The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 13, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 STATE FAIR WOULD PAY WELL HIIAM>N AIM Of|'.DTO AIIOU U 11%' IT AA Of Ml. AilnilMioni Alomp W oalil I'nt flie fowl of (hr Fair, H-tdea l.nrtt* llrnuulit lit for I'rlvllriitt hnl *|n<*r for Exhibit*- %% bra flir l‘;ilr In Ovrr *Nvtiinnli AA'uultl Itnxc lltr Itulldliitt* nml Ihr llwrr 'I ruck. Will* tlie Practical < rrlain l> of n Ih'KiilMr Hare < nunp-’toli* rrlpi4*h lln*r l ome lu *loxl> nd il** Dimnt Ittecuten llnvt* Not Met Will* Hit* I: nrottruiir nicti I lit** 9 l)rrnfd, liul fh* nuilmik l> lliat h Nufilclritf Amount Will llr Ha I uni. The c-mas§ for the State Fair 1a pro gr#sir.g very slowly. While thee** have (Mon soon* pi city liberal (he tMTption given the committee.** have not been what was *x|#*i-4**d. and thir lua.- caus.d M*ne discouragement. it in true the canvas* la not more than hitll •nift.rtrti aval the Outlook U that a •tiflhient amount to * cure the affair, though not th#- amount flrat ntn#*d. will l.** otxalnKl with 62.'.,am to S3o,<* - ' nul rlb ed the fair can be obtained, though Ukn*. v. ro have the matter n hand would pre fer to make the capital stock $. "• With s3o,<iW.'* said one f th-* l*u Hi*, members of th* cam a ‘;n>f 'onimttG* •we can bold the fair, make Mi" •** of It and clear money b*sld*H. The re cords of the State Agricultural Society •how mat in only iw* .*-tan<* has th* lair failed to show a profit. In a number c.t Install** there have l-*n handMjtn* !• <itns It required very little figuring to show that th* fair w**uT-l • *wlly |mv out The price of admission Is fixed by the •eolntjr at cents There r** Hn.nw peo ple In Savannah. Hur* ly half of th* - would attend at hast once. This would mean sir..W from city admission* alone If we did not Ret a* much ro*r* from visitors we would la* doing very poorly indeed The privileges alone wool I tiring In at Dast s£.<*(. ami •>esl<i*-s this there v. >uld n th* ■ lie of *#*•* to ex h: hi tors, and a number of other Items *f i venue. It Is Impossible that the fair should fall to pay out.' he continued "It Is all fions* nse to talk about th* |eople not coming *> Havannah. They are alwavs anxious to conic here “When the railroad.* give cheap rat** without any *xtr inducements th** P*|d* always come. With cbeop excurotaii rati by tli** rah rondo, and with the attractions offered by th* State Fair, together with ll**et of warship- und the* lairse m Ing. th crowd* would - larger than the citv could accommodate A grxsl nun ypeople.'* said the emmtt t< -man. -• • m to overlook the fact that after holding the fair the first time w* would have the building* and the ra •-*, *< k Clotting the races here for the fair would almost certainly had to the . t iP llshment of >* regular rue. course. In f* * t all tluit i needed now Is the race tra. k lira! the wrnnd t*tn*l to Inanr*- the r,i i ours** and th* fair would give us the*** The Ten Mroeck track Is known to hor*** men as 4ih of the in the country They are anxious to •***• It re-establishesl In order to bring th* Ir homes here Then* is a pecnlPtr springiness about the. court* • which hel|** the hors* s to give a better •peed. Records are what the horsemen are always hiking for. and a fast track, of course, m.ikes it *scsler for them to get a record. If we rouid accomplish thi •done Havanmth would l*e w* I rep il l fo* rvrrv dollar put 1 rithe fair "The trouble with Ruvannah." said the commitleem in. "is that ther** are t-n mmy p#***p.e here who, w hen they put clown a dollar f r a purpose of this kin * want to luNtp one hand on the dollar and reach out with the other hand for a L* hill before they give up the doTur. Th it .< nil that's holding us buck from g* ting the Flute Fair." While the sub rlptlnns have not come In as rapidly as could be desired then* Is already somewhere between SIO,OOO anl j • .it t s l l* . 4*11? and übled by die end of th** w* * k Th***- /ire many people who reoulz** that they will Ik* benefited directly or indi rectly, by the fdr. cm*l these are for the most part giving up cheerfully. If the business men generally will help the mut ter will I** easy. TO f.O tl\ WITH HOI Ml IHIAIVAGI. (tty I'ropoaea to t ontplete gyateni lt Next Summer. Mr W. 11. Chapman, supervising engi neer of the house drainage work, accom panied by his brother. Mr L I- Chap man. has returned to the city, and Is now engaged upon the prcllmary plans for the work Owing o the change made last spring by whl* h It was decided to * urry the bulk of the sewage to the ea-tern outlet, thus necessitating a main .-ew*-r %gilong Gaston stre*t. there are <i number of changes to Is* made In the origin il p.uns for the remainder of th* work ino dlianges. however, arc ttim**M entirelj *f a minor character. It Is proposed to complete the hour*. Uralnug* this spring, with th.- ex ception of thoe portions which wl 1 re quire pumping station Council will al low s♦'* •*<•* it! the budget for tin* work mid this c*uir is believed to be Stifh dent. There- nr* uUHit gcvant<*en mll*s of pipe to be laid, but as the greater part is in shallow* -oil. with few obstructions in the way of pHVeinerts above ground and pip under ground t lk* encountered, Director who has chatge f the work lor kdty, believes that this ran be ae e-ally all of th** work remaining bi t*l la on the wrestern side of the Vi south of York street, though table pipe has already been laid In ft tor y. The* Gaston street sewer. Van completed to Drayton street fig. wll. Ini- eontinu* and from that Tattnall street, where it will *ll - in several directions. The house drulnag** committee was authorize*! some * tili'\slne* to contra t for material and supplies needed. This has been done at and <h- Intention Is to resume the- work early In January. AY I hi, tiki: in < II Alt SsvsnnMh'ii !