The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 18, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. !*• or THI TH O T*T TOLD in rtmi.Htriiv OtiM >*rO|)a at \rr Behlwff— Man *•*! k? a 9-ragty PUiol-tn'riro ' ®alM < kftai mu la>al<>l-Mrk l Ikr nor*. 4a Nnkll*i*-*klpplM ■! aa a I rgrlaklr* PlnrtpplM at Pnala Oarla-Olkrr 9 lurta krwt. A bar.* ba* b* b<y*i at Mt *rJ A>*Y two town* in Mn-ito*r, rfy nov-rIT br.4y two mr*l oca-Ulf mi: a mptf Coi TV Jl T'erereor. hat bees elee **l *• • •■.<! Mr. J M D M iiiiit of the latter Mill Gltr aailtlartla* Albany Herald Th# •pnt , T<r' bjr Oo Canrfle.' of Col Ounbjr Jordan, of Columbus to he railroad raontnlMioncr to (oeeoal H'-tv T. C. whoae terra ar ei’drea, w I. give vtrt general aai |af !Jon throufhout th# uitt. Col Jor dan. i# a peart rat n.lf >vl rrar. r 4 an • ••-round #-- ri*jt*aa mar as w- i •r 1 the *ifnm * -n :i t># mm# r . g'rtmg*r by hi* b*roni*i| a mn *r of a! kf I mpty Platal. Robert La Ktotth. amf < ‘nar.t of Ctr ro'J’or narrowly escaped be-*ng roobed r • h'irty negro night brforr las* He r 1 rio**o hla srore a* a *e a*d s;rr •4 for ho*n* 'firnuih a Vivy which m*k 'h* ipo? xm+iy at I foff!y dark Th*f* he wu h rid op *r 1 poasoasW nt by a • r rtfro Sralfn mho :• a r r*r. w*i a rrjp. pad leg. drew a p a nv- h unfort*- raely via not lot'lM. but da .mM tr>a rwrar niffleimtly for him to make a break ar4 m rpe 4’otto a llrrrlpu Behind. AmtrkMi Tim**-Re* order The er>*tor crop an this action of tha <a- m going to h# raniidaribfy ibor* at laat #icir. •molt crop aa avid#*; *0 oy tha t at rha ua <otnptttf Thl t>r#a tfNiwi cotlor from a large ttmtc#f> and up to tfin datr rfaljH* or* Mkt to b> 7/<no bal* aiy>rt of to Dec u *** yaor Thia la a heavy off in re cel*** otvt pwjVl !r<f? a'e a moot anroll*r *o**or nmp this eemerw Tao iiorki in the Arnerw? • ara alao lighter by oar ara i tfcouaand bale*. than a thla dot# a year •go f aralra! mt Amrrti^a. A ap*- OJ to it.* Mar fitnir Nr wo, from Amori u toys Tha carnival Nffirm n*m? Monday, 24? ti and a aotkl week of merrv mant mrth * ivl movD I* uorod Fri day Jhth la Military Day." whan fifteen rompani*i c*f fti* fWw.ii and Fourth R* ar- Imanf* *rm *ap#e't*d Kara, and th* Oov amw. hla ataff and tha a'atabo'i#* offl> cfaf* will attend on hat d*v. After tha rttkr of tha *rr<jp * an.* m twrtl# will ba fought at f’unp Gilman. where two regiments were stationed during tha ftpanlsV American War Great preraira ftorw are *e‘ixg made for the entertain, tstafk* of f m f'andier and other dl*’tn irutahed tldtor*. A tmrher ue will ha aarved them and *he Amerlran Urht Infantry will keep "open hmi-" while tha troora are here The wtfl lie one of the t*a#t writ neared in the ptata thla yaar A ffrard rarnrval tail . at the kir t '4t*d queen will re-elve Om- Handler and naff, will ake placa on Friday arenin*. FLORIDA^ Jcfcr. T. I>*?wil*r. praaMar.t f tha TUx- Ft ah Com ml** ton. mad* a flylnt v|*it to Mount Dora laat week to find out the wants of ahad brouffht to tha atata In April Very likely an entire rar will b* •riven to tha Plant Bv*rem for tlon In atreatna In their WaDiy Mr. T>etwi!er ]• an Indefaficahl# worker mak- Inf the*# trips at hla own expense. khlppla* Frolt and Vffatahle*. Mania fee rounty la very huay Juat now ahtpplnff her Jarre crop of fruit and veff etahJe* Palma*to J'ad* any ather joint In tha rr*j*jty In rrare ahJpmervt*. hv- Inff *h pped over t‘C*)o txnrea to date, with prohehly a* many more yet to be Mpr ,#> d Bnrfdentrrwn fokowa with 2t or* wnl h is •bar half of wf*a she will probably ahlp and la more *han ah# whipped durinff the whot# (X laaa season. A eonaervativ* ea •4m*t* pu*a the crop of th* rounty at FT. rat boxes The moat of which la very firm fruit p.ilin*tto will ship a Unr* quantity of ver*tah)** durinff the season ha* teffun to move, and will soon he followed by aoiruto**. pr>tatc>ea, ar.d Satar on by '**i*ry. of which a larffa crop la befnff planted. Plaewpple* at Vnaa Gnr4a. J M Weak* of !ul*fina has Just claeed a purchaae of land for aeverty flv# a crew near Punta Oorda. Tbfa la f r hlmaelf and three friends, who Intend pie/**.:off a fdnery. Two to three a'-*• of pfneapp’** will be planted at The aaJe an effected by Albert W CJII-h-lst W Whitten formerly of Hove pend In 1 . haa prepared e,*ht a< rea for an orange irmve Thla will t*e planted on the well, drained pine and palmetto lard This I* the flr*t want;* ffrov* of any rip to he P anted on this • Uss of land. fteverd have experimented In a ••mill wav wt*h aa'lefa' tory reuJte Mr. Whitten tas also JB W pfr.capr*> plants out A vear i ut> there were C,Wi p.neapH* p‘.nt* mt arreind Purvta Oorda There am now over JOU.flfß planted. Aa fire# are unknown In a pinery here, and a* the land la ape* tallv adapted to pineapples, this la destirud to be the ranter of thla Industry In Flor ida. A Anal*# Front r'ulta. Kay Writ Intar Orran: While Mr J W Alim assisted by Dr. Browder. was making an anamination of tobacco .it tha CJreane alraat bonded warehouse yester- Any. Mr Knowlee, who * opening ono Of the bale*, discovered that ona at thoe Jarga Kpmbh centipedes had In Mn myeterlou* mannar got tan Into It. Jut a* M: Knowles saw tha deadly creator#, whi- h Waa about to bit* him. He tump ed