The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 19, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 aljc iUor'mno iXTctn^. rnlng >rt Ituiiiltne Ni*i<niuili< * v \U DKM in. IIMIW. at lii© Pro* tofl. v lit t-u.anoah . i.i iluu mm. NKHH ... every day in the >-m. *i*i '*r\al t * 4ncrlbr* in the < • $ s 0 i til - it • v ' (ur nil liluliUi . .ti J D*W f *r orM > <* >; Hit: Him\lM. MU’* • y mi. nix i > • .1 wim ah 0.l Sunday l" •>. i tv month, $. si. six nuMihit, $*L&, ww* 1 s* •*. iiii w I I Kit M;w* no i • * 4 v Mi. . aid Thu.aday) by m ll 9 one year. $\ A. Hu 1 rij 4 oit* p.i> ble in advance R"* in i b> ’*>;.♦*>• order <h* • k or rffilt rc l ■ iuii > -i t l > vna. *risk oi tCl.iil i . t. .'•i * adi er 4 is* man t •*. oitttr t> n GEM* la J ui.imn. o reading notlot*. * m* Hi Mil i *ij . wst.i duran, i u i l .nin ri lire* oi a ate x i>* ii . oi. in h in depth -4.” 'h’ t l >/ no 4!>urfnrnt ('onirac' m ■ i in.nia kii<>an on 4i>i' 0 i.Ui 11 1 ; A- * ofll "C i ■ f r dell vet y of tno Monmrf N W— t *.h* r residence or I•! *' **■ I u . n !#■ made by mall *>r y I'lw i'■ < Vo . Any irregular * In Me v t liioulii (• repo n • •* - ail • jiiim * tiiuiil be ad . t i MoiiMM. m \\ * mi at nah da. mini p.r i: w. New York city. 11. Faulkner. Manage’ IM'G 10 MW ADVLBTISEMLMS. W‘><ln*~4liimt Chapter, No 3. li A M B|©c4sl Noiti'ii-A - to Fire Work* lhir> mg f h* Hoh'ltyv; Buwiito Rielnf** Wa le*. Nolle** to Superior ( 'ourt Juror' . John Funk. ‘ity Matk't Rl>fi ilt N itioi .il |;. !iH <\i. R4am*hip fleholuie Merchant* and M.ihik* Transportation Company’* St im- ra. IWf~ -I,*©blg v Extract of Reef. Mineral U r r HunyadJ Jano* Buffalo Uthla Water Rosin* ** Notit Win* * For ih* Holi day*. the H W. Brunch Comtany; Franklin. the New Uigur, oi l Crow and Hunter VV'hi.’ i k*\. Mi.v St* In in a Son. Hob* Afftiti. B. A- \V. laundry. Auction Sal Big Sal* of Furniture, Ra varuuh Am tion ami otwnl**Um <’o Amni* rti. nte Heoncesy Leroyul© in “Other > Moi* >,” at Theater T>* njiht; “The Bowrrv After laark," it Theater Saturday, Matin* • atni Night. Don't Make Foolish Lift*—Wn A 11. It Uttlmon Kat-Wail—*Fle anl Tart* $2 no foe (>a!i Heater- Mutual Gas Ufht Cos. Kalla ay Schedule—Central of Georgia lull wo y Cooking Oil—Weeeon> Olorht*- Cooking ua. Hauce—Lea A Perrin** Won .M r*htre Sauce. MedlraiJ—World** Dcpon-arv Prepare* 4km*. Warrior > Safe Cure. In. Kilm*r* Hwatnp R*mt.; Hood’a F li?-’. It I* F . Ayer ** Pill* Munyon'# Dv 4 *|*cj>to i’ure; lloetctter'j* fftotnuch ItlttcrH, tNltlcura Kern* dive. <’he*ii Column A(lv*rti*etnenti Help Witntcl. Empkiyment \\ant* *l. For It■ n*. For gale; lae*t; Personal; Mi • * llnneou the %% ealher. The IndhaKom* for OeorgU to-day are for |artlv cloudy w< th**r, fr*‘ei eouth**r ly trlndu; an*l for Kaet* rn Florida, fair netuher, freeh *a u*rlv wind** 'mere c**etne to ’*• mlnfiiiar) work lor Ida Welle Hiirnctt to k In the etat** *>f Indiana. Mr. Ilryan ti> roliw to engage tn we* kir Joumallem In Ni’luufki. Fx-H* * r larv J. Ht*-rlln; Morton If* already w .*kl> ***l tor in the xxiue ntut<* Thrw two * *i*t**4m* ed cont*fri|*orii* will no doubt tnuke H Interesting for *a* h thcr A Chi ago pr*a her I- now t*rrniixliii; the wait ad" ooiiitnu of th- n'*w lo nil ha church. Tie other night. In r< rpoiiM* to iiii** of hi* want*. I * church w * tilled t statidtrig room. Me n -wnilc many profrieionnl persons think it unethical to advertise—ln the faid col titnnx. A novelty in the lynching lln* was nar* !owiv avert*’*! at Ivl lk*r.l* Kati . * l\ or 'w*> ago A woman of t'• name *•( Jeaala Motrlaw !*• on trial there for the v i | of women met anti f*rfH>*‘* *1 to take J cu rie Morrhkm from th*- Ja II und lynui ner The meeting w.m unanlmom* Jn >|dn fon. hut for want of u ha*ter th wherm* fed! tn rough. A novelty In npeeial journallam I pro- Jttfd by a Frenchman, lie will ixitilhh a paoer es*p* 4 *lll> for eeai*lck per**on The ni.iln puriiovw of the enterprise will Is* tn flmf specific for ' mill *Je mer." All travelers will la- Invited to wrhe what tiny know mlmmi! seasickneMs, Its cymptovna and it** remedlei* A prise of IS*. l to Im* offitrol for the dtsoovery of an Infallible remedy for the com plaint. Nobody but a Frem nmun coiijl ever have siiggeetvsl such an 4 nt* , r|W'i*‘ Mr. Towne of Mirw.* iHa w ill hardly le in the Hefiate longer t win thirty day* There la an unwritten Mil# In the Senate that anew senator must be scan and not I;ewrd Mr. Town* *■ an orator of note Should he adliere to pr** #deiit h* would rot have the opportunity for oftenlng hit mouth during ht** term. Sh<gil h break over tlie traditions an*l mak* h sjieeeh. he might be ovujgwnelifted by the frigid uignlty of the chum her. on the other band, should ha r*-fiuin fr<an he might lo#.- h* opportunity of hla life. Tha alt nation, therefore. Is full of em barruarm* n for Senator Tewrti**.* It haw li) I) and * Übl V the MemphVi * oiton KJtchiinse that hsresflrr the deal * to* and prices affecting cotton tod and *tt*m seed product* rtia.i receive mor** attention tiuui has i>**ii ii rule ui the pa* Complete quotation# respecting tn** product litre to Ik* given The New Of- I .a.