The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 19, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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labor was lively %I„ITM%TIO*I*T* HOT OFF *o*l*. U 001 I M ix. GOMPER3 favors strikes. x ll\| l > lOIXOQIN u III! M*K ii m;\\ xku.mii. i r*il*nl <•■* per* Declare# I Inn Ur ((•'li*'x •* i Huilil of labor in Win’” nl W l.y ll I iik I \|*lm* Wrkltfi f >rw /mlMini € marl of \ roll ratl*i—*e%- i.! %ldre*e* by Urn of I'ruml i-im-c—• l ottfrrmrr II I* \ljnurncd. D \ W.-TII.* conference on j n and nollUikrt w*-.., * r * 4 ,i*i -trial bin tor) with It* alJmirn i.<*tiight. wu** *' Ivi>* •! during th i <i* *•(*- b* w • . H imui I i Sum -klclit of t' l At*i **’ •* I'edcra f I,alkor an l Hugh II !uk. --x --( Parliament of N w '/.• tlacd i i|r Nt w alander took *x td Mr. floropeiC tie'.illation la*? • h* wanted io xc I.mot or 4,i i r* ..tin the privMege of ftriktii” , i t.o-v |wf J why lary p.* a.*♦*<! ot ■•*• they |hca sed - not 4ifHtt> crpd \|i buik liCflK'*’." Mr. tSomiHif % n idatioti uihl b ‘ - ,•• nnvr havr unv concllii uni* * vmi are read) to cui orf ■ ir,iot. Writ if that I. th* un r ; • .*tc* i orn&ition of thr teof)“ of Amo- I m j*orr\ for them thr afteriHKjn Mi tlomper* *•- el th* ► tuts*- hi I reltera - l hto aas**r t **W• •do not " h* d-• art I "c.utr i t. iirr* triroa!* nnnr* cxsarlly, ><it .ouH rather have the right to ditto i tiling throat than io hav** my rui* pt atto. Th* 4 < oi|HHory labor law to th- imputation referred to. w.i. labor to have the Hrengtn of ti Hit. hut :o ti<* that strength Krtly." la* • r Mr. Lu*k again secured the floor i explained at length the working-, of at hit itloo - tHiri of .N>\\ Calami, gen- Ply talking straight a? the lit>or jirw • nt Yoti‘d rut in> arm?- off to your rottn queried Mr. (kHnpet- U you were vasl w> Mould not nmpu \aiir amt'," the New y.u --• Ur, **but vv might enlarge your head." \ ttx* x exchange of qti.-tion; •• an w nich rwlldere<l th audlej.e*- foi a. Mi bu>k explained that during hi-arlng of a dWput* In* tween employer . i- unloriital ntk>) ' n ,u.*r ***•!* under |ienfti|) , ban/.- the n all i - u h.i fi * a used trie npf* ti to the nr tration eourt. Th* hearing during v\ h neither aide hod tin tight to in.le - i.dent u Hon. general!) lasted ihout * month. ! I rafhr Lie at j*word* jo|ntP In Wtwre a. m Independent, thnn t Mirren my right to tr,ki* for one minute. '* it*d Mr. isomp**r-. Then* were num- rou- *pe#che*. nil fav •Mig voluntary arhitratkMi. Kvn Mr. k th-la red I at Artier;* i w.i* not *• . for I'ompuiiory urbkrutlon Mr Jiilef'i'h. whirh wan the llrjf • * *.-• * onfeivtn * tef in**iul vocally favor •mp ory ari* trathn pcturl ihe eu ..f the eystitn New X* aland and .ted d* ■ |* li*t r V' irr**n A Hel, chairman of the Ma t* ' * tin-* ttx B:ate Hoard of Arhhraifon iid t*oneltUtlofi. follow* ! Mr Huek U \\ ii*on I’r* h. vl.-e president of the Ihpihll - Iriti and 44te**l t**m|any. favor • ' voluntary arbltiatlon. one.* voluntary • * non !•* |ro\ * I prart able, he -aul tin op n mind t hamm* and the **nfe*‘ *f the Atnerl- U) (leople to iki til* resit. , I ..... V. ■' !'• .1 . <h. ,W. of Mi iJn•**!►. 'gid In jmr• The strike of to-*lav I** t** nuvhTn .> t• tatnex. It lx a-• far-r* i. hlng m lt.***lf 11 . u- Treat*, oitd 1-* eaxetilUllv nor. u ixti-ful from an e oriomU’ eiandjvo'-at i . t :i to . v#*r did ef*r . for the oruanlxation • h*th lai*oi i-apital I- m*r*- thorough i . r| . t maki ' th*’ ontlK f tiM f* biti* r w neiiever It i* wag* l. UtH>r a .it thoroughly organis'd. r.r l> goer . vtrlk* H*t *loex. It p le, al! **f ■ to folj.i-d i gn v m • have fullect N. etrtke i ak<f plat e wiT htHlt a w**l -(lhiihl ns*<. a ¥*9l Lhhl> of men Intel •-t V •)! 4 lids* and, Wtll not ike a '•*•> - • i .on t*i th** extent of a < *t*aatiot* of ! • -•* uni* <t grievance exlxte. W• II .liiity though Id-ill forme* Jteople ftleltv *icnt of lalior. to org inix- mt*l ♦*v Maine of all strike* <at **H>’urb* r#.' u i,ku.g d< ,**gat’.igif ti f> ' iwK-talMM.’ aiel * 'it m ♦•xl-t ng gri* van. e** T* in. p tiltout a- fair and s<* nsdbU' *** to -tv that the weather clerk le exportable r utortrv*. or that the geologist* cr.*- iii *at a h|uike. It !* only when th*i • mployer dcnl*** the right of ••ntphiv* t** iave ii vl • n • eori'Htionx under which he xhxll work *n*l th** wage*t he ehal! Ie sal<l, a xtrlke ••'dy > ui wii*n th*- •-mployer me* th*- •■•reotyi l arid nota iuu argunw'nt. her*- x nothing to arlbtra * * If there *eu t anything to arhltrat*-, thet** w *till im* tIK• If th** employ* didn’t thdik lad a juxt grievaiu *. h- would not lx itixion- to leave* Itx ad)uKttn**nt to a nit! and iihttratlon. Thi- U lug the •a**-. • tnlx*l I,* or tx nmioti'i an.l willing ai ail rrriiteix of dixcord between *nr i >* r *ml employe xhould !• aijuat< a *l - eon* ilia I lon and arbitration. Thtx lx ‘n- wav . thlx lx th** fundamental prlncl ,*hx for which I ihor lx organise'l (live • a i uurt of arbitration before whi h *'* •an xubmit our grlw an* *-x anl dix ' Indin-ttial vvarfan will <..