The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 16, 1900, Page 23, Image 23

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FINANCIAL and commercial ITIHK IBUU.T ME (A\EU HKCKirr Ikr llrrroibrr Option * Polale Hi* Prlf the l>7 Before |hJ . umn-lpiita Hnnw :i-ll , (all _ylrll> *' llT'*e— Ad .•ares •“ ! ' r " lork * ,4,M,k * ' kr r*inr** * Ualalde nml Trlnruylile Market*. The Morning News Office, Beturday, Dec. lb. v\ .in the Improvement since Monday „ otton futUTts market lie* etwut e -from the bureau blot* and now ak*ee to move upward from !:a former , ~j December closed to-day at 1.77 c. „ ch hr * points above what it was tile l(J before the bureau decline. The foi l .1 e ebowa the movement of the active , i.ttn el nee last Saturday: *Vac. Jan, March. irday '• 1"3 ■ Monday ■'.-.lay 4.77 4€l 4 M witnessed a much better feel l tn the spot market*, though there a' not a great deal of trading being a , due u> the light demand from ail ..iucea The local market ciO#il quiet * an advance of 8-ltk\ with the demon! 1 ght, end a limited bustnese doing. The spirit* turpentine market vloe.d t m at 37%c, with a moderate demand pre <...i mg. Koetns ck>aed Arm and un . anged. with nothing of interest In *he , ( u'.lon. The wholesale markets ruled i :ot orel active, with a steady Increase noted In the volume. Tn** feature of the day tn the outside r lots # the strength and advances ,■ sn York mocks, which closed with meteoric ttlgius as to eome Issuer, par t .r y the Pa idea Tfte bank state n ■ was much better than expected, and lr response the entire list rose, the only esceptlona to a general upward turn being v nett hies* of a few Indumrtaas which I .not shown rnte-h tendeney to move e ther way during the |>a*l few day*. Tiie fii.owing resume of the different markets s i! show the tone and quotations at the c or * i'. g to-day: , COTTM. The coton market closed quiet to-day at an advance of J-!4r on all grades There sere no reported sales on tho spot The demand was light throughout the day, loth for spot and Interior ootton. Fac- Ui and brokers alike reported nprihy .at the |>rt of the buying element, (loot middling, f o b., was r> p rid firm arour.l 4 11-lft, The trade report a s arts kv of good middling cotton, though th irs ts uonsl b rat b* of the lower grades offer ing. The day’s receipts were 1V722. •.-..lns’, 3.755 and 4.737 year before ast. Home demand Is rejh,rte.l for cotton from N-* York f. r the filling Of December and i.'her contract*. T-.- folowftig were the official spot quo (s ons a> the rlo*r of the market at the !'• ton Exchange 10-day: Tills I-ast day. | year. • ..I 9% 7% Miitdllnr I*'. 7 3-16 Low middling vs iffs Mark*’ quiet; sales none. -1 u t.ah it... Iptf. Exports ar.d Stocks he elpts this day 6.332 R* ■ its this d*y last year 3,73S T’ds dav year b-fore last 4737 11 •Inee H-(>t. 1, :• 625 9*>i ay list year WM Stock ot' hand Ihl* day 124. k*y b.ime .t iv k> t year 167.6R5 It- ' , tr.d Storks at the Ports— It <*ipt> this dav 4* vis It. js. this day last veer 3).k.i9 h- *u •. rbla day year Is‘lore last.. 42.705 T- • r < - ipia since Dept. 1, Ikio..l.el.'.tiVl ft n. time lust year 1..325,7'*i Ie fore last H.fZT*.4M is . 1. til *sirts to-day ’ - 1 ! Jh>. c • -ime day last year 1,041.T5) In Movements at Other P'-rts— * -tec. I*'lrm; middling, 4 5-lfi; net r. •> gross. 13.350; sule*. 170; r k 242.130. V, t> lean-—Very firm; nd’dllng, 9%; l.i t ri -it t-. 15 724; gross, 13.724; sule*. wia-k. 5873. Mi-Ml * Steady; m! II ntt, 4'a; net re ■ ijes, VS*, mwf. SSS; sales. 2W; stock. 39,- ft !?. <'harl^Morv—Firm: nii<l<)llrur. n#t 493 Kr<*e, 193; Miles, 1U0; fttock. 17,- WHixUnr^on—Firm; middling. 9\i !*• t-iptf 199. irr*K, !99; tMOCk 1.*,403. Norfolk- Hff; m 9\\ net re * l*'s. 2.k61; gTCMit, 2,8*1; , SR2; Mode. H* h 1 more—No mind; tnlddlintr. 10; Ptock. 12.671. N• w York—Quiet: m!M! nsr. 10%; net r • H *t* 94i’; irf>P f 6.597; itotk, S4.MO, —Qu!**t ;tn Mlir k 10; net reeetpti*, 1 277; group. 7.621. Phllndelphi.i !•* rm; rw'fipti, 174; irroßp. 473; etook. 5.236. OwiMcola—Net receipt*, 4,toi>; ittopp, 4 *>*>. I.ily Movement at Interior Town*— mi 'dlln*. 9 9-16; net {*#. 2 •s'. grotp, 2.4‘1; p.tle-. 399; ptock £ 1 .VSTi, M■m ph I ft'.sidy; middling 4* net re e.-tfts. 3.431; ere*., 6,171. sales, >0; stock. 1 ft *k2. St. la>uts—Bte-idy; middling, 9’j: net re ' • fit*, 1.M3, gTosa, 4,247; mica, 445; stock. C3 7*4. aicinnati— Quint; middling. 4 R . red re ' elpts, 1.672; gioss, 1 672. sales, 489; stork 4 425. Houston- Steady; mklllng, 4 5-16; net re <■ !*, 13.675; gross, 12.675; anles, 527; gtock HI 266 i oidsvlll*—Firm: middling. 4%. Ksports of Cotton Thl* Day— rial vest on—To flreti’ RrWain. 4.325 New Orleans—To Orest Britain. 12.171; to Trance, 3.150; to the continent, 8.610. Charlewtan—Coastwise. 1 646. N'orf oik—Const wise, 662 Mew York—To Oreat Britain. 1.375; to the eontlnenl 6.763. Pensaorka—To Great Britain 4 600. Total fore gn ext ort# from nil porta thki day: To Great Britain. 27 971; to Franca. 5 I3(r. to ihe continent. 12 373. Total foreign exp r s Mnce ftept. 1. 14V>: To Great Br lain, 1,49X2*4; to France. 320.- -33; to the continent. 1.012.90*. Itß 141.4510 COTTOJI. Prices about ns follow*: Txtra choice Flcr da# 23 2I Taney Georgina 21Mf22 Ilxtra choice Georgias 31 <72IH Cho'ci Georgias 4) ft—— 1 tint ffna Georgias 1* O— l ine 'ie.irgiaa 18 if— “ Receipt, and flectoL |l4-01 1599-00. Ilecelpt* past week j 2 632 3 413 Txports past week | 2 334 150 Receipts 1 hi# reason ! 