The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 19, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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soups 1 HD can bn mailt from ordinary "atock" by tho addition of a little A** L LIEBIG 1 COMPAKir S EXTRACT of Beef^g TO BE AN IRISH COMPANY. I %f)|.ltvrOUl> THAT AKU 4>RI. %\|. / ino> wii.i nu maim: ii*. NcinliiMl inn ( iiNlMttlrp of lln of. Ilr<*r lln Drrltlril I |on l.rnllc. in mi for Ihf l •i* t m !**•% of !• l*ro aim'lhr OrHnnitMlion—\oi in l.ll crl> o Mi'Ulion III* \it nt* Hr fort* (lit* Mrcllnift <*f Ho* Of|l*t*rtt of flit* I Irat llallnlftin lo lit* ll*-ll \r%l I ruin > \ itf lll—Drtatla of In n M a it I rum I 'it •It **f flit* ••‘Hr I oni|mitir tin% lit* Mailr lo I tirnt Nucleus t| lilt* \t* < OOMOIIIItI. A mrftlßK of llr rununtti***- of tin f tif tht* I’lrst Hattalioi. of th*- I**l-i unity appointed to conaldar avalabb* t mU*r for th* poaittofif* ot com ml.*** Unit l in it> of tl* |>ro|Kwif*tl new mllbury rotn i inv whip bvkl >ctt*rtly afi*-rn<N*t> ,u the , Hire of ilit* chairman. Col. T. H Wylly, .i BfhMrt fol. Wylly. tno* < ;• i. ruinm Her an* t’npt I'. F. tilro * n of i • iruh J.i r OrmiP. ('aii .1 T W • i tlio H.oannali Outfits*, 4%*|? *'. II Kiiofimnn of the* Gorman Volume*!**. i* .| i -ij.l. G A. (ionlot. of the Oiflrthorpr ...ght Infantry. vll the offlew* of the commit!*.• wre ■ ion*l to iwycrccy as to wiiom they ha t 7idd i . *' * y of th# *>ni*ny. lan It was* freely ii i-i n had In- ii re t' hrd A *-<>mmit wap appointed to wait upon th gen man prUt uJ (or the p -IGon to a‘•rer un whether he would •• r|.: reixxtti-* iik to tht* i'otnm!U In time f* r It to i rt o the i>u. taltOVt olfli *r- t ;i m* *t ii at that In to tie held on Friday night at • l<a;nirntHl Armor> ii * understood that an flfort will Ik ii .tde to make the now oomi*ny -urh • a a the Irieh J.hjk* Or-* i’*, romp * • l prinnpitliy of Irishmen or thon** of It.sth extraction It Ip not propoe*-! to Far others than lrih, but. In the opinion < the majority of the offleert of the l*at iiilloti. the large Irish element in the city • *f|i*n* n lield for the effortp of recruiting < til. era tn>l non-commlMplonv*l officer* i . would i**- most likely produce* sat - i fa* tory result*. Hut one Irish company cx at* in Savan nah at pnnf*nt, anti ther* ar* *o many irishmen or men of Irish descent her** t! t It l# regards 1 is the b****t plan to try to roim* the new compmy among •. rn. officer* dt* l ire that the many mll i* i!> command** already exisilng In St \ •non.h have about exhausted available inai* rl! nrtn-i.u others titan !r’*h young men, agreeing that there ir*- o g*-.* many of Ih*- latter who could I*, ro-ollly induced to Join an Irish company. The In*h .Inipcr Gre* ns h ive altvay* ben em inently auerearful, and It la believed that tht* -jnrpeajv gut to lb* nar oiuii charm ter of the cdHijdiay. coulrl b* -hand by t ( .h*r command formed up m pract cal* Iv the same principles. Col Wylly a plan b b b • t to detail members of th* <• -mpant *-. already In * x i**tev*e and forming the Find Ba* tailor t he the nucleu* of tin* new anmand. Men ao d* tailed would be given th* St r g.-antclep anl corpc-ralahf’w In the com pany their rank being deiM**#b*nt tijioti t e numtxf of enlistment* th y might c -• nr** within n given time Th • commlp elnned officerr. too. It . ur b r**n I, nn t.* le* choaer. from among th officer* ut and men of h Find H itt.ilioi \ hast I:.*cr h**l iu conn** tkn with h - pi a it, it waa followed b\ t’ie .-orp of the Savannah Volunteer Guard* in tht* organisation of itp fourth company. <* m lnny l. and operated very The ' urn l nit ' , '"‘* I** lotsk***! for In h“ formation of .• *ixth Savannah oompmv of the First Infantry Tn member* of rich of the present five companies. It i* umlerKtood. ma> Ik* de i ailed a nuclatts of ten wo ltd tho given: urnl It 1* believed that tlielr effort* would roon result in the w.-urlng *f th* forty membt r* that art* the minimum r f|utred by law It I* that. In le t tiling the mem!*!* of the present * r ganlxatlona. that care wi:i b* exerc ( s-d In aertiring those who may be of lri.-*:i birth or descent. In no c.ts- would a man lut called upon to transfer to the in w command unless the iransf r w r thoroughly' satlafactory him Ii b b-- lieve<| the attraetion of th** i**ts or ser geants anil corfwral* will In- sufficient Iu induce Home of the member* of the pres ent oiganizatlons to transfer IMTHI %>* t IIO*K Ol’l K Ell•*. Ilii’fltlnr l.oilur'i \ tinuiil •**!•**- lion Multi. At ;t of Kxcelrlor . Knight* of Pythi if. I;ihi night, tht* *-I* • - lion of ottirors fr th< <*n*ttlvu: tok arvl w* follow**, r. C.-*A I Her**n. \ r.-r. j Melvin. T.-a. W. Allen M of A II H M* II M. of W.—R. 11. Boetick. I G.-I#. W. Burpee, o r —J. j Mantw M. of F.—J HernlMr<l( K. of H A K \\. Mi M of Kx-M A Swat. Trueteo—\V. J MlecMlly. Jr. flail Committee- H. K. Ilaminn, K. I*. 