The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 15, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS i-hnl l>f>> - - In. orporatwl l'*' j II EBTU.U means abrogation I'itH iki'H ou:Mnir>T TO nut * lIIE ATI IIEfIJHTE.n. ENGLAND WILL NOT ASSENT ~, m or cuito\. iK:m. If itir lIiHUKM'BI l I'olllt. Ilowfvrr. ij,preside•• t Will 4 omhiumlmile l to When Ibr *eute ,„, a |irN Willi It—*4iue 8c n m tor* nil Insist • Hulldla* ll*‘ M*m rjllili iumi I Fntlrrly Independent ,i ciiaiiittuT* %ttliMtli*. -aiiiM un, Dec H Ti e Senate* Com , . n Foreign Relations to-day held u i in* * tillk and 1 > ul‘*l to r** <>m i r irther .nil* ii lm- nis to the Hay lute treaty. tommHir** adopted an amendment •and by Senator Foraker. which •- - that the I lay-Pa urn‘ bite treaty , M .|, H the Clayton-Bulw* r treaty ti . s:rik* :*■ oui of the Hay Fawn* • . ,tr. . incut Arllt e 111 which permits , anhodon of the Hay-Paun< Cote * t, th. other Powri’.i and Invites t .t rf>tan>-e of it. - um r.<iH lK*yoiwl any degree |rv in the .Sena: by the r -‘por idble ;t* {•. and re sol veil into aueh form u~ to w it un absolute- dlpcouri*ou>* matter ivimmunirateil. the (Hiding Hay • ;,te treaty will Ih submitt-d to f* Mi |vh government b> the I*t * '*!.!•. Xjfitmunl-sHon will b purely pro r for the administration ha- not the • m ideu that the *-%>nv4iit |.*n will * i. and by the Hrltlsh icovernment. : > . apeotation tliat the notion of the S r yentenlay upon the Davis amend t ; t to th<* II y-I*aun< ••fn* treaty would in the immediate retirement of S * . iv Hay from the cabinet. Ik negative*! t V t •' fact hat the nee rotary has not re* • •1. and according to his own *n i it. will not lewv* t)M cabinet at pres* N •’viflthtandlmr amounted to the ii denial tn • the S i* ary * S ,iie had resigned. the story v i*-r.**’intently Hn*ulat*l during the • 1 finally reached the ear- of H* c r* ‘r\ Hay*a felktw cabtno: officer*. These and 1 that nothing whatever was raid i-ob’net meeting to-day on this* ii.d said ev n yet* rtfay * treaty l* ngh in tin- Senate wc-r* not dia- Ihrogatra l iny Inn-Kitl %rrr Treaty. lotion of the Committee on For < .i. filiations took place* after o pro * ' 'inference of e**nsrors especially I’ ** f and in the Hay-F iun *'Fde t***a? i‘ w- -h the Fotaktn amendment wa* **. • at meeting .ill the objection*, "it- stated that the committer laid u in ittlmou* in lt action with the <n of Sen itor Motie>, who oppos-s s .-t on axcept the absolute and uncon '.ill*l? .il al*r< nation of the Clayt* n-Fulw **r fi Th '.l ifvult ,y. eomplHlie | hy *ho #r • intent reported t.•-!*• > . hut t :.• Mi s' ppl Si iat or would have ft - dun** • gh oth* r iiii nn than tie- Hay I- irm :itr treaty. T •* President and Mar rot ary Hay were • iS?*d with reference to the advUa h.iitv * f further amending the tr< ity ny S iitcns I.odge and Kor.ik* r. who •• 11*’ i npor. tnvru before going to the I’tpU and t -day " Im*h the Horn to wont into ox* cutlve cn Senator Ic*la* report **l the two agreed up n In c< riimft* * Ti * ?irs*t iiaerts fin words "which Is* h>T"- i* 'ui# r>• !• •! iftr the w**ris ‘Vlavton- H r; " In the first |m*mx ajdi f Art ll <f tin- ti* tty m.iking that |ia:a - -h t* . ! a- foil* w - Trt** high contracting parties desiring *'* pr*-*r\** and main* ain tin ’Bonr*| pr; tpal of neutr idzalxn •** tahiUac I in Arti ji VIII of the c*l yt-n-lhi.wor con- ? >n. which is hereby superseded * the basis of such neutralization blowing rule- -übMantUily a.- m •iH In tho convention between Gr** and Hritaln and certain other Powers, - cn* t 1 ">■tantlnople u t Ji) >sv f,*- th** fro * * Ik at ton of tin* Huez marttlm* anil The * . >•! mrlk* s our Art Ido 111 of the t * itv. real Ini? as follows • Th* high 'omractlng prtl*v will lm ’•*l itelv u|x>n the rirhtnßi' of th*' rati at ion# of this i onvtMiou, brinK li to noth** of the other Powers aiul Invite t ■ m io (i.lher** to it." VViinie| |fti % Wei for it % of**, nator I*odge nuulr n effort fo have > < t fur the tukliu: a \* • up m ’h tr- .itv. lie -u 1 " t*•*l next Thur-4h • • generally acceptable time, but *li! *t In getting the unanimous < * - i* * '-ir' Honator Hat er fiinilh * '*l **!.:• ction. . tor f 40dgc stated. however, that be i pr* the 1 1 ont > early m l l ire *. a vote con I*l ! ha<). and he aft r- I -I* line to mov* an adjournment •; to-day until Mon*i.iy I* u*e of th* jI to allow a iay t*| In* name*! f*r a i 1 from thru* Incidents the ex uitive >■ * .hi wa* devoted wholly to *|e*rn *'nk .ir. the speaker a telng Senators Cul •. Spooner. Undray, M Cumber tnd nafor Culberson's view was *> have * treaty tail aside an l the Hepburn '■ 1 aid passed, r* k ♦rli* -e of the treaty S* i itor Hjsmner mid that h* could not s • :>! ttu* view thHt w. should pr* * I * •** great work In total dbn*tta and o? • ’Xli tence of the agreement of IMO i * and he would not consent to tny ruth* proceeding*. He wall thin Great t'aii. on three different occasion* had * t* *ch**l this country I ■ ur* to** a • tlon of th** Clayton-IhiHv* r treaty. * * !