The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 21, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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YOUNG CUDAHY RETURNS. IIIm patlirr l.ef In Geld In n l.otiely rinrr nntl Ihe Hohhfr K••|t Tketr Word. ..tha. Neb., Dec JX>. —There Is rejoi - j. tn (he home ol Edward Ciulahy, th** w**tthy ptdtiiif house owner and cap!* iiiiint <f ihU city. Edward Cudahy, Jr., v! o wait khlnepei Tuesday evening. C* ii r b in* held thlrty-slx hours for a rxn r<Mn at f&.ono In fold which the young „a, father unhesltetlngly |ld. has \ , n returned t* hit family and to-night i . ;„>y and his parents' at e receiving eon j. . lUikNis Irom relatives and friends iliroiiahout Iho country. \ statement of the conspirators, over |..rd by me lad while he was In their •tower. Imllcvtcs thst they had been at i ni*tlng fr m month to secure possession ol .r of his sisters. Young Cudahy to related the atory of being oyerpow ♦ ~and. placed in a closed carriage, blind* folded and bound and carried many miles from the city to a pla-A*. the location of n |. h he cannot Identify, and his father nn*l< known the detail* of t iong rid*- ii <> tii* country to deposit a bg rontein -1 ki fj*.as) l n a°ld in place Indicated In letter written Wednesday to Mr Cudahy iy the outlaws, naming this condition as m sui- t> for the return of th*- toy. This sum was to he deposited In a place j,,tl it-f) about five miles north of the , on a lonely road leading up the bank , . Mivouri river. Mr. Cudahy called j •. *onhulatlon the chief of police and friends and discussed tho plana lok -( } io th** capture of the gang when the* old make an appraronc* at the |oint ~i rendosvous named In the letter. The ,r a: strain on th** family, however caus ,d Mr Cudahy to abandon ill Idea of spturin gtlie men In whose power was the ],:e of hl son. and decided to ai once <’om ( \ with all of the demands of the bandits. vhsolute secrecy was necessary, and u irusted messenger was dlspatchel lo the I snk to secure the gold After i.e, urlttg the mon*y he* started out entirely alone To identify himself ) • had attached to the dashboard of hU I iggv :c red lantern, which was one of the conditions In the letter. Mr. Cudahv d:.*ve to the appointed place, where h*j fund near the road a white lantern eus l-ended front a short Mian* driven in the ground, near the river bank. Nobody was iti sigh?. lie at once ulighted, pat* •••I the* bag of gold conveniently near the Make and returned to the city with out hearing a sound Tin the bandit* ivere near tle spot and at once secured the valuable* c innof he doubted, for about 1 o'clock tnis morning the young hoy rnn brejthless up to the door of his fath er ■* home and rang the lx* 11 for it {mission Two policemen. who 1n the early evening had beep placed i ■ crly the- family mansion had later txen sent to the stable by Mr. Cudahy who feared that the men seeing the officers would drive away without |e.y\lng the toy. Notwiihatandtng the entire police and detective force of the city, several IMn k**rtons from Chicago and hilf a hundred of Mr. Cudahy’s own men have been t treking diligently for a clue looking to V • apt lire of the outlaws ever since the return of the young man. up to 11 o’clock r night nothing has developed to give ii * le *t idea of the identity of the men who perpetrated tlie crime. Young Cuta- I says there were six of the men. hut • oat all wore masks Cudahy was brought to within two I ix*ks of his )*>m** in a hack, an I then ran to the house where Ids father and iu* bar were waiting for him. they having received Information of the liour that he w t to be home. t hief of Police Donahue sai l to-night that • very effort was being made to bring the bductors to Justice, that there were j Iv three imii .and of six men. that they had be n figuring on It for at least e x weeks, .Hid that the |K>ilce suspect t i rtuln partle**. He said thn Mr. Cudahy evinced but little deg n to prosecute, but 1" Iffct Mr OMnhy announced that lie would pay 12f.000 re word for the appre hension of the abductors. The Cudahy boy In his statement of w>it took place say**, among either tilings: ll** was Herons the street from hi** own home on his way back from the Rust In residence. Tuesday evening, when two men approached him tins said: "We are sheriffs from Sarpy county, and arrest you as Eddie McGee. who esoftned from the reform school. They drove to a house, supposedly In t ie southwestern part of South Omaha. The hoy was taken in ami chained to the floor. He remained there ail night ami the next day From a conversation be tween the aMuctdrs and himself the young man learned that the abductors had been seeking to abduct one of the girte of the family. I' \NNi:l> KNI.IHNI tilHiKln Itapr* In (irl Hale# Thin Unt. Augusta. Dec. .— Augusta'* cotton re cetpt* passed two hundred thousand bales to-day. The receipts since the first of September, are 200.091. On the same .lay ti year ago they were 173.119 Augusta lias set her figures at 300,000 for this cot ton year . Mr. Eii Kline, a well known rltixen, died to-day from an attack of erysipelas m the lace and nasal organs He was 41 years old. and 1* survived by one won. {> year* obi. Henry <lucre, a private soldier In the regular army, died to-day at the t'nlted Btatcs Argcnat on the Hand Hills He was a native of France. 46 years obi. Ha has been stationed at this post for ten years, and will he buried In the Ansenal Ceme tery to-morrow with military honors. Edmund M. Kuhike. operator ad the M'estem I'nlon Telegraph oflloe, aged 20, died to-day offer several weeks' Illness with typhoid fever. WBISIUr COTTON PIOI HBa. Mends list Atatfstlca af Cotton Movement. T.lverpool, Dec. 21.