The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 16, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 AMONG THE CHURCHES. lIHTHOTMtT lI%VF RK- Tl HM il I'HOtt r\FI *4l \< K. Work of tkr (nuffrrnrr nod Plow* for tlir \rr Will Hr !*•- PUMfd T<hilh)—l)l ali i| K 14. llpii lrli to Aililrrs* l!|ivnrlli l.raiari, mill to I'rmrli \**xl *iila Hints- Irra Will Mrrl ami IHan -%•- ■oi imnl f harllf-Rft. Itr. J. VV. I’l) on hi tkr 1 . M . 4. To-day b#i\i th** ftrt Sunday sire# ths clooa of thr -nr u.*l m#wMng f fhs South G#orgla Confpri :<< thr majority of tho Mathodlrt milu*t#rs who w#r# in attend •i. e v. that K.ithrrlni: will speak of It# |c f ‘ * • c'htjr th> may, and. In som# cs#*. discuss or pui forth plan* for the new conference your. During thla and thr next w##k thr Methodist and thr public m g*n#tal will hava several op|rt unit lea of hearing a distinguished minister twl aloquent speaker w the person of Blah Op Eugene It H**ndr.x of Kansis City, who if now In Savannah. Hr wt!l address a pother ing of tha Ep worth leagues Friday night. and alto on tlx* following Sun-lay l**#-*#h at Trtnl'y and at Wesley Monu mental Churches occupying thr pulpit of tha former at th morning service, and • hat of the latter at night. There will bra meeting of thr pastor* of thr city In the nudy at ihr First Bap tist Church to-m rrow .t noon to consider th idea of an m-mp .tl'l charity f*r the <uty All pastor*. Jewish. Catholic, and Pruteetant, are invited to l* present. M#l l€ tat. At Wealey R>numfntal Church thrr will be service* at 11 o'clock a m ami at $ p m.. condo ud by Rev Ed I- Cook, the pastor. The morning service will be of special liter*e*t to the members of the church and congregation. A cl.oroh confereiscM %\ill follow th*- usual ilavot(oral s#rvi<Thr work of I#m will te review snd pin is s for the new yr r discussed Tnf Huinhy School will meet st 4 o'clock p m The Epworth leagu** devotional meeting will •♦* held Tu di st 5.15 p n> and prayer meeting an I Bible study Wednesday at 1:16 j> m Th# Junior Lartigue will meet Friday at 4 j) m Bishop E H llerwliia will peaci s: Wesley Monumental f.uurcli next Sun d.t, corning. The services st Grace Methodist Church will l* of epee la I mterrai as it Is the first Rurviiy of the new conferem e year. The pastor. Ilev. Osgood F Cook will pr**) h at 11 o* alack m . and Hev K. F Morgan, farmer pastor of Epworth Church, will preach at 6 p. m , on "'Chris ln. Liberty '' The Runday Fkrhool vill meet at 4 p in and the Junior League a* 6 The Senior League will meet Tore*lay fit A 14 j>. m , and the prayer meeting. Wednes day st 1 p. m. There will be pr#. liing at thr Epworth Methodist Church at 11 o'clock a m. by •he former pastor. Hev. 1-3 F Morgan. Ha has a special message for his* old parish oners. 'Hi* pastor, Hev J A Hmlth. will lrajh st night. The Sunday School will most st ♦ o'dock Tuesday night nt 8 o'clock the Epworth League will hold It* service Prayer service wl I he held Thursday at 8 p. in The official board will meet Monday night for Its reorgan isation at the residence of Mr. J. L. Chris tian. The usual services aril I b- held at Trin ity Church at 11 o’clock a ni *td at 8 p. m., conducted by the pastor. Hev Bas cotn Anthony, who begins to-day his third year a pastor of that congregation The Sunday School meet* at 4 p m. The Rpworth League devotional meeting wit! be held Wednesday at 8.15 p. m and prayer meeting Thursday at 8 | m. Bishop E H Hendrix. P I)., LL.D., will address a ut;ion meeting of th Ep worth Leagues of the city Friday night The Bishop Is n speaker of rare power and eloquence, and sin w this will be in* only union meeting during his visit * tfavannah. a very large congregation will doubtle>* hear him. The public is cor dially Invltsd. Episcopal. A? fit John’s Chur- h. Rev. Charles 1! Strong. rector, there will be morning prayer and sermon at 11 o’clo k. Sunday School at 4 p. m . and evening prayer and a-rmon at 8 o'clock. At Chr at Chun h. Rev. H >hb White rector, rt#re w 11 lew service and ecrm*n at 11 o’clock •. m and alt** at v U p m The Sunday School will meet all p. m At St Paul's Church. Hev J L Scully, reeaor, Third Sunday In Advent, the ser vices w II be a* follows. Early ceb bj i tton at 7.30 o'clock . ni morning pr.iy r and litany at 11 Bunduy S h'*>l at 4 p in., and evening pray - r ot 8 Presby lerlsn. At the Independent prtwhyterlan Church, the pastor, Hev Dr J Y Fn r will ootkluvM puhll worship at 11 oVI" k a. m . and at 8 p. m At the morning service the collection will !**.