The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 13, 1900, Image 1

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TIIK MORNING NEWS t- .h'.lßheil IMO - - Incorporated ISSS j H. KBTILL. President. CENTURYHASPASSED MV K WASHHGTO* WAS mot: „K*T Id' UUtIiMT. CENTENNIAL IS CELEBRATED. A OHI T GATHEIUJIO TIIBHB or >n:> or I’HOHINKM K. H tln Tendered at White llou.e Governors of Many State. Skualel of '" Esecotlee Mansion „p i:, h I hltlow—Exercises nt the 11,.|,l In Hall •! Hoaac of Bcp r,.ntnlle—other Kunctlona for I nirrialntnent nt fiiieate. si, ll, I>ec. 12. —The national eap- I in gala anlre in cele nt the one hundredth anniversary ~,t ut the Federal government ut \y„, niigton. t, neela of government rea">d re , is for the time being, butlnese. pur>- 1 ~ l private, "as au*|>eitdi. while the i 1,-,.! mikl hie cabinet, the Senate h *f it*praaeaUMlraa i • Fed ,. la >. the Governor, of m.,n> ... ~,j a grenl conrouree of citizens V nora Joined in the elalerrate frs , a,s of the day. Perhaps never again „ y s generation witness such a rls . .# *ha aepalltlvn b* •- tS I , Mf Kfltmuiik Slates and of ihe chief executive of I! e 1 11 1011. i, tndred years ago the transfer of ~ of government was mode from j.. i ~hla to Washington, and the else . . selected by President Waalling i v,.,s taken pooaesalon "f by the v,rl . i lanch.-s of government. Presl lent ,r* Mr? Adam* driving over fr,m Phlla , the Senate and the House holl j, .... jr sessions here for the flr-t time. 1 . * programme of the d,y br.iii wfh a r e P ton at 10 o'clock by President y| k nle> and the members of his cabl i.i ,i the governor" of the stat," and ~,, -l'S at the executive mansion. . iv., followed by lhe unveiling In the ~ ro*.nt of the model of the propose i , ,r 1 .-xecutlvc mansion, which Is to 1 a U 'mg memorial of ItHlaj s cel,*- I:.| n . events were a parade from p Whp, Unu-e to the Capitol, pur. i , .1 tr l>y Ihe Pre Id'nt and other illgni in.l visiting and District mill I : , . .v r ises by the Senate and House hah of the House of Kcpresenta p r.urht a reception was tendered the 0 f the st les and territories at t , , . oran gailety of art. I’tuwln, si People fiolberetl. . v rclses began nt 10 3*> o'olO'k , ,r. caption at the executive nwnflon. v the President to the Governors „t, . and territories, their lade s l m-mlrer- of meir staff The, in. the Rest. Green and Blue par ...rrldors and stair,rises had been ~iy decorated With flowers nnd f„.l --... , . tr. -r. at ium- r ,id t n,.| a spe, vie of rare l„au>y. '1 tie i.- Entered with Secretary Hay. Ir ni.sliatelv folloevlng wet' the other t I, . : S. „f the cabinet miking tw.> nnd ■vi . tae only absentee h,‘lng Attorn' v • ral Griggs. Gov. Roosevelt of N*"V 1 k a io had been spending an hour • ■ President. Joined the other Qov in the Red parlor. The presents. were made hy Col. Bingham. P. 8 A /;* following i# the ltet of governer . <; \V. Atkinson. West Vlrginli. \V H.oxham, FSorl*U (r pres# fit# *1 by K Brown); M Hum- °k*-‘ n i 1 VV. Jones, Arkamw*#; J A. Indiana; C. 8 Tbonni*. rolorudo; \ \V Tunnell, iv.awar#*. L M. Sk**'* i. UcVillyn, Main*. F W. Railin'' \ Mi Hampshire; F. M. Vonrhcs, N* w t . .1 M Tyler. Ylrg.nla; Otero. N m Mexi.M; F. Bu*ur.eiiberg, i l iho. W stoti* l’aimsylvanla, K HeOtlrM, W\*- 1* L It ue ><*ll. North Carolina; Rooaovall N Toik; A E Uf, > Imkotn. N. > Murphy. Arizona, um Gregory, Rhode la.attd; J "; W. M Crane. Maf>s -ttn; W W flard. laoulalana; Hov “ pin Mifnourl. p’l'ri-mtetl b> ♦ Dockers anl #h* lioutenant go\rn • fov Atlckiu-y of Vermont wa* repre ► •i by Adjt Gen. W. 11 Gilmore. Li* following e*•Governor* alao wen* • nt: Uoy.l Marylaml; A * 1 inell. o.**lo: A W. F<y. Tex a.*. A. \ M irk ham. Callfornl i Hen ton M Mllllu of Ternosoe. who i< * onto on to att*(.l th* e*4iventlon. r*- i a telegram to-day announcing th * • * of his father, at th<*ir home in i 1 - * ky. nnd return#'*! on the ft ret train. I*liiu of >pss White llmiftc. Ming' the reception. Col. Bingham .tel .iU mode* of the pro|KM**>l en 11i*nt of the executive nrinaion. an*l n* ,f itj* tie: 4 He. He advocated Mre *n> plana for exteneion. eoneiet ■ N(|si. ,f huikliom* about the >i*-* ' preaenc houee. one on the cue: *iJe • -1. • on the went aide of the White ground*, rentiertd to tin preeen • by curv*<! wlngsv-the u imlran * b* ing romr>let*| by rebuilding the -•rvatorien at the south end of tte Thl* plan inaintaina the preaent * -h to *ui ami air toward th* eouCi outhweet, and preserve* iinobstrttci* •nutlful view to the *outh. Th* v* * the present man*ion un *’ ’’d He estimated the c*at at $!,- * t 11 n. !' Mar Far land of the 1 s of District Comml'irioner*. rcvlewe I tury'a development >f the dl*tri'*t. • ntenuied that It is generally adtnlt * t ti nt for the Ih* # rlct of Columbia the 1 1 * form of government 1* the In-st l *lble> Shiw of lowa, rlowed the ppeech* r HIT I* the White H<Ml§e wt?h ,n fd -u "Th# Development of the Staten ' the Nineteen h Century." He * the rlo?e of the c ntury tln-ls Ameri the houred. the I#*st fed. he**t 'h* t|. best educ ated, beat church# ! : vf nrofttably emp oye 1 and the happh* t any time or under any *ky. Ciiit* l)i) fur t *l#*lrt# Ili weather wax Ideal for the outdoor • of the celebration, with