The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 16, 1900, Page 24, Image 24

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24 MYERS WILL BE OPPOSED. nvn.Y TIMKm AT Hm;iTII 4 no\ opfick cur < i.oti\<. n%v. I.llirrata Will llav# an Alilfrinanlr Tlrli* , t In llip I 61l ami Probably n M n y urn lit ( nmlldalr hi fh<* llrad of If—Mr. MoWillnn ( imlra* •tli'la (lie of Ilia lanoani'i* t inrnt and la Likely to !!*•• *om-- i lit it it to *iij l,it*r-l.i-'l*ior .1. J. VI I'llnniHiuli’a >nmr \|ao Mnllon r| |*o|ttt#*nl Uorkt-ri I'lraaril Will* Ihr ll n of a l.lrolf t am pnlita Mini a I llirral I:%prod Iturr of Kunila Wh©n th® for the mifonlty ©leMxn flo a 1 ycrday afl#*rr.rK>n, there were • no vot®r® on the ImiKh t>f Ilaflt* try * rrk H •-*.ll vin Thl* la th#* tuim •r of vot*r* residing In Ihe *ty dlHrlrb, th* county tegixtrailon bringing the total up to €.B3* Y-*>r ’y th# l ift day upon w hich tn.-p who wished to cat ® rot#* for a M * r and Aldermrit, to wrvp the city the two years next eneuing. no ill get thflr name* on tho Hat. Tb© * era in the corridor of tho Court Houte during She morning and early aft- noon lent or to the report that Mayor Myer* an I the administration tick#* for memi## rshlp In * oundi will flvut opputiildfi and plenty t-f U. Tho long line that wound up and down the corridor and finally lost M*®lf in l #• f q.x CbllN tor Mctiowan. a* the r*gi*ti ail>n la being done, a ,it noth* very largely of negro*-?. Moat of them ®e# med to be under the direct tan of Jchn Havage, well known a* an ad parent of the opposition, who I•• *KA ufter the payment of their tax*. 1 luring the day I ttie naim .* of sixty-three votes a Were fl'U 1 to tne llata. Tie* total ngMitratlon 1* mode up of 5,- I*7'* white voters and kf9 colored. Of the*** 4*® are re- dents of the country dletri - tnd hwca not rlir'iWp to vote In th** •mini* Ipal el©, tlon. Sine# the Nov* mb#*r election there hgve been tfddi-d to til® 2 p'<* th* ii tmna of 27f voter* Th® mere fa*'t that a mans name la oti the registration Sim will not entitle him to vote for Mayor and AUU-rmen. Th general® law require* ti.ot to voio at i* v election, th® voter must have paid hia taxes win-#* th** *tm© of the adoption of thi* laet con I tut ton. The v. ter, then* fore, fmat have |*aht hla t.x#-* t-> the •*at® arid county for and thla applies to property, prof®wl-trial and poll ix'h with equal for#* t’nder the *#pe<*al law juMk and at the present session of Ihe leg islature. It will not in* ner***i*ry for the voter to have paid hla xe* to tho citv The book#* f*r the payment of mate atei < om.ty taxea will I®* closed' Thurwluv That there will bo an >i>|>o*ilt lon t! k*t In the field at the city election In January ti.s practically tern determined upon. There were several caucus'*® of some of the active I,literal leader a list week and Ii was agreed that a tl <ket should be put in the fir’d. It le understood that the agreement re fer* simply to the aldermanle ticks*! Whether there will he h mayoralty candi date at the load of the ticket or not ha# not been decided At least the derision ha* not been given out. Th® probability I*, however, that the ticket will an* nounccd or.y a few day a before th# •.<- tlon and that the name of either Mr. T II McMillan or Mr. J. J .YfclJonougb will be at the head of the ticket. Preaent indication! all favor Mr. Mc- Millan. It 1® known that he has been Ap proached on the subject And It 1h very evident that he ha* the maiter under ©- irloua consideration. In fa e. It was free ly etated on the atrect yeep-rday that Mr had announ> *>d his candidacy When eeen hy a McrnU g N*w* reporter, however, lie aaid ihl* report I* Incor rect, "I do not rare to talk about th- matter now," *flkl Mr M< MHSan. “I mu free to nay. though, that I think there ahould he opposition t. the adrnlniatratloti ticket, nod 1 believe there will le. There la on eldcrahie more dleeatiafactl.wi with Mayr CMy®ra* administration than appear® smi the surface, and I do not think Mayor Myer® is no certain of re-election -a great many people nrc trying to make It appear. 1 do not think h® ha* given th#* city auch m good hindnea* administration There I* plenty of room for criticlam. The ealary list has Increased far above what it was In former years, anl men have t*e*-n |>|H>!ntd to office purely for politi cal reasons when their *ervl< •* were n*t li*#* led by the Ity." The chief objo* t of the Liberal* In mak ing a fight ®t the city election 1* said to b* not so much w th the hoie of elect ing the head of their ticket, but witn •ho view of keeping the party together and electing several of their aldcrtiianb candldate* With the number of tuumlna tlon® now being mule by |etty political Hub there 1a a strong prolathlllty that there will he some weak men on the CllllMi*’ ticket, and th* strong men In the Liberal ticket would stand a chance of in This hapiiened two years ngo When three of the Lltieial c.indidd • were elected, and the line* were much xn**r* closely drawn then than now. Another thlisc t at is being kept very plainly In view by the polith-tans <n l>oth •ides t* that h lively cnmptslgm* with c n- Sldenable moitry turiu-d loose on both side*, help® to keep the isirty together and