The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 13, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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CAR AND WAGON COLLIDED. rout of noi: w*oo\ crashed THROUGH THOI.I.KV , 4R. 4celdenl Orrirrrd Yesterday Mara* Ina at the Inleraccllon of Drayton anil Brs*hlon Strrete— llnrm of I ~r Mail Been Sent in Front Not >o. T on At't'onnl of a Ilia** nl Ihr tnuthrrn latnl >lrr 1 oinpany'a morr on llrjntt Strerl—4llormati lllt'liariiann IM.I Not I nderatand algual* anil (ante to a stop In lltr May of thr Hoar 44nnnn. t . te wagon from So. 3 engine house rn Oglathorpe avrnur, cast. collided yes trrday morning at about 10 o'clock wlih B ,-ar at Ihe Intersection of Hroughton ami Drayton streets. The lire apparatus ~a- responding to an alarm that hud been rung front box No. 7, corner of Bay and Drayton streets, and he car. as do alt that run on the Broughton loop, was go- Inc weft. j t *4* only through th# HrrumfUnre the car being practically empty that a very **riou* accident wa averted. By a f r;unate chance there wera only a lady, , lored boy. the mortomtan and the ]. indue tor aboard the car. and non** of rh .mu in the rark that waa fol levA* 1 by the pole of the boo* w .on a? it :ifhcd through the cor. staving a hole in either fide. Had anyone been fitting where the pole ,* .rrl or upon the opposite aide, the r , Mi H mould have been aerloua Such ii not atop merely upon entering th** * ~* of the car it flr#t ftruck. but ram ri* on the other aide, knocking off a l r .on of the panel. Motorman N. • K. w* • charged with reaj*on*ibllity for the acc:* rt*“nt, and wan arrvatad for having ob f’ructed fin apfvira;u* while it vine on me my to the fire, the charge having hf*en made by Bupt. Maguire of the Hr riepartmen* The motorman claim*-*! that r : , confufed by the outcrlen >f tho*- vi taw that a colilflon with the ap pro* hing hoae wagon was Imminent, and nought to atop the cur. The engine at No. 3 hid b*en t* * oned for from the Snithern Naval Hi • s ( * mpany a ftorc at th- corner of Ai* rcom and Bryaru flrte s. where the l !**e was that called out the apparatus S me one. not knowing that a telephone r . —age had tw-en *#nt. an*l seeing that there wif* n Are at the Naval Btor* - <’<*n pany'P store, turned In the alarm from hog No. 7. It wag In r#jjon## to thl?* a;.rm that the rest of th* apparatus turn ed out. When the street car arrived at Drayton Street the rhernicul engine hud passed on toward Bryan, having leen driven north c*n Drayton, the presrlbad rout* The !©*♦ wagon was not far behind, and For* - man Arthur Twhach of No. 3 was on It. lie sold the motorm-in was ‘ rubbering'* after the chemical that hal gotu by In a hurry, and seemed absolutely uncon cerned as to whether an ymore appurtus waa to follow. The shougs of the firemen on the ho*e wagon and of the driver, t’harlcs Kgenso. combined with thosw' of the crowd, at ira tii the attention of the motorman. hut he then became too confused to know juM what to do. The firemen wanted him t > go on across the street to mak*> room tor the wagon to pass, but th* motorman said afterwards that he understood fhoao among the spectators who were yelling at him to say "stop,” and atop he did. The firemen erm**d to b* llev. he had stopped already ami waa on y Intent ui*- or watching the course of the chemical. Foreman Toshach said the hoso wagon was niiout Broughton streeg lane when the motorman saw it. and the foreman thought there w> plenty of lim# to get tie r**r under way and across Drayton street hv the time the hose wugon r*a *u*.] the trek. The motorman said he lost nls head, however, and that wan prob ably the reason the accident could not b* avoid'd. Driver Kgense pulled in on his pair of whites and had them pretty well In hand by the time the car was reached, hut the horse* were in a trot, and the force of their Impact the car sent them to the pavement, where they lay until th lirrmen could Jump from the wagon at and unharness them. The horses then Strug gled to their feet, but on** was so severely rut shout the legs that he had to Is taken to a veterinary surgeon for treat ment. The other Is a hit sore from the fal laud compression he got. between the car and the hose wagon, but is still In servlcv. A great crowd gathered alout th* scene of the accident People came from all directions, as they will when there has been an alarm of fire and some such scene occur* to attract their attention Th t dice that appeared had difficulty in earing the streets. There was a rumor that s<*mc had been hurt In th- •< iden*. and that added to the excitement until the real state of affairs waa understood But little damage was <Vme ly the fire n* the Southern Naval Storm Company's store, a movable oil stove was burning n**ar a pile of flour in sacks, and w either overturned or exploded. The oil >plashed about, and the flames were com fr inlcited to the sucks that held tie flout Someone ran to the telephone to send th ‘ message for the chemical engine, while others threw crocus hags and w ater upon t * flames, practically smothering them before the arrival of the fire apparatus* I'resUlwnt W. C. Powell of the company, said the damage was but slight, and wra mvered by insurance. hl flilbll IMDt*THI%B MIWOM. Ihr Cirorgls \ornsl and Imlnstrial In Rlltnte nt CJrreiialioro. The Georgi.i Normal and Industrial In - *• *ltuie at Gr##n#horo is modeled aft *r * principle* of Booker Washington's * hool at Tuskegee. Als.. and Is Intended ’ do for Georgia what the Tuskegee In stitute |s doing for Alabama. The Industrial School at Grrensimro wa* o. • ned In 11W. with F. A. Curtrlght, A. B Prln. K. A. Caplan. Bsq.. (Banker at Greensboro), treasurer. Hon G. ft. Glenn, state hrhool (‘ommisMoniT; Mayor. C’.ipt. ’ n. Parks, jr., qnd other prominent Georgians, white and colored, associated “ officers. 