1.0y.11, ,m.l T. J Pavla The newly p|pnH ufh 'err will lie In* stalled at the nest regular m*.tins. lb' first TucKfay night In January The at tendance at la at night'* meeting large. and great Interest was manlfest.-d In the election*. The retiring ofTb* r dis tinguished themselves for Ilia Ikteilty woth which they discharged their duties to the Value during their terms .nity api.iT thk mm:Hi:v Pna-fnll In the tne of I.elnPmer t o. t**iml Columbia Cos. The aealeil verdict returned during the preceding night by the Jury In the on*e nf the |>r. tlaorgr la-lnlnger Chemical Company against the Columbia Drug Company wa* opened In the City Court >• sterday morning. The ri>*uli of the suit was In the na lure of a dog-fall, neither party le-lmr sustained fully In the contentions It h •<! made. The Jury found that the defend ant was Indebted to the plaintiff In th sum of slOl (. and that the good* now In the farsseasbm of the defendant should Is- held by It, subject to the order of the plaintiff. The <|uestlon that the Jury thus decided was one of the consummation of a con tract. the defendant claiming that Its 0011 tract of purchase was not compli ' returning the goods. Thl* I* what It wished to do. The Kmperor of Oermany drinks nothing bus Mexican coffee and a years supply Is sent to h-m regularly after each liarVMt from u plant a i on In Mlcboacan. CLUBS TO BOOST M’MILLAN. (ContlDued from Tenth face.) will lx> hei.i n.n known it tin. tin- A prominent w,kr of th.- .i.lmin k-.riitlon ■MI.. who i. in * i-.>ritioti to ..n-m of whntever nwnemint in thie ill r> ilm. limy inki |.l,i.- e.k. and etiout *“• mattei ' ii ban not been *ttd<l vet.** he eakl. a\-Ki, th.* mass meeting will tak pla -•>. In fact t mi l ►.iUI the mutter has “ '■*•• givep am thought " ■ . .I * i•• •. mrs.-tna. niil h. taken nml ufbi the hi.l .lais \\n,. the date of th. -I. tlon. Ja* I. e* rapidly epproarhtng. the Inter- V' *du.n oi t • ~ will * is* |n.,lii elans'io hniil Ofr tor the pr. sent, un i l *. i their*- ur'ltHih With regjrd to cei .lidatCH a* and pull* *•* ns close tlown u> th* date sih ts ios*il4i t Ma vor Myers, himself k* not saving U),'thing at i*i* •nr A large numliei if tsi*' frieiab liHVt * k-1 him t make .. r igaii but befor h< maken nv pc . In* -c item* id he Is U-s|rouH of hn\ mg th* unatilmou-* ir-lirem*nt of a meeting of his friend- util thaw. is*a lat l |>oliti aU b With ih* i tmin^iration fa tlon W ien l td indorsement •m • as It ttmlouhtc'llv ' I’*' wt.l not b* .iat' to sa> that he • Th* administration people* look upon tie movement of the opf>de faction as " fi * "‘ and I?* l*ure|) Hldl .1 th*- ohjx*t T w'hiCh la not to benefit the city, but to tn.ik** ■ • fig t t h*- officit* simply aid - a*l\ for liiiuc* pr-stige One of them -till >f*terda\ that it min l*c * vWlent to t • l.iiH-rai flu. faction that th*> would beaten taking Into consideration th** wi thing w.nt In the county elect ion Ta* change in party hnes. h* said won •o! any mine ik* wan t some (icople sup • I ||e (hiHight the olij*- a( was slm f*‘' f 'i k t a I • i> mon money into *frc<i *u.*n .11 of M he f.-lt eatlsiifNl % V oulJ tot rluiip the result. t ilWt.Kl) IT %\ Full litMM. t lnl * onllcrrd I'innnetal iiiml Other Matter*. ; * t * 1 - •*f * pt ■ 'u- m.. dtu relative to the I sue of *l2.:kn of U by the Snannuii Yu- t Club were am-aided and a m* i-ting of tie- club yesterday after noon at th* <• nb hous* at Thunderbolt. The measure t t ginally adopted ly the • tub calle-l I- r sl2. vn of 6 |**r cent i>on]s to be redeemed within Hftecn, thutgf i .it hi-for.- t : expiration of five years Their denomination w.-s to Is- flOu It wa- f*>ut?l tha tile londs could be float-d mor* - adlly If tin- live y. ars pro \ iaioii wer.* not and the aitl of 8t uar-b held a m*etitig ami grtid that It would tw- lx*tter to rrutke the Imhuls mature In fifteen years Ouch .t r* -mini' ahdion w.. - mud** by th- lr.rl an-l railfb-d by the . lul It was further deride I to make the iHmd- of a demon I tail|..i *f s.'■** _. *ch, aisl to isu* $12.()0C ‘vorth of them. The club will -i t aside s*>• a year for th* r.demjdlon of the l>on<l*< U|hii their maninnK 'l*h * tnon*y will Ih- pi i< •••I in th* hand- *>f a I ward Of trustees It l*, thought tin* Umds will be ra*lily flouted, • ther** was some objection to their be lt i, tak- i up at any time after five ji*ars, and to thetr low detiotulnatlon. A resolml n was passed authorlxtnx the l; ,*d Si-w ir I- to |M<iitiut thing ten.-# to Ihv- Narrows Improved In a- * rdint * w .tli the n- ohition of th.- last t*ongresM. which provided for .i channel Wl.ith of feel It I I defth of six feet The Hoard of Htowards w-i* Instnn t*d <o wrp. (bl faster uihl urge that tiie im proN.-m.i t la- mad*’ 1 ne members of the Yacht riul> are very anxious the Narrow- Is *l.