The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 18, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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financial and commercial ttlM'MttE I* !*POT COTTO!* FOLLOW! drop i* rtrrau. Jk , Kalarra Market Drop* -Vi IS t'olnls, aad 1 "!• Klrm at Firm and l > rhaairil-a'w lork Rlarka strong ■( Ihr dync*—foil Money 4 |Vr tent—Local aad Telegraphic Markets. The Morning New* Office, Monday. Dec 17. A drop of from 5 o 3 points In the cotton futures market to-day was fol lowed by a decline In the spot market* , n ,rally. Savannah closed quiet at a ,ia line of 4c. with trading nominal, and ,„ , .parent demand of consequence for .attain Holders made their usual stout resistance to lower prices, and the ato rence of concession* made exporters In- Oilterenl about talon* supplies. For this riason the day closed with transactions small lots, and with business restrict ed throughout the day. The spirits tur pentine market closed Arm, at 27 %c. with a general demand for supplies. The rosin market closed Arm and unchanged, with H moderate demand prevailing. The wbole saia markets closed active and In the main unchanged. Again the feature of the outside mar kets was the upward movement of New York stocks, which dosed up as to near j> all the leading Issues. Strength cen tered In the railroads, though the New York utilities were strong, oml closed higher, particularly Brooklyn Rapid Tran s. and Metropolitan Kailway. Northern Pacific common made a sharp lump at the close. The following resume or the cifleretrt markets will show the lone and quotations at the closing to-day: LOTTOS. The spot cotton market closed quiet at a decline of lie on alt grades, galea on iba -pot wer* IK bale*. The receipts were t>.- c .. against 6.727 last year, and 7,1*3 year icfore last. The demand was reported light, both by Motors and brokers. The interior did not seem anxious to offer c tton In this market. About the best l ies obtainable ranged from 9 9-llc to 9%e. > following were ih# official spot quo i .ions at the close of the market at the ( oiton Exchange to-day: | Thla'f L* t • ■ b-l middling ,9% 7 M Middling !*> 7% Low middling 8% ( ( 13-1* Market quiet; sales. IK. Savannah Receipts, Exports and Stocks: 1!- elpts. this day (.562 I. i-lpts this day last year 6.717 This day year before last 7,19t> Receipts since Sept I. 19® (22.63 H day last ysar 53*75.1 - .-n hand this day 128.8 M Home day last year 166.014 Itcceipta and Stocks at the Portiw- Hpts this day 47.309 Receipt* this day last year 41.(2 !;•.dpt* th s day year liefore list.. 77*65 ota) receipts since Sept. 1. I*oo. .1.46), Pig 'into time lasi year 3 567,5tk Yeir before last 5.747,359 Snick ai all pert* to-day *11.0*3 stock same day last year 1.0*2,472 nail) Movement at Other Ports— ■ Is.vcston -Qulet: middling. 9%: net re -Ipt- 13.7*4* gross. 13.7*4: stock. 3M.371. S’ iv Orleans -Quiet; middling. 9%; net re-.T.f -779: gross, 19.06; sales. 4.4 k); stork. 351 .*52. M>- 'llf—Qulsl: mVtdltng. %: net re elpts, v groes. M3: sales. Mi; stock, to OR. ■ ' .irlesion—Firm: middling. 9%: net re -1 ft; gross, 186; stock. 16.173. Wilmington—Quiet; m:ddtlng *'4: net t. elpts *34; groe. 631; stock. 15.3*6 Norfolk-Quiet; middling. 9%; net re eel pis. 7 64*: gross. 2.64*; sales 334; stock. 4" '*7. Baltimore— Nominal, middling 10; stall, 17 378. N.w Y’ork—Quiet: middling. 10: net re • Ipts, 1.3*4: gross, 8,531; sales. SO4; stock. .••..wi. Roeton—Quiet; middling, 10*5; net re •lpts 2.422: gross. 11.*22. Phlladelplils—Firm: middling. 10%: net r. elpts, M; groos. *4; stock, 5.310. Hally Movements at Interior Towns— Augusta—Steady; middling, 94; net re ceipt*. 1.545: gross. 1.545; sales. 601; stock. PUP Memphis—Firm: middling. 9%: net re ejpts, 7.161; gross, 10,555; sales, I,M; etoek. 141.066. St lantl-—Dull: middling. 9%; net re < elpts. 1.164; gross, 6.H66; sales, -100; stock. 67.641. I'tiiclnnatl—Quiet; middling. 9%. net re ceipts. 1,967; gross, 1.967; sales, X; stock. 9.764. Ilouoton— Steady; middling. 9%: net re .elpts, 13,08*; gross. 13,0*8; sales, 481; stock, 114.34.;. Louisville—Firm; middling TANARUS%. Export* of Cotton This Day— •;;voslon—Continent, 13.928. coastwise. 3.766. Mobile—Coastwise. 101. Savannah-To Orest Britain, 5.540; coast wise, 1.2*3. t'hnrleoton—Coastwise. 2,183. Wilmington—Coastwise, TOl. Norfolk—Coastwise, 4,187. New York—To Orest Britain. 331; contl neni, 1.275. Boston—To Great Britain. 6.544. Total foreign exports from all porta 4hls •lay To Great Britain. 12.415: to the con tinent, 15.201. Total foreign exports since Sept 1, 19®: To Great Britain, 1,810,701; to France. 330- 25: to the continent, 1.038.10*. Now York, Dec. I7w-O>ton: Spot. closed quiet. lc lower, middling upland*, 10a; middling Gulf. 1014 c; sale*. 9® bale* REA IHL%*D COTT4IX. Prices about as follows: Extra choice Florida* 23 4*34 Fancy Georgias 314®22 Extra choice Georgias 21 4721 >4 '•hole# Georgias ** ® Extra fine Georgias 19 9 Fine Georgias 1* ft Recslps and Bocks— 11900-01.1899-®. Receipt* past week 2.622; 3.416 Exports past week 2.359 180 Receipt* this season 36 339 80.113 Rales past week 4,716| 2.15 (Rock on ham) 24.616; 24.683 COTTOX riTt RlfiS. The Market 4is#e* steady With Prices off IDiSIa Points. New York. Deo. J7.