* Cotton Exchange ha* ppointe*l nmmlttu on lotion Mid, an*l the probi i :litl > are that nrrauguroent tv ill mud*: tdiortly fu* |u*Satiats r|U)aiif i ii .t peodu t. Clradualfy th* ex* banve h * nilrtg to recognise the real valu* *f t a- * "inmodity which for yeaiw was rc gardsd as a uiudranev aiKl a rgs*g pioduct. Till; VIKWN til* TWO I#RAIIKH<i. Mr * * velural. i% day or two ago. gave . e hi* opinion that the 1 a-mucpsiie fairly* in order to win th* 1 conikltnca ot Ikioi*;* .ir | rianl n ckub** 1 of getting control **f th* governm* nt. muq “return br ! prlt • ip!- * fn tht i/outV#* of hi.* t> f Ifit* rview he snid tiiat, In his hum* I * l*s on. the l*etn*e rgtt* 1 party ia imply wandcif-d off after siiang* g*Ki** r w . nnnoufv cd In our disi>atchew yc <* i* • that Mr itr > mu. who will l> sfwaket t th- han*|ii' t of tie* J •> k unhifl t’ltib in Chk age <4 Jan M. w ill ;a*k atK> .* t?i fultir* 1 poll* of the Demo • an f*urty It I** about --r aUi that he *i ill ifi-i*!! tiiat tim party mus continue along f■. lines mar ke*l *ut it the t'hleage *nd K*ui'e* * '1: y pk> l* rm* Mr <*|ev*- late I and Mi. liryan i (ir •n* tn* opfio*- ' lfg for • Iri t- Will *h* view** of Mi ( lev. laid o- Ho * of Mr. ftryait prevail ,i- U 4 t.# next national plat f rtn of th. imio If th* %i*w •of neither p * i.*ll will th* • Im- o • oinpTomi'*** or i• • l i will receive a '‘*il of titefiixgt •tiring th* ••♦■xt two or . i Th*' *iir**aait in which *nf!. innt lit rI party Ir running wrill be (own by t* pi it form* thut will b ft- *le it th* \ trjou-i daf* .n*l Congret*- -i<4 a I cant pa igl) In the ;■•.** n* t jtac.ul election M M . Kinl**> re* evl 7> J vote** wml M Kryai. itr iT. In coftlptari f* u with !m nt* of |ty. M r MeKit ■ -4.'ilftevl I.A.IkS voles. and Mr. I try an !*.- 37 > If Mr. Uryar.'s \l* ws at* to the future policy of the l#en* net at l loan should prevail It prole d* that th* r ■it mu jo -it yof tho- • who >• 0,1 with • b iH-mcM ratlc imrty this >**ar would - atinue to act with ttn*t ■ * l l ' **ut i’> f*r- *mi I*l ?j * v of drawing to to. iMiio' i- 0,. of* ybrulde muiiix r :ho * alio IfkpOrt* *i Mr M' Killl* > would fan t Rr* it. In fa* lf the *n. v r qii* .M!ion - Sioufd cotit imn* to l. n ! 1 > ti* - , the i who vot**l Ihe Ik-iiioc-rati* tick*-* this I *r Would vote with the th-oubli in- j But If th* slit r quc tiOn should he aban. bof.'l :n. r* w oiji-l tm a log inov* tnm f? Oil the ItepofO IP t*l til* I #* 4 fUO*' * .|ti* isirty. Tn* ode ation** now af that th* <|Ue* ii-*n of lm|*erioli-ti will nK figure in th* .nipiiyn *f ISkd Th* r. are .-* p nd iiiß before th* Supreme Court which will pro* t ejiiy .-ttle that |U*. 4| tlon. If the Supf* m* I’.oir* *le< 1 !* *• that th* c'onstmt ttofi follow- th*- flag tiie Uepubilhan |Kirty will have to change Its |>ollcy In resject to the I'i.iitppin* - If. on the other hand fite decision is that 1 ’ottfrerr has author. Ity t govern teriltorb - outside of *hc • otistltution th- ta of tie l*hillf>pln*s will be petti* I, utih ■ - ati agitn'i on is Iwntin <o ain era I tn. constitution. If the que-tlon f mte. r alisin could lr k>js alive the prolialdlity Is that the D**mo *. rats could win with It in the text presi dential * ottt*"-i. pro\ idel there was no Issue in r**sp* • t to silver. I t !*• noih **a i*l* that HNttc of th*- most prominent Its* puhil ms in th* 4 la-t campaign wrsrs a.ainsi -I it* Fhiiippin. |**>llcy of tti*h i party, and hist week ex-President lUrri* I Mtit, in un HtMm-x to the students of tile j i inv. sity t Vim Arlxn. took th* giound ! that th<* I’onatUutleii follow - the hag tit 1 * | t asitioi) o< * upiid by in* I>. ni*< ratio par* j fy in the pt* d-lentlol ■ amtmlgn this y. ar It would not !>*- surprising if the future ! (xdlcy of the I>#*nio racy* should ti*t lr. i-lud* 4 free -ilver r any of 4 he extreme I*k trim s of the Popullatn—should, In la. r Im nearer to the view * of Mr. Cleve land than !• those of Mr Bryan In tlwit event the I’opullst 1c vote would Im lost, htu it would Ih* roof t turn * * ini‘ii -at. *1 for hy accession* fi***u tli* 4 Keputdican imrty Th* Mssatisf.ctitm In t!wt isirty ts steadily liH-nwhing. ami If it hn*l not Uen lor the dlv* plank in tin* In mo , , a , ; s * !.• . <t w lli-i have Im- !1 much closer than It was. In fact, there might ha\e b*nti i 1 ■ mo*ratio, instead of Republican, victory -111. IHttVT T| HN TilK UTMF.It 4 Mi l K. According to Minister Wu's idea of . g<fc| the It* \. Henry M !-•*■- gel of Reading. Pi I* not urn' II is th** pastor of the Church of the Follower* of Christ. HiVl during hi* sermon last Sunday, referring to Bishop l*otter * crltl- Imui f Ignorant uiiniater-. h* ail: • it; Potter talks as If he hud never f. If the l* \ and *hri-i Ido not hedtate t*. say that 1 doubt w her her he is a t’hrls tlai* If he 1 t** should not talk in Mi** w i V lie Wool*l he com** t** It** **!- tng inl ■*!