The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 14, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 SAVANNAHIANS "OVER HOME/’ V Dili: \\ IRMLY R TA Bit ED I* THE c ity in r *i:%. Dr llrnnnrr't lildrri* One of thr Moat Imporimit llrfore hi* Mwil*l l*l foavraliAN-Hc %%'•• Ofirm Ip* Me*i Old KriraiU-M>nr Mjrr* Inter- TltwH on Hl* mitude to the \(ml Mnilon —r*rf > llmirn* Thl* Mornlnn Ch*rle.trn F C Icr 1: -fltvanMh'fl mtinlcipd) f4irt> artl\e<t here • : 7 ©Vinek thli- tn ami .Jlter brraKfM* atwvir.l the r prlv u** r proo to the Cot• vcntiofi Hall, mhrre the I*ric ie of Mu* ih palttirs was In •* , #*lofi. Alter .<ii n tl u**ton upon the tubj'et of nuit' In |Mtk* at public ex panse. Health Off! rr Brunner < alleff Ufcn for l.i. p*i*r upon “The Prevent I***© of the Entry of EpHeroi© DUeaeee Into Tbb inttv “ I*r. Brunner * papei • itr*v c arfcuinent In favor of the na tional a* tisalnet local and etate control o* nuaramlne vr<l ©a receive*! with en thuMa- Ic applause by the contention At t oon the Havannahlana jolne I the rert of the mortlrlpnl *lelejratea In th** excursion d< n the harbor an<l to tb* Tel© of Palm* The .lav vnl chilly, buc the lame ron<! rw. bor<l wa In the beat of humor The Savarnahtanr were well looked after r*> Ma>or Fmyuie. Col C F Iladedetk and .ther member* of the Coni'*!! Alderman Tl'nleman anl Direrto’- Oade den were warmh re*--iverl b% frheidi* here. M?vor Mver?" re. ent letter on the re moval of the r.ava! ’*!•*?> wroueed on elierabie Intercet here, and he w Inter viewed by new-paper men and c4tuen •like ©n rhi* rubject The Mayor wood by hi* gun# and told hi* interlocutor* that it w* hi* bu*ln** to k>ok out for Favanoah Dr Brunner anl Dr Harry Horlb# k t'harleeton a health er. hava been holding a love all day. The Havanrtahlan* ttende<l the right *•.- rion of the non vent lor. and will leave for home at midnight Ia W. N. The Favannah delegation arrived in ba vannah at 4 o'ckv k thia morning iMiivra hi dr. bhi ^RH. Prnrce<|ina of the Leoane of Amer ican Mnnh’lp* lltlr*. Churl## ton F C. Dee 13—At th* morning* *o**fcm of the convention of toe league of Amer an Mut lclpalltie* Mnvor J A. Jonep of Fargo. N D . read a r**r* r on wreat Improvemetit*, whether they ahouM he done under the contra* t *y*tem or by the municipality. a the employer of dav labor, and Mayor John It Weaklev of Floren* e. Al.i . a!dre-.-cl the leagu** on The Bert Method for t;~ A*pe>n>ent ar.d Collection of Taxer and the LlfTMiadon on the Taxing and Deh? Oeatlrtg Power* of Municipalities.' Health Officer William F. Brunner M l*. ol Favannah. r,il a pa|er on “The Prevention of the Introduction of Fpldem |r Di*ea*ea in the Fnlted Htatea.*’ The |*P*r trrat*d of Anally cholera tvphuv f ver. y ellow fever and bubonic plague. Th*- in trod tin ion of any or all ol them into the Fnlted Ht.ite*. *ak) Dr Brunner • prohab> unlee . the proper pri.<u thm* w*m> taken by the dtle* on the ixmm During the c-ourae of hi* adire he told ol ihr many time* >ellow fever had been Introduced Intocltle* on the Al lan t< anl Gulf toast* bacauae of the lark of proper quarantine law*. t*au*lnr th* death of thouaand* of pc*plr Dr Brun n-r uiged the ne*r*)ty of ivaihMUtl piar ar.tine law* of Males and rltte* on the *>a*t; the entrance of terrible dleeaie tould not be guard*h| agaltiPt tinle** tliere were national laws and mraturt* to ree that the |usraiitl:)c Pgulatlona were rat tled cut. A! noun the tnemhvre of the con vent lon their fatnihe* and friend* went on an excursion around the hartior. pa aging Fori Sumter. Fort Moultrie, Fort Jt*hn mm: and t’asile I*ln kney, atal going aea war*l for u sfert diatauce through the nrw jetty i hanhel. The rx* ursioivl.u* l.'ndeJ at the Isle of Palm where a lun h was wrved at the He.udtore llote] to the geven hundred gueM*. At it* con< in*Uni Muyor Bmythe cant'd upon the representative* of the \artou* town* w(thing to have the next convention to *t*e*k out In the meat leg It develop**.l that th*r were seven a*ptrant*. includ ing Denver. F<l*.ra h Spr.