1< now owns seven .< re.- *>f bu.d in the city of Greenelioro. two frame buildings, one of w hich D a ne%v two-story ► triicturs, recently built, and has under Be control 12& acres of farm lanl. *;out t*'* mtl'ii from tireensboro. Th* ivertigt* ••tendance is over a hundred pupl*s Tn* *-drls are taught in addition to a thorough literary training, dressmaking, sewing ' “•ting, fitting, cooking, laundry work housekeeping, etc., and ttie boys sr •‘ight eariienterlng. painting, ahoe-crafl •••*. farming, drawring. et Provision • c In-mg made to provide homes for friendless worthy boys. Gref ns H>ro is located in the central !‘-rt of Georgiii m the heart of the farm* I* * lass of colored people. The location • k healthy and convenient, and the pirn •>f work Is outline*) to meet the necessity n - the |a-op|e We believe that there Is r, Mt need for such • school In (leor • • and we no rt i-on why this m*hool. b ' Perly fitted up and omliete*l. shouhl ’“• prove to !>' i gnat tH*nefactor for ’ •* colored people of the state. In th* institution pupils may defrav ’heir ext>enses with such food supplies *• mny raised on the farm. Principal t’urtright Is recommended hv Gov. r.mdler. Judge H T I*ewls and of her prominent dtlsens of Georgia to he “ nian of trust and abilt<\ He Is trying •o raise funds among his Houthern friHak ;* plaater the waits of the new two-story •uilding which h recently been erect *d '>’ student laber. for the most part, and to bujr a mule and a one-horse wagon M* fl meg to 11 Harrg \# 1 And bring children into the world to cuf fer from an inherited bloodUint? People do not realize that foul blood may lurk under a fair akin, and that the fire smold ering in the blood of the parent may break into flame in the fleah of tho-child. l*r Pierce's Golden Mcilical Discovery {nits out the smoldering fires of scrofula. It cleanses the blood from disease taints, strengthens the weak lungs, heals the diseased stomach. "Dr Pierce's medicine has done wonder, lor mv two son. " write. Mr. M H-irtritk of Ilrro*lcr. owegn Cos N Y ’ With had Krofula. I have lo*i two dauzhters in lew than fire years with consumption sud scrofula Mv eldest son wav taken two or thres years ago with hernor rhsße Itnm tiie tune. It tronKed h m for over a year He look Dr Pierce's Golden Medical litKovery. and has not had one In over a year My younger son had aceoful .ua sores on uta neck; hut has n >t had any since h.commenced to take your medialne " Use Dr I*ierreV Pleasant Pellets far the bowels and liver. 'or firm us.-. Iloih the white and eol or.-d ell Hens In other sections have ron trihufed to this fund Donations may t> ra;d to Prof. Curtnsht. or sent to Mr. K A F,t|>lin. (hanker). (Srcetishoro. Oa f.ffif i oiiwiiiaha." 1 l.aee Sudlenre Wlinessed ('lvile I'lleh’. Mur Flay. Harl>ara Frlelchle, the Inspiration of Whittier's poem and the heroine and een tr il figure of an incident of (he Civil War that has been much written about and about which there has always been a difference of opinion amoiur alleged his torians. was the suhj.-ot of play by Mr Clyde l'*Hch |.resente.l hist night, with Sll < Ktfie KUslit In the title role The ail hor dls I alma any Intention of writing of an historical play, which la well. The character of Barbara Is chang ed from that of an old woman !wto that of a young and pretty maiden ami the atory Is used ny rely as the groundwork fora pretty uml pathetic war play. The Incident of ih flag occurs In the last act. wh**n the Honthern army Is marching through Frederick after captur ing the town. Bari*ra’.s I'nlon soklter ltt-a <l. nt In her home, while she. dlstrael < <1 an.l grief-stricken, appears on the ve randa and waves the Stars nnd Stripes before the Sow hern forces. She is sh t by a former sweetheart whom she has giltert, after the commanding officer has ordered that she be not harmed. The pathos of this scene Is partteularly strong, for. hs sldea the death of Barbara, the officer In command orders the arrest anti punish ment of the man who shot her anti he Is his own sott- The choracter of Barbara as Mr. Filch hts built It. I> ailm rably fittesl to Miss Kllsler' talents—or rather she Is to the role, rihe Invests ,t weh n glriish sweet ness. n tentler pot how and a strong wo manliness that make it simply beautiful. Ml-s Kllsler looks almost us young as she it <t years ago when she played 'lta irl Klrke." She Is a favorite here ami her work received merited ap plause. two curtain colls htlng given. Mr Frank Weston, who. by the way. Is Ml-s Blister's husband, made a I'nlon of fh.r that even a rabid Southerner .