*..k in my mission If li* 4 va Invited si limit tiring paid* I am afrihl he woiiMl not. ‘ The pool at*“ the peoph who need Ih© Goapcl, and I am fr*e to confess mrelve it more gladly than any other da**. They luttig* f i*>r the Word. A\ ho is bring* p ,• (he t Jo-pel i * ar**r u* those |MMph men Ilk© Potter, who get a i>ltt salary, or tin* men who arc in touch with the every - * div live* of the tasrir. men who are poor th< nis*dv and know how th other fellow feels aIKHIt It? “Now. liow uiiaiit all this Hih allon buaim -s? What *l*h* it all amount to” lld th* 4 di* 1 cl pie go to college? \N ti* re .1,0 th. atmph fishermen gel their slu eatlon? They were iallef by Christ; th.,| a a sufficient to mak* gOOd all their la-k of t* hnh ai cttui ation. Io von think H >- necessary a man should iv- aide to i. ad axl wrlie a do*en languages in or.ler to arri the nessag* 1 of Christ a* .xii. -*>*l In the Sermon ti the Mount to th* unsaved ' 1 *lo not think so. • If men Ilk* Bishop potter were to try to -,iv —ml**. Instead of worrying aho it the Inscription* on sphinxes, and all the*© -**rt of thing*, tn* 1 coo* Ht lon o( things would l* (>ctter in New York." The Rev. Mr BengeF* reply to Bishop Potter I* not ma*le In the spirit of a Christian. While the Bishop* criticism wi* not *tni*d a; him particularly. It m .< hkhl to hit him and. instead of turn ing the other cheek, he proceeded to iy that in hi* opinion the Ittshop was not a Christian. In other wor*V h practically as**rted that (he Bishop was t hypocrite There 1* no itouht that the Itev. Mr. langel Is a very earnest man, hut has he himself not reason to doubt m* own claim to chrMttgn* Would Christ have male the of a reply that be made to a criticism like that of W*hop Put let It Is not for one man to Judge .mother. In looking tor faults in 4#thet- we are liable to lose sight of fault* In ourselv***. If a genuine Christian minister had felt hurl by Bishop Potter’- ri b ism he would have met It with *oit answ r wou I*l have prayts! that (he Bishop mUbt see hi* error. The answer of the R**v. Mr Bangel wm practically a blow mill, on** cannot help ilklng m nghtlng t>arak>ri. France will place an '•mhurgo upon loot fiom CTlina at Mureen.*' . If sh** hi<l i |o *d #tn em*>argo ufaui loottng tn Ontn i. A l w&uld have beta more tffwUye. THE MOKJNTN(i NEWS: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER li), BKW). TUB ilTllonillTllß Bill I It p* i- •.I that th** Oovern*'*r i* noi , *n *sl with the ua. kiii. "• I* we shoiild tnink ho wouldn't * B f n#! * r* • *• ived some information frvnf t.• r -1 troller General width lmia#ses iijoii him lie iluty uf ikiilig w.a t >*• L* . nur* • •upt.f to f iv* i *m*d fim.i . i.ppropriatWns wn.un tb* P "• The information h* l * r*** 'd from tie Contiodei i iit • ie tot * . iroin Mil v • f-if th* ■ ominv '•**' *vii| :b* snout t3.oM.tO> Ti;* approfiriatlo. * ■ mount to fitiotft ms# It • • i;*pr*>* prhitlonif -tund ther* f*'r there wol h* A li* u of a bout | The Atlanta Bons.ltulion •* 4 * 1 I tti** I.egi iatur* oil th- ,ou- work 1* hoi tion* —work that sooil “entitle * *• -. i* of ti* fir- 1 un|s- ui ■ T wfk ivt* ii that pufer 1 l in mltal. if w- ut der cand it- im inlng w** ■ i|t* • ral!’. - bow 11 in dealing wit r* l u .I*l* t 'H *f liigb< i ©ducatba W* bav* no lion to thi -** ! i of h • • 1.• 1j 1 > prov kttJ#g tin* m*-ur - * x*u - • * x.|>t Itiii a ha? .. of I: ' * ' IH It in it gU • W bell ( ici • - Hu* 11*.*: 'o ’ T . *.>>iatur i.i-l ih* i-.irn - iiii **# o: information ti t.Soverti r* iiv to to* amount of #ll om> u * tain f ;t* <# Mxatj.. vvai.t yh*ll. V\ • I i’ nor a\ nl itself 01 j! * l>|i it w 1. t ■ inak* 1 •■pufar :<>ii 1 r lit#* raliti ki >w In- tha •(*••• would rot be mom v • 1.0 u riie ti' i .irv |di> Us appropriation M • hinll> trunk taut w 1 It> pur{*>** I •<m* to liv goa# ah*et makir.x appr** {<r.ation withou tituHru; out bow mu . money it ha* t .pprorri t< ir niav is- that it was t lought by ©om ! the in* mb* r~ tuar ih* proisshioi -* - ami* note** would r**uit m a lig* In rr#iM in the revenu* . If th-M w . in t.u --mind-* of a*.v .*f th* member- who vot'd a jtpr *.pr .ation: w ht* . l *rg . \ ex* *• *1 t- I*l*llll* th*-v ought to in* beeti sute that • iu? pr.#,uo*it:*n wonM no*-; 111 .* upprovul is>for* ueting In Other nnt -t rs * It ilea • |*t 1# * • was a f>rgoru ( 04l* 1.1-iOl B> *h r i ti id b 1 1 "ptwl b> tte g.-.atur* l It would not b ii<* u l i il a great and al. in ail |ir>bu >il lt> to t (* state's rev* im* • e*rfainiy n # 1 **uth of th* 11 monnt by whlcu ih* p -proprigtlons exceil the revenue. Now Ihe <h*vernor wdl Imv* to ,k> • work w i.di ih* I>*gtslatur* w.i tait I*l (•* It will be a dltti uitv matter for him to luing the appropriatMNit' within the -4 ite's income, iseaui* he haa not t nr m* fre#dom In shaptug ih* appropria tion WU ms (he h i*. I: mt. t t.uat. try us h*- mar, he lannot mak* 4 ie •- ari r* net ions without Join,! 