-6usln*a# In cotton future* to-day was th# smallrot In raoent times and the trade was quite bent upon placing accounts In ship-shape form for the holiday- season. Aside from the Eng lish market advices and <he crop move ment. there was lit tic upon which new '•ntures could be based. Th* opening *s easy, with prices down 4 to 13 points, under fairly active general selling, urxed by disappointment In th* cables and the ••ppearance of more cotton at the pori* Ruin anticipated. As receipts were large, timid holders sold out. believing a sharp further setback would occur before the dose. Bu; following the call a slight immovement resulted from room ooverln* nd persistent buying for Southern ae > ount. th* latter sail to be against large oversales in the New Orleans market. Soon after the noon hour th* market set tied decidedly under another spurt of sell ing from all quarters, which had for It* Incentive large estimate* for to-morrow s receipt* at New Orleans and Houston, "nd reports that conaHai aWe line of coi tnn had been shipped from New Orleans Now York for contract delivery Trad ing during the rest of the afternoon was Inclined to drag with neither aide strtv- WURPHY & CO , INC.. Board of Trad# Building. Savsnnah. Private leased wires dir*,;, to N#w Chicago and New Orleans COTTOH, STOCKS ADD GRAIN. New York office. No 61 Broadway. Bices in principal cities throughout tbs ffeuth. Wile* for our Market Manual and book containing Instruction* for traders Ing for supremacy. Wall street houses were moderate eellers alt day. Europe sold around the opening, but later bought. The market was finally steady. with prices net 5 to 22 points lower. FLI’CTI ATIOX* IX Ft i t Hls*. New York, Dec. 17 —Cotton futures opened easy and closed steady . Price* as follows; ;Open. High Low~t’ta*e January | 9 46~ 94. *. February ....| 9.37 j 9.39 9.28 928 March I 9.33 |9 38 9.24 925 dPril | .... j 9 28 9.18 9.36 May j * 22 | *. 1 9 IS | 9.16 Juno | 924 9.14 9 U July j* 22 924i *ll 9.11 August |*97 | 8.99 888 j 8 *n September ...j 840 8.46 833 *33 October | .... | *6l Bon| 7*5 December ....j *64 *.67 | .55 i* 55 I.IVKRPOOI. I'OTTOX MARKET. Liverpool, Dec 17.—Spot quiet, prices 1-32 J lower, American middling fair. "•75-27d. good mi.ldllna 5 15-22<t; middling. s*sd. low middling. 6 3-16d; good ordinary. 4 15-16.1. ordinary 4 11-16.1 Tire 1* of tire day were 6,000 bales, of which Sou were for speculation and export ami 1n,., led 5.6U0 American. Receipts 14.000 balee, Including 12.100 American. Futures opened quiet and closed quiet; American middling, low middling c'.ause, December. 5.13.1. buyers; Deccmbrr-Janu ary. 5.16.1. sellers; Junuan-February. 5.14d. sellers; February-Uarch. Slid, buy. ■•rs; March-April, 6.09.1, sellers. Aprll-slay. S.tEftS 07d. buyers. sl*y-June. sellers; June-July. 5.(2d. sellers; July-Au gust. 4.6865.'0d. sellers. August-Beptem ber, 4 50d. sellers. E ORLRA3I 4 OTTO\ FFTI'RER. New Orleans. Dec. 17.—Cotton futures steady. December (bid). 3s>pril 9 tiff* 13 lanuary ...9.1969.20 May 9 l.*n9 11 February ..8.14Q9.18 June 9 umio March 9.t|9.14 ful.v 9 06^9.07 POTTO* LETTERS. New Y’ork. Dec. 17—Murphy * 00. say: Liverpool was disappointing, both on fu tures and spots. Ihw former being un changul with the demand dull. Bales 4..X10 bales. We oprned on a range of 8 to 12 points lower than Saturday s cKk. Shorn were again buyers and In January option which opens.| at 49d. and gradually ad van red to* 55.1 Receipts were again heavy and the ertlmates for to-morrow at New Orleans also encouraged hears. The mar. kef ha* little snap. There Is also less talk of mnnlpulatton of the January option. It Is reported ttiat considerable amount of low grade <-oiton will be shipped to New York for delivery on December and Jan uary contracts. The market closed at about the lowest for the day. New York. Dec. 17. - Hubbard Bros. * Cos. say; Liverpool refused to respond to our advance of Saturday ex cept In a perfunctory way, showing that the movement had more effect abroad than at hom* At the opening nearby positions were pressed for sale, being tak en by the local trade, and a rally fol lowed It was soon evident there was li quidation In progress In January and price* receded The movement at Hous ton wae large, and New Orloans moder ate. while the semi-weekly movement points to over inn.(do, against 78,000 last year. Vn4tt more cotton points toward* this market we expect sharp and sudden fluctuations. •• the local trade consider that the nearby positions are under con trol The temper la to buy on all weak movements and not to be short despite the movement. DRY GOODS. New York. Dec. 17.—There was a mod erate attendance of buyers to-day in the dry-goode marker and spot business was quiet In all departments. No change in prices of brown, bleached or colored cot ton goods. lTlm cloths quiet, but steady. Prints In average demand at previous price*. Ginghams ttren but quiet. Orders foe woolen good* keep up last week # im provement and lone occasionally firmer. NAVAL ATOM Eg. Monday. Dec. 17. SPIRITS TFRPEN’TINE—The turpen tine market opened Arm to-day. at 37tc. with sales of 480. and closed firm and un changed, with further sale* of 300 There was a good demand reported for both lo cal and toreign amount, and the under tone was sufficiently strong to encourage factors to look for a maintenance of prices. The receipts were 765. and the exports X. ROSINB-The roeln market opened Arm ami unchanged, and closed unchanged. Sales at the opening of 1.637 barrels con stituted the day s business. The demand was fair, though It was not understood there was any unusual rush. Th* re ceipts were 6.370. and Iba exports 386 Prices as follows: A. B. C 81 30 I .31 60 D 1 30 K 1 65 E 1 40 M 1 80 F 1 45 N 2 15 0 1 60 W. G 2 50 H I 55 W. W 2 85 Receipts Monday— Spirits Rosin. C. R R *6 1.252 S.. F. and W *67 1,39! 