The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 14, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 gfbr fllafnitts |felto£ (Mr rains >* BuildiOK ©avan©h. U\ FNIDAV, IIKri'MIICH 14. IfMMI. K<ft*Seif<l at th© Fortofttr© r. Hvtnn*h THIS Muhmm. NKWI i u . every day in the ytor, ami Mfvad to aufcacrtbera in the city, or eent by mail, at 70 cent* a month. MOO f r six month), and S* DO for on a year. Till-: HUH NIM. KibUS, by mall, fix times a stck twithout £at ©lay taaue). three months, I1.40; ill month*, tt-GO. oa* >*r ft 00. 'I 111. wr.l hl.v NKW two HU'S a week (Monday aid Tbussday) by m*i., one year I (ft Sub* ilptiona ptyabl© In advance Ho rn it by money nrdar. check or regit*re l letter Currency aent by mail at rLk of sender. 4 Transient advenlsements, other tho •perla! column, local or reading noticaa amusement* and cheap or want column. 10 cent* a line Fourteen Knsi of o-.’Xt© type—equal to on© Inch !n dMth—ls th® standard *4 measurement Contrac* ratea and <ll-count# mada khoao on app ication at busmens oftic© Order© for delivery of the Mom ns Neae to either residence nr place of bunineei can he made by mall nr by tela phone No 210 Any Irregularity In deliv ery should be immediately r©porlwl Letters and te)e*ram* should be ad dressed ‘ HUH>IM. %*:%%*. Savannah Ga EA9TUII OPTICS. 23 Park Unas. New York city. H. C. Faulkner. Manager LNDLX 10 SEW ADYERTISEMESTS. Mee tins*— Palestine < ommandery No. 7. K T : Mlitletoe Camp No 4. Woodmen of the World Hr* la! N.vtlec*— Dividend Notice. Ravan o.h Honk and Trust Company; Frank Dieter. city Ma'kot; Hiiwaiiee Spring* Water: Christmas Geode, A. M. A C. W. T\ es* ; Wail Paper. Paper Hanging. Savan nah Building Supply company. Rustnes* Notice*—K. A W. Laundry; Franklin cigar*. Your Dollar Will Carry Away. John T. Evan* A Cos.; Fruit Cake ami 7'lum pudding, S W. Branch Cos. Eat-Wrll—la to Live Well. lutdl**’ Shoes at S3.lo—Hyek Broa. Own a Fina Overcoat Legal Notice*-Citation From the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County. Bleamehip Schedule—Baltimore Biram tliip Uur. Auction Salea—Ttanoa. organs, KU'.. by Savannah Auction and Commission Com pany. Am-.ieements—“Th* Captain's Mate," at Matinee, and Ihe “Pearl of B.voy" To night. Remember— I .at Union. '*. Mrdlral—lfoetetter* Blom.ich Ritter*; Caatotla; Mood’s Pllla; Ayer'w Pills; Mun yon’s Kidney Cure; Mother's Friend. Cheap Column Advertisements—Help Wanted, Ilmidoyni.nt Wanted; For Rent, For Sale. Loat; personal; Miscellaneous. The Weather. The Indication, for Georgia to-dny are for rain, brisk to high east to .outh winds on the coast, aiui for Eastern Florida. r4n except fair weather In extreme southern portion, .older In northern and central portions, frueh to brisk southerly wlr.da, shifting to westerly. Mr. Hell of Bibb should hove a of Mime ort; Atlanta will probably say leather, and Macon silver. The Democrats are not calamity howl era. They look forward to an era of great prosperity. See, they propose a re duction of the war taxes tV.i.nw.TOd great er than that proposed bv the Republi can*.' Philadelphia Is going to gwiul *3,* In triturating the end of the old century and the beginning of the new That will give about >4 <to for drink*. cigar*. etc., for the official* who run the celebration, ttid *SW for flteworka and tings. The rtitu.l.,li>hla Times think* It wouhl t> a good tdeu to add all of ttie ex-Presl derrta of tin- Cnlted States to the Senate u life members. Cleveland nnd llartleon. It hold*, would add materially to the wis dom. experience and patriotism of the upper house. Air. Andrew Carnegie muat surely have Intended hla encomiums uptn the •'lmmac ulate virtue" of 1 'ennaylvgnle politic*. |n til* speech before th Pennsylvania So ciety In New Vork. to la’ regarded a* Irony. If the politico of any slate I* dirtier than that of Pennsylvania, the fact has not yet hanmi' known. The atx -dare' bicycle race In New York le developing Into a content as brutal a* about any pnge flghe that w is ever pulled off In the auditorium where the race it bong held. Already half a dozen or more men have been hurt by falls or exnaustid from over-exertion. It would not be sur prising If several deaths should occur aa a reault of the race. A lot of New York society women have Just learned that for lent* llm* they have been buying -weal-shop article.-, manu factured In Kast Hide tenements, with Paris labels on them; anil now they are mig'ity angry about It. and pto|m.-e to boy. toll the stores that Imposed on them The storekeepers, by the way. merely took ail vantsga of the weakness of the American feminine heart for giants bearing fotilgti labels. Many an article of poor quality Is aold at a fancy price by reason of the Paris label upon It. The Washington Post report# that when someone told Senator Hanna some ttnie ago that Senator Clay had prepared a speech of l ll7 typewritten pages against tho shlp-subsaly hill. Senator Hanna smiled and said: "No one will listen in him." But Senator Hanna was mistaken. Practically the entire Senate listened to the Georgian throughout his speech, which lasted two hours; and Senator Hsu.rut was of the numbar. Th probabil ities axe that Senator Hanna thought there would be lltUe opposition to the bill; that the recent Republican victory at the polls would bs taken as an Indorsement of fh* admlatwtratlun's policy aa a whole, subsidy bill and all. Hut su much opposi tion. from unexpected quarters, has cropped out the.", tbs Mere I* of the bill real!