The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 19, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MAr iLASH APPPOPP M<> < lIM4 *•/ M* * KIU. r. ohm iian iTHft. I.**ff laiaiar* • Ul *to*r !/:*: 1 f ••< **- >• MM>KW) •• *•< !>•'< • WkMl *> HO t a—"* .1 Mil It. Ml W *l** l-rmak' H •!••>• ll* oa* ••4 aIUH 111 >• • •< A •>• !• ;* ■ * a*. -** om*f *a • tarajir..* .* . ■ **# -a.-" . •m 4 v> •aa -iorat *j# tt tt l** -MM v** fo • >.C*4 */. ' sA&arf f-• ki mspnr a Wfck*. •• *.-. -Mir * !-• 4b • I* J> !• !.; I af-V-s * ' U *** ita . - A A* •****’ • f V * • •**!( <■ t ((• •. .. U 4k • * *IJk ML .• •04 4*-t a* t* MM* fa*rl ■ yirvc Mr To Krio4 V •*. W ■■mrtibi.t f o-*4 v; ‘ • dt/ramar. ii# M W* as a., Q —!*•> V n. t*j *4a fcv >M‘ v* ’<• a **-. * -4 'aa * *■■* WkiL* H tarns oJ • 4 Ukar fA# '>• • • *i*i* o- **! • !***• 'na a a* a nfco. it at a* amt t_*s two f sat a |r -.■*.' aw • V alaaaa-i. Tteaft ***aa* aam ■- at tfca Janarwt m*. -fc, i>ii , . Tn *iir * •ML >/ M "• I . *- ** a I ;* yo< IMt aai -fca lr <aa* ifc Snaw v.A* jm va.i /'rrMioa.' Ha. fa* •/•f., a fa*. AM *A (mMw r* ,<**,• .* ***- do M*a "M taut*. ‘ 4 't fatr! *4 '-a* ttHfUttatW *.* av fUu*tt>r *<• tot .• •••■• Marta ■a* in *w. at. wd ■*** MS. tafia If A* a/ an.|* 4 ’* a j.- v*f* |„it|iiai at* *i* 4f*faa’Atl a * ** * M *ti. *ff. Mt • mi Ua iaM •-! uta lt* fVfff *M *; ... * •ff y ****** a M|. 'am •■■At <oaa* <*•' I*o **- M*Wi . Ml •-* •* <' ft ‘-*T. I*M itl >. Mi*f'/ r •<*' *fyl tfar./a S<A **fc if i*a** - W, S! a-aa IS tMMtwi To* maata* O f- ’* * w. a ,aI, iff ff/ •* .* **a it* fal* if laaatMra • f* ••* <4 1M >/* fjwdiar sa/ *, •t: i. .a i* ,i wr • 'la fcff.wi/ and TkartAar* ** •**■ i 1M M. ~t. >* *• * • *• l |ff/)4 *4 -a aa * I **'•• • •.- —tuft ' I" *ff4i/f>< Til- IflM flf!4l**l */fl Ttf.'O VlitMl* f •-, V.v IS • stiff It <•/• lalninir •*•- • .tl-yßi nf IH 4 tyrt-ttss -A '*•..' • fs.f **of . arm f * )* ■ -*i ia .*■ I I'an. It.* If* *4 I. ■ * M law. K llitat I* ljaf f... '4 if** ****** • • •* * |*a>*fT Tt* f**.- flatJi *4 *.*! la*. *.'*. • !i y* ao i*l ■** Tli < 54- *• MU f'f'lf. I6 4. • /if ** Iff in* ff '/iff** ’* 11t*< ft* • Mailt af ** < *r.r t* MMttH *4 <*• IT* I**l*'l • **rai iV-si <4 •fti/r/ta- * (trim tft liar fa. ! If.-*. •►.*■4 *r*r tint/" im:i a ii Sal* j.,'y*rt> Jtiw* HaalS b*ir**r* 1..* * **•'. **'r * f*<rf* *rl*. Ihr Va' -r* • '<*• •*a •< a*ri, Ito '*** lI'IVI' 4 *-4 >* V*,l aao* taallr* * *;-fr 'a' ' **l *-.fa I*o * , ■* l|f >' 4*” Tla i*fW.i*r ar* ..r*4r f '*t 't* t-.r fit.. II a >■• “'''4 Th* MU ** /.•*'* •• r ! Ir n* it** *a* ti. |*a> lOUltt i . •** Jfit' fli/wa* ) Van t-n*. r-.f fc* •"<•”'< ■ t.r l*(fM M <<* > >-'f *• |ifS*l'"l oat tso* Ai ' ’■ '4-1 "** a .|*fotr <•• .*•>'*• •* *•■"* r*t*n*i! • I at, '■ f.r* -* -f.- f' * -<t* t:.**fo at* lot* frr v'f **•- **f l fitt*- J.**i . •!<•** In tk nUM* 1911. %* *% • % l H,rn%* Puilrr OUfteer >•* • ftfrwik* f •* ris If•* • V( rri< 41m1 '> i-*> truto • j H* ■* ** adbaae wit* ***■- | f+r*tt M* M *?♦'* wrv#rmi ?f* a**, tty i* ■-’ i'S*m Job* Wig***, l IMWi 9utoy'i** *M . * Mt* umkirttf i*t +rr**o. a *#/* < t* he<*d Tft* M* * • ' *'<d I ' ***>' •' "** j f le'jda:)* Vi Ik of • **• ’ttf* ordll j •fn.n>i4i mt+t4 t* Mmfj * jri4*J of imfniy*** H * e%n'**l •*>■* *•* I** #v*l t Wh#t4 h* l ••# •• T iMt* 1 ft , y+mu +**l t**<**‘\ *Wy wHknuok Vv <* r *<<** <#m* M l*av** * i Wif# t**ur •m+li *i bAMfe** ft M F i #rr*-il Kh, waa 4#t* rnora oiwRH4Rf il* Gw JfiHKii’t*#** nan*** #yf (>i# A<j#*jMH pk>uituit* It*;-way * th* i Uifi l tour* iwl <o f:ov#f <1 *n *** for inf ring- t of 'Mr*€i T*r f.arir foaa l**M) **!"