111 Ju>• i • t* -om internet B •** not pl'u-ji.i ti* find fault v la e L-egislalur**, lut it I* tloubtful if tint •d> f* .s well sa isded With it*u*!f nnl li * work II ITIIFH MB II K % HI.K. P was r.atliei remarktibh* th? the Norfh*rn fap'rx gave so little spnc to j tie lynching which occurred at Ruek|#o**t, | 111., last Sundiiv 1 1 ha*l soni* rather dratnat)** feature* If a lynching Ike that j had occurred in the South. iartWulorly I if the victim tkid l**ai a negro, there ! would ti.ii#* !m**i n.- ti tonal he idlln* > in tl same patters, and th* a* count of Ih* nff ur vnmkl have lx hi t;iven a eoiuii 11 *•* more. An*l th r* was another lynching #t th# same piae* on Moutlay, an account of which wo4 puiilisinsl in ur I giMtchcs > esicwtay. Two lyn<hing In on** r*wr% ! within two liys is something tiiat rare j l\ incurs in 4 l*e Hnuth The victims in the floek|>ort affair wore negroes It is tloubtful if the alleged guilty parties had b*-ct wtdtc men lher** w<hil*l have hen a lynching. And there was Ju*d ms much race feeling, probably more, si-own In these Ro*kfort lynt hmgs as Bier* 1 ever is in a lynching of u negro criminal in the j Sooth. H may be that the reason the Norih • rn (■afters s i*l SO I til** aiioat the It *ek iwrt affair Is tiiat they are beginning to understand that a negro who commits a heinous offense in the North stand** in just as nut ti danger of bing lynchctl as 4i negro who commit.** a similar off in lii Soutl. As far as lynching is on. • • rn* and the p* optc or th* North have no ■ re 1 son t.. think they stand ai higher j ground than the people of the Houih. If ih* p* r< eiitag** of 4 hr n*gro population in the North were s larg** n th* North J a * It is in the South there would he Just ! „ roam lynching** then* us here. m A novel an 1 c*wiy test of th* tJath ' mann gun is shortly to ts* held hi Sandy 1 Hook. The target i- to h# the *lumm> ll* 1 w.u>:ti> i' 1 ' I'tol on land, •'* !•• i ui length. It will he made of armor j.ate dxki'ii Ini i* 4 - thl k. nd will i*'> • suit a broadsuH- to the gun The tarn* 1 ivill cost SKI.9UO It Is not lik*;>. however tiiat th** whole dunum ship w ill ne w recked, a* n e the plates that remain uninjured will later b* u-* *l in i* a! ahipe Twenty-two round ire to *c tired *t thi targe* These will com ! m the aggregate $&•'• r over Si.**** each, bringing the entire cost of the ex periment up to 511.V225. The gun to be •i*-*-*! ih forty f*t long and w igh* flfty nine tons T i is * son of targH pra lice th.t only the wealthy, lk> 4 Ida Sum, can indulge in Helen Keller, the remarkable girl tv <> has hern teaf. blind and dumb from her infancy. *nd yet h* wn her way ii B el. lift Folhg* at the fig** of nineteen, is now learning to talk She never heard sound or saw a gleam of iigiit. never theless.- when < i.*d l*|on the othet *lu> hy her ctaesruate* sh* 4 was able to deliver a short audible address. She s|Hke slow ly. and h r voice was unmodihated. nev- I *rthe;e-a j( wi t evlde*t that sti- hot t mast ere* I th** prlnclpl** of spoktm (bought. : 1 his young woman’s career Is truly one ,r tin* wonders of tin* century. Notwnh- I standing her terrible haruMrap, sh* Is ! now atinlying languages anl the rkisah*©, or lls reg nle*l is un ficfptlonalljt hrig. r 1 -tU'hlit. - m , , Among the Fnlteil States senators who ! will retire on March *. rn'xt. are Wolcott I of Colorado. Lindsay of Kentucky, Gaffer; j of I anils an 1, Thurvton and Allen of Ne hraska. Turley of Tennessee, Butler of North Carolina. Pettigrew of Bouth Da kota *nd Carter of Montana. Senator Towns Is also In the list, but he Is merely an “accident* of brief duration. It i' pii' IMe that ('handler of New Ilamp j **hlr* will pass Into retirement at th** 4ime time, since strong opposition to him ! in ih* legislature of his state has been ! !v lop(Hl. On the whole, quiff a mimU t of the old faces will be missvJ in Iht new Cougrcs* , The forest j* of this country are iriug raptil.i *iep *-*i In vi •tp *an* ,ii. 1 , rsiinrvid© going to do for their •r. . x writer in the RaiHfy Age ran * tie question, and in rt-ply suv * 4 . ’-ic ra#twa companies ought to pi •. ti • .*• 1 1 to. ir lights of wav. fl* favors the Ip -1 ■ w rapidly growing *•*•! hanlv •r* * T * !• !iet. h* say- Wfiil grow targ* * rough for tie In fifteen years. W f, hiut mug t *,l • oug i o (#• fi -ourc* * f *lai ko akong the track. Hv ei ai * . nd turn might be raisrd aka>c * *< t mile of road. A ootest is to !#• m id** ag liiist Rolwrt W. x\ . iu, the fuv.i Ut representative from Ii >w nt, wtio was admit(• ! to i e* .h in ih* 4 lion-* of Ke|jn*M n aiiv* - |j*t w **k sit 1 rot* *t It is to l*e t iuim*l that a, I* -tlon woe entirely Illegal.** Ttie 11 r* I.* Ilty of the election probably ; •"• '■* ui t :*•* fact that the candidate Of vat >n ~ did •<M t** *lv* , ni.* Jntit.v • ti • votes ■ st. Ha l tie ad 11.i i - 1 •• on idi-tute won. then wou.ii ii all l.kiftlhood h ive tcen no ki k The | .uI tus of the o*kr of l.imbur t* U*• ta-*n fixe*l by a N*-w V* k ourt I* not a nui*.in©. in the I# * tit Ihf law a 01 ding to th** oplrt- ’ ion of u nwJonty of tn* t*en* h of the i • iiutvii I |(jf -liofi. nutWltlinran ling a u .notity of on* 1 Judge* worn on record as holding t?i opinion that the od<>r of Lin • urg**r wa*4 on** * by the aide of which toe **me!l of hog pens aiHl slaughter ti #.