cle ir tight run ami invigorating air. • **ngre * had dec la re I the day a ni * holiday for th* Dlrtriot of Colum ’he whole city preaexvt#sl a holiday J t and th#* pub Ir turned out en Du ing the early hou * there wa* *oui,d of hanl a* the VI glnla ataie * and those from other **rtlorHi ar *to tft ke pirt In th proc#tlon. re*t public ipectacle wa* the par otid escort of the President from the * Houre to the east front, of the -*>l, where the President reviewed marching thousands. ( Thr* head of the pirade rode Lieut. ‘ N*d*on A. Mile*, chief marshal. In SiUmnnal) illnming AVtoe. ger Hi* staff Inrluded Brig Gen. Brrck •nridge and mnv other prominent ofh cer*. mounted and in uniform, presenting i b I t i t appearance. The military f>rr> •* partloiputtug included artillery, otvdry, marine' id sni vr. First caine th** S* ond Cnltcd*** Artillery. Lieut. C*d Mvri k ling, and thr**e tat t ill l *n -of artillery from other regiment * The Fifth Flilted State* Cavalry acted as lve Immediate escort of the President, Ci hr Col William A Rafferty, the trooper* were aaeemtde#! Mk>ng th** north urb of I .venu. , fronting the Whit* House, and t* the l*re#i*lent appear**! tne cavalry salute wi* given and Hie troo|er* wh*** |*i in column of piatoocis and *wept down the a\enu- to ward the Capitol. With the President were various mein ‘tern of hi* cabinet in carriage*. Then came ihe N ition il Guru of th* Dlstri t of Columbia, thr#-#* regiments strong. Hilg. t*en llarrle* mm* tn.t nding. Yietng w ith the prt*M 1* idial party in Th* in-t**r* exiclte*! w..s th- no - able pro *e*j#lon f governor# of the Mate-* and u th their staff*, and mdW.iry ■ - <*rt*. T.U' gave . touch *f in# livid ii.t 1 interest to th* people from many 't,t*s .ind th* chief i-xituiivet* were warmly w*|coni**d all along the line >f march. Tn* gvventers marh#d in the or i* r of tin a*lmle>in of th* states to the IT,.*>n. Gov. Turn .ell of Delaware com ing first. The Grand Army of the Republic. Span ish War Vet.ran*, the Old Guard*, and especially invi ed gm-o follow**l. The parade moved down Pennsylvania tv.-nue. lHtwr**n two densely paok.d • r#m*hNl the Capitol It swung northward to the bread plaza on the * *t front. The l"resident took hi* |***itlon on th** re viewing stand, directly a# the *• isterly ‘ , ! , .tr!!f! << " • llv <vat r>l ||*‘ >tod sur rounde*! hy hi* • ihlnet and pr**min**nt men of the Senate. li- i*e of Repr*->* nta tiv**> it l various w alk* of pubhc Hf Tte various dlvi.'i >tu# gave him th# regu lation salute. In (hr Hall of the House. After the parade came Imposing eer. C* * |n the hali of ;lie House of Rep i. wher# gathere*l as dlatln gubhed a orniar> a It* waills had ever j, , } On th* floor were the President ond the members of hi* cabinet. ex-Pt*s .•!• n*. Harrison, the memlier* of the Sen ite and House, the ambassadors and mai .> -■ e rs# of foreign countries in full court the chief Justice and associate justice* of th** Hupreme Court In their judi.'inl rob**s. L• ut Gen. Miles, and many distinguish'd officers of th#* army nnd navy, who had received the thanks •if Congress, tlie Governors of more than i.nlf the state* *>f th* f'nion, an#l the com missioner* of the District of Columb a. unile th** galleries were resplendent with th** wealth tu.d culture of the national capital. Asa spectacle tudhlnff could have been more imtH*-irg or impressive. The la tent -an str*mlng through the ground g-!* ♦ ilir.g on which w.-re the arm* of the several slates flowed the hall with light and brlghter.e*l the offe't of the gown* o # the labile# in the *illriw. the glistening uniforms on the fl*.x>r and the elaborate scheme of decoration which submerged the hall in a ssa of color. A company of ucklvs from the government vht Dolphin had liberally swathed the hull in flags The fronts of the galleries wer# hidden by them, the iiar railings which mark#*l off the kh b|, . w , re festoons*! with them an*l th** •*-iker*s marble rostrum was covered with them Not more thin half w*t American flags and this fact w is at first rather startling until the full beauty if the color schtm* i;iwne.| upon the s;*** - t a tors- lut below circling tie* hall ar.d walling In the distinguished ataecnblag*- v\.r** the glorlou.- buff a*l bln** un*ler which tho Continental Army of Washing ton h ■ I .iohl, v.d th,- nd-nco of th Amorlean r |. ihlir. whllo frmttnr thr oti n,■ hack of tho S|-akcr s |,—k th" i.-.utlful otlk n., K of th" republic. hivl (, fm tr atmchinil nwiiv on Ma over the ,„,!ntli>K„ f Uif-vottc ,<l v\ah- Inaton hUx-d the ftrclinn tl" nron In front f m- 1 hlk -.r' rorirum were Inrs" l''.nhrr chair. , nt. hi. <*Wnel ar. I * * mrmU rof the Supreme < Vmrt Thr m,ml r* of the llw wore ~-afcl on toe p.f, |" ,v!ne the who r rlfht of the ha l for the visit,in'. % Stately Friwrolon. The pro* • -don into the hall wa* stntrlv The dm,, k,-"lT anno,meet , -1 Jivlslon as It ot i-r„l at th" mam ,1,,„r Kit -r cam,' Senator Frye, president pro tempore of the Senate, nnd the mem ber, of the Renat, Senator I rye os . n,l - the too.rum and tm,k hi. place healde Sm-.iker Hrtider.on. and the senator, .rat themselves n> ,ho '' r " ! ,hr '" "" ill, i vht The member* of the Senate ■,, re f lowed hy 'hi* f Justice Fuller and “he .