36 339 50.313 Sale* part week I 4,716 2.915 Stock on hand .....| 24.316; 24.633 •51TT115 TITI IIPiS. The Market Closes 4t*ad) With Prlee* 3 It * Points Ip. New York. Dec. 15.—Tha cotton market oi ened steady with prices 2 to 5 point* lower tn sympathy with an unexpected f' action In Liverpool, following a fuT te~ [ionse by that market 10 our advance of late yesterday. Hellers ware acar a on the call and almost Immrdtately follow lll 6 the, shorts nervously bid far large lines of January and March. Wire le.uae* tovk this as a cue that the mar ket would advance should real support r, f investment make up develop, and w rc ruon actively leading up the list In gen era) Before the end of the first hour Ihe market had not only regained the opening loss, but was several pohite above the MURPHY ft CO , INC., Board of Trade Building. Savannah Private leased wires direct to New York. 4-nlcago and N.w Orleans. COTTOI4, STOCKS AM) 41V Nsw York office. No. 61 Broadway. Offices in principal cities throughout the Bouth. WrMa for our 3tarket Manual and bock containing Instruction* for trailers close of night and surprisingly tlrtn in tone The January option was strong and relatively higher than the of the list. Heavy receipts at the port* fallal to In any way check the erlv buvfty ranrswwM. W hich spread to all bratu he of the trade. The Southern and foreign contingent* were genet tie laiyera aft, r the course of the nurk.-t became noei tively determlrcd Wall str-ct w■* n cllntd to hold aloof for a time, but liter became closely Idcntlll.d with the buii movtenent Trading was slow around the opening, hut quite B'dlve during the !at hour. IToflt-taklng ds! not materially re tard th* upward trend of values profit taking eaused a slairp reaction n. ar the close The market closed barely steady wi4h prices net 3 to $ point* higher. FI.MTt sTln>s 15 TITIIHY4 New Y’ork. Dee. 15— Cotton futures ■Hiened steady and closed barely steady. Trice* a follows: Open. High. Law. Close. January 9.30 970 95' 9.6 l Feb'Uary 436 9.33 936 4 W Mir!, 9 32 9 5 9.3'i 9W April 939 4.25 937 May 9 19 9 39 919 9.33 Jun 9 30 930 9.29 July 9.22 934 916 9.77 A'lgust 596 910 892 9.01 September 333 835 5.13 tOctober 3.99 99 K."S December 9.72 9*l 9 70 9.77 L.IVBMPOOI. I tlTlfd tItRKET. Liverpool. Dec. 15. 1 p. m —Spot, limited demand and prices l-32d higher; Ameri can middling fair. 5 F 16'; go-st mlddl-tg. 54j and; middling. 5 13-32d; lew mlddPng. 5 7-S2d; goo<l or do ary. 4 3) -32d; ordinary. 4 23-32 J. Till n aof Ihe day were 5.0*) bales, of which 3 * w, re for speculation and ex port, and Includ'd 4 300 American. Receipts. 18.(0' toiles, lt:clU"lnk 7,200 Amer ican. Futures opened quiet but steady and closed barely st.ady. American middling, low middling December. 5.181 sell ers; Decern tier-January. 5.1545.161 sellers; Jsnt) ary - February. 5 13d sellers; Kebru ary-Marrh. 5 10—5lld sellers; March- Apr’l. 5 06.1 buyers; Aprl-M iy, 5.05 h 6 061; buyers; Anr l-Moy, 5 058 3 06.1 buyers; May-June. s'Jßd buyer*; June-July. 5 OOii Sold buyers; July-August. 4 <2d seller*; Augaist-Bepi. mb* r. 4 4W buyers. M24V t)B 1.4)454 (0TT0.5 ITTIHK6. New Orleans. Dec. 13.—Cotton futures irely steady Dec. 9 3509 2° April 9.229 24 Jan 9.331,9 JPMuy ..4.21454 '72 F.-b 4.50454 32 June 9.1*t9 March .. ...9.23',:* 26 July M359.1t f-OTTOA LETTER*. New York. Dec 15.—Morrhy A Cos siv: Liverpool failed to follow the advance here yesterday, snd the gain abroad amounted to hut 2or 3 Points In vi-w of the B'lvance of about 2t) point* In Jnn uiry yesti-n'.ay afternoon, a belter fo elgn market was exfiec ed. At the o:e ning here prices ruled firm for irate time lo*. <rg a few points, hut later recovering. Ituslrees was comparatively Hght, wth professionals and short buying all the rot ten ofTer.-.!. There wag no dlri-os'.tlO" on the part of Interests to sell, owing to the absence of a wtock of cot'on here and trie premium on the near portions. A few buying*orders In January suat Inel the whole market and la.Hr cateo-d a f’tr ther advance In the general l‘*t. Janti ,ry soil up to 9.70-. the hisheit idnt of the reaction rin •• the ffaur* - q io’e-l 11 Monday, when the government report was Issued May a.lvait'e! fo 9.25'' imd March to 9360. Whll, there was ,n ab i-'it'-e of outside buslne-' the tone ruled Arm at the advance, with shorts - |ng on every decTlne. Rec-lpta continued lit, rnl Ituri Interest apisars :o b' a - In January. Fort receipt- to day estimated at 46>. against 21 v%9 last V'- r 11 .e-ten exp< ts Monday, 1? "At' to 12 ,vo. against 5.R21 last year New Or leans 17.><0 lo 19.0 t). asalnst 8 Sl9 .ast year. New Yo-k Dec. 13,—Hubbard Brea. & Cos. stay: Liverpool falJe.,l to resjiond to our alliance of yesterday, improving only 2 H>3|*int*, there being, a.