The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 16, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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knight again to be mayor. vv ihhiim pkopi.b k'lfct Mini. <|FAL TIfKOT. •> •>■*•** J • **• '" , * l Providing for Hhllf Primary Un , | ost—l 01l Aldrrmnnlr Ticket Hil< NomliiHfrd—Mr. Rnlrht !• I |. a Id th* Poalllon of Mayor for Mnr | ran Ofhrr Srm Proa \\ny pro**. w rof. Pe<?. IS.—At a man 4 ,|„ta Hou# last night for th© of nominating candidate* for and Aldermen, Judge J. L. Sweat I u resolution for a white primary. ; ; *.i ioat. .1 Walter Bennett then placed in .•■„n the following gentlemen: Hon. A. W. Knight. aMervnen. w ! 1. C. Il Murphy; S<*cond Ward, v J** f Third Ward, W. ft. Craw . i:rth Ward, J. M. Wella; Fifth I h Williams Members Board j a lion, J C. Humphreys, W. J .well and W. M Toomer. j leclde<l by the meeting to vote , h of these eeparaiely by a rtalng vote. n *re was no nomination for mayor In •r\ to Mr. Knight, ar.d he was ns te*l. Murphy and J. P Ulmer were t | frvrr. the First Ward, and Mr y was elerted. II ,ison and J. A Jones were rotn . f om the Second Ward. Mr. Jones .•lecied. W S Cruwford for the Third ward •!r j Mkt W©n© from the Fourth i v r* nom r. 4d wl hout oppoeitlun. , r • H. Wllll.ima whs chosen to suc i birnK*-lf ov©r Mr F. M. Hawkins, . we.- nominated for that position. w*# no opp ai on o ManraCan* *.* 11 imphivye and Tootner for mem rf the Board of Education. • *©> Introduced by Julge J. L. , |,n* for a whit# primary on <■-.* > Saturday n Pecmh#r, 1901. r-i *n by ballot and was |o*t. the vote • - * • for the resolution and 77 against A M Knight, who nominated t to aticceed hlmeelf as Mayor of v ••*'*. his bald the position nine He was .Igmt of the Plant Bys ,4 • >:k {Mint for many years, htit re \ ho was elected cashier of the C*t- Bunk. Rinhl.inu M Tray. F. R Trent, manager of the Wiv- Opera House, was painfully stab the ti.- k last night by Julius Mur- The I|ffi uty occurred ivar the i l. i tn<l aroee over Mr. Trent s • t. dl*i'r*e a crowd of boys w to r iti-.l near the building Mr. al*red the Murray hoy s face and ■ - ifile that followed, he received .• in the neck making an ug*'y ga Iv - -it three inches In length, and i • alf an inch deep. It Is not dan* . . v hu is very painful. Muri w. ff put on the docket to an the Mayor's court for fighting, . Mr. Trent did not appear, the eae* •yifilnued und will com** up later. \rrbdeneofirf of llrßionlrk. ■rot mooting of the Arch leaconry ► \vl.*k opemed to-night at $ .. \ .resses were m.tde by Rev. H. ink* on 'Youth, th* S©aon ot >ti < at lop to f>*d;" Rev. W L. . i.i M ral.ty No Substitute for R. v. J j I'erry on "Rever* • rahl# Harry Casall. Arohd©- . 1 el T-m rrow morning a - viMt vn of the Holy Commun .1 a .In*#* by Bisb p Nelson, ut 10 ni aMr *s©s by visiting clergy on t .nn Work In the Uhurch;" Bun .rnlng at 11 o’clock. eo tlmuMlon • holy communion an*l sermon by ! ■ .C. K Neison. M* M T Ward, who was reported • ■n , **ra Uy insar.e at Ta! la lot •#*•©, Fla-. • ..j t * ity las*, nig rt. accompanied Mr I rrnet Brew r It is thought Mr . wit! to* all right ill a few days He • utl> ncd.* rest and quiet. Heath m Waycroee. 1 gophln Kuntre died last night • *:..rc- . avt of the city. Hh# was ** f jure ard wan the widow of the \ • l-r Kunice and aun of Mr M i; . The body was laid to rest I*l* asnt C metery this morn i al - -rvlces being conducted ;• v B A Johnson. I m (Bertn i* ft yesterday morning 'k Ala . where he attends th* , • .. fi . A ahama l** his old hi I ne has one or two brothers * *;•• ministers of that conference. ni.i rial is belrg hauled for the hr It k wholesale warehouse and : rooms of the Brice-McCudey Cos. at '■ street. I 111. ( lll\l M NO*tTK9B. U hm Bspeets of Her finest—Pt l|U*tle at Table. From the York Tribune. • only foreigner who l rev*elveJ Into ne houschoUl upon anything ap t h Mng terms of familiarity is the ’ m medical missionary. With all prejudice and supers! It loti, the more • ih'*m Chinese have acquired great * denea In foreign ph>alcians and their * >*dc and railed In a professional ity, the woman doctor soon be*'omes ir .*nal frlerul of her Chinese pv lint even in making formal muat wait until she is sent for. **.i of hospitality lelng made i stive family. It happens oc *.Uy by thiH means that a globe ' fig foreigner Is Included In the in* *t **f < tea or feast in ole for the fam phvalclan, though such an event is r itv f. to i*e notewirthy. A woman t'd for everal years with ocie of • ‘ c.tjona in Pekin ail that sho had ej once crossed the threshoM of u r*‘t house, her diplomatic poattklfl t > .i k to a ompilsh what the rkill and ! * •riaog- reverenced by the Chinese be* and any mere rank or wealth—of the 1 .ii doctor res Illy brought about, "hen the day has been llxed aixl all ■ i redmlnarles arrangesl, the hostess ? her own cart to (he home of her * si* to carry them to her house A "•um servant accompanies the vehicle, '"I on one ahaft. the other being by the driver. This decorous ••ieronage Is necessary, in accordance " b (*nm**se ideas or propriety, none native women of the lowest clauses Cg Able to dispense with It. Ail Cht* Mines are arranged around a court. * house constituting a separate apart ! *t. in w hich the sons who bring home ir wives reside, and rear their faml- The court iw concealed from the * *e? , v w high wail, which effcqoally 1 •ut the public gage. At the g.ite the court the mother-in-law—the •and of i jo house with a select company *r ftauirhter-ln-law, awaits the *r ql of th* visitors, the nurw*“ or amahs, other privilege*! servant* swelling • v l. ail eager to see the Interesting ! feigner*. Reception at the Bale. A *#nol Is placed beside the car. tipo' l > one steps and entering the court Is a babel of welcome In hi-h --hed Chinese voices and much shak -4 hands—Fhlnese woman fashion—with '* • *?< hed fist pla <ed upon the other and m oved slowly up and down This ity over ih<* pro eeelon—children. vanis. daughters-ln-lew. guests and dher-ln-Uw-moves arr> the court to •partment* of she latter. Thewe e m. st desirable of all the am all. gray k hou** In which the family have * slowed themselves, being more spacious. comfortably furnished, and, where It le possible, facing the south to get ad* vantage of the winter sun. At the door there Is a halt, the host**ss urge# the guests to precede her. and they, previously coached, refuse she Ur*** them again and the> again refute, and this is repeated until at ust they pass In before her, as It was meant from the flrw that they should do Once under the low. gr *y ti ed r*v>f (he same routine must h* observed befor** they are sewred—usu ad> up*n the k ang or brick bed. unless It be genuine reception room, w hen lor g • gged. stralght-backe.i chairs are prof* fered These stand doe against the wall on either side a small, square, long-legged table Almost immediately a servant brings In the tea—scalding hot. r ear and sugarless, but with • delicacy and flavor unknown outside of China It |* served in a pretty f up held in a porceiain holder to prevent burning the Angers, the lid serving a- a •trainer, sinev oil tea i. mode in th* 'ip Sometimes thin strips of rice flour paste are served with th.* te., crisp and faintly *we. or candied nuts The tea pas*ei around, the hostess begs her guests t> drink; they refuse, she implores th*m: they again decline, and after the prop ♦•rttea have been *atlfled they lift the • up. Ikiw profoundly, and another or J.w, Is over. A she sipping conversion becomes g. neral. and as a k;ow;.-|ge of th** language is Imper itively nece *ary. the medical missionary jn l* rstanda per f**ctly all that is said. *nd Is expected to ntrrpret, hoth tl> lnqulrk. of lh hn*, an.! th, ri* of hrr i..„ formntr fn,nd. V' tth ,11 thHr hurh,nom* 4 qtirtt*-- th, porvh.-rou, form- of which thry <: Ht re ■rr>-'-It t- f'hlnoA.' to ,t*k .nil manner of the moi’ rll ro. t ai .l p rsonal qumtlona. Thn* h <'tnbarra.ln* at I mnn. hut thnt 4h clovnr IrWcrprMor usually ha* auffl tit wit or doll.rjcy to p\w<ln thnm. of, at any rat* to oft. n thntr anpnrltk* Plfwt of ,11. th* vl,hor In a-kr.l hnr ajtr. and If *hr nmm quit, \. th.a 1- rn m trk~l upon with thn frnnknnaa an.l irnnlalltv It |, not to t* ootiAtru—l aa ntdonor-; on Dm cnt'tmry. It 1- 4hr h*h*t .-om; 1 tup.* that t-.n - pt and. ? ■ for In thn top*y-turvv MhMlo Klnirtom -vArythln* la rayww.l, an<l votith ami frrhn# ar* pf -mall roupldoration rotn rtarntl to Ihr tllptl’y, pray hair, amt capr rlan.'o of aim Should tlw tmt— r mark—aa ahn my~that h-r vlaltor ap ir-ara much younrr than hnr jraara would wwrran*. th* lirttorant Wftrrn harbartan haa no cataw to fori Batt,rcd. for it Is a distinct expression of dta-ip polntmant. The question of dta|v>ss.l of Itiqulr!sa arc than ma.W ns to the “hcyiorabls country." of the vlattnr*. Its stxs Its and stance from C'htt a and the tercth of time the Journey acr.-ss larel and •ea won occurred Cons depot.!.* Intepes* <s mantfesfed a* to one's Impressions of *'e llts 1. tfferenc, areonr us a" to tn* "honorahle . ounfry." ..f the visitor*, tts site pa dt.stun'.- from China and the tenjrth of time the Journey across land nd sea has occupied. Consi tenable inter est Is man festetl a* to one'B impressions of th# Host—that touch of nature which mokes the whole wor'd kin. Tfhl! thia ta’k Is *s>tn# on a fa vored daughter-in-law may hive been l<*rmttted to he preeent. but she never ventures to speak, or stt In the pretence of her mother-in-law. unleee itlven per mission. whieh is rarely rransed. Dree* a Frnltfnl Theme. Among the women of Chirm, a- wit'a • ho*., of every other country on the elohe. dress Is a fruitful theme of dts oorse. which can hard y he exhausted hou.d ahe be a "hound foot" woman he hostes, will show the collection of !ny ahoe* which she has been embrold hi yod thread an-1 many colored ■llk floss or iv rich her daujthtera-ln-law ia\e embroidered for her; and she js o! ahove rali.u* attentl.Ti to the rainbow -olored brocades of her own rich tr u • n.nts. her Jade bracelet*, the hoor* • dull X dd set in pear., w hieh adorn her ars. Sn. finder* the dress of her visitors with childish curiosity, hat. veil, Kloves— which the Chineae especially admire— ill commit In for *nna am mine and in tenuou* comment. "Did a forelen tailor make It?" h* fn nrtably aske.) of one's sown, and the ose ntltnc eieeves and bodice are tol ratrsl ns a part of that strarute *ty which Is one more evidence of \\>s •rn Inferiority. Ibirei. ever ertix-ated. except whore hey have been sent to mission schools. Ivin* practically a prisoner within tn ■ourt. seldom RotnK abroad, takind few Journeys, the inteUid.nee of the averaste hlnese woman la ao limited that the practicable theme* of conversation nr soon exhausted. !• I* a re.ii f therefore, when the visi tors are Informal that the feaet I* served, i'his is always prepored In another apart rr.ent, s|Hcn.i upon a square table of pol shed woo.l The plates are very tiny, the cup* in which hot nine is served hoel intr hardly more than a thimtileful. and the depeer! tat served first. This is ar ranged in row*, for It may he "a feist .ii threes” or "a feast in fours." at which four d.rhe* of four rows each are heap -.1 with fruit, square* of stiff marmalade and candied rune, all prettily uari.le.ied with apricot seeds. The final is excellent ami most temptlncly arrarißed with a fastidious rtihi for artletl effect and >y way of tempthiß the appetite. The use of rats, eat* and dogs I* confined to the very poor In the southern province*, and they are never served upon Che tables .f the well to do. The principal iruc*l Is seated at the left of the hostess, fhfs beln* "the honorable p aoe’ another Chinese reversal of West ern custom. Usually a knife and fork are furnished or the Wetern ttuest may brine her own -thould those not be forthcoming, she will huve a painful struggle with the chop sticks. which a noil o can scarcely man iac. Thi. however, will only artorJ umusement. the hostess being privileged o laugh as much as a: a likes at the awk wardness of the foreign visitor; the *.-rv intf also being permit led to gather about end gigx> at the mess which she mak>s with the unfnm.linr Implements. As fa*' as a course* Is disposed of the viand* yr -cmoved, and Che menu, always a lengthy me. comprises a bewildering variety of ■lab. fowl, frlucra. Illti dump, ilngs gathered In o flowery rutile on top in.l dc orated with tl ter* of vennl 1 m spots, beche tie mer—dewed sea alugt— . .miso sprouts, water chestnuts, ouibd ggs and. last of a.I. rice and soup No dice are the llttl-- plates changed aid f the food Is not eaten the formdaht' h a glows higher and higher. To change the •late* woud be fata to the hu.<e*. ah. would certainly die within the year. She. throughout the fifteen or sixteen ourpes, has breathed stertorously. and • mocked her lips with a gusto, this beinx he acme of Chines* elegance. Phe lias also thrown upon the paved floor nny rem unnt* of fool which she wished to pul aside, and upon these the pel cats of th. Household regale themselves Finally, when It I* Impossible to rat another mouthful, the visitor- If she can speak th ■M gunge—use* the polite form, "Katen full." and I* obliging!y excused thereuion torn further efiori. The hostess ilses. and she, with her visitor, return* to Ihe reception rvom. all me former tedious ceremony repeated. liid there tea is ngaln st rved. When the proper hour for departure ar. rives, the visitor* are es. orttd to th- ;nsl sent back lo their own houses In h. Ir hostess's cart, again accompanied V hrr servant. If they have male a fa orabte imprrsuton. within a iay o- two he s riant returns wtlb a sift—a a .uve- Ir of the visit preserved by the boat **s. ffiilNmrti Muf Mr Uhlftfil Owl- Wichita. Kan.. Dec. 15.—Jt la reported i th< irau men expect to be ordered L UI by 7 o'clock In the morning Every ndlratlon show* thet they are expectln< .n important devel potent of aome kind !i was staled to-night that the yardroas ter ha* been advlaed to be pr spa red lor a trainmen's strike. THE MOKNING NEWS: SUNDAY. DEC EMBER Hi- IMOO. PARDON BOARD OF FLORIDA. IT HAS ltRF.\ ( HITICTARD ON Tltfo orroniNo LINKS. lltNiirda M#r Out (hr Malrmr*! Thnf thr Board llm llrrii ( vnirr air of Ihr Allnntlr, \al doi* anil \\ fMrm %jfalu#t thr Jri'litiinvlllp Irrmlual to. liar Hrr a Antlraltly llUmlaacil t,ool ltrall Mwiw n In (hr Florida OhrmiM'a (hparinirni, Tal.Aha#rr, Fla.. Dec. 15-Th Btct< Bardontng Board of Florida !• al prMNit, and lor tom# llm*? hji aer. in# ot- J#*ct of two llnra of crittclam, diainetrlcai ly op;>orvl. One comidaint 1a that ll la next to lm pf**aibo to f*? ur# favorablr actioa, and ih other Is lhat aher# i* too ilbrral uao of the panlonlnc i*>wrr. Th© rworda furnleh ooirvlnrlna ©viden' that th board bren exr**Mnuijf careful and con ©ervativa about rrx>mmrnUlnic tha liov ernor to jiardim or comniui ©’nteucea. The ]a*t official rrin*rt anl Inrr r<s'ord© ©how th© i.umber of pardona and of < jmniuiationa re'ommrnded by th© ir©- toard and grnntrd haa b?rn fewer ab solutely and Krratly amilkr in proportion u* U*r uumbrr of .onvlria than wax rec (■nnaf.'ifd by th© old i©>art At the nmn lltu© ihe number of convlcla in the ;en- Itrfitlary haa inevramd at leaat H*J. AMr from ihla fact of comparison, wiilch p<ania strongly to corrr\atlm bv tin* prerrnt Uwird. th© loar.| ha© prr acribed certain which It rrqttlree to b© rigidly obarrved **li pardon app.leaf lone. A complete rro>rd of th© court proceodinita 4f©l a atatrwent of th© *vldm*© In the i*© muat >r flird with tin- board, and thet© i a ir©n-ral nil© that no pardofc or •omm'i auon will b© granted unlrra th© trial Judge o* the tt© attorney, Wftio pr>.* mad th© caae. Join ut the petition thwrefor, 1 inembera of th© boanl believe that pereoti© who I'lilici*# them for belnc too fr©© In th© ©\©r *#• of cJ©ni©nry do ao through ignorance of th© fa w-. < mmr IlM© liven IHimImMI. T7>© <-a© <.f th© Ja- keorvllle Tormina! I'ompiny itnd the Atium* Vnlikw a and Weatem Ra. lwy ComfMii y ha© been dfe* mowed from th© Bupt*nw* t’ourt do*k©( '•fen a ah<w:na by >oianoel tha# tho At lantic, Vaidos-ta an*l Western Rntlwy ha© one-fottrih of th© Twmi hm! C’ompHny'i capital full enjoyment of all trrmlnwl facil- Itie© m Jacksonville. n I that there no 1 riger any r*©tj© tn <1 upot* l between tb© 1 tlgoius The a.!Ji*t ator* h i.! In th. hsf.-ire Ms <Hwulsal suMalnsst the grsut of {sraera to the Hallroafi Uoenmls ©lon. Nlate rhemlßt'* Drpartnient. Th© State fTtemfet’a iMportment In Florida us more than a©lf>©upportlng For ln©tMlUM. the Imxl kumml re|ior# of the ©fat© tr©a©urer--for 1*- that (here wax paid Into the tr*ury by the chorn.wt fom th© Jr.ep© -tlofi fee© <mi commercial frrtlllaer© Stl.txH 01. wntle th© toUl ex pense© of th rhem!at'© h‘i:arTrn‘i>t w*r© hul 53.615.fi9. making a bibiicp in tho d©- I©*rtmerit'm favor f 12 t*. C. w hich, un der th* Supreme Court'© rulirar. should b* aval table for um by ch© Chetn irt'x I©;*artment. Th© Idea of thoae ofllcial© who ar© ln tereetliva themaeivt© In th© movement to •©cure from the next Is©jl© attire ena ment© whl h will erable the op*rationw of th© Chemlrt© D* paitment to b* m tTlolly extended lx mat ail the money received fr m The Inrpe tlon .ff fertilizer© xh- ’i and be n pled t< T © n.p! vmert of a larirer force In th© checnHt*© latx.mtory. nd that .n*pe on© ©nd analyeea ©hall b© made of nil f od© nnd food stuff© pr©- • ared. manufar tired, ©old or Imported for u*e a© food or drift* for nwin, horoe© ©r rattle. The ©ale of any article of food or any food ©tuff©, are idultemted r m.©brand*.l will b<- made an indi'table offenxe. Conm*ot!cur and a few other **ntcn no© have ©uch a food in©|eetlon kiw. a© 1© propoeed t< r Florida, and it 1© un Hrat *od hm *State Chemist W A lUiwl©. of Florida, will devote considerable space u hlr forthcomln*: annual report to ©e#tm* forth the Iteneht© which would accrue t© Fknidtan©. wer© ©uch a law onactel in Florida. So far a© sounded, the membern of th© next Ixcglalamre take kindly to 'h© propoe*d plan. in<l If H I© carried through, the State Chemist’© I> partment will K'K>n he one of the m *t Impor ant a© well a© moat useful tn th*' gov ernment. I'lnrlil* l-;|prtlon Il^liirn.. Owing ,<> h- Irrcgul ir ,h,p. In whl.'h Ihr tru.rii from Taylor county of h<* ,Mton hr|.l or. Noi t> rrr *, nt up. thr State <'anva**lng IV ir,! dl l. not <omi>!rtr the oni ia count of Florida'* vol. until Thursday of thl* week Thr hlgtw—t v<4r rec.-lved by any Itryan (.r. .Idrnttal r> -i-*r a... given to Wi.llam 11 B:U*. 25.007 vole* l'rler H Davl'leon led the IleF'ibllcan elect,aal ticket wltli 7,31-1 votes. On the Feople's party (Bark rri ticket. W. A Week* ran ahead. K' l tlng l.Oid top). John C. Pepper l—l the Prohibition electoral il liet. with 3.234 votes, and Ernest Untermann received the highest vole. 101, on the Social Dem ocrat fD< l>) ticket. I*en.aeln*. (irnadh. fVmwieo a I* having a remarkable busi new development. If her present rate of growth along alt line* Is maintained for a few years she will become Ihe wealth iest and most Important commercial cen ter In K orld* Kr..m Ihe point of view of social gaiety Pensacola proposes to distance nd her Florida sister rlilr* this winter On Dec. Si tho North Atlantic equadron, un der the command of Hear Admiral Farqu liar. will arrive at that port and *|iend three w.eks 'baling and maneuvering In the magnificent h.irhor The fleet will h n ro on a cruise In the Uutf. liut will return In time for Ihe city's Mardl Gras Carnival ar.d remain two weeks. TALL.AII \**Kt; tot THtaAMTMII. Several Partle. Lftrr ll—Other Twl \etvs. Tal!aha*ee. Fla.. Dec. 15.—There seem* lo be somewhat of a detlre to get ho.d of tho Ta!lahj.-:ee Southeastern Kallroad The representatives of two different com panies have been here during the week Investigating this new enterprise and Its prospects. It I* claimed that the South ern Kailway ts behind on. of th# com panies represented here fiiit week. It Is given out here that the surveyor* of the Georgia Pine Ital'.roa.l are In Ihe field surveying It* lino from Kalnbrldge to Tallahassee On Nov. 1 Hon. W. N Shears, state su perintendent of public Instruction, made th< Second semi-annual apportionment of the one-mill stale aehool tax to twenty eight counties, yesterday ho made a sup plementary ai>porilonntent lo fifteen countie* a* follows; Ahiclum, V.. a. l , Bradford. sl.M3.>; Fay. *W7 39; Dade Cir.So: Gadsden. $1,647; Ja. kson, 12142; Lovy. $775 *o. I-lheriy. $174; Manatee. $555.- 0). N.i-sau. s76*. Santa Ko*a. SI.FS; Tay :,,r. $333.60; Vo usla. sl.'s. Wakulla, s;io6; Washington sk29 40. The annual report* from Franklin ami Leon counties, which should have been In the state superintendent's office on July 15. have not yet anlved, hence no st portionmeiM can be made to these coun ties. —Giving Him a Chance— Harriet, ri might to give me my choice of Christmas present* once In a while.” "Well. Harry. I'm willing; do you want a lamp shade, s sofa pillow, or new lace surUtn*?"— Chicago iU-oordv A bright Utile Boy Would be sure of a welcome in almost any home. Hut what a welcome he would have in a homo where the hope of children had been exttnguuhe.l \\ hat a welcome this particular " bright little lioy" did have in such a home, may be judged bv the cluing p-tragisph of hi* mother's p—- — . ' letter, given be- fT low There is no gl>f \ room for the K v a? whole letter. which recount* a \l story of fifteen \j years of sutfcriny TJf V. and a perfect cure B* by the use of '©\ Jf "three bottles ot l)r. Pierce’s Favor ite Preacriptiou, jjk\ 1 TBa two bottlea ot ‘Golden Medical IflrX y Discovery,' and JU, A—U acme of the 'Pel- jj. Ca' A In many in- rjf_ *tan*e* childless- pT ness ia the result s|'d-vn Vv' of condition* *•". which are curable. * It has often haje penetl that when \V”' '’Favorite l*re •criptiou ” has cured a woman of SiatfyV \ female wreak new. JJ and the nervous 1 *—' condition attending it, her return to health i signalized bv the birth of her first child. "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. •1 caanot tell half thst l>t Pierce • medicine ha© dour for mr • wrttr© Mr© T A ftmgnu of Norrt© Wataux© Cos. N C "ft will do all lhat ia claimed for It prevrot raiararnage and ren drr childbirth rav It ha© givru tnr a bright llttl# boy and I would o>>t harr hg.t him had it not brrn for y<nr wondrrful medlcin# I can not ©ay too much in praia# of It 1 think it i© worth it© wriKht in gold I thank <ud for ray 111#, and Ur Pieic# f>r my hralth " "Pleasant l’clUta” clear the com plexion . OUT A HXItI.T DIVOHCK. Jnrk ©on r II I© \\ oiiimii Hwa Ju# I rarni'il of llnabntxl*© %rt. JsckaonvUl©. Fla . X>©c If* Mrs N#i- I|© Carroil of thl* city kurtud only a f#tr I\x© ago that l>©r hu©b*n l. Dr <‘lar oitco H. Carroll. hnl ©ecurad a divorce from h#r. without h©r knowledge or Mgt at omshs. N>b . on wha: h#r attnr ney atetr© to t* fa la# afDdavlta Tn< story t n ©#n©stlorml one. anl caua©i much comment when known her# thlx at t#rnoon Bom# two t©or© ago Dr nsrroll. who tars © praerfrirg her**, wn© srrrat*-#! iiutm © t s*itb the th©ft of severs! bicycle# The proof wss dear ar.d In fact It© admit tod hi© guilt- Imt hi© stlorr.ey, MJ. Bt. Clair Abr.ima. got him off by proving that h# sax a morptilM fiend and Irre aporuribl© for bla sots, a© it were The court ©f xmclud#d htm! the do- tor got clear. After h? dis<'harg<* !><• went to Hiwth'>ri In Putnam county thl© ©? © and began practicing there and iruni- Ing to all report# ©eourwl a g -od imse tic© \N*7© In Jail her© hi© wife did all l*of©ihl© to ©©cur© hi# r I*©*©**, rsiaing money for hi# d#fen© und working for him every wav that a devoted woman could. A IVIIH 4THETIC XTHIKE. Trainmen Una (hi Out tn Help Santa l'l> Teles raitliers. Kansas City. Mo . Dec. 16—According to a striker who reached here to-day from Topeka, an order for a *vmpathe<lc strike of the trainmen on the Santa Fe system will be leaned 5 o'c,ock to-morrow af ternoon by the Brotherhood of Hallway Trainmen uni"** the ofli iala of Ihe' road In the meantime settle their difference* with Ihe telegrapher* now out K. C. Clapp of Ihe Telegraphers' Griev ance Committee, when asked |*>mtedly If the trainmen hod decided on a sym pathetic strike, said: "That Is pretty direct. I cannot an swer." He added "We are sure of final victory." A nimiHllM* PIIIWOXIAO. Four I’rrion, Are Hratl and Three Are Dying. Marietta. 0.. Dee. 15.—As s result of a mysterious cane of poisoning at Forsyth* mines near here, four person* are dead, three ar dying and two others are serl oustly 111. The dead are; Andrew Barnlck. Mary I-alchak. tttaly IJlchle. and a child, lists, not given. The pi ,iple all lived close to ew.-h other and were all taken 1.l last night, after having eaten supper. There are many signs that poison hnd hern placed |n their food, but hy whom Is yet to be drerr mlned Barnlek. the dead man. was to have been married on Monday lo Hose Lalchak, a tleter of the dead woman. Il Is believed to-night liiai someone. Jealous of the couple who were on the eve of marriage committed she deed. EXACT DATE IS MIT HAOAVN. liryan Not Heady to tnnosner Mem ber* of Ills Staff. Lincoln, Neb.. Dec. 15.—The exact .)*<- of the first Issue of The Commoner ha* not been de.lded upon, nor Is Mr. Bryan rrady to announce the m<-mt*era of his staff He sal.l this evettltg, however, he hnd arranged for suen assistance a* he sou;.i ree|U r*. P r thn present he said, the fe chanteal work will lie and ne In a r>t printing house The -It, and make-up of the [at per Is yet to be determined. Mr Bryan Immedia'e y af'er Chrl-dmes ey peels to go to Florida to be present nt 'he 'nniigursMevf! 0 f hi* cousin. G -v -else: Jennlnrs ard on hi* return wt'l devote his time to his nrw*fn>er venture. CANNOT TAX ASTOH. Millionaire's Personal F>tale Not Taxable Here. New York. Dec. 13 -Justice Andrew*. In the Supreme Court, to-day. derided that the personal estate of William Waldorf Astor In thl* stale was Illegally taxed by the commissioner of taxe* and assess ments foe Ihe year 1*99, when he rlatmal tn he a resident of London. Hl* person al'y wss fixed at $2.0"000| Justice Andrews' opinion Is that Mr. A*t, r appd-atlon for remls-lon r.f taxa tion should have been granted, a* hi* evi dence thnt he had rellnqu'shod hla resi dence here w..a no! contradlcte*l. (AID IT AAA* A IMPE DHHAM. Mistake About the Santa Ke Train men t.olna Oat. TopeKa. Kan . Dnc. 15.-President Dol phin of the O A. T.. when shown the dispatch from Kansaa City late this aft ernoon. saying that th* trainmen on the Santa F* system would strike In sympa thy. by 5 o'clock to-morrow afternoon, unload the company should arbttrale Iti a "pipe dream." He said th* tralamtn had Indorsed th# action taken by th* strikers but furthar inait thla nothing trad bean dona. INDUSTRIES IN CAROLINA. ftIATK NOT tMill t’l’IMU Hi lt >A- Tt It tl. Hi aiM IK I.#. Iron tlftuins Ha© Nnffereil From lark of It ©v©n nr Ineilitle©—l,% ©>n#i %© quarrying flam at 4 olumhla lhat Work© Mum llniiiU- #(;• I© < a|lfl Heins I lnlahH In ulum bla itranlfr—% ©ln of I oal Itrporf rl I nund— mnu lia I all# to ll© I llll#©il. i'• l • isnbm 8 C., Iy©'* 15 In th© r ith to build oof ton mill# Mouth csrolir.a i© no: tiesligcnt of her natural re-our.