The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 14, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 AGAINST CLERKSHIP BILL OBJKOT *lH> I*4VtWO TRFAM Hl'all (IKIIK RAIUIIV. llcsoltlt loim \ r| 4 Mil I pirn *© fN tor mill Hr prra**u tN ft *• to Of|ONr I’NMiiiKr of Hill telxiit© 4 outii* 'I rr nmr •* r Ralhnrlt) to %ft point n 4'lrrk—RrsolMlloiiN •#> •!* Da li©# nf Ihr lilllrr Hi* Not H**inlrr •i 4 Irrk miml if Tb©> lliil Ihr Tm•- nrtri mlar> I* largr I'ihihmli to l*n j 111 us—>4 U|ilr* '(MI tv J.ritliln ton ttd f *%cror. ’stive D.tvlil YVeIN Rild th© fit)i *‘T rnmiber*. of th© del* e atlon from 4hM county to the Awmbljr ©r© i,.w provide! with ne creden tial* when Mr Welts said they In vi* lffn waiting for before opining the bill, which provides for t *• appointment of a cl*k lo the count> treasurer and the payment of th i rk'a *a .irv bv the county. A ? yesterday's me©ting of the County Com ml#* oners m resolution w.i adopted pr.-ii*tirc in vigorous term* against th* pi wg© ff thm bill ami **Jling upon the 8 n nor from thla dtstiici and the Hepr**- a- taUves from this coup’y to oppos© It. 4 oplei of the resolution were sent U* t rl*hr not only lo the BoiwHcc and Rrcpre- KAtitlvrv, but Also to Gov. CuruUcr, mi • hat he may be In a fmfti!lo(i to under r ind what the authurlttee of the county think of the bill, in cane It should pa** •he two houai ami oom* to him f*r bin a. £ nature. The von- discuss*-*! by the nuiwnh**ion©rs In cau-us nnd other than to |aw> -them nothitig uas mi<l or done at •he public meeting In regard to them Mr. tieorfte W OtH.i wus • imi*te*l to the i Aucua of the <ommlaelotiera and It wa© \nd**rstr*od advocated the adoption of the resolutions. The resolution* are fol lows : The Commledonera of the rnainty of Chatham respectfully enter their protest gainst the * na'tment and pisswg* of the act now pending in the L©gti*i.ire to al low the appointment of t cleric by the treasurer of said county, whoso H ilary is to be paid by said county. "They rstpe submit that rh© work ©r duties of aild off! *■ do not require any auch appointment and thaa the ©molu tnonti from aald oft! e, the same l*lng S3.X) f-er annum, are amply sufTl i*nt to allow Its in -umhent to pay for all nec©*- MO clerical work "They further submit that the tax bur dens of the county are now heavy, and chat there should be no Increase of same, unless absolutely required by public ne cessity. '* On motion th# clerk of the Ron nr! of Commissioners w*s directed to send A cer tified copy of the resolution to the Gov ernor of the state, to th© Senator from this district and to each Kepresen'atlve from this county. These copies were went to Atlanta by last nights mail and will he tu the hands of those fur whom they ar© Intended before tMay'ii session of •he l* gl-lat are Is begun. The coffimiseioner* dhJ not care to dis cuss the matter further than to say the resolution expressed what they drought about the bill. Chairman lub has always contended that it was th© duty of the l©*g- Mature to look after matters of this kind, ard that the • ommlssloners should not Interfere. Hl Idea l that th© commis sion© should do simply whnt they are re quired to do by law. and not endeavor to Influence legislation. However, he did not oppose th© adopt ion of the resolution at the meeting, though he may have had something to say In caucus The bill providing for the appointment of a clerk by th© county treasurer provides for th© paym< r.t to him of a salary of s**> |>er annum. This salary Is to be paid by the county. The hill ha© already parsed •he House, ar;d when Hcpre-H.*ntutlv© WHN vih lust In Savannah he stated to a Morning News reporter that It would probably pass th© Sana!© tineas some o|r pcsMtlon dtvflopel. This Interview with Representative '"'ells appeared In the Morning New** of lael Monday. In the course of It Mr ‘'Veils aald that he whs pemnrmlly otdiu©-t •o the bill. Hint thought It unwise and 1 c proper, but that he !m-1 not yet done any • Mr.g to prevent Its passage Mr Wells e iid he h.rd written to th© county authoM tiea and a.k*d what they thought about the bill, ard what they would have him do ’ And," he said. **l never could Indue© • 1-m to nay anything or do anything that would authorise me to oppose the MU as their representative Vndor the circumstance* when they did not fe*| cal lot) upon to express <heir opjioMUon to •he measure, I have not felt called ut*on to invite the censure and abuse that would !►© certain to follow my personal nnd unsupported opposition. Hut 1 don think there Is any reason for the county assuming this additional charge, and I don't think the bill ought to become a law.** It is probable that the rest of the dele gation' flt <hoot the matter ©omewhaf as Mr 'Veils did. and were equally averse to taking the Initiative In opio eltton to the bill's (wscifr. | remain© to l>e seen what they will do now that they are apprised of the County ('om* mission©**' objection. THE Ho \ 1111 H L4MT I utility < nmmUiiionrra Will >nl He flit* Same %ftcr Jim. I. The December meeting of (he County was. held *t t;e Court Jioutc yntprdiy afternoon. H was tty* last mottle of the present board In Its enllrwty, as after Jan 1 Commissioner Bimldns, Lyons and Well will retire At the met*tin gveaterday Tax Collector J. J. McGowan. Bherlff John Schwarz and County Surveyor Kdwnrd J. Thomas qualified am) took the oath ot office The bond of the tax collector is Sluu.OW. and that of the sheriff SIQ.OUO, the bond of the surveyor Is nomirwil The commissi*>i.