-cordlog to mir advices more cotton offi-rlng tlverw from th-* South. It was also cablet) that Mr. 13111 son would r.sluce his consumption of Anwrlmn cotton. This last was vmno ticeable in tiw desire of the short inten st In January to cover, which carrtcl the n- itket tip wtne 15 to 17 point*, catch lug stop-orders In Ihe distant dellverUs. tin the advance tho market was met by sell ing orders againat shipments of cotton for delivery on December and sltarp re allxtrg by the long Interest In the neirl>y positions The movement contlmte* large, but until we reeelie more stork the short side will ho dangerous. <J n weak move ments the local trade ara Inclined to th* bull salo on all breaks. imi cioons. New York. Dec. 13 -The Week closed with a quirt market tn all descriptions <w cotton go 'ds and wlth ut quotable change in prices tn either staple or fancy good- Woolen good- arc showing better results In volume and are steadier tn some quar ter- Am-rl hi cotton yams neglected and de 1.l dty we,k In price. Egyptian yams steady. Woolen and worsted yams dull, but uncharged. NAYAL 4TOHK.4. Saturday. Dec. 13. SPIRITS TERPENTINE—The turpen tine market npeni-d Arm to-day at 17>ie, with sale* of 757 casks, and chased Arm FI 5 A A11.4L. F. A. Rogers & Cos. lkCBN)M'll BANKERS, BROKERS ntt) DEALERS IN Stocks, Cotton* Grain and Provisions jtjt HIGH GRADE j*j investment securities . • # CASH OR OR MARGIN • • • Hioiiest k*r***sicr* *#n Cxdit (t rite /nr Knak/cr "SAFETY A Y/>.... ~. CFKT.4f.vrr TV al’KCt I.ATtOX" II will pay you lo gel oar term* '.K aß d special quotation wrtlce T* s+'+y 39 WALL STREET New York JACOB BERRY & CO. member*ok the CONSOLIDATED STOCK EXCHANGE. ESTABLISHED HkA. 44 and 4H Broadway, New York. BTOCK9. BONDS GRAIN. COTTON. Strictly a commission house, working in the Interest* of our client# and executing all orders upon the exchange# si ml fur our new bo >k describing market move merits. 1I 0 flticuiauon sheet# and Market Peports. Commlraka 1-16 JOHN W. DICKEY, fftoelt and Bond Broker, AtotrrA. ga. Write ter LleE J’HE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1000. and unchanged, with no further sales re ported. The demand was miHteiwte dur- 1 tug (he day. "tie of 4tw , 1 . w ltd tht ex pone. #l. ROBINS—The rosin market closed Arm and unchanged, wttii sales of 669 barrel* at th-- opaui ug call, w htrh constltuttnl the day’s Oftl. lal busli i-o No grew, amount of hue.neas wn# transacted, though there was some inquiry late ,n tn* day. The re ,'elpts were 4.6*1 and the exports 4,053 Price* as follows: A. B. C |1 30 1 |1 A) D 1 30 K 1 63 E 1 40 M 1 SO F 1 4.3 N 2 13 G 1 60 W. O. 250 II 1 55 W. W SB3 Receipts Saturday— Spirits Rosin C B R 175 648 H.. F. A W 53*a 2,302 S A 1 343 1.7 J! Exports Saturday S|4rtt- Kos n. C. R R. week, various 1 227 8. F. & W week, varkui ... 60 3>>i S A L week, vurliou* 1.027 Br 8 8 Artlova. Liverpool 2-30 Naval Siorea Statement— Spirit* Rosin. Sto k April 1. I*.. 2.197 112 SOI Receipts 10-day 1.063 4.651 Receipts previously 306,210 7*l.Bki Total since April 1 IW.MO 929 ObJ Kx|sarts to-,lav 61 4 Experts previously 272.153 771.736 Export* since April 1 272.214 776.341 Stork on hand to-day 37.246 153 242 Stork last year R® 1*0.096 Charleston. 8 C.. Tree 15.-Turiwntlne market Arm. 27c R.mlu Arm. unchanged. Wilmington, N. C.. Dec. 15 -Spirit# 'urpentln* stoidy, 3> l v'‘' 37 ■; re.-e 1 ;>t s 42 ~,*ks Rcwai Arm. 9t.30D1.25; receipts 72' Crude turpentine quiet. 11.3)31.8; neelpts, 23. Tar etrady. 11.40. receipts. 211. New Orlear*. Dec 15. -- Receipt s Boeln. 332; ttwia-r.rlne. M Exports to Port Ltmon: Roaln 15 FIAAAt I4L. MONEY—The demand keep* fairly up with the supply FORF.IGN EXCHANGE—Market weak and nominal. Cemnierelal demantd. 34 8274; sixty days 94 795,: ninety day*. 84.77*4: francs. Paris and Havre, sixty day*. 5.22*4. Swiss, sixty days. 3.36. Beig an. 5.34*4; mark*, sixty days. 934,; ninety days. 93%. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady; hanks are buying at 3-16 discount and selling as follow- 323 and under. 10c pc— mlum: 125 to 85" 15c premium: 830 to 8100 Sue premium. 8100 to 82 0 25c premium; 97Hi to 81.000, par; 81.00 U and over. 1-16 dis count. SECURITIES—There is apparently but little money seeking Investment. ■ lock*. Bid. Ask. Augusta and Savannah R R—lit 112 Atlanta nnd TVi #t Point 122 do 6 per cent ceruffcates 108 ... Ancu.ti Factory #4 M Clllgen* Rank 137 Chatham Rank Ill'* 112% Chatham It. E. Al. Cos., A 57 66 d)do B to 87 Eagle and Phonlx Mfg Cos Ml 106 Edison Electric Ilium. Cos 107 115 Enterprise Mfg. Cos "9' l"8 Germania Bank 131 (leornla and Alibama 2R to 'leorgia Rdiii-ad ..nimon 216 219 Oranltevllle Mfg. Cos 16) 170 J P. Hint Mtg Cos w* lotngley Mfg. Cos.. 115 11T Merchants' Nation tl Rink 117 119 National Rank of Savannah 153 167 [ (’glethorire Savings and Trust ...112 People's Saving# a-td L0an..... l'l t'*3 Seaboard comm n 10 11 ilo |referre.l 2*% 16'4 Southsl'st'-i 11 Railroad Cos 1:2 113 Savannah G.i- Light Cos 25 2* Southern Rink M" 156 Savannah Bank and Trust 119 Sibley Mfg. Cos.. August* hi "* i Savannah Brewing .....103 105 Bonds. Bid. Ark 1 Char., Col. A A'.g Ist 6*. 1900 ..1 110 | Chat. & Guif R R 5 per ccn’. Ist mortgage 182 104 I Atlanta city 4s. 1022 107 I<* Align'd* el’y 4#. I‘CT 100 lot I do 4%#. IXS HI to 7. 1 3 107 t 1 i9i3 ia Ga Mid. &#. IndM 1!C8. M. A N 101% 10T4 Augusta Factory, fi per ertit. 1915.111 113 Brunswick A Western t . 1938 ..81 65 C. R. H. A Banking collateral ss. 95 c. of G. Ist rooig. s*. 1(45 F. A A ’-n C. of Ga. con. 6s, 1915, M A N.. 97 96 C of Ga. Ist Incomes. IMS 53 M do 2nd Income# 17 1-8 do 3d Incomes. 1915 7% 8% C cf O. (M G A A. Dlv.) 5s 1947. J. A J C o' O (Eaton Branch). 5. 192d J. A D to W City A Suburban R. R. Ist 7#....110 Columbus Cliy 6, list) 157 Charleston clcy 4*. 