>ngs. Grand Rap- Ms. Detroit and Jamestown, N. Y. At the see-ion thD evtidng a pafier was read hv HuperlntriHlent Frank C Ma*oii of the Brooklyn TH<’{? r n|!h on “Fire De part men t* of Our Cities—Their Progress ami Their Neadf." lawmi; Purdy, secretary of New York Tax Reform Ass**- Litin. r*r**l a paper on “A**ee*ment and Collection of Taxe*.* and *i limitation of the taxing debt creutiug penrer* of municipalities. Hanitary Inspector Craven of New York Citv. spoke on the collection ami dif>po*al ni garbage in a sanitary and economical minner, and on the present Incineration invention* and the com of opera tin# them T4I HtSniSTRI!T THIS STATE. lle-ap|ior4lonnient f oniniHtec how •In* frill", Hrturni. Atlanta Dec. 13.-Thc census return* of the Male were receive#! to-night Irom Washington, and It Is now expected that Ihe Be-apfa-eilolimeiit commit tee w ill n* <tt to-morrow to redletrlct the date. Ilenuforl )a,*l Horn,,. Beaufort. S. C. IV U.-An election of onicer* in ihe Third Division. South Car olina Naval Rattallan. was held In the arnenaJ last idghl. Junior Lieutenant Townsend wa* promoted lo the rank of *enlor lieutenant, ilce William Elliott. Jr teslgtied. and En#tgr W. N. Rfelnmeyer iva* then chosen to fill the vacancy ocei ► loncl hy Llcui. Tow’nseud's iwomotlon. An election vui then called and Chief Boatswain’* Mate Jm R. Evans was elected ensign, vice Stelnme)et. |,romol rd; J f> 11. Hau ler#, boatswain * mite. *econd , !a>#. wa* elc 'cd chief Imatswjln # mate, vice Evan- promoted, and Cox swain A. W r Alsllti was elected Ikxg awaln's mate, second c. ,> . il. e Handera promoted. Seaman William Ohlandt wa* chosen to fill the grade of cox wall, ten dered vacant by Alsina'a promotion flal F2u,l ul m lluaitlnu Trip. Columbia. H r De, - . 13.—1n Lexington county, near this city a *gd and fatal accident occurred yesterday. A party of Lrxlngionlans had started on a hunt— among them Wa! rr Sharpe and Dave Matthl i* These two young le low* got Into a friendly tur*le, and. in fulling Sharpe a head struck a rock He crawlel tutu the wag.,n und nooody knew h' waa hurr until the party had gone quite a dis tance, when U was aocn that he waa In a desperate condition. He died In a few minuter afterw-.rd. fon, let's Murderer flanged, Richmond. Va Dm 13.—1n the *iale paopenttary thi* morning William Wood son. a negio convict. a hanged for the murder of atmthrr nvgro convict. Th# ex. acutlon waa very quiet. Your Liver Will be loused to Its natural duties and your biliousness, headache nnd constipation be cured if you tak< Hood's Pills Bold by all druggist*. 25 cent*. MUN YON’S KIDNEY CURE When Prn| Mur)on >•* hi* Ki'lti-* Cur- tr • for n**ny rvrry form of Kidney h dor. not ovor*to tho c* in tho loan" It h on for !i ---lf • I'U. imoni tho lnflllhl rml4.* It will not <*ur lirifht • Di rmie In tho odvanr-1 ;*. It will not do tho Imprwtlhlo. but It wHI ritr* *vrr> t>haar of Kkttiry complaint, ovm thr to rip -nt atacra of Braht'* Pira.* Flfty-ttla othrr rurtv All drugirt.t*. ttr. vial Guido to Hoalth 1. fr*r Modlral a'tvlc* ffM-artU to linndttay ar..f 3>tth Bt.. Nrw York ■ At’Hit t \ MitTHODim. Tholr f nnfrrrnrr at Yaldoatn to Writ *l l r ntlrtf Valdeata <a . !>*.- 13 —Tb thlrij-nfth .ration or Id* African M* hodtst fhurclt of tiaorrta cottvrnrd li. Y*l loam VVnlnea dav at noon. Bi*hot> M. M Turnrr. t>. D. prerhtlna imottonal service* mr* ductrd by Dr, t‘ U Bril;i ot thr At lanta confer mk*. Th— oprtrina aervicra nrr* itnpr*#*lvc Rrt. R H. Slnglrton of davannah tut elect—l aremtary He • lioae o. ot—l.tani Rrv C. M*x Munnins. D D . of Savannah. Rot E. B Brown tta* flat, cd marolial I’ro.irttn* Eldrr J. A tV<*od •lellvrrrd an lnlrrrtlnß welcome a.Jiirrr. A otrotur addrr*. w in alo made by Rav I. I*. Tavlot Hl.hop Turner. In Ms d -dre*. refrrrr.l to hla recent lllnrw*. and to thr work of the laat arnrral cohfrren.r in returnintr him to