*fitted Htatcs declining the overture, s. nor*i h v *i*ke of the rat Hi a • m * saying that he was for If aus** *• • enable red ho me agreement with Great rr in a necessary president for tv** ‘ ' *l. Mr. Idnbai • an noun **| hi* *'l ngn*#* to treat with Great .Hr I* aln 1 total abroitat lon of the Ciayton- Hulwer treaty. ! ator M <*umher also favoretl **i*lfl - "f the tr* aty without amendm* n *"• tiator Klkin- reiterate*! his view.- fo 41 ’ "lately lni)e|M*ndent tlon. MJihNti, tn n*;ri> ilKtn. nr winl to He Offered for Illinois t entVMl Train Robber. Krw Orlaana. I>ec. II—A number of * have been arrested In oonnec -1 with the Illinois Central h >bl up, bit ' •' e of them has been positively con ' I with rhe c*e. The Poe offlee De o ment w U off* r |l.f r*wird, Th** m * 1 * 4 H been traced and not over forty* h "* U oil am in missing. Sutiannal) Horning iXnno BATTLE STILL CONTINUES. Mux. t n.Mllln un ll.xli Hid** lu i ibc llrlnirn llrlti.h nail Mo.-r \rir U rnnor.ilorf*. JoiMiuir.ouri!, 111 S p. ’••alii.. alUl ioutu I. . in h,> a u w no. from Wr-unxlorp. tit-n. Cl.-nirnta l.x a..k.l for rvinfor.'r*- meiits. oil.l n.min.-I hut. un<l?r Gt. EuTiit, olreudy Koi’*‘ Tn.-ri- have l<riii molt) canualtiei on l*oth ...i.-.-.. It it- I 'Umolid that tin lloera i.umher 2.SUO. L/nidon. Ilt'r. 14 —Or-lt-r-* w.r. rirrivt-tl tint, mornlnif ot Al-i. inhot. Malta an I n'.hi-r it) i-ntt r ihut all tin- otull. aiii* mount..l Infantry It. oent tit I.nt-t --.. South Africa Kl chcnai - advl aa i .it the lim-r* had Hiornt- I the hill in-l driven t’letnenla liu.k. how orou.-i-l the coun try. rUIKKVrN It 1111. l BEATEN. Ilrlven lln.-i. It) llimt* aiiil Four llltli-.r. Killed. IXMiiltai. He 1! -lotr.l Kitchen.r re in is that -t ft it o\ ■ r lighting a 1 Noolt aedacht, Gen. t"ciinnl‘ fore, were com- Itolled to ret .r- I.) Commandant Dehirey wliit a fore.- if J.Sftti nun. Four IlritUh ollleera w. r- kille.l The other caaualttea w. r*. nut r.|R>rlt'l I.ord Ku- 1 tier' ofll dispatch to the itti ■- 1.- i< follows: "ITctortu. !>• r. Clem.nta' force at \ .ut. I il t.. Mok'o i-hurg was I - I. <1 iwn to-day l>> Delarey. reln f..r • 1 !■) iii-yer*- omman.l.. from Worm Hath, making o foi • -(int.itisi at J.jrti Thotutn th. flrt atloek was r.pulaed, the Itoera .g. l to tti-t atop of the Mag illcslturg. m h o held by four |.un . -of the Northuml" rlon.l Ku*lll.-r md wire thus ible to cimmund Clemerni imp He retired on llekpoorl and took .. position ou o hill In Ih* center of the valley. • Tie- is ialtles have not heen eomplete- I) report. 1. hut the Hkhtlng wran very -ev. an.l 1 deeply regret that Col. 1,. of tile Twentieth*. olid 1-1,0- M -Itian. Miir.lix-h and Alkine were killed ll.dnforeemena* have left here." leir.l K tchener ala.. r.-|ri* that the H,„ rs mad.- in -itln. k and were pepules-d at l.ieht. til'll K. and that Gen 1, -tm. r wa l;i!l.l At t-ieks iiis.ii Itethlehem atic. Vr.-le w.-r. a iso repulsed, (he lioe.ra loe it ten killed att I fourteen wounded Vry .,..,1 *ff attacked D.e 11 Sniping con tinuesl when the mesaage was dispatched The Bcer.e of the tight is ominoualy cl e to Pretoria Nooitgadacht is only twenty twomllca northwest of I'rctorla It 1* re port-d that Gen Knox, co-operating with the B stlsh column at Redderaburg. has -topped lien. De Wet. and that a battle is |.t. i. ding The rciwrt adds hnt many of (J,n 1)1- Wet * tollow.-rs have bean ruptured. Th.- scenes at the war ojll-e to-day re i.l thos- witness..l m the early at.iges of ihe war. A constant atream of ex cited and anxious poople bile I the k>:>- . The ahreme of the name* of any of the oflteera of the Northumberland Fusiliers in Gen Kitchener's dispatch . t :..r. ...ill that 1 !e- four • oin n.imra of ih> Fusiliers mentioned .ire In .he hands of the Ikx-rs The war offl • olHrlafa evidently expeel .1 heavy cawu.i t> list hut they are hope, tul from tin- fi l that the dispatch il.s „„t mention liie ipture of th.. Northum lieilands, that such ti great eatantroph. has lx ell escapist. utilers were Isstn and at AUcrshot. Malta and Olh.r mllltar) to dispatch a || the av ttla mounted Infantry lo South wVfr- , r.xrWTIMi X HOKR. %TT%rK. Ilrltlikli TrM| 1% ••• Mu iidlinic *i> Thrlr <.nn. Ixjrenx*. Marque*. Dec. It-Th. Hrltlsh trixrps at Koomutlpoort are standing to arms In th. expectancy of an atm V hy u tUser for .• of 1 .:<■. which I* in that vi cinity. jt |k ix llevcd to be the Intention of this (or ■ to mak. ,i dish ii|xm the town. The slum.ion is |. garde.l ns serious. Af a of I.'" Infantry, a squadron of < ava.ry anil iw. vans were dl|wt hesl to th* fromi* r to-t.a\ HOT II % 1“ M %Il ITIM)BHTOX. ||* Ih It* * owimuwd *f w Frcr* of !,• fttHt Urn iiihl On** him. fttnndert n Transvaal. Thurs.!ny. Dee. id lien. Do tils Botha Is report..! to he • w ti i mil.- from here with I.MO men and .me gun He bar rolled a mooting of thv burghers for Saturday. __ ~ ■ Ml. NNKirl tl % tMIHK'I Tit. N. iv MetliiHl of Tn so • lon May ll> ’Tri( a *l in Mt*lilunn. tamslnc. Mloh.. Dec. 14 -By a vote of : , v . 