1909 10 102 Eagle A Phoenix Mi l# 4s. 192S .108 110 Fxll-ott Electric Ilium n "log 45..’.06 Enterprise Mfg 6#. 1902 102 ..... Georgia Railroad 6). lOiO US 117 G. B AK . 1948. J * J US 114 Georgia A Alabama lt s#. 1915. .1"6 157 Georgia slate 3'i#. 157', J A J- U 0 113 do 3%5, 1913, M. A N 106 117 do 4%#. 1915 U 9 120 Macon city 6*. 1910. J. A J 11 IJ* do 4%a. quar.. Jar 158 Iff Ocean Steamship 6*. 1920 I'M 108 Hav.innah city ss, quar. January 1918 U 0 *U do ss. quar.. February. 1909 —ls* Wi South Carolina state 4%5. 1933 ..117 118 S,! ley Mfg Cos. 6s, 1903 102 Smith Hound 5s 99 MO S F. A AY' gen mt'g# 6s. 1914 .125 1 do do I*l ss. gold. 1934 ....113 114 do Bt. John Dlv.. l*i <■ 1831 95 86 BF.KLY R ANK UTATF.MRJIT. New York. Dec. 15 —The weekly tate meut of overagea cf the associate! banks show#: Loan* 8792.755.0 rt); decrease. 311.- in Deposit*. 3942.888.10); decrease, 318 - Plo.i, Circulation. S3' .724 '00: Increase. lIIC.IOO tenders. 339 317,100; liicrea#*. 8' 179 200 Specie. 3157.853 ’s). decrease. 53.- 14? 100. Total reserve, 821C992 400; decr-ase. 51911*9110. Reserve rropilrert. 3210.577.025; decrease. 31.594.10" Burplu* reserve. 6 - 325.375; Increase. 8024.250 MONEY M inKET. New York. Dec. 15—Money on eall nominal Prime mercantile paper, 4'* 0 5% par cent. Bterllng exchange steady with actual hustnc*# In benker#' bill* at 84 M% f>rr demand, snd at 84 *0%04 ISFi for sixty tiny#; ported rate*. 4 81'#04 8204 85%. Commercial bills, 84 8.04 *, Sliver cer tlflcate*. 64tS. Bar silver. 64<-. Mex ican dollars. to%c. Government bond# were stroew. etate bond# w*ro> Inactive, and railroad bonds were Brro. . BTOC'K# AND BOND*. The Market Closes atron* AV4(h the Tendeaey 1 psvard. New York. Dec. 15.—A conviction gained ground over night that yesterday's eperu. UaMve outburst. Involving ## It did high grade ral.road stocks, had more algnlfl ■•anoo than th# o(>parent imminent relief to the itK-ocy market on the forthcoming 1 rormous diaburromenta by the govern ment and corporate tmerest*. The street having In mind Ihe success ful de*: In the anthracite coal Industry wag Inclined to regard with totra credence the various rumors afloat a* to absorp tion or reprraentatlon in governing board* ot railroad* having favorable geogra (ldeal location*. Thl* policy for a com- j mur.lty of Interest 1* expected lo bring j about more attabic economic condition# I and reduce to a minimum the posslbUlty wf r.ttrs. As far a* tn* rank and 01* of specula- j tor* were concerned the expectation th'-t the much heralded pinch In money ran > wot,id no, be realise*! was eulßcien: to revive th* buhteh optrlt which has ben dominant far some time on tuts aououn 1-ondon's rfwjwutse to our buoyant, close *t yceterdsy was encouraging, and during the course of the day the foreign market bought about 75.<*m share* A; ihe mii log pronoun ed advai e* were m.ide In various stocks, but depre—am was noted tn others, and It was not until after the publication of the bank statement tha: the advance assumed an) violence. Th statement siMiwa.l an increase In surplus rerorve* of |024,25t\ owing to r<stuctloti in ifc'poalt liabilities of 8U.T76.t10' and a smaller gb-rcase in caeh than cad been k-'K-t lor. Ml |MB 9t*l. A decrease 111 loana of 1t3.6K1.500 w.t' -oniewlwt inexidlcable. but may h.i)c been due In part to <-alllng of kNioa earlv In the week Thla alaowlng was regard 'd with favor, and the market be ante very animated and broad. The demand and most subetanttal gains were made :n th* Pa*-trt,e. St Paul. Sugar. Atihlsims amt Brooklyn Transit Fnlon PaoUl< and Northern PactAc rul-l gt übout iiarlty until Juat before the el,r w ,ien excltisl buying of ihe latter rushed it up to 76 , compared with 72% yesterday s .-.ose Tin earlier heaviness of the steel s m ks wi* dispelled, and they ciosml with small gains. S|*ectxlatloti left off with buying very ' onAdent. and the tendency upward Tne rnatki-t for railroad bond - haa tieen atlia aid broad tturing the week, atal prices higher on the avrrag, Ftilud rtta;.. n< w4e advance,! %. and the Ja a, at is % IT cent, over the cell pise of a week ago. The total sales of storks err • 44t).3t>*. Ini.Uilliig Atchison. 31.8,4'. do preferred, 43.4*4). Bali.more and Ohio. 9,7 u. Chcsa• fs-akc and OlHo B.<s, t!ro*t Wealern. 9- BurU “ton. XWO: Colorado Bout hern. Er ‘'’ W-JOO. *!•* Arst. 91n.. loaiis v.ile and Nashville. 9.its*; Manhattan, 12- 4V>: Missouri PactAc, 14.460; Northern Pa te 46 :*o, Ontario and Western. 14 fee. Pennsylvania. 11.140; Heading. 26,*u. do first preferred 2*.30n. Beading second pre *'• **•“<• 64,1*4. Southern PeclAc. -4,t**' Southern Railway. 21,t8®. 'nr 1 !a* rn . ,U,IW * v preferred. 6 Wn. Union Sme'ilta "-)l>ash preferred, lo 375. "H wire. 7 701 Tin Trsn.ll n Urooklyn Hapld !: Colorado Fuel and Iron. 0-575. People's Gas. -.800. Sugar. X.ISO, Tenneasee t’oal, s.ltS) .. . , N,<w York S-o k Lieu 42%;Wabaab .... u % Wheel * L E. 11% n •••• *7 i do 2d pref ... n% tuu Southern 59% Wle. CentraJ .. 12% f s , 38% Third Avenue, , !2V lf> B * ° PWff *6% *' V t, Q • ,M? * National Tutu- 62% 3 ' *}‘ M'* do prof pat, OAF ~, " Am "' Copper 9% * * *Jj *8 i Adams Express 143 * ~* N . W > 7 t American Ex 169 * •**•*•* p 117 V United States Ex 61 * J•A St L.<7% H Wlr Fargo K* IJ3 **} 8011 f ham 81 j Am. Cot Ol! . 3! do lt pr#f 4.%% .1o | .... 