*rs also qntUflfd five of the recently eiciel • o:w aM*e These were lain Klley arid \V. J Barrett of the First District M L. Lillenthal of the Second. Frank guinley and Julius Kauf man of the Fourth. Neither of the con alablea elected for the Third District qualified on yesterday. The commissioner* passed an order mnklna chanire In the OaiiMon Bluff road. the rhanpe boantr established. It affect* about MO feet of th* road. The C'-mmlit*** on Road" and brldtrs reported favorably the establishment of Levy ave nue. This road Is to run from Date ave nue to the Bonaventure shell road and will be about iw-wy-wvpn hundred f*et In lerii<h and forty feet in width. It will branch off from Dale avenue atxmt two hundred fee west of the Placentia canal. The cofnm’svlofters approved the report and direct.* j th** advertisement of the order •*Melcih!ii|: th< road. Cot tra t- for Mippllc* were .isaaN by the corn mis** lor era ,i* follows: Groceries, J. L ( A. Hons, coal. Herman Om) and Wool Company; wood. Brown Bros., bread. Ft*d K hwars: beef, Hush Ix>; shoe*. Globe She* Company. Mipt. Chap'ln reported only routine work and re >y the several rhaingang* dur bar the mould of November. The heKh c>? the <or.vl* t* I* good and all the camps In food condition The commit*ionrs passed for payment hi It naan st the county amounting to $. , 4 - •Cl which had been examined snd ap proved by the Finance Committee of the board. A fttch-Grude institution for Ladle# Shorter Cotlefa, Rome, Oa. Write far |Mutaiegue.-a4. I'hoiau got ory with a u:\h. Pleaded Guilty to Forgery anil l.e t llnv n l.ight. Phoerix Wltliinih. u former Court House messenger, pleaded guilty In *h Bu|erlor Court >•• -leiday miming #• an indlcdmee.t charging him with forgery, threw himself upon the merry of th* court, and was sentenced by Judge r .Hl gant to a term of twelve month? on the chatngaikg. TTe alicrtntlve ©ent*ne -,s a fine q? 1100 nnd the .-i of t • prose cution and It may l*c that e friends of Phoenix will be nb|s raise the money and save hi* proud soul gnomtny of further imprisonment .is v i* i t by his plea of guilty, has but very lately changer! hi* tune. He wav arr* *t*d n • ouple of we* k* go. after a► irch *>> whb h Bheriff Hweetiy ha-1 sts-vit <ri.or than tight months Th* *t t \ ,fer hi* arrest Phoenix told a Morning Na tbat h** h *1 nothing to do w ith th* several little er>ter pr'ses In which the money lender** f the cHy suff* r*< and In which money had l*een obtain*.l on h ©treng’h of !h torg *l *igtsN?ure of Janitor Bartley Ykmovan • f th** t'ouii House. Phoenix placed n I the l*lm* on I*an 'VdlLime. though re . know!edged that l.e got nil the money Pit h b*ei ( Mftt t'* the riuillu: ihg fur ji year. Th * indictment to which Phoenix plead ed ch.irged him with forging Janitor Ism **v in's tivime t* an order for SIJ .*A which wa* * ind t\ Mr J Marll. It i* probable that .ludg** Falllgant was Induerd to d**al leniently with Phoenix b* mi*- of htn previous g*si record and the further fact that Since the crime h** has suffered much In the old days he was a hlgh-llver an ! a high r*-ller, the B**:u Flrummel *-f erdored so. lety, and tie* of all observers among his peo ple. "'hsn h** w-f- cap4ursl by Bhnff Sweeny he had led tn** life of an oyster man newr Thun<lerb*At for some month'* and that life Is not an easy or a pleasant one. Phoenix ©howed tl effect© of 1 In ••very gesture. roM/iiiKii with run thomut. *nl Car lot** n Ytegiilar nt 'rhntiderholt ©nil lufnred Motorninn Mo tor man N P Itl<hardson of the Sa vannah. Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope Railway, wbo stopp* | his car on Brough ton street day before yesterday Just in time to be run Into t*y a h*e wagon. Is playing In hard luck Yegtcrday lie re ceived o painful Injury to his f**or in a • olllslon between his car an*l a construc tl**i cat loal* <1 with san>l. The ©cident o'eurrc| at ThtjndrrtooH about 7 o* % lock. Hl* h ard-son s car was on Its way out. and the other car was on a switch, -hut coming out on the main line. When the motorman In charge of the and car raw ’he regular car he .t --tempted to return to the switch to allow it to (Hies, but th* 1 sand car broke from the trolley car by which It was being lier*ted, and continuing on Its way to the main track, crash***! Into the regular ••ar, smashing iti the dn.hboar*l and pin ning Richardson to the front of his car The sand car was finally tried off and Richardson was released. Ills f<*ot wis *o |Mlnftilly brubed that b* was tin ble to ootitlnue work. The case against Richardson In Pol! • ■ Court on ao-ount of his stopping his •*tr In front of the fire truck at Broughton and Drayton street© the day be fore. and In which h** was sum moned to app*ar before Re corder Hart ridge on the charge of ob structing the way of the fWe depanment was continued, as. owing to his Injury received at Thunderbolt. Hlchirdson was unable to appear. >© * lltltHlH OHDI Hl.n Hbl.nUßt). Tlie Corporal Is ■** l.ongrr t inter Technical %rres|. An order hi a been posted upon the bul letin hoard at the R* girr.rnta! Armory re leasing Cor pi. It. 8 Harris of the Repub lican Bluet fiom the technical arresg un dor which he has been and restoring him to his duty In the company. Cor pi. Har ris* enlistment was up on last Tuesd y. however, and ©o far as connection with the company was concerned. It made but little difference to him as to whether he was re*t>rd to duty. The letter from headquarter* in At Janta. respecting Corpl. Harris and the order of th* 4overnor. growing out of th.