gartled as an excellent season fr sucti an effort on labaif of the exchange. 11l 11,1)1-:It* M ill, (ill K P-IIOt H DAY. Members of the llnllilers l.selinng*- XXIII S(Mn*l ly Tlielr Offer. Several mcml>en of the Ruihler* Ex change were seen venter Jay relative to the probable stand that would lx* taken hv the Exchange on the resolution* pas*- cl at the meeting of the building trade* unions held night b* f". last. During the labor trouble* Aim st>rlng the builder* ogreed that tieginntng with J muary they would grant the 0-hour day with the same rate o| wage* which were then !>dng paid, fI.TT. to £1 a lay. It was to remind ttiem of thl promi*#* that the resolutions were drawn up by the unions. One of the officers of the Exchange who was seen said that the Exchange will *tan#l where It stood during all of the i iiii troubles la>t sp:lng It will grant the nine-hour day as It promised, and will pay the scale of wag< which it made at that tlm* and which it lias since been paying, but It will not recognize the unions in any manner, shape, or form. The Builders Exchange will have a meeting to-night when officers will bo nominated f#>r the coming year. It Is pos sible that th** resolutions that were adopted by Ihe union* may reach the au thorities of the Exchange in time to he brought Ix-for** thl** meeting but any dls usslon of them will I** only Iru bi# %HU ED FOR H:iTtI>E\TATK)4. 'l'he Trades I ni#m Want < sn#lldntrt# on the Myers Ticket. j A delegation from the F#**leratlon of | Trades l'nl >n waited upon Mayor Mvers at the l*e Soto last ii fhi with a request t he give two of its candidates places u|on th*- aldermai lc ticket he Is to head A representative of each of the trades embraced In the federation was of the delegation, and nearly an hour was *|h*m by the party in the gentlemen’s parlor of the hole) Mr. W. XX’. Osltorne was also present and introduced to the Mayor those of the with whom h was not already acquaint# and The names of XX S Harris and R XX* Baughn were presented iis the iv#>tnitiee* of the federation for aldermantc honors ind the Mayor was requested io allow them to appear ui*on h:s ti ket. Mayor Myers told the delegation that he be lieved they should nav. represertattoo u|X)n the ticket, but that he could no*, r mmlt the party which he is Identi fied. N6r would the Mayor commit him •elf a* to the proposed candidate* of the (•-legation, believing that. ■ should b* l*ft to the mass meeting of the |arty that a to bo held at an early date. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1900. MELL GOT TWENTY YEARS. thf. .ii nv rni ii*i <>i \ o|.l *Tim M * MUI I.HTKB. * rrdlrt %flrr Drllh,rll#ll. I.ti*mllnu Over Nearly l ive Hour*, r.lolinrni trguiiiriil* I9n#l* During (l* UurnlnK Sr•!•—Judgf** I al llgant'i hargr a * Irar l*rreata li#in of il** I.ow—Xli #f Ihr Jury- | mra AVantrd m 'turn Mr 11 l,nr Ihr \ rrdlrt n < oiiiproiulsr—Jadgr I'Mlllasnl Imposed (hr l.xlrrmc Pf-ualfy of lb* lan-Xo Motion for Xr* Trltil. A J iry of twelve gcor) men and true’’ rturnel ver , ;n th* Superior Court v *?*rday that found XXV S Mell. the Pi iij>r of |l|e Jimmie Buz be#. guilty of v** antary man*. *ughter. .1 u*)ge Ftlliff iitt •* • *• Mfl to twen *> year* in the |x**it entlary. Tnla wa- much as the *'ourt could do. tie law pr d>,biting any #vrrer punishment for the crime of whl h ‘he Jury found Mell guilty. The liw .