13 ihe House late this ofternoon ..1 a blanket ad valorem nix hill, providing for the taxation of railroad*. . lid tel (graph companies u|x>n the cash value i.f their property Ineteud of s|x- dllcally np, their earnings ns the present luv provides. Except n few minor amend ments the bill was imssed as It was In : rodU'^d. *K f> th** hill the Hon** i.ij.mrnesl until Monday night, to waleh t.m" the Senate *'<► adjourned. INtBM KiITINU Sf lIIENTW. laeahordloallaa nt Tuacolooso ts firing |n|ialr**l Montgomery. A,*., Dec. H.-The hoard of truss.-es of the I'nlveralty of Alabama, together wl:h a coromtttee from the -1 stature, were in executive session a! Tua with Gov. J-lk* presiding, umll midnight, considering the iuutrdlnation ' ,„e rtudente. They wlli meet again morrow, when their action will b* made T-e Student* answered the tattoo rail to-Piifht f r lie first lima afnee the tnsur ,, .i.m Many pateota of fhv pu*Ua +•* Tuacaioosa. _ • SAVANNAH. GA.. SATI'KDAY. DECEMBER I.d. V.nki. PERISHED IN FLAMES NKVEX M\i:n I.IHT 1\ I’lllK %T (.ißl.r \miMUs iioul SIX OF THEM YOUNG WOMEN. DIAMOMI HIM. I l l) MM I) KI/./1.1.1 TO HI *ll IH . X 111 XX *r** Nrrr*B’H mill Hmi% f tlir kiii .1 *- 1, fa I uiilil \o| <ir| Oiil —i'lri* Kiiirfeil In Jaifillnr'a Kimmii. utnl lit la Mtiniiu lilt* I>'nl—4lu- ||irre*ei Him!j Him lle*e*n l.ik.-n I rtm the* H ulna. I'tinklrk. N. Y , !>* *. II Fr- rn t • KRioutiJfiing ruinK of ihe* Fr hnl.i .*4 i tfc*ti Normtftl n>l Tr.imlruc S-h *l. w . :i "i" d*itroy***l hy Hr** n♦; ' << k t : is morning:, one- charr*-*l ln>i\ su|.]a. -•I lo l* thin of MiM Htomu h.i> l*. n rvov •‘reel an Ia r*vlfton **f tli* list ( i nns-nm' muk*** ft cwtiiln Urn: **v.-n i*. i iKhiKi tn tho flro. which •!.-* >i, til. l"* i property kwn of f^iO.OOO. Th*r* wore Kev*niy-flv* youn? w'onion vtudOntK In Ihe bull ilnk. of wh* na x |**r nhl. The other victim n tin* Junlior. Tn < are llilne.m 4 Mm j mitnr; Irene Joiim of !<U9tl, N Y . H***<* Hath away of f'anndkntiville*. N X . Kuth Thom as. like. N. Y . Cora Btt>rm>, N \ . Mae Will .im. 1 e ike Coma, I*. . M u*l F Ftaxell. Rtudfonl. Fa The youna; worn**** o upltvl cn the third floor of th The ori Kin of the fire is unknown. Tin* fire sturte t in th*- private room of Janitor Morris*, who evhlentlv 1. —i hi* life while flro ftghtlim. Mt Fixz 11 was .it the head of the fire es n* and turn ed hut k unto the burning bolklii.** t . i\* a ibamone) ring, t ins being b llf< T.* other- wh |* rUhosi uuffo it* 1 w.: i loe.itlns the fire esioapeii. It Is st.ii. l tbm heavy w ir. ser-Oil wore firmly nail* -i aerosw the w tulow loadinic to th** fire * s.*.i|m * an 1 tl** only tv iy the lucky on* * * si-aial w: I v c rawling through wlrwlns -a lim ent the • sand then i.-. |in nlong th gutter *if the mu -.r* Ir> f 1.. w - -\ t ■’•■re wlli !*• danvijr** suit.- in-ii’ • and against the stai* ia-caun* of th** lire • cape ureetu*. A a* arch for remains i* unp ma l* t + rtipully p>wihle. but digging over th* acre of debris*, which lx atill burning, is plow w ork Principal Palmer eetmate? ** lose at Nothin* wiu saved from the budding, not e\en peraonol BLi;XK> l'Klt*u\s IX4I III'D. IMkiMirmm W m l* on I’liniliiiru, l-'*rt XX in nr anil 4 liiri*u<i. I’ittshurg. l>e<-. 14 The Jay • xpr* No. s. from *hl< igo, on th** IMHsburg. Fort Wayne an*l i' Kdllvay, at * o’clock this morning. >!lild with he lg*. t.-dal>' aeeommodation. *aM-loun*l at FVlg*w*>rth. Pa., in ar here. H*itli trains w* re wrecked nn 1 elev-n p* r-.*na w* r Ihpired. 'J*h* aerlouaJy Injured are Oscar W hite, flr*-man of N* R. t**rrlhly cn a ; out he *i and h*il> fata y Injure*!. !>• *r-• \ We* huggagemavt* r on n < oinne*int *n. nrmn and liody crush**! anl *tii-*d and will *li*. mnrrle.l. 11 v* - at F* • i J *ri Johns ten. conluctor on i <iiiirnnlatlon rut about face and body; married*, and lives at Igcet,*dal< . Fred S.‘huch, brake man. llV4s in Ohio, single. nn*l u *** n" years of age. hurt aiout the U>iy, K H S * vens of New X'ork, U> ** injured and unable to speak i;***\. a w :d*|s*r. h* | H on Invalid. A mistake in the signals. II | vnid. eaustal th** ae<*llent H'h* a* *om>•).* o had sio|*ped at l*>lg*-worth and the pas senger were thronging into th** *vmeh*** when ihe heavy looomotiye th* xi*ress came thundering up th* tr *k Tin air-brake* fait***! tn r**-|*a .| and th engine crash***! into th* accommodation. Trie expr** lo**omotlv- pl mg* t Into the smoking car und coach* > of the a* * *m modailoii. whl-’h were thrown from rh track. A large crowd ran t tli* . *i-i --n *• of the injured and phy l lam- wi : iimni*<ti**l It i* leiiev***l nil wil, r* •*•• iut Fireman Whit** aixl Jt.urg ma-i W ifce. •F.VOIK Till MII.H 'lullM I riMi hni IlSitPtl I* * % ii DIMS* Hnrrleane. San Frandsi'o, I>*c ll.—One f the moat severe storms which ever visit* *1 Son Francisco broke over the • liy .it an early hour to-day and has rng**d in fitful gusts, ran and wind sw**ei*lrg r *h* city with unusual violence, H****onti:inl* I by thunder an*l forked lightni y.. a ia h**r uniiMiul orurrmet In this |tv At one tim* rain f* 11 .n ** n t*rr*-* | that many thought a cloislttirst irnml nent. Durlmr th* bight *f th** tn . ml houses w* r- overturn* * I l\ t i** * wind, ftncHi blown down .us! other d.irna.