The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 22, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 DISCUSSED THE FRANCHISE. VOl NCIB TO HAV *m\T U IIKRK IT All NJL 4*41. lomiiililrr of thr VV hull- |>rldrH Thm Ini'li HrMbrr 4h#mll Hrllr out and Prrnrat lim* \ lf*? c (uuiirll on Im* l*r<|Mrl *trr*f l(illronl rpnrhii' m\ U** llnu- Inr MrrtloK \*ll NX ••4lo*fln > Niiibl-I ull mill I'rrr l)iraaln Un* lllwncd nml Unfit >lilr ut f h<* 4 nr Urri* W•* 11 1 teil. Cuy Council l>-M a RK'fUnff ywifriiT •f*< moor f**r fit# p\irpr>* of cirw from h- flltlifii' Savannah wHh r* f* r-n• * 11 frar for r.*iir**ai! or? Moni* I irotncry. anil Jii > *tr*r*ts by two ! different Intcrr'itn. w < r*7in fc nrntr*l by Mr. 3*. H. Ijs*t*r tfid thr other by Mr .1 8. j 4"*’ !<.*' #rt*t©f wi>rc jstv *n .** full ar,*l frrr | hearing. Council hrln In commit too of i ith*' whole nt thr time. *nl after the nr * he thm ho ly r*tr**<l to th© rsueus rnanr* r aheff thr matter wa* <lel|hrr ntfd for nom* tim* hut • ronclu ron v < r* h 1 It was rumor*! on * lhr a Imt niff hi that Oouftrll had •if* Mr*i to give thr fraiv'htM to th© V©r r.or B** ♦; *1 '*miMny, which wa* rep pfr ..1 by Mr. I> u-r. but thi?* At it©- i MW.rm who th©l nothing leftnlt© Ind t*©*i krr The truth of the metre-r 1a that It was ►n |str when the Committer of th© Whole v**r? .lito the caucus room that thr tn©m l.f-rs of Council hail iiltl* time far li mi*- i r. There was evidently a iliviaiot* of •i*:nior nmoDi; th* members a to what •ihouk) be done, imi the result was t‘a: wu h mom her present w* 1 ankeil **y Mayor to write out a brief i>f hi?* vb*w* on the subject of the franchl*©, aial sub imt it to C’ounrJl at Ui© regular mating on Wnlttoedwy night next. There wero priAtot at the meeting, yi\yvr Myers. presiding AbWraen Tl *b nwn. Welie, Thomuv HorrUan. l’lxun. Jarrell. Bacon. MtU and 8 hwars. Ai In fiMUt Urahain wrn* preOent for a short dime. btM Had to leave on account ol a peremptory mil After Clerk Itaiuy had jf-a.l the null for th mating. and the •M-uai fornuUilies were disposed of. A ta* K ot letter? .*> in fore Mayor glyers on the table in tu long room, w f *n the point had been r©icheff w here IHom K*trlf.ff to he heard, were to be b*oid from Mayor Myers asked about the let tern. Mr L©t©r asked thaff the letter* te read aw he considered ihrra of ffr.*at importance. especially h© giving indorse, grant from x large nuntar of well known citiiens of davanoah to the |*an for *• * urlng a gnt to Waite Bluff c ItK Hat lev hen read the letters. >■* riich had >- **• rent In by the follow Ing dti- Bena: Hunttr. Pearce Sc Itattey, A A golamona, <‘harle E Htults. tuar.thoro Bros . l*avant A *o , *• )'niton Ac Hot* Grahair A iiufbbell. Guer rd A Demera. A <l. Guer end A Hon. J*m*a K. t'aln. John Morris. M H a j A Hyck. J W Fretwell. Henry II j^al’Wr. W. L. Wilson A Cos . Woods & Malone, K. N. Oppenheimer. K. I Mann N*!o*i a Lamdaverk, Himes ffroa., A 4V . I*. Kayton A Son. W N Nichols \v c*. Frlpp a Cos., J. W. M> Intire Oppenhetmer. Hhiat A <’o.. Btrachan a Cos., W’. D. Bimklns. I>. Y Ikincy A 4 vupman. M M Common A H*ri, Julian t*< hley. B. T Chapeau & Hon James B. Canon, Henry Solomon A 800, Dearlnff 4k Hull. C. K. tiraitMt;. C. A. Munster. Youroans t IMn vnond. J. H. Helmken. J. J Dierks, 8. Heiainger. Thomas W eal A Cos . 8. W Jirancr 4*on)i>any. J. H. Ku k, and sev eral others. When the reading of the letters had !