The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 15, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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TO SEND THEM HOME (Oi l \TEKHI %Hi: OIIDI3RI3U BACK KltOM PHILIPPI\E*. MOVEMENT TO BEGIN JAN. 1. ini. tiiiutv-sbvbatii nt-wmi u 11.1. 4 out FIHST. flitn* fnr llelum of \oluiUfrr Ar rrtHJ .p,l in Yutlrlpa Mon f (hr >ew \ru* lllll—War Department Is \\\ Rend) to Necmlt the kteuulnr , lir( .e—June III* I* the Dale for \|iiirlnu Out—Few Volunteer* will Hfniatn. V , ,-ton. Drc 11—The Secretary of W i h*> ■ abbl instructions to M.iJ. G*n. icArthur at Mjnli i to begin iho work •,m ti y the volunteer troop* from the I i* in older to permit of their 14 j... a--* In this country ly the 3oth of June. next. . Mon hat been taken In antlci ja.,< f ?!tt authorisation bv Congress , f . .n ;s*iment of regular r. g m,*nt to , . • . recalled troop*. Plan* for the inon of the prcq*cd new regl . been perfe-Uisi at the wat d**- i t an.l ootni>letj arrangements , lor their speedy recruitment an 1 , . Aosica: In thin matter await* i ni'Kova 1 of (*oigr n '■ . hoi *1 by th Secre'aryof Wat and i: t iry authorl tic** that the bill for , i. mixdtfon of tin* irmv now be- S uato will bee me a law- h*for.- .akt'J* a recess for the holiday* , i :l*t Instant. The record* of the rm t.t oil tend to how that only a l> . iuji:* of the state troop* are i, % to Mive beyond lb _r present term t ( enlistment. ii i • of the War Department, tor _ home th* volunteer troops are * . % m the follow ing cable message -War Department, Adjutant General's .f ; D . 1!. Mar Arthur. Manila. ; } volunteer convalescents to the ca iy f the ne*' nsport returning, i volunteer r.gunent by transport f, t ,rnr As you rej>ort G9.0f10 now the * . rotary of War dire- t* that you start hon* the volunteer regiments until the * i* reduced o titHM). the number fixe.l fore beginning reinforcement by regu l.i Will -end you refular regiments t... further relieve tne volunteers. “Corbin. ' • Manila. Dec. IS. —Adjutant Oen . t.. \\ ishlngton. With refer, nc i> your i > i.m of the 11th. the Thirty-seventh Jnfai rv Regiment. U. 8. V . sails on trar *pnrt Sheridan Jan. 1. und the Klev .* Regiment, I*. S. V Cavalry on j.r The movement will -bnttnue aw ... “t. i until completed. The Thtrty ,-i.xih Raiment. 1 8. V., Infantry I* I * M and cannot leave at present. Au i- requested to retain regular ofli iu the volunteer services whose reg - .i g.intxations are here. Also voiun • fticers now assigned to sp* * ial duty a i • . desire, with a view to muster out .! r An important question of policy i> involved ■* the departure of volun ?•' most rend, rs It Impossible to fur i.>h #>ffl*r- for special duty, th* necesat fo.* which are li reusing. Transport - leaved Dec. la with about MO vob mrv iie- * nts and the transport Warr.-n Dev Hi with the same number, v r. n.dining w*!! go on the transport S *i h Jan. 1. Mai Arthur.** .It lAU JtltV TO T AI.K II UK. It Doe* >ot l.lkc the Hoard of lldu rstinn'a Attitude. \ Mrusta, |>#c. 14 —The grand Jury of I: mond eoutity met to-day in extra hnary * under a call from the t*c n. ii . and S* retary 11. 11. D'Antig r* and K. K. Petit, reapecthrel}'. Th *n was brief but businesslike It Ie c and that the action token tvas of grave *•' per ance to the community and that •li* ation will be given In the Sun. dav pajKrs. Ti. i. .i of th*- lloar.l of Rduoation in ' '.vine th nuthorlly of tho craivt jury order . chump* In Iho foniKi. i>y!<- * ni of cue of the idil.llr *<'hoolx. woe t‘-. r I*.. r to-forr the Jurorc They diwilic I aeree upon the o.Kline of Ihelr re ~v e'.' l .ipiKMnled a committee to pro ' It for Sun ..iy> paper*. Hornethimt 1 h l. expect..!, l. inuntT M IIOONKH \ l ‘!.o \T. Mu.tnl l.tindier .'.trrler nt .lie IlncltM In llrtin.utel., I’nin.a ic|t. fla . Deo it—The American (-muted ar hr oner flrcrtre W Welle r. 1 ' tu rc to-tliiy to Iciol croeetice for N manual. This la the lurtr. --' ealitna vee -1 In the world, und her arrivril ha. been c . vent of ir:. at Importance In maritime ' Hhc Is ju feet I<diet and In every ■ t I extraordinarily Inrae in propor -1 lliimlretle of eltthtaeerx have visited l manuer* .lock io-.lay to view thti craft. HE Ih IKSIVTAAT KOITOH. Ir. Held.'* (onneellon With Wee l**sn 4 hrbilsn %dvorißlr. AMinta Dec 11—Dr. .1 W. Hsidt was biv assistant editor and husl ' amger of the Wesleyan Christian Adv.t.'nt> )>> i jo trustees of that pap r. c re. .•‘nt artion of the board of trus in creating two office* l 0 he filled by ■ < .vf.iTor* equal In rank wns rescind “* l Dr. Lovett, who was elected el on*, time ago. will still retain tha< ! ’ xllh Dr. Heldt as his assistant 'TF.DII.R MIBIIKA MUTIIO. s, hf llml Islmre In the Mrlgli horliood of Kea West. ’•y West, Fls Dec. ll—The %ncrlcsn ,f m* r Kurek, from Tort T.impa bound M issachusetts, with phosphate, which - l>*n ashore near Rebecca Shoal light. • f" • • ilofttetl by the wrecker* ami '-bt Into port. A survey will be held r ' u steamer to s. what damige was , ,tu ■ vhivh was i*on ldcruble. Several of "iclcci. were nlso dam aged while ’-'ding assistance. PITALLY alltlT. • * PW to % ssii Him t of John llnl- Iftnlro of l*ensncdM. FViwacola. Km., r>co. 11.