keepj the workers 1n good epirlta There 1* a large element her** that would share In the distribution of the campaign funds ral woul 1 t** t3orr#*ton(Singly baa* Hied, from thetr i<Hnt #f view. An elec tion without opiM)nition would bo v# r> little to their liking. Mr. McMillan I* h very successful busi ness man and Is expected to put up very liberally f*r hi* #b- If he slKHild t ike the head of tht ticket. This would neces sitate similar n- th-n on the part of th adminlstmiioniKt* and th< result would tv* that a good many IhntliMtw! dollars would be turned lot>-o arrwjng the heelers •ii i worker* w. h tl u-jil vt® buy - sf tm ' - * support of the intminiatration continue to make aldcrmHtUc nominations. The Houth akle AdmArrlstratlon flub, which Is one f the lrge-t <f the number, w ll meet to-morrow nlgbt at its hill nt Whitaker and Beeond atr#*eia The club will In dorse Mayor Myers for r* -election and will twit one or more aMermaiilc cmdl clatre ui nomination. Mr. W. C. Krtpp, a well-known young r**al estate agen*. 1* favored by some of the |rmlrjent lead er* of the club, and hla name l* llk'ly to l*e brought tefar® the meeting. President W. T. Hussey may al-o receive an alder manic Indorsement. The committee appointed Friday night eat the meeting of the W \V Oaborne Ad* vn'nkMration Club, to notify Mayor Myer and AkJermen l>lxon an*l Bacon of theli nomination by the club, performed ihi< •kity yesterday. The committee consisted of Capt. \V. M. Allen. I A. follinl, J F. Zanlv. C. O. Hsoa and H furtls In notifying M.iyor Mver* the chairman >? the commlMee informed him that there h*) orlglnaliy been a division In the club, some of the member* favoring Alderman l’'xon and others favoring the Mayor. Now that AM*'man IHxon had withdrawn bis name from ron*Wl*ratlon the club was ur#antftiou* In Its art (on. 14HF.1) hospital m:w lllllt. Appointment • for Ffret Infantry Made by Cal. •••-is Inner. Mr. W F. Walker and Mr R. F. In gram have been assigned to the First Infantry as hospital stewards, the order emanating from Col. Gewlnner of Macon, surgeon general. Georgia State Troops The First now has a full medical iaff. Ir J. G. farrell b**irg surgeon and Dr. A A Morrison and I>r. J. g. Huwkins be the assistants. wot in ht>T mart aa itnpoßT. Mr. dnlllanon Mvpratrd Ills llenlal f tl*** Truil,*f Jonrnsl Slur). II • ! Fi* mm* G. dußlgnon returned v#it*rday morning from Atlanta, where h- has kwn for a week. Mr duP.gii*w refusal to discuss the article In the A - Journal, seating that be and uov. t *iidler ni l formal a p Htlcsi alliance .*gant P* riator Clay and Mr (Tirk How el other than to repeat the denis! of it* truth h* h; already made "Thcro ia nothing that I <wre to say *r rec ird to the mn’ter." ea and Mr dußlgnon. “further than I have already sail to the Journal The article w wll ou: any f<*ui*latlon in fi tor proi ii. ' ’* The gar of the artlcJ** in queHtlon reprodu ol Jn th® Atlanta li ;tcnc* of ? he Morning New-, the day at *-r it ap peared in the Journal ft was to the ef fect that tho warm personal and i*!i* t frl**ndwh;p tii't riiii existed between Mr •biltignon Gov. f'aiclbr and Mr lloweil w* a* an end. and Governor an.her. barked bv Mr. lu- It.gnon. woidd b* a candidate again %i H**n at or for trie Ren are Here In HavAnnah, where the relation* betw *r tbc-#* c* ntlerm n s* -m to be b# ’ ter understood than they re farther n**r?h the Mar* no lmfK>r?an ** was atta h**l to the rumor, so far a its truth w m ion f* i ! I wai i* • believed by myont wti* is at ai; familiar with state, politic** There was some wonderment. ai;d still Is. a* to the author-hip of and re i on for • tie rumor On Is face It would seem that if wa Intended to Injure the juridi cal pro*i >t* of one or ill the g# whom It concerned but the absolute futl!- llv of the attempt would ntn to negative thl* hypotbesf- Mr. diiltignon, wh#-n h was n-kd Ji’otit It, Fid he was at a pe* fe*t loss to a *dr n reason or give mii explanation for the report WILL HOT OH4TNITT IMR POT. Ilrlirrw Cemelerv Traateea \%lth drmv l*etttln f#r lafnnetton. The |vt|f|on of R A WII -ind other*, trustees of the Ileiirew Cemetery lots, against the Savannah T'nbm 8* itinn Com lany nrl the Mayor and Aldermen of the lty of Savannah was withdrawn from the Superior Court yesterday, the mih •liemi- **l and the restraining order pro viou-ly grant*d dissolved. The object of the suit, as set out In the j ctltlon, was either to prevent the b'l ldin;' of the new union <i#pot or to make the city pay damage® to the peti tioner It wa** claimed that n** of ths streets In Ivob*rtavllle. where the new de pot I* to be situated, had been opened in part through land which th® trustees lui oald the city f.r litis Sj*ecl®l and no otbri. Trie rll) .