* review of the cvllrn e brought out In f re the court-mart la I and tin* findings f th** court. stated that the fbivemor's iwinton of Harris to lx- construed as return ing him to iluty with his company. It was further said, however, that, under the regulations, he might he given his discharge oi***ci the expiration of his term of enlistment wi’h whatever comment the commanding oftl r. t apt. M. Kd Wll mn, might deem Just. MIM (,Il.l*OP OF Mill I*. The County Tarn. Has Prodncnl During Thla weaann. Out at the county farm, where the ser vices of “the maimed, the halt and the blind" men convicts of the county, with those of the women and children, are put to good use. there will be made this year about 2.MX> gallons of Georgia cane syrup This is In addition to all the very many other products that come from the farm Of late the <Atut ha© been ground and* the Juice hol ed to make syrup, find th* pro* ess has proven Interesting to v*r> many who have gone nut to the farm to s*e the convicts work and to s*e how much cane juice they could drink. *1 he visitors usually found that this was but smalt quantity, a* th* Juice lo*-* H* • avor tf if Is extracted from th** stalk b> any other agency than the molars of him or her who drinks It. The syrup mule at th> farm this year will b* more than enough fr the use of the guards nnd convicts until the next season of grinding and tmillng. 1114.11 \\lM>* F.XI'Ft TF.U TO-IHV. % florin Is t enfere| finer the f.ulf and Jilnrni Wnrnlnu* %re llfsplayed. Las* night about ! > o'clock the red light at the Weather Bureau denoting high south*© ? winds w * dlspliyc*!. Id ealise of a storm warning sent out from Washington. The tnes-ag** was sent to Jacksonville. Savannah and Charleoton nnd was is follows. “Storm apparent!) j centra, over northeast Gulf of Mexico i> moving east-northeast. High east t south winds arul rain Indicated lor Fri day.” The maximum temperature yesterday was 53 degr-**, And the minimum 13. giv ing a mean of 18 degrees. 6 degrees below the normal for • tie* day This gives to the month an a.'cumulated short.ig. of -t degrees. ar.*l reduce-* tr>e a iun*uklvi surplus for the 'ear to 2*? degrees. The rainfall for th* day wus .17 of an i cumulated shortage of .'.J Inches, and f*r the year an ©ceumulatid shortage of 7♦> inches The Wsshington forecast Cor to-dsy Is rsln; to-morrow Is cxi*ertc*l to be fair; brisk to high east to south winds may be expected on the ***ast Woodmen to Fleet Offtrora. Mistletoe Camp No 4. Woodmen of th World, wrt'd hold Its annual election for officers to-night. The Woodmen have probably the largest membership of any fraternal Insurance order In Havannah. and the camp is one of the most flour kill ing in the tioJllt THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1900. BY FEAR OF FIREWORKS. IVIFItMiII OW MSB* DIH( KU TO fl 'l) rOTTft' TO RUAX'AM. Mere c o(*n. ways %lr. (\ C. II a neon. I* ll** Ift In Savannah Wow for In terior Owners Than There Has ll*-* n Nf %it > Time In Ten friersl ff Ills Usreliunao Turned flyer to Lorsl I nmmiulnn Mouses. Inferior " n rehouse mm D 't Mite to More Cotton llarlit© the < lirlslntas llnlliln * •—T.% rn "Ifh This Movement, However, Pfrrrnt hkp off rop lln iil led Is ll* low Thill of last Year. Interior shippers are storing their cot ton in Hevam ah w ith the * **iiimi-n on met B*‘vn warehouses leased from the OVntral by Mr C <* Hanson lessee of the Central lUltrnad cotton have hern loaned the rommUuiicin houses of Sa virn.i f* r sloruge and all of them. In i !di ion t* * th** warehouse ■ wne! by the ' immlsi*loti house arc full. Mr II n-*n said yesterday that there Is more cotton In Savannah h**l 1 for In i* rl >r < wncro than thcr** has been at any lime In ten years He attributes this lo two | in- iptil oMtises, tlie fact that own ers ai- holding their otton for an ad vance In prices and that they *l* sire to K*-: It away from th© Interior cities and towns, where the safeguards against fl e •luring the Christmas holiday* are nol what they might be. In *4o* of tlie cl tie© and town© where of ton has been stored the warehouse men have been shipping lo B.i\aniian at a lively rate, so lively, ip fact, the mm: -inn men here, as h.i\ <**-eii forced to secure addition*!, room for ,f* storage The Interior warehousemen did not feci llk* taking the risk that retro from ♦* care|f***n s of the snaill tw> wltii his fit* popper or the re k!**t*s alstn donof the giown-up enihusiaM who insists ijmn making merry la a manner that do**> mi • 4.i.due.- to the safety of property of an lnfhinin<il* e nature. The insumnee upon cotton Is at a higher at** during the Chrlstnvas holidays at place© wrier* ordtn.ince© that rib.