The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 17, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 SESSION’S CLOSING HOUR. now dm.mfifd i r.4.1%1 umo m*- INIHTICI) THF.MM III* lit prrarnlnlh r Mm Irf Metis Tells l •hr Ohirrvßiirr of th© 1 ttrrtl t ni|nm* Diirlnu lll** I •* I Ilnur* ikr l.e* Dlst wre \\m In Bee si.. ;**- %i| |o r•* i Rl li-Tll (IT lock In •lr Mornlhu Ihr Hand* f lH** 4 lock liming Irm Stopped | | :.'S— II mH t Oiff 1m Mill Kept Legislators |wnkf-WI TVeas nri*r‘i < irrk 1111 l I’RMfH llowsr anil 9 Rrnulf. , i r ■ f • *•! * • ••ion of ih’ Atlant wr markwl b* ihe ot**< rvat *■ of trie i*t ms that usage ha* iQtitt i via'■.vb*- Ther* wrir rare o l times before if* g;*v*l of l t.e p\m *ker fail lor ft* la*t unr Krpfi-iM ntattv# \\>lj and Hurdro loft Atlanta together \esterdiiy morning r acMi £ the rir> at night. It !• exp** *I j that tk i tor Cain at.l arrive this rnt*rn- -■ ir;|k or to-night. Mr Well* said that the j ntK.t ■. 4* #c 11 ion w.i* f <*gg*-d ami tired out, the • strain of the lat w©*k of the m- #.or having proven m>r. the-* W'm, to b;alt hmJ ul>* V\ h*n the it ure adjourn* and sin* cT, iaid Mr Write, "II was 4.h o’ <‘l O'a • morning Tne time-honored .-torn of stopping ihr hands *4 the *<w k at 11 had tren otmrrvrd. arvl th** hours afl*r midnight rr spent in a som* what fi* r. * fight over th* provision* of the tax act. "Whai the a*'! by tli* House It contain'd ala use pr\ I ling that all note* i t* ui I 1© •tamjefl by ti© receiver of tax return* of the several teuVUv* f the slate. In order to le ••ltd enforceable if) lass Thin prnhiiti w * ©tflcken ■ • A in the* Senate, and it was the effort t g* t this back in the ac , m.*de by (he supporter* an.d *(ih r**nti of • mi kept ( two long in *Mun lU of the minority aho oppotwi the prov.eloo were rather *rn*ll In numhers but we had etioug I to j*e ab.e to put tip m good fight, ittxi did. Vh**r> little while would - rn* o me******- from the Senate, asking that a * <mn)itt©e be IH*4M*d to ocnt*f with It* committe* a* to tti* provision Thr < *mmitte*- wouli lie a;>i*nt'd and in another little white would return with the report that it could not ogre* The end of H ah was however, tkat the majority in the House same aroui.d to the posit.of) of th* Hena e and the minority of it* own inftnler* and ugre*d * • *i♦ ftenate aroehknent *trik ti k the proviM >u fr*an th*- tax act. That ttiiv mm3 the thins,that atiouW have been done I* obvious to every business mate Tne ,im of the Senate aa* that the la* on not** -i* provu!•*■ Iby the House wouil not yield th** State any revenue. The )u*i of ibe am* raiment wht*h the House finally a* • epted rnakee the ra’e Z mill*, of which 3 1 i* for general purpoaee and 2.1 for * enrnori ** hoot*. Mr. Well* *all that the purpose of the provkiloft hed l*een *oin* alißt m4* ird**r etoosi The (•r ent tax law pro\ Ide* tht note* arid other evUvncea at Inde d-edncaa eaall Ih* returned for taxation by 4h- t 0.1-er*. er*. In M>m** •*•* the do not return th‘.-e note* It was iv>t Inter* led to lmi*owe any a*ldHonal tax but merely to *o arrange nu*t rs that the note* bel l by a taxpayer would he returned by him ul their full value. To have them atamp cd in the offi ♦ of the tax receiver would accomplish this purpose admit ably. Itut In Mr Well * Of inion. It would lead to annoyonce* and rata* trouble for which the Increased revenue to the *la<** would not rompns.itf It t*ftet happona that It I* nece**ary for a buflmu man to ttorrow money, hut he !** not wish to a|verti*s* this fact to the world. He mi>\ lie amt probably 1* |*rfectly *olv*nt. yet H onu of hi* credit ora reach the con !a*lon that he b.i* too much paper out aiandlng they can force him to an ac counutig. their example will lw followed by other* and the reault will l*e bank ruptcy. “liurlng the time when th.- Joint com mittee* of the Hou** and Seiwite were onferrliig.” raid Mr Well*. 'The Hou**- remaine*) under re***s Th* ti It W’a* the ttorae-play by which the lo*lng hour* of tne *e-sjon are always dlatlngulahe t wa* Hmlu.k* and In by the mernte-r* Sp. ak. r* wr hurriedly e.ertesl and forced to take the chatr. b*wik and roll* of m.inu* rip wi re *eni rtyln* through th*- air and the repreat-ntatlvea of lb** people of Georgia for a time fOTfOt ail th*dr d*gnlt> It w.*- actually 4.3 b o'clo k. though the clo*k on the wail only r*gist**red 11:30. when f*!caker Llttb* deslareil the Houee ad journed without day. ••The proteat from the County C’ommi* • loner*, ralative to the bill giving the county tra*uer the right to employ s clerk at the public expenee. reached At imi u too kite to la* u*sh! to any very great effect. ’* Hepre** ntative Wella made this re aponse to a question a* to the reason for lie proteat* failure to arromp.leh It* It .ended purpnae. and secure tne defeat of tne bill. It will be r*-fnmbercd that the protect again*: the ap{dl<ait>on of the taxpayers' money to tne pwyment of a clerk for tha trssaeurer wa* nuule at the tn.etir.g of the . ommisstoner* h* Ul *n Thurodav lest. Copies of th 6 r-*olutWn it. arhlch thr prmr*; and thr rrarun* dun •n!matr<J thr < ommiwlonpi in making it. arrr rmootlird. werr rrmlHl to (hr drn ator from this •kstrlrt, (nr reprr*€i(attvr* from this <ounty nl thr Govrrnor of thr atatr on Thura-biy fvrnitiK. and r** h"l Atlanta thr following morning On that tiuy the bill x pas**-*! “Thr b.ll had already p;**vi th** llou*r.