*# m ful Hid— taksn In tbs I m her mg lndi#try nr© bringing a great d*.. of revenue to th© Plate Iron mining ha© been carried on in th© upper pa rt of the "tn t© under great di#- advsntsgo© ou h> •com.i of tlw Ui. h of pioper r*tllroid facllltle© Gold ml: I r has f r year# been proflt ahkt In K©r©hsy ixwinty. where th© Had© .in.l t*t© Brewer mine© ar© 10-ntcd In York I'o.iiiiy gold mine© hav© been *>jk©l Hpaxmou: ally, and In Ail do co imv !ti© w • k . • mpan\ apitsdmti at Ilia* ■••*) o i nrg.ui!fe<| to -lev©lop mtn© tl h vein# ©aid to have Iwvn dlhcnvereil there In New berry and I’nion count it*# thsr# I# a*ki whic h will lo’ mh ej. K ln tto t.. found in great !>•; d.mce In Aiken aid Fairfield ouivtlee und trU k til# and potTary msnufactuDng 1# raphky tiemg develcporl BfttrNahe l.ranlfr i|oarrle On© of th© rno-t ©xtenlv© quarrying ji nn** In toe country l© u* t© fo .n.l wf h- In the city limit© of Columbia Tl© Bt©w art t’onlr i ling * rsnpnnv f ml** dtv ©m ploj about nom, and I* furnishing granite for jetty work In fkivnrmah aid Tamp©, and ha-- other < ontra. t. ruiiiiing Into th llg tlio’i'aiuifi. Tne Ho ? Quarrying 'omi#iiy, lio of ltl '"it\, #,*r. an ©q tstl force of liaieti and l© bundlin' j* i*!©•• at Fh*r!©©ton and George! own Th© St it© Capitol 1© t*tivg flni©li©d In f'olutnbi*© granite AT W inn ©boro i© a big grant • on rn w hich 1© ©aid to own on© ©•did rock of ten a *re# whieh hi© a© fin© a grain and I* a© ©*©11)" work' and aa any granite in th© w. rid Monwalt©. u ©and Ik© mineral, one# al mo©: |r!cel •*© nui ©till valuahl© In th© manufaettih *f irlc apphan- •*. I© found in abundance in Y rk and FalrflHd j count *©. Yoxterdav If w;*© reported thst In Fair field e*rtit.:y, .a vHn of had l*©n found Mr Bam Inil'.o©** was having ©ft well dug. and a vein of ant ir i t* wax j |*lcrc©d f**r 14 f*"©f He ©arrietl liiun to Wlrninbotn I: fuie) well. an*i ©##• tf It haa hern ©♦•it 4o Clnn-on tVilUy for a -dauni-al analyai# Thl© fir©l wan mad© between Gladden’© Drove #i.d th© KT©at fall© of th© fNitaw fa It I© l©o• *t©• I from railroad©, but i# on tho lln# of a road prop*©©*! ftom Cam den t'H’hfulf i. and then* - # over th© Chet* ter and bwoir to th© coal ril<ni of Won tan ft Ylrgitda d’h© Ch*T©r and I*© nulr. n*'W" a narrow guage. la beltig mad© ©tandwrd gunge for tliat purpose. < on I Mima I on ml. It 1© lingular that a dKoovery of oal ha* ben inak- cm the th© pr<q>o©©d * "i ©♦•©klrig llm* from cVoieb n t> Cti©'i* r Ka- hof the©# place# ha© phual.d railroad facllltle© now. Clieater having ©l* outlet* nnd Camden five, ©o that if th** ' - al led lx at ail extensive, ll may tie put In easy touch with th© market©. Th*" Catawba Fal.. n©ar thl© find of hidden -•’♦al l# rematk-d> p ! a © When me Fnlted rtta’©* government hug ibout for a pla*’# to looitc It© nationa* | military academy, two pla © wrr© pf*- enied Went Point on th# Hudaon and Catawba Fad#, Botitn Carolina Tt*e former wa ♦ ho*©n, t!© pretldent of the t nlied Biste© B©nstw d© ddtng a tie vot- For the purpose f navigation a *n i wii cotnnvri al here, and about wa© ex landed. But the wir !irlwi*’n th© Xtate© end#d th!©. a© it did ©o many In cipient undertaking# In thl# ©tat# The fail© and tho abotlttlng Wind© are owned by a c*njany h©.*hl by Col. la*- Hoy Uprlru • <f Ban* a ter. Cos rtpring ro|K>v s to ham*"* th© great flow, the most pre< ipltou© ta.- in th* Mouth for ih* volume of water, and will by If© motive !Kw©r g neratw electricity f<* h© tiansmit ted to hi© own ml lion mtll at Un x©ier. twelve ml*© away, and to other neighboring town©. Th* power will i*© i;©<l ixo for street lighting and for orer- Mtlng electric railway#, etc. Ho If Citawia Fsl.© ha# not f-©©n the ©lte f.r the nkiklbg of fodler#. ll will l’ u#d to make aplndlea hum. A Mlasinnnry '* Pigtail. Fr in the Cent (try Dr Craw foul, nty amiable Baptist boas, who. with hi* wife, ha* been residing in China for hearty half a entury. exp alned t,> ir e hy th- nI a nari swe o ■ on. el #.i to abandon ur West* in tires* When h hrt tame lo China to i>r,n h he Gosp I h,, rnhsid-red It hardly cog. pa, I hie w th Ihe dignity of it American dtlaen to wear , plgtu.l HI and fed Hllpf*-I*. Moreover, the Western <lr**H a|>tM-are.l tn him hii #d .anieg. In hi* nds-lon. more lia ,|e to ni traet the att-ntiot and I l * p.pu utton In the dlff-rent pfah •■* ho vis ited In fact, no effort wa- ne..|,*l *o t: ' an audience together, for great erow 1* tisna Sy ..>lk ted atsmt him. anxious lo learn what tha tall *trs. get with t • stove-pip*- hat. narrow tiouse * and |e tt. er l**>.* had to say. Hut hardly had t* begun to peraefi to them In their own language than thny If am- holder, Inve.- Ilgat'd Ihe out of hi* real and trouaeia. ft it he material* belw. en tl tr fit.get-- touched his lioois, Inleriit ted him con tinually wlih all *or* of questions—how the leather boot* wr# pul on and off. where he got the trousers. liow much the material curt and whet, he hud earn*-,! iheir languag. a* If the G.el whom h* pleached Interested them but little. Tlr.*l of the-c contlnua. li t- rupt or-, lie at la*i determined to Hdtl,-fy the eurloelly of hit* listener* from the very ou set. Arriving In he n- xt village he addr<--*ed the ctow-i asaamboU about him a* follow#; "llroth er*. 1 hall from America, my trous-r* nre made of wool stuff, lo ce K I at ti.-ia. g al for two tijo i*-r yard, my bo, ts are mi le Of ogifaklo, sod aro p,il on In the -ain.- way a* the so les you are wearing, and I have come to tell you ab-,ut the ttue God." etc This, however, satisfied the audience but Hitle They let patient ly until he had finished, *nd then, In stead of approaching him, crushed by the • truths, In order to a*k for hp- they again began ,pic.turning him abotit hi* trouxer*. Flnaiiy he le-eam.