The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 21, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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WILL RING OUT THE ALARMS. nr.w um i' wiu **i*g it tmv r<\\ f:h *t riRK nvtTiox. Jlitf HuLc la I seleas fur %ll Purpose? of Alarm-Tlif Crack It Rrrflvrd I rum n I *alc Klnrn% li*r *prlsa I r |t It Wlthnat lour and Hillnl lli. |*r-R ©aching (|naltfy of Ha Bell Will Hr Herured 1,, f|ir Fire t nmmlftee to Take the Ills IHikr'B Place— llrll la Tnmtr> right Irwra Old. Th* Big Puke, thf gtanl bell that hmjrt In tri< tower at Ihe tire nation on Ogle iY,(,r|>o avenue am) that ha? so many times •i* kened Savannah's cltixen? at dead of right or drawn them from place* of bus jr,.. t noon. setting the air flying with i.otea. will soon have a successor. The jr, r# . C*jnmlttee of Council will hive a i< w bell for alarms. and Council will be lt -k* i for the money that will !h* neces t.,rv for the purpose. I\—less for all purpose* nave to be re .i> for another bell, the Big Puke is ,j;; tn the tower, but for eome weak* ft hi- not sounded In response to the el ©c t'i t warnings of fire that have ft a-ho 1 In to the several stations. ls tone ha* non?, .ind but a dull note la elicited when the i Upper comet* In contact with the metal. The Duke was broken by a strfdce of it* flap|*er In r©*j*>ndtng to a ’ false m, rm. This was or. April 24 last, when in >ome Inaiplsliwblt wav box No. 13, on pn>ugh4on and IVWUk?r street*, was , ,<. A solution *f the mystery iliat at :i dto the puking of the Iwx on that , i ion. ind on May 1 war* never ob i , i,.?!. It was on the occasion of the Ht.i'm on May 1 that the trouble with the :**|| was noted. U the i*ruk was a slight crack. It wa? t xi-.Klit that careful work might i -uit In the repair of the the hei*. Borne time In June Mr. P. N. Thomason. of 14* Wrat street. took the con* r*.©? to repair the bell. After about n month's work he pronoun*'***! the work -*npieted. Hi* efforts w*re unavailing, av tn* Ittfc Inke did r.ot recover Its tone. Xotning approaching the great volume of -o.iial that surged forth from Its giant n. uh when its vibrations were started in former days | ell* Red now when the Big Inike Is struck. l or . time the I*ll mu used for alarm but i* seen that its notes were not f twn htng. s*> It determine! to re 1# ■.♦*#• it from service. Many have noted t * on several occasion* of late the rtre uppanitUH has rushed thrUigh the streaks. ii* warning from the Hlg Duke having no*lfh'*l them of a Are. Su|erlntenden Maguire of the ftre d© parttnent docs t>ot approve the plan of tvirig a Mg bell sound the alarm when* ever there Is a fire The principal rea -*n he knows why there should b© such n bell, he said yesterday. Is that warn* fig Is given all traffic. so that a watch r iy be kept for the fire apparatus and . jttrtrf* cleared for its passage. Th* * lit accident at the intersection of I iighton and Drayton streets, the *u- I. rfntcrulent admitted, might have been avoided hail he inotorm in of the ear h ini 4he ldg Duke ring and been there by - unioned to look out for the engines No i* h warning came to him. so he lost I- head when the upiMratu* appeared suddenly. R * this advantage, the superintendent be!!, ve*. Is outweighed by the dlsadvan 11C* of having a bell to arouse the city *o the fact that there Is a fire somewhere Curious spectators, vast crowds of whom *i always be assemble*! when there U a hove to see a great blase, gather nni throng the streets. Impeding the work of ?!.•- firemen, get ling In their w ay. inter fci i g with their efforts to pit out the flames, offering suggestions that are not worth two cents and. In some few case*, miking disconcerting and provoking re mark- that the firemen sometime* feel as though they should resent. T o*-*' crowds are called out by the bell, the far-reaching note* of which Inform others than the merely curious that *!©- V .ting flames are getting In their Ml w -rk. Thieves are attracted, alert, watch ful pilferers, wi.o welcome tho opportuni ty that Is offered them to steal Amid tli. excitement, hurry and lack of care that prevail at a great fire. It Is easy for thieve* to make rich hauls and it Is also • *-y for them to know that the opportu i lty i at hand when they hear the clang of .* monster lell and are drawn from their iiaunts to prey u|on those who are unfortunate In being tlw victims of the Hatties* destructive inroads upon property. Tht superintendent yields, however, to ih* general wish for anew bell, and In ter pose* no objection* one being se cured. A bell foundry has offered to allow the * ity a certain price |**r pound for the Mg Inike a* it now hangs in the town, ut the same time quoting i price per pound for m new t**ll to tak- its pin e. THe metal In the Big Duke will be melted .town, and It* twenty-tight years* of life will b© at an end. It was on June 6. 1572. that the Dig Duke was bought by the city of Bavan* nah from the Troy Dell Foundry of Troy. N Y Its weight wax then 5.515 pounds, ms! Its cost was $2,283.02. f.o. h. in Bavan tißfi. The monster was named ‘Dig Inike” after Alderman Marmndukc Hamilton, who Introduced the resolution In Council. authorizing Its purchase. For many years the Dig Inike was em ployed to sound the alarms for the volun teer firemen. At first, after Its arrival here. It lay for some time In the rear of the police barracks, in the city pound lot. A heavy wooden tower waa erected for It in the lot, and there the hell remained ■ nil! the iron tower in which It now hangs was Ih.ught and erected for It. From Its top to the center of the circle described by he mouth of the Dig liuke is a perpendicular drop of four feet four Inches. The first bulge of the hell near the top Is two feet, ten Inches in diameter, while the mouth Is five feet, five and one ha if Inches aernsn The metal of the bell b five Inches thick. HI 0I( CM If* MKF.TI^Mi. Prngrimmr at thr Union %f*niorlnl. Thn regular mmlnir of th* Savannah Mualc Club nun held liat night at tho l.itwton Manorial. The following pro- Krarnmn was given: Huitfnnnt Invoratlon Mini B. mark. ttiaet Torrea.lor (Carmen) Mr. George W Beckett. H**-thoven. .Hooma. Op. 14. No. 2 (Allegro) Mlm Bora Tut sell. Hltjmmthal ..