“ Mid M Wrli*, "and whrn thr waohitiui.* of thr rommis oteners ira h*l Atlatt It had bufn fa vorably repoiir*! by 4ie committer of the ilenate. to which it had beet) referred, and war l>iig on the prr*kj**nt'* drwk. preparatory to bring placed on it* age. What little could be done, wa* done, but ‘eenatorlal courtesy,' in Mon to the favorable report of thr committee, carried the day and th*- bill wa* uasard “1 don't feel." *.l l Mr Wt4i* in con clusion. “that I wai* at all to blame If a uroteot had been formulated tn ttni. I would have had something to work on— something to show the of thr House and Senate (but there was o;hh>- aitlton to the bill in ('hutham county. The Irulifrar* nece with which the county au fnorltle* *r.-ffn<l to regard the b II s |mi* - age must be held responsible for what ha* tak’-n place " Mr. Well* said hr and thr other mem bers of thr delegation were glad that tin* session is over and they am* In a po tation to return to fhelr homer The last few days, espr* l illy, have teen very try ing and all of the deleg.itlon need the rest they all itftCepd to t**ke. The light for a 91.909.000 appropriation for the common schawl* resulted In an agreement on |9uo,(ioo. This war th*- orig inal amount named in the llmise bill, but Increased b> the Senate to f1,090.009. The beast* finally agrr*-i to 1900.099 when as sured th*f the larger amount could not be raised. Th- Hennte amendment tnyreer tng the futid for the Technologtcgl School IlC.Ohu ws accepted by the Hour* with it), under*landing that thin amount shall be available only after the school ha* raised from outside foot* e an amount In money end equipment equal to S26.‘*JO A M.%JK*TI( FKI.bOW, The Plxrtt lierr of (lie *ra*nn Killed South of the C'lly. A party of grntlcmtn went out a few mi.M eouth of the city Saturday after noon and killed the fcargeat buck of the season. The deer weighed 200 pounds Old hunt er* say rhat he wa* about 4 year* old. and was tha prettiest op*< linen seen bere U *mrt. u ii.i. at iim: i imiu . Whether t*)R*nah Will %*k for ih flair l*ir. Wheiher s>r n*u the • ffort* to obf sin 'h' State F’m r for Savant *n next year j ah e tlrui* 1 will be tie bled at the m*** ’ * irg to te h and at the <*Uy Kxchar.g. at IM' o c.e k to-da> Th*- <halrm*t. of th*- t'anvaaaing .t'>mmi: tregi and c.aer* whu have d.o*n an active Interest in th*- m ! vem**nt hw\*- been |r\ i t n* ir. •• ent. and h 1* exp* t*d that th* w be a full attendar e. TANARUS). halrmen will mak* their report*. wttn * ai ilicce** ihey have met utd upon the i . , , j>erid the action of the meeting Th* irwll uti>n Is it • •b* r • wil be ron siderable di*cu*s on Many of the com mitteemen and other* w hi taker an interest in the tn<*v**rr.* i t. *l>. o th *t their ws*rk shouM go fr nothing. They will urge flutt Kh;.> the amour ' of sob er ri|rtlon* ha* mr re*, bed th*- figure* nanrtfd .m tt* it• iniif.ary n> • fing that enoiiglt has alr*.dy been secured to war rant the committee In going ah ad and *klng f-.r the fair. ;nd that ttrere eHI • raise ih* reminder of the amount need ed should the request be grui.ted Some think It wou.d well for Savant.> ) to present her requevt anyway, even if the fair should be award'd to Vaidoiti, m the Kx* dtlve < *amm|ttee of th Agri *•- • ural S j*ty would thus be iut on ne ti e that Savannah a ■ mdldate ami that i wouid .s**-rt It* chum to tf.* fair for the following year There 1* no disposition to antagonise Valdosm In the matter or to Injure that city In any way. Tf** fair m*vtieni wa* started in Savannah with th. idea the member* of the Agricultural S* iiy desired to have it come here, otherwise no Interest woukS ha\e ever be*n taken fi the matter. Now Hat .i n>ovement t this end is under way .**m*- of those en gaged are not dispos'd to et th* matter drop. There are other*, however, who think t at It would not be well to antagor x Vaido*t. amt that as It Is no* by any meanw certain that th* Kxecutlv* Com mltt-e I* a* favorable to Swvannah a* w * ippH*si. that it wout-l l.e wII to i*t the fair go to \ a Most a next >enr wttl) the underxtandlng that It shoul.l come to Hwvannah the following yiar The r tir I* not regarded an h matter of ifiu*r*rtan< e by the of Savnnnart, they hold. W“hlie the p.opt* >f Vakkerta to at uo h speciai Importance to it. It I* not by orty means certain t urt th< tali will he awarded Mavannait evi-n If the rommltiee houUI deckle to ask for It. While Savannah has b*en considering rather deliberately whether she wanted Ihe fair or not. \ aldcmia has teen ,t w ork The vote* of the mervviwrs of the Kxecutlv** (’otpmlttee of t . Agricultural .ksclety have been solicited in her hehaM S'me of the offleer* of the Agdcutturol Hoclety. among them Secretary Martin V. Calvin of Augusta, are actively at vo'k in her behalf, and proxle* have been r*- questisl from those memtw-r* of th*- com mittee who *Ui not expect to attend Trans|*ortation hdt aim. tw-.-n requegted of the rail mud* f*r the m*-mlers of the <• mmittee in order that there may b* a full attendance. The Executive Committee consist* nf forty-aeven member-*, t i.* pr. l-l* nt. v •• preslilent and secretary of the no ie-ty. .in 1 four momher* from ich congr* district. As the major!*y of the mein*.era of the committee Mrs f irmer*. It Is not unlikely that they might be inclin'd to favor an agricultural center like V t)<ico*x rather than a commercial renter like Sa vannah Still ihe tndiH'em'-nt* which Sa \nniiah would le able lo off. r In the w *v of i more clah*,*rate f ilr and prol-aldy l>ctter results to th.- Agricultural Society would have cntndderable weight. Home also ,i candid.)t for the fair, and there will probably be other appli mt- •<% I % VIBIT 111 OB BlHt.b%lt*. t apt. MfClon'**'* Home on t ongrt-w* Xfrrrt Was I'.ntrrril, James J. McGowan's residence. No. 215 Congress street, east was bur glarised night before last. The thlf or thieves effected un entrance by a base ment wifi.low- and took In several of the rooms of the bouse In their search for valuables. Money sceme.l to be the pr n- * dual object of their search, for they i touched little else. One of the lady occupants of the resi dence discovered evidence that her room had been ent* red on w.iking ami timing that the ga* was turned higher than -he had left it Inquiry failed to develop that any of th* other ladlea had been in her room, and it was concluded lout th*x thief had he n anxious to find money tha he re.tor* and to the dangerous exi*d!cnt o( turning up th** light t' u-sist him From another room ** purse w.* taken. This contained about 94.80. beetdes a Co lumbia half dollar and u Sf'.inlsh The purse, after tl* thief got on the out side again, was opened. rittel *>f its cm tent* ami pltchtsd back into tho >arl. though. *|iie**rl\ enough, h. de* Ided h* lit not want the <’oluniMan and the Spanish pieces, possibly thinking that they .ful the purs*- might m.irk him as the Invader of ('apt. McGowan'* premise*. A l*x holding a small amount In change was' also taken by the thief, but was dropped u|s*n the stairs. Th** police were acquainted of the theft, but no arrester* w-re made. a il'llMl OF FhtHVBMt. The llemnlns of l.lftle lllnrd Hronnr Were I nlil l Heat. The funeral of little 4-year-old Willard Browne, whoso death from grlp-pneu monla whs ;mnoun**i In th*- Morning New* yeaterday, took place at 4 o'clock in ttie afternoon from the home of the INirents. Mr. and Mrs. J I'aimer Browne, No. JW Ninth turret, ra-t. The -crvlcea, Mhli h were conducted by Hev. Kd. F. :'"Ok, |astor of Wesley Monumental ! I'hurch. were largely attended An omi*- *4oti by the Morning N- ws oi th* funeral notKV ami ih- announcement that tne fu neral would take place from th*- residence of th*- giumt tat her. Mr J K. I* **rr on Wahlburg street, cutn-'d t number , f i**v>- ple t* go there. A further an noun * in-nt of the fuoera. was made, however, at the Methodist churches In th* morning and many attended th** services. The Inter mmt was In laturel Grove Fern* t* ry and the mound alorve the grave wa- almost hidden by the sweet flower* placed hy lov ing hand In memory of the Htik one whose * arthly life is pended. UFA. Bit. *T!CO\(J IS II.L Itrv. Br. W ••<!% nrl of lisri* a n (•- ilneleil Wervlees a* WI. Julia*. Morning and evening prayer at t. John's Church were t*"l yesterday by Hev. Mr Woodward of Darien, Hev. Mr. Htrong, the res-tor. b* ing too 111 to of ficiate. Mr. Woodward preached at both service* Mr. Htroog'e IHnes* hud Its origin In a fall while on the hunting trip to New foundland laet Septembe; He.-ently t;ie sprain he racelved has b* om** worse, and It la feared that he will have to • ib mlt to an operation, which will Involve hia aoeence from hi* parish for aome week*. gcrofu.a In the hlool shows Itself ar-oner or later in swelling* ooroe. But Hood a BaraapariUa compltl* y cure* it.-ad. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1000. LET THE CITY CELEBRATE. hi wmii r.iTt:*n % urde t om. TO THR tF.H riATim. It Ha* IT a• et \ I nlmportant l*wri In Ike World'* I'rnsrrM of the I liolnu t eniary and I* Hotttl**l lo I M k Mack With Pride Ipnn It* It*--ortl—l he t ottoa tla. t |*i l\ Idrli tbr south’* Industrial Wya tcit* I* lta*ed. and virnwi \a%iaa lion. Wliirli It*- % olu(lonised Ike '1 rude of the W orld. Had Their ttriuin llrrr—Other t Itlea %re Pre paring to t elehrnie nnd Why Not % nnttah f Will Savannah extend a wH >me to th* n w century ** r ettie* are pre|*arlng to do so New York, Philadelphia an*l other large citie,- of tne country are pre paring to make the entry of the n* wr cen tury a great event with rhelr people, th* ceiebrationa to le urwier mui-bipal diret*- tion. claims the h<n*>r of originating the Idea The (Tty Council there has decided to pper 1 f.' *•• on fire. w>rks alone lie*:de* this there will hr •Iretrie*4 display*, a general decoration of public buildings, ululH of ttm mill tjry. and ptradia ar.d celebration* of the event by various societlax. New York will, of course, endaavor to edsbrtit the event r* marc <-iatK>rate atyie than any ether city. Savannah had it* origin early in the Eighteenth century, entered the NI no te* nth after many vl* isntude*. n*l now has almost roumled out the Nlne’**s*nth with an honorable and fairly successful cr*-**r to it* credit. It has contributed not a little to the world * pr acres* in that im* The Invention of the cotton gn. with It* immense impress upon the in dust rial system of the South, wa* a complished by KH Whitney n# r this <ty and in this county Tin first ocean going steamship wa* built bv Savannah merchants and sailing from this port cro k -*sl the At. Antic In IHIIF It was the beginning of the movement which revolutionised the world* coin mt-re. Iron-hulled steamboat* are *ald to tav U n first uwed on the