-ays that the punish meat for voluntary nxr-laughter shall t# Imprisonment at hard l#bor m the pen ibnttary for from five to twenty year* Julge I’alllgant and the heavies • fitenre the law i- rmlis. \Vh#-n court *nnvened yeaterday **me httJr evidence was introduced. Mr* I.'Ua gm>ke w i p n *-| on the stand by t ie soli (tor general, and tratified thi’ e :,o) wfi'ttn Mr I shot had no pistol ii hi* h.itxt ut (he *ime #*f the h)mh Id*- *nd ru-m on hi* person. The witness said -he had every opjx>r (unity to observe * verythlng that happened, nod would ■ave seen the weapon had the ley #u* played I*. This clc's**l the evidence for the stab and the defense place*! two or three l.tth boys, wh< h id known young Ruzbee when he was their vrhooimate hi liethesda. oi the M.ind They testified t one tinii -r another they had sen the bid with n pi? tol Mell made (• supplementary state in* nt a- to i matter #>f no imtM*rt<#ii< e Then Ixsgan the arguments t#> th* Jury. Soib tor * neral XV XX <)Mornc ( r. .nf Ing th* on tent lons of th. state, and Mr Joseph A Cronk and Mr Ii I*. Folding ! p* ‘king fr (he d**fen*a. Th** argument: followed th* lii*e <f the evidence h*r th* state and the defendant, the .-*4: ltor g* n • ' ' brutal, causeless and unne.vs-,iy ##- ,i*- dnation, aiul couSm I for the d* f< rc-< tha ii boro every external murk of just 111* a (lon ami li#cey*lty. Thus Widely ). jn lons tilff**r. Jijlk*' Falllganf's charge to the jury was * dtspaaakmata italement .r th< law con* trolling the • awe. fair lo Uah the state an.l the accused. The ;#-♦* went to th# Jury a few minute* after 1 o’clock. Mrs. Mell. the moth*T of he b fendant and hi* sisier* had lwen present in th* * ourt room during (he arguments of coun sel and the delivery of the charge of Judip I'illigii t. They were much af f*- te l bv wlxit w s Im-,ng -aid, •*! was transpiring .about them. However, thev hone thenwdvea w h i simple dign i\ that Intensified the *ym|Nithy whi# h every bod) In th** c#Hirtroom felt f*r them At 2 o'clock it wh announced from the Jury room that there w.a* no i*r-H#pec of an immediate *gre nu nt and dinner wws sent up from one of the hotels. At 4 o’clock agreement seemed to be as far away a* ever A little less trthn (wo hours later it was announced that the Jury hud agreed Meantime there hid been happenings of some interest on ihe other side of (he closed door* behind whl *h the Jury sat and d* liberated. When the firs* ballot for a verd: t wa* taken it was discover* and that there were *x of the jurymen for conviction and * x for acquittal. Hix of (he Jury *<•(ually wanted to find Mell In nocent' They wanted to say thal hr w.m guilty of ru **rine whatever, and that th#- killing of the unhappy and unfortu nate boy was done under circumstance* that would fldte the fear* of a reason- i able man that his own life wa* In din ger. Gradually the Jurymen reached a com promise ver*ll#'€ It r* iinder--?o#Hl that some of them wanted t#v And Mell guilty of Involuntary man*laghter, but different counsel prev tiled and ihi.y verdict was not commit **d. Itor General Osborne was no? pres ent when (he Jurv wa* brought into the • .rt room The prisoner, however, w i* nought l ack from the Jail sr -1 hi* ro*in c*l were with him when the verdict was r* cell ed aixl read. It w.* a few minutes after f>. "Gentlemen of the Jurv. have you agreed upon it verdl t' , ’' asked Judge Falllgant "XX’e have.*' answers*! Foreman Ree*. "Mr. Clerk.” s.ibl the court, "Deceive inl r*n-l (he verdict. "The *t t** ng-iltist XX*. H Mell. Mur der. "read clerk Carr. " *We, the Jurv fin*) the *hf*-iHlant guilty of voluntary manslaughter.' " The Jury w*e discharged Mell sat wi‘h an lmia**lv* face while the verdict was .* (*' r* ad. face that express**! neither *l. sppolntment nor relief. The neutral aspect of his countenance prohaNv lypl lled the midway jxsnt l*e(v-*-n the two emot tons. "XX’ H Mell. stm>*l Up.” or.Hred Judge V.illlgant The prisoner stool in hi* plae. "You have b****n n*h-t#'d for the crime >f murder. The Jury that ha* tried your case h* found you guilty of voluntary manslaughter. XVhereupon 1? I con*4d* r**l and adjudged hy th#‘ court ttic you, XX’. S M* 11. le taken hence to the common Jail >f Chatham county by guard to Im* il-ttibd by the sheriff, that you be then* detains*) until bmin*le) hv guard from the penitentiary; that you Ih- then token to the penitentiary <‘*llfi*'e *>f Georgia, and there, or at such other place n* the Governor of the state may from time to tine- direct, be