#* that they have got the herdart kind of a tight on their hands. Therefore ail of the senators were present to hear the first attack upon the measure In the Heneie and learn tbs strength of tut up BWNUau a itrabkkuv. AUiVi THE OLD USB*. Th© lotid nil which Mr. lon 04 I>l *k *i % or\ ii f * iiif other*, who at one time w<re iromu*it m the council© of the MttWKritif parly, mailt fur the rtorgarti xation of the parly immediately after h recent prerbtentlal ele tion. met with praetti ally r><* rt e§>-. Th© petition w.t tdken by thoee who direr ted the pnrtv r affair© In the tamjviltfn that t * (•arty could tint be reorganised by thu-. who hal taken thentaelvr* out ©l4© of it The jurtit e of thie wp > H(pr©nt that the demand (or reonruniaation wae tin* heixlrd There are, rw> in lan' ion* that tht ntfftin*: for reota.itia.t ion rur|>on**ii kj loudly demanded will ever be h id. Hut will not th*- party be #.s loth to follow Mr. Bryan ■ it ee* m*d to 1m to follow Mr Ihi kin'*4> Mr. liryan hap bai l within th* la.-i few day a, 1t an artii If which tie attracted • ottaid* rahle atten tion. that iht parly mutt con tinue the light along the line* on which It fought the L t campaign. He la Juet h* Amoy <onvincel now t/iat the I emo . racy ttniM nmitinue to for the fr*e • oinap* of ellver a Uv wa- when fte in ti matei to the Kan>.<* Ciiy < onvt nhjn that imie • thTrc were a n* w de'|.irtlion for Mlver would not a* |t the nomlna hon for Fresklei-t. In the )im hi-nuk ratlr National r'onven- Hon the fjcFE4tc?t Irom all the Mate* b*it •wo tnMiuctcrl for Mr. Hry n. and the convention of thoee two Haua reaoiutlotia compliment.iry to him. It 1* *i ufe f*r'*dh tlon that foir year-- h nre there will l*e very few. If any. delegattonr inelrurte i for him hdie po**le look upon tha a liver ion a* ret tied, and no party haa a % .airvee of winning the presi dency that eijrwb* (or the further agita tion of If. If It had not been for*Mr Pr - an Inflating u|ion a declaration for eilver at K inea*A <’lty th© I>emo*ratic. party have won In the | v tion. There are live questions in the I* mo rati, plat form, but Ihou.'.tiNl who wanted t \te for 11 Atn were prevented from doing ro by lt eliver plank Mr. Dry an may be rigtit In sa>lng that leaving out of the platform tnc ex plicit declaration in favor of allver would not hav© helped the party, beeaue© the re affirming of the ( hicjgo platform commit ted tho party to silver, but If the pialform bad contained u de? la ration tha* the. iwrij conabiered the silver I ©sue aw ettled. tle chon* cb are ttiat the. Demo* iatl<* party would tiave been victorious, rot withstand. Inr the proaperotiH cotnlitlon of the coun try and the blxn of the Jit publican cam paign fund. A part of the combination which aup ported Mr. £ryan will cling to him in the IMWltioi) which h< huft taken, hut it wi.l not be a <ontrolling part, and If the ma jortty wentlment in tin: Democratic party remain© a© it la H prevent, he will not be a candidate before tho next Demo cratic National Convention. TUB tfOYKHIOR'a H %HITIHI7 t\- GIIBS*. From rec ent utterance* of Gov. Candler !i would -see Id© good right hand wither before he would ut© It to avxlM In any way the granting of auturtdiea to ship.-, bul theie ere algna that the National Marltimu Congress, which la to meet at Hrunsw h k on January r. In pursuance to a proclamation which h** Issm**!. will In dorse the ah!i-vubsld> bill. We io not mean to say that the Hrurmwbk (’hnm her of rommerif ha*l in view the indorse, tmnt of that bill when It naked the (Jov • nor to call th© Congre#*. but It Is not iniproPabb the Congr* -s will rvgard th© bid with a great deal more favor than tho Oovcrnor does. In our iis(*ot' he© yesterday It was Mated that the Chamber of Commerce of New York had aecepted Hruwwi>ki in vitation and would vend a <|©legat|on, and that New Orleans would also bind a del ii'Htion that would advocate American shl| for American cargoes. Of court© American ship© for American cargoes can advocated without indorsing the h|p auteddy bill, but It would U* strange it an effort should nt U mad© to have it appear tliat u Southern Maiitim© Con grew favored th© aubtdriy ayafem for building up our merchant marine. From present Indications the Brunswick Congres** will be a vuedera. The announce mem of It has attracted w deal of attention. It would be Just like the adl>- *ldy schemer * o try and capture It. It i worthy of notice that th© New York Commercial •>§ that th© Congress could not do better than to Indorse tli© ©hip-subsidy bill. That paper, however, decs n't undertake to bay that there