-ould Ilk-, and it bast some persons wondered not that Barbara fell In love with him There Is something In Weston's cut and hlsu-tlng that Is refreshing it was even ... with his Drake In the "Christian " Mr. (Headman. Mr. Dassle and Mr I’hap |s lie were all capable nnd Mr. r’hrlslle gave a strong delineation of a difficult part -that of Ja. k Negley. the dls urded lover. Miss Arden. Miss Blyth. Miss Mur ray. are also deserving of mention. The Southern Stock Domiuiny. with Mob itgi. will n sm their gagement this afternoon with a matinee iw-rformanre of "The Prl-oner of Algiers. To-night the hill will be "Jack's Sweet heart." "A Runaway Olrl" will he the opening attraction ot next week on Tuesday night. The Augustin Daly Musical Company Is the organization presenting this .harm ing comedy. It comes direct from New York, and Is composed of such artists only who could reach that standa’d of merit demanded by (hat master hand In everything pertaining to the stage-Au gustln Daly There are sixty members in the company, head'd by Arthur Dunn A chorus of train's! volres ts heard In the many musical numbers, and the many soios. duels and concerted pieces, sung by the principals, appropriate to the action Of the plav, have served to nuke "A Run away <SlrI" a great muwleal .lomedy su-- eess. Heats will go on sale Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Following "A Runaway Olrl” will com* "Other Peoples' Money" Wednesl.y nlghl Jay Oould. when he was asked one time how he attained his riches, an swered "By playing with other people's money." Ilennessy I-eroy|e. the come dlan. might give the same answer, for In one short season he has won both fame and fortune In the brilliant comedy ft ,s wrltl.n on comedy Unes. Is elein. bright, witty Hr.l pr liable. Ti.e scenes ind characters are drawn from mmlern every-day Amerlian life, and the princi pal (lersonagc. "HtKehlnson Hopper," a" IHtrtrav. I by Ilennessy Isroyie. Is a cr.- ntl n that wl 1 Itvr on the stage for years to come The story of the .-omedy Is I novel and full of natural humor. Hutch ins n Hopper, the role which Mr Keroyle ! astitne Is a millionaire stock hrok“r. happy In the cor.h mplallon of his own ! tdroitne-s. .nd believes himself able to pot only with Ills colleague but with any combination of circumstance*. ( jO|.DI A Rl hK'g ELBIHOX. Ilffirrn far the best Ms Woitlhs Selected l.asl Night. The semi-annual election of Holden Ru.e Kodge of Odd Fellows was heel last night and the following officers elected. Noble Grand—R Clancy. Vice tjrand—C. tl Klvers. Recording and Financial Becretary-J. 8. Tyson. Treasurer—A. 8. Niehol* Tru-n< —B. W. Cubhedge Pr.uwrty Trusb-e-J. 8 General Relief Committee—lt. K. Brag don ind J H. Bllva. „ The Past Grand Is Rev. Dr. M. C. Schaeffer. —"And was my present a surprise to vour slater. Johnny7' "You bet! She said she never euspcct ed you'd give her anything so cheap '— Tlt-Blts. HE MORNING NEWS: THVHSDAY, DECEMBER 13.1900. G. & A. STOCKHOLDERS MET. DIHKITOR* KIsRCTFeD %T THE A). Wl AL MI'J TBIU. Wittrri of ■ lionllnr I hnrnrlrr CVn -• tdfrrd—Kllffllnn of the llonril of Director* llr*ulfrl in Ihr • holer of thr Oltl Honrd. With Hr. W. C. I’owfll to Fill thr l*laor of thr letr Mr. r. D. R*liter In— Mrr line of thr Honril of lllrrrtor* *nturdn) to Elrrt OfHrrr*— Prrarn t Ofllrrr* Will Hr Hr-rlrrtrd. Thr annual (nrrMng of thr Gror*U an*l AlaNima H.illro.l waa hr 14 yr*trrrty tnorntnc at tlie oftlrr of Mrort Ma k.ll 4c Ar. 4 rjH>n, gencml counarl. The n**?** trn*actr4 by the stoekhoMer *a •uch as tx> require but a abort time, on > matter* of a routine character bring ion aUlrred. The election of officer* by the board of director* war* not entered into, but * meeting of the board will be he*o on Saturday, when th* officers will be choecn. The following officer* will ther. be elected: rre*idena—Mr John Skelton William-* First Vie* President—Mr Ceclt Gabbett. Second Vice Preeldent—Mr. J. W. Mid dertd>rf Secretary—Mr W W. Mackall But one change in ihe bond of director* *a* made by the *to< khoklerp. A va cancy existed owing to th* death of the Im< •' i ’ Bi tfwte in It • we fi • i l the election of Mr. W. C. Powell. The • Ac tion of trie loard of directors requited a* follow*: .Mr John Bkeiton William*. Richmond. Mr J \N Mlddendorf, Balti more; Mr. C Sidney Bhe<Maid, New York; Mr W F Cochran. Yonk- r\ N. Y Mr. Ernst Thalman. N* w Y*rk. Mr. Henry Parr, Baltimore; Mr J. D. Hleteon. Ma con. Mr. J. \V. Amerlcu>. Mr. Fred B Flake, Montgomery, Mr J. B Holwt. Coitimbu*. Mr. John Flannery. Mr. W. \V Mackall. Mr. W. W Williamson. Mr Cecil Gabbett an*i Mr. W. C. rowed. Savannah. The following clrcul ir ha* leen ie-*uc<) by the SmlK).iril Arr Unt*> traffl ' depart ment*: "Effitive Dec. l. Mr. M. O'Con nor is appointed acting B*>uthwe*tern freight nn*J p.iMsenger agent of the Be*. boar.l Air Une Kalin iv office. No. 2M Sr Charles Mreet. New Orlean*. U vice Mr R. U Tate, promot*-*!." Mr Tate 1* now assistant g*eu-ral paeaengcr agent a? Atlanta. A party of twenty-five turpentine hand* wo* shipped over the aboard Air ldn yesterday to Amialusia. Mr I*. Ilarrßon claim agent of the Seaboard Air Line at Lake thty. Fla. wa* a visitor to the city yesterday. Mr. George ft Allen, district passen ger agent of the Southern, with headquar ter* at Charleston, sjent yesterday in Savannah. • ItITH hid) (.11 M IK> ( IKK. The It r* it 111 n u Itim IMriiptet Ihe Order* of *ltrr and Brother*. Judge Faineant and a Jury tried an amusing: i-osc, or a case, rather, that de veloped amusing Inc dents uml testimony. In the Superior Court yesterday afternoon It was the case of the state against Gra cle Middleton, charge) with assault with lnt m to murder. The Jury hud l>*en so thoroughly amused that It brought in h verdict of not millty. It appearetl that in August, a year ago. there was a social gathering of the t’nlt ed Order of Sisters and Brothers As on* of the witnesses said there were “in frcuhments" served on this occasion and the gathering, therefore, whs unusually large. Because the "infreshments" In cluded wine. It waa unusually enthusias tic. Oracle Ml* hi let on was there and so w.