>•*•u ui lon |o Munlrlpnl ttle* ( nmrntion. The municipal party which will repre pent H.ivutmab at the League of Munci palities v t .v#*r:tl* n In Charleston to—ay. left at S:3O o'- I >ek this morning by the Fkint System. The party had a Pullman end was very comfortably provided for. In the ptrfjr ware Mayor Myers. Aider men Tiedeman. Ha >n, Dixon. Grubarn. Jarrell. Thome and HorriKiui. Il*-.ilth Oftioer Brunner. Huperlnt* n*l*-nt of Police* Thus. Bcr ev * n.' • rk of Council W. P. Hal ley, Director of Publl Works George M Gadsden arrd M*nger of Council C A GtatkK. Mr I#. W Ne*son of the Morn ing New> h ompinled th*- party With the meet ing *f Council I and night, which did not adjourn until nearly 11 o'clock the aldermen had little o(>p 'rtuni- ty for sleep before their departure. The wl 1 s(*en*i the .lay in Charleston. ► •< midnight, with the expectation in S.vannsh at $ o'clock to- W. - arrow morning. AAe Hay Old Gold. Tou may have enough to pay for your Christmas presents. Bring It here. Btem- Iwg 6t Cu.-w 4. wrrd weui>r*n at at. jo haps. Cboreh AYns Tkrnnsrd for the nn*l (•uerard Nnptlsla. Ft J>hn‘ Church was the scene last evening of a brilliant wedding, when Mr J. me* Sullivan ik*nd and Miss Fllkc Gue r.rd were united lly 8 o'cloek the church w i- till* *4 with relative* and fri*nds. and th*- half hour of wotting was pleasantly • r.llVf tied by a programme of musl- The chanced was hrllllantly lighted, and on the altar wire vases of white ebry **an*h*mums. Tall paiin.** form**l a semi circle. beneath which the bri k*l couple and tbelr attendants made an effective group. Around the lectern and pulpit w**re arranged potted plants interlaced with trailing vims. As the hi, ini prty entered the church the March from "Lohengrin" was played. The four u.-l**rs, Mr A. Godin Our rani. Mr I • r**'*l Alexander. Mr William Harow*-!) atul Mr Hart<n walked tirarul w*-r* followed by th** brides maids and groomsmen, woo **nt**re<l In ?h* following ord**r; Miss Annie Maclean and Mi l.*-**nora Gabl*-tt, Mr M*>rgan ami Mr. Harry Itlchmond. Me--* Harrb’t Klilott and Miss Jennie Hryan. Mr Klward ia*mere and Mr l*nry W ilthour. Miss isils Gadwlen of Chicago an*l Miss Nannie Bond of I**rln, Mr Riind-dph Ax son ami Mr William Gads den. Ti* mold of-honor. Miss Anna Guc rard. |rece*le*l tlu* bride and b r l iib* r. Mr. A. G. Guerard. who gave her iway Tin bridesmaids’ lovely coatume# wrc of tu* k**d white organdie with accorllon p!at***l fri‘L. tin t*o*il -s being finished with graceful flehur Thelv wo e algrcA **s ol white lull* in their hair and *arrl*d large tiouu !of Nc|>hltc*s r*s. and ** ptragu** ferit The m.tid of tkofior w>r- a town of pale yellow tissue emhrold* r** S with e* -i jit. and also c.irihd a lKiii|uet oi rose* and ferns. The lx . i* Im- til’tfill costume was of white *..tln *-n train*, the Ihrlicc richly trimni***! with la aid pl*-atlngs of nious ■ iin* le sol* . the tulle veil was fasten ed with a cluster of oranue bl*>- • m , while the exquisite louquet she carrjed A*- .r Htld* ro.-e* frlng*d with maiden hair ferns. Th** groom accompanied by his brother. Mr. Joseph Bond, entered from the vea try-room und m**t tlie bride at the chan cel step-. During the ceremony, whl ti was |erforme*l by Rev. Charles I! Strong. F* tiulK-rt’s Herenad** was played, ,ni.l at tti* con- hudon. Memlelssohn’s J*y <us w d%img march. A r* c* ptbai followed at the residence >f Mr. and Mr A G t;uerard on Park avenue. Th* downstairs roams were thrown open an*l adorned with |**ilms and (1 towers. Th* > ing coup • stood to reelv*Wth* ir frien*ls In the reception r*Km amid and orations of pink mid white chrysanthe mum- and roses. Refreshments w*r. * *-\ 1 In tt room, wher* the < ok*r hem** was white aii*l grc**n. Besides th* bridal party and r* intlv* s. there were pr*snt only the"younger members of a*>- rirty and few Intimate friends Mr ami Mrs. Ikmd left during the even ir.g for a bridal tour In F.orlda. On their return th* % will make their home at 114 Park avenue, w* t The mart lag* w one which claimed the ini. i. t of many. ih- young coui*l* *,dng s*> well known In this city. Mr Itor.d. who ir ii son of Mr **nl Mrs, J ~ph lion*! of Darien, has made his borne h* re f**r s- v* ral years and is th<* cashier , f the F.ivannah tias Company. The ride is the onl\ laughter of Mr. n*l Mrs Augustus tSodln Guerard and mude h**r • iebut In society a few seasons ago. Both young people are papular and have a wtd* circle of warm friends, who unite in gooi wishcH for their happiness. MIST AKKN FOB A 111 HUdH. Mr. ( . AVallaee llimnrd Aeeldenlnll> w|iif Ip Mr. K. <*. Itla**k. Mr C Wallace I lowa r* l was acciden tally slim yesterday morning hv Mr. K. Black who ml took him fw* a burglar The bullet went into the il* shy part of th** left thigh, it *1 made a painful wound nd one that will cause Mr flow ir*l to stay in bed for some and iy*. The ; cl lent occurred about 4 o’clock *t lsl* of llu*** where Mr. Howard and Mr. Ida k Jointly * copy u house Fhort |y l># f<r* the sluxdlng Mr Ilia k heard someone trying to en er the hou.