9 TANARUS, d ? : a Pr, ' f 19% Am Mlulling S |*l A Hudson 122 ! do jq-ef r. L A \Y. .. 139% Am. 8m A R 5,.% *'• * H ' ° 26 I do pref 98% l**f 31%'Amer Spirits .. 2 ***•, !**4 do pref 17 do 1* prf SO% Am Steel Hoop 31% Ut North pref HUP. 4o praf Hnckmg Coal.. 16 (Am Bteel A W 431, Hocking Valley 42 | do pref 88', Illinois Central l?3*. Am Tin Plate % lowa Central .. 20 j do pref *. d<, prf 4ta, Am. Tobacco... MF. L. E. A TV .... 4j I (j,, p rof )Ji . •*" t' r ' f UO j Anaconda M Cos 47 I#uk* Siiore .... 225 Brooklyn H T 75', i; * N MV Col. F. A Iron 52% Manhattan 1... 110%XY>nt. Tobacco 36'. M f S: Ry. .. 168 ,| do pref 39 Mexican Cen. .. 13'4| Federal Steel 53 Mlnrt. A St. L. 67'4 ! do pref ..... 79 d° ITf U6%i(4en Electric.. 171% •Mo. 62% Glucooe Sugar .. 32% Mobile A Ohio. 43% do pref 160 N; * Y 11% Inter Paper ... 22% d° pref 40% do pref 71 N. J Central.. 145'i'lan-leite Gas 69 N. Y. Central 142%'National Bt*. urt 37 Norfolk A TV... 48% do pref ........ 91 ,l 0 P r *7 32 | National L-ad .. 2u% Northern Pao.. 75% do pref 9C% do pref 81%'Nat' Steel .. 3V, Ont A Western 23% do pref 91 Or. . Ry. A Nav. 42 |N.Y. Air Brake 130 do pref 74 iNorth American 18 7 4 Peniurytvanla.. 14.V,’Pac|ffc Coa* 59 Reading 4 n 1w pr , f K do l#t pref ... 4*% do 3.1 prof . .. 46 do 3d pref .... 3tT4 Paeiffc Mall 43 R. O. TV 65 IPeopl 'g ()as .. 10n% do Iref Wi f*reaeed Steel Cur 59% St. la A 8 F .. 21%! do pref 83 do lal pref .... TT.% |*ullm.-in P Car 39D ,lo 3d pref .... 5,a, H t , in R. * T. .. 5% 81. L 8 W 15% Sugur 124% do pref 3X4* do pref 115 S* P*ul I*2 Term. Coal A I. 42% do pref Dei c. 8 Leather .. 13% 84 Paul A O. 1) | do pref 74% Southern Pao.. 4’% U. 8 Rubber ... 24 Southern Ky... 19 | do pref m do pref 6V% Western Union X 6% T A P 22%’R. I AB. ...... 14% Union PacMlc .. 74%' do pref % •Y* pref 2% P. C. C. A St. L 36 Hondn U. 8. 2s ref.reg 106%'N. Y. C. Ist* ..!>% do oou 7'i3 jN. J. C. 127% do 3*. reg. ...10 % No. P.i 3s 701, do Ba. eou. ...Pn do do 4s l't-, do new* 138% 61 AO. <a .... 66’, do new*, 138% N. Y., C A 81 do old 45.r0*.114% L 4s 197% do old 45.c0u.113% N. A TV. con. 4s 99-% do 6, reg ..118% Ore. Nav. Ist* , log do ss. eou ..113% do do 4s lie D. of C 8 65s . 194).. Ore S L 4s Atch. gen. 4s ..102 do do con. i5..117 do adjt. 4* *B% Head. Gen. 4s . 93% C. of O ron. ss. 97 R. G. TV I*l*loo% do I*l l."c 64% t. L. A Ir. M do 2nd Inc. .. 17 | con. 5e 113 Onn. So 2n s ..10835 Bt. L. & 8. F. C. A O 4*# ...H)l ( gen. * I*3 do do 5* 130% St P. coni. . 179% C. A Nw. con 7*.133% 81 P., C. A P do do 8. V j lts .120% Deb. 5s 121 j do do 6a 122% Ch(. Term 4e .. 93 80 Pa. Is 62% 001. 80 4* 53 |So. Ry. 5* 3.113% D A R O 4# ..101% 8. Rope A T. f*. 70 Brie Gen 4* .... S3 jT. A P. Ist* .. 1)4 F W ADC. | do do ;nds .... 60 lstg 73*8' Un l*a. 4s 107 Gen. Elec 5s ..142% Wabish lats . ..117% lown Cen. Ist* 115% do 2nd* ...10* L. A N.1‘n1..4s 101% West Store 4e ..113 Mo. K A T. !Wls ’n Ist* .. 67% tnds 74% Vo. Centurlei ..95% do do 4s .. . 94% New York, Dec. 16.—Standard Oil, UMf 313. Baltimore, Dec 13 —Seaboard common 10*,nil; do preferred, 2%4|29 Bond* 6s. 73078%c Morphy A 4 0% Stnelc l.etter. New York. Dee. 15.—The main feature of the dealings In this morning's stock market war the exceedingly heavy buy ing of stocks for foreign account, and three purchase* appeared virtually tn the internationally listed shares, with the ex ception of Southern Pacific, which In stance fairly extensive were conducted, on balance, however, the foreign pur chase* aggregated upward of 50.400 share, a noteworthy amount for a half-holiday. Cabk> advlcog reported an exceptionally active epeculatton In Americans ocks In London, with excited dealings on the curb after th* clow of the rngular m ultra. Pa-tly Influenced by the much higher range of prices shown for Amert-an stocks In Ixindon. ami also by experia tion* that the hank statement wo rid make a lea* unfavorable showing than ha* been commonly keriud for during p>* week, the Block market opened exceed ingly *trong and active, with very few exception* to the common tendency at pearing Local Interest was again rni-f --ly expressed In th* railway list. In which some notable advance* were scored. Con spicuous feature* were Atchison common and 1 .referred, the Erie share-,, the Oranger shares, notably Bt. Paul. New York Central and Pennsylvania. Other ■Treng and netlva foakuras ware Missouri ■(b> Southern Railway. Train* Arrli* and D*(ri Savannah on 30ib Meridian Time—On* Hour Slower Than City Time. Schedule In Effect l>ca 9. 1900. lt§AD DOWN I" nil: 1 .t.vr ' mead up No 84 No. 34 , ( emtn I Time.) 1 No. 35 , No. 53 12 'Apin 12 kiam Ta Sa.auiiah Ar t*um 3 yiupin |j (Knstcru Time.) | 4 itpto 4 Sam Hlackvllle Lv 2 67am| 1 10pm 6 lOpsn, 6 06.1 m Ar CoiiimMs Lv 1 15am, 11 'am 9 h-pm 9 45*m Ar riiarloite Lv 9 Ui>m s luom *r . (iraenaboro 9 Lv,, 7 lepsn txetu i ')'** ir - Norfolk lvji isipm i. 1 ..'.am 1 yxpm Ar ... Datvllle L) ( | 5 40pmi 4 Worn sTwam s’apnTiAr Ml hmotuf . . Lv 12 ii 00pm * 40am 343 pm Ar ... Lyt hburg Lv! 2 i*2,an . win 4 Voiin I lii[in' Ar Chsrkn iesvtile Lv 2 OepmiU 54cm 7 45am 4 6opit> Ar Washington Lv ill 13,tu; I tF" 9 15am 11 3, ni Ar Pail more Lv I 25.1 m *2 pm II " 2Hm Ar I'hindciphL l.v , 1 Mumi o.,p”' * 03pm 3,in Ar N* w York Lv|| Itsß Eg" * *"pni 30ipm,Ar Uo<l<ni Lv|| b OOpm It) loom No ** TO TUB N 'RTII AND WEST I No 2a tCentral Tin*) II Xv Savannah 1.1 I Warn II (GastOrn Time.) || * 10am Lv Columbia At 1 'sam II Team Lv Stayrtstilwirg 7*v'! 