—The following arc ♦ ie weekly cotton aiatl* I '**: Total sales o( oH kind*. Si.OOO hales, total sales, Amerb'an. 21.000 English spinner* l iking*. 72.000. Total export. 100 hales Imports of oil kinds. lW.noo; Import. Amerh-an. CT.ono. B:ock of all kinds. M 2.000; stock. Amer ican 470.000. Quantity afloat, all kinds. 351.000. quan tity afloat. American. 314 000 Total eale* on speculation. 200. Total sales to exporters, 1.400 tVtll VBbSEI. WtXTBD. Hartford Will Hemnln In Wsnsr lan Mntrra for n lime. Washington. Dec. SO.— t'pon representa tions from Intermted parties, the State Department ha* requested the Navy De partment to have an American war vet eel, the obi Hartford, now at LaGuayr*. remain for a -time In Veneiueian water* to give support to any representations lost United States Minister Loomis may make to tha Veneiueian government In respect to the conflicting asphalt conces sions in that country. Ilianklya Sian IMc at HI. lngMllnr. St. Auguwtlne. Fla,, Dec. *o.—Thomas 1.. i'ook of Brooklyn N. Y„ died sud denly to-day at the Hotel Barcelona of a stroke of paralysis. He was thirty year* ef age. and came to Florida a week ago on a winter tour. Hl* body will be for ► aided to Brooklyn to-morrow. AN EXECUTION FOR $15,000. **> (‘•■traitor (.■•• nil tunlnat U.or,t, Itullruad far I*** * Daltenlnrea, Atlanta, Drr. 30.-*ni, ,tnt.' of 0.,,- Kin. through foot roller Uenrral w. A "rig it, lwl.iv koikl an .*xc ut.on ■i*i 'H>at tu. Owirrl. Kailro—.l Cootprnv. for IlS.onu, for luxe mi UkvSoi worth of debenture,. w .... the (]eor, rfuivt to pay. Thr execution mil t„ M nf immrdlaUlv to th- Khrrtfr of Klchnand county, where th headquarter* of the company arc lo '••ted, an.l he will be Instructed to levy °" property of the ml road ,f , h e money • not forthcoming, thle le Ihe fire. Urn.- tn numlier of year* that an execution ha* been leiued to force a rullroail to |>ay laxe* and coming a* It .to.*, axainet the ileorxi.i M.niroa.l n.xl Han It in. Company. It will no iloubt create n blx surprle. throuahout the elate. (■very effort wax nude by the etnte cttl ■ inle, ao It le claim.'*), to nvni.l leeutne th- execution, but the r.iilrtwl failed time after time to pay the amount .lemand.*l. an.l ,ooluy it wc decided to take *ome action In the matter, a* the .xtunty autltor tihw of Itlchmon.l count,, art.l the city ofncjal* of Aucuata wer. aekln, that the ;ax b.. | MH | The debenture* named are lhoe of the Atlanta and VVe*t point Railroad, which are owned by the Oeomtn Itnllrond The •eorrla R.illroad Company ha* refu*e<l to pay the tnv on the debentures because It claims that when the (teorgla road wa I aed two Viar* a*o by ,h- Louisville *"d Nashville R.illroad Company the deb enture! were also transferred to that company, and that, a* their headquarter* are not In deorata. they are noi auhjec* to taxation Attorney tienrrul Terrell held, however, (hat the stale was entitled to he tax, and In hi* opinion he did not think th- contract between the two rail road* carried any transfer of the deben ture*. These are on deposit in Aiiciikl* and. according to Controller Oenersl WrlKht. the state of (ienrata the county of Richmond, ond the . Ity of Au*u,a. are entitled o tax on them for two years No tax was paid l ist year, and none has been paid this ve:tr. Figures xiven out to day l>v I'orarnller Wri,hi show that the amount due the state for two year* Is s*.***>. the county of Richmond for two years troto and the city of Augusta for two years $* m iking a total of ft'.oon I- 4. HAY CO. FAIL. Firm From Which J. Overton Paine W Ithdrrw Assigns. New York Deo. 20.-Lew Ik A. May * Cos., member* of the New York Consol idated end Produce Exchange, made an assignment to-dav for the benettt of their creditors to William King Hale of *7 Nas sau street. I-la bill ties are estimated at between JtiO.Ohfl and 7(>.f100. with the asset* yet to be determined upon The Arm. which had two offices In this city, and offices also In Boston. Hartford. I’rovl denca. Philadelphia and Newark, was formed in August, 189*. and consisted of l-ewlw A. May and Eugene F. Enslen, of Birmingham. Ala Mr Enalen. It Is said. I* a cashier In a national l>ank In that city and la understood not to have kept In cf-ose touch with the business of the company, because of hi* oth.r affairs. Mr. May was the active head of the house and his name alone appeared on the as signment Announcement of the susiiension was a surprise to the Consolidated Exchange, a* the flrm, advertising extensively and be ing bullish In the market, bad been cred ited with itolng a large and proAtshle business. To-day, In fact, after toe an nouncement of the suspension, about 1 OVi share* of stock were closed out "under the rule" on the Consolidated Exchange, being about evenly divided for the long und short account The explanation for the failure Is. ac cording to a clerk, that ever since the re moval from the Arm s offices on Nov. 31, of the Stock Exchange ticker, done un der order of the Stock Exchange gover nors. distrust has arisen among the cus tomers. resulting In large withdrawal* of deposits, fine of the clerks declares that lllSMlt 371(4X1 had been |MI ill out In I lie last three weeks, while Mr. M-iy him* df was quoted a* saying that the amount was about t22f>.OUO The continuance ot the "run.” so It Is declared, forced the assignment. Assign-** Hall maid to-day "I do not Imlleve the liabilities will tun up to more than from bXI.iXP to fTO.OM I cannot say as to the assets yet. The Arm has lately |wld out quite lot of money und Ihua liquidated a large part of Its Indebtedness I may be able to make a statement In a few days." J. Overton Paine, a Southerner, was formerly a member of the Arm. but with drew over a year ago Officials of the Consolidated Exchange state that so (ar as they are aware, the defunct Arm has always conducted n regular and perfectly straightforward bus mess, and that no complaint* have ever been math’ against the Arm. \\ hat Eugene lluslen Says. Birmingham. Ala.. Dec. 20.