>een cooclmlNl Thr A PuiliKant Hi fared upon a dtacuaaiott of the merits of the proposed franchise from the stand g>tnt of the Improvafnentii of the s* ction through which It is proposal to run the railroad line. Dr. Falllgant strongly fa vored the granting of the proposed trail * hie. showit.ff how the line would build up an Important section which contribute* much to the city. He presented worn** sta- showing ihe Improvement in the section through which tha proiMSHl lln would run. and showing what might be the future benefit In csss the line were bu It. Mr A. L Alexander said he apr>eare!l In behalf of properay owners on Price street, to protest against the granting of any franohUe for a street wr line on Jhrice street. They contended, he said, tost the atr**s was too narrow, that the car track had been taken from that street or—e, and that l! snould nor be put down a* tin without their on sent Mr A •*- ander then argued that no franchise should be given on Price street, or any other street unlm the city were paid for II City fran.toUt** are valuable nowa day. he said, and it is no monger 4be cus tom to get them free of coat Mr Btg> Mendel said that Drayton Street m<i* already crowded with traffic, and that It would soon Iml* necessary to jvive Price street. In order that It might t>e used to relieve the crowding on Dray tots street He was opposed to the use of Pries street for street-car pur|>oaes on shl* account Mr. Alexander raid the proposed fran chise wa* nothing more nor lea* than a ninety-day option. Buoh option*, he said, should not be given. When such a Iran rhise !* gr in ted he said, bond should b* repjiied. that the terms of the contract would b carried out. Mr A. 8 objected to the construction of another tnu k on Hay street, west, on account of the fa<*t that St would encroach ujn the property own ers on that end of the street. Ur. 8. Krotukoff. In behalf of the prop erty ownery In the southeastern t*art of ft he ctty. opposed the construction of a wtreet railway line on Price at reef. They tfli) not. however, oppose the franchise I>r. Pafllftmnt ntelnl to t'outic II to ronslder the people In the section to be nffrctwi Theee people help the city, he Mil. and they should be given some eon to deration. Capt H. C. Cunningham made no t'rn et attains*, cither of the requested fran chise*. Hla only desire was to prevent (ha building of another street railroad line on the western end of Bay street, which wo. t! and seriously affect property, whose owners he reprce;ed. M- had nothing to say against the irrantmg of nny franchise so long as It would t.ol nffsot the Interests of his clients—sn In terest which he considered should be given attention,’since they had none too much room on the street as It Is now. He sug gested that If It were necessary to use that part of the street lines already there might be condemned sad used by oth-*r • orapanlss. as bad been the oaae In other (Southern cities. Several other cltlaens followed Mr. Cun ningham. arguing the question pro and ran. Home of those In the southwestern part of the etty wanted to see the line from White Bluff built into Ihe city, while others presented various objections against It. The Vernon Shell Road Company was ably represented by Mr F M Oliver of Tsltp * Oliver, who presented a strong argument In behalf of his client. He de nied. as had been charged, that Mr. Dea ler was simply engager! in a speculation and said all he asked sir that council •tmpiy give Mr Beater an opportunity. Mr Beater, he said, was wil.lng to give wt.y I>ond or guarantee that might be re quired, and he requested that Council would vote on the question as soon as pos sible Mr. Oliver showed clearly Just what sections of the city and county woutd be benefited and asserted that the plan was absolutely bona fide. During ICuounued on Third I’age.J U iKI MIN Tl KtEI) DHMIR. I II) officials say Me Was ttaaata* Ml* iißllir U Mhniif llerttr, H 8 Wakeman. who was arrested Thursday n.ght by Detective J J. Mui phy, charged -with swindling two coun ttwncu out of |IT3. in an alleged turkey r idle m ine at No. 214 Hroushton street, west, wa;* discharged from Vu*u*ly y? tciday. the < hargtw against him having pe**n