• for foreign missions The Sunday School will nv; at 4 p. m.. and the Chinese and deaf mute v’.asa at the same hour. The prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at k:IS. The young people's ptayer mm lug will be held half an hour surlier on the same evening. At the First Presbyterian Church th usual asrvices will be n* ui A sermon will be preacher! at 11 o'clock a m him at Bp. m . by Rev. Di. Flynn The Sab bath School will meet as usual at 4 o'clock, midweek prayer lerv • hi I he held In the lecture room Wedneh iay mi 1:11 p. m There will be preaching at the Uwion Memorial at 11 o'clock a m.. and at i P m., by Rav. W. A Nlabet, he pas tor. Ilaptlaf. At the First Baptist Church, services will be held at 11 o'clock, a. m., and at i p. m.. conduct*! by pastor John i>. Jor dan. At night the pastor will dl*cus the Golden Rule, "la It from Christ or Oonfucluar* At the Duffy street Baptist Chur< h aervloca will be held at 11 oCiock a m.. when ihe sermon will be on "Church Membership." and at 8 p m when "Voice* of Baiitbin" will le dlseuspe-1 The devotional mating of th- Senior H Y. P. 1’ wilt tw held .t 10 o'cln-'k a m and tliat of ih*- Junior 11. V. It. l\ tit B:3f> Th Bible echool will meet ai 4 o’clock p. m will bo service* nt 11 o’clock n m. and at s p m at the S-*ut sl*L Bapt ist Church, coral W' %| by the par tor, lUv I. S. Edc-nfb 1 i ffunday Scbojl will le held at 4 p m The mid-week service* sll be on Wedne* lay at 8 p. m. Ii lIK-rn n. At the Lutheran Chuech the Assn- Rn * . rr. ■ the I ■ ad at 8 p m. The Parsonage Al l S> ! ty will m*-e4 Monday st 4 p m at the pr •onage. The monthly m* st ng of th* Li dias Quid will be held Friday at 8 p m ** •h Paul a Lutheran Church tha aer- v! *>• wltl 1* r<*mlucted ly the pot >r Itc\ M J Eptlng at 11 o’-'lrxk a. m. "i l it I | m Tin* Simlay eli .ol will m*et at 4 p. m t li rial Inn. At the Christ! n Church. Pastor W F V. • kin will ;r- i. at 11 o’- mka. m m *T e tapper' and at & p. m on’Th liidar lr<dhat—Wh* Wai He?’ i to "Th* Htory of a L> * ffton The Cmls i.nfbavor meeting will t held ut 7.15 p in. HitniHii i sthnlle. Services at the Cathedral of H*. John the Baptist on Sunday' will !•** as fol ow* First latoi at 7 o’clock a m . *•• ond ma.'-s at S. alt*) a childrer, r if* ti*a basement, and foliow*-i by Hun*lay ** at the arne hour, h*: m i and ser mon at 10;30, and vesper** i banedhrdon of the biette*-t h lament ut k• lo k p n Week-day servi * - w ill ie- First m-h a' •* 4* ■. < .■ ■I. • ..ill* . .Y\ f,i fl • ikshop will V* the ectobrartt, at 7 i third ri.- at 1 v C- i fc, -umis are heard • a h Sat ni •> fioni 4 > in. until k o’clock. At S Pntrl* k'* Church services will l>e hf*M follow ' F.r -t maut at 7 o’clo k • in , t* ond muss at 9, and high m-tH* at ;3b. V qers and Ih rM*dl- Uon wdli le celebrated a*. 8 p. in. At the Sn<-rd H r’ Church services will b *•• follows*’ I in*-' it 7 a m . high mao at 1 m. ru . H*in<iay H- hrol at 3.3 U p. m . and Ve*|ers an*l b*-n**li< iion, 8 p. rn. Ma is cc*lel>r.t-l dally a 7 a. ni I ttrlstian *clrn*-e. At the Christian S* lmc t’hurch the subjeet of the s**rtn**n at 11 o'clock will he, “Is t:e Fniverse. lru*luding Man. Evol\ 1 by Atomic Force?" The Bunon> School will me* tat n*<on All services are held at Metropolitan 11*11. A twtlnsmi ma ting will la heal Wednesday a* * 15 l m. The reading room. 19 Perry street, <•!*!, Is op n from 3 to o p m doily. \. 11. t. 4. Hev Dr J. Wm. l imn of the South ColleKe. Columbia, will be the speaker f*r tl; men's meeting at the Young Men's Christian Association this afternoon at 5 o'clot k Th#* service opens with a fl fll *i-mli *ut e s-aig ervi- *■ after w.iieh Dr f'Tlrn will le heard Young men will find this servhf of Inti rest. IHB4 <)% I OF Oil.. Pi o|-d Inlliritrlh W)mft In Ills Memory \-itr Miiih I* l liiiuL. From the Ph talelphl;i Ledger. A movfir.ont I *n fo<*t. so *1 to Ih- Lick t-l l>y Ph id< iphln oca! men, to l*uikl at Summit lliil near Mate h Chunk, Pn . a monument of coal to the memory of Philip titnier, who discovi r*’*l ooal within a vary slkvi disian<*‘ of Bummlt Hill. In September last t w *> 1W since <iln • e.* iTvele his li*coverey. He l.ved In a rough cuMn in the fore-a* ..n the Mnu h Chunk Mountain. While In quest of game for his family, his f*>ot struck a black a*one. By the r**u*lil(i*. rv*t from the town of Summit Hill, L built a tire •-f w -*i an<i thr* W p of the supposed *lOn# SN*Ut it. - that the emlnr* hi - fit lasg long* r while he was r*tasting a fowl. II was suri*r.M and a ? r i little w hile to **e the s onc-s gl w* ond retain their heat f<*r a long time He <xrrie.