—Eugene 1 Enslen of this city, who Is a member of the firm of U A May * Cos., member* of the New York Consolidated Exchange, whose assignment wa announced to-day slated to-night that he no direct Infor mation tOncernlng the assignment, but that the creditors would be paid dollar for dollar. ÜBAII AV AA I.ARCHED. Negro AA ho Alurilered Marshal Hlrb nrdaun I'ntd the Penalty. Gulfport. Mis*.. Dec. SB.—lowle, the young negro who last night nhot end kill ed Marshal W. E. Richardson, wss esp tured this afternoon eight mile* from town. A mob which had followed the bloodhound*, used to track the murderer, immediately took Lewis from the ofl|cer. dragged nlm back to town ami hanged him to a tree near the acene of hie crime lewis' father wn* also captured, but probably wlil not be lynched Early last evening Marshal Richardson a* expostulating with a negro who wa* demanding the arrest of a * hits boy for ome trivial affair A crowd gathered and Lawi* * m *s tnhMt. Suddenly lie drew e pistol and fired at tha marshal, killing him Instantly He escaped from lonn. but bloodhounds, brought from the county sea:, eoon ran him down The posse l gtlll pursuing the two Fewl* boy* and their cousin. The trio were In the vicinity ol Wolf River to day and their rapture I* regarded a* cer tain. Intense excitement prevail* at Gulfport and some hothead* are talking of mov ing on Mississippi City to take out and lynch oM man Alvin Lewis Asa result of the tragedy the negro church at Ouil pott was burned laet night. Tu Retire Volunteer Brigadiers. Washington. Dee. 30—Senator Daniel to-4l> Introduced the amendment to the army reorganisation bill of which he had hitherto given notice authorising the President to select from the volunteer brigadier general* two lor retirement re gardless of ag*. Katerhaar la FagaHes*. Parle. Dec. JO -Major Count Ferdinand Walein Bstertiexy, who flgun and so pnomi nently in 'he Dreyfus case, hn* stink Into utter misery, and wrHea home from Lon don that he 1* penniless, ha* not eaien for two day*. l>a* no clothe*, and I* compelled to warm himself by entering ehurchea and euuseuma. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 21. 1900 CONGRESSMEN CONDEMN IT. Iloasr ikulrr* aiairm*nt That Iradrw) Ur llmlbii l Not W#*i Ivint, N Y lk v 30.-Thw military court of Inquiry Into the subject of bas ing got through a tn>iw of evkdonce to *lay. The court expfoia to have all the evidence coliecltsl by Suturday evening The name of former <\det John E. Brcth of Altoona. Pa., who. it la alleged, died If month* ago ai a result of brutal hasing nt the West Point Military Academy, was associated with that of Ocear L. Boos in the Inquiry to-day. Rev. Father O'Keefe, the CaihoUc p.tstor liere, who was personally Interest**! In Broth, testified that the young man never complatnd lo him of basing, hue tat bed seemed to look <>• It an mere fun. Breth was dlsch.trged In January. IS9S. for lcd clenoy In hie studies Th* m**!tca) records produced shpwed that Breth was In the hospital twice, first for a week, when he was treated for external hemorrhoids, and •he secoi.d tim*- for tWI hours suffering from a light fever. He was treated another time in his own room for acute indigestion. Superintendent Mills emphatlcMlly denies that Breth waa In jured while here. The medical record** > show that Ca det Boos was excused from one drill while suffering from acute diarrhoea and this is the only time, which he seem* to have leen treated for any trouble while a( this post. One of the witnesses to-day said he had seen Boos "braced. * and then- aid he had heard Boos frequently told "to blow the loam off himself." Boor, was seen to take three drops of hot sauce by Cadet Bull 'wdet Cowries of Kanes*, who knew Boot in preparator\ school near Phila delphia. told the court that lioos was be ing treated for worn** lung trouble and wm also taking exercise for expanding his iltest the year prior to his admission here In refutation of the statement made Hv <-*xdet Root's fattier. PonfrrMmnn Phillip# of Cleveland. O sent a telegram to Bu perinterd*nt Mills of the academy deny ing that he ever <tme to West Point for •he purpose of protecting his son Cadet Burt W Phillips, from t*dnc based This wax attached to the record by the court. Cadet Cowrie*, described the basing or deals in the summer of ‘RS and said he had attended rat funerals, took cold hath*, joined in bowl races. undergone the "wooden Willie," and "eagilng" hasing met boils, and had taken a couple of drop* of hot sauce from a spoon. Cade! Crumm of Ohio. *a!d he had to "qualify" In the mes hall by eating *T. prune.