this district. Ho oa pr*rd hi* plow-tire at the treatment ho had recetvod Tho Bishop, referrin* to tho last political ratr.ralsn. and ht* posi tion In tho same ral.l •'I took a stand for tv J. Bryan is ag-amst William McKlraloy not that 1 im a Democrat, no no. no. for T honor the Grand Old Hart? But the parly or foatw* Is nothin* romiwred to tha’ of the pan ' Reforrin* to Ivruhin** art.) other mls trottmenta of the he ~id noirhor McKinley nor the Republican party Mid anythin* attain*! them fll. po*ltlo,i taken tom*, to meet the approval of the conference Rev R. H W Leak. D D. of Thtla lel phta. nwnaaor of the publication depart ment. was Inrrortncod, He wpok* of the great wotk done by lip African Mol hod let Episcopal OTiurrh. and . ommonrted the Rlshop Rev I*r II R I’arK. of New York secretary of mission* road- ation* address representln* the mission ary oa uar Amon* the |>rorolnent meti present oro Rees T. N M Smith, W A Pietve, Shermnn. Powell. Wray Skelton Hamll lot). H'tHs Curry Thoma. and others. \*if,hit i'v totimi rtRMt At.. Slaw, matin* nlahed t.eorrtawa to Bo Entertained. Atnorictif. G . Do 13 —The CSy Coho rt! of Amerleu* and lim Carnival Com mit tee have addreseod Invitation, to tjov. Candler and staff Gen. Joseph \\ heeler. H-nator* H.icou and Clay. Con gressman Lewis and orom.t'ent (itoritlans to artend ihe Christmas street ramival 11- and favorable response* are eapecl e*l The City Council mrt In spe. lal ses sion this afternoon tuid voted a liberal cash appropriation for the entertainment of dstinculahed visitors and the military Mltendin* Ihe rtrnnal The *tulre Fourth Georgia Regiment has been invited and a areat .‘aim haltle will be a special feature afl.-r the review of the troot* by Gov. Candler and Gen. Wlseeler. The Carnival begins Monday. Dec ;t. and laid* the out re week Thousand* of visitor* are e*pe> ted here WHLDO.IH WOl NII MAh FATAL. ( illin of Cnlwnllt Connty Aerldrnt ally .lint Him.elf Fla.. If 13.—Ambrose Weldon, a well-known cltlxeii of Doerum. Colquitt county, Geortla. mtli a party of frlendr. vI si led the Gulf const fisheries lhi* week. They were homeward bound this mom tn*. ant) when Wvldon pu11..1 a slastgun frotn the wagon It was ac Mentally dl charged. mangling hi. arm horribly. \\‘t-ldoti was bronghl here for medical attention, but ho soon died from exposure and loss of blood HI. itsody will let taken 10 hi* Georgia home BOV!* MOIIK Ml 11l A PISTOL. M e*i Around Athens Firing at F.- erything In Wight. Allien*. Ga.. Dec 13. Clovu* Teeler. a 12- year-old boy got hold of a plslol to day and deliberately walked down Broal street, firing at nearly everything he saw, The fit at shot was at mule, and hit 11 In the aide, severely wounding 11. ll then shot Muses Mitchell, a young hoy. Ihe bullet Inflicting a sever wound In tho thigh. He shot also at a negro boy. but did. not hit him Several person* were attracted hy thr shooting ami rush'd up in tun-- lo *p>p th* hoy from -lolng any further damtge. The boy gave no excuse for hi* conduct and ti locked up. HOHDB TAKEN TO W til HOflfl. lit,,ell,is Man's Mind flllll flrcnis to He • n 1,,a la need. Tallahassee. Fla . Dec. 1.7 -T. M. Worde of Waycros*. Ga . the drug drummer why wa# locked up In Jail li*r yeflerdoy supposedly insane, left this afternoon for Waycroe# In charge of Turner Ity wet. hno#her representative of the same Way croe* drug house Worde * mind etlll seemed fight) and wandering Marrlnite nt l)l,B*l*. Hylvanla, Ga , Dec 13.--Mr J H Hus sey and Ml## Mantle Whit., both of thl* place, wer, married last n ght at the re-- Idenc of tin bride* lather. Mr K t>. White. Th# weddlnv: wis a brllllaiil af fair, and was largely al#etide*l by Die friend* and relative* of the contracting pnrtle*. The home was twautlfully decorated. and the bridal couple elcod before a lovs ly chancel made of llower* and evngrecn* j while R"v. Wesley Lime pronounced the NkM wcr i- that mud* them one. Mrs. Anna Burn- played Ih# "Wedding March." and IPIle Freddit Coo|wr and Bate* Lot (ll Wvtd before the w-sdalng party and opened the fragrant altar gate* for the pledging of the vow.