| a lot of the • I home aid burned p there. Th*- fw *ietghl>ors soon learnt and of the dacovery. but there was no min ng to any extent In > arb*n ounty unt*l after the wmt of 1812 had begun. The tire* load of anthracite coal ever mined In Bchuylklll county w >• shipped Phil 1 lj ila hi* yaor* ago G*>rge Shoemaker, who owned a small tract of land where Pott-vl h now *taiid. In IfPO lug up n peculiar black Mone Dlgg ng further out of curios.ty, he came ii**n a ed of the Muff, whluh seemed to un-ler lie in thick stratum *ll of his land. He mmunicuted hH find to ndghlorlng formers, but they told him it wa* only a new sort of rock Bhoem iker. however. imuM i w*;i* n wdt;i the !*’.• k stuff nral i iro*) tor Phda 1r lie to >k It f* *' e I't i nqdvan a Hank no H <■ ml street, md Interv'ewed th* bank people "You’ve got a big load of nothing there. Shoemaker." *i.l the preslden;. wr th - he examine! spec imen* of the cost. "Well. If VOU MV s. I guess." said Shoemaker. dLnpi -Intofl. and he dumped Ms Und in a v i ant lot fi*llotn*ng the bank. a*d *lrove h**mo sorrowfully. A!** tH b y* ir of rw r 1 pttrek Lvon b ok-mbh, * *rri*d s**me of the black lump* to his *m thy mil and m rtat •! t> the sat)-faction of h m** f and t l *e lionk tha w ut Bh • nuiki-r had dumped on the | t w S the *.,• fuel . f wh the country at h t t me b*l knowledge. It wi- rot ! ne lef*>re Shoemaker re- HvH f ihuFus offers for h's land, end ht farm b' ume the acefu* of the first mining op* ration. M*W 1 14103. Ills Propliee* f Our Foreign Iteln tlotia In tin* I'nrilii*. FTom "A Century of iMp'oma-v." hy ex- B*< reta r v J**hn W Foster Japan car y h*-gatl to fee! the effect of fortitrn !nterc**urse t -tab tubed by the omiti'T.ill tr* 111 • -and In it sent abroad quite an Imposing embsMiy. which In turn vlil*d the Fr it* I Stare an I Ku r i*ean countries to study their Institu tions snd -tabli h b* tt*T P*:t’lcal rela tions. The rmKi‘*v was conllilly re--elv ed everywhe •• its pr*mnel st nc e! al tsntios beosu e of Hr* int*'l!lven -e an 1 ability, at;*l very u astom- w was given to th* ll **--at poM.-v wlilch -eemed to have taken posse*--*loi of the ruing . lie** * Hut tt is p I v me with Here# ojH*o*ltton (vl htn the empire, and oft th** r .* a*. t*l •! > *>f fhe po*u see v*nt cd tlirmtelvp# on fo *1 *n r* I lent#, quite a num'-a r o f w m h*-*t th> Ir live- or -”ff•• *1 In the U'struction <•( th**lr pr*>p er v Among these was the **ecretry of the Fnl•• 1 St it* legation, who was mu - dered In 1851; and two yeura later. In an ui t!-fioHn r.- . th* I git ion p emlscs at Tokki were t tr>>4. and the minister and hi- hoii'Ctiold had to take retuge in it t ♦ v i*i t of Yokohama Her ret ary Hew.* J trei*ei these matters and th* Jumm* * go\e nment with leni ency anl friend 11 •** N ne of our st te<*- m**n of his da) had such an exalted con ception of th*- imt** rtxn ** of our future relallon* to tin pe>* I*■< of tt* Pai Iff • lal niuls an*l Asia. In a pe**> h dellvertal lu thet Benale in 1" -4 h made a no able prophe y. lie silcl* "The Pacltl* oee'ii. its shor**s Its l-Un ! . nnd ihe vast re gions tieyond. will m - m** the hl**f thea ter of * ents In the world's great he-e --after " In their Inlrmutn-s with China and Hawaii he enjoined >n our repre* *sti alH* th*- uirnau f.*rranee nl kin In In order that our citnen* and their enterprises niin'ht reap the benefit of peaceful relit hns and friendship for America. In InMiu- Imt *ur minister r 5 to the course to be pursued reflecting the injurt* |nflic*ed ir- J pan ipan offlc a * anl *f tl •• Fnlte*! St .♦,***• he re al ed the fa t that from It# fl st i - wKh Japan *>ur gove nment had con fu te*l it- Inter* ours** with the u - most sincerity, frankness ani f*len sh r>; tha! It wa- the first duty of the Am* I can repre entstive* to teserve and si tbe ,h *r I 1 *ence of the J *pm nee e gove n men* and people, tl at they should act as 1 he riot us ev*nts would have been p*e vr;e 1 by the authorities If they hid POf*e*s*d the power; they should In Ist upon full repaat!- n f?r the outr ves. and that In their united actl n wl h other for eign Powers for mutuS p o net ion and redress, they should conduct themselves with prudence, and not resort u# force except in sstrsma caasa* THF MORNING NEWS: HEN DAY. DECEMBER Id. IWQ, JOHN WESLEY’S POCKET DIARY l\ I'UML'VIO) OF IIIMIOt* IILNDItII NOW I \ 4V 444A11. The Only Known 4 •py of Ihe lilnry In l.tintrnri*—ldira Interesting Details of Ufllsf'n Dalis Life and Work While a t(eafd**nl f Savaa omli % aperlmea Page 4hw'ng Wesley's System of I on I rartloim. An l.uglinluitsu’t Estimate of the \alue of the \ olume— lliwhop ID*n ilrla * \ 11l the Neeuea of Wo ley's Work and % (alts. Bin hop Eugene It ffendtlx of Kansas Cliy, who Is In Bsvsrinsh on a visit to his •laughter. Mrs. Waring, has In his ikwom-s --tiion a smal. and un<e*t ntatious duo*b* irno volume that Is of peculiar Interest to Ha - vannanlans Li general, and to those of the Method * filth p# lally. U le no icon than the ongink. po k t diary of John W 'l**y, written hy days and hours, and covering the period rf his work In this country lie!ween .May 1,, ]?26, and Feb. IJ, 1737. While this period of times does not cover the entire length of Wesley's sojourn In Georgia, It cover* the greater pari. Wee ley arrived In Georgia Feb. t, 1736, and eft for England Imp*:. 