8. A. L 3*3 3 727 Exports Monday— 8. 8 Texas, Baltimore 86 8. 8. Nscoochee. New York.... X 300 Naval Store* Statement— Spirit*. Rosin. Stock April 1. 1900 2,197 Hli Receipts to-day 705 6.370 He-elpts previously 397. W. 7*6,547 Total elnce April 1 310,225 935.423 Export* to-day X *B6 Exporta previously 272,214 775.611 Exports since April 1 272.23* 774.1*7 Stock on hand to-day 37.966 160,226 Stock last year 24.0*0 178.378 Charleston. 8. C.. Dec. 17.-Bpirlte tur pentine market Arm, 37c. Rosin Arm. un changed Wilmington. N. C. Dec. 17.-Spirits tur pentine steady. 3* l yi37c; receipts 21 casks Rosin Arm. 11.ti1.35; receipts 277. Crude turpentine quiet. 61.80rJ.30; receipt* 3*. Tar steady. II *>: receipt* 635. New tjrleans, Deo. 12. Receipts, rosin 343. turpentine. 60. Exports to Havana, rosin 200 barrels. FINANCIAL MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up with the supply FOREIGN EXCHANGE-M.rket weak and nominal. Commercial demand. *4 BTy; sixty day*. I4 7*H; nlnisty day* 34.77>i; franc*. Part* *nl Havre, sixty days, 5.22 H: Swiss, sixty day*. 5.21: Beig an. 5.34 H; marks, sixty days. l*Vi: ninety * 1 EXCHANGE - Steady; lurks *r# buying St *->* discount amt selling a* follows: 336 sod unde-, 16c pr mium. 125 to 380. 15c premium; 186 to *lO6 DC premium; 1100 to f Mr premium; s* in 11.000. par; *I.OOO and over. 1-14 dis count. FINANCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY, Stock and Bond Broker, itflvm. 04. Write for Mat. IHE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. DECEMBER IS. 1900. BECVRITIEB—There I* apparently but little money seeking tnyeatmenl. ■tasks. Bid. Ask. Augusta and Savannah R. R.... 111 112 Atlanta and West Point 133 ... do 4 per cent, certificate# 106 ... Augusta Factory 4 ** cttlaens Bonk 117 ... Chatham Bank 112 US Chatham R. E, 4k 1. Cos. A *7 M do do Ig 56 K Eagle and l’boenlx Mfg Cos. 102 105 Edison Electric Ilium. Cos 107 1W Enterprise Mfg, Cos too l Germania Hank I*l .a Georgia and Alabama 38 30 Georxta Itailroad. common 216 219 Granltevllle Mfg Cos 16' 170 J. P. King Mfg. Cos ltd I*s Langley Mfg. Cos 115 117 Merchants’ National Bank 117 119 National Bank of Savannah 151 147 Oglethorpe Savings and Trust ..113 People's Bavins* and Loan 101 log Seaboard common 10 11 do preferred 281* Mouihwes crn Itailroad Cos. 112 112'? Ha. mi ih •; .• Light Cos. C 26 Southern Bank l I® Savannah Hank and Trust 119 ... Sibley Mfg Cos., Augusta 5a ** Savannah Brewing ..103 ... Bauds. Bid Ask Char . Col * At.g Ist B*. 1900 to* 116 Chat, k Gu.f R R 5 per cent. Ist morti-aga 103 161 Atlanta city s. 1922 107 1® Augusta city 4s. 1367 10* M do 44. 1*75 HI ..... *o 7*. I*'3 107 ir. *. IMS 123 Oa Mid. 6a, Ind'd 19W. M *N. 1014 1024 Augusta Factory. * per cent. 1*15.111 113 Brunswick A W.sterfi 4-. 1938 .. *1 *6 C R. It. A Hanking collateral 8s *5 C. Of G Ist mot g 6s. IMS F. k A 120 121 C. Of Oa. con. ss. 1*45. M & N. 9*4 974 C. of Ga. Ist Incomes. .915,. 53 54 , do 2nd Incomes IT 18 do 3d Incomes. 1*45 7l 4 , C of C. (M G. A A. Dlv ) 6* 1*47. J. A J v .. *7 98 C. of G (Fatten Branch). ss. I9S* J. k D 66 97 | City k Suburban R. H Ist 75... 110 ... Columbus City s*. I*6 107 Charleston city 4s. 190* 100 103 Eagle & Phoenix Mi ls , 1928 .108 110 Edison Electric Illuminating S* .105 I Enterprise Mfg. S*. 1902 103 .... j Georgia Railroad 4s 1910 115 111 i G. 8 &F . 1*45, J & J 113 114 : Georgia St Alabama Ist ss, 1945 t'6 107 Georgia state 34*. I** l '. J & J 110 H 2 j do 34*. 1915. M St N 106 107 do 44*. I*ls 119 120 Macon city 4s. 1910. J k J 114 118 do 44*. quar.. Jan l f * 109 Ocean S'eamrliip ss. 1920 104 10* Savannah city s*. quar. January 1918 HO 111 do s*. quar.. February. 1909 ...106 1094 ; South Carolina state 44*. '*33 .117 It* s.bley Mfg Cos. 6s. 1903 103 South Bound 5s *9 1* 1 8 . F * W. gen mfge 4s, 1154 .IS 136 do do Ist ss. gold, 1934 H3 114 { do St John Dlv.. Ist 4s 1*34 ... 16 (4 MONEY MARKET. New York. Dec. !7.-Money on call ; steady. 4114 per cent.; last loan 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 44®64 per cent. Sterling exchange weak, with actual busi ness In bankers’ bills a< 34 844 for de mand. and at 14 8<>44.04 for elxty days Posted rale*. II SIVG M 4 and 1*85474 864 Commercial bill*. *4.504. Silver certlfl vktes. 6J5c. Per silver. 64 Mexican .loiters. 3>4c. Government bonds Irregu lar; state bonds steady; railroad bond# Irregular. STOCKS AND BONDS. Market Closes Ip 35 Ith a Graeral Display of Btrraatli. New York, Dec. 17.