withdrawn W*k man, m corflmg to his statemeri. published ui tne Morning New*, acknowl edged when arrested that i wu . gam- I i.i k game he had iieen ruiiniitg an I in whn h the countrymen w♦ re f|eocd fut it rcerned that both *h victim* and lh offli Ub w• *• • Willing to overlook the ia* t o*d there i* at |>r**ef>' no cnarg* lending ag.tln** him. It la *.ml the i'.'vsrges were withdrawn a ti remtll of the return to the victim* o but a* the men had Jeff thr.r hotel, with the |>roiMt)lf purpose of go ing home, and couid not be found, the trot'i of thi* i i*ru>? -ouid not be verified. Alter the fxduk at ion of the lam of tn* tw* count t<trle* of losses that had been su*tainsl t> men that laid gone • *'tin*t the c tvns during •!* w*-ek that It ha- been o{e*id> run In Havsnnah, were very numerouf cine man. who did not want his name u*d. staled that he had been in the place bmi?* If and seen one st i a Mg* r louse and he had been dd *> llroMgtiton street merchant that b had i*e t in bucking the game M *yor Myers tr? i about the taN nw*nt that imdr th ante of a tur key r.ifil*-. fur wfiilcb It wa* said a licens* had been grunted, a Kambllng gwm** wa* leitig oiMialsl at No. 214 Hroughtoi* Mitrsot, west. I w * at the report.” Mayor Mvsrji said. ' and > soon a* I read it. I t.b-phoned at once to the chief of do lice, iml asked him aitout the matter He itn fnwiald) ref*ort*l to me tliat he had tnv*-ugaud It and tha* there wa* no authority for the statement tlu*t any g.irnc of any kivul was IwUtf conducte<l under aii> sort of a 1W *■ n# I made inqul t>. from the clerk of Council, and was mffmnHl that he had l*au*d no license for that pin- • or for anything of tlie nature *tut*d Inquiry wa also made at the office of •Vy Trs’.i >ur* r Hardee, and he stated • -at tw> Heel -* hal b#-en i?sue*| for any hoiunes* of any ktml at tne place in qtiea loti Hutlictinier* a li< * nee I* se<'ured fvi a certain cks* of twislnesa that i* legiti mate and i* u*cd to xMwlU4*t another bus* tnes* tliat i* not legitimate. However. n* • iher sxt *f license >eema to have been - ured In this •*?•, .nd according to the lt> no l.ccnse of any kind was it%ued for it. The game .*-ee*ns to have been run ofren ly for several day*, and amihiUi* to the city Kxchanga officials, without nny II en*e Wake man. who s**enia to have been the pro|>rielor of the place, made no lNtnh of saying h* ran a gambling gam*'. The Morning News' publication of the swindling of the two countrymen seem? tu have been the first knowledge the city iilflcUb. outside of the police who arrest ed Wakemußi. had of the place. lytirtltH -|l IfKN I.OIK" -HI T I P. 11. < nrtla liuimlnw an lll'ird * liar Hu*la a * and K. ('uriis waa arrp-lnd yaalerday n>rn tnir by Patrolman Jernlfau at Hit rrqueat of John Koran and J. W. Hunt, Jr., wtio i har>d him with cbratlnu and Bwlndllnic From what can bo Itarnol of the caw ("urtl, conduct rd an alleurd cigar .tore In th** cellar of No. 2 ZS Hrouifhton atreel. weal. While octenalbly a cigar More, and while real clgara could be obtained there, h [dace from its description e.-ms to have been another "turk.-y raffle" under h different name, the main being . , i ,tii,g ot n wheel of fortune, and .undry other oittnta which tn c.n lo have been money making Invention* a* far a* the proprietor of the house wa* concern 4*d. Koran and Hunt played their Thurwlay and 101, according to the atatement made nt th.- barrack*. *l4 if H IIISI (M *• t*r they bad .[tilt playing they decided that they had te-en awlndled, and tried to have the proprietor of the place ar rvted. but when the offloer that wa* de tailed on the ca reached the premise* where the game had been running the firoprletor. or ot leant the man that had taken the complainant*' money, could not be found The detective* ordered the place cloaed, however, and tt seem* to have been *hut up until y.