2. 1737. Speaking of Ids departure for England, Wesley says In his published Journal; "Friday. I)" - 2. 1737. 1 shook off the dust of my feet and l** ft Georgia after having preached the gosp*-. there tnot as I ought, out a- I w*>> ah.ei *>ne year and marly nine months." Having first e*n tne , r>* *|.i lit E ;*•* *h. In I l.g nl *n June 17, 17U3. John W* >l. y was hardy 32 \* *rs ok I when he entered u(*on hts ni tdonary i-or in Georgia, liut coming *a k ftviiin to his littk |k> k t Journal. W* ?>y fll.ed up only ft *out two-thirds •>f ea< h |sk* . ** on reaching the end of the hook he turned back again arid l*c- K4D to iillllxe the blank spaces, showing ni- .in*l frugal turn of mind. Elsewhere la reproduced one of the p.*g**s f hi; po k* t journal, giving mi , x,ci • imlb* repro*luctlt*f) of his **iitries V 4 - *>y foumi his faa'ket Journal of great auMMuiw to him lit after years, as It fur nLhed him with the data which he sub *‘*p.ontl> expan-bd Into more elaborate d**;.ills and former! the Lisia of several of hie |* ihlleh**l wrks To give ,n Idea of the diary It Is nec • -ary 4< show only one page, showitig Wisley's foe sltube entries and. In piieri* th-M5, ait • xpi.mat .**n of them The |tge s lat*d H* pt 3, 1717. and Is a-* follows: "Hept. 9. Th. (Tliuis*la>). 4 * Pl* m." (At 4.45 o'clock In the morning prlvute prayers and meilttatlofi). i "br. b." (At 6 breakfast on br**ad 7. "wr. to b s " (A4 7 wrote letters to Hroth*r B.imuelJ. 8. "Ir." (At 8 wrote letters). 3 "vis." (At 9 visited sick |arlHhioncT*> 10. "ntev " (At 10 Interview with trnte **f Ravannah). 11. "p par * (At 11 prayed f>r parish). 12 "Cleaned ” (A4 12 cicansd up house). 1 "rtm." (At 1 returned for m*dita tlon). 2 "via." (At 2 visited parishioners). 3. "vis." 4 "r. ie " (At 4 r* al prayers). I "poem rt." (At 5 wrot%> jsx-m nn-1 re (tied to Closetj. 0 "v. V. Heck." (At 6 vlsHed Mr. Van i k) 7 rp x." (At 7 read prayers nnd ex amined "35 y" (thirty-five present at prayers) 8 "v. v Reck " (At 8 visited Mr Van He* kt. ! "ntr" (unknown) "V 4 p." (At 830 prayer). Each entry is distinctly ma le, but Wes ley used hts own system of shorthand writ ng. w dch was designed to meat the demand* of hi* own eye ami c n*qu<nt!y in order to a*certaln what many of h.a entries mean it is necessary to construe tl><m in the light of his |*ib Ished work' S. ailered through the ho* k is fun*l fra qiietvt mention of "allmj’nt s," showing Wesley was not una qualnled with ;*ufTering in his own person. Again and again hi* l* seised with "chollck," which ?e som*clme* spi-il* with the "h" and h im# times without. Attention is first a He* I to his suffering from "chollck" 0\ May {,. 173i5. whet) the malady wis n* doubt aggravated by mental anxiety and agitation, since he writes on this date tha* he met with trouble by refusing to bap’lse a child because the mother re fused to have It dlf -1 ’ ept In case* r fensks.'' Wesley lbstalned from sp4 It'ioti* Iliu>rs. an-l consequently few entries of tils kind appear in his pn'ket Journal. (n on* o |on he t* ok ' j *me si Hs and water to cure hi# * ho ! k but he added " dl it not In faith." When**v r any changea were m *le In hi# s r tly frugal died he noted the fa*t. and o*"*'i slonnlly I* found such entries as "coffe<" and "ulsters." Frequently he complain* of "shocking headaches." "dysentery." "boll*" an ! "nausei." On one occasion he had an attack of "Ht Anthony* fir " which "-marled much." Pomeslmes he complain* of not !*elng able to sleep .-*n account of "ail *'k from it eturnal In seits." "Fr-lllng trees." "walking’’ and "nailing pel*** ’’ are frequency Jottd down as his pastimes and diversions. Fndcr date of Dec. 19. 1735 certain p*'r sonal rules are Inscribed on one of the tlv-lcaves of hi# pcs'ket Journal as fol lows : • First To be more watchful before and Ir. prayer.* "Second. ’To strive more to be thank ful for what 1 eat * "Third. (Not plain enough to make out.) I NEVER EXFERiMtNT. Mv Perfect Knowledge of Chronic Diseases is the Result of Years of Experience. I have thr hiefirM r.-K ir l for tho mir- fill j rtn t - n K |h\t. I,n I Inii'it. how ever, that ht* *|ihcre I* limited <. t: • lica trwut or a. liter llin. which r.-.|inro hi* entire attention Chronic 4i*c,i.