—The surface Indies tlons IQ to-day’a stock market all go to •bow that stock* were In very active course of transfer from th# hands of strong to those of weak holders. Th* cul m.notion of the rtee Invariably presents this very condition, but It Is a condition also which occurs ai tmervAls In every long eustalned upward movement. The conservative element, after seetug a certain profit assured, makes li a habit to sell and take a profit, without regard to the prospoct of lurther advance. Tho weight of Influence then passes to the bear party and the upward course is not renewed un til they have exhausted their beat efforts to push the reaction to a culmination. Whnt WHS'SVt tent to-day was that pow erful skillful manipulation was at work to mike the opening price# as nigh as possible to meet the flood of outside buy ing orders which was certain to come |uto tae market after lari week's eveota From the very first enormous lYalitlnu was In evidence, later In the .lay varl ou| attempts were made to hold up the market by marking up the prices of vari ous Individual stocks. Aa the fret became more and more evident that the sustain ing force of these Individual movements was taken advantage of to continue the unloading of heavy lines of long stock, the element on the exchange turned to the bear side. They wer# sue cemful tn forcing a sharp reaction, much reducing the gains that had been largest and -omcdclely wiping out a large num ber of those that had only reached moder ate proportions. Manipulation developed at the close again to rally the market by bidding ur> Northern I‘a’lfle to 7*4. a record price. The shorts were buying to coyer else, where, so that the closing • generally steady, with the further course* of the market very unsettled and doubtful. Even with the net changes In prices to-day very small, the profits on last week ad vance* are on ait enormoiM scale. To day's tir.lmated outburst of outside ppec uaitlon was the logical consequence of last week * events. The palpable fact that large hanking and flnaiKtal Internal* were taking on enormous lines of various stocks and the developments of the week pointing to far reaching plans and the Improvement oi values was offset for a time by the ap parently .lungcrous condition of Inc money market, but the showing In the Saturday t>.mk statement led to the con clusion that extraordinary measures were being taken by powerful financial Inter net* to conserve the ease of the money market ugolnst the natural drain on Its resource*. The normal course of sub treasury operations also promised some relief this week The outburst of bullish enthusiasm wit a certain consequence. The fact seem* to be that strong hanking interest* pro v'de.l tnsmtelvrs long since with ample resources to take advantage of the re actionary tendency of stock* Incident to the December period to absorb very heavy amounts of the various railroad stocks tvhlch have figured most largely in the stock market for muny day# past. Bo large and effective was this buying as to overcome the natural reactionary ten dency in the market and to prompt the speculative public to rush to secure stocks, seeing that the expected reaction was not likely to occur before January. Higher prices for stocks in January have been 4he universal expectation on the Stock exchange, and spo.'ulatora have only awaited an opportunity to buy stocks end to ho.d them lately In anticipation of the January rise. Last week’s hack statement was accepted as the assurance that mony resources wou.d be ample to hold stock* over the January 1 period Outside of th* opening general advance ranging up to between I and 2 point*, the most striking later advance* were In New York nubile utilities tad by Brooklyn Rapid Trie-,i ar.d Mrirof.olKan. the r.rl* ta 1 drrblltf. Amalgamated Copper also de veloped notable strength, rallying four point*. The excited bull market was a striking contrast to the panic of s year ago when the constriction of U>c money supply wa* foreleg the stocks upon tbe market at aoy sacrifice In order to meet the calling of loan*. Rands were not so active as sticks and th* movement of prices was orTegular Total sale*, par value. 35.86r.fW0 United Btates 3a registered declined 4. Th* Is advanced 4 and 3a coupon 4 per cent, on tffe last call. Today’s sales of stock* were: 1.513.7® shares. Including the following: Atchison 44,10 do preferred 11.6*7; Baltimore A Ohio 8.600. Canada Bout hern 76; Chstta peke A Ohio 16,21*. Great Western L. Burlington 17.inO;Chicago.|ml A Bt. Laura, preferred *.060, B.g Four 14.7 W; Colorado Bout hern lit*; do preferred 7145. Dela ware A Hudson 4.M5. Erl# do Aft Hocking Y’alley LEW. lgnltsvilte A Naahvtiie 13.526: Manhattan 41.1®; Metro politan 31.760. Missouri Pacific 23 510. Mis souri. Kansas A Texas 14.400; New Y’ork Central *4*o. Norfolk A Western IW. Northern Pkclflc 75,860. do preferred 11.- 410. Ontario A Western 25.000 Pent >■]- vanla 21.6 W: Reading 28,5*1: Readlnr Irst preferred 49.4 M; do second preferred. >2.- loh; Bt. I .oil I- Mouth YVcetern preferred (Mt. Ml. Paul ®.a>o. Mouthern PaclAc 141.- *W; Mouthern lUllwar’V M: do I>r , ferred 16A6; Texas A Pacific MA0O; Union Pa cific *1 7*3; do preferred 6,3®; Wahash *- Jo preferred 12.250. Wheeling A Lake Erie 9 Mb; do second prefrrri'l 1.60 Cop per 23.132; Mmrittng Om, Mteel Hoop 7 ton Btecl and Wire 16 BW. Tin Plate 23 170! Tobacco 22.1®: Anaconda 8 400. Itro-.klvn 138 381; flcdorad Fuel 6 272; Federal Mteel 21.150. Federal Mteel preferred. 7,*no, Na tional H*eel 7.1®; Peoples Gas 22.760; Hugir 17 2®; Tennessee Coal 1.430; Leather 19.175; Western f n |on 53 ISO New York Mtook Atchison AM* Jo do pref .... iro do pref *>, "abash BA Ohio *2 A. pref 4 do do pref .... tat, (Wheel A L E. 114 * un Pacific ... gi ( do do 2nd pref. Car Southern. > |W't* Central ;jt_ the*. A Ohio. 39 iThlnl Aven\>p...ll| Chi Gt. West jgi, Amal Ccpt'cr 924 f' . B A Q Adams Rx 145 Chi., I ml. A L. 2\ American Ex ..173 do .to pref 611, V. M Express .. ij Chi A R. 111... 954 W.-F Express .134 Uhl. A Northw |6*s, fim. Cot 0i1... 314 C-. R. I A P .117% do do pref .... 91 f. C. C. Sc St L 704X01. Malting ... 5 Col. Routh *4 do do pref .... 25 do Ist pref 45' s Am MAR ip, do 2nd pref. 18), do do pref .... 