-terday morning, when l’o troiman Jernlgan dl*covered Curtin there and put him under arreet. Curll* *ald that he had ha-l no Intention of opening up. hut had gone to hi* store to straight en up. La*t night, few minute* after 10 o'clock, the charge* against Curt!* were withdrawn and he wa* released rmD TO I'M K THE TARTKR. HiMrlr* fr ( hriMmiu ln> Trot ft nu llm**• t Thandlrrholt. Th* entrt*n for th* Ctrr4tnMui barn®** rued hi th* ThumWrbolt track have cloned arxl flv# f.*t krppm will fera* the t*rtr n*xt Tuwi*y at the Drivlnf Park- The MrlM arc W. T. Itrifortfa bay mam, May R. H F. Kuek'a bay KtMinf, Robert F T I\ Wright’* bay tfcktldff SlMtd'f lilt tern. G?org Haftaht'a bay jroldtoff. Hollywood. A R <>wk‘ **> irekHmi Almira! Thrace of the ontrlea are trotiera and two of them pa*tn. Aw iu>y ot the <\*r wtev clow® to 2:30 on *x Itltk* OOnteat l predicted by horwemen- Robert F, Hol- Ivworn! and Afmiral have MVr a|p> ared Mote a Savannah a-udftanr* and a Knot • leal U fp ' te| from them aa they have •node *ileti<!i<l record* for Ihemwelvca on other trarke The run nine race# will not dope until the day before the race ami Manager I>oyle predicts that he will have flva or •lx a?arten 1n all of the events. J R. Hand the not<*l her*cman of 81. Paul. Minn., ex preened hlmeelf yesterday ms highly pleased with his quarters at the ’rack and says that the Thunderbolt track Is one of the best whnped half-mile rui that he has eeen In his travels. d.oM l) roll If <il. Hi A% a. C lilldren of the Pnbllo k*hola Over Willi Their Troubles. The public l schools were ckwied yester day for the Christmas holidays. All the week examinations had been In progreas. ar.d the (Miplin were all willing enough to stop work for a few days. It would iuive b*en strange had such not been the case, for the attraction of holidays will be great as long as there are schools. The close application of the week, how ever. had made the children particularly keen for their short vacation. 4 Heat tlinen are looked forward to by all during the holidays. The toll and trouble of the examinations will be m*l up for by the enjoyment of tha day* of recreation. The children have out&i Jan. 2. as they do not have to return to school until then. Keep A ourself rong. And you will want off colds, pneumonia, favers and other diseases. You need to have pure, rich blood and good digestion Hood s Sarsaparilla makes the blood rich and pure as no othar medicine can do ft tones the stomach, creates an appetite and Invigorates the whole system. Tou win be wise to begin taking it now. for It will keep you strong and well. Hood's Pills are oon-lrrttatiag. Price 4S cents —ad. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1000. GREATEST FAIR EVER GIVEN. TM%T 18 WHAT w% \ %%% %II WIIAj PRPAEIT TO lIHOHUhM. Ma|. It ya la and Mr. Jim. W. Jackaora lie turn and Make Their lleport to H >or >lyera—Had I,ltlle lllHIetilt) In kersrlns Hie Pair ftr kavan nah— Meeting t irritngr All the Detail* AA 111 lie Held Immediately After the llo| ||n > •—Thnnaa nil* >f (lesrslss* AAlll Alalt the c ity. Maj. 4 i . M ftvai* and Mr Jie ih W J ksoti, whose effort * In l- ilf of Sa vannah before the Fair Committee of the Btate Agricultural So k• >, iira| t;♦ next H ate Fair for H.i\atkfiah, returned to the city yesterday, amt at noon mad their report to Mayor Myers. They stated that the . nmm It tec gener ally npreoHt-d satisfa Mon th t the fair w** turning to Savannah, though It lld not secure tt prith<>ut mtukkl tally on accraint of the ft that many vote* had he**n prattle t;iy j*l***lg | t> other place*. The result* d,*montrat that Maj Hyals and Mr. J k.