will be an effort mad© to hav© It Indorse the bill. It la almost certain tlwit there will In a lively fight over Ihe bill. IIRIGHT OI TMMIk FOH TIIB MU TH. Mr. nichard 11 Klmondr. edimr of th© MaiMifanurera' Reconl In an Interview in th© Baltimore News, presents a very pleasing picture of the condition of af fairs in the Booth. He had Just reiurned from a trip thiough several of the South ern states, goink as far B>uth as New Orleans, when seen by the News* repre sentative. Among other thing* he pall; •‘Throughout th© entire Hniiih there Is a degree of pros(**rlty and of hopefulne** as lo the future which has net been pern (h ihe same extent for many years. In fact, the South Is to-day more uniformly prosperous, and with a greater abundance of capli 1 1. than at any time sine© the war. This Is due In put to the gradual accumulation of capital of recent vears. the very groat pro.'i>*rliv of mmufaotur ing Interest*, the deveiopmei t of mil* roads and th© Investment of Urge capital from outside sources; but It Is ©specially emptrewlsed this year by the enormous value of the cotton crop.** There Is a great deal of truth In the foregoing The South l certainly In a very satisfactory material condition. Those of the farmers who r© not out of debt are fast getting out. AUtut all of them have money with which to meet taxes and to provide themselves with the ('omforta and some of th© luxuries of life. They erw not so careful now-a-davv Mg they were when cotton nut* n cents a pound, to nek the pric* of thing* they want They get what they desire know - -I v. v pay for 11. Yew. 9 and lLcmt cotton make a great difference in the ivmditlon of affairs in the South. And the money which the cot ton M bringing in Is being invested In fac tories of on© kind and another Let cot ton remain at pre-ent prices a couple of yanrs mors, and th© Bouth. with fairly good crop*, will be the happi* l ** end must ptuaperuuv eeutkai vt the country*, THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1900. MtKiM. HMTEA Both the Governor and Mr. dußtgnon deny the atory published In Atlanta tlmt i they hav* entered Into a omhlnatlon to | ;* f * the gul>cr! .itorial ombition of M" j i 'lark Howell and Mr Pope Brown ajul *be re-el** tion of Henator *‘lay to tts Senate, with the view of Improving their | ow'n (hariceg for |M>ltti> al advancement. ! i nctr demal might to hr, ami no doubt will he, g. t * rally a epte I. It fa a long ! elm© before there wII be a v * * y in the i governorship, or in th© Sna'e from this | state. No doubt many tilings will hip i pen to modify the political situation !**•- fore the time cornea for making a canvass 1 for either of these places. Tiicr© will be -peculation, of rotirM*. re jc ttng them all th© tim* No doubt some on© with more imagination than In* formation gave out tti© atory which th© Governor ahd Mr dußignon have so promptly and vigorously denied. Such stories make lnterr.-tlng reading fur the politleians. even though hcy run tain no truth. A© a matter of fact, there 1© al wnys a Ut of unreliable polltl* a I gos>ip fl • *ll tig arouivl Atlanta If there were le*a the Legislature would be able to get along fairter with it‘ work It ia for t© purpose of poli-ioat gua. ip and slit© mak ing that th#* polltfrlarui Insist upon annual s©sMotiH of h© Legislature Tha stale is put to the ex pen* a of many thousand* of dollar* annually In order that th* poli te iati may tav th© ©wtl9fact>on of mat |ng at th stat* capital and going through th© process of p.nulling out th ofh *- There 1 on© thing the ©lat*-mak©r must take Into account, however, and that Is that South Georgia has b*en content with occupying a ba* k quit© long enough. Th© rtceni cemus shows that South <e<*rgla Is having a greater growth than any other part of the Mate. That I>©* lug th© r ise, the Mouth Georgia people will h.itdly .on>nt tlwit th* North **eor gia politlcliUis shall continue to have all of the offices. The successor; of Gov. Candler and Senator <*Uy should com* from South Georgia It has been h long time sine* a gmernor or senator ha lw*en nre ifknt of a southern touidy. It would be hut Ju>t therefor*- toaelectßoulli G***rgl<i men to eu *ed Senator Clay and Gov. Gandler. i %Ml TUB IM OMB TAX. Tn announcement from London that Mr Richard rroher ba been ordered by tn© British In* oma Tax to pay a tjx of ai an income of • 100,H0 ex* cite© no sympathy for him in this coun try. All th© income In* has he gets from N*w A’or©, but he r not kaiiriiol to tui his money m thie country. He prefers to Dp*nd |t in Bogland, or at bast Iht greater jsirt oi it lie bi* a racing siah.c there, and, liavii g a hou> t;i**re also, the Biitwb In ome Tax Aes'sssor decided that ho had acquired a reMdvm o in tiuit country and tat til income was fully a mu* It a a year. It may bo, that hr will b* ahl© to . bow that ho has no r< iden t; in Lnglund. anl that h© ought not to be required to piy nny tax ill tnat country. Ji i a ?af* k * t**m*nt that f.* - 000 is a larger hum than ho j>a> in taxes in tills country. Legally, of course, a man has a right to spend his money wher* he plea M-s, hut (hero is rr<‘ogiusel obligation for him to |tend th© gi* ati part of |: where h* get© it. All the %vt dtli that Mr. Fro kcr has h© obtained in New York City. It la the pretty * general belief tuwt no mad© |t In politics. If ho has mad© antr considerable amount in buslnem* the fact I not known uutakie of his family and his intimate fro nds. But Is it not a rcmnkubto condition of afTMrs that the man wh*> •l©M>lutely rules tin* greatest Aincrs an city Is taxel in bhiglaitd on his Income? The HMMusmsnt of such h tax there Is ha©<-tl on (no I•- Inf that bis ivsbl*n>* a i.- there. There lor© a resldcm of England dominates New York. Tiuit state of iffmra a'ouo ought to enable the opponent-* of Mr t’mk* r to ha lilm in the next imink'lpui elec non. *“* i.'tion i- rapidly appro© lii.c K(Torts are being made to harmonise and consolidate tn© p(N©>itl<m to him. He may b© sure that in th** ampolgii pre ceding th© election he will be confronted with ihe charge that In Is a liwidcut of laiglamf, and therefore ought not to be alldw*d h voice in New York's municipal affairs. A demand in Fngland f*>r taxes on his income wa? i*<©nothing he was nut xpectlng. Kansas has w apiul punishment law but the extreme penalty cannot h* exe cuted ©xceja u|on the written er*!cr of the Governor. No Governor of Kansas has ever made such an order, hence prac tically th law has ken a dead letter, u sentenc© to the gallows amounting to a sentence to imprisonment for Ilf©, There oi© now forty murderer- in Kansas jails under sentence of death, but awaiting (hr arder of execution from the Governor. The present chief executive. Mr Stanley, noticing the bureau m the number of crimes of violence thinks that possibly th© virtual annulment of the death pen alty lias a good deal to do with It. He ha**, therefore, Instituted an inv* Mt* dlon into capital punishment and its relations to mob law in the several stater. He inti j If his Investigation shows that the abolition of capital punishment has a 1 tendency to Increase crime and lynch law. j be will recommend on act enfor tng the death penalty in Kansas, with n prmLlon requiring th© sheriffs to carry out the sentence wphnu* a death warrant ygi©d .by th© Governor It would he H n ex j tratnely unpleasant task f*r Gov B<nn|ey j Xo Have to sign the death warrants of the ! forty murderers who are now In th© jails, and who were convicted under former ad ministration©. Edmond Rostand filled up a whole page of a Farts newspnper with poeltr gusn *ver Kruger when that obi cenilernan vls , ited France the other day; and now not only Farls. hut the rest of civilisation Is j laughing over the effusion. Th© poem abounds In dlmax©*, th© best of which, j it Is claimed. Jus been rendered literally j Into English, thus: * No. history has ! nothing In her cycles finer or more tragic than the spe -tm i© of lhi old man In eyeglasses with crepe on his hat.'* iCv|. dently Rostand has not been able to do as well by Kruger as h© did by Cyrano and Napoleon. It should not be over looked. by -the way. that both Cyrano and Napoleon have b©©n dead a lone time and with them the imagination of the jM>©t had unlimited latitude for play, while In the case of Kitiger It wus a matter of turning the news of the l©.v Into rhyme, and aliiging of h person In the flesh who smokes plug-cut tobacco and dtinka b#er tiy th gallon. . , Iladji llas'in Ghouli Khan Moham©< Ei V* irla formerly repf*scnte*l the bhah of I'ersia in Washington. Th© nswcpaiier l>arngraph©rs and humorist* w*-r© ©tru* k with his name, and quipa ;nd verges hi 1 upon it chased each other through th© f*aters 8o rlotus did tqs fun br * ome that Hadji Hasran pulled up ©takes ti.'l went ba k home rath* r than fa © ir. lie has now been succeeded by Due Khan Mofakanmied Dov< U who. in pre senting his ere*teat Ist* to the President th* other gay, asked for His Excellency's "support and protectlor. ” PoeHbljr leiac wish* (hr President to hold the n*w.-paper paragraphers off him Isaac Khan. If h© will, make himself eo ).ir w: h (he t>o) that they’ll let him alone. Hr. it sc*ms. there sn a far-reaching diplomat!© i* a son tor Emp*ior William's • legram of congratuiatinn to Prc.-ident Kruger in h> ; , after the Jameson raid. It ©em l the *•( sounding tie i- ( rf Europe a- to what would he the attitude towards Germany in the ©\ent of t -rtain * ontingfncje#, *1 i omnut no diplomatic in*li*> retlor." said Chwn*-© lor *1 •\. ’in saying that the reception of that telegram outside of Germany left no doubt that in the event of * onflh t with Eng land in Africa. Germany would have to rel- solely on her own ©arength." The Emperor*© diplomacy, therefore, served to ©how him |k©' !*• t\ w nere b- would stand, and what friends he would not have. In the event of trou‘ * with England. There are two queer things in that Nl* eriuv Information, In the. dispatch©* of ye terday to the effect that former King Milan of Herv;a is about to bt-coma en gaged to Mbs Atget, an American heir* e>- Th© first is that there < xiU an American he iress, of whatever name, who in fool enough to bestow herself and h"T money upon the moat notorious, dissolute and disreputable. r' al of ro>al blond In Christendom, for tha poor return of a meaningless title, coupled with brutal is • slat ion.