4 13pm f *‘pm l.v A- la* \ (lie ... Lv 3 Otpos 4 Otfpm lAr Hoi Springs Lvllll 45*m 7 spm Ar Knoxville 1-* *•'" 6 iOsni Ar Lexington Lv| l hlf'" 7 iSpm Ar Cincinnati Lv I pm 4 94pm Ar St Louie Uv: 9 tSam * Mam Ar Low#vlllo - v llO'* All trains arrive and de|**r from the Plant Bystem Stailon. TIIROUOH CAR SERVICE. ETC TRAINS 33 AND 84 DAILY NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vaotl buled limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Hoorn Sleeping Cars between Savan nah and New Y'ork Connect* at Washington with Colonial Express for Boston. Pullman Bleeping Car, between Charlotte and Richmond snd Charlotte and Nor folk Dining Cars Serve sll meal* between Savannah aial Washington. TRAINS M AND M DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FAS f MAIL Veellbuled limited trains, carrying Pulitrsin Drawing Room Sleeping Cars Meem Sevan „h and New York Dining Car* serve gl! meat* between Savannah and TVaanlngton Also Pullman Drawing Room Sletpln* Car* between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and "Th# Lind of th# Sky." For complete Information ea 10 reta achwlu'.e* etc apply to F 8 GANNON. 3d V P AO. M J M CULP. T 31 TV A TURK. O P. A.. Washington, D C S H IIARDWtCK A-*t Gen'l Pa* Agent Atlanta Ga R C 81-ATTNER. Ticket Agent. Plant System St-itton. JAM KB FREEMAN. C P A T A 141 Bull slreei S.i iqnnsh. Ga . Phones M> Pacific. Pal imore and Ohio and Fnl m p*. Iff. A# Ua* bed) the ease for some days, the Industrial* and the local trac tion Issue* played u relatively unimport ant |>art In tho dealings. MIB4IKI.L4hK4)I * W4NKF.T*. Nole-These quotations are rev l,cd dally, and are kpt a* near as peosible in ac i>rd with the prevailing wholesale prices vfflcial quota:*re no: ue'd whe*i they dieagre# with th* prices whole saler# #k Country *<l Mrlhern Produce. POULTRY—Tb* market Is ateady. Quo tation* Broilers. 30* 35. |>er pan. half g,own. 4Mrt*e. three-fourth* grown. 6TO 44c, hens. 45073 c; roomers. 4"u U)c, ducks, edl7sc; geeee. 75681 W. EGGSB-Freeh candied. 23024 c; cold stor age. 21022 c BUTTER—The tone of the market la firm Quotation* Conking. 21c; imita tions. 23c; New Y'ork state dairy, 34%c; extra Elgin*. 27c. CHEESE-Market Arm. fancy full cream cheese, 13%c for 20 to 22-pound averagk; Trii-ri- pound overages. 13c. Early Veenhlea. IRISH POTATOES—Northern. 52 40 sack CABBAGE—3fIkc per head; crate*. 82 27'. ONIONS—YeIIow. In barrel*. 82.50; crates, tt <*’. red. 12 50. ilreudalull. Hay anil Grain. FIJIIUR- Market steady; patent. 81 25; straight. 8' 75. fancy. 83.60; f imlly. 13 4. MEAL~PenrI. per barrel. 82 SU; per rack, tl IS; city meal, i"-r rack, boltthl. 81 fff'i; water ground. 11.12%: cMr grits, sack*. 81,IS; (orl grits, Hudnuta. per barret. 82 40. per sack, tl 14; sundry- brand*. II IS CORN-Market Arm: white. Job lots. 49e; carload lot* 60c, mixed corn, Job lote, 44c; curiae*' 1011. 66<- RtCß—Market steady: demand good, f*ney head. 6e; fancy. 6%c. Prime 5 Good 1%N% Fair , 4 BH% Commen t'l OATM-No 2 mixed. COf oad, 84 ; lot*. 55bF,c; white clipped, enra, I7e; Job, 40c. BRAN—Job lot*. 85c; carload lots, 94- HAY-Micket rieadv: No 1 tiniolhy, 02%c; Job. 86c, No 1. so . J,dv W%c ear* Sugar and Coffer, SUOAn- loaf 6.28 Diamond A-. 14 Uruehed .4.28 Confectioners' A. .5 66 Powdered 6.84 Willie Extra C.. 63S ,\XXX paw'd ...4.WlExra C .33 llranulat"! SXV Golib n C 5.13 Cubes Yellow* 4.9* Mould A J- .6.l*| COFFEE— Moclia 36 c Prime No 3 ... 10%c Java 36 r Good No. 4 10%c Peaberry 14 r,Falr No 5 10 c Fancy No. 1 ...IP-.. (Ordinary No. 4 . 9%c Choice No. 2 ..!o%c|Common No. 7 ..9 . (otton ItauuiUK and Ties. BAGGING—Mai ket firm; Jule, 2%. pound. 8-'v; large lal*. % mall lots, 2-pound, ?%e: • l*land bagging, 12%,' TII7B-8 andard. 45 pnund, arrow, large lot*. 51. W; small lots. 01.33. knit. Hide# and Wool. SALT—Demand ts fair snd 4he market steady; carload lot*. I4u-pourid burlap (,g 47,.; I'li-i-uun l outton sack*. 4A 110-pound burlap eacks. 51 'yc: 110-p,'uud cot'on racks. 63%c: 135-lwund burlap *ack*. 58V9c; 125-pound cotton sacks, 4*%c. MO-imuntl burlap sacks. lc. HlDliß-Market Arm. dry flint. 13%c; dry salt. ll'Sc; green rolled. *>. WOOL—Nominal: prime Georgia, free o # send burs and black wool. 19c, black, 14c; burry. 10c Wax. 25c; Ullow. 3%c. Deer skin*. 90c. Dried and Kvaporaled Frnlta. APPLES— Evaporated. 707%-; aun dried. ' • APRICOTS— Evaporalrd. 10c pound; nectarines. 10c. RAIBINB—L.L., 82 10. imin-rtel cablnota, 82.75; luoee. 50-pound boxes, 5%c pound PEACHES-Evoporated. pe*.*d. 17%cj uniniH 6%(r9c PEAK*—Evaporated, B%c Haritvvare and llnllding knpplle*. LIME, CALCIUM PLASTER AND Cement—Alabama and Georgia Urn*- In fair demand and sell al *) cent* a barrel; special calcined piaster, 11.04 per barrel; hair, tflic. ItoaeoMl# ceenent, II.20)11M; carload lota, epeet*:; Portland cement, re tail 82.25; carload lots. 83.00h2.34. LUMBER. F. J). B VESSEL*. SAVAN NAH—Minimum. yard s.*e*. 810 3001100; car Bills. 812 50013.00: difficult at**#. 1400 1(18.00; Ship stock. 814.00016 00; sawn Has. 89.0006.50; hewn !•. 86089 c. OlL—Market ateady; demand fair: sig nal 450H0c. West Virginia black. 9013 c; lard. Me; neaufoot. 60070 c; machinery. 16 *f2Sc; linseed oil, raw, 74%c; boiled, 7%c; kerosene, prim* while. 