“Acrore the Far Blue llllla, Marie.” Mrs. J. J. Gaudry. Krn,(a) Gavotte (b) Channon Hans Taroles Mr. George W. Beckett. Canning “Moonlight” Mrs \| K. Wilson. Miss Nellie Allan. Mr F* K. Heburer, Mr. A. Bun<lhelmer. Aceompanlat—Miss Kmma K. Cobum. BEYOND HELP! If you believe your week stomach I. beyond t dp. It Is because you have nol tried Hostetler's Stomach Bitters. For the past half century It has cured all stomach troubles and will do ao for you. Try It for Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Con stipation. Biliousness. Nervousness. Flat ulency or Insomnia and be convinced Pe* that our Private Revenue Stamp cov ers the neck of the bottle. It has HOSTETTER’S Never STOMACH Been Equaled. BITTERS WILL WORK FOR THE FAIR. (Continued from Klghth Page) fair ami expressed satisfaction that 8a vannah had been successful in securing it Mr Lyon* Is confident that Savannah tun be Uncut,d by the fair and at the same time show w? visitor* a great time. C*p: John H Dillon. cashier of theChat h.m Dank, express**} his delight over the nw of Savannah* success. “The Fair." he said, "should mean a lasting advantage to the city. The benefit that may be de rived from tlie initial one should not be the sum total of all that the city is to reap, (Nher events in the future should cintinu* to show the city's appreciation of the great success it has won.** Mr. W. E. Wimpy said: "The fair will b the biggest thing Savannah has ever known. There I* no re*Mtn why it should not put Sl.nun.un , n c j r glutton would no: |>e circulat'd at .ill If It were not for Die event. The receipts should be great enough to pay all th. expense* of the fir Nearly all Savannuhians will attend the, many of them several time*. 1 thick st> no Savannah admis sion? may i>* counted upon, and surely that many by active and diligent work of committee*, can be secured from the ter ritory from which the crowd* wilt he drawn. Everybody must go to work with will for the fair, iclvins It th. prop, r management and securing the right sort of attractions and displays." <*apt. J T West aUI: "I believe the fair can be made a tremendous succea* The trwMiU.'.-ni. 11l must not leave out the military f.-uture The railroad* might igree to transport all the woldter* in the state free f cost for the attraction they would t*e for other great crowds that could he brought m over all line*. A vast ml I tary display could be easily arranged, and 1 do not doubt that nearly all the com mands would he glad to enter It.** Mr. I A Bo!>mons said that he Is hearti ly in favor of the fair. While his busi ness migh not !e directly l*en*-rtted. he IhoUght that every thing that tends to help the city as a city will uixlouhtedly a-*lst every business In It. Mr. Ilia- F. Fulton thought that it wa* an excellent thing, and that every body ought to co-operate In making It a complete success. Mr J S Colon* said that it Is a good thing In every way. Home of those wlO have oeeji lukewarm In the project, ho said, felt th t way because of something of a fair hrel t>e**n hekt here in ISff uii.l w ish had not l>een an unqualified success. Hut he continued. |t must be romemler*.| that that was not a Mat* Fair, an I that even had it been, and not turned out a success. Bavannah I* quite i different city from the town of 187). and is now in a position to make the fair u most deck led success. Mr. f* Gardner said: ‘'Savannah has been sleeping 100 long upon its righto. Op portunities for such great events ns the State Kafr may be made have not been seised by the city. We need something of the kind here to get out of the old ruts, and I am glad Mayor Myers. MaJ Hyais and the others who worked were successful in Choir efforts The af fairs that have been given here recently ivave not been of the character to attract the p**>ple of the state, and it Is fortun. ate that we now have something in peo*- lect that offers the advantage of state wide This will mean that we will get the crowds fr.un all points. The l*ople nre sure to com.*, and I do twit see that those who have sul*crihcd to the fair fund should regard their sub scription* In the light of donations Mou sy can be nui.k* by the fair, and there Is no reis*n why subscribers should not get ljack tsirt. If not all. of the mon.-v they subscribed for slock The general trade rf the city will he greatly Increased dur ing the progress of the fair, and the feeling thereafter should for a long ttnv be healthy, reflecting the bene'lt* Mot s-ere derived from the fair." Mr. John N Gell of Gell Ar Quint, said. **l am glad we laive It. Trad© will be greatly helped by such n event as the State Fair Both wholesal er? end retailers will (••©! the effects. Re tail dealers of the smaller towns and coun try of Savannah s territory would h© glel to take advantage of th© low railroad rates that will doubtl©? prevail to come to <ne city, nisi deal directly with their wholesale houees here, rather than with their traveling men. General trad*- will be improved, and I believe th© fair will be a great thing for Savannah.