The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 17, 1900, Image 1

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THK. MORNING NEWS i -t'lshed IM. • - InrorporiMd !W j H MTII4* President WITH A BLOODHOUND ~,| T w PArnsno t pan Tfl t negro All RDEHEftS. lynched by a frenzied mob. IJ'IIRT. IMI . AA a nir. *< I M ok ahipt vnosAAi n I rH of 1,000 llmirml In rll lloor* Will* ■ I'olf. 1 1 aim •*•! "“J **• Their % ic %lauo Lynclacil Another Ne trili i,m ll* on Alibi—Tlm* Hull Murdered und Notified , H blt** lln rluT. j r it ,polli. Ind.. Der. IC—A to t , -,>i,i;nil from Ro>*kpo r t. Itul.. *•>**•: ri.-rro#*f, Jlrn Henler*on and B ui j: *ho waylaM. brutally mur , aid n>bb*d llolile Himon*. a nhite - this morn in# wRr- lyncnefi J#llv#rd by a mob of I,oo* trended , i to-ni;ht. t: . kh •• **re arrested *nrly. ir. i jgb Rowlands' clothir.c hid blood f, on It. the nun claimed thi*y wo e ~n t of the crime In the meantime t . r* of T’nlon county. K t Arrived with a trained blooJhoun 1 ~ . to a teh-xraphi' mimmoni •'. the dop va* placed on the trail I .iwrd it until he reached the v • Kiwlind? llv.d. ex blo'k.** If ni rro of the murder and went bayliu t l*ed the negro hail occup.* and. TANARUS, **? enough ior the excited clti r. Within a few minute* a mob of a 1 . ir. l hoe ling, blood-thirsty cltlxeim. v kdgehamm* re. rop*# and *um* were iii nti-K to the jail. Sheriff Anderaon and I . ivmi depulle* rnutle a *tand and at t<mpb*d to protect the prisoner*. T e ofh’era were *el*d by the leader* o t:* mob. who disarmed them The r ;;fT wa* then locked In a room and pi- Mi under guard, but he stoutly r i . give up th* key* or tell where i i*r.on r* were hidden. ’ .ng to pet trie key*, the mib made #. hut unsuccessful attempt to i... in the jail iloor. By this tim* th*' w ~and be lyncher* were In a i** fe tr i ? / and, securing a telegraph poh\ they i *. it .i' n battering ram and i ayed In t! de wall of lhe Jai!. f, door of Rowlands* cell w.ift then q k,v nroken in with sledge* and he so dragged from the jail to the east side of tae courtyard, where a noose was r.i'ed around bis neck. Hol Knew Ni Mercy. Ff* i frffWTmTP Vf ’Tnirtre a iWmnfiem lr sr.d *.i he implicated Jim Henderron • r ; n,other negro. RovUnds then begged .* \ fer mercy, but the mob swiftly i> nr the confessed murderer to a mi*l rtblSed his body with bullets. Leaving the hotly of Howlands dangling f m the limb of the tree, the mob rush • k to toe jail and attempted to burst n the cell occupied by Hendersosi, but fare t;i* s:ee| bars yieldfd to tbo blows et ' * fledges, someone in the crowd fU‘*d in the terrified negro as he crouched a the corner of hk ceil. \ few moments more and the door of • II was broken in The negro, more and i than alive, was dragged at a rope's i rui to the Court House yard hu) swung cm the ire* be*ide Irte body of Rowland*. Firing a parting volley at the swinging I*>lies, the mob. eager for another vic • m, hurri* 1 away to catch the other negro imi.llcaied by Howlutul* in his confession. H* wais found at a hotel where he was rrployed os a porter. The negr > escaped t > the roof of the building and M a nag. r ] aruler succeedc*d in convincing the mo‘ t *i to* |x>rier had nothing to do with th< rime, proving an alibi for him. The mob t i dlspersid. apparently sailallcd with i * awful work of vengeance. i rime of the %rgniM. The negroes' victim. Bnu*n*. wa way la.l iiini murdered in the most brutil i one square from the main street he ei y. a* he was going to hie honi*- f m his tmrbersliop at 2 o'clock tit'.^ • tilng. As w*e customary with him arried the receipts of the day at his I • of business. Tie negroes tvi* • 'aare of this, aud evidently laid their I* u * occordlngly. Crouching benind a i they awaited their victim and : rn *ed from their place of concealment s t attacked him from behind, striking 1 n >ver the hea*l with a heavy club with • Urge nail driven Into the end of It. Although terribly beaten Simon* mad* • i pc rata fight and his cries and strug • soon attracted two hoys, woo went ’ hi* assistance, but they were a mo • > ft too late, the victim of the two ne • having succumbed to the terrible ding, lying dead at their feet. The murderer* then drove the would-be *' uers away and accomplished their or • Inai design—that of robbery—seeding a < ontaining somHhing over fP from L • prostrate form of their victim and •• * le their eecaiM*. • s mons was terribly beaten: his skull • rushed in; his head anil face beaten Into ** pulp. Four gaping wound** showed where the spike on the club had i*en**- tr u**l the dead man's skull and p*ne tr.4t.Ad his brain. I'.VRito llrewme s Man lee. 