>•„ lot" Justices of the Supreme Court in their judl tal rola - They ere s, al-t oppoolte the put", reserved for the prcsldcni nnd hi* cabinet. N‘-xt , an* t.’i** iiiiii••*-'* *i*>rs n*l min i!ers to the t iilt-d Stales, and other me miters of the dlmomatlc -wps. he,..1.,| h% ],,r,| JMuncefote. They were eeaPsl Itely la-oUel ihe member* of the Senate. The tlov**rnrs f slate #*t *1 territori* *. ,1 I,V Gov. Schofle.d of Wis. onsll'. sit in th. r tr of the duduni „l" corps rioos,velt of N o York atir.ifd t ” • • 1 - I fortn the ...mmlsslotiers of the District ~f Columbia. anJ the memirs of the Comnuner at Utrge. The t'reeldent ar,l the member* of the cabinet uere th* st to enter the hall They *'-re •cortol to the rnalrs rservod for them t, President McForland of the dlstrl-t ommlsslor.err Meantime the speaker. ~f the occasion. Senatiws 11,Mr. Dani'l in I McComus. und Representative* Pavne an.l Ri-bar.lson, had taken places facln* rue assemblage tit the ,1, sk Immediately la low the presl,Hint otfl , rs. Sp.nker 1 Ictitlerson cal.,si the dlstln (tatherlntt toaether and briefly <•*- plained the purpose of Ihe celebration Kvervbody n.s, and stood with Israel hea,Js a He Dr Mllburn. ,h" blind chap lain of tbe Senate, offered an lmpr"-*lve invocation Senator Fry* then rulpd the Joint assemblage to order and lnlrodu,sl the speakers. The ttpenin* Yildresses. Representative Richardson of Tennessee, minority leader In Ihe House, delivered ih, opening addr-ss on the transfer or the seat of government from Philadelphia II" said the controversy led up to that action IS a contest between Haml „n and Madison, th- North versus the South, ar.l In th, end Hamilton and hie friends prevailed. Hut the declaim tsas a cm promise, one of th- conditions of shKh that the seat of government should g„ South to the hanks of the Potomac. prior to this decision Cougr,** had practically decided to |,a-ate the Capitol at Wright's Ferry or the Hu-,juehannn. After r- jection of Wright's Ferry, Ger mantown wis the most promising loca tion until the oompromlee eflectcsl over the Question of the assumption of tha debt* of the slate* fixed It "on the Riv er Potomac, xome place between th* mouth* of the ea*tern branch of th* Corogo heague." _ „ The address of Mr. Payne of New York, the floor leader of the majority In the House was on "The Kathl:*nment of the on Fifth Page.) SAVANNAH. GA.. Till KSDAY. HF.CKMBER 111. P.HIO. GERMANY’S POLICY ACTIO* TOM %HD NOT IN- Pl,t KM KD 111 KM.I.A Ml. EMPEROR SENT HIS REGRETS. TOI.D KHIURR KIMM.I THAT HD (oi i.n \or si;k him Empfrnri Tplrurn m la Kriigrr In Inns ( unlit \ot Br < ontlilrrril tn I t* lirrman l'll<*y fur \ll I'lm#*. In Dxrnt of m < nttl#*f Willi Knit land In tfrlra. f**rniuny \\ull lla%r In llrlj %olrly <• Her Ox* n *1 r#*nit i h. Berlin. Dee. 12—In the Rf‘i h*;ag to day lh< im;ieria! chain-eIU r, Count vun Itiielow, referring U the •• impl.iloia f Emiieror Wllllim'e fallare to r# elv* Mr. Kruger Mild Ihe nrinouji,*eniei l that Mr Kruger wa* coming w* nia-ie twnt - four or. at the forty-eight hour.\ before the Emperor*# leaving Berlin. I’p to that moment it ha*l iv*ep a**ume<l ih it Mr Krugr wouk) from 1 \fTis to Hol land The chancellor a*|,le l: "We apprlaei him cori#H>u#ly m l con* •ltler&tely, through the K'arl# **inl--y anil Dr. Ley,!#, that the Kni|> or regret* el he waa not In a |m>ition to reerlvo lilm. Nidwithntamiing (hi# Mr Kruger #t. te*l He wa# told again a: Cologne, in the mo>l on*l!erate term*. th*t nthe Kmperor w*a# un Me to >e. him 1 The chancellor repo Hated the #ugg**- tlon that the government # a‘lion w.i , du* to any w l*h or p ojm al from the Engllnh court or government to th*- Km* leror or to him-* If. the chan el or. F*r the Emperor only German nation.l run eideralion.H were autho itatlv# If farnilv relation* or dynamic con*t-lera*lon* in fluenced the for* igti policy, ho would not remain minister another day. Continuing, the chancellor ald the An glo-Oerman agreementyof l** did not c*n tain a provision relating ro war letwei-n Or#-at Britain and the South African r* public* and th** Yong-tb#* r;*l H.irn-^#* agTeemein* had no >e* ret clauae* Wher the Kmpror, In 18$$, ***nt th#* td*gram to Mr. Kruger, there wa* no question o war bet we** n the* #tat** It wa# • matt'-i of a tillbuHtermg expiitiui The Km did not inten<l to let**rmine drmun I* licy forever by that t< leg ram. The chancellor added: "I commit no d.plonmuc Indlfcretlon in raying that the reception of (hat t*l* gram outride of Germany left no d*>nt that in the event of a conflict with Eng land in Africa. Germany would have t*. rely aotely on her own strength '* Baron von Rich hofen. #* retar of tatt for foreign affairs, ref rrlng to the expu - in of German# from the Tran*'o il ami the Orange Free State t- rritorie*. raid "It ha# appeared (> me that th#***- ex pulsion* in many case# have been unjusti fiable, both * io cause and manner, aid contrary to the principle# of Inbrrvxtlonal law. and an expression of this view ha* been made in Ixmdon. "On th#* mhi-r hand the German* who have been light ing side by a.d* w th the Borr# have not met wifi a happy lot. They have been d!?nr#>#*l pay and told "We did not tnvbe \ou." MISTAKEN FOR II IB IIA% IYMIA. One of a Parts f