The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 17, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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WESLEY’S TWELVE MONTHS. Il,\ ED. F. rCMIK'H RBVICW or tub chi rch year. |onl CMf Mpiklmtililp nt the Church i, :?-l iltlilT Thrf* Mmiliera Rcrf |Tri During lle Year—The 4 hureh Huh Hern Open Every *ou fle. and Dlr Two Service® Were omitted TreMorer’* Report Hho%vrd That •T.<7.34 Had lleeo , olleeted. h1.10t.18 More Thau Haloed lat A ear—Ll at of the hurrh’o Dead. * Wc*ley Monumental Church yettor , Kerning tlie Church Conference re ( r imo wai made by Rev. Ed. F It followed Immediately after Ihe il musical prelude and announce* rfl and took the place of Ihe n thl arrangement being lfailt>y HI • >f the length of the report A „ will be seen from the figure®, the , i; * of Ihe church and Its auxiliary *. <* is excellent. The paaior'a report ,i H total city memlrhlp of 637. and , t town membership of 80, with of applicant* yet to be received * ihe year 83 new tnembera were i* ' , burch haa been open for service** Sunday during the year, and in that ~ \y two services have been ml seed. ,f them at night, one by reason of , nlon meeting held during the visit 0 j |i,. v . Charloa M Sheldon, and the t ... r on a ount of the illness of Rev .k. Thla service was the first and . t ut only one that .Mr. Cook has missed a pastorate of thirteen years it* the year .Mr Cook paid 1.080 pa*- t r .i \ lilts; the poor, the sick, the t ... .invalids and new-comers, as well m ii.'n, receiving special attention, •j .-tor officiated at twenty-five funer #l’, >d performed Ihe marriage ceremony (wi *n coupies. report of Mr. 8. W. Bowen, the rer of the church, showed that 37.- id *een collected during the year, pastor’s report concerning the col i s or b red by the General Confer i*bowed that the following sums had „ i raised For Bishops. s.*>; conference mts. 1310. foreign missions. 1310; do r missions. $175; church extens.oo. j . i,i at ion, s*>93. Woman's Missionary •c. |rx. n.*. Home Missionary Society, j and American Bible Society, 15. •i. id. jde.i of the financial state of the i may be seen from the fa- t brought n th treasurer'* report that the i raised for oil purposes, $1,101.13 it , t itHii it did last year. :'..Lowing the pastor’s report, Mr. R i It* ;H r l made the following report il •r.-ing the Sunday School, of whlcn I-. Is superintendent. That there ace ( ,t •n officers, twenty-eight teacners. i-,.i 417 pupils. In all departments. In uMlt.on :o this there are 2b> er.rolleo r i ers in the horn** department, giving m total of persons interested In Sun il iy S- tool work. Mr 8 W. Bowen, president of the Ep w (h league, made the following repor; -riling trial organization: That it ha* *• item her ship of 8.7; is we.l organiz*'*! in * of its rlepartments. and that the char * wim! help department raised ond din penned dming the year is $321.36. M Benjamin Gibeon, president of the J < r Lpworth League, reported that ' * organization was in excellent condi the report of the year showing a r r *ers.up of 50, with an average at n r of so at devotional meeting*. Tr report of the Woman s Mistsonary > and the Woman’s Home Mission srv K iffy shows large membership®. I'-g’dar meetings, and liberal 'ontrlb* Rev. Cook reported that the following members had died during the year: Mr. Henry A. Ernst. Mr. John L. Johnson. Mr George R Gray. Mrs. Laura 1,. / k Mrs Carrie Woodeß, Mrs. J. K 1’ - irr. and Marl* Turner B*iore mem were read by Mr Cock, after which r Mitiors of sympathy with the bereav *l families, and expressive of the loea Mt b> 1 e church, were pretended by Mr. I. 1. M. Bark®. and adopted by .he :r ii with a lining vct. The choir then *M?.g an appropriate and beautiful quar t.tte. Heart Be Hftll.** Mr 8 It. Adams. & member of the c irch Board of Stewards made an ad * sett ng forth ihe financial plans for and this was followed by an address v Ih<- pastor, telling of the plans and b 'p-.*e.> of !# church for the coming :* Mr rook then announced the fol -1 wing ofThers for i9GU, elected by the <1 irterlv <mferenoe: Pi. -Ming Eldar— Rev. John A. Thomp son. D. !>., Guyton. ..oi Hey. Kd. F. Oook. 106 Belton y east. ir.l of Trustees—<Meets at the call of U* resblenU—O. H IH>rs**rt. president; ' II * .*! n. se rtary. O. Rjiimv. freas r* .y. B Alam I(. B. Reppard. J. P. v Hams. C. V. Bned-ker. hoard of K.rwanh (Meets firgt Monday !• eu. h month)—B. B Adams, president; s W Bowen, treasurer; C. II Itorsett. * i rh* steward; (’. 11. Carson, recording steward; P. F. Brown. Jr.. D C. Car t *n. 11. t;. Crittenden. W. T. Johnson. C. 1 Mice. A. W. Moorehouse, R L M Pirks. K L Prince. J. G. S* ovel. W. F. f .-until, W. B. Stubh'- W B. Stephens, ' Frees, \V. W. Connell. I %I # T. RRWIVR tI'IMUM MKAT. His *nxfinnnli Erlenda l*leasr<l at Ills Helen lion a 4lsff. * many friends in Savannah of Capt Junes H Erwin, of the Fourth United * • • Cavalry, are greatly pleased at the r nt announcement of his appointment ullfif judge advocate on the staff of • Fltshugh f#ee of the Department ot t • Missouri. Although Capt. Mrwin <!oes ' reach his old home in Savannah very Ills friends here entertain a very *rn remembrance of him e* *ff sppnlntin* nis of this kin*l are con* * *• red very desirable by the army of . ar.d when Gen. Lee was named as * mrnatider of the Department of Mlssou* was % thought very likely that h** l ave a number of friends of his •!