-on kn w what was before them, and th*y w-m to Maroii and did It. In brief the result of the report ma 1 • to Mayor Myers i* that ftavunnah g* ’ thi- fair; that many member* of the Htnu f • r Committee hive promised to do ev erythiiig in their pwer to aid toward it? success, by making Individual exhibit* ars* otherwise, that Havinnuh must g> to work Immediately after the holiday l ' con hale the auhscriptlon lists and get our prospectus showing whs exhibit* or ex pec led. and what premium* wth be of fered. and finally that Savannah will gi., the state the best fair that has ever b--n known. MJ nyl, who I* him.rlf nMnhp. of the Htate Fair Committee of the Ag ricultuxal Hociety.had to make use of •*.!.- sub i able diplomacy in order to carry Id? point; and in this work Mr J.t k .n ai l e-l nm ter tally. Tina w i* not dm t. \ la k of appreciation of the advantages Havwnnah, but to pionu• ■ - **r partiat promt sea which h-d been made other places However that may >*. the mact. was etigrtneeteil most sue.-e**full> a? th. result aitowN Mr auy* he foun.l that every statement made to the 8* vannah meeting by Maj. Hyal* with • gard to lhe fair commitc*-*' wasai * >lutc ly correct; that Maj liyals kmw Just what he had to do before he got to Ma con. and he did it cosily. As an Instance of how the committ flt. tr at leant some member* of It. .Maj Hyal* said on. member mat**) to him that the fair committee would h* gladvio have the fair held In Havanncth, nd w*ould have l*een g ad to have had I p hero before, "but.” he said, did rwvt know pm p>opte wanted us down there. We are glad to h.str that you and vant us, and w.* will and. lighted to have the fair them " When on#- of the member* of the com - rnitten asked Maj. Hy als what Snvat.nah c-oukl do for the fair. Maj. fiyais r - siunded. ' Just give us t o chance and if we don't give you n hotter showing tnan you have had be foie, go some w h* re else." So It came at**ut that with a little talk ing In twhalf of Savannah by Maj Ilya’s and Mr. Jack son and little diplomacy, the fair was secured for this city. Mayor Myers was deeply Interested in the report made by thest* gentlemen He listened close y to every detail of what had transplrM b‘fore the committee |n Macon. Following this. Mr. Ja- kson -tated that he had talked with a number of mem’*erw of the committee personally and cne of them from Greene county had j stated that hi* county wool*l *end from 3,00 b t 6,000 p’Ople to Savannah during •he fair. Another r from Floyd county stated that his county would send people, ami slmLar statements were made by other members of the commit tee. Such a**re the statements that Mr Ja< ks<kt) said he had no hesitation In **<■*- .mmting that Havannab would secure dur ing the tso weeks of th* fair anywhere from Mu.<loo to I&O.Om people. This esti mate. he wild, whs not XAKgerated. but w*h bared on the statements of those most Interested, and the results shown at the Htate Fairs that have lun heal at other pomtii in the state. The time for the fair was not settled upon, but Maj. Ryals said n committee' from the State Fair (’ntnmltt' *• would mart a Savannah committee some time In January and that point and other de tails would be arranged. These gentle man that the best time to boat the fair would be the latter part of o tober or the firs! of November. There are many reasons why It should cam*' at that time of the year, and It Is probable that that will be about the lime When Maj. Ryals ‘and Mr. Jarkon hd concluded their rejswt to the Mayor a dis cussion of some important |otnt in con nection with the fair whs taken up. !l w'hs decided that no further meeting of the citizens should be called until after the holdiay* nre over. Of course, every ‘--I- la busy • thta Him, tad an can now be hwit by a brief delay. How ever. the matter will be taken up at the earliest possllde moment. A meeting of the cltlsena will la- called right after the holidays, and no grass will bo