-*. Tho se.ond qticer thing bow >buM a corropondent know that the ex-king and lh*- American heiress w.,rt about to become engagad"? I*ER!H)A IL. It i> de, ire'l to be a fact that when Jo eph < *hatnhcrlain wa made colonial no. rel ary he did not know where th© its lonlnl offh * ua*. uKhougb it wa juel o(s |s-u© L*>w'img ©trr**t, when* he had eo of ter* at ns a cabinet minister. —A bust of Bouts© M Alcott. the gift arvi work tf Frank l>Jwru EJwcll. the wi 11-know i* aiptot . wa-< unveiled at the I'niverelty of Kansaa last Saturday. Miss Alentt. b ! 1* s Indng a writer of popular tales, was moat active against the Kansas- Nehraskw bill Mr. Kiwell first studied art ur-ler Miui Alcott'a sister ©t Concord, Mass. A so ;■ !y l ie been organixed in Haiti morn to erect a memorial of Urn. Philip It* 1. a Mary land soldier, who won fame In iii* war of thflf revolution and th** war <4 IBIJ. Hr wu ©iso United fftatec -cim tor from Marvbmd from IRK to IM’. ©n*l w.i*( i member of the House of Represen tative* in th Fifteenth and (Seventeenth Congresses. —Announcement is mad© by Governor ©le<'t Odell of New York that he will d> continue th** custom Inaugurated by iMr Hoosevelt of -*'*•.rig reporters twice © iay In a body. The in* oming executive n,*>s hi© ihim is no mor© valuable to him tiMtn is that of th t*|ioners to thni. aisl theroforo b* will tb*tn at nn> lint* If po©>lt)|c. Not a f w pollticiana regard mis move a- .*m what of a reflection on the strenuous executive. UK It.H I' 11l lk. —Fixe*#—Judge—"Now. my hoy. you ♦r© on your oath. Do you undcrslan*! that m his Witness—••Why— ©r— 1 don’t Jest —er reckon " Judge—“Do you know what you're exi*©ct*xl lo tell?” Wtn*-- *4 h. >©'. t! lawyer that hired m* . wrote it all town so tnat 1 could learn it l'> hear;.**—Philadelphia Preoa. —Mis. Hocorn—“But, Mhidln , 1 l. n t s*- why you don't want to marry Bike Beau blossom. lb's prosperous enough lie s Just put anew *L* on his hou?> Matidy— T don't kecr. maw. li** kin put lih whole .ilphalet on bis heun if la want© to. but this here library life vu-ter 1.l appeal to me.”—Baltimore Ameri can. —A Protest—" The first thing that stin k me when I arrived in Congr* said Representative Hunker, "was the useless exuavagince displayed.” "To what point do you refer?** "This pr.ic h*** of eending bouqut ts to Senators uul RepresetttatKi’s. it ougni to tw sropi** I Hu© I’ve got to pass up a lot of men •• .o a florist for ro?>*s and mriiHtloii- or el-- hung around and kx>k a if nolnxl) loved nit ’—Washington Star. I t II HEAT COM MEAT. Th** New York Commercial (Ind.) say. "When tho pressure to ©ell w*ol 'fu tiirea* I** gati in Hie European market© lift spring the effect was moat speedily felt in France, it sank and the rf.-wlts were the irut disastrous. Husincs© was po hadh and ‘rgatilled tbrrebv throughout 1 1©*'empire ©hat renewed efforts w'ere made |n th* French House of Deputies hi July to make dealings in 'tops' Illegal, but a motfcon to this effect was rejected by o vote of 32* to This r*swlls the now almost foigotten but once famous Ocala demands.' and Ilk© vagaries of American politic© ten years ago The Farmers’ Alliance essayed to stop all rW illngs in ‘futures.* and socn© of the shrewder sort in tbs bunch actually man aged to break Into Congress under that cry Hut Toon* Livingston of CJeoigia Is about ih© only one of the outfit who now remains in that body—and he. doubtless, wouldn’t care particularly to have hts record pull**! on him. with the ‘Bub* 'Treasury* scheme and ail dragged out to view In this year 19QU." The Philadelphia ledger (Ind.) says. "If C-mgross should provide silver dollars or for use in th© Philippines tt should aleo provide for the forfeiture to tle government of ony tha< may be re tnrne*l to this country, one-half of the value of the forfeited coin lo go to the in former. Then, perhaps, the Philippine dollars would stay where they belong in stead of returning like the trade dollar 4o ‘plague the inventor.' ** The Chicago Record (Ind.) says: "The subsidy bill hint! vary strongly of • de termination on the part of th# Republican leaders to abuse tbsir power to the end of Inaugurating © period of prodigal ex travagant© and unbridled dehaucher) In public, funds. It Is tuna for the leaders of ©he party to stop short In their progress and consider soberly how the parly will •tnd before the nation If U thus abuses the trust which th# people have repo ted In It.” The Norfolk (Va.) landmark (Dem) says; "It turns out that the King of Por tugal l© Queen Victoria's nephew. t*o. our readers who have not forgotten their Latin w H ©e© tin* Great Britain’s pro tection of the rorttguene in their squab ble with Holland u a plain ca of Depot l*j*k M x Th© ©for? of a 4 ourt H*-nt>. Among the famous be lutie© at the courts of the Btuartu wan Mary VUllar©. Du* h©sa of Richmond ami loennox. ear© n© A U’a Comixsnlon Htae waa bom In KCJ. and wae married at urly an age that her husband, *i> ing within t w ©ivemonlh. left Iter an H-yearr-oLI widow. Then she returned to the court of Charles I. her ©duptive lather, and. a ladtant child clad in widow's weeds, gre ater n*> niali sctiaatlon. One little adventure ©how© her at her pretti©M. and won for her the nickname of puttarflv ” She had climbed into a tree in the King’s garden to gather some fruit, and her long Mack drees and veil ©pr> ad th* in?