* sold thw portion of the street t<> the ITiiufi Siu ton Comisiny. and it was alleged that thl* wa wrongful, mpr.ter and INegal. It was also con temb-d that the city or Ihs romponv shoukl pay damage* for the resulting Injury to the remalnii<g proj*erty of the |e-tltlonere through the erection of tae d*-p*t and terminal*. Th® suit was withdrawn. It la under stood. by the voluntary action of the trustee and without any com promt*** reiving l*een r**a* hxl between the parties Mr S L. lwizaron represented the |ieti t loners. TO CHI HT OF LARFStIRT. street Itallivai I'*i Case t'arrled to I tilted ktates Supreme C ourt. The city will not collect the speclfl: and ml.eugc taxea It ha* assessed against (he Savannah, Thun*lerbolt and Isle of Hop® Railway Company without a fur ther struggle. The cas® was recently de dedly adversely to the company by th** Supreme Court of the state, which affirm e*l Judge Kalllgant's de.:don, refusing n Injunction against th® collection of the tuxes. The case will now he carried hv Merwrs Barrow A Harrow, representing the coin jam. to th* 1 Supreme Court of the Hub te.l States It iH conten.h and that the ord*- I.Alice providing for tiw* imposition and colitH-tion of the taxes is violative of th*. '•onetltu:tonal fwovieion prohibiting |h passaire of laws which Impair the obllgu tion of contracts. Mr. D. C. Borrow will leave for At lanta to-night to secure a writ of error from the Supreme Court of Georgia to the Supreme Court of the Cntcd State I his will act a* a supersedeas mi l until the ClS#* I* decided by the highest Judi cial tribunal of the country, the ojty will have to watt for Ms money, rrnhaps, cer tatnly If th#* case Is decided against It, U will not get the money even then. The taxes for 4K99 und lkn amount to H.SOO. This is on n basts of lift) fig* each mile of track within the city limits, am) s£ for each car used In the <ity. TO hi IMF. FIGHT* LOCHMFTV. % Joint t omm!tie of Four VMatrlet* to Meet f*r 'limt l*tirpne. The committee of sixteen, aor *otnte<l Friday night at a meeting of the Joint polltbwl workers of the four city vnllMlu dlstrlots, wdl meet to-morrow night to hoar the r-p>rt of the lesser cummitte#-. appointed at the *am* time, to see Mayor Myers and notify him of the meeting** Indorsement of his candidacy for Mayor Th® larg#*r committee expect* to s* the Mayor before Thursday, for on that night it will have another meeting, at which It Is expected will be put forward eight candidates, two from each district, to run for uldcrmanic |>odtions on the CltU*ns* Club Ilcki-t. The Ilrst District North Knd Club will have a meeting Tuesday night, when It Is possible that two aldermanle can H dates from that district will be (Hit for ward and Indorsed, prior to the meeting of the sixteen Thursday. I.ITTLF HOFF FOR MOMIOK. luung Man Inlureil in lllryrlr led dent \\ 111 l*rlu!ly IM*. Mr J Fred Monroe, young elec trlcjin who was Injured night ln*fore last in n bicycle *< citk nt at tho Intersection of Drayton and ldberty streots, Informn j tlon of which wh given In the Morning N* w* of ye-t-rday, sln very proctirlou® <*Mi<i.tton. Ir. W K. Fitch said at a la*® hour ln-t night i that hi* condition was very serloue ln*la-d, and that th*’rc ap peared to be little chnne® of hi* recovery. The shaft of the buggy With Whk h Mr. Monroe rniiubd stru<*k him In the left side, breaking thr*e of his rll** and caus ing an eflftiMon about the heart. It i* •he latter hurt that I* giving tlw trouble. The young mans nt the Park Vl* w San itarium. w her h** w .i- *nnt hv I>r. Fitch, who rmohel him so**n .ft®r the acchlent. When the doct< r urr vrl the y -ting man way ly ng upon the plat nhutig Lib erty str#'®t. w r h* t* h** Had u• n kn**®k and by the blow from ’he sh ift. Hpe**iMors dr (A are! that th • ti*nt had b*en dear ly the fagM f the drlv*r of the buggy. Non® of th# in knew him, however, and he has not been arnsb-d He was negn and that was the airly clue iha could be furnished the jiolic® to work upon. Tnkett In by Follee. Tom Rowland, cilor and, ®rre*ted day be fore yesterday by Detective Murphy on the charge of the theft of a cow, was be fore Recorder Ilsettidge yewterdoy. but his c®e® whs continued The owner h* been found for the oow He Went fled t at the barrack* yeeterdisy aixl took It away with him. G®orge Tune, colored arreted for the theft of Mr K. J. Kvlffer’s b*v>ds, was *iso continued- THE MORNING NEWS: ST NDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1000. WILL BE DECIDED TO-MORROW Mr.nrnr. or btatk r.ttn aovm# I lit THK MAIOH. I inoMln, rnnnlllm Will nml ,h. Hr.lln. Will W'li-th.r ,%nnnnli Mimll filT- Wny If* \ aldfiaU or W h-lli-r .h- Muill tin % hi-nil *ml rr lh , air—Mr. toi.i'i luifnli-M Work rll lloih W mjrm — A r W Ilk Him Whllr Olhrr. H.r 11.-rn Milr Mfrr Aftlfr In H-hnl, of Aamnnak—ln Tll. Way th f'nlr anl*.i*rl|fllon. Harr llrrn In rrrm,d. Mayor Myers ha Issued a cal! as t*m porary chairman for a m* etlnx ®t 12 -TO o'clock to-morrow st th** Mayor’s ##fh'® if the chairmen of the <’anva**tng Com mittee* and all others who have shown M ir Interest In * e Ktat* I air movement The object of the meeting I*. first, to re ceive ihe r# k |Kirt*’ f the committee.* aid to h-certain wfuit has been a room putti ed. anl. ** . ond. to sound those w.*io have shown an active intrre t In the movement, by thir work and by their auascription#!, whether or not the work shall be contin ued aid steps taken to formally pivs.*nt the city’s offer to the Bxe Uv C<ltnit* t#* of the Agricultural H** lety, whloh m#*ts In Mi Thursday t select the p.a< * of boldlt g Hie next H ate Fair. Th* interview in yesterday's Mcffiln;' News with Mr. John H. Young. In which ii® mg'd that Savannah should not, foi varloue r a.