** Mr. C. A. L. Cunningham said; "Build* ing n me© course here will mean n great deal for th© city. A well-appointed course should be th© means of bringing excellent hors©?, and a great many peo ple to Savannah, not only for th© fair, but for subsequent event©." A gentleman, prominently connected with one of th© hanks. ?al*l that there I? no reason why those institutions should not subscribe liberally to the stork of the Fair Association. "The national bank? declare." he said, "that they are forbid den by law from subscribing to the stock, and the state bank? take advantage of that by ?*ying that they will sub?crib© If th© national hanks do. That, of course let? th©m out. they think, but It should not. Th© t*ank© get the benefit of any thing that help© the city commercially.and each one of the state Institutions, of which there are five, should suhscrl'.ie at least $500." it will be seen from the expression? quote.! above that the fair ha© <aKen well with the leading merchants and business men of Savannah They are keen lor it and want to do all they can to make It a great success. Mr. W J Watson wa? enthusiastic gver the fact tha: Savannah is to have the fair, lie said he entertained no doutt what ever that It could and would be made a great success In itself, and that It would bring Savannah to th© favorable atten tion of the |©ople of the state ft* *n ex it lit that could l*e accomplished in no other manner "And then." he said, "it w ill man i season of racing In rtav mn ih every year All that the racing project need? D a start, and the fair will give It." Mr. Francis M Oliver was equatlv pleased With the result of the commit tee’s visit to Macon. The ©am* thought impressed him and was expressed by him ii> had occurred to Mr. Watsofl. ll© thought, too, that racing would b© a feutur© of the fair, and that, once start ed, a raring season would be a fixture in Savannah' Mr Oliver did not believe there would b© any difficulty wrhatever In getting all the fund© thw; were needed SAVANNAH I.OIMK ELRCqpOX. sir Is niatiis Until', anil Hender son's Ktse Hrssrtl as ottteere. Savannah Lodge, Knights of Pythias, held Its semi-annual election last night, the following gentlemen being chosen for the following term: C, C.—Chas. Brandt. V. C.—Mas Lehwabl Prelate—W. D. Van.lenberg K. of K A 8 Maurice E Robinson. M. F.—Jas. K Hetsleraon. M. E.—Harry Karaev M A.—Abram Silverfield. I. o.—Howard H. Cohen. O. O —Jos. H. Crag*.. M W—R Kennedy. Trustees—M. E. Robinson. A. C. Craig, nnd Harry Ksrger. Hall Committee—Jas E. llemlerson.Joa. M Itreyer and Harry K.irger This makes the ninth consecutive term that Messrs Robinson and Henderson have been etecWed to the positions repes tlvely of keeper of records and seals, and master of finance. In fact they have held these positions since the preliminary meeting of the lodge before Its actual or ganisation. 4 onnolly'a Bond Strengthened. The bond of the plaintiff In the attach ment case of Michael A. Connolly against the Atlantic Contracting Company and others was strengthened by the addition of several ndditlonol sureties In the City Court yesterday. This was done In obedi ence to au order of the court recently Is sued. * ** 'IHE MORNING NEWS: 1 KID AY, DECEMBER 21. luoa 18 IT I'.rilH.HK f \ ital ataflaflos Minn an %larntlng Increase In an Alrrsily I*revsall- Injr Dlsense—%re \ny Kirmptr At no tlm** In the history of disease has there been such an alarming increase In the number of case- of any particular maDdy as in that of kidney and bladder troubles now preying upon the people of this country. To-day we see a relative, n friend or an acquaintance apparently well and In a few <lavs we may b# grieved to learn cf their serious Illness or sudden i<ath. caused by that fatal type of kidney iron* bln— Bright's disease Kldnev trouble often bev>me* advanced Into acute stages before the afflicted I* iware of its presence, that I? why we read of * many sodden deaths *f • business ami professional men. physician? and others They have neglected to eop the leak In tune While *' ■ lent Ist s are puxxHng their brain* to find out the cause each Indi vidual can. by a little |>r. mtlon. avoid the chances of emuraettng treade<l and danierou* kidney trouble, or eradicate It completely from their system if already afflicted Many precious live* might have teon. and many more can yet l*e saved, bv paying attention to the kidney* It Is the mission of th* Morning News to benefit p* reader* at every opportunity and therefore, we advise all who have any svmptom* of kidney nr bladder trouble to write to-day to Dr. Kilmer A: <V>.. Illng h.iTwton. N. Y for a fr- sample of Hwamyvßoot. the celebratod sjh clflc which D having such a great demand and remarkable success in tho cure of the most distressing kidney anl bladder trouble* W ith the sample Uit lie of R wamp- Hoot will also b#* sent fro* a pimohlei and treatise of valuable lufor m it ion —ad. I*ol Ml FOR MBs. kttNBLL Judge Vnrnod Meld That fits Must Repay %monat of Her Flues. Judg* Norwood rendered his decision In the City ('ourt yesterday In the case of Mr*. L. C. Kassell against the Mayor and Aldrman of the city ot Savannah, which had been submitted to him for and termi nation without the intervention of a Jury The Jerlslon w ;*s In favor of the plant iff Tht cate is an Interesting one. Away hack during the mlininistration of Mayor McDonough. Mrs K.issoll wa? lined $; In each of two case**of selling liquor on Sunday, were brought against her The specific charge brought again*: Mrs Hassell. howr/*ver. was keeping her bar open on Sunday and It wu* on this charge that she was convicted. Th** case was carried to the Superior Court, and subsequently' to the Supreme Court In th lattar tribunal, some month? ago. the derision of ffu Superior Court, upholding that of the Police Court, was reversed The Supreme Court said that to keep open a tippling house on Sunday was n state offense, for which i municipality had no power to punish and that the Judgment of the Pole© Court wa* Improper Then Mrs. K*4el). through her attor ney Mr J. R Sauswv. Jr. demanded ihc return by the city of the amount of the fine* she had paid, with Interest. It was refused. Mr S 11. Adam*, city attorney, took the po sition that the detdsion of the Supreme Court had leen upon a purely technical ground and that Mr*. Kassel!, by the over whelming weight of the evidence, had both kept open her bar and sold liquor on Sunday. As the decision had been a technical ore and the defendant was. in his opinion, guilty of the substantive of fense. Mr Adams f**lt Justified In resist ing on technical grounds, the repaying of the amount of the Anew. Hi* position and argument in support of It were ingenious. He contended thkt .* the Police Court had no power to flu* Mrs. Kassel! for selling liquor on Sun day. the Judgment was a mere nullity, and ►he could never have been compelled to pay it. As she had chosen to do so vol untarily, the statute of limit ition* began at once to run against the debt which the city owed her. A* the statutory period has long elapsed. Mr Adams contended mat the plaintiff had no right of action against the city. This |*wdtlon wa* combated by' Mr. -* .uxsy. and. it would seem, successfully. Judge Norwood has *uxta!ncl his posi tion and given a decision and judgment against the city. The Judgment * for 1244.10. with interest from March k. lks. the dale of the Supreme Court decision. LOC AL I’I'JKOMI,. Mr. G Dole Wadley Is registered at the* I>e Bo to. Mr. R It Thomas of Atlanta is a guest of 4he 8- rev on Mr J P Moore of Plaxton 1? register©*) ut the Screven. Mr. \Y E. Kay left v a the Central yes terday for Atlanta Mr. R W. Williams af Hagan U u guest of th© Screven. Mr. W. G. Raoul lefr via the Central yesterday for A Manta. Mr. W 8 Taylor of Brunswick is r?g i.Hrred at the Rulaskl. Mr. J. W. Hightower of Bn pi re is reg istered at the Rulaski. Mis? Weed left via th© Bout hern yes terday for New York Mr. J. If Davidson of Thomasvllle Is a guest of th© Pulaski. Mr. J. K Maner of Garnett is among the guests of th© Rulu-kl. .Mis? E Ityuls arrived from th© North last n ght cm th© <’!(> of Augusta Mr. J. O. Palt of Alapahn was among th© arrivals at the Screven yesterday. Mr G. Dent was among th© passen gers on th© City of Augusta last night. Miss D. Thoma? arrived from New York last night on the Pity of Augusta Mr. Edward Alston left via the B©a hoard Air Lm© yaaterday for Richmond. Mr. J V. Kelly of Heldsvill© was among the gtn*sls of the Screven yester day. .Mis? E. Harmon was a passenger on the Pity of Augusta from N©w York last n!^ht. Ml©? A. Raretti was a paaaenger on the Pity of Augusta from New York last • I Mr O. H. Baldwin was n i?s©tger on the City of Augusta from New Y’ork last night. Mr. Georg© Ford was among th© pas senger? of the Bout hern yaaterday for Washington Messrs. 11. ind D. Hauers were pas sengers on th© CRy of Augusta from New York last night. Mts V. Nesbitt wa? among the passen gers on the City of Augusta from New York Inat night. Miss Mary Comer and Mr. J. D. Comer arrived from New York on the City of Augusta last night. Messrs. F Karow and R. L Karow were passengers on th© (Tty of Augusta from New Y'ork last night Miss Pa tl© Eli 1? and Miss Jessie Rowell will return home to-morrow from Shorter College to spend Phrlstmas holiday. Progress of B. A B. H. H. Brunswick. On.. Dec. in.—Mayor Cults and party composed of J. T. Hill. It. C. Harris, and W. 8 Thompson, arrived from Cordele to-night to confer with President Machen concerning the route of the Brunswick and Birmingham Railroad The party were met by a large delegation and escorted to Col. Maehen'a room at the Oglethorpe where at a late hour tncy are In the midst of an Interesting talk At Council meeting to-night he Mayor and Aldermen signed up all the contracts, leases and giants from the city to Cg'. Maciten and good feeling iireval!* all over Brunswick .over the prosifies of the work. TERM WILL LAST A MONTH. I SITKP BTATKB t 411 NT* W ILL 111 111 vi |H RIM. J% > | INI. Judge I niorj Spree Meld m Brief ses sion of the 4 ourfs IstirnlNi for the Pur !••' af %slgnlng 4 wars. The laslgnaient* Begin on Jniiu wry ? and Fill I p the Mitnfh-IVrm Will Proliahly Extend Into Fehru wr > —Sonic of the Interesting t to Be Heard at the \r%t Term t tiuri \\ 111 He PLeil to Histrlhute the Prise Money of the %dtiln. The P.tvgnnah lar was wadi represented In tne t'nlied Sui*w Court room yester day mominiL at 1 o'ckw k. wiien Julg. Firoory Si*,,*r la-gin brief scssiotv. for tD purpose of **ignltig eas- * for trial during the appionchtng term. Judge Speer antMuu -ed that the term would begin Jan. 7. Though the Judg, roual not himself mv Just how king It will last, he assigned cae* .* far shot-1 as the lust <Lv >f J.uuiitey. and It Is prob able ttmt oth**r will that will demand hi* presence and attention here im*ii *on*e tin* during flic follow liv*Iiv* month Tin* civil docket was sounded by Judge Sfeer yeater.lay morning and Die ,a*#*s a.%- ►Umed for days tlunng the term that won I*l suit the convenience of the court and founwi for the o|Ho*tng parties A iHMnUr of the cases isrlgn-l are of mor* than usual Interest and lnyp>>rtaiice. For Jan 7 has been .i-slgned the cage of Michael A 1 <nly again* the Georgia and Alabama Railway* t'ompauy. atxl oth er?. This is the cage, it will be renum bered. In which ih© plaintiff who Is a rUJokholdcr of the Georgia and Alabama. *seks to enjoin the covisolid.itlon and merger of that corporation with the new 8, aboard Air Line. Th* pe ition In the c?e bitterly attack? President John Skel ton Williams of th*- S- board and oth* r • prominently Identified with th* plan of consolidation. It attack*. tM>, th* plan Itself, claiming ftial It deprive* th* Stn* k holders of the t onsoll<la(<l of their right*. At the time the suit was flle*l It w is said that it wa* u part of the attack then being mad*' on the organization f th** B*- I board t\ Thom • - P Ryan It*- cently It has been rumor* l that th*' ltf fe-encea between Mr Ryan an*l I'resUh *it Williams had a*IJU' *d to the satD fm (ton of both iHirtles and that the flgnt wi' off If all this a* true, the cu?* will probably not be tried If it Is i*t true iol the ohl war is slid on. there wili be an Interesting loarlng **i Jan 7 Another Interesting nsc is assigned for Jan. 17 In that case the plaintiffs are Mi George H Htone an*l Mrs Rtatira S fflone, his wife, and the defeiaftaiut th** fk‘Uthern Hell Telephone and Telegraph Dompony Mr and Mm. Stone were res nbntn of Thomasville. and *ubs**rller* to the telephone company’s ex*hange t that point They allege In the |etltlon that it was (mrtlv for the reason that th exchange connected with the Thomas vllle fire d*q*artinent timt they had the *p '*ne installe*! In Ihelr home. I’pon a certain night th* horn* of the plaintiffs caught on Are and they nind* ciamor>u* efforts to apprise the flr* de partment of thi** distressing fact. They could tu* arouse the sleepy operator at the exchange and before the fire depar ment could be notified the entire house was in flames and the fire had attain*<l such headway that nothing could he don© to stop it The plaintiff** claim that th* defendant company Is liable for this lam age The damages set forth in the peittlon amount to of the house, furrfrure, library, paintings and bric-a-brac, the fire destroyed the fiersonal wardrobes of Mr , Mrs and Miss Stone. The varloti* articles are carefully catalogued In the petition and this part of It makes interesting reading The case promisee to appeal quite largely to the sense of humor of those who arc present wiien ft 1s heard A |ortlon of ih© cclebrat©d Adula ease and an interesting portion to those who are entitled to shares of the prize money, will he heard on Jan 2? There will com** up for consideration then, a motion su order directing th© distribution of th** fund, which Is represented by a bond. Th© Adula herself has long since been sunk. Th*- Adula. which was captured •luring the Hitariish-Amerlcan War by the P H 8 Marblehead, was the only prlt* brought Into the port of Savannah Judge Speer adjudg'd her a lawful prlxe of war and his decision was affirmed by the Supreme Pourt of the United State? Bhe pass©l through a series of vicissitude? and was Tele ©d. ,*jf r a long time, on bond On n subsequent cruise she struck n i rock and sank But <the bond is g*Ml and It is the turn) it represents that Judg* Speer will Is- a*kd to distribute. A larg© number of other cases were as signed by Judge B|*©r and still others, in which there was no appearance or for other sufficient reason, w* re stricken from th© docket. Judge Hpeer will he In th© city during •he day, but will return to Macon on the night train. He will probably b© In hi? chambers at the Court House during the morning for the purpose of consulting with those member? of the bar who d©?lr© to see him in reference to the case? In which they nr* Inter©#ted IttCt'OYKHKI> FROM Ilia \VH \|> f'cipt J. T. Wade. Shot From %mhnsh t.nrnt Hammer. >m In aasaanNh. <*apt. an?l Mts. J T. Wad© of ller>h mn, ficreveit county, are in th© city, anil slotting at th© Rulaski Capt. W’jule doe© not tigve th© apfiswr once of a man who only a few month? ago had a Wlncliester rift© tailiet pass entirely through on© of the vital (arts of his body. It wif* be rttnetnNrsd that a party lei by him, whlk* <a Its way to arrest a des perate negro criminal, waa fired upon from ambush Two of the party were killed ositrlghi anl Papt. Wad© was thought to b* mor tally wounded, (kpt. W ad© says ttoit h#- wa? amply r©iMiUt for bis danger and suf fering by the warm expressions of friend ship ami solicitude by th© people of Be raven cotint y when h© returned fr<im the hospital at AuguMa ll© retorts his section of Georgia ms be ing in the best financial condition in hi? recollection. On Ms osro place he has mod* something over s£'..<** worth of farm products this year, about *> per cent, ot which Is profit. ll© Is very glad Bvannah has derided to fak© on th** Htat© Fair next year, and pre dict? one of the mnt successful fair? In ih© history of Georgia CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Salesman Wanted to sail a line of wall established, well advertised hoots und shoas on com mission. Must have had road sx- Krlsnrs. Address with reft ranees, x 2229, Boston. 51ass. A TEXAS WONDER. Halt's Great Discovery. Or.e imal. bottle of Halls Great Dis covery cures ail kidney and bladder tro.i dee, remove* gravel, cute* diabetes, sent Inal emiMi- iis, w, .k and lame back?, rheumatism and all irregularities of tha kiUneya and bladder in lodi men and w - m *t‘- Mguiaie. b'asHici troubles in ciill di*u. if noi sold t*> >oUr druggist will b- * tit by n.aii ~u ••• *, !*f fl. n*- stun bottle is two months treatment, and wdl cure any ia.-e above mentioned Dr. E Mali, sole tmu ufa-Uir r, P u. D*n C-* Rt Louis, Mo Hnd for tesilmonlab Hold by all druggists and Rclomoos Cos. bavannah. Ut Head Villa. tVHheii, Ala July 13, r>r - F W Mull. S L.ui- M* 1 Nwtr 8" We have been selling your Texa* Wonder. Kail . Great D *verv f*r twv 'e*- ar .; r* - 1 It., any oi • uf fering with *1 \ kidney tnruih’e owing the \h *{ r*me iy w*i ever s>M Yvirs Duly. j | t VOI'MI CLASSIFIED AUVtKIIStMENIS. ITIIMD \ L. "1 \II NM s ■ \ VEff THB **ccig ~f my lietiig f|*- t* sell lady e ►olid gold Wat;- h**i* for $> 7M Amel an goid-fl)ir*d w.ith 15 v*>rs* guarani*-© $• v> . sliver lady'? w itch, fl 2M. diamond ring sl4 7.',. gent' goll e* ai ring. $1 plain gold rings. $! .'•* and up. bo >V? rings. i% mid up. go:,i spectacle*. $2.11 Fcg,.*' .*4 Last Dmughna 11air, Jewelrv an*l Hiui\ ing Supply ll.*n**. . the p|ac' where hair, piatinuni. • I I silver old gold and oid coins are taken as cash. IF YOf WANT THE PEST L\r.\ ll ma<>* write t* th*' Mi.uui Motor Work Miami? Eonn . f**r circular and pn • The Mian is launc < I? fa-i. rHiakl* an*l o ononih ai Mr mRES STL DIO; ALL PHOTO graph taken Friday and Saturday cun t> finished for <*hri?rna*. If dr-lr*?!. hig’i ki" work only. John II Moor*. 107 liroughion, west r.ivi: mi: yolk orders for fink <'hri?tmn |a>ultr> or f-*r ilis< meats. Joreph D Dakr. market Phone? 2;*? ALL KINDS OF FIREWORKS. SB West Dmugiiton street HEE t*ll Nr*. A r’o t’rißNl'R WHlT aker aibt ! A t*-*r t \ str** , t? t*ai.l*j i art era for Ofilnese him! Japan*?* fancy goods. t**iis. etc at low prl**H tirbntal and Turkish ornaments itelow cxj?t pri •. Ootne and visit us HPY YOPR < ANDY AT C II IIET terlch's, 110 Btnte street near Whitaker, opposite.old Piwtofflre lor th* holiday', w* giv* you a flv• pound l***v <f nlc* I'rench candy . A 6 t?un*l Iton haisl made rri iim? and chocolate- for 7 - A 5 pound imx of Ik st assorted hoc?kbit*-. also mixed , .imh 1s? n*> piund lex of nice ciirid > Its- tin* p und iox of cream utwl nliocoiat* s mixei 15c Very fine cindv. 1 - (round Ux. 21* On* pmnd box lest as *orte*f chocolates .'.**• On* -|>oun*t Imx *• ?*rte*l crystallised fruit 4 < )ne-|s>und box cherries or ginger D llnue made candies fr "h and delicious 10*' t’ornuen pfta? from 1 4o .? Souvenir tc Small cornucopias flll***l with #ach Gandy t*\s few the r’hrlsttiMi? tree U each t* lletterlch s. 110 Slate street, near Whftskcr ii*.W ADOPT YOrR WINTER . ithtng lei M pul It In IlMlfti $ p- r month. Sterling Pressing Cl<il. li* Y'>rk. w HOIJDAY rtl* (IF. PARIETS. HJR- Here* oice curtains, and h thousand one articles to gladden the g*?**l wife* heart * P Miller, agent ~YOr WILL LIKE THF. MILK FROM Springfield Dairy, it’s rich and pure; try it ELEGANT IIEDRODM FERNITPRE dining nsmi furniture china oloseta, all - yer cases. slSefoarl?. buffets, mirror-doot wardrobe?, etc., our immense stock mutt b* seen to b* appreciated <* P. Miller, ageni FIRE WORKS OF ALL" KINDS! 318 West Broughton street. ' CHOR E LINE OF WILI/YW AND cobbler seat rocker for Ihe h II tay>. at Teeples 817 Broughton, we-t. ”1 AM Now LOi’ATED AT 414 WEST Broughton; ring up lliS If you want to have your furr.l ure m*iv*d or packed f*p shipment or storage. I guar.inte* pices the same m I do the work that’s given to me. A S. Orlflln. 414 Ur*iughton street, west; mattreneee made to order MGILLIS* LAGR PERTAINS WILL beautify your jiarlor. KENSINGTON FARM MILK Iff UN ?iirpass* i for rtchntas; delivery la per fect, phone, 2J45 • TEEPEE Iff BIIOWINO A NTCV9 TJVE of carp*-!*, matting rugs, hade lino bum; cheapest In town "ip Tts RI’GB YOl' WANT YOU CAN get them cheaper from MrOUISa. HOW ADOPT TOUR WINTER clothing*’ let tta pul :t in rhip . $ p r month. Sterling Pressing Club, 1 York, w GILT CHAIRS. TABLES. POPPHES. coxy corners, reception ••hairs, leather (hairs; an Immense assortment at rea sonable prices. C. P Miller, agent. WHEN YOP SEE MGfLLIB* SIXTY- Inch W-c*ni rugs, you will buy them. Just can‘i help It. will sell In any qu*n tity. ~~"FURNTTPRr MOVED WITH PARE,’ ie a aj>eclslty with McGIUls. IMMENSE LINE OF RATTAN ROPK era from fl 4# up to sls P. R. Miller, agent. M OfLLTff IB FIfKAP ON RI OS. NETS lace curtains, hammork-, water c*olers pillows, pin urea, etoves. b*?lro**m suits, end furniture of every description. ~PAN ARIES AND GOLD Flffll. J Gardner. 12 Broughton street, east. FIRE WORKS’ FIRE WORKS! AT 818 West Broughton MILLERS HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR brothers and <*ther fellows* brothers; you tvlll have to call and examine our Immense lino in order to thoroughly ap preciate tho subject. C. R. Mllier. agent. FOR A PRETTY BEDROOM RT7TT. parlor and dining-room furniture, you should go to Tat pie's. KE? ARM IS ON AN elevation in the • un*ry, fre*. from city drainage Impossible for milk to become contaminate'), by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey ru Ik. phon- 2845 De livery prompt: satlafactlon guaranteed. HOW ABOTT TOPR WINTER clothing*’ let u? put It n month Sterling Pressing Club, If York, w. M’QILLIS MOVES. RACKS BHIPS and store? pianos and furniture. t*eat work only; no "Cheap-John'* prices—no "Cheap John" Johe "TILIEfI of THE VALLEY; MY own importations; In cold storage; rea*lv to deliver pips every flat unlay; leave or ders with J Gardner, agent. 12 Brough- I ton street, east. A P, Oelschlg, nursery ' op posit* Patholk (>meter> .M!!/LFR'S HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR sister? and other fellows' sisters; toilet i tehlr*. ladles* desks, chlffrmlcrs pictures of all kinds. <emr m see us; w will help you out P P Miller agent. TEEPLEPAN BA VF TOP MON ST ON etoves. steel ranges. hraiers and hot stuff heaters. 317 Broughton, MILLER 8 HOLIDAY GIFT# FOR children; do'.ls and toys of every descrip lion. chairs, baby carriages go-cans, velocipede?, tricycles, express wagons. p. trol wagons C. P Miller, agent M'GIL.LIO fiKLIA SIXTY-INCH TICOU —Smyrna patterns—for cents. XMAS FLOWERS RoffEs! llYA cinths and Lilies* of the Valley, will b* ready; orders soßcßed J Gardner. 12 i Broughton etreet, tal, agem for Oti- I •chlg'a Nursery * * nioTot.n % rii v. XMAS AND NEW II AII* H PHOTO grap i .** ** ii( If you g to Wil* *n s * ihe 41 I • ill tr—< he eiuplox s Ihe I -s? and most (*m;sr*tent for* ein city; th* 1111*1*1 work at ns*st r- isonai'le |.t on** with (*.< h dofccii si a handnome Xmas and New Yea- card; * suitable present for father, mother, sister .*r your *‘!*eat girl M LI Wr?*a propri* lor Miimii.. .low Ali \* \ R I EFT * IF YOl 11 fel aie trvaibili.g >oil. rail <*n in* an 1 l ulll give >ou reil' f 1 cur** Insroaiug nails, corns aid all di**e? f ihe :eei a tho it |*?ln; charges r* ?.na le. <*n flvt t e l*eet r f. re * In the *lty, is I •it > * e a <* l • I ■ - * n t• left at Livingston's drug store Bull and i (ingress *lreels; **lej tone 181 l* in Davis surgeon chlrnrodist 111 ll* U%\ 11 !• M ill WOODBMAN WANTED WHO ■ \ N furnish gol refer* iu * n*l plenty >f tu. I*> sitli>w hand? Apply at on* •• R J D -hop. Eldrldgc. Fla WANTED TW* PAINTERS TO w*rk I* th** D* S o Ht*l. Apply at tin hotel omo* SALESMEN W \NTED TO BELL OPR good.? by sample t.. w i.J il** and retail 'r*.i* ire ihe largest and only mar. uf tirn* .n our I r.* n t* \v*rl 1 liberal alar. i*al I Addr* ?. •* D* \ Mfg P . • fli■ * Roanl of Trade Building. Savan nah. C.a hi i p u IYTro-miuK. Y COMPETENT PIKIK WANTED; NO other n- .and appo 7*>• \\ hltuker Al\ E luTs EM a: NTB SEr IN ■ \ P ITALS WILL ME PRINTED IN <’l.o PI Fl ED ADVERTISEMENT POLPMN FOR TWO PINTB A WORD NO AD VERTISEM ENT TAKEN FOR U'.SS TITAN SOP !M I*l.OY MI AT W Oil Ell. SITI ATIoN W ANTED. TW" YI*NG whit** men, !*.♦ and 2J. * anything. *•?!? Italy hell boy and Willi-i \*t.h* • IUI llruMl MOli street, ea Pharh Goal** w %\| • li—4llat I 1.l % inni *• 1 WISH I* * II WE S\ •M I • I’AINTING .Jon* Writ** to E J Hut need. Dlitchton. 12a. WANTED PARTNER WITH BM ALL capital. In u mhl |**ving luisiiu *s. Ad drese Banner. P < lt*x A Si:roNl-ll AND CENTURY DIP tl nary Addr**? I R naut. 4i M*irv etreet. east. WANTED. FOR CASH pt Ml WOOD and tiersitiimiui log Butitern IlaidiMiod Company, R. f. Ilox 52*. <*tmrle?t*H. 8 C. IF YOU WANT A RLAPE TO D MR earth, dirt. ?anl. manure, etc fre*- of * Large. Just at city Until?, hauling over hard rond write or telephone Drown Bros . corner Andetwon ami East Hr** l streets. IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK. OKT IT from S(Ntngflkl Dairy. It'a rich, pure end wholesome. ADVERTISEMENT* BET IN CAP ITAL* WILL BE PRINTED IN PLAB RIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN I* MR TWO Cl M X v WORD MO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN HOT Foil NO4IMH. NB ’EI.Y FI l<N 18IIIED FHujSt rooms, southern exi*osur©, iikhl* rn con \enuiK * .110 Jones, ©a**t FOB NIAT-HUI HIGH. hull HLN'I, CoAlhutilAllLk IIOPBB. N<> 217 W aiiburg strsci. east, belwe* n Al'ircurn and lJncoln, flrsl-4ass order at.d condition, ©very convenience Rich* rent to right tensnt Estate Bslocnon Cohen. West Iboad and liroughion streats. "T< RENT. THE NEW 2-BTORV hou?', 215 Thirty-* tghth street, west, near Barnard, furnish*?! or unfiirnlsh*?). will I*© rented for a >ear. or term >f years, to h g*Mx| tenant It has a parlor, illnicg rcMim. kitchen and *tor©r*smj, on first floor, and three !>©<lronm© and i>athr<H*rn atul water ck?©t on second floor Also hoi and ©o*d water, gas. • *oking rang© and ga* stove. A large yard, with fruit trees Rent with furniture and fixtures. sv> per month, or without. S9O |©r month. Apply on pr* mb©*. FOR RENT BEVKRAL DEBJRABLF residence*, thonaighly r novated. Apply A. Wylly. agent, 12 iiruin Straet, east. ADVERTISEMENT* BET IN OAR ITAI-H WILL DE RRINTED IN PLAB BIFIRD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN t*on TWO CENTff A WORD. NO AD VERT I HEM ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN SOC FOH HRRT-rrtllltJ. c**rn-r AiH*rc*rn and Lunar avenue *p ply 11.-nry Hnkinwn 46 Son. Hay n<4 J< f. (raon, “roft RENT THE TWO MOST'tTEI .Ir.'iM*. In Kavann.ih; altuai*. rorn-r of Whllnkrr. H’a t. .m.l Pr.—|tl-n( Rlrr—to, n*-w Poolafllf,. W. M & VV. E Con.y. FOII 116.XT-MIW IG.Lj4M.OI H. for rent, corner rrgi;uhton and went rroad htrekts FOR. MKRI.Y CKTTPIED RY TII6J HAVAN. NAII CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H. P HMART ■"ADVERTIHEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS* V. 11.1. RE PRINTED IN CI.A HI PIED ADVERTISEMENT COI.I'MN FOR TWO CENT** A WORD NO Al>- VERTIHI'.M ENT TAKEN FOR EE Hi* THAN JOT. FOR SALE—BKI. ESTATE. IN cap' 17 Aid WILE lIK PRINTED IN CLAri BIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO All- VKRTIBEMENT TAKH.N FOR LESS THAN MC FOR SALE. lICILDINO I.OTB DITTO mrrsvllle; bargain Call on or addrvas J K. Cain, Board of Trade. TERPENTINE LAND I-A HOE tru-t for sale. OlfTord A Cos., Jackson ville. Fla “for hale those lots on ninth street, near East Broad, have only been sold to first-class iwrtles. who will make good neighbors, nnd none others can buy. The terms are vary easy and they are cheaper thin any others In the vicinity. C. 11. Dorset! "for hale, a i/rr for two hen dred dollars. easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad, no city taxation. C. H Dorset!. FOR SALE 1/VTS ON NINTH STREET mar East Broad, no city tsxes, el S2OD each; twenty-five doltara cash, and easy monthly payments. C. 11. Dnnett. FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH, NEAR East Broad, at Bon each; will soon tie advanced to !22t>. when a lot has been paid for 1 can arrange lo el a hone built. C H Dorset! RESIDENCE AND BfILDINO 1.0T3 lor sale all over the city Robert 11. Tstem. real estate dealer. No J York street, west. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAIJI WILL RE PRINTED IN CLAN SIFIBD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN MC 111 SINBSS t HARK E. °ADVEimSI?MLNTfT BET ITALH WILL HE PRINTED IN CIJIS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS TUAN J9C. At 4 *l*loßl MI.FB THia DAT, ’"auction salt At 11 a m S. will ****!! t\ Flam ftns s* .*,.d Chair?. R nk.i H ill Rack. Hall To4>l© Fine Lamp Piam*. organ*. Ilrtc -l*re Hijuuk. Doiitd- I *ftfee l****k. Lite H'-ttire? All new good*. Io**li? Pap*?. J* Set*. Dresses Men’s Hull? G.nt>* I’mbrcHaa, N* w Parpete, 4HI Sto\ *. Hllverwura W I TIB PT RhTIERVE. 8 A VANN All AUCTION AN D t *M M IBRD >N COM PA NT. A W inerfgtit. Aia tionecr. 11l Whitaker street. for mi-Miu k;i.i.imx)i . A FREE SAMPLE OF BENZOIN Bu m f- hap • i rough skin, given to • m *. Henry and \ •* i ■ rn. Tay .or and Whita ker. II I'M VE GOT TWO LI * NOS LEFT. s.*\ |{rn will . jr** your <'ugb. a dollaf >?<’• guaraiM*'d t * curt or money r*> j fund*.l ivrese’s drug stores. \ N1 INO *1• -k ten I lot<-: A|idy Charles K. Htuits a Cos t OWS WITH I<il'NO"<*ALVß. FOR ••al* < *ll 471 W* -1 I *Hiiubiry street; eee them. FIRE PROOF r\FRR W E PARRY A fine line of fir* | i-*.f safes in stock et til times. Tlie i air ties iu •** exactly what they are getting <n:i |ri •?* are as low ?■ manufacturer - s* || it, wuh freight add 'd Parties Intere* *sj h<* wi?ii a g*??l fire proof safe. wl | and . well to inspect >ur stock lappman Bros. i.ippmeil Nn’k. agent** for rn nti f a *urera. ADVERTIBEMENTB BET IN PUR -ITAIJ4 WILL hi: PRINTED IN PLAB SI FI El ADVERTISEMENT CO LI TUN FO|| two CENTS A word NO AD VERT! SUM ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN I.)T AMI FOI \l. IAHT IH \FK T\\TTyT \HOLD ti'Muui white hinge fc* and t nned fail. Hew ini for i• tutii to 2flU Duffy east 11P.%% AND. I Wild. PA Y Ih HKYYARIT ‘T'TirTSvL *l*t < to * onvict the brute Pin atwt mv "O* ' : <y D* 1!* mu Tv L*• road John I Giitigny f? 7 ll* nrv *tre*t. west. 'list I.I.I.AAKU? t. hot air A7rrrTTrir*^ArKir^ LliH. ALSO GRATES AND PARTS II T IN AND ICICI *AI RED R II K ! MI- N' AN. 10 STATE BTREET, WENT. WE GIVE Yt EITHER Df MEBT!C or gloss finish. work. Forest PBy laiimdry, I'urk avenue. BEFORE Ynp PERFHABW WALL (taper, don't for** t Tavlor, his new stuck aid low pri *? wilt pleas- you. 141 Bar nard. NEW DOMESTIC. WITH BALL l*erlngs. . i terms; try >r>a. buy on**; deal elth your pco|ie Renton 4 Bon. FOR FIBHING TACKLE. NETS. KTC% go to Cornwell A Chiptuen. ’ PI REWORKS AT <IT PRICES AT Bernstein's, )£1 West llrtnjght ii street. YttPR IHU.LAR WILL GO AH FAR with us as ten snywh-re else, a full line of crockery, tinware stoves, etc., on easy terms. A Rrb* A Cos., State und Jef ferson. 'Rhone? WE ARE 11EADQEARTE RB FOR sewn pip*. Are brbk fir* city, oth gal varnishes, give us a all Adam? Pilot Company DON’T TROUBLE YOURSELF ABOUT moving your furniture, relaying yoar car lists or matting Perry A Benton will re lieve you of all that trouble, OPR GERMAN READY MIXED paint I* sold under a nitrantea; have your house (Minted witrt It. Adorns Paint * oah pan v 'RHONE 1575 FOR FOR BBT CTTT l*iundry. They will call for your linen tm mediately. ““LARGE AND NEW BTOOfC OF WALL (taper. Just arrived, will mahn pri es to stilt you William Taylor 111 Barnard. NEW DOMESTIC SKYVINO MACHINE with hall ttearing?, I*ck aid chain stitch; two machines in one. Renton A 8 .IV FOH IIAIU'WAHK AND T(*OUI.’ CK> lo Corn—rll A Chl|>man'D. r>ol.l4*. TOY TKA tKTH AND PnCM? rlualnc at ro.l itl 11.-rri.trln',. SUB Wrat IlnniKhtnn .rirl WK AKi: HRADQr'ARTKHH FOR ninnlei*. from 10 Nfll, lo 3Z • rnt,. your old alovn r,t rmriK-ri for a nrw one. A. C I'rlnr A Cos.. Ht.itu and Jrtfnen arrMt* 'l'lWtir* ft*. MORF THAN <>NK HtTNDRFD CENTS In avery d.Uor of your h.ird-rornrd hard ra.h al thf doulharn Uruerry Compenjr. 111 Httrnurd, PERRY A HKNTON ISO RTATO Rtrret. wr.t, will ni'.vr, park, ahlp or atore your furnlturt* at abort raulrr; alao ran* ovato your old at IMtlo coat, llrll * phono 112*. J “THE MOST CP TO-DATE WORK IS ht-lttK mrtird out by Eoreat Clly Luundry. 'Phono liiTs ______ WOR THE MOST IIIJKT AND Uirßort an* k of wall p.t|trr In Ihe city, > no to Taylor. 141 !lurn.ird. FENTON A RON. Wll.l, RENOVATE your ma> I Inr and guarantre It. Sell Hate or ohl rrarhlhaa. "rOH RANGES AND BTOVBS. OO TO Caen wall a cnipman 'wanted one tiiocsand hen. try pootdt. at tho Southern Grocery Com* pat.y. lit R.rnard atreet. HOT HTI I'E IIFIATERS AT *2 IJ~i7 Ilornatotn. M Wirat lirouahton atreet. II TOC Wild. J,ET I S ESTIMATH on your plumblnff work you will he ron vlnrod that we at t than eny os* elae. A C. Price A Cos.. State A Ji-fTrr aurv atreeta. 'Phom a <Gft. A Fl'l.l. LINK <>F GRATES SttWf received. will sell any of the a.parste perla Atlama Paint < omi.tny, lOi C. m yreaa atreel, aaat. "itEDCCE Yf>UR i.fVINO EX PKNSBS by Inveatlny your hard-earned hard caat, with the Southern Grocery t'ompaay, U Barnard alrret NORWOOD’S BOOK. "MOIHER GOOSE CURVED.” For sale at all News Blands In Savannah. KEEP OUT THE COLD BY USE OF WEATHER STRIP. Ml 1111$ IS. 4U Brvvghlea bireel, Week 3