-p tied, a- much shorter route for their trips with roll ttg and s-cam craft would Iliore hy b* affor.ied Their advo acy of the improvement, bucking that of the IWxrd of Trad, w II doubt leas Is* of widght and may bring about the r. n.lering of the r*.ii'* m\ il.l* fir traflfl*'. Messrs Frank F Jon* ' Arman*! U I ulmer and T J l>avb*. were appointe*! a i-ommlt to ruu**st th** Savannah. Thun*leriM>.; and Isle of Hope It ulwav to ruri is i sepnrute aci-ommotlalions for wh. •• an*l <*olore*l passi-ngers on th*- Thun ,| t ta>.t line The eommirtee meet the Kxe utlv* Committee of th** hoard of directors of th- railway las: night uml was assure.l that the matter woukl le brought liefore the next ns- ting of th • board. \*m 4 Humber of 4 out merer. Atlanta, be IH The ex|Hin*lei 4’ham bor of ’omm**rce hek) Ms first real n*et- Ing this morning, and at the meeting a number of Impitant matters were trans mit* I chief among which was the iMian tmous el.ctlon of X!r T H. Martin, to th. secretaryship. The moning omirnd a' !1 o‘ckx*k in the (*hamber of Commerce ofllces **n I'ryor str**t. President h. II B< k presided. KNEW HIS BUSINESS, Knrn Viinicllilug ll**litr* ttliat Hr It*hil In lloolt,. Th<- wise. up-tixluie, modern doctor I* no long* i" t led down to the hard and f „t rub- of what hi* m.dleal hooka may, ho shill u>- and what he may wtthhol.t In troUlH his |iilont The successful doctor nowadays is the one who Is quick to avail himself of any renn dy. to w or oM w hich holds out a chance of cure no m eter whether It Is A Hotel: hie. Mono opal hie or neither one. In. .lennlson. lit nil Interesting article on Ind.g.-stlon anti (ly-|pla says: "Nine tenths of all profile, who apply to no for ami treatment think they have this illment or ailment, but I tin t on i lose examination, that wlwle trouble arise* from poor digestion. They have little ap|wtMe anil if they , tie f.ssl tie | • it Hoes them no gsl Wh) ? Because It Is tan half illgealed. causing thtn blood. W , ,K nerves sle. tile-sn. es, aching lioncs, pan* In chest, formation of it isos. Ix-lch litg et. They tell me they believe Ihey have consumption, or heart disease, rheu matism. nervous prostration In fact most every disease but the right mu In reality the whole troubl. Is In the stomach and nowhere else Now what I do such iop|e? I don’t feed them rai pi.-digested foots Itki- liable-, nor "stomach hitters' nr intent nostrum*, which 1 know nothing about. No hono or.ihle physician will prescrllie a remedy imle** he knows what It contains and Its prcliahrp effect*. For ill such patients I have hut one prescription. I advise them to go to the ne.ire-1 drug store and get n Ml cent box of Htuart'e lys|* |>sla Tablets. I use them with remarkable success lr. nil casts of Indigestion and stmch trouble. be- I know what Stuart's I>ypcp*pi Tablets consist of and what they will do. They conta n the vegetable essences, diastase anti government test ti>*ln w hich are die things every weak stoma.-h lacks to sesiore notlifwl digestive vigor, and If I mad dyspepsia myself it Is thr one remedy I should take. When a patVnl come- to me complain ing of ‘lull headaches, stomach, bad taste, nervousness. Isirhlng of gas. or heart trouble which Is generally caused from In.Hgeellon. I tell him to take one or two of Stuart's Tablets after each meal anti often the day aa he has any trouble, and I feel confident I i,.,ve given that patient the best advice I coiiltl give." Suart'a Dyspepsia Tablets are large. Pb ...nt tasting lotenge*. containing dlas aae anil pefsiln t omb ned erlth fruit and vegetable essences. They are not catbov- II and do not act on any particular or gsn Ilk-- ortllnary drugs, but lmply art entirely on the fowl eaten. They are a natural digestive, pure and idmpi*'. Stuart's [>y spagkita Tablets are sold by drugglata al SO cent* per package rnrnugh out Ihe United States. Caned* and Great Britain. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10.1900. TESTFORYOURSELF The Wonderful Curative Properties of Swamp Root, the Great Kidney and Bladder Remedy. To Prove What Swamp Root will do for YOU, Every Reader of the News May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. lfl lim ... i..ur k1.1.i.-yi. .11l- u, v „ ... 1,. ,'f -•1‘ h *A ||| w.* r.r wmmmmmim highest terms of th- won*|-rfut curative [ifPrl ~K - kiljifr-. jL? a II swamp-root fll writes: "When I sent for sump! of .imi-li, <>' I nil to n. ,k i>,r R Kidney. Livrr aid bliddisr IHU every two or three hours thrmigu the day HI CURE * quantity, but withs- JiMittg *ml str\*ln- DIRECTIOHS. il^H ilig at the- *nl of ructi |ai .*.-• Our l **t jlu Mu tnk<- roe. too o r threw • loctor h< t. prscitiN*d f**r his tsnoafata hrfue or alter m*m* |jHH nnsficltn- *li i tti* n* g <*•! I th**t fs-gati * J ** l " *9 >..r Mtmi-li' I.MIk ,Ki I tn-foi. I KOI p I V Ma* •*inm* r.< r w.ith otiu*..! tf M! ■ ttitoticl l Willi It I f.