Hrvenne Officer* Fatally Wounded. Huntsville. Ala . Dec. 12 -Deputy Col lector John Lanier w.s shot and pro #b!y fatally wounded this morning, while hold trig up * wagon wh! h h- believed was carrying illicit whisky. Two m* n w* i • in th** wagon kd w hen the otf! -! - n-- coete! them they thought they w* re high waymen and immediately op#*ne#l tire Lanier wa* ahot down and the offi’rr* w* h him returned th# fire, wounding bo*h occupant# of the tvngon. LK*yd Johnson anl B M Drennen of Mollno, Tenn. mHFTt OF I’ONNTITI TION#. firing Prepared to atabnilf to the Cuban Convention. Havana. Dec. 12—The committee* of the constitutional *>nventlon are dllig nt. ly preparing draft constitutions on th# ba#i# of the t'nltary. or centraMsed form of government with radical riiarjg#** in the existing regime. It 1# thought that the final draft m*y be ready for review by the United State# Congress during the present m-#lon. One hun#ir**d and twenty American rail way conductors have arrived hen- on an excursion. Tin: iiimii MTiOMi.hTt. l<e#liiilon Adopt#*#! Favoring % bo llfl#n of l.aull#r<lltii. Dublin. Ireland, Dec. 12 The National ist convention to-day adopted strong res olutions ft coring shot I Mon of landlordism in Inland and the transfer of th? #ol| to the occupying proprietors; amending the constitution of the United I l.h League and making the Nationalist con vention on annual flxlur* . asking fun is from America *n*l InvtMng Ml hael Da vltt and Thomas 8# xton to return to Par liament. ALI. MDBTFNt AUK At. HE ISO. Jolut N#fe of Powers 11-nl> *# He l , rrarnt#*#l t I lilnn. Tamdon D#c. 12 —The r#*ytiations f the Power# in regard t> the Joint China not#> were conelude*l aatisfa*forlly yesterday, all agreeing to the condition* Identically as outlined by Count von Hu**iw, the im perial chancellor of Germany. Nov. If, with the exception of th** Intfoducto* y clause saying th* demands are irr v* able, which 1# eliminated. NY HERE FILIPINO# ANK MTIVK. Probably Base Junta In I'ortagaeae aettlemenl of tinea##. Washington. Dec. 12 —This gvemment has discovered that the Portuguese set tlement of Mac##, lo<-at<*i on the Chi nese eomr*. and convenient to the Philip pines. Is one point of Insurgent activity, anti probably the abiding place of on#* of the Philippine Juntas A furthar inveatl gwtion is in progresa. Fire Dor* Damage In Pekin. Berlin. Dec. 12.—The Loka! Anaelger has a special dispatch fram Pekin saying that fire has destroyed the quarters of a num ber of officer* about a thousand paces Jrom Count von Walder•#* #> TO BLEED THE TRANSVAAL. I'.nidniid Will Nlak* li# Boer* Pa> Mii*h of Ihe < #**( tf NNiir—4 rltl #*4• mi *f (hr (<o%eminent. laOtvV-n. I*<* 12 The House of Com* (nor>. if ter .* flex*! of recriminations, to day agreed to the re(x>rt of supply for thr govemtm tH During subsequ* nt dlacuesum In com mit tc<* of Wa\> .n I Means, the duincel lor of the I.M-luqiHT, bir Michael Hi*k- B*-ucli. pi‘ mls(x) Unit 4 <*m#d Icrabl#* pro* portion *f tiir c*st <f th#' war should l* % oMallied from lt< TrnnsvnaJ He aii#!*-#! that a tr# usury committe** was al*out to proe#•*<! to th* Transvaal to i***eri4in its assi-ts and their taxahl#* ra|si<*lty. Sir Dh vcl Miller Bart*ur. K ’ M G . ha* been .hi.-.I ftr this tusk Sir David was a member of council of the governor gen eral of India. IK-sTdRC. was commlf*- * 'ner to inquire Into tin* conditions arvl pri',|Ai-,s of rugar growing txdoni* .. uud latter \. to intuirc Uito il* ttr.ance# of Jamaica. In thi HSir Itaiberi T Reid. Q *. I.ll*#-f :i,, iHiiiil.-#! a gloomy pi tore of the , t.r dlficn# in uth Afr. * He -aid that after fourt>*n m#.*ntbs of war. <x>et tng i* <o j* r m<-nth. .archy w.#s |r**- vulcii and f.iMiii* thr‘*itencd and thi* may I*** follow##l by a native rising An attunpt to pi n # the d**id* > uiuler mlli tarv rule, he i. w .uld tmi#erll the very *\tstcn. . of th.* ♦ rnptr# H* tlw*ugh th#* time ha.l arrived tor offering th* Boers i. rnm not lncoiwl>tetit with British and minion All *l*',i' of mu .unlitloiuii surren der should b* disco 1 iled Jam*-* Bin,*, laib'rwl. followed on sitnl lai line- li suggested gmtiiitiK #c*f.*-ra. amnesty to (he now in arms a# le -1 taiil Th# govemmenl Im nvM had no right t in at th*' Boers .•* 11l ! • 11 " >a . should Ti*t he #*iimis#i t, Sir Al f. Mi'tier " ’ wa- the ol*J#***t *f #*l most distrust, including at least u *if tic gu*en - subject# in South Af- Mr Bi#**lerick. the Secretary of War.> .hulai rf**! thi* .tenant IB de tout w : ,it#*v* r B might •!•* t '*• g, <*rnnc n w#m.d never w# nken the js*w er or the vpon#ibimy posseted by Sir Alfred Ml.ner. „ . , . Sir A.fen Heid'w speech. Mr. Broaeri k A*-f't't".l. *a, lmi'rartlirible, unwl," nr'l mbu-hlavou*. He n, ~ut of hi" **Y 10 aratlfN th" yufPti'" -it, ml. Th" aov"rn n,. nt n p rfart v willing to offer lerm, tor .urrptKler. k., loiik ,i" II ■■oukl not Int, rprele.l t“ l>r,">f **f weakn.‘'"i 1 her.'i'v ■ ",ie a prolonitatlon of tit" itu, r rlllu warf't," 111 \ \l\t. I lIiHT WITH In WKT. Knox atlli I nattle to ll<-|>ot , aplnrr ol llir Ull> Hoer. Uondon. Ilf'. IS.-lortl Kitchener m !.>" the war ofll -e from Pretoria, under la," of Dec. 12. that Gen. Knox rrpone . r „m Helvetia tnat he le in a flfiit with Gen. DeVYet. anfl he "ii. mv l" niovtnfi toward lt.'