confined *> hard labor for ami the space an I term **f twenty years.” The prisoner heard the Judgment of th court with nn nlr that matched his r**- ■ epilon **f the venllct. It was lt#ge(h r impassive. Mr K. I, Cohling, of <oun*d for Mell. stated that It was not likely that there would be a motion for it new trial It :* probable that the application to the Governor for n pardon, which **f course, is will not be made for ## year or two. FIFTEEN N| IT* DIN M ISNED. | (red I (or* Hive < me (#> Anllafsetsry tfrrrmrn( XVilh X\. F. XXinipy. Fifteen cases against XV. E. Wlmoy, whl' h had be>n filed hy certiin of his creditors at the Noveml*er term *<t (he f'lty Court were yesterday dismissed by the clerk, the attorneys representing the i? ilnnfT- requesting thl* action. Mr. Wimpy paid the court costs in each cas. It 1* understood that h his nv**!c entirely satisfactory arr ingcmc'it with his creditor* a lo the of their claims and legal pn or-ding- hive been slopped Thin news tri l be gratify ing to Mr Wimpy's friends he e, w:i always f* !t ‘onfklent th H he would be able t> meet ,11 his liabilities If he were allowed hut a little time. A (•real Sale of I'.nm,#. It Is something new in Havannah ta of fer nt auction "brand new” piano* Just from the factory, ut auction. Yet that Is what will be done to-day at C. II D r sett’s auction rooms at 11 o’c* < k Ills upetilrt room look* ilk* a music sore Tnere are ten upright pianos in bar some cases, shipped here, in o der to tntrod i a them hsre, and ordered sod at auction. The advice of th. auctioneer. 1* not to waR until all are sold and then be sorry, but attend the ouk.—od. OFFM KRI If A% E AC( BPTKD. Inrmn I I Ireflon f rirld OBeen Will rrnlinlil) Re Held D#*e. 2A. The two committee* •ppiini**! at the m • f.t.g of line off. **rs of the First In fant! > nUh before last, to wait upon ??>e flvl-l otr.cers-ele-n an* 1 notify them of th* . • hoi *■ t* til. va* ancles reootved t! • ii *; * mcea o? (hose im whom iey • ili* 1 ('apt. G A Gordon accepted the i** ~f lieutenant loiotwl. an) <*apt. C. II it .*rd -r. a. cpted that of major of tie Third Battalion Both officers ex pre *1 t i*lr apjwr* iation of the honor d*n*- them. Formal election of the field officers will b*- held on I)e This and ite ha? leen * .greed ui**n -a c.mvenlent one ami the < iv\• nor will l* requested to order the f* r ft IK# I at that tun* It 1* l* sib ** that the order from the (lovernor nay -oi in*-' the -a me date as that for th*- • .*■ Mon of iieatenant • lor* ; are! ot rr •l*r of the Third Rat ration Hhouid he f. a io s Ih* • enrrMindliig oftb * r of the r* glrnefw. E *ut. Col. T. H Wylly, Jr., who is ' n on' I Ho t. will order tne elec t.<n for lieutenant colonel and major The re*uhi don* provide f*r such a con tiiiffcfc y .• that by which the Klr-t In f.ft.-f . i .■* now confr-S 'l When it is un r t'ii' l what the -u. cssl>n 1 to be. the lower mad* from which an *f!lcer is to la promotcsl **n ne Piled at the same elec tron as the high# r gra*ie to which (ha oft I* *t ho sue *eis is advanced. This • overs t.*u ' of th** colonelcy and lleu * rml lolonc and th** majority has t * * q tut so long that an election can t*e ordered at any time by the command ing officer. Not until after the commission of Oapt. Gordon a* lieutenant colonel has been le <*U*-i will there te an election ordered f r the Oglethorpe |jght Infantry. Oapt. • ii ntimu of Ms >'<*mpany until he has been advanced to his new grade. U Ill’ll: I.EFT VICTIM*. Several %re D#*e|iinden( Over Their D*nllna With Him. H**veral a- |H4id-rt victims of R. L White a**- woiub tlng if they will ever see him again. They were in autlous enough to |ntor>c drafts that he executed from t?*- CiH.tir < ntul Hecurtty liedempilon Company of Birmingham. Alhl, and now they are sorry they did It. XX’hit* 1 . a- nip rl'-d hy Mrs. White and (heir lht••** Utile chillien, came to Sa vannah e*m** two months ago. He repro • nt* 1 th* company m*-ntlon*4 and had an otlt* in th#- I*rovldent Building Ills pi*- '*u.g address *-rved admirably to in gratiate him with many wnom he met. amt along toward the clo?