* done i one of tie great re*eiving t.ii k of the San Francisco <4®* and Klectr r 4\mtt.iny was struck by lightniriß. the gas fir* N* on** was hurt I* tt • *xi l *n but the tank was completely demolished , ih from telegraph eomntunk*utlon with the rest of th* world S* far no marine dtwietem of any mo ment hive hsen r**|*rol. On th** hay si veral lw>Me Were but no one w*as drowned so far as kiown. Much •• image Is reported at poln* i s?io-i da* tnce from Ran Fran* *- *. f*iu *o f..r fatU*le have hern r**port**l To* st rm cense*! almost entirely -t n*--n The storm brought nr many atuik-u ,r*julr: fron outsl*!** |s|tits. txxii M uHhf> xvi:ii: Kii.i.Kn. find !4mi*sHii| In f’rnfral 4allr**ad t nrili In Mncow. Macon. Oa., Dec 14 —A 8* ait hem Rail way freight train to-night ran true some cars on the Central’s *4d nr here and de molished a car of wagons, on of cox*, one of cotton seed and an empty. Two n*gr*e* were crushed and hurt**! under the ruina They ro working In U cotton svvd. WHY DOES ENGLAND WAIT? tuber Powers Xr* Ilea I; to I'resewf Il* Ir I mis flo < hifiM—'l'rootile XX 111 •!** K**nli*4t •** %|rll. F* kin. Thu day. D.c l.t -Id Hung 4’:t tmi hi; I Flit - C iirg have *nt ai of- j I it... n t** * mintHti-f* 4tv it 114*y have jmiv.-i n . fioml *-i d*> u mei.t- authotixing Until to act in tail ilf *f i iiii ilnt * * p* * v -gotlatlons and .in i•• tv lng tli i. they i • I • pr>** e*l ms sion .is the ministers desire. T -i t Sir Krncsf >1 -on gat oar. t’.. ItriH-h mini-**!**r to Cluii.i, his not yet ti> sign in* Joint note coupes astonish m* nt In i * a<* i- is *it that th** other Ftw** Having a*ri red. there intuit he anythitir’ in thi J*inl note Ui oumh • Steal It* i:...n t** *ti*-- * Mifll a-ntly to mak* her tI 1 UK* t<* -, . Mr < Vi:u* i i\s he believea China will itnrnedi.iteiv *pt the terms Imposed u itr if i! her p*w* to *m |ih with the umjorllv them ts lore (►ring whl.i th* <ithera an wait ••n . itrit . f Hi. fre**. th* i*urt wil! not I* ahi* * return t* Fktn nor wl*l tin trnoiM *. bi* 11* |c\. until April, w n, :f i • t e • -ill 4i,s a: •• *mh|*! .*1 with, U ii * ii* * i all thi- alii***! fore*-. **xc. |o th*- legation n-nrtlv not to e*c4*cd .* huiult I men for * i h l***aer._ will li*av* F* k ti. i* tn.lilting un-.! thi* f.ill on th** c i I-. >wi*it T .ku n*l Shan Hal Kuan. n\ allifth • if m -n n . or ready t< la* wit h*’.ui w r f>i If i’ itw cannot l* have a a .|vll x*sl Fowcr without military .ofllpulsion it nm> i*** n**ssary to dl-- m* ml a r th* lanplie Mr. 4*oiiK*r person ally la s th a tin- 4*hln*se have N***tl taugli: ale-on ly the looting Cni. Tull ck r* i*orts tin* dtse**vorv of thi' t>• <l\ f the man who thi* Hrltlsh In f.rtnatb r fg.ii.iitig th* tre caure. tiid b-n. alter>l by p< r-*es .>nn * tetl wkh tle I’ .ii - -* eour* *luriiiK tin* r****cnt high’ ll<- l*i I Iht-h ■**,. pit at. The Hritish lu\> i *>t >•! r* port*tl the h- v.-m *f tie tr--a-ure. lait 4heir return is *-x|M*et*-d to-morrow. xx ii x i i:xiif.M4Mi wii.i. t.iixvr. lieuinuila f the I’iimit* That K wnim lii XX 111 Xei-cde Ti*. Tien Tsln. 1 **• H A ordltig to cred p.|.* ctiiiv* e saur- e*- of information. Km jmtot Kwang Hsu will ugret* to the fol .\Ni -g ten i iii* ;*P ->f ti**- Fow*r-t i- ir**t li*b*nnlty to the amount of 7.o.*.**•* [.ui (givab!* within sixty yars an*! gurant* * ! i*> the Id Kin. S* •md Tti* • r••• aii in F* kin of a sult #4 i. monmit- nt to th* nn-mory of Itarun von K*tte|rr. Thlr An imperial Prim*.*, a n.-ar re! titi\ * to th* ICmiKTor, to go to Berlin to api k zo -tud • xprcis regret fur the mur der. Fourth. Foreign troop* to hold the 1i • of • mrouni dtio.’t between Vaku an<! I cl* In. F’fth Punlshiner*? of the Boxer of itc-aia. dix h. Candldafee from districts where .tini-foreign outrages have ber*n perns tra • ! not to lie .a!l*w<-<d to compete in the I’litt , examinations in Pekin for five years. 8* * nth. Abolition of the Tsung II Ya men. Ki hth Forolffn env*ys to have ace-s to th* limperor at ail times. Nunh liim*>italonIiim*>italon of arms and rnnnm lilt! ttf.i \ hi* province 4*f * 'lll U to b< af s*i is h**d. Ti ntii ihe land and • a for s between S a Hai Kw.m Taku and Pekin t- b* •I* mi rayed. Tllkl XXII.I. UF. KXK4 I TBI. 4 Ii innmi n XX * tigered Rewards for • lends nt Foreigners. 11-.U’ Kong. IH 13—Reports from I'nnton .aniiouii' * that several men Iwv# ~. I arrest*'-d in th** llal Ping d>*trt**t on eaarg* sof havo g p m ar.bsl *fr*t of re wards for the lend-* off feigner*. Twenty f i taken Into custody will U \m i.-aded in a f* w- days. A Fr o h gunboat * that th* HiMOiKa**- are |wo|eriy execute*!. ** X I’4tXX IS V| 11.1, XX XITIX4I. Iln lira ay In Tien Isln If Xol a Howl ing succrnn. I-. k.n. D'x' 14 NcaothMlmw hav. not y,.( -n open* ! wttn 4lie ('hln!i<- P—<— t,l<-nh.>tnltarl.- Sr Kntflt .M ,-n .-4 now. ih<- Hrttl.ti miotater, l w iiiluk fir rlnut ln.tru. 4'.n* Bd.iw.i) ■‘iiiinunt. .iiion with Tien T*tn ~..>• nv*lrr*t- u .'MW The multlplli’- ly ..f i i<u.KiiiHl* worktUK tho vartoua ■ • tlon* of -hr tin,- sgiroviit.i. lh<- difH util' Th. kd> .. h-r in that th- l-l ..Ini. ■ i w.miM I" return to the i.m hc nuns i. met it of the line 1). M VME lim- ER** UI44HH I re— the <l„|4ion of tlx- M(* heetlon. W.ahlnKton, I>< It H-r>-t.ry Root to-<lay oi l letter to Anita Hawley. h. •>' '...<• H-- "imnture on Mil itary AfT-.ii irun.mlttln* ■> letter from otjui .1 Btn. rnl of the army urtn ■ilnpUen of tie- provlnton that *iiv offl er • f the urn., now ... th. a -five ilnt be low the Kra ■ of brigadier general eerve-l t.rln,- tt..- (’i'tt War, when retired tx- r tired with ' • rank aid i-.y of the nex. hlhtr qrade. H, ret.uv Root #y there nr. but 2k* ..f '.I- *rd<- many of -an have ren i. r , , , . j k>i ea ae main . ■ , ,„<| i Itn.le r Ki nerale, and he . iot . ■ urn - the provision ae a recur . rtton ..f (.' h eervte. i:\ II *4 KU TO ME hlloT. soldier', father to Plead With I’eea latri.t McKinley. Southington Conn . Dec. 14.—Neam ha* r. u-hed here In !..< form of nn ofllrlal coinmu. b< n from Gen. Ma Arthur that [.ln.,- itktnner. a former Houthlr.qton -..y ,i. r .. n .o to* -hut Chrt-.n.a i,v for leg at hla p.v-' when an .en try dut) It- father. John V Skinner, who la 71 year* of a*e. la nearly heart broken by t. newa and ha. Irft for Wa-'.lnuloo to |4<ad al'h lTe-|deot M*- Kinley for hla ion'* life. Held lor Mrnlinu lllamonda. Cievelanl. 0.. Dec. 14 Roaao C. Hoff mar . i‘.' yrara old. a meaaer.ger for the A-larne E*j>re*f Company, war. a Treated ;o d.y, rhar.ed with atealtna fourteen dia mond. valued a* *2,**>. The rm were fou don Ida i>er*on They had hvae coi -• to a Near Yotk housa. BEACH IS INDICTED 4 11X144.1a X4.XIWI l*lHXli;il PI4IH4^ I lUniI"IUM li. EMBEZZLEMENT IS ALLEGED. 4.11 XMI .11 IIX 4r 441. Xx \ 4 '4ll \l' X I IMP I 111 f lit I I it i xiif*ifi lit* 111**i f i *it 4r 4.1% mi 4 4MMI! % llotiil* l'raMlul**nf l> II •- tlfriiM-il XX lit l- He- \\ ii% nn 4Mll*|lii I ••I That 4 imiii|)->!I im Oni*** a l*o%%*r In 4.1 %it it 4 nnul) INilllini— X*i rim lit* 1% 4 ***i ft il fill tif ii 4 nuiptf 4* X lutl it-atluu . Brunswick, (la !*c 11 Kx Stats Pris on J. *t 1. U*. h bus . n lii*ll t*.l In tin' 4Ji>nn grai l Jur> ll*W til m 1.l 4MI th- • l. • *J - 111 ■£. Xl* lll*'lit Tins indictment w.w forni*! nmir da vs •go. and th* w muni for Mr. H* i h * i r*st was hcivf.l ti|M>n him in Allan (a >• **- *la > ' 1. i -i* Sfua Iff !: ■r F . \li B'tt *h c r.fnpanl**! lit (in y Si * lilt Pyles to Brui 'wark arriving tin** mmi lug In rcgari to tic link in- it. Mr li'Si’h sa>i "Y*s. 1 am Ir -11' t* I for emttt’xxlement I luanl vnvme tint* ag* tht tht grand Jurv now in s# •• on iiitti -l*-*' aku . - ‘t a Hon. hii*l ! tamo ilmvn from my fomi** in Atlanta an.l r* n tiiu i it* i -**v*ial * Ut\ . but t* inilt* :m*ni ->lll* until my i* turn to aXtiinio I am t- l> an*l u ixiou for ( tria in I w li* 11 it -in I urn * **n flil'-nt *f a *■-* tn j •!* 4 • viinli* itioii ” Tin indb-tmi ni r*r**rri**l t<• 1 i.a .| u( *n <*i*rtain #l. • . .01**1 n.nii* a .\i It* a* (1 *4 11 .• tn* wltii thr rcil* nipt ion of ttu nterou * lily on * *uini> Imi - i*i,*g*- l t* htv Isl**ii f1 a lid illi*it tly isv.tu-d in lX7*t. It is all*g*l tli it b** * u),,f (l niKitiM r of theso inn*l wh* ti lit- w --a <\untv f fb*4T, an l bid tl* n r**l*fm* i by t .:** * *unty tr asur*-r, aft.-r will* ;i h* un -l ‘ln* sam** iHirnl fi**iti tb* 4r#*asur* v iiilts an*! hod them r* I* m#* I ov*r 11 c tin .fudge liemiftt iMiund Mr |t*.** li over In the sum of wlil- ii Ua l w a prompt l> Jf.V4|| Attor n* >* Atkin* •** ii<*l r>imwa>•*!> bav** In-in retain**! f**r lh* !* f* 11 *. nnd Xttor n**y A 1. Fr iiikiln wiil .1 --i 1 B**il i;*>r IbllfW’M in til** pf.*****cllti**4i Stays II XX ill Xut ll**ll 4a 4 4*411 . In reg.ard to Hie li. l!* ?ni ft. Judg>* Samu* 1 i* Atk n n *ai I to 11. ht "The Indictno-n* will not hold go **! Mr. B**a<;h secure*! s*>m' of the old How • bo:.d* in a legslmate busin* way. und had them rl* *-1111 ! by tin* -axinly author- Itlcs Just as any business mart w*u| t Imve done In transacting matter** of tills kind ll* luis neV4r *ftit*egxb*d on** *i> ir of (Jlytin **unty s mom* . **r ontitine*! - * * i-rt fmm Hi* s-d*' of Ui.*is, **x* * I*4 by I* gitiiiuit** transac :<• Tii* arrest <uf Mr. B** •* i an*l ids r- 'iirii to llron.*-w t< k 11a* |-i -hi<**i piacti . unlimited talk hern 10-'l.iy. ami Hi* a t ha> l***n lull <if Miuun *.! *ini:.g ii Mr. B*n-ii has si numtH-r **f i*>n„* friemls ii4*re. who are giving him *1 or ag**m**nt nnd su||rt. m l who l* In v* ll nis transactions with Hi*- ili*c*.i fra idu ieif iaMMI r*lin; , l 1 w*** "In **l b gally Tri* ptomlnetice of th** def* t-ilant .ti f!i*s ..**♦ makes 1. of state Impatsrs'* 1 *r yaarn. Mr lif.ich <.unrolled every r,*n* , of tJlyrii* - oniity |N*litl - an I h** *1 i st*i* other ofll a-*, thus* *f r iilef f j**.l* *• oierk of Sup*ri-r Court, .* rk of ‘‘ tv Court. 1*4*11111% I'txnmh i**tr F*i-f I*olll missloner, in*m *• r of Hi* F- a* i of Iv 1 *at I* *ll and \.*l**lol4 li* w 1 *l t ***l Mayor of Brunswick bit *!