9j% Del. A Hudson. 1214 Am. Spirits ... 3 D.. LA W 196 do do pref .... 17 Den. A R G *8 Am 8 Hoop .. VR* do do pref .... 814 do do [wef .... 774 Krte p>u Am F A Wire. tr do Ist pref . 55 ' do do pref .... 87'* Gt North pref 18*4 Am Tin Plate sj Hock. Coal .... 15 do k> ptef .... B*4 Hock. Y’alley .. 43', Am Tnlacco . .u*i, IIL Central ...136’, do do pref 135 la. Centra! .... M Ana. Min Cos 47% do do pref .... 44 Brook R. T 77% U E. A W 43 mi F A 1 4 do do pref ....1114 Con. Tobacco .. 374 L BhuCe .......23 (|o do pref .... 61% A K 854 Fed. Mteel 53 Man. L 113 J do do pref .... 78 Met. Mt Ry. ...173’. Gen Ele trlo. ID% Mex. central . !|%Bhicaee Sugar :,2, Minn A Mt. L. 7>,i do .To pref ... do do pref ...10*4 Jnt’n'l Paper .. 224 Mo Pacific .... 624 do do pref .... 734 M. A Ohio 414 La. led* Gas .. .71 Sfc. K A T 144 Nat. Btaeutt ... JT4 do do pref ... t-Ai do do pref .... 90 N. J Central. .116 Nat Lead 21 N. Y. Central .1424 Jo do pref ....94 J*. * 4 Nat. Mteel 4 do do pref ... 814 do do pref .... 92% N Pacific 7*4 Nat. Tube 62 do do pref .... 65% do do pref ....Mg pm A Western. 26% N Y A Brake 161 Ore. Ry. A N... 42 North Am 194 do do pref .... 76 P. Coast ® Pennsylvania .143% do Ist pref .. sa Reading 344 tlo 2nd pref .. ta do Ist pref . 654 Pacific Mall .... 414 do 2nd pref .. **4 people’s Oa* ... 9*4 R. G. Western 65 P. Mleel C0r.... 51% do do pref ~..96 do do pref .... 824 Bt. L. A ft. F... 214 Pull. Pal Car 2® do do Ist pref 76 !R Rope A T.... 5*4 do do 2nd pref. *74 Auger 1244 pt. L.. Hw 15% do pref 115 do do pref .... 39% Penn C A Iron. 14 fit. Paul 13*4 D. M Tather.. 14 do pref 11l do do pref .... 75'i fit P A 0 123 ID. B Rubtser... 2* 8. Pacific 42** do do pref .... B®* Mo Railway ... I*4' W. Union 9*4 do pref I k M 16 <r A Itacific ... 2*5, do do pref ....644 U. Pacific 734 P. C. C 4 Bt. L Bonds. U. 8. 2s ref reg.MtV do 4 *4 do coup 1654'N. Y'. C. Ist* ..1064 U. B 9*. reg 110 N. J C. gen. 0e.1374 do Is. coup ..HO I No. Pae 3s 70% do new 4e reg. 1284 do 4e 164% do new 4s. cou.U*4‘N Y. C. A Mt. L. do old 4*. reg.. 1144 1*74 do old 4*. cou 11% N. A W con. 4s. 99% do sa. reg 114!Ore Nav. lata..l® do sa. coup lIJ4I 440 ** t°- D. Of C. 3 (Ba. ..1344 8 - la *" 129% Atch. gen. 45...1*34 do 5a 118 do adj. 4a ... B*% Read, gen 4s ... 934 C. Of O con. s*. 97 R O. W. 1*4*....100% do Ist Inc. ... B'i St. I* A Ir. M. do 2nd Inc. ... 17', consol 5* 1134 C an. 80. 2nds .10*4 84 1. A Man F C. A O. 44a ... ,104 j general 6* ....12* do 5a l 4, 1, . P- cooeota ..17* C. A Nw. tkm. 8 **■ C. A P. 7> 13*4 W C. ANwB. F. |do 5* IS4 deb 58 lit 80. Pae. 4a 83% Chi Term 4a.. W |Bo Ry. 5* • • - Col Mo. 4* .... *5 B Rope A T. Ss. 70 D A R. O. 4* -.1014 Tex. A P. 15t*..1144 Eric Gen. 4s .. 81 do *nd F WAD. C. iO. Pac 4s W 7 nits . 7* | Wabash tits ....1174 Gen. Elec 5# ...143 do 2nd* jTi low* C Ist* ...H54 W"* l Rhore 4s ...115 t * N. U. 4s . 1614 Wls Cent. lela.. 874 M ft O. 4* 86V V*. Centuries .. 4 MEAT 3d* .75 | N. w York. Dec. 17-Standard Oil *24 York. Deo. 17-Consolidated Oa* clcwrtl “ 111 1 6 Seaboard Secwrlllee. Baltimore, Dec. 17.-Beab.Hird common jo,, seaboard preferred *4; bonds 4 * 73% Morphy A to’# Sleek Letter. Nsw York. Drc. 17 -At no lime eln:* ih jrrncraJ ri*e In prl*** * n in October hae the market shown more striking manifestations of public rtmn dence and proirseted prosperity ihsn It did this morning Every quarter of the pvarket advanced rapidly on euorrruoua dealing* with Interest sllll centering In the railroad llsl. In those stock* ad vance* in excess of 1 per ctnl were com mon Northern Pacific. Union Pacific and Mlasouri Pacific wer* th* conspicuous fea tures In respect of activity, and among higher priced stocks. Pennsylvania and New York C'entrpl were notably strong There were also sharp advance# In the Hocking Valley Issue* and Wheeling and Itake Erie stocks, the Mouthern Railroad Shares Louisville snd Nashville and Tex as and Pacific. Brooklyn Rapid Transit was s conspicuous feature of the trac tion group l " very sharp rise. The Jn d list rial* While actively dealt In and strong were quit* overshadowed by the tremendous oetlvtty |n other quarters of the market. Sugar led in actlwlty and • bowed a firm lone. Apparently the main incentive# In th# early dealing# wer# th* striking advaace* shown in American stocks In the London market and aleo the clearer comprehension on the real rendition* In the monetary situation that developed toward the close of last week. MIUDELI.4hKOI * MARKET*. Note-Thee* quotations are revised daily and are kept as near as passible In accord with the prevailing wholesale 1 Dries# Official quotation* era not used when they disagree with th* prle*s whole aftlrfl tik ( onnirr ■•* Pr4w. POULTRY—Th* meek*’ Is steady. Quo i t(tlons: Broiler*. 90**5. per pair; half grown. 43ft50c: three-fourth# grown. 56ft !oc; hens, 5*75c; rooster*. 40t|50c; duck*. 30ft75c; gees*. 7ift*l.6i ROGM—Frsah cendlsd 3Sft24e; cold stor age. 22c- Southern Railway. Train# Arriv* and Deport Savannah on *Ol h Meridian Time—One Hour Blower Than City Tun*. Schedule tn Effect Dec. . 19®. REnrssWßii terra rEnra ii'MXirpyr' No. 34 , No. •*]] (Caotta 1 Tim*.) j, No. 35 N u li 55pin li 30em'l.v Havennah A7'6®<n. |1 (Eastern Time 1 | 4 li{Hn 4 23sm liteckvltla Lv 2 57am t lopm 6 :opm tv*n Ar italumhia l.v l 15am,1l Jam *>pm * Lam Ar Charlotte l.v 9 55pm ltwm 11 ii|Hn II 33pm Ar Greensboro Lv 7 lupm; !. Warn TStem Ar Norfoill IsY| (H>m 13 51ant !35pm Ar T....T..TT.