** at one sitting and swallow a lowl of molasses and six siloes of bread fade? Mitchell of New York. ald he had seen every man in the present firs* data taking part in the basing of the fourth class men in I*9* Oadet Keller of New York said ?he worst thing he bad been ordered to k was to shave himaelf with . bayonet Cadet Charles R Jennings of Connec ticut. testified that Cadet Capias of Mis souri. made him put out hie tongue and Caples dropped five drops of hot sauce on R. It did not hurt or choke him At another time he had to *t.nd on hit he* f in .t tub full of water **nd way: "We’v* met the enemy and we are theirs." FOLKSTON OFFICE ROBBED. Assistant Postmaster Knocked Down. Hllilil folded and flMlre Footed. Folkston, Oa., Dec. 20 —J. Price Robin son. assistant postmaster si (hi* place was knocked down and the postofllce robbed to-night about H o'clock Mr. Robinson's family was attending a we-lding nnd he wa* In the office alone when someone rapped on the door On opening fhe door he was struck fwo blows on the head with a stick or some blunt Instrument, which knocked him ■town A blanket was thrown over Itl* head and held by one of (he men while the other proceeded to loot the office The robber* secured about fifty dollars In money and a Colt's revolver. There Is no clue to the gullly parties, a* It was dark outside. Mr. Robinson Is unable So way whether they nre white or colored. riIKAAPE.AKE AND OHIO. Ptesldent Stevens Announces Ap pointment* of Yew officials. Richmond. Va., Dec. 31.—President Stev ens of tho Chesetu-skc and Ohio Railroad has nnnuonred the follow lug appointment*, to take effect Jan. 1: C K. Doyle, general manager, office Richmond, Va. J. M. Gill, general superintendent West ern division, office Hunting'ioii. Va. C. C. Walker, general sufierlntetaleiu Eastern division, office Richmond. J. W. Kuan* superintendent Richmond division, office at Richmond. Vo. J II Carlisle, superlnten.lent Hunting, don division, office Hinton. W. V*. E. 4V. drier, superintendent Clifton Forge division, office Clifton Forge, Va. ft. W, la I *ls. superintendent Kentucky division, office Ashland. Ky. 11. C. Houghton, superintendent anti general agent Greenbrier division, office Honccverte. W Va. J. W. Haynes, superintendent terminals, Cincinnati and Covington, office Cincin nati. AOMIN ATIIIAA CONFIRMED. Three Minister* and Four I'salmxa frra In the Fat. Washington, Dec. 20 —The Senate to-day confirmed many nominations. Including the following: C. 8 Francis of New York fo be min ister to Greece; Arthur 8 Hardy of New Hampshire to be minister to Bwltserland; J. G. A Lelehman of Pennsylvania to be minister to Turkey. Postmaster*— Fioridn: R J Mltchall, Qulnrv; O. J Arnow. Oslnen-IHe. North Carolina: J. D. Massey. Bmlth fleld. Bouth Carolina: E. M. Well*. Cheraw. afaveh and the AI,AIN. Both Bodies Interred at Gulf Port A esterday. Mobile. Ala.. Dee. 39—The body of W E. Richardson, marshal of Gulfport. Ml**., killed Wednesday by Joseph Lewi*, who wa* lynched to-day for the murder, was burled liere this afternoon. Albert Lewis ha* Wn brought here and will be taken to Meridian, Ml**., to-morroor. Joseph Lewis, a cousin of the lynched ne gro. ha* been caught and taken to Bcranton, Mia* ■ e- r Corvette Essex I" Hampton Hoads. Norfolk. Va.. Dec 29.—After a alx month*' European cruise, the old covette Kaeex has arrived In Hampton Roads with 174 apprentice boy* on board, all of whom are reported well The cruiser Buffalo ar rived to-day from New York to lake on recruits for the Ships of the Astatic squadron. 11. T. Hatcher a ttnnkrwpl. Columbus, (la.. Dee. 20 B T Hatcher filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy here to-d .i. Hl* tlahilklee ere estimated to he 3D7.136. ****•( nothing Mr. Heieh ,i rtceuliy moved to Neat York. ' FOR SOUTHERN BOYS. tiearglm mid i-lurid* Seaatora Are the I'rrililrai- % I'erduu Awkrd for C. \\ . I|mw. Washington. Deo. 20 Rnutuf Clay a - py Representatives l-tvlngston and Tate. ..tNr-1 upon the I'wsUnt In the Interest of J H Da ' Games vllle, Oa.. who hw been deslgn.%tei for appolntmMii to m recocid lieutenancy In the regular army Mr. Davis has hen a private In the r* u ular army for eight year* an I w* recent ly aelerteil for prum*alk.m from the ranks While on duty in the Philippines he w is taken sick, so that when he reached Han Francleco to undergo exannnution he fail ed to pj* the physical trat. although h* passed an exceedingly creditable mental examination. The member- of the Georgia delegation appealed to th* l*reskl*ni to authorise g iitation by the Minn* offlcrr* wiio rejected him. claiming he h is now sufficiently re covered from his previous disability to Justify a further trial before the medical board. The Pre-idem evinced a keen In terest in the case an 1 promised to have the Mibjcct thoroughly investigated and the Indications are that a re-eXAminatlon will be order* and. Senator* Mallory and Taliaferro, with Representative Sparkman, tailed et the W hfle House to-day to present II W \\ essela of Florida, who wants to he a|- (win led to a catletahlp at Weal IVlnl Young Weasels Is < son of TJeuf On! W easels of the Third Cavalry, now on duty in the Philippines The case was refererd to the War Itepartment. Senators Mallory aiml Taliaferro aIM urge! the president to pardon E. W Ag new. former president of a national bank at Ocb who wae convicts*! of misappropriating the hank's funds ||e ha* been In prison for some time, and a pardon Is asked for on account of poor health and good conduct while tn confine, men* The President promised to confer wrlth the Attorney General on the subject as to the propriety of gmtitmg the re quewt HAZING CONDEMNED. ttnaae Paaae* the laillan anil Military Xratlt-nt. t„r*,rlallan Kill. W*ari!n*ton. I>e. -The Mouse fo- Jay I—sst.l the Italian an-l the mllliarv 1 acatlemy appropriation hill*. Th- former ■ arne.l 9**ot> a2tJ anti Ihe latter fTOM.'.I Neither provoke.! much Atsmsalon. A few minor ameruiment* were placet! upon th former. Mr. Sherman of New York, who was |n ol.are of the hill, expl-ilne.