-* r. r.. o-i-iilly complicated and any ihtnk lug |ivi*oti will atftcc that tho only comp idem |ktjhi to treat them Intelligently ■ ’* om ‘ *h‘ devorte* htmsolf exrlu -4 n vety t thdr etudy and understan.lo tl • m 111 roughly * .V • ll li - ratood that f-r *w-n* v * W year-. I have made a iptcitUy of Chronic f I>l“. •". contli Inn my pra.-olce lo lliHr 1 'JaF-v treatment, wiihout mt to eyyver il f the on.lre ft. Id of medicine (which I* too J |/ broad for any one man) It can readily he W j* /I that lam r , v them jc.'( rly than any other phynirlan ■ the South In fact. I do not be lieve that there Is another physician In ftilled Hrsles who treated as many mw, of chronic diseases as I have, jf) ’B4 ** m, v I have luid such caicnslie exiarlence and have trcateil tpese disease* In every ck 1 ■ >hal my kn wledge of them Is p> r- Sf fed My pall. t*t* are never experimented -WTO# the... I no possibility of my not '; \ im.l.islMi-dlrx (heir condition thorowthly. * 1 off.*r the that mtdlcal science *f v ford* In the treatment of such stubborn VR. RAVMWAT. 1.088 OK VITAI.ITV. STHICTTRE, VAII!CO' |:|,K HI.OOP AND RKIX I>!8- KABKB KIDNKY AND BI.ADDHR COM fI.AI.VTB. FKMAI.K WKA K V K-8, KTt'.. irre.. ani l > my own methotl of Ir.aimenl, orlc.natcd and |s?rfe.'i.-l hy my’lf. I .-tin promise a p sitlve cure of even the meet ohatlnate ctir Kxperimenta arc and .ny rou*. a> and I \h to up n every one ihe folly of w istlnx time upon the various "free *-irnples ‘ 1 extenr Vc ly advertised, which are bur poisonous i.nd InJuiiiHis llmular tr Ive .ach lud Aldtuil cnae my close personal attention, and piepare *pecatl tieatment to meet every retpufrement. CON SCUT ME WITHOCT CO*T I Invite every one to oor.euli me fully for T make no charre Those who cannot sr* mt personally should write me a desertm on of their rase and obtain my complete symptom blanks which explain my perfect ayetem it home treatment. All corre-p-ndenee is cordu. ied m the strtrre*t corfl-lence and mediclnea sent n p!dn paciaxes Write me fully without dray Office hour* 9to 12. 2t05,7t0 9p. m. Sunday* 10 a m to lp. m J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D., • A Bryan Straat, Savannah. Oa "4 ’Every hour you may—watch and at rive ‘ "Fifth 'Look into no book, but V € till Chrl-tn.a*.' Hix*r From 12 to 4p. m I'srLh ’ "Seventh " ‘Bpeak no unkind or unin tended word.' " On nan) pages of Wesley's po ket Journal the name of Hophy Ho;* kte Of * >ur*e every one familiar with the lrtcl*ler*t*i of Weaicy's sojourn In Geor gia is quaint*d with hi* relations with H*>phle H*>pkb rtophy pofsessnl and cor dially returned his a ft* 'lon it* regard, and h* m.ght evertually have married • snd Sophy gave her nar.l and heart to another man. Bubsequenlly, *h annoyed hm * oiaNlt rabiy, and ne refused to ad- j mlnlMi r the m* ramrot to her. Begin ning with May 2. 1735. Is found frequent | mention f S**phy H<pkic In Wesley’s l st)**rt but pun- 'nt paragraphs. H* r vary- | Ing tmesis are registered as follow* "June sth. at 4 p m, Sophy was re pcrvarl." “June 10. at 10 a. m., Sophy was It* a pa*ti>n." "June 11, .il l o‘*lock. floph > was still argty; at 4 o’clo k ?he war mil l, at 5 * * I*> k we quarreled again, and a* 6 o’rln* k she woukl not heed." "Jun* 23th. H-qhy very sad. having been 11 "July 12th in excited temper." Aug JHh. abusive. Finally, after many uj*e | and P*wris. (his entry t* made June 15. ! 17 "Hophy ut'rriy renounced my friend- . ship. He It so." f In a klltlon t*> an Demised account of \ m day's happenings, this little book aio contains four of Wesley * hymns, am) they are. no doubt, original versions written Juf as th* v a* times! sha|x* in the author * brain. They are: "O J*- is, source of ts* <4 repose, My ***ul ls*fur** thee prostrate lies; J* us to thee my heart 1 bring. To th* e with heart and mouth I lng " They ffr#4 appeared In print in 1737. im medlatelv tip*n Wesley's return to Eng i.i.*l With ihe exception of c* rtain man- j ript fMftsa IBidl at <xford. this little ! •• ■ 1* the oldest of Wcsity'i manu *< rlpt. The diary was secured hy B4shop Hen •lrlx last summer from Mr. H. Thursflald Smith **f White Church, Knglaml. w nose collection of Wefdeywna Is the largest owned by any private individual In Eng land A short H< count of 4he history ot t)** lMM>k ufter it na.-sed from the (Mind* of W*tde> w*ll la* inter* sting on the death of John Wesley, In 1791. his private •lorutneiu* ims-ed Into the i*i;de of Ms In* .ry executor and blo*ru l *r, Ilev. Henry Mo*re. When an inven tory was made of ht* **ff*ct* this little pocket Journal, which !*• k pt with hi* own hands in Georgia, was found among other rnanumrlpt# aral i*aj*ers. In 1817 Hev. Henry Moore gave the volume to Mis* Elisabeth Toy lor of Carmarithen, who kq4 it sacredly in her possession un til 1847. when she left it by will to Dr. John Gould Avery, an eminent Wesleyan divine. On the d* t;u of Dr. Avery his only daughter. Mr Norton Hell, fell heir to It <itid ehe ret dried p4ss*ssion of It until 1837. when it \v.