• Un**! to serve. I raring th** lat** G*>v \\ Y A’kin*** a- * term of ofll**- Mr B* a- h was ii mi*l • on*- of tin snt** |>ris'*n inrnl-eUnier - Iri II rawing lot-*. !*• Recur*-*! tin* -ix 1* term, but before tim expired, h* I** 1 ills office After nsoving t> A‘ainla '• fiil tnaf 4ffi* *. he never returned t-* Brnn wi k. anl t ui** r* l.ruj ii*h*-I tin- powerful <*onrol li** **x*r i*****l over alt jh*,|!l *t pi ties ,n Glynn county and Brunewi k. ll*iilr I*i4 i*l XIII n % Times. The pros‘*it**rs In the present case wi*nt Into offic*. nn t‘: reform ticker *1 I n an t*y special Kxjiert i;* 1 miner A. K Frank lin. It was ‘-iHtwn that (Itynn county offl rials hri I l*een sys* rnatl- aily redeeming th* i*l linwt t>n. J a*"! |n m v n suifi* *•*! the same tr:l J 1 t !•*•* n re *!*•• fu*l ‘w-t ihr4-. f. ir an tiv*- ttim Ih amlner Franklin'* r(r *how that In n* Instsnc a lonl h i*l **. n r- *b-* rn*-*l five conse* it v- <ini'-* by tb -u?i*v -ffi clap am! reportoM ‘festfroy*<d by fire un I* r their supervlgVm. yet ih* Isind w#t then In tin* prvs*M ** on *f tli4* jr**se* t ,% itf*r it|i *< Tti*-* an-1 ’ h.-r st.*efierif - u- re freely us*d In cnmpalgn i>* * * in- an*! ru mors that prominent men were to i*e in dicted f*r alb-tr* 1 <*rfip!i* tv In IV re demptlons have been current for -ever il mmtb As Mr. B*sich *• nv**l to t* the e. r ** r! figure *f wil th* attacks fh lf'*ll*‘m*r• and subserju* n‘ rr- t w - rot altotref *r unlook*s| f. r bv - rn* Ir is 1 j'‘* i' the minds of many, however, wh* ier * r not Mr Beach I** culltv *f -anything <*.*-r than sharp trailing In *Ofn* dd tJI*- nn county borKin and hi-* acquittal would not surprise many. The fraudulent r we • • referrt I to were issue*) in !374 by n defndtlng O’* m county tr* usurer, wn.. wa- # if r>rls *l bv law to Issue tTa'nr w-nfh of g i*l 'en-!*, The treasurer w* nt •* N**w Y* k to hiv • the bonds pfbited and fever r-inv* !a k No one ti is si: Id* how mu % n s he had prln** I 11 ov*: >. * •* %W>tfh h been r*sl-* nud and attorm %w her** row hoM tVM'rff* w- h rtK*r*' of l * i* s* **•l -r - hmtly ant tor is* *1 for tilv IT *** Ovi n county’s t*r* *nt off! 14, ■* have q>nt t ■ ! the b*>n.|s and Inletsde*! t pr**un*n fho General for relief from them. art: %*% *ihit iihokkx. In llangerons 4 ndltlon lint lle rlineil Xsslsfawee. New Otb 1 I** 11.-Pap! Fther* gll! of t.o* British sf. rmcr Fn ial* from Norfolk X’a refwarts tbm or. I**e H. fifty mi •*• * -uth- t l*y • from toe Passes, he ei*k the Danish gteumar lioulalana. 4'apt J* * n, from New Or. buna for Aar .c; !**nmrk. w*n shaft broken. He ofT**re i assistant *•. which wi* declined; repair* were being m;i*!e on board eh. h would require three days before completion. Tne Dan’sn steamer Oranaria. from Hamburg report* that or- Dec. 11. In the (iuM cf Mexico, she s|s?ke a Norwegla* hark disp tying he signal btt*r- N. N 8 8.. steering 4*ast by norticaat, all wvll, aiJ wi. hvd to be repot ivd# TURNED DOWN THE PLAYERS. hi rI.IIU of ||4 *m* lt 11 X|iiu fin lt*e 11l \ol 4 l*nr#‘4l ii| ilte siltisliitn. 111.- 4| i|4-rI loll* SfMlril N* w York !*•* H Th** Nation *| l.< a:u*- mar a -s ls\** completed their ai nual %% I ni t no etlt g 1 ill- 4ha - ‘ \at •\- ai tn Iwseball t*c f* ii til- am ual %%mt> r **es fn was h**! ili ill! * \i-i T'n <-.i\* bramdi lias In * n h> I .ut ia ttKx<-r t - tla Flavi r l‘Tit*div A latl- 1.1 'i. 111 Join..-Kin s Amert 111 I. 4, lie. ill t- 4.1 d< il. - il.l Ih *ti *4J t To-.p 1 a -i.m %%•• a nig her l*%ng 1!i mu out iff ;i lu* iti.igii ir*s w*ut Into •r, f4* * - 11* 1 a rt on and w- • lmr ini t*r %*• i. urn T. t* %% re pi. t \N XX Kerr. F J Xu *iun i Ita nt*% Dreyfiisa .* I bli All S Ii ti J S litldfiMs ai..l \\ It 1 . ant. liosti 11 F \ Abell. .ui, | 1 U'-s i *l 1.-iw i I Hanlon *f Ittifdi.Nii Vn<tr* w l*‘taaairiatrt, N* %% Y*rk. v J lb .. ii ,1 1 1 >1 John I Rogers. I M odetl’ina. t 1* Riabis ai an-l Sranb-y lbddvon 81 li. Jam - I lari, Chiiiigo a1 ut John '1 111 usii. 4 'tnaniiatt liiillMK 1 ■ m- i 1 la* ma ;i at* s r*a* a o| \. ~a a* ; <u* T* (uni 41**w 11 lac I’iav* Flo !i% - \e>o.'fiitki flatly *y refusing tit** |*la*'-*r-% rdu irlng *f their d* in 1 *1 io*i 01 4 ll * game h he-I'- ll.* for next >■ 1 .4b !..| ttill the achml ■* it* UI • r: .11 K*tl (hat 1 :♦■ Ko • ern *lutw4 111 1 . finis.l the itrssin In (ho W • 4* v l 11 !••*• l It * *lllll Mil %% 1 um*lr h•I :** 1 1• liii*'d *H|iiaUv an.* 1 w ih* lit* * 1 h limp • otll- Mliai: * 1 lie lilt. numlo-r *t . alt 1 or* In • ** • ny, rMitfirtl ti.*nr hy whl*i* u* < lui* sitiili ary more than sixteen plav •r- tuiiiig Ih* * --hi after May ‘a. a%% inli*! tile !1 * :•*-- of 8l Paul, Mill ' * * |**lir- an*| h ‘M% to ii* \\ <31*11% I*aigii. I l l II 11 111 S|\| q% IN %* N %Tl>:. I(ealullin for lle Holiday Hrrro XX a*l X*l • * 1 11 ***|. XX ashing!<in, I• it Throughout near* Iv th* fudti- I* cl**lati\ 1 i.% th- 8. note " • in • m - s..ii, 4(1 tH.dng tin Jlay l’.itimefHe tr My. N ‘ i'ii io •■! irniH-t t in- • w• trails t* and in Hie l*rl* f open *• **sion except the i (option • f rile llmi-<- r*i** lit Hon provkf* ir-.* fot 4 holiday r*-*-*ss t*. 