- the Uirvi tat ions of fireworks arc not sfrl* t ly enforced- Kven in place* where the po ll* e mak*- ever effort to carry out their Instructions and <*onflne the ddlght of the noil! Imi> to sections where they ate not likely to do so much damage, there is fear in the hearts of the warehousemen, and hey try to relievo their storage places of the cotton. Interior owners have not carerl to sell. l*ecause they Ix-lleve cotton is going up This accoums fur the fact that there Is so much of th*- staple held here that Is owned in the ini* rk*r There Is not nearly s much cotton at the |sxrt as there was at the corresponding period of last year, but the commis+ion men have a great •sil of ths< which i© here. Mr Hanson s business as operator of the Feutrul's s*veral compresses at Ra vmnah Mnd otlw r places along its line, lx©kies others Unit ate not owned by th© Ontral, may. it would e wi. b** taken as . criterion of th** c<4iditlon of the crop !f this yar. H*- said ytwentay that he Ivas Iwwn running short of th* quantity he hurdled Ivist year. At ’he present time the quantity >/ off alwmt 15 per cent., though there has been an Increase lately bcMuee f the as indl*rtted. of he Inte rior owners and warehousemen to ©h*p to Savannah. All this season the percentage has been •elow tb#ft of last ymr. save for sonv two or three w*e<>ks at the opening, when *he rush wa* ein-h as to sen*! the move. nent bt>vond that for the corresponding jerio*l of liiat year. The failing off was - •Men. however, coming with a drop in prices, ant! never since has the record of a.-t year been touched. The crop has been moving slowly, and forces of * Isrks. cotton workers nnd other© that, ordinarily nt this sw*on are very busy have not lieen ruehed nearly so hard Mr. Hanson say© farmers are holding n to iheir cotton. They do n.d wnt to sell until the price goes up. They arc inclined to Is* hultlsh and to hop** for and expect a rl©*- They do not n*d money particularly Just now. and be. their *ottnn is Just ns goo.! h esh Convinced of thle they have n*-ar ly all d** Idrd to iold onto the*s th**y have left until February or M itch, when they will need money for buying fertl - >*’*rs and f*ir their planting, and then sell. Th** crop. Mr. Hanson believes. Is short lie has follow el closely the reports Vljell the conditions, but is convinced, as far as one can be about a matter uncer tain .is cotton, that the yield will prove lieiovv that which has been n.m**d by ls*arish . -HmCrv of i*e, Prewklent Kgan of the Central whii* reading "Travel© in Tart iry. Thibet and China during 1944. *45 and '¥).'• by M. Hu wa- impress©*! by the following ex tra- t** that relating to cotton lw*tng |Kir llcularly Interesting, though It Is feared the missionaries cbronl ling tlielr Jour * eya must have been "smoking" nt,about tne time tney w* re talking ©bout liounds of -ottun raise*! on a ©imce three feat by five; Manchuria, watered by a great num ber of streams and rivers, is a coun try natura'dv fertile. Since the . ultiva- Hon lias been In the hands of t ie Chi nese. the soil has been enriched by a lug** er of th** puslocts of the in terior In the southern part, they culti vate *•. < eesfully the dfy rice, or that which has no need of wateilng, and the ImiwrUil rk. discovered by the Bmpwror K bang-Hi These two sorts of rice would certainly succeed in France. Thev have also abundant barv-s s of millet, of kao-l* mg, or Indian corn (boicus sor ghum). from whi>h they distill excellent brand). ?• annum. Iln-**d. hemp and to liii ' . 11 best In the whole Chinese ern pit*. Tin Mum burtons pay especial atten tion to the cultivation of the herbaceous stemmed cotton plant, which produces cot tun In extraordinary abundance A meou **f 4h**!**• plaid© ii spa e of almut flftoen -quart* feet, ordinarily producer 2.*0 IMiunds of titioru The fruit of the cotton re- grows in the form of a cod or s.iHI. and tit inn- (he slse of © haxlenut. A M rl|ens. ih ol opens, dlvkles Into three parts, and develops* thre or f*nr small tufts .f cotton which contain the seeds lti order to separat* the seed, they m.tkc use of a s'-rt of little how. firmly strung, ihc cord of which, vibrating under th* cotton tufts, removes the seeds, of whl h i porMcii Is retained for next year's ww- I* v aad •!* r* i 1- made Into oil. re sembling Ik sc***l oil. The upper portion of M a utethli Vi a . ton cold to grow cotton, his immense Iwrvest* of corn. • It* I• these prodtictlofis, c-.mmon to China. Mont churl© poj.s**whes three treas ure? peculiar to Itself, ginseng, sable fur, and tbf grass oufa." ran mi: luiKHMt'ir iioind. t nmsiittfpf From Three llltrlet to Hfl mo*l \nnir f ntifltfln te. Commltt**s constating <4 twelve m-m --i r- each from the First Midtli dlstrl.t. the Second and the Fourth, will meet to nlght •? XI iglsirat 7* at ha ns' offb-e to put in nomination four gentlemen to repre sent these districts on the üblermanic board, aid ulso four as txindl* s nt large for the aldc?m nsnip. As was men tioned In yesterday's Morning New*, two *>f them will probably be J F. Car.ty nd A J. Garfunkcl. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup* has betn used for children teething. It soothe© the chiol, ©oftetia the gums, allays aii pain cures wind colic, and Is ths best reud> f*w D.arruoe©. Twenty-live cents a bottl* ad. immi<hi:d nvi:h' for mayor. %nd Diinn, sn*l l*r©yaon fi*T Members nf the Yldermanlc M*mrl. A meeting of the Bou hw*t Sid© In *tcj • ii.b-nl, Club V. heid l.v-t ti ght at 8:ur f * vant Hall at 1 w*s well attended. Th* object of the meeting was to mdors© Mayor Myers for r -*l** iion to hi* pres ent |s*>i:iori. Mi.d also Alderman lix*n to succee*! himself, but before th* - meeting w ; over two other gentleman. ** a-Ml tlen to Mr Dixon, were indorsed f*>r clc>- tion or. the aklcrmani board Th* y ar© M* ?r J \V. Seay and W 1* Grayson. Alt. Myers tne first to r* ive Cm txub's *akr!*errjcnt in th* knowing preamble and r*—dutions, presented by Mr J Burke. Mi FressJ.i t I herewith take great pleasure if pi* sfMlLUig t* this *ub to n.ght, a* it tod,<lai* for Mayor, in tn© coming cwniffttigt a gentlemen whom you all kr.w to t>- one of S. vat.ima s greatest <-!Ui'-n> © man wlh> has never fade*| t. attend t** his duties, a man who has dene more for the city of Savannah ir his <fTi ~tt a;-city *. t any other man holding such a higiit |v.4dtlon. Whereas, the t rn*- for holdtmt the elec tion for M iyor and ulclermen is approach ing, and whereas It is prop**r for this •*lub to rxpr* •* its appreciation of the h*m* * and upright idministration *f our worthy M yor. the Honorabl** Herman Myers, be it re sol veil, that th*- "'•-*! Bkle ln*'lep**ndent Club hereby indorse© Mr Herman Myers for re-election -is Mayor of the oi'y %,t Savannah, and d**s hereby pledge to him Its Influence aiul lovai sup port. Kesrfved. That this club accept th. nomination, and ttiat a committee of three U af.pointetl to notify Mr. Myers of this lub'a era.** . .Kill to assure him of the hearty s'ipl4*rt of ea< h and very mamber Misus'd further. That th*- heerctary sprcnl h— r* -olution ©nd nomination oti 1 th* minutes of the citib. Tfi' ii th. :n>Jorsement **f Alderman Dix on <m Im>l lei in *i *4mtUr piper, read by Mr. Thomas Fogarty, as f *l*ows; "Mr. Pr.-sident: I tak*- giat pi* as'ir© in presenting to this • lub to-night, m© a andl iat* for it l**rman. a gent)eman whom we ail hold in tne highest esteem. •nd who ha© made ©n** of the city's most •rj hu-ki>u.’ aldermen. The man to whom I refer is a native-born Bavanuah boy, real* I irnong i . and lihs al advo ' :♦*<! very g *1 mv. that wourl be ben efk lal to our beautiful city and its peo ple. Therefore. I** it resolved. That the Rouihweat Shle Ind**!** ivlent Club wrill hereby Indorse the candidacy or th* lion. Jam* * M. Dixon for alderman of this city, pi.dgtng him our hearty support. Resotvd. That this dub accept thonom -1 nation nnd that i commute of three b* appolntef! to notify Mr. I>lxon of thk club’a choice nnd 4o assure him of live hearty support of each and ©very mem her " M**srs Rcay arwl Grayson were then proposed for the club’© indorsement as at !emu*nlc candidates, anl In each cose the vote was unanimous Mr Grayson was •alle.i an for a speech and In a few words thanked the club for the honor of Its In dorsement. Another motion that was unanimously • arried was that to have a commit*©*’ all upon the North End First Idstrl t Club and endeavor to secure Its ln<k>rse mrnt of Messrs. Myers, IMxtm, Seay ami Gray son. Tin committee that will attend to this matter, and which also will notify Mayor My*-rs of th** lub'** Indorsement Is com I>ofni>o*cd of M*-sfsrs. R. A Clements. J. J Garrlty and John Boots. The committ©** that will notify the orher gentlemen of the clubs action 1* composed of Messrs. James Drury. Thomas Fogarty and Charle© Fennell. T.’ieso notlflcatlon© will be made to-day FEJJ. rHIHMI.It TRAP DOOR. >ow soi.mion f;reen In Sninx Vlr iifnlN-f nrolinn < ompany. The trial of the c*a*e of SoComon Green against the Virgin to-Carolina Chemical Company, waa begun in th** City Court, before Judge Norwood and a Jury, yester. day afternoon. Tlie plaintiff Is a negro nd u former employe of the company. He is suing for darnave* far personal Injuries alleged to have been received by him through the negligence f the defendant. Green Is represented by 'Mr. W. I* l©i- Roche. while the Inten-sts of the defend ant are being looked aftfr by 'Mr Davis Ficental), of the firm of Denmark. Adam?* fir Freeman. The plaintiff. In tils petition, rix* • his dainagca'nt SIO,OOO. but of course neither he nor his counsel exfN-cts to get s* much. When he was placed on the stand yes terday Green ©wore that after he h:i I completed his w k. on the night of April 25. 1 w<♦ h* started back fr**m the river front, where he hud been w rktng on the elevated platform there located, to that part of th** works forth** t from the river. To reach the front of th*- works and the ground. Green swore that It was ne es sary for him to (kiss through what Is known as the "mill hou.e" of the oom pa ny. It wa© quite dark and there were n* lights in he mill {ionic .•* Green started through IBs path lay along the run way that led from the platform above described to the other end of ih** works. A** he po-sed akng this runway. In the dark. Green fell through an open trap door to the floor !clow. hr.-uking the bones of one of his legs and ouuHnf other Injures from which, according to Green's statement, he suffered very great agony. It appeared In evl lence that there were no guar?! talli* around the tr ip doors and no stationary lights in the building through which the runway passes and In which Green received the Injuries of which he complains. It is (Contended by him tliat this constitute*! gross neqll getice on the part of th* comiNUiy, as far as th* employes who ha l to make use of the runway t • return to their home* are concerned It Is .. nf* ndy*l that thcr*- was no way in which Green could have guard ed against the a blent by the exe else of the reasonable car* for his own safety to which h# Is held In law and that It n i !"