~. Dan vTO# ,J 1 l.v w,,m i liam 4 00am 8 25pmI)Ar RLAIMoJ Xv; U 01pm 11 00pm 1 40aIP 4 13pm Ar Lynhlmrg L*|| 3 53pn> Ehn 4 S&sui 5 Lpm Ar Chariot teeville Lv 2 06in l 2 sil-m 7 35am 5 60pn* ,Ar Waahlnglon Lv 11 16am| 9 s>im* 9 liarn 11 35|>m Ar Baltimore Lv j * 22am * I pm 1115 am 2 Mam Ar Philadelphia Lv 1 Msmi * *sp>" 2 ®Spni * 23am Ar N. w Tork Lv 11 10am: I l&pm cpmjAr HAS ion Lv|| 5 00pm |lo loom Nw 34 , TO THE NORTH AND - WtMif No la _ ___lj (Central Tim* ) ______ IJlOam Lv |... . Lv: S Warn (lav-ter 11 Time ) * J.'am Lv Columbia Ar 1 15am 11 25am Lv Hparlanburg I<. : * IR"” • **"" Lv Asheville J.y 306 pm 4 02pm jAr Hot Spring* laVjjlt 45am 7 30|>m Ar Knoxville Lv j * 36am i!oim Ar Lexingmn Lv 10 SOp.n 7 45pm Ar ... cm inr.atl |,v • ®P" OOpm Ar Mt Louis Lv * '6am . 50am Ar Loulavtlle Lv|| 7 45am All train* arrive and depart from the Plant System Riatlon. THROt’OH CAR SERVICE. ETC TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY, NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vaotl bulrd limited train*, with Pullman D’SWlng Room Sleeping Cars between Savan nah and New York. Connect# at Washlnglon with Colonial Express for llostou. Pullman b. - ping Car* between Chari die and Richmond and Churtotl# and Nor folk Dining Cara Serve all tneal* b-lween Savannah and Washington TRAINS IS AND M DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Veatlbulsd limited trains, carrying Pul.n*n Drawing Room Bleeping Car* htawsen Savannah and New York. Inning Cars servo all meal* between Havannah and Waonlngton Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Care between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and ’Th* land of th# Sky." For complete Information a* lo ral.o, echedule*. *te.. apply to V. 8 GANNON. Id V P. A O M J M CULP. T M W A. TURK. O. P. A.. Waahlnglon, D. C. 8 II HARDWICK. Asst Gen’l P" Agent. Atlanta. G*. R C Bt.ATTNER Ticket Agent. Plant Mysiem Station JAMES FREEMAN. C. P * T A 141 Bull *trel Maver.nah. Ga.. rhone* MO BUTTER-The tone of the market I* firm (juo.allons: Cooking. 21c; imita tions, 2So, New York slaie dairy. N4< extra Elgin*. 27c. ('lt EES E—Market firm: fancy full -cream cheese, 134-' for 20 to D-pound average; 2Mi*n-pnud averages. JSc. Marly tractable*. IRISH POTATOES-Northern. *2® sack. CABBAGE—Sft*.- per head; cratee *2.®ft 2.25, ONIONS— Yettow. lit barrel*. *2 75; crates. 11®. red. *2 5n Breadstuff. Hay aad Grata. FI/YUR— Market ateady: |>atent. *1 25; straight. *3 75. fancy. *3 o. family. *3 40. MEAL—Pearl, per barrel. *2 30; per *a.-k. It 15; City meal, per sack, bolted. 11.074; watsr ground. 31 124; "*ty ••’l l *- sack*. 31 15; prorl arils, lludnut*. per barret, 1: g,. per sack. *120; sundry brands. It 15 CORN—Market firm, while. Job lota, (3c; carload lots. (oc. mixed corn. Job lots. (Oc: carload lots, 58c. BlCE—Market steady; demand good; fancy head, (c; fancy. 54c. Prime * Good Pair 4 ft 44 Common 34 DATft-No 3 mixed ear’oad. Me; Jftb lots. 3ajj|3(c. while clipped, cars, XTc; Job. 46c. BRAN—Job lots. *5--; carload lots. She HAY-Market steady. No 1 timothy. 924 c. Job. 96c; No. 3. ®c; Job. 174 e core huger aad 4 offer. BUGAR ;ui loaf (.33 Diamond A 5.18 "rushed (3*Confectioners’ A..(.(* Powdered 598 White Extra C. 5 3* JCXXX pow and . ..(.W’Extra C 4 31 Granulated I.B* Golden C ....3.13 Cube* ( 02 Yellow* 1...4.9S Mould A ( Hi COFFEB- Mocba 2* c Prime No 3 ~..10%c j,va 2® o|Oood No. 4 lMgc Pea berry .......14 ciFalr No. 5 ......16 c Fancy No. 1 ...HMciOrdlnary No. I . *4o Choice No 2 . )9%c Common No 7 u Canon Husains and Tie*. BAGGING—Mai ket firm: Jut*. 34- pound 8%--; large lot*. 34': small lots. 2-pound, 74c; sea Island bagging. 134* TIES—M andard. (5-ponnd, arrow, larga lots. *1.30; small lota. It *3. Mil. Hide* and Wool. HALT—Demand la fair and the market steady; carload lots, im pound burlap sack*. 47c; I®-pound col ion lacks, 46c; 110-pound burlap sack*. 514 o; 110-pound cotton rocks, *24#; 135-pound burlap sacks. 58'yc, US-pound cotton sack*. 594 c; J®-pound burlap sack*. 91c. HlDES—Marksl firm; dry flint, IJ4C; dry satt. 114#; green rolled. 6 . W4H)le— Nominal: prime Georgia, free of sand bur# and black wool. 19c; black, l(c; burry. 10c. Wax. 35c; tallow, 34c. Deer skins, 36". Dried and Evaporated Frails. APPLES— Evaporated, 7ftT4c; sun dried. 54ft.Sc * APRIUGTS— Evaporated, 16c pound; nectarines. Wc. RAIHINM-LL. 12 10; lmp*rtai cahlnta*. 12 75: loos*. ID-pound hoxe*. 8%0 pound PBAUHES- Evaporated, pealed. 174 c; unpenled, 8%416c. PEARS— Evaporated B%c Hardware and Hnlldlaa Sapplle*. LIME. rAI/’fUM. PLASTER AND Dement—Alabama and Oeorgla Mm* In fair demand and sell al 91 cent* a barrel, special calcined plaster, *1 ® per barrel; hair. tftSc. RtauuKle cement. 31.30ft1 35; carload lot*, special; Portland rament. re tail. *2TS; carload lot*. |2.00|2,. LUMBER. F O. B VEBHELM. SAVAN NAH -Yllnlmum. yard raw. s!o.s6ftU: car etlls. 112 SoftH.uo; difficult atxea. 14 m p 18.(0, Ship stock, 31(004119®, sawn ll*e, * r®B ISO. hewn (leg, 3&ft3Bc OlL—Market steady; demand fair; sig nal tSftk*', Weat Y'liglnta black. Bftl2c; lard. 53c. (c, machlnary. 1( ft2sc. linseed oil, raw. 7('c. bulled, 734 c; kerosene, prime white. 12c, water while. 13c; Pratt’s astral. 14c; deodorised stove gasoline, drums, 114 c; empty oil barrels, delivered. 36c. SHOT-Drop. II ®; B B and large. *l.7*; chilled. *1 75 IRON—Market very steady: Swede. 