.i<,'ihur,. where there I" a column ready to ,-o-op ra!" with the other Brltlh forcer. Uord Kitchen, r. in another dirpatch, r.'j'orta ttiat the Itoera attacke.l rhe near Barberton The British caaualtle, were thre,- killed. V" wounded and tiih ",n ink'll priamiere. 1 it** captured m**,t hav. el nee iH-eti relea'td. Til" H„ ik rakk'd the Riverton rood Hon D" It. They are belnic follow,d up. ton Kitchener'* m, esaae itultcateH D Wet ltd" main evaded Knox After in- hitler hid fot.ed th" lvr ut ('ot-ni.i-vt- Drtf . the Boer* ",*ent to have • kmbl**d back. I the Caledon rlvt r ,t "Where, and turned thence northweel. In the dire-tlon of Redder*.itir*. ttic mem,le *.„'.e of the Hrltlah dl-arlcr In April, titirn ltoWet > opturl the lnh Hltlr". HI It MM. Ill' IIOKIt FtIDIt. Hole* Roller!" I.nld flown for finld nnre off the Itritleh. lymdoti. Dee IJ.—Forty-one prociama llon* of leir l Robi'r,* have hern puhllrhed They have hreti mostly *ummalixed pre viouvly In the newarttper*. The la at on*, dated Nov I*. wit: "Ak there apt* :ir* to he *ome mi"un ler "tandini: p fiard* the taimtna of fartna. the rotumander in chief wtahaa the fol low liik to te the lln-" ui*,n which general offl*er" -■ om rnorell ,K are to a"t: "No firm I, to ie- burned except for an net of troorhary. Of when our troop- ere f1r,.l on the |*rmw*. or " loinlrh ment for the br"akin* of the te exraph or ral,ny, or when u*,-i a" haei* of opera , ion* f,r rai l*, invi then only with the . |r., t coni"!il of tlie general officer .-om mandlitK. The trwre fact that a burgher I" aloer.l ~n I' is on no account to te- not'd !i n re*~m for hi mine hi* Iweie,' All cattle, win;on* and foodtuft* are to le* remold from all farm*, if that Ir !m --peiilhe tti, y are to la- d,droved, whetlwr the owner I- present or not." tjl Kt |tl\ OF , I ITtHM IM TV. knit I„toITb Time of tlnlulon of Hi, wnlla t, talnnd". New Y'ork. lie,- 12—The ra-e of William H (*roßman & Hro. agalnot the Fnlteil Htnte* wa- artrue,! In the i'nlted Hta,<* rircuit Court today. Declalon wa* re aerved The .-a-e Involve* ihe t|iie*Mon a* to whether the Hawaiian leland* (time un der th*- conatltutlon and iaww of the I'nlted S'nt>e Immediately en the |,;t--afie of th" Joint resolution of annexation on Juh 7. !••, und iiefore ihe act of April *, I9G). I’roßtman tk Hro imported merrhandt-e ft'-m Honolulu into |*,rt of N* w York on April as. liw. The collector of the port a**"--' I duty under the tariff a t of I<t7. The Impirtere rlaltnd the Ha waiian tßlat.,l* were then a i>ort of the United State* and their good* were not, therefore. Riihjee, to any duty. TWO KII.I.KD IN t 01.1.1-ION. ■loth Raglne, Were Demollahed in It „11 road teelgrnt. Tk'imne Mo.. Dec. 12 —ln n head-end co lit" ton here to-day between freight traiitß two trainmen were killed and four injured Roth engine* were ,lenglßhe.l. The dead are Jam,*, brltt. Olney, 111 ; I'rakeman Kdwatxl Bradley. D> Soto, Mo. Injure*#—Fireman Harrett. Conduotor Halßton, brake man It D. Scott, Brake man G. L. Scott. Barrett wo pinioned beneath the wreck, ami it tv ae found necenaary to chop off his left arm to prevnt death from Residing. To Iteanlnte Coafrrear,,. Dondon. Dec li—Tha Pekin correspon dent of the Daily Mall wiring Tuesday and confirming the report* of the agree ment n* to the collective note my* that a committee of repremmatlve* of the Power* ha* been choeen to regulate the conferences with the Chlneae pleuipoton- Uqrlaa. WIFE ENDS HER LIFE It A 11111 HI “II IM) III# 111 II TO l It IDE. HE HAD CALLED WITNESSES. *1 ANYTHIN IN Ur.U.Tin FA till.A or ion r ji.hviv n. %. Miallr#nl oflit‘l*l lln#l Knlpr iNlnnl In Mr*. \\ #-U linn# 1 * tpnrf nir n (*— \\ •• llualiniid FMinl Him lt- 4 mII#*I \\ 11 •-•*•* In r#l#'r (# ll#- Nlilr (# Nlnk#* Out n 4 n*4* (#r ll!%orc*r *h 'lm*l- Ih-Hlmmili l*rr|in ri i lin nml Mmi ||rr*4‘lf. 1 * #• i JrrvlH N Y . ]. 12 Flor#*n'* % S Mo4lii# itx \S i wi;> <f J Lin n*# , tc NYit'kliiim. nmum :*l Mil tl#‘ *l I VUk k Ibl# morning ly tUM>titig h*rs# If "lih # Tb 4 huMi.U ’l fki |* in a r*vtn on th* o|poslt4 •‘hi#* of ih#* hnil mxi f#o\f h* wh* •" • Kti• *i by hp.iring t\\.> Mlmts in lu# wifi- M room. IB mimul in anil foutn! h** ivtf#- iI iolhnl for '*4,i sitting in ii uh.iir I*-al. iiiitl ii pt#oi 4>i4S|HH) m her rig 'it himd Mr \VlikhMin himl his wi(r h,| b#-<-n n;rrl#Ni about two y#*rs Bfw was fi! ► * •'i*il %\lf4. and hsr nut- % S>4- i> Ihr daughter #>f Jim#> Mofllneux •f Milforl. i A Mr Wirkham tUI ih# r# , r**rtp'rs that wh* n l* hnt horn#* Ihfi night nt y o' lo- k hi* found hi wiff # r*him .lirk n #'•l uni >ll4*lll an unu.'iial l im tnn • IB H.inted mo xtiu quid for t,i- l>. I, so tm.i to g#i in hi> wlf. ro#*m A l-r k# v w.i* iiisi i.' of ih*> 10. k h#* . mar, !• I 4)mlttan,-, Bh#- i<j#4*i •*I fin* io* and j • t# >t. ,l Hgainat hi #rntr.lM *. but h* f i I hi# way in. H say* In* fnun a cor k Bi*r#*w .4i the br ! attach#*#! to th** cork of ait m|>t> Imt:!#* of rhampugne l inter a ng In Mrs Wi-’k am # room h#*r husband <ln iar# - wan .1 It \\ In vis of N* vv York, *-nglii#‘#*r of m iltitniian p f wav t th#* Erl# roa.l. lUstlt hr and M \V|f khnm w. rr fully !r >#*l A *. .-m* f#| low 4'i | 4nd Mr hust)lfl \ m b#* c.i lid Wiiii.