*e of his career in Bmvannah he hul n dltfl* ulty in se lf Ing the Indorsement he naeded to make his sight drafts on Birmlngtiam ac •*pte<| by the Germania Bank, iiaymeut b* ing made at this *nd. Mr J. N Davis. Messrs. Byck Bros.. Mr B#tr Morton an.l .M*-*#ers. Norton and Ryan are among those who a idly regret lint they w.-re not w.ser, .irvl some of them h*ivr the drafts that were relumed fr*>m Birmingham. One of the drafts was tor flk. whilt* others were for smaller • mount* given to pay very small Mil* White ow* 1 the ItHhrraer*. th# hai g* lx*lng giv#-n him. He also catne out wln n* r n trade bills he ran up and upon his rent accotins. Igist Saturday night \\‘hit and his family pulled out. The re turn of the drafts from Birmingham has Induced his cl divant friends to be lteva that he will never come back One of them consulted the superintendent of police, but the superintendent Informed him that there would be considerable ex pense connected with the arrest and re turn of XV-title to Savannah and for that reason It haa been decided not to molest him. He will !*♦* left in the enjoyment of th* money he succeeded in extracting from (hose upon whom he was able to work his guile. IIEI.D FOR FEDEH4I, (•RANI) JIRY. Mr. Solomon Miefiiill Turned Over bv 4 omitiiHAloner l.rnl*. Solomon Sheftall. (he wholesale grocer recently arraign**! before Commissioner I,*woe ;t charge of putting in circula tion a raised bill, has been held by the to await the action of the next Entil'd Hta’es grand Jury. He was released in ihe interim on a 1300 bond. The omm.rsk>ner tased his decision in the matter largely upon the (discrepancy between the statement of E O. Fui# h nnd the pra* t(**Mlly adm.t4**d fo*’t that the bill was received •* tlie citizens' Bank and cancelled cm Aug. 21. Mr. Kutch am •! h- <!4d not receive* th** bill, which he claimed to have lost, from Mr. SboftaU until Aug 2*. Under th#* circumstances the commissioner d*l not feel that It was for turn to release the defendant. Th** cas#* against Mr. Kutch has not y. t been Invesrlgmted b* fore the rcwumis eltxw'r. Fending the Investigation. Mr. Kutch has lH**n released on a nominal bond. I.I.BITF.I) NEW OKKKER4. Order of Hallway Conductors Held Xnniial Meeting and Election. The Order of Railway Conductors. Ba vannah Division No. 21*. at its last meet ing elected the following officer* for the coming year Chief Conductor—W. o. Hicks. A i*t(nt 4Thief Conductor—lra Crutch flebl. S*eretarv an*l Tre.isurer— W. 8 Cobum. Beirtor Conductor T. L. Malloy. Junior conductor- J XV. Brtdger. Inside S#'ntln**b—J 8 Peterson. Outside 8* ntlnel B N. XVamlck. I^elegate—XV O. 11l- ks. Alt#*rn:te- XX’. S Cohurik DEN IKB HE D H INKHtPT, Joaeph Cohen Idle* nn %nawer In Ills Creditors* Fetltlon. The answer of the defendant in the mu ter of Bteven Putney A Cos.. nrul others ! iga nst Joseph Cob**n, In which the effort | is made to have the defendant declared i in involuntary bankrupt was filed yrster. day in the I nltel Btit* s District <\nirt. The answer admits the allegations of Ir.dchtadnraA to all but one of the mov- I Ing creditors, which allegation is denied. ! It denies that the defendant Is Insolvent ind tlat h#* has ver commit*ed on a**t of bankruptcy. The defemiant is rspre sented by Mr. George XX'. Owens. The ( onr( of Onllnsry. In the Court of>' yeterlay Otto Seller, gundlsn of the property of Ruby Swan, minor, /lied an application for let t*-r> dismismiry Ir. Mitthew F. Dunn, administrator f the estate of toiwrsnce J Dunt w,*s granted permlsdoti to com promise a claim. First aim Forem#s( In the field of medicine la Hood’s Sarsap arilla. Ii poa*ea#ea actual and unequallsl merit by which it cure* all d.seoaca ram ed or promoted by impure or Impoverish ed blood. If >ou have rheumatism. dy pepi* a. scrofula or catarrh you may take * are run down and feel weak and tired, you may be sure It will do you good. The favorite family cathartic la Hood * Pills.