18c; water white, Uc; Pratt’a u*tra!, 16c; deodorised stove gasoiln,. drum*. lt%c; empty oil barret*, delivered. 85c. BHOT— Drop. 81 SO; B. B. and large. 8178; chilled 81 75 IRON—Market very steady; Bwcde. 5%c. NAILS—Uh't 82*0 baJ, wire 12 90 base. BARBED WIRE—B3.SO per 100 pounds. OUNPOWDER—Per keg. Austin crack shot, 84.00: half kegs. 82 85; quarter kega. 81.15; champion ducking, quarter keg*. S2.S: Dupont and llagard smokeless, half kegs. 811.85; quarter kegs, 55.75: 1-pound, canister*. 8100; lee* 25 per cant.; Trols dorf smokeless powder. 1-pound can#, 81; 10-pound c*c f* - (muni I'rMli and >ul" APPLES- Northern variety, 827503.86. ORANGES iFla.l B*'Mi3 PRUNES —to* to 54". 10c; 60s to 60s. 8%-; 90s to 70s. 7 : 70# lo 9c, 4%c; 90s to Ws, 6c; 90 to 100*. 6%c. 8ANANA5—51.2501.76 bunch LEMONS Tlirkit ele.idv, at 92.50 '•OCOANI'TS DX) per top PEANUTS Ample "toil, fair ib-mand, maikct Arm. fin y hau,|-(it<-kci|. Virginia, per pound. 4%c. haml pl.k.wl Virginia, ex ih 4.', N C eerd |>r'iinuts, 4c NUTS -Almond., Tarragona, 17c; Ivlcas. 10'; walnuts, French. 13c: Naples. 12%c; pecan*. Uc; Riasila, ll'. filbert-, 13r. .>■ aurted nuts, 6i)-|iound and 25-pound boxes, 12<9c. Aaron, llama and laird. BA<X)N— Ytaiket Arm: P 8 C. H. side*. 7%c, D. 8. Re lies, l*c (Esstein), arcord tug to arciage sUc, D 8 tll leva. 8c (Western); emoked r. It sides, *%c. HAMS—Huger cured. 11%012%< LARD—Pure, In tlercae, B%c, In 80- pound# tins aud 90-isiund tut*. %_, compound. In tlarcee, 6', , 50-pound tins' and *O-pounds tub# 4%r lta< 9)1.1. a \ t;*ii a, FISH Mackerel, half-barrels. No. J, B*. No. 2, 87. No 3. 0,75. kite. No 1, 81,34. No. 3. 31 10; No 3,55 c. Uodrlsh. 1- liound brick*. 6c; 3-poun.l brick* 5%e Bm,hid herring. |a>r box. 17013 c Dutch herring. In keg*. 31.10; new mullets, halt barrels, 83.75. SYRUP—Market quiet, Georgia and Florida syrup, buying *4 2*ti.lue, selling at 330 Me; sugar house at 10015 c HONEY—Fair demand; strained, In bar r> Is. 56060 c gallon. High wtnea basis, 81 77 04 ESV I'll Eli.HTa. COTTON—Savannah to Boston. pet cwl.. c; to New York. p*-r cwt . 20c; to Philadelphia, per hale, 31; Baltimore. 81 FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen. 40c. 1,1 v erpool. ex; Hamburg, 66c; 1 (qo- Barcelona. 55 . M incheatev ; Havre, 4.-- Antw. rp, 4ft-; Ri val. srx-; It lt-id im 45 ; Trli-ste, 55c. INDlßECT—Liverpool. 350Mc; Ham burg ex-; Gotbenbiirg, 51c. LUMBER -Ry Bull—Freights steady; to Baltimore and eastward. 8t 50 to *5 75 per M . Including Portland. LUMBER— Ry Steam—Savannah lo Baltimore. 85. 4 )’ It. R or B „nd o deck*. K J), to Phtladelidila. 16 3-lc pci cwl. (4 pounds to fool); to New York. WSO per M. 87 35 to dock, lightered to Boston. i. 50 NAT AL STORES—The market la Arm, medium #l*c vesxels. Cork, for or ders, 3* fid per barrel of 310 pounds, and 6 tier cent primage Spirit* 4a 9d tier 40 gallons gross, and 5 tier rent primage. Large vessels, roaln, 3; spirit*. 4# 3d Bt, .im. lie tier 100 pounds on roeln: 21%e on spirits. Savannah to Boston, and 9%c on rosin and 19c on spirits to New York. LIIAI*. I’Hut lilovs. ETC. New 1 ifrk, Dec. 15.—Flour Inactive and nom,nal a# to quotalion# closing easy Minnesota patent 83 9604 20, winter pat enta, 83 "003.90 Rye flour quirt, fair to g>od. 12 WO3 05 Corn tnml quiet Yellow 4o Western, 66c Rye quiet; No 3 Western, 56%c. Harley steady; feeding, 421(46c. llorley malt dull; TVeiern. 65073 r Wheat—Spot steody; No. 3 red. 76%c; cg> Hon* opMud steady and were suat.ilne.l througliout nnait of tha forenoon by a -oaroltv of sellers steady caibes and wat tered buying tiy tonal snorts Closed K'ewdy *4 unchanged price*. March closed 79%c; May. 76%c; Deremlier, 77c. Corn—Spot firm. No 2. 46%c; option* market was upheld by further unrotis faoiory grading of Chicago arrivals, to getlier with beater cables, th* slrttdtneias In wheal ami local covering; closed dull und unchanged. January closed 43%c, May ctow-d 43- ; December, 44%e <>e"t-riltict quiet; No 2. 27'in; oprlons Inactive law steady Reef steady; family II 1.00013.96; me**. 89 0009 50 li,ef hams. 83".<0020 to Cut meat# quiet; pickled heiMea. 606 c; pickled shoulders, 5%06c; pickled name. 9%09%c. Lard dull; Western steamed. 87 60; ro flned steady ; continent, 87 60; South Amer ican. 8*.33; compound, 6%g4c. Itork quiet. family. 113 51016 00; abort clear. 314 04017 60: mess. 812'0013 00 Butter weak; creamery. 16025%c; stake dairy, 1602 H cheese strong, fancy large fail mail*. 11 011%c; fancy fall mod* small, U\g 12c. Eggs Arm; state and Psrrmayivanla, 360 39c; TVeatern regular packing at mark. 22 036 c. Potatoes quiet; Jersey 11.0001.97%: New York. 81.2501 68%; Long latand, 31.5401.76, Jersey ew:.ets, 31.7502.7*. Tallow quiet; city, 4%c; country, 4%0 5%c. Petroleum dull. Turpervttne dull. 4u' 4 '>i4lo. Rice steady; domestic fair to extra, 3% 04%c; Japan. 4%y4%.\ Peanuts steady; fancy handplckad. 4% 05c; other dcmeatlc. sc. Cabbages quiet, Long Island per 100. 82.0004.50. Cotton by steam to Liverpool 11c Coffee future# opened steady at a de cline of 10015 points and rulwl weak most of tha forenoon under liquidation, weak foreign market advices, heavy Bra silian reeelpts, big crop estimate* for Rio. burdensome supplies, an absence of outside buying, foreign selling and bear ish aggression. Trading was very active, total sales reaching. 