allowhl to grow under Savannah’s feet. It is the Intention to have the meet ing after the holidays take at on •* to complete the atsbm rlptlon list and r -ganise for business, and at the same ilm committees will U? a|>po.nted and the prue|>ev':us ojm! list of premiums will be prepared for distribution throughout the state. A committee will also Is* nam and to meet a committee from the Stair Fair Commtttft** and arrange whatever details are ntnesaary In that conro . tlon. Among other suggestions Mayor Myers wanted to know why the fair cannot be made representative of the whole state. It was Ids idea timt the mechanical prod ucte at well as the agricultural products of the state should be exhibltd. and (hit every industry In Georgia should b* rep resented. It wmm also stated that Chat ham county had as much to exhibit, both In the line of agricultural products ai -l inenufaciurtsJ gtstdr us any other county In the etate. The Mayor laughingly told Maj. Ryals that he would have to get out his biggiwt pumpkin and show the visitors Just what We can do down here in Chat ham. The opinion was expressed by those present thot tkivannah can count on th# biggest crowd of Georgian- that any occasion of the kwd has ever brought to gether at one time. ITie railroad*, it Is understood, have matured Mayor Myers and other* Interested that Savannah run count on very low rates, and it Is believed they will be us low nnd ns attractive as have ever been granted for any occasion of Ihe kind In th state. What Savannah tan* must do now Is to Join heartily in the movement and show the -tate what a good fair ean be given here. Jockey club advocate* will unque tlonably Join in. and the Jockey club mnv naturnlb follow the fair. Then too. Hi vannah may give the vlaKlng Georgians such a good time that they wUI positive ly Inalst on coming to Savannah again WANT* FAIRI FDII FIVE TEARS. T O. MeHrlde Thlake Sneh a Plan Mould Rrlnc Large aithserlptlan., Mr T. O. M •Bride, who Is largely In terested In racing throughout th# South, believe* that thoss who are behind the project Jo make the State Fair a sue-ess should get together and decide upon Just what plan th* fair la to be conducted and what 1* contemplated In til* organization of the corporation by which It ta to be control lad. ”1 believe that th* aubecrlptlen* would have been very muck larger." aaid Mr. Mcßride, "if the committer-men by whom they were solid *<i had had a clear un derstanding of what was to t>e done They could? ' av anything more than that It I • MM k I,ii)v a nd under the cin umstancew what ever a man chose to give amounted virtu ally to donatlor. •if <h* w aid b !• to organise th*- rr>mmi \ for five y ar? ?>I hold a fair of * in* character every year, with a race meet a? one of the Nature* of each fair, I fer-l at In saving that any dlfti ul r y that th* committee would otnerwuse en r;i*.* r in coilertlng funds would vanish at oru • ••For the first year of course, there tv iM be i initial expense, to l* in urit'i u the *?♦• tion if tie necessary bul.dlf.k'-. .tip! in makigg th track f*>r •he r.i *j* The it‘Xt wn I suh*#quept v*arv th* r* h'.iisimgs W'-uUI alr-adv l>e in pace. Th* l *on*rr|iienee would he that (he prof- would le v*rv much larger. If sh*ul*l i>e such a plan out llt- -1 and adopted and those lehind th** project w ild fwrrce to erect a moiJern. ale* l-frwrn‘ grac*l*'and. f**l ne, e**iry u f*r i?t- a r g** number of hor.