* a woman by the name of Rosa Williams, and so were a large number of the other brothers and sister*. It appeared that Grade a n| Ko* had become Involved in i personal difficulty, originating in some reflections made by Rosa upon Grade's cake, nn*t that In the resulting row Bns.i had received n gosh in the arm. She said that Grade had Inflicted the gash with n knife, which she had concealed in her handkerchief. Om of the most inpofUnt wHhhmmm a * Him i! Nf *r *.• n p• -:d i >f t society, who appeared for toe state. Han nah is of >• large and imposing nptwar nnce. and 1* gift*-<l with * How of worda (tMt rivals the best efforts of the sad ***a wuveg. When Nhe hid once *tartcl to tell ovnething. she told It. n*l the Joint attempts of the solicitor general and Mr W. P Ealtoche. who representr-*i the de fendant. were unavailing to stop her. Bhe spoke without pause or cessation, without Mopping for breath or new ideas, and she ndei every harangue with n triumphant shake of her head. "How del this thing happen." queried Mr L i Roche. Row she com* up to me and sh* say 'You can call It cake if you wanter. but It's nutten but fwcettn bread.' and I say to Oracle, "Iron't you mind. Grade. I'm fiin some of y<>* mke and It's very good.' and then Grade say to me 'Sweeten bread or no sweeten bread. If any of detn bresh up agen me to-night dey tho will be hell to pay. and " "Well, hold on." said Mr Eaßoche. "Well hoi* on," said the witness, with out stopping for an Instant. "Oracle pick up her phte and sta't for do do’ and she and Rosa meet at de do’, nnd Grade in quire of Rosa what hhe lookin' for and Rosa respon’ what she lookin' for. and Grade say she look for all she can git. and wld dat she reach out nnd grab Ro*a by d** dress and sh- draw back her har.* and den d* erowd surge In." "Are you quite through*" asked coun sel. "Well. I'm tru (ell you ask me anudder question." said Hannah. "Who threw those plates?" "lere wasn't no plate th rowed. Jes one tumbler which I present le sasslefy wl I two dozen and dere's twecity-t r ee der* to day and de*-c women who been up here to day don know a *lng about de trouble dy wasn't dere when It happened and dey come here to evidence for Oracle." The witness continued in something like the same strain until she was permitted to leave the stand. After she had been wound ut* and run down two or three times, the solicitor general and counsel for the defendant were both afraid to *k her any more questions, and she was suf fered to depart After being ou* for some time, the Jury returned with a verdict of not guilty, and Oracle was permitted to depart In icar*\ She w is received with o(**n arms ami loud acclaims b> her faction of the now THsuntUd Order of Sisters and Brothers THR) GOT >\ THE WIGHT AIDE. < * nntrymen ttho Take s "Fl>" In ('Alton anil I nme Oat Fltiah. The recent slump In the cotton futures market showed that while "fools often rush In where angels fear to trend." these same fools often get into profitable peculatlve d-ls whl* h win** men dare not touch. The analogy of this Is the success which a number of countrymen had In getting on th* r*cr*. cot ton. while the sentiment in town unani mously favored a bullish bureau report and a consequent Jump in prices In place of the precipitous decline that followed. If there Is any one thing to which the average Georgia cracker gives more at tention thon crops, it 1* probably the course of cottot future*. Th*- fact that much of th*lr land* I* given to the grow ing of cotton ma k* s It for them to watch with Interest the conditions con trolling the market through which the value of their product pulsates With the attention they give to cotton crop new* and prices, therefore. It Is not surprising that a little clutter of the wiser heads wander tt town about the ttm* for an Important announcement, ami "take a fly" on the side they favor. Knowing that last Monday was the day for the bureau report, several of the countrymen dropped down to Savannah to waKh things, ami Incidentally to give a little mbstantia; support to their Judg ment There were only a few of the visitors. and they acre In town on other huwlnea*, **lll they happened to strike It on bureau day. Being of the belief that this sea son s cotton crop will turn ten millions. •he visitors, of course. t*avk the *hwi aid* and as a result came out winner* any where from a dollar to two dol.ats a bale The position these men often take which 1* *Amctini*s contrary to the gen eral sentiment of the community with which they trade, shows that they are pretty good suesßer*. or that they ignore the great mass of opinion* went them daily and t k a conservative look at ac tual condition*, reasoning future result* out according to their own way of think ing Thr man In the field often make* a* wood a show at guessing as the one in th* 1 office, though It Is as true a* It ever was that the be** way to win I* not to speculate at all. Cotton factors frequent ly receive requests for the names of re liable brokers anti In most caves, un’eas •he speculation I* for legitimate ptiipose*. they advise their friends not to dabble. TIIE o|.