• in** HayrMi** ■ ****“* (Wlf#, ift<l Jrti l< tl ' gietltton for *udi tuf, if |jr#i Wfitf il tf* eoMft 4if affwfwl imina and rr*nd*d answer ? Th* *'wli (4r tab**# it'* '•♦• <*•l* of • oust ll* V*. •* Ilir )ml( or*s* r |nln<# <•#* to fmm* 01*0* 111* low Mwl th* *• th lb- raw Th, auditor- b**H,K Mill ><* final prtrttd-,1 f ha*’ I* h* *9l rplk*') '* In* fiti*lllt|(* ** ... f„ ! On *•'•'< r*i<n>iln •tl*ri may l man* l* J> In Mew, ,■#'*> Juda*- • *l* , r • PTWlntaA Mi T J b—ir ol in* Herald, r*Mvet In lb* |n vetuul.r* (Mi kriipn y pr> • * iln. Ixoiwtx by II II ••lillm Mini o.rr, agaUisl Jam* •• Unity * <V. drr *•* fn*"f* h.Af< At**** M*> A.ini* l Kell r* '*tv*l telegraphic t tt~ ‘■ ,< 11 * < i9 ■ nii *l*. * h i*l l*r rontb*,. Ml* 'largarrt Uuhldittg Heal. m 111 riiini M*tmi*r i'Minty. Himih fm** ,-na mlf* of ll* WlllUM M IIHI, U |. Hn* *9" m il*ii*iii*i *l ll*v. Th*>, l*!> I*l* I) lb* Him! |*<*!*l* ,1* nf nt I’otnmbla Tl|***l*#**' 'll , aiii) *|*t*r nf H*v f II *lnnl'lln*. I>, l. Ih* anilinr f Tn* V<*in| Mnrwmrr* Aim* *f Urn I*l win ■ kiuliltns. Mbo <t** *l In VlrKlnt,* itnrln* Ih* Civil W*r—ll r>'mln*ni fl#or|l*i*, %% iii-k t \%\\ ®ktm;i. AMrr lint** m *••€•-1 ®tau Mini m ®lm sir mf Ml % l It•- n*. AUiMtlt, (J- l J* ii ftMv Hna t*iAk> rji.iii. *klij-l 11 it> >p*i*rtHV inniDlni uwitia <b Victor! t 9lnfl sto. nMi it of unlverwiy • w>. wnl n #Hr4Wdl 111 kn hMi at Ih* hot**! for two month*, Mit had m*y frU-rula whom l* haul *vld*vt!y tak*t> into hi* iHwinastn r ll* l*’ft y*** ti rtlnv for (infiiFFvllli oKffiifMily. hut w*rtt to Attotit;*. aixl IhT' th* train tor Nhv s'ork At N C., hr? wa* .*rr-Ft*'| hi i of Mi V II liandfr. protrl*tor of h* VUdorhi 74©4*1, h*r**, loit uwltig t *Hn* t<< hnii ii By .no ww turn# ! |4jfH t - mid worn imirt**- >i)a(o)| to N**w York. wfit n* ha* *% t rot her Ilia t • ii|M(k turn t j j -**-• t i|Ult< *n*atlori h>rv ~.q —. ■ -0* r \ Tw I>lHMIh m !!•••. V 4 .4*ith lit . IS l{. (trt Fcrit-it iv* lUvHit 'wti *f All'4iiih t*>-.1 is v Introtlur * and in Hi Hou*- . bill to *iiitMnh a kol fltwra* l.trtM* for 1)i i I I’iiluii ami <Vti raldkra at lluntavtlle, Ala. Constipation It* •il*ob*.hlllmi*tvs. lieartbum. Indt- K ".atiun, anti all liver Ills art, cured by Hood's Piils Bold by all druggist!. 23 reutg. Dad ways U Pills ■*■ ***' * t'.-*~9T * a • i** 1 < fm * j *.* a**~ * * a **• taaflK 9fe**sy .Ul** A UEat t^vt CURE Vf • '' Bj***~#V* * t *4 f *>-• * HRVM#*r. I_*“ r* &+Ator - -*** Lh*- Ak 5 *ii*S Hj# * ♦*#>! / * ,*e j* - j§m ***** rv Mas.*vr *•- •*-- tv-H**. P •*# *414 * tip* t* '<* lx ►# f'Jufei'l* f , sjTT . N * . 4 tj *.%*-.* if KaL*Va7 I DYSPEPSIA, * •** 4* ? *# f**4 *mi*% m v •'■.-* * 1 ; -* ff gif '%• tSf* 2* ./*. *#*•. M Sr- kn *. v? * •r far ’ %f cr..a. r* af fU#WAT A rtj % C3m 4. Jt# Tort l h MHMMUIi A t3k* *•,.*. Oh*m**-4 Of tIMT CklPl' aionrrn* 4*/, ttr i *k! ft>“*r’A '2OJPMX 99 *T * -* ' f,■!?#>* *l> * tjJ# - *?- 'H # .. t , Jk," - ft.,:, . 4Hflu *•* of w* pftatxtm* **/* * mMm* * a> * * - # ' ‘ i-f r•""-*•* , sal 11 i#* f *■'► * *•■**.' BAI -/ >*f ' #*• lif ' .raaf *fS#* /*# **fs Hr *.*##! ** Or. lu-ftiAkir *Vii *s* • f*s*r t.'./t •*, •y t9o%**r *# v> M i(4 * ?#r*i .f ‘•* (.'<*• *4*MI <4 *ti f***l tf* ' ■ Si•* ’t t *•► flra *-|lr'H*/#. !ft rj*/f ft* p i/4 f#H*/ 'Mi'tfior.y *> th* ff*#a*. •*•# w ?j*• *of* .#. f, , # li / •raa b*4 BfJ* * tOrff r*HWlM l tl If* Cn* ,f i* * Aj* *'>*•■* f *fl i fu t ’>■ ’f,t *• H* - *4 r • ah*' |R *S*/ 'Vr.A.l.fe wif a * /tapaf *. • fXm *. ■** at/tAf* ){%{ )•./ |r ; ’ ,; **• <f*jf (w w*rt of ttfry *r#l (fr m(n! W4ha(n* tfl|> *r.*f|y *r>l a kill *** vart; y (rui rifiH ii* i.-fJ TT* at - ■*•# r •*•* ,rr, * if/air INr* a #.♦ {** f)Aon**A ‘f/, wU**s9/tHf of trrrjpnwT. 10*4# Iwmnir r */#l * of '## -#*'!’ 9i4rt*' ’<. Hi* Rtf'VMM V f>f *M# **4 4*pif* #• *# i#/w *>*ir rra.'l* in ttorrow */#l **Vmt+ m vt** */-* t*tt& *W* iMiil i## a# 1/1* r Hk* *f*Ar> Tft (4. Th * of wr r*-orl i##>k I# w* ii*y *a *a rot I# •' * 4<y of t/i* I'fHiifiaV- */i'j fi- *c* to if * tr fimfllM UliKTIM#* irt.UHMI ■ nm i HO. | R. a. M A ,-i . ~J* , r /I Af \/yH * / *jf fly # f'W 4 m r <t>f-nnto it. *. W. H i X*#tifr Ml OMH PMiHIIM IM Ht.HT • f< H M IVtfV 4T I O Ann ial 11* *ll** *f H|*-k t*lf*m Havi* n4%, **a !>• U, 1*44 T> * mritjmi m***if of tha *’ / fcl-oli f of itoka (t-mvany i*j'J m lW a f U>*- of (V* of ti* r.*#n(Mor In ft* diy of **> v/ii ih Oa * VV*4f<*aiJh J n V 1 9/1 mt 1A -k * m f*f lb* b#. of 43/* Of* ;: 1 ■*% Iha'T t. WM'I P*f I #>f 'l O h-f l/o*UM<aMl *a may •'•jOt* trfon ha d*4 u*ff It li MAITIf. lacfeury. fK4 I Al. IVTIt m \U T P '%**' 7C Vi HIMH I#HT 41 - MOM* THo*# o# M'A *\mv *ftf no of 1 until WniiMrt'lay, 2k;i )i, *tant p #;***! #*ot .i(*a #r otiiii Tbuf*- Hcibt, VfiltiK •#! J JAMKR K I* rAHIt. r#ry M f"., C C. H MTI* 1 (y of' ba Offir# Ortfc of Co*# II In- I* !•*>• Th* MitHina tfrtiMf. . . rr> ;iui.lPhf<l for id* Iftfc/rtvoiUOfi of 41 #t •r *i W 11.1.1 A M I*. HAI l*K V. <*l*rk of ('Noeil- KIMKMOItKH An onUnai*- • In pnrmll Ih* firlnit of llr*- cr*<k*r* ali4 nrvworli* Murlnic Ih* f'hrlM m* hnlbtay* a* h*r<-lfi |ko\l*!**l H**ln*li l. H* ll om*lni| | (V th* M ijrm *n.l Al*t*rm*n *.f ih<- i'll)* of ha*nih. In (*oun<;H ***tnhl' l, Thm th* flrl*>* of Hr* l <I.. k. r ~n*l nr. w*nk i* h*r*'by i*-rnj!*.- i**l tn lh< rlty **f Mav.uiii.ih on lA’> ry !r**-i <i*i*t wiulh >i< IJIn-rty *rl (** *|ii •ui Hull lr**t north nf Ih* i irail* *r*<m*ll fiom li. uin Jan I. l*ijh lm*liilv*. *l*l Ih* imlllMlK* h* i< tofi.i' |M <1 mi till* *tih)**'* I* nm*n*l**l i* inHlncly Kxn-|*t a* Inirtn i*rolA**l It rink of 110 work 9 •ml fir*' ra h*f In th*' < tty of Hn\nmih I* fotMitm im*l*r |*rnulil** of ex inline orillnont *. ft*, i Tlial th* llrlnx of ftry. r* her* or nrrwork* In. from or Into Kfit-vth l*ark I* hereby forblil*l*n tm*l*r ih* *ahl penal- Hi ,*5 Tht *ll or 'li*n • ’ mi l IHirtK of in#ln t with thi* ordlniiiv** r* h**M*ly r**prn leV < >r*llfjin * |MMt**-f| |**. 15, IW7. lIONKIRKft An ordinance to permit lon Hr** In the f*rk Kitn*on or |nrl* KroutMl during Ui* *hrUimn* holiday*. H*tHlon I Be It ordained *y the Mayor and Aldermen nf the **|ty o g Hn\ ann.iti In founcll nwemMol, That tin htdMlnu of |yonflr** In Park lC*l*nkif or para te around, from lie 24 to Jan. 1. taUi in clusive. |m hereby alloHetl. 8h 2 Th it all ordinance* and |tarl* of ordlfianrea In ronfllct with thl* ordinance are l reby r*|H*.lxl. Oiltnam*e fa#el Uoc* 15, IW FATAL %A 141-14 14 OS' I*oll 10 414. it Mr Mini llsiml—Mtr4 \\ orl* nf Hr. It. 11. ilnrham. BW44liul#oro, On . lif. 18.-A wrrek wwrrd *it Yiitn* *iiftv f'WK. about on* lull' from thi* niacp, tn (hr log ruktd of tlarbutt A Cos., yn tfrdity. Th#* rnglita* mih! lffak*r juin(M the trac k on (In* tru ll* and fell lim > th rra*k *Vrriil feet briow. 7ii**r * wero libtiut ltht |**r*©n nbanl. Anu'iii iJm-r * .thrr j t rl ul) or f uni y In jitrtal. are. Kngin* rr. lClmore Vab-#, aekkt -4.| arid *tb *1 thia mornliuc In |. h. Durhtitri. |>hyetai> for tha (Minpatty, rr*- riouaty. If i>ot fat *lly burnrd. Dr. J M. Nuim-. mMahrtl under tb# tender, from which hr hud to l t>a otit. two n' grw*. whs* mi** I*, rloindy M When l>r. fhirhim wan pulled from un der the rngfn*. where h* Iw Roaldhur. hr nf one** Imgnvt inmlatrrlnir t© the othri woiifidod. nt which ni v*ion he fulnitd and wan brought to town UiiroMdoOv A-f ihtM wrMthg tba imiiki mi a tooting wry well. THF MOKNI>G NEW>: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER lf. 190a TSf •IRITUC <*tUßla*. Vm t ii*a la txroa# art a%ap •aA a*4v B.M ?*rs-#'Hrv c >0 1-U cf 3*tfr~v *W* D *f- tter (A* •j*..- r#* Joe. >* , to u* iMwrwr of a** * boor f*o4U rfor* ' -<* > to* ti.*a*. vf TroO* taoo oaoatal •OOHaOBTHBI a4wa? t *• fIMNKLMAf 99 9M4 H-jait tor ass ? >** Caaok Not Uko* tH '•** 4fcar , - i i— l — l r sf ti <MhfipM*i laMorara oa.. #* oraPMyrf Ok. . ZT" .;*.**.'^4''^2: m rour* mtt •*<%!•***• R# Hool Off •oil! • r RUaM#at r 4i Of. CoßbubAHil ft , t#*' 1A —T>* atom. 1 c*f ik#t * *o* *-' * ’.4*e*x - ** f“ RiV o*4 I3 *A t* o*i- 34* * "1# * • * *sao "ak- • *•* *#* u 4 o*** *• Jt& C’* / y*sa/a ♦Torn tut (otvH tHo ooRKi orr 7 ML f OLD f*ooN, Tooomo roro a '*; ' .< .*♦. pa; Ir. a S 4811 -v. apr/ f %t. ai/TP 99- ROI Ai. Ml of# MAUL, H *O-4#''.nx. tVroer W# Her* -sf '■•<?' |>roßbo #*—uty or*4 tJk* AfN’rt&A Pcti/tO. Th* #;?* Honor *f ** T#%r—-Now Art* N*or >’*o? -roo ats#4 .*<*o I *r* Auem, TinTrLfma xujjk. If. T**t of Do no * UAKHT A L44f)CA.7, ilowoa-ttoo Too Vanatik Arc i* to, Ho**ft A tettoz tr*4 Ortot Tr - N in ?t*o A^l# 7V of fco*k-f* *-i i'o*laii* ii* >fc> H;l. ' •<£{**#’* T * Qnai D. o * ./* * Nnr S* .t. >1 -• H \ Vn: l J* COHRR fhOWf 34 IRA (K MU; LAUK>.N, T;*t QmrMMU I Klßh irßo *. kthel rrmiKh, Ta* H** m:iih iismtr warrir Tv :xoN. Mik/ HoK StAfM Aol * lJroo-1 N* Mot Of MVrhf IVtarM. THR 0 % % % 4 H % H PMRPtRATOK! M fIOML, Hll.miM, Horn* an 4 14*rr0."3 #tr***a OrmorrJ B Ktrocf Maori Ma***r. #Jr**R r*i Kf fiitL. K*v B P Jf/hfttar A. M (PrlrKrtao), ***•*> of fit 34* tVa 54 . *off A t’kiay Hitiory f *4- rof/fiy md Mr* Arm lopfiifri, John M**.x->-r A B MaP.miiri or>4 Choi lotry. Oi. To apfiom I*2l. irOOli %.o U;w. 2 r/jOk* fDot fra**,*4 furnUor* o* prom a* P ri*r ar*-* at roolmt* oo*T Noiryff r '**) fhot ! la not r.*or ! carry th root lino c*f * jrtair l 4 in tli* city I/AVID CLARK. 141 iafftmao a-root. I* M—l rruik* mat pm > A'l niA|tr/ aoit of aon n* Ron or hair riHK WMHhh, Wo or* ho##!-/or!* ra f*' Fir* Work!. 9”ui. Ofwxtmorrt • i kirvl*' I*l* * vour orrlara wlih uo More h* ru*i IIAKX/Ki:.A MAKRifALL, I'honro Kf: THIS OLD KLIal mu:. G*m* of . k it*\9 9 any tun* <bf tin r 'Jib of for/;* 1 fk*f pi( up by mjadf. V*f* vftiM fr**h m 4 fin* Iroaa 575 M H OARDNEK MLI.HHKI ff ff %9*K. I-ibariy arid XVhltakar Ti* faihKinaW* raf* of Aavaimai Wiihin Mock of tbf !>* Solo Kv*ry ,lilb( in aa**on r*l ffaat Franh oy*- iarß Privai* piril*a-dinii*o PlkOCkO M m ux PAPKfIi, r%r*it imniKO. W* arry • - A/irriant of li**t §tfi*s (jKifPiw ard *i/jpKy only i#i gyp our good** ml gai tur ba fora <#**• your mirk. Our |/r-liio wry lowaut rfAYANNAII iIUILDINO rPPi*T CO.. C'9rnr Drayton and Cofigriwa. PhotM- $1 FCMt * lI.K. (tnm Ih-lnrh Shot Gun F**e 22 feet l*n*r. on- llfil o'lHtln* Htmi. Nlji ger. k tmi !6-in< h only u*nl *bon thirlv d <*>*. on* Picket M hine Dd on* Neary Guide. Iso . lot. of Circu lar Haw- from !•> to •* Inch* * diameter, from the tm.l <> II I* Srrvirl A in> in KiiuiMtt‘l county The iltovr for ml* h> VAI-B KOVAL 31FT) <X>.. Muvairiiah. Cos. *x t I in, HKmfmiT imi oy*t:ii hoi n: 42 Hull fluent. Blue Point*. ladle Na Citnui. rcHtred I by every etearner. S *live Oyaters in m. 4 *4 > lea, Chop* and r-uk* irtd fotne !o •rsMki BvrrylliliiK the bent. Just received, freeh lot live lohater*. M P. Altit A MS Prop, P. 8. — Hot lun< h from 11 to 1 every day PHOPKIITV ouaciii. If you went your j.lurnUng work done rpiioiiabl* and tip-to-date, rail on the former |4umblng inspector. POUfIItOVK, 123 Pray ton at reel* In rear Lutheran Church PHKAt MIITIOY* Peerriptlona Ailed any lime of day or r.ahi. Tht only pharmacy In Mouth Savannah PAItK AVK I’ll AI tM A(’Y. J L lit .man. Prop . Cor. Park Avr. and Barnard Phone 1143. \M THICK*. Maine npruce |dn<* for X trait* trees, Any nlae am) ail rhapv*. HOUT IUCMLKR, Phot>e 113. Praytor and Liberty THIS MA IMAt i: , 4 where you ran act mMiroik tiy the dosen or more la at my stall* In the City Mark* el. You ran l*o get vrnlaon, aPd duck*, •imtil and dove-* In tilt) quanta Prime lleef. Mutton and Veai, Mattfhlea* t'grtiel Uref. Ilamn Mattaage, Tripe Brain*. Cel ery. and Poultry. noth Phones JS7. JOHN PUNK. UO>US KIKCTIVD. By tha American Bonding end TruM Company of Bhftl—M We aie author lif to execute loyally (Immediately upnti application), all bond* In Judicial pr.>- ceedlltg* In either the atrft* or Halted States Court*, and of administrators and guardian* PF.Amvo A lin-U Agent*. Telephone 324. Provident Building, i A TEXAS WONDER. Harr*, ktm Of* is.. —dlf * HI • Of w- WC7 MMT MJ l ..•1' kff tr*- ua> r!Li9* tprmt... ivn 4 .*< lu. ui.m •--* *sJ J* • t wr. ja •. -*t* * '-■- u. Ina 4—. umt * a* *, -. > l? , .I.* -* = ■*" u. ;*- -'-14 '* *~* w ara? D aa. **er-l> * l ** kx:. ai„ aMK'k, !•*• —>* • far, mi an uc > ■*- .x*4 a Ha... a.4, naaalkflUrar F O • lu ?w •*** K i 17 , . 1 i , ***s Ca a* n.a.f, .j, ■*a nu liataar. Ala. Jwi *- ’-O £". E W. Ha£. Ite 1M U. Us? Tf tit# hook orQIMNI ytr- * j tJUM W 00.7*a MAJ-Tf Orcor Tnm&**r7 *** “ wr * poor* **# rooomkMOl I? to •? o# Pm r a#.* May k.fkra-y t*'oa.>* -* “o-x..* tM MM MR*#* *< or Of NC*4L T<r *•* un;. J. R TOCMO. 9TUI %L V9Tf<m a Lumfr* Ri RrmiAcr. rot % MoLiuii eirr, Aj# t Xr<4 '• X ttf iM*i <Ja4 Efifa*a Ml go*a nm a.* t * • x>*l F>3 E# t* •* I M Aim on oaa Kr **! ■** A .HJAar-ÜBB By* ,t - ■ -** t%* AV5r/ prVti m“9‘*%9 tb* tiff boot kHMMRi w*4* TN* pi’* 7 oofy.. rtert ro fjsna <eoA :-*or '.Roir *># **acs4c*i iti ulsxm* to *7l* onf'iin ov yoor Fpoo of CRort#. DM * MHU Ml A *#>V 4? 801 l Mroti. VHB;i a RfOT# M 4% MIMA T. Ttla ea rtn'M f >4rooo c!4 muad il f r 4 wi7r u pof*.n diraci ff' Ba diatillff'y by u T.Hta Orarr Scotch Wr.!*fcy 1 / .*'*o4**4 to ko W.V4 or*co 1 0r.4 l ort#iyrx4 to u frocn OUr fo* or*Kir 4, o/1 I* tfi hc4 la N tTfsnod Bumr Cusum Houa* ;b fffeko etty Tr.kff fro r. 4 *44 Offer Sotteß Whldj lx os*:low ond m; 4to o 4*rt** or>4 I* *fi to the poUte oa re** camll p*o!bly ariaa. ard there if o nu!',fi obout !• Lot ia MPKUiir p./*a r.g. We art jrto4 to lot *he pabUc pur* rh** oe email TJOfß’.lty o they wleh. ever, of* bot'le. for the P*>m of ißtrrdortrr he heet brood of ftcotca ehiiky extant LIPPMAJt BROS. Wholesale Dnifftfte, L ppmi. i Bicr.lL Ho * Af*h'# for tho Oroer Dtu* lerteo, Oa*f*/w Scotlatad. uH Dib la, !r*Ub4. for tbe.r 4 <rcb an! Irfah Uni*k.M # The ft iwaoee Spring- C3o. • Autue* Kla.* UcMf**l eer* p4* u-*d to -ay that i edt* m<i it l*oeflted hy a thre- eo at your springe. When ! w*-m to your rprtfiga I was tearly run *kmi. with k'm ral d*blhi> end was # iff^r*.rig aim rr, > k:in-y* 1 mu- r> IrrsprovM lr* ►eth re*pe**. end alth*A>tgh I have now been away from ih* springe two m<mtts. I still f*'i me tetafldal *ffe*ta of ttm visit I j.e.*l that If I could have retnaired with you for .t reupl# of month* I would have fully rnticnel my former Ywii* r-apl .i LAT RA T. IZLAH. PU. kville. H C. All you ran drink for 5 at Livingston s 1.5 I.SIGHT is PHIt IXKtfC. Tne MASONIC' TW34PLL PHARMACY os hii uft;< il dej*irm**nt to th^lr v:aWlhment ami are now prepare,) to correct errors In refraction In all He dlf ftreat forms by the latest method* known to science. An xprt graduate op’Plan Is always In attendance. H$ • lac ** ’ and Kyegk e iei made to or der. Prices rcaaorialklo and satisfaction aua rantes-d- Kye? tested fr*e of * Itarge. KMt.Mr* |*HftNiU'Y t frpen at Night. Perfum*’ Atomiser- 2.V to fc Seal. Morocco and Fancy laewther I*o k e! books I2T* to 35.(10 s|ers< hauvn Pl|e* |4 to 91a ifalr Hru-hfs Mb to 95 Tooth Itrushe* <guaranle-d> 35c Hager* A ClallePs, Palmer's, Pinaud'f*. Coudrgy's. Colgate'# Toilet Waters. Hoarw. p.iwder?- miml Perfume* at prl e# that will pienre. KNIGHTS PHARMACY. Both Telephone*. 539. Georgia Phone No U* Hell Phone No. 348 \\. f . KHIPf A 10. INHI RANCH AND RLAL K.*TATE AG 1C NTS. Real Estats bought and sold on commis sion*. and Renta collected. Representing Travelers Insuranea (Jm|any Life, Ac cident mm! Ha bilily Deparim* nta. New York Undarwnters Firs inaurance Company. ilreenwich Fire Imuraitcs Company. The C*ty Trust, Hale Deposit and tfcircty Company. Issuing Bond* of Hurety .* rontradors. administrator* guardians, etc. IMPORTER -11 Pit It IL*. Old I'jmld Oloroso, Hpaln. Burgun dies. Port, Old Tawney, Old Tar.igon 1 Oid Tom Gin. OH Midlsnd Gin French Cognac, Vintage 18&5. lUilm Wine, Clar e<*. quarta and pint*. Ail Imtiortctl. l\ urraiiurrer H*f Bracti fleer on dr.iugat and hotihr. GbXHtGF BECKMANN. Plum- 710 112-114 Whitaker St. I ''t The lurgeat grower of Cut Flow er*. ,tu I My Flow era 4re the Flu ent Grown. Htrong talk. bM th* proof la etny-wmi me your onter join bObK. tJrower of Fine Cut Flower*. tSLKCTIO* Of'* lITI I'ltlM'KH. CMy of Savannah, Office of Clerk of Cnunc 4 !. Dei . U tftW. Vniler and by virtue of a reaolutlon adopted at a meeting of Connell held on the cvenlna of Dec 1!. I*oo. an election for the office of city printer for the year |M>l, will lake place at the next regular meetlnc of Council. Dee. 26, li. at * p. n. main for mmc raiMl lie h in>lr<l In thi ol!! -c on or before Dec. X I*'. 12 m The city rcnerwa the rlahl to reject any or aU WU. WIDLJAM P. MAII.BT, Ultlll Of CoUlx.ii. Humboldt Cigars In Holiday Boxes of 25, Suitable as Gifts and Convenient for Travel. LEE ROY MYERS Ac CO., Savannah, Ga. SOUVENIR WEEK. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY 'II Congress Street, West, PHONE 383 mm—mmmmmmmmmm ■ ■■! * 111 111 ... THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. :-: TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Foil Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon,s3.oo. JFnil line of Duff-Gordor. Sherrv and Caret Wines. BELSINGER &C 0„ 4 3 WH^ er st - nt snfiH %OTf< B. EffIDSH rxaminatton ©f on- *to:k of prw ioos Iff ones. These bavr beta select*-l wi*h great care, us ked by b*ng ei perlewce. and offer Indu* emer.i- to buyers not r obe four*l Watcbe*. Briber, Hteeve i..r.k Heart Plr.a In great variety. Gift# for men and Artui Me •aiidie n eaquUite design. , THEUS RROS, ■nCIA) xoTirfJi. PK 1 11- MTII K. CUy ot Havan ah, OtI) Clerk ot <" un i Dk. 15, !•. Th fWl*wlng r.port o-totke— *> * m- Ingot OHMMB bekl l>** !- D" h.r.- witlt pobii.ned tor the Information ot the p*jt>H< The CaaimJm on Street, .i.d l-ne., to Khleh . r-frre*l the petition, the Vernor. tthell Road ivmiwny an*) of the Sauannan jim) lal* ot Hope lull.jy, ..kina for .treat railway franchtee* te tn report that they have net*. 1 the following .treat, .. heir,* avVitaol. for .tree) railway purpoMta. Prlc<- to B; Thoma. to Pl.nt, to ll.bersham to 15,- tllt avenue, to Bu to Twelfth, to tl"'l * ornery to ft. Julian to llurnard arvl flay, that tb* ,ane h*e publl.he.l for the Information ot the poblle. arvl we f-r hr re*roroen<) that they be given a haarlo* In acrordwnce with the provl.toi • of th* .bova report. noU*. I* hereby given that on FVWiay afternuon, the Slet lost., at ♦ o’ lo k. there will be a ,pe* lal me-t n* of Council held at which tiro* all pwrtlJ, .flw ted or at In ereat are Invited to he preOrnt for a full and free dUcu.xion of the matter at Iwue WILLIAM P. HAILEY. Clerk of Council. i Mtu. t ill Pl* I-t line of Box Paper. Perfumery, Pocket book*. Lap Tabim. Sclaaor, an.l Bcl aori Bet,. M.nlcure Set,. Ladles' and Gents' Dressing Cwee* ever shown In this cHy. riease call early and leave your or der, for HUYLBR'B CANDIES. In baskets, boxes and packages. SOLOMONS COMPANY. 111. vile OP tin'll . HOILLS ''l* HOMPITALS lias I* ever occurred lo you that newrly one-hall your life I* Client Inbed? The rrmltreas is the mo,t abu*-d article ot furniture, and mould be well made ai-1 of good, 'dean miterlal; S should be pick ed on*) cleansed at least once each three v*wrs We make new ones to order, and have Improved machinery to clean,* sod p, k <>l*l one,. Our mechanlcwl work, tin of tlcklnc, and matertal for fHlkt*. first claw Medicated Steam Renovation of Feathers. Hair e(c. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND REN I VATIN'S CO.. Bell Phone 11X. Ml Drayton. LASU TITLE- Abstra* is ot the vocorded land tltlas of Savannah and Cnathatn county tiotn the •eelement of Georgia to date. Money loaned at low Interest on city real estate. PUCKETT A BECKETT. SPECIAL 'UlllH W* are now giving special attention to house palming. kalMimtnlng and paper hanging, etc. With a corps of only itrwt eia workmen and a competent super- Intednent wc *wn *i> your work prompily and ,atl*f**Xorlly. Get our estimate on anythin* tn houss decorating itn* and save money. ANDREW HANLEY CO.— T lit) HAI 111 CLEAN C ARPETS. “ The only way to gel your carpels prop erly taken up. danned and taken care of f..r the aummi r, i. to turn the job over to th. Di.trlcl Mr.senaer and Delivery Cos. telephone Z. or call at S2 Montgomery street, and they will make you an estl mata on th# coot of th. work. Prices rrnaonable They also pack, move and •tore furniture and pianos C H WPItLOCK. Bunt and Mgr. HOUCK tflty of Savannah. Otßce Fire Department, Savannah. G. . Dec. 10, 1900. Sealed bids will be received at the offic* of th* underelgned until Friday. D*. “t, for fumlrhlng material and laying cement floor In nw engine house corner Tdlny elghlh and Hurnnrd streets. Plans n*t rpe* iiV'atlons on exhlblilon at the offi< e of the Ur* deinrtmenl. The Commute* oi Fire reserve* the right lo reject any and sll bld. JOHN E MAORI RE I - Superintendent. RISISCP SOTirE*. WINES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. A, e .I*l of prime ok! mo k to select from. A few ep*.-ladle* are: SHERRIES. SPECIAL TABLE bode ) - AMOROSO bottle ’i •l-Cip. -r ' - M ANZAXILLA, bot ie i >, OWENS SPECIAL, taWtle **n PORTS. FINE OLD TAWNEY botxt* t 15 LONDON DOCK uottle 1 DUKE. bot!> . i.v, A,k about Cordtaia a ,and L'i n Bpe.S.i attention to •-ipm,r,:. No *xtr* charge lIS. tin EL Broughton and Whitaker. GENUINE • OLD CROW 4— AND— HUNTER WHISKEY. HENRY SOLOMON & SON BOLE AGENTS. FRANKLIN, THE NEW CIGAR. ON SALK EVERYWHERE. BEST OF ALL. OfMt O op|MMft* Ih D* B*>lo, Bull Street. T*lc|rwne 700. Read This, Me.ara. gloat Urn*. Cos., Savannah, fie. Gentlemen—l hnve been a great • ntterer from Indlgr.itnn and anger n great deal. Heard of ys.r Vege table Hitter* through a traveling an Iranian in Rnllliuore. I prnenrrd a bottle and god II given me great r *Brf. I eerialaly rrYommrnd It to any one angering from Indlgr.tloa. Yoara reaped fully, AHA*. A. I RANDALL, Aanopolla, tld. GREENE & CO. I Whitaker. New- Jap-iMoa plfturos. Now Moulding. New Got*to. Polite attenikm to your wants. Call oaui am us. THE CHATHAM BANK. AAVAXNaH UK>K'U> A. ■ ■ -A. A h-if j,, C- 8 EUit Vjc* ~ 7XO R DSLUvX .* ~.+r barrox cum am- . . Mi-tu CA* *. Oi&U : t,4_ , m *rmi *£A • .•x-w’Mi u, ‘ tIOML Ut*n, knn .x :,XhJ 10 cor-*. w .* ewafe*. • our . .. tor "-<Ac-rr iflONir* [ONMBfK r**jr t*T* AND Ui rORUO.N A— HaN'JE X R!Tc> UETTER* cnriMT a NT' wb bank m ■ ' •misZHS CATABUI IX AU. Bib- OF ESROPE taIMM! 'MIUW*A4 "3,".. - w pa.f ia tic AVINOS OCfARrsZK* R # **y fr’pmll Box*. ,’C V, „ , f*!t The Citizens Bank or VAA ANN ,H CAPITAL 2500000. Tr...c. • <• acral fc**,., Bmibpm. •allaUa Amaxta ,i U4,„, u Nrrrhaau. Beak. aa4 ether railaac. CallacCAaa. kaMM artth m,,, •••■> aJ C A .pair b latrrrat. r.a,.„4 r4 ,aar,r|. allcw.4 aa <raalta la „, bartaa. I)f,a r 1 a, * t. bafetr lUpilll Baxca a. 4 Vaalf*. BH IXTLKT 4 Drill ARK 8rr.14.. MILL# B. LAXE. tier PrestdraL OCOBCC C. F REE MAR. ( a.blrr. OOBPO# L. UROOVER, | M , Ca.h,., SOUTHERN Bli wl UM OU.c ot CwpAted M Sjsp.ut ,i.d aodA.Mlcd proo 4,. . Di-J-Odi.-oR* OF THJb STATt ",* GEORGIA f'-prror ,artl!!! for :ra--a<-::r.f * Gcacr.i Bafi./nc Be* : > CoUacUoaa aa* ae all Bogota a r,ifci 641. x, r. 4 ban. ■ Acccucl. of B.nic. Bar.X.r.' and otsui mlauahl laf. Devote:, for rccL of Bavtr.r*. Intcrcxi pa.'at * quartcri*. £.U S tr'Ar.g fci Acnft on Doclor il and JOHN FLAXXERT Prcallrr.t HORACE a. ' Rase. Vmc ,'r.aiJ.r' JAMES St'LL:VAN Caahlcr DIRE-TOP.B JNO FT.ANNERT Tf W OOROON E A TVETT. - W GORIN'N Jr. H A CRANE JOHN M EGAN I EE MTERS JOSEPH H P PM ART CHAR!.BA ET.L' EPWARO KET.T.T JOHN J KIRPT THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, ga. Capita! Undivided prottia A. O, Thla bank otT.r. .t, Mrvlc** to enrp-ra tlona imr. nan. and Indlviiuala. Hp authority to aot as Miacotjr. ad rolnlctrator yuardian. etc. laaaaa draft, on the principal citlta in Gr*at Britain and Ireland and oc h* Continent. Ictereat paid or rompourvlc.l q ar .r y or. In the Savings Departm-n Sa'ety hoxe* for rcr.l. HENRT BLT'N Proklmt. GET W TTEr>EMAN Vice Prc-Erat JOHN M HOGAN. Caahler. WALTER F HOGAN Aaa'l C*h or. ini Boil I In® 9 < APITAL, *350,000 Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and Individual* sol,cited. Bavtrgs Deportment, interest paid quar terly. gaiety Boses and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections male on all points at r**- tonabls ra'e*. Draft* told on all th*.chief citla* of th* world. ~ Correspondence Invited. JuBLPH D. WKKD. I resident JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vic* President XV F McCACLET. Cashier No. :*. Chartered IMI -THE HM Mill Ell OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. L*o*.vw n rtPLCS UNITED STATEB DEPOSITORY. J. A. G CARSON FTastdi nt RF.IRNE GORDON. Vic# President. W M DAVANT. Cashier. Ac,-mints of banks and banker* tner ehante and rorporatlona received upon the most favnrab'e term# consistent with safe and conservative hanking. THE GEORGIA STATE BIILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK STREET. WEST “ PER CENT, per annum allowed on 0 depo-lts, withdrawattle on demawl Interest credited quarterly. 6 I't.U LK.N l'. per auiiutn allow, 1 on deposlta of even hundreds, withdraw able at annual period,. GEO W TIEDKMAN, President. B H. LEVY. Vic* President. E W. BELL Secretary. C. a. ANDERSON. JR . Treasurer To Kewsoopef Witri. For sale, a Forsalth New,piper Folder: will fold sheet 27*43 It I* tn g.wfcl order price 2100. It co*t originally li.W# * ,JI we hav* no use for It and want th# room It occupies. It wrlil be an Invaluable adjunct to B 7 newepapor office. * Addroaa MORNING NEWS, The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERI and work, order your llthogr-iphfd a* l * printed <tationry and Monk book* l J<m Morning New*, Savannah, Go*