- The : following were the otiple* |n attendance: | Ml** Parris White at and )lt R M Bryan. I Miss Uorrl# While, and Mr J E. Hart. I Mis# Iloxxte Jarrell aisl Mr P. Ff. Kittle# . Ml#* Minnie B '.*#*)• .CM) 51 T \A onv r. i After the ceremony, i splrndld supper wo# served, and the guest* enjoyed them *e.ves until • l*t# hour. Th* hr'.d* wa* the rettpien# of many beautiful pre.-ents. which wer* dwplayed at the house Mr Bussey 1* publisher of the Svlvar.ta Tolephone at thi* place and I* a young man who 1* aateemed by all who know him. The bride l* a popular young lady of many charming gra -et Mr and Mr- Hussey will lerard with Mi and Ml* W J. Uooyer until after C'nrl*tmae. when they will be a# at ihe Itackiey re> idenct ou Bvusb Muln atreck THF MOKNING NEWS: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1900. wot TH t AItULI A A TOM A*. I'ep winll on of Plaeea Mlth Over 2,000 Inhabitants. Washington. Dee. 13—The isffwil itton of certnin Ihi nmrated piarea In Bouth Car olina having a population of more than 'Jin' V>ui Rea than t.’to is a* follow#. Abbeville, town J.iM Aiken, town, 1411 An lerwnn. town. 5.49A Beaufort, town. 4.IV* Camdr. towm 2 411. Chester, town. 4."'& CutumblA citv. 21 l' l * I'arllng'on. town 3.4C5. Klorenee city, t *l7 Gaffney. < Ity. 3.ST Georgetown, town. 4.131. Greenville, city. l!>‘ Greens oral town 4 421 laauren# town 4 029 Motint Pleasant, town. 2.271. N-wberry. town. 4 sf>7 Orangeburg city. * 4il. Hi* k Hill. C4l>. 4.412. Rpartanburg. ■ ity. 11 3b* Bummervllie, town, 2.42 b Bumler city. I'nion. town. ' 4bh Yorkvlll. towm. 2A12 Arellon Foreman Horsey Ktlled. Amerleu*. Ga , Dec 13 -M. T Dorsey, section foreman of the S- aboard Air I-I'i" Rrtilwaj. resi ling near Amerleu*. wae in- j •tantly k.lbd >e-ter wy by the accidental discharge of a pir 1 r>.r*ev was Idling a log or rvssti- ar.d while In * stooping position his pistol fell from his ln*t.le pocket and exploded The bull#' *iru>-k the nnforlunala man in the forehead pro- , duclng Instant death. liliditensleln I rial Over. Adrian Oa. De • 13 -F H I-lohten *teln. who killed John Walsh In this tjwn a few seek. ago. went to Rwainshoro yes terday to stand trial The term of court being an adjourned brm. there was no grand Jury, therefore no hidt-tment could I>e found again-t him He will give bond for appearun'* ai the Apill term lb has retain'd H'n T nm E Watson and Hon. R 8 Gamble to defend him Tors the oi .h tin worki orr THE COLD. Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets cure a oM In one dy No cute, na pay. Prlca rents —ad '—l ■ ■! DEATH*. BORREL—Died. Dec 1. lo at h*r res idence. "The Barren*.'' in the eounty of Roanoke Virginia. LaHtla Gamblll, wif* of Dr Fraud# Sorrel. AIEF.TIA#.* ealeitiakTommaaiieha no. t.k.t. Attentton Blr Knights A r*g uiar conclave of this command , a a43a ! try Will be I,eld thf (Friday) cv ening at your asylum. Masonic ~'' Temple, at 1:14 o'clock Order of The Temple will be conferred Visiting Sir Knights are cordially Invtt- I ed to attend. By order of H E WILBfIN. FTminer.t Com. U R ROCKWELL. Reror.ler WOODMBA III' THE AAORI.D. Mistletoe lamp Ao. -I. Th* election of r.lhccrs for the eoming year will lake place to-night. All members are earnestly requested to be In the camp nut later than ill o'clock Refreshment* served at )' M II HEWLETT. C. T R J. STEWART. Secretary. kl'M IAL NOTH . f. Savannah Bank and Trust <V. Savannah. Ga Dec 13. \QOO A semi-annual dlvlder.d of L7'> per per share has been dr- Utr*d on the eai*i* til slock of thi* bank |'.yable on and after !