} the niea.ur.. which Carrie* S3M6 more than the taw for the rurren: yewr allow*. Tha main tt-ttia of tncrea** are lho*e a [.pro; tia I! n a ll.rso.Pun for fii.miin* treaty atlpulailon* with tr Apache,. Klow-as and t'omaq cliea; fo r me Chlppewaa of Miune *otn. and f,, r the Fort Mall In ■llaos The principal decrease t* RTtioi for . the five civilized tribes’ commission The amen.lmeti! of Mr Little of Arktinia* etrikln, out the appropriation for the Hampton. Va,, Indian ftchool, was dle .lyreed 10. It to 13 A vlforoua of the s.s lartan qucstloii devekypeti m oonn—tion alih the ani-ndmenl. Mr < ention called alien,lon to tlie irrowin* -oat of edu.wtlnc the Indians The hill no, than toteved. The military *oa.lamv appropriation hill was tlten taken up It carried mor. than the currant law: Mr fluli of ]<>*a, chairman of the mll orx committee. In char,.- of the hill, . x p.alfied that the prlncli*: Item of In. reac, w 110..W1 for a centennial catabrallon to l>c h-id at tho academy July t. Hsu lni r . Inx the consideration of the bill Mr Halley of Texas a*k**i If Ihe practice of haxtK at the academy had been brak.n up I iie Aoud.m. tnajyaxartletyt." Mr Mull, 'i* dolnx all It can to break It U| Iwo oadet* have been exiielled during the lot-t year for lndulln h, the prac tice. I notice from the test ntony now heint i akett at Wet I’.lint.” said Mi Halley, "that Ihe cadets admit ilmt haxtnx <or.. Ilniies. | .lo noi believe It Is necessary to mak.. a brine of a nun In onler t. make a soldier of him 1 bat,eve the i*r*zlre should cease If It c.innot be sto|>pe<| the Academy should 10. atiollsh.d ' iAp plause ) "An.l the nay itl academy a* well.” cried Mr Mill of t’onnactirut. .mil l renewed applause The bill w.ts f*i**.sl Mr Hopkins of Illinois. ch.tlrmnn of ihe Committee on Cetutus.nave nolle, that he would call up the >eap|K>rt|ontnent bill Imniedutely after the bobduy race* At 1:80 p. m the lioutt adjourned. THE 4 ONDITIONN A Pl* V 1,1.1 M. f arnlina f hurrbe* Consider A eel of Home Missions. Columbia. 8 C\. Dec 30-Meihodlst* and Baptists In the two Carolina* have become greatly agitated over the neces sity for Increased exertions In the home mission field where the conditions In some sections are described as appalling While the church bodies are fighting to maintain their advanced position In the foreign mission llrlds. many memlirrs and preachers edveoale devoting all energies and money to convening the heathen at home. The greatest problem now before the Methodist Church for solution was de clared In the elate conference to he the christianising of the ootton mill village population*. It was asserted In the North Carolina Baptist convention that there were ten counties In the state where hun dred* of people hud never heard of Jesus, and that In one county alone. Edgecombe, In the eastern part of the state, there are *,OJ white people, who do not believe In God. and have no connection with any Christian organisation. Ignorance and Immorality were 1n those sections a* shocking a* the heuthemlsm of the people It wss urged that while fhe duly of a Chrletlsn people was fo spread the light In other lands, their A ret duty was to save their own race at home. Hill H * .AM >K>'* ABRK4T. Tried fo AA ork Hellgfou* Itaekef on German Court. Berlin Dec. 30—No surprise has ten excited by fhe arreet of Herr Sanden. In deed. astonishment la expressed that It wan not mad* earlier. Sanden has used his wealth In building church**. hoping to secure fltle* end decorations. Tn<- Berliner TagebMtt assert* that he wua intimate with Count von Mirbach. court marshal of the Empresa. who has rglsed large sums to build churches In Berlin, snd Ihst he contributed 3no.txxi marks In abare* of the Deutsche Grundschuld Bonk, with the proeloo that they were not to be sold The paper odds that Count von Mirbach Intended to have Banden ennobled and created a privy councillor. ■lnc* the mortgage bank trouble* be gan. flandan has received a crown order for building a church. Herr flrhmldt. pro prleAor of the hanking house of Anhalt 41 Wagenef. which I* In dtfflcultle* owing t Its connection with the two embarrassed mortgage bangs. Is a member of the Con tra! committee of the Retchsbank and t\ sapvvied Vw resign to-tuotcow. THE ARGUMENT CLOSED. i:i-%o||*lfnr Urncrxl %l4rlrh t mt *lulr• fur (hr Trrrltrlwa. Washington. D#i\ 30 Th- dosing argu m#tu in (h l*bill|<i>itu k - I'ovio Rico cast** lini'l** in thr I'nl?r| Rl.tff* Huorfinr *ourt to-ilg), and th<* ouw writ tuhtnit is*l for thr final adjudication of thr roart. Thr argutn< i t was math* by thr rvik*r ‘ Ounrl in th* Bhliipplnr .m<. Mr. Charlaa ll Aldri h of Chicago, formrr soli* itor fWlflXl. il*‘ said it Wan mnaikobU hat tl) At torn.*> Gnu i ; ~f th*' Fnlt.Nl Htalrs. aver 10* years after th* great struggle whih fouuir| thr Amrrli .in govcrnmrni. shoti.d comr into till-* .ouri and .t*rrt a taxing IHiwt-r ova. ex frame than lm| bran as srrtrd h> thr imst ardent defenders of England * taxing power our thr colonies Mr. Aldn< h sfiok*- f the deeldmi of Justice Marsh ill In Ismghltornngh va Blakr a.** of decisive Importaricr and hr •oivnmrd up that drt*fslsn as U' lring on tha present cotiditkma as follows That thr to tax. levy dutlra, et.- to tb* enllrr Fnitod Htwt*s Thit the farm Tutted Htato- *m braces our grat repuNle, which Is com- nf stairs and termories ' ! ’ ■ ’ Kl to •!•: • M m■ • - If] OQ thr pin., ipie* ,r our cons?ltution that uni formity In th* Imtsmltlon of lin|ssts *|u tirs .ind ri' lse shiaild t*r c**rrvnl n th.* on* than thr othrr.’ Ii follow • from thr above that the rights and obligation** of thr trrrltor> thu a isirt of the Cnlted Htatra and tha Inhabitants thrrrof ore measured and Gated by thr . ongiltuttoti. * As f the contention tha? the I’hllip |*tnrs wrre not a |■rt of thr I'ldted Hs • trs. Mr \id rich said "If th** Islar. ts ceded by Htniin are for rign territory thru our country would !a\*- a its <xMnmei'lai reorient at Ivor therein consuls, who would i*erf*rm the requisite ofll, i*l acts urrsrrlbrd by out custom# !*w t'sranrhng shipments of mer chandise from any of these i*)T>d* to any •Mr | of the Flitted States If thr Phtllntklne* arc not Amarican territory 'hex must b** sill* SiunNh for It is not pretended that anv other nation foreign to the Flitted States lias inquired any aovrralg?H> over them, nor Is It pretended that th** Philippine Islands. In the eye if International law occupy tite status of an lmfepetidert tiatlor " Thi Atlornex General’s interpretation of th** word "sovertgniv," Mr Aidrlch mM waa h* tills government had a right to do W'ha? any other nation does Thl- w.r.| hag hexane most popular since entered upon a colonial pollcv But Mr Aldrich declar*l. il* sovereignty of the Fnlted Htmes was one exerc|a*<l under the con •? Put lon. and that if w*> a?e in the I'hll- Ipplres or INrrto Kico. ft Is bacauae of thr power given by the cotiatltutlon. Justice Gray asked If rounael held that the loouistana acquisltl>n was unconsfllu llonal Mr Aldrl> h un-vrered that hr did nm ao hold, bui Mr Jefferson did. and the Argu ments of Itwl day ahnwred how political influences affected final results Mr. Aldrich concluded with a peroration In which he contended that the exercise of nr. arbitrary power, In the very gov ernment established as result of reaisi a nee to auch power, was contrary to our prlnclplrs, tridltlons, lli>erty and const! tut lon. The court allowed ten day* for the filing of a further brief BRITISH NOT PLEASED. Itrltlsli Papers *ny Amendments to Treaty VAGI Aot He Acceptable In Great llrilain. London. I<*c. 21.—Nearly till the morn ing papers have editorials on fhe action of the United Btxtes Bennie In connection with the I lav-1*1101!' cfole . anal treaty. They express regret, ralher than sunwise, at the supereerslon of tip. t'laytoti-liulwer treaty and unanimously declare that It will he lm|s>ssll>le for Greul Britan to accept the treaty as amended "The Senate lias struck a serious blow,'* says the Dalli New*, "at the funda mental principles of good faith among nation*, at its own reputation and at the very constitution of the great republic." "We are thankful." say* the Dally Chronicle, "that the Senate *topp*l short of amendments obviously lie -Iff))* 1 to wreck the whole proceedings We Indleve Ur it a compromise Is still trosslhle. a* the resource* of diplomacy are not yet ex hausted." There 1* a strongly evident desire to do everything reasonable, as the Dully Chronicle suggests, to meet the views of the Americans In all the comments. Sev eral |M|s*rs, however, consider It out of the question that Hie British government should, fur a moment accept or discuss the smended treaty. The Btandard argues on thla basis, while rei-ognlxlng In the fullest manner that President McKinley ha* labored •sfrneatly to combine Ameri can aspirations w-llti delicate regard for International obligations.** It says: "'Time Is on the side of a friendly and satisfactory settlement. No harm will be done If the whole transac tion I* left as It Is until March, when we may hope the new Henst* will meet lh question In n fresh spirit." The Dslly Telegraph, which think* M I# a mailer for compromise, says: "Our ex isting treaty rights cannot be superseded In the summary manner some senator* seem to Imagine: hut nobody In England deelres to thwart the legitimate wishes of the American people by a too rigorous Insistence of our claims and priv ileges. The mere fact thirl a ratlAcallon of the amended treaty ls keenly desired In America would naturslly iead us to re view our own position and to attempt to And some middle way of amicable ar rangement." The Times makes no comment. Klt 4 'll'.H A4 HN HfCVCFK B ACK. Ffalahril Ju*f a AA keel's l ength Ahead af Hah AValthuur. New York. Dec 2" —Before a crowd of 5,009 persons at Madiaon Square Garden to-night Frank L. Kramer, of Bast Orange. N J . formerly amateur cham pion of America, won the twenty-five tulle professional bicycle race by a wheel * length from Hob Weithour of Atlanta. Oa., who in turn Anl*h#d a w heel's length in front of Tom cooper. Walthour cap tured all but one of the extra | rile* In a mile exhibition race behind motor |)ce. Harry Klke of Glen* Fwil*. broke the world In-door record, covering the distance In 1.361-5. *ei ere Gale on the Irish t oast. |,on*lot. Dec. 3J.-A severe gale with hexvy rein* la sweeping along the Irish roast It showed a tendency to Increase in violence last evening and no vessel* were able to make any headway A ves sel ha stranded near Holyhead. Orest ilsnuge ba* been done to property In Dub lln. _ The Baer* *llll Keep Moving. Cap* Town. Dec. 31—A government memorandum leue.l thl* evening, makes the following announcement: 'The principal seal of action ha* been tranofcrrwl to the northern part of Caps Colony Early Dec. 16. a large body of Boer* crossed the orange River toward Burgheredorp. Moan t Oswald Ashore oa Elbow Beef. New Orleans. Dec. 30 —The steamship El Bud from New York, reports: Dec It. paesoi t se British steamship Mount o-wutd. from Norfolk for Tampico, ashore on Elbow Beef flve mite* south of (N*ryfort. There were e numuer of , wt other a nettr bjr % - x CONFETTI xmaFsport T £ BEE HIVE, N. SCHUTZ, Julian and Whitaker Sts. (** v $u n idVn r ***) Holiday Bargains That Surpass All Records. Thts ts the store