4 xtend from Friday, D Jl. to Thtir.-day Jan. 3 Tin* Pr**•• "b lit pro i* tn , Mr Frye, an i4titD.-| Hie appoint m**nt i*f Rftiyiam (I 4010 of •*f 11*• B|iti of XX* 'oustn aid ,b*ro ♦. of Arkaio 1- *0 rink* lh< ne . usury *ir t *n/ nn a. 1 f* t ih- InaiigiiratbHi of the Pte b 1 ’ * t . I idtetl Hta *-s Oft the 4th if Ylaich, next. A ‘ - -on *0 ;• V the I I|MI M* of Oil 'V* • cat on ,t I'. -Itlrn ~f W iliam A ‘Mark at‘l Mart ti M tginnls to n seat In ** H * it- mil. t> api- iirin*nt of the 4j<\*;n-#r of Mo-- ana. wa- referred to H e * * .ui nr. if . on Ptlvib g* * and El#c ti*j s i it it *i not < -m* a stand ing com it ter. Mr ‘ it -r • Ii* r. the rl 1 rman of tliat com m !t *. nun* ia ely r*q* rt *1 It back *o the Senate and k if- r Its adoption This w * nhj ■ detl to on toiitnical grounds, but tit*- r 4 oliri -ii finnllv w r ferre-l to the ‘VinnPtc. on Foul mg* nt Kx|afis**s. T S* ",t then. 1 Yi *\ 14, rn . w*: Into exeouHve .-** *bn upon tie- llay-Paunce fof* “ •% *1 n*l at I p m adjourned. 141 l|\ HIM 4*l; XII XI 111 A% Ml 11*. Hopkins' Plan lo Keep II al fWT nm It wiNNda Nt I'rewnt. W iftliingtofi I*4 14.—Chairman Hop kin • 11.. * ‘■.rnmlrr** *ai (Vnec. **4-lay 4 t!b*l o m**-tb>g of that ••ornrmti**** for i*%v morning, to consider tne -piestUn of Hi* r4*ap|*orHonmertt of Hie repr*-ntatln of stare* in the Hou-se. Mr II- ,-k 1 * ha lntrolii* •*1 1 r<-app*r -:- riricr;' mi., vnakiug th House mini (M-rship :ST. To- fiatiy* - It mak* h nre; Is- • otio <i, ji liMlbma, K'htu-kv M fit*- N* *rsska, 4 HUo, B*)Uth Carolina. Virginia Gali on** *a- 1 liisi n . Mlnneaota. V* iv .1 N- w York. aii*l West Vir ginia. alt-1 ’Wo. T-xa IF;- '*i 4tiv* Frosius of P*nnsylva 1 1 t*> lay 11 11 odlicet! n r* s>liiilori f*>r h i srltmi. i i| trn* r.*!rront *l* 'iKn*-l to permanently tix t • House m*mn**r'.dp a* 7, 1 pt• •1 t umls r FxxitHs 1 u.m l imit xil in; xt>. h* •. Xtleliarl .1. Iltiltfer Had Mi ik Im-i. Il*e 4 cMlsr) H o k Flrniicc .im A! . !*•< it —Gen Mr* ha* 1 J Bulger. 1 dlstitiguishe| Cofi ■•4b *i- •r*riloil |inhli< man. fii this morning at Dadevllle. A ia. Gen. Bulger .%• ie ih* 01-< .cif* derate v* '**ran liv* a;., \ - Ing Pi year- *>f tig* ll* was a rn* rule r *>f th* 8* sslon 4 Y*n vent lon at M ' *;'*rn* :v. and !**"• • ' • fight a ilfist - • -*l.n. ll* w a a- aodhfote f*r 4Jov *rr or of Ala *trn>4 e*san after the Civil W or. 111. XI II OF I* X Hill R X XX. He XX as 4 litiNiploii I'rise I Ightfr ll* lor** %iiIIU NN. Albany. N Y, D* * H Fad-ly Ryan e.s t hmip -fi !• vyw.lght ingillst who w •;* f*-;!i- i by John D. Sullivan, rlie*| to-*lay in 4r**‘ti lslarnl. N. \ He was ►♦•is* I with • cooxulalon this trurming on a rising and rb*atii erisu*-*! this afternoon Hvnn wa he.ivyw* ght numiian before he I**-: r* J<*hn Sulil%ati in th** famous fight In Mi"l*ippl 11. It. R 14*111.X X I S, X l i:S||4R4l. >• s PoslMiaslers Named •*> Presl ilent Xf-K inlr) . K - 1 1 CN K 4 Tbi Ptwilibßt to* day set.' the f<II-aing nominations of to the H* note: Georgia—l>. B. Higdon. Statesboro. North Carolina J. Ip. Mas** y, Smlth field. H-MHh Carolina—K M Weds. Cheraw. D 4411 *f sminni I t’r 4mU tt tier. Ridimond. Va.. T><* ii A private tele* vram reeelved hen- toodghi announces tlie |*ath Iti St. K<tils of Maj Addi'O IToskauer, a former resident of this city, one of the for*’r*"<! J*-w -of the Mouth and W#*s4, snd h< ,1 I of t •• It' B'rlth order. Beside'* 111 Hamusl Pnw*kauer of Hits f|(y, the and • -• I Imvi*'* brothers in Mobil* and Cincinnati and sev**ral sisters. Hleli lauuln%%srr Kblaupped. Rome. Dec. v l —A t rich Inndowner at Termini 4ier Palermo, has been kl Inap pc<i by brlgards ot: hi* own property. His serxaixls fie* 1 In and smay at the appear ance. of the band Tlwo pa haw gopo In iiuwuU ot ina btigan%la % DAILY P A YKA It. i ’KNTH A 4 *OFY WFF.KI.Y I IMI 8 A-WGKK.fI A TEAR WAR REVENUE BILL X| XIIIHIX XMI Id.XX Iw TOOK PART IN 1111 111.1 l XTE. EXPRESS COMPANIES TO PAY. XXII.MIXII \| I I XI. s TUB IT.IRP I X X I PON I 111. X|. I!i > n<* HeePneil (* Xtiollsh Small H'-rr I'aehngea—Tbe Tin on Reer XXm I I%* #1 nI f Per llarrel I lai—4 *llll in 11 ter *iMstalnel Tws lltdnili lull II Held Ita i.r*Miiil <•■ tin* lleer *lllll I irlisi‘ a i xrrllus Olher l‘i*alnrea. XX isliiiigtoti lb II In the **ire of thi* *b-i*ate in Hi II u•* • r • war rrv hu< rn*- ur* to-<U*> Mr Ma.J Ix of tho Ft \• 1* * 1 und Mi l.twi of tb Third UiHtrxi.t I•, trhs s ma la -p* *. h*-f I I*4 Ma I- x ra-plliil at *m- length to taleim tr %% tli li Gi*n 1. >-v* ior imd rn id* in ui :•• * (1 of !h< ta before, ch.tigii-g i at tl** n • ipfs if it* tr<i*ury Ifrim* dbt* 1% t• s*t ** fall ' ft after Clws lire •I* • i* n t<> *i • 1•! t* mi ll* w- nt li n* *l* 1 * .-. imwlf’g by the treasury fig ures Hail ibi* %• is n* t the 04**e. ll* !*1 lu. < I :<-*i,r*B to ii*i%% that tha s*s 4NV Hiirpio which exDteil when Mr Harris-on . tin* into otfi. • in JXjgr was • 1 'luriio: Hie latter’s t*rm. and <1**111*1! i*nfriwyti**l the and Cleveland ltt lm^iiatlun when B t* •*uin*d cmitrol In WI. Mr b'Sii srsin l that the entire w*r reveilll** I*lll I*u*l Wlj*l OUt. Til# tr aHmy •* - * il\ f 1 ti at 111' a lire had passed. He rilb i'*' l the .i< tiisi of the a-tmln|s tr 1 l*u In using th mmey of the treas ure to buy b- l<t Willi at f • BMTM* tim# < til t rverj tu ■ iimler the prel* 1. • of n • -"ity for s>ii>- l*orttng the wwi in the Philippines. The est .