- convinced lhat It wa* by far the best pol icy to adopt th# Chines* dress, and for nearly fifty y-nrs he has worn no other. Nashville's Miff Aubscrtpttnn. Nashvllb. Term., Dec 15 -Nashville to day by a vote of 6,717 to 934 dt-ckl-d to subscribe |l ve.iie for ss ,ck In the Nash ville. Florelu * and N.-rthern wuy ComfSiiiy. the road to [*i-. ttir- ugh Nash ville. It* termlrl being Litchfield. K>\, and Fh—et c., Ala The city pr posea to raise tho money l>y Issuing Istnds. Body Found In n Fishpond. London. Dec. 15.—The Ixxly of Lndv Katherine Manner*, eldest daughter of the Duke of Kutl tul who ha* te<-n m - ng sine# Frldai . was f smd ,n a tlshf or.d tn th* groui and -of Belvere Castle to-night. MeKlslsr •#■ Away $3. Canton. O . D#> 15 —Provider* McKin ley to-day #*n- $39 to the fund for Usi victims of the Rtxton block fire. (aiv In (. Hrlee's AAldnxv Dead. New York. Dec 15.—Mrs. Catheter# OHns Brice, widow of Calvin a Brice. 4-s.i to-day at her residence tn this city. “77” The f **77" aenil# lle tilo<! Ilngllna Ihroiiftftli (tie vein© until It rmrlii* the © I rent t flea. %hen the feel nnriu upauil Ihe t old t© •m nkeu. New p u'ket edit: n of 1r ft impiirev#’ Manual of ail di# a © nuu • l free Humphrey© Iloin**i©*t M di <'o . cor vy . Ilam a?<l J.*ta New York. GRIP II l 1 lO\ MIKI HTIHI: nil*. AUCTION SALE —OK I.OTS AT THK CROAINO TOWN. COLLINS, GA., Till ftADAY JAN X ll A M * h. iutirnl |>lstiisll ii Is* been inMI .I Into i•• - ind streets ,id will he •.►W si * Hii.'non tin iti,. premise* a. above Collin# 1© grow-in k mpldly. and the©© lot© wl I In* *• I ©• ill'll .III) aody can ©© cure mu C II DORHFTT. Auctioneer. ELEGANT UPRIGHT PIANO ONI.I UNIS H IT FOB %MTION. C. II IMUKi IT. tni'llniirrr, Will ©©II nt 22 Concr. weal, at 11 o’clock mntay. nih. On# Upright Hr ii'l N* w Plano, in ele gant ca©*\ with n. t'l"ta oltachm-nt Thl# I© t!i© *n K' pkitio t* !** offereil, the entire conMgnment h ivlng l**ei ©old ii ' * PLATFORM SCALES-MUSIC BOX B %II III’.IF* I II % 111. IVI C., %l* tHTIuH. t*. 11. g >f# 11 w| IT, Auctioneer, WII #ell Mi'NT'AY, 17th. t ll of dock. Oftl* © chair S.fe© Bureau©. Bd -teiula Marble !or T,iM-r, lowing#©. Bar L-i © C *ir Hi. ( I ** Cheat. 2 pal PUiUamt Heal©* ‘kk Furnllure. Blclur**©. 1., rlor He Dining T able, Bb vHr©. MiH flux, JON* (Ngani in half bo*#©. HHiwL .iml k>r f odd and end# Hbverwl voiuin#© of ml©' • iUrvoic work© AUCTION SALE. MONDAY. 11 a in w© will ©ell Plano#, organa. Fin© *ak Furniture, Pl* tur#a. Fln IdOlirvg* R© k* r.-. i .>• )•% Hat Hack. 1.. ug© Mirror, latlli* Writing lre©k, *’hlna oral Uric-© brio©. MHver wwr*", Cnn©t© and Rug# Above good© all nrrr innl elegant Inin© preaenta. 12 (l#ml#fnen’© Fin© BUk Unbdllw Aierllng Sliver hand*.##. loft.lit F Huitw i'apra. Jackets. Hklrta Silk Watata. Children • Ck>uk#. 75 holla of Fine Itlbboti. Hewing Mdchlmi, Blcyrlaa SAVANNAH AUCTION AND CO Min 9 SION OIVIPANY, A Wlnerlght, Auctioneer. 11l Whitaker airrot. 1 — 1 ■ ■' f % til WKtIRNT*. ANNUAL BALL .snoi tomtii so l. oiiei lelton Hrm QI’.ARII* Alt MOBY HALL, Tueaday, Jan 15, ItOL Ticket© 12 no. Admitting gentleman and ladle# (#upi©r Hu huled). €3IWMITTBB: J K Martiiro, chairman; A J Totdiach. •ecreiary. U*u. A. M©li. Ja©. J. Hearn, D I* Walker. A IV M"Farlaml. Jno. I*. Duffy. Jo# Morrell, J> H Walker. M F Kaln. R I* Warner. II F Suiter. Mu©|c furnl h and by Ro©- nf al © orchew na Ticket© can be aecured from fh© rom mlltc© or at any of the Fire Siadon©. *V*FA I AI. XOTirm. deorKM Phone N* MX It©.l Phone No. 14*. %Y. t . 11l I Pl* A tO. INSURANCE! AND RKAI. E9TATB AGENT:: Real K#tat© bought and ©o|<| on roaiinli ©lona, and Renta collected. Ilepreaerllng Travt.* r< h uran* © Comjtany Ufe, Ac . Ident and habllil) ! ©t arim nl© N w York Und© writer© Fir# ineurano© Company. Greenwich Fire ln#uran©# Company. The (My Trust. Safe I>*po#lt and Surely Company Dnuiiv' Bond* of Surely to contra*Hor# admlnUtralor© guardian*, etc. HIT AH* OF HOME*. HOTttLft AM> MOAPIT ALU llaa It ever occufT*©! to you tha nearly one-half your Ilf© * ©|©nt Intred’’ Th© rniftttre©# 1© th# ahu*©d article of furniture, #• i ©uould be welt mitlfl ami of go©) "lean material: It shouUl b© pick •<l and cleaneed at leaat on*"© each Ihr *© uetr. We make n©w on©# to order, and nave Improved mn**hln©ry to clean©© i ul i. k 41 one© Our mrohanicwl work. Itti • *f tlcfctnr© and material for filling, fir©*- •aw M#dl©afM Sieam Renovation of ’-'©athere Hair ©fc. NATIONAL MATTRFSS AND RENOVATING CO., Hell Thon© 113 C. 331 Drayton NOTH IL City of Havannah, Offlrr Fir# Department. Savannah, Gs . Dec. 10. 1500 grated bid© Wl 1 b© received t th© office of th# underalgmd until Kri lay. Dec. 21. f .r furnitihlng material #ml Laying cement • Ighth and Barnard ©treet©. Plana an*l f>©<T(i- alon© on ©xhltailon at th© offi*"e of ih© flr# department. Tl# Committee on Fir© rererve# the right to reject any and G bide. JOHN K MAGUIRE. Hupeelntendent. THM tV A% It) t LEAN t %HPET*. Tle only way to c* t youi corpta prop ©rly tipi) up. rleam©! and takrn car# of lor th* summer, la to turn th© Job over to tn© Dietrlct Meeaenger an*l De.lvery Cos. telephone 2. or ' a., et 32 Montvorm ry j, treat, and they will mak* you an e#t mat# on the cost of the work Prl ©• r#aeonahe They |©o nark, mov# and ©tor# furniture ©nd planoo. C ft mpM.o K Sunt and Mgr UO\U* kmtTKO. By th# American Bondb.g ond Trut Company of Baltittioie. We er*j author- U#d to execute locally flmmedlately Upon application), ail bond© In Judicial pri>- i ©e©-llng- in either ih# #at# or Unl.od Siate# Courte. and of admmitr#tora ©nd guardiane DFARfND it HUM. Ag#n. Telephone 221 Provident Building LAY!) TITLES. Abetrarts oi the .