arid# and sava tha alarm Dr Brow gar approwchrd tha hala. but cau tioned bv Mr. Knowles not to go near It. a* lha Nte of tha eentip-de I* fata! Abut Ihla tlma Mr Morton, who had prasan-a of mind to arm hlm*lf with a club. ap proached tho bala cautloualy. amt dl*-vv arad that M waa a Spanish mo ra in. Whoaa blfa haa avar haan known to la aura death. Everybody gava tho btla a wlda barth. except ha with tha club A wall-dlraotad Mow bahaadod hi* nvx-ca alnablp but ha who "wielded tha bat” w t* not satisfied until he gtrurk the roptlln a atDllrlmt numbar of Wow* to kill him. Aflar tha death foilowad an Investigation aa to tha specie of tha Intruder. t which, amid tha laughtar of Allan Itrowdar ml Wl Slain-, It w.ta discovered that It w< a manufactured cloth snake. but painted by a atar artlat In tha different color* of ttte ntoccailu. mi aa to deceive the moat skep tlcal. Florida Net bod lata. Tha second day of the Methodist con ference at Bartow waa a buay one. F. E. fUalnmeynr and J. F. MltchMl reported, and. having hern before tha committee, which reported favorably, their charec lera pasa.n* them, they were advanced to tha clasa of the third year, they hav ing bean previously ordained. L D Iz-ve and T. I. Ht* had their character* paeead. and T I. Het* waa located et hla own request L,. D. lean* waa reported attending Vanderbilt rnlveralty. The characters of J P Weatherford and D. 1. fiwltaer were pa*aed. and. lmvltb* been before tha committee, and the commit ut reporting favorably, ware advanced to i &♦ - •# of Tht wracd yaa/ T>*e fftaraefera of J ft Tilly, J B. Tw:e- P C. Tlffhmood M T Bail. Harr> G Hardw***; ud A H Cola were alar' M r**hf#rr> G. H York arvi J R W alker ard *aa4r ebrnrm *ee were passed ttai rr>t ‘at'.r.f hoen before ?i* rr.m *• e# r* onnraH tr *na *s of the • * rd yaa r R L*. Rpr-kle *n4 E A Hamacai reporred. and the orra fiu**e repor* nff favor at *y the* were al vanced to its# daas of the four** y*a* W' J Neaee was lora**d in at rto >wn requas* Qu*Wt.wu was •-/ • a-vd W - mb *• Wall laaMa • Heera and Hoarier W W re and 11* rommttiM> rir # avoraMy ird thetr i*Nir4 •*sn bene passe 1 vney tet elected to eiders’ order Q e*tJtr J was called, and C Ytwr • "A* wat re*at*l Dr. W F Tt,ie*t of YaokrM! Va * er* y. W H Hu-kwb** of the Sc rtfi *Wf* fl*rpha ne' H otr- • TANARUS" - W* R Lam * /' mtsaionary se 'e*ary. wsere tr.trwdw'*d and rapraaented Net- *c#reta A collection was • k ' ' * the iurac wMrh aooMded to Mm irpKopimTini w Dwhlta f lltaew* Worklaa fee Oe*tee I mprotsaml. Tubl!r Ga I--c j: Th'* movrinc M- J f> iirrona Jr pre#ileat of the Younff Mr * putir*a land chairman of ft* Joint t*-*rd of !' n t* • r.ees ntr s riuha. accompanied by Dr R H Htfhioa* ♦r and Hon L D Btubha left for Wash inffton to go before the River and Har bor Commit re* *a the Interest of a ante approprta*km for the ftconee river At Atlanta tt.*y will be Joined hy Hon T B F.e.der ard Hon Albert Howell. a*“d per hare several other Gevjrf lana. who will •Id the "nmmlttaa in every way poaam’e. These ff*n?l*men will fo fortified with fketa or. ernlruc the lrr.por arvre of Dublin ird the 0< onte river It Is tha purpose of the'ee to ask that a* least f Jtb - 000 t*e at<pr*>|iriatal for permanent im provement* on **je r troree .*<.! tbey hope so to Impress the merr.rssrs of the Rlv-r and Harbor aa to get tba amount In the Mil F'*r % runnier * t years the Oconee haa b*an had y r*f by the ffovemment I<ae- year the pfroprlatjor. Mil passed tha house with onl> IS.fIOO named for the Ocona*. fra Cor greasman Brantley suc eed*d In Induct nff i**na*or HJav and Ma con to amend the b|j in the rterate and ■ pf>n*pr!au 9'A<B) Instead of IV'ffi to the river Hsrsflv Capt. r. R Gillette, the army enwlneer in charire of thla territory, recommended tZZ r f*t for the O onee Thla Is much he’ter than w* ever before re-4. ffninsr l*d ar Ode time in r ent yeas, hut Is no near enmtjrn to put th In first .** boatlnff condition, and the onwnlteee at)} endeavor to ffet a t>lll through Hongrewa appropriating Bffn.OQU for tha river i a i .... 114% AW* DIIATH H %TE. Fellow Fewer *llll Frewaila. bat Heath Bate Is >ot Utah. Cajd Henry Kolahom haa rcr#ived from Ms friend. Mr Km4l J. Ball, cnief of the aardtary dj*r‘mrl at llav ni. a copy of the report of vi a! atatlatlra of the city of Havana for the month o' November. The report *h*ws the total mortality for the to liave i*#en im. the 2owr>t of *ny month for the year and a considerably smaller number than has occurred in any November for tha last ten yaar* MaJ W. C Gorr**. •urgeon aid chief sanitary officer, calls attention to this fi t with evident aat.a faetjoff On a hsaia of Pt*.nsT‘ popu!**i<m tha death rata for the month wma only ?1 SI. ae comp Mired with a much higher annual death trite f r mar.)* of the lead ing Mtles of the world The report show# rhst there were flf*y etght deaths from yellow fever during the month Dr. Oorgas * ays that while tha genera] sanitary conditions show* marked •vldence f imi*r#vcment. the n >tn M -r of yellow fever can*-* has l**en large f<r the time of yta/. The for the month. 