-ons. seek to obtain the fair N ncil as against Valdosta, was nod with general Interest. Mr. Young’* advocacy of Valdosta’* claims had two apposing effects There are a numb®r who ngie- with Mr Young that Valdosta ha* a |ri<<i •aim to th#* fair, and that It would he unju*t a® w#*ll a* unwu-e for ' A #\ ii ran t# antagonize her. fin the ni ir nnial. there at* others, woo ore <n **reat*d In th® fair movement, woo v#*r# •imply etirr*#l up to renewed efforts. Hav ing tx*g()fi the movement they do not f# **; * -din*#! to give way to Valdosta or any other place. Home of the merchants, who • v.* evin*d hut sltgnt In #*r*>t in the movement were sufficiently aroused by •he p#v-Iblllty of Savannah giving way to Vahkwca to Increas® their wuhscrlptlons. • n® well known detiler. wiio had put down only |3O, voluntarily Increased his sub - riptlon to slo>. and It Is tin#!# rat>jod others have done likewise. The ton** of tho meeting to-morrow will depend largely, no doubt, upon the show ing in id#* hy th® canvassing committ#•#*>* If the showing he a good one. the senti ment will doubtic**n be in favor of #*n 11ruing th® movement; If otherwise, there will be a disposition to yield to Valdosta Th® outlook I* that th® committee* will m.ak# a fairly good showing. Though nothing like th® proposed capital stock has been raised, subscription* have com#- n slowly but steadily, and the listw will probably show at least $15,000 subscribed it wll* doubt lees be urged that Ibis is a ufhclent nucleus with which to proceed ?> invite th#* Htate Fair h®re. Th® po**l biiity #>f lasing th* fair l*o promt** -* •• have th effet of aiding a number of *utwcrlptfcns before the time of the meet ing. *F\\ HAMTAKY % Fill! I.Ffl. tty’s Filth to He Handled In Metnl ll®* Hereafter. The citv scavenger department now ha s.x sanitary vehicle® There ar® three carts and three wagons, and 'all will be of work this week Horn® of th® vehicle* were out yesterday and attracted atten tion by I heir odd appearance. They hav e big metallic bodies 1n the shape of a half oval, with covered tops, thus Insuring against b#ih leakage and foul odors, on both of wiu h ground* there has been g *>d cause for compialm In the past. The three taro-horse wagons will le used for nuirket pur|#oces ami will remove the swill and debris from the market, the .hotels, restaurants and other places w here such material Is accumulated. The tniee one-!,or**- carts are for the use < f tfie thr#*e •<•* .jh*>l gangs on*- for each gang, and are Just the things to hold the tilth whl* h I* drawn up from the street corner c*-**i*ol* anl which has hereto fore been tmtUfortH through the street* In open -arts The vehicles were purchase I from the Pnited Hta e* Sanitary Company of \\ ithlngton. D. C. the purchaee having been recommended bv Director Gad-den some time since. Reside* being sanitary they tire very convenient for use ar.d will facilitate the work in* the lines in which they are used The bslles are u ting on fram#**. and, by means of a cogwheel, can be emjSted fit any Incllm*. They are also very strongly built, and may b expecteil to last a number of years The wagons weigh n!*out the *am ns the svooden wagons now in u# by the depirtment. and hold about the sam* quantity, so that there Is no loss In either of th®*® particular*. Director Gadsden hojxs that the Introduction of the*, vehicles will prove only a beginning and that the entire scavenger department will le equipped with them in th© next few years. , LOOKING Ft HI A FASTOB. Two Gentlemen of the lir*t Treaby terlnn t'hnreli on ®ueh n Trip. Mr f H Woods and Mr. K. C. Way left at noon yesterday for Graham, N. r. Mr. Woods and Mr. Way are mcmlncrs of the -ommOtee recently appotflt®*! by the eon gregaAlon of th® First Presbyterian Church to secure a successor to Rev. Arthur J. Smith, lately resigned. To day the gentlemen will hear Rev. Mr McCorkl© preach, aml should they think favorably of his abilities they will so te i#ort nt the next congregation il iru*e*ing at the First Presbyt# rlan Church, with the probability that up*>n thl* rejHW-t Mr. MK’orkle will be Invited to accept the pulpit of the church. lon t nn Find It nt Anything you want for Uie hoi slays In millinery, handsome trimmed hats for la *li*s and children, wish ribbons, evening w ar flowers; fur* for ladles and children -go to KrouekofT#.—ad. h Ladles* ©hoes. My fall stock of ladles' stylish shoes ha* Ju*t arrived. They are thV pink of p#r f< ctlon. If you are stylish, you wear th#*n Glad for you to s# •• them. A. H. Nichols • Broughton, west.—ad. Fine I hi hr®l lit*. With unique handles In gold, silver, ebony, etc Specially designed for pre sentation. At Sternberg A- Go's.—ad. Wo felt Vti'|#ntrlni Carry ynr w>t he* to J. A C, N\ Thomas, Jewelers. 124 W Baker R®p-*|r log done we 1 an<l cheap. Kyes tested free.—ad. Who’s lour Hnrflhriirif Pend her a gift from our More Our assortment Is complete, and Is flr*t-®la* and we do not charge you much. Ko h A Sylvan. 