—ad _ A ln*t , udon fer lad'ea Shorter Colisga. Rome. Go. Write for catalog ua.— ad. NO TROUBLE ABOUT BILL Gl Xftns W ILE BE < lUXGFJ) To HEAVY AH TILLER % THIN WEEK. Neon lor (ann Wired That He 4n(lrd paied PrartlrNlly No Trouble I ron# Now On—Hill V\ ill <#i In the tluuar XVlth (be Inn iiliiioiial) ENirnbl#* Report of (onuuillee on Millia**) Affairs— Military Men W Ire In dorsemmt nf lb#* Measure—) 01. Olipar'ft Op|alllon bu ll*** XX un der— He Vlad Allowed officers f flie Laartls lo 'lhinb He XX ould Not Oppose ih* Hill. The Morning News dispatches from At lanta announce this in rnlr.g that the bill transforming the Havannah \’olun*ecr Guards Battalion fr*m Infantry to heavy artillery wld probabty be |sit upon Rs putlog** in the House of Representatives to-day. with Ihe favor \ *l* n jsrt of thu House Commlti* *- on Mt!it.r> Affairs. Officers ot the battalion re'clved tele grams to ttie same effect last night, one from B**nator J Ferris Cann being in sub stance it* follow*-: "Erianlmouf* rec*>fnmeii)ation from Com mittee on Military Affairs. Apprehend practically no tr>uble from now on.” Prevkutt telegrams irom ta members of tne Chatham delegation In the General A.-emtly to officers of the Guards con firmed tne report th*t Col. XX’. G. o' .ar inspector grtieral. had bitterly opposed i recommendation by the commu tes. nnd had Induced several Atlanta otli cers io conxv l># fore the locnmiltc* and J* tne same thing. These tclrgrams .I*l not say. upon vvhut Col. Obear basd hi* objections, is>r in what manner he recon ciled his |rwetit cour.-e with wiiat h** has had to say on tkv subject in the very recent past. The unanimous report which the com mittee will (iresent in favor of th* lull's adoption, was doubtle-* al*ld hy tele grams sent yesterday by men prominent In the military Ilf® of Savannah, *ll of whiv*h strngly urged th# Wi-*ljin and and - ssrabdlty of its pa^ige These telegram:, wm* to rh** general effw't |hat the of ah- hill was of vital importance to the curpo, whi- i Iv.~ -9 an. . _ . ,_4.v , ~ii.. t .. _ . , . '••"* <-••*•* M'-'/tuni i.t <i ini,. .... < ... nine yearn. They dls* us * 1 th** Inter* : of the state in toe bill, as 1 would o: vide for bett#*r com* defense. Th*'> ci*Med attention to the fa that (he * orpa was now* and In < * almost heroic attempt to rin-* to its old prestige ond efflden-v un*l h.iv* the nrniory prop erty for )ts*-if and the sta<* One of them concluded as follows "XX’e l*eg House to ih*s bill, and thus enable this ancient and honoralde corps to em*r uin Its oecond century dedermlned to make it more glors>u#9 than it* first.” Hon. Fleming G. dußlgnon. who 1* In Atlanta at present, was wired by the offi cers of the Guard* to take charge of the matter before the commltte#* an I of t e campaign ip secure the bill’?* adoption 1 y the House These various measure* se*ni to hav*' had a good • fTe*'t on the *mmit tce and there I** no doubt cut* :tain-i hero that the hill will very soon, pen ly f*- day. become a law- It hi* already passed by the Hennte and (ks Candler h* said he wonll sign It a* soon as It reached him. The course Col. Obear h i* pursue ) In this matter excites the wondering admir ation. If not approbation, of the offf er* of thw Guards, who witness hls meteoric change of hae with open-eyed amaze ment. "When Col. Obear was a candidate for adjutant general, a short time ago." said nn officer of the battalion "he wrote a letter to MaJ. Thomas Screven, commanding the l>att #llon. 4n which he discuss*-) this very subject. "He wrote Maj Screven that hi.* attitude towar . the Guards had la-en entirely misunder stoc*d and that he had never ant.tgonis* and tijem nor sought to antagonlz** them. He ■dated in (hls letter that ho had no in tention of nmking any fight against the Guard* or the measures which the .'