- tf receipts ovei *1 shurse mentn taken In •'••iiiiectb-n wb.i th* m ney • x|H-i|.b*l In tie • Him! puri-hi-i 8 .n*k In th* prepayment *f lntcr**Tt n t matured %v <u I'Kslrr thsn ti* t-diil ;in<mnt raised umler tin* %% ! revnu* tdl 1 ami !*• con • ••mletl that Hut* was no *s*| reason lit vi* w *f this for k-* piiK up this war reve nue taxation. The Hems, tcwlay adj.mriusl without • Ibpo-diig *f imr* that* ha f lie war rev etiui r* in t*'ii -11 l G neral debat# ••i at J *' Id* k ift* 1 Which the bill wa - op* led to amendment* under tu# llve-ntlntitr- ml* . A determined *ffort was made to rcduc# • tiil further Ihe tax *ti beer, bM the Ways ami Means Commit e overwhelm## the o|poftH*ti Originally, thr tax had ... .n MR <•• Wiatl. !- I b#l' • With a rebate of JO per cent This xi f changed iy the rommiHw* t*. $l fiat Jr New* iamls of N* va*la *>fr* i an amendment u 1 redii ** It to fl LU and Mr tiai'hoidt f Missouri to fl '-o. lint Imth w-t* l*ad*y iastfii. • ••■rsiserl Twit firfrnls. The < ••mmlttre, h*wever, niistaine*! two Signal il* fiats. 11l • • .niieeitott wi h th# iw er r-t% Mr pay n*- <fT r *1 m amendment In th* language of Hi* bit passed by tho H*ti"* 1 *st s* • ion -liv.crx I (• obiUsh th# m * of 'mall l* . r package-, one-s *ih and '•ne .ightii barrel hut it was <ifea(#d by “. to id afer charges that Ps purpoa# w is to i-rush out t hr* -msb brew ora. Ano4her il* f. at o urr** in c nnectfo# with ;ti* .im ii-ln* rit off* r-*l try Mr Henry c Hinitb of Mi- dg in Th*- till aboliahed tin- out ent siamp *• on express r**- eeipts olid telegraph mo age*, bid re taai.- l th* *ux on ra IrtMid ami sbarri shlp freight r* • ei|# Mr. Bmito'a anv-iH* rr* rt t *--1 *'r*-*t the tax < n *xpr h re Ipts, but altered th** form of the section so as to prov el* 1 that Hi* catnpanles should mak** 111 ait hi % t.ii*m*n < of 4he numbes* .f |iekag#s irile*l ami pay thereon tag of one cent Provided that but one pay merit of su h tax shall lie required on * ’ • l>u|M-r%* The **ij.- t was * t out* |i*| •*- •om party Instead of th# -h'p(H r t*i pay ih* tax. The men*lm ti| pre>4’i|dta e*l llve.y *lebat v . 11l th# count# of which Mr Km.tli mad hp rsonal allu* son to a Ci.it4*l Bat** -emit r wm> iscone n- t*-d with one *f Hie express compa* ni*s Mr. iMyne vigorously fought th# amendm**nt. but it was > srrl *l. 13 to 1(4. The 4* xS to the amemim nt U a- follows: fdxpr*'- stxl freight It shall la* th# • luty f #v*ry railroa*! or steamboat con l*atiy. currier, express * i *>rnrany. or cor - IMiraibsi. or i>* r*on wimee .-upatlon is to act nm such, to make within the first rtft*-n •lay’* of each mouth sworn atat*** nier;* to im collector of IntiTnai revenu# in Hi-)i of their r.-p* Mve districts, Mist ing the nil rats* r of * ilpments m’Hvrxl for tirrlag*. iifi'l trsnspirt Hon, whether In <ulk or In !>o** tialeß. packsgev(. tmn* • li**' or not so Inclosed or fncluited, for w ."‘i *... * * ifK- tv!m!*>*H*vtr may Iro ma*l a'"', for ea* hof such shipments re • * rved f- r • arrisge and transportation ‘he h 1 •*) railroad or Hteamboat *>mpsny, irrier. press company, or cor <oratkn 9 *r •■r< n %% .(•• * o-- up#Hon It D to a t .- such. s! *l t.y a tux of I cent ot bun* and- or pa kager if news|>aprr?4 w nea Im lose*! In one general hun*l at th# I'nu* of shipment Mr Otey of > ginia apm a- I fo*“ # further reductksi of "<>pp f * -sive tag on tdiacco." He *sid that W'r.tyo.fifiO I to T. ÜB*-.| .-plum and Sun.-d t*• i, ICxftct sta'letl’s on th** user** of whisky, he s.i! he did not have. But It was beyond *ontrov*Tsy that tobacco wris th*- s.*la eof tn# world Nothing, he sail, staved off hunger and thirst like "a eh ear of tobacco.’ * Reer Tax Flsed at g.MI. When, in r# ruling the bill for amend* m* nt umler the tive-mlnute rule the bear se< tion was r*ache*l, half a ttoien mem hers l*m.#nd***l i*s*og*iiHcn Mr. l*ayn-*?, chairman of the Ways and Means Com* mitte* . from the committee, offered i\ amendment to make the tax s!.* per bar rel fiat instead of a discount of iwr rent . as originally drawn.* \t New land* of Nevada off crad an amendment to redoes the tax to fi.S> jwf barrel. Mr Harthotdt of Missouri offered an amendment making th*- rate $1.30 per bar rel, which was defeated on o rising vole, 74 to 1 1#. tnd sutieequently by vote by tell ers. #• to 133 The Payne amendment fix ing she tax at |l.n per barrel was then alopted without division. Mr. Ktewart of New York offered an amendment providing that unless the ’eer sold wns made exclusively of malt arid hops so pronounced by treasury In spectors. the tax upon It should be 12 per barrel. Mr. Tawney of Minnesota moved to !n --elude barley In the Ingredients of pure beer, which Mr. Ktewart accepted. The Ktewart amendment was then defeated. 4CottUuucd on Fifth l'agv.J