Havannah riv er. Th* third steam ret;road constructed lr the Enlted fitate*. the Central, wa* built from Savannah. In fact. H*vannah though a.small city, has contributed much to the world*a progress For the last quarter of the century Sa vannah’s progres* ha* been chiefly of * ommer ial character. In that time It ha- establish*d its* fn the leading *ea !k>rt and chief railway center of the t*outn Atlantic. Bhe is one of the three leading nit on port* arid the chief naval ator*** port of the world Its commercial i*ro-- p t* arc great inl Its future exceedingly bright. The rrxt century doubtless hold* great things In store for it. Aigwtrently it* growth has tw*en slow yet It ha* mul tiplied by ten since the beginning of the c. usury and Its grow th *lurtng the ktat two de. nl* * ha* be* n nearly 1W |*-r * ent It only iindi the contliman- c of this reg ular growth In population and huatne** to place It among the great cities of the out try# and t*ii% th*- new century m.> cor •’ lef t v be expected to bring forth The churches, of course, will observe th* advent of the new year an*! the ii* w centurv Hy order of Pope I,eo a puitlfl cal high mass will be celebrated by the Hish*>|>* of all dlo-ese In th-'lr ca thedral* at midnight This Is presum'd o be the same order a was Issued a year ago. In which the Bishops were ,i- Hrncfed to -lebrale the advent of tne . ■" of the new century and also *he ; succeeding anniversary marking the ad vent of the row century. Hy characteris ing the |ve--nl year a* the "f-ve” of the >cw century. Ill* ll*lin***s practhallv set tled the |UeatkMn a* to whether the twen- tleth e.-ntury liegun with the year U u or that of Utd. Th© dtscusaiou on this *ui- Jes-t see me to have entirely dld out. and there now seem* to l*e •s dispute that the now fa t c losing year round© out and com p(*tes the nineteen*b century, the gieat ♦st nf human endeavor the world lute ivr known. A: Ft Paul'* Kidscopal Chur *h Hare wi.l be a |ienltentll service at *tmn of N,<av Ycur s hN- and at midnight a New Year** service, a! which holy communion will be administered Immediately after ti) .) v rv; of the * new year •ther cht rrhe* of ihr city will doubtl *sa ai rung*• for observance* also. As New Year s Day Is by common cus im n holntny in Ikivannah. it wouUl e a comparatively simple matter to arrange for a public oieervance of a>me kind At Fhtlailelphia and other cities where cele br.irlon# ate being arranged, the decort tlon of tne city hails n*l oter publi iuiWings will be mu le u special future A- Savannah'* Fir Kxchange D Just !<•* years o.d. H would !©* entirely fitting an 1 appropriate that It ahould figure *o)- spiruously in the observance* of the *la lr fact, a celebration of the one hun dredih anniversary of the laying of the rA.rneretone of th** Kxchange was sug gested lost summer. The Chatham Artillery, the Georgia llusear*. B**l>mon's ldge of Masons and • city which have passed the century mark, would naturally le invited to participate tn any observance of the entry of the century It has tsen suggest*-.! thaf an appropriate feature would be the firing of a salute from the Washington guns bv the Chatham Artillery and a request to t nfts effect from Council would doubtless be cheerfully compiled with by the Chat ham©. I*ol,ll F. B% > ON THF. IUHI'U)P M Was l ocked I p for firing Drunk and %nulf Dim %nriii*r Officer. Patrolman Thu*. Duffy, appeared at th* barrack* day before yesterday under the Inlhi'-nce of liquor ar.d succeeded In get ting himself Into a scrape that will doubtless cost him hi* position. lie wound up a fight with one of the m**n in quarters, and w is ordered locked up by th* sergeant on duty lie informed the authorities that the whole blnnklty-blank force couldn’t lock him up But he wa* didAhUK •! of any such W*w when sever al policm'r got bold of him and put hin in • cell Mis to-lt, b idg- and pistol have leett t iketi fr.>m him. and he h** b*en ausperded pending an Investigation by the Mayor. This doubtless will be he •! at an early dale. I MII M IMA lid, AT DF *OTO. Bra. %. I**pe Is \t r.iperlril to I.lve Throng It the Da*. Mrs Pope, wife of Col. A Pope, of th oe.iboard Air Line. Is critically 111 at the D* Soto where she and Col. Pope reside Her -ond it lon is such that no hone of her recovery t* entertained, and her death is hourly expected. Mr*. Pope has been ill only about three days. Bhe was firs: attacked by l.i grlpt>> w hich rapidly developed Into pncumoni i She |a a woman of frail *lxl delicate con st* ’Mlov). and the inroads of the were very rapid ller serious llln©- will o*as!on the sincere \m;*atny of the friends of Col. Pope and herself. % Very Short Week * k* for papa, mamma, sister*, bjothtr*. cous ins. and all th* re*t You've only a short wt*ek in which to make your selection* from Sternberg Me Cos '* lovely stork of diamonds. Jewelry, watche*. silver and gold novelUea Fine uovbrolloa, etc.-ad. <llli %<• Hrad nl l*olirv l..parim Tkal I* n*. In, <r<rrrl) ('Htlrilr*. ■ -..< f of t’oli -r Jo.r.-dl Klpioy of Chl info *,..• a4imi. < ration of ft* | ■J. tn. *!4i 4 Jur> ot > •>* <v.unt) I * r,, h(. Svr.i;a:i >•<• lafday #(t>-rt)ooi. from J.