-•* mtg it Im i* gai*hi as deli* ate per fumer y,” -Mi*' t'arri** Chapman president of th* Nat lord Woman Huffrag** A-so afioti pre*||c(H (hat during the combi-- • ntur\. w• **ti.ll hav*- a woman I*l * - 1- dent of ttie l fittest Htale . Then what -tiouhl she he culled, Mrs. Freeklent, ' or "Mrs Presldentes*”" it can liarl|y < assuripti that w* shall hav* * ha n l*#r girl In the White House. ri:it*4\ \t.. •The lrt< ii pa|v*rs say that Miss Zimmerman first met (he Duke of Man a: n r 04 ii fancy dr l troll given by Mrs Hughes II alien at Dtnard. Miss Z appeared a- “Tin Belie of .V w York -Joseph Jefferson said |n a re**ent nd !'• ** tiiat wh'ti an actor m young fail ur- h* im much affect him. but when h-* r* *■ he- Jeftir-on*' ge it Wiiuld he unbearable Therefore Jefferson pro •lu* 1 * 1 - is* nt w' pli \ - Colonel Charles W. Miller of the Hixth I ret* ! Htates Infantry, whom (h tpral MacArtimr lias Just made Military Gov ernor of the Blund of Negros, has le*-n iu command of the Sixth v**r fin* ■ the t.4 l !e of Han Juan Hill, except Just be fore He* reg men: sath-d f. r th* Orient. For 4wo htindr* *1 y. i- .md m*r*- i there has ulw ivs l-#eut a K* ppe| In the I British navy, the |>r. sent repr*s. nt itlve b* trig Captain Colin K**p|ed. HI nee he Joined the sen < m isr>. Captain K*-r>- pel 'p**nt aonn* time in Bgypt and the ; Soudan Hi father Ih Arimuxtl of th** I'U** * Mir Ham K**: 4< I. who was horn J x months h* f* • th.* bite Mr. Glad , -uone and who entorwl th** Royal Navy 1 when t!H> (Jueen w.- only :i year-* old. • Kiidynrd K plinv t *• p dtlvely r**fus. and t’te m**st *!.iggl 11* iiwldrfments to appear on the lecture plot form, ami the usually I hie MaJ. Fond mourn* 4 , says the } Springfield Rcpiitili .in. ’‘Th*ro D such 1 thing." wrot*- Mr Kipling. 1- paying ! I2T cents fer a dollar. n*l tatnigh I -up -1 [>'**• th*'r* s money n thi- lecturing hns i 1 n**ss. i# se*ms to m*- that th* 4 ho h**r. I (lie fuss, the tiring at everybody's heck j .Mil c ill. th*- nuht Jsairney.'. and so on. ! make It very *lear. 1 have Men i f* w 4 1 men who Ifv .l through the light, hut ! th*-y di*l nit l*:ok happy " For a nvn iin Mr Kpi ng' condition f h*i! h, the j drain of k during would certainly Ih* too | much. BUM.(IT HID*. ■Stl* king 40 IBs F*-n* haul—“ What si. I come of that Imv who tial such talent for rnwchitad v? * “II was arrest*? 1 the tii r and * f*r running *ln*>r*e mfll ' | t '|.*v* land I’luin Dealer. Rot 1 her; -CtHien—M) house at N* I j ‘v,.7ix Fnea . tr*d w rolihd Im 1 tilgln !" Colic*' Captain to !*rki— Mr. Smith, pleas** lo*k In your boidfs nl .-* if a j p ?mil ii.h i -uni i> anyl o#lv to rob th* pnml*'* s .11 No trili*,7l'4 l#licitsy str**et. | last night.’'-Buck. —FnlctfHi I have derided to be * hos- I 1 ttsal nurse,’* ! ai*l Amy. 1 >aw It stand I tha* 77* |x r r**tit. of unmarried men fail In l*i• .nd proiM tn.irrlag* 4 to the w nu*n that nuts# them through -• ver* 111 - |n* see.*- ** "I saw t 1 at sttliftMig, too,” id*led Mabel, “hut fny recollection is (hat i 1 • tid piclty nurse.- —ln tro l Free I’reM. iltd M* rrhant—Before I an-*w* r your | j**|uest f*r my hand, i* i milt m* 4 4o ask what is your yearly income. sir? Young Man Ml toll, it amounted to (too. Old Merchant—M m’ To that would Is* ! ad*kd the interest at I p* r cent, on the um of f.•*' ■* that I int* n*l (o gli* mv daughter for her dowry Vming Man A ell. the fact is. I have taken th* liberty of In hiding that in the i calculation just submitted Fun. 4 1 RHFA C ( OMMIiVr. The FhU*l*‘d>hk Recur*l (Dcind say Mr Rry tn. *t authorltativeli an | not:need, lifts given over the practice of ; law . lie Intend* to puolira and edit a tv*kl>’ new*pa|HT. to b* 1 • ii*s| tb I'oni* mtiner. which will keep t ie iwoiH* *< the im ted Slates informed of tile views on I curren tepl*s. Hnoukl h persist tn lilts dtsigii h** will hav. signed ht* **wn and uth 1 warrant ns a political l*<i*r. The <*om | rnoner will rise in judgment against him i\, ver wa~ . w per seer than the I*ra*ri** jue who exclaimed 'Oh. ft hut mine enemy j would write a Ivjok'* " Th* 4 UiivoKon N*ws (Drm > say Congr* sniaii Fitigaraid's wmetalmeiu to 1 ptohi *it th** sale of irioxkvmta in the cap ' Rol building within *• •->' reach of our statesmen, was promptly iwit *k*arn. Con gressman Fltxgeraal should keep off th 4 * 1 ;<>• * of the great. Tak* 4 whisky out of Washington, and quite a number of 1011- jc* Mrom wouW actually realgi; They would not gland it for an hour.” The Hprngfh 4 *l (Mane.) B* pu *li an Gtid ) lays: “Thy tlhlos of civibsatlofi; While A merit 1 Is insistent ui*oif an op™n <kor in China. an<t upon the ready en trance of American missionaries Into Cht nese territory, the author id.© of th Flu tist State*.’ to quote i current dlepaich, •ere putting fortu greater efforts than ever* to prevent the Chinese from enlac ing the I’nitwi Htaies." The Houston (Tex.) I*4>et (Dem.) ao>* It is sikl Wisconsin wUI ©nact a law prohibiting the marriage of moral and physical degeneratra, iitoane psopir or peopla with ln* urahie (Nasowo. W le-i -sin im a state If It ran affvnt to a*kp4 such n law und continue to kwp goings moviuis murkily and phyuwallya" Inl ha a Hnssfls. There has Just irrivni .n London, from the Gold CouMt. Walter L. R-nu**t4. .* tmn. win* bad ti# #*xpcrienr during the Adnn* tee rising which r calls Ruler Haggard a story of “King Solomon s M nes" aixl the magi*- eyeglasi* of t’aja m> Good. *ays iho I-ondm Mail Al Bennett i** h land -urveyor by jro fe-lon. and lit May of :r*s v*• j was a* Bibianiita a place on th* t*oui daiv Ih - tw**tt S.f w: find Ash in tee. two and a half days to the w**st of Koomas). Th*- only white min near him was young mi nine prcspecior at Akrokerri, 1 mining enitip. These two Kng|-hm* n. far apart and yet fseitog ih* m ♦ l\*s 40 he neighl#ors iNrne| rf the Ashante© rlsit g hy the i 1 Th** mining prospector went to Fueahtn *>r protectlo4; It wif promise*l him 1 the chief of the vliiocr who gave him bountiful meal of chi ken. When dinner w.i* over the villagers rushed in und bat* ter**ri the Englishman into un- or>- k>as. n* -- Then they cut off hi head Mr. Bennett beard thi- ?*rrib|. story .a he was * taint to nxivi If* w- p*#w*r • Hue fat* On the advice o' i*n educated native, h* went to the h* I village of 4h** rhkf of the Dunkofo and nruid* ♦ dash for the chiefs hut He w.i ! 1 r*- *lv. and and f* 1. ami ittn -♦*! prole* rion But so w s ihe other ICngllshmui at Eluahln While thi* situation was -till rltlc*l. Air. Ilenneit, who is ins-parah!** from ha '-yegl**se. even on (he Golf **c*-t, put It in ill- eye u think matter ovm Tie “gh* - cy* " h idilv amued .* -hlny litt!** hkMk hoy, one of Hi* chief* song. H* roarri with laught<r. Air. l: i nett grin n#**l it him. and let th* mon> i* - drop The effect was great. Tin- Dunknto ni.nh t • it* I* urouiid tie Englishman, greatly mystified by and delighted w.ih bin xtra ♦y* “I had to *!< <*ime monkey tri ks with that •yegla-** *' ©avs Mr. Ben net*. 1 a her daim* faced Iv. “and I corn pi<*led the conquest, hy to iv4v■ wito -trutted around proud >f h* t diatlnci on “ Mr. Kenne t was savel hy ©yeg It !•** Ime .1 sort of fe;lch. The >ll *f **r.- isrtslnol hint as an honored gu* -t. he |**“<l in the search for th- as- -.-lnate*l proepvtor. Mr Bennett wo given an es cort . and. after many days of privation, irr v I saffly at ti * iast. where ii*- gwv. Information to th* .ffi i *|* which i*d to a punitive ex|H‘dtin lo Ehcahin. I aliliiul it lit* l.lllle %ll*tres. An iinhapny little lla* k d*< sat for •w -nty-fonr hour*- re.-.-ntly on the brink of .1 big res*rvcdr in Chicago's suburbs, says un exchange The water seemed to Ijuic • fas- nation for him w .i* h p* n s-ti, con'd n*i .-soiv* 11• w -ui t m.-'i round arid rout-I th* 4 brh k until tKierly worn out. crying as thonuii his h* in would Iccak T* • a h* would rest f* awrhlle. th n hj: ln l* i>l* woul i talk to him i 4 <! try ti •-*>x him away, hut ie would -ettle him-* 1' firmly on hi f* t and looking a them mournfully, r**- fue* to budge Vi last he found a friend It was his master, Alexander- Hermit, who was i*<k tig for his sister. The child had left home th- flay before with th* - Mg “Where's Lillie"'' a k 1 the oy. as he would have a hlr* -• • I .* |x< r •*>?! Th* t<*g understood tli um* li** • law*, oi at th* * 'lge *>t th* w *t'*r •* and yelped Irm ticully. and tha* broth** 1 dl*l n*s ii*****t jto Ih* toll again lha hi- sister wa In j ti c reservoir. The police mm* 1 aid dragge*! the re -riolr fr liours without result. lut -st.l* 4fi' deg r*m.i:rcfusii..; ’* l*e ruukr'i Chief Swcllh* sent u fit* engine to pump out the water At last the bottom was reached Lying und* ra timber, whli b ! had prevented fte . ' Ipl'ill.g tl" *k -* .i --f tng Iht, was 4 fi* b*iy of the girl. There wa r** no 11 .tn -ses to the a* ldent 1 <t.-lde fr* 11l tl.e hg When the Htth alii , mil aw tt; i> <*\ placed in the Htolkm’* I patrol viacni h* reliiuiuJshed file vigil and Jullowed th- w f **ti fuaiit. V\ li*r- ll* Mail** 111- viark. A Demo*-ratlc* 1 -**na(s from K- n j tu, kv ti lls tie story on himself, say* the 4*biMgo Trihun* It was at the elect .on I of Th* Demoeratic managers in one of th* ■h! 1 K war I- of I/Mlbvlll** (wtd -Hart* l i*iu t • buy a many raiofwl vK !. . - 1 they could reach. Th* market ! iric* was l: vote The men who did 1 tbe buying Iwi I sample ballots, and care j fully explained to each of thHr purchas -1 ,-rs wh* re li* -hould mak* his mark or, J t >. ballot, in th* spa* * at the head of the RepuHlcitn tick*4 w.m a rough r* pr> - | '.. u( itlve of a leg * ibin AhOV* 4 th*- iHtnO , * I* ticket w.i tn* figure *f a rampant •’You se* when - th* rooster I**. ts h . ' ! stahl on** of tie* Democrats (■> ti• old ! !,.*gn>. Well, y 11 want to rnak* a cross i in t lh* square right In low th*' rooster. That's all you have to lc Tit* old m*in g*t his I- aml walked Into th* inltlix |K*oth When In* came out fit looked somew hat puxsh and. ami on* of th*.