>• '2* to stockholder* a* of record this dev Transfer books are closed until Dec 2) W F M'CAP LEY cashier Ml 4 AA AH— BE AI TORT —t II AIU.EUTOA— Si earner Pilot Rov leaves Bull street wharf Baturdave HI a m for Charleston, touching at III" Naval Station. Beaufort and way landings Far* Savannah to Charleston *2.00. tn - Hiding at at l room; meal* extra- _V-,eacn. Ga. Phone 25<S. 4ir AMHKI.r I* nw El At H TO HI) AOl H GOODIES at .ill lime* ami get the best, because you hava more place* to choose from and get Just what you want, and FRANK DIETER'S Is the place to get it. For to-day. Fin* Country Dressed Tur ks,'* ami Chicken#, the best ever came to town WcMern Duck* and Gees*. Fine Meats of all klml* Goo>4 delivered at once. Stall* 23-31, City Market. Georgia Phone *7O. Rell Phone R2l. Suwanee Spring* Cos.. Suwanee. Fla ; Dear Blr*- 1 am In receipt ol your e leemed favor of the litth Inst . and In re ply beg to way lhat not half has ever been told of the valuable prop rues of the wat'-t from your beautiful spring, and I fael that I > annot ay 100 much for a water which ha* lengthened the life of my father, and relieved me of the severe case ol jaundice, with which I war uf fertng when 1 came lo you. Trusting that you will soon lei every one ' know what a treasure you have in these healing water*, and lhai many will avail themselves of ihflr power and your kind hospitality. 1 am. atneerely jour friend, ROBERT M HULL. All you can drink for 5 cent* at Liv ingston*. FBOZEA HltE DI7ID.A If HI) ARE’S CAFE. Orcateel dainty of the *earcn. Oyster* *rved In every styla prepared by the most noted rttoks, in the South. C'ongterw and Whitaker street*. Open Day and Night. PA 1.44 K CAFE. RESTAI RANT AND OYSTER HOUSE 42 B ill Street. Blue Point*. Lltue Neva t am, received by every vm-r. Native Oysters In a!4 ■sylaa Uhoiw and steak* and game in sea*on E' el > ll'.lng tbs be*t Just receive*), treah lot live lobster*. M D ABRAM? Prop. P. §.—Hot lunch from 11 to 1 ,-.n wa) THE SAYANA AH PREPARATORY fl< MOOL, MILITAK), Haril* ar.d Barns") *trecs Ormond R Strong (t'ornelli. Head Master. Greek, Laiiti and R#v R P .T -hn-on. A M tl'rlnceionj. lultly of tit Mat tbew* Military A adtiny. Hlslot) Geog. ■ aphv nr.d Molcm Language*; John Rislxcr. A R Mathematic* and ( hem- Istrj. Ga. Telephone 1111. WALL PIPER. PAPER HANGING. W# carry complete atsortmert of lat**t aryls papers and employ only best arelsls. Dee our good* *nl s*l out esilmalc he. fore giving out your work, our price* Ihe very lowest fIAVANNAH BUILDING fll'f'PLY CO., Corner Drayton and Congteos. Thona fcl9. Humboldt Cigars In Holiday Boxes of 25, Suitable as Gifts and Convenient for Travel. LEE ROY MYERS & CO., Savannah, Ga. Superior Laundry Work SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, PHONE 383 NPFXIAL NOTICE*. NOTICE In Regard to the Assessment of R*al Property In the City ol Savannah for Taxation fur the Year 1901 office Tax A. scßsore and Receivers, Bo vannah, Nov 3", 19fh Under a resolu tion of th s beard tax payer* are hereby notified tha' the assessment and valuation nf property for he year 190 ft In the ab . of re jection*, will bo continued 00 the basis of taxation by the city of Pavan tah for the year 1901 ** to real <atate. Including Improvements covered thereby, except as to Washington. Warren. Rey nold*. Derby, Dek*r and Frwnklln ward* nnd such other ward* a* may be rt-ar seewed, due notice of which will be given through the pres* on Jan 1. 19ft1 Objections. If any must be made In wrt'Jng and filed In the office of the Roar ) of Tax Assessor* and Receivers within FIFTEEN DAYS after the date of the publication of thl* notice. No objections will be considered unless verified by an affidavit made hy the property owner o hls agent, staling that the property has teen assessed higher (bar, tts actual mar ket value In the absence of objection* within the time specified the assessment and valua tion will be considered as satisfactory, and will be hlnd ng for the year 1901 J H H OSBORNE. ,'hall-man. Ravarmah, Ga., Nox 3ft. 19flb riIHIXTM.Ab iMino#. Wished Figs In ba*kets. very rich. Laver Figs in boxes Large Imported Raisins in 2-lb. boxes. Dates, stuffed with almonds, pecans and walnuts Stuffed Ptunes In white trunks Turkish Delight or Fig Paste Kurd Date* at lftc per pound Whitman's Nougat and Jordan Al mond”. Whitman's Super Extra Confection* and Chocolate* Whitman's Pinafore Mixture* Nuts, shelled ami not shelled. Gordon A Pllworth'* and Aimer# s Mtnoe Meal Glace Cherrie* and Pinoaople. A. M * r \V WEST mi: h xv*. ritr. fin eat line of Box Paper Perfumer)'. Pocket book*, Lap Tablet*. Scissor* and Scis sor* Sets. Manicure Sets. Ladles' and Gents I*Presidng 1 *Presidng Cases ever shown in this rley. Please call early *nd leave your or ders for HUYLKR'S CANDIES, In basket* boxes and psekiges. SOLOMONS COMPANY Georg!* Phone No. 344 Beil Phone No 34t. M. C, FHIFP at CO. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Re.,l Estate bought and sold on com mu ttons, and Renta collected. Representing Travelers Insurance Company LUe, Ac i ctdcni and Itablllly Departmenla. New York Underwriter# Fire Insurance ! Company Greenwich Fire Insurance Company. The City Trust, Bate D*po.-lt and Surety Company. Issuing Rond* of Surely to contractors, administrator*, guardian*, etc. FUR fI.ILE. On# 19-inch Steam Shot Gun Feed. 32 feet long: one Hill Oscillating Bteam Nig ger. k and 10-inch ryllmlcra. only used about thirty days; one filer and Rtowell Gang Edger, with three saw*; on# full act of Flier and SUiwi-ll latthe Machinery, consisting of bolter and gang lathe >#• mill; one set of machinery for making tosln barrel sieves; also a lot of Circular Saws from 16 to 46 Inches diameter, from the mill of H. P Smart & Bro. In Emanuel county. The above for salo by VALE ROYAL MFO C 0..- Savannah. Ga. Till; u)) tot LEAN t kHPBTB. The only way o gel your carpets prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken cara of for the summer I* to turn the Job over to th# District Messenger osid Delivery Cos. telephone 2, or -all at 72 Montgomery •treel. and they will make yon an e*tt msti on the -oat of tho work Prices reasonable They also pack, move and store furniture and piano*. C It MUD! i ' K 8 it" *n<l Mgr M'EI I 4 t. BO l it B. We are now giving special attention lo house iflilntlng. kaisamtnlug and paper banging, etc. With a corps of only tiftit ia#s workmen and a -ompeient *u| r- Iniednet.t we rati do your work promptly and satisfactorily Get our estimate on anything In bouse decorating line and save money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. RPKriAL NOTICE. Now Is a good time to select rose plants to plant In your garden. Come out und see them at JOHN WOLF'S NURSERY. On and Anderson (tracts. Thonc 6J4. U.RKMAAN'fITkFF. 112-116 Whitaker Street. Diamond Back Tcrrarln B:ew scry and •nr time to order. Ala, game of all kinds, and only tne beat meat* are pi*- pured In the be#t ntyle. Gulf coast Oyn ter* reeteved .Sally. Wuerxburger lioff Rr.iu on draught. Phona 710. NOTICE. Neither the ma#t#r. owner* nor con signee of the German *t#.,nishl|i Lul.*e will lot responsible for any debt* contracted by the crew. ALFRED MEN KELL. Matter. Dl IMIEM NOTICE*. Fruit Cake and Plum Pudding Stock Orly the BEST I* offered to our trade Bee our good* and be as sured of tlieir merit before going elsewhere SEEDED RAISINS. 1-lh (14 oa ), 14c. CURRANTS, cleaned, extra large fruit. 15c pound. CtTRON. large, clear pie'-es, lie pound LEMON FEEL. 2ft- pound ORANGE PEEL. 2"c pound SPICES none but the best arc carried by u* DARK SUGAR ** round Al*o ENGLISH FRUIT CAKE, PLUM PUDDING and MINCE MEAT mi s. i nun .. Comer Broughton and Whitaker. PHONE * For the classes and the masses. FRANKLIN CIGARS. SOLD EVER YM HERE. l. ' "■ art mi, Rortcm • GREER'S gCOTt II WHISKY. 3 hi* ceiebra'cd f.imous old \auel Highland Whi.-ky is Imported direct from the dlitillery by us Till* Greer Scotch Whisky Is guaranteed in be broiled abroad ai.d le consigned to us from Glas gow. Scotland, and Is in bond In ihe UnlteJ b ai-* Custom House in thi* city Thl* grand old Greer Scotch Wnlky is beautifully mellow and mud to a degree and Is soft to the Isila t e ** one could poaalhly wish. m. there Is n nuttiness about It that 1* especially pleasing. We are glad 'j let the public pur chafe a* small quantity as they wlah. even one bottle, for the pur pose of Introducing the best brand of Scotch whUky extant LIITMAN BROS . Whobsala Druggists, ILtppman'a Block. Sole Agenis for the Greer Distil leries, Glasgow, Scotland, and Dub lin. Ireland, for their Scotch and Irish Whiskies. 4 BUY oxt.) IML lit. Vl iilM.tlt ALE. The beat is ihe Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast. Ireland, from the celebrated Cromac Springs of that city. These springs are the properly of Wheeier A Cos hen. e no other Ginger Ale ir.snufecturer in Ireland has those water* but them eelvea The Wheeler Ginger Ale I* made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one ,a deleterious—the other I* a tonic. For Heolthfulnea* and Purky the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfaat Ginger Ale la the besl LITPMAN BROTHERS, Sole Southern Agents. Savannah. Ga BEADS of* HONGS, hotels ami HOSPITALS Ha* It ever occurred to you that nearlv one-half tour life 1* epent Inhed’ The maitresw |s the most abused article of furniture, and should be well made and of good, clean material. It should be pick 'd one) . le.msed at least once each three yctir*. We make new ones to order, and i-ave Improved machinery to cleanse nd pick old one* Our mechanical work, Im • of ticking*, and material for filling firs'- claw. Medicated Steam Renovation of Feather* Hair etc , NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENOVATING CO . Bell Phone 11M ! Dreyton YOTIt'L City o| Savannah. Office Fire Department, Savannah Ga.. Dec. 10. 1900. Sealed bid* will be received at the office ol the undersigned until Friday. Dec 21. for furnHhlng materia! and laying cement floor In new engine house corner Thirty eighth ar.d Barnard rfrtel*. Plan* ;.nd . .tit ailona on exhibition • th* .ffi eof the fire department The Committee on Fire reeeites th* tight to reject any and all bid* JOHN E MAGI'IRE. Superintendent LAND TITLES. Abalracls ol the recorded land title* of Savannah and Chatham county from tha j settlement of Georgia to date Money I loaned at low interest on city real estate. , BBCKEIT A BECKETT. We know positively there is not another V /\ store in thts town that can match oar variety of Yy T\ Ladies’ Shoes / j at 3 - 10 A shoe for women IfiSky* A who want something more than a foot covering made in light and heavy weights; 14 different styles to choose from. rooreovurE*s*’#Muwfta Bring the children around to see the Doll Show. hdimjj notices. )orn DOLl'kR WILL C4HRY 4WAY more groceries front our store than any other place in town. Everything fresh nnd nice We rouldn't keep th* trade we have If we dldn 4 have the right goods, and cluugc Ilgh' |Tlccs. We offer thl* wt^k. Fancy York Imperial Apple* Fancy Florida Oranges Large I'm# Bananae New Malaga Grapes New Duchess Figs <exr fsnc.yi. New Mince Meat Fruit Cake. 1-lb 2-lb and R-lb. each. Orange and Lemon Teel, Shelled Almond* Shelled Walnuts and pecans Hum Pudding in can*. Pure Ancle Cider. Pure Mixed Candy, S-lb. boxes. Fresh Tomatoes Kalamazoo Celery —at— JOHN T. EVANS A CO S Congress and Barnard street*. Fone* 2A OUR STOCK i, full of beautiful am) appropriate Gifts, each oharacteristlo In Itself to suit all taste*— Piece* In Silver representing Ihe most exclusive design* and finest workmanship Diamond* of exquisite, quality In all form* of settings. Pearl Jewelry of latest combmatlou" Sireve But tone. Scarf Pit**. Brooches, and all th* varioua piece* of general Jewelry In greet variety. Umbrellas and Cane* the newest shapes thus3 mmx Only One Ofllc* 407 Bull street. Phone Ton lo Neww Piste For sale, a Forsatth Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x42 It Is In good order, price 470 ft It coat originally YI-100. but we have no uoa for It and want the room 14 occupies It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, flaxennah. Ga. The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. siuitMtjim CAPITAL. • Account* of bank* rncrenant*. corpora tion* and uidiv.duals solicited having * Department, interest paid quar terly. Safety Boxes ar.d Storage Vault* for rent. Collections made on a points at re*, sonabi* rate*. Draft* sold on at) the cblsf cities of th* WOflg Invited JuSEI H D V) LtD. President. JOHN C ROWLAND, Vice President w. f. McCauley, casnur. THE CHATHAM BANK. SAVANNAH LEOPOLD ADLER, President r 8 ELLIfI. Vice Pr..