4#> Whitaker —d. 11} Men* Shoe*. My fall st<*ek of men’s and boy’s shoe* are Just in. They are beauties Well mad* •*Uh the bivsd ioe They Wll, delight you Glad to show them to you. A. R. Nichols, a iiroughloa, west—ad. I or th® Hllfa>e. Vrn Gnotle Arriving ISsillr* N®w tn*f**rt*tion of teas ar.d coffee* epecu.iy selected by our own agents at the pbii ® *f growth for the holiday table. Note our pDces: Rio fT #*e. (*#*r pound, lie, 30c; beet 2^ Java ffte. |>#*r pourd. 2ftc. 30*-; l#*t Isc. Try cur Java ar.d M >cha, three pounds, SI.OO T * *• enrgo prl ®. Oojong. Young ll>son, KngDn Breakfast, Gunpowder, J.ijMr a 1 ®yl n t#a, at 40c. 6A, tOc, 76c; b-Hi $1 |wrr pound. Dr.nk Tnea N**<*tar pure Chirr*® tea, pr r* ,n*l. a !■*(*• ..a- presen j ev ery pound. 16 poui.ds b#*tJ l sugar $’,.00 17 pounds b*s; soft wnite sugar 10 Fan# y Klgm rr-uni r> butter 2A’ A A 1* seeded Hi* ns I.® A. A !’ r l#-.r# • I urratUa 16c A A 1* splcee. .ill kinds 10c Mix#*#! *p cm f-*r fruit cjke n#w r**ady. A A F. liHktMi |Kw#l®r. pound can, 45c. A handeom® plate cup and *a>:er given wph • very p #und thi- week Wo are pl<vn *# r* In lb® buiwn* '-s and the only hou*® b-.Ulitg art cr w%th the eor:*um®r. We can and do defy lrgltiftiate competition. We have no agents. Tb* Great Atlantic an*l Reel Be TANARUS Company, 100 Hroughtoa • tr*et west Tel* phn® 616 II T. Wilson, Manager.-o#l Holiday Millinery +n le. Ready-to-wear ha s. 4.V; others a*k P Ready-do-wear ha*. o**-. rghers usk 62 m. Ready*to-wcar hats. $1.23. others a*k $:• r#. Pattern Iwits. Imported, 610.00, other* ask. 630.(0. Pattern hats. Imported, 67 00; others i k, 6. ■> Patt*m hats, imported, 66-00; others ask • t . <*h 1 !r#*n’® •rl?nm#d hot*. 62 50; others sek li-flft. Chll-iren’a trimmed hats, 63.50; others ask. 66.00. KrouskofF* -ad. Latllre* H||%rr Toilet Articles, In elegant variety for Christmas pres ents at ftternherg > a l I*OFt?L Alt lF ROTO ( AFR. Patronage of This Invltlna Flare Is • •rowing larh Da*. Th® rnf® of the D© Soto Hotel Is prov ing more ltd more popular with Havan nahlans who wish perfect service and th® best the market affords when they pa iron- Iz*) ii restaurant. Messrs. Watson & Pew rs, proprietors of trie De Soto, ore leaving nothing untone thi® season to rr k® the service m their caf#- absolutely lcrfect. They have employe6 a chef whose sole duty Is .o see that the patrons of tho ufe at*- served In th** most ap proved style. Since the establishment of the cafe, three years ago, |t has proven one of the most Inviting attractions of the hotel. T >lh seaoon It will be espe cially so. The cafe Is located on the first fl#K>r of the hotel and Is open until .at® in the evenings There i* no better place to spend a pleasant hour after the theater or f#r small dinner and fash ionable parties. The prices ar® moderate •ml the service th# best that has ever b#en given in Savannah.—ad. Iseflut l lirlutma* I'reaents S* at l\ rouLiiflr*. 66.08 buys a stylish ladies’ hat. 65 b> buys a handsom#' fur collar. 66.00 buys a very ban Dome child’s h®? 66.00 buys s stylish fur collarette. 66 buys a set of children’® furs. 65.00 buys n *et of artJlcial palm*. Go to Kromkoff n for useful and valu abl® Christmas presents.—ad. Holiday Kates *ln Southern Kati na y. Ticket* on sale to all points, a fare and a third f-r the round trip, on Dec 22-23- 24-25-30 and 31*t, 1000, also Jnn. 1, 1601. limited to Jan. t. returning. In addition to al#o%*®. stuilents h >Mlr,g certificates *ign*d by supeiinlendents or principals of school* or college® will be sold ticket* cofiunen lng Dec. 15 and limited to M Jas. Freeman, city |*is-enger and ticket agen-t, 141 Bull street. ’Phones —ad. Grip h:i® few nl irmlng symptoms—pity this. Tity that It de* not rack us with jioin ami torture us into a proper dread *f Its malignant power. Strong men have recovered from a light atta k of grip and found themselves ever ©fterwanl but weakling*. Men have been driven mad by grip or recovered to find therm-lv* *ton The medical profession has never yrt suggested a cure for thl* #lr*a#l ful (Rsewtse. Their remedies are only pal latlve measure*. Johnson's Tonic will jiermanently eradicate every grip germ In th# body. Dees th * quickly and there is a prompt restoration to perfect health.— at. The Prettiest t hrlstntaa l*resens. A* well a* the rrw>*t useful n#l appro priate,may be *electe#l from A C *s lar;e *p*i illy *• lect#Hl of dla monds. Jewelry, silver wares. rich cut glawswar®, and gold and silver novel- He*, suitable for ladles, g#*ntl®men an#l children. Lowest prices In the city on re liable goo# Is —ad. Holiday lllbhon Sale. Tuesday next, comment lng. aiul for the tialane® of the week, special prices <rgi ribbon® fr hoi day and mil leery use Re® jqwolal a#l In Tt®eHiy’s Issue* of this p ler. with lin#* of pric®* Just one-hulf of m hat other* ask Thi* lot contain* sot ina, wash ribbon*, taffetta atsl Liberty satin ribbon*; also fancle*. Krouskoff - ad. At Hleks*. Go to Hicks’ for one of those superb dinner*. FXerything In th® way of gam<* w‘il b® rejuJy for you. Fresh venison, wild duck*. quaJi. dove*, squirrels. Ivverythlng. remember, l* th® (kck of the gv>od thing* In market. Hicks—ad. Tlionneseii’a %rt Store. 11a* a large selection of beautiful and up to-date good*. Just the thing for holiday gifts. You are Invited.