54c. NAlUft-Cut. 12*0 N*< ; wire *2® base. BARBED WlßE—**.so per 100 pounds. GUNPGWI'ER—Per keg. Austin crack shot *4.66; half kegs. *1; quarter keg*. *1 A champion ducking quarter keg*. *2 38. ftuponr and Haxard smokeless, half keg* *1135: quarter kegs, **.75; 1-pound, canisters. ll®. !*• ® P* r cent.; Trote dorf smokeless powder. 1-pound can*. *1; 10-pound can*. 30c pound. Frails and Xnis. APPLES—Northern variety, *3®ftl.B6 ORANGES—rFIs • I* floft* . PRUNES— 40s to 86s. V*, Me to (6> lift:; 60s to TOh. 7c; 76s lo *6c. *4c; 80s lo 16s. c; 90 to I®-. 54*. BANANAS—*I 251,75 tainch loEMGNS—Mvrkd steady, at *2.50 CGCOANUTS—*4® per 1® PE YNUTft-Ample stock fair dmand; market firm fury hand-picked Virginia, per pound. 44c; hand-picked Y’lrgtnts. *k trs* 4c. N C *e*d peanut*. 4c. yruTS-Alm ind*. Tarragona, 17c. Ivl-ag, 16c- walnuts French, lie: Naples. l4c; pecans 13c; Braatls. l*c; ffiberts. Uc; >#- sorted nut*. 86-pound and 36-pound boxes. !34c. ■aeon. Mam* and lard. BACON—Market firm: D. B. C. It #td*o. TViei D. 8 Be lie*. M* - <E*#(#rn>. accord ing lo aveioge stae; D. B. bellies. Ic (tVesrerni smoked C. R side#, 8%0. HAMS-Mugar cured. 1140134 c. LARI- Pure. In Uar< *#. 64c; tn pounds tins and 90-pound tuba, 94.-. compound. In ttarces, (%c; 80-pound tin.’, •nd 39-pounds tub*, ffifle. Miami.l.4 u:m s. FISH— Mackerel, half-barrels. No 1, *B. No. 3. *7, No. 3. 16 73; klta. No 1. •1-36; No 2, It 10; No 1, (5c <’o.lnsh. t lund bricks, (c, 2-i.oimd bricks. 54* Smoked herring, per box. ITftlHc Dutch herring. In kegs. *1.16,• new mullets, hall barrels. 82 76. MY’RUP—Market quiet; Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 28ft20c, selling at J.'oV sunn* house at 10ft 15- HONEY—Fair demand; strained. In bar rels, 56ftCV gallon. High wines basis. II *7 04164* FREIGHT*. COTTON—Savannah to Boston. per cwf., 25c; to New Y'ork. per cwt.. 3<*e; to Philadelphia, per bale, *l. Baltimore. |l FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen. 46c; Liv erpool. 418 . Hamburg. 48.-; Genoa, 80c, Barcelona. 58c; klancheafer. (6c; livvre' 44.-; Antwerp. 40c; Rcval. S6c. Rotterdam' 46c; Trieste, Me. INDIIIECT-Llverimol. 35ft <•; Ham burg 4Uc: Gothenburg. s*c. LI MBEK By Kill—Freights steady; to Baltimore and eastward. *1 ® to *5 75 ier M . in. listing Portland Lt 'M HER -Ry Hiram—Savannah to Baltimore. 13 to p. R R or B and O. docks. *5 66; to Philadelphia. 14 2-2 o per < wt. (4 pounds to fool); to New York. 98 50 per M. *7,25 to dock, lightered to Boston, |( 60 NAVAL STORES-The market la firm; imdium also vessels. Rosin--Cork, for or i ' Jer *. ** *d per iNirrel of 310 pounds, and 5 per cent primage Spirit* 4s 9d per 40 1 flkllong gross, and 5 per cent, primage. Large vessels, rosin, 3s; splrMs. 4s M Husm. 11c per 1® isiunds on rosin; 214 c on spirit*. Savanrmh to Boston, and 940 on rosin amt 19c on spirits to New York. GRAIN. PROVISIONS ETC. New York. Dey. 17-Flour again beg leclrd. bur manifested r#her more slea.l Incsa to-day with leas pressure to sell. Rye flour steady. Fair to good, |2 80ft3 06; choice lo fancy. *3 loftl.ll. Buckwheat flo Ur quiet; buckwhrot nom inal. <rti3e 0.1.f New York. Corn meal steady. Rye quiet. • Barley steady; making dull. Wheal—spot firm; No. 3 red. 78c; options during the llrst half of ih* session wer# weakened by heavy world's shipment*, local unloading alv| easier tables. Hubs*, quently, however, export lewiness ami an unexpected decrease In th* visible supply invited covering which |ei to • partial recovery, cloia-d (Irma 4c net advance, January eloped. 71‘*r; March. 79% . Uxy, 79c; Itacemlier, 774 c. Corn—ftpot steady, No. J. 454 c: optlmia opened easy with wheat, but quickly ral lied on the old complaint of poor con dition of corn in the Worn, together with fair clearances and a visible supply de crease; closed strong and 4u4c nta high er; January closed 44c. May 424 c. Decem ber 46%c. ools—Hpot dull; No. I, 274 c; options stendy, but n.-glcct*d by tho trade. Beef quiet. Cut meats quiet. easy; Wee tern steamed, *7 46; re fined quiet, continent, *7 . Mouth Amer uxn, Is .25; compound, 6%ft(c. J’ork steady. Butter unsettled and week, creamery. 17JJ5c; factory, U’kftHc; stole dairy, 23c. Cheese strong, fancy large fall made B4ftil4r, fancy small fall made. ll%ft 12c. Bggr easy; state and Pennsylvania. 23 f)39c; Western regular packing at mark. 23626. Potatoes quiet; Jersey’s, tl 60ft 1.274; New York. 81.26*f 1.(34. Long Island, (1 56 111 75 Tallow steady. Petroleum dull. Rosin steady; strained common to good. *1 70ft 175, 'Dirpentlne quiet Rl<* firm. Molasses firm. Cabbage quiet Huger, raw steady: fall refining. 129-Uc; centrifugal, la-test. 4 13-Rv; molaeses sugar, 121-33 c; refined quiet Coffee— Bpot Rio marks* barely ateady; No. 7 Invoice, 7c; mild quiet, Contova, *4 ftlSLc. Futures opened steady with prices t points lower to 6 paints higher, whits gen erally ateady, ruled quiet much of tbe semion with Uttie variations, deniimeni wa* bearish on big crop estimates, targe linesman receipts, poor spoi demand nnd dearth of Investment orders. Bull* were conservative owing to near holidays end extensive decline already established. The clone wa* steady al net un hanged prices to 5 points lower Total sale* 28.1W0 bags. Including December 5 (6c; January, £ 45c; February, 5 78c. March, 5.86 c. LOTTON BIF.D OIL. New York. Dec. 17 —Cotton seed oil wes weak early In th* day. clMlng a shad* steadier, with of 8® barrels. March prime summer yellow gt 6*40; prim# crude barrels. 374*; Prim* summer yellow. 80c; off summer yellow. 