©lvts over the branches in the man ner of wings, ©o that the King, at om< distance, imagined ha now a strange bird perching in the tree. Mi. Porter, a gal land young courtier, was in attendance. Jivl Hit* Majesty. Kt.owing him to bo an expert vnarksman. ©aid: "Do you #©c that strange bird up in that tree I wish >ou would tiro at it *' Hut th© range was too great, and .Mr. porter crpt up under the tree. The e among the branch©* was the Countth-s, looking k>wn upon him will) th- most In no am ©ir. and pelting him with fruit What have you there. Porter?" asked te. glancing at his (un©© "Why can't you speak? Are you bewitched?' **o, madam,” h< reMied. "if you what brought ine thither, you would own. • bat I less\♦* reason for being surprts -1! The King, Spying you in a, tree, took you for a bird. Bo >ou may guc*s u|**>n whit cnand I came" "What." she cried, "to kill me?” V* madam, to kill you! I promised to t>ring the King some of your feathers!** "Hi. ha!’* cried she. laughing. "You must i*e ** gCMsi a. your word! Iwslll put myself into © Uug© hamier. and so he • rrled Into hH apartment.” Bo the hamper was onv* y*d into tfie Ktug’s presence and Mr. Porter, accom panying It. explained tht nobody could poN-.blv wish to kill it, and t<o ho hi I taken It alive Th© King was. ef course, very eager to see so lovely a creature, and opened the hamner with his own hand Th**iC rrtjehed -th© Countess, bubbling over with merriment. History does not tell us whether ©he quoted: "Isn't this a pretty dish to set before ths king?'* But it does declare that th© King w *> delighted anew with the littlady and her fantastic humor. .Vamped on "Jot'' A\ heeler. it was raining the other day, says th© Washington correspondence of th© New York World. An angular woman w ♦ ing a mackintosh, fitting next to Gen. Joe Wheeler in a stri ct car. ton© to ** t off at Fourteemh and F turrets. 4Jen. Wheel er noticed an umbrella leaning again t t ♦- enr scat. He grabbed the umbrclLi. ran after the woman, caught lier at th** door and sail •‘Pardon me, madam, but you left your umbrella.” Th© woman looked puxxicd. but took th© umbrella. Gen. Wheeler resumed hi* ♦•••!. Then a woman on the other fid© of him g.i\© a little ©cream and gold: ‘Why. you nasty Ilttl© man. you gave that woman my umbrella." Then she appealed to the conductor. Gen. Wheeder upologixcd, but tfie wo man raid: "Now you Just get right off tha car and get ft for mv, or I'll notify *h* police.” Meekly tho vet* ran of three wars turn Mail off into the rain and ran after 4 ha woman with tne mackintosh. He mad© hurried explanation, got the um brella and rushed hack to th© waiting ear. Ah he handed It back to Its owner be Ni©l. "1 trm*t you will pardon me. mad am. I assure you it was all a mistake." The woman glared nt him. "I don't know about tliat,*t tdi© sniffed. T don’t believe you arc any bettor than you ought to be.” Joke on Tom Iteed. Two Jolly brokers, having finished their lay's work, were discussing tho latest • w.- as they rode homeward on tho "L.” aya the New’ York correspondence of Ihe t'hi ago inter Ocean. The car. ss u*atl. was packed. Ono big man in |*artlcuUr made his presence fell, bee iuse ho *>• u j net only his own e* at. but projected a little over the partition arms designed ti ©*parate ono passenger fr<in Another. • I *©•• the i-gar is having a close call.” one broker remarked, reading the dl IMtches from Llvadla. •*H© won’t be mlHMsi,'* re|vh*’*l ih© oth< r. Its - sing his voice, he gdtltsl: “I lof t i:© much ot\ Csars, anyway They ar© too dl* ttftoriai. We had ample experience of on. and were lucky to retire him to pri \t* life. ll*- i a very decent fellow now .'* Glancing In the direction of the big man. who was half-hkWen behind his paper, a reporter detected a broad grin on the moon fa* eof 11)45 Hon. Thomas B R©•*<*. former Speaker and Cxar. The brok. r noticed It. also, and, with a wink at his ©om jail don. arwc and left tho car. Played x Joke on the Good Mai*. A good ©tory is tokt on th© Rev. Mr. Hageuum. ©ays tho Oxfoni (Mich ) Leader. At th© annual meeting of ihe Congregational Vhureh the quegtlon of hlilng a prea her tomes up At the last one. when the question camo up. Hage man was rather anxious Th© chairman, Miod okt deacon. roe#-. saying: All those in favor of retaining El<W 11 inmin for another year—at the same ©alary—will pleaso ri*e ” Not oie rose, and Hageman felt al*out a> nv-an as mortal man ooukl feel. But ♦h© chairman rose again, pulling this question: Ail ihop* in favor of k*pins tho n-v Mr ildg-nviD at an Innv** of salary will r>l-a* ri^." Evrry on- rm> When tt 4*nnl or the goo I rliltr tht thny h(* brrn only Joking atih him. lh* mowl on hi face broke ' line a broa.i grin—• an IcFl* Ir.ik* away in rparkllng water befor.