-John ll.illasi a merchant, was fatally shot last r -'t by unknown person*. lie was ' 1o the door of his store after he * and lotfd for the night, and as he open* th*- door two shots were fire I at him. ' f "net rat Inc the right lung and sh*it- M, .g a rib. There 1* ih> chie to his as * ; ant*. *4l IV (.Oils TO 1*1.4 011(H. " *D Fish tinil Hunt anil ho Home for ( hrUtmsa. ’ Augustine, FU.. Dec. II Ex-Senator 1 w Quay of Dennaylvani.i and a party five friends isisiaerl through this city 1 night for Mr. Quay** winter Item* at Lucie. It Is itd hr will si*enl sev ' ’ *1 da>> iishlng and hunting In Florida iLi return to his home tot Christmas. WORLD’S GOLD AND SILVER. I ■> t ted State** Output nt Gold iu IHtlft y\mm thu Greatest lu the Coun • r>‘ lit■tor > . Washington. DC. 14 -The report of th.- director of the mint on the production of gold and silver In the t'nlted States lur ing the calendar year !<* shows 171 .♦*&!.- 4d* for goland, and 111 average commercial \.iue during the year. The gold product w ts the greatest 'n the history of the country, exceeding th of Isis, by F.Can.tOO. The sliver prod.ict aggregated 54.7(4.0000 ounces, as against 51.435.0*1 ounces In iv.w The average prl*v for silver during tlh year, on London quotation*. w.s ts* cents |er ourwe. a* *rn ii ..1 with • *i in • The. production by stitea Includes the following the first figures being for gold value iii-1 the second for silver at com mercUl value: Georgia. $113,000 and s.’ti; North 4**aro llna. tU. sii and sla.. Booth I'urolina. si*>.- hJ M und $-♦<*; Virginia. $7.10t and so>. The worlds production of go.d in UM was of the v.u*‘ of an in crease* of slo.lj<.3uo over iilw. Th prinel |ml gains were $£.590 40> in the States. s7.isA.o** in t'aixula (mainly In K onuike) and Australasia. 111.400.900. Th* most imfkortant loss was in Africa, which fell tttsjui s7.t*.tM below the output of 158* as result of th*- war in the Trans va ti. ut for whi< h t.i wori*l's prslvi*- lion tloubtiess would have been |2Y<mm*>o greater. Th* Kion<liks output for IKO was about Sll.ouo.un. The world’s production Ot silver In \>&J was 1gf.34.243 line ounces, against 1C.295.5T2 fin*- ouiks s in Dfv Mexico b ads, and Mexico and the t’nited State.*- produce two-third- of th.- silver yield of th** work! The world’s iiwlttatrial <ofisumptioii of gold Ib *-wtimated it $72.- fcIJOU and of sliver $24.5&.6U). MAH I*At 57 OF IIIIK bIRT4. Some >m Frnlnrea Introduerd to Futertaln the t ruwtl. N- w York.. Dec. 14.—The fourteen weary six-day grinders, cycling for fame and money, kept grinding out mlie after mile during the day and evening at the rate of about eighteen miles an hour ami at 12 o'clock to-night th** leaders had cov ered 2,294 mlie-. and 7 laps, with the third team Just one lap behind. Madison Square Garden was taxed to its utmost rapacity to-night, the audience rising In their scats and cheering madiv it each spurt During the everting “Major** Taylor es ta hi I ahed a n*w indoor world** record for one-quarter mile, unptn el mklrg th* distance in 25 4-5 seconds. Hobby Wal thour, the Southern champion, and Ale<* McLean, an oM six-day racer, were the contestant* In a five-mile pursuit nee, which was won by Walthour after cover ing three lap* and twenty yards. Jimmy Michael rode five miles, paced by a motor ma him- In 9:11 2-5. The score .it 1 o’clock is as follows: Fierce and M Ka< hern. 2.291.3; Kike- and McFarland. 2.2M.i; and Oougoltz 2,391.2. Kaser ami Ryser, 2.29u!9; Frederick iml Fisher. 2><7; Waller and Srln* n. 2.279.4; Habcock and Aronson. 1.5041.1; Tur vlll® and 4Jimni. 1.419.7. € %•! YLTHSk l\ PHILIPPIC*:*. I.lst of Killed mid \\ onntled a-n( In ly 4en. Hncirlhnr. Washington. Dec 1 . 14 —Gen. MfccArthur h* forwarded to the War Department •he following list of casimldes: Mseik, Dec. 14.—Killed: Dec. 8. Troop M. Mrst Cavalry. Krnest Schrey; Nov. 24. Company C, Eighth In fantry. Frank Ibrnutn Wounded: Thomas G. Bridges, chest, mortal; Dec. H. Company H. Twenty-first Infantry, Carl L. Schultz, slight; Company L. Twenty-first Infantry, M C. O'Donneb, severe; Nov. 3L*. Company K. Forty-sev enth Infantry, artificer Aaron A Knee, wounded In arm. slight; Corpl. William li Webb. hanl. slight; L. 8. Nesbitt, head, -•-rlous. J A Marsh, thigh, serious; Com j*any H. Forty-seventh Infantry, George .M . Bridge, arm. serious l .♦# tIA4IMHI! > IH 9KVYMIE. spHnlali I'nprr* *ela-d fr l*nlllh> iiiu Mnrrliuu* Hlr>. Madrid. Du- 14 —Severe press censor ship continuer in tiie matter of the pro jested marri.ig** of the Frin<*e*s of the Asturias with Prince 4’harles. second sou of the Couni of Casereta to which con siderable opiJOsition has been mieed. on the ground of Cotint Casereta’s connec tion with the Carlisle during the Civil War. Following th** seizure of ISI Hera Ido yes terday. HI IJoeral whs seized to-day and the eslitor of LI I’als placed under ar rest. GHIFFKX FOl AH (.1 ILTY. Murderer of 4 omltirlur Latimer W 111 He llii nurd. Brunswick. On , Pec. 14 —Tley Orlffeti, t!ie negro murderer of Conductor of the Southern Railroad, whs found guilty of murder In the first degree to day. The Jury was out only a few min utes In arriving at a decision. Holler Explosion Kills Two. Buffalo. N. Y.. Dec 14.