*•* hut wx muet have a voliv In the eho4e* of ar • uterx. Thl < eotitse ha* tn-eii Irbil by the organisation to which I belong, and the •Milt for good ha.* gone beyond egfse ta *n. It ha* proven mon than xalli* •M.-tory and during th** x|x nion;hx* op r tion of the plan. It li*a run more *moo h • than ti> new pi*- • of ex'lal machhi* •ry hi. ever run tn-fore. Other fp. ikcrx w* t John M. rttahl, xec : tary of th* Farmer**' National C’cm -re* H. . Tiybr t’hatineey If. <*alleg, A. Agard. n*-m --r of <l* Kxecuiive Hoard of a tl ax* Hot tie Ulowers' A9-oclatlon,’ Frederick H Haglev of th** Marble Monu frtvlurer#' ami Frank Hu [/Mspi IpWs Is your breath bad? Then your j 1 best friends turn their heads aside. I A bad breath means a bad liver. I Ayer’a Pills are liver pill*. They cure I constipation, biliousness,dyspepsia, I sick headache. 25c. All drußj-is**- I | Wm jot/,' niouiturh* er s bssutiful 1 nrowit nr rlfh blrk T 1 kxn ■•*' i BUCKINGHAM'S DYE 151.,:K„ V_l2_L!ft <if P*v>t- # ** ft >-*'i.lOb URIC ACID or GOUT POISON iitewL Physicians at Hot j l-Yx Springs use and j n prescribe Sirar 9 Buffalo m<Ui JTHIA WATER cM. y - lj! in Gout. Rheumatic V\| I Cout, Rheumatism, Calculi, etc. - * jp i ' - ‘ 1? t>R lUII.HNiIN S OAIiNKTT, Kur — aeon (retired) t !*■ Navy, Rr-ldMit • .*• Pliy.l. >*n. Mo- H,rlngt VrK -*t>‘ ra- Buffalo Lithia Water IV.H tiv.eM .11.-. RHKntATIf Itm-T il;.Xl wht.i 1- In <Hntrad.tln, • ti.-Mi !•> tin RUKt'MATOII* AItTMIUTIHor OARROD I have ha.t .. ell. nt ...ill* from thi 'Voter In lhe*e .(Teetlon. bolh In MY OWN I’KItSoN AND l\ Till: TttKATMKNT OK l ATIKNTS FOR WHOM l HAVE PRBftCBIBBD IT CM aurm Ik* uttuMl >. • ' *SW*X I.lKrt .n.i their SOtAKNT l-ROt-KRTIKA -Her l: Na I’Rnl'HVI.A< Til* At* WKI.I. *l* A RKWKHV IN NKt‘IIUITI<' (Ml.lf Hint tormina CAl.ft'l.l, nen .In- to .1 ctluniian, 'of I.ITHU’ ACID TI, lot Dll W\l K ('A ItIM NUT" IN Ke-lrtetlt Phyrt. Mot tSpilnr- Ark, Hurg**** irfiirnh. I S Nuvv. But** Htiitxx Naw ‘Buffalo lithia water MATIC HOI T KIIKI MATIH.M I’RIC A ID liItAVEI. and olii< 1 mal t<tl— and. p, nielli o|Mi: tile I KIC A-'llt HI ATMKBII* "IT NOT ONI.V KI.IMINATKH KKoM Till. HI.OoD TMK DKI.KTKHIOt VCI'NT HKKOHK IT r'KVSTAI.UIF.KM. HI T MIdMOIA KK IT IN TMK FORM OK i.l \T I.KArtT TO A SI/.K THAT HKNDKIU* Mr* fAHA<!K U.'IMI TMK rill-TKlli* AND I'KKTMKA COJII'A KATIVKI.) KASY Buffalo Lithia Water lion ini lemirkabS In I RIC Av'lD |,| VTHKBtfI It it a-. MK •*’ ' **‘“ , • ' one H-rtna Dnd* reltel In th. • • nth.r e.ri„K him...... wn „ would--m to in.ll -te KBPM-IAI. >*t ItATIVK VIItTIK IN KACM WATER Dc ,1 .111. - Htrlt on thirty ~.|.t..,t , 1 1.0 t t-prina- •* '•*'> > ">• ' hl " ,n M J. INFI.AMMATOR) RMKI MATWJ* Mt'ftCt'l.Aß lIMITMA'H.'M ••*' M'• 'rK KMKIM VTISYI . TMK V\ ATKH Ol' (M-KINO NO I I’OSSKHMc* AHYOKN KHAI. 'llt'U:. TUB liIIKATKIt iTRATIVK IHIWRR 'NI MAYK l-KKft Kll- KNCK TO THIH WATER IN TREATING THEBE CAJ*EB. Buffalo Lithia Water •*>*'-‘-Toror,r.. o d Dru„i...,. u ß,. Testunoniala which defy all imputation or questions sent to any address. PROPRIETOR, BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS* VIRBINIA. ch *m.i of the Brlg' an.l H-ruc- I itiral Iron Worker* Benjamin I. 'Vh.-I.r Pro-11-m of h -l'iii\■*!.!' of (* tlifornl. ilt' -lrtr**d <h.'t j thr .mtv.r-hv was the tribunal u labor ,ttfll-ult* rhou'.l ■ m>- for < alm. wlemtn ,11- us* hm. TO'tiib* th* ftenohttion* r*mm ttee nut,mill.-<1 Its mr' It musn.#-* th.t it In not “at thin lime a Mur'd ton •>< pra.-tl , .it industrial i form ' <n<l 'bat "*'h sys tems now existing fall to me.! tit. re. MUlrrnirntf of t.o- illfTi r.-nt Imcr.-M- In r. ..imn. ti-ll llv sbpointwent -* 1 "tt* mile. to <* f°r olio year fom.irNlug *l* repres. rHatlvcs of ihe employ.. 1 1 “ ...,.l it..* utt.. of employ. 'a-. ' forT, l.ifo a plan of action looking to rsla v llshlng a amoral system of <• • li.tloii will M-f to* < I' "•••"•'• •" 1 emi<>wer.l to n' im 'V auxiliary . ..mnilti.n- from ihe Imlusi.le* tra<l. - and ~rof.—lot.- AI n*ly Chairman M.icViitgh .iiojr>t**'l " unni l. . tlx* members of <u- r.—lutlon rcmmlll.-. ’"■ *“ which .<- 1 Without ilelwte. also in-,-'- tht _•• proper lime to arbitrate Is before a str.K. Ulna not afterwards To-night - sp.ah w.rr J W Van ('leave . Hi lands manufacturer who sunk* ste.l that a . "m --„f - .<•!. men a Hector !>,>"• I of Vlik'l l •' 'Jen. Join. I! U*r>lon of Georgia. Wad- Hampton of South i'aroHnu os ex- I’resident It trrls.n. .Inf, a national , nulsorv yrhltrauon law Martin Fox. president of the ,r ' M ’ Mol 1.-rs' In lon of No,eh Atneri- * an Frank IV rktng.nt. ftrand n i-t-r I llroth.rhoo.l of l/Womotlve Hr. men. also, wjp * * The conference Ihen edtonrne-l sine die. THK 'HW T ItlltHlK*. Win. tMnuittiler loses a la**—l’enrson lintel llitrtieil. ... n,., ll—William WaviTO* t.a . I’" Bl.iuam.