#rj** Idxroooted, and time \t tbs Ufiiktun passed (he bill transforming the tattallon into heavy artlllerv. It would be hi* pl* a • ure. a* well a* hi* duty, to do all that he could to carry the. law Into eff# t. "XXeil, the >fTi*er* of the Guant* *ll*l not see fit (•* give their support to Col. Obear*s aspirations, os we distinctly did not think that he was the man for t:t (dace. When we were trying io secure the pasange of the hill now |>e#.dit)g w© did tot go to Col. Obear. but directly to the Governor and adjutant general. "Possibly, he feels aggrieved. At any rate he haks not kept to th post:ion In thi* matter, which, to say th* least of .* >e a)low*d us to think he o#'CUpl*'d when ho wanted our influence to advance hi.* aspirations. "XX’e arc not at all disturbed, "said thi* officer. "Borne of the telegrams we have received from Atlanta say that Col. Cheat I* strongly opposing the bill, but none of them *sy hi* opposition ha* been strong. The unanimous favorable repor of the eommlttee encourages us to believe that hla opposition will not count for muft'h before the House.” *X<IE\T Bl.K(TIO\. m for Hip Knaiilnar Trar F.lrrl rd ami \ |,mlvi t(I hlxhl. At tho nnmuil mn-tins of Anctont lau.l mark 1-o.lpp. No. 2.11. F. A A. M . h'-ld lust night. th following (.fflootv w.r, elected for the next Mssunl ■ >rt,r: Worshiidtil Matter—(Jervliirr E. Dick- I neon. Senior Warden—C W. We*!. Jr. Junior Wanlen- It. F. Kinney. Treasurer—W. !’. Hardee. Secret iry—John S ll'.nn. The follow inx oftrera were nppolnte.): Chaplain—Rev. fharlea 11. Strong. Senior Deacon- H. W. Wi (cover. Junior l>e< on—Arthur It. K.lloit. Setilor Stewarat—Cornelian F. More*. Junior Stiwnrel W. w. Kger;oii. T> ler —Tho* Kobln*. The ItfiMoiia* Annuity. At a meeting of the member* of the Mason*' Annuity, held at Metropolitan llall. latfayeetn Ixlx wa* orKonlie! and the f'dlowlng otllcer* were ele. iel and Inatallrd: Part Crrnimwn.ier—Ch F Fulton. Commander—Qeo. It Clarke Vice Commander—W. it Htuhh* It reorder and Collector—W. 8. Rockwell. Treasurer—J. H. yurnt Marehal—Richard Webb. Jr. '1 : lid H. s. !. t Sentry—W \\ llenrv The following member* were enrolled 11. K Wilson. F. W Clarke. .1 A Pearaon. Rr v. | Cook Allen Stoat. O, 8 Oodbold. R F Waithour, Dr j rj Jarrell, a I! Blmttinr*. C. 8. Richmond A. F Ku—• J M Aktn*. Frank Bevel), Alex i; K . Cho*. Jaudon. (1 O. Pentott, W q Cohurn. W H llo(Tm,in, W r> i| i<, J O. Ram ho. J p l.e, i c I. It. ,i, n Cl. Steven*. P. Sc-hmall, C. M M il: hn C E Vinano. W !.. Mtrutf!. !,rfT w |{ Feat-two. N. J. Akermann. A W. Har mon. Mu*le In the Sir. The air arouml Cont e, anl Whicker etreet* ha* heen redolent with w.t aound*. for the peat few day , all em nst- In* from the plsnov at the au tlon room* of C H Dor*. Tne crowd, wh . were drown hy the • . • mu*!- *orr.e ttm*. aptte ectl'-.'r . •*, m ndolln and tometimes Ir m tne -l hut ;, IV , from the em- ut *nt were not <tl. lowed to buy.but were l vtted to wait un til the auction *,le which o .-u * to-day at , at Coc*re**, wait—ad. MUM H IHING FOR THE FAIR. < onioftlllre® a Little Nlwr. but Vub • rripliona ( omln* in. The canvassing committee* for the State Fair hove been rather slow In get ting to work, but s* me good licks hav© been gutfen In. The druggisda* committee, h#ad* I In Mr. I A Bolomons, assisted by Messrs XV F. Reid and Lawrence Lppman. has conducted its work more *y"<em;dl( ally than any of the rest. Th** chairman that th* druggist* r**- ponded lib* rally and hi* list now shows subscribed with th*- proHsol of sev * huiair*-) dollar* additional to-day. This is a very gxxl showing for a cx>m paratlvely small field The committee which is looking after tne retail 1* der* ha* received a number of subscriptions, though ail are not a* large a* they would Ik* The hotel, res taurant and lor commutee. headed by Mr J XV Jackson, with Mr XV XV Starr as vice chairman. Is getting In some good work and is mak i.g a Mg showing M A B Moore has taken the head of the wholesale grocer.