The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 16, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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EMPLOVMtihT WASTED. “EXPERIENC ED SALESMAN. CI.OTH .II . . od' *<► . ‘Wirt- p alt*-: tur- H 4 fc<*l ly "*•* ?• Z., thl office. WANTED. BY A YOf.NU MAN, POSI - • ah-W"* clerll ,oc hol reale i oum >*et ot rrlonurto. Aldti-e X TANARUS, in bxpbhiewc®i> and heuiabu: _ „ 1.0 nke-t* T or *eneral help in or riffle*. Addrea* Reliable, New* K )H\ WANTS rUACTB A* COOK IN „ oil - eh* city, •<*' reference. Addrea. x ;10 Barnard etreet. WANTED. SITUATION AS CLEBK p. •■Hf r hualre** nou>\ hy comp-ten' Competent. Morning Now. wanted, by a machinist or warr' experience. atea-ly employ- Addreea K. M. New. offl, e W ANTED. A POSITION AH STENOO nOh..r and typrwr tor by a young Indy „.. -n.. ■•ninl* e; trustworthy si. I r. B 10. News office. A FIRST-CLASS WASH WOMAN , .. a mail t entity's waahtn* 21 East Boundary street. A COMPBTPNT WASHWOMAN min! , family aashlni Apply 712 Wort K unary street. SI’ECTABLE WOMAN WANTS 711 Gwinnett etreet, east. crota Mill IP.) \\ OTEI). Tv~a HOUSE wTtH OUT and Mg pat of ground, aultablo ~r ,hi Bon farm: must bo Cheap Ad ,1,,., Amoa Manaeaiv, 163 West Broad street PERMANENT TENANT WANTS 6 ro.n :>ov*e. not to exceed P-5. reference glvan Addreae "H*x." tht office nuotla WANTED. W IT H goor opening on atree’ A<S4rey "Trav , lor art Morning Now* TWO OR THREE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; nor M tV*t Broad street. Av*,re*s A. W. caro f*A Cos. HOARD WANTED. '"MXiuuEr>~cour7.E desire board with private family that knap n. hoard er*. no children. Addreee Boaider, can* Mbrrmg New*. wanted, boasd Ttt pimvate family by lady; not übit to pay over $2 j,,T week It , oar* Morning N*we W A NTT.D—SiII 111 A A HOI’S. GUITAR mandolin for th girl oi hoy? A anient a e-r intent at WllenakyV corner ii and Barnard, and they r not held at fabuloua prlees, either See him Monday sure. wanted, owner tor ihctcle p. Identify name; pay this bill and *<4 property W. H. Lawrence, Columbia 8 C. WANTED TO PURCHASE INTER h In w*ll-*atabll-had bualne**; state cno :rt rash rirtulP***- Worker. Nows of fice. WANTED, fin BUSHELS STRIPED Kolb Clem and Blue Orm tvatermeion seed. Address T. T. & O. By., Thoenasvllle. Qa. WANTED FOR C*ASH. ONE TIIOU mimI oiii bran and mrn aacka. In roar A!" Hmughton. weal. WANTED. FOR CASH. IKKJWOOD aid persimmon log* Southern Hard 'ood Company. P. O. Box 52a. Charleston. 8. C. WANTED. HOLLER-TOP DESK; state price. Addrette C . care Morning News. WANTED, to BORROW IT. 000 AT 5 p-t cent, on propertly valued a* *IO,OOO Address M.. Box 447. SavatiWh. WANTED TO BORROW *3 000 FOR A t-- rn of !hr pc years on good paying prop erty, state late of Interest Ranted. Ad dress Loan. Ihla office. WANTED, AT ONCE, GOOD HORSE buggy aid harness; cheap for caah. J. P N . care Morning New* office. WORLD LIKE TO BUT A GOAT wagon, m-isi be In good order. Apply 117 Wart Broad. WANTED. FOR CASH DOGWOOD and persimmon luge So ithern Hardware Company, I\ O. Box 523. Charleston, S. C. Yi H'R RENTS TO COLLECT AND property to aril. Tou will be pleased wlih our service. Youmans & Demmond. CASH PAID FOR So (MO CROCUS sack* All sixes. Apply 312 Slate street, west. ~ ALL PARTIES INTERESTED IN THE purettaa# of timber for lumber or turpen tine purposes, will And It to their Imer eti to write T K. Big** A Cos., O ala. Kla. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt. -and. manure, etc. frae of charge, jus' at city limit', hauling over hard road writ* or telephona Brown Proa, corner Andareon and Kart Broad rtreeta EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT WE have the largest and bet birgalna In real eetare. Tollman* & Demmond. IF TOU WANT good MILK. OET IT from Springfield Dairy; It'a rich, pura and whole ome ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA I-S WILT. BE PRINTED IN CLA* SlEir.o ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN E"H TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VIRTISFMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 80C. FOR HEAT—ROOMS. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS; ALSO <• nicely furnished room. 235 Jefferso.i, icrner Perry. EOR RENT, NICELY FURNISHED f'ont room; all conveniences *<36 Lliwrty. •* at. EOR HFNT, TO OE NTL E MEN OR • ouplea without children, two large south r oms and two small; central. 225 Whita ker. corner McDonough EOR RENT, ONE NICELY FURNISH *d f'wii room parlor. 33a West State •(net. ROOMS. 81NOLE. IN SUITES. OR flat to rent. 110 Jones, west. I URMSHTCD SOUTHERN ROOM *o one or two men; terms reasonable. 1.10 Jone street, west ’TO ADULTS. WELL FURNISHED south rooms: large and email; board con '-nlent m Gaston, east. FOR rent, NICELY FURNISHED |'*nen for gentlemen In private family. '1 Charlton, corner Whitaker. DOR RENT, FURNISHED ROOM *Kli <>r without board: also Oat of room furnished or unfurnished; cheap. 2212 Barnard; references exchange,! For RENT. LARGE. SOUTHERLY •x|mm> room. App.y HI Liberty street, West. large nicely furnished room southern exposure; also three small rm unfurnished. !<•* West Hull street. FOR RENT. LARGE COMFORTABLE f -m suitable for oik or two gentlemen. 17 Henry street, east FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT AT •I"- southwest corner Jones and Bull et-cetr. opposite Chrtotian Association. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR but or will rent unfurnished, ht East Jones street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GKNTLE •n-n; hot and oc<W* bath; sutne floor. 217 Tatinall. CONNECTING ROOMS, FOR llOl'SK l'epln* H per month; furnished to gen ' 1-man, *1 to (2 per week, board <2.5m. ntata and Montgomery, FOR Nim-HOUM ONE NICE ROOM OR THREE NICE garret rooma 121 Hull tre*t. weat. FOR RENT, TWO NICELY FUR nlsbeil r-cilia, rent lauorubia,, tetner. tlu Bryan, .oa: NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN prl.aie family, Sina ■ g-ntlemati. all eeat venteneea. 1W Parry. , aat FURNISHED rooms EOR RENT. I’N Perry west. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOM FOR Rmtiemjin, with or without board Ap,*iy —1 furry }lr*ot. w ft. LARGE. COMFORTABLY FVRNISM * 1 .egn for gentlemen; alao light txvise i. • tag; taatn frivtlagaa. id Baal Co gr.M, I ’ H RENT. TWO NICE FURNISHED rooma. bath on same floor, 115 Idherty, Weat. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. 13S Oglethoryae avenue, west THREE UNFURNISirED ROOMS EOR r> nt, fi SO; desire to board with occu pant ; seventeen table Confer News oflloe. FLATS FOR It RAT. FoTTrEN T? FLA I>I\VE S tTuKVAP, t room- and bath. Jfi per mon h. C. Men del, (M IJbenj TWO VERY DESIRABLE FLATS, S Qordon. east, at low rental. Yournans & Demmond. Provident Rutiding “FLAT FOR RL7NT IN CO MACON. et. B J Kennedy. FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS. WITH I*SF, of bath. Apply at Price, near liberty at reel. FOR RENT. TWO FLATS APPLY' S3O Broughton, eaat. “KuK RENT ONE”FLAT OF THRET. . uc.MOttna moms, water and sink In kitchen, pantry, privilege of bath *l2 Hull street, east, near Habersham. rent IS. “for rent flat of four rooms use of bath. 3U> Hall street, oust.. FOR RENT PARLOR FI.AT AT !0o Waidburg street, west, rental moderat*. A FLAT OF TWO BASEMENT ROOMS for doctor s office or for light houae keoplng. 232 Aberrorn street. FIVE-ROOM FT .AT FOR RENT MOD. ern conven|en**e; 114 Peter Reilly, I*6 Drayton street FLAT OF THREE U VFT*RNIPHED rooms at 3*6 Bolton, east FLAT OF 3 NICE RfXJMS OAB AND bath; suitable for houee keeping 412 Di avion. FUR It HAT—Hut Sb* FUR RENT, cXtMr UHTABLE HOUSE No 217 Waidburg street, east, between Abe room and Lincoln, flrst-claae order and condition: every convenience Right rent to right tenant. Eetate Salomon Cohen. West Broad and Broughton street*. FOR RENT, FROM JAN 1. fi*6 MONT gomery. near Huntingdon. G H Rema brt. TO RENT THE NEW 2-STORT house, 215 T Irty-elghth etreot weat. near Rnrnard, fumlshol througtiout. will b* rented for a year, or term of years, to a good tenant It haa a parlor, dining room. kitchen and storeroom. on first floor. and three bedroom* and bathroom and water closet on second floor. Alao hot and cold wager, g.i* cooking range and gas stove A large yard, wl h fruit trtee. Apply on premises. FOR RENT THAT DESIRABLE RES Idence No. 2d Oglethorpe avenue, west, near Barnard; immediate possession. Ap ply within. _ FOR RENT. 6-ROOM HOUSE. BlS tnar-k. near Burroughs. $7 5* I’or month. C. Mendel. 65s Last lJberty. TO RENT IN MARLOW. A DWELL- Ing containing five room*, a dining room and kitchen, five acre* of land, a bam aid -table Apply to W T. McConnell. Marlow. G*. FOR RENT, fil* JONES STREET, fast. Apply next door. FOR RENT. 1111 DRATTON STREET Th-er-leigast & Oanahl. 6 Bryan a:reet. east. FOR RENT IM2 MONTGOMERY -treel Prendergast A Gonahl. A Bryan street, east. for RENT. M TATTNALL STREET Preneb rgast A Ganahl. 8 Bryan sireet. . >-„n RENT NICE HOUSE ON LOUlS vllle road with four acres of land at tached. Prendergaat A Ganahl, Bryan sireet. east. BRICK RESIDENCE ON NORTH west corner Oglethorpe neenue amt Bunt Itrond at reel a Apply on premise*. FOR RENT. 515 THIRTY-NINTH west; nice house, bright, cheerful and clean: lata' yard; fifteen dollars. W Woledse. 24 Bryan, east. LARUE NEW TEN-ROOM HOUSE adjoining city limits, on half-sera lot; un queetlonably the finest suburban home roar the city; to a eenant who will ears for ;h place, only *ls monthly. Youmana A Demmond. SEVERAL NEW HOUSE FOR COL or-*1 tenant*, only *4 aril *5. convenient to Central wharves, railroad and Cotton Oil Company. Vouimu* A Demmond. TWO-STORY HOUSE. WEST SAVAN -1...{* Mo MS Florence atreet. new tage. V. No 524 Duffy, west, two stories. *l4; thr-e houses Hunt ne ton street. near Plant Syst-m. cheap rental; No. 9)1 Bay. oast. *ls. No- 5 Park avenue, east. *l7. Youmwn* A Demmond. NO 701 BARNARD. CORNER HALL, three atorlce on bneement; flrt-r!a*s con dlt on; only, *4 Youmana A Demmond. FOR RENT. NO. 12 HENRY STREET, east possession given ot once. Apply t Rivers A Glbbea. Drayioti and ft Julian streets FOB BENT, NO V* DUFFY STREET, east near Abercom atreet Apply *o rtiver* & Glbbes, Drayton and St. Julian street*. __ _ FOR RENT no: FT PARK AVENUE, west posse-,-lon given t once Apply io Rivers A Glbhes, Drayton and St Julian atree;* FOR RENT NO. 222 GWINNETT street c'■ s', between Abercom snd Lin coln: po*-*(on given at once River* A Gibbs*. Drayton and fit Jirtlan streeO. 112 THIRTY-THIRD STREET. EAST, rooms and hath. *9.50 per month W. J Mlscally. Jr. _ 110 FORTIETH STREET WEST. 8 rooms and bah; large ywvd; *lB per month. W J. Mlscally. Jr. 117 AND 519 DUFFY. WEST 8 ROOMS and bath; *l4 per moirth W. J Mlscally. Jr. TO RENT. NEW HOUSE. SECOND avenue, near Whitaker. Inquire 111* Bar nan). FOR RENT SIX-ROOM COTTAGE TweUth and We*l Broad; good locality; ,'wian- wanted: *lO month. Apply 430 ivnr-ss. west, Mrs. Tipplna. FOR RENT 2 TWO-STORY HOUSES with modern Improvement*. Apply No. 41* Montaomery atreet. FOR RENT SEVERAL" DESIRABLE reside*. •••*. tt-oroughß renovated. Apply A . asctiU U Hr >* n ' ,re,,, fob RENT. A MOST CONVENIENT re-ld.-n -e. two Storl--. hot an*l co.d wa ler; delightful neighborhood; extremely low rent. Peter Reilly. ____ EOR RENT. NINE-ROOM HKSl den-'c with stable and servonts’ rooms on lur.e near business center: choice neigh borhood Peter Knllly. FOR RENT. A SMALL COTTAGE with shop stt • hod. southern part of city; *. Petal- HetUj. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER lfi. 100(1 FOR KENT—HOI HA. *tre*t. al. conventerces Apply next door TO RENT. SOUTHWEST CORNER Habers am and Huutlngib n. App > 2221 Bull Mroet DESIRABLE NEW RESTOBNCE FOR rent Apply ill J<*raa street, west FOR KENT, 213 HALL EAST I nootna. not and cold water, also 7b. Haber sham all in first-•-;** condition tmnv* and ate possession App.y \\ W. Swtnton SS Thirty-eighth Mreet. e*t FOR LENT. MEDIUM SIZE HOUSE with * rooma suitable for medium sue famllv. on Taylor sireet. near Bull; rent me. b-rate all convenience*. Apply to Lynch, the grocer. 714 iiONTGOMERT. NEAR dWlN nott. seven roams with convenience*, rent reason ible to good tenants. 103 Park avenue, west. FOR RENT. 421 LIBERTY STREET, from Jan 1. 6$ rooms; low rent. Peter Reilly. FOR RENT. HOUSE. 1314 fiUU. street, hath and all convenience*, l per month J E. Fulton & Son. Kolt RENT, **.' PARK AVENUE. w*st, nv dern bouse with all convenlenoo* $-■• per month. J E. Fulton A Son FOR RENT. DETAtHFD ItßSl dence, S3U Hants street ewe* lange yard, LIU per month. J E Fulton A Son FOR RENT SPLENDID RrSU'KN'tE, D Hall street, weal, near H irr.ard In perfect condition Porcelain bath tot. and U modem Improvements. 131 per month. J E Kulton A Son “FOR RENT. THAT LARGE REST deuce 106 Henry street, . splendid lo cation J E. Fulton A S>n FDR RENT. SIX-ROOM HOUSE bath. 1116 Jefferson street. Mi> per month J. K Fulton A Son. "FOR RENT IIOUSF >l3 DARK avenue, east. sl6 per month. J B Fulton A Bon. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE RfXH d*nce. No 7 Be-ord avenue east, near Bull; recently thoroughly o ear ha tiled and l-apeped. $22 per mouth. J E Fulton A Son. FOR RENT HOUSE IV. MONTtlOM ery street, near Taylor. sls per month J. E. Fulton A Soft "rVIR RENT. 22! DUFFY STREET e*\ anew house, gas. electric light, porcelain tub and aJI convenience*. Apply 310 Bryan etreet, wet. FOR RENT. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. Jones afreet, between Montgomery Mid Jeff. I son Apply lU7 Broughton, weat. FOR RENT VRRT DESIRABLE house **T Waidburg, weat Apply I*7 Bull FOR RF.VT A SIX-ROOM COTTAOE or three rooms; newly papered with *a end bath, extra .srte yard, rent renon alle Apply to E 1. Okarma. 11l Itroughi ton street, east FOR RB3NT—rroßl'g. AND DWELL ING ON INDIAN STREET. CONVEN IENT TO WHARVES GOOD BUSI NESS STAND. APPLY 630 INDIAN STREET. FOR BFNT STORE AND DWELLING corner Abercorn and Lamar avenue Ap plv Henry Ssvkimon A Son, Bay and Jef ferson. STORE NO CM BAY. WI7ST WELL !*-aie for any hueinesa; largo yanl at larhed. Inqulrt- *** Bay. west. FOB KENT STORK AND DWBIA.ING comer Hay and West Boundary street, goud business stand Apply llenry Feh renk imp. 641 Bay strerS. west. FfR RENT. THAT BTonE AND dwelling, corner Ji-fferson and Duffv streets; e*tahl:shei business stand, al moderate rental; can give Immediate pos session J L I'ulton & Son. STORE 210 WHITAKER. CENTRALLY located: large, sls. suit plumber, etc. l*e ter Fox. FOR RENT'.’STORE SITUATED NEAR Market Huuar*. living rooms above; rent S3O. Peter nellly. NO I*ll WEST BROAD STREET-Ex cellent s ard, tally $lO .Yournans & Dem mond. Provident Building FOR BENT. THE TWO MOST PE slrabie stores In Savannah; situate corner of Whitaker. State and Pr.oldent streets, opposite new Postoflloe. W. M. tk IV. E Coney. STORE FOR RENT. BUSINEBR OEN tral location, aultahle for any kind of business, tlt requires to be where—bud ness—lt Contract can to* closed now. l>oewlon given first of January. Apfdy 2* East Broughton Volt KENT NEW STORE ON DRAY ton atreet, betweeei Perry and lane. Pren- Jergast A Ganahl. Bryan street, eaa*. FOR RENT. SUITABLE FOR STORE or office, s< othrast corner Montgomery and Perrv street lane. FOR RENT. STORE AND DWEI.L- Ing. Wheaton and Arno'd. *l2 per month. C. Mendel. M Eaat Liberty. COIt HUM—Ml*' I tLtM.OH. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE EOR RENT CORNER RROUOHTON AND WEST BROAD STREETS: FOR MERLY OCCUPIED RY THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H. P SMART FOR RENT. WHARF WEST OF MAR ket dock (foot of Barnard) from April 1, 11 G. H. Remshart. FOR RENT, STABLE IN BROUGH ton street lane, near Drayton. J. E Ful ton A Son. Fi Ht RENT. NIC* STABLE AND large \ur.l 2* Abel Oril "for RENT, on THE OOEBCHEE road between thtee and four-mlle posts (troliey csrs nearly to two-mlie post), land In lot* from on# acr# to one hundred, sama can be bought In largo or small lots on easy terms. C H Dorset!. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAU4 WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS giFinn advertisement column FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN MC FOR ti l —to • WITATI AUVER'I ISk-MLMs BET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN *OC._ _ ~FOUR LOT*. EACH *x*> ON NORTH west corner Whitaker an I Thlrly-S,-ond streets at a great bargain, to ,ee a deal- they can be bought mi a much leee price than any of the surrounding proper ty. C H. Dorseit. FOR SALE. SOLIDLY BUILT. TWO *tory residence on v e*t Bread, near llem-y. very cheap. C. H. Dorseil. FINE RESIDENCE ON LIBERTY sireet. near Whitaker. In fine condition, aouthern front. C. II Dorsett. TWO-STORY RESIDENCE AND large outbuilding for sale, very low; cor ner West Brood and Duffy. C. H. Iwn l. 'THIRTY-THREE ACRES. NEXT TO Colored College, gtwl creek an.l marsh front, fin*- for |>oultry talalrig. at a grea. bargain aAd on easy terms. C. H. Dorset!. EAST BROAD STREET. STORE. ne*r F. A W. Rfll.way deled, a,ways rented, good stand, atal fine living rooms above. C. H. Dorset!. TWO LOT*, SOUTHWEST CORNER Forty-First street and Jefferson, O*x9o. for *1.20", also >wo I"*" Pb south she Fortieth etreet, between Jefferson and Barnard, a>xl&. for *l.4k>; also, lot on east aide of Wnltaker, near Thlrty-Slxlb street, 30x110. for *K C. H. DoraotL run mi.f-hru. MTim:. a spuwmn it^rDKN< % t:. with larff* frouiuw *trMl iMittnU Thlrt> tw*\*nih th# houU\ari of Ihf C li I 'or*#tt < 'OR X BH Rrsil>KS*'E nriTAßT*r for storv lall o.n mid lir>An. *m vrry •Y*y ifiaii* c % 11. DonwrtL fuK SAI.K THOBK I.OTH iN NINTH n*ir E*l Brotd. h%vm only •old lo (lift iwtlfn who wUi mutif 8 mkl n#l*hl-of*. wrvd non* o<hm can h .> Tht (rrn> r# my #ay aid thoy r chMprr than any cih*r In tht vl'lnltjr r h. Down. FOH SAIaK A IX)T fon TWO HI M dti-4 ilollari F*tv tmi, on Ninth otroot. nf*r K( Hrow<l. no rlljr lamiion C. H Dortotl FOR SALT 1 C>TB ON NINTH STREET runr K-i*t Hrow4 no v'lly 01 ) v rat h; iwonf>*nvr do lri ro>h, ond e> monthly povmont* C H. FOR HAMS. laOTR ON NINTH NEAR East Hrrud ai l^ 1 m h wUI M>f> I'#*! to 1236 wl on lot hon hor-r (Mi and fr I CM* o• to £rt o homo built. C H I'orortl IF YOr ANT YOrR PROFFRTT loltl or mi tod ’i! W* buy. urU ond r'ni on iomn.Uo<Mk Youmaito A Drm motid. NO m THIRTY NINTH HTRKITT. lfcr*n; look *li oi and ttilvmi ofTor #‘p pn*lnr to Iw* oJd cho| Youmon’o A Donmord TWO I.AROF TW r O-BTORT HOfREH. ?>n mic f>r laj monthly Only I-*nu if hld Immodiatoly. Youmani A Prmmotxl. FOrR HOUBFB DOWN TOWN. OTCT’- pv.nir wnt Irond oi block; r n|i S4S monthly; only jrrot Irr<tln. will Im> ookt qub k. sro uo. niatko off* r You* niHiis A T>omnond. TWO HOUR Eft DOWN TOWN. FAC .njf oquarr. nor 4. |Ai nvnnhly. 96.099 If *ok\ Youmonn A I>rmmonl "WH KN YOV ITT YORK MONEY IN tmprovod proioriy. you hov# thr ifr*t on 1 hoot Invfiimwit, ond l*ooldo* gut ratine thon from nrtythlngr o’n* wlih rqiitl oecurtijr. Youmono a l*m mood TWO NEW IIOUHEB RENT!NO FOR 99 Room in build too mor#; nkt om*Jl |n vrfttmtW which mill pay 15 pnr cont ; only 999 h Youmuru A I>#mmorwl NO 1025 FRANK RTRKCT. CORNER Watdt rood. k*r*' tw*-iory houoo. ruim to hutkl inu!l •tnrr on oomor. only |*nr Younmn** A Dommood THE Ia>VELIKST SUBURBAN HOME nnar city only f*w hundred yank from limit, half-arro lot. hou*# hao ton room* ortMdan wogor; only 9M91 half \o!u<*. To'itnana A- Dvmmond. Provi dent Hulldlttor FOR BAIssF-. FINK FARM. JIITNORnO a. r<*. on povrd rom<\. or will •xchongo for dljr property I I' I*olUM*he. FINE BrlNßBfl I>TH'ATION. WA trro fiiod and Whattoo otrert. I. D l*a Rochr ~21 FARM RTRCETT. NORTH. TWO otory rodder o; re'nttr. 1. % D. la Roc ho. BOT THEART CORNER OF RAY AND leurnhcr ap.miilAi paving Invest menl. I. I> LaUoi'he 192 JONES STREET. EAST. NICE 2- otory dwrlUng. vary choap. I. D. Lo tto* he 99-FOOT IaOTS ON FIRST AND RT f R roughs; rlucont lot** for lnvr*tm**nt |*ir |M*en; can niako •atlsfa.'tory termo. M. J Ml*ca!iy, Jr “I’ROPEttTY ON NORTHEAST rOR- Hull ntil JefTcmon. good bu*lnr otrind. f*yj* (eN<i Inbred on prrsrnl ln coror. W. J. MlM'oliy, Jr. ITB ON WAbDBITRO. PARK AVF nur. Duffy. Hmry and Araleraon, easi of Price; are none hotter to bo had. W. J. Mil colly, Jr ‘3&-FOOT LOTS ON BB tween Hull and Owlnnrrt. with depth of 130 feet, or wl.l w-ll about K#> feet front og*- on ltorr.ard: submit off* r and ire how cheap can be bought. W. J. Mbai ly. Jr. FOR SALE. I MAKE A HFECTALTY of th* of real *'atal*; would like to l*t youro if you wish it aoM; I hove or der# to buy several amoll homeo, cen trally located; youro rnighr nil th*s order. K O. It.o k. 6 Bryan, eaat. FOR SAIJ-:. 525 AND 527 EAST HUNT- Ingdon. two two-atory houaea renting for tl each; con oell for 13.300. K O. HUck. 6 Bryan, eaat. IV ill SALE, BIeOCK OF TWENTY - two lots, eastern eectlon. E G. Black, FOR SALE. 12 BROWNSVILLE 1,0T3. If sold at once will give bargains. E G Black. FOR SALE;" 3 BULL STREET LOTS. 80 feet each. E G. Black FOR HALIL COR NEB CONGRESS and Last Broad: 5 new houses aid large brick store E. G. Black FOR SALE I BUY AND SELL REAL estate on commission; let me hear from you. E. G. Black. FOR SALK. ON TAYLOR, EAST OF Drayton n!c little home on easy terms i; 0. Black. FOR SAI.K, SO~ H if A UPAS AVE nue, or Eleventh sireet, east: thl* nlc, little home ran be sold cheap and on very easy term# K Q. Black. 8 Bryan, east. NO. 208 WEST NINTH: WILL SELL for *2.730; can make terms If you like It. K G Black. 6 Bryan, east, NO 417 CHARLTON. EAST. I-AHGE brick house on 8o- foot lot; *9w cash; balance 8 per cent. E. G. Black. 8 Bryan, east. no r.i tentii - Street west |i .i two-story house for *1.00". *2OO cash, will lend you tns rest. E. U. Ktack. 8 Bryan, vast. NOS. 806 AND 887 BARNARD. THESE two houses are well located and aught to sell at once; look quick If you wtab to buy. E. G. Black. 8 Bryan, east. FOR SALE. FOUR-STORY BRICK residence In <-od location; good repair, will sell for (I.QUO caah. and balance ku is lime 6 per cent; If you can use a larg house don t delay seeing me E. G. ilia k 8 Bryan, eaat. for sale r.sMALi. Houses. itENT tng for **. for *1.100; *n c*sh. balance, 7 |e-r cent.; they ore new. and all rented E G. Rlack. 8 Bryan, east. FOR SALE. SEVERAL RESIDENCES of which I would like to tell >ou. If you wish to buy a home. E. U. Black. 8 Bryan, east. FOB SALE CORNER BRYAN. PRICK and St. Julian. two houses on lot *"x9. and room for another house. K. O. Blagk. 8 Bryan, ea*t. FOM SAI.K M AND 711 KITTY west: go,el Invest merit E. G. Black. 8 Bryan, it FOR SAI.K. I/MIK AT 18 MAUPAS avenue. 3 doors east of Hull; I can mah you eo<sl trn,e on this. house painted yel ow, look at It. K. G. Black. 8 Bryan, east. FOB SALE 7 NEW HOUSES RENT- Ing for *l*< would like to sell at once. K. O. Black. 8 Bryan, eaat. FOB SALK. RESIDENCE ON HENRY. near Lincoln. K. G. Black. FOR SAI.K. I/>T ON BEST AND Barnard. Juat out of reach of taxation; price low E. G. Black FOR SALK FOOT FRONT, 3 l/>TS northwe-: corner New Houton and Wal ter* avenue. E. O. Black. 8 Bryan. *#*t. FOB SALK ELEVEN U>TS IN COL llnsvtiie; 1 am inatructed to aell. E. O. Ilia. k. 8 Bryan, east. FOR SALE. 12 LOTS r. ON BUEV enth. 8 on Twelfth, between Barnard and Jefferson; will sell the bunch cheap. E O Black, * Bryan, eaat. FOB I4LIC— WTITT FOR BALE. LOT ker next to <vm*r 4f Sixth. 91.999; an tmequaJed P'atohek A Ce FOR MU'. Ie TS >N NINTH. EAST. eiween Prue oi Koai Brood. INO eo h. eoe> term*, eer the prettv homes bein§ built there Plotnek ATo 110 FOR THAT i.HWV I*OT 3d pi IB ew*t ► e4 m Rorttord; Jum north of Hi’li Plotxhek St <V l:- for a magnificent rpild mg !oe fhe “Terra, p. Ninth. n*ar Lin coin. P.atehek A Cos S9O FA* *ll WILL HIT EltlHT chotCMR lot* In West Bavwnnah don’t huy there until you eee these' PUuhek A Cos FOR SALE TENTH WT3BT urge 4-rrn>m frame dwehiug lot J*hl3o to lone <an luJkt on rear. ortm>un pump in yard; pn e on*v 9F?%. term# 97* o*h. bil once ftinatl payment#, great at ap' Plat* •* .<*k A Cos lift Rrion. e *t. FYnTsALE >i PARK A VKM’F wev{. kxf com fort oble t wo-etorv dweihng with gardet . give ua but' l*lat •hek A Cos FOR HALE 4!* IT. YORK AND 134 I Vice; lot G&xFV rent# $95 month, hi* hargoUi a? 93.>k>. Plaiahek A <\ FOR BALM *sn9 TO 61S PARK AVKNPE ws*-4i. m#o I tioura in re.r on lone, tn oil % toro-atory tet*enont*. rents 91*34 \ rat price urrai kiveotmeni! Plot ■‘hen A (*n F> H HALE "ONE-STORY FRAME, tenement# aoutheaxt orner Cuvier and DtrtTv . orge k#t. rvnta 9t9 month, price onlv 93 500' Plotahek A Cos F*>R SALE. HPLKNPin TWO-STOHV frame tenement ami twi>-atory outhouse No _*l4 Duffv weat; lot 321105. rente 9*5 month, gum I chance al t-t.l"0 Plitthrk A Cos FSHThaLE • haRRIH EAST WRI I. butll two-otory brFk rraltlence, lot DiltlO, and room to Improve further. prFe 92.20 U. get on qui *<' P.oth*k A Cos FOR BALE 2> BOLTON WFSPT. FTLE ijant 3-e( • brick reaklence. all modern 1 e location, price 99.500, ev lerme Pintahek A Cos FOR SALK 51 fIROITQHTON. EAST fine large aior\ tenement; a value for fhe future ami prearat, prk'w 92. Wu. come rar*yt Plotahek St Cos FOR BALE 119-131 FARM STREET lot dbxion, tan frame tenomen** on bivtld a more there, price |3 (Xk); nmk u# beP Piutehek A Cos FOR SALE. %# U>RCH STRIffBT "t Ihreeetory fr.m*- nsl hri k dwelling alao J wo-*torv franco tenements on lam rents J3 m nth pr|c 92. W. make ua an offer. I ratahek A Cos FOR SATaK. 6 ONE STORY FRAME tenetnenfa aiui one atore with dwal \ on I*eat cornel on Farm etreet rent# *77 motith; price %irOOO. grand chance' I*iat wrv*-K A <>* FOR SAIoE. A CItOICE TEN - ACRE farm with well built hours t>n White HJtilf ahell road front, four mlsee from rltv. prl.M* |T7S. the greatest gift of the age. don't lore it**hek A <*o. FOR HALF. BOLID-BUIt/T. ONE atory from** tenement; large rnomu; kt 35x49. In street lane, bat wean Whitaker nnd Hull; rent# 17 00 month; price ffiCO to quick buyer! Plt#hek A Cos. 15 VA LAP RLE RPIfaDINO LOT* alx 19x10' neitr Weft (Savannah, price R> each; terma live ciidiara ca#h, balance iwo (Mian* a motxth; no Interest, grratwxt chance aflo*xt to make muney! Pkatxhek A Cos. FOR SALE. THE CHOICP3BT I/>T ON Eleventh alr*-e. nesr Harnard. hna outh ern front; hutl2f* price 9?u. term#. I’d ra*h; balance 110 month. Platebek A Cos FOR HALF IH TLDINO IA ITS. ditth marevUlc. larKalr Call on or adtreaa J It C.iln. Bonnl of Trade. FOR 44 ALE SMALL HOTBE AND twr* lota. Becorul and Thlr*l hot ween Ball and Whitaker. oa or Iwth. Mra. L. Smith FOR SALE. >ff NINTH. WEST. A beautiful house and outbuildings, terms xmuli. FOUR BRICK HOUSE*. EAST Broad, between Hull and M.-Donotiati; two frame house* on JlHwmurt. rent- Ing for one hundred per month; pTce eight thousand. also residence 313 Ogle, thorps avenue, eaat. Apply *lO. FOR SAIJC. ON EASY TERMS; NICE h,*Mc and lot at laic of Hope, fronting river; amide room fur other houses on the front. J. C. Howland. 22 Bryan. sst FOR SALE ONE OF THE NIC*KST little fsrms In Effingham -minty, at, art ninety acres, one mile from Marlow, good house, well-equipped wl,h ham. stable*, etc. Address Capt. Kennedy, Marlow. Ua. FIaORIDA LOVET.Y WINTER HOME valued before th# free*# of ink-, at *20,). present p-Ice. *"-",<**) Isv-k Box No. 392. Tampa. Kla. FOR SALE THE UNDIVIDED HALF of the plantation known a* "Sharoii,'- alt ualed live miles from city Court House For term*, larticulars. etc.. a;>f>ly or ad dress It It Klchards. Southern Bank building, elty ADVERTIBEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAIJt WILL RE PRINTED IN GLIB -H FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN EOR LESS THAN SOC FOR SALE—M!!CBLLAXBBC*, FREE BENZOIN Balm for chaps and rough skin, given to any lady calling at Ivrase-* drug store*. Henry ant* Anercorn, Ta> or and Whita ker. _ IF YOU Vi: GOT TWO LI NOS LEFT. Snv Rem will cure your cough; a dollar bottle guaranteed to cure or money re funded Per*se a drug stores. TIME GETTING SHORT TC SELECT present* for Christmas. Have you bought a watch, brooch, diamond ring, or any va.uahk and neat present for the wife and daughter? Hurry up to Wtlensky s. comer Broughton and Barnard, and make your selections. The prt -a do not require the yield of a South African mine to pur chaae, and yet they are as good as can be found In the city. FOR SALK CHEAP. BOYS'. GIRLS’, gents' and ladles’ buyvies; slightly shop worn: practically a* good as new; *1". 113. *2" end *25, call and get a bargain for Christmas C. H. Westcott. 410 Hull atreet, corner Jonea lane DON'T YOU WANT A GOOD MILCH cow "* If m> ,-all 471 West Boundary. FOR BALE. SMALL TURPENTINE busltices, 9).,*<) acre# round timber In ter ritory; chan, rolling lands; any experi enced |wrator would like llmher; will sell cheap for cash. For Information, ad dress Box 52. okahumpka. Fla. FOR SALE. PALMETTO BERRIES, either dried „r fresh. In any quantities. E. W. Amaden. Ormond. Fla. PIANO Folt SAM. ENGLISH up right *••*) cash !1 !)uff> street, west. A LARGE DRAFT HORSE FOR SALE or trad,- 810 Twelfth sireet. weal. ""HORSE. WAGON AND HARNESS, pony, buggy and harness; selcboards, wardrobes, extension ,fining tables, bed room suttee, lounges, rooking and heating • tov’t* for sal,-; (heap at S llson s Auction House. 223 fotigress street, treat. HORSES FOR BALE. JUST ARRIVED at Keely’s Transfer Stable, Weet Broad Street. car.oad of Kentucky horeea. tvhlcn We Win Bel! • hean; call and see them. II A. * Tbo* Bowden. FOR SALE ONE HEINE, W FEET long, nine feel deep, cheap, ill WoSl Liberty street. FOH IAMI>-lII9CBU.AJIBDtI. FOR HA LK~r>S 1: PTOvK var\ h.. 414 Waal Llbatly atree4. U AVTI D I*o HELL POTATt >E44 T* P*i >*• • wI my <mu firiu>i kiiH6, with lh- . .i .or A4dhi> J INilhlil. Clai* Urn. t*i Fi>lt HALE MON Hoi; BOAIIDINO houae; cane n f the beet btialnea* wtandM in city 10-allty good trade; m*artsy to # male. room f*r lor nd 1 efauiant p • * i.i\hiK fsty Apts!y 4.1* Conue . XT* Mra F* P AT YOrNULOYE \ HIPI'I.E H Al’C Motl Tueagfay at It o clock. Jery cow and young oalf. F* R BALK SMALL RKFRM>aiATOR prh'c ver> call 4b Eaat Hurt iiigtkin Mreet. At'CLIMATED HOPND. QTTCK fiW • n-Neut 4|l mule fur aale or hire 4U> Con gre#a atmet. we*t RARY CAItRIAOE VyißT 916 Rh IN good order, f*r 9 441 Tattnall etre#* A HELD PKCANB. RIO non* \ planting feld# ami ornamenting law up lkx 615. Mu dii • APCTION SALE HoRSVIS FOR sale. ■$ t uuctum, next Tuesday. nt Young love a.- Hippie stable#, cirload ' In ih • load are driver•< and work* an\xne w *hlnc gw>l b. ap bor># ■ ■ 1 ... "Horei now in atabk*.’* WANTED To HELL. >N F. VCdU gentle an*l hatei- trie billy gf'at hartie## ar.l ‘ !tg| Murlrth far 9 V i t |!6 Drop n cirnl lo \|sb r llan-ld Cliff, 4JI Mont tovnery atm t. ai l he will drive ts* your diwr. FOR HALE LADDS* "TRIRDNI? wheel cheap; 1m *nlv bean used a few tins# Addie-# Tribune, care M>rnlng N w# FOR RALt. A 5 RY 7 FOLDINO ; •*Poco“ camera c*>mple*e % writ h trip#! ate. for fi l*ei # al-*ne coal tti *• a.- much a thi- Addreaa Lena, care Mm In# New > FOR Sa\LE CHEAP. ONE COW ONE h* fer, b th perfectly g*mle, any otie *a4i m.ik sow. al-o one piano, a real g#l chance t* get a good Inatrutnent cheap c |t Wf stfOtt 210 West Thirty-ninth etreot A LADY WILL SELL A BWAFT!FPL #ev*i-drawer ponwatif eawlng m-chine with a full #et i*f attachment* for Hf'wen dollar#, run* very light and I# In #plrad! 1 or ter Addrer* Home, care Morning New* FOR SALE WOOD. OIT, /ND O %SO litie 7.ubly and S' Haul *tr# t. phonra I lei! 52H; Oe rgia INB. H E Martin. FOR HALE. LADIES COIAMHIA chair ban 190' model g#**l h# a n* w la eyrie, prlr |*o Tht# wheel ©o#t 975 4nl\ lew mottth# ngr** and ha# been ridden only three time* and nut over five mile* Daniel A. Iloband. 6 ttlute atieex. aa#t TWO HOHffkß FOR BALE- APPLY to Mr#. /Jttrouer, 107 Hroighton. ea#4 FOR BALfX M AI/TEHI) PUPPIK-B fine white hair; Imported Mock. No H3 berry atiaat, waat. FOR HALE CHEAP. LATWT *F.N tury Dii-•tiai*ry and OyHopidla, t#*i vol ime*. Addreaa * J H H.." tare New*. FOR SALK. OAR BTOV'BX FIVE DOlr !*r#. rare bargain J N. McOlllU. 110 Rroughlan. w-#*-t* HORSES. MFLRB AND HORSES, the laige.xt ctix k of horses arwl mule* In tlv . Ity. ftr *al at YoungUne A Sipple*’ * rabies. FOR BALE. CAR HORSES JFffT Alt rived, eultable f.r the trade, wevarol files |M*niee S H /giuck*. manager FERTILIZER FOR FLOWERS; THE heat you can ua*. Promotes growth and c*u#•*.* early bb om nf. 12 double load, de- Itvere l AddTea* Hprlngtleld Dairy. Bo* 211, dty. TEN TMOCSAND DOLLARS CASH buy# the ody factory In tht* city. w<riri 915.000. Addrew* Ho* 129. HBLGIAN 11A lUiH, START RlClHl with our Rig Four offer, for S2f> We *end you expreaa prepaid, three fine ledlgreed. re#l dona, moat popular atralti* hre| to buck# ftcorthg over ft, Pruthoda*. ttrltaln#. etc , and one tine high scoring >tud buck Suva middleman's ei*ormou# profit ami oedar direct frn llrttaln ItnhMtry. whole •ala brec ler* and ahippera, WataonviHe Cal.; fttooklat free. BOILERS KIOIIT CYLINDER 8011,- ar#. 36 Inrhea In diameter, 39 feet long otuttiion good; on*' tmoke #ta* k 4 feet In diameter. 61 feet high; one engine 75 horae-imwer The Cypre## Company. Apalachicola, Fla. WOOD. WOOD. WOOD. ALL KINDS and tsea ru arable prl* . *it In fart lon guaranteed Brown Bros., And*r#on arid Ea*t Broad #tr*-et# COWS. WITH YOI’NO CALVES. FOR aale Coil 471 Wtfll Boundary tr#et; see th* in. FTRF, PROOF SAFES WE CARRY A flna line of flr* proof afea In at all times The parties can aa exactly wrha* they ara getting Our prlraa ore os low a# monufa turar# a* 11 It. wish freight add ed Parties Interested, who wish a good Are proof safe, will do well to inspect our stock. I-ipptnan Bros, Lippman bi<> k. agents for manufacturers ADVERTISEMENTS BET IN CAP ITAL# WILL RE PRINTED IN CLAB SI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN EOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AI VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR I JESS THAN 9QC |.o*| \M HH Ml. LOST. A MALTESE POODLE. MALE, perfectly white with brown ayet and noa and long fluffy bilr. to mm<* of iTince; we.gha al* or seven pounds, h almut ten Incites high; waa last seen In neighborhood of Whisker ami Taylor streets. Liberal reward for return of tame, or ln!rm'if on that will to Its recovery. Report to office of I>e Boto Ho tel. PERSON WHO FOUND PISTOL IN hallway. 16 Bryan, east cei Dec 13. pleeee return and rscsivs reward. Oliver Rod* <■• LOST. LIVER COI.ORED POINTER bitch with four white fee ; answers name of Hell Reward If returned to John Lueders, care Hwifi A Cos. I/ifiT, A POCKETBOOK. CONTAIN- Ing two dollars or more In change, with two visiting rard#. Finder will lie reward ed by leaving at 124 Taylor street, west. Mrs. John Daniels. FOUND, POINTER PEPPY. OWNER can get same n4 John F Cordos, Mmt gegnery and Whathy avenue, by payment cf expenses. • 4ND136. (iKN'I I.KMKN CAN OBTAIN BOARD i privut** family. Park avenue, east. SEVERAL GENTLEMEN CAN BE* cur* ra ,iml in private family, 93 per week. •21 .\A> tgomery street. WANT ED. SEVERAL SBLE<'T buarders. elegant rooms; sfdendld lora tkm; no children taken, 30# Jones, ra# HOARDERS WANTED. A OOFPLE or two young men can secure room and 1 U/jtd with private f*umly wMh all mod ern Improvements, by appiylng at 113 Taylor, east. GOOD TABLE. PLEASANT ROOMS. n|r location; reasonable rates at 222 Har* , rl* street, eost. FPRNIMIIED ROOMS. FIRST-CLABH \ table hoard 311 Jones 2trr*t. east. NORWOOD'S BOOK. "IIIIHW till!," , For sals at all Nears Bunds In Bavanoah BI9IXRSS ( NA4r Kl. iirrrrrr vp t< rLirpAUB v?rT*a In partial** V . sloped gsid mms m Mobo •'#.** aad ahora with good people m she profits BbaJt •town 472 feet Drift started Tanaai be ing driven. Work progressing rapidly. Ab ler?, machinery, air drikt 12 .doMaa. Hast tnanaeai#at Wfltf M proapadOoa. Lank referenthe Big Cklef Mlniag Oa, Milwaukee, Wts vlitM, riHt-lt tARMTVca pariners'itp with a huMlse with or wllti •** *apUal twit m* II poatad on real aw* tata aid lush trvneacSWaiw: weed fall pae* thutars v'Otvarninf •* perl an or 40 p• > •}•. cars Morning Newa. aiAkhtibemcntb but IIT 6if- ITM# W 11.1. ItE PRINTVD 1M f’UAt- BIUIEU I>VFri:nßrvENT COLI'MJ* r, M TIVO CUNT* A WORJI NO AD VI RTIBUMKKT TAKEN SfOR tJSM TITAN *" him Ki.i.ANKora. 11, >1 a1 it ant, hot w aTtlr’ in* at I li.- AI.Bi, GHATKS A Nil PARTS I I I IN ANT' REUAIRKr r. H KiEM NAN 10 STATE BTHRKT IVTBST 'Vim S TIIE MATTEH WITH THAT wr.s rn Br %..ii shaking It to make It run <rt i.s \t lfto'n#ky*s, romer Bnoughtras n*l llarratr*! mil have It fixed Ha <kn • ii 1 k rap tlm*- Okt v*M ant ativar taken tn rada or caah (atid WE GIVE YtVr~CITHFR DOMESTIC or gloss finish, perfect work F?rest <Tly lanjgtdry. I‘ark avenue. BEFORE TOE I*l *ft • 'll ARE WALL l*par. don't forgr! Ts>l*>r, hie new *i'.ck aid low prtcos will pleas* you. 141 Hat* nard NEW DOMESTIC. WTTH BALL hearing on easy tu-ms. fry one; buy on**] deal with 4our people I'enton A Son. FOR FIBHINO TACKLE. NETS. ETC^ go 10 Cornwell A fh-ptnan patronize home iNWYntf F*dfg Ar Cos. 11*. Hull straef m-crnfa- t ir •1# (not agents! of photo Jewelry of ail d*rripttor #. #ol|d gi/l iiivl p'.tlwl frainra; biwrat |ri es on sil pholographic work FIREWORK* AT <YT PRICER AT Ih mate n . Waat Hiiwighton street. A BOTTIJB OF FINE OLD CROW will be thr thing these dsy*a; none eo pure s* a? M'llllam Dtare West Hio>d *■ and Liberty. YOUR DOLIaAR WILL OO AH FAR w'th us as lan snywher* else, a full llcaw of • rockei) tinware stoves. e, , .ti .i*y term* A C Prld- A Cos. Bfst* and Jef ferson ’ Phone# 9M WE ARK IfEADQUARTEIUI EOY oewar pipe, fire brick, fir** clay, otl* and varnishes give us s * all Adam# I -lut Company DON T TROT BLE TOFRBRLF ABOUT moMr.g jour furniture. r#ia>tng your car pets or matting Parry A Kenton will re .teva you of *ll that trouble. OUR GERMAN READY MIMED paint Is sold inder a g\ - ranter, have yoar house painted with it A<>.<me Paint Com pany kHuDALLIONR, PHOTO BUTTON*, esc , pfew4o iK*vrlrlra of all l*i*rnitiOM d\- us a all Hpr I*: Indieetnetts for the ladHrays. Foltx A Cos, 119 Hull street. PHONE im FOR CTTT Iraundrv They will call for your itnea Immedletalv • LA RUE AND NEW BTOCIC OF WALL paper. Just Arrived, will make prt aa to ault you. William Taylor. Ml Barnard NEW DOMESTIC SEW!NO MACHINE with hall t*earli g* lock and chsln siliek; two m.tettines In one. Panion A SO. FOR HARDWARE AND TOO IA "OO lo Uorfiwrll A i'hlpmn' AN ELEGANT X6f4B rRraiTNT, • oily sl.™>. kl<* your .11. or iwwth- -iK ~ mxUlhou of yournoH; mMlkßlon nufln from any plni,ripli. Foils A Cos., 1M Hull strMff. rvII.LB, TOT TEA BETB ANT) DHTTITa oliuilnx at cop,l st R|,riutln‘i, MS IV,* Itr.iuirhi,u, rtnrt. BTF.U INTO MV BTOUE AND GBT A ltil>, of fin, 1 old *6. h-mrraber It Is ’4s, siml ,ot wotiMt othor t.ritd. Old <*mw I* xr,s ; try II Willktfft Olrrv, W,t Ilios'l ,n,i Utterly. YOUR WIORB RRI’ATRKI) THE WAT they fthnitM el ree-.we,blr juioee. Foe nhlu.-i with all loptt.rnK Ho*hrtm. the ,hm r**Mlror. 413 Hrvoightlon etrwt. west. LAD! KB AND GENTLEMEN. I'M wllh whil'-r .to, k of umbrrlle.; porowß. rrpelrr.l i„l r-oovrrwl, kirk, end krye M. Domlnltx. rornor o*l*- thurpe-Bartuird. Oeorcts 'phonr lof* WH ARE HEADQUARTER# FOB nient, :• Ttom 1 rrnte to rente; your old Mtovo rx, lwn*ed for anew on* A. U price * ('a, Bute end Jrff.reon rtreele. "Plwet** 66$ MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED< ENT* m *v*ry <k>4lor of your herd-*ern*d herd reeh at th* Bnttlhero Grocery Cuapanjr, ill furnaid etr-rt PERRY * BBNTON IX> BTATE atrret, wef. will move, park, etilp or elote your ftirnlturr at abort wotk-e, alao r*n ovatr your old at IHlle coat. Roll ‘phon* 1134 WANTED, ONE THOUEAND HUN grv propl* at the fknithern G tor err Com tany, lit B.rnard THE SIIBT UP TO-DATE WORK IS belli* turned out by Foreat fTty laundry ’Phone 1675 FOR THE MOST HELECT AND largest stork of well paper In the city, go to Taylor, 141 Barnard PFNTfiN t BON. WILL RENOVATE your machine aid guarantee It Bell mow or old freeblree. FOR RANOER AND BTOVBS GO TO Cornwell 4r Chltwnen MKDALLHINB GIVEN AWAY: un til Jan. I we win give with every doeao ooWnrt photo* a medallion; rcaular price of medallion, sl.oo, Folix 4c Cos.. 116 Hull etreet. HOT STUFF HEATER* AT *2 12. 8. fterneleln. M Weat Broughton street. A FULL LINE OF ORATEB JUST received. will w l any of the t p irtte pertr Adame Paint company. KB Com greaa street, went. ____ IF YOU WILL I.ET US ESTIMATE on your plumbing work you wilt be ooo vtn ed that wt- are cheaper than any one .-lee. A C. Price A Cos.. State A Jeffer son street*. ’Pltonen *6* _____ REDUCE TOUR LIVING EXPENSES by Investing vour hard-earned hard cash with the Southern Grocery Company. 114 Barnard a'reet OLD NBWHPAPERB. > for X rente, at Buatneaa Office Mornln* New*. A DVERTIREMFNTS BET IN CAP TTAM WILE Hs: PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LBSS THAN sue tGooopositions j sl&llif' Young Men ' rt d V/OIWEN ti\e cur potucal Business (odrse p]CHMon O , / Business / COLLEGEa.) J 5