—'The holler of a Dblfh Valley engine which was haul ing a string of freight cars at 4*he**kto waga exploded to-ntght. flying clear off the tracks and turning end over end. The engineer. William Smith, of Buffalo, and Fireman J. B. Kelly of Buffalo were in stantly killed. WALKED OUT,” On Food. Allcr ilrlnn Olxen 1 |. Lack of knowledge regarding the kind of food to glv< to people, particularly In valid,. frequently ruiwii much dlstrea*. w her, a a when one ‘know* exactly ih, kind of fool to give to quickly rebuild the brain and nerve center*, that knowl edge cat, be made uae of. A young Chicago woman ,ny: "Other Undo nee* of the worwlerful quaUtle- po*- ,ei*ed by>*-Nut* food are ohown in my gramlnKittief'e and mother'* aee*. Urandmother'e tenttre left *l*te he an,* totally from a ruptured • *l*ll -of the brain. The doctor raid it would N' lmpo**lble for her to live a w eek. She could -not take ordinary food and **<• l>ut her on Orape-Nut*. In an efTmt to >lo all for her wo couid. "To the a.'tonlsdim* nt of the doctor and the delight of all of ua. he lowly rallied anl recovered ll * pronounced the llret caee of the kind on record The die tor raid nothing could have praluced thl* re*u!t but fowl ■We ha*l been Id to u*e Orape-Nui loH-aue of the effect on mother She ha, been troubled with a week .toraacb all her life, and the lal few yean, been gradually loalng weight and *trenglh. ~ ha* been recommendeel by good authority, and until ahe ued tlrape-Nuta foci, nothing *een I fo do her any go*vf ttlncc taking up Orape-Xuta *he ha- been cor.-tantly Imiirovtax until now -he l* free from any of the atomach fioutd*--. and l* efroug ami well. Plea*, do not nubilah my name'' Name can be given nv I*o*turn Cereal Cos., Ltd., Bailie Creek. Hicf fHE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1900. Protect Yourself Against Substitution By ALWAYS LSINO the •* FULL NA.M!:.*’ Hnnyadi J&nos RoaJ thl* testimonial from I'rofeitnr W. h. May#, At. [)., “ Ft rttsitr v**r I hi< regarded llu> **tl tUnna a* a m ut Ai*ert**nt wt#r eaay of a ItuloFtration and prompt and rrbatd#* lu iu aclian K r (*oaatiiali >n in th>a#< of srdentarr habti or billi'ii# tertU'erament lean find nothing tn-tter W’ II \lara. M I Profeaaor ofOynecolour at tn- Man Trauclaco rolycli&U. Post Oraduatc Mvdwal Department, I'mrrrail* ot cailforma ,1*; For Constipation or Stomach Disorders, ••hUNYADI-JANOS” HAS NO EQUAL. INDORSED THE EXPOSITION. Ml M 4 11*11, 1.4.A4.1 K I'HSCH \ STRONG li 12*40L1 T 10!%. 1 rzr 4 onsrrM ft* Make an %ppr*- priiti Imm for a (•ovrrniiMMit si ih#* litliriliil* and West Indlnn 17 x post * loti lo H* llclil In 4 htirlrs -1 on—l'upcrs on lln|•*rfntll Munl- Topics Head Before flic 4 on- cniton. Chari*sion. 8 C.. Dec. 14.—1n the 4',on vrntiun of ih** League of Am* ri an Mu nicipalities t*-*iay the following paper was a>loitc*l without a dissenting vote “Th#- South Carolina Interstate and Wtsi Indian bxpoMitoti Comitany has been organize#] under a charter issued by the slate ot South Carolina for the pur pose of hoUJing an exposiikm In the city of Charleston, of the resources and man ufactured |>ro*luct- of the states of the American In lon and of the West Indies, and of the Philippines. Thl- ex|ioeitlon will open Dec. 1. 1901. aid close June 1. 19U2 It has been projc* ted upon Ih*- broadest possible lines and deserves the hearty support ami co-operation of all the st itce and cities of our country. It especially deserves the fo-n-rlng care of the United Stntes government, and the league of Amt-rLan Municipalities urges upon the United Btates Congress now in he**lo<i at Wa.'hfngton th** passage of the bill before the 7louse in aid of this ex position. I is of the utmost importance that this measure be acted upon without delay, and representing as this league does, the people of the entire country, it urges upon all the member* of the House unmedhitc action * Raoolved. That the secretary of this .hhkuv b** iiiMtrucfed to a copy of this resolution to the Speaker of the llt>u**e *f Representative*. anl also a copy to the congressmen of the various states represented in this league.** Munleipnl Mnffer IHantavcil. The first topic for discuslon b*fore the league of Muni*-ipalltles this morning w;a* “Btreet Daving—\\ hot Are the !(*lativc M**rii ami Costs of Various Materia Is?’* and was the wuldect of luper b> City l-Tngineer 8. F. Crabbe v*( Fargo. N 1) I rof FMward W Rcmis |ellvered an .uldrese on “Bone Pre—nt ha.gtish Munic ipal Conditions.“ <*lty electrician K B Lllbott * theme was “The Kl*- trie lighting Iffnnt of Chl < ago. Its I*riKr-ss and Economy Unler Munick|il Ownership “ ilc hekl that 1: 1- s IncumlH-nt Ufion a city to ptoperly li# streets as it Is to jiollce thfin or furnish flri* prutectioti lo property. At th* afternoon session “Public Water Bupplies” w is the first subject fot dls • use lon. and Mtvor George R, Perry of 4.r m*l Rapids i , l n paper on “What Means Sboul*l . Municipality Employ to Supply Its People With an Ample Bu|>- ply of Pure Water at Equitable Rate-*— la th#* Use of Meters Desirable? Whit Systems of Filtration Are Hatlyf.icto yT* Mayor Smythe road a paper prepired |>y City ClSitroller Bird 8. Colet of New York • Ry on “Remuneration to Cl tie- fo. Fran chise Right., In. Over and Under Pu. lt' ißreet* and Alb ye—What Remuneration, if Any. Bhould lie Exacted From Light. Water, Btreet Railway. Telephone ml fhib-way Corporations, and How Should It Re Collected?'* This was followed by another paper on Ihe sain* subject bv the Hon 4\ W Tke. professor of law at the University of Illinois Samuel A Carlson of Jamestown, N Y. off* red a n-solution which was re tm retl to the Commit!* ♦ on Resolutions deploring th* pre>*fii tendency “to cen tralize the governmental power of cNi*s ’i th** hand* of th** st ile authontleTt,*' and r-stdving that the le-ntu* “emphatically dec hi res in favor of absolute home rule fnr cities In all municipal affairs which do n • conflict with the organic law of the state ** Thl** afternoon the ladle* of the munici pal party were cniertalned at Chb'ora 1 ark. and to-night a reception is is-lug given In their honor nt i he Charleston Hotel. Jnil Dell* cry In Toledo. Toledo. 