164 c); prime white, 34® 15c; prime winter yellow. 2*4ft37c. prim* meal. *25.®. CM If’AUG MARKET*. Chicago. Dec 17 —Corn again took prec edence on th* Hoard of Trad* io-d*y. Anxious abort* forced the price of Decem ber up to 29% c In their effort- to cover, and It closed at 194*. an advanc* of 3%e. May also advanced’4*. Whea; weakened bv Its own governing Inftoentes. was steadied by corn and closed unchanged Oat* cloned a shade higher, and provis ions closed unchanged lo 10c tower. Th# leading future# ranged a* follows; Op-ning Highest. Lowest, dialog- Wheat No 8- Dec 9% K *704 % 76 ft 764 Plant System of Railways. Trains operated by kith meridian tlmb ■ Due hour slower than city UiM. In effect Dec, 9. tk. All trains. —— Lv. Havannah. Dally. Ar Buvanaaft. Between .1 25 am ........itavanraii |l2 10 saw Waycrosw j 1 ff. am 8 10 an. Jacbsoctvtlta...... |l. am 414 I®* and Florida .......|U 4 pin 6 W pm point • j 7 no pin Between 1 ® am: Havannan I 2 56 am * l*am| Charleston ; 7 h* am and Eat | 453 pm • ' Itiur-w k. Between. J®*"' Brunswick * IC< an) 9 05pm|„ Jesup 8 35 pm i Bavanoah >il ~,,, 715 am I 8 35 pm Connection* at fort Tampa with rentes eular and Occidental ateamera leaving foe Key West end Havana Mondays, T’lUrs dalys and Katurdav*. Hftrt p. m * 'all *t Ti- ket Offices for further Infor nation. J. 11. FOLHFMUB. T. P. A WARD CLARK. City Ticket Agent. Dc (into Hotel. ' |’hone 71 R. Vf WRKNN. Passenger lYafflo Man ager. Savannah. Ga. m GARCIA Bchertule Effectlva Kept. 16. 198*. Tram* arrive at and depart from Central Station, West Broad, foot of Liberty afreet, kith Meridian Time—On# hour slower than city time. leave ~ Ariiro • Savannah: Savannah; Augusta, Muon _ Atlanta.| •1 4'.1tl . 'ovlngtuti. MUIc-igcvlUe:** OOpm *(VI all Iniermedlata polnisj lAuguataT Macon ," A Haul a. | JAthens. Montgomery, Ce-j •9 OOptn lutiihu Birmingham, An-N tan ierlciis. Eutuula and Troy.| |8 00pm. Dover Accommodation ir 43am |2 Wipmi Guyton Dinner Train. ;H ®pm •Dally |Except Monday. BETWEEN HAVANNAH AND TYBEB. 7Slh Meridian or Havannah city time. LEAVE HAVANNAH. Monday only (.36 a m Dally except Monday 9:30 a m Dally 2:® p. m. LEAVE fI'YBBE. M..n-lv only 7.15 4 m Dally excep* Monday 10.25 a. nt. Dally l:H p. m. Connection* mod* at terminal points with all train* Northwsei. West and Southwest. Sleeping cars on night (ralna between Havannah and Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor cars on rtsy train* between Ha vannah. Macon and Atlanta. For compleie information, schedules, rates and connection*, apply to W. O BREWER city Ticket and Pas senger Agent. 107 Hull street, or W. R. McINTYRB, Depot Ticket Agent. J. C. HAILE. General Passenger Agent. K. ft HINTON. Traffic Manager THEO. D. KLINE. General Huporlhe jeiideni Havannah, Ga. roptnjp (iMITED Double Daily Serviu The short line to Norfolk. Washington, Baltimore, Üblladalphta, Now York aad Ibe (test. ARIUVAI.'OF TRAINS FROM No. 77 North and Ea5t...... §SO am No. 13 lienroark and Local Hta "u* I* *9 am No. II North ami Kaat 1* M pan No. 44 Jacksonville and Florida... I Hi pm No, Tl Montgomery and West 1 S km No. 74 Helena and loal Point*... I 45 am J*ck*..nvllta and (0 pm DEPARTURE OP TRAIN) roR No. 27 JackaonvlUe and Florida... t am No. II JackaonvlUe and Florida ..12 II pm No. 44 New Yrk and East 1 88 pm No. 24 Denmark and Augusta I 16 pm No. 71 Montgomery and Weal 7 *5 am No. 7:1 Helena and Local HtaMoos. ( 30 pm No M New York and East 11 |9 pm Magnificent Pullman buffet l- --piog car service to Washington. Bdtlmor* Phila delphia and New York; also 10 Juokaan ville and Tampa. Dining ears from Savannah to ilatalat and Richmond 10 New York Buffet parlor cars Savannah to Mont gomery For additional Information apply to Ttchet Office. Bull and Bryan streets. Phone 28 Jan 74 (Wi 7i9i*r7*X4 76 IWMIH May 73%ft73 734073% 724072% 7*4 Corn No 3 Dec 27% 33% 27% 3*4 Jan 35% 36% 35% 3814036% May 35%ft% 36% 35%ft35% fls<4 Gala No 3 Den 314 4 214 214 May 32% 23% 224 04023% Mesa pork per barrel— Jan *1217*4 Ml® 21313% $1315 May 13(74 UlO 12024 1267>S Lard, per 1® pound*— Deo 7® 710 7 767% Jon (85 8(7% *r. *BS May W IWi (90 6® Short ribs per 1® pounds— Jon (224 (20 (3 May (30 (224 *324 Cash quotation* wer* #s follows: Flour dulL No. 3 spring wheat. (54f1D40 No I red. 73ft74r. No. 2 coni. *9c; No. 2 yellow. 160. No. 2 oat*. 224033%*; Not 2 white. 3S%O3Ac: No. 3 white, 21%t%n. No. 2 rye. 48049 c. Good feeding barley. ISOMc; fair tn choice making. 57ft(*c. No. 1 flax seed. Northwestern, 31 *Mt.46 Prim* tim othy seed. i 46114.30. Mess pork, per bar rel. 411 15’xllll 36 Lard, per 1® pounds, r 0507 to. Short riba sides, loose. $1360 450. Dry wlted shoulders, boxed. 3%flj (%>-. Short clear sides, boxed. SH.bOCPi 70 Whisky, basis of high wine*. $1.27. Sugars, rut uwf. 4.23 c. granulated, 570 o; confeo t.oners' ’’A.” 5.55 c; off A. 5.46 c. Clover, contract grade. 110 0001635- Mr. Deal tay#, “Graybvard has wall nigh cured me of rheumatism from which I bar# been a great sufferer tbe last fifteen years.** Mr. Dent's postofflee ta ftt. Blmons Island, Oa. Rev. John Christian of Pierce. Ala., says: “Oraybeard has cured Mrs. John Childraa* of Baldwin oounty of rheuma tism. In February before she began ta take Oraybeard she was given up to die. She 1 now sound and well.’’ Graybear<J I* made only by Reapesa Drug Company- sole owner*, end sold by druggists tor *l.® s bottle. Every family should have a box of Oraybeard PUls and Greybeard Ointment.—aA 9