*#**- f#.r th#* |Miri-o't of having *vl itetu*## in dlvoru. ptoui'islinga. IB< suintiMjii**,! BurrogMt#* > |* ll.iwrll if Orang#* county to nrr ingi* at ot. #- pr i ••••dings for divorce. Among tin- iti4T \v!tm*>s# w. r## |rof I*# inst il# . iiidid. .r of th* !i# Bust ihv-s Cidte#* . I* • at#*d In th#> *ttn# build itig. titiil L l Bf'tux'tt ami ffaniucl tey of tii* Fort Jsrvls T*l# jdvor#* *#x i h;urc Thn wife protr#4i that n#thln. wrong had taken place. After thi* s * u. •til l**ft aid (nr hutiaml #># In retireM to h.s own r>>m opposite hi# wife #, whir h# was sl o ping w hen awakened by h#riiig two hols Mrs Wickham left three tetter#, on# f* her fath# r. or.r to her husband and on#* to the wife of Dr. J*. I Wn kh*m. h-r husbands lr*tlr. The content a of the one to hr father were alone modi puli- He. Hhe iHgg. i ids forgiv#*n* n.- for w hat -h*- wa** aifour to do. rth** left soiiu money a ral vaiuaßtes fur him and Bd# him ffurew#dl. Mr Wl< ki.arn 1* worth frotn JVt.on to 17'.■. and u th** owner of valuable prop erty her#*, avnorg *tfi r pi #-- the F*wter House. an*l th* Mg Wi kliatn block on Li opiKisii# side i*f the s're**t He hf- t- n proprl# tor f #he Kw.*r Hour#' atd I*.a ware Hotel fr '• ir- IB* ha.# aho kept (he Occident Hotel nt O* ‘■Men M ILL IIKI I UK III*.( IM.NITION. snn(N Ff’i A(fl(#ile Toward Order *f Tele* ra phrra. Tojs'ka, Kan. I* c. 12 The Sard a Fe Haitrisid has broken off Its rei.itlon# with the # tr#ler #>f Ual.wny T< l#*grpliers Ah ttte . ourt* -i#'s prevalent l#*l vm-h th#* ruu#| an#i the *>|er.Ntor# have Imwii revoked. \N will hnvt ranhlng furtlp t t *l* with an orgMidzatlon that ha-* prm ** I |t#d: lncomi#etent, that broke it# <ontr* t to glv4* thirty notb'e aia! g ive u ! .t thirty ssor.!#." said General Manager Mudge to-night. "That Is not saving that r#w>gnitlon will te* tented the i>, B T p rmtn* nt v or under competent management. Presl,tent Rlpiey. in an Interview, #.*ys that he fa vor# tha HXlaienee f railroad orgatdaa tlon I am In fav<#r of tha bro’her hood#." • *A>r;ri\E nmoittiib antiKF.. lnlleN(ln#i Thai 'l'lilnga %re .oiia (he Operator#* Mat. Top4-ka, Kan.. !>•-#•, 12 J A NVwmnn. • hair mar. of the Fan; * l*V grb-van#-f.srn rnltte#-. arri\#l her#? to-lay to confer with (Its striking ot**rt4>rs Mr N*#wtTiarl is (fry sanguine about tha uitiriutte result f the strlk* In the Topekt d#*pot office three m#*i> and r.n- woman ore at work In the gener al #>ff!ce here (hr*** new men ar** working Mr. Newman*# dispatches indicate, he says, that the sink* omlltlnn# ar* de cl'l#*lly favorable for tte- <>i<erator#. I'ermam nth adqnart* for 4t#e strik er# have been establish*#! in •• Topeka hotel. *AY Tin: YTItlKi: l rifONKI). lint Telegraphers Make Entirely lllflerml ( Galveston. Tex . I ►*, |J #i* n* ral Man ager P>lk >f the Gulf/*Uolorado ami Santa Fe Railroad io-ntght announced that the telegrapher# strlk** Is uka*#*! so far as th#. company 1# ’,*n* emed. The telegrapher# hum the railroad of ficials are making off*rs of hedter ius|- tlons to g*'t striker# to return to work They claim ttiat traff!*• on th* Santa Fe Is <sngest*s| tit numerous place* and that tr##* who.# 1 Atcnioon system is losing on enormous sum dally. A BOOM roll #l IIMIHIA, New Orleans ( semi I • leg at* ti Urn n( lek (•ingress. N# w fp-b ans. Dec. 12 —The rail Issued hy Gov. Candler of G*>rgia, and which la ln#k>r#e4l by Gov. Bloxham of Florida, for a "National Maritime Congress.* to • ssmnhte at orunnwlck, (is . on the 3Mh day of January. WOl. meet# with favor here and the New Orleans Chamber of Commerce will send a delegation with Capt A. K. Milter as chairman, who will advocate American ships for American cargoes. Cadets “Cat" Claaeea. Orchard Lake, Mite., Dec. 12—Ail the cadets of the military college here r#* fused to attend classes ye#terday becauta certain grievances which they desired set tled were not attended id 411(11 1.11 111 IN II! MIIINIUIIT. .1 uilur IlitPl*# M omen aushi lo l)* al I? ii in ** In Thai Hour. New York 1* 12 Jutilc#* Andrews, |in the Supreme Court to-day. handed (town a ik riisi In which he holds tha; j i woman * muld t*# horn#* i\ mUhiigtit Th#* question an* *• on an aindteatUm by j FUirenc Al* il. a drussmaker. to enjoin ,t. • • A 4b'.idiilk ti#*i lamkord, from •'losing tho front liooi of t • house. m#l I not tmnosli t*!\ #lmltting iier uhtei she t it k (Me l*e|| Ml At*# II # \ - she 1. is#sl wo (.sons fnun th. dif.-n lant to *arry t h# r <lt< veiimk(ng and s.# p In at I• a month Hio was to be al- I if>we#| to have her shop op**n | from ? ant to in p m , hut wa* 10 l*e n lmdteil aft<*rw il ls nt nn> rtaaod* tbl* tint# She c unp nln#*d that on Nov I’* and H. sh* was |< . k#*l out, 4ttl on the •• 1 ond ft M. n I -"I to g ti a hotrl (iiiaiutk >.i tt it wa - i#* •• yto k#*ef ( h#' iioUHe k*'k##l #t night a- tho t* n nts lnt a great aim Hint of xaluabbs tie re. J't'tk, sat! be c*miM twit com pel 4l* defendant t* give Ih** plaint Iff a k**v to th outu d.Hi. a hv the (erma •f her tea.-#* mo wa- oil!) entltl*#! to a - r# , -nimlil,' Ivotirn ll#* *iatt#*d her 11 pr#d;mitiar> t;*m r##|tilrlng tit* !* ft rubmt to jH-rMit lo t (■ enter * her ttends# ** at all ri a*a*na!*b hour* and pn inptlv o|4-n tin .!