0.. Dec 14 —Tony Lucas, a vaudeville actor, in Jail charged with hig • heft- In several cities. Thomas Currqn, Kk hard Franklin and John Flanagan, burglars, escaped from the city Jail to ll tltKl*4l\ \VVT ATTKM). T-12 i-President In \\ nsliiita 4*n, Hof l Not fo lie nt Mrkinlri’a *talr Dinner. From the New York World. Washington. Dee I.—Ex-Pr* ident anl Mrs. Harrison will not be guests at tho gtati'l banquet to be given mi the U hlte House on Thursday evening next. They will dine with Senator Eikins on that nJghf Official and sockil Washington Is airltat and over the matter, was the ex-Presldent InvMtd to the banquet nt the White House on Thursday night or was he not? If Gen. Harrison was Invited and declin ed the cour*e*y he has committed a sole r an hard to credit to one so well vers ed in the etiquette of the Capital If lie was not Invited, when hi* coming to Washington was so widely heralded, a precedent has been established at tfe White House Hitherto the rub* has al ways been that any dlstingulHhcd guest In the city who has held high office, no mat’er of what political affiliation, t* in vited to any formal function at th- White House which might occur during his stay. Gen. Merntt was Included In the ban quet tendered the Crown Prince of Bel gium, two years ago. ami 4Jen laonard Wood, when the President gave a dinner to his young nieces, was one of the gueats. President Harrison invited Presi dent Cleveland to a state dinner on an occasion when the former President was here to attend to a case before the Su preme Court, an-1 hundreds of similar In stances could he quoted. Those w r ho are well versed In sorlal lore say that never before has an ex- Presidcnt been overlook*** in this man ner. even when he personal relation* between himself and the Executive were •trained. The strictest etiquette holds In these cases and extends even to the wives and children of former Presidents. The dimi*s,! of Ru*sell Harrison from th** nrmy Is also causing much comment, and some interesting developments are looked for next week after the Harrison* arrive. They will remain a week and will spend the 'fitlre period with Mr. and Mrs. doh u W. Foot** WAR REVENUE BILL (Continued fr<m First Page ) An atneruimciu was adopted. 12.* to 2J. o require th* >'.incellation ©f *twtnp* by pt rfurstion. Mr. Payne then *ff- re*l us hi amer. l ru# nt the hill passe#! by tr • llous## a> the ,a*t session, fixing the *;* of beer pack agee He saul it nltobyhetl uie-sixth and one-eighth rwirre> After utmlferable iWuts the ameiidnient was defeated, S5 tu 91 Mr New land* offered in amenlnv*nt providing that every peraon. corporation or rtrm engagad in manufacture, whose gross receipts exceed s tall pay an excise tnx of one-tenth of on* per tent, on su h receipts above |V),OOD. nrui th.t such per Mins, corpora t lona et- *h.ill mak** true an*! accurate ••’urn* annually to the romm!**tontr of Iniernal revenue as in the ea*** of refiner?* of sugar hI l*etrol*uin. The purtos- #*f the tax. M* Newlamls Mini, wi* to mak* th* cw* ll trust and com duatmna pay a portion of the war revenue Mr. Kitchen of N- rh 4*ar**Hna effere*l an nmendniei*t to reduce the tax on man ufactured tobacco and smiff from 12 lo ♦> cents per pound tlie tax kteforo th© war revenue act went Into ••ff*c Mr Payne opposed the amendment, which he sakl would cost the government 917.u4>.itSb in rev enue. The amendment was lost. TJ to It> I'tprrM 4 oaipniileH lo Pay. Mr II C. Smith of Michigan offered o mibssttute for the rectlon requiring rail roads and steamboat rompanlea to affix <v one-cent stamp to every re#** ip? bill of lading etc.. using the language of the section In the present law relative to tel ephone mes*ag* sand including In th** sub stitute proviofon for n tax >f one cent up..n expres* receipts Mr 8m ih charged that the express nrvd telegfaph companies had be#*n unraitrlotlc In compelling their t*ut#*mers tf |*y the tax 11* ma*l* a *ll - reference to a senator of the IJviMed States who !<* connecte*! with one of the express eovnpanh ** and de*brcd that when the law wxi passed that senator had advise 1 the conuxiny not to pay the tax Mr Payne replied that the exor#’** ermpanles twl found that thv coubl not pay the enormous tax and live It was different, he -aid. with mil roads, which xhtrqed in large quantities. Mr Bw.mnon of Virginia support*l the atn't>!ment He also referred to a isirtlc expres* eom|#nv. which, he thought, should I** compelled to pay the tax If th* tf*x was to be retained on railroad bill* cf lading. Mr. Moody of Maasachusetts declare,| that If the amendment prevailed about 17‘ small companies operating in New Kng inrsl won!