* pun based by Mr. Btnith and be* nine part *-f his colb tlon. In wh* estimation the volume Is hel 1 In England will be s* en from the follow D g letter written Bishop Hendrix by Mr. H. Green, late gov**rn*r of Did*bury Col lege, Manchester, and one of the best known of England's nt.quartans: Birmingham, Nov. 19. —Dear Bishop Hendrix: Mr Thursfield Hmlth has for- ! wanted to m* your letter to him of the Bth Inst. You express a wish that I •loukl write >ou my tull and * imlul *- l mate of y*>ur little MS. Pocket Journal. Lt m** linsi say that, though I think the fit tie treasure should lx* In *h keeping of -he American Methodist ’hurch. l*‘cauae the luok was written in \mertra nnd relates to work done in tha: • untry. because the American Methodist hurch is so large and influential, and because your brethreh in America do take so deep an interest In the past hlatory of M* thodlsm. and In all the things relat ing to John Wesley; yet I begTudge your ..a\ir.g It. for first. It is not a record of Methodism, but solely of John Wesley's years' work before Methodism, (as we tnink of it), hud a being, second, and John Wealey was an Englishman, and )*e|*>nge to England and was one of the greatest of Englishmen: third, In m.v Judg ment D in the mt Interesting relic of W* -li v's that w • po #*-sser| However, It I* yours now. with its many interrsulng d*‘:ai'a and arc rets looked up In the • urlous contra- t;*>ns and tne stenography. In orier to Its full translation some one must F*vote himself to the comimrlng the entry of or** day to similar e*rtr!e •>n o;ner dfi)*s. In this way I suc**e**de.| i* m iking out n num er of contra tlons MV "translation" you will find In the large mnnu' -rlpt !*>ok which I prepare*! anl nni'h I understand Mr. Snuth gave you with the journal. M o * *xtm * of Wesley's journal (in Wesley'* Journal as we have It), must be carefully read For though there ,* “ gi'eat l* il of what Is written in th** I**.-ket Journal (vours). thwt does not ap I * -it In the published Journal, yet expres slhih in the latter throw light on th* mam*.ript. I am ltdu?ging the hope that when we r. t possession of Wesley's full Journal. <n *w In rnar li rlpt nlv) we * all b* a h|. t* translate th* diary mon* accuratHv. In the pr * sdlng* of ihe Wesley His* t*.rival Hn iety. \Vi l. Ht 3 I have given an it v tint of y. ur little hook I w.l! try to send you copy of this Allow.* me )*r*iin to f..tnt out the relation of your little volume to the (Hihllshed Journals 1* Irst. Wesley for many years wrote for his ow-r an account of hi* orou pa‘lon during every hour of the day. Of • ours- he was driven to u#e contract too* In writing th *t lie mi.*ht crowd the who> into small space Y tirs Is one of ihe m ny volumes he must have written; and it is the only one known to exist flfeoond. At Interxals (you will find ref- 13 AND 15 BROUQHTON STREET. WEST. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. KILL VOUR WANTS AT OL’R STORE AND VOU ARL SURE TO BE PI.EASII). PHOTOGRAPH Al RUMS. LEATHER WRITING TABLETS. WOOD WRITING DESKS. MUSICAL ALBUMS. TOILET CASES. MANICURE SETS. GLOVE BOXES. HANDKERCHIEF BOXES. WORK BOXES. SHAVING SETS. DRESSING CASES. SHOPPING BAGS. CHATELAINE BAGS. FANCY BELTS. POCKETBOOKS. FANCY LINEN SCARFS. FANCY LINEN SQUARES. LINEN TABLE SETS. DOWN CUSHIONS. CUSHION COVERS. RENAISSANCE SCARFS. RENAISSANCE SQUARES. SILK LAMBREQUINS. TAPESTRY TABLE COVERS. PORTIERES. NEW LINE. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT fINDGfIREFUL ATTENTION 6USTHVE ECKSTEIN & CO. '~ ~ errnce to ths In your volume) he wrote out at full length not only an acc. unt of the principal ad* of hi* Ilf-. '*' >** his reflections on men. hook*, etc . do Several portbers of hi* (W.aley'a common )t.urnali are known to exist Mr MB' (to which reference tr made in me l‘>‘ or der article that you rum. i I* nc portion. Third. Werlev a ptlrwed Journal r 'h known throuxhcait the world I* (** h '; stauu. In every portion)* (21) of extract* made by l)lm fr.mi the script No. 2 \eiln let me ray that you have a prte. leaa tr.-arur.-, that I itrieve whenever I think of the fact that I -an *lnd no more time n C. httle volume ov. r which I ~ pondered f< r> mans >- It n w occurs to tne to sukK* t *nt the whole volume n-.lpht be opted by Ihe p:<* cer* prlntlCK Tin* I slmuld think would pay In vour ent-TprUdn* ou.*ry ard It would Vive Moth..lid atudetw* hrPuh the world the ie>partunity of sludytna \\ esi. y. daily-hourly life dnrfdf H‘c time it embraced 1 have Jo*t found a corn- of M)* . h.m , r the Wealey HI •' - " ety which I forward to you whh much P '\VHh"’- : e|t*r<ls. 1 am dear Hlahop llen rn^nhU -on Merit, the addVatdll.y of carry in. out M*' • ruk..