-s the negro who was brought j here last week from Taylor'* still a"'* ■ lislged lit I n' county Jail, ha-l his r.ght leg amputated 10-slay by Dr J. H. iat.l-. ni* r. It will be remembered that this old I login was suspected of having entered lae room of Mrs Session's. ■< he wis found in his sock feel and Ids feet .. . , Ks I.oll niwidlnt til with his. While Mr. J. K* Taylor was exnm .idiik h Ira k the negro ui’.lertook io brain him with an ox. nd then run lie k I-- Hr, and Upon '.y someone wit.i -mail shot lth legs being hit Hioo.l poleon- Ins set In ttnd his right leg hod to be taken off A fashionable wedding Is to occur Thursda. evening, fie.- 30. a: Ihe Meth odist rhumb In Folkaton The contract- Ing istrtles are Mlo l.UUan Walnrlght. on. of tie- most popular school teachers In rharllon ,-ounly. n*l Mr J W Dick son. agent und operator of the Plant Bya tcm. at Kolkslon. Th! attendant- are Mr. I> W R.oo of i boat man. M ■ Martha Ml of K'Jkst ,a.. lirtdesmwkl. Mi Mill* of Folk-ton. and M s* Ida (.oedyear, of Way iTOf^. Th** c**r. iminv will hy lie\ (!. Ktrm*t. |a*tor r*f th#* church lit PoUtutoiu Mr. nrk*oi hh'l bride will Icav# Im misllal. ly af .r the m.irrlag* fir his old hem. tn North Carolina. where they will spend the holidays. brldwoufn i* •"* brother m Mr. George K. Dickson of this city John Thomas, a while man from Clinch county, was before 001. John T Myers. Fulled Hi ales commissioner charged with lb. illicit distilling of whisky In default f th' U'" **>nd assessed by the com missioner, Themis wa taken to Hivan nah Jail The arrest was made by Pollu te Marshal J. P Cason A son of H W. Douglas. Sr. living on the from Dougtaa to Pearsoti. a- I denially shot himself while pranking with a W Indicator rifle The wound Is uidli |mlr,ful. hul not fatal. The Klckllaott Motel, al Pearson, has tieen .h stroved by lire, law *1 >*. w ill, no Insurance. The hotel was owned by J. K. Kli'kliaon anti occupied hy J. II Lamh.rt. An invitation haa been extended by the Knighis of Pythias to Grand Chancellor MlHoti K Smith, of Macon, to attend their puhMc ln*tallatlon of oft!cent at <'as. lie Mall Jan 7 The Invitation bt* been accepted, und the Knight* am looking forward to a grand tone Mrs A H Prescott received a telegram last night announcing Ihe serious Illness of her husband n Augusta, and left lm ne duiely for that city. K It Trent and W J Murray were before Mayor Knight this morning to an swi 1 for the fight engaged In at ihe opera house Thursday night. They were as sessed I", each. _ \r Orleans Postmaster Kalla. Washington. I*e<-. K Pllktn. Istmastei of New Orleans. h* presen - ed his resignation to the Postmaster tim ers I. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1000. ASSOCIATED PRESS WINS. supreme t nnrl f V||aaMirl l)e*!lea ll |a Not In % loin Hon of %ill- I riot l.nvxa of "I lint smir. ?*• Ig>ui- 1 >e. in. —Thft* Supreme Conn j of Missouri, sitting at J* ffer-on City,! fo-dov harulml ftiow n n opinion In the c *xe of th** Ktar Publkilling ftYunpany. versus the tai**l Pre*- of Illkiok. !**. idlng th** •;•** * tinaniniouxlv |n favor of ae \- #o< imal Pres* The Kt tr < • rmuinv w 1- engageil |v pub il'h ii: an evening nom*iM|x-r In Ht la*u* know 1 i*e "The i*t nr," and it htought suit for a writ of inirxlumi.> to requtr* the A-. jat<‘d Press to M-rv- it w it: I ;ie ft*v*-nlr u’ new- re|r w the *am• • ftertn-v 411 whi* h xu ti rvl c v 1- bftdi.g rail *t*d tii* Post-Du-pat, a, wni • w 1 •• mnn n r *jf th Ac*** iat**d Pr* xx Ti- Hi if ftVivni'Mi y • la;ftn*l that it w* not able to *,♦ -nr** frt*m .my ‘noun**- n# x. 1 ix f: 1 tor v’ new* service 1* was furn.ened ny ih** Aaao*lat*d Pie**, arul that the igrcerm-nt of th* \*- aoclated Pr*- * with the conipanv ilshing the Post-DM pa tt* h t.ftt to furnl*h the evening r*jort 10 any other |H*n- r w *ft illegal and in \i>l.iion of the ntl trusft law* of th* I'r.lted State*, of the *tat* of liltnol* .uni th** state of Mi*>ooiiri The Associated FT*-- - •ii*w*r*i iriat. while ir wa In form a C'lrtxrration. It war* e**'-fitlaliy a co-operative goclety, 1* 1 x**d U|>oii ai. agreement between it* ni* ni *1 - ti gather and furnish n**w* to on** anoth*a ; that it wax n**t engagevl in in-wsgattiering a* a ft*ommxu ent*rpiixe and it ft'iirri* and on its buslnexx without anv -ff>ri it i*rotlt-tn iking It denlfsl that it Mi-c.died *x-l ixive i-omracts w*‘r** in vloa'i>n of the law" **ith**t of the Cnlt *d Kt il*s. or th** stat# of llllnoh or of th** state of Missouri. Th*- *pinl*n *ualn* the A- so<’l ftt**l I i-*w* at every |*uint. it holds that the A *o* ate*l Pr* -- is riot a monopoly and tnat il ,k>-- *at viola t* the anti-(ru*t laws of the state of Missouri Further t.ian th it coftibl not g**. hob ling that th*- intl-troxi !w * of th** stat*- f Illin ois w*r** n,*t in tor*e outside of that eiatw nod that they anti-trust law of the Cult* .1 Ktat*s uh to * 4Mnfdru*d hy and en for,,d In tlie *-ouitx of the Goltftvl Tin -nit has been pending f<xr a long time, having ta*ft*n l*rought in Ib-cemhcr. I>U7. The Star Comiamy took the t**sti monv of M K Stone. William loiffan an*l t>th**r lieWv|ftM>er n**rv. and men fa miliar w ith th** iMieln* s* of n*-w- gather ing. and the ft*a*e wa- tri l entirely on tii** teat!mony taken by it. Fll.lll! s| ;iti\ft. IN HOI W. Intire liny Idvrn t IHxtrlrt of t o lunititH ttusinexs. 