• :* together to the negligence of the company. it si i ir. and In erideno© that there ©••re two 1 dderw. from ;he platform to Hie ground, which might have b©-n used by Green. It further appeared ttwit he had remained behind while some of his fellow workmen went ahead with lan terns. t’nder these circumstance* and with the *’ facts to support his motion. Mr. Freeman moved for anew tria4 at the conclusion of the evUbnce on behalf of the |da ntlff Judge Norwood overruled the motion and the Introduction of evl d-n*'e for ihe defendant was begun. It was concluded before court adjourned This morning, tiftcr tire criminal session of the city Court, the argument© of coun sel will mad© and Judge Norwood will charge the Jury. rilO'F. OFl'll I'.IB FOR MBIT YF. 'll. Innnnl F:irctl*i of *rrt)hblrl l.lue *f Frrpms©onry. The annual meeting and election of '/♦■rubbabel Lodge of Mkmw was held last night. The following officers were elected and Inducted Into oft!Hr: Worshipful Master—l. A Bolfmons. Beni or Warden—"’. li. Htubbs. Junior Warden—T. T. Waring. Treasurer—C. F. Law Secretary—W. A Bishop. Organist—John Wicgand Th# to liowlng officers were appointed Senior Deacon—T P Keck. Junior Deacon—Nathan Coiaman. Senior Steward—Joseph E Balderston. Junior Steward—Hugo I. Frank. Tyier—Thomas Robin#. At the conclusion of the meeting an un usually fln© supper was usrvod. GROCERS OPPOSED TO BILL " HOI K* 11.| Its |H> MIT " IYT PROMISSORY YOTW kTAMI’EU. 'frlrgriini la Fruteat "nn ©eat to SesMtor J. FerrU Cans—Fr©vllon in the I’ropofted Ini HHI tails for the Mniiip of the Tax liecetter to Slake n 'ole 'a I Id—tirwrrn *n> This " mi Id Mens* Trouble and An iHM mice Hanker* Indortir Ihe brorm' Protest —Mr. Joseph IVrst Talks of the Ol*|eelion to the htuinping of the \tes—UriM-eri Do Aof Object to the Tax. The Wholesale Growers' Arsoclotion of hovannah was up In arms yesterday morning when It members road la the Mornin# New *■, of th* povlsion in tu-- new tax bill that •k-mandw that notes le raxed and that the) Is* vamped by the tax receiver of th© county wherein they are held before they are vtilkl. The Tax Committee of th* House estimated that f10.0h0.000 in promissory notes that In not now* reached would be taxed should the ©til become a !uw It has pi-s'd the House arul 1© now with the Senate. Senator J. Ferris Cm nit was wired by the Grocers' Association to indu <* his op position to the bill. The Wholesaler* did not know but that he was a.ready ar rayed agamst jt, but they wantod him to undersland vrhere they upoti tu question. Tlie sup|>rt of the banks was ©iso enlisted by the grocers, and ti. Clearing House Association w-.1l do what it t can against the measure. Th© ohJectUm of the Wlioic*A> Grocers' Aesoctation lo th© bill, ©xp ained Mr Joseph Fcrst of *.M. Forwt’s tfoi.s & Cos., is not to the taxation of the nou>. but to that feature of it which pre crib s that they be stamped by the lux receiver. Mr Feral said that would mean no en<” of trouble lor houses that have to handle a great deal of negotiable pap**r It 1* fie quently the case that cotisiderwbl© hurry attetids the execution of not*s, nnd 1 woud not always he |K.**ihle to obtain tiK* stamp of the tax r** elver within th*- time tkxstiTv to enubie th. * owing up •*: u transa tlon uptm the uate deinandeii Mr. Farsi sail that the lurv -i bust n* a© houifrs might not U pr -i en*ug to demaid such a close shaving of tln as to make It difficult for them to m* • ail their obligation© under such a sys tem tagardlng promissory notes a?* Is pr** j>osed, but there are man>. h* said, that would feel it keenly !f they fouial the) were restricted In any way In th© m gotia '• • ? • ’ I • . i-4, •I- I . I • lave to work pretty closely and u|*on rattier smad margins, and the d* in* i dent to luixlng to < hae’ up a tax i civ* r for his stamp in order to validate a note would mean considerable to them Another objection raised i*y Mr Ferst was that merchants w.uld not ar** lo have their affairs known so intimately by a tax receiver as wood he tli# is* should he be assigned the duty of stain;*- Ing all notes given by them. When mer chant© borrow' money from In* banks they do not care to have It known, b - having it to be a matter of their own urui the bank*' (Vmcern. The result of the light against the bill will be awaited with inlet* st. it s. ms l*rohahle. from Mr. Fers; s tat -nn-nt. that would be removed if sonu* pro vision other than that for the stamping of the notes could !• arranged, js the merchants do not obje, i t> the fax The trouble arul a.noyan ** of hav ing note* stamped are the obje* Uons they offer. No other © ate rhat he knows of. said Mr. Ferst. has such a tax a* It in pro posed to ©stubiiah, and he d*eg not see why Georgia should seek t> tak* tne e*d ,n such a matter. BtUl, he doe© not *p i**w th tax it©elf, but he opposes the plan of having to ©tamp the note© fur them to be valid. If the bill should pass the Senate .m l t*c ©lgned by Governor all notes give#) ift.r Jan 1. lOTI. would Juive * hear the tump of the rax receiver, which stamp would coat something It Is understood that thl* tax is to be at the rat. plaod upon hll property by the state. Nobs, therefor©, would have t bear n Mate stump as well as tlw war revenue stamp required by the govemnx nt. t.'VH A> i:\JOY UII.K Fltfif.ll All'll-:. 