-**** tb vm-jM b*- at tract to Havannah. th* subscription* would then cease, in my optnui" to be mere donation*, and hu'li es ? rotild c*k .it fh* matter from i b ,and? * * stand'toir’ The matter would then i*** pla* i-| on an Investment basav. h I 1 thif.k that it w Miid he u uffi lent iv c*od Inv* -tm* rd to Indu e me to Id. inv *->i- Tlptton from s6iw to fj *✓ "! know several pTfom artio have ald they would double th*ir subscription* if the plan 1 have ugg stwf, or a similar one. were adopted and I am confident there ar* many other*, unknown to me. who look at th** matter in the wim* way " I? I* understood that the committee in eh re of the fair project look at the matter much In the same light a* dor* Mr N1 Krid* and t*at they hut awaited he fin and decision that the State Fair I* t*v lOtno to Havnrah to reach an understand ing a> to what I* to be dono and get to work on ad finite basis. HKFhklf'l< AA As TOO HU H. After knakes and Afonkey* Walls t ould Aiif vinml Mis Uw n linaae. Four In vest Ikm* lon* of the mental statu* of n* many p**??oit* were held yesterday in he Court of ordinary The Jury found two of those tried f<r lunacy in?ane and recommended that they be confined in the B?ate Sanitarium, at MllledgevUle, until •hey are cured. The most Interesting of 4he four cases was that of William Wall*, the man who ■ routed considerable excitement some time since by breaking one of the plme tflas* windows of th*- Metropolitan Cloth ing Company * pi • of huslne.-s. on Brought an Mr*et, with a club. Thi* act of vandalism was committed without ap parent rhyme nr reason and It whs the vary natural conclusion that Walls was Insane. Ever since the Incident In which the window figured, and wa* shattered. Walls ha* been occupying a cell at the county Jail. A warrant of lunacy was sworn out against him and It was the truth of Its allegations that the Jury In Judge Kerrlll'* court wa* called upon to determine. \\ all* did not look like he was mentally unbalanced and he offered what th Jury tine to consider a perfectly reasonable explanation of why lie had broken the window. !!• said that for some time before the occurrence he had !>e*'n on a very large nd enthusia-tic Jag and wa* beginning to feel acm** of the after-effects He had had visions of snakes and monk**ye and green giraffe* and pale-blue crocod'-les wnrt they worried him a good deal. He was wandering along in front of tha store w hen he glanced up and caught what he thought •o U a vision of himiv If "To see himself is other* saw him" was more than his disorder.*d brain could stand and he struck out at what he thought to be his astral body. He was disappointed when he found that It was his reflection In the plate glass of th* window*, but then the damage had been done The Jury turned Walls loose wkh an admonition to moderate his potations and limit the duration of h!s Jug* in the fu ture He was avl-ed that a mar. with rn imagination such as he possessed could not lie permitted tostimulateor encourage it by the use of alcohol. Three other i< *. beside* that of Wall*, were tried yesterday afternoon. Benja min Misshow wa- discharged, and Susan Jenkins and Mary Harrell found Insane • 1 r** ommended for confinement In the sanitarium. The Jenkins woman ha* al ready spent one term at the sgnMarlum. having been sent there In March of hint year and released, a* cured. In September. Fit OF. Ill‘l/* I'HllhTitAfl TIUBK. Aanic Polk Rill Me lintertillned hy t Irele st Msmnir tlnll. Rome 800 of the poor children of the city will be made g ad to-day through the de votion of Fro* be I Circle of Kings Paugh ters to the work In Wbidh It le engaged The children will be given a Chrlstmea tree this morning at 11 o'clock in the Masonic Hail, when toys, candy, fruit and other presents will be distributed from the Store the members of the circle have been enabled to gather by dint of hard and continuous efforts. All day yesterday members of the cir i-la were in the hall, preparing It for to da>. All arrangements were completed and everything is In readiness for the en tertainment of the children, some of whom wili be beneficiaries of the circle for the third year, as the tree wi>) he the third that has given