1* in Tlie House dw v,Uft'd ih* ‘lav i* Dlstrb t of t’olumblii hus- IfK-s-. The wholt time was o<* tipb**l In the • onxiftleration of hill to *‘*wngft liv* terminal faelliti* s of the Pemiaylvatllw Railroad in thl- city an-l to \ rovkb f<*r the eli vation >f il* tra* k a row* th* nwh >0111)1 of Pennsylvania avenue. The oppo sition war persistent, bin after mticb fill iui-terlng the ffieixls of the btil succeeded In r . urlng a re< *s until 11 o'okg'k to morrow to continue consulrration of the bill New ft olleefftftr %pMllifted. WashltigtOfc lb* It.—At the cabinet im -ng tcs-lay it wa* ahnotinced that < apt Asa H** rs of PefWrsuurg. V.. wouH in* spfirtimkl -d.** tor f internal r* venue to mic, . '*l the lab* Col. June* Brady. senator Kulllinn Mnrrleil. Waxnlngtofti. D*. 1* -I'nued Kiut** K*nat>r William V. of Missis sippi *nd Mr* Murle N-vmmi Aftkirw *f this city. were united in marriage this afternoon. Rico It is a good soap. It is kept by all the leading grocers Florida Coap Work*, JaoktoaviUik CITIZENS OR ALIENS. (Cor. dfiuxd from Flint Pag* w-M IftNimlr m pin *f Cic I nitxd B .*•!*-- •rd iio tbn! It wxM Ini* . f*l not to iunkr trw- inhabitantr of thow- iwlai .N dtlifn Thw ily thing that couid Justify the six. iar.itton that tin* traaity lx invalkl woukl hft Thrtt it viol.itxx thx conxtftution of ?m* I fvltxd fltatep. Hr xuld that "thr pro licul ptitru<* Um put upon the (*oiixtitulioii *v thx rgx.n 11v** anl *origr**..|oft.*i*'!#* of fhc Itivi-mUiW fr a hnrlrrd \ai> ba with **n*- fft.irti.d 9* *|*tugt, Im-xh uniform regarding acquired fr!itviv • r**i! , i.*Y Itound nor prtvll**g*nl bv tha twtruuixnt until bru.ight within it# op*ratlg) #it i*i by comptiv in th*-> h hv mu ( Co.igrxx- and tlwii at i. of Con grxxx si> not apiuv to nfttr-n iiuirni txr- Ctory until xxi' isb*.| tt If bv mi goquxp’ IxgtxUtivx ctia- rin* The (’oiHfil**! pownr to • *quit* Inn tory by irntirv or bv <ymquxt ti* aaid. • arrlt-d thx right t |r‘X4*rHx what term* th** t nlt* l Hlati* will agr*"* t* in fixing - it*‘d th** cdw* li, pain! ll.* it** 1 11 1 1 lb- t?• i* * making •| • i>m o' •c, • ' • ' - • N •**! d**.i with the* •ftfaitn* of h* mh.tbttantx >t - I* and t*r - Ir x rv tr v # -l>*n from t*‘t V" .md *. p t tic*n la.t .1- > -*i i)m *i*> trlnr that •'th** constitution follow thr flag Mr <3rigg* laid it clown a* fact hat ' I nurdMtr itiv•* cotistriw tion <ingr -tonal action and Judicial p<**-dft*n• til afhrtn that und'T our rrvrttiK* law* *v*rx t>rt In a i-t-ilnl count I’v !*• to b> t*u nd l ;in . foreign intll such I.* w - rx xxpr**- >\ ft*xtnndl l> i'*agrx-.- io ih* n* w |***x xkm* ** Th • <>itltutt*mal ft'laux* whl -li provil* • bat lutlx- |rn')o#l* and **\ x. - *h l b* unifftii m throughout the I’ntted B;*|.*- ' dor# not. h* xalrl ly t* iioi g *v.*r th.-s* . "•*>•*. in- ao*.- tb* tft.m 'Tnrl Hta tr** " tlu-r** '• iih-biw* ntily thx tnrrltor.x * omprix.*d within th- x ,-<sr l 9iat**x of th* Pit lot. and wh* int**i. i** I only for thxii l**4#flt ai*l p*.*tr tln. an I !■ for th** b-'H'til or prot* . tlon of out xib* txrrltorv iw longing to fin* nation, t? til*- latt#*r x*-nx* duti*— ot inii-* rm fr- n thx* iftianda 4r> unifrtn throughout th*' I’lilted Hiiitr*, Ik- ia< tin- uni 'orm ly tmiMiN'vl ai every i*ot t of m** t 'nl**d Btt'-M mi tliat ther* lx no prefer'-n- ** given to th* port* of one *-tai*- 0.-r tfi*.* of another, nor any inequality ie* .-ti Ih* x*vral •* atft*x -r**aled He gavt* three demiltioi x to th* term l ntt**l States, ax follows "Kiriil. The <*ar|*orift!* name of th* na tlon or governmental entity, th* eanie wa* ptovbl***! In th* article* .f (*Mife.|era tion. w hift-h *le*lai-et Th* **tvle t ttil# . onf**lera*'\ shall Iw th** I’nltei Htavex of America “tiecofiftl The ••*.:# united-referring t the ‘•ft-veral atatea Hni*"in4 tiie I'nlon In this x*rift***. of Hirt* it e\ !ud- ter ri tor lex. "Third. Th* International s--n**** <b*Hig n.iiing !h** extent >f **ur <ftotnaln .m a -ov **r**igti nation In thix it |n< lud**x nil territory under our dominion w h**r**in no ot h*-r nation lu*-* >v erelgtn v *v *ri mi* h ax may la* uiuler our *A>titrol by b*n |awry conqtH-xl. a** Tainpl- o. M xi-. •luring the Meg ban War < Klemlng v )*Mgei. w hil* In a d**m*-Hti- kt-n*. it m rlndex geographically the xtate* uf tin* Ctiion and aiiffh terri tory a the PreabltfttH and Senat*- Iftave h> treat lea expreaaly onnext and to and made part of tin* Cult- I At tex. and Mich a' ('onfr** ami the President, by act or rexohnlon, have expr****lly fi m*xetl to an- 1 made part of the l'nit*-d States h the Hawaiian Island* The it torn*)' general argued that all th** authority of tin* l'nH-d State- i# de rived from th*- people of the si men and not from tho** of the tnime*ll *te terri tories, that ft|*e pe*i*l.