42.250 bags. Including January at 6 4605 7Or: March, 6 1006.95 c; May. 6 9001.95 c The close waa steady *4 a net decline of 10016 points. Spot oof fee. Rio weak; No. 7 Invoice To nominal; mild quiet, Cordova. %013%e. Hugar, raw ateady. fair refining. 3 24-32' ; centrifugal 96-test. 4 11-3tc. Mo lasses sugar. 32)-32* . refined quiet; stand ard A. * 40 ; caifer tloner* A. S.OX'; mould A, 5.55 c; cut loaf. 6c; crushed, 6c; pow dered. 6.70 c; giauulrirtt 5.0 k-; cube*. 4.75 c, Plant System of Railways. Trains operated by 90th meridian Ins- Ora hour slow r than city tuna. Jll effect Dec. . 19u>. All Hull.. l.v. flavannah Dally. Argayanmk. Between 8 25 ana ........gavenaan. |l2 to arc lO am] IVayrroe# 1 o< am k to anyj .Jacksonville... 16 19 am 3 16 pmj and Florida *IJ 45 pin * w pm. plus . to pm Between * 1 30 am'........ Savannah ........ I 266 066 & 15 am Uharirsinn | 7 60 un 1 05 |.m and East | 4 55 pm ■ wick A B inewlelL Between. "40 mu Brunawlck IK a t 66 pm Je-up 4 25 pm Havant.ah and | 7 16 am . J • Mpm I'omp .'lions st Port Tampo with Penln -1606800 tor lv • v TV cat and Havana Mondays, T:nu6- dalys and Katurdays. 11.00 p m Call at Ticket Offices for further Infor mation. J. H. POLHEMUR. T T A TTARI) CLARK rttv Ttehet De Hoto Hotel. 'Phene 73 B TT' TVRENN Fars.nger 1 Yaffle Man ager. Savannah, Ga m qa ii'v ca * gchedule Effective Kept , 1866 Tram# arrive at and depart from Central Station, With Broad, foot of IJherty street 90eh Meridian Ttiip- One hour slower than city time. 10-eve Arrive Savannah' Savannah: Augusta. Macon. Atlanta ,| ** 4,f*in Covington, Mlllcdgev Ilie *6 00pm (ami all Intermwliate points! Augusta, Macon, Atlantal (Athens, Montgomery, Cm-j •9 OOptn lumbtu. Birmingham. Am- *6 00am lericus. Eufauia and Troy.| 86 00|.m Dover Accommodation j|7 46am |2 00pm Guyton Dinner Train. !H 60pm •Dally. lExcept Sunday. BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYREE, 76th Meridian or Savannah city tuna. LEAVE SAVANNAH Mor.dav only 625 n m T'ally except Monday 9.20 a m. Dally 300 p. m. LEAVE TYREE Monday only 7:15 a m. Dally *xc*|t Monday (O Xa. m Dally 5:90 p. m. Connections made at terminal paints with all tralna Northsreal. West and Southwest, Sleeping cars on night tralna between Savannah and Augusta. Macon. Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor cars on day trains between >a vannnh, Macon and Atlanta. For complete information, ached ales, rate* and connection*, apply to W. O BREWER. City Ticket and Fas tenger Agent. 107 Bull street, or TV. R McINTYRF. Depot Tloket Agent J. C. HAILE. General Passenger Agent. B tl. HINTON. Traffic Manager. THKI). D. KLINE General Huperln tundent Savannah Ga Double Daily Service The short line to Norfolk. Washington. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Ihe Eat'. ARRIVAL OF TRAINS FROM No 77 North and East 900 am No. 33 Denmark and lo* al Bta No 31 North and East 11 10 pm No 46 Jai keonvllla and Florida... 1 lo pm No 72 Montgomery ,m.| Weal 9 25 Pm No 74 Helena ail I*-al Point*... 6 65 am No 90 Jacksonville and Florida...ll 50 pm DEPARTURE OF TRAINS ~ ron No. 77 Jacksonville and Florid*... 6 60 am No. II Jacksonville and Florida...l3 14 pen No 64 New York and East 1 56 pin No. 34 lienmurk aid Augusta 9i& pm Vo 71 Montgomery and West 7 25 am '■'o. 73 Helena and laical Stations. 6 94 pm No. 00 New York and East 11 99 pm Magnificent Pullman buffet sleeping car service to Washington. Bultlmors Phila delphia and New York; also to Jaekaon vtll* ami Tanqi* Dining car* from Savannah to Hamlet end Richmond 10 New York. Ruffel parlor earn Savannah to Mont gomery For additional Information apply to Ticket office. Bull and Bryan alraala. Phone 29 cotton men oil. New York. Dec. 15.—Cotton seen ml quiet and fairly steady. Prime '-cud* barrel*. J6c. Prime summer yellow. 90%c. Off summer yellow. 10c. Prims white. 84 015 c. Prime winter yellow, 86%0t7c. Prim* meal, 835.(9). CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. Dec. 15—Grain and provision* markets were notable only for their dull ness to-day. Wheat closed nn hsngwl corn %c lower; oat# a shade down and provisions a shade to B%c depreased. The leading futures ranged as follows! Opening Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheat. No. t~ Dec 74) 7% 69%0ri 70 070% Jan 70%070% 75070% 70% D% May n% 73% 73% 13% Corn. No. S Dec 37 37% 37 97% Jan 35% 35%03G% 35% 3R% May 36'* 26% 96% Oats. No. 8- Dec 21% 21% 21% % May .. 236*038% 23% 23% ■% Me## Pork, per barrel— .l 912 36 >l2 80 , 312 X 913 S I. per 190 pounds— 7 7 30 7 15 717% J 6 90 4 to 4 37% 4 87% May 6X 496 .693% 6 92% Short Riba, per I'JO pounds— Jan 6 25 6 87% 625 6 25 May IX 687% 4 82% 'i 35 Cash quotations were os follow#: Fvmr dull; winter pi ten* 836603.9": rtralfhte, 33 1003 80; cleat*. 32 Mil K; spring *peci tiff. 84 3>>; patent*. 814008.85. sl-alghu. 3' flftr 8.40; baker*', 6 300 2 75. No. 3 spring wheat. 66071 c; No. 2 rod. 73%074%e. No. 2 corn. *7c; No. 2 yellow. 37%c. No. 1 oats, %'3S%c: No 2 white. %irßß%c; No. 3 white. 34%069e. No 3 rye. 49060 c. Fair 80 choice malting, 50060 c No. 1 fluxseeft 61.6301.64; No. 1 Northwestern. 8166%. Prime timothy seed, 86.60. Mess pork, per bairal. 311.12%011.X. Lard, per 100 peunde r.13%07.16. Short rib# side*, loose. 84 360 6 50. Dry salted ahoukb-r*. Ixraed. s'if6yc Short dear sides, bawl. 80856)675 Whis ky, basix of high wines, 31 27. 23