214. wae one-third less, liowever. than the number for O *oher. and I r. Oorgae *g- from the rapid manner In which It la decreasing, that It will dtsap|>ear by the nibklle t*f December. Nov. 1 the number of yellow fever remaining wh* K, *4 which * died and M were discharged During November 114 'e*i oceurrel, wdth ¥> death in being discharged and 57 remaining under treat ment. <>f the deaths 42 were Hp trti irde and 2 American*. The report shows that while there have beep 2F> <l*it ha fr *m yellow fever tor the eleven months of llthrv as against 134 and ltd. respectively, for the years lbs sol lt&& this i much lower than the average b**th rate from this disease during the previous ten ye^ra. the death* ranging from 54 in Ilk) to I.ZR2 la 14 .nd ka in The ret*ort shows ITA immigrant* for the month, of whom 273 were KpanDh, the r*m4irwler being distributed among a number of other nations. No Immigrant* from tha I*tilted States are included r>n the Usf. The r*port states that It is these new immigrants who furnish most of the aubje -ts for the yellow fever. An interesting sMe-llght upon the moral condition* exlsktlng In Havana Is shown by the birth re**ord Of the r,7T Mrths re corded during the mnn:h. .IS** were legiti mate and 22ft Illegitimate. The marriage rer*rd show lift marriage* of whites and 11 of negroes. Mr. Kail's Intention In sending the aan- Vary of!V er's report for November w.ia doubtlea* for the of shwing that the sanitary conditions of Havana are not so l*ad ns the) have Iwii made to and tlmt in spite of the existen *e of the yellow fever the total death ra t will Mil) <omiare favorably with thmi of other targe cities. R|£f OttllKK** NOMilt 111 M il. Dlaptraed of %%lb Fines and Terms In fhe |.e!i-np. Thirty-seven prisoners were on the Re corder's docket yesterday when he opened coura. Hmma Delwch. atsl Annie Con roy. both white, and arrested for being drunk and disorderly, were given tharty days • piece on the gang George Myers, white, for abusing nnd beating Minnie Ohm. was sentenced to psy 125 or go up for thirty <lays. WUiie Chisolm, nnd Tom Rowland, col ored. were up for scaling a cow Chisolm wws dlwchorgcd, shih* luaUn4 was re manded to the Oiy Court. Wm. Fallon, white charged with being drunk and with breaking Into the house Contagious Blood Poison. Thl* I* t) il*.!"■ the serious condition of %'hlcb I* well understood. Kor cen turies Its hiinefu! eftei t* lA> Item han-k-l ft< m -die generation to another, for „ unlee* every vestige of the dlae.iae 1* ellrnlnatetl th - certain to i.e transmitted to posterlt) M K pent cure, and ha* hren *o demonstrated In thou*an I* *L*w f of ■ a*e- It gtntly but thoroughly cleanses the system of t every trace of the Vila poison. removing promptly every K, * r rd Indication of the disease, and cures to stay l jMVLgt J*' cured Ido not dose my patients on strong drugs which damage the system, my treatment I* thoroughly effective but entirely harmless I have treated this disease sue | fully for twenty years, and by an original method knowi only to m-.-elf hav.- cured more cases than an\ -V paysl -lan In tha United State#. I also treat with Ihe same J evict*-e el chronic snd private diseases of both ~ * and worrier. such as Los- of Manly Vigor. Stricture Vert eoee:e. Skin Diseases Kldnsv and Bladder Complaints. J.Newton Hatfcawray.M.D Female Weakness, etc I Invite every one to consu t m* without charge either In person or by leper and wtl take ptaasura lo sending my newest M-rnse book and symptom blanks, explaln- Ing fully my perfect system of home treatment. ('orrsspondenre strictly conli dentist Private racrptlan room for ladies. A Bryan street!.., Ua Office Hour*-# to 111, I lo ,i, ? to * p m. Sundays, 10 a. in. to 1 p. m. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1900. The Quakers Are Honest People. §The Qt.aksr Hert Twk is not only a Mcorl punSer put a BiOOd Maaer for Pa*# Wma a 4 Da b 4 1 ated • wno hurt Mt strangth nor Mocsl If pets as a —lie. It rsgujgtaa digestion, cures dys pep*.a at.d lerdg strength arsj tone to t- e tervoua system It is a mtdidat for weak wasnsn. It la a purely vttatttb medicine gr.d can ba Uken by tha rtvat dadcats. Kidney Dis eases Rhe‘jfrja'i*m a'id all diseases of the r.ood Rtwna *h in 4 r.ervea soon succumb to it a wondarf A effects upon tha human system. T*ou*iMt of ptoplt in Oforglt recggMnand It Fri-e 8:16. QUAKBR TAIN BALM is tha madlctne that tha Quaker IjO or mad* ai. of hla warder? j 4 qu, g cures with. It’# anew and wonderful medictra for Nauraigla Toothache Backache. ftj ra * Pain Ir Kowals; In fact, ai) jam can ba relieved by a Prb-a 34' and ICr. Qt AKER WHITE WONDER dOAP. a m-dilated soap for the ak n sca.p add complex lor.. Prlca 14 a cake. OF AKER HEADING SALVE, a vege table nintmdit. t'X the cura of tettar. *c sem ar.d eruptions of tha skin ITica lOe a be* FOR HADE BY ADD DRT’GOIfITS. a? F.s-le Matthews, wu given tan days In jail. May Harries arrested for her attack upon Marlon Reymour, an account of wm h was published in yesterday * M *rn- Ing News wa> flnei |ls with tha option of twenty days In Jail. J T Harvey, white, for fighting n the •trees, got f!5 or twenty days. FOR OlUiiftllßO ( IHHITV Plana iHacwsaeg b) Mtalatera for an Ina tit of lon to Help the Poor. A meeting of the mtrdatera of J: the religious denomlnationa in Ravar.n.ih wss bald at noon yesterday