* Democrats who tia*J paid h m th* - money ask*d him what w.i- th l- matter. 4 You vui *i all right, dkln't you. uncle?** • Y*s. sail. I suhtlnly did.” "You uad your matk right und*r th* ruo-ter. didn't you. unci* - ”" “Wall, no . 1*1.” a 11-wered the old col ored mn. hesitatingly; “that is. not tn-r- Hactly undith th* rooster.'' Well. where did you make your murk ’ *’l made my ma'k right urslah tlc charken house, sail. I thought In*, rooster .vh inside." Tricks l n Tame Ball. “Looking over my neighbor' fen** one h*y . ay - o lover of aoimui according to th* t*di .* * lot Adi* at* “I w * sur prl>*-l to we *n his doorsep th* qu* r *ompaidons; A Is-auilful ariiit* sca-gui! ami my ntdghbor's pet * it. sitting quiet ly logethci • “Ihcomlng interests*! I Jumie*l the f n. ** an*! t>Keri Jon©- aljoul hi- feather c* |m t. He told m* th! ‘*tn< hoy> had *!.• the gull a few days before and broken wing, and h* m*\ w.-r* |xe uig his hoii.H* he notlctnJ th** |nior. suffer ing thmg n*l ts>ugtii H* 4 i anda**l ne broken wing. un*l the guii. seeming to uinlerstan*! his kind intendonii. be.*.rne qtilte tame Mini netiri it# pretty heud ag ilnsi hi- hn<!. ' Jonca entertain* I m** by showiitg how tie guii usually took its no-alt- Bring ing .date >! oyst* rs Hid >• fork, lie called, ‘Goosey, k<ki©-> goosey!* ui.l tn* bird cam** tunning 10 him Then he h* .1 ou: an oyster on the fork, and the gull welled it quickly with it* yellow bill and ate it ••* demurely as If oysters ben Mervcii to it in this way it.l its days. “The o*liest thing occurred otie day when my neighljor gave the gull suae -moil pkos of ni 4 ft! for dinner. fie p* * 4 *i the meat on the ground near the gull, but th* 1 guii. • spying a |v*n of wa ter near by. took the meat piacw by pie. .. ami. walking over, drop|>©*i ft into 4,e **ter. Then, true to itr nature, g began fishing for its dinner.” Ol. Ilryan am an l*||io r . i'ol. William tin fug Bryan—by the wiy. 1t makes him furious to Ih> cslie I Colonel—tells m ny funny stories about his experience as an ed (or on the Omuba World-Herald. 4 ays the New York World IBs particular newspaper chum was r 1. Metcalfe, who Is now th** managing editor of the [t>er and who was Bryan © representative on the pisiform committee at the Kansas City i’onverMlon. Bryan save himself, despite his new an. nouncemetit (hat he will edit and manage a w.- kly tiev ris*p-r. that he wis not M gliilerirar success In the editorial chair “I were nearly naxy trying to mak. u polltichin out of Metcalfe,“ he avers, “atal I k’u>w Metcalfe was in the sant* hx frvm trying io make un editor out of M a " Millions of Women Use Guticura Soap Exclusively. Millions of Womm u cutigjra soap, exclusively, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleans ing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, in the form of baths for annoying inflammations, and chafings, or too free or offensive perspiration, the form of washes for ulcerAttvc weaknesses* And mjny sjnjtivc antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used it to use any other, especially for preserving and puri fyine the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and children. CUTI CURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTICURA, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odors. No other medicated soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserving, purilying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expen sive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, viz., TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, the BEST skin and com plexion soap, the BEST toilet and BEST baby soap in the world. f*i itirnra Complete External and Internal Treatment for Eierj Humor, VUIIvUI coß.s.rtin* of Clin nu H .to cl.-nw> the ,klo nt cnr.iKj 1 t*ee, Omwu Oomnv, ... . The 50t,81.Z5 v>! -u\ y I ti"K, m!UmniUoi>, Kl lrrluiUoaui4*<>otb.n<l fc_l n 11.1 u u. .<>' ,■ N cool ao.l < Xhuiw Uh' l.kNMt. A l*i(*r I, o(:,-o 1 t* OWMI AMU CUH. Fruj.. . <ol, Ujo. ••AUmUHitUicokui.fciadp.iuiJUtuf, - Irw. IT’S /i CERTfIIWTY THAT Smith’s Chill Tonic ~ A TRAt>E MARK. WILL CURE Dengue. Typhoil Intermittent, Malaria, Anti All Forms ol Fevers. At-1. KRt'OOISTS SICLL.JT ON A GUARANTKK —Manufarturrd t>y— COLUMBIA DRUG CO., savannah, ga. Sunset Rome. [*r*UN',fr nj SOIThERN CACU IC COMPANY. The Kavsrlte ami Ileal Pule Line To LOUSIANA. TEXAS, fff LX ICO CALIFORNIA. and all Prints STANDARD l’t'l.l MANH on ril train-* dally. i:\4TßSion pa la* k Pullmans dally, ex* 4 * pt M*n*U> f'*wn N**w Or Pan to I'.i'iforiiirt ai i • ' > j* t< 4t $-.•** I*r N-rtH. FREE ('HAIIt CAR*! daily New ur ban-* to D.i’la a* <1 t.l Yll Ulie und Northern T* xn polni - DAILY THROUGH PI LLMANS lo M*‘xlx> (Tty an*l Han I‘r.m -• * The Fa 111. *u- HINSET LIMITED, avers Monday, Thu • *\ .l St inl iy N*-w Orica lie to Him Fr .ir * i * *. For all IniormatiiMi, • ! • -- CLARENCE W. MURPHEY, T. P. A, IS E t Brian Hr, Savannah. (In. Wood Mosaic Co.'s Parquetry Floors Have Ix-eii laid in many f (h* 4 com fortable homes In N w York. H* ton at *1 other cltl* M**r- *, :. .’