| FIHWT VtUOIMRWT. (apt. Davenport <on I*l Hare Al*o Itren l.lealrnani Colonel. Col Clifford W. Anderson ha* written a letter to Mr Thomas Gamble, which throw* considerable light ui>on the rela tions existing between the military com mands of Savannah |n day* gone by. the main point brought out by Col. Ander son being that It was |ossible for the late ('apt A C Davenport to b\* been • lieutenant colonel of the First Regiment a* the same time that he was i l.euten ant of the Savannah Volunteer Guards In the letter of MaJ. \V. S Basinger of Athens, to Mr F M Russell of Scvun teth. published In lat Bund iy's Morning News. MaJ Basinger agreed in the main with Mr Gamble in his article upon the -talus of the military parade ground, *•* shown by the record* of Council, but orrected what he believed to be an error in the statement that "Eleut Col. Daven port" had appeared before Cour-'ll in be half of the mllkary. Eleut. Davenport having been at tnat time an officer *f the Guard*, and having never attained th'- ti tle of lieutenant colonel. Nearly twenty-five years ago." Col. Anderson states. "I was unanimously • lee ted colonel of the First Volunteer Regiment of Georgia, and a few month* r hereafter, spent the summer at Ta*e •Springs. East Tennessee, in company with (‘apt George A tKllea, city nmrs'ial of Bitvattnah. Capt Stile** was * member of one of our oldest families In Savan rnh. and at the time, the senior ptam of the Savannih Volunteer Guards' Bat talion. one of the most strikingly hand -ome officers of the volunteer force*, not only of Savannah, but of Georgia, and above all. a man of the very highest and most exalt'd ohuraster. Wa were to wel her at the springs morning, noon nl night, and one day in one of our rumble* over the mountain*, he casually mentlo. *d the fact, that *t one time, he had been lieutenant colonel of the First Volunteer Regiment of Georgia. I told him it wis new* to me and that I had never heard tt A few month* after our return to Ha van *uh. Colonel, or as he was more popu arly known. Capt. BM|e*. died, and was buried by the Savannah Volunteer Guards' Battalion The day of the funeral I summoned the board of officers *f th** First Volunteer Regiment of Geor gia to appear In full uniform, and we marched to ('apt. Htiles’ residence, to pay the Inst tribute of respect and affertion to his memory. "When I subsequently fold the officer* of my teglm*-nt of Col. Btll**s‘ former con ns* tion with them It was new* to most. If not all. of them. The Flrt Vo'untear Regiment of Georgia prior to the war let ween the states, wan a regiment only In name, such was the deep rivalry’ be •ween the companies comprising It par ticularly (he Guards and Hitler The regi ment paraded once a year and Its colonel (Gen I A R I#awtai. when elected colo nel. wm a lieutenant In the Republican Blue*. Cap!. A. (\ Davenport wa a man much older than Col G. A Htlles ai.d 1* It net probable, considering the deep rival ry between the Guarda and Bluet*, that a* an officer of the Bluer* was elected colonel of the reciment that an officer of th# Guards (as Capt. Davenport was then. I believe, a lieutenant in the Guards) waa elected lieutenant colonel, ('apt. Daven port as I said, was an older man than Col Stile* and a contemporary of Gen. lawion. "If memory serves me right when Col. O. A Blies was lieutenant colonel* of the Pint Volunteer Regiment of Georgia he was and continue*! to remain orderly ser geant of the Hivannah Volunteer Guard*. Possibly Cipi Archie C. Davenport waa lieutenant colonel of the regiment and a lieutenant of the Bavannnh Volunteer Guard* at the some time." Col. Anderson show* that this was pos sible by his own experience 11*- says: "When I was tendered the adjutancy of the First Volunteer Regiment of Georgia by Col. Charles M. OJmstead In 1872 I de clined it uni***# I could hold my position as second lieutenant of the Republican Blues, and when the majorby of the First Volunteer Regiment was rendered vacant by th** resignation of that fine sol dier. MaJ Gazawray B. Eitnar I wa* elected to the podtlon. holding at the ttm* the dual position of second lleutefi ant of the Republican Blues and adju tant (fine lieu tenant) of the First Voltm 'eer Regiment of Georgia and holding two -ommi**lon from th* state "I hope this may make some of our old cltlzens-for nearly all of them at one time belonged to one of our volunteer companies—brush the cob-webs off their w some I - question In dispute." Col. Anderson says It 1* possible that Capt. Davenport may have held the po sition of lieutenant colonel only a few months He telteves his theory Is correct for the reason that the rivalry between the Guards and the Blues was so great that with a lieutenant of the Blue* ma t?> colonel of the regiment the Guard* would not have been satisfied unless the negt highest office had been awarded to one of their officers. GOT OFF WITH SIX MONTH*. Frank Sander* Arlrsos ledged Me Was Gallty of l*arrenr- Frank Bander* entered a plea of guilty to an Indictment charging him with lar ceny from the house. In the 8 u perl or Court yesterday and was sentenced by Judge Falllgant to spend six months oftf the chalngang of the county. Banders eto> an assortment of toharro and grocerlew from th* store of the Tlefjen Gro ¥ry Company, but wne raptured and tils booty recovered before he had leen able to * fleet an escape. Hl* readiness o plead the Indictment doubtless saved him from a more severe punishment. FOR TIIE 4 HOI It AND 4 111 R 4 H. Rwfertalnmeol to He dives Tn-wor rnti nl Ihe First Hnpfl*l 4 hnreb Friday night the choir, and the Young laidy's HockMy of the Firs' Baptist Church will give an entertainment In tho Bundsy * hool room of th* church There will be a programme of must* by tb* choir And sales of fancy work, imoks and other #rtl ie* that have bcn given tho#** Interested in the affair. The object of the ••ntertalnmeni Is to get money to buy mu sic for th* choir, and for other church pur poo#* CLASSIhEJ AiiVtmiSfcMcKTi. rriKov n. "YBt o)R(a’ M ? UKTTFH HET (ho -tin* from Frgoac My *oi | hor. th-ro 12 year* **> hill ft !• a* *i*t a* no now. nnl *h<> ar*f hor hu-fatfi-t ha\r b-rn Itioky cvrr .Ini'" Tf' num ber of ni\ fingrr l I 1 *, Hair Jowelry j xi .1 ffhavlni; Buppi. Hon>r 2X F.i.l Brouiiloi Thr rlx.