—ad. l.adic*' Tailor-Made t tnnica. Having secured an expert cutter and de signer of ladles’ garments from the lead ing house® of London, Pari* and New York, 1 am prepared to make any style of ladles' tailor-made rmtume* ut>on short notice. U. Fantlnl. Merchant Tailor, -ad. ('hRiiRP In Ty bee *ehedules Bffecilve Wednesday, Dec. 19 (Aavannah dally. D;!K a. m . s oft p. m Ty lee dally, M 25 a. m.. 5.30 p. m. -ml. Headquarter*. For fancy sweet F’.o'lda or tng. s, fsney New York siate H.ildwin appee, whole sale *n!p|er* fruit* and produce. Gran tham Brua., Bay and Barnard streets.— ad. Hay lone Clirl*tma* I’reaents With Old Gold. If you have avpr old gold, of any de scription whatever, y u can exchange I* at A Co’s for Chrl-tma* pre* ents. or they will pay cash f r it. as you wish.—iad A Hlfh-Or #l* Ins I uton for es Shorter catalogue—ad. OVER THE CANOOCHEE AFOOT. AND ALABAMA TH.OI I’KH IT* Kip-rird Thai Ik, llrl.ljt, D,r Ih, I'.K.m’kr, Will Hr ,and Ti>-Bl,hl and Tbm Tmlß® N*r Hr ll#.u in —*l, |M*r In Ir ml ,-n l I rrll <dlbrtl 1.„,r, Akklh To-ilm, tnr •hr Srr*. nt •!#• H rrrk—l.rrri Mm.. of Orl.rlK W rt. Ilnrnril I, Clrar It Ana, Thai Wmm th, l|ulrl.,*l Way In lp| lltuill llr* IMtlrlia th. Hrl.lur— I'lrr I ntlnr Krß *■* iinh— W rrrk Mill Com *onirlhln, I,lhr , I.*,<> A forr, of mrn M r.pCilv rrh ill !ln* tho firorfU ind Alabama Hal rotd bridge over the Canoocbee river It la ■ xpr. led that th, ork nUI I" hulr :.'.! to-nlAht, ami that passenger iral fr*ub trtilh, ran then be run over the br.-hte n, they mere before the accident of .lav be foro ye.terday, when twrnty+.vrn loo'b-l freiaht car, were preclplu :>■.! Into the tvoter, of the river. i’aftaenger trains non run up to th* (feelle on either able of tho river. Th-v •to not rroa. The trestle le b.l|v dain •igetl and a *ywrm by wh eh mall and bacir.iKe are d a r— he river haa been devised. A auseiv.i'- ua, been constructed across the stream rttipt. Cecil Gobhctt hitvine dlre. *e,J thi work, and (NtwenK* rs walk a rI H.iKK tce arst mall ore rarril a> to - t'oeeenaer trains run from dav inti.*., o schedule time and dlechorKe their iaie>> n ffera ot Ihe river A train le vvaitltui v* tha opfioslte hank to receive the |o -it. Kr and carry them westward. In the -ante way the eastward itv>v• fti -nt j- con tlttucd, eastboun.l pa -set.sera trot ft rred from the west to the cast aide or the river and taking lh ir.i.r - for Sa vannah. Superintendent Cecil Gabhett returne.l yesterday afternoon ftom the • rve of th wreck, lie wl’.l leave this fto'i ii s ac tin for Ihe bridge, whl h Is atevut tvv • n west of Grovcland. forty mi:*'- ;tom c-t vannah. The work uam the t • -11 • wll. be pushed as rapidly n, |w- t t The wrack s a one of (he mo I oomplcl thnt Mr. Qabhett lai-v ever sc. n. N-v-r, he sabl, had he seen such a pile of- .-tvrl - as that which towered from tto vv o CanoiH'hen when he arrived there day b loio yeelrrelay afternoon, n-!•- .ti having hurried frvsu Savannah • sup* rlntendeiit a, soon aa the new, of hr dl.a-ier wit received The wreck occurred as It sm, dc. r !■ <1 • n Ihe Morning News of yesterday, the accounts re. elvod of a h. i K *tr -tan llateil by Mr. Oabbctt, rave that no ot • was Injure.]. The twenty-seven ter, pll ed Into Uie river, but no trainmen were aught. Tine. Mr. (Jabhett each war due to Ihe fact shat all th** wtr- vv.-re lit*, ami brakemen do nort ride on th- m. It would seem that a stretch of twenty seven cars would have two or three brakemen nt least U|ton It. an I so I! ml*is under the old ny-ieni of hat. 1- brakes w-re It made up of box cars Co der the n.-w Interstate comic - r • low however, cars are e.]'itp|.d with air braktn and automatic couplir -s nml so many Iratn hands ore not n*ed-d Ce s vies, even under tho old method, there would scarcely hax'e been a brikeman .t any one of the twenty-seven, as Rats nre ,o loaded with lustier os to make It lm p. -.|ble to man pulate a han<tbr.ike. Twenty-Rve of the car, that tumbled from the track. Mr. Gabhett said, wer* loaded with lumber nnd two with naval stores. A flange on an F. C and I’ r.u broke two or three hundred fc • free •he point where Ihe car* left the treat and continued to pound Itself off unt,. that point was reached. The wheel, the superintendent said, was mad. hv the American Bolling IMo-k Company and wa* defective. The trucks of the tkr thnt h id Ihe and fectlve wheel left the track, but the an tomatlo coupling held the Is ly to the car before It and dragged It akorti; f.u n few feet before brisking. The Ndy of the car was left upon the (rest e, the engine and several car* with It crossing In safety, while the Rais began their wild plunge to the water, A section about 121 feet long was broken from the tre-tle. and through this the cars headed, following one after anoth r, until the twenty-seven were p;ld un hi the river. The others at the r.var m g t have taken the same eoursc. but the i le had reached higher that the trestle a- I they could not get ofT. Cars, htmls r an I naval stores were In a mas, as |,!ah n , the CUy Exchange, Mr. Gabhett id. . M .tiding U|>on a bane that w s only 1 feet long. As soon an Mr. Gabbelt a-rlv<*] he saw that unusual means would have to bo em ployed for the speedy removal of the o!