*! be driven out of business Mr New lands offered an nerv*lme:u to the nmendnteii: providing tnat the section *h>ul*l not apply to express # , omi>ain**e. whose gross receipts did not exceed |W4,- •**. This was lost. 1C to lo; Mr ffmith'e orlgtiiai amendment was then agreed to. 123 to 10(5. Without completing the hill the House adjourned at 5:25 p. m. ••KI\G Of IM The Plight Which Gave That Title to a loumk Man of Philadelphia. From the I*hllaleiphla Time*. In a small dwelling at 1219 fabot street, a little thoroughfare running weal of Twelfth stieet. Just above Girard avenue, lies a >o*kut man known throughout th eogth and breadth of the brood km#l aa the “King of Invalida.” His thrxri#* Ia Ita#| from which he has not moved tor ten years. As his only companions, hi* faithful nurse. Miss Carrie Den try and hi- pet ,Iqg. Charles H. Conrad wait* for death with the knowledge that nothing claw * an ever re.rave him from his suffering*. Sci ence tan offer him no bop*-, for hundreds of the moat eminent physl* tan* have vMt *?d his bed ride and turned away with h shake of the head. Rheumatoid arthritis I* the name of the strange malady w ith w hich he 1- afflict rd, and ns effe*t 1- the formation of a i*one around the Joint*, rendering hem * xtraini> .-• naltive arrd perfectly motion leas. Elbow*, wrists knee* and ankle* are all dlslocatad and abnormally eninrg ed, while the rest of the trunk I* emaci ated. and trunk and limbs allk*- contorted Hod twisted. li l> not ossltlc.itlon pure ar.d simple, u in this case 4 onrad* sufferings would b*' mAch |e*# As It Is. his whole body la no sensitive that the least touch causes ex- Biing a g*H* % Hla araa ara bttit tr< ward, the left hand slowly growing toward the stomach, between which and It a heavy |*al o( cloth I* placed in an **fforl to change Its course. 4*oniad was a strong an) athletically built young mun when 21 years ol*l. now tan years ago. F*xposure brotight on rheu matism. nd this ieveioped Into the pres ent malady Through his nurse he I* kept In *>m iminicAiion with every chroni Invalid in the country, and by them he has been give*) the title of the “King of Invalid*.'* 4 n*te Irnnng Turkish Uomri. From the lyvndon Telegraph Our Constantinople correspondent writes: “It ts not generally known that ♦Here exists among Turkieh ladles of high class a kind of caste feeling similar to that prevailing among th** Hindus It takes the form of a fear of oiuamlnsUon j from the outer world. ai*l Is only ol ' served, -** far as I know , by those who cannot afford to keep servants in sur tlotent numbers Before meals ladles al ways wash their hand* at . tan from which the water runs into a marble ba sin They will turn on the top when they | are Just going to wush. but when they have finished they lei the water run till some hod) shuts It off. as to do It them selves would make them unclean. They cannot op*n or shut a *kx>r. as the han dle would b# tint lean, so a slave is gen erally kept handy for the t>urnoc. “One of ihes#- fastidious la# I tea was talk ing to a small nle*e the other day who had Just receive#! a present of a beauti ful doll from Dart* The child presently laid the doll on the lady's lap. who was I hocrlHod. and ordered the child to take ilt away. A* the* little girl would not move ! j*,. and no servant was near, and the lady ! would be deOiod by touching a doll tl*at was brought from abroad, the only thing she couid think of was to Jump and let ♦.he doll fall, which broke to piece*. The same lady will not open a letter coming b> post, but a servant open* It and hold* It near her for her tu read If her hand kerchief fails fo the gound ll I* tmm**di ataiy <ie*troyed or given away, so that ah** 'should not use k again Thl* curious state of exclusiveness or fanaticism eg. bus. I on iod. In many of the large ha rem Among men It is not practiced.** —An 4l|tlm?st.—The Angel Don't you think It’s a sham*' for me to go to church alone every Kundiy? The Brute: 4>h. I don’t know You Aught bo doing aocncthing worse.—LUo. WORK OF LABOR FEDERATION. HKIKY %A4 r. 6M%HTTfC9?ft RKCOM MIMIATION* YDOfTKII. H*i I** I Mill llhw ti ■• f n \rw l Kr ter* and ltl*pate \\ hlek Ma j % rise— Federatlua H.fn*r#4 to in- It rlere lli tnrn th Vtachlalat* and I'> pugraphero—%% 111 Aid Teleph<<- 4,'rls m Orgaui**—Textile 4 raft In the SoHth. I.outsville. Dec 14 The American Fed eration of laihtH to-day pitcei ll*#rif or. r* **r*l as opnone,i to trale aiMonomy in In favor of < eirrralixutl#>n In trade union ism, establishing s precedont for future orgaiiUatMi in this country Tw** propositions for autonomy were vote,] iitiw n on the ground, as stated by thei* oiHKmsntn. that the) would tend to disintegrate the mr** u.tral !al>or umops and destroy their power anl prestige. The Amert. an Federation *>f l#o bor. in convention a*l*p< *•*l. t i*4 to 1.91A the reoomnnuulaikjii* ;ne the grievance committer a* follow* “First. That hereafter when granting a charter to organization* of a pnrtlcuiar raft Jurls#liction over which lias been granted by the terms of a barter al r* i Iv t*ued to another ©rganltathm. the limitations of th** new Jurisdiction shall I*. #l* lined h> thr executive council If su*-h limitation* or uns.itl factory ti* the new appin ant n> charter of the federa tion shall tu granted “8* *on4 When h dispute has once been decided uiMti by this convention, neither prt\ shall have the rtght to Introduce It ngain f#r three years, unless there t new evlderw'e of a material character. “Third That th** American Federation of l*tn>r stwill hereafter refuse to decide quest lens of jurisdiction involving na tional or international nffliated bodies un less by .xifisent of the >pim*ii)g interests and with the understanding tiuit each is willing to a* ept the decision of 111# fed ••ration as a final settlement of the die pu!e.