■ ng the army officer* whom he * uid ►elect for his staff Oapt Erwin already serving on the staff of the ' r n*-iit at the time and his friends naturally thought he would like to 1 n there. Gen. le'e became known moat the whole of Savannah during lay here a commander of tlie Sev * h Army Corps, and made a number of Dfsonai friend*. 'mouf the number was MaJ. G. M. Who had served with Gen. Lee In Army of Northern Virginia thirty irs before. 3ml the two took great pleuKtire in renewing their old friend* li* MaJ. Ryals Is also a friend and *d ”l *r *f Capt. Erwin, and when he saw *he annoimt t-merit of Gen. Lee’s np*olnt to the Department of Missouri. 1 * r. * wrote his olil commander In be > -If of his friend Erwin MaJ. Ryals 1 • tly re< etved a letter from Gen. Lee’s * retary. Inclosing a copy of the official or, ler containing the staff appointments. * r -d was naturally vary much plenstsl to d Capt Erwin's name on the list. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought AT THK THF.tTKH. "A Girl” (hr Attraction To-morrorr Mnhf. "A Rural nay Otrl" will have its rreond pr.spntatlon In Sjvannah to-morr<v nitht. Verier Corsica sre th lo>’. tiora tn which the plot awl action of the pieco take place. No doubt these place* were selected by the author so as to af ford the opportunity to consistently ex hibit some very handsome and picturesque costumes which re worn by the mule and fem.le char.c'rr*. Corsican briaandt Venetian gondolier, and flower giris. peasants and soldiers, dancing girls and strolling musician*—these are till seen in the play, and iwii dressed lu the rich and picturesque dr eerie that are appro priate to the characters This feature leasts a lindiant and pretty efl< t to tin production. Following "A Runaway Girl’ will come llennrs,y Money." on Wednesday night. The play Is a comedy ronrerueted on modern lines. Introducing characters living at the end of the nineteenth century, and a-enes fa miliar to habitue* of financial tenters. Thursday night the Hlaek Patti Trouba dours will lie the attraction The bal cony wit. lie reserved for . oiored patron* of Ihe Theater. "Nathan Hate." Clyde Fitch’s drams til..Mon of ihe an ry of the patriot spy of the Revolution, will be seen Friday night. Mr. Fitch, the author. Is s Connecticut boy, huvlng been born In Hartford "Na than Halo" himself was born in Coven try. Conn., and graduated from Yale In ITT.I. One of hi* staunchest friends, who was also a continental captain with him was William Hull, also a grndtui'e of Yale In 1773 Pretty Alice Adam*. Nathan Hale's sweetheart, was horn In Canter bury, Conn . and her father. Col. Adama. was one of New England’s glorious con. tributlons to the Revolutionary rouse The early scenes of Ihe play arc laid In New l-oivlon. Conn It may not be gener ally known that the Rev. K K. Hale, th* author of “A Man Without a Country." Is a grand nephew of the Revolutionary martyr. rourc hi *y. Proportion of Wslle Prisoners Is nannllr latrge. The Christmas ruth with the police be gan yesterday morning. Compartlvely few arrests have been made for the last week or so. but yesterday they went up with a rush. and. sure sign of an approaching holiday, the proportion of whiles Is away above lh* average. Jame. Mcßride. Jr., white, wns arrest ed by Patrolman Broom for being drunk and disorderly. When arrested he at tempted to cut Broom, and this charge he will have to answer also to-day before the Re order s Court George H. Meyer, white, was *n tn by Patrolman Metdrtm on the charge of he. Ing (trunk and disorderly und assaulting Minnie Glenn. Emma Pel#ch. white, was looked up for being drunk ond disorderly and curs ing Patrolman Best, who made the arrest K O Pickett, white, was sent tn for disorderly conduct by Patrolman Cowsri. 1 William Chisholm, co.ored. was seen in by Detective Murphy for stealing a cow. Joe Hartlett. white, ond Dallas Roher’s. colored, were arrested last night by Pa trolman Dwyer who charge* them witn stealing sailor* from a ship. Dwyer also arrested the sailors, William Edwards, Edward Ayers. George Gibson, and bat ward Cunningham. Annie Conroy, a white woman so years old w.w taken In by Patrolman latnge. who charges her with being drunk and disorderly. Amelia Hamilton was went In by Patrol man Fogarty. The couse of Ame.lo'i- de tention Is the breaking In of the house of It Kirkland, and the attempt to strike the owner. Another house breaker, curried In by Patrolman Range, la William b alln. white, charged with breaking Into the boue of b>*ic Matthew* and beating the woman. A !