- *f the t*rrltori**x • an nut -hare or conatilut*- that aiitiiortiy, i a the) are d* prived of the right to do t | offl- ialx. •-< "The h* trln* of the **x-ftroprio vig*>re , exterwdon of tin ismatltutUMi u.- n*v**r heird he xalcl. "until it um nvetiteftl nl *dv 4Mte-ftl by ('ilibouti .*- a means off ***- tailing alavrry u|M>n (*allforniu and Nw M*xico Ifteyoinl tin- |*<*wei *f Congrexx ’o • Maturh or dwdNh ll " Ii woa In eonfli i wall all previous views of the xtMt*--*rmn of a.I f*arti -and oiqKisad to tit** <t in ih* u llnan* • *f 17k?. a* w*ll ■*> io the Mi -"iiri iitn pr-n!-M ct The I red S-*tt *k-< blon m-l Ir< onv "a bv -woid and • h|sdt:g Mr. iJr.ggs ■ t*Tiite| that h- Jndg ni**f!*x in tti* lower ->urtx in !**> h imms violate im* cotixti tut tonal or oth*r rlghi, *nd tlH*reu|xn xhoukl. ther*for* l*e affirm i ed. %rr%lll %T K.ITfHTIH. % tin *n r— >ta o * \\ editings Ueeurritni-Ullirr Matters. Kan*,ton. On . T>*c. IV Ttu- given by the f'hlhlren of the fonf'der ac> wax a great success in every w v The pro* ♦ *•*!* will h. devotfl to the <Yn fd*rai* monument fund. Tax •Yd lector Held says that the |e<>,i|e hav*' n*-v*-r l*e*-n so ai< k ward als-u* pav - ing t tx< s In the last ten years as they ar* thix year. K-|ori* from *Mher §*or llotiift of the state show the sarne status Thl.*i lx one of the prol-l;ins brought almmii hy prosperity. A matrimonial wav* has smirk this eountv all In a heap On Sunday ingot | Mr John I). Watterxon and Miss Alice Adam iwfti of hsUftXiliiii’# *w tetv favor u i • Ml i • M hodH saiage by th* K*-v Mr. lluliessi Th* affair was k**pt very iul**t and -am*- ax a Mirprt*#* to the friendx *f th** <*on:rail ing parti,*-. Non** -sivt- the sister of the brkle and the is;**tor a family wltneas* I the rrreinonv ft In Wedtiexdny at 1 V Miss and Mr Thftm Ash lev Mad* fox will •# m irrbxl at the home of the hrble <in Tburxday Mb* Maiwlle Ingr irn and Mr William lan- of Texas will he fn ir - rle,l at the bride's home In thix county Op the :Mi Inat Mr llenjamln Hill ! fVlot ami Vtbx ll v Maddox will lie j nwirried at th*- home of tin- bride. The North ftleorgla Conf ret**,, mi b romplete change* In the t*stor* for I’m p.ini and sent anew x** of he?* They have a’l arrlv**l and ar* at •ot k Anew circuit wa ft-reae*l. calb and | the Putnam circuit, with l(ev Mr. Vm.* j ule in charge. \<*ia tell Press Mtaeknl. Hprlr-gdeld. 111.. !><*-* 1 l*etitb>nx for mamtamus HilMl lIM A Pre-s vs.f- pfCONIM to IH ipf-in* -ir* . lty hy the Denver Post th*- New Yft>rk Evening Journal and th*- ft*h!cag* Am *rt • ran. alleging lrreMrabla damage cus-**l ! p\ inability to <ttaln th- n*-w servb ** of the Associate*! I*r**x. i e - \,*ftV Jerfte> .lustlee Ibsil, New York I>ec It A*xo**Hite Hupr-me Justice C ludi*w *-x ftJovTn*r *f N*-w Jersey, and eft! to-day at hia rrsidene* in New Hrunswb k WARNER'S SAFE CURE I iiave used Won , r - Saf* ft'ure for k i era lUt> and t hßti fiillv r* 4rn •iißHid jt as the vei \ hex inr-i iiu I know of io build op % htokm d*>W . i onattr u*ioti UAKTHA I V\\ Dry. PR l-ifttv ft'uinniaiidei Jewel Htv No bJ 1. • T M t v Ino M Mary street, tug 1?. law. AY ir * i, man • tfe is oav**l .. nat • nallv fexis gratal to ih- instrument *.* I fe. verv gia.eful to \N artier Kaf ft'ttr* ms | ni.'-w that it *\ed mv ilf* •*>d ietor,.♦ me to perfc li.. *h aid eftrenjrtb Cor sevan'Sears I suffer.*l wit . kfftlm-v and id older troui>l find ing no i * iiaf ind dhhuug > I *pei • r A>m* <di t|o im# and tr * l* ’ ee i found no bed* ***,tll I *>*,l,l ndv tPenift'ct of M arner - >*af* 'ut** and • I*. .*♦,! to "tv that For four month” 1 faithful!) t*K*k the r*‘m**dv tw r% •lav fe, ling that I wa gainltin •trenirth tuai I *on shier ei in *lf •ire.i This is five months ago ui>-i I have bp.| no -rouble pin,',* and arn o *ocd aitn \V I? . K • 'hi *ft*g*' Pod.. Depart men' Vlrden Mdnltoha. n.ik ri HM *lf I was hf . hief" I w • id otd,t •*ver> offit er to keep .% l*rtle if W4l • Hife Cure chi hand and ihei. wo ,and-• hut . Ir ( io ’lp> .iff on '•* .**u t >• s|*'kflers fixing rxpOe*t to •I* kind* of weatlier. ex ***piv, ma’ In a ill ! ■ IMk* . Iron institution to staiHl it I al -v tiie Warner's Aaf. Cure |( k p • ft* Ir tone vs in x-*sl ocdidon whi'h mean* that ail pot gi acd *lle' is* b • p.i ktv (trried ff fiWtn thft* 1 ius maintaining g. **t health It cure* %ou when -w, k and keei v*u m gosl h* *.t If vtake . |ooe liow mi and then | vdX i*e er* rv man wroo lia*- to !>*• out "• doors most of the time in oil kinds *i weviioer to keep Wsmer s Hale ft hire o*l ha *1 all lh* time TllOfi U JftY(*dv Desk ?erg.-nt. Fort) third PrrcitH t Serre*rv Hoyai A wiiiim • \il ago 111 Kept .1 IXOO TIM M\ \ WKKKft IM'OM M\ I lON Time r tin .• uneefote Trent* latentletl M.