-** throug.i tin- r* ar *loor. Going to Mr Howard’s r >m l* w*ke him an*! told him to k* • p wateh out of the r*-tr window f r the bur glar, and that he w.*ull g* •♦•low and see If he • oiild find th** robUr inside of t * house Mr. Il*w ird i* lid to go with Mr. Black |ownstairs ami together they l•* ended. Ai the bottom f the stein* Mr. Black t l-l Mr. Howard to stay Wiicie i\* woe und that In*, having u pl-t l. would go to the rear door where the nols** ha 1 first been heard The hall In whi* h they were stall ling was quite dark so dark. In fact, that they were unaide to s* • *ii h o her. and In this way Mr 1 tin■ k wi> not aware that Mr. Howard hal not stop}**’ I at the l*s>t of the stairs. Mr ilowiid had gm* to th* rear door and * .illi: g t*> Mr R■ *<*k "look out. I'm g,<ing t* open th** *l*sr." .it’emp ed to k so. Mr. Black understood tiim to say "l>Mk out h* s tr>lng t> ge ,ut of the <lr." and begun to ftr* in that direct! n !!•* tlr**i twin*, the second shot sulking Mr Howard. Dr \N \V Owens wn lmm**.Hately telephoned for and * am** out on a sp.** ml car making un quick trip. In fact, the car w im run at such a speed th t w hen th*- pa k g t** wan rea**hei no stop was male ami the gates were torn from their supports. The bullet Was found near the surface and extracted. At no time during the •*ar.*h or subsequent h.ippetdngs w a the l-'H K! t * 'li. mriiPoMiiM roit ’i.h b. Nylmon llnrnra l'*ap * llenrh Pen nil? fr Mi**l*-r of \% ll**n<l-r. Fylmon Barnes, alia: Simmons, tin* convicted tmmlerer of John \Voil*n<J**r, *i British sailor, was sentenced by Judge 7'ulllKunt yesterday morning to lni|rlson merit at i ;ir*l labor In the i* na*-ntUir> for the term of his natural life. Barms was tried ami convicted of mur ocr In the Fujm rior Dourt last Friday, hut was not immediately sentenced Ther*- was no recommendation to mercy in th** verdict of the Jury, but unde, th** law the fvesiding Judge nas a right to reduce* tin* punishment to Imprisonment in th** peril tent la ry for life, whenever, upon a ronvlc •ion of murder, the verd.ct of the Jury Is i i-• *1 upon evldcoc* purely circumstan tial This was the rise In the conviction of Harries The facts w.-re that h* and AVol lender had strugga l through a *!oor from a disreputable house In Yamacraw lnts the str*’-t. and that shortly after th* fn ?al shot was fir*-*I The circumstances were so strongly against the defendant as to leavi no doubt *’. the minds of the jury and of others who heard the evi dence 4hat he wok the guilty man In the Jury room, however, there was .* majority of the Jurymen who favored . r* i>mm* n i dat lon to mercy, being animat*-*! in this I by the common prejmllc** against taking a man's life upon circumstantial evl cl* nee. No one saw Hornes shoat AVollender. so far *s the evidence yet adduce*! discloses, and the same argumerH that was made j by these jurymen who favored a reeom | mendatton. when the earlier ballots were taken, doubtless was of weight with Judge Foil gant. Lamer.* I ** in the muacles and Joints In dicates rheumatism. Don’t dilly with It a minute. Take Hood s baraaparliU and cure it.—*k THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1900. WILL P OBABLY COMPROMISE. INM HA V’R AMI TI (DOAT PDH’LK I ON NPAIIH AHHIATKttJi. Disensaed at l.r nsth ||efre ftai iitltfee of the N% hle f < *un *ll—street nll<l l.nne f *•mille* H*-|*t*ri Available streets for Ness filreel Hallways, t N* Farther %*tloa Takea—Fireman flat • lirk l*laeel on Penslait Idsl—An other lll*M*k n Nt. Julian street to He I’a e|—% l*lc rim* tt Will ll*- Aetlng l|H>or l-*ln>. The City Council spent J it two hours In Committee of the Whole Dst right, the two chief *ut>J** ts di* is-*-l b**ing the spark arr* i* r ordinance and avallab <* streets far raw atieet railways. Tne greater |*ortlon of th* time was given to the s(Mrk arrester. Mr A Minis w • before th< committee in behalf of the tugboat people and In opposition to the enforcement of the lit ter of th** pr*-*ent ordinan **. while Mr. W. If \\ b repre**ii!e.i th* marine in surance *>mpanlea and urg***l the en fr emetit of the cxdlnanco as a ntx’es* try meaMir*- of hr*- prol*-ctlon and a benefit to the |M*it In th** matter of Insuran t rates B.*th gentlemen s(K#k* at aome length an*l C*xunc|| evidently found the subje in Inter*- ting one ts It gave them a v**iy attentive hearing President J.i rob Paulsen of the T*w*- lioat Company, Harbor Mo star John R* Lly and others Interested were also l * - fore the L*ard. NV action was taken, tne matter being deferred with a vi* w to r*.chlng an underatamllng which will bo satlaf.i* t*ry both to the towboat peotde and the % ln*ur-dic■•* comtile*. The com rnlite. h -ing |e- i t* hedev* that tlier** • a pro*p "t f su* h an agreement Is lug reached. The councilmen Inspected th*' maps pr**- par* i by ill* city engineer, showing th*- routes desired by the tw’o peat it loners f.r **re*t railway franchises. The report f the Ftr**-1 ai I lame Committee streetK a valla Me *f<*r such purpose* w.ik received, but the report was rot adopted and no nstlon wit- taker* In the mafti-r *f •Wignatlng routfs for the |x-tltl'uierK The Stir* I and lain** Committee briefly report'd the following Mr* *<• as available for str**f railway pun*^** 4 * PH****, F Thomas. Plant, Habersham. Kstlll avenue. Fiirty-on*l. 8t Julian. Parric-d ar.l Ray streets. Montgomery str*-* # do--- t*-t P!**'ar In the report, but was pr...