-ll li.n*. I would Hj| u , tornMrl ., Mto ,„ MMn IJtH no! have bcllcve.l h> h h wnia.l iptaitlity a the rsen wnul*l em ta. require IfHjH would have detie s*. much, but b*dor* It This irrr*i n-mtr rorre ail IIHM was gone ! I*ariic*l tmit our druggist m*!ir> lurr. hfauMrr uml Prtr If^Hl k. t* n our Hw,ni|*-lio! an-l *•*> g. i An-l tr.ii4 n l ti*.t.l.-r 4a l. l*ot 1 1* for on** *l* but a uall\ O' t- *'-*k ktdn.- >• h** r*irrh |[^H 1 /HI uM* large till l.’spoonful thr*** titm s * *>. whwh u tb. aunt funa ut (l Rl| *!.>. a tv* I b* for.* I hai taken one-half IHI kHrw J bottle 1 was .ill i.glll. ti I have b* U IHI It Vi to. tke ' .liu. Mv urtn. 1, .olor !■ nttrAKEn ONLY nr Ml Aahwwio It I til DR. KILMER St CO. Kill •I.” lll BINCHiMION. N. Y. ||l WKM ~:l I. for kl- i- I' "I /Mil *" ! h ' *" EflH|| ■ if iii.i.'ii 11 rr.! • -11; JH! r " tf*’ J >viiii f.,.ii i- .it- im Mm- to r .-.low k i YiiilßlwwVlflifffifMririth I •111- .lay aivl oWI, !o x. l ■ • inioo i,o\ - . r arwvrl of tho tilaiMi-r. |,iln or tliill a* ho in tlo- iHwam|i-Rooi .* |*li irauf In tuko I hack. Joint aial muivlpa; m.ik. ' your il.-.i iio ht' and bu.'kocho, l amu - liMllxmtlon. -lonia'h aril Itv. r*h you a,t a .allow, yiilow >■ m.‘lo*ion. m.iko'. you froi a- thouati you had in art Ir-'uldi . you may hiivr pirivty of amiitt on. hut no -di rah: Kol u ■ ik ir.l w•• - •• iai In lakliiy- Hwatni-lU*o yon afford natural h, l|i in Nalur, . tor Swamp-Itooi I. thr ruoiu iM-rf-i i hoilrr and krirtl aid lo tho klduoyn that i- known to modi'nl ,i lriu. If thrro la any doubt In your tnind a to your mndltion. lako from your nrli . on rlrlmr ahoul four ounr.-'-. pn •It m * Kia or Inttlr ard Ii yiaii.. four hour~ |f oyainii i lon II i- niilki o r . ...inly, If Ihoro Ia hr •k-.lui.t -ottiiiiK, or if am.ill ixirtlcHra lloal about In It. your kl ln< jv uro in u-ail of linmodlwlo alt< n. iluti If you an already oonvinood thal Bwamp-lloot lv von n., 1. you ■ in pur rhaio ho regular .Vh. ont iml >1 - r h.d|. at tho dru* ion'- ovorywh*re. KIUT-HU AI. NOTE Swamp-ltoot ' O'* (.'ro ll hldlin. IJvri and Itladdor r. mody. Ii io mrrriiif ill that a|"•I il arnina'm> nl h.n l.n mol. In whkh all roa.lor.of tho Mornlnk- Nm. who hav nut olro idi irh 't it, ma\ havo a namp.o boil - -. iu Mboolutol) tri o to mail Alro a b■* '.ollinf nil u lout kldn. i and bladdor Irouhln a„,l .-uniainliK many of Ih. thou • .nd- upon i ..u-u,.|. of t. olinnnlal .llori r#- .aivrd from no n and woman ,u.'d by Swamp-Himt II oiri- and in. n.lon i idimc thl K' lirrou- off. r In tho Morning N<w wt. n . iidliiß yout ,ddn - to In Kllmrr A Cos,, Hl|,aiiamlon N 1 • 'lll Ml I >lt\ I' Hint BI O. Mr*. Mleklrr Has a struaalf W•••* * o u 111-Be Isaallsst. An unknown man. though. ti bt whi’ entered the house uikl the led of Mr* Milkier of No. 612 Forty*-' - ;! west, ueterkn morning Mis. il. kler •• husband Is away from the city -in l "' no- in the hmisc with tail\ throe sm.ill chll-Iren, ft ionly after •> •* < ? •*“ uw ike,. by ■ band < 1 ly frightened, she caught hold of <’>* Intrutler and uttrmpt'sl iti hold him, al lhi sane time screaming for help The man attempted to . - ape- •* n si ill holding lo him dragged troin the heal, after the Intruder had dm k h r several times In an effort to mile las let go her grip on his cloihes. In iheir struggle, his to Ret nw.v and i.i - to detaltt n.m until help arriv'd, le dragged her Into the Ihill, and there, giving her a final shove, broke away, and jumping fiotn the window irilo an alleyway that separate* the house from the one next door, he made gtssl his is.-ape. By this time several neighbors that had been attracted bv Mr Mlckler's sere tms reachetl thi scene, and *H the s ime llmi Patrolman T. C. Murphy, also hearing the cries, came up lie hiurd Mr- Milk ier* story and mole a thorough Investiga tion *>f the vicinity but wa- unubb to flntl anyone of a suspicious character. Detectives mI-s* went lo the hous- yester day morning and Inveallgiitpti the sur roundings but coukl not get any clue to lilt nos-lhle itlenllly of the limn or hi whcreahouM*. The police are still further hampered In their search for the Intruder, by the I• i Mb Mw i- unnbk ' whether lie I* a white or a eolored men. and i* therefore unable to identify him even should he Is- arrested. Her little son. who w is attracted by his mother's calls atol struggles told Detective Mall tha' he thought It wa. a white man. The only trace that the mill left of his visit was his track- under tic wlntlow from which he Jumped |JTT‘* NOTH K*. NOTICE TO ÜBHTOIIH AND CHKPIT • OH* OBOROIA. CHATHAM COt.'NTY.- Notlct *. hereby given to all t~ rson- hav ing demand* against Pamela Fitxelmtnons, lute ot sakl county, tie. easetl. to present them tome property ma.le out withpi the time prescribed by law. so aa to show their character and amount; and ail p>r. sons Intleblt.l 10 sal.l deceased are re quired lo make immediate payment to me. KI'OHNIA t'I.ARA KH Z.Slit HONS, Executrix. Core of O'Oonnor. O'Ryrne A Ha Oral re. Attorneys. Savannah, <!a.. O I. 1, 1900 OBOROIV CHATHAM COI'NTV. - Hattie Oreene Water', has applied IO the Court of Ordinary for a twelve-month* stipt>ori for herself and minor children, out of the estate of Rev. iNivld Water*, deceased. Appraiser* have made returns allowing sonic These are, therefore, to ike all whom It may concern, to appear before sail court. It* make objection on or before Hi* first Monday In January. I*ol. next, other wrtse same will lie granted Witness, Ihe Hon Hamilton 1.. Ferrtll. Ordinary for Chatham county, this the third day of liecemhcr. two FRANK K KKM.IIACH. Clerk. C. 0.. C. C. TIKORfHA CHATHAM COI'NTV Whereas Otlo Seller ha* applied to Court of Ordinary for latter* dlsmlssory a guardian of the property of Ruby Swan minor. The** are. therefore, to cite and odmon Oh all whom tl may concern, to be and appear before said court, to make ob jection (If my they bevel, on or before •he first Monday In January next, other wise sakl letters will he grant.*!. Wilmas, the Hon. Hampton U Ferrtll. ordinary for Chatham iwinty. this, the Ilth day of liermiar iPki FRANK E IU3I DBA CM. . ._ Clerk Ct. 0., C. Cos. CLASSIFIED • AUVtKriSEMENTS. rimso.vt i*. LXPK.NKEB CUT IN" *. CIIVEB THE >f try !*!* to *HI I,'ly n -djJM mM walt.-lius for $* 78; Amoiicmu Kokl~flliHl natch I.# yeatrft‘ guar $7 sj. Amor ic’d n l.iyV wilrh, sl2l*. timriMMut ring. $117.'.. rln*. 11.ik., plain ki|il rtngK. sl.fiO and ti|; twiiy'x rliiK". !?*• ami ui*. k>I.I fiH-rtm'U**. $2,19 UK K.i.'i Brought oil. Hir, Jewelry ami ShavlriK Huin*ly Hoiimp; |h* |4icf - r hair. |>laiinuni. >M pllvor. -UJ ii-U iiml oi.l roiiij* irw taken an “ WII APKIc H CKIaKBIUXTKI* KHUH < AKI'H FOR CIIRIHTMA** ItkX'r MA Tl RIAL. T’RRA NTB CT-UANKU ANI* HAlSlNri HTHAMKK AM* HTfJNKI* AT IMiMi; PoUNfi. WIST. AND UAIUIK VAUII-mr iF HM VLI. ‘'AKF>S KVKBY TMINfI FIRSTS*LAKH OROKTR KA Il ls V I* HCMAFKR, 210 JUKI KUHoN, AM) 128 J.iUKBTY, KART Ar* V E RTIK BM i: ntk ks:t TN CAP ITA IdS IIK PRINTED IN CLAH -81 FI El > ADVERTISEMENT i'OUJMN t*o|< TWO CENT* A WORD NO Af- VERTIRKMENT TAKEN FOR El-SS THAN 3OF. HUY Ton: ANDY AT C’ II HET t**i frh’K. 110 K<ai* utreei mar Whliok*r f oj<|*o*li’* old I*ohiofll*■ For th* holDlaya ' glv' you a Mve-pouud I*oa of nice Fremh caiKly, 60i\ A S-poumt l*x harvf* nuidi itvama and hovt.*t* *. for 7 A liox of l* *i ajiNoftm) rhocoUit Ijm> nrixrd ia!> R (Hi*-poun<l lx of ri randy um |*chii.| hox of iwms aifd (diooolatt * nuxH lik Wry fine* i v mly. 1 (xMind box. 2*m One Ik*x In*h| an • .i| < hoeoltit< oi, Imx a -*rt| rr> fruit 4- . Ono-pound box (*hrrle or 4.V fn * fi .md •! Kk*. Cornm’o piatt from 310 *r S .uvenlr box*** &c. Krrmil roriititofili n Il3D<l with I<- *a< h. C.imljßtoya for tl* Chrl-ttiw-* l># D each. C. •. 110 Hiatr airtft, ii*or Whitaker. THE: FI’RNITFBE BXCHANOK. 113 Bornard n(r*M huyu and Mils all kuwli* of e<ond-han<f furmiuri* for raih. IIOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER rlMthlnc'' Irt ua put II in •‘hap*-; $1 p*r montl) KirrlmK ITi siinwr Club, 19 York, m. ALL KINDH OF FI REWORKS, 319 \\ . -i Rroufthum kkf: rftiCNo it <•<* corner whit k* r and IJh* rty r*lr*>*f-. hra.V| iarlfr* for f’hlnpw arul JapaiiFw fan* \ gfob, I* aa, ot , al low prlfM, Oriental mid Turkish <rn tin* tl h la low <wl price. Con)*- tnU vlatl un. holiday hi ok carpet*, pop Ikri- and • thouand *ml .. || t l*l — to KliMldf‘ll Ihi llihml wlf i* h*tri. <*. P. Miller, an**n(. "you WYLI* Like thr milk from RprinfflcU Dairy; If* rich and purt; iPy It. _ __ i.,w! i DRonftt ruRNmiRE tin !d|r room furnitur*- hln • *I" - * al v* a * • r*l niff**** mlrroraloor wardroboa. ric.l onr |rnm* n l*k must h.* pf'Ui to bo .ifnrot'ialad. C. P. Miller, an'-nt vorklTof ill kindE Sm Waul Brouahton at reef. OO TO JOP 11. BAKER. IN MARKET for fir* m-aij*. poultry, aram* hraloa, j-acMlfreml. irlpo. ’Phono 225. CHOICE LINE OF W!LT/>W AND cobbler aeat rock am for th*- h**ll SAy*, At HOW ABOI YOUR WINTER ciolhu i •, -h <p . $ p r month. Hterling Priaaing Club. 18 York, w I AM NOW LOCATED AT 414 WEST Broughton; ring up 1186 If want lo hAvr your fuml.ura or parked for ahlpmf-ni or I guararit*.* pri rm ih# aamr m I do the work that** gL*f to me A. 8. Orlffl.. 414 Broughton trcA>. weft; matlrepaea bii la to orlr MOILLIB* LACE CURTAINB WILL beautify your ir!or KLNSINOTON TARM MILK IB FN eurpaMrd for rlchnew; drlKtry la per fei; j-nore ?A!> TEEPLE IB BIfOWINO A NICE LINE of cariicta. matting ruga, ahadgjf. 100 Icum; cbi'Apaat In town. JJOLiDAY G IFTS IN 111 INK -AT- W EST ' S ’ 11 Brouohton St,, West. HftON % i s* H.U fiTS i:i{ATi:i hmi maim; min- meat ii:s **m< I'llltlSTM AS IMWI.K All. KINIW *F I II! IT DIES AIaSM UIIDFII FAlt I. I* S< 'I I \ FEll. flO JFFFKHSoN. AM* i:* UHKHTY. LAST IF ITS lU'iifl YoF W \Nl* YOU CAN get them h*-.ipei frofu Mitililb GIFT 4*ll AI ItH TAHioKS * ‘ol*4*ll !w*. i-oxn corners., i.tptlon . li.ilrr Pm ther ,iaii* m iniuiei.