-, naval stores and lumbermen’s comroittr* and will take th** tU-1 1 to-day He ha* on able commtee with him and good results are expected. A> Mayor Myers, who 1* chairman of the temporary organization will l** out of town during to-da>. and will spend to-morrow in Charleston, it Is probable fhe comm.ttee* will not l** call©*) Uion to rei>ort result* before Friday or S iturday. TURK X I IIXKD IIIN AVIFKT* LIFE. Mnritiftl Troubles of Fannie nnd Henry *ton Lead ( His Xrrenf. Henry BHton, colored, wan arretted last night by Fatrolman Dyer at the request of Button's w.fe, Fannie, who ctisLrgv* tiwftt he cursed and abuse#) her and also threatened her life. A* ordU g to the story told at (he bar r icks by Fannie, there I* In the case an other man of whom Button 1* Jealous and has been so for at*me six years. Fannie m)*s further that recently she, growing ?lred of this wholly unfounded and dam ngitig < ! againfM ner lonor. deck? • 1 t* q>ii her jealous spouse. XX’her# she attem>d**l to do this, however. Button tfir**atoned t.# end hi* life with a razor, and put up ►>* good a **iufT abottt It 4ha! t* • report spread that he ha*l actually >mmltt*d mcMe. and It was n# t.i h* ti l *# policeman to th* woman’s house in -rd* r to di*|>er*e the cn*w*l (hat gat her* *1 about the pr'mi*e to learn aaout tii- imutcr. Sutton will appear be fore the Reorder this morning lln kinu ('#*** d#• r I'rddlers. Many brands of alum baking powders ore for the purpose of Introducing them peddled from door to door. There ore others which grocers get five or ten cents a rftn for recommending to customer*. Neither of the-#* n**thnds an- ever eni pioyed fo v< 11 the pure, high-class goods. I'eojde cannot lw i* careful about what th**y No one ••an tell wrhat the*© baking |n>wders c*nt iln without emidoy ing arh mD( Th© psd<llers of th© pow d* rs tontly claim thev ar© ma*le from phoqduito. but th© recent offl ial t**sts slk>w that most of th© so-call©d l: **-pha'** p>wder* ar© mixed with alum. It Is only safe to refuse nil baking powder* or samples of food that are offered In this way. It Is best to go (o your‘grocer and buy the old reliable bra nda. Holiday Rates Via Central of Georgia Railway. Tickets will be sold at rate of a fare and a third round trip on Dec 22. 23. 24. 25. 30 and 31. M**>; ak*o Jan 1, 1901, final limit returning Jan 4. 1901. In addition to th© above, tickets will t„. ®oid to student* of schools and col leges on presentation of certificate* sign#**! bv -upfTiiitcndcnt, president or prlnci|v*. thereof, on Dec. 15 to 21. Inclusive, tlr.ii. limit returning Jan. s, 1991. Ti ket office 107 Bull street and Central Passenger {Ration.—ad. I’lorlftlH Mrnnuea. Nhl|iiienl* for I lirlsfmaa. Orders for fine Florida orange* and grapefruit, to be shipped as "Chrtlmas Presents'* may now l>© placed wkh us. and will have our usual careful attention and prompt <lDpatch. XV. D. Himkins A Cos., 213 and 215 Bay street, west.—ad. Tlinn*l f ll©li> I'roplr Have been cure*! que kly by Tetterine I? cures any form of >*kin disease. Mrs. M i: Ladinur, Biloxi, Miss . tiad an itchy breaking out or. her sgln Bhe sends $! for two box©* postpaid lo (he manufac turer. J T Hhurptrine. Savannah. G. aral wrr*‘*. "Tetiertne i* ihe only thing that give* me re lelief." Send 50 cents in si imps for .i l*>x if your druggirt do©*n't keep It. —ad. For Over Fifty Yeara. Mrs. XVir.*..