*bly omitted bv ovarslghi. It having **n un ler*‘t-*sl that the committee regarded lhi> as one of tlie available str** t-. Th* 4 Couiull dll not adopt the report, but received* It ** Information. ar*l * r -Vrai It published fo- th* benefit of th* public, the Intention belr.g to call a ape ial meeting of Council to pass upon th* matter to whb'h all Interested will he In vited to be present An ordlnnn e w is Introduced by Aider mnn !ixon for the paving of th** blb'k ot St Julian str*--t of the market. 1* iw• -fi Jefferson str*et nn*l the cist si b ••f Franklin squar* . It. hiding n- mu - h of Vlontgomerv street as bordi r- on th*- • asi of Franklin square The busin* firms on the hlo**k petitioned fr stn h an tmprov ement Mini** tim** sin-*-. The ordi nance w.l- prob-ibly l- ad*aptei a? the next meeting of Council. A resolution by Alderman Haas, 1> the •fr*ct that I>e pl itshek. a men.. r of the paid fire and pur tm* nt wince Its or;an za tlon In 1 Kt**v with the exception of on* year, having been reported by the phy sician a the Johns Hopkins Institute at Baltimore to be a physira. wre*k and beyond hope of re covery. that he be pensioned at th rate of sv h month for . period not long er than Jin I. Isn2. was adopted Platsnck is sufT* ring ui’h to omotor ataxln nn*i w.i;-- r* nt v went to h* Johns Hopkins with th* hof*- that the specialists there might render him s. me lieneflt 11** has many friend* In the city who will regret to l**arn of hi" h*qe|ess comlHion. A *l*Tin in Horrtgan lntr.|u •i! an ordi nan**** amending section r7‘* of Maclon**U's • ■}*. relating t** the -o\*rlrg of cotton and other Inflammable m iterial while be ing transport*-*! on light* rs on the river **o iih to ho|l the lighteia-rs r* *-i*nsli*lc for the * ovt-ring of th** <otb>n during tne ntlr** time it rem tins on th** lighter*, whether ther*- has been a technical deliv er* of the ontiin to the ship or not. The city mui.mai was dir* ded to ad vertise aiit! s*-,| at public sale, on the next regular sales day lots 2T., 38 and 27. Huh rtn ward, a tninimum prl f 14 r, nt per Mtuare f*/Ot being fixed by the r* so lut lon. The resignation of Mr MaDom M tr an a** a member of the Park an I T e.* Commission was aocepte*! and the th nks of th** ibsird were tende .1 Mr. M.icle.m tor hi." s.-rvices as a commissioner. Mj \\ L. Grayson a** chairman of the Istard of ofli *r! of the First Regi ment of Infantry, petitioned for an uj*- proprlation of* for th* Imp ovement f the military parade ground and pl.i ing it In a suitable condition The | m w*is referred to the Comm it ee of the Whole. The offer of Mr A 11. Kntlimm to open Hall street througn hi*- property east of heist Broad stie**! for .ll-tam ** of ab out ki f’s*t, con<ilti>t <l upon the city’s *x P-nding ih* Hail street sewer nmii£ the new portion of tne at rent, was accepted Th*- p* titb it of Mr. S KrouakofT an l others for ih- dosing of the ditch run ning on Ninth street from th Rav.mnah. FlarHa and Western Railway to th*- Waters ami r* p tr. Die -am*- wßh drainage |M|*e, was reported adver Hv. the greater pirt of tne property to be L-iu tUted lH'iiig outsi • *f th** dty limits Th** ii* w nil** ft tin- pilotag** comin*- on r* ?ulttrg to* * of-rlag n I <b ;* u tur* of vesaels from slips, w is approved b 7 fouitcdl. Bl'.P ng.iinst the city to the amount of fJJ. 114.12 ware t*asse*l for piynout A n-NMit -n w i ; adopt* <1 *lea:gnattng Alderman John Schwarz as Mayor pro on during th* absence frewn th** city to-day of the Mayor, chairman and vb ! chairman of Donnell Tile members present t th** meeting were Mayor Myers and A demn-n Tl*s|e nan. Dixon, llorrigan. Thorn*-, Mills, Hass, Ba on and Schwarz. ON Till: I.OIIKOI I* Foil \ I'DTOK First I'resb? lerliin I nmnilitrc < on* *i*lrrlnu Names nr Nlln|s|ers. The committer from the First Presby terian congregation. api>ointr ) to rccom- j mend u permanent pastor, m* t last night after the mb!-w**k services. It b umlcrstooil that the **nimltte* Is considering the names of several minis ters, but l*efor* a r* i*ommevtdation is made the minister selected will Ik- con ferred with and made acquainted with the rinding, and If possible, will I*** Induced , to promise serious consideration of u call, in (■!•• the eongregation when as- mbled for that purpose. should approve the work of th*- committee and elect him. K* v J Wrn Flinn. D D . pr. -id* n South Carolina College of Columbia, will rill th*- imiipit of the First Presbyterian ! Church next Sunday. •IoIHIm > Itntra Via , .'titnil uf l.purKla llnll„n,. Tt<'k,t will b. sold at rat, ol a far, ' and a thlr.l rouiul trip on D,c. a. 24, ' 2T>. 30 an.l 31. liaw; alto Jan. 1. 1901, final limit returning Jan. 4, IKI. In addition to the aoov. ttckMa win b, k>:< i to atudent, of echoola and co)- ' leg,, on preaentatlon ot cartlflcate, ,lend by auperlrvlrndent. prea.dem or principal I llirrwf, on Dec. IS to 31. Incluelve. nna. i limit returnlna Jan k. IMI. Ticket offl 107 Hull street and Central | Paaaeuger Station.—-ad. j M>%IIN ATTCD IT' OrPICTB'. Itull!er :**! *i nu llrcllnrU to Rec ognise the l.nlMr I nl*w. A netting of th* Favtinnah Builder** l-;- bange was h* 1 In tie roomv f tba inti Nat • 1,1 Hank building, laat nlaht Th, meeling j w.i* largely attended and Ihe enthusiasm, go4x! ?• i whtp and unity manifested w-aa mod encouraging to those who hava the lr. re*-* . of the exchange at heart. The most Imported business lo be - ted at the meeting was the nomi nal --n of officers for next year Nomina tion** for uil of the?