<, i. and m aioppn ® at tft* l Su lO The vice crusade th is now in prog r**- In New York ha* intplred tne pure in heart In Chi* *g<> to take like action Chicago, like thr chap In the story, "1* to i- *>.!! u; ariyt rug waxtia* ever and if N*-v York ban a\) e cru*a*le wi.. nave o e of e\en larger dimen ■Hi and m >re fa-rc* iing twit in the Windy (Tty Ii- -ild that Cnl*'f Ki| ;*> and his administration of his department r responsible for the existing *vi <nd*.!i ns that jr* >aii inert. .r. i tnat a.I that \ * ntnli. in order to tlfive n ('hr ago. i* a permit from th* P 1 • !• * *ms *o 1 that th re is \ a-j ien > aid th* I* nice **-em ;ow* r!c**s t- beck it • ’’if Kiplry a visit to H'lper n t* id* tit of r -a*. S re\en An • ffort was n ie to see t.iit. < nl* ;i<tel later In the night, but ii** dal n i- w up When In ’ keonvllle, t i- understood he dUrt tial i * w i* goir g he to Cne-ago to face tb* grate) Jufy and an> action it tn:ght *< fit to iak- JiKlir* (jit t ais. i<r idm* in a Chicago <ourt. *’h.irgsj the grand Jury to Inves l ic-it* fully tne omlitioti* pr**v tiling In tne It> The pr* - vaim •• **f -rime and the p * iM|er it. it* report of the charge, questions on which tne- court laid ar liular •tr*’**,'’ When Chief Kipley left Chicago som* <*' h* r !!).• icicmning him nought to mnk'- it appear that he wa* trying tj g> t out o' th* way of an invoetigatkm. In a r* ent in'ervlew he is t|uo!**) h* saying tna* he left on hia regular vacation, the trip having be**n iire.idv planned, aid that h*- would r*- turn lo tTilcugo wnen his trip wa* ion . ,udd. H aouM not. he said, ailow hlms* If b be Influenced one way an uther by th vl ** erusade an*i thr how a of its a*lherents. Chief Klpi*-> will i>e in Savannah ‘lur ing a far; of to-day at any r*> and io*- sibly for a long* r period. It I* not poe- Itlve.v known wiiether he will go direct to Chicago or by w.\ of New York He couki not l*c seen cist r ighl for the pur !■>•<*- of gaining this Information An Associated I*r ;-*‘ dispat< h from Ht Augustine, dated yesterday, is a* fo*iow: Chief of I'ole*- Kipley of Chicago, who ixms to Florida b*t week, for a month * a ttlm If • la 111 h*WTk My this morning fur Chicago. >ia Jacksonville nd Hava nr ah. He sta'* 1 that he would leave Savannah direct to-morrow. He dM not st<f the cau-c f.,r the change in hi* plane." HIM. BB HIM MWHTFJII. The Week Refre ( hrlstmns %lssnys llrliut* Out a t.reat 4 nmtl. This is the w**k of all the year during which merchant* have .til the business they want or can handle. Shopper* will la? buying their Christmas good*, and merchant* and their cori>* of assistant* will be rushed to death in waiting Upon tlw throngs that gather In their stores Thus far bualnes* with the merchant* has not been what they had hoped to pee. Al appreciate the fact that there is yet time for It to develop to greot proportion*, however, and it i* provable that it will do so. Prosperity I* generally admitted to be abroad In the Urol, and Ohrl*tm** 1* th* time of all others when the heart Is likely to open up and money 1* spent with a lavish hand. Principally to thr fact that there has be. n little, if ar y. cokl weather I* due the failure of tin* merchant* who deal 111 dry good* and clothing to rejoice over a g‘*ud business They say that the day* have been eo warm that people have not thought of investing extensively In heavy garments, and there Is where th* h#evle*t rec* Ifk* in such business He. In the lighter garment* sold and in the odd* and ends that go to n- •We up th* g*-wgiiw* and knick-knacks . hristmas. there is but little money for merchants. They look to th* profits from the run upon heavy garment* mat is made whet) there is • cold snap to pay the houses from which they buy their t* k and thl* run ha* not been as heavy as they would like to **e l . Th*re b the conpolatlon. how ever. that it is obliged to coma, and the next few days, at this mid-winter e*a*on, should bring it. For the j a-i two weeks the merchant*, who deal in 4'hristmu* good*, have been visited hy many *hopi*etw. Their num ber. however, has not exceeded that of former years, merchant.* declare, thong i many who have observed th* crowds on the street* have been constrained re mark that tney did not reno-mber having s. * ii so many |**op'e doing their shopping *o long before ('hristmas As the day* of this w.-.-k {* the run upon the stock* of the merchant* will Increase. The majority of those who inv. st In presents and Christinas goods leave their shopping to the very last, and fhe day before Chr.stmus i* usually the busiest of all. Chrlstmis weather Is rot always Ideal, but that of the we*>k before starts off auspiciously. Those who have lived un<l suffered through the bd w***tl'.er of ma y a ('hristmas will hot*© that bm> Ing .nr and sunshine will accompany that wh)<-h comas on Tuesday week. HIHDI.It ! Hill THia WF.F.K. Jake Bonllrle anil tarn Frrrelire Will He Tried for Their Mra. The Superior Cohrt this week will lq* kept busy with th* trial of crlm.nal cas of which a score or more have been a signed. Two murder aes. those against Sam Moultrie anl Norman Jackson, re Incl-j'lf) in this number. Moultrie was convicted of the murder of a negro In Yamacraw and sentenced Judge Falllgant overruled his motion for anew trial, but the Supreme Court. o which th- as* w.© c.irrled, reverse I Judge Falllgant. It was the same ok) ground of reversal, the fact that section 73 had been given tn charge to the Jury, on which so many murder caaoa have recently been sent back to the tilal couita. The Moubrte case will be trie*! We*!n a da y. The other murder rave Is that of Nor man Jackvon. Indicted by the grand Jury for tip* murder of his wife Jackson found his wife and Rim Ferrebe© in a romp o niising position and shot them lioth. Th* woman died, but F rrebee recoverel. All the parties to the affray were negroes. 