-lion to have the vo'ume prlntel It L the intention of the !t|hP to ke P poeesston of the diary durtn. h s 1 fe time, bu, to ledc i. -o ; n h ; tl : ; bl Durlnr his P'-n- visit m pah Bishop Hendrix will vI.U the "“"V Vedeys sojotl-n and work edrlle In tlrer. lu Tim xroater r.nm- - psady been Identm.*! as the ,4 me* ro fe-r.d to by We ’ev have atr. *dv been wla K Took and hi* fut'er m > po*t,v one .V two other .ertlemen w|U start on a trip to vl-tt the sernes of • -I. ' tor* and* fur-her down the eotst. H * trip will trelu 'e vl'lts to D"m*o I k. pel. .mode’. Mend rv.bov aouod J-k' 1 * I*latul. Frederica MHlkin s Idand. Bup- < ’ l Tne party will relnm In time for ntshoo Hendrix to pr. ach at Trlnltv and eY Monumental Churches Ihe followln. 8 .n --day. t . STF.9M IIK.XT AM) HAM* HEADS. Specialist Say* American AVomen Are Threatened With llaldnesa. jCew York. Pee. 14 —"Steam hea: Is re sponelbl# for yc-ur loss of hair." said Madame Fl.aro to a younc woman whoso h.sal was under.oln. a preliminary ex amination In the white t!U*l and nickel plated shampooln. room of a prosperous beauty parlor. “There are scalpn that can and do triumphantly endure the .reatest amount of dry heat, but t iey ate not many." Here she enveloped he* patron in a hi. white a iterpreuf ca|a* amt tipping her head over the c Ice of , marble bu*in pout.d on liquid suds while she talked. ■What the steam heat doee I* to take out of ...e atmosphere Just what m st scalp* need, that l of course, the nv *- lure. Then, too. in winter, nature'a nor mal Impulse la to send u a thick ttro.v’h of hair as e peateetton. Just as she boss It to animals; but the torrid lempera-rre of our house# .-hack# till* tenden-y whu a iv. Inherited from our monkey fore - ear* Year after year the young *hoots cteip out In th# autumn, asking for mc.ture and a cool. Invixoratln. temperature to encourage their growth, but these two moat essential eondtilona are denied th m. and by and by tha root, die in their cells JOINTED DOLLS KID BODY DOLLS. DRESSED DOLLS. MAGIC LANTERNS. TEA SETS. ALL SIZES. CHINA CHAMBER SETS. NICKEL CORNETS. DRUMS. ALL STYLES. DOLL TRUNKS. LOTTO GAMES. DOMINOES. ASSORTED GAMES. BRASS FOLDING BEDS. UPRIGHT PIANOS. HARMLESS GUNS. REAL AIR RIFLES. SAVINGS BANKS. IMPORTED BEER MUGS. PERFUMERY. UMBRELLA NOVELTIES. RUGS- ALL SIZES. ART SQUARES. LAP ROBES. INFANTS' MITTS AND BOOTEES INFANTS’ SACQUES. McimiHJGH & bALLANTYNE, *r? Iron Founders, Machinists, n f 111 u-1* am 11 ha. lltillrrmßkrr*. nmnnfartnrrra of Maftcm- . j‘ r) ami I'nrtalile Cnfiliirs, \>rtlral ami Top Itunninß gl, \ . Corn Mills, *ugar Mill and Pans. !ha fling. I'ullrys, rfr. ¥" TELEPHONE NO. 123. an*! only th# long hair remains to <Vv duty, il you Juju go ov#r your acaip with magnifying glass you m’otild quickly ><# w at c*.mr*,irtlv'ly shaking, ar# ;irr* ri wastes igi your h**sd. Th#s# ari* th** fdn -5 shm th# r**Juv#nating crop youi;g bulr shoukl <vim# from #v**ry ' • ir. .ut lnst#;*l only a f#w w#ak s|>#ars ;- tig up. gr*>w ui-out an inch long ami fill out at touch of th# brusn or when your head Is woch#<i. "T *re i*. only on# other condition that produi * similar unfortunate results. Hy • aat I mean gout or excessive indigestion Tlie add creoted in the system and form *ruc gouty deposit in th# Joints rarelv • r fM-ver fails to play havoc tvJth ta# ..air and Just as noon as I lay my hand* u the hea-! of a gouty patient I can reo •gi !z rhe trouble by th# f**el of the hair. Ii in variably harsh. Miff and lusterless, n and in nine times in ten very grey. Gout u i th* increase, I can tell, because girls ■ f !• who come to me to have their heads ita often show ail the ugly eymi*. ’ mt*. and as I have l*-*n washing, rule iur and attklylng hair for some fifteen vi rs nos, I can sav with a great deal • f con Aden . tmt women’s liair 1s not Wh it I* ue*il to be. "If fades and fills at an earlier age with *.i h succeeding generation, and though I hopf j am not a stupid alarm *Hh ldo *t*’\e the (im** will ***>m- when " “I Ml'li■* will have to he esteenw*! i'esnity. r -5 hair on . woman's hea*l as mortifying os a beard on her chin. Mean tim.* there are lots of things we hlr *!• re <h* to delay the fatal period when i billiard :a*!l Town will be regard***) as • * . arming feature. For instar'e, we " • h h* hair ev. r so gently, and inetead %■ h rough (os* ling f>l,owed h>* a brushing. w ’ lift Up :!)r -MYpplng tresses, when they *re fi*e from dust and *oap. and put the l-ngth of them through a nnti*nt roll. • (hat softly presses out the water; then the i>atient lira back in an easy c-lialr. hr hair is spread behind her on a towel nd sweet, warm air Is blown on the damp locks In an h a fashion that ta# currents of air straighten out nearly all the tanghw "Finally the dried hair is greased, and alw.iys with cocoantM oil. mixe*l with a lit!;** sulphur and a hit of extra.