-o .or hnir. plail- ' mim oUt ioht oin *tlvrr ,!.<) *M **>iox * r - j tnkrti a. -irh. mail orilrr. for birthday, i wMMInc .itttl Chrlatma |rr< .rut* fironiioly : mini ADVKI: ITSFMKVTS SKT IN CAV -ITAU>< WII.I. UK FRIMKD IN' ''I.AE RIFIED ADVKRTIBKM IN r COU'UN FOR TWO CKNM A WORD Nt> AD VKRTIBKMKNT TAKEN KOIt IJ.SS THAN X' KIT CHI' Nr) A CO CORNER WRlT akrr an<l Uharty *trrrfr hra.Viiiartrr. for Chin#*— nnrl Japan*** flinrv rr*lr l a* .to, at low prl*'r Orlriual an.l Turktrh luiiammla below roof pit r. i owe atirf U*. Tf'C WIKI. KIKE THE MII.K FROM RpimcflrM Dairy. It'a rich nn.l pur*. ir> IK M< IKIDAI St tiff, CARPI T BPI )R llrrrs. lae* rurialrr* an.l m lhou*-n.t nn I rarr Hr'lel— to Ilarl-lr!) Ihr KO'Wt wile ■ heart C IV Millar, axrnl. HYACINTH AND NARCIHRI'H RCKRB paint- rubber (latrtr out flrrarra amt floral rl*wt|tnw from Del* h la* Xiir.erv, epm*lfr Calho'le Crmrfery .1 4t'ln*r. agent. 12 GrouintMi atr**l. *aal. BKErIANT HEDROOM miNITIRI etlnlna room f irnlturi < bin., , toart*. !.- vrr . n*e*, w.ttrtroar*l- huffe’i*, inlrror-rtoree arrtroher. rfo.; mrr irnlit. nee mock muat be xeefi ft. hr apjue* lalr.| C I* Mlllr-r. agrni. CHOICE UNE OF Wtt.HOW AND rohhlrr wraf rn ker* for fh- hnll Igyi, At Terple * 31? Rroughlon, we if, I \.\t NoIV IzOCATED AT 4H WEST Drouyhfon. ring up 11** If you am to have ymu hin.l urr nr..vrl . r pac*tff (Of • hlpmeni or rl ragr I g arante.- pn ra th* same ai 1 elo the w >rk fhaf'a xlvrn to me A S. Orlffi.. 14 Dronghtoli •(real. w**l. milr***e* In orrtcr M OIKI.IB KA*'E CURTAINS W IKK braultfy your parlor. KENBINQTON FARM MIKK 19 CN eurpaaar.l for rtchurae; delivery la par fret; phone J 345. IF ITB Hl'(t9 YOf WANT YOtT CAN get them rhea par from McOtltt* OIKT CHAIRS. TARIJIB. COHCHBA ■*oty i-orner*. r**rrpTlon -halr*. leather chair*; an tinmenw* oi rr wonablr price*. C P Miller, agrrn. WHEN YOf SEE M GIKKIR' BlXTT inch 99-rent ruga, you will huv them. Juel can'l he*p tl; will well In '*J fluan tl' jr. "FPRNITI'RF MOVED WITH CARE." I* a *prrlalfv Hh MctJlllle. TEEPEE 18 8 ROW INO A NICE I.IVE of carpeia matting ruga, abode*, lino leum; cheafrea* In town IMMENSE UNE OF RATTAN IIOi'K -m fronr 31 4* up to sl3. C. P. Miller, agent. KI Mlf All .8 ANTI “rIIBTMATIC ring every rheumatic ought (o wear. J Gardti'-r. agent. 12 itroughton atreei, eaal M OILKIB 18 CHEAP ON RI GS. NETS lace curtain*, hamnnwka. water cooler* pillow*, pteturea. atovee, hr-lr<Nim aulla, and furniture of every description. MIKKER'9 HOI.ItAY 'iIETS FOR brother* anrt other fellow** hrothery. you will have to call and examine our immense line tn order to ihoroughly ap preciate the auht*ct. C. P. Miller, agent. FOR A PRETTT REDROOM SPIT {■arlor and dining-room furniture, you ahou Id go lo Teeple'a. KENBINOTON FARM IS~ON AN el*\etlon In th* country. fre from city drainage Impoaalhle fer ml k to heeonw contaminated, hy Impure odor*; If you want pure Jersey milk, phone 345 De livery prompt; *att*fartl>n guaranteed. M'OIKEIR MOVES PACKS. SHIPS end store* plane# end furniture; teet work only; no "Cheap-Jobn" prlces-no “I henp John" Job* CANARY ItIRDP OOKD FISH. WA*- ter groee bone flour at 12 liroughton atrret. eal MM/KER 8 HOU DAY OIFTS FOR aiatera and other fellow*' Klatera; toilet tablr*. hntlea' desk* rhlffroter*. picture* o? all kind*, come and *ee ua, we will help you out C P Miller, agent. M'OIIJ.Ift SEKIJ4 SIXTY-INCH RL'B —Smyrna pattern*—for *9 cent*. TEEPEE CAN SAVE TOT' MONSST ON etove*. ateel range*, oil heater* and hot atuff heater* *l7 liroughton, *. at Ml I.KEII'S IIOIJPAT OIFTS FOR children. doll* and toy* of every deacrlp tloti; chair*, hahy carriage*, go-cart*, velocipede*, tricycle*, exprran wagon*, pa trol w igona. C. P Miller, agent. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP- WIKI. RE PRINTED IN CKA9 BIFIBD ADVERTISEMENT COKPMN 1 FOIt TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERT ISEM ENT TAKIXN FOR KESS THAN *#r OI.D NEWSPAPERS, 20' for X cent*, at Ruatneaa Office Morning New*. PHOTOOR 41*11 Y. FINh2ST PHOTOS. MOST REASON abIe price*; one with each dosed cabi net* mounted on a lovely Xma and New Yeara card, I am making <> t*o,| ~m ' on crayon, luatel and watercolor tn hand aorne (name* at very low price* for the holiday-; a fine pre*er.t; -ee m% elagdnt line of frame*, etc. Wllaon'a Studio, tl Bull treel. MEDICAL. Pennyroyal Pill* are the lag. Safe, re liable. Take no oilier Send 4c atimpe for particular*, 'Relief for letter by return mall Aak your drugglat. Chleh**ter Chemical Cos.. Pin . pa. .IOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF TpUR 1 feet at* troubling you. call on me and I | will give you red f. I cure Ingrowing nail*, corn* and all dl.ea-e* of the feet without pain, charge* rejanashie; can give th* heat reference* In the city; pa tient* treated at reetdeticea. order, tag j I* left at Klvlngeton'a drug atore, Hull and t ongreaa street*. Ie ephon* 2tt. Kem ft*via .urceon chlmrakllat. IIKI.P WtTCO-MAKE. WANTED AT ONCE AN BXl’Klll enced dry gl* ealeeman; none other nerd a|>pt> (iuetuve E. kateln Or Cos. ' w anted. MANAGER FOR INBTAEle ment furniture houae; mw*l tie thoroigh y exfierleneed In every detail of the tu*!- neae; mu-t come welt Indorsed aa to character and etdllty. bond al*o retyutred; •alary HIM) annually. A E. C., care Morning News WOODSMAN WANTED WHO CAM furnlah good and plenty of lur pentlne h.u I Apply at otire. It. J lllahop. Eldrldge. Fia. WANTED. A WHITE MAN (MAll rled preferre.ti, to car< for a place on the aalt*. Savannah; muat und'ratand gardening and care of cow* and hor***; pay *.