*** places were made i there being several nominations for **>me ; of sh- •t?i‘- The formal • lion will i * held at the annual meeting, during the *e*'r -I w**ek of January. l'ii* rcp .rt- •! the ofh* ere show that the e*. hang* I*- In tme 1 fbeirtMdng cnswll- 1 tton Its financial condition l* entirely aut i-f* tory, its In. Hal year having passed with r * unpaid ilehta and a quite respret un.** balan • in Die ireaaury. Its members ~* rnor* than MitPhed with th* gio*l *ha • vnlbual- Ktl< in Its |>rat* .md th lr ie\j4ion to Hz purposes. A j-lit **m to Its attractions are ine ll- I4t*l for the ensuing yer. It is tleslznod to have some form of k*s ial gath **rliiK fr th*- members and Ihe rooms will '*• mad out In way to make th in sti.l more attractive. Secr***arv II M Ward, who was seen after the meeting, sa <1 that th** 1 !>or questb n had been monLon*l only ln*'l •l* htnlly an*l had not beer* considered at .ill Ther* is n (thing In the situation for u.** to consider.’’ sa. l Mr. Ward. W** strove last May to ronv to an nder-t irtdlng with the unions, but we n**v i su*-' • l*l VV> offered what we con i*b r*l perfectly fair terms and they de i . i in .* cepe them. Since then we have :ot recognized th*- unions in any way \%' and w* hgve no Intention of d lru: ** V\ * arranged a s ale of wages and w- have I••. n paving that ****ale; we prom i“. i. *>f our own motion, that on arul af t* i Jar. 1. nine hours Humid constitute • tkv a work anl this pnmiw will Im* faithfully kept W* shall not recognize tin unions in the matt*i at all. Sin * 11- May," outtnued Mr. Ward, "we have b*** n employing such mechanics n we nee.! ml without regard to their m* mix rshiP or non-memben*hip In th* un i.n* If w* had work for them strut they • I *i< it. th*-v were evnp)oye<l. f they wer* nt cipable and willing they were ; *-rm! ed •. We have bud no difh ti tv %vhat* ver in getting all that we ne**dcd " Mr War*! said tnat th# 1 exchange paid o attention to the ir tlon of the recetu ma. meeting of the labor unions, or to the r* sidutions th n i*k*jte,i. The cx hni ■ '*• had ulr* .dy df t. rmined whit it a is! do. an*! the would not iff***t Its determination in any way what ever. ri.IAT! OF t ANPIDATIV. Are Heg; inning to ••Rone** the Alder men for City John. Mr W 11. Wade says that he Is not a candi’kite fr I*tii<** Recorder, nrd has m* lnt*ntioti *f Ling one. It Is reported among Mr. Wa#l-‘s friends, however, that .*- may h* a candidate for city attorney. There are other offices beside* the Re l**r bip for which th*-r* ore a number •*f applicant" In fact, the rule seems to !**• the smaller the office th** greater the number of applicants P’or clerk of th* market, an offi. * which pays only s7."* a month, there* ar* several applicants. Mr. l,*e Masters, the present clerk is deslr • us of a re-el*cton. but such staunch ad ministration supporters as T. P Rey nolds and Alex Mendel have also openly mnounced themselves for the position • (them who are reported to be in the ract .re Palmer Kirkland. Thomas Grayson. W B Spann and John L Phapman. The election of city officers Is Just a month off now, provided the bill new be r* the Legi-lttiure, changing th** date > f th city election. Is adopted, an*l she in'lUlat**- are already se**klr.g support .mong the übb-mu-fi. It is exp** t-<! th.u t ~>! of the t*resent ot!l*ers will be re ject* !. but ome of those who cam** •ver from th*- last administration are I‘kely to have a close call. The !i*U a lons are that fTerk W. P. I Bley will be re-eb*ct‘d without oppo- Mayor Myers and the* members f the board generally appearing to te •a *II i|cik* I with the service w hich h* as render***! Deputy Marshal J R • ’earner mihl Mr. H. K. Dreeson are both mil*bites f.*r rity Marshal Powers job. but ns they seem to be fighting each ther ami not Mr Power, the latter Is ci without a chance of retaining his po -Itton Ther** wu * consblerable talk of >jj niticn to Bn|wrlnten*lent Kinzle of the waterworks department awhile bacg, •her** b**ing several of the younger mem ~ r - <f the department who though* they , aikl lw>!d *kwn this |ks tb n very nice ly. but the talk seetna to have died down b r the present. Any way it Is evident that #her.- will be enough candidates In the I field for the various offices to make life a burden for the Aldermen. TO II AA F. A TIUMNAMFNT. Member. if llip 4i14 < Ini* 11111 f’lny f,.r Tlirlr Klnrillnß. A 4ounnm—it fur ia.11,, an.l ,ntl,m,n .vho ar, of th, lt.viirn.ih Ooif c-luh will 1., hekl nl the llnkn on Satur ,;.,y. Th, 1n.11,H will pay In >h, for,noon ami |h, B,ntlem,n In Ihe aft,rnon. It 1, Ii that all th, nemU*r, of the cluh will enter. Ihe tournament will *>, p y,<l to <le. ■ermine the ,tan line of ih, inemi—r*. Till- standing will flxrti t>y Ih, arm,, tnit ai. made, m-i IK waiiihan wi.i rank a otillnisly. I’urlnit the afternoon |.. r , will tie M'rvr.l by the la-Me, of the 11. f.imm tle Mr John lli>r!>n. reprewntlnc th* Crawfotii. M Oreor ami Canby Compwny. e ,, f .ml - manufai :ii’ra of IViyloo, 0., wI, 111 the city yeat,r.lav. nurlns ih, afternoon he war on the link,, where h, put in n.nie pi a.■ lie, w ith l*. l pkiyera. Mr. Harrt'On Ir one of the beet pl yerr in the country, and hi, w. rk on the- links was ie really admired. Hi Meaan C W fcllnf nrd [i (' Rtewart lies! bail, hut war Is—ten by th.m, three up Klshtem hole* were playert. Mil *Ollll4 TO liO HOME. 4 ll■■ cm..n > Hoy Krone Pooaal, C'ap tureil Hy llrlrcllrr kfnrl*. A runaway boy from Taesaie wa found veslerday by Deteetlv, Stark and lurnrd over to ill, (other, who hod eoro, to Sa vannah for the purpo-e of flnduitt him The hoy'r name a. l.oul, Michel*. ll* left home with a eomponton Hen-. J, anil under Ihe name of llowonl Merit, came to thle city, where, after hiinaliiK around for day,, he llnally aeoured work ,!