- the tienetiretit ray* of a warm *un. Some of hi* beet frlerxl, liaA planned the acheme which workert to perfection. The land of Make Ha-lleae. From the Boston Globe, To Ihe gitea of l>wn. how gUrtiy Would tha grayhea-la all go ba k And. among tha kttle ohlMren. For a while forget the rack’ How ihetr purbhnd eyes araulA brighten. |low (heir heart* with Joy would heave, Coukl they ono again be dwellers In tho Ixr.d of Make Believe! O. what treasure* that a Croeeus Has envuered can enual tlioso That before tha gase of childhood, Ae by magi--, once aror>< " All are rich tf but they will b- Alt powees what they percelvrw To life * larg**w there's no limit In the La ml of Maka Uekcvc! What a land tt Is to live In. Wiiera a palace I* a* - heap A* a hove*—where the little* May with giant strides o'erkap Hlgh-st bights! Tho' bringing knowledge How the flying year* bereave Va of all.our tmppy dweiitr.*- In live Land of Make Beaeve! Htlli eo curl on- IS tire human. E'en In child hood—oft h* goes Far outside Joy's sphere. a--eeplng O'er Imaginary wow. For tha one thal'a born a poet. Tho he knows not why. must grieve O'er the tear* that fall outside of Tha bright Land of Make Believe* —Her Idea—Fgly Husband (snarting)- “You married me for better or worse, didn't youT" Wlfs (he*titatuiglyj—**Y. tmt 1 1 would bavo avniii u , rietjr,' —Lelrult Eras fiat*, The Quakers Are Honest People. §The (jtrakrr Herb Tonic la not only a Idood pun tier but a Hioori Maker for F’ale. Weak and De bilitated people who have not etrrnglh nor blood. It acts ns a tonic. It regulate* digestion, cures lye^ strength and tone to tha nervous ;\M ni It 1b a medicine for weak women. It 1* a purely vegetable medicine and c.n l* laken by the tnest delicate Kidney Dis eases. Rheumatism aad ail dlscaeea of Uie Rlood. Stomach and nerve* soon succumb to It' Wonderful effect* upon the human system. Thousand a of propl© In Georgia recommend It. Prl'*© SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM the mallei via that Ih© Quak©r Doctor mad© all of hi© ©ondcrful quick cureN with It’* © ft©w aik! wortuciful iiudK’lii© f" r Nouralgl©, Tnoth©<*he. Backache, Rh©umatli*n, Bpraln*. Pain In 13>*ei*. in fact, all pam can be relieved by It. Pric© 2Ac and Mo. QUAKER WHITE WONDER BOAT, a medicatad aoap lw fit© ©kin. *calp add complexion. Prico 10© a tjk> QUAKER HEALING SALVE. * vege table olntmcnl. for the euro of letter, ec n* ma and eruption* uf the *kln Pric© 10c a box For **ALF BY Alai* DRPGGISTR. LTIL of HOPt m mo and ss. r r at.'ULOt u: I le oi lt"ie. Montgomery Ttiundar boti. Cattle J’srk and West Lnd. I'aliy except Sunday.. Subject lo cuaßgs without nolle* ISLK OF HOPL. I.V City for i cf li Lv I lanf Hopa ~ * 8 .i" from T nth <<• am for Bolton 7M am from Tenth | * ui am for Tenth S3o am from T.-t!> j 7 oo am for Tenth 9 1 j am from Ito.ron | # on am for Tenth 10 JO mn in m Tenth lo in am for Tenth 1J TO n'n trom Tenth ,U oo am for Holton 1 K> pm from Bolton ,11 3) am for Tenth r3i pm from Tenth ; iTO pm for Tenth 3J' pm trom Tenth 2*o pm for Holton 4jo pm trom Tenth j 300 pm for Tenth uoo pm In in Tenth 1 tOO pm for Tenth 6yi pm from Tanth , uo pm for Tenth pm ’ 7 TO i'm foi Tenth So pm Irotn Tenth *oo pm for Tenth SJ) pm I ruin Ti mb it in ptn for Tauth 10 30 pro fiom Tenth ,T 000 pm for Tenth MON TOO JI FRY Lv city for Mung ry.j Lv. Montgomary 3u am ir.mi Tenth~fT U am for Tenth Ji' pm Horn Tenth Ila pm for Tenth *lO pin from Tenth , 600 pm for Tanth CA'ITLL PARK. Lv ctly for Cat. Park, Lv C'ntlla Park fi i) am from Holton , 7 00 am for Bolton i JO am rrom Holton ; * 00 an for Holton I TO pm from Holton | 1 3 pm (or Bolton l 30 pm from Holton j 3 ou pm for Holton 7 Oo ptn from Holton j 7 30 pm for Bolton too pm trom Hoi ion S3O pm for Bolton Til i.'N DK ItBO Uf. Car leaves Bulron sireet Junction &.30 a 111 and • very thirty minute, thereafter unui lI.Sop. m Car leaves Thunderbolt at TO a. tn. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12 TO midmglit, for Bolton street Junc tion. 1 TtKl tfilT and"f ARtTCI. CAR This car carries trailer for passengers on all trip* nnd leave* west side of city market for Isle of Hope, Thunderbolt and all Intermediate points at 9.00 a. m. 1 TO p m . 5 .TO p m Leave* Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt. City Maiket and all Intermediate points at 3,00 a. m . 11:00 a. m., 2:40 p. m. WEST KND CAR. Cnr leares west tide of city market for West Knd 6:00 a. tn and every 40 minute* thereafter turlnr the day until 11:30 p. m Leave* West Knd at 3:20 a m. and are* *ry V> mlmiie* thereafter during the day until 1* on oVlnek midnight H M LOFTON On. Manager. Merclionls l Miners lispofion Cos Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Ticket© on Sale to All Points North and ! Waal. Flr*t-oln** tl©k©t* include m©©l* and berth.