where you get satisfaction every time, and at little cost. IIANDKERCIIIKFH GDNTLKMEN H NW'KWKAIt DAIH Ktt’ DACE. HI DK VELVET and GIDT NECKWEAR. FYfBREIJUAfI. HFN HIIADKH POt'K ETIIOUKH PER Fl' M EH. FINK HDAIMt UIBHONH. GARTKIU4. IBHIERV WHOM N and MFHDIN FNDKRWEAR. KNIT and HTOCKINKT DWKJINH. OVER GAITERH WHITE and COLORED BHIIITB. BLANKET*. APRONS. DRRBOING CAFjH. MANICI'RE HKTH MIIAYING HETB. MILITARY lIRFHHKH MEI>ADDION. Plt'Tl'REfl INGKRHODL WATCIII*. BOX PAPER and ICNVEI.OpEH IIKDTB eta. BRIT MIOWING IN IT* IIUTONY. Miilr Iti SttliMiMUi B l odge of Wneow* last Tear. Solomon's Dodge of M.iaon* held its annual meeting and elc lion lat night. The meeting was attended by about 1W member* of the fraternity. After the routine huslne s bad been Iran* ate*l re port# for the year were raaJ by the offl cars and *hwed that the year has been the beat during he ltt year* of the ex (stance of ihe l.slgr The repv>rt of the Committee on l*ro|arty. Mesara T W’ Clarke, chairman. Robart D Folding and William B Spann, showed tha* lolge ha* an exoas* of ossetf over llahllltles of SXT.24R Ru The treasurer's rap*wt showed that there Is a balance on hand ar.d In the bank of s4ltt&& The te|srt of Hecretsrv. Mr J W Fain, however Is of the great**#? Interns* In his lrxtr<Mliictlon he say* tha* "the figures submitted m.*ke a allowing of which evarv niem*er of this lodge max feel proud H far as I ant Informed ihe nutnbwr of mem ler made during the year constituted the rawed, not only tn our city, hut the craft in Georgia for all the |*ws? The report st.itas that dufltig the year there were eighteen regulsr and nine stteclal communications with a at tendance of l! 2. giving an average at tendance of Mto each meeting Four of •he at*. I*l communication* were held for the purpoft** of giving degree#. "The membership i*t y*r was I*4 During the pee? year have been added by affiliation and Initiation, which la*a those lost from death and other causes, leaves a preaant memi*ershlp of Ito The fidlowlng are those of the craft who during the year have passed from labor here to render their account lefore the Hnpretne Master above: II l> 1 sett (more, died Feb *. Dr King WyUy. June 17. <i M Heidi. Aug 11; John L Johnson Nov 27. "During the year the fees for the three degrees amountts) to $1,006. dues. s7*6 2- it and other sources sls. making n total of SIJH.2S this amount 146 Jh or S’ per cent of ail disbursement* has been • I pil'd lo charity.'* The election of officers resulted as fol lows . W M.— H Wiley Johnson. H W F H Me Daws J W.— Wliltoni Ihuiharf Treaeurer -Charles R Rordley, H*> retary—JumeK If Cain. H D.-W A Cox. J D R M lister. H H James Furee. J. H.~K. f\ Due**. B H A 11. loinc frg inlst—H. I* Snow. ? Tyler-J. H Tyson Committee on Property— V W <^irlte • rmirmun. Robt. D. t'olding and Win B Spann Choir- !V A. Reaves. K K Demmond and Fred King The Installation of the officers was *on duc'iad by District Deputy Chas F Ful ton At the conclusion of this ceremony |*Ml Master John W *arker was pre sent *-d with a past master’s Jewel by the ledge, Ihe pres* nt a lion l sjlrnc made ly M? J R Hauasy The meeting over, t-he l<*dg* nn.l Its guests wen* served the usual excellent nu|iprr by the In*f*ien<ilent Honioty of 8t Paul’s Church TO HI.I'iiKT liA A I'AWTtiH. First I’reshylerln Ciimmltlre AA 111 Address I cog rea* lions I Meeting. A general congregational meeting will ill held at the First Presbyterian Church Monday after the usual morning service for the purpose of hearing the report of tne committee recently appointed to Ami u pastor for the church to take the place of Rev. Arthur J. tAmllii, recently re signed Two members of this committee. Messrs t*. B Wood* snd E <* Wey spent last Sunday In North <"arolin*. where they went to bear a minister, end ;t u prolsthle flint thay will make a fa vorable report on that gentleman, though they are not ready as yet to give the In formation to the public. ~Tita BIIKVITIF.W. The Savannah Hotel company director* have declared a dividend of J per cent on the capital Block, payable on and after t o -morrow On account of the llinesa of the matron, there will be no public celebration of Christmas at the Rnvannoh Female Or- Idinn Asylum this year I-and rum Ixvdge of Mason* will hold Its IK A annual ar.d two hundred and sixtieth rexular communication to-alght Officer* for the coming year will be elected. The Emancipation Association will bod their last meeting of thn year thla after noon at 3 o’clock In the fft. Ptrllkp* A. M. B. Church, West and Charles street* The Plant System depot at Burroughs worn* twelve miles from Savannah, was burned night before last It Is believed that !h" At* waa of Incendiary origin K. A aims and Oliver Reilly, small ne gro boy*, were eent to the barrack# clterg ed with theft from the Beahonrd Air Use terminals. Hergeant Latlrd made the ar rest. Mr Frank Lowen. assistant foreman of the Plant System shops, wss taken sud denly 111. while at work yesterday about noon, anil was aent to the Haiannah Hos pital. Edward Nelson, a white man. *0 years old. was urrested yesterday by Patrolman W 11. Brmth for fast nnd reckless driving ami cursing ansi abusing the officer. He will be given a hearing this morning. The treasurer of the Masonic Fair Asso ciation haa r rode red to the different lodge* .<n account of the result of the (air held last May It shows that the total receipt* from the fair were 314.106.a3. Two convict* escaped from the county ebaingang night before last Both were trusties, and they were employed on the county dredge They will, doubtless be back at work on the gang within a few day*. Notices will go out to-day to the mem bers of Ales Temple of Mystic Shriners to prepare each a basket of present# to be dlstrliHiied among the city's pw I’hrtsl inas day. TMs ts lb accordance with the custom of the Bhnnetr*. George R. DIUoo, who baa been ifl jail f*r fix.