-t of fre*-h fat pin# that has been soaked In alcohol. That Is the b*st lonl. ond brilliantine di> overed yet, and in Faria, when h very sensitive se| p \ % imder treatment, the ointment la reduc#d t> a liquid state arid applied a* a Fpray to the roots of ihe Iviir. Everything is done to prevent un ncccss.iry rubbing and handling nnd pulling nt the w*Mk* n.d growth, wash th# r* )!• very often that the original tone arid ;>r wiu tlvlty is entirely restored to the scalp. "No there I* no un.tien for tho scglp <“ * rior to eocoanut oil hdil a a prco*f of it* efti a -y 1 should like you to see tile r.;i(lvo m. n of the Is and of Ceylon Few m* n In that sp)cy Isle but boast sulfa of hair that woud set an American girl dgfl Alth envy. Thc r .real manes fall often Cl. ,ir to their feet, the quality of the hair i urly and silken and the color Is a pure b.ark. us glittering a* It I* rich and deep tr. ions Evan the gu dee. who take you abour slghtsre ng. feel .he tendereal pride and p.easur. In their magnificent trasaas Which al. day they wear twisted In a mighty cot) at tne back of the head with never a hairpin lo ho .l the heavy loooe In p ace, iy iwlat of (he wrlt ihe end of the long hair Is tucked In to support I tha rest, and on Inquiry I find that th* LADIES’ JACKETS. LADIES’ BOX COATS. MISSES’ JACKETS. INFANTS’ CLOAKS. LADIES’ CAPES. GOLF CAPES. DRESS SKIRTS. WALKING SKIRTS. SILK UNDERSKIRTS. MECERIZED UNDERSKIRTS. SILK WAISTS. FLANNEL WAISTS. FUR COLLARS. FUR CAPES. CHILD'S FUR SETS. BABY CAPS. WHITE APRONS. BLANKETS. - . • COMFORTABLES. NECK RUFFLES. STOCK COLLARS. LACE & SILK HANDKERCHIEFS EMBROID'R'D HANDKERCHIEFS HOSIERY. BLACK AND FANCY. MEN'S NECKWEAR. ! dally toilet of the humblest Cingalese be gins with * shtrn|* No lOtp I is used, but in a tub of c>an water f* hair Is dipiHsj. wrung out. straight* • and with the Angers, sod rub', in) an i shaken until quite dry, and then a tea*.* nful of perfectly fr#sh cocoanut oil in rub.tJ in and through It all “If every American woman could flford to bathe her head seven inie a w k ii.-* absolutely fresh oil and abjure hats s*d hairpins the effect wout be nothing * of marvelous, because it Is for want of moisture, fresh air and freedom that o:r women are |n imminent danger of , rt permanently their natural crowns nf r if • and braids and shining band of batii:ful Millicer.t Arrowpoint ” GOVCIISOK WORT Kl**t UIDLE. Oelawars'i <| tinker F.ieentiTr ta Ignore InsiiKurnl tiistom. From the Philadelphia Record Dover. Del.. Dec. 7 —The swearing-in of the new Governor of Delaware promises to he attended by an unusual procedure. Kver since Delaware first began bavin; Governors It has l>een the custom to have the chief executive take the oath **f o'* fl< e on an old I.a*ln Bible, now* so s • r 1 a ke>psake that it is kept in a Are proof case In tt>e Slate Library. (k*v. Httnn I* a member of the s * k*ty of Friends, and only m tk< * afllrmatFt. He will demand this right, and the o!-l Datin Bitde will mine the kins of the only Governor who has ever neglected It. Ilw Are lour Serves ? If they are tv-ak and you feel nervous and easily ‘•flustrated,'' can’t sleep. rd rise in the morning unrcfresned. yc:r blood Is poor. Strong nerves depend up on rich, nourishing blood. Hood's Sar.*a par ilia makes the nerves strong railing and vitalising the blood. It give* sweet, refreshing sleep and com, -.-tfiy cures nervous troubles. Begin taking it to-day. Nausea. Indices'lon are cured by !! ■>! • Pllte-ad. Wu fie re| :t5 Years. "Ornybenrd cured me of catarrh from which I had suffered thirty-five years. Nothing on earth so far as I was able to obtain gave me relief. Since taking Gray beard I am as well as ever. I ha I catarrh of the head. Mrs. Hhoda 1* Ballinger, Tex. Gray beard Is made only by H* ; • Drug Company, sole owners, and ' * at drugstores for $1 n bottle -ad. P. P P . a wonderful medic!"*: It g*'*M an appetite; It Invigor.-ie* and *re t • ena. P. P. P. cures r turn tsm *• a I pains in the aide, .< and # • u fr ’ knee*, hips, wilits and J I ts i . * cures sypnilis .n all its v t us l *'*• old ulcers, eu.e* ad kidney c tnp si • P P. P. cures, ** nu *>• IJS ad skin uUeoa> and me u 1 1 *1 ° * P. P. P. cure* d>*pv la ch o I ::1 ‘ * complaints and br iSSu-down c n t.t • 0 and loss of roanho and. I*. P. !'• 1 ** blood purifier of the ig . ha> m.d permanent cure# than all 08-c; b<ol ne edles. Lippman Bio#., sole propriety Savannah, Ua.-ad.