by the ladles The band of twenty who constitute to the dr. 1e is very a tlve, particularly among children, ami there are hundred* In the dry who have been greatly aided through Its phtlantrophy. The beautiful pink do!l that wns dis played at the recent doll show given by Proebel Circle, and since on exhlidtlon at Solomon s drug store, whs awarded yesterday to Miss Pauline Gardner, whose number w.u* 24. Roms 150 votes upon the doll were received, and all whose names appeared upon the list will he Interested in learning to whom the doll was award ed. ( HARLFa a. m:rr< i ukao. nreeaseil Hail Hrrti a Resident of wtsunsh for Inrm Years. Mr. Charles 8 Deltch died Ust night at 10 o'clock at hi* home. So 8 Hull street, west, from Rrlght'a dtaejse. He had many friends and acquaintances In Huvannah who will regret to learn of his death For about twenty years he wa a resident of this city, and until about a year ago. when he retired, whs engaged in the retail grocery business on Hwrnard street He wra* 42 yeirw old. A wife, who was Miss Mary Appel, ar.d a daughter. Miss Hattie Deltch. are left, bo'ng th only Immediate relative* M r . D*lt*h was a member of Myrtle of Knighta of Pythian The funeral will t ike p.ace to-morrow afternoon at 2:M o'clock, from th line residence. STOLE THK UMPIMVI' THF.R. TMpt*** IN|irh,d M. H,ry' Hum. I kllilrrn of Ok., 81 Mrv'. Orphan Home m>i mMwi) night hefora last of the t'hrlstma* tree than wu* hi tha yard uid which i. Just about to he <1 raised for the henofK at the children at he Inetltution The thief en tered tha yard hrough a r*Sr gate il got away with tha tree without being uncovered Tha mailir hat titan reported to tha police. For quality, purity, bouquet and health fidnoae. there le no wine aa good u Cook'* Imperial Extra Dry Champagne.—ad. WILL BE THE EMMET RIFLES. n a. i.rouNi) op* rMB 4iHP:p:\* mix up: tmkih 4 aitaiv Name for Ike New 4 ompany of the P’irst Infantry nnd Its owiimimml- Ing Officer* Were Agrerd I pn nt n McHlnm of the (leg I men tn I Oifi eers l.nat Night—4 npl. Idtwnard AN ill It• tr IDs I uniiuNßil From Among the Irish—4 apt. I.lensow nntl the Greens Support Him. 4|nnrters In Hrulmriitsl Armory. I.leuft mints Art to lie Nnnird. The Etnmst Hlfie* w.ll be the name * the new military company, commanded by ("apt. E A Leonard. Thin was d* ide<t irt a meeting of the ofllcers of th** Firat Infantry last night at tne Kegumn tul Armory. The name was suggested ar.l r*p* Leonard was notnwated h> . commit** • that %v##s Hpiioiii ei t a meeting of thr officer* last Motwtay night, rapt. I*. F. Gleason of the Irish Jasper Greens, re ported for the committee, which hwl been requested to consider tne most a valla.>’ timber for the captain v. nnd to sugg- >. a name for th© organization The prospective captain *f the pros pi* tlve lompany |s now first lieutenant In the Irtofi Jumper Green*, but iuring jmrt of the time the Qreens were in the army during the war with 8t n. w** tfeir captain, 4'apt. Gleason having r sigt.e*i H* is regarded as eminently qual irtei to atjccf ssfully prosecute the j>; tn of the officer* of the r-irni*f for the orgamaa'lon of anoiht-r company In Ha .atmah. making six in the First Infantry in this city. laiet night's meeting wo* presided ov* r by CPI. T 8 Wylly, Jr Capt. L<-r.ard was present while the report of the com mine* wa.- offered. ht retired afterward' to allow th* officers to pa*.* ui*on th*" r l*oit. which rn r • iv* .i Leonard receiving the vote of every officer |r* -ent. i"iK>n lx ing i tlf|**| of his ♦ |e lion r.ipf. !.*• vnard returned to th* meeting and ex pressed hi* appro tat ion of the honor tht had been done him In his s |e? :in for th* |K)? of capt.*tn of the new company. He said that he ha.l had the matter of organisation under consider a? ion >in ♦> hi' notification by th* oