The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 19, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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financial and commercial \omix; <*►' KVRMtiT DmrH.un 1% THK COTrilx MARKET. ~ h ,. Inactivity look* Like Ikr Be ginning Holiday Itullne,,—nplr i lrw *• aTVe—Wool*, Firm and I m-Hard—%•# lark storks %*- tltr mnd !i|ril>-l.ral and Trlr. jmpMr Mnrket*. The Morning New* Office. Tneed V. Dec. 11 , oa) |he tenor ot tho cotton market* , „y t „ opinion prevalledUn some quar i .. Hut; the begltmtait ot the holiday i* unmistakable, and that the , - movement la not to be wide tor ; What gave credence to thla be na the general Inactivity which pre , | in both the *t - : and speculative , „ei The New York cotton futures t ,rk t iooed quiet and unchanged with , ~, net unchanged to 7 points higher t- , at.can spot* closed quiet and unchang , i!li practically no business doing. The t r'c turpentine market closed Itrni at • with moderate tradtng reporud j .in .toaed lirin and unchanged. ■ using acllvttp prevailed In th ill’ markets. and shii'Ciunt* tor the few iktys have assumed large proper - ii - That a big holiday business is ex i..i i- own by the preparations which . <lll* made hy the country merchants lody the out-of-town trade. The New ' k stock market clotted furiously act wily the market remarkably sternly ■ w f the targe volume of trading -alt s were i ototdetably over a tnll ires The following tesutne of the markets will show the lone are) quotation* at tile dost tag to-day: t OTTOS. ration market cloee.l quirt and uit i .tiger!, with sales on the spot of 10 bales. The market presented no new f tures during the day. and Its oondi t was a Uni! the wine a* on yesterday. ■ demand continue* moderate, with In ■ (Terence on all rides Uood middling >• Ir. was around 9-l Sc. for South .orgta*. and !>'*,< for North Georgius demand was 1 ght from all sources. !'•*• r riptn were 5.4w5. igalnst *,l7t last car. and 9.f161 >•<-r before last. i >v following were the official spot quo- Ittiona at the close of the market at the lotion Exchange to-day: fThIS ; Lkrt i day. ; year. ii middling [plfc 7 i-16 .'i sidling <M, T. a mid Iling Ms |* 13-1* Market quiet: sale*. Ml Savannah Hecelpt*. Exports and Hto'ks: Receipts this day :..M* lb. elpt* this day last year 6 174 Tills day year before last 8.061 Receipt# since Sept. 1. lift 07.*6 -mi. day last year 505.171 t'oast exports Ml* s rk on hand this day 177 00 last day last year 182/su> It- eipta and Htockw at the Port*. Ileie.pts thl* day 41.697 Receipts this day last year 5.541 I ctpt* thl# day yeur before tast . 70.102 T.'tal receipt* since Sept. 1, 1*00..4.009.652 Sim ■■ time last year Year Iwfore last 0.172 461 b < k at all ports to-day 925.59) k same day last year 1.091,357 listly inovetnents at other ports— * la! veston—Dull: middling. 94* . net re t ).>,<W7; gross, 15.0(7; stock. 244.101 New Orleans—Quiet, middling. M*c; net I' tpts. 9.573. gross. 9.573. stock. 950.633 Molnle—Quiet; middling. 9 3-l*c; net tv -1,472, glows. 1.472: sale*. lta>. stock. sci 602, trleston—Firm; middling. 9S-ISc; net b ■ tpts. 470; gross. 470; stock. 16.5*5 Wilmington—'Quiet; middling, W: net t elpt*. 1.083; gross. 1.091; stock. 16.469 Norfolk—Quiet: middling. 9S<-; net re lelpts, 3.701; gross, 3.701; sales, 196; slock, 41.455. tiu.limore— Nominal: middling. 10c;gros* 7:' stock. 13.837 New York—Dull; middling. Ilk; net re- I tins. 1,4*1; gross. 1,051; sales, 'Mi. stock 739 ll.ston—Quiet; middling. 10c; net re- C’ipts. 3.477; gloss. 4.(72 I'hiledelptila—Quirt; middling, l4e; net I elpts, 09: gro*. 69. stor k. 5.379 i'er.sacota—Net ipt*. 378; gross. *7* I).illy movements ot Interior towns— XuguMs—Quid, mKldllng. 9‘*c. net re ceipt *. 2.377; gross. 2.3T7; sales. 445:.stuck. c.,067. Memphis—Quiet; middling. 9 1 tC. net re*. 3.2u8; gross, 3.199; sales, 1.400. stock 117. *44. St leans-Quiet; middling. 94c: net re relpta. 1.347. gross. 7.569. sales. Is; stock. 68.315. • Iminnati-Quiet, middling. 9Sc; net I * elpts, 1,899. gross. 1,899. stock. 10.532 Houston—Dull and easy, middling. 94#; list rrcelpla. 26,170; groaa. 3*.ITU; stock 119- k.c lejutsvlile Firm; middling, TV’- Exports of notion Thl* Day Galveston—To continent, 8,777; coast s, be, 2.343. New Orleans—To Continent, 4,900; coust wlse. 5 9*2. Mohth'-To Great Hrllafn. 4,941. Si valine h—Coastwise. 1.412. < ‘harlesion—Cowet wise. 7k. New Ycrk—To Continent, *32 llostnn— T> tlr, at Hrltiln, 1.015. Pensacola—To Greet! Ilritaltt. 378. Total foreign exports from all ports tills cloy: To Great Britain, 6.3*4. to the con tinent. H,jr. Total foreign export* front nil ports tiiu far thl* week: To Great Britain, 46.- 720; to France, 3,1*9. lo the continent. 42 iSO. ' Total forrtgn exiawts alntc ftept. I. Itm To Great ltrMain. 1.5775 .73; lo France, Ei _V,. to the continent, 1042.618. <493% IWI, %%fl l OTTOT. Prices about as follows: Extra choice Florida# 8 <124 Flat* < ioorgla* 4#22 Extra chtwee Georgias 31 ftllli t'hotce Georgias ** V Extra line Geotgla* .3 —l* (9—— Fine Georgias 1< <3— — Hecelp* and Socks — 11990-01. 1899-00. ilscelpts'p-ist week ! 1*32 1.41* Exports past week i 2 859 110 Heeslpts ibis sewson j 38.3*9 50.21* Hales past week j 4.716 2.915 block on hand .*....1 24.516 2E653 • OTT4BBI 9MTIH9J9. 3be Market t loars Slraafy f nrltsaa rd lo 7 ■■vlats I p. New York. Dec. I*.—Proorasllnauon was I le order of the day In the cot bat mar ket. Early nurtiMtloti* wer* tolersldv energetic and of generous scope, hut busi ness could al no time be islle-l active, and after the first hour was very dull. The room ilenten! appard to be con tent to uwalt the passing of the holidays 1". fore making extensive fresh ventures; Europe and the Sootn eotitrtbulesf a few otdera. but these, too. sbowid conserva- Uim and an in.-Utmtton ;o wlththaw. On the catl hi market went nfT 3 to 6 point* in symitathy with ll**ft*olntlng news Horn l.ivrrp ul. .4ntst after the opening tnere was a tie Ided change for the bet ter. and on a durry of covering, led by wo prominent pit trader* price* ad ' turned 10 to 12 points. On the rise rumor had It that KlHnon had Increased hi* es timate of the world's consumption of American cotton to 10.1.<**> hole*. Again I' was repotted that re. tip:* were drop l-iit* off |r. the interior, and would soon stiow atspdg .Hintnuitori at tns port* Be foe# mkVFay the bulk of the advance had bwtn hart, price# then ahowtag a net rise MURPHY ft CO , INC.. ord of Trade Building. Savannah Private leased wire, direct to New York, I Chicago and New Orleans. C4BTTO*. HOI ks 4.%u UHBM. New York office. No. 6: Broadway. Office* Ut principal Giles throughout the South. TYrM* for our klarkst Manual and of Uf3 point. The kit# session wpa apt *he lie. with fluctuations very narrow, and the market nerveless At the cfoae ili market was Steady pGre* net, un (rnangesl to 7 poim, higher. PUtTIATIOM l\ FITIHtA. 31ew York. Dec. 1* —Gotten future* otsned steady at the d-* ~n. ..nd . iowd qukrt. I'rices a* follows; Open High Ism. <”'■<>* January *. 94% JSS yg February *.35 934 9 9.15 A l >rl * 9.15 926 915 936 M *F 922 9.13 922 J""** 9.19 Ju *> 9.1* 917 90K 9.17 August 187 892 Bsx 8.91 September 8.35 8.33 9.33 October ... j jo December 962 964 9.58 959 1.1% IIMI>4L. rtITTUI M %lthKl’ Elverpool. Dec. 1%,-Spot. quiet prices 1-321 lower; Amerlr tit lair s\il. go.*! mUWttlng. 5 7-16.1, mldilUng 5 11-33.1, Bow mbblltng 5 5-32 1 goes! ordinary, 4 29-33.1. ordlmuy. 4 21-32d The -ales of •he day were 6.1*10 hale*, of which 500 were for sties'nls 1 ton nn-l export and Included 5.80 U American Hns-lpt* 34.399 Lu es, In cluding 33.90 U American. Futures opened .mtet aiwl close.l steady; December. 5 1645 lTd sellers. Deeemtier- Jurustry. 5.1441-5 16.1 selk-rs; J anus r> - IVtv rttary. 5.13|i& 13d setter*; Fehruary-Marcb, 5.09ft511x1 buyers. March-April. 5.070508,1 hu>er. Apnl-M.i>. 5.0505 01*1 seller*; May- June. 5 U3d sellers. Junr-Juli, 5.000501.1 buyers. Jui>-Augut. f,ii:d buyers. Au gusl-SsptcmUwr. 4 49d sellers. %e%% unLt:%%a t o i-r>\ fitlhks. New Orleans. Dec. li —Cotton futures dosed t|ulet. °*<E -9 fief 52 April 9 1609 1a Feb 9.2109.2: June 9.1309 14 M“foh 9 1(09.12 July 9.1009 12 4'OTTO % LBTTM4. New York Dec 18-Murphy A Cos. say: Futures In erpool o|.em*l 3-614 lower. ' I • I.*, mul ling upland*. jQI. I'rtvate cables repor* that the market Is lower cn account of weakness on this side also their pool spet demarsl !.lver|*x>l new- was not en couraging to to,' a I bulls, and our opening was on a range of 4 to 6 points under lata night s close, but the loss wns quick ly recovered, short* oelng prim tpa! buy ers also, the movement wa* twit quite up to expectations January o|>enrd wr 9 35.1 advanced to % 4id. then diirlng the after noon the long* were principal sellers causing a slight reaction of 2 to 3 print* Tile semi-weekly movement was 127.184. against 130.fb> -' week ami port re. I cetpta year New York. Dec. 18,— Hubbai.l Bros A Cos. say: Manchester 1* evidently affected by the movement us the English -pinner* am slow buyers in Eli erpool and that market has (►■•.'Ofne the weaker ptant Be fore our opening the decline abroad had |ia**etl below' the ruling irtty. but 1' qUiekly recovered when our market was advanced by the buying of local o|sr tors. Their basis was that Ihe deellne- of the p>*4 few days would again check the mon iperrt and '.hat until the market 1 cumulated stock, no decline cat. h< ex pected The interior mov. ment for th l-alf week was very large exceedlnc every year excef.t the iarge crop of * years ago. ami showing a further an un. illation of stock. Elll-on reduce* Ms c*P mate of the required supply from Amer ica to 10.150.U0U bales. 1814 % GOODS. New York. Dec. 18.—The market to-day has shown no e-hangc from Ifftely preva;.- :..g characteristics. The demand from t name trade for ail description# of cotter, has been quiet, and there ha* been no quotable change In prl,-es of either s:a p.ea or fancies. Export business l.mlte < Hllks are quiet, but 'the tori*' is steadier than of late. Hosiery and umk-rwetr dull, prices barely steady !%A%AI. stohks. Tuefrday . Dev. 18. SPIRITS TERPENTINE- Tile lurpeh ilne market eq— nevl (irm to- lay at 37'* with -ale# of 264. and closed tirm and un- Changed witn I*o afternoon sale* repost ed About the only f. ature of the marge was it* firmness It •* not und. rsloe*. that butanes wa- done ott any olhei iw-T than the mark-t price. The receipt-were 618 ami |h. exports 99. Ki >Si NS-Tne rosin market closed firm ami unchanged. Salts, of 3,823 were r* lorted at the opening call. The demait-l was fairly good throughout the day. Th ree* lpta Were 5.9 K and the exports 29 f'rt.-e* as follows: A, B. C * 30 I II 90 1 90 K 1 *5 K 1 40 M D" |/" 1 45 N 2 ij" 1 So W. fi S 5. H 1 56 W, W. 2 *5 Receipt* Thisday Spirits Rosin R, ** H.. F. * •*** 3 ' S,U Ale * *■*' *• , K> , 4 - Sir. Day " Str. Mur. I.brnn w 1 ”‘ Exports Tuesslay— S.S. Berkshire- Philadelphia .... 99 295 Naval Stores Statemeni— Spirits. Ro ,11 Stock April 1 1900 * I*7 142.5(16 Receipts to-day *•* .Jt'* I '- Receipts previously 3<..<© '92...'. Total since April l 31<> %13 9H.US* Export* fo-ilay * Export* previously 772.239 776 I*. Exports since April 1 272,338 776.492 of ok on hand 10-dny ...... 3196 164.985 dtock last yo*F •••• 35-* 1 118,1** Charleaton l><-' 18.—Turpentine murk... tlrm I7c. Itov.ii tlrm. uncian.-l Wllminglon N. C.. Dec. 1* -Spirits tur- Ipentlne. MSKTTe . rcceK't*. Bosla llrm II So4i!.-e. receipts. 31 Crude turpentlu quiet. II 30 and *3.39: fe.uols, 111. Tat steady 91.40. receipt*. 629. New 1 >rleans. Dec. I*.—*, Roslr, 235. turpentine 80. Epiiorts none. PI94BCUL MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up with the sutqdy. FOREIGN EXCHANGE—Mirk.-l weak ami nominal. < ommeretH 1 demand. 4.<e%. sixty .lay*. *4 T7V nUiety days. f77>s; francs. Parks ami Havre, slaty day*. '.22% Bwl*s. #l*ly days. 5.26; Brig an. A 34H: marks, sixty days. 93* 4 . ninety DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Htendr; banks ars buying at 3-16 discount an.l selling as follow*. *25 and under. 10c PC— nimtn, |25 to *SO lie premium. *3O lo *IOO j. premium. *IOO to *3 2Jc premium; O* to *l.oß*l P9r; *I,W and ovor. 1-16 dis count . , SECT"RITIES—There I* .pparently but little money seeking investmenk ri> met il JOHN W. DICKEY, atoek nag Bead Broker, AIUIKT.%, OA. Write for List. IHE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19. IfKKX Slocks. Bfcl. Ask. Auguata and fl.ivannah R. R....U1 112 As’.ama nod West Toi... 152 ... do 6 per cent certltlvatM 10* ... Auguta Factory 84 88 Cltlaens Bank IS7 ... Chatham Rank 112 Hi Chatham R. B. AI. Cos.. A 37 58 do do B M (7 Eagle and Phwnlx Mfg t"o 102 W 5 Edison Electric Ilium. Cos 107 iVi Knlerprlae Mfg. Cos .100 103 Germania Rank 131 ... Georgia abd Alabama 3* Is. Georgia Railroad, common 216 219 Uranttevllle Mfg. Cos 1. 170 J. P. King Mfg Cos t 2 KV. Langley Mfg. Cos 119 117 Merchants' National Bank 117 119 National Hank of Savannah 153 157 OglethoriM. Havings and Trust .. 113 People's Skyx Inga and Levan 101 M 0 Reahoard .xrmmon ~... 10 11 do iweferred 011% 29*j rtouihwes rrn Railroad 4o 112 112'* Savannah Gas Eight Cos 25 26 Southern Bank 159 160 Sovannah Bank ami Trust lit ... Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta 46 88 Savannah Brewing 168 ... Bonds. Bid Ask | Char. Col A Aug Ist ss. 1800 M 0 110 ! Chat. A Gulf R It 9 |er cent. Ist mortgage MJ I*l Allanut city 4*. 1923 I*7 I*9 Augusta city 4s. 1927 106 109 dot I **. 1925 HI to 7*. I*B v * —lO7 (> 6s. 1913 J ...122 Ga Mid s*. Ind'.l 1928 M A N 1014 10-"* Augusta Factory. 6 |er cml 1915.111 113 Brunswick A Western 4, 1931 .83 6 C. It R. A Ranking collateral 9s 95 C of G Ist mtg s*. 1915 F A A 120 121 C. of Ga. coti. ss. 1945. M A N.. 96'% 974 C. of Ga. Ist Incomes, 1945 53 54 do 2nd Incomes 17 18 do 3d Income*. 1945 74 84 C of G cM G A A Dlv ) 5# 1947. J A J * 97 98 C of G (Eaton Branch). s*. 1926 J. A D 96 97 City A Suburban R. R Ist 7s 110 ("olumbus City ss. 19.9 M Charleston city 4s. 1909 100 102 Eagle A Phoenix Mills 6s, 1928 108 U 9 Edison Electric Illuminittng 6s .I*9 Enterprise Mfg* 6s, 1902 3 .... Georgia Rallrvwd 6s. 1910 115 117 G. 8. A F . 1945. J A J H3 114 Georgia A Alabama Ist ss. 1945 10S 107 Georgia stale 34*. 1930. J A J 110 H3 do 34*. 1915. MAN 106 l ao 4'*a. 1915 H 9 120 Macon city 6s. 1910. J A J 116 118 do 44*. quar.. Jan I'* K* fJcean Steamship ss. 1930 104 109 Savannah city ss. quar. January 1918 U 0 111 do ss. quar . February. 1109 hi* 1094 (oulh Carolina state 4’%s. 1933 117 119 S.bley Mfg Cos. 6s. 1903 103 South Bound 5* ... 99 W 0 8 . F. AIV gen mt'ge 6a. 1934.. 125 IN do do Dt sa. gold. 19"4 113 114 do 8t John Dlv.. Ist as 1981. . 99 96 VIUNFV St %HkKT New- York Dec. 18. Money on rail sternly nt 11)5 per can!.; last loan 5 |er eiit. Prime mercantile imper. 4%Q54 l*-i rent. Rierllng ex hange llrmer w. • ictuai bualnee- In bankers' bills at 81 4" for .bman.l. am I at 81 90S for sixty rlava. ixste.l rates. 94.814 and 9t.85tri.154: com mercial bills. 84 7*4434.80%,. Silver cerlin ates, 64085 c. Bar sliver. 84c; Mexk-in .lollara. 50Q, Uovermneni lion.k* Irrsgu lar; Stale bonds inactive; railroad bond* Irregular. 9T4K RS IMI lllivns. The Market f'losea Furiously tellvr >B|| Very sternly. New York Dec 18.—The Irregularity anil unsettled ' Ondllbai of the stock mar ket to-day were due to various conflicting ruse*. There was still some evidence of Imiavriaut buying, which has been In evi dence for many days now and which Is ..svirohly attributed to opeiatlons l>y large ■tanking Interests, looking to the onaolida.lon of control of many compet ing an.l connecting railroad systems. The buying of this kln-l was. however, dis tinctly lers than for some time past. Efforts were made by professional oper ators to give an appearance of a cotulit uance of those class transaction* But the manipulative character of m.ny iigivernenls .leslgued 1.1 give this Impres sion becalm lamer obvious, and IH-201 some feeling .4 douut and distrust. Th ;„P rumor- regarding additional plana for such conaoddatton still lo be put 111 . ffect shos.-d some vagueness ami w. re not fre*- from Intrinsic evidence* of Im probability. In spite of the credulous mood whk-h lias rc-emly (prevailed In Wall street regarding anything that ;Stintesl 10 txinsolidatlun. Ihe liitluenc.* of these movement* and slorles. therefore lost Kim. of their force. Another consideration was that the opinion has become well settled In Wall street that the surprising decrease In loon* In Inst Baiuplay's bank statement was due primarily to the movament of the .(.-posit account The banking Inter ests and financial Institution*, which have lead so large a pirt In the rrcent buying Of certain stock* have evidently oeeo thawing down th- .leisvsit aciounls of the Winks :o do *. Thl- necessitate# a 000- iractfon of outside ,oan*. \% hlU* ltank*-rs •uylng, therefore. Is a strong siisfslnlns force In the stock market, it I* equally strong as a deputing fori.- 11l the money market, upon which speculators arc de !„ 1,.1,111 for their resources Another unsettling Inlloen.-.- was l/.n -•lon’s change of After buying se tlvely here yostenlay. that center sold freelv to-day This was. of Course, tin outcome of the monetary sllualkm >n IsirnkM. With further military reverse* In Etsv.ith AfrUa and the foreign <-x ---hanges running against her. It Is 'he ommo.l exisxistlon hat ihe Bank of England discount rate will be advanced tomorrow Such a i-ondlllon Is alway sufficient to cause liquidation of for. Igti seiurltles from IsOtidon In the Interest of Ihe money market. But H la npt clear that th moie onservatlvo cU** of ln \esnr In England are not attracted by American securities. Th decline of trade activity there ansi the i-ontlmosl high earnings here make the American securi ties relatively mo-e attractive for Invest ment. * No uneasiness I* apparent nver the money market outlook *0 far as the Im mediate future I* concerned. The sut*- • reusury la contributing to Ihe market tty reason of large pension tiaymenU. In ereasetl premium* 00 government bond*, which are being rushed In for conversion Into the 2s before the refunding l>> rio.l x tdres and some payments on assay office checks for gold .lepoalted at the Beelffc coast points %Vh!l* theae ootkllllons make tor the safety of the money market, the possibility Is recognised of a pinch In G last week of the year. e*|ie.-ially If imdue speculative commit men's are allowed to eat up the resource* of the market. These various conditions are the expla nation of Die exceedingly varied market for Storks. Heavy selling to taks proflts continued side by aide, with extraordinary advance* In special stocks. Of the dsy s special movement* hy far Ihe moat im pressive was the sustained advance fn the Erie stock*. He common rising to -4U the llrst preferred to 574 slid the second preferred to 3*4. There ware some wide movements among the min'd Vandefbtlts ami connecting lines In cen tral traffic territory lathe Erie and Western rose S\ New York, rhi. ago *J Bt Louis aerond pivferrod. i4 and the common and the first preferred about * points each. Thsre was an 4M-tlve up ward movement In the sleel group, lo Sugar. Amalgamated Copper. Missouri paeffle and %lw Houlheen Hallway stocks, but none of these were well curtained The market closed furiously s tive and surprisingly steady, considering the large volume of deallngs- The loud ntatket was ** varied ami ir regular as that In stocks, and large raal lilng at some pot ms contrasted wtth an advance in price at other*. The total sales, pai value, were fl. 135.000. Fulled Shales refunding 2t. it. reglstere!. put r and 5s advanced 4 ami new 4* 4 per cent, on 4he last call. The Ss coupon dc dined 4 tier cent. Th# total sale* of slocks were 1.254.480 Including Atchison, K.JDu. Atchison pre ferred. 17.1 XX . I'hesaprake and Ohio. AWO; Burlington. isa; Hock laland 6.5U0; Big Four. 5.1X0. t'olorado llouthern. 10.900: Erie 63.011, Erie llrst preferred. 5*,W); lamils vllle. 5.909; Manhattan. *1.909. Motropoll tan. 7.M1. Missouri paclflc, Mi. soui l. E-ms** and Texas preferred. 21JU0; New York Central. 17. M; Norfolk ami West ern, 7.700. Northern Pacific, 7W.MW. North ern Farilk: preferred. 31,500. unlerft an.l Western. 11.700. Pennsylvania. 11.10 I tea ding. I6oixi. Heading preferred worn. Heading arnond preferred, Bt. land* and Ban Fran, iscn ,>>. HI Louis Hoith wesiern. 8.000: Bt Itaut*.Bouthwemem (•re ferred. 9.401; Ht. Paul, 18,90. Boutherr i clllc. 31.300; Humbert. Kullwav. 6.'. ■*; Houthern Railway i'.r. '.ri.-l 23. M; Fnirti Pacific. (6.0X1. In lon Pavlllc |.referred. 5.M; Wabash. 5.M. Wheeling. 12 *00; Cup per, 11901; Hotel ling. I.M. Hleel lloop 22.- Ml. Hisel ami Wire. 16,Siai; Tin Plate. 18 - 100. Tutukvo, 22. W. Ana undi. .; *i; Brooklyn. 11.9'; ("oloead.* !'"uel ami Iron <MM>: Fnntlnenial ToUi.-co, *1.700. Federal Hteel. 41.20., Natbaial H4.U-I, 34.#>; North American 7.4n0; People's Has 12 9>. Pressed Hteel Car pmfegre<l. O.kXl Huger, 41.401, Tennessee Coal and Iron 15.300; Fntted Htaies leather. 6 Shu New York H o k List Atchßon 424 Wabash 114 do |ifd 9*l, .lo pfd 254 Hallo A Ohio . >\ AVhee. A L. K .. 114 F in. Pa. *74 do 2nd pfd, ~ 34 <'inud, 1 Ho. ~.. 604 Win. Cen. It Chsea A Ohio .. 3*4 Third avenue ..1174 Gt. We* 154*1. * O. pfd. .. 954 •'• *L A Q I3x\{Natl. Tube 62>. (’■ Iml A layuis. 26 { <k> pf.l ..lu3 do pfd hi .Am Copper ~.. 944 •’ A B. 11l 951, Adame 14; C. A Nw . .1694 American 175 *’• R. I. A Pa.- .1174 I'nited Htair* .. 524 -. Q (’• A St. L 72 Well# Fnrgo .. 1.16 Col. Ho. 84 All. Cotton OR. 314 do Ist pfd 454 ik. pfd 9| do 2nd pfd 114 Am. Malting ... 5 Del A Hud ... 1214' do pfd. 25 Del L. A . IS®. Am H A Rrfng. 514 Den. A It. G. .. 28% do pfd 964 do pfd. ........ Bl4!Am Spirits .... * Erie 234 do pfd. 17 do let pfd. 57 Adi Hleel Hoop 314 Great Nor. pfd. 1*74 do pfd .77 Hocking I'oal .. 154r%m H A W . IS’, Hocking Valley. Il 4 do pfd. ..Y 874 Illinois Cen. . 1364 Am. Tin Plate . 534 lowu Central .. 2" do pfd. to do pfd 44' t Am Tobacco . It 4 L. E. A W 484 do pfd. .135 do pfd. 112 Ana Mining Cos. 484 letke /Shore ... 225 |U. M T . 7* L A N 854 Col. Fm l A Iron 53'* Manhattan L .1134 Con. Tobacco . 394 Mel. Hi Hy. ... 1734 do pfd 92 Mex. Cen. 144'Federal Hteel .. 544 Mum. A Bt. L.. 4*4 <ki ptd 784 do pftl 1U34 <leii. Electric 174 Mis Far. 63, Glucose Huger .. 534 M. A Ohio .... 441, do pfd. 99 M„ K. A Texas. 15 lnt. Ptiper 234 do .Jo gf.t 41>% do pfd. ...... 73 N. J. Cen 144 'La.-lede Ga* 7! N. Y. Cen 1424 National Biscuit. I7>, Nor A Wer, .. .434 -to pfd *l4 do pf.l XI4 National Lead .. 714 Jlor. Par- 774 do pfd. . .96 do pfd 864 Nuttonat Hteel .. 41 tint A Wes 28% do pfd 92, lre Hv A Nav 42 IN. Y. Air Biwke 155 do pf.l. 76 N. Amen 194 Pennsylvania . 144*4 I'aelllc Coait 58 Resiling 25 | do Ist pfd ** do Ist pfd. ... 69 | do 2ml pfd 66 do 2nd pfd .. 384 Pac Mall .41 R. Q. Wes 65 People s Gas .... 984 do pfd 94 ITeused H. Car. 514 .4 L. A Han. F. 22*4 do pf.l 814 do Ist pfd .... 764 Dul Pal. Oar ..Sli .to 2nd pfd. . 524 H." n A T 54 *t. L. Hw WXfciHmrir 127 do pfd 0) | do pfd. „ 1154 Ht. I’uul 1314 Tenn. C. A* Iron 63 do pfd I*l (O. 8 Leather ..144 Bt, I*. A Omo. .124 do pfd 754 Ho Pac 42V!\ H ft u idler 29’* 3o Rjr 204 do pfd! 81'% do pfd 71 .Western I'nlon. 854 Texas A Pac. .. '.V, R IAB l 4 I'nlon Pac 75X| dr. pfd. .... 64-4 do pfd 82*. P. C. C. A Ht. L. 56 BoihJh. C. S 2s.ref re* 1014 N- V C Ist* . I*B*4 do cou Kk'i4 N. J. C. gen. 5s 12*4 do 3s. reg. ~.HO INO. I*u 3s 714 do 3s. ice l|i> do do 4s .......100 do new 4i.reg.l2v4 M. A O. 4s 864 do new 4*.cou 13*4 C. A Ht. do old 4s, reg.lls E. 4s ItXI do old 4s. c0u.116 A con. 4s. 9*4 do ss. r.-g ~UM N " v Ist *K* do s*. cou ...1114 *° <* ♦* >'ff4 D. of C. 3 66s . 1344 itTr H ,JW ' • I2*S Atch. gen. 4s J.<F, •“ <*" * o- 5. ll lo adjt 4* .. 6*4 Read Oen. 4 4 C. of <1 .or. as 4 R O. W Ist* lul do Ist Inc 534'*** L. A Ir. M. do 2nd Im ...174 '•° n '** ,u, Can tto 2nd*. 10*4 *• D. A H F. C. AO. 44* ...104 **• • *W do do 5s 121 8 ‘- p - , ‘ on • 1,1 C. A Nw con.7* 13*4 St P.. C. A I*. do do 8. F | I*'" 12# ' leb 5s 121 j do do 5e 1324 Chi. Term. 4s .. *B4 Ho. Pa 4s *24 COL Bo 4s 95 (Ho. Ry. 5" D, A H G. 4s 1014 B Rope A T 6s. 7 Brie Gen. 4* .. 85 T. A P. l#t* —IM yr \v §g a. C. do do 2nd* .... i,l# 79 |Un. I*a. 4s It* 7 . Gen Elec. 5s ..14*4 Wabash Ist* ... H la. Cen I*l* ..1134! do 2nd* It* I A N Cnl 4*1014 West Shore 4s . .US Mo. K A T. ITV la Cen. Ist. K 4 ; , mt , 744; Va. Centuries .. 94 New York. Dec M —Htandard OH. 8301) ew York Dec. 18 -Ctansolirlale.l Gas Cloned. I*o4. Seaboard grcwrlllea. Baltimore. Dec ’TCd UFbW'O4; d>> preferred. 284ii28\ Uomis. 4s. 734 vturphy A La's atoek l.etler. New York. Dee. I*.-The stock market th)# morning opened vary active and Ir regular London quotations were also Ir r.gnljr. but subsequently Americans yielded then In -vmpalhy with a decline In ill th. se. urllle* marketed on Ihe con tinued aggressiveness of the Boers, con .tas declined %■ ". hr* " rumor* that the Bank of England Its rate ol discount this week. The early new* of ih morning here Included some allot retmns ol railroad earning, notably that of the IM. Paul Ojmpmty a.u) a reitotl that Ontario and Weaten, had , ffr r , ,1. • conaoddatlon of the seven col lieries It recently secured as feeder* for Its coal rteiwriment T*a eoneolldatad comnany will he known as the Elk Hl (Vwi and iron Company, with an aggre gate rapacity of 2JWMI9O ton" The heavy purchase of wtaprltle. In lids market for Condon ,1,-count were responsible for an easier foreign exchange mark." and talk nt gold Imponatlone The ka-al traclkm stork# were active ami strong on report, of friendly re.ations between the Metro isyhtan and Brooklyn, ami Ihe favorable result* from electric experiment* by Mm Manhattan Buythg of the Erie position* continued on Du- strength of the enlhra c|le Issdtton. nml the other eoeler* were iinn on the developments, red.-ra) H.e\ was strati* and In Ihe Imlustrtel quarter contaderaWe flmn.-M* was exhibited. (Sales to-day 1362. W .bants. MIS< K1.,%kE0l a %8 %RKHTX. Vote-Three quotation* are revised ds'llv and are kefd aa near as posislMe In ar-ord with the prsvalllng wholesat* or Ice* Official quotatkai* #r* not uaed when they disagree with the prices whole- ss6 Hsirlhera Predace, poVLTKY—The merket Is steady. QUO iatlons: Broilers. *©3ic per pair. hsU grown 45tr(80c. three-fourlh* grown, h&ft pic: hens. "bVfflSr: roesners. 40@8v ; ducks, kf>7se: geese 7(4991.00. KOGB-Ereeh csndlevl, 33®2E. cold stor age, 220. < Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on Kth Meridian Time—Ona Hour Blower Than City Tim* BcheJule In Effect Dec. 9, 1900. ABAI> DOWN;j to THE kABT ~ Rl %D 1 P Nu Jt No J 6 ~ c enrol l'u... . N * 12 -sp<n l3 3*.am Lv J. HavimnaF Ar 3 sum iTtophi II (Eastern Time) | 4 34|wn 4 £!it kilMckvtlle Lv|| 2 b7amj t 10f>m HHnw dOfmni Ar OolmiihlH !*v I 9 i iioftin Ar I'twrloiif Lv < 9 Upm N tioru i • • I 004 nt Ar . .7. ’.7777...... .7.. Norfolk .... ... ."7.77TT. Lv j I 00im v ' l‘a v 1 t. i \ %* m 4 slam w " 1 . iii ,Ar ... la hr i Ufa • i I Ar L> h k . CvJ, 2 (Jixn •- 4 S*Atii & Jjjun; i r ClHirl%M trsvlllft Lv | 04f*n|U *4i*m 7 ISani S Bo|.-nr \r W toblngtoft Lv %lt ibjiu. >• V" * lf*om 11 Bpcn Ar IlAltiinoro Lv;i H I ira il 2 MVim Ar Lull id-lpnu Lv,, S Waml k O&piu 2ui|.m Ar N m York .Lv||lJ UKim I 1 p*n SQpm S <Dpm|Ar Ho too Lv|| 6 lo*m " TO THE north and WHVr." hMu-ft l‘ (Ceniral Tims) || I • -Mam ~T.v rHu vannaii “ ".'.7. Lv',l i Oxi ietu Time.) 8 Riii Lv Columbia Ar. I Is*ro II 2>iam i.v H|tarlanburg LV 1 0 15pm * *?">' Lv Asheville I'M* 4 02pm |Ar not Bpring L* ||ll A'-sm 7 JPpm Ar Kn xville Lv 1 I 39*m 8 lOim Ar 7 A'quii Ar Cincinnati I.v(i 8 00pm 6 OOpm Ar Hi Louis Lv I Oani 7 300(0 Ar Louis villa Lv|| 7 45am All trains arrive and tiepin from In flam System H;alien. TIIUOI 011 CAR HKRVICE, 17TC TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPHKHH Vaatl huled limited tndn* with Pullman Drawing Room Hleeptng Cara beiween Savan nah and New V *rk ionnsc is ai Wa.likiigton with Colonial l.xpress tor liuii.n. Pullman Hbeplnc Car* Iwtween Chari die and Richmond and Charlotte and Nnr (olk Dili In. Cera Her-e all meals between Hevannali ami IVsxhlngion. TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAILY. THE I'NITED HTATEH CAST MAIL Vealibul and llmtie.i trains, carrying Pttllmm Diawlng Room Sle.pli.g Cars between H.v.n ah and New York Dining Car. serva nil meals between Savannah and WaonlugMMi Also Pullman Drawing Kudin Hloepln* Cat* betwesu Havannali auJ Clncim.aU, Ihruusb Asheville and The Land of the Hky." F’or conqilele Inform,itlon aa lo rnt-n acheduloe etc apply to F 8 GANNON 3d V P, A G M J M CFLP. T M . W. A TUnK, 0 P. A . Wastilngnai, D C. 8 11. HARDWICK Asst tlen’l P*s Agent Atlanta. Ga R. C. IH.ATTNER. Tickel AgetD. Plant Ho mm Histion JAMES FREEMAN <■ P * T X 111 Bull slreel Hay„ in ah. Ga Phone* 850. BETTER—The tone of th* market I* flrne (quotations Cooking. 21c. pulia tion*. 23 , New York stale dairy. 244- extra Elgin*. 27c. t'HEEßK—Maikci llrm; fancy full cream cheese, 13'r’ for 20 lo 22-|m)uiil average. ,'v;|.lo-pouxal averages. 13r. , F.erly %e*rtable*. llllHll POTATO EH - Northern. 82.00 sack CABBAGE—S®9c |r head! crates. 12 '<'(' 2.15 ONIONH— Yellow. 11l Ixtrrels, 18.7.; crates. $1 <), red. 82. k). It realist off. Hay and Grain. FLOl'R—Market steady; patent, 84 251 straight. 13.75; fancy. 83 60, f.unity. 83 40 MEAL—l'etirl. pet barrel. 82 M. per rack. f1.15; city meal, per sack, bolted. 81 KIH; a.iter ground 11.124; clly grits, sacks. 11.15. lean I grit*. Hudnuts. pvr .Iwrrei, g,, per sack, 11 So; sundry bt atuls, f1.15 CORN- Market Dim. white. Job tots, 62c, , aiload lots. 80. , mixed cola. Job lot*. 60c: carload lot*. 58c HR-K-Market steady; demand good; fancy head. Bc. fancy. 54<'. Prime S Good H4\ Fair ♦ M 4 CegUMNI ..34 OATB-No I mixed carload, 38o; )Ot, lot*. 35U36C. white Cllpood, oar*. 27c; Job, 40c „ BRAN—Job lot*. 95c; carioad tot*. 90- HAY --Maiket Meadv; No 1 timothy. 924 c. Job. 9D , No 2. 90e; Job, 874 c cars. Xuaar aad 4 offer. BCGAR ,-ut loaf 8.23 Dlamoml A 5.89 7rushed 8 18CoofecTtotter.' A .5.68 Powdered 5.96 White Extra 0.-5 38 JiXXX pow'd ...6 03'Esira C 5.33 Granulated 5 88Golden C... 5.13 Cube. 6 03 Yellows .4 96 Mould A B.UI COEFEE jjcctnx 3* c Prime No 3 .... 10%%e J,va 26 ciOotxl No 4 ......104c Peaberry B rtFalr No 5 10 c Fahcv No. 1 ~.ll4c|Ordlnary No. 6 . 940 Choice No. * ..lo4o;Commcn No 7 ..9 . 4 orien Magging and Ties. IIAGGINa-Maiket Arm; Jut*. pouml *4°; large lot*. *4c; ‘■mall lot*, l-pound. 7V . eeu Island bagging. 124 c. T 1 EH- H an-I*'d. 45-is.und, aiiuw. large tot*. 1130; small lot*. 11.23 <talt. Hides and Woal. HALT—Demand I* fair anil the market steady; carioad lots. 100-pound burlap sacks. 47c; 1 tin-pound cotton sacks. 48.', UO-pound burlap sack*. B14e; 110-pound cottotl sack*. 534 c; 138-pound burlap sacks. 594 c; 12.5-pound cotton sacks. 594 c; 2Ki-pound burlatw sacks. 91c HIDHB-Market firm; dry flint, 134 c; dry salt. H4c; (risen nailed. Bc. Wool.—Nominal, prime Georgia, free of nnd liur* and black wool. 19c; black. 18c; hurry. UK- Wax. 2Sc; lailow. 14c Deer skins. Me. ftried and Uvaperaled Fsnlte. APPLKB— Evaiawated. 797 V; aun dried, APRICOTS— Kvaporatod, l#c pound; nectarines, 10c. . RAIHINH- IL. C 10. Imperial cabinet#. K 75. loose. 50-issu'd taw**. 4c pound. PBA'HEH Evaporated, pealed, * 17V%e; utifiealed. PE ARB- Evaporated. 9%,c Hardware aad Malldlag Snppliea. LIMB. CALOHM. PLATTER AND lenient—Alabama and Georgia lime In .'air demand and sell at 80 cent* a barrel, •nectar calcined plaster. 81 00 per barrel. >*lr 4®sr. Roeeffsle ceasest. 8LJ0441 36. ,-sr.oad lot*. pstol; I‘orUunil cement, re tail 82 38; carload lots. 82.009220 LCMBKR. F. O. B. VEHHBLH HAVAN NAII Minimum, yard Sixes. 2K1.506U.80; car elll* 812.80® 13 09: difficult ats-s. 14 05 4f 18.041; ship stock. 9M.OUMtt.OO; **wn lies, pt fltati 50; hewn 4trs, 354238c' OIL— Jlarket steady; demuisl fair; sig nal 4s4rißN-; West Virginia black. 9Vl3c; lard. 59c; nenMfoof. WV; machinery. 19 If2sc. Ifnseed oil, raw. 794 c; boiled, 714 c. Kerosene prime white. 12c; wafer while. iJc- Ptwtt's astral, 14c; deodorised stove gasoline, drumr, 114 c; empty oil barrel., delivered. 85c. HHOT—Drop. 91.50; B. B. snd large, *l-76. chilled. 91 75. I RoN—Market very mewdy; Hwede, 64c. NAILH-CU! 82.30 base, wire 13 00 base. II MIKED Wißß— per 100 poun t* GCNPriIVDEH—Per keg. Austin crack shot. 84 00: half kegs. 12.. ft; quartsr kegs. 11*. champion duokm*. quarter kegs, 82.25: Dupont nnd lUxsril smokeleis. half kegs 11115. quarter k*gs, BTS. 1-pound, canister*. Ho. '•* per cent.; Trols drf smokeless powder. 1-pound cans. $1; lo- pound cans. 9uc pound. Frail* aad Hal*. AI’PLKK-Northern vsritay, 93 0993.80. ORANGEH-fFIS 1 FftCNEH-k¥ lo 995. Wr 50* to 90*. 94c; ffttVo 70s. 7-. 70. 80 19c. 4c; 90s U, 90*. ft; pi to loo* s*y. BANANAS- 81.28®1 75 bunch. IJSMriNH—Market sleadv. at 12. CfkXIANCTH-ttno per 100 PFANt'TH- Ample stock, fair demand; market firm: fmey hand-picked. Virginia, per pound 44c: hand-ideked Virginia ex tra*. 4c: N 7' e**d peanuts, 4c. NUTH— Almond-, Tarragona, 17c, Ivl-o*. im- walnut*. F'tnch, 12c. Napie*. l2Hc; M.-an* 12 . Bmgtl#. 12c; flllvt-rt-, lie; *- •orted nut*. 50-pound and 25-pound boxes. IP4C. nacaa. Ham* aad Lard. HAEON-Market Arm. D. B C. R. *ldea. 74- r> H Be lies. 94c (Eastern) aocord- Ing' to vtag* *•#'; D- 8 belli**. 9c • Western). *moke>l C. R *ldsa. 94c. IIA MB- Hugo* curad. 114® 134 c-. LA Kir—Pur*. ln Uercea. 94; li% 80- pmiiPla tin*, and nr pound tubs 84c. compound. In liarcea. 84. 50-pound tin*, and 99-pounds tuba, 91t>:. nisi Hi.i. % vi.Dt n. FlHH—Mackerel, half-barrels. No 1 88. No 2. 17. No 3. 75: k ,„. No II to. No. 2, 91.10, No 3.05 c Codllali. |- ixjund bricks, 8c; 2-|snmd brick*. 64* Hunkcd hertlng, |> ini*. J7®l9>- Dutch herring. In keg- 11 10. new inulli-t*. 1,.,1) barrels. 93 76 HYttl'P—Market quiet, ricorgla and Florida *yrup. buying at 28®*X', iclllng al 32pAV . augm huuse at 10® I.m IIONHY—Fair di inaod; atrained. in bar srrls, 88ft90c gallon High wines basis, 11.27. 0t k%% I’ll I ;n* Hi's. COTTON—Havanuab io Boston, ;iet owl.. 26c. lo N*w York, iwr owt.. 20c; to I'hlljdclptiia, per bala. 91. llalllinure. 91. FOREIGN D1 REX'T—Brenudi, 4uc, Liv- Ct|XK)l 08 , fLimbtug. 48. . rielioa. bOr Barcelona. 55. . Slancbesler. *k ; Havre t ■ Antner; 0X . 11*8*1. 50.-; Rott-rdamj 46c; Trieste, 31c. INDIHIOCT Liverpool. 35®39 ; Ham burg x : Gothenburg. 33c Li MIIER—By Hill Freights steady, to Baltimore and eastward. 94 ISO to 95.75 per M Including Portland. L! MIIER—By Hteam—H.vvanna11 to llalltmore. 95; to P. R. R or 11 and O dock. 95 30; to Philadelphia. 189-30 pet cwt 14 pound* to foot); to New Y’ork. 9# > per M. 97 15 to dock, lightered to Boston. 98 60 N.%\ Al. STORES—The market Is firm; medium *ts<- vessels Rosin-Cork, for or der* X* 6d |icr barrel of 310 pound*, and 6 per . ctit primage Hplrll* 4* *1 tier 40 gallon* gross, and 6 per cent primage Esrge vessels, rosin Is; spirits. 4 Id Htiaui. He per 100 puund* on roaln; 114 c on *|itrlt*. Hevanniili to Boston, and 94c on rosin oral lie on spirit* lo New York. GH%ißt, I'liuviaiitaa. crc. New York Dec 18-Flour-J% shade ensler. ag ilnsi checking <h-mand. Jty flour steady. . flour dull; buckwheat num Inal. ''orti meal quiet. Rye dull. Harley quiet .to m illing dull Wheat Spot easy; No. 2 red, 77%%e. f.o.b . afloat; option* workol from a steady open ing <ai Ihe strength hi corn, to mhklny and afternoon weakneo*. resulting from an ataence of OlHslde support, a targe In crease in world stock* lirarmh Argen tine crop now* and liqubhillon. domd easy at '4® 4' not daetlsie; March t-lueml 78'V-; May. TTy; L>ecemler.7B4c Corn -ffpot sleadv; No. 2. 864 c. elevator, options market o|>ened and ad vanced chiefly in December on unfavora ble weather, and continued poor grading at the West, fatter, the market ■ ,i*vd ott a lirtle under residing, hui closed llrm al In advance ,*■ December, ntuf ini<-hang cd otherwise; January cltwed 44e; May 424 e; Decembor, 484 c (tats- Hpot ateady. No 2. 274 c: oplioos dull, hut steady. Beef quiet. Cut im-ata dull. I-""I rosy; Western Steamed, 97.35; re lli.ed #ay; t-omiiound. 54MXk Pork sumly, family. 316 U0tf15.50; short i letir. 114.(W® 17.01), meas. 912 (mm 13.00. Buller barely steady; creamery. 17®25c; factory. 114M10c; elate dairy, 184133 c. Cbeesi strong. fancy 4erge. fall met®-. Il'®114c; fancy sin.ill, fall mad*. 114 ft 12c. Ltfgv vtaiA aiwl PfmniylvMnln, 2®2Bt; Western regular packing, al marg. 21Mte. Potatoes quiet. Tallow etuaity. I'ctrob um quiet, (total) steady. Turpmdlne quiet. Rico quiet Molasses steady. Cebl>a®o quint. Freight a to L)ver|gl Ins. live. ('off**-Hpot coffee, Rio weak; No, 7, Invoice, 7c, nominal; mint market quiet' Cordova. 9443134 1 ' Coffee future, opened with prices. 10M1. points lower and fol lowed an irregular uiuiw during the bal ance of the session, with selling (tarty aoflve for all ac'-ounta, led by parlte* who had purchased actual staid* In Bra sil. Foreign market news was dr< Uledly unfavorable. Brasilian receipt* larger than expected, and spot demand Was Stack. The Ctoto- was sleadv with JTTt.'efl, 5 to 10 point, tower, net H.des, 2J7JO begs, in cluding March. 5.T0M5.75c; May, 5.75#5.Mr. Hugar- Maw e tady. fair reflntng. IV, centrifugal. 96 tret, IV; motesties sugar. 94c; reDned gleady. New York. Ike. 13—The Coffee Kx change wIU be cloned Dec 24. COTTON HKKI) OIL. New York, Dec II - Cotton seed oil '■hawed further depression through the ifforta of tfa-tor* to unload prodth-t f.jr which there l* little demand, prints crude barrel*. 274 e; prime summer yellow. 24® 30c; off summer yellow. 29c, prim, white. 84® 36c. prime white, 394097'. prime meal, 925 CHICAGO M.%MKCT9. Chicago. Dec. It.—lt wet com Amt and th* other grain nnd provision markets no where to-day. December corn under ac tive bidding by .bone, was forced up an other cam and a half, won* January short* also .howrJ nervoutneas. that op Hon closing at an advance of 4c; Decem ber cloeed unchanged Wheel waa weak ened by favorable Argentine erop condi tions. and a large riportable surplus and declined 4*. Oat* rimed a ulunf.- higher ais I provisions declined 24074* lower. The leading fuiures ranged as follow.: (qisntng. Mlgheot. Lowrta. Ctosln?. Wheal. No. 3- De. W 704 4ft894 9S Jan 70%x|704 74 94 70 May 734®73, 734 724 Plant System of Railways. Trains operated hy Hih meridian tlmw— Ou hourj slow. r than city ume. Jn effeet Ik-, g. im All trains. 1 lf Lv. Bavannah. Dally. Ar Bavannih. Utiwnn •1 K. itn' ftuvamvah |I2 10 ap s •* W aycroe-. i twain * •* •'"! la liwnrUla 10 tn am 1 l*" 1 alul I'lurhle [l2 43 pin • 'i'" . points | 7 OS pm Ret ween 1 P am Sav.irm.ih ; J £1 am * l' l am Charleston ! 7 SO am 1 •* !•"> ........ and Kant V. pm 1 1 ' * A Brunswick. Between. y >m Brunswick j * * l*> Je*up j l 13 pm hav.tnnah anal I 7 13 am i i knot sills * Ji pm Connections .it Pori Tamia wkh Pentn *iiiai .uml Occidental ait-imrra leaving for K.-i \\>.| ji ml Havana Momlnya, Thure laly ami Satur.lay*. U:i p. m. rails.! Ticket mil . * for further Infor ms Hoff J. II POI.IIKMPB. T P. A W.thli CIARK City Tlrkat Agent. Ik Hotn Hotel. ‘Plume 73. It W WKKNN. Passenger Tfaffli Man ager. ttavann ih. Ila = -==SSS=JS fjpP£ %GEORGIA B'YCa/ Schedule Effective 1 )ec 11, 1900 Trama arrlv. at amt depart from Cetitrai Station, Weal Brood, font of Lllvrly street, sotli Merl.llati Time—On., hour .lower than city time. !*&< Arrive Savanna It; Savannah: August.l. Ma.on Atlanta.l •a ttanvOovlngton. MMledgsvllle • Wien |sml all lulerniedlsts points! Ailguela, Ma, on. Atlanta | lAlhsna, Mon tgomary, t’oH *9 iNptn lumbur. Illrttiliigham, Am **tkkim ' I I US, Eufauln and Troy.j It. 00pm 1 lover A .mi in* ala t lon ||7 Mam I- Wptu Guyton lilnner Train. ||4 tnpm * Dally. lEa.ept Sunday. BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYBEE. 7ilh Mi ildlan or Havutinsh city time. LEAVE SAVANNAH. Dal.y 9:30 a. in., 2on p ni LEAVE TYBEE. Dally 10:2a a. ni.. 0:311 |>. in Coauectheie made at terminal polnta with nil train* Nortlitvmt. Weat and Southwmr Bleeping cars on night tralna lietween Savannah and Auguata, Ma im. Atlanta and Birmingham Ihtrtoi earn on day tralna between Sa vutlnah. Ma .. ami Atlanta. Eor coinpletn infartnation. eehedulcs. rales and . onneetlone. apply to W O. BREWER. rity Ticket and Paa aengt-r Agent, 107 Bull street, or W It Mi l NTT ItK Dr i *>t Ticket Agent. J C. HAILE ileiierwl Passenger Agent. B H HINTON Tram, Manager. THEM. D. KLINE. General Bupsrin tendent. Savannah. Os. Double Daily Service The short line to Norfolk, Washington, Balilmurc, Phlladaiphle, New York and the Eaat. ARBIVAB OK TRAIN* PROM No 27 North and Eaat | 00 am No. 33 lienmark and laval Bta '*< 10 30 am No. 31 North ehd Eaat 13 lo pul N6. 44 Jackonvilla ami Morula... 1 In pm No. 73 Montgomery and West k M pm No. 74 Helena and Local Points... 343 am No. M Jacksonville ami Florida 11 CO pm DEPARTURE OF TRAIN* - For No. 77 Jacksonville and Florida... I 03 am No II Jacksonville and Florida. .13 1* pro No 44 New York anil East 1 M pm No. 34 Denmark and Auguata 3 U pm No. 71 Montgomery an.l West 713 am No. 73 Helena and Loral (Italians. • 30 pm No id New York and East 11 M pm Magnificent Pullman buffet sleeping ear service to Washington. Baltimore. Phila delphia and New York; also to Jaotuno vine and Tamiai Dining rare from Bavanneh to ilamtot and Richmond to New York Buffet parlor earn Savannah IS Mead gomery. lor additional Information apply to Tlckat Ufllce, Dull and Bryan aireeta. Phone M. ■- ■— .. —-■ mat Corn, No. 3 Dec 4HW4I 41 41) 41 33*ti3t* 37 33* n .\p3\ klav ... MXW3I* 33*®*S 3t4* JC, Oats. No. 2 Dec 2Uk 2t‘r 21* 21* Jan 7IS 31*021% 21* lINpMHi May ... 13X1423% 33% 23* **% Meee Pork, per barrel— I Jan. .112 It* 112 13 113 07* 113 02* May U'* U U, 11 97* 13 W Url. per ISO iwunda— Dec. 1 7 07* 7 12* 7 07* Jan. .*•’, 3 37* 3 *3* 3*2* May .6 37* IM IK 3 37* Short Ribs, per Ua* pounds— Jan. . 335 3<K 3O SB* May . 3 37* 3 32* 3 77* CM Cash quot.illone were as follows: Flour dull; No 3 spring wheal. oMa33%e; No. J red. THtTf ; NOj 3 corn. 40.*; No. 3 yellow, ear; No 3 Oats. 22<,023c: No. 3 white. 2S%e; No. 3 while. M*o33c; No. 2 rye. She; good feeding barley ntjue; fair lo choice mail ing. WMiMc. No. 1 Itaa seek $1.3101 32: No I Northwestern, 31.32; prime timothy eel 14 tint M. nice. pnrk. per barrel. $!1 12**f II.; hard, per IWi pound*. 97 03*07.10' abort rib* ride*. I 100 eel. 96 230*.10: dry salted shoublers. (laiged), 3*o**c; abo-t dear elites. Uwd). p. *b/ 7h. whisky. liaela of .ugh wines. 31.77; clover; con tract grade. 110.30010 33. Mr. I lest Says, “Graybeard has well nigh cured me of rheumatism from which I have been a great sufferer the last fifteen years " j|r. Dent's poWoffice Is Bt. Blmona Island. Oa. Rev. John t'hr lea tan of Pierre. Ala . ■ays: "Uraybeard luaa cured Mrs John Childrens of Baldwin county of rheuma tism. In February liefore she begasi to take OrayWrd she was given Up to die. Hhe la now sound ami wall.'* Greybeard la made only by Reapers Drug Company, sole owners, and sold by druggists for $l.OO a bottle. Every family should have s bog of (Jraybeard Pills ami (Iraybaard Ointment -ad. —One Token Ihm I- "Dearie, what do you want m*- lo give you tor t 'hnetmas?" "Well, precious. I've got elevru framed photograptis of you now."—Dutioit Free Press. e 9