*W J.NO R DILLON Uaeftjsr BARRON CARTER. A*i ra- Solicit* the accounts of Imllvi.tu*.' firms bank*. a*sortatione and <rp ra i ions Liberal favors extend'd to corre, rnr,<J. In* Gink# a# our unsurpassed fa-tllu#* for collecttrg inaure prompt return# BUYS AND SELLS FOREIGN EX CHANGE. WRITES LETTERS r,j# CREDIT AND ItfISUES BANK MONPV ORDERS PAYABLE IN ALL PAHT4 OF EUROPE Interest compounded quarterly on .|e. r*ll in the SAVINOS DEPARTMENT Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults f,* rent. The Citizensßank OF HAVAMNAG. CAPITAL $500,000. Trasiacii a (aeueral Banklag Bualneaa. Sollcita Aecnanta of ladnidnals, Itlerohauta. Hanks and other (orp*. ro Ilona. Collections handled with safely, eeonomy nnd dispatch Interest, compounded quarterly, allowed on depotlts In our flavisf (Jepnrlnirnt. Safety Deposit loin snd fltorags Vaults. HR4ATLF7Y 4. DEJfMARK. PrealgeaL MILL* B. LA4E, Vice President GEOHGB C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER, Asst. Caskl#*. SOUTHERN SINK ul ilie ouia ol Ueor*.* Capital 4ob).* Surplus and undivided profit* k : • ’ DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting a General banking lluslness. Collection* made M *ll point* accessible tbrouglt bank* and bankers. AccouTnta of BankiTfianfienni'' and others solicited Safe Depoelt Box” for rent. Department of Savings. Interest pa>*bs quarterly. Sell* Sterling Exchange on London <1 ■ lid upwards JOHN FLANNERY President HORACE a. CRANE, vice president JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier DIRECTORS: „„ JNO. FLANNERY WM W. GORDON E A YVUII, W W GORDON Jr. H A CRANE JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERST II P SMART CHARLES ELLIS EDWARD KET.T.TJOWV J KIRPL THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. _ Capital Undivided profits This bank offer# Its service* to .orpjr*- tlons. merchants and Individual- Ha* authority to act aa executor. - mlnistrator. guardian. ee. Issues drafts on the principal ed |c * Great Britain and Ireland and on * Continent. Interest paid or compounded quaricr.y on deposit# In the Savings Pcßhiwßi Safety hoxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO W. TIEDEMAN. Vte PrM> fOV JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F HOGAN. Asa* Ca-b e#. ' •** No. 1646. Chartered I*4 —THE— MIS Mill Ml OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, Jaou.uw. outfU'S !!" ■ UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A G CARSON. President BEIRNE GORDON. Vies Preeldent W M DAVANT. Cashier. A'counls of banks and banker#, mrr chant* nnd corporation* received upo* the most favorable term* conl*tent *1“ Mfe and con'trtatlv* banking THE GEORGIA STATE BtiLDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. 14 YORK STREET. WEST. - PER CENT per annum allowed oa 0 deposit*, w.tndiawable on dero# nl Interest credited quarterly 6 PER CENT, per annum allow'd deposit* of ever, hundred# wlthur* able at annual period*. GEO W TIEDEMAN. President. R H LEVY. Vice President E W. BELL Secretary C O ANDERSON. JR . Treasurer _ " gPUCIA l 7 NOTI CBS. IIUtDb EEKCITED. By the American Bondkt* • n,J Company of Baltimore w * *'*.,* up*> Ized to execute locelly (Immedlete'’ ~ application), all bond* In H ' | n i #,l reeling# In either the •<••• * ,r .._ ,nl Stale, Court*, and of afbninietrwtot* guardian* . . DEARTNO A HULL ** #p lllll .a W Telephone 324. Provident 1