1 XkltiM % Wild, HI I'HKRKITF.O. slut r|i hooter* anl Barksmew ** t ••in pa ii y II to lleeelwe Thelra. The siiariwhooiees and marksmen of Company B. of the Bavannah Volunteer Guards' Battalion, will be presented with their insignia for 1900 at their company nwm to-night. The presentation wlli be nuul** hy ('apt, C. H. Hlchardaon. acting I ru* pet cor of rift© practice of the First Itegitnent. wbo will also address the com pany on (he general subject of rifle prac tice The company will assemble In full uni form at 8:18 o'clock this evening, and the presentation of the Insignia will be mads • oon thereafter. Drill wil; be dlspei.s and with for the night. Company B etands next to (he Savannah Cadets in marks manship among the troops of the mate. The Cadata head the Hsu WITH IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY. t PHU.BATtniK or WT. J •IKPH’I HOSPITAL W M LAID. Hev. Father Kennedy. Chnneellor of the |)liH*eae. Offirlalrd. Hlaht Mft trend Bishop Kellr) Being Indi*- poaeil—- lleoetllrtlon *f the Blessed sacrament W *• tteld iu the t tanpel of the Old lluildtna—Tnlk Mas Mule I ptn the Plalfortu the t ornersfone t> Father Kennedy. | ttt otlM t lon* of the Building %% ere Blessed. The corner*fone of the new Bt. Joseph • Ilostdixi was laid yesterday afternoon at I o’clock with lm|K>*lng ceremony Many people gath*red aliout tl)* foundations of the building, winch I* to stand west of and adjoining the old Ht Joseph's flabersluim and Taylor street*. Bishop K*-lley wan to have officiated, but wa* prevent*d by indisposition. Ilia place wa* asume*| hy the chancellor of the di o>*e. Jtev. Father Itobert F Kennedy, who offleiated In the ceremony of the ben ediction of the blessed ne rarnent. Which preceded the laying of the corner*t me. The ceremony of the bene*llction took pier© in the chapel of the hospital. Father Kennedy being assisted by Father J. H McCarthy and Father William Quinlan of Bt Patrick s. Father Wll.tam Mayer O. H H., of the Barred Heart i’hurcb. Father Carey and Father. Reilly of the Cathedral of Ht. John the rlaptist. and Father Gregory, O. B B Th*- altar boy - ai*o assisted. t'pon tl)e conrlusi*n of the ceremony in the chapel, the clergy, lead by some ten or twelve altar boy*, went in proce sion to the new budding. On reaching tne place where the cornerstone was sus p-nd*l. Father Kennedy turned to the audiem e and leltvered a brief ing his regret that the Bishop had l>- n prevented from attending the service. owing to the sudden indlsjio'it.oo f the Bishop, who was to preside over the ceremony and to *|**ak to the assemblage there, he thought that the latter j ait a l*M*t of the programme wouUl have !*■ • n omitted, hut In comjd'.an*** with the eirn est request and wr|sl)es of the 81-ters. 1* would make u few remark* He Mat** I that the object of the ceremony w lay the corner stone, and to bless th* edifice, calling down the benediction *f Heaven upon the new undertaking, in sisting that everything for *u de pends on God. Father Kennedy sail that It had > way* been customary for *.h- church t* impose the blessing of God on I* and thing*, that it wa contained in it power with which her divine foun l*-r t vested her, his spouse on earth. Ii- m- n tlone*l several blessings, such as that < ( churches, burial places, holy water. w*b‘-s ar.d hells, explaining why tin > w r. blessed, that they might be ails for and reminder* of the priceless gorsl for w hich alone men have leen created, salvation ti. the possession of God. “In the bl**ing of Gcal to b* ' down upon thla charitable Institution bv the prayer* of th** church “ -i l t\c speaker. “Is (he od hut rarely .‘j|d . t ed truth that everything depends on ih blessing of Ood. If we wph t in the eight of heaven w* must hod fa*: to that truth. Fnles* the !>>rd i m • tte houae. they labor tn vain that build it. ‘Fnles* the laord watcheth the -i y tv watcheth in vain that keepeth it H brought forth the fac* that men ire onlv Instrument* of God that he that pi - and sow * I* nothing, unless God gives the rain and aunanine and give* the in- create. "Now. this." Father Ken dv. “Is why we are assembled her** thD af ternoon. my friends, to ask Go Vs h ing U|x>n this building. Just omiu* :- **! In Its foundations. May it. with Hi.-* aid and assistance, be soon brought to com pletion. Tills blessing is implore*! ui-n this charitable institution. I** * > • G.*d love© to have Hims* if b-**ugl>t for *i favor*. 'Ask and you shall receive.' <-ai 1 Christ, -the Bon of God." In conclusion, he those pr--*ent In the name of the 81*ters. ossuih.g them that the Sisters appreciated their *ondn4 to wltneas the WrMiin- *f ih**ir b i .du x. lie congratulated th** Sisters on th* lr new start In the right direction, in putting up a building whFh would U • ** ornamental to the city as It wouid be useful to its ittlseus. He that in twenty-five years to m*\e on ward as they have done till to-day th-\ have been enabled to com men e what wiil i>** a grand edifice, was a proof of the ©e|f drnlat nnd self-mortlflcatioti of their d\ s. giving to nothfng but what was requisite for their needed sus -nan. •• The s;**.ker hoped that hi- hearer* wou.d not forget them in the collection take-up and wished the good Sister* continued sue. re©* in their noble work reminding them of the admonitions of Christ, tnat thorn;ti engaged busily day by day. s wi Martha, the sister of Mary, they might paw© DO through the temporal ns to not lose the eternal laying up in the kingdom of heaven treasures eternal, which the thief cannot steal r.or th* moth and ru-i consume. Father Kennedy’s tnlk was followed !