>- structions to the track Traffic had to h resume.] In lt usual form as soon -p s . tdble. so the superintendent dot. rmli e I t.. burn sway tho wreckage, this tw log the only means by which necc-s could le speedily obtained to Ihe trestle f ,r It-, re pair. He aceonllngly telegraph.-.] to St vannah. requeatlng that a lire engine be sent, as he wanted Its service, to pre vent the trestle being burned when Hr. was set to the great pile of debris. A special train left do city laic night before last wilh reserve engine No. 2 and Assistant Foreman A. M It-gers. Ft glneer J. ]|. Bordnave and fvupernumet .: l>.n Connors slsiard. The train arrival v ithln n mile and a quarter of the wi ■: i ttlsiut ! w o’clock, and the engine w.t there unloaded, a gang of some slxtv i.tgroew rtsaistlng in tne work. The gat furnished the motive power for a kv trip, the engine hud to lake through th. woods to the river, ns a long trestle ap prosclws the river, and the engine could in no other way have been pi, i.l u p i the bonk In readiness, for nction. It vv.i a long and tiresome trip through Ih. wo.>h< at night, but was Anally finished At about 3 .**( o' ~<ek llr- w is st irt. • two barrels ot spirits of lurjs . tin.- 1 n stove and poured upon the del.rls I, f. . applying the Rattles. The engine. In ihe m.anttme. had got tn action, and strean s Were ujxin the trestle, provent iHi it from taking lire. | A tremendous blaze was made by the debris which burned fiercely. The engine continues! Its work until 2:30 o'clock yes terday afternoon, wiien It shut down The same tortuous course back to the point where the engine could he lond- l upon s ear was then bik.n, nnd the H >- lAratus and the firemen arrived In th city last night at 7.3.1 o'clock Tney sad that every provision for their comfort had bern ma le by Mr Gabhett, snd ;hey • merit they had received Asked for an estlmvte of the damage done hy the work, Mr. Gabbett wild thi II would scarcely be *ls.opi That amount, ve east would cover the cost of rqolp ment, lumber and naval store*, that wer. destroyed. In nor and Ihe repair of th*. bridge. The acddenl was of a character that Is w*en bul very Sebkm as Hang are construct.*! so carefully as to leave little danger of their ever breaking. For th.* Holiday. Our llnby Novelty f nlrndar. We have published specially far our pa tTona our baby nov, Ity calendar and In Its production Ithograpby ra- excelled It self. It Is printed In twelve oil poors and gold, .-legs. d!y mbo sed ted It sln the form of a pyr -md seven and a half nches high and live ond a four h n. at It, twee Thl, beau Iful calendar wv be to all purch-t-ers of na,. ■•fTer. -p| e. extra.- and ' nki'g pvv and r durlrg the we. k T e Gt-ear All tic .ml Pacific Tea (’ompinr lfl It- urh on street, west Telephone 61& H. T. WiW., Alanagar.—ad. "Th, hour conceal'd and no retnot, fh# foar, Death *tlF. <3raws n®urer, n®tr ussin n* near.” I #ti*h i® rfrtaln. thut we krw: i*.j hat It la a month nearer n*rw than It a .I,* a month *go. we Rn®w; but m e in . w r.oi the hour anrl th® d.y—ih® vary r#> c*on why w#* should prepar® for th® n ir.*r of i® ur.welcome guvst—WU stand in no .!• ul of ih® ®v®ne. I'j jt. dew. tne preeent is sll. any of u* ! . • It i* unwise to procrastinate, wt.) Knows of t.uf morrow? You am 1o n. beet# • 'han to serul your nut and *!- .p - u.’ xut delay, to Harty 6c Appi®, mu -..■•(> for G< erxi*. The Massachusetts Mi, ii \aU Insurance Company. The -f . reiHiM® and ®ronjr, It* |.*l of ;® not otily attractive. j; .out tin equities which protect you. matter* r•' %' t the oontirxency mint You will i># nxlljent of your own i r*- - unl -® you ar#* inform**! ••> M**- i ] *# •• m<l :he plan* and pollcle® -r th* used* Mutua!. Write it t* • u I you will receive full informu i:7 lky street, east. Savannah, Ga —ad. ll4*4U‘ ll*ll* H*re. T. a* !mp#*rt of ria‘ French bisque dolls hi* b#* , n btdatrd. but we have Just re* i\ 1 a<)vh # s of It* arrival, and on to rt .< rri-vv M i i.\), w* will shorn- our u®- i... >!!♦• of in* dolls The*® doll* are th® i*lmim • J • uKbt to Hav.mtiuh, and We o-k t .uly 't-Noilon * th** l*niiintl is al* wuv in • \ ---* of fhe supply Our display . * ho i!a> K**# ds I.** the most extensive ,i\. t*v.r rmub\ It Irvdudes the best **. pur#''banolile an*l represents the r iin of th# marts of this country. Kti i • . lid Ah i In China, msa! art lamp?*, kl.#.-**• ware and floe cut-Rlans • at# complete. We are sol© as* nt f-r th# Llbbey cut-r ©s®. the tln • t ut-coss in the world We Invite an , arly tnsj*# tlon of otjr holiday display Tho- \\t.-t A Cos., 11 Brough 100 streot, w cat.—waJ. (ientb-Mrn loaklng for < liritmaa. Present* sh Hild go to Krouakoff’a, where ttiey can get Fur collars. Fur Idvii*. Fur ®#H;i:irest®t F-*<her Iksh®. II irtl-tm.® hat®. rh,Mr’fi’s fur sets, ® Artiflv ini plms. < I Iren’s hats. Baby caps. B (by U-r net*. T . lw.\. all useful and appreciative pres- nt* for IPG-• ooat. KroaekofT ®.—ad. Don’t. Your nil t.*ld. Throw Away. Sternb# rrr A Cos. iv.ll pay cash for old *joM In whatev*r b f#e, or exchange new m iU fur it -a I M > Children’s Shoes. I have received th* best and prettiest line of children’* shoes to be found In K*- vannuh. They ar* open for inspection !.• vv. You enn’t beat them. Glad for you to call A S. Nichols. 