-* •* -*rtn'tii i*i-i -i i r m • * WHEN YoF SEE M GIEEIH SINTY m h W-ceni rugs, you orlil buy iharn. Just ( tn i he.p It. will tell In any qu.*n illy ••FUfINITFRE MOVE!* WITH * AHE," It .i tpcclilty wllh M -GlMIt. i,*.V* ABOUT YOTTR W’NTFR *i. 4fi i. I t p t Ii I ship S p**r inonlb FMMENSF UN: OF It ATI* AN lt< M *K •m from $! is up t 115. C. I*. Miller, ug it. “ M'! cur \r on nr a# mkt. lure curtain- hammock*', water ct***lert. pil'ow pi turcs. at oven. l>*dro*nn null*, n>*l furniture <f e\er\ lecrtpiion. "FA N AItl!:S \ N1 GOLD FISIF J Gardner. 12 Ilroughton tfreei. ♦•,i*-t. FlltE WOIIKB' FI HE WOltKB! AT MS W**srt Broughton miiXeifs houuay gifts fob brothers nt.d other fellow*' brother* you iII *iv ** to *• ill and examine our Immense lin** tn or*l*-r t* thmiaigNiy m*. tbjtet. C P mild agent. FOR A PRETTY BEDROOM SUIT par **r and dining -oon furniture, >Ou should go to T' plr'd. KENSINGTON FARM IH ON AN elavatlon n the c#>un*ry fre. from city iraina#e Iruioaaibla f• r nil k to tycoon* contaminated, by Impure *‘ior; If you want pure J* r**y tn Ik. phoiw* 2J45 Dt* Uv*-ty |>romi>t: sailtfaet|< n guaronteed. M-0H.1.18 MoK-K.M J-AfKf* HlllPh and tores p*n<w ard f irrdiuie. beat arork cMily no ’ Cheap-John" pil< e iio **Chtap- John" Jobe;* OF THE VSEEFY. MY wi> jm|M>riiions, iu *oM st*rg*-. rea l. (< *le|iver pipe every H.itimlay: lain' or der* with J Gardner agent. 12 (trough, ton street. -.isi .% c. t!‘ihig. nursery Opposite 4'atholl*’ < Vmeterv MIEI.EBS HOf.I I .\ Y r,]FTX FOR sistera and other fellow-** *l*if#-re; toller trtblef*. kid lea* rlesks. * - hlfT*nlerr. plrturtg o' ill klnda; n*l *•••* us. w*- will help von nut. 4* P Miller, agent. TEEPEE CAN SAVE YOU MON AT ON *to\e-', steel ranges nil heaters and hot rtuff heaters 317 Broughton. wgt. Ml Id.Eft'S llOld HAY GIFTS FOR children; *l*>’.ls an*l tovs of every lescrip tlofi; *-hilrs, baby rarrlugea, go-carts. velocl|*l‘s. tricycles * xpre*s w*agnns, pi. trol wigons. <*. I*. Miller, agent M'OYLLVR RETddV SIXTY INCH RT’C,9 —Smyrna patterns- fo ents. ~X MA S FI A >\V FBS *B IS ES IIY A *'.nt l ii and Ull* of the Valley; will b*- ready: or*b*ra *;icit#-l J. <bir*bi*-i. 12 Broughton tr*rt. e,eJ. agent fo Otl gchlg'e Nursery, rHOI4M.It tI'IIV, XMAS AND NEW YEARS PHOTO. gr.t*h**; not bo lat* if you go to IVlkitiA -tudio. 41 Hull -1 r* * * h* etntlo>N the largest and nw*i * omiM-tent for e in * ltv; the finest w*rk at moat reasonable prices; ofi* with each doxeii on a hund**ofii* Xmoe and N-w V*.ir’s card. • suitable for father, mo*her. slater i*r your "btMlt girl '* Al Ed Wltaoti, t*ir. NPOKIL. feet ate froublli.g you, call on m- and I will give you r**ll* f. I cure Ingrowing nail - corns and all db a >e* of the feat without [miln; charges reasonable; can give lite las* re ir recces hi the * by, pw tlenta treated ut rialdet;ces; order# •an be left at IJyingston'* drug store, Hull and Congress streets; telephone 233. Lem Davis, surgeon c’nn>|>odi.t. — " v iii i p w ivrso-gtu:. WANTED. FIFTEEN OR TWENTY good w*Mwl * utter Apply at T*iomto n A- Harvey's w*xsl yard. 3l<> lltirrle str *H, West. ~ MECHANICS. ENGINEERS. ELKO trh luns. firemen, etc. A fre* s hoiur-nip In engineering will Is- awarded to a few well recommended appd ants American S-hool of (’orrsqiondrncs. Boa ton, Mass. ’ WANTED. SALESMEN F4R FINE Kentucky whl**klea and wUm*' l*arrH and case goorf M . salary or *-ommUnlon, The 11. M By*- C. Lexington. Ky. W \ NTKI. A N EX PER IENCED salesman on commission to retail trade for Georgia, Florida ar*l Alabama, for Al* n's M Kay sewed **hr**. state expert gnd giv*- refereiirwa. Address J. F.. Hox 30!'*. Hast on, Masa. W4HIMMAN WANTED, WHO CAM furnish good reference and plenty of tur pentine hun I Apply at once. It. J Bishop. Eld ridge, Fla “Salesmen wanted to hell our goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade; w are he large#* and only man ufacturers In our line in the world, liberal salary paid Address, Can-Dex Mfg Cos . ofTW. Board of Trade Building. Savan nah. Oa. —— ——*g HELP %V AATEIO— FI M ILK. WANTED. AT ONCE. NFIiHE. Ap ply 423 West Jon<* street. "advertisements set tn cab ITAIAt WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN MC. %\ % ATfSO—MISCTCLLA*mt S. BROKEN and Kent;* goat Apply 121 York stree*. j went • ~ WANTED FOR CASH r>OOW4YOD and prr*lmmoi) logs. Southern llardtxoorl Cuiniau), T O. Box Chaileatoo, 0. C. Sensible Holifleu Gilts. What would make a ietter Christmas present f*r fatlier. mother or the children than a pretty pair of SHOES or SLIPPERS? 'i ounfi M<“n‘s l'at. Kid Shoes, swell Walking Boots for tfirls, “man fashion” shoes for the small loy, and Christmas Slippers for Everybody. Men’s Morocco and soft vici kid, warm felt and quilted satins for ladies, elegant pat. kid and beaded &ANDALS for evening wear or dancing. EASY SLIPPERS FOR HIM. I STYLISH SLIPPERS FOR HER. | vglODe OllOe VaO# n % \TI It—MIMI IILI-% MXI v \\ \\T YOF TO THY 4ILD 4JET T '<iv Eli ii i wall i* *|h an*l haugln. and you will not regret it. price* Urn w. t mi \ inak*- f pMfeu n tin* world; I * l II I . Hloffl. . Mill *!. 4 lid E, . IF YOU WANT A PLA< E TO I*l MB eirth. *ilr. ar*l. manur*. etc fre' of aige. jint m c!ty limit*, hauling over hard road write or t. lepfnuie Brown l r,i center Amlereon and East Broad sue* i • if you want good uh.k nrrr it frem opr rgbeUl Dairy, it’s rich. [Hire and w holeeotite ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN <Y\l* ITAIiS IVILL BE BfUVTF.D IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COL! MN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTIHI ME NT TAKEN FOR I JOSS THAN 30C I tilt 111 > I —Him Ma. F* *lt REN I IU m\lH ‘rtENGLE oh eontu etillg !I . 4 l*( h<>( I**-, w.-t I I % I** FIMt II Is\ I '!•? T^a"|l.>B nluln-fl. i<aam* an*l kitcinsi. -13 ‘h.tit*ai at retd e*.-t I oil HIM-HUMM holt It INi. (uUroiti AHLb Hot‘SIS, No INuidbutg street, east, between Atnroorn #i 1 Lincoln, Arsl-diMi ord*r end condition every von v* nl*-n*-e rent t** right tenant Estate Habwnon Cohen. Weal Broad and Broughton atreece. flt BIN! IiiFBIUhiM HOUSE i*% on** bng- room un*l pantry, suita lie for light li*mik* K |lng A|*tl\ 122 Ii i‘i I nifty street Foil ItKNT, VERY DESI It Alll.i h*u • 307 Maid burg w. -t. Apply M “To RENT TIIE NEW .STORY hou • . 215 Thirty-eighth street, weal. n**r Barnard furniahetl ot tinfurid#he<l; will l* i* nt* -l for i \ -.*i. or tent* of v**m to a ;<Mid teiamt It hi* a parlor, dining r**in. klt< lien .n.d *•*• *>an. on first fl'Mir, him! Ihre b Iromni- ami l**lhr*am and water . lo*** t sa*. * < mml floor Also hot an*l cold w*nt‘ r gn r*klng rang* and g* '*t*>v** A large yard, with fruit u<* Rent with furniture and fixtures s3** pel month or without i**-r month. Apply on pi• mb* - ’ roll RENT SEVERAL DIUSIRAMU respleti: **. thoroughly renovate*! Apply A Wylly, agent. 12 Bryan sfreet. cant FOR HUM—I4III hAlt RENT STORE AND DWELLING corner Am-roirn •<! Lunar avenue \| ply Henry Solomon A o*e Bay and J* f ferson. FOR IIIAT-OFFI4 K*. 'TITTgciSTfoR BENT. FRONT BASE merit, formerly <seu|Se| as phyalcian a (Rift*. 115 Ogledbor|*e, we**t. roil HIM-illv KLUIMII M. LARGE WAHbHoi 6L AND OFFICE yog RENT, CORNEB Bit* M ‘UHTON AND WEST BROAD STREETS FOR MEIILY OCiMTPIHD BY THE HAVAS SAit CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. 11. P SMART “aPVRKTIBBMEKTS SKT IN f-AP ITAI.H WILL Hi: PRINTKD IN CLA#- HIPIICri ALVBBTIHEMKNT COLUMN FOM TWO CENTS A WORD, NO Al >- VBRTIBEMKNT TAK BN WJR LEHS THAN 300. FOR HALE—HKAL MrtTE. AlUKK’riktMkNiS SKT IN CAP ITAL* WILL HR PRINTKD IN CLAS SIFIKTi ADVKKTISBMRNT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO Al* VKRTIBEMBNT TAIL BN FOlt LErfS THAN 0C ti■ it;'Y:ntinr i.ani> i.w or t r i t f'r Hal*'. Cllffrinl A Cos.. Jaokaon* *tlh>. Fta. for saia: those lots on ninth lrr<-f. nur K.m lirnnit, hav. only n ,o|.l lo flrft *•!,. p.rll'-N, Fho will in ike (.axi nelgtilior,: nml none other, can buy Th* tirm, are v,ry >'.y. and they are iheaprr any other, tn Ih* vicinity C H. Dorreti FOR SALE. A 'LOT Ff*H TWO HtTN ilred dollart: eay l*rm, on Ninth aireel, near Eaai l!ro.l, mi clly laxallon. C. 11. I*ora*ll foil SALE I/OTS ON NINTH STREET near Earn Hraad; no city I ***,. at Lo® each: twenty-five do lota raah and eaey monthly payment a. C. II UohSU. FOR SALE. LOT# ON NINTH NEAR Eaat Broad, at R™> each will -oo* te advanced to 2i: when a lot iia, taen paid for ! can arranfe lo get a homa hullf. C. H I' fti sai,i:~thi: f NDlviDlcn half of the plantation known a, “Sharon ” ,lt nated five rtnF from Uly Conn Home For ternie ptrtli tllara. eli l*ply or ad. ,lrre If It Rl.h.irdf. Houthern Hank biilkllna. city. RESIDENCE AND RI'ILDINO I/)TH for aal, all over the clly. Roh-rt H. Talem. real eatale dealer. No. 7 York • treet. went, “ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA I/i WILL HK PRINTED IN Ct.AS SIEIBD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOlt TWO CENT# A WORD NO Al* VF.RTISKMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN WC Fun a t i.t.—him El i. i Mail a. A FREE SAMPLE OF BENZOIN for . hap, and rough ktn. given to any lady calling at Pcraae’a drug miri,. ilenry and Abercorn. 