>• lr month and a good home to live In Addrea*. with references, Jasper, care Morning New-. Savannah, Oa. I WANTED WKUK PCBUBIIIN't ! company .lealre* re|reentatlves In each i town In tills atai' . contract with ua I mean* tlodara to you. Inveatlgate rrtir pi., i j and aattafy yourrelf Manager. P. O. Hox m, Macon, <>* SAKESMEN W ANTED TO BEKK OUR grwMla by sample to wholesale and rets.l rade we are the largest end only man ufacturer* in our line in th* world; liberal salary paid Address. Can-Dex Mfg Cos., office. M Board of Trad* Building, Savan nah. Oa. Itrtd’ 44 ANTtCIt—FUM4I.E. W T* > l>" lM>u . * for family. German preferred. Apply 1' '* Ogeecbee road. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAIz* WIKI. ItE PRINTED IN CI*A9 81E1ED ADVERTISEMENT COKPMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR UISS ! THAN 20C, | EMPMIYMI 4 T 44 44 A GOOD AND M.le IHtiCNIi MAN want* a toapnai . w alter o < utl* r or jtnltor. c I referrn. • if want'd, col ored No 4'Ll W t street T'..URE|. MAKE < >"K with c.\ pertehce. Holitf eltuitt.a t.. ..k 'tr help Apply 3* Dravton atrec WANTED POffITION , rapher, regular or extra work, tlaty no ohj'e t. Addle k ''Dryer.'' Morning N'w 44 49TKO— 4IIW( f.1.1. 4 4FStll 4. pkack turn in 1 f trlli dirt, •and, manure, etc fie- o! charge, Ju,t at city limit*, hauling over hard road, write or telephone llrown tiro* , corner Amieiaon and Eaal Rroa.l atreet*. IF YOf WANT noon Mtt.K. OET IT (root Sprtngflvkl Dairy. It a rich, pura and wholesome ADVERTISEMENTS PIT IN CAT ITAI.S WIKI. RE PRINTED IN CI.AS PI PI El' advertisement cokumn KrtM TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISKMENT TAKEN FOR KESrI THAN SOI" putt 111 4T-IIIMIM4. ROOMS \t twenty West Hull street near !>• Soto p.-t --o(Tice. High S hoot Hid Theatei FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED OR UR furnished ranaa t" ou eheeptng; at* well furnlahe.| r -.nt* for one or two getsiemen; mo-tern e-nvenleucea .41 llaheraliam. ttmr Rroiigltttyn. NR'KKY EIRNIHIIED ROOMS, emit hern npeur- . all . onvenlencct Barnard street, near Klherty. putt it km —ittii am. kUR RENT. COM*- UttTAKKE IIUI’SK No 217 W alilburg atreet. east, between Ahercorn and lancoln. Itrat cJaae order and condition, every convenlenre Right rent to right tenant Eial* Salomon Cohen. 4Ve*t lttoad acl Broughton atreet* FOR RENT ri DEFKY STREET *al. anew houae. gt . electtle light, por'elnln tub and all convenlen ee Ap ply 310 Itryan atreet, wee! EOH RENT. HE V KRAI. fiESIRAIII.E residence*. Ihoroughly renovated Apply A Wylly. agent. 13 Rryan street. *a* FOR RI..4T— *4txtl.l.>|.tll ~ KAItGK W AHI-Hul HE AND oKEICK Foil RENT t'JtIINKII Itßl lEtillTt IN AND WEST It ROAD STREETS, FOR. murky occepikd hy the savan NAII CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H. P SMART for rent, on the ooekchee road between three and four-mlle poets (trolley car* nearly lo two mile pout), I.• tv*ft tn l-Se from one acre lo on* hundred; same ran be bought In large or email l<S* on easy term*. C H lH>rs-ti. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN OAP ITAIvS WIKI. RE PRINTED IN CI.AS SHIED ADVERTISEMENT COKUMN for TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR KESS THAN 20C. Foil 4 41.1;—HE 41. F.4T4TK. advertisements set in cap IlAlgt WIKI. HE PRINTED IN CEAB SH IED ADVERTISEMENT COKUMN Eolt TW'O CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR USAS THAN SOC. Foil SAKE I M ■-I l.< -TS "N N!N I II atreet. near Eaat Itriatd; have only been aold to flral-cbtaa turtle*, who will make g'ael nelghl-ora, arul none other* ran buy Th* term* are very easy, and lhay are cheaper than any other* In the vicinity. C. H. I kiraett. FOR SAKE, A IX)T FOR TWO HUN dred d-vllar*. eaey termt, on Ninth atreet. rear East llroad, no city taxation. C. It. Dureelt FOR SAKE I>OTB ON NINTH STREET mar Eaal Rroed, no city t.axea, at 2200 each; twrnty-Av* dollar* ca*h. and easy monthly i-aymenla. C. H. I*>r*ell. FOR SAKE. KOTO ON NINTH. NEAR F.aat Broad, at t2"> each, will **n t-e advanced to 1228. whan a lot has l-een paid for I con arrange to get a home built. C. H I -oraett RESIDENCE AND BI'IKDINg' IZdTS for eale all over Uta city Rote rt II Telem, real estate dealer. No. 7 York street, west, TIMBER. TIES ANI) WOOD-FOR aale. 4..100 acre*, on Seaboard Air Kip* Railroad, about seventy-five mile* from Savannah, nnd will cut about aa follow*: jf.niK. feet mill timber, *5,000 croratlea, 25.000 cords wood. ft rote-ton, Een-ltg A Cos., Brunswick. Ga. ADVERTISEMENTS' SET IN oaF ITAIJt WIKI. BE PRINTED IN CI.AS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COMJMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR I .ESS THAN 20C, ft Olt 4 4KK— 4l4t>ll.|, A .4MOt.ft. A FREE BAM PUD OF BENZOIN Balm for chap* and rough akin, given lo any lady -ailing at per*** - * drug store*. Henry anl Aivercorn. Taylor and Whita ker. IF YOU'VE GOT TWO Kt'NGS KEPT. Sov Rem. will cure your cough. a doltir bottle guarante'd to -tire or money re funded Peraae'a drug atore*. TURPENTINE KAKM.IN ACTIVE operation, for aale. Immediate delivery, plenty of hands and low freight. Knr par ti ultra. Apply to Cheanutt A O'Neill, Sa vannah. Oa. FOR SAKE. ONE GOOD DRAFT horse A|>piy at >24 Henry street, earn. Guaranteed to t-e gentle. TYPEWRITERS; IS < AKIGRAPHH. 215 *a- ft; 19 Yoals. 225 .och; 1" No. 6 Bar lavcks. 233 each. 2" William*. 