*l* TIIF. < Al<*K OF IT. Tenderloin Mow Ended In the Arrest of One of the Women. Mav Harris, a member of the demi monde, was locked up nt the barracks last night, charged with assaulting Marlon Seymour, a member of the same class and neighborhood. The beginning of Ihe row occurred BM urday night wnen. according to the al legation* of the Bevmour woman the Har ris woman came to her house and calling her to the door, gave vent to a choice lot of vituperative abuse The cause of tha row was. ot* usual, a man. Marlon called a polleemnn and had the Harris woman tirrrsced. hut the iuttci asked p-rml'slon to get her cloik. and returning to her house, escaped by a i tr window got hack and betook herselr It Is said, to Thunderbolt, anyway out of I the reach of the po.lce for Ihe time being. The officer went after Ihe woman again last night, but a* both she and iMartoo were anxious to patch the mutter up. or | appear'd to be so. they got together to see about arranging for a withdrawal cf the charges, but before the parley had Hs:eJ vary lobg witnesses said the Harris wo. nwn struck th* other tn the (i t tnd started for her *ooth and nat;. The p ! troiman had some difficulty In getting her I sway. She was bended out of the barrack* af ! ter she had been there a short time Tlie rase will be heard before Re-or *r I Hart ridge this morning There are about I eight witnesses summoned, and the hear ing t* likely to b* a lively cues. IHE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. DECEMBER 17.1900. The distance traveled by a biscuit or wafer in tlie “In-er seal Patent Package" does not affect its good quality. No moisture, dust, odor, or germ can penrtrkte to the delicate, cricp baking enclosed in the “In-er-*eal Patent Package.” Whether it’s opened at home, on an outing, or in far-away lands, the baking is fresh as if fust from the oven. The best products of the world's best bakers are now sold in the “In-er-seat Patent Package”— Sr* Fosm Khfek. vijSKfl Oitmrsl Biscuit ® xSTLyI Ginger Snan FUndmactr Vrrtirlettts fct —•~* m **^ VOa Vatas *mii of the package yy. J TRIAL OF THE SOLDIERS. GENERAL ORDfSR* RELATING TO < Ol ItT-NANTI %l •% FINDING*. rhnr|p< and ®|rolH*a tlnns %anlnt Carpi. It. A. Mnrria of the ltr|Mihll enn ltlur Xrt Forth—lll* I'lras nail (hr Flndlna* f th** ( onrt 4ilv**n. Hriunrk® of Ihe t'onrt In Hohmtt tlnu l fltr Governor fit** l liidluy,* nml th* I' % lilrnn*—•*Dirl| llo** on (hr 'I rl|* lo l.naliillr of tb* lllnr® Morn Than Las**—Orders Also Cov er l nan of the Colorrd G?i ta order® from th* offi ♦ of the adjutsm g<nersl of the Geor*ki Btsre Troops In Atlsnts have Ix-en re elvetl by th*- rommieeloned officer® of the service, •u ulnir forth the proceeding® of the gen eral court-m.rtisl thst t'.i® appointed to try Corpl. R B. Harris of the Republi can Biu®s ard other such esses a® mould b<* brought before it In Bavannah. The exact nature of the fir.ling® of the court and of Ita comment® will be of Intere®* to All military men n Bavannah. The order® aet forth Ihe charge® and ®pe.-lflt-ation® made sgainai (*oipl. Hariln by <*sp(. M Ed. Wi'.aon. a® follow® Charge I.—" Absence without leave. whll the *<jtnpany was absent fr>m the atate hv i arm I®® lor >f tha Governor. In viola tion >f State Military Regulation®.’* Sjec lfleation: "In that Corpl. R S. Ilsrrl®. Company M. Fir®# Infantry. Georgia State Troop®, did abeent hlmeelf from hi® company without leave from hla com manding officer from about 6:30 p m . on the 2nd day of June, until the 11th day of June. 18 V Thla at Louiavlile. Ky . on and between th® above-mentioned date® ’’ Charae II —**Cur®dng hi® superior offi cer tn violation of the State Military Ref utation® ** B| eriflcatioo ‘‘ln that Corpl. R S Harrla. Company M . Fir®t Infantry. Georgia 8 ate Troops, did cur®e hi® ®u lerlor officer. Second Lieutenant George J Barthelme®®. Company M. First Infan try. Georgia State Troop®, the ®a!d lieu tenant being In the execution of hi® of fice. Thla at Louiavlile. Ky.. on the 31®t day of May. 19u0." III.-—"Drunk and disorder ly. to the prejudice of good order and military dhMpitne." Specification: “In Corpl R. 8. Har ris. Cos. M First Infantry, Georgia State Troon®, wax drunk and disorderly In quarter®. Thl® at lul®vil!e. Ky.. on the ; 31®t day of May. IJMC Charge IV.—'>ri. to the prejudice of good ordsr anl military dis cipline " B|jecifl<&tiofi Flr®t: "In tluit Corpl. R. 8. Marti®. Cos M. First Infan try. Georgia Sta;e Troo(®. having receiv er! an order from Second Lieutenant George J Barthelmea®, Cos. M. First In fantry. Georgia State Troop®. #he ®ald IP t*e|ng In execution of hi® *ffi *. to rep<>rt for guard duty, did wilfully disobey the atm . This at Louisville. Kc. cn .May 31. Hpedflcatlon Two: “In that Corpl R 8 Harr!®. Cos. M. First Infantry. Georgia State Troop®, after be ing placed under arrest and confined to quarter® attempted eeonp*- therefrom by jumping from Die window Thl® at Louis ville, Ky . on the 31at day G May/1900" The pleas entered by the defendant were a® follows: Charge I. to the specification, “not guilty." To the * harge. "noi guilty; charge If. to the apeclflcatkui. not guilty.** to th# charge, not guilty"; charge 111 to the specification, “not guilty.** to the chorg* “not guilty"; charge IV. to the specification, "not guilty." to the sec ond apedfUailon. “not guilty.’’ to the charge, “not gull*).' 1 Tns finding® of the court were * fol iowe Charge 1. Of the iproflcutlod, “not guilty, out guilty of two days’ ab sence. or until hi® company wa re lieved from luty s home Mat ion; of (h* charge, "gulliy;" charge 2. of the ®ie- ifl catlon. "not guilty, or the charge, “no; gultty;" charge 3. of the specification, “not guilty.” of the charge, “not guilty:’* charge 4, of the Aral specific.!tlon. "not guilty; in that he did not wilfully dloohev the order to report for guard duty.** of the second |v Iflcwtion. "guilty,** of the charge, "guilty.” The fen ten c by the court w .i as follow# "And the court doe® ther fore sentence him. t'orpl It 8 Harris Company M First Infantry. Oeorgla Stair Troop® *To le dishonorably dfacharg*®! from the service." The remark® of the court were a® fol low® •“In submitting the finding® of the court In the case against Corpl R. 8 Harris we deem : our duty to exprea® our opin ion that the discipline in this command was more than lax upon the occasion of It® trip to Louiavlile. and that If proper discipline had been #xer Ised by (he offi cers of thl® command with flrmnes*. kind nes® and Justice, th# necessity for * gen eral court-martial would have been avoid ed. In thU connection we also wish to gay that very grave offenes against *ll®- ripllne were committed by others than the accused, and wo far a® w* know no charge® have been preferred against any one but Ihe accused In this case." The order of the Governor portioning Corpl Harris and reprimanding Capt Wilson and Lieut. O J Barthelmes® hu® jtern publ shed by #he Morntme New® It Is embodied In th* general order*. Th general order® also give similar explanations of the case® against * orpt Ed. D. Browne and Private James C Walker, both colored, and mem tiers of the Colquitt Blues The finding* of the court in these cases were < cmrtrmed by the Governor, bath men ha\ing been con v.cted. Earslng* of (he 4 *-itral. The earning! of the Central of Georgia RaLroad for week ending the first week erober were $141,701. against USTJB for the corresponding week last year, and $6,078.91$ from J*" l he end of the first week, a gains*. sf> *6.2*4 for the corre ®r coding period In The Increase In gross lor the otcood week la $8.165. WOII.DN’T Hf l lT IFRVIOa f-ocal Ag*nl Lei (inrnlihmpnl \>Gce l lr 1\ lirrr If Fell. Officers of the law sometimes find It a difficult matter to decide upon what rep resentatlve of a < orpnratlon they sba'l ®erve notice o< carol"*htnent. It I® fre quently the cast* that employes cf rail roads have iheir salary garnl®h**ed. and notice to stofi Its payment ha® to Iw served upon someone A represent a# Ive of the Klorntng New® m l ilklng with the i<v ,| agent of one of tli* railroads a day or two ago, when an officer of one of ?he Justice > (Miris Mp|f* lfe>l CUI m -en** Something like the following con veisatloci enouoi “I have a garnishment proceeding here to serve on you. Mr. Blank." said the of ficer. presenting • |ni|**r. “I won't accept service on If." said the agent. “You'll have to. I have Instructions to serve It on you." the officer replied. “And I have instruct ton® not to accept service “ ®A.d the agent "I'll ®ee> what you have though," lie continued. ani reached ®Jt for the paper lie saw what It was anl handed It lack to tlie officer w ho de. lincl It I have i ucti>? - from the attorney." he said, "to make a t**st sf thin, atwl I won't take tli* paper back You arc served." Well. I Won’t keep it.** remarked the agi nt. ar.d. the officer not accept ng the paper, he dropped it on the pavement, where It lay to await any curious passer by who might he arrest*®! by its very lm|ortant ippeerani e The agent walk'd 1r..0 the office of his company and the of fleer >auntercd back toward th Justice court Justice courts would like to know Just what officer of a rallr*wd should be serv ed with notice of garnishment The agent who took part In the above colloquy had been advised hy the general counsel of bis road not to accept servl e F ATHBII AAD If lb Gl E*T9. Dr. Took and Mis® Margaret Cook mt Wesley Paroiin*c. Rev. Dr W. F. C\>ok. fatner of Rev. Kd. F. <*ook of Wetdey Monumental Church. Is the guest his ®on. with whom he expects to make hi® future home. Dr Cook ha.® teen for forty-five years one of the leading minister® In th* North Georgia Conference, hiving held si < it charge® as Trinity Methodist Chore a. Atlanta, an l 8t John's MethodlOt Ghur h. AugvMota. List mo#ith. owing to ill health, he was placed o*i the conference’s list o' superannuated ministers. Rev. Kd. F. Cook ha® with him also ns his guest, hi* sister. Ml®® Margaret (*ok who ha* recently re',l v—<l frora the Board of the Methodist Church, an appointment a* a nilselonary t Japan The special work asslirned her Is that f leachlnir the kln.lervarten school whlci 1* ote-rate.l under the umpire* of tile churo i Mtss Cook Intended to sail for her charge the last week tn January, hut owltiK to her father'e 1.1 health her plans are uncertain, and the trip may bo In definitely postponed. LEG At. SOTllki. "7rKoRGTAT7'r7fA77iiX\P "tor nty- Whereas. T M Cunnlnham. ha* applied t,> Court of Ordinary for letters d‘sml sory as administrator on the estate of Mary P Earner, deceosed. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern to be and appear before said court to make objection (If anv they hovel on or before the tlrst Monday In February, text, o'herwise ra .1 letters wl I Iw Rronte.l. Witness, the Hon. Hamilton 1, Ferrlll. Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 31st day of Oetolier, ISP) FRANK E KKII.BACH. Clerk <’t. Ord’y.. C Cos. *C.EOR<Ti.\. CHATHAM COFNTY- Wherea . John J. Morris ha* uppltel to Court of Ordinary for letter* dlsmt-sory as administrator on the estate of William Mortis. dceeoed These are, therefore, to site and admon ish all whom It m.iy concern to be and appear before said court to make objec tion (If any they have) on or before the 17 h t.ii cf January ti-xt, otherwise raid letter- will Ik* yranted. Witness, th- Honorable Hampton 1,. Ferrttl. Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 14th day of Oetot-r iwn FRANK E KFII.BACH. Cterk Court Ord'y. C. Cos. HTATE OF GKORoTa7~COI’NTY OF CHATHAM —Notice is hereby atven th it the underststu’d ha* afipllssl to the Or dinary of Chatham county. Oeoraia. for leave to sell for the purjioses of dlstrfh i tlon. an undivided one-half Interest In three share* of Ihe capital stor k In the August* and Savannah Railroad, us per certificate No. 3.1 M. dated Jan. 3. l*t Is sued to John Bcreven. guardian for UU M and Msrtha H Hcrevesi. avid undivid ed one-half Interest being the properly of the e-tste of M It Wylly. late of said county, deceased. Bald application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to Ire held on the first Monday tn Janua-y. I*ol. This tot ii day of December. ] A C. WYI.I.Y, JR . Administrator upon the Estate of M B Wylly. deceased. HIM KI.I.AYFOI a. 'XrTTtTumnrF ORATES JVST racelved: will sell any of the 'p.a t parts. Adams Faint Company. 10) Cn groae streot. wost. RCOt’cl Y, )t’R TTviNls KXPENBK.9 by investing vour hard-esrred hard cash with t’* =uthorn Or rtti Company, Ilf Bamsr* s'reel NORWOOD'S BO^K.^ "bih tn cmn" For sals at all News Stands In Savannah. CLASSIFIED AIiVtRfiSEMENTS. ri:ns ai*. cftTn" i v gTveS Viif. *■* *+4 .f *iv being able to well Udy R aalld gold ®Htchf*ji fer s#79 goUt-fUieit w it. h 15 >*-4r®' guarantee. 17.15. Ainerlnaii *ll\er buly * watch. $4 2s. ring sl4 77*. gent g.*:<l etal ring. $1 ff*. i. iUi gibld ring®. $: amt tip, baby ® rint* 4ittl up. goM *po* taeir® $2 49 Kw-4# 3$ Kail ltro-.ight(Hi Hair. Jewelry ami Sr. .iv lug Supply II mime; the plico wh-re hair, platinum. t*M -liver. oUI got I ami oitl couia are taken a* cash. ADVERTISEMENT* SET IN Af ITALB WILL HE PRINTED IN FLAB -81 El ICO ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN For TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN KW* THE FINEST LINE OF BROKEN •anl) (hat ha® ever been It. thl® 'It > will be ofi Bramlon'a candy ®tan<l. (*lix Mar ket. next Batur*la\ ami Von*la> 27n1 ami 24th. ami ail (hi® week a*. 1 lie factor). 12 .l*ffer®n street. Thl® and) la marie ex prewiy f*r the ho ultiy tra le an<t guar- I ameetl to atrictly f*ure ALL KINtUt OF FIREWORKS, 31* Weal Drought on mtreel KEE < *lll NG A do. CORNER WHIT j nk>r aial IJiaertv *tree(* h*a*h|unrter® for I *htnee amt Japaneme fatw v g*®*.!** lea* etc . at 1w prices Oriental anl Turkiah ornaments below eo*l pi b e <*<me and visit ua. TURN J ELI .ICO CAL AND YOI? will have no trouble with fire*. A. 8 Coheti. telephone 66 HOLIDAY REGS. "CARPETS. I*OR Here®. .• e urtaln®. mi l n thmiaand atwl tXtr article* ti %l whien the good wife s heart * P. Millar, agent. TOC WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; ita rich and pure, try it. ELEGANT It ED ROOM FERNITIRE dining room furniture, ohlna clos.-tp, alt* ver ca*e*. ai|e)H>ar*la. buffet*, m:rror-<loor wardrobe®. • t . our itnnienac ®i.*. * must Im een to be appreciated O 1* Miller, agent FIRF WORKS ALL KINDS. s!s Meat Brough tot a#r*et T< HAVE A PHEKHFPL FIRE RT’RN felllro oal A 8 Cohen. teJefbione a* GO TO JOS II BAKER. IN MARKET for fine meat*, poultry Kamo brain®, xwaetoread, trip* 'Phone 2.® CffOirr LINK OF Wl LI wOW AND eobhter ®®at rocker® for the h 11 Jay . at Teeple a 117 Hroughton. wen. I AM NO# LORA TED AT 414 WEST firougt ton ring up U 66 If you want o l ave your fun I ur* moved <*r park*f for ahipmevii or *• rage I guarantee pri +* (he aim# a I do the that - given to me A 8. Or,fib . 414 HrmiKhton at reel, weal; malre*aea made !•* orler M GILLIS* LACK CURTAINS WILL beautify your pador Kensington farm milk ih un furpaaaed for rlchnra®, delivery la per fect; phone 2'45 IF ITS RIOS TO? “WANT YOU CAN get them cheaper from M GUI® GILT CHAIRS TABLES COUCHES •<x> corner*, reception chair*, leather >halr-. an lmmen*e assortment at rr® aonable price* C I* Miller, agent. WHEN YOU SEE M Gfl.LlS SIXTY inch Pi-eent ruga, you will buy thorn. Just can t lie.p It. will aell tn ar.y qu.m tlty. “FUnNITERF. MOVED WITH CARE." Is a apecialty with Mc<!lllia. TEEPEE IS SHOWING A NICE LINE of carpets, matting ruga, thade*. Ido leum. cheapoat in town IMMENSE LINK OF RATTAN ROCK erw from $1 4® up to sls C. P. Miller, agent M GILLIS Iff CHEAT ON RT Off. NETS lace curtain*, hammocks, water cooler* pillows, pictures, atovoe, suit®, end furniture of e\er> dascrlptton. <? AN A RIBS AND GOLD FISH J Gardner. 