*** bln* ton l*e 1* Aimtu to-day the Senate tout tinder <| < iif>*ton the liny r# tty in noriulvi l Mnnion No 1)11*111*'“ of riilH*‘(jun, W f I *llN *ted in often folon. Mr Tillman of B..nth t'ar.itnw h a I r* aid the following rewdutlon Hciolvnl Th.iT tli** Prealtbnt la, hii I . hereby requeatcd. If not m h * judgment tn.n.|*w IM* with pobli -n erriM. to furnish the Senate nil Informant n nml i o|t * of ,-nrr* aptaat >n * I** iwret* thin (ovtrntienl and the k v n merrt of <\*htnl!a. show Ilk Whit If 4>tv. have lef taken ly thl* government to ure 4 treaty l*Hn th- ten co\ erninenie. or n imnbfh n:lon by tVI* nitda of rxutting irmtei* or ccnceaaiona with tbr vl w of securing to the I * nit* l**** Iho rl-’hl to nonet rii**t a •anal over the It rrti rj of (V4ombUi, l>*iween the At lantl ai*l I’.ufl- nr*iin " At JJ :>• o'- It* k i*.t Henutf* went Into egeetnlve *e*lon. The Hrmitf then mlfletl five treatt** of comparatively IHlie tetHequmct* Three Included in arr****rn* , rH *tipf|em*xrary t fb- Hi.ef- t* freely Ititelf net e*- ■. *!|n ih<* lrn w.ihln which II may Im* r i tilled Pnder ill* term** of the orig nal II •a* v the time for rat if! tit ton expired five month.** ago. Th* agreement favor pi * I iifeon Unlay eg I end** the time tin: II M irfh 1 The other treallen rattled wr an f**l low*: KtlHitllnß for one year the time wafh ln which the commercial treaty with th* Argentine ItepuMl*- may be ratified tml the **am **x• *n**lon for the treaty w'.th (Jrtxt Mrli.i'ii for reciprocity with Jamal th*- new #■xtradition* with Bolivia and mill. The resolution tifTere.l • aH er In the >— y by Mr Tflmnn wa then mrreed to after liolnr amended at the In eta nee of Hcn.itor M< rjrun **o a* also to full ft>r all the t-or r. pofitlcnce with the Panama Canal V*n l*m> . Including all off* r on ttw i*mi i f that om|nv. and all negotutlon* with it concerning the Panama Canal. The ft iefais of the Hay*Ptun* * fote treaty on u|M'*l iik**l of th*- tint* In th* •>n-'l*l ration of that treaty Senator* I'oraker and Morgan Inin* the ep ik-o Senator lhir| of < wlifornUt gVe notice *>f att amendment he will **ff'r t th* tr* at> providing ht the I'm *■<! Hta*- ► 'mII have the light to * I leer Imitate in favor Of imertoon good* nullified through th,. nil.ll m American veeeels *ng aged In th** c oat w l**e trade." *4,i 11 or Horn her* e •pwerh was m defers, of the Ib.y-p inn* • f.te treaty and he t*Kdi >. isltm to pralae in high terms H** re , Huy who. he -aid. In falling .** lin ixvtlcy of neutrwlity.hed only followed nlMurl* precedent*. Kvery admlnlM ration sin** I had *!*••• **"* recognition to the riavi.xi-Hulwer treaty. To further uhow the attitude of this ntl*H Mr •r. uher |UOted the fifteenth article of tie tn-aty made letween the Culled Htates ,„,l Sb-Htatfim In re*ar I to the < anai In 1%..T . a poultlve ad definite |e, laratior. for n<-urlliy tn -IwlM with lh <-**• M, K.ii ik.-t **•• >' rnH-rvatloo tt. *!• •*•" ** . th. * I'rol.' l ftom • Thr **'*"•***''; muinlii* M. f I--' • f*" b ‘" mr r wtV‘ iIK- rt <* •' * ,,tl " * ~.. lit In uni. of r .•*. ■,>i ih." *- ..imot fortify f Bu* l ■>•> !>• Im no i.roh>tt*on il*-i <>ur <loln I in *.ir ilm- H< oml r. it in Id.-'. Iln Ihr |iinUM*' u..J ill Ih*. i-ait>nti'io|''- l"-"*V rwtaifloir titi- ftuea canal. and the language em ployed ti relation to th* Nkar.guun a amt dwelt upon the fart that th •n,,.* tt. tty contain* t>rovltoti that In | tun* Of hootlitlt** that anal ahall ba | o|M>n to the ahlpa of t-elllgerenie. al- I IhoUKh the Ottoman Umpire. throu* i 1 no*.- lft>inson th* < otal a* to -a '-nn *: t ucted, should a* on* of th* lielllgermt* That itrnvhalon hatt been omitted front tha II iy-l*atai efot.- treaty. Mr. Foraher naitl. and h* tranrtl ttiet th* omlaalon ,-ould b* lnt*rir*t*4 In no way r*c*t>t a* i ,-on • a*joti of difference m Intent H* aI -n contended for th* *afi*iy r of the ranal. even though I! ahnultl not It* fortified. for It wa alwurd. h. saht to auppoee that any enemy would attempt to all It* *hlt>* through a t mat 175 mil eg long a tv! owned, rontroled *bd policed by this country when actual hoatllltle* were In prog re** Senator Morgan traveraad much I*l ih* ground he Itad already covered. ll* rai l that the ratltleatloti of the Hay treaty I* a debt we owe to Nicaragua and font t llh-a Thttae roontiitai. If they ehuuld even fit might rltu- up and refuae to allow ua to tlo anything; hence we could nut afford to do anything (hat would offend them. At 3:11 |<. m the ttenate adjourned. lie.t.te.f-d |o Ker|t daefa ll|ten. London. I >ec ll.—The government nub llcly ret|iie*t* employer* who have kept oi>*n ultuatlon* for Yeomanry. ColonlHl* and Volitnte*ra to continue their patrloll* efforla to minim a* the ai-rtflce* of the** men In the "-rt !<■*■ of their country The contemplated Thankegtvlng aarvlce In *t Paul* Cathcdrnl In connection with the j ietum of Lord Itohert* from ttoutli Af* I rha ha* been alawidonad. , The Only. Specific For KIDNEY DISEASE. 21 Years of Success Its Reputation. 1 ia | - Of W iMI.-i Kfe ft",. . will be -ai| to Hi) j•* * )ti r*-*-lpt *>' |s* ,i| 1 .ml \ddr- WAKM’Krt KAFK mil; i t*. Ho I. t. 1 N V Mention >ls I*m |ac ■ 1 t\, fftxond Wartvr’s Rdf* *iue .| . . I■ 1 k •>• '•• th. millin'. ■ ,ir ftr.itn. n •>*' ’•*'' I with I' tMft 'IP llw ftß'tn " inn .n.l pr.vrm, \NSIK 1 II UU-KH , •,m, <I "up ' Gimnl. t!ui 't*’i"' i*tlpf- Nol,l*- Uiwr.l of K.lo H*lx-k.n 1.0.1. N.. l,trt*|H*i hut "Mtrr • • T Jai-kmiivllli- 111 iCi Biat* .tr*-*-i Auk *> IS.' kk n. n mv p , 1.1,1. in tin* toll n* r ' li,l lt,i,hi' <ll,'" ‘'l* ■ '*•* <* r "’ .1 in. .mil 1 Ta-lt .1- f I wvrr •loomiil man K, M, •• moi"l> < ,no, ‘ ~l* nf riot ion Hml k*l'l P’llll'l wolf TOLD ABOUT HAZING. t let \%ftfti*-sxrs Mad Not |,.perl ••neetl Xnvlbtn* Wrrlous West Point. N V lb 1 Th.* mill ti v t *tiiv t tnqiiii v whi' h .aklftig testlnfeoov In Itrlwti*! Pa yexterila) Hl Ihe a!leg**l haging • •*, iexiime.l the litv• r*iigat l'*n he*• to-dav Klxt) eight in* iniieih of the . ia*x *f 19r‘. t which iißil b‘i)fig' and tint It he rexigiift'd In Kes*- teniher or * to tile court. ->d were brought in squads and k*-pt in aide r*in th** a* .nlemv bull !Uig This Ihe fl*t Hn In ten ye ii r* that h court of Inquiry' baa **m v n**d at thl* a .d‘*mv F>ur of the sixty* (ftghi *dt e n*i- eximPxvt fttunng th*- illi>n Mud, .list ail *f them who kn* w Hm*x *l*-. ‘Hie*l iliwft hi ►landing with hi# ■ ~winatew w i i,u v*rv high as they looked iijx *i fnm #n* aw ard Every one of i .i* w lino - d*-nl* I 1 hai nti> hruial hosing ■ Uftr and and C:i#i li#Mx ha*l h**n Mdftftfeted wttii mi account ot his rell- I gains tN’llef or tea|d*ficirs. <\d* t Tylrr f-xtlflto In- had iN-en made to iioid out two Indian Hubs chic after noon He hast xftxftxn hat pauce given in the m#-x- hall hut no* more than thr*e cr four klrop- He ran! i*ver seen It given t** ll.t /. lie nev-r knew any one In hi* !►- injured bv tiaxiiai At Idght. In* xai*l sometlm, botnet lie would come into th** room ant! refnova th clihs off the feet, of the man hi b*-*l and in examin ing th** feet some <lrop' of entutie gr*-*axe woi.ld fall on them. Ivimuiifl I. /.in**, . f lax-mas,* of Bona, tft'-tlfbd tliut h*- tZane) h t*l lieen Biiiijrcte] t*> athletic -x**rclxft*x. The witness xwkl that l l*a*l* I'.nl* ts ft\* I*l well an.l (Hr ►!! In a •brain*-*! |s**lilon on **tmir ftir a > oupv of minutex at**itt two days ago. Thi# re- QUlremem another wdfties- Ca*lei 11. It K-ilnion. explained laftr. wax s "ft'orreft tioiiMl fteoaxure." not haging. It ls*- iug for rUklenesM in the fourth men li*lptn : th iw** lv• e at tb** table in ad vance of the ttf>|ier-clax! men. fail* \V.*le If|M-rt*‘r xall ti* wa* Mk**l to *lc athletic ex*-i. is* h an*) )>ra - log in but thus he wan ask'd to do nothing whif-h lii)millat**l him. % UIH ON INSEt IH. IlifttlMMofxhed I .litmnlM Ist* to Make Experiment*. Like fity. Fla Ibv It. Prof It A f|ox-arl cntomkologint of I hi lla ex|N-il ri.'-ntal elation, nn*l Prof. C. VV Woodw worth, a diet mgolxh'd enttariolugist f t'abfornia left for K*mih Floifdi to-lav. where they will •fpeml some w k* In ex* |H*rlie4ii|ng with methods if lestmyint !m**ct injurious to <ltrux trw# and fruits Th*-ir )t ten Mon will ue e-pc. tali) hr#a*- *s| to spraying to kilt the white flv wi*h (-.lUMi# e<H>ty mold to fruit md the tr k < and also t <-l*ariing for market Hull. Ib rlnd of will* h has been di ol<ued hy sooty mot'l They will also examine the cottofv rush km scale. < difeax'* said |<> is- of more *ons*x|uen •> in Cabfornlu tti i In Florida Mt.HFMt % %I.MJI KII.LKB. uprliiiM Iri-ldrst t* laigglng Train In Emanuel fount). KwalnxlHiro (la De, }& \ hvggipg tiain lsdngpig to Kents. (larbutt 4k Cos, jumped tb* track over Yam *irandy creell atul fell Into the cre‘k >ester*lay Engiii er Elinor* Vales wis Kill* I |>r D. H. Durham an*J Dr .1 M Niinex.who w*r paescg*ra on the train, and two | regco#*, w*-r* seriously injured Dr Dur barn after Ixiving been extricated from the wreckage where he wax ts lng slowly cooked by n stream of Ixriitng water from the engln*-. at on-e want to work re!l*v- Ing th** sufTiTers until he faintad from the agonv of hlx ocakted rtix MIHINt* I P THE Flft.l ItfA. 4 omptroller <en**rrtl Now Npporlioo • ••u Plant xiiirm Taxes. Atlanta Dec 1* -Catilroller Ucnerai Wright was busy In his office t*-day mak ing up taxed for the counties, towns and cities along the line o! the Pliuit Kysb-m The assessments are being haxekl umn the award of the arbitrator*, which wax ??,- lixAitXi. Th- ae*,-a*m* nt* made by Con trolier ( Wright wax 1T.721.352 Tth* valuation of same property for ’*!# was f7.2i4,125.C3. The award Is nSS.ltt I**#* than returns of last year anl $6V: .297 !es# llmu (kt mnm mm * 1 matk bj -h* <*on troller Ooneral. The ngun-r< will l>e glv<u out to-morrow. New yiialßtSßlrr fr Florida. Wasliliigtot,. Disc. I*.—The Benate tcv <kfty *nMtn ,l the nombuatlon *)f the fol lowing Florida |x>etnas(ers N. H Hull at rttarke, aiwi 1. T. bivsvtt. at Tltu#- %ltle. w m . dr tit k.i*i w o w i |w friend toiftf tn* ttiMt Mi hi- "pitiior* \\’ar tier* itirs wax the text medicine on earth for Hnght'a •hxea*. 