*w s Soothing Syrup has be©n u- and for children teething It soothes me cn.d. softens the gums, allay* ail p*ln cur* s wund colic, and i> the b*t remedy for D.arrhoea. Twenty-five cents a botilc —ad I'siildtnu'i l*l(|lu Cider. This celebrated pure, apple Juice elder, made In lxng Island can be h*#d In pint of quart bottles, direct from ih© manufac turers, with their own c? imp at Lippman Hro*.. Druggist**, Havarnah. <uhJ Xtr. Brut Nnya, "Grayb©ird hts well nigh cured me of rheumatism from which I have been n great sufferer th© hist fifteen years” Mr I>*n s postoffl* a# St Simons Island. G.i. Rev. John ChrlMlan of Pler- e. Ala . iv; “Graybeard lias cured Mr* John Childress of R.ildwln county of rheuma tism. In February l*efore she began !o take Graybeard sho w as giv* n up to die She is now sound and well.” Greybeard Is mad© only by Re*pe* Drug Company. >*ol© owners, and sold by drtigctits f<r >1 na ,i bottl© Every family should hv* i lx>x of Gr iyb©ard Pill* nn.l Grayl rd Ointment •) One isr of elegant tire proof safes, the best In the land, arrived to-day at the Baltimore wharf. Ail constat of an ng grogate wdght of over thirty thoumnd pounds. In this car are safra of all sixes, and are mad© by the celebrated Barms Manufacturing r#m(siny of Pittsburg. Pa.. i*c|>ngiruc to Lt|*|>a)an Bros LI ppm n lire- , wholesale druggists. Lipionan’s bh- k of this city, ar© th© only concern In th© state that carry ri stock of fire proof safes in store nnd w. will guarantee io sell them as low ■* ie manufacturers wsth the frHgh? a it©*l. hh we have si* tal arrangement for mak- Ij: spa Ist prices XV© Ibo have be-n furnishing quit# ti hirge number of sil verware tire proof h**sts which hav© cv.n great satisfaction. Purchasers wno w ini anything In the Are proof safe line will <lo well -nil or Uppman Rros —ad. Stiff©re| ,18 I Mini. "C.ravbeard cured me of catarrh from whl h I had suffered thirty-fly® years Nothing on earth >o far as I was able to bt itn (rv. m- rll?f since tek;n, OiwybMrd I err. •* well ever I hed -eterrh of the head. Mr* Rhode Deen Rel'itnser. Tex. Orayh-eM I* mode only by Re.pc. r* n **f Company, ,ole ownere. end l* told •t drug*tore* for *1 a botUe.-ad. Holiday Souvenirs Nothing is more apprv. dated by a Lady or Gent . man as SOLID COMFORT. \\' have the finest line oi SLIPPERS, made and designed for Ho ~ idav Trade, in all su;.-, and colors, all styles ~ f leather, felt, satin and p.. . ent leather. See us before you make your purchase. Just the Tiling tor a Christmas Gift. Ur have )a*t rrc©lv©d a Urgr Mltipm# m of btry*l* for the* 4 tart •lint# • (rail* nl In rvsry ©#••*• (h* purchaser will ©( a good value. The Dayton Bicycles YA©re never more blglil* fliilMbeU #>r never equip ped with more np-(o-lut© improvement®. TTe> nr© Just the tliiiiK for ( hrisi •iiit*■ presents, ao<l nr nlli • U|iply Haem mi aiftilu#*!ogl lon priees. Boys’ and Girls' Bicycles Are fferrl rhrnprr tba ever. ( onie In him! •©*• (Item. XX © will hold your imroliase until the night before Christmas. Wm. & H. H. Lattimore, West Congress St. IF YOU CATCH COLD IN VOI R BATH, rrs KM TRR VISIT TO DOCTOR AND DRUGGIST. IF YOU AVOID COLD IN YOI'R BATH. IT S K.OO FOR ALL TIME. Thfl price of the GAB HEATER n >*.nf the lath room delightful and earing >■■ r health, your pocketbook, and SIAVBE VOUR FUNERAL.. COO—ONLY K 00—Heater complete ■ g.i* tubtnK and connecting cock. Why not be wise anl order NOW. MUTUAL GAS LIGHT COMPANY, 7 and 9 Congress ntiwt, w*at. Bone Meal For Chicken Feed and Fertilizer. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for ■‘home-mixed* fert iz* The rheajeat and m at concentrat'd the market Send for pardouiarr HAT, Git AIN. < OW Ft: fell. IIM %V SrT . SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, •Phone SI 11K Il.iy .treet, wt MINGLEDUKPrS- CO. MACHINE BLACKSMITHS AND BOILERMAKERS Telephone M3. 610 Indian street. Savannah. 0 imitaCHTi. gAVANNAH THEATKR TO-NIGHT. CHARLES FRoHMAN PRESENTS Clyde Fitch * Great American 1 L>. “Barbara Frictcliic,” —with— EFFIE ELLSLER AND A GREAT CAST. The entire New York production * ‘ 11 150 night* m Criterion Theater. DRICEH-ll 60. H.O. 75c. toe *r.d • Stmt* on Mle Monday. gAVAASAit r ict-s raft Three Night*. Dec. 11. I- IS MABEL PAJOE And the Southern Block Preeentlrg Thuredav mei-' •THE PRISONER OF ALGIERS. • Thondiy Nurh' ••JACK'S BWKKTHBART Price*-Mailnee. 10c and 20c. Ntf“ L * 30c and 30c.