> .in 1 * conunn al than erorpots Plain .and fancy floors i,M and polished oomplet* *i old fl nirs, making a solid and beautiful Improve ment Having a m*ml*r of floors to lay In Ra vannih thi?* rrKtauh w* .n quot*- ('lows figures. Fatal uuv and ewlimai* 1 * may be had by addres-ing J M ADAMS. 227 N <'har!ts *tr*et Balllm r. Md. BRENNAN BROS, WHOLESALE! Fntft, Produce. Grain, Etc. >iaiAV STREET. WML. ItktbMilU. Bone IVleal Fur Chicken Kefd and Fertiliser. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluabh Cor “nomf-mlx. V fertiliser The chape*t end mot c*n<ntrivd on the market. Bend for parti uur If %%', t.H.%1 V COW 111 u, lift Aint. SEED OATS AND RYE- T. J. DAVIS, • Ph< ne 222. US B.y street, treat. We Save You Money —ON i'trc Work*. Toys ■* lil doll. , sw us quick. 'lMionc Ss*. DONNELLY DRt’O CO . Lll>criy in i Price itrn*h, J. D. WEED * CO AAVAXkAU. UA. Leather Belting. Steam Backing 4 Hose Acwita for NkW UsiUt auujlitu M4XisNU ANL> VACIUNU < inuj‘4|N.y, I 1 IS I. Of HOPt RT MD C. S S. ITT si ut.ui La: For I']■ of Hope, M.HitKoiii. ry Thur.,l*c boil. Calt)< l aik anil W. at l.nd. t'ally except rtuiiday.-. Subject to ci.anc* KIIIM.UI ,1011. ,• 18LK 9F HOPE. i.v Cliv (ur I. of II , Ev. 1-1. nt' Hop* “ and :j am fiom T- mil | <Ou am for Uolioa . oum fiom Tontu , ttu am for Troth -* .un (rant TVath ; 7uo am for Tuna ■* li am liom iu.non j g DO am for Trnl'i lu I .mi from T.-nib lo uv aui for Teruh 1J iv i. n fiuni Ti nth ,11 av an> for Holton I 15 pm from l.ultou jll St am for T* nth - from T. nih | ti Ou pm for Tenr, 5 .:•) pm from Tenth | 1 to ;.ni for llopoa * V pm iroin Tenth ! iUi pm for Teinn s*; pm from Trntii | foo pm for Temb t. :■ pm Hum 'l eoui | <wu pm for 'l'm 1 opm from Tenth j 7to pm for Ten b *** P m from Tmth |lo>pm fm Trm o Ju pin from T- nth i im pm f„ r T.. 11!h 1 * pin I tom Tenth JlO ou pm for Tenth IU UU pm for Tenth MONTOOMHKY. *- v tU > ,or Mong ryj L.V. Mom*,oner, * * n am II.MII Tenlh | 7 li am for Tenth 2 pm Ti'fiti, jJLa pm for Trotn c pm from Tenth |uo pm for Tenth CATTUE I'AKK. Lv clijr fur Cut. Park j Lv taitu Park -- 0 am frum Boltuo j7uu am for Itollw * -*> urn Hum lioiiuo j k wu am jor ki . ou i tv pm Alum Builun j 1 Ju pro lor itnjtmu / -oi itotu 4‘u.toji i j uu tor Uohon < U" | tu frum Lioliuti j 7 3W pm fur Uuiton II w Fiu trotn holion j t 3U pm for Bolton "A HU *N D Eli BOLT. Cwr I .ivrs lioiitil* Mlr©i JuuYdon iri a. m. anu v\\ry thirty imi.uita increafur uut.i ll.Jui*. m. 4ar leal I 'l'bu ruler holt at 00 a. m- a: u e\ery thirty minutes thereafter un . I- midnlffhi, for Bolton street June t ion. i 11K UAH TA XU 1 1 A 1(4 1 K iTV* \ K TI.M ear carrier trailer for pasgeiqspre on .i.l trips t* fi*| leaves west of city nairk* t for I-.- of Hop**, Thunderbolt at i all Interm* (Hate points at 900 a. ni. % 1 p m . s•* p in Leave- I-le of for Thunderhelt, F.ty Market an*l all intermerltat© points at * ,m a m . ii *> a m . 2:40 p. m. WEST END CAR. Car leaves west ride of city market for V\ *f End TOO a m and ©vary 40 minutes ther* after -hinn*: ihe day until 11 JO p m \Y.-f I7n*l at 45 a in. and e*• eey to mlnut* a rher* after during (ho *lay until 12:0 o’clock midnight fl M TsOFTON Hen Manaffer Merolianis A Miners Tronsoonoiian Cos Steamship Links To Baltimore & Philadelphia Tickets on Sale to All Points North an I Wst. Ffret-class th k*ta Include meals and berths Savannah lo Baltimore and Phi a *l* phta. Accommodatfong and cuistno un* qua I* and. The steamship of this company are ap pdntsd to sa l fr>m Savftnuah as follow* (Central Standard Time): TO lUI.TDIOHK. ITAS* A. Crops Billups. THFRSDAY. I * r. in CHATHAM. (’apt. Easter. SA’n'RDAY. !. • 'l2. p m TEXAS. Capt. RMrrigr, TFESDAI. Ihm 27*. 7 a. m. t) H MIL!.EII Fapt. peter?*. THFRS HAY, lb 27, ai 10.4*) a. m TO ITI II. % DEI.I'll I %. ALLEGHANY < *pt. Foeter. FRIDAY, !>• • 21. •* f* m. BERKSHIRE. Cwpi. Ryan, TFESDAY. !>ei*. HT*. K f*. 111. A LLL4 Hi AN 1 . 'api. Foster. HATER* DAI IHt. 29. ai limiw p. n*. Ticket Oftica No. 112 Bull street. J J. CAttOLAN. Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav. Ax Savannah, Ga. W P TERSER, O. V A A IV RT KURINS. A. T. M J C WHITNET. Traffic Manager General Offices. Baltimore. Md. Our Retiring From Business ll.*h (.tun* 4 *] the Buvannuh people to f *“ Join*. for (hay realise this to be an °t‘* leirtune time to avail th©m** 4 lve* of a' H'lvantaibO that has never h-©u enual** Tin* pri*es that we are quoting se< 4 f*i n ‘ credible, but th* goods must go. Special This Week: Whiting’s Sterling Silver. (The Wofl.r, OrHlftl Wlv#rmlth.) Our oxlrnivi> a.orunMit of Fancy Piece?* and Novelties Is t 4 omi*‘**“ In every detail Purtkular attention paid to com bln it ion stda of roll hind*. We are exh biting the finest line of L BBEY’S CUT CLASS ever shown In Savannah. Lxxi * sec our grand display for It Is lug the Hlmiratlon of every one *** * f your Xmas Gifts now and we will l’ them aside fur you. 0. W. ALLEN & CO., Wedding Presents Specialist>*. BARNARD AND STATE STREET*.