1 ?,xk ■* imttle at sm-• *ind gin t-iallv |e| re iteveil I k e|i t (king it paftiefllliv a*w! regular! \ for <wo vnontnx <u-d w,,t.n '• •ni .ftt d' s rlie- to> feriitigx w nen I found tijMt I xmh f-ured I felt ilk, 1 new main Plight * dt*e*e j thing of Cl#- (M| and I would tike to xav to ev. rv one stmdail) off*. t**l. trv War ner * Kafe ft'iitft* Jft*K H^rKF, Town * *lerk Lake View < "m*k ft ’o . 111, Aug . ft Moved to JAM Nordi Adilard avw nu*- Chicago til 1 ’I 111 w a or 111 III.IV Itenlti of Mrs, ( ulrsiSll—t small Hop Killed. Pul,tin tja IMS- lx , Mrs i‘olernan, wife of Mr I! W, * 'otemau. manager of ih. Puhlfn branch of Armour a t\>. died wsoerdat morning after no Illness of tmt a few days Bhe Irow-s a husintnd and Hire, children Msr remains wire . irrted to Haditock Hiailon. Jon- county, y ester - ,!.*> nfle inwin where ih*t will t* Int.-ried to-d> . TrSimla \ afiarnoori Canty Hooks, the is- > ear -ok) son of Mrs Kik', Ua A, Hooks, for- a long lime ploialet.uess of Ihe lead ing hotel In this city, shot s young negro boy by the prime of Will Weilboiirne, with s llfi- Tin 'si,l passed Ihliiilgh lbe> lax) a n* k making a painful. 1 hoiitfh not ■so and fatal wound As to Iws Hie sluad- Ing is-eiirred accounts differ line report has It thai th, u,-gm mo-kid yonug Hoiks, wlw, 1..1 I him not to do II again. The negi a .lid not desist, and Hie Imy raised hi* rill*, and llr-*l with the result ms at,,.*•> statid Another re,sirt, and prot*- alily lip earres-f one. Is to Ihe effect that the shooting wu . nilrely ae, Idenlal Th** negro boy Is res-eflmg Ihe best of medical alii I,lion, and II Is llial he will Two*** Mr. I* H HI -kh**r who kin * m(|o w#* (ptMlrrcd Hi* |mm*|iion of vofnm^f• -l*l HRf'fil U r ih#* WrtirhtMvUl* oiml Tr-i --nll.f load. with lM'iiili|ij.irlrr in I’ohlli). n*l Wlw* h.i* Miii-*tf had ih#' oflffi irtvlrr . haa noil* fi#*d <i**nral I'riswiirh A|*iil K. K. |lrv.hi. Jr . tiiß( h#* ‘*xi I*l not NCf#pt th** awolntmFfM \lr Hiyan Ha* i.kl< f-d tha IdMlhun to another pwraoti, hat lo |lvi* hid tmiiit* Hlni c jh#* r* Miffii •(ion Mr It V<Ming ih#' (Mwitinfi Him h.l#Ml ii) .\lr Tauniii- i*iill#*ih of Hrtvan* Halt. S tiurrittv nf farrmon ih# wt-Mf fM** himl MOUlhw**Mf *•*! of th* m a lrlrk r#.- h#i- at th# Inililifi 0| Mill nut i-. j.linf. rnllntwH (iiublng •\nmag*'* to iho •• M# v**iil huiiflr*- ) slollmim in ih** war#- hoti#*- wer** mlmmK uwn* of m**al aM hulk and i port km of th* fharln xav# ond*r th#* M#*v#*re utralti • nfdotf th#* •him m tfhov# m*-*)t v aft# rvitMHi h- lw#>Hlnii #*n Quailty Hill, uwtiol by Mr. ff \| ami o#**upl#*l hy Mr John liolmiffori. w m •►ntlr** > d*'f roywl by fir** Th#* ihmin ul4 ■Himled In a portion of th** c*ify not. •upplM win* hydrant*, and th* fr* i*o#i pttii,*** t.iuil th#*reff.m .|it nothing to. *uird* Ntoppinic fi#w nr** Tiw rir<* ortffla nal.’*l from a.*f. . ;| v flu*. Mr HoMn *#*i m v#-#i mom of hl* furniture. Tho to Mr. Hrown la |in with no |ur. anc*. It % l;a %T Mr.ll OILRIM. *‘ r *' r l *wrtrl<Ma aml Tan In|>pn. • lon* for I ronlinl %%ork. SVw or Iran* In. is Toni* um and Tom K Itiff ■*!**> wrri' Iha tally wiiiiiiiw faiorlta*. Inwina Rita * win In the* rtnt ra *# m am h a mrpriw that lbo *tt*w ar*la auefwnd##*; Tony I-I t*lll owner, and M Ifurlry. trainer. |endlof an Invaatlff*. tlon. Kln*t Ra# Mrlllng, one mil#* aial an rlffhth Hontta Rita. ,♦ to f. won, with ITildlar* l. to I >#**in*l. ihl l*a> rmaker. 2to I. third. Time l;&7. H* • *nd Him*# Five ftirionff Tonlniai, 7 to i, won. with Admiral Pepper. 4 to I. aecond. n*l Choice. Hi to 1. third. Tima lA Third Race—One mil#-, welling. |,||;ton Reed, V to I. Won. with Un#t*n Kill, T to 2. wteond. anl Mir (iattan. 3 to I. third. Tinv* I:UV Fourth Race- Handicap, wrvrn furlotip*, Tmi Klniiwh y. !l to .1. won. with Alex. 3 to I, werond. and <}*-orpla. 13 to 5, third. Tim** I:3m. Fifth Race- and a half ftirbanc*. MrOrathlana I'riiit r. .*# to I. won, wdtlt I lamlruff. 10 to I, aercMMl. and Terrallne, .11 to I. thlr* Time I:tn*. Mixth Race—One mile, aeltinjr Idttle Roy Hlii#, 4 40 I. won. with Klwtnorc, 4 to I, •efond. and Rodd. 3 t# I, third Time I:l3Vi* _ I hi* agn (.a* Filler* <*M In Work* hkaxo. Ik*** 14 —The llaa’ tern* I’n lon ylpned a thre#* year*’ ffTc**ment wltn trie contractor* to-nigdt ami ltd m*tnherw a ill raurn to work to*mrrrow after an id!* tie * f nearly • year. One nf the pro* v Fiona of the airreetr.ent waa the with*. drawal from the liuhd!n Trmdea’ t'otto- HI *■* | Killed Oxer a tiam# of ( aril*. Peter*bur*. Va., Dec. W. -Richard A. Ilarr la, a bar lender, wa# shot and al mmt in*tirttly killed by P. J. A Papa* formerly of Fort Wayne. In*], early thta momlrvff. The trouble originated over a irame of cord*. Itt which fraud wan har*- •*'l and a n*h4 en*ued. PIES AND TARTS Arr “Piuon” Arts. EAT WELL. is pure and wholesome. 5