* month on a dmrge of using ths United Plate** mails In furtherance of • scheme t* defraud was released latK ■*. * •<* for I'ttO fpr • !•:"•*' *?•(• •■.■?. i* ih. Fnlted Htate* Court, lie left on ihe Central train t* return to In* family at Harutoravllle. Christmas will l** idtearvtd as a full ho!U <lsy h> Ihe railroads The offli-es sa l freight warehouses of the Ontral Ball road and Ocean Ht*-jmshlp (bmpuif will le ilosed except that the deviiverv • heds will he o|eti until • s tv., standard line for the delivery of perishable freight No local freight trains will he run Christina* day, an*) all freight for (mint* east of Macon and Augimta must he delivered fur forwarding no? later than 10-mot row. 111th th** > omlng of chrhrtmax crowds on the street the fakir again coma* to puh!i< ntitice. Yesterday onr waa found b\ Detective .Murphy running a sort of bird loner> scheme at Barnard and Broughton street* The gsme • onaiated of a lot of envslofieM. some of wrhldi con tain*#! sll|oi of paper railing for small prlxe*. hut the msjo*ii> of which wer# empty Trailed little rdrds pivkad out one of three envelop** upon the pa > mant of the (re by the player Needless to any (hat the birds were either pretty well trained or I oat to# number of winning numbers was very small for not many players w-enf away richer than they came. A € DAHftN MILL. (•• in hr In Mouth riftllnu. Folurnhla. 8. C.. Dor. 20.—Tho qwelm of rhlkt lobur In fa. lorloo In Horn, vt(Or .iKllalml arxl who,, tho laizlalaluro mert* roxi monlh • Mil ,o prohibit tho rmploymont o' rhiMron uivtrr II yoam okt will lw <lrr*ato<l laat yoor. thr muimrarturora brlnaln, a MronK prraour* u> boor, hut ih* l,|nla,urn to moot nax, month I, lar,*lv f urw man. Tha prm la<- mo,’- laat yrar (ha, Ilia mill tnon of North a rut Mouth OtroUna would roac*, an not lo amplox rhlldron haa no, l>on . arrlatt out. l.ll*l tot* a* young •* p*r hap* Mx yrar*. ara wnrkliqi In lha mill. Thojr lha antlra lima from <layllflit till 'lark within tha 'anuria*. A* th* ra milt lha laat raporl of tho auparlnfanAon, of aduoatton show* that tha In rraaar Of roloratl rhlklran aolng to wltool durtnc tha l-"I yaar mo mora than thraa ilmoa lha liwrao*.’ of whltaa, an.l that .*OO mom na,>oa* nr* ha Inn atluuatatl In tha public •hool th—r> whita* Tha prwocharo ara Aftittn, for tha abolition of child labor They *ay thay ran nukr no Impranton on 1 factory pupulaltona unia** that lhay can raach lha chi:,lran, aikl whtro thaao ara tied up In milt* lhay .on do nothing. Tha unruntant nf mill ownor* ln thl* •tula xkalnat thr ,a limit I* that If child 1>,1,r I* prohibited In thla *tata whll* II I, allowed In North ''arollii—. larca fam ine* of ~iterative* will Irave Mouth Chro lina mill*. Bohi, where there la a drmaud for the lalior of tha children. Ml FI. SI 4PKAII Itl'KH AT Hike. •*hos|iltat* Mining at lleanfart Nat 4\ list |f liner AA ssa. Beaufort. H. C.„ Dec. 30-It la authoritatively elated that the Coo saw Phosphate Milling Company will suspend operations Indrflnlltly Dec. 12 The concern has an enormous quan tity of phosphate rock on hand and ha* hern running on a reduced scale for sev eral months past There will prolrabty be about Mu persons thrown out of em ployment. Cooesw Is the oldest and largest concern engaged In the phosphate Industry In this section The Virginia CaroHna Chemical Compa ny here will resume operation* Jan. 1 and give employment to 190 persona dur ing their Shipping season, which lasts three months Formerly the plant waa In active operation all of the time, but since It was acquired by the Fertiliser True! three years ago It ha* remslnod Idle nine month* In the year The young ladles of fit. Helena's Epis copal Church had a baser In the old poet ofll e building on Bay sareei last night for lire benefit of the church. Fancy article* mails and contributed by various ladles were sold, and refreshment*, largely con silting of cream and cake, were disposed of The affair was very genenaflv patron ised by the public ami a nice little sum of money wa* realised by tha venture. Petition In Voluntary tleskreptry. Augusta. Go. Dsc. 39.-1. Newt John son. inoptintor ot the Rose cafe, filed a pe tition In voluntary bankruptcy to-day. Ills schedule of aesela amount to 34.730. ami hi* liabilities $14,637 The fixtures gee valued at 31.600. slid are claimed In ex emption III* wife. Mrs Lula Johnson, la the principal creditor for 3)0.38, ami the balance la for email amounts divided among many creditor*. P. 11. Armnar seriously 111. Chicago. Dec. 39.—Philip D. Armour, head of Armour 6 Cos., who ha* been slightly 111 for a few day* pant, waa re ported to be In a serious, though hot alarming condition to-night. THE Forecast for Friday and Saturday— Georgia: Fair Friday and Saturday, warmer Baturday In western portion: fresh northerly winds. Easiern Florida: Fair Friday, except probably showers on the east coast; colder In northern and central portion*. Batur day fair: fresh northerly winds. Washington, Dec 30t 3:l* p. m Focal foreoaet official. Ravannah. da: Advisory atorm-wiirnltur 2:13 p. m Storm central over Bout hern Georgia, moving north east Strang but probably not dangerous easterly to southerly winds to-ntghl, shifting to northwesterly Friday morn ing Wlllla L. Moors, Chief of Bureau. PIES AND TARTS Ark "Pi son” Arts. EAT WELL. i pure and wholesome. 5