• the mill of Ihe Southern Cotton Oil Company, where he was fouaid by Ihe i lei,cllve. He *nid that he had had no rearon for rtuminK aoay from home. an>l war not ot all over,, to koliik ha.k. With 111, father. ClatMi Michel*, n mere of Pa*- - de. ne left for home lart niifh! over 111, Plant Syatrm 4%'111 Kntlorae 41.,r, and lllir.n. The Workmen'* North End Independent Club will men to-nlht at * o'clo.-k at Sturt,vant Hall. The meeting ha* been called for th, purpose of lndor*ln( Mayor Myer* to succeed hlmielf. and to Indor.e Alderman Janet M Dixon for • place on tne a.dermanlc board. Nothlne can excel the care with which c<wk a Imperial Extra Dry Chainpogne U mode.—ad. I WILL HAVE MANY TENANTS. ARMY HOSPITAL HI IIJIINU' f O*- A HkTKII INTO 3541 C OTTAGES. Work on fhc i ontrnrt for the Itr. in%nl Mini llftx|sln of the Hos pital ttiiibltiiica Into < (itlagp* Has Pro* ressetl \V rl l-'iiinr of the ( ot tn*e Are Alrrsd? Ovrnplrd. Nh*nll All He H**nted, There Wualil lie l**|>nln 11 of Atiouf 12.V1 In the New hettlenient—T his Hlght Menu Tnlk of Fxtendln* ('orpornte Limits. The work of converting the government hospi’nl buildings n**#ir the Intersection of the White Bluff road and Eatill avenue into cottage? has progressed well, and It wRI not be long befor* Mr. C. C. Uham plon. the owner's plana will have been c*-rrl*l out. Home of the cottages hav** been finished mini have occupants. When the work haa been completed, there will be 230 of the cottages. They bring a moVra'ci rental individually, but collectively the Income from them will be large, provided all can be rented. It is s#iid that many tenants have already ap plied and thut the cottages will Ik- occu pied about as fast as they ar*- completed When the government has work don#* no expense la spired to have it the b*t. The hospital buildings erected in the fall of 189 H am! the spring of 1889 had every care lavished uj*>n the selection of th material and upon the execution of the Optra* Ftmmphjfi's contractors have found :b;t the buildings hoid together well for moving and being cut up into coi i gee. Each of the cottages into which the ward buildings, mess r***ms. etc., are cut up. lias four rooms, a chimney rising from the center and affording fireplace In a • orner of ism room. The cot luges ar* very comfortable and convenient. Thee* into which the officers’ quarters, tne larg eat of the buildings, were cut up nr** two storied and have hern movl up almost to tlie line of Ketlll avenue. The track of the Savannah. Thunderbol and Isie of Hope Railroad, running to Isle of Hop#*, has been moved ha k ti lts okl line. When the trn*t of kind w • secured from the ownen for use by th* government It was foun! necessary t move th** track, and the street raiiwn company agre*-*! to do so. Inst* ad f lunning across the property, th* In • u movul so as to run around It Th* re moval of the cottages to the lm) tlia was iKv.ight by Mr. rhwmpion at a Dour! House sale some months ago allow**! th* restoration of the car tra k to i;a oil right o fway A ilime sill probably be tetowc| upon :he nFv zettlemetit that will spring uj where the hospital but Mings storKl If all the cottages should be occupied, there would be a very thickly settit-*! commu nity, and eom* tiunio for if would te r quire*!. With a family occupying every ottage, ami an average of five persons to a family, there would be a population of 1.280 in the settlement. The density of population of the tract would them compare fuvorbljr with that of most )>o|Hilous Ki-.-tions *f the city The cottag* are by n > means crow N together ii|>on the tra* t. but t system of slr*ts pei ulUtr to its* If has Lin devised and Is t-lng follow. 1 in the arratig*-- ment of th- **ott g**s With su**h a settlement as seems ands tined to grow up upon the tract bare!’ l-evond the city limits, It is probable that talk about an extension of the fn* z wil arize. There has been no extension f some years, and the claim Is made that there are a number of populous commui. hies Just upon the borders of the ett* that should he Incorporated with It. Th* new community will h** a stronger argu ment than others for the "expansionists.’ and It Is probable that they will **m it. fKIB AAA % A AAIIHOAAA (IT. The llroprnlng of the < linnnel I'rgciJ •••I (iingrrM. An effort Is being ma*le to secure an oppropnatkm for the *l-epcnlng if Skl<l uway Narrows to Burnside river, for th* I Kir pose of ojeni ng i q* tho way to the Ogeechee river and trade with Brj*an, l.lherty and Mclntosh counties A consld t iable traffic In st**res. iuml** r. rl* * and oysters would follow the opening o tho narrows, and lho*** who xre pushin. the matter hope to ac*ompU*h some thing The B*Nird of Trade, has aiophd i h** following resolutions "Whereas, a large traffic now seeklm Savannah fr*itn the Ogeeche** river anc the roast und Iniiiikls to the south of Sa \ annuii. Is much delayed and lubjectel to unnecessary dangers of navigation In the present expose<l route, and "Whereas, these delays and greater iiazards would L* removed by the oja-n ing of the Sk Ida way Narrows to Burn side river, arul also largely Increase th. volume of traffic that would -*-*-k to reach Savannah through th*- safer and shorter route, therefore. Ih* It "R* solved, by the Savannah Bonnl of Trade, through Its Board of Directors. Umt our Immediate representative In Den greas. Hon. R. K. L-ster. Im* ati*l is hereby requested an*l urg*-*! to appeal to ! Dcngresa for a sufficient appropriation to I rovUle a channel through Fkulaway Nar rows 79 feet In width, with a * l.anncl ! dpth of 6 feet at mean low w*it*-r and. 'urther, that th* Bav.:*uiah Board *>? ! Tra*ie, through Its Boanl of Directors, request our r -presentatives arul s*tat<r in Congress, from Georgia, to co-operate v.*ith Representative for un approprl ition to secure he r**- I >|>ening and Improvement *'f Ski wa> Narrows ami that th** secretary >*• direct • and to send *i copy of th* s** resolutions to • acli of our senators and repr* sentattves ‘ A member of th** Board of Tra*!*- sail ! he believe*! an appripria4lon would *•* si-curesl. The de* in ning of the narrows I will open up u shorter Inside route to ! Florida, an*! w .11 in other ways * a gr**;it ! benefit t< Fovannah and th- ls-.l ship- Img Inter**'!- With a aaiiiu*. ■(• * t w<l and♦ feet de**p it low water, all ordinary **iz*d sailing cruft arul steam boats could pass through. The difficulty in the way o' an crl> appropriation Is the fact that * Gil -1 i, Ito has reporte*! the channel unworthy of Improvement. anl having failed t* make any estimate of th# cost. Doner*-, cannot, under the law. order the w.rk flone. It requires a survey and * tlmat. before any project can N enter**#! upon. It was expected that Dap!. Gillette would estimate the cost of the improvement In his preliminary report, but having fall* i to do so a provision will be made in tl* coming river and harbor bill, r***iulrhig tin* survey nnl estimate. In his report of the preliminary ex amination of the narrows, made by ii reotlon of tb chief of engineers Dapt. Gillette rays that while the present nav igable route consists of nn extremely nar row and torturous channel, "neverthr- 1 less, a great deal of commerce pass* s >v*r the route." The imfvortance nn*l value of the prn pised cut **onnecting the i|e of lbpe and Burnside rivers r** being urg*sl by j those acquainted with th*- situation mid 1 there seems to be ever' l)k*lihM>d thut ti survey and estimate will in* ordered by Congress. Xaffered A ear*. "Graybeard cured me of catarrh from which I had suffered thirty-five y f r Nothing on earth ao far as i wag to obtain gave me relief Stnee taking Graybeard I am • well as ever I had catarrh of the head Mrs Rhode I> U h Ballinger. Tex. Orayheard Is mode only by Rc<pe*a Drug Company, sole owners. ,nd ia fold at drugztorea for $1 a bottle.—ad. All YBAR9 FOR BOTH THliV**. Arthar AA llllama and Katie Miller lonvicted af Bobbery. Arthur Williams and Katie Miller were both convicted of robbery by force in the Superior Court yesterday. The woman was sentenced to a term of alx year* In the penitentiary and a like sentence will be Impos’d on the man when court con venes this morning Williams and Miller were Indldtad to gether. but 4 hey chose to sever and were tried separately. The indictment alleged that they had held up John Coakcr, a ne gro father well known in Savannah, und ronbed him of 122.6a** The evidence was practically the *am* In both case*. Doaker said that he had b. * n entice#! to the woman s house by Inr and had l**ft it after a ion. He wanted his friend. Howard, to atay in the house with him an.l th*' woman objected. The prosecutor * ialmt-d that when he tried to leave, th* woman opposed hi* departure with a drawn kn:f*-. and when he finally succeeded In getting past her and making his escape, he left his coat and hat be hind. in th*' flight from the house. Howard, who had been carrying Doaker’s shoes, dropped one of them and Doaker said he went ta<’k o find it. On his way he met Arthur Williams, one of the defendants, who volunteered to aid him in the search. As Williams and Doaker reached the neighborhood of Randolph street and IVrry lane. the> were met by the woman ai. another man. Williams, tt;- woman and this third mcmb* r of the attacking party, ther. pounced upon Doaker. and while the wo man hi 1 \\ ihiams held and rohlsvl him. the third party heat In his head. They took iway all the money he had and left him. bl* ding and nearly incenzl ble, on the ground. Doaker knew Williams nnd Miller and by the d*-' riptton he gave of thze worthier*. Patrolman Davis was enabled to pi k them up during the night The third member of the gang by which he was ro‘*L*,i * m unknown to Coaker and hue never been captured. II All% F(M Nil ON A ATOOP. A AAhite Child. Nrwly Horn, lllerox er**l Vrilfrilty Aforning. A newly ***'>rn whit*- girl baby was fvund on his stoop at Harris and Bar nard streets yesterday morning about ♦> (.*. )’* look i-\ Mr Herman Jordan. Mr. Jor lan h* u I the cry of a child and went to the door w hen h ni.ido the startling dlz- OVOTi. The child lay on the stoop wrapprd :-t in it soiled white rag. ami with an Id gray skirt carelessly folded around it It must have been placed there only • short time before Its cries attracted Mr Jordan, otherwise 1 would have (Led from th** raw and chilly wind to whbh it was oxi*os*d. Mi Jordon, immediately upon discover ng the * hild, telephoned Sergeant Mock at the poll*** banra- kz of his fin*l and ask • I that the police take charge of th** little tranger. I’atrolmon F. J. Hmith. who a is on *luty hi th.* sally-port, went for, the child an d!tok It to the l*nrra<i-k-v and :avo il to *one >f the colored women *-tn ploysl ut*out th.* prison, with instructions to give it a bath whllo h w*nt for some bulling for it This he secured from p*r >*n> in th** Immediate n ighltorluxsl .iwl ii short time the little waif was cloth d ur and comfortably stowed away in a hne tt and put In h warm corner near the tove. Ratrolman Smith also secured for t a bott e of milk Dr E S Osborne was summoned to the barracks shortly after the child was carried there He thinks that It had een born but a few hours before it was Uncovered. MaJ Screven has given the Ictective* Instructions to rnokw a dllig*nt • rch for th* unnatural parents or parent of the 4'ast awa> Alr*a*!\ five applicants have been re civ-1 from periwms anxious to adopt the • htld. and it Is probable that if the moth r ia iby will *n to some *me tnat wi.l assure it a cotn fortab e horn**. The ha by. which Is apparently h*althy n*l well formed, slept contentedly dialing ?;** day oblivious of its surroundings, and the roman* * and pathos of its position. BEGAN CHRISTMAN TOO NOON. Jh* AA’esley Premature With Ilia l ire l'*i|i|im. John Wesley, a colored boy 12 years old, .s the first victim of the mania fr a premature celebration of the Dhrlstm a season. He was sent to the bar acks yes terday by Patrolmen Bu kwalJ >n th** bar go of sh >o ing fireworks on tne str**et. Ben Heyward, colore-1, was arrestel and taken to th** barracks on the charge t re ki*?- driving thereby running Into an I breaking the bicycle of a young white man. Ther,- wa re a few other arrests but on minor charges. GR AND OPFNINt. Of (tur Nrn I Itrlattnas Goods. You are cordially tnvitrd to attend our exhibit of holiday n>sortnient of presents to-day, the Great Atlantic and I‘a itk T* Dompony. 106 Broughton street, west. Tins exhibit comprises our recetit Impor t. ition of fancy an.l staple vases of every conceivable s:yle aisi <les|gn, such is Bohemian glassware, Japanese ware. | bisque figures, criiker Jars, cups and sail ’* rs. jardinieres, vases, cake plates, fruit, plates, bread and butter plates, celery J tray.-*. coniim**nt sets, lamps, tea set-. | toilet s**ta. etc .en We -Hnno: only give cur patrons the finest g***!*, but tv** arc : tn** first in the field for any innovation I G*d your ti.keis together, no matter iow old they nr*-, they re all g.xMl fur | unv of our num*rous presents. The Great Atlantic arul I'aclfic Tea Com- I any. 106 Broughton str* *t, west. 11. T. Wilson, manager —ad HitmUonii' Sllvrrnarr. Sternl-er;; At Co.'s holiday display of ornumemul, *ie oratlve tux] useful sterling silverware Is the inoi attractive In the i Uy. hi: ll* eonsplritou In new and unique dr -inning. Im luiltns In |.nri. Souvenir Tet ami Coffee Spoons Souvenir Cup*. Sum-era and plate* 1-iirge nml Sin 11 Bon Bonn. It-rrv Bowl-, V-Kemble*. Almond Sets. Silver Cr-am. Sugar and Butter Sei* Cr tvey Home. Trnys, Silad Howie, Coffee. Ten in I H e Cream Simon* Oyster hml llerry Korku. <’okl Ret* Uravi v and <>am lA<llrtt. n*n Beta, Caki Forks. Napkin Rings H.*P Spixel-, No- C kker . p ck* Krult Basket*. I’uneh P-wl- on.l Cup*. an d n myri id of other .tlr ictlon* impossible of enumeration her*- —n<|. Hr. Hem Sm > a. "Oroyhenrd hn* well nigh eured me of rheumatism from which I have been n (Trent sufferer th- Inst fifteen year*Mr Henfs poet office * Si Simons I stand. ltev. John Chris*lan of Bieree. Ala *ay: "Grafbeard ha* eured Mrs John Childress of Baldwin .unity of rheuma tism. In February before *he began *n rake Gray beard she was given up to tile She Is now soun.l aid well.” Oraybeard Is made on'y hy Reapers Prug Company, aoic owners, sr.d solel by dnißdsts for Si no hvtle nvery fm !y should have a h x of Oraybeard P.Hs and Oraybeard Ointment—nd. A Hlfh-Or d*> in’|'utlon for Lad 1 at cautoVua.-rt*' U *- W “ U lor FOR Useful Holiday GIFTS See Our "Nobby” Line • i LAP ROBES, BLANKETS. HARNESS AND SADDLES Congress and IV Maker Sts. LEO FRANK. per year The average coat for the !*mi 1? y4an# ha- .at; • trifle ovar 17 00 |>er y**wr. It la TIIE BEST a, cl the dent Insurance cor|K>ratk. ii c lt , clal Traveler* In th** world \\ , t membership of over 21 '#* \Vv , r serve fun*l of over sl4**JW. N .on e j traveler *an fT>r*l to i*** w tt ** .* tc tlon w. giv** him Write th* who will cheerfully civ** ill u •. t n II D. PIXLft&Y, EDWARD VEIT, President. R.*, . T e I I*oo This is the Trade Mark of the Best Builders Hard ware : that made by the Yale&Towne Mfg. Cos. j Those who contemplate I building should send f>r our artistic brochure "Artist and Artisan:" free. | H, H. PEEPLES & SOUS, | 125 CONGHESS ST., WEST. in Broughton Stmt. Wes'. Bone Meal Fur Chicken Keed md Fertllia r. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for *‘home*niU <l* fc*rt!it*er The cheapest and mast con rntra J the market B*nd for parti u.ara IIA Y, <*lt %I V tOU IIIMV BTC. SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, •Phone S3. US Pay itreet. MIAGLEDOKPP& CO. MACHINE BLACKSMITHS AND HOIL.ERMAK! :R9 Telephone 553, 510 Inllan strict. Savannah. JOHN (i. 11CTLKK. -DEALERSIN— Paints. Oils ali i Cl * * .-a h 1< r# lUliai ' aiaJ Huliileis' riupi l • rl J® Decorative Wail Paper, I' a 11 , ~ me*tic Cement*. Uni* . I*l ■#*• r Bah* Aip nt for Ahestlne Cold " c '■* rt * Aj Congress lire.? w-t nn I 1 >* J lan si reel w. #i. Empty Hoflslicmls. Kmpl| UulMava Mo*rlir'l 109 sal* by M. GILBERT & Co_ A 111 s|*. til N I■. /A W . . . | MABEL PAIGE And the fc-. i herr. st K 1 Prcent n: .! I ' ee 1 "THE ri'.IiONEK OK aM; Price.—Adults 3 c. ch ilr.t. Tonight. "JACK'S iWEIII lU-AHT.' Trice*—loc, 20c and soo.