* Savannah to Baltimore and Phlla- ! delphia. Act ommoila*ions atul cuLina un#*qual©d The *teim*hlp© of ihi* cnßipany ar© ap- i pointed to *aii fri>m Savannah aa follows j (Central Standard Tlmap TO BALTIMORE. TBXAfI. Cept Eldicdge. BATURDAT. Dec ir,. i p m I> It MILLKR. ‘apt. rtders. TUES DAY. De. 1. 3:30 p m. ITASCA. Car*. Billups, THURSDAY. Dec. 20, A p. rn CHATHAM. Capt Easier. SATURDAY. Dec 22, 3 p m. TO I’MILADELPItIA. BKRKBIIIHE. Capt. Ryan, MONDAY. Dec. 17. 3 p m ALLEGHANY. Capt. Foster. FRIDAY. Dec -1. S p. rn. BERKSHIRE. Capt. Ryan. TUESDAY, Dec. £5, S p m. T.cket OR!' e No 112 Bull atreet J J. CAROLAN, Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trar. AgL Savannah, Ga. W T TURNER. O. r A A D BTEBBINB, A. T M J. C WHITNEY, Traftlc Manager. General op e* Baltimore, Md® Wood Mosaic Co?s : Parquetry Floors Have been laid In many of 'he com fortable hones In New York, Boston and other cities. Alore cleanly and eronoml'-al than carper. Plain and fancy floor* laid and polkihed complete over old floora, making a solid and beautiful Improve ment Having a number of floor* to lay In Sa vannah tht.* month we tag quote .joee figure*. Catalogue and eeilmate, may be had by addrr*Mng J M ADAMS, 217 N Charlea etreet Baltimore, Md. BRRNNAN BROS^ HOLLSALB Fruit, Produce, Qraio, Etc. **2&AY STRCBT. weau letrrbeoegM. MINGLEDORFF & CO. MACHINE BLACKSMITHS AJJII IJOI LEIIMAKERS. Telephone 4KS, w !*.<!Un Mrcet, * Havannah. Ua. OLD NEWSPAPERS. J for It'ccauTst Buakne** Office Morning Newt, I.KUAI. NOTICF.e NOTICE TO DEBTOR# AND CREDIT ORB. OEOn<HA. CHATHAM ■ . Notice la hereby given to all peri. , , ( lng demand* again*! Pauline of aald county, decoaerd. to preset,, , to us. properly m.uie out. with.- time prewrlbed by law. m ~, * thetr character nnd emouni. and al; rona Indebted lo said decexseA , t ’ qulretl to nnke tinmediate paync nt tt " Savannah, Oct. 2. I*oo. '*• LEWIS I.EVKoy r>AVID LKVK ,y no v NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND . i , ITORS. u ‘ GEORGIA. CHATHAM rop NTT Nolle* Is hereby given to „n ' having demands against Lgwrer .. ,* Ducn. late of .-aid county, dec, ~ , ‘ present them to me, prupirly nun wlihln the time pregcrlbed by |* ~ '• to *how their etiaracter and atneuri, all pT*oti Indebted to said de ( ‘ required to make Immediate paytn. r„ me M. r. DUNN. M and. Adminl trr'or Savannah, Ga . Nov. B, 19TO NOTICF. TO DEBTORS and V-Rt nt' TORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTT Notice I* herrhv given to all per*.., (< ' lug demand* against Ellen Merger i„, of said county, deceased, to pr. ... lo me, properly made out, wlihm time prescribed by law. so , thsir character and amount, era , , persons mdebee.l to sa'd d'ce,*,,. H . r ._ qulrsd to make Immediate . * me. M A O'BYRNR Admin rtritn flavannah. Ga.. flet. l. imo NOTICE TO DITTORfI AND CHy r. TORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM rn: , TT _ Notice I* hereby given lo all per*er e, lng demands against Patrick c!n i,r* of said oounly. deceased, to presn> tv*r> to me. properly mada out, w-i, time prescribed by law, so an to show their character and amount and , persons Indebted io said deceased a .. r , quired to rnak Immediate p>rr , rat. M A. O'BTRN* Execater. Savannah. Ga.. Nov 3th. lYm GEORGIA. CHATHAM cm NT' - No • i- hereby given that T hat mada application to Court of Ordinal v f.. ham county for lcavo to el| twine, v.i a undivided Interest In t!i eou'.hrrn one. half rxart of kH Number twrnlv . • O'Neill ward. In the clly of Savant h. with Improvements thereon, belonging m estate of Annie and Julia Collin.-, ti. i ni for th* purpose of providing i ( maintenance for said minor.-, gj ) said order will he granted at the Jeruiry term. 1101. of aatd court, unless oi.j. , are filed thereto. JOHN. T. COLLINS Guardian ef Annie and Julia i oh,ns, minora. IT'S ICEBTAIHTY THAT Smith’s Chill Tonic A TRADE MARK. WILL CURE Dengue, Typhoid, intermittent. Malaria. And All Forms o( Fevers. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT ON A GUARANTEE. —Manufactured by— COLUMBIA DRUG CO., SAVANNAH. GA. B R N**t. T. P MIM isn | Preaideak Vice Prealdeat. I MrsKT ULtni. Jr Sec y and Tr*aa I NEAL-11ILLARD CO. Builders' Material, Sash, Doors and Blinds, | Paints, Oils, Varnlsbes, Class and Brnsbes, ! CHILDERS' HARDWARE, i Lime, Cement and Piaster, *u ui WklMkee Otreeie. UtgJUUH, TOA. SCUSE YQUISELH f's* fltff <U for •pnstwrf tisch*rirw. rrtUHuas or ul'W* ll " >t mti -o o • sn l n t , #*nt or poisonous •oli kj i>mrfrtE or ml to pUfn wrsrrf, hr •Mprm* r*p*4. W •1 . or S ImIIIm, h *V Circular U h We Save You Money —ON- Klm Work*, To>a and doll*; ** <>• and 'Phone *7S. DONNEI.LT DRLO CO , Liberty and Prlrr fire- - J. D. WEED * CO UTBUUS, U. Leather Belting. Steam Packing 4 Bosi ACMU* tor NEW TORE BELTING AND PACWNO COR PAN t. CITY OF UVAMIAH FOCM.ET UP. SO CENT* EACB. FHINTKD IS TWO COLORS. NICELY BOI'ND IB CLOTH STAMPED n OOLD • * ,Da For .l 0 ST 4 THE MOS&IXO NETWfc