•! for her up tu iJ ii'clurk at Dig tit FORTH Hit O # FIII# I IBM *#l Mllilnr} Hule 4#iin (* Disappear From (lit* |sltiil. <*orre#porid#'ii #• *f the A.*s#* i4ted I*re#s Sn Juan. I’orio Rico, Ik.-. 6 -Polio Iti.os first 11 • >tif*#* Delegate# is now iioUling it# flrvt *-ee#lon, Bpeak**r Manuel Itosscy. on taking the #'halr, e i#l Porlo Uit o lad now virtu illy l < n •tellv* i re*l to the l*otto 111 ms. adding "Wt hav* I'orto Harm eoldters, Porto ICt* an pli •# m# n and a Porto Hi an llotij'*' of I tel*gi(t<*s Th#* tiovt-rnor's ni**s'> #g# wa# In part oh follow#. "Yon re to-day t!* miet#*rs of your •>w n future | 1... the mi.itnrv #tep.*rt inent f Porto Hleo will lts*pp# i All l Ititr*! Sf,ls 4*.|iers except the sni (It t‘i n*eded to .ore for permanent for • ifli .lions, will hav* left the tsiati#!. and for tMi' first tlm#' in over a hundred ye*r# th#* p#*.p,# of f*orto Itlco will Ir#* relievo*! fioni military rule ' In fh* work you ar# a Unit to under ak#* vou will n##s! to exercise all (he virtu## f loyalty an#! pa T''lic f.r t:i* eye# of tha world are u|>#n you." • I.O\ I'HN Ht.N I T AKEN Tl M %CO. I 4il>intiln Will llefiirn Nelxrd llrlllali 'lrnnirr In Ihuirri. Coion, c>!<#mMa. De< 12 —(ff!c|al din paf.'he# from Gov A.ban of the state of Pnnaiua, announce that after a three > 4 i>Kug* ment, Tun> • the form r Miongh ..i ..f ue insurgent movement, as# reoccurdcd by ihe governm#'nt irooix ie* t and t ,ii the Galtaii, the rebel eisamer, ha# been dsMroyel (*ov Alban who returned to Ihe city ••f Panama >-da\ will hand back, unln jured. t her twtiers, lh- British steamer I aUga which was s#*l*#d Inst month by tin- i 'oiombliin government t> transpir; n irm*'d #xfH#dltton from Panama t# the port ,f Ituei a \ * rtfura. and wa# there us#**! in th#' Uimhardment #f the r#-Ud |>o- I itl n on points Pa .it, H(i<l HulfLulo. LI KPN %Y%I\ED IIEAHI.TG. •isv #* It <••• l for at.Aim# for Appearnne** llffor# I nurl. FeriJindlna, Fla, Den 12 At the pre liminary hearing #*f the case of tb#* Hea itoar#! Air Line vs K D. Luk#-nbiil, for* inerty ag#‘ht at (Id# place, which was hej.s to-day. the defendant's attorney* witv**d examination, an#! the #'*##• will go over until th*- n*xt term of the Circuit Court, which rmivcn# s in April. The d# f#Uidtn( pi# list not guilty, and was most anxkais for an irnm#-<!iate trial whi* h hi# #-*uns# l deemed un#*tvlsabte at this time Aggregate bond of D.ahO wa# fiirnl"! •!, ttu boridstiien being Senator A T Williams. Cap*. Willi no B* II aivl M#-s- r lltrth “i Wilds His frietsia look for an honoruhte aR iUltial. VF.nnhln Will AN ‘*|| | i. Number #>n Hi#* IV ( lilli (Ixllon Has ri#*4*n lied Meed. Wash'ngtan. D- 12—To avoid the dan ger of having any of our war v##se|s • night f >*4 in th# Ice In the Gulf of Pe chi Li. the Navy Department ho# reduced its repres# ntMtb'fi In that quarter to two ships l One Is the Motaicacy, which has hern ordered Into a mud dock in ihe Pel nv< r. near Taku. where she will serve a# a. station sb Tiie other I# th#* New Or leans. which will ply b##fween Bhanghai, *he Fo# and Taku at r#*gular Intervals The army transport service ha# landed all of th*- nee# sory supplies to carry c|n. Chaffee's troop# comfortably through th# wilder. (SEN ATE'S NHOMT MilMOtl, 11#nnn Will Talk In Favor of *hip Nubaltl 9 Menftiire. Washington, Ie 12.—0n a# <unt of the ntennia! exer* ;se# th- 8# rate <lll not meet to-day until 3 o’clock. It w##s agree#! to meet at 11 o'clock to morrow In order that Mr. Hanna might hav* g.|s#rtunltv t#> a!dres# th** Bente on the ahlp-subskly bill, before the con si#!* radon of th#- special order—the Hay paun • fote tr* ty In executive session. Th*- B#-nate, ns a My. pr*jceedcd to the h ill #f th#* llou**#* of It* p(us# ntativen to Join In the exercises. At $ Jt p m. fh* Hen#te returned to Its • barnU r ami Immediately adjourned. DKLE<#ATEff TO llltt N\YI( K. New lorli ll#Mrl of Trale Mill Srml Three Representatives. New York. D#*'- 12—Trie New York Boar*l of Trail#* and Tr in#|#vrtatlon at It# monthly m***tlng to*day adopted r#solu tlona asking Congress to mike the ret urn*' of 'he currency more r**#pona!ve (o th" r* qulr* m* rv4s of trade an*) to Insuro the |xerp*"iy!ty of the gold standard Th** board nOCeptod the invitation of the Brunswick, fku. Board of Trad** t#> fcccd three detegaUM to the National Maritime Uongr4M to be held there Jan. I), next, and instructed the President to appoint the delegates Fireman Killed In Collision. Olean. N. Y., Dec 12 Pastenger train No. 10. from Oil City, on the Western New York and Pennsylvania Railroad, ran into an open switch here to-day and col* tided with some cars standing on the j switch. The engine waa badly wrecked, j Fireman Pattern*) was killed and Jungi- J 4Mr KM eerlouaijr injured ( DA II A 24 a YEAR. & CENTS A COPY N\ FFKLY A TEAR HOME FOR SOLDIERS HOI *K T I %'T nuf'-H 1111.1. Ht 1.A1K.1: NtJ.IRITt. SENATE WILL ACT AT ONCE. IMIHHd tvr >1 \ PK\TIHD4 l fii-M-H tl. Tit tIT. I'lnti h, tt lit,*l, til infra tt 111 It.- T,lr4-trn Hrlta,,,. ~r Tailni Trl 4|,h,,nr . ■■niianlr. Mil,l Ulrirlr Dralrra—f.HMrda- Hill I moral,l, llrixM-Irtf on. t,ol Ita , hnoa-ra tro "11,0—Ilona" tt rot lo • ll.lxial,-rills ta„ln on llriiot Hill. At. in,m, 1,, ,■ 12 Til,- 8 "itllrra' Horn" , l-lli. lnlro,tU",-,l by Mol . ;.,ry of Ui,*|. ' monel I'ouniy, In-inc ,i, fratnl and ,' ,lflß|,|"!,li. |., 4 Rnl til. II,MI . 