8 Broughton, west —a f l. Holiday million X|p. Tii®*diy next, romtnen lng. r 1 for th* ha!rice of th® week, special prices ®t rlbbot * for holiday anti mllMnery use R.*#. special and In Tuesday’s i“sue of shls pa jh r, will* I ne of prices Jinn on®-half of what other* ask Thl* lot #x>t>tains sat r wash ribbons, taffetta and Liberty .*in ribbons; also fancies. Kiouskoff’s —ad. Sleexe Huttons. Se®rf fin®, etc. St# rn berg A Cos. ar® dlspla>*lng beauti ful lines of ladle* and gentlemen’s and t mond and go!d Jewelry In the latest de slgn* and settings*, exquisite Christmas presents —ad. G. I nntini. Merchant Tailor. High class ladles’ tailor-made coatume* maic to or*ler from t e la’fst pattern® nnd most H**b t t stock.—ad. \ mn* I’reaents. We hove el# i?nt gold and silver pres ent* for either lady or gentleman. J. A <\ N. HTtonui*. 124 Whitaker.—ad. tilvr Thmr to I’rletitla. Diamonds In ring*, necklace*, watches, br.i*‘<-1•• t cuff button*. Cut gin** bowN. Sllvt r pier#**. Dresden clocks. No finev (>k**#l K hA- Sylvan ##, 46 Whita ker street.—ad. Florida Ornnaes. Shl|ui©nf■ for ( hrltiiin®. Or#lcrs for fine Florida orange® and grapefruit, to bo shipped a* **Chrtlmas l*r*-sonta” may now be plne#-#l wkh us. ami will have our usual careful attention ©nd prompt dDpatch. W. D. Slmktns & (’o., 213 an#l 215 Bay street. —ttd. I.nili#'*’ nnd >ll®se* Wniolira. We have n beautiful select on of lad!®*’. mD * sand boys’ gold ami silver watches for Chr.Mmas presents, a* well as sulta ble clMiins und charms Brice® very rea. -onxble and our guarante© Ui<*k of all. Su rnlerg & Co.—ad. Mlisl I* DtlerlKf f It Is a sure cure for all skin dDHises It • urts Iti-h. t©tt**r. ringworm, ecz-fna. silt rheum etc. Never fails. Nothing Is "Just a> cod." Don’t n • *pt substitutes. Try anti you will be convinced, a thou ads of others have. If your druggist doesn’t kep |t t send 50c in ©tamp* direct to the maker. J T. Rhuptrine, Havannub, Ua., for a box postpaid.—ad. llottln> Itllibon Sal®. Tuesday next, commencing, ami for the balance of the w*-k. special prices on ribbon® for h*diday ami mil.lurry use B®* pedal ad. In Tuesday's Issue of Gils p,t- I*®r. with lin*- ot pric#*® Just one-half of what Other® ask This lot contains sat in®. wash ribbms, taffetta n#l Liberty .*atin rtl>bon*. also fancies. KrouskofT® —ad. IVoli#ln> Kate* Via frntrnl of tieorgia Hallway. Tickets will Ik* sold at rate of a fare and a third round trip on Dec. 22. 23. 24. 2'*, 30 and 31. 1600; also Jan. 1. 1*)1, final limit returning Jan 4. 1901. In addition to the above, ticket* will !*• sold to students of a#'hool® and col leges on presentation of certificates signed bv superintendent, president or prlncifMi thereof, on Dec 15 to 21. lndualve, ima limit returning Jan. 8. 1901. Ticket om * 107 Hull street and Central Passenger Htatlan.—ad. Mr. Dent gay*. "Greybeard has well nigh cured me of rheumatism from which 1 have be#* n n grout sufferer th# lost fifteen ye.-irs " Mr. D. n s postotfl' #' St. Simon* Island. Oa. Rev. John Chris*lnn of Pierce, Ala says "Graybcard haa cure#! Mr*. John Children* of Baldwin #x>unty of rheuma tism In February before she b*-gan to up to die. She la now sound ar.l well." Gravbenrd Is made only hy Respe** Deug Company. -o‘e owners and sold by d-*cl* ff r t’nn bottle Every family • he# i h"vv*• * h x ®f Oraybesrd Pills and Oraybeard r>'r*Te*n —ad *t#t. ri* ( •* r.lssawsre. Richest and mm* odginal designs arer shown In Savannah. A set or pt©c® mike* an elegant present 6tembrg A Oo—ad. Don't Overlook the fact that we have the most com plete lines of In dies’, Men’s and Children’s Slippers. in kid, felt, satin and patent leather, made and designed especially for Holiday Presents S:e oar Hiadsom; B adei Slipper^. FOR USEFUL CHRISTMAS “GIFTS” —GET ONE OF OUR— HANDSOME LAP ROBES, HARNESS Or SADDLES Congress and Whitaker Sts LEO FRANK. I ]cpj ud 2 ment n purchasing Christmas presents. The best is never too good for our pa trons and we are not content unless we have the best to offer them—the best Stoves, Ranges, Oil Heaters. Hot Stuff Stoves. Cooking Moves. Everybody knows about the wheels we sell. The Cleveland is the good thing at all seasons Nothing is better as a Christ mas present. An extensive line of Housefurnishing Goods. All kinds of Fine Cutlery. oranges: oranle^:: Peace River Valley Flcrlda Oranges, FISEST Fi.oitlliA runic*: khi it. choice siim. —ran mlb bv— A.EHRLICH&BRO.. Whokvale Grocer* ntnl I,iquor r>*al#r*. 111. 113 and 115 liny Street. MI.NGLEDORFF& CO. MACHINE BLACKSMITHS AND BOILERMAKER* Telephone 553, 510 Indian street, Savannah, Oa AMISKMKSTa. JAVAMAII THKATRH. ONE NItJHT ONLY. TUESDAY. DEC. 11. By arrangement with the Auguatln Paly Estate an elaborate i>nliK'tlor of th* auccesrful musical coined jr. “A Runaway Girl. with Mr. AKTHt'R DUNN and alaty p*’- pie In Ihe mat The merriest and ' * of all. A thoroughly cs.psKe comp*' > magnificent chorua and ballet; rich ' ! picturesque costumes; elegant scenic em be.l(ahment*. and delicious, bright, an catchy music. PRICES—IISO to Sso. §AVA\VttI THKATKK. WEDNESDAY EVKNINU. DEC. I*. The liable Screams and so wl l you at H C IEROYLE In the raging laughing comedy PI H • PEOPL ’S MO .i tY. Be arise for once and aee tenet..m* btg. I'RICES- 41 00, 71a, Uc and Ba. WM. & H. H. LATTIMORE, West Congress St.