235 each; all ■lightly shop worn; trust price 2100 cash ea ti. shipped tor trial free. Now. can you afford to he la*bln-1 th* limes hy con tinuing to tiae Ihe pen 7 K. 8. Webater Cos , 215 Broadway, New York. COWS WITH YOf NO CAKVEB. FOR aale Call t?l West Boundary street, ee* them. Ft RE PROOF SAFER -WE CARRY A An* line of Are proof eafe* In etock at all tlmee The pertlea can *** exactly what they are getting Our price# ere as low *• manufacturer* oell It. wtih freight a-kt ed I-nr tie* Inter** cd. who wish a g<J Are proof aafe. will do well to Inspect our etock upi-man Bros,. Klppman block, agenta for manufacturers. ADVERTfSEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAIA4 WIKK BE PRINTED IN CI.AS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COKUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR KKS9 THAN 29C B4t Afttllise. BOA RDEHS WANTED. A COUPI.B or two young men -an secure ro m and hoard with private family with all mod ern Improvements, hy applying at lIS Taylor, eaat. NORWOOD'S BOOK. "MM MSI tWD.” For tal# at all Nr Stand* In Savanoah. LOUT A*l> FODO. 1.418 T ONi: UDY'H flLfFrai ON Huli and Osuton ftrr#ta. ('all 1(0 Whlta kr trv#t. 11l (IU i ( • IKCKB. MK.VTK HKT ITAIaH WUfla KK I'ItINTKI) IN Cla*\.'A* 81 * I Kl> AD\ KKTIB KM KN T COLUMN Foil TIV4 CKNTB A WOlir> NO AD- VfRTIffi'MKNT TAKEN F(>R IM* TWA N C. %n4 ki.i.a Yi.m a. HOT AIK ANI* P*T VV \ P;rt IIKAt ■ 118. A !*8( GIIATKfI ANI I’AltTfl I*l TIN ANI KKI AIIIFP I* It l\ IKK* NAN. 10 STATE BTRBJCT. \VKHT WK CAN REPAin ANY BTOVB nwi'ii . ll work i)on ly •*{>• r|f*n> f-4 H.> kr>4f*r an i r iarantM. will fak* 1 * j-oiir iUt - ivt in • \ ait *■ # iww an**. A. l'ri> # Cos. Bta #nd Jrfffrzon Ktrcots, phonic drft. UK ARK lIKAIKJTARTBHB rOfl •uwt! ptpp. ir brti k (tr* day o.l< an) v# r 111 at m - fi%# u* a •#!! A flam* Paint Company I'ONTTIinT'IU.i; TOI'RSKIJ’ ABOUT nunu.K your furuitur#. r*n*Mnc your car ptu or niMtnc ivrry A B#ntoa will r#- U#v# vtf>u of nil lhai troublr OUH GFHMAN HV9ADY MIXED iviitit 1* fl 1 inlif a fUiraMw; haw# vmir holl o painted wit at A>i**m I'alrtt Com pany hing rr * > gi;*>ugia or bbll for aua w inipt', rhltniiryt, #tc.j u * will lo lln* rrnt . nunt 10 lA. 25 and It t'ciil*. A C. At (*o., Huir an I Jefferaoii atrrfi^ MORE THAN ONE HUNDHEDCENT* m tv try dollar *f your h#rd-4#rn#d hard <*# *h nt ihr B*Miih#rn Grocery C* inp#ny, 111 liarnnid #:r et PERRY A KENTON BTATB *tr##i. n+*l will m*< \* pa*k. r<hlp *>r afor# your furniture at short notlrs. *lo ran* oval** your •) inaitnaum a* Mil# coal. Hr 11 'phone* 1124 WANTED. ONE TVIOURAND UUN. ary p#oplr •( th# Rr>uth#m Grocery Com pany. 114 FUrnnrd rtrrrl. A KUl*l* I*l NE OF CJRATKfI JT7TP rr rlvrd. w l pell any of th* * p at# Adame Iklnt Company, 101 C4k- Itrraie atreet. w#tt. DON'T FATU TO BEE OUH UNI OF taathtulv- they r‘ Up in date; ea lm'itea rh. rftilly liirnlahad on any kind of plum Mi k work A C I* he A (\>., Bt.ta and Jeff>-rsr#i #treep; 'phrtnex 55*. REDUCE VoITH V.TYING rXPKNHKA hy lnv#Ptlmc vour haril-rarncd hard cash with tha .Saitharn Grocary Covtapany, 114 Barnard ptreat EMFNTB BET TN PAP ITATofI \VIU. HR PRINTED IN CI*AB IFI ED ADVEHTIBEMKNT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTR A WORD NO AT*- VKRTIHEIIENT TAKEN FOR I*EB THAN Sor IF TOP WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your llthopr iph>d and printed rutionery anti Marik D- ok* In m Mornlny New#, flavinnah. Oa 1 1 | GaODpOSITIONS t . Secured C-d vCh ~ */u*H £tf llf' Young Men] Women | COLLEGES. wtsMso- nt/tritouAxlla' ) i.a.oat. aiiniM. nstlc?Ptu iikTitouh TsiTcnZS: ITOItH. OBORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— Nolle* I* hereby given to *ll person* hav ing demand* ngninar Kara H Kent, late of S'l-I county, deceased, to preeent them lu me. properly mad* out. wuhln the time prescribed by law, no as to show their character and amount; anil all peraran* In debted lo said deceased are required te make immediate payment to ine. Savannah. <l#.. Nov. I*. 120 b. EDWIN W. cruiIEDGE. Kxeoutor. NOTICE Tt* DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA rHATHAM <Y>UNTY Noth * I* hereby given lo ell (a rot>* hay ing denial.-ts against Georg* W. Unrlah. lata of eat-1 county. d*ceae*t. to present them to m*. properly made out, wlthtn the time preacrlls-l by law. so an to show their chafa t*r -uel amount. anti all perwww ttv debt ol to ..kt deceased an- retpilrwd to make lmm-<t*.tt payment to m* MRS. A KICK ti WAIJEER. A-tmlnltralrlx with the Will anneged. Care of TWIG'iS * OKIVER. Attorney* at latw, 15 Urovt-Jamt Building Havannah. Oa. Savannah. Oa.. fke. 4. 1999, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— Nolle* Is hereby given lo all pereona hav ing demand* agalnal Moee* S Gucken helmer. late of laid county, deeeaeil. to present them to in*, properly made out. within tb* time prescribed hy law. an a* lo *hw their character and amount; and all persona Ind'hltst to said d< ceased are required to make Immediate payment to me. I.KOPOKD ADI,Eft, Administrator Savannah. Oa.. Dec. 2, IW. STATS or GEORGIA CHATHAM County—Kaoartut Rulamovtch ha* applied for exemption of peraon.tlty and acttlng apart and valuation of homeetea-1, and t will pa** upon the same on Friday, Jan. 4. 1991. at to o'clock a. m. at my office In the Court Houae. HAMPTON K. FKRRJKf* Ordinary C. C., Ua. e " DUCRO'S , rpn Alimentary Elixir I . (lily fftrmasfi'twl u i f#r Inna 4i#an * pn-nniij*' for i Atrmtm. WL Wnmm~rm A €’#.. mrnrn Y#rk J |~e _ -i n^i.. ■ i aii^hi^^ W. ROSS (iKAVENBR, Manufacturer’s Agent, 14.411.44 AY AXD MILK St I*PI.IE§, Provident Bulldln*. Savannah. Ua. We Save You Money —ON— Fire Work*. To>* and dot!*; ** u* quick. J'lion* 478. DONNEKKY DRUO CO.. Kllverty and ITtcs *tret. jT^TweedVco AAV ABRAM. UA Leather Belting. Steam Packing 4 Host Agent* (nr NKW kO&K MUBJiMM MkKTKMU AMD PACKING COMP AN Z. 3