1,, .lav a la,*" majority, th. mi.o llng itxi for o.l'i ill IgmilM Tiirir wo ur• ,I a(,|>iaUß" wh*.i ,hr ra "ul, r.i, nnnomi, ,-,| it ... knon.i ttiat thr hill oul.l |mi an |f II could hr l.roilfiht to a lot, oti'l hv, i v , ffori It,i iirni ms I* for ,li, im,-i r.'k lo lirliifi Ih, insttrr before (he House. Tli" hill mil imohahljr no through th<* Hrnytr,ml any trouhir. Thr Mllliury ( ommlllrr thi* morning KUionllli',! a fnvoruhlr ranori on .hr hill of Bri, ,mr f.inn. lo , h.infi,- th" Havannatt Volun.r. r Guard" Into an oitUl. ry iialtnl. 1 f'Wfil th. • •,. „aa un.inlnimi- y In favor or thr changr, and .hr , ffor. of l.'ri>"ct,ir Grnrrni < ,hrr lo ,f,'frai Ihr mcaaurr fnlie.i n | .unihl fill. hOKrrvr., |f ( „• I,HI w ,n , lp at .hi" "rraion, as ihr Hi.. ruifi i .Mnmltlaa />• .-nu, ,|. :rmili„-,l lo bring I||| Ihr ,||ait i HI. and the mlnorMy ha* .. dcalra to nil buster. Flllbnsferlag Krpi l p. Thr Houaa ayr-nt th- rtny in flllb.iß.rrfiiß af.rr dl|Mlng of ihr tnx sol Thr ft.rar ing fommldrr put tt|. (hr ,tr|i(*i Mil, hut a voir war nrv.r ,akrn. owing lo thr tar. Grr •mployr.l until i) H . hour of t.ljourn ment. At Ih-,roi a.-akin nn hour waa 's“"’” 1,1 ‘lliifi whrihrr „r n,,i in* roll -hotild l„ "hl|,ml Thr roll wo- Anally ""‘l l - n tlllaiory m-aiit wrra ".ii|.l. >, ,| until thr hour of adjournment. Jiiri la>f.,r,. a,IJ iirnman . four m. ml.rra of the I lour,' r,c. io , iju.atlon of prr - I i .o' ~ nrwapatm . , .... AIUnU i*tlly News, for unfair tr#*. ment Mr Tpei,gF*i of Epson started the hall ruling aiwl hews- foil*#wed by Mr. Felder | **f Bibb. Mr Howar.l of D Kalb and M t H ill of Bibb. Mr. Hail and Mr. FebteF* wanted <o exp#d ihe newspaper men from Lf floor of rhe House, but no member , v * n those who m ii)- ?he suggestion, had the nerve to make such a motion an#l (ha n* w tpnper men stiU hold sway. Uianges in (he Tm Mill. Tim general (x bill was adopted as % whah* He reported bv Ih#* committor in '(•# House this morning .ft#r a snlrlte#! •tebat#* **vi r -* itinn . tb.n! 'lT>#* bill was transmMtr.l Immediately to th#- Henate. Ib** tax bill |# pro**!trally the #ama measure as was adopted last v#-nr. with < br#*#i |*r< min#-tit #*xceptior>a. an#l under It ■ h** tux* win rmi.iln at (he pre-ent figure. 5-lo mills The exception*# where the bill dlffff from Is t year's rest, first In a provlsl/ which it i-arrlt--* m ikn g notea raxaf provision require* that all notes jp • •f(*r Jan I. 1901, shrill Ih- stamp#-*' * 'he tax receiver of Hie #*ounty wber they are held, to make them valid T (*•’“ tax committee estimates tba4 thi# pro nv v riofi will r#M l alsnit s)*>.#w,Mh fore not tail'd The sr* • *n*l change, which Is of very much • s genera! inter***;, #*on|t# in a new inetlnsl if levying Hi* ue on tel- I #*phone companies. Thi business has ! formerly had to pay Its share of the "tales ex j** use# through a tog on Indi vidual phones and what 1' known as an o# upation tax, the same being a general business tax The Hupt* me Court de. • bled tha* Ihte metho#l was lllsfd, so tha present bill liu|ajft4-a an <ui valorem tax of 2S per rent. The third change Is with regard to hi jey.te i|fii#r Iwist year the manufac turer# were tax#‘*l $lO each. Thla year the manufacturer#* tax 1# done away with. hi.*l the (tenter# taiei instead $lO each. depot him, man .% nmrff. Iteolottfn %<lip(4-4l U hleti May Ktop Fill bnsipring. Atlanta, D(b 12.-r After over two hour* of wrangling and filibustering In the H*u#‘ t*i-n!ght. i resolution. Introduood by Mr Jor*lan of Jaapcr, defining ruld 3! allowing i)mbers to explain their vote#— to apply only to Idll# and rewnlit tlon# befor#* the llou-4*. and not to any subsidiary questions, wa# adopt#-*! by a \>te *>f #.4 to 3s>. which means that the depot bill hiia a # han.-o at to-morrow's session. Mr Hall of Bibb gave notice that a mo tion for re-consideration would be made. .Ht IOKTT TO (IFA. ftll.Kfl. Krtl I‘rnm III" tint "aiulnr# Tn "criutt. iMjury. YVaahlngton, !•• 12 —fjnut <Hn. Mil—, hs>l a "light acrl.lmt whiln h.wdlng thn ".•nlirmli,i ,<" !,. a 1"""k in ilia Horae’s wU girth giving (he goner*! fall Tim hoMj nt .ho pnrmle hafl Just |>a"oil Ih" I'H'Rl'l. nt'" rovi'-wlng staml. nn,i Oni. Milo*, havlrifi "alul',l tho President, had lurin'l hi hor" t.wur,l th" Moue wins of (ho <*,pt,ol Tho M'kii" girth .Mir.O'l i" rtnutlna .hv ~HI" to turn na tho animal. ...mI Gon. Mih-o was "oen lo full uhlowiiya Tho home did not plunge, •mi an nffi -or "prang forward. ih-lnfi u g,""l hor man. Gen. Milo* saved hlmß'lf from lM*i.ig thrown with foree, and "iifTorol nothing onvo (he Inoonven lonce and annoyance of tho aocldont. Ha non aftorward upixarod with tho othor ,llntlnfiul"ho,l ofllrial* In the lluuoe o 4 Hoprownlatlvoa anal look i-art In ihe ex •rciiea. — | Milan Ms, ",l nn Amerimn. Dondon. Doc. 13.—Tho Vlonr.a corre spondent of the Deity Chronicle my, e rumor is In rtrculalion in the Austrian capital that former King Milan la shout io become engaged to Mias A.xei, an American helresa. Porn,la.i Laborrra Strike. Lima. Peru, Dec. 12. via Oalveaton The dork laborers at Callao, the port of Lima, have gone on a strike and ali -work has been Ai yet there faae been ,o breach of the peace - *