>' the ceremony of blessing the foundation*, which consisted in the pro>-e<*-ion winding In and out of the oi*©nlng* *f the base ment, holy water being sprinkled by Fath er Kennedy. Returning to the platform, the brner*tone wn* lowered into place and firmly imltcdded In mortar, the rit ualistic service of the Catholic Church lodng conduct.*). This concluded the cer emony. and the audience left on It© many ways. 11l H* %It HlWritßl,* TO-SIGHT. Inmtenr I’rrformnnn* for llenellt i klnx’s Dtuahirr*. The Hussar Minstrel Company will be the attraction at tho Theater to-night, when the second anntufl j>crfom)ance. f *r th© liencfit this year of the King * Daugh ters Fresh Air Fund and Day Nursery, wlli be given. Tho performance of last year was an artist!g and financial triumph for the talented amateur* The company this year has been greatly strengthened, and th* perform ace of to-ntght will . ertalnly for surpass M* previous effort. Sp**- lal at tention h©s been given to the music and costuming, ami some tuneful number* end gorgeous effects are promised. Th© heavy outlay for costumes snd other necessities make it necessary that there should be liberal public patronug* of the entertainment The advance sale .f seats has been most gratifying to t © management, but it 1* hoped that the re molding seats will be ©old before night and that the per form.) nee will Ik* given to standing room only. Dll. VIA W 1% l%> %11. Preached nt First Presbyterian and %ldresscd V. B. f\ ,%.*s. Rev. Dr J Wm. Flynn of South Caro lina College. Co’ombla. was in the city yeeterday and delivered two sermons and an address to Savannah audiences In the morning and a! n.ght he preached at the First Presbyterian Church, and in the afternoon spoke to the member* of th* Y. M. C A. at their usual afternoon meeting. Change In T>bee AehedaSes Effective Wedneedav. Dec. if Leave Bavannah dally. 9:10 a. m , 300 p. m I-eave Tybee dally, 10.28 a. tn., 5.90 p. rn Hid t%% ** wnn ip, Two Nrxrort Tried to Hob Them Saturday Nlabt ou the PI*W H*ad. Another hold-up on the plank road near tn, riant Hystem wharves took place Sat urday night. The victims were two sail or* w o were returning from town to their vessel. Their assailant* were two negroes who demanded the n*(i'a valuables, but who secured no liooty. a* the sailors showed fight, and ap*d without losing their property• though one w ladly disfigure*! in the melee, receiving a blow In live mouth that knocked Several of hU teeth oat. h'hrn 14— ,nn recort'4 t4*tr atm lit (h< lr nial. parly <f flve alarl .-.I o\t ihf Mmr roa4 If thay rouii fliul thr hiKhwaymen. Th—> H‘Ovrrwl Hum In ill*- n'lKhborhoo4. hm 'hr ne,ro-, mad. oft ai>4 ,na4<- ,<il thrlr eacp. th<> nth livr .Iwta from a pIMOI tff flrr.l at thrm. N.,1 . of thr nillct- hair ma4r any rn tuai of thn tnattrr at thr barrack*, but 01, tn. night that It occurred rom'-oni* ,nt heard ..f ti telrpbonad ihr barrack*. in 4 a ditall of mrn unit to Ihr s r|j. . They did not succeed, however, in eft* -ting the capture uf the men they were looking for. The > * ne of the hold-up is one where otn* r dimes of n -imliar nature have taken i • • It it* rath*-r .1 lonely pk*< e. caH> ght* I mil without suftlcient po .l, • |rote**tion, so that sailors, none too milar. fa! an easy prey lo the thieves that wu\.ay them l ull tlllta % \IXKI) FMANITV. Meeting of %ll Minister* Interested In It To-day. A ftiee;lng of She member* o' the Min istry' A # istion. with the head* of all Ihe othei churches, ond the synagogues. | las be. n called for to-day at noon In the j pastors *tu i) of the First Baptist Church, | Th- o.Jei t of h* meeting is to discuss .1 plan for .n orgar.ized charity. The' m etii g was tailed at the urgent request of Mr Louts Stevens, superintendent of t •• While Ibbiion Mission, whose work among ttie |*>or f the clt>, as well as t;ansient untortunate*. has brought forc ib.y before 1 ini the necessity for such an ins. 1 tut lon. His plan, as briefly outlined, is the that 1.6 attempted about two years ago wtun he first ‘-am** to Savan r.ath. to have adopted and put into practice itv th** W. T. F. It provides for suit able j irte where can be accomnio iatrd dt ot.l\ i:nw !►> poor to pay for their • iu< ri.iinnwi 1 *ut a to ftirntsl* at a -11 . .i co.-i quart r- and food to such per. , t ns as h,v* |*'*:tk>ns. but are making -mall ilarb-s n*l cannot afford to pay ill*- usual pricer charged for lodging and Ik>;i fd. one of Mr Btevens’ ideas Is to have w..rk at the lnstliution by such per jor.s as an- recipient* of it* charity, and this work being sold will, he experts, go a long wav toward paying the running expense* >f the coiuern This i*> Just .1 b.r. outline of the pro- Jet. and th*- discussion that It will un b-t• • this afternoon may have the resuM of inxHlifying mii<' of the cardinal prin cipal as wl. us the details. 11l % 4 I.KHt.% M.%% M % YOB. trrnnitl nl I lr*f t hnreh Last Night Wmm Preached. Rev Pr Norman Fox filled the pulpit jist merit at the First Baptist Church. The congregation greatly enjoyed his ser mon which wus upoff the parable of the prodigal son. 'Tne Hearties* Brother" wa* the subject he chose. Pr. Fox. formerly actively engaged in pastoral w rk. is now Mayor of Morris own, N J. He has given up church oiii..Miion and devote* himself to tn lroduriidn of literary articles of n reli gious character. Hi* contri Hiuotts to many |>erlodici)a4 are read with great in terest. Tills morning Pr. Fox and the party he necompanie* will for Jacksonville. • ei. fo take steamship for N*-w Yolk H->kles Pr Fox. in the imrty. are Mr. .iil Mns. Ashley. Mr. ami Mrs Jennev •‘id Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth of New Bedford, Conn Mr. Ashley 1* Mayor of that city. The party has been in a> •*ndane upon the con vent ion of the le-ig ie of Muiddpalltlee at Outrleston Pr Fox said that .ill were *0 delighted wi:h Fhirlestnn that they decided to se more of t/ie K>uth. Holiday Hate* vln Nouthera Hall. a jr. Tickets on sale to all points, a fare and .* third for the round trip, on Deo 22-23- 24-2&-30 and 31st, 1900. also Jn. 1. 1901. limited to Jan. 4. returning In addition to above, students holding certlflcates signed by superintendents or principn * of h•-(tools or college* will be sold tickets c ! **•■ !f nnd limited to Jan. • J®*- Fr**eimiii, city tius-engjr arut ticket agent, HI Hull street Phone* teO—ad. Have inn %n*-(4oldf Old gold, of any sort, broken or defaced or out-of-style trinkets? You may have enough to pay for your Christmas pres ent* fhernh* rg A Cos. will exchange new gi.nils f<*r th<m or pay you cash, full Vkluc.-ad. Hull.ln. \ln Ontrnl nf lirnr,l, Kalina,. Tlckel, will hr. Mkl at rate of a fare anrl a thlr4 round trip on Dee. 22. 23. 2,. 2'., 30 amt 21. 1M0; nt.o Jan. I. ItOl. Anal limit r. turnlnx Jan 4. 1901. In nihitiion to the above, tlekee, will be eohl t.> etudente of eehoole and col i'K" oil presentation of eortlflcate* elnne.l l euperlotendenl. president or principal thereof, on l>e< 15 to 21, Inclusive, tma. limit rrtumlna Jan. I. IWM. Ticket off).. 10; Hull street and Central !-aseenaer Pt.itton ad. Siiflerr.l M Iran. "Clra jr beard cured me of catarrh from which I had suffered thirty-five yaara'. Nothin* on earth ao far aa I was able to obtain gave me relief. Since taking Gray heard 1 am os well as ever. 1 had catarrh of th head. Mrs. Rhoda Dean linliinger. Tea. Graybcard Is made only hy Respess Drug Company, sole owners, and Is eold at drugstore, for II a bottle —ad. For Over Fifty Years. Mr*. Window's Rooming Syrtip has been used for Children teething. It soothe* the chl.d. soften, thr gums, allays all pain cures wind cob. and Is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea cent* a bottle —ad Mr. lirnt *>*, “Greybeard has well pign cured tne of from which I have been a greot sufferer th. last fifteen yearn." Mr ' Dent’S posturtte IS 81 Simons Island Oa Rev. John fhrlMUn of Pierce. Ala says: "araybeard has cured Mrs John Childress of Baldwin county of rheuma tism. In February before she began -n lake Oraybeard she was given up to She Is now sound and well" Oraybeard 1* msde only by Raapeta Drug Company, sola owner*, and sold by druggtits for *1 90 a bottle Every family should have a bog of Oraybeard Plus and Oraybeard Ointment —ad. A High-Grade Institution for Dadlaa Shorter College, Route, Ga. Write for catalogue.-ad. V Jopjudßment in pucchasin.; Christmas The best is never too good for our pa trons and we are not content unless we have the best to otter them—the best Stoves, Ranges, Oil Heaters. Hot Stuff Stoves, Cooking Stoves. Everybody knows about the wheels we sell. The Cleveland is the good thing at all seasons. Nothing is better a> a Christ mas present. An extensive line of Housefurnishing Goods. All kinds of Fine Cutlery. Hogans BIG SALE —OF — Comforts, Blankets, Ladies’ and Gents’ UNDERWEAR For This Week. The *nol* <lTrr*l nrr nil fresh Arrival*, at prlrna that wilt intrn a •nln In ftrrj Inafancr. If In wrnl nf anythin* In thr a love linn and want In aa r r nowr monn> for ( brlvtma*. cenault a* br f*m haying. Daniel Hogan, t nr. Hrnnghtnn and Barnard NINGLBDORPPI CO. MACHINE HIJD’KSMITHS AND BOII.BRMAKER3 Telephone 553. 510 Indian street. Savannah, Or. AMUMCMKSTS. g%V.*A\AH THKATI-2R. ONE NIGHT ONLY. TI’EBDAY. DEC. I*. By arrangemem with the Auguelln D*ly Estate an < ktborai* producilon of ttl ' auccreeful mualcal comedy. “A Runaway Girl.' with Mr ARTHt'R DUNN and l*t' I pie In the cnt. The merrleet ar 1 ; '*' <l ot all. A thorotighly eai>#r,le tempt > maanllVent ehoru* and ballet: ri 1 *'•' plctnreeque cottume*. elegant eeeiil' • beillehm-nt*. and delicious, brtgni. *O l music. PRB-ES—ll 50 lo 25c. _ JG ASSAM THEATER. WEDNESDAY EVENING. DEC l. The E*t(le scrcam* *nd o will you at HENNESSY LEROYLE In the raging laughing comoiy OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY. Be wit** for once and see Wtdl r ’ bl*. PRICES—IIOO, 75c. SO- ami iV'. AKA All THEATER. THURSDAY EVENING. DEC. "Oet Your Money's Worth." THE WORLD FAMOUS BLACK PATTI TROUBADOURS Greatest Colored Show on Earth. Black Patti and >1 Ebony Ecataeio* bunch of fun and melody. . Tbla la the original company, which a made one of the moet ptipular h t in > annals of American amn*aments. BwCoevy reserved for colored peerc* W M. & H. H. LATTIMORE, West Congress St.