'leetlnx of tlie Sh% huuhU Mmlr Club at I.HHton I|i*m<irlal. The monthly m eting of the Savannah Mufic Chib was hold lost night at th*- Bawton Metnor.ul Th-* following . x elient programme was given: U flat symphony Hirst movement) (Schu bert). Muni Gnosspehu© and Mrs. K. M Wilson. "Good Night, My Child" (Abt). Misa El len Morgan. I/Est -i lAltry). Ml * Kenney and Ml-*' N* Hi# Allan. Sonata in F—(violin and piano) (M - zir;). Mr. 11. YVelbert and Miss Emma E. Coburn. RecM, and Aria from "ha Favor Ha" (I>oufcetti), Mrs N. I A*k* rmantt. "A Day In Venice" (Kevin), Ml-© Jo epTilne I **r'*-tt. "Merrily Row" (Denxa), Mrs. P. r Smitn, Miss Ellen Morgan. Mr T. Lloyd Owen©. Mr J. M. Black. The A.'compantsts were Mins Coburn. Mrs. Hllvw-Tea and do. Mi-s Ysibeljc Smart and Mrs. K M Wtlaon. At the conclusion of th programme Mi*© Stella Capot of St Augu-tine sang "You.” Htelnh# rger; and "Bonnie Sw* * t Hfsesie. the Maid of Dunde*-." Gilbert. IJTTLK (.H A M>aionai:iCs Story nnd I’lcture llk to hr Given A way Friday nnl ©atarday. Th* atorle© and pictures In "Little 'Grandmother" are gotten up specially by us for the little folks nnd can only !>, procured at our stores. This bmudful and Interesting book for children w.ll in given away free to all purchasers of any of the following article?*: One pound A. A I*, baking powd* r.. 4.V One pound Thea-Nertar t.*a One pound Japo tea 7*,- One pound !*c-# p*-pper ..W one pound b*“t m cot ard Two I'oiiNn extract 5 c $’ w> rth of coffi'c. any kind. >*e worth of tea, any km!. 7V worth cf t* a nd o. ff.* . I*N*cry child wants a copy of "Little Grandmother’s S*orlcs arul IMetores," F-• day and Saturday. The Great AtlarWic and Pacific T. 1 Company. 10G Broughton street, w. t; 1 j. cphone 61$; H. T. Wilson, manager.— ad. ailflrrnl itA \ r.r,. •'Orayho.ird rurnl mo of c itnrrh from whl-'h I Itad rufr-rcl v>,n NothuiK on oarth o far ,ia I w -,„ al>; ,, to obtain y.ive mo r-11-f Ktn .. Orayboard I am * w- II a- < v-r. I j, catarrh of tho head. llr>. Rhod.i n,.,., Ualllnip-r. Tex. Ornyboartl I* mart* only by R r .,.„,, Drua Company, aol* ownpra, .nd l, , o |d at drur.!**.'* for II o bottl. -a.|. All akin llt.ra.r. * tirp.l By a wonderful ointment called Teilerin-" "It i, the only thlr.j that slvaa me r,l!cf,•• writ*, Mr,. M E. Ea>unr. Blloil, M.m She had an Itchy bre.tklm out on her •kin. It cure, tetter, aalt rheum, and all other *kln trouble*. 6<v per box at your druactat. or .end the amoant In utamp, to J. T. flhuptrlc. Savannah, Ua.— ad | A REWIF4PBH OK LONG AGO. Powmm of the Things Head nnd Talked \knf In wntanimh In IHI2. Mr. L J Hartfelder presorted th© Morning News yesterday a copy of the Republican and Savannah Evening Ledg er of Feb. iV 1813. The paper w*s the I -ede *esm>r of the Savannah Republican and Advertiser of later days, which was merg**d into the Mornlr.g News, nearly thirty y.-ars ago. The piper was found four years ago in Westfield, N. J . among the belongings of the laie Ross Esq., who was on •* a < itixen of Savan nah and whose and tendon 1 s. until recent years %v* rc holders of valuable real es tate In this city. The pap**r was published three times a week at and I* well filled with advertise ments There are but few names, how ever, that arc # famlHar to i**ople of to day. James M. Wayne and Samuel M Bond *nn un ed ihe removal of their law’ off) R • ■ ii . ofsham idv© #d thfU he hid admitted Jo© j*h Habersham Jr., to partnership; Andrew D*w A Cos. stated that they had at th. ir n* w store, on Johnson Square, an "Ex -n*d\e hssert iTj. i t of Euroi*** in. India and Domestic G(sl*S" Their r..w score stood where Llvlugstuii's I'harmicy now stand!*. Wil G et Ii biUKht ©ll*l SOld < X hfllifC. Tr;e business * ( the city wa* confined to a very mall area, I,'our.dcd by Dray ton. Barivird Corigress and River reels Telfair's whaif and Rices wharf ipp* tr to have been the place to buy heavy goods. V Torpy. on Telfair© wharf, advertised "Gentlemens >u:.ertine . ivc, drab and boltie-green Rurt.aits; * -of itovam Hats, casks of rum gin. brandy at 1 win**; SOO sa ks Uverpoot ground >ai(: k. gs chewing tobacco and cotton bigging. and a h lf of foot of type of other things, .ill in a breath, as it were." jo*|.h P <i ant. No. 2 Commerce Row (ab>ut wher*- M Feist's tv r s A- Cos. now flourish), advertised Limp <>ll. Herring Ma. Here I and other ne .**--itles in those .lays, before gs. electrlcliy xind kero sene wet* us-1 for lights, and canned meats and fruits were yet unknown. Georg** Gordon. w*n*> did business on Rlc - wharf, sd*l cotton bagging. Mus -ovado sugar. Gvw-hen butter Hyson tea and Jamal a rum. which h* offered "at re Hired pri **s In l.arier for upland or sea. island cotton." A lull I*.*- and more of advertisements of th*’ sheriff of Chatham. Effingham. Idberty, Glynn and Camdan rout lies and of th* Fnlt' i States marshal, mostly lands and iu*gr.#**•, showed that time* wr:** hard on planters Napoleon was mei a hng Europe md kTngland was nag ging th* Fnlte.l States. m that war h*- tn that y*ar. and altogt fher it was not ,ts good a time to live © the#© days. Tlie Georgia Husscrs and the Chathom Artil i-ry, the Guard**, and th© Blues were nourishing and Hie soldier boys doub:- s* w r*- as happy with the girls of ISI2 and th< ir sure© ?ots are in FBI M) FOR THE DKFISSD.YST. ,lnrr llctilnl 'lr, l.rnet 4ehinl(t , fl Petition for DnniNMe*. A city <*ourt Jury, which listened yst©r ljy m*.rrdnc to the evidence In the case of Ernest S*'hmitt ngainst the Merchants’ and Miners' Transportation Company, re mrn*l a vrrdlct for the defendant in th afternoon. Mr. Schmitt cl©lnie*l to hav© been In jure! t-trough the negdgenc© of some o' the ’ooipuny's employes, whii© he was on a busln *ss visit to th© wharves. A pile of lumber had been precipitated on one •*f his f*et and he incurred se-vere and •ainful injuries. Mr. Gordon Saussy rep resented (he paint iff and Col. P. W. Mel drlm the d*fen*lant. Tie Jury came to the rond.ision that the vGdent via© not caused by nrflixenve on tb* part of the -omiainy or it© agents, and tho verdict fv>r Hie defendant waa the result. f HI %" %% II %HE ADOPTED. )lr. nnd Mr*. ( . 