'lay.or and Whlta- RM II TOI'VB HOT TWO LI NOS LEhT gov Rem will ture yiair cough; a <lolkir twill., giiarantef'd to cure or money re funded per,,c'a drug eloret. *FOR HALE. PALMETTO BERRIES, either dried or freah, In any quantltlca. E. W. Ameden, Ormothl. Fla. FOR SALK. ONE fMKID DRAUGHT hone', warranted ound Apply IM Bant Ilenry atreet. COWS. WITH YOUNG CALVES FOR •ah Call 471 Weal Boundary airart: aee them. FIRE PROOF BA FRA- IV E CARRY A fine line of flro proof ,afe, In elock at all lime,. Th* partlaa can ,*e exactly what they are getting Our prl'-re are aa low a, manufacturer, #*ll 11. wNh freight add ed Pnrflea lnferef*d. who wiah a ••„! fire proof aafe. wtll do well to In,peel our atock 1/imman Broa,. Llppman block. *enta for manu'n rurer, ~ADM-rftiHE!KNTS SKT IN OAf-* ITALH WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENT# A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LK#S THAN *C. Alt tios %i.r, Tina uur, AUCTION SALE. ~~ Cl HAITI 111.. , tltl'l.l,. i.tlME*. *• 1 1 . *ll.k n lin,. TO-DA( ■* 11 b. m wc will hold hi# ' >n -1, t Inn uf Hall Rack*. Eli"' i -*-l. pMit.ii, < >ritnn,. CtilM and tlrk‘-e ll* • Ht indi. Kina Lamp,. Carpet, .ui ~ n aocle. latdlev Hull. Cape* Sktria, Clonk,. Chlklrcnn Clonk-. Silverware PI Hire- Men Snll, nml P*nl*. FINE #IK UMRIIKLLAB. HA VANN All Al *'TI(*N AND COMMIWION CO.. A It Ineriaht. Au< tl-iiii'er, IU Whltnkcr elreat. I'*** MAI.K—Rial KI.I.tUMI I. Foil HALE HTKARNk- IIP TTCLR, *” v ‘ i **c a nd. li> PlKinnn , ilrtiK ,H| II fit.-,-t I'OR HALE CHEAP. <-ALIO RAJHI I\ I r ll . n, f| t,i - 1 ■ i, r'HtdUion Ad dt-i C|||iire|tli. Mornlnti Ncwi. I'*lt HALE A HM ALL HIZE NA n p onlei aoM fm tin , mac will he mil very rntaaa **h‘* 'PI*L **> nil''' In 14. L. Hii-k'a man chif. tinder Pulankl Houac, cornar Hull Hint Bryan i.fl, I A Ail CUf Ail. I <'Hl' l:| VCK, TAVO- V FAIR -OLD limm.l ahil" l*l.*'- faae. nn.l tipped tail. KvWiird f.'i r.lnril to .All Duffy cireet, va**l. ■Hi IIIUIAI.. wanti:ii. hkveral - ~ heiles-t " ,l, i • "y.ii.i i "im,. •|dcr,l|i| | n ,. • Inn. no chlldi n taken Aw June*, rutr \I KV IM 111 vlll.E Itoolft EIHHT • •1..-'. laii.c imini, rale rraminabi*. ku lit "tin nil'll, '•an. Rl IU:, i HANCK. ADI Kill IHLmT?\TH liAp; ILII.I WILL HE PRINTED IN Cl.A# HI FI Eli ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENT# A IlnrtD NO AD VHRTIHKMENT TAKEN FOR I.KH# THAN 30C. Win KtLARAOI k. IHH' AIR AND ll<*T W A 'PER HEAT URH. Al.Ho orate# and part# PUT IN AND REPAIRED. P II KIKK NAN. Hi BTATK STREET, WHBT IV K HIVE VOU EITHER DftMESTIC or aloaa flnlih |-rf*cl work. For eat Cky lai.aMiiy, Park avenua. HEFORE VOU PURCHASE WAI.J, patter don'l forael Tavlor, hi, new etoek aial low prirce will ple*c jou. itl llar nard. NEW DOMEHTIC, WITH RAl.r, learlnp.,oll caey term,, try one; huy oncj deal wllh your people Penion A Hon. FOR FIRMING TaCKLE. NET#. BTC^ *o lo Cornwall A Chipman. • FIREWORK# AT IT T I’llU KH A? llrriwlMn *. Jua Weal llrouhtu4i ,trc*t VOUIt (MJLLAR WILL CIO A# FAR with it, * i'll anywhere else: a full lino of crockery, ilowarc ,lov*a. etc., on eo*y tenth*. A C. Prl * A Cos., Hute ind Jef. fereon ‘Phone, At WE AHE IIK ADQU A ItTBRS FOit •ewer pip*, fire brick fire clay, ml, an I varnlihe*. give u, a .all Adam, Paint Company DON'T TnOUBDK YOURAF.DF ABOUT moving your furniture, relaying your car pel* or nulling I’erry A Menton will re lieve you of all that trouble. Ol'R (IP.RMAN RRADT MIXBIi paint l sc.ld under a guirantee; have your houiw painted with It. Ad.ims I’alnt i'ob- , puny. ■phone ins for mnraiT rrrr laundry They will call for your llnaa Immediately. I.ARfIK AND NKW STOCK OR WALL paper, fuel arrived; will make price# to null you Taylor Ml llnrnard NKW DOMESTIC HEWING MACHINE with hall hearings. licit and chain stlich; iwo machines In one. I'emon A Auv "Foil HAHDWAHR AND TOOl-8,~00 io Cornwell A Chipman’a “DODDS. TOV TEA SETH AND Dili'Mß cluelng at roe! at ll* rneteln'a, m Weet Broughton drrel. WB AIIK HEADQUARTERS FOR inanteie. from Id rente 10 rente; your old Mlove exchanged for anew one. A. C, f’rtce A Cos. State end Jcffcreon re reel r. 'l'honee *S*. MORE THAN nNR HUNDRED < ENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned bard rash at the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Rarnard street "I'KIIHV A RENTON! fi* STATE Street, weal, will move, pack, ship or atora your furniture at abort notice; also ran ovate your old tnallreusea al IMIla coat. Hell 'Phone 1124. i “WANTED ONE THOUSAND gry [tropic at the Southern Grocery Com pany, lit lUrnard atreei. “TIIF* MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK IS being turned oul by Form Clly Da undry. 'Phone ISTS. _____ 8 FOR THE MOST HKDECT AND Inrgeat eiork of wall paper In tha city, go to Taylor. 141 Itarnard. RENTON A SON. WILD ItENOVAT! your maertne and guarantee It Sell new or old trarhlnev. FOR RANGES AND STOVES, oo TO Uornweii A cnipman HOT STUFF HEATERS AT E l*. S. Iwtmnein, *t] Weat llroughmn street. IF YOU Wild, I.ET US ESTIMATE on your plumbing work you will he con vtneed lhal w<- arc cheaper than any one else A. C. Price ACo . Stale A Jeffer son streets. Phones IW A FUO, DINE OF ORATES JU.4T received will sell any of the - parate parte. Adame Palm Company, IDI Cuß gieea atreet, waet. REDt CB TOUR DIVING I'M'KNSIt by Investing your hard-earned hard cash with the Southaro Grocery Company, 114 Barnard street NORWOOD’S BOOK. “ “MOIHER GOOSE CARVED.”. Jor tale al all New* Siandu In Sa runnel*. 3