“ With reference to th#- dispute between tin* International A -*..ation of Machin ists and Internalitaial Ty|**griiphlal Un* lxi. as to trad#* autonomy. :>♦• liesotuttons CVmmilt#** recommended tiiwt the Federa tion of Ulnr refuse to Interfer* The conventUm adopt#*! resolutlone to fii'dlitat#' the organization of Hrruher hiMwl* of oil and gas tveil workers an*l to aid tl- telephotie girls of America In tludf ••(Tort* to organise. A resoiutloii for the further organsa b*n of th- textile *nl other era fra of North 4'arohmi. Hmitti Carolina. 4i**..rgla, Alabama, and the apf>o4n(meikt of nn or k mixer for that purpoa#-, ww* referred lo tli#* incoming executive council without recommends t lon Wm 4 % DIT %I# OF 4111N%. Vi-\gnn-Pn •i*e of (tie Ml Indent and lntere*ln 4T4lea. From the London Globe. 81-Ngan-Fu—whlther th# Rmprros Dow ager a nd Hie Emperor of <*hinn have re inoved their court and 4he seat of gov ernment—ls one of the nv>*t interesting and indent the cities of China It Is known by a number of llfferent names, or. to be more exact, different ways of l***i!tng the same itnmc, us llsigtian. IlHoinfu - iiwaa ltiHt*e*s*ibie mountain walled valley >f the \Yel-l|o. ut a distance of sn>#‘ •*•* mil#* from Dekin. and It 1- distinctly a novelty to b** (old liwit court and official Inisineaa call I** traneacte| mor* ex|edl tUm*ly there than .• Twi-Yuen-Fu. which *s only nlMjtit a quarter >f that distance. It ts (rue, however, that ftl-Ngan-Fu Is in better telegraphic communk*atlon than Ti-Yun*Fu ail the gre provinces of 4Tuna. Thence one telegraph wire passes, via Tal-Yuen-Fue to D*kln; an other passes northw est ward into the provlm*e of Kansu, while a third commu mcaic*. via Klng-chaw. with all the southern, southeastern and sou th weater n province# of the empire. 81-Ngan-Fu thus beeom* * the hwurt, as it Is the true strat #*gi- conger, of t'hlau. The hr*t view of 81-Ngan-Fu after cros*;ng the mountains of Bhen-He. with Ihelr duiup-roua and difficult paaaes, i* obtain*#] from bight some thre#* miles disc *nt from 4he city Thence It is seen doping up gr.tduslly from the banks of the river, so us to exhibit Its imposing walls and lofty towers, tts home* and palaces at one view, like Use Interior of an dtmph I theater The dty Is surround 'd by u crenelated wall, built of brick*, and some th*rty-*x feel in bight, and tt total circuit is *out nine miles There is a god#* in the face of each wall, and thence a wi#le atr**et l#*d* to the center of the c*ly. where the Y'arrien. or seat of coverrvment, is situated. Here also Is the site of the ancient |w*m -e of the em|>er ors of Uhtna. The ivstnihttiou occupies the entire enceinte, and f>reens a hetero geneous col lection of Thibetans, Mongols and Tartars. The hou s are mostly built of wend and m order to keep out the “g->*! of Are” the southern gate of the #'lty is krpt shut ordinarily There are more life and movement in the 4*hiue-e than In the Manchu c?y—he latter being kirgdy occupied by r r lt" end gardens. Miles of faubourg* extend * the and canals outside the c'ty Owing to Its po sition a? the point of convergence of the trade route** betw#*en Central anl China and to the fertility of Its yellow earth 81-Ngan-Fu for two or three thou •and years ha*# leen a eity of the first imporance. both • ommerclally and p*>lMl rally At the present day H* stores are tilled with precious merchandise It pos aesoea also a government arsenal, whence modern weapon* of war are turned out 81-Ngan-Fu has been taken and retaken, rebuilt and de*trore#l since Its foundation In the twelfth century. B C., by Wu Wang, the Vlastrai King.** but Its posi tion has assured for It always the con trol of tr.#le |ia*lng between the K**t und the West When Alan Kwan. In II <* 770. had revenged the insult*# offered bv •he Tartars to the Kmieror Ding, and for hi* courage had teen made King of T*ln- Chawr 81-Ngon-Ku weig by the name of Has-King It was the metropolis of Rhl- Hwangtl of the Tsin dynasty, the great ••mperor: she*# 'oique*ts almost Inter <#># those of his contemporary Ptolemy Evergeies Under the Man dynasty he dty attained to the summit of Its splen dor and prosperity, and then went by the name of Chang-Al) It Is relate#! of Liu Tsung. one of the leaders of the bartwfic Huns, who maintain#**! their sway in Bhen-8e uni 11 A r>. that he btl ? t a magnificent palace a* Uhatng-An. an*l. hav ing summon#*! nil the chief **utji#ts of his kingdom, Ilv#-d In luxury ant ei*k*udor hitherto unknown in t’hin i. He |s>ses*- e<| a bodyguard of Amaioni, elegantly drrsse*). many of whom were good musi cian*. who accompanied him wherever he went. When the House of Tang had firmly established itself In China and Til Tsung had mode his reign famous, the Greek Emperor Theo#loslus sent n im. Kisra lor to <"hang-An carrying presents of rubles and "mersida. Nesiorlan mis slonarte* s *#o them elves at this monarch’s court. an*l were courteously re ceived by him He listened to the lead ing tenet* of their dorrrtnes. ordered a temple to be erected In hi# and caused some of their aacrsd look* to be translated The celebrate#! biltngual taV let at 81-Ngan-Fu In Svrfac and <*hlne##- < hanatters—the mo* t ancient Christian wilHng yet discovered In 97as4ern Asia •latea from the time of the- Tang dynasty, and shows that Chrlsrlanlty had mad* '‘onshJeribfe progress among the t’htneae at ■♦hat ear:y date During the first periods of the Mongol sovereigns of China 81-Ngah-Fu wen by the n.’me af King*T hao-Fu. a nm<- which Marco Polo corrupted Into Ken jimfu. and under wh. h name he tr<*-ribes the city In terms that generally would apply to it at the present day Not witOfeGtiiding its auuquiiy, 84-Npaa-Fu Chlcwßo. 111., Mirc'i ** vv WARNF.rt # g.VKB CTRB CO. lloche*ter. N V & flsntl*msii E arner’s Hufa lM b#*t#*#v Uurr ba* .-urs#l ms rompist*l> Yf <Ma rwts** from shich 1 siiffsisd for ffvs ysar*. tsvsr sxis<*tiiig t> b*- *ur'#i | ( .#n no4 tsil you how hlaukful l fs#*| (#w rsxtors*! h-alth aiul how grwisful 1 fesl to you. Your* truly* (Hiss) R. A. BELL, 6*il North ('lark *irsft. (Vkv ITsMtKni American Ablt-Trsut floctety, (Vuiicll Now l.) FREE H A Ml*I.K. Bsn-l |N*tai for frss sumt'ls to Wnrnsr’N Hub Curs 4*o. Rucbsstar, N Y. Mf'iutoo I hi* |*ii|rr. |M>ssesse* no very student hulMlng*. The site of the famous palace of the Tang •Ivnasty. wh**c sovereigns reigned from the seventh century to the beginning of the tenth. Is silll ah>wn The city |*>s *• -*#es. however a priceless archeol<>gi .l museum coutaining a ma*.* of designs, tablets and Inscription*. *?•* *f them le - Itig twenty c**ntule old To a saga.dim* antiquary and explorer the ndghl>or !•■ I #f thl* ancient r|q- <ff*i* a htter held than any other port!# nof China Alm#*t the only a*' known relics f the three great dytm-dU ' #f China -the Ilia. Hiring and chaw ire now In the Temple of Con fu lu* In D# kin. and were removed thither from Hi Ngan-Fu In A D Il2fl They on etst of a uumtiet f Irregularly *h.i|ed drums, with ln*M’rlidi#n* *an me mors ting a great hunt of rtuen Wang in the neigh t*.rho>d of Hi Ngan Fu about B C A27 At some little distance from 81-Ngan-Fu Is a curious temple, dating from the time of llie Tang emperors, on faming s c*- h**al ffg lire of the ItiKldha fifty-six feet in hlght Both temple and figure are cu out of the *oll#l rock In Udl-‘ft2 81-Ngan-Fu nearly stiered th* am* fate s* Nankin und other cities of the Yellow Empire A larg** for. #* of Maho met s n ndiels apt ♦care* I before it* wall* and end*avore#l to effect ih** liberlion of nome thousand* of their co-rellglonlsts wllhln the city who had been thrown Into prison The high and strongly-built walls of the city were, however, too strong for them, and they retired, after laying waste anl burning the sulmrbs. The ut *1 (wipulalk) i *>f 81-Ngan-Fu l* estimated t l.dW.tW a* ml*. The Infelllaenee of Fish. Arthur Henry in Frank Leslie’s Popular .Monthly f * An hour later says Arthur Henry in Frank I#eslle s Popular Monthly for l>e eember. w# were standing by one of the glass tanks watching hurwlrcds f little l*h an in- h long and half u- wide, dart ing almt the ro#*ks coverod with m Iwuiu tlful green seawee#!, Ilk* a growth *>f tereler shrubbery. They w*-re “stort mln niw*.“ brilliant with all the lines #*f pur ple an#) blue, writh now and then a glint •*f salmon •* they turned swiftly In the light "Watch fh-m closely." sail Drof Dal ghren. “and you will notice that there are five of them on guard over five #l|ff#*rent lo* alllV* Each one of tlw*e la a male protecting a nest concealed In the region where he swims “ At ome lb*- spectacle beam# Intelli gible ,o n>- It wan no lonirrr an in |p„, playful rl,rtln, aluiut f flwti. Inlrr -alln* only for Ih-tr (l.i-himt and glxwliur tUTT# tn.‘ of ih-m wa- aiiar.linK (hr (m ..hi-, on (!>• hotiom. In on<* corner M.- w, the only watcher In l,t ,c**(|.a, of (ha (ank. amt (he m.a.l Incaaaanf ac(lv* lly waa nccaanry. Il* am no( alvcn a mom.nt', |wuo. I| of hla fal low, hovering over and around him war* <ona( ,n(ly ll|>pin ln(o hlr .torn aln A he •tar(nl with o|>en mouth >h (Imae ataxit him other* would *hra>! from one lde. or whlrk out of clump of weed., i l- Ktic diet*n*’e, and betn at once to no-e nmonx the pebble*. In *erch of e***. |n •tnntly. the guar>l wo* upon them and rotMln* them out. lie would *hoot ofT aanln to dl*per*e thoee de*oendtna In another aeetlon the other four annrda were atmllurly at work, but the tak waa eneter for them a* their ne*t* were cloae tfurether and they worked In tinl*cn: Bach of theae had hut one aide from which at tack could come. The other *|.te* were protected by the operation* of hi* com panion* Kvery mom-nt of the twenty four hour* nl*ht and day without an In nonf* re-1 or let up. the*e auarda are at their defen**' Toe moment the female* of a harem lav their e,. the mate take . har*e and drive* even the mother* away; which Indicate* that they ml*ht devour their own *•**• A guard hn* never tven known to violate hi* net nor to dtcturh another’. They tru* each other Im pllcttlly One Ratird never attack* anoth er. even thouh they often collide In their purauM of Interlopera and overreach Into each other'* territory. Them* flh know each other a* Individual* If a rroup of twenty marauder* W'>op Into the pre aerve* at once and the RUerda are daeh- InR In all direction- amonß them, nlm'lnv to rlßht and to left. movltiß too *w!fly for the eye to fellow, they never mlatake an ally for nn enemy. A Mllii.l lather. From like Paducah (K> Bun One of the meet curloua fight* to tu* aeen in Paducah I* "Mil,el tleo-Re - at work "H'lrd iMome" ha llve*l here for a r.vm l many vearr. and hi* aurname la flomlne lie l* a lather bv occupation and work* a* well and a* faithfully a* a man with Rood evc*lM Th# other nlßht l***er*-hv hear t lndotrlo*i* hamm**rlnK from the Interior of a hou*e under c*tre nt rotrelru. fkm. and otv more l,y|ul-ltlve than lh o>h-r went In fo Inveetlßa'e He w* a-toni-hed to fanrrelve hy the rUm llßht from th*. creel lamp* a lone man up a -caffobl vlßOroueiy nalllnw lathe* to the wall with the deft tofc'h of an e*|.ert. It wa* "llllnd Oeorre.” and he ha* th- ad vanUße of other- of hi* craft In that he work* a* well In the dirk a* lo the llaht With that peculiar acute,,* character. tt|c of *n many peoih- wlv> have leu their vllon. he I* enabel .01 -Iy hy the a-n*e of touch lo k; a* mur'h work a* other men. He erect* hi- own acaffoM*. carrlc* hi* own tat ha. and In brief, doe* without anv n**t*tanre whatever In pr.parln* the wall for the plaeterer. He can drive a nail a* accurately a* a man In brood .laytlchl, ami often work* far Into the nlßhl. eapcc ialfy whet, there I* a rueh Job. Althooßh he ho* kept It up for year*, he ha* never been injured, .and ! dotthfi*.* one of the moat remarkable in. n In the ataia, nl thomeh he tva* never yc cone In lor any •hare ot c*l,hrity. WEEK IN THE TRADE WORLD. U.I. m: *<■% uu.r. i.ivkv nun na otn llKei I.T*. W Imlr**, le Itlatelhutlnn Idmlted, but the Unlrrn .lubber* |rr l.rMlu. Ilia Order*— Iruu and hteel and Howl* and shne* Are Ka|*,l*. t.uud Vtarhel*—Kfteet nt the he,, erautrnt (at tun Kail mate—whip, men I* or t ereal*. N# wr York. !>ec. 14 -Bni*Utrss( s to morrow will say KaYoralOs * *i-Iluon* rub* gsnsrally In nil lln#-* of M*asouablo trail. IbxlMgy pr#*|airatlo<in ars. of cours#*. *ioaHuni In rstsil betom, ami. wbsra this has hith erto laggnl. it iihs Ih*sii stimulatsd by mors ssasraiablt* wsalhsr. Wiiohmtl* tllmribudmi is limits#), as i* natural at this hot lYoslcrn jolr isrs ars lu rn sipt a fair rs-or#lsr bual nsas. H*i far the last rsports as to rriatl tia*)s coma from tha Wat ami South. In laa#llng imiui.tris* ihs lowt report Is still (hat*- by finl*hs#l prrslosts f the iron anl steal Intluslry. Ihh other favor ably sit uai***l line* arc Iwots and sho *a ami lumber. New bosin#- •* in the former Is rather light < wholesale, but manu ficlurtn generally are busily emidoye#), tisl leather Is firm in sympathy. A goo I ; rxport #leman I for the latter Is no(e#l. Re • tall lumbsr Is rathsr ijulot, but whole salers are preparing for a good yea.*. Ilanlwoods are specially firm In prl *e. The cereals are lower in price, due to pi off! -taking on the laic upword move, the larg* r movement of supplies, partic ularly of corn, which Is favored by tho weather and to lefts Interest on the part of foreign buyers. liafrriimml 4 otfon i llntuip. The government cotton w(lmate of ID.- tOO.iMi liales was larger than expo©ted hy the trade, which t#*#>k*d for atiout .7Sa - OUP. Tlie feeiitig Is that If 4he yield does ! not exceed lO.lw.Otti tale*, consumption which las: year was 11.909.000 Uaies of j American, must either t*s heavily curlall ; #*d. or stradis will be rethi* e*t to the vaniwh- I lag (Ndfit. Th** dose of the week f)n#)s future quotation* lower otid s|s>4s li? f off | The good* market Is quiet as natural I at this period, and high #*#rs of raw mate rial ars I low cost of flnlshe#) product tlo ) not hurmontxe Ksrfy spring tratio hutU 1 n*ss, however, is fairly satisfactory. Tim ; light wrelght season In nw n’s wear woolstl K*o#bi has prove.) |lsapp#>iutlng. but •<>- men’s ifrinln •ire-#* goorls are well ordere*). Rather more hat be#*i ilons In foreign f'hteffy Australian, this week. anl Melbourne an#) la>n#ton advtcew are of fftmer markets. !>w i*r|S* I domestic wo*l |s rather weak, however. Iron and 41**1 Market. While bus I ties* In Iron and **ee| as a whole is quieter than of late. UieTe Is no apimrent diminution In strength .and act ual t ran sort ions In rails and plates com pare well with the best recorded. One sale of Ho.flW) ton** of rails, divided between Eastern and Western nidls. la reported, and other sales will swell tha w# k * business to 100,000 tons at the mu# h-abused hut nevertheless accepted CM Imslr. Another feature is the sale of tons for export to Norway. The votum*' of tall ordefk alrei|y booked for next y#*sr Is declare#! to exceed all re *ord*. Although steel plates have ad vane ed ll rer ton. tho irtnand Is apparently un*lUninishe<l. and ’oirge producers are re. porthac buying outside makes to (111 coti ; tracts. Here •gain large orders for ex j port are reported As another proof of stability. It Is re ; fsirtea) (hat one of the largest DittstMirg interest* has agreed to the present wale of wages continuing next year Pig iron is dull except for some new bustneos at 4*hhugo. and V* per ton has been con | ceded on Bessemer •• Pittsburg Homa large Interests, hitherto buyers, are now making iron therns*!ve* and ret*t from ores. Htliets are dull, hut steady Hardware la i active. Jobbers stocks are small, and j manufacturer* are busy on orders. sblpmeMl* of Cereals. Wheat, Including flour, solpments for the week aggregate 4.795.577 bushels, against 3.432.159 laM week, 3.2ky F.4H In tha < orrespoudiiig week of 1499. *>.243.V-M in IK9, 4 •01.399 In 1497. and 3AU.193 In IM. From July 1 to date this season, wheat exportw ' are M.017.04C bush4s. against a /r..'5e>,922 last season, and 109,?£).m4 in 1*99-39. Corn ex pgrta lOf tha wsak aggregate 4.953.4&9. against 5.371.377 last week. 4.017.195 In this wh-Ii a y#*sr ago. 3.2M.938 In l m. 4.129.979 in t 7 an.l Maw S !*N. From July t lo dal*, thl* a*on. com export* ar* M.9UMK buahuj*. afiiliiM 104.. 4.V. v*i taat *r**on. mill 73.1*7,120 In lMk-k#. Ilualnv** (alklrr* (or (!>• *r-*k In th* Cniir.l Biata* number M 7. ■* a(au>l St lax *rr*k. HI In (hi* weak a y*ar a<o. SU In UM. XI In l#7 an<l U# In IN. -, - v Hill b> Mr. Klrtulna. W x*h In Eton, Drc. H.—tl-pr**(n(Rltv* IHamlna of Ccm-rl.i to-rtay lntro<lucr<l a Mil riling (hr ilmr of ilallvcrlng crrtlll (■'.** of proMrntUl .leotlon* IS TO EAT WELL. Your Qroccr keep* IL 5