12 Broughton street, east. FIRE tuRKS’ FIRE WORKSf~AT $lB West Broughton. MILLER i HOLIDAY OfTTS brothers and other fellow h' brothers' you will have to call and examine our immense line |n order to thoroughly ap preciate the subject. C. I*. Miller, agenr. FOR A PRETTY BEDROOM cf* IT par.or ar.d dining-room furniture, v®u Should go to Teeple’s. KENSINGTON FARM IH ON AN elevation in the country, fre* from city drat*.age Impossible for m k to becoilte contaminated, hy Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey m Ik. phone 254. V Do llvery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed MGILLIS MOVES. TACKS SHIPS and store* p'nno# ar.d furniture fee* work only, no “Cheap-John" prices—no "Cheap John" Jobs LILIES OF THE’ VALLEY; MY own Importation- In *old storage; rea*l to deliver pip® everv ffnturdny; tave or ders with J Gardner, agent. 12 Brough ton srree* east. A C. Oelachlg. nursery opposite Catholic Cemetery MILLERS HOIJDAY GIFTS FOR sisters and other fellows' sisters; toilet tables, ladle®’ desks, chiffoniers, pictures of all kinds: mme and see us we will help you out C. r. -Miller agent. TEFTLE CAN SAVE YOU MON?.Y ON stoves, steel range*, oil heater® and hot stuff heaters 317 Broughton, wat MILLERS HOLIDAY GIETB FOR children; and toy.® of every descrip tion. chairs, baby carriages, go-carta, velocipede®, tricycles, ej r#*e| wagons, pa trol wagons. C. I* Miller, agent. M GILLIB BELLS SIXTY-INCH HUGS —Smyrna patterns—for $$ rent®. XMAB FLOWERS; ROSES. HYA c.nths and Ulles of tho Valley; will b ready; ontera |c|te*l J Gsrtner. 12 Broughton *ire#t, eet. agent for Oel schlg's Nursery. PHOTO*.VI A PHY. XMAB AND 3fEW YEAR’S PHOTO graphs; not tooial# If you go to WUsnei s studio. 41 Bull stre-i. h e*nplo>.® the largest and most corn;extent ffrce in elt/; the finest work ut mo*t reaaonablc prlcaa; one with each dozen on a hard**>me Xma* and New Year’s card, a suitable present for father, mother, stater or your "beat girl." M. Kd. Wilson, proprietor. )l into %!.. rIOWABE feet are troubili g you. ca l on me and I will give you relief. I cure Ingrowing nail®, corns sod all diseases of *h* few* without p*t h•'# rwmmmm give the heir references In the city; pa tient# treated at residence#; orders <n be left at Livingston’s drug store, Hull and <’ongr*as streets; telephone 293. Lem Ravi® surgeon chlvq>odl*l. help %v %vrr-D-s•%!,s:. ■"want ACCfRATK stenographer, familiar with general office work; men only need apply. I k Box 434 WANTED COMPETENT BUTCHER; must be wi ling to work cheap Apply Monday miming 6;*o. 911 Barnard street. BALESMEN WANTED TO SELL OUR goods by sample to wholesale and reta.l r*ade. we are the largest and only man ufacturers in cur 1 r.e !ft the world; libera! salary paid Addre-s. Can-D** Mfg Cos., rfflee. 23 Board of Trade Building. Savan nah. Oa. WOODSMAN WANTED. WHO CAN furnlah good reference and plenty of tur pentine hand* Apply at once, R. J Bishop. Eldrldge. Fla. - - "■■■■■■■! FLAT# FOR It FAT. Liberty atreeL HFI.P IV DTI 11-miUK. AD\ EHTUtBMKNTB BET IN "cAP ITAIAV WILL MIC PRINTED IN OLA* 81 FI El WVFRTIBBM F.NT COLCMN Folt two cents a word no ad* VERTIBEMENT TAKKIN FOR LESS THAN *<v\ i:%tPt.o% mi: at vv g i eh. "TpIL GSI FRER FIRST T' EA prrience tn all branches wishes work in hotels #*r in prtv h* pk% cs. Address 42) 4'ongre®® Street WANTED TO TRAVEL FLORIDA territory for wholesale hardwrar** hus* small sal ir\ and mmm r, t*■st of ref rcnce* Address Hardware, Morrung NeW* WANTED. BY A YOUNG MAN. FOUL tlon •** sbuqsiiK clei k for house. best f referoics Adit*"- \ Y. Mornti g News. n\ experienced and reliable man as b*'kke‘-4er or general help in store or nfftc* Address Reliable, New® office \\ %m id- iiim n i vmsi a. A ! i\ i:RTI SE >. 4 KSiBrES I’OItMIN ) i trine’ hq witn . h i®tier, with *r with out >• ;t but w* p**ted on renl c® ts e iinl loin tr • • tlan* ei t futl pnt tb iilar* c crntiig ex|*rleiH e to Ex pansion. car** Morning News. \\ \NTED. OWNER FOR B!CY<T.E to id* ntif> Mm* . pa> th * hill anl g* - # pr<*pert> YV It. Lawrence, <’ilumbts. 8 c. WANTET* FOR CASH. DOGWOOD i an<l | r-timu' n lo Bmittiern llardwool | Company. P o Mux .*2S. Chari* *ton. 8 C. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt. tand. manor#, etc fre* of rhsige Just *i c!ty limits, hauling over hard road write *>r teleplnme Bto*n Rro® . corner Anderson and East Broad streets. IF YOU want good milk, oft it from Springfield Dairy, It's rich, pure and wholesome ADVERTISEMENTS BFT IN CAP I ITA I-8 MILL HE PRINTED IN CL4 8 j SI FI KD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD | VERT IHI MENT TAKEN FOR Ll*:88 THAN Mk* EOH Hl)|-NOOS®. FOR ItKNT. NICELY FcTtN IfflfßD ftont room, all conver.lences 3Y Liberty, e ist FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT Ap ply 127 \V. t Liberty street NICBLY FURNISIIKD ROOMS. ALL '*s*veni* t; *s. .;**> Itatnsrd street, near Utierty. ONE NSPH KOOM. Olt TilItEK garrot r**ma 42.; Hull street west FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. 123 OglMhor!>e avenue. w*t FOR RKM-liUCHA. fuM UENI. vuilruiuAiiLh HOUSE. No 217 Wsidburg street, east, between Abercorn snd IJncoln, first rlana order aid condition every convenience Right rent to right tenant. F.mate Salomon Cohen. West Broad and Broughton street# FOR RENT FROM JAN 1. 526 MONT gomery. near Huntingdon. G. II Iteina liart. TO RENT. TIIK NEW 2 SToRV house, 215 T lrty elk'hth streot. we.*t. near Mari ard. furnished throughotM. will le rented for a year, f-r term f year*, to a good tenani It has a parlor, dining rxm. kitchen and storeroom. on first fi*r*or. ond three l**drooms and bathroom and water rk>##t on second flocr. Also hot and cold water, gts croklng range ond gas stove A large yard wl’h fruit tree# Apply cn pretnl®#®. TO RENT. NEW HOUSE. SECOND avenue, near Whitaker. Inquire UI6 Bar nard. FOR~RENT.” SIX-ROOM COTTAGE Twelfth aid W#d Broad; good locality; good tenant wanted; lift month. Apply ( •Wsrou, west. Mr*. Tlptdtui. for RENT. SEVERAL DESIRABLE realdence*. thoroughly renovated. Apply A Wylly. ageftt, 12 Itrvan atreet. eaat KOIt HldT-MIV I I.I(A>MH *. ”^XrgiT > w^hl^ FOR RENT. CORNER BROUGHTON AND WEST BROAD HTREKTB. FoR MERLY OCCUPIED by THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. II | SMART. |.’OR Hi:ST. WHARK WIT Ol’ MAtf k,.> dork (foot of Harnard) from April 1. HOI <S H. R*mluirt. FOR ItKNT. ON TIIK OOKHCHBI ra*6. ,hr,, ' fo'*r mtt p'-tn (irolicy rr r-arly (o two (nil- |x*t). Im| In lot- from on, loi to ono hudtrttj, *m ran I-- bomrht tn Ir- or mall lot, on ra*y t#rm C II tXmll, Ar>VKRTIBEMENT HKT TN OAP ITAI>t AVI 1,1. BK rRINTKD IN CI.A9- ■tIKIKI) AI'VKRTIBEMKST t’OI.ITMN poii rw" ft:nth a word no ad- VKRTlftrMltsr TAKBN FOR USHS THAN K~ KOH IUIS-DKAL CAT ITK. AOVEKTIBBMENT® HKT IN CAT'- ITAIjS WII.J. HK I’KINTKD IN CL.AS SIKIKD ADVKHTIBKMKNT COI.UMN KOIt TWO I'KNTO A WORD. NO At)- VKKTIHF.MKNT TAKBN KOH KEHH THAN SC. tprpkntisP: und. i-akor lr4’l for (ilffor.l * f\).. Jarkton irtlk, Kt. j'Ol'll 1/)TS. KA<’H .Vix9o. ON NORTH w.xt Mini Whlmkrr ani Thlrty-Rn,oral -ir.-ir, at a itr-al t.arxaln. lo flow n drat, th-y ran t>— twiKlit at muoh Iraa pro .• Ilian any of tha auirounJtn* propar ty. <* It. Iwrurll. KiR HAI-K. IOUDI.T Ht’II.T. TWO ■lory rot.)n,n on W.*-i Itroad. n*-ar H,-nry, vary chaap f hi. Dorxatt. "Ti'NE’ItIJHI'BWT. ON I.IBKHTY street, near WhltukT. tn tlna rotMlllloti, aoiith—rn front. C. It t*w'ti, TWO STORY RIiHIHKNCK AND laraa outbutkHnc for ma>. v-ry tom . ror nrr Wart llroarl nt-l Dußy. C. II Dorrait. ‘THIRTY-TIIRKK NEXT VI Color art Crtlaaa. *ood creak anrt rn.,f h tron 1 . lira* for poultry lulalnk, at a x/*i liar (.tin ami on eay term*. C. H IWirfatl. EAST lIItOAD STREET. STORK. n,ai H F A W Railway <lr|>o(. alwaya ranted; ~! maml, and line ;ivtn* room above. C. H. Dorrett. TWO I.oTH SOt’THWEST CORNER Forty-Fir*! direct amt Jeßaraon. (OxtO, for 11.2 DU, al-o 'wo lota on aouth W Korlteth direel, between Jcßrrnon an<t llarnar,!. ooxl2f-. for 11. Wh. ►. lot on na.i apt'* of Whitaker, near Thirty-Sixth atreet, 30x110, for IKA. C. It. Dorawtt. A SPLENDID RESIDENCE. WITH rue xrot.tah,. and oiitbulldlnu*. on Ttilriy-Revenlh atreet, th# boulevard of Ihe eotlhern ecllon. C. H. Dorretl. RESIDENCE. SUITARI.B for -tore. Lincoln and hryan, on very eaay term*. C. 11. DwMtt VoR SALE 'tHOHE LOTS ON NINTH atreet. near Kart llraad. hav* only been *o!d to flr*t-cla*a parties, who will maka xosml nelchbor*; amt none others can buy. Tha term- are vary eaay. and thay ara cheaper than any oitur. In tha vlclaltjf. C. H. Dorartt. I "It HALE, A LOT FOR TWO HCN dred dollars, eaay terms, on Ninth, atreet. near Eaal Broad, to city taxation. C. H. Doraatt. _________ tor rale' lot* on ninth street near East Rroad: no clly taxaa, at W each; twenty.five do tara cash, and aa*y monthly payments C. H Doraeit. FOR BALE. LOTS ON NINTH, NEAR Eaat Broad, ai IS* each: will aoon be advanced to UK. whan lot has baen paid for 1 can snD|s to sat a bora# built. C. H Doraatt. ttrriOt tAt.P.I THIR DAT. " ELEGANT UPRIGHT PIANO OXI.I O%N LF.FT FOR \ I I TIOY. C. |. OORfIKTT. %ni ilonrrr, Will mU at 22 Onnir*"® weal, at 11 O’rlork MONDAY. 17ih. One Upright Brand New Plarw, In ele gant with mandtain at'a hmenl Thla la th<* only plan*® 'o b* offhgtl, tha entir#* conaigiiment having l*c**n #oid Tble i* a fin#* < ha nee far < IhrlalttM* gift. PLATFORM SCALES-MUSIC BOX llsKltßH' I II % IH. 171 TANARUS., it i rritwi. C*. If. lIOgIKTT, (Hctlonvfr, Will ®#ll MONDAY. 17th. at 11 o’otonfc, Offi* •• Chair*. tkifM. Burrau®. IVd- Irrt.b Mirivlr f.q* lab!#*, Ijounge®. Bar. I** * Clia. Stave* I r Ch*e4. 2 pair* I’Miform Hralr- (alt Eurnllure, Plrturea, I'nrior Set, Dining Tab!**, Hlryciea, Muela Box 100* ctg ira In iif txixee, Blind* xrxl b t of odil a and rn*l®. H'veral volume# of ml® *ll *na-ou® work*. FOR ®* % 1.1. It I: %I. MTITK. F'D’lt Mill*!. HOUSES EAffT Mr. * • . Hull *• t \| rwtuii-h; (wo t:arr.* hou-r* on \| |)n< ufh, rent ing fr *n* Uif dr**s| |Nt month prlr#. right thoi-u l *b. rr-tdfr *•* 313 thorfie avenur. a* Apply 310. FOB SALK *\’ f: \SY Ti:BM8; NICE tw*u* ®nl lot at I ■ of Hope fr.eitlrg I river, ample room for other houeea on I the front. J. c Howland, 22 Rryan, I r**t. FOB MALE THE F\DIVIDED HALF rf th** plantation known n* ' Sharon," *lt uatevl five m b fr>m *lty <*mr( Hou*e. Fr term*, paMU tilar*. #i apply or ad lre* R ft fil hard*. Southern Bank building, city. RESIDENCE AND BUILDING LOTff for anl# all v*r Hie city Kob rl If. Tiffin, real estate dealer, No. 7 York I sir* et. west. ADVKRTISKMrV’TS RET IN PAr- ITAIJI WILL ME PRINTED IN CUS HIKIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR int o I’ENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISI MENT TAKEN KOH 1JC.48 jTHAN JrtC KOII RAI.B— NIUKI.I.ISIXIIS. A FREH HAMi’I.K OK BENZOIN Halm for hop* and rough akin, given to anv lady * ailing at !er**e’* drug ®*or#. Marti > a id! Abrrrorit. Tay .or and Whita ker IF YOt"VK GOT TWO LI NGS LEFT. Sov n**m will ure yuair cough; m ilolkar hotp.c guarnte**d to cur# or money re funsirsl Ucraae'a liug * tores. IIORSEH FOR KALE J!' 8T ARRIVED * Kecly'a Tranafer Stahhv \V***t Hruod street * nrload of Kenturkv hgx*e®. whicn w*’ will *e|j *he ip. nil an<l see then*, iII A A Tho*. n*wd<n. WANTED. TO SELL BOTATOFJI TO pim-ltaarr who *an furnlah Hack* l , wlrh |iriv on car A<l*l re®* J. Polhlll, Clax toti. Ga. wool*; WOOD, WOOD. am/ktndo and wls#*; |*rl MllMfaciton KUitrantMd Hi own Hr** * . An<lmon anil Kant llro l nrfclp FOK SALK. MON'ftoK DOA TIDINO hmiw, oiif of th* !♦•*: luf>tnri atatid In city; kio! locality; co*nl tra<l’; money to b* mn>l<-; room f*r ir ami rc*t Atimnt: partlin living city. Apply Congress. wm(. Mm. K K. Tliipinn. AT YOr.V(ll/)VK A HIPPLKB At'C tiott Tuc fJay it 11 o'clock. Jprwy cow and young calf ATCTION SALK HORSES. FOR Mlf, at auction. mxt Tuesday, at Younglov* A Hippie *talle, liorses, In hj* load are driven ami workera, anyone w*hlng good ch*ap horsen wHI do w-ll to attend this tale. "Horses now In stnble ’ FOR SALK rilKAf*. OXK TOW ONE 1 heifer. hth perferaly gttwl*; any on* can I cow; also one piano, a real good I chan*** to get a g*od Instrument cheap, i<* It Wmcott. I'K* Weat Thlrty-nimh ; streot. FOR SALK FAR HORSES if’ST AR r I veal; aiittahie for the tra I*. several sites i l>onlea. H II 7> oucks. manager i COWS. WITH Yol’NO CALVES FOR •ala Cail 471 We%i IWurulary street; aea them fire Proof safes we carry a fine line of fire proof saf! tn stock at all time* The parttsa can ee exactly what they are getting Our |>rJre are ai low ss manufacturers #el! |t, with fratfhi skl ed Parti** Interes e*!. who wish a g<*d ; fire proof safe, will do well to Inspect lor stock Uppman Hros., Lippmsa Mo k agent# for msnufsn ursrs. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN <SaS ITAI.H Wll.l. M; PKINTKD IN C LA9- SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN KflH TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR I.EAS THAN W HMDIM. pleasant rooms. nlr# location, rrjtwntbtr rate, at 321 Har rl* street, oust. 11l IHISIA t It IttC KI. ADVERTISER DESIRES FARMING larliierahlp with a hiwtW. with or with out c.pltnl, but well pooled oti real ee fair and ban iraaieactlona; *ewl full (exr tlt ulHm roni'rrmiiK Piirfl.tiia to Kx. partelon. rare Morning N-ww. ~ADVERTiiBM ENTS SET IN OAP ITAIAS WJLL HE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS TKAN MC. Win KI.I.A.YKOI*. HOT AIR AND I J t*T WATER HEAT ERS. AUtu ORATES AND PARTS PUT IN AND REPAIRED P II KIKR MAN. 10 STATE. STREET. WEST — FI REWORKS AT CUT PRICES AT>, 303 Wttl Broughton atreet. YOUR DOLLAR WILL OO AH FAR with u. a> Vn anywhere elae; a full line of .-rockrry, tinware, atovee. #te„ on ratty Itrnw. A C. Prlib A Cos., Stair and Jef feroon. 'Phonra (M WE ARE HEADQUARTER* FOR trwrr pipe, fire brick, Arc clay ©.! an I give ua a call. Adame Paint Company. DON’T TROUBLE YOURSELF AnOCT moving your furniture, relaying your car pet* or matting Perry A Demon wlil re lieve you of all that trouble. ‘ OPR HERMAN READY MIXED paint la at-Id under a gxttranter; have your houae painted altlx It. Adame Paint Com pany " TOY TEA SETH AND DRUMS Hoeing at rout at llernateln’a, * Weat Broughton turret _______ WE ARE HEADQUARTERS ~ FOR mantel*, from in rent* io 3ft renta; your old etove rxchangrtl for a near one, A. C. price A Cos.. State and Jefferaote ’Phone* Cftft. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENT* In every dollar of your hard-earned hard raah at the Southern Grocery Company, lie Rarnard atrrrt. ' "PERRY A RENTON. 5* STATE •treat, weat, will move. pack, ahlp or elore vour furniture at abort notice; alee ren ovate your old mattreoaea at IHtla coat. Bell ’phone 1124. WANTED. ONE THOUSAND Htrtf •ry people at the Southern Qrocery Com pany. 11< Bernard afreet HOT STUFF HttATERS AT C Berneteln, 303 Weat Broughton afreet. IF YOU WILL LET US ESTIMATE on your plumbing work you will be con vinced that we are cheaper than any one eiee. A C. Price A Cos.. Stale A Jaltar- • •on atroeU. 'Phenes M. 3