©corded land titles of Savannah and Chatham county from tha •#ttltment of Georgia to date. Morey loaned at low interest on city real estate. HBCKETT A BECKETT. OLD NEWSPAPERS. 20n for 25 ctnti. at ffuaifitet Gf&ea Morouig Nne. RPK( l AL NOTlim GRBF.VUA at OT< •• U tllVkl. Thl# ce ©hre'eti fwmou# ©i*l \at(#*l iftlg oiiml Uhi ky )* rift)wrted diract fr m the dlstilitry by u Thl© Greer H • i h Whl©ky I© guaranteed to be boitkd abroad aid i© oni*igu# i to us frm Glas gow. Scot laid, and I© .n bend in t # f’nlted Hiatee < utotn House in thl# ©it) Thl# g and *>ld Greer Scotch "• *) H beautifully mallow and mi and t* m iieg © and l* - ft to tn# i#i.t© - n* could pe*#lbly wish. •.*.*l there I© m nutt|iie<*e ©oout tt i Lat I© ##i*e Aallv pleas tig. 'V© ar# glad ’o J#: th© public pur ch i • a# ©■ ill nuanMty • they lh. \ ©:. one bottle, for ths pur jini*© of Intr 'hieing ih© b©st trand 'f Scotch wht#ky ©xtant HITMAN RIiGR, Wholesale Dr iggists, Llppman’s Block. So’# Ar#nip for (he Greer Ptstil lerl©#. C#©gow Hcuilaiul. and Dub lin. Irolrti \ f#r (hair Scotch and li lh Whbk e* t Propel©tor# of h-w n©© Springs. SuWiiti©©. Fla.: Gentlemen It iff.r*l* n. r©at ptea*tira to t>e ©i a I * gi\' r\[r. --lon to nir high ©pi* *• tlon o' ih© merits of the wat©r© of your spring* a- a curattva agent. I wa# a misers hi# ©offeror with rh#u m <M*m nearly all over m body llal li tl tt i\ month- \' i r* lured In weight In fa• <ji. If Suffer©*! great pi n. ar.d when down could not g** up #itbMit as sl©to(ce, could not slop further than right inch©© I went to H'lWune© Spring*, and afi" I© Inc th* r© on© w* ©k l noticed that I wr# getting . Ittil© tietier Hut, oh* i **i ir.*© wa© wrought In me In a ©lay of #ix week# I wa# en tirely i lired of rh#um#ll#m. wan ©ouml and well, and I ©ontin ©d to Improve after •otnhig horn©. *rwl In *© month ©f lerwird© I weigh'd '.**• |Mmnd©. an*! though ihl© o*u*urred eight years ago K have never f©l( rlieuniatlrm situ < . and K attribute !* all to tb# virtu## *>f tha waters of Huwanee Springs Your© very truly, THOMAS V PIERCE. Itawklnavllle, Oa. All you ©an drink for 5r at IJvti gator'o. IIY AVS Ml MY FA* t OlllX.y. It'iom- 27 and 2t Provld* ni Building. |.*ay an 1 Night H*'©#loi© Fall and Winter Hudon now in progress. Hienogr iptiv. (Muna-ai, Graham ami l*ll in an i, 'IN pewiitli c Kgllsh lran h* s, Bo*>kK# plog, I’ i in.m-tilp Individual Instructloti©. Short ih rough, pracMcal aur*er. lat©t and m l inrl'mlH Our various department* ar© ©x. *pi lotmlly thorough and r**mplel© and ar© under th# personal super\llon of the prim I p.l Htmlent© prepared directly for h *al n©#* t’al! ind eiemln ih© methods and working* f this -oi eg© If you nrt employe*! during the day. nttand our jap ular night S#e©ion Hand for ©atalogvo. M 17 RYAN, Principal. •ns A HO Y AL YII A A GIFT You cannot obtain an\ where better value for your money, pr give mor# pisoaur# to thox# whom you Intend remembering than by prasantlng them with CONIDA'I nEST QUALITY CHOCOLATES for Bon-Bona—or mixed) SI no PER BOX OF 5 POUNDS FANCY AND II I-IT H# KI > II RICK. We manufacture and ©HI all kinds of fancy and re-pres#ccl brick, paving and building bricks, our common brick era the t©©t for building purposes, being larger than other kiln© make, and cheap er He© Maniples and prices. SAVANNAH HI ILDING SUPPLY CO. # 4‘nngies© and Drayton ©treats. GOOD AH NEW. I make lhat fnxzUd furniture about as prettv a© It ever w.-i# at m*> l©rat# oost. Nobody <#n t#]| that It Is not new. I carry th# t>©st line of curtain upholstery goods In Ih# city DAVID CLAHK, 141 Jefferron street. I* S I make th# fam ous old ronttrr a out of coCon. n©w moss or hair AT CHAYG'B. • Regular Xma© dinner© every day. Best food. ©onk©l well aa it can ba cooked Regular Me m©sl—onfy Xe. SAN FBANCI9CO RKHTAURANT. 114 Drayton street. Joe f*hang. Proprietor. PR IX Hir riBNA. Pe©crlp*!ons filled any fim© of day or night. Th© only up-to-dat# pharmacy lo South Savannah. PARK AVB. PHARMACY. J L Prop., Cor. Park Ave. und Barnard Phon# JI4A. HKI.HKEV9 I’iKK, Mlierty snu Whitaker. Th# fashionable cgf© of Savannah. Within a block of th# I>© Soto Every thlng In season Fat gam#. Fresh oys ters. Private parties—d.nners. Phone U*> \%t \* TREKS. Main© spruce pine© for Xmas tre©a. Any sis# and all shapes. ROUT. REMLER. Phon© 213. Draytun and SAY ANN All STEAM DVB AAOMKA, Jam©© Wilklna, proprietor Dyrtng of ev ery description. Finest la--©© t**l eurlslai handled without injury. Indies drensoa, glove© and feather© dyed and cleaned aa new. Gentlemen © ur#a dyed, steam ctesn . t and pressed 21 York street, west, np poslt# n©w i*o©t office. Savannah. Ua. Go. Phone 12ft4. sriCt lAL NOTH B. W'e are now giving special attention to houa# painting, kalaominlng and paper hanging etc With a corps of only flrst cla©* workmen ond a competent super- Intednent we ©an do your work promptly m.I *itiafactortly. Get our estimate otv anything in house decorating an# and •ava money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. Ftllt B ALK. On# Id-ln©h Fieim Snot Gun Feed. 3J feet long, one 1111 l Oarl’.latlng Strom Nig ger. k and 10-Inch cycilmWr*. only used about thirty iny©; on# Picket Mnchißo and one Neaey Guide; also a lot of Circu lar Saw© from h to 50 inches diameter, from tho mill of II P. Smart A Rro. lt Emanuel county The above for ©nl# by VALE ROYAL MFO. tX>.. Bnxannah, Ga. thy: old reliarle. Gam# of all klnda at any tim# of day. Spaclal cut# of Corned Beef, put up by mysalf. Vegetables, fresh and fine. I’hont* 57k AL 9. GARDNER* 3