In the study of the First Baptist Church for the purpose of ron alder mg the possibility of forming nr. orgarJxed chaslfy UuPltutton In Ravan nah. Those present were Rev. Dr J V. Jor dan. Dr. I P Mandsff, Dr J. T Fair. Rav W F Watkins. Rev W A Ktahee. Rev J L Rav. D. R Edenfleld. Rev R Van Devaniar. Rev Ed F. Cook. Rev Raacom Anthony and Rev. Osgood F Cook. I*r Jordan, preeidert of the Minlfter*’ A'--4x*iailoc. wu made preaident. and Rev. flsgood F Cook, aerretasy. A i utrt for suck an inatl:uflon had been prepared by Mr !uls t4#*verw of the Whit* Ribbon Mission. In It are divided tindtr separate heads, the (lasses it It Moped to help The)- are as follows; Convalescent patients recently discharg el from the city hrnipltals. Re-idf-iit poor who. through ootittatmd llin* or other unfortunate circum stances. ara temporarily helpless The large number of persons who drift Into a city and form the Indigent floating poti!atlor., they having no visible means of support, but honestly desiring to mak£ • living for t hemse*’.v* The regular :ramp who arrive# with ♦he cold weather and who must be disas sociated from <?la* 3. There 1* still another class which can and should be helped by an Institution auch ra Is here proposed This la a elm of worthy young me*i. who ar* In many Instincrti sway from home and yet who are earning a living, although their sal aries are not mifflckfitly large to enable them to* seek the refined surrounding* which would prove . safeguard (gains: the vice and temptation which He* In wait for this very class It Is proposed that m**n of this sort shall pay !oard. but only in accordance with thetr atual ability to do ao and the *t*e of their slari* The paper also gave an estimate aa to Ihe *4te of the house that would be re quired, and its furnishings. One |*art of tha iVUn la to have a restaurant that would not oUv furnish rnls to the kt mntaa of the house, but alao to ouastders at a moderate coat, and m this way a**- etvt in pay mg the running ax pen sea of the IruMltutlon. Another plan contemplated Is that of haling the recipients of the charity of the institution do some rort of work ws a sort of return for board and lodg ing. The pan an* thoroughly diciisp*d ir. nil its bearings hy those pre**nt at the meeting, but no action wa- taken other to appoint two txgnmltiees. The first of these consisting of Rev. Anthony. lr. Mendea. Rav. ftcuily. Bishop Kelley. Rev Niabet nnd Rev. Watkins, and of which Dr Jonimn Is an ex-offldo member, will formulate a plan for an asoociated tori of -hatitles This committee will meet Wednesday morning at 9.5* o do k at th** study of the Baptist Church. A second committee consisting of Rev. Ib\ Jordat and Rev Dr Fair was appointed to call on the pre*’lent of the IjOuN I'or ter Horne t. M-e if that can be secured In case the charity Is organised. lioth comnittiees will report to another general meeting that wilt b iudd Jan. 7. at noon. UAYH % GOOD IKHEtHDI.i%OIft The Bkada-Royal Hhatt an Eieep tionally Gihml t>ne. The Rhoda-lioyal Hnows gave a per formance at Hast IlrtKtd and Holton stre*ts last night thut w.s undouMeh\ one of the best that has beoi seen here in a tong time. Tttere were numerous new tint good features, and new and pretty ('ostumes. while the horses and feats of horsemanship are far aid away the best that hive been seen In Ba van nah in a time This applies to )*>th the fancy an trick riding, mid the straight out running rates. whs*t the riders, said to h# ex members of th* Rough Rider*, ride one. too. and three horses at o tlm*. ami at a pare that I* ready marvellous. They m.v i >t be Rough Riders, hut they *r . gooil rWlers. ais! to this there was no dl- I sen ting opinion among the persons 4hi s? w the |N*rforman e las* night t Two mote performances will be glve*i lto-day. utie at 2 o’clock, and the other at J • mrn.iE(c. NMt.r. of l.i.r.n • * Gflrnllf TH* tuc R-*f of tarußOh protsbiT hu tho dixliiruoii of .‘tufllnf mor* prap-rtf in • y-or Ihut tar ott>—r ■ tn rfio ootuMry. Rrta, ?h- only or.- o—i In th- trnfr of iuh’-r* ohoat rh* h*- hor, Jt it po—that of TR- m*.llona of Onilar* of y-nrly ipoTj Through tm vianjh ib. bti>4 n mem’ of two at on* Umc or arothtr ’'mp* F/. X. Pen*. tr-U known ra al. *h!p7f>ar m*r.. ortrmanda tfl* B-at.a. *1 wuh htm ta Cap’ <J-orir* Clark., up*’* tnT-nd-nt of th- narhor op-'ationr for th havanoah !..*• •—a* int T't4ier Com* puny. W E. rtirwttr ta cfetrf -n*m—r Tr- dutlrf of a ! r.r -irr tif k—p* h-r moitn nhoyt th- hartor at at) tlm— and to ail pl -• Wren i sjrfct fall- th-r* ar (t - if- th- Itnii bw not r'."4 *nl f-*-r 4ork. In in- harbor ah- haa not loufti*l, Sorr.-thin of th- amount of frof—rty baadkd iriay b— irruitnai whrn tt ta known that all cotton not toadrd Into vwH* dir— 1 from th— wnarv-a la haadlol oy tn- tranafor lu, Mirb of th- oot'or. —d for f. o b d-!lv-ry l> 4*- 11 v.r-t to th* *h r> aid* on iiytK-r- -y th- tm. Ifflmtm. q'iat!n#s of naval -or* lomb-r m-r-hardl ■rd otn-r thir.a- ar- handiM y*arty. C*ft !Ulr.