11. Itrndter Have InUi-n It to Their Home, The ?<!>*>■ found on the stoop at Bnmanl and Harris s nete, day l**fore yesterday •nd which was ifterward© taken to the (►arrack* pending a search for Its moth r. wa >.e *tday adopted by Mr and Mr-. (*. H. Brudler, of N*a. 24$ Price r-<*t. wbo \v. re irnong the numerous jqd! -ant* for the chll*l. urul who will * • tr.- the pop.-rs nM • -ory to make 'he adoption legal. Tii.* detective* have not given up the -©arch for th© child's parent*, and hav© a clue that they think may lead to their discovery in s short time. •John Wralry in |*||r f ourt. John WieH-y, the little negro ©rrested ] for firing Roman candles in the street, wa* >nten **d to a s2.<i fine or thrf*e days In court yesterday. Till# la " list The) Srtv. Thos© who take Hood’s Sarsaparilla for scrofula. c< ma, eruptions. catarrh, rheumatism or dyspepsia, say it cure* promptly and permanently, even after all other prepara lons fa.l. You may tMk* this nvdcine with the utmost confidence that it will do you good. What it ha* done for others you have every reason to believe h will do for you. Constipation is cured by Hood’s Pills. 25c.—ad. Holiday llnte* Via Central nf Georaia Hnllixay. Ticket* will be sold at rate of a fare and a third round trip on Dec. 22. 23. 24, 25. 30 and 21. 1900; also Jan. 1, 1901, final limit returning Jan. 4, loci. In addition to the above, ti‘kct win Ih ©old tu students of schools and col lege* on presentation of certificates sign© i bv su|n rintendent. president or princifMl . thereof, on Dec. if, to 21. inclusive, fina. ’ limit returning Jan. 8. IPOI. Ticket of!!*-** 107 Bull street and Central Passenger Station ad. One cor of il-cmt fire proof eyfea. the I-eat In the land, (arrived to-hiy at the Ilaltlmore wltarf All conalet of an a*, xrejrnte wrlxht of over thirty thotiaond l-outulr In thla nr ore e.ife* of all Mae*, and arc iti ulr by th. celebrated Barn, a Manufacturing <'om;-nny of I'lttaburx pi . tie ton men; to Htppinan Rro*. IJppni u> Pro- kholreale drtixxiata. I. i'l*ntn' bl> ■ k of thla city, are the "tils co* >rn In tne Mate that carry n •took of Are proof aof.a In afore, ond w. \ ill Kuarunt- to act! them an loa- a thc manufacturer.- tvith the freight a-Mcl at* hav. -i- Ul armnijcment for mak -1 ■ l ,r ‘ * Wa ak*o have be-n tort hlna oulte II Inrae number of v rwnre lire |-r ,af ■ iieatu a hlch have 11 *"'P r *t'rfa-tlon. Purcheaert. who "..nt nny.hlny :n the tire proof ,fe ||„e 1,0 ° *** Uppman Bros —art. *lr. Bent **aya, "Oraybeard haa well nitth cured me of rhenmntiem from which I have been n (neat MifTerer the last Tear," Mr Dent-, po-.offl e U. h, Simon- lak.nd, Ga v # • red Mr- j, >h ,; - hildria* of R.ildwln county of rheums tlem. Ir. February before ahe bexan -o D ake Orayhe-.r ! -he waa iv, n up to die She la now sound ar.d well.” Oraybeard la made only by Reaoe.a Dru* Company, aole ownera. and aold^by for I! m , hot,,, F fml |y H TTI II A nr f n liii 4 * \ •111 II i IVJ 1L Remember we are receiving a large shipment of wheels for the Christmas trade. No better gift than a Cleveland or Dayton. Our Retiring From Business Hu caused the B©\annah p*ot>l to re- Joloe. for they rcalix* this to bear. p puitun© time to avail thvm*.ve f m u e<ivantage that has nevr lesn aa l The price© that w ar- .piotltig setia tn* credible, but tlu goods must g<- Special This Week: Whiting’s Sterling S Iter. (The World’s Greatest Silversmith > Our extensive assortment of Fancy Pieces and Ntv*in* > i* nq-* In every detail. Particular attention t* ! pakl to comllift itl <n s**;* nf all klni* We are exhibiting; tin* tit * t lln* of L BBEY’S CUT CLASS ever shown In Savannah. Don't fail to 1 ****** our display, for It 1* command lug the admiration of every one. B*-i.*©t your Xmas Gifts m*w anl we wi l put them aside for you. G. W. ALLEN & CO.. Wedding Pre-©nt.* * .: >t- DARNARD AND STATE STREETS ■MM 113 Broughton Street West Bone Meal Fcr Chicken Feed and Fertilizer. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for "home-mixed* fertlll*#- The cheapest and m st concentrated #• the market Sqftd for part! ularm IIAY, f.IIAIN. tOW FRED, ItltAV ETC. SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, -Phene US Hay > ORANGES. Il*’'!quar,<>r, for FINE FLOfUDA OR A NCI KS FRUIT* ANl> VKUICTARLES o, *U kind,. ■EKD RVE, BFED OATS IIAT. GRAIN FEED. FLOIR. CHEESE, BEANS, Rtc* Slraw. •* W. 1). Sun kins *V Cos. JOHN (i. HI TLEIL -DEALERS IN— I-ulnla, on, an J oUd .->u*h I> Ullndn and Hußd* Su.vl '* FDIn * nl bKonllv, Wall Paper, F- a •? D'*- mrnlc Cmrnia, Eirn. plaa.or in,l II r B.di' Ar*nl lor Aboalln# C ’ld Wat. r H •>'. ID Congrraa slrect wl. and 19 81 J illan ro. t. Hot Air Furnaces. W< mak a *|><-ciaßy of repalrlnt; Ho. Air Kurnacri V,r onlrr* al l < • 11 * prompt attrnflon. K. C. PACETTI A SON Phono SR lO> n'hit**'*" Empty Honsheads. Empty Uolu*t. U,(,lir,.* '** Ml, by C. M, Gft RERT & Co._ A >M IKMKKTI. 5" *>* til THE MAIIEL P4IOE And th, 6 'it.tarn Stock C mpa’"'. Pre,nt:r. at th* matin** t -i*> THE CAPTAIN S MATE TO-WIGHT, "THE PEAKE <>E BAVOT— fkttunlay Matin*.- "Tom Sawy-r"* Saturday Nlfht, "Brand <jf Caia."