'Valter Rvaits, one of the young men who sltenipfed to save Hltnons* life ami " afterward assisted in th* removing • * th dead man's remains to his home, /affected and almost suffered •” rvous collapse. After witnessing the t *<edy to-night he lost his reason The dead mans widow Is prostrated, and it is believed she will die from the ►ho k. Hoi lie Simons came here from Vdruiow, lnd.. three years ago, and was '* Popular young man. Transport Sails for Mnnll*. dsattlt, Wash.. Dec. If.—The army • nsport Klntuck sailed for Manila yes <*rday afternoon with 504 horses and . K f| ule* for the Philippine acrvlce, beatde. "**' tons of miscelkmeouß army supplies. h will touch at Honolulu, and there give ’he animals a rest from confinement • uard the ship. jl&toitnral) iHotninq | WILL CAUSE MORE DELAY. Fa Cftand Milt %nt Mlgi the >a|p to i litua I mil Some Important hniigrß \re Made. I>kn. Dec. D'finlfe Instru *ions. *'jp|>lemeiitlng yesurda*. - communica tion from London have b*en received by H!r Flrneet Maeon Patow, th#- British min ister and he now demind* * moditlratlon A>f .i point In the Joint note, which the foreign envois gen rally regard a* im portant. Tme rn**Hn* further delay a all the min ' r* mus* comm it at* anew* with ther re*p cuve govci nmimt*. J:* whst is the nature of the objet'- tlor* raise,) by Britain, the minis ♦*r* decline to -n\ ;mt they .ilm t that *h i' ; *w demand will involve a gomi deal more diplomats* prrn'edure. U is %T % LOSS. Official* lln \t I nderelnnd Kng laiul'e %ttitade. \\ahington. I>* 1 —Off! iai* here vta at u loss to urdfte*nnd the rc*a*on* for the Important modification In the Joint Chinese note, which it i* reported t :e British minister to !*• klr. is to demMid be fore signing tl.a* l<K*umtu preparatory to it* presentat'an to tn** Chinese plcni jwrtentlailee. T *\ have no Information >i the subject a- nothing has been heard from Mr. Cong* r on the matter for som lays. The utidcrMtandJng ijrre ha* been that the Joint note n* agreed upon by the **nvovs w.js In itie main satisfactory to h* Lint le t gov**i i men t. S o simply de sired a slight mu a*. (Intent. ei*i to be in the natute of * mere change in style • r nr !•- to be ii*e.f, rather than anv ameisim*-*it to the of the ogreemen*. This iil not • ih t with any of the prlnelpbv heil ou: for by our govern* n'.erit. Bli* h * itlg Cm- . a it w.i-, run fldently expee;d thr- signature of th* British rnlniste’ woi.) k* promptly af fixed to Mr agr men* and the note pre sented to the Chinese nt an early date. Ill" rot mi n\ ii!\f; oi w linrrimn v,,|4|| rr Hutt* onto Clilwese Mr Maferlala. Fekln, Dec. id.—Yesterday, while a prl vate of the Ninth t’nited Higtes Infantry was searching for wtray mules rear lla A; Wu. he arrived a a Jan wh r** b . Mind n rapid-fire machine gun. with 5,000 rounds of ammunition, of which he took charge. He went back to the mall station for th* right, hut. on returning in the morn ing he found two loided Winchesters, two other magasir.e r.fles and l.ioo rounds ef ammunition When leaving the town he was fired upon, but be did not return :he firt A village five miles southeast Ho •"ii " b h.u by bft iitat twice. w.thin half a mile of toe ma*l staiion. ni"'*ivt uincwd m*:gin\g. I*i etetuls to l ( ermll lh* I 111 Meet* to Rule In Mnttrbiirla. London. Dec. 17.—Dr. Morrison, wiring to the Time* from Pkln yesterday, says "Li Hung Chong, at the instance of Price* rkhtotn.-ky. has wired Fsini*ror Nla h< hi* an expre.wlon of Chinese grat itude for p mii.‘**lon to rule Mmchtirla meler Russian protection. Tills |wrmls slon purport* t* hove come from tho i z tr. wHo Is, of course, quite ignoratu of the m-iHtr. Prince Pkhtomaky Is leav ing Pekin within a few days, his mission having been accomplished " Ta* 1 . grams from th* n *rth." seys th*’ Shar.gha* correspondent of the Tim***, wiring Bat unlay. **r*|ort renew’*il activ ity on th** jn of the Boxers in the nr‘ighl>A>rh<K>d of Pekin n*i Tien Tsin. It i* believed that . la.n for* igners are continuing a surreptitious business In arms, with tit* oonnlvanco *f the Tao 'lal of Sismghal "There ar# persistent rumors here that the foreign troops have arrived at Ta. Yuen 111. "While the ministers In P-kin are hag gling over the collective note, Russia In* . ons' lldated her |Hiw*r In Manchuria, which under the guise >f friendship she is wrestling ft*m her deluded neighbor.** The Morning Post publishes the follow ing from Us yekin correspondent, dated Bat unlay: "The P.oxjt organisation is nearly de stroyed. There appears now' to b** no dan ger of a reserudeacenee of the receut troubles, altitoagh activity Is shown In Mxnr unprotected places. The Box**r lel - were In reality not numerous, and m o-’ of them have been punished by the Chinese authorities.** Illgftl V* It %*> % D SBIRI HK. Views of Russian lio% rrnmrat on fht %et ton Taken. St. Petersburg. Dec. 16—The Meeseng-T p lalishes an Inspired state m* nt as to the views of the Russian guv rumen! concerning the Yang Tsun, Shan Hal Kwan Railroad, repudiating the norm that the Russians hare acted il legally In holding the line, contending that Russia's action was necessitated by mili tary considerations, declining to reo.*gnl*e the British os owner* of the line, but ad mi' ting that they have the preponderat ing financial intercut*, nrd finally promis ing to reMot* It to the forme* administra tion after the foreign troopa have evac uat* *1 the province of Phi LI. Alt MFD II %>lts OF lURAI KR*. IHstnrlilng IMatrlrta Wear Pekla l drr the Rrltlsh. Pekin. Dec. 16.—The British are con tinually receiving report* of dissatisfac tion from the district* around Pekin un der their special charge. The officer In command has informed Hen Gaseiee that nrnu-1 band* *.' native Christiana, from ih.- vllUk*’ of ilour Noon. fl- mil.-, .outh- .■ of I', kin. r.‘ con.Untly im.v mx HIWUA anil U-vylnK Wai-k*ll. Tho m iraud. r * ar.- Catholic. by French ml'.lonary • .ring fhtn-w nothing. AKRON RIOTER GONA ITK. A Prominent Earnirr Amnna Tho— A'onntl A.tillfy. Akron. 0.. I>a<'. M-Waltar Vlall. a prominent farmer of thla county, we, to d,y con elded of partlclpatln* In the riot of Au B laat. It wat the harde fou*ht of any of he fifteen o fer trted. Twenty-two of the riot heve now been dl.poaetl of. .even of the rioter, hev me nlee.le.l erullty and convictions havln* been secured In each of the fifteen cast tried Fourteen Imllcmenta remain to be disposed of at the next term of the court. SAVANNAH. G Y.. MONDAY, DECEMBER 17. GLOOM IN ENGLAND OVTI4MIK FOR <T!ftl*TM 4* RRaVOVf - IX. IS HOT HR Haiti*. MORE LOSSES ARE REPORTED. tlPteH* CAPTIRFD ISO Ml MTU It* OF HR 111 %NT*% IIOIDM U Hrlirnrr SmII fo llmu* Srnt n Fresh Irgrttt Hrijurst for Mnnnlcd Men. tlrlliah People H> Well %ak Wk> Roherfa la lllowt'd 11# I ome Home. < olonlnl Olliee to I'.nliat .I.IMNI M. ii. Kruger Receives William T. virml ■ I (he Hague. Ison ! n. Dec. 17. I m —Lord Bads ury in*l his colleague* must to-day feel great ly relieved that Parliament was |>jo rogued Baturday. A grim trony now a;tache* to Ldord Robert.*' lipticai of the war a* "over." Yesterday th*. war off! e. fr tli* ffrst 'lnn* in many month*. r malneti oi*n through out \ Buiai ty in re|*ons* t. it.*- i.- m.ii and of public anxiety to learn the latest new* Lord Kitchener l* rcport*l to have * nt n frcnii and urgent fequC-t to tiie govirn ment to sitml out every available mounted man. With Hen DeWet again e* I througn th* British cordon in I'i* n- igh borhood of Thal*a N Hiu, the * ri.*i- af fair* at Yryheld .lid /.ustron ind t Magallenberg di* i-ter confronting t* RDtlsh people, they may w*dl buln t** a* they do, w iy L>rd Ruber-- l a lowed to come home. The colonial ofli* ’ announce* N dc P ton to enlist 6.oC*' nv n, |n*tea<l of tic previous. > o*k*-d to >** rccru|il in tlr*at Britain for Gen. Baden-Powell's constab ulary. which shows that r* ruiting In .South Africa is les< active than had been anti lpatvd. Dispatches frent Lorcnxo Marquos a wert tlvat all the Boer forces ar* |.*.entl fMillV snppli***l with ammunition, but terri bly In want of food and clothing. Kruger Received Mend. Mr. Kruger, at The Hague, r * •uv*d M William T Blend yesterday Mr. .< •and urged him to continue hi?* tour f Kur-UN and to go to Annul a. The Boer • •niiii ilntened attentively, but and • Iliad to commit himHf by any definite si at* men It ts reported that he is about to remove trotn his hotel to a private residence a.- though contemplating a pro.opged stay at The Hague. Lord Roberts, now returning to England on board the Canada, did not go ashore at Bt. Helena, though the steamer touch* 1 there. Ninety troopers, members jf the Sev enteenth Lancers, stationed at Hallincciig, were arrested yesterday for Insubordlna lion. They were about to start for SHith Afrl**a and were annoyed at twit being al lowed license to carouse. THK DKPK4T OF i I.KHtAT*. story **f t lie lni>lnr* of or ft* anther land* Im llir litter*. I/Ofidon, Deo. 17 The Magallestwrg af fair Is described as fotlows in a dispatch to the Standard from Relifonlein: "The scene of the engagement was a hors**shoc ?*ha|** *1 depression. T:*e N rth umherlands occupied the center. Gen. Clement* was pitched 1,000 yards lower town nt the eastern point of the hor>* shoe, and Col. Legge'a camp w.s about sfs yattl* dlMant. "Gen. Delarey'a 1,000 men, against whom Gen Clements hid fought r**u*ate I . lion*, were suddenly, unknown to G- n. Omenta, reinforced by 3.uV) men from Warm Bath*, under Commandant Byer- At daybreak Col. luge's picket do*'iie*l what seemed a fresh force of British troops eighty yards distant. The tdrangers were rWallenged. They atiNwa r**! with h volley, revealing 400 Boers in khaki. The firing became heavy and the noise aroused Col Legge's troop*, who arrived Just In time to save the ou posts from capture. "A furious engagement ensued. Artil lery w,s brought up and it compelled the Boers to retire Col Legg* . following up the withdrawal, was shot dead by * bul let through his head. "Gen. Clement* and his staff soon ar rived. The staff suffered severely, but (Jen. Clements aii-t al'd to have a charmed life. Capture of Morfhunilierlianda. "While mounted men were driving the enemy back along a slope covered thick ly with Boer dead, a deafening rifle fire suddenly broke o the plateau atove. The signallers hello*raphed that the Xortti umlterlands were being atii k*-d G n ClrmetHs. oonvinced that they would eas ily hold their own, disposed the rrma n der of his force* on the flank* and rear of hi* two camp*. *'At 430 a. m.. a heliograph from the western peak announced that the Boers were about to overwhelm the Fusilier*. Gen. Clements was unable to send ade quate help, but dispatched the Yeomanry to climb th* precipitous hillside an l create a diversion. Before the Yeomanry could come Into action, th* Boers had overlapped the Northumberland* ami were in possession of the entire horse shoe. firing down on the Yeomanry, en tangled In the bushes and boulders. ' The Northumberland* made a nviirnlfl cent defense so long as their ammunition lasted. According to the Boer accounts, many even when resistance was hopclc**, died fighting. t Irntenl* **a%ed Hl* <•*•. "Gan. Clement*, now left wsrh 101 men. made superhuman efforts agalnat th* bul let* from the Boers pouring over the peaks and managed to aava hi* guns and the camp equipment. He retired In splen did order, and at 4 p. m started to march at Rletfontsln. fighting a rear guard a* tion all th# way amj arriving the neat day at 4 a. m.” Lord Msthuan, according to another dis patch from Lord Kltcnener. dated yes terday, attacked and captured a Boer Hiagcr near lAchtenburg. Transvaal. D M, securing large supplies of catU# and sheep mid it considerable quantity nt immunltion \ further dispatch from le'rd Kitche tier, datcit Pretoria. Dec. 16 ss>s that Lord Mot ban h*.- official confirmation of the r*|>ort of the i*ath of Gen Letn ner. the Boer cemmander. 80M it i 11 hi i* i• <>• > a Wtia v*■i> •i. • i i**t*t i nmt Mill Mi-n Killed. I,ondon. Dec 16. The following dis patch h.i- bran r*c*-ivrd by the war office from Ku- h* m r "Pretoria. D* 15. Five officers and 316 men, .Magillei*erg prtsoficr*. have been reJea**.!. "Tiie Hivre surrounded and ispturwt 13> •f Br.iL.tnr- Horse In a deflie in the Zastron dlstrM. "t'oi. I omtl' and, moving on Yryheld. de feated th* Boers, with heavy loss, driv ing them from Hcheeprr's Nek and cap turing a quantity of arms The Rrhneep cr's Nek movement occurred De,-. 11 The Ik* i•* who attack*-.! Vtyheld Dec U* lost !<•* kill* 1 and wounded before they retired Th* fighting lasted all day. the ♦ i cmy drawing *fi * 7 :*• p m The Brit ish los* w.* klx killed, nineteen wounded tnd thirty mi-sing. Our cauaitleg in • ad** iwu officer,-, who died of their wounds.’* Wiring from Pretoria yesterday (Sun dew L td Kl’chetier. after announcing • hat the re leased prlskMiers h iv. urrivtd a? Rust* i i** rg. *> - tha: the Bo*- r for •• divided Into two portion* one moving south and the o.her w*t. I.n*s|> or lilt %11% M'S llofiSß. Four Rltl*‘l. sixteen \%niided nml Ikil Taken Prtaoner*. Alts i. Ni*rt ('.! Fo.ony. Dec. 15 \ party of Bra ,u.t s Hors- consisting main ly ol new r rail*. eiiK.igivi a sujerior force of Hot r? Dec. 13. near Zastrtvi. Orai g* Rv r Colony, losing four killed Hixtcen wounded, and iyi taken prisoners TO (Ml TO U.HMD AFRICA. Fifty Boer Fnmille* (•ranted I'rrmli nliui (* Settle There. Berlin. lit 1* A cording to the 1/ilni Ynte.ger fifty rape Colony now ai Yunsterdam wish their families, have been grunt*-*! permission to settle In Germ n Sou nest Afri m, th** German govern ment having Juai assented to the pur ■ Immic of lands b\ them In Damaraiand. and Great Namaquln land The Boer* will leave Amsterdam. Jan. 6. KRIGEXI INVITED TO COME. ll** Ha* Reached V Beelatou Ahoat A Itlilna IffN-rlr*. The Hague. I>#o. 16.—1n reply to a d!s patch from Grand Rapid*. Mich., Invit ing him to the Lotted States Mr. Kru- hns wired that he has r>t arrived at an' decision with regard to visiting Amer i< a. nr.form i% thi. w %k omm Committee % |i|*intci| t Maks *>■- tern More F %pedltl*u. London. Dec 16. The Secretary of State for war. Mr. William St J>hn Brodrlck. has apftnintcd • <*onimitte to deal with the questions of war ofifi e reform The ommlt;*--e ulll coiiskler the s>etem's con tiat* and th- |*>**tblUty of further de * cntrallxatlon, ai l m<ue expeditious work It g. The chairman of the committee -a Mt Clinton F>lwani Dawklne. of th* firm <'f J. H Morgan At Cos ENGLAND AFTER THEMLTYN. ►he | Alan I'reealtia for r)ni*nl of Yriiiciiian Claim*. Constantinople, Dec. 16 -Owing to the success of the United States In pressing claims for i <mu>enatiun in ronn*<ilon with the Armenian disorder*. Great ltd tain is now urging the Ottoman govern ment t*> pay similar claims put frwHr*l | ' I * || energetic m*ans will le taken to oLioin a settlement. TINKKI III* NOT bF.TTI.KD. innoimmiM n( f British Arflon Ma> Hit rnper l a. Washington. Ike. 16—Contrary to the Impression which, according to the* Con stantinople dispatch, prevails regarding the United H ates claims fur indemnity against Turkey, the statement l* made that no *ettl--ment resta ting their pay ment has leeii reached All this gpvern in* nt has secured up to this t me Is a -♦•ilea of pr mlses to settle by the Otto man government. The reported action of the British gov ernment In urging Its claims for comi>en milud against the Turks )>ecaue of the reported aurcews of th* United H’ato* in ’fiat regard. Is rot calculate*! in the minds of those best posted here to ac < entuate .our success in the negotiations i tow progressing bet warn the Unked States and Turkey, but on the contrary to hamper and retard them. karthri VKf. at antiaoo. Sharp flbork Created a I'snlr In n Crowded Ballroom. Santiago de Cuba. Dec. 16-—A sharp earthquake shock was felt here lasi night about midnight. It was the m.*4 severe that had been experienced In several years and almost created a panic at the Kan Carlos Club, whare a grand ball was In progress. It was preceded by a dull sound like a mtur r|)klon. To ho*'k foilow-a). Ill*- former li.lng qul<- vir< aO'l U!<* [atfrr ,<ar -lv per,*pUW. No Injury don- 11l thi- <•> with thr rx<-*-ptlon of tho broakln* of iilah-. thouich a fnw .mail liulldlnx. ar. t-anl to havo h..n ,llhtly damaK'-il. i , - HM, PWT IHI\KD. Will SIN) M. to Br Thrown out at Rmploynt-m. Sh.bovgan, Wk., Dtc. !.—Tha Iro m,gH plant of Zachlwrhe * Bon. tan ner*. . totally deatroyed by fir* to day. Tha cau* of tha fire I* unknown. !** 11*0.000, fully covered by Ineurance. The n*m acorchad th* bi furniture plant of the Mattoon Manufaoiurmc Com pany adjoining, whoa* lo will he **v rrel tOouaand dollar*. Nearly UK* men will li* thrown out of rmplnyment, and tna plant may not be reoutit. IN A WATERY GRAVE CNR MtNDltl'.D MIN ON TllllNlNl. Mill* ARE DIIOW NED. FOUNDERED NEAR MALAGA. GERM AN rHK. ATE (iNEISI NVI |v I DAT IN % s run M I *ir(* Arm ( tiuuing lo the Itluuln* autl \||eatlnw fr Help—A MMe Dla iti lehr* l*nf the l.oai hi I |o. In cluding il* I a|i!—• I riy Who left (fir A e**el In One Mom W er l* ohnt* 1 9 LoiMonie llmm- Hern A* % ed. Ma.Trkl Dec 16 The German tr in:n frigate Gneisenuu has foundered *ff Mal aga. alxty-flve miles e.istnortheast of Gibraltar. I’rlvatt. dlapat'us sa\ tiuo forty per *>ni* u* re tlrtwnel The Gneiaenau foundered at trie n trance to the port of Malaga, where sue was atsHit to lak** refuge Horn the tertibo ati>rir. prevailing Ai the tlni * nly the masts of *he \* >-1 ir- \ is| I !■* number of the radrls can 1 seen from the shore to th* ik gii s They sip - lOU ilig tiud stgnaMn.: for help. The captain and manv of the cadets lia\e bean drownmt It k> l'**!leved that forty who left itt ♦me of the ship s I-.mis and have not 1* • u seen since, an- also lost. The total loss Is now thought to b no less than one )tun>lrtsl ftoni*' *l*spatrh er say 140. Forty of thuae *<n*l are iud iy hurt The training ship had been at Malaga since Nov 1, practicing with guns of large caliber. Khe had been previously at Megador, Morocco* They .lumped Inin (lie *•*•. At o km k this morning u review of Ihe cadets was In order. The wind wu extremely violent and Instructions were given to stoke up rapidly •- |n*-ible Hut already mountuinmis waves had struck tha ship, snapping the anchor chains She was driven helpless toward tha port and sank The crew threw them selves into the sea ai*d clung to the wrackags. but tbs maixirtty quickly disap peared Opt Kresthmann d;ed a! his post The Malaga kfoboat made heroic efforts arnl rescued fifteen, but the cap* sited the lxat and twelve wer# Orowne*) The other three were sav**! by in< ,rw* of ropes thrown to them. The port authorities saved many of th*- sailors The survivors have been received at the howpital, the Hotel <l*- VMl** an*) private houses. All the theaters in Malaga abandoned their performances this evening. According to the mv.l porkat l*ook the Gnetsenau. which was built at Danis. In I*C9, was an Iron vessel ahentlied with wood, and had a displacement of 2.666 tons. Khe km 242 feet 9 inenes In length, and 46 feet 11 inches in th- beam, tiuvlng a mean drought of 13 feet * inches, and n coal capacity of 4"o tons. Her sji** I wa 13 knots. Her armament consisted *f fourteen 6 9-lnch Krupp breechloaders, two Vlnch qulckflrers. one toat or field gun and seven forp* lo tube* Her comple ment was 461 and ehe win used for train ing boy* VALUABLE RECORDsI-OST. < on.lriM-rinii 1.,■ ,mi iiiimi llullillnM nt Nurfoll. \M-y \nnl Un. IN-- tri.y*l by Klr*. Norfolk. V... llt !l—Th* ImM Injt r> - ru|il*<l by Ih* coiwuructlon <l*primenl at Ih* Norfolk navy yaril can i-ompb-lrly i)*--*lroy.-l by lire thla evening. Shortly hafor* o'clock u watchman *llcov*r*<l <hr *>lfl f * of Coohi rue tor Stahl on fir*, and promptly turnrd In an ul irm, Ih* navy yard, and l-ortamouth Hr* d*-- partm*rila r*apcnd*,l promiSly, I-lit found th* blax* xalnin, h>aulay rapidly, and ir a abort llm* th* whole building wu* • hmm of tlum<. Th*- :lrem*n th*n de voted <h*lr time to aavlnjc aurroundlnx bulldtnc*. The bulldlnx d**troyd contained all the lm|>ortant paper*, model* and plana of th* conatructlon department. Over 7,t0 drawing* and I10,(ifi0 worth of live nit timber were deatroyetl. I.o#a to buliillnx ami content* I* over tSXMNO. Tlic or.gin of th* lire t* unknown. MECCIVKO WITH BKTHItIAMM. Cheer* for tlrrnaa Troopa .Inal He turnrd Krom t titaa. Berlin. Dec 16—A portion of th* Her man eontln|*f>t that recently arrive-1 from Chino wa* publicly recelve.l here to-day. tn accord.*nee with the expreaa de!rc of Kni|-ror William, itn-at eiithu *la*m Jwin g tlleplayed by the crowds that lined the routu from the Dehrter railway *tatkm which wo* heautifußy dei-orat*d. The troop* bore shot riddled <l<*nn in tla which win- taken Into action wt tho Mormltwt of the TUku fort*, toxethar with several captured Chinese tlaa* und xun* The prooeart ri went to tite arsenal.whera the Chinese colors were deposited In from of tae arsenal were Hmperor Wllllem. the Empre*,. I'rtnc* Henry if Pruaala. I'rtnc* Ruprecht of Bavarit, Count von Buciow. imperial chancellor, members of the general *ta(t. and other persona of hl*h rank After saiutlnx the troop*, th* Kaiser in spected tnem. sp*akin to those who had h,*n wounded, or had received decora tion, and then addressing all formally. Everywhere th* men wore *reet*d with tumultuous cheerlnx CUFIC TOWED INTO PORT. Ditflltlrd Wlilir star l.lnrr l( XrilMPr HwiifeM* ( l*(—( hlrf ruAln BroMlinl. QurH.MOXn. D* 16 The W hits Sar Lin* -iMinpi Cufit-. C#pt. Udvsn, from Llvrrjg *l. ITs 4. for New York, w?* • < a | t* mu iiodijjp here a* 4 o'clock !hl ntornlng b> (he liritreli stewmer <M> ('♦pi Ui* wiih siiihtel Ihe Cufi !*• 1 if la'i t :-i'h mt k>ngi. .’! ,’i w.n Hit ia\ th. White Kit Ip if l>i h- i prop* liei t. terniit wt other, it wu* lm(rossib! lo . rttu,. ,m hawsers until Deo. 1-' Th*pgrif.t in s,ii**it- gn,#. niul the K m-as J'lt\ •.i .\ sit . ♦**tl i to resuming tW'im; l' • ft .-njii ♦!%. The hawsers’ Mgalt hist i ight off Klnssle. but after a shot < *lrlv. towing sn- resutnetl vff Vrk ks‘i tug anient In oiih of im* atipmiND to fonneet with t . l\mi hi> U|tv. \|r I’rosby. chief i*ffi •ei of tae Fufit uhtle tr>.n* to swim • a .me. Alta i*i to . buo> Afitat fro.n th*- Kariswa *‘ii>. vui. (frowned, uliiKHijrh a powerful MUmm.’i Tm* Fufit* will await the arrival •*( tugs here, unit will t< n pr ed to Llver|*ool. Bhe carries I pMMSettgIUS. Kmi ip* City's mialnel j WAS Attained, ai -I there is a heavy tist to the ♦<! s . will rti.iiil aiitl tnsv r*- • un.t within ii 4n\ or im<> -ter voyage to \.w Luk whither -he ws Imuml from Brie lot, ,fr.-r tomhit.g at Hivansen. he when she sightfd the di*b.ed Uufic. Fit I: Mom i fire % M TIMM. All UID ProlMililx Be Buried I nder 4* we Monument I HIP kirk. N 1 , le* 16 Bailies of five •non \l*iitfis tri the normal school fir** w.i. rifov.risl to-day, making six that ha\f Imen taken from the ruins. Those found to-day were charred beyond recog nition. mi was Ihe our previously re tiv. ered Workmen while removing debris found the five oodles at the f. oi of a fire ra.*.i|e They were plied arms** each other and burned beyond recognition A ring U]>n the linger of one of the bottle* glv* -a Hi|h- that It may Im* i tenll fi I. l iu then? is nothing by which the oiiMU-t an |MMt*ibly ta- dlstingul hed. It If pro t M. .i that all be imri.-i in ono gta\4 uml Unit it le marked by rate mon umcn . to !♦• pj. ♦•u in the F*reloiiitt Cim etery in nienairy of the victims. District Attorney Green and Coroner Blm>| will lx gin a rigid investigation .*• once, which will Inquire into all matura i'<Mue,*tMi with the •nurture of the build ing and the fire. INSI HiiluYia .NOT UiM'LKIU). There Is MIDI (.rrst Rebel Aeflrlty In ( fllomhlu. Kingston. Jamaica, Dec. 16.—Advices re raiVetl from Colon. Folurniiia, to-diy re girding the recent fighting l>etween the government troopa and the Insurgents at Turotco, the rebel Ntrongh/id. which be gan De 14. sml Imhlhl three days, the lii' irg' ntw then eva- oallng tin* town, say tha# tin* withdrawing insurgent for.te was iut lt *- pern i on the contrary, fears are entertained Mt Colon that ihls body of rebels will ef f* • t a Junction with the force operating around Buena Ventura Teiegmphh communication with the in terior has bean suspended by government order and fighting Is pro- ♦•*ding at va rku.~- points, although without repuita. Both aides hist heavily In the battle at Tumaro When the government forces deatroyed the rebel steamer Galtan they .**• destroyed n large supply of ammu nlllon Gen Alban, Governor of the *lwt* Oi* Panama, who was In oomtnand of the government troop*, left for Bogota after ih* ♦ vacua Don of Turn*o and the de atructlon of the (Jsltan. DIAITTE 41% EH % B% It BILL. Led Anlonn l*ropr lelor tn Kill m Famous In6lsii Seoul. Crawford. Neb., Dec. 16 —Bap:late Gar nler. an lndi in scout, was shot und kill ed early this morning by James Hague, wool, man *u* r of u saloon, during a dis pute over a bar bill Haguew’ood was ar n p.tes| ai -I an inquest will tie held 40- morrow. Gurnler, who wa known all over th** Wist, und especially Hmong army men s "Littie Bat." was u fearlem Indian s *siH He flr?*t iimp into prominence for services rendetTu Gen. <*ook, ami after ward rc*Hlere*l distinguished service tri all the big Indian wars. Gamier box lately held th** (position of chief offlctr In the government secret service at Fori Kobineon. Fill Ml HE All IN II | A BED. Fames Which Killed Novotny Also Tool* Life of filldtons. New York, Dec 16 —Miles Novotny, 33 years old, believed to have been a sten ographer employed In the gnvemmrn* service, was found dead in bed this morn ing at his bortultng house on West Rev evMewth street |!e had been In New York about a year, and Is Ih llcved previous to that to have prnett *d Uiw in Fhi ago K* pll at*d by a woiwlen with large cracks was another room whose oc. rupant, Henry B Oibbona, 6.1 years old, also was found dying of the fumes. AH efforts to revive him proved unavailing. Gibbon* had only been In the house fim m wek and fits antecedents ana un known. DCPKW'4 NIKCIi WILL HKD. F.nwaiKcnicnt of Mlm Paulding In Mr. J>6in Kills, I . n. N. Washington, Dec. 16.—At a dinner given lust night by Senator Depew and Mhn* Paulding in honor of Gov.-elect Odell of New York and Mra. Odell, the Hrnmlor annourx<ed the engagement of Miss Pauld ing to Mr. John Edle. U. 8 N Miss Paulding Is the niece of Kenator Depew, and has been the mistress of hla home in Washington. Mr. Bdle Is the son of the late John R. F>lle of this city and a graduate of the Naval Academy in tha class of IDO. ' — 1 - EndliK View of Cotlaa Crop. Manchester. Nov. 16.—Although vlow, ar* AtvlA*'! r*war4*nx th* American cot erm crop thr.- is a tendency to mipjKtrt the estimate of Iti.HKi.OOO halaa. Th* stock at Uvtrjwol la steadily Incraaaitix- DAILY ' A YEA 14. r. t'KNTK A COPY WEEKLY :-TlMi:it-A-\VKEK ft A TEAR CORPORAL IS KILLED MI.MMi H (F TWr\T%-NINTH WAR AtlOT 111 % Itl MU \DE. WAS MISTAKEN FOR FILIPINO. THE ON DER A WINE TO Kill, A IJj NATIIEA lITKII DARK. ( rpl. ( hnf* Uhr Mint by Private .lake Henderson Without ||s|ng Hern I Aslirngrd—4|iMitiMg Fol lowed n Hunt Fluid With the In • nrarnta tin llie Ivlnuit ( The Tw ewt v-ninth Worn Meernlled st Fort Mel*licmm. Ihmtou, Dec It. The fo*lowing was re <*l\#d by the Gtobe from James Rweany, hospital steward with the Teemv-rvjnth Ydluntrer Infantr> .1 c bulogao, ,'kunar Island "•'orporul llerliert Fbase, Fompany D, Twrtiiy-ninth Volunteer Infantr>' a brother of Trank Chase, t.f Pleasant mreel, Marllvoro, Ma i, shot and killed to Juke Hendarann private. Com. pany f. Twenty-ninth Ifffantry, at Cat !*.itog it. bnm tr Dl.ind. <luilng the ntglit of tiu 27 "Alkmh .lr> American soldier* hold tha town of Fatbalogan, l*elng conatantlr harra>e.| by the insurgents, under flan. Lokhiin, cmi the surrounding hills Tlds Ird to strict orders t kill all natives ot uftrr lurk on tn 1 27 x relu ; officer •xm> i into town under a tDg of truce and dciivtred over Hergt Kit eai and org At>n, of live Forty third Infantry, who were captured last March These men retorted that lha force of Filipino* besieging the towrit number*! and thut they were Los i.ig of ♦'unv* Ing into the town t kill al. Americans. "A.out 1> o'r.o'k that night the Filt i li m •*;**■ #d .1 Im iv) Bn '*w*j. It was Cofpl Ch.iee's duty to rein fore the Gatling gun squad and the Filßflnoa were repulsed after a lively half hour's fight When the firing m l i*ubidef| th • corporal stepiied Into tlic bonnes, telling the aentlnel, it is said, not to shoot Tha order wsa forgotten I*\ thu excited oul- P"*l, and ae rittisc started to reurn, ha was shot flown without being chal>nge|. He evddentiy w is tikstaken f*>r th# mu ti dreaded boiotnun Jake Henderson wis put into the guardhouse, and will ba triad on the charge of manslaughter "Ch*s* was hurl*4 ertih military hnonra on Oct at '• AMERICAN THAME* ACTIVE. The l.oaaea la R*real I9aaaaeairat, Near Military atalloaa. YJanlla, D*c. 16 A4ri(s, from Hollo, Island of Eanay. r*|K>rt ihat American trnofia have been mavtnx northward and wcstwarl fjr aevenal day*, ind that de tachment* of th* Hlxth. Klxht.-*nth and Twvnty-alxth Rnxtmnnta have been ac tive near their station* Tho litsiiraenf lea*.* during the laat ten duya there have lieen five kilted, several wounded and forty takrn (manner* Th* Americans have lost two killed alul (he* wounded. Largo nun.liars of th* native*, however, are swearlnx allegiance tn ha I 1,it..1 Htates. in various recent attack* and expedi tion* In Southern Luzon, th* Insurgents have lost eight killed, seven wounded and alwut twenty capture.! Th* Americana hove hiel on* kill'd an.l two wounded (Icn. Wle-aton report* that Ik) n-tllva* have entered .'alarm for reglstmllon. The rhlllppla* Tariff. Most of the time of ih* Rhltlppln* t'om mlsslon Is now devoted to the tariff Mil. Judge Taft said to-day that, generally speaking, the new rates would be about In per rent of the existing rates. “It will he essentially a tariff for reve nue." h* remarked, "but some Industrtaa that arc already established will he given protection. The commission I* not con sidering the question of Ihe ronstllutlon altty of taxing I'nlteJ States products. The precedent* have te-cn estotillshed In Ihe case of l*orto Hbo and by the mll- Hary government of the I’hlll|>plne*. "The bill require* the washing of cot ton goods, so as to eliminate the clay used by European manufacturers, which Increases the weight. This will Inctdent taliy favor American goods. The ratss on ker.atrna will be reduoe.l from II clsma a gallon to 4. Horn.- American goods will be admitted free, und aimuat all will >nm* In at reluced figures." ' < <>4l. iii’KRMTiNi %nu i ncr. Will <•*< Release Krona t'oalrarta They Old hot Want. Beranton. I**., Dec. 16—A meeting of Ihe Independent coal men, comprising th, anthracite operator* association, will be held at the AVahJorf-Astoria to-enorroaff morning when the contract, which they entered Into to sell their coal to th* Del aware Valley and Kingston road will be returrwd to them by Ihe I'ennsvlvaofa Coal Company, which held the contracta tn trust and which by selling out to Mor gan * Cos., defeated the new road. This afll leave ih* Independent opera tors free to deal with any c.irrier they see tn. A* their allegiance to the new roa.l meant a loss to them of 6 cents on th* .lollar all the time they would be waiting for the completion of Ihe new road, they are pleased io be released. They were to gel fr.m the projected ro;4 ii:, cents per ton for coal. The big car riers have been offering them the s.wua price for some time and the operators, on receiving their redcate will be free to deal with what companies they choose to. Missions In llie Weal ladle*. Richmond. Ind.. Dec. 14 —The American Friends' Board of Foreign Missions, which undertaken to establish mission* in the West Ind lea. and recently sent mis sionaries to Cuba, has received th* moat favorable reports from th* work. Boy Killed b> Hi* Brother. lyrov N ft Tm ' Bry ant *•% car-.. 1 w . im. ahot and killed by his 10-y#ar-old brother this morning. The boys were pitying with a loaded ahotgun.