- ha* imonr ht* k—p-Jt— or, hi- bon* an Amwl’ib fla with th- of ht* v——l In ral*-<l >nk l-rt-ra. th rift of Mlu Ann. K*f!y on ori-tmaa two y-ar* aro Th- ftar t f’.mat for pr-*-rvat!nn An—n-r omamanr In th rabln U a picture of Mr KMon A Sfntth * litrd.urnt-r, for whom th# boat < chriatan-d. At a in—'tnr of th- Path fM# > cpy Council r-c-ntly a l-tt—r wa* r-ad from Harold M and William T. Hawaii, atat ir.a tha’ th.v . ■; <* 'o ;r—nt tha city of Bath with *ls t*an In tmimotiy of tti- afr> 'lotv of th- la’* Arthur B-wall It la th-lr wlnh *10.0(0 b* InT—t—l In lnt-r—t-‘ bond* and th- r-maln'.n* **,o(o u—d for th- -udowmant of a perpetual fr*- b-d In th- Maine fAanaral llcapital at Porlßuid Th-lr off*r wii ac r—pt-d Th- Brltl-h -t-amahlp Carparhy Capt Ttoma- h**ar load)nr phoaphae* rook at the Plant ftyat-m wharva. y—tarday I'aan-na-r- bt Pt-am-hlna. Paa—nftara by am*hlp Taliaht**-# New York for Savannah I>*c 1* Mra liat-Thn O P Re—. J r-Rallly. T M-- HrldtT. B P. AU-n. A. F William*. A. T M-rrtck. H. N Pond and wife. M•• A Pond Ml— A Bm kton.- S A. Hl', lor* R W Bo'M-y. Ml— Mary Watihorp. Mr* K. Carter. S KT.mart and wlf*. J J. liwyer and wife. A. A Brown. J E. Stanton, B. Clark and wtf*. Mtaa Mary Ba*t-r. Mla M Brown. A. 8 l-r* E Neff. Mtas C Belknap. Mt*a B McHarg. R A. Taylor O. Meier M lf<utrtn- E E Ca— 11 I-wl* and wife. H Phuinlnr. F Cunningham and wife A Wrlrht, C. A pea-lee. W. Anderaon and wtfw, C W Hatter, A. N Rupper’. J. Rarenoa, J Stark B Krdwfar. F. True. J W Wtn clienboch. N 8 Baldwin. Mta- E Cannon. Ml— Cfbeman. R Cam—ron, J. H-ltalor. O K. Jenkr-i-on. Mr*. A June. O Cot. C. B-rn.rd T .Carroll. W. J. Burch-11, T A Masaey. W Terry, o. Ca*.*lo. J Dardy. C. E. B-nn-tt. J Harold. K. H. Btuckert. per la*t nljrht on -t-amhtp Paeon from Baltimore—A. D. McKee. Mra Plteher, H W Wtlhrtm. E. A Heel wood P. V. Gibbon-. Ml— I Irwin. R Warner. A. H Hall. Mr. M. C. Isaac#. Paaaen*— per •teamahlp B-rk*hfr- -ail ing to Philadelphia yeaterday—J A Cary. G. W Blitz. W. C. Sharp, Mra. TutblU. Savannah Alwsssr Run rteee at p. m. High water at Tv bee today at (If a. m and f. OR p m High water at Savan nah one hour later. I’baae* of Ike Moon for Deeember. Standard time—9oth mer. D. H. M. Full moon * * ** morn. I. quarter 1* 4 42 eve. New moon *1 • 1 eve. First quarter 3* 7 4i eve Moon perigee. 3d and 30th. Moon apo gee, 15th. 4HRIV.IL* AVI) DEPAItTUKES. A'ease Ia Arrived 1 enierday. Steamship It*a. Billups. Baltimore—J J. Carolan. agent. IV-hooner IklHh Obvfft. Dothaday, Port ia nd—Maater. A easels Went to •*. Steamship Berkshire, Ityen. Phllsdel phls. Schooners John Rose and FT ad Jaek son pcsssesl below anl anchored, bound out. Arrived nt Tybre. Bark Victor (N'ort. O-vlek Bartow, and ordered to Wilmington. N. C. khlpplng Memoranda Jacksonville. Fla.. Der. 17—Eoteretl -ehr llenry Claussen. Torrey. Hath. Me. Cleared, sehr Pearline <Rr>. Berry. Potnt*-a-!'Ur*; Laguna, Bayles. Fort tie France: J. 8 Hoskins. Bennett. Balti more; John AA Hall. Boone. New York. Pensacola. Fla.. Dec 17.—Arrived, steamers Anaolma de loirrlnaga tßri. Tbanson. Man-hester; Franc!eo* fSpant. E-hevarrle. Cienfuagoa; Pensacola, 81m mons, Galveston *>-hr John s'. Krunz. J tones. Vera Cruz. Cloaretl. Steamer B<rthleven (Hr). In nl*. Barcelona; sehr William Chester Tanner. Johnson. Rt Pierre. Martinique. Port. Tampa. Fin.. Dee. 17.—Balled, steamer Olivette. Smith. Havana, via Key Went. Liverpool. Dec. 17~Arr1ved. steamer El ton Savannah via Norfolk, for Manches ter. Hamburg, Dec 14 —Silled, steamer Im macolala. Charleston; Transport. Savan nah. At-ilarhlooU. Fla . Dec. 17.—Entered itchr John R. Penrose. Gehn. Bagu* la Gramte. Cleared, sehr Nei.le W. HowleM. Sum fort!. Philadelphia. Pltlla.lelphla He-. I*. Arrived, zchr Isaac T. Campbell. Savannah. Carrnbelle. Fla . Dec. 17.—Entered, bark Herthe fNorl. H lavreeen. AVallUh Bay; ~-hr Lulle l Pol.ard. Powell, Car>l<%tas. Feruandlna. Fi. Dec. 17^—Arrlvrd. s-hr* Herald. Keys Trlnttad. B. \V. I ; Cum ter land. Littlejohn. Barbados*. B. AV. I. Charleston, 8 C.. Dec. 17.—Arrived, tfenmer Comanche. Pennington. Jackson ville. and proceeded to New York; zchr 8 H Mart*. Holloway. Baltimore. Key West. Flu. Dec. 17.—Arrived steamers Mascotie, White. Havana an 1 sailed for Port Tampa; Capenor (Brl, Btileliir, ami outlet! to Pensacola; achr El len Adams. Kites*, tllbara. Antler lo Mariners. pilot chart* and all hydrographic Infor mation will he furnished maeters of vea -els free qj-chargq In Cnlled States hy drographyoffice In Custom House Cap tains are requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks and derelict* received for transmission to the Navy Depart ment. Coastwise Exports Per zteamehlp Berskahlr* for Phila delphia— 1.100 bale* upland cegton, 383 barrel* roeln. 94 barrel* turpentine. 150.783 feat lumber. 1,062 boze* o ar.ges 44 crate* .’egetabie*. 50 ton* pig Iron 50 hartals pitch. 91 sack* fertlllaer, 2,943 oak tav>* ;U package* merchandise. 90S package* ■tocneetic* and yarns. 113 balsa cotton Hat er*. 41 balsa too**. TO GET MORE SUBSCRIPTIONS. (Coeunued from Tenth Page.) of a Jockey rlub fir tha prrpo— of aatab i.ahing a parmanaot race oourae at B*- van oak Many of tha auhaerlbere ara* known to be fat arable to tin- rear., ar.d H l* b-Raved that pra-tlcaily all would agree to thia change of programme It ta aiao urged that tne man cn tha Bay. who nav- tnrowm cold water on tha fair rar* amen - , would -nt-r heartily Into till* ac.hawi* On* waii-known bu-l n-a- mar. aa.d laat right that h* wool 1 gtr— lAar h m—f and guar*nt— st)o more from —A* it source, if th- fair movrmaet ahouid a* turned Into one tor a race track. IX)< 41. PEItsOAAI~ Mr S T. Tupp-r of Atlanta la at the Da Bote Mr J Varr. of Atlanta U a ueat of the* Mr J W Waat of VaXwtt u a guezi of th* Pulawk: Mr J. H Spthnan of Atlanta la r*gl trad at th* Puia*k!. Mr J P Moaal> of Marwn rgtt*r*d at the Pulaakl yaat-rday. •Mr U W HaakaU left via tha C—itra'. laat nigh: for Atlanta Mr Draw RaMre of Batnbrldge l( reg !st-rd at th- Srrrven Mr E B Hunting of Baltimore it reg la:ar-d at th* D* Boto Mr WllUatn p Jordan of Madlaon. Fla. !* a guaat o? th* Pula-kl Capt J. W Hugh— of Liberty City la reg.*t-red at the Screven. Mr H. It Haw— l-ft via tha Plant Svat*m yaaaardat for Mobile. Mr. B E. W t.coa of Myatlo wn* a Ter; th* arrive.* at tne Pu.a.-k; ye.wardgy. Mr P. T. O—n of Pembroke wa among th* gue-ts of th- Breven yester day Mr I G. Haa* was among the passen gers of th* C-ntra. yesterday for At kar.ta Mr W D. Bankston, traveling repre- of the Atlanta Daily Newt, is In th* city. Mra W Fawcatt wat among th- pat -anger* over the Plant Pyttem y*t*rda> for Havana. Mrs A. F Moyne to. Ml-t Moyne :o and Mr Moyn-lo !-ft via the Plant B>-tem yeaterday for Havana Dr. C. C. Schley and Mr. J. M Solomons were among the pa—rers of th- Cen tral last night for M-alco. Mr. T M Puller left via the Seaboard Air Line yaatanlay for Richmond. wher he goes lo spend the Chrttm- h>slidays Mr. Lea Spears. Mica Nina Spear* and Mist Winnie Spears of Waycrosa were among th* gtia-ta of the Screven yester day. The frienda of Dr W A Duncan will be glad to larn thaf th.ergh he ha- been 111 for aev-ral day- h* wat conalderabiy Improved y—terday Mlta Mary Brady will spend her holiday vacation In Savannah Sh- It on- of th* brlght-at atudent- of tha O-orria Norma, and Indumrlwl College. Miss Maud K tYlikow-kl. a -rudent of the Georgia Nurm.t, and lr. lu-trlal c|- l-ga, wll. arrive Friday to -pend the hol iday vacation with her parents, Mr. awl Mrs. G Wltkow-kl. Mr F. V Petetaon. traveling paaaen ger agent of the Seaboard Air Line, with headquarters at Jw-k-orvlll-, was in 8* vannah yeaterday, where he received a cordial welcome from hi- many friends. fdTY BRLVITin. David C. Oare r, waa appotned a oom mar-nat notary public by Judge Falitgant In th- Superior Court yesterday. Th- Sunday School of the Epworth Mot hod let Church will have Its Chrttmii tr— celebration Friday night at the church. Solomon'# Lodge, No. J. F A A M. will hold Its lttth annual •■ommun. cation Thur-day night, and will elect officer* for the coming year. An lm|*jrtant meeting of the board of man-g-ra of the I'nlon Br*-t-tv (B-the-da <ir|>han Housei will be held at the |>r>Mt dent’s office this morning ai JO o'clock. An Informal dance will he riven In the quarler* of the Republican Blue at the Regimental Armory to-morrow- night. The affair will be tendered the compuny by th officer* and non-comml—lone<i ofll-ers. Donnetlv TTeanor. the -ye#r-oid ton of Mr! and Mra Ulranl Traanor. met with a serious accident a day or two ago. H waa wtth hi* father at <’. M Gilbert A Oo.'a -tore, and noting the thr-o.i of a bagging needhanging from a nail on the wall, lie pulled the thread. The needle falling pier, cl the pupil of hla tight eye The little fellow was taken to the offV e of Dr W. F. Aiken, who Is now tr—itlng Un injured member. Epworth ( hutch officers. Th* annua! election of officers of Kp. worth Methodlet Church waa held last night at:d resulted ae follows: Mr. J. L. Christian *as elected chairman of the hoard of at-ward*. Mr James Jack tun. treasurer. Mr. W. M. Crofts, secretary, awl Mr. F. C. Stone, trrasurer of the Board of Trustee*. Candy Esculetts Cures PILES or Money Refunded. WHY SUFFER? Sold under guarantee at following stores: KowUnskt'a. Jonas'. Masonic T -mple Knight's. W F Reid's, Marlow a Ce va land a. Dontndly's, and W. A. rigman - Savannah. Oa. LU’l'M AN BROS.. Savannah. f;. and W F HLI L>, Savannah Ua., Distributors OFFICIAL. LIQUOR LICENSES. City of Savannah, office Clerk of Coun cil. Savannah. Ua.. Dec. 17, Moo.—The fol lowing applfcatlons to retail liquor dur ing the year ISM. were read at meeting of Council Dec. 12. IPM, and referred to Comma lew of the AA' hole W. P. BAILEY. Clerk of Counc.l. Blenjes, F.. No. Ill* Weal Broad street. Bolsy. M. 12S Congress street, wn-t Book hook. F. H.. Boy turret eatenalon and Fair atreea Brinkman. H. C., ZX si Julian atreet. weal. Beytagh, Thog. F.. No. 225 East Broad street. Bernstein, J.. northwest corner St. Ju lian and Barnard streets. Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. Cain. Julia, No. CM Bay street, west. Clohegaajr, David, northwest corner In dian and Ann streets. Cordet. John F.. Montgomery street and Whailey avenue. Egan, J. J.. No. 341 East Bros I street Kakwlor. W. H.. West Broad and Wayne streets. Enright. J.. No. 212 Frlce street. Enteiman. J. F„ No. ll Liberty street east. Fehrenkarop. Henry, corner Bay street extension and Fa r at reel Farrell. M. A.. Bay and Lumber atreeta Grtmmf J. F.. northeast corner n*a. dolph and Liberty streets Goodman Bros.. No. 43 Farm street Qartlaman. W. H . Randolpn and Ogle, thorp* avenue. Grimm, John H., President and Dray, tor. streets. Oerken. Henry. Agent. No. TIJ Wheaton street. * Orlmm. Albert, corner West Broad ant Thirty-second streets. Hntrhklss * NsvUl. southweat corner Broughton and Jafferaon streata. Most everybody knows something about Old Virginia Cheroots as 300.000,000 of them arc being smoked this year. Ask anybody about them, if you have never smoked them yourself. They have made their own reputation and their own place in the cigar trade, wholly on their merits. Three good smokes for five cents, and no waste! Three hundred million Old Virgtnu Cheroots smoked thu ▼eu. A*k Toor own dealer. Price. 3 for 5 cent*. < OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE EAST. T*n*urr* , *<l egbin •*romml.(Mon>. AH the comfort# of # modwrr ;o’- trie LgMi) Ur.exce!i#<l table. Tk:ke4a Inrlud# me#la And bertha aboarl :Sp PASSENGER FARES FROM SAVANNAH. TO NEW TORK—First Cabin. *. khrae Cabin Round Trtp, *32; Intrrtrat at# Cabin. *l6 00, Intermediate Cabin. Round Trip. *34.00 Rteerage. *lO. TO BOSTON—First Cabin. *32 First Cabin Round Trip. *34 Cam $17.00; Intermediate Cabin. Hound Trip. *2*OU Steerage, *11.75. Th# express steamship# of thla line are appointed to sail from Savarr.a.-, Cen tra! t>Rh> merkLan time, a* follow#: KAN AW AH TO XFW YORK. KANSAS CTTT. Capt. Flatter. TUESDAY. Dec. IX, 2:00 p. m. TALI.AHABSKB, <’apt. Aaktn*. THURS DAY. I tec 20, 3 *0 p rrv •CITY or BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Berg, FRIDAY. Dev. 21. 3:00 p. m. CITY OF At'OUHTA. Capt. Daggett. SATURDAY. D*c 22. 500 |v m. •NOTlCE—Steamship City of Birmingham will not carry pas**ng*r* Steamship City of Macon. Capt. Savage, will ply between New York ar.d Boa ton on th following schedule; Leave New York for Botston (from Pier 35. North River, at 12 00 noon I. Dec. 22. 29 company reserve# th* right to change lta ealllrga without notice as! without liability or accountability therefor. Sailings New York for Savannah Tuesday*. Tburadays and Saturday*. 5 p ra AV. G. BREWER. City Ticket and Paaeenger Agent. 187 Bull street. Savannah. Ga R. O TR EZ RV A NT, Agent. Savannah. Ga. IV K. I-EFEVRE. Manager. New Pier 15. North River. New York Hame*. W A., No. 444 Tattnall atreet. H-rifeld. Han*. 524 Broughton atrael. comer Houaton atreei. Hettman. C. H . Eart Broad and Bryan streets Joyce. Jams* J . No. 214 East Broad atreet. Jore*. George H 139 We*t Bread atreet. Johnson. Martin. No 42 Reynold* atrtet. Jachen*. F H 5*3 Pine street. Jcrrlgan, E. O . northwest corner Lum ber and Zubly street*. Jackson, Andrew, No. 42 WhMaker street, Kick. John. No. 412 Drayton street. Konemsnn. C H , M Farm atreet. Landaverk. S C.. No IT B<y street, east. Lar.g. N holii*. No 39 Barnard atreet. Morton. Peter. Manager, 212 Broughton •trr#t. M#t. MonH-i> C* H . rorn#r H#ll *nd Jfff^r #on MMi Murken. Dora, Mr*.. Thunderbolt road. n#ar toilgate. P#rry. P. I-. A Cos . Bull and Riv#r tr##ti. Raintz F W. H.. ft?! Indian *ir##t. Hanzln. M. A Son, Congr#f and Wfit • , r##tg Silverm<*ln. David. No. 212 Bt. Julian Schnanr*. P.. corner Andrraon and WhHakrr trf#<a. Rchrod* r. Gaorg#. corner TV eat Broad anti Wald burg Greets. Hiem. J I).. No. sift Jone* street. m*nt. pohlotelburg. D., comer Price and Hall •treets. Smith. W. T K.. 412 Congrena street, wrnt. Handerr. Pnllip. comer Bull and Twelfth •tr #(•- Pa f cr J/it*. F . No. 11 Ea*t Broad atreet. 8t !]•*•. A . northweat comer Ja kson and atreeta. Blwtr. J. C., CongriN and Jefferson •tr*^t^. Tholken, Geo II . 172 Arnold Ptreeta. Taylor. J. K . corner Ogle thorpe avenue and Price rir*** tn. Tictjen. John T . 21 Broad atreet. Winter A''opl*i. 144 Barnard atreet. Wallace. W M . Btow ir street. Wellhrock. John P . 524 Jcff#roti rtreet. Ybantz. Eugene D.. 106 Boy atreet. eat. ORDINANCES. Illy Alderman Dixon— An ordnance for the Improvement of the [ortlona of ft! Julian and Montgomery j streets herein specified under the terms and provisions of nn act of the legisla ture of Georgia. Oct 1. lItST: Section 1. Re l: ordained bv the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah. In Count li assembled, under the terms and provldons of an act of the legislature of Georgia approved Got. I. IW7. that the Director of Public Work* for the city of Savannah and the liimmlttee on Street* and Danes of sa <1 elty he and they are hereby authorized and directed to build and construct on St Julian street. In the city of Savannah, from the west site of Jefferson street to the east side of Frank lin square and on so much of Montgomery street as hounds th# said square on the cast, a roadway of vitrified brick, the said roadway on St. Julian street to he fifty-live (SSi feet and six (Hi Inches be tween the curhe and on Montgomery street around the square thirty (Jib fret, and to Inclose said roadway with atone curbing, and to do all the work In tha way Of grading, the placing of catch basins, drains, cross-drains snd all other thing* Incident to the construction and completion of the said roadway. Sec. I. Be it further ordained that a street railroad company haring tracks running through the said portion* of Bt, I Julian and Montgomery streets to he Im proved under thl* ordinance Is hereby re quired to pave the width of Its tracks and two feet on each side of every line of tracks of the said railroad company with vltrifled brick as said work pro- 1 greases, and. In the event this Is not don* by the said company, the said Director of Public Works and the said commit tee shall sea to Its being done at the ex pens# of the said company. Sec. I Be It further ordained. The* after the total coat of the said work, ex clusive of that done by. or for. a railroad company, shall have been ascertained one-third of euch total coat shall be paid . cl,y end the other two-thirds from she person# owning at the date of the adopt on of this ordinance the reel eetate abutting on laid portion of 81 Jul an end Montgomery streets, to be mproved under this ordinance, according so frontage; and the pro rata amount of th# cost of euch work la hereby aaaaased agaoet tha said abutting real estate and 3ft. 7>• p m. KANHAd CITY FI• her. TH DAY. TALIsAHAffIEIi. <%ipt Akln. SAT-. 1 DAY. Dec . 11*0 p m. Lv* RoMon t'rr New Tork ffrom Lew • Wharf, at 12:00 noon). Dec. I>. ;■>. E W SMITH. Conara- tin* Er*l*ht Anl ■avar.nah. Qa WAI.TER HAWKINS. Oeneral A*rni. TralS I>e|,artm*r.' 22f w. Bay St., Jackecnv e F;a W. H. PLEASANTS Oeneral Fret*ht and Pa*er*r Ar<- New Pier . North River. New Tork lta owner* •• aforesaid, acoordirg t frontage. The frontage of inter# • . * atreeta and lanes if afeaaed ae r*. -• ate abutting upon ia)i portion cf 5 J • liait and Montgomery atree to h• ir*.- proved, and the Mayor ar.d Aiirnr- f tha cAty of Savannah shall he. for a. •: 1 Intents and purpose* of this or*! ; *. the owner of the real etat> >• at* .*• r.*’ and ahail pay from the city trear ii Just pro rata as dlich owner of t - c t of aaid work according to frorr id** n addition to lta one-third of th- er • • co?t an hereinbefore provided Sec 4. Br It further ord.iin* ’ T M after the Improvement hereinbef. rr p-o --vlded for has been <v>mrle** 1 tor of public work# for the city of ftr, nah. and H#)d c’ommltte#* on Str**G ! Linen shall prepare and subm.. r > the Council of the dty of Sovann.<h ment showing the coat of tr* imp: - mem herein provided for and S • m ► roll ehowlng .vs to two-th * of the oo*t to he apportlone*! how ir i ir port.oned omeng the se-,#ral * *• #•; - cris. including the straff* .and Jane in -• sent lons, and giving the gum chars* h> to each parcel, with the nam** of own-r. Upon 4h eotuMtratiot adoption of said atatement an! ? roll by the Council of the city of gi\ *i • nah It shall then become tl*- duty of * cMy treasurer to tend to th- abati' * property owners their proper Mil t >r t-• same na It may be ascorta ned ' y the CVy CouncH. and if auch MU ao t- t paid within thirty <* days after th- pf •entatton or aendlr.g of the earn* it thtl then het'otne the duty of the chy tr - urcr to isaue an execution for fh* arc- •*. together with cost*, agalrst th* r 1 and property aforesaid which *x< *’ ” shall be made and levied out of h** rf > erty described therein as are execii: * for elty taxes The naM atatement d4H(**nient roil ■hall also Phw * amount payable by tha railroad comps' and should such company fall and r< ■ * to pay a hill for the sam# fhtriv c* 4av after the presentation or seniing '** •ar%e I* shall be the duty of i' tria-.ircr to tasue an ev**- ll the said company and propert> fc*r raid bill, together with coats, whi h 1 he mad# and levied a* ara ext 1 city taxes. Hec. $. Br It further ordalnrd Tha’ *• ordinance# and parts of ordinance* In car fllct wilh thl* ordinance arc h< re ■> pealed. Ordinance read for the first time n *- 12. I*lo. and published for Inform t 00. W P HAII.KV Clerk of ('ound By Alderman Horrlgan— . An ordinance to amend ac tion MacDonaß’s code of*’. t ’ found on page 111 thereof Beellon 1. Be It ordained bv t l '# and Aldermen of Ihe city o r Hava nr 1 ' Council assembled. That sec - ; Mac-Deneii’s rode of the city of .- ’ to be found on page ISI of tic be and the same I* herehv so ’ti that, hereafter, the slid section *!• ! as followa. to-wit: o , "All person* engaged In the busc lightering, or otherwise trai - cotton, hiy. rtrtv. or other Inflam'' merchandise (ruival stores excel the Pavannah river, or other • In the Jurisdiction of the Mayor dermen of Ihe city of Savanna), ' ■ | they are hereby rsqulrid to cov*' • same, while on lighters or other r* ■ • with tarpaulins or other more perm' • and substantial material, and to I f said merchandtae ao rovercl ut,’ said merchandise has hern a t' l moved from the said lighter craft: thl* obligation to conilnn- n' l Ihe contract of lightering ha* I"" pleaed or not. and without reg *r-l 1 . question of a technl’al delivery - merchandise and until all of the ■ merchandise has been actually •' f point of fact taken from the #* 1 * or other craft. Each failure to with this section, or any P arl •hall be considered a violation of- 1 t dinance and he punished, upon can before the Tollce Court of the ch> Savannah, by a fine not to ' . . hundred (1001 dollar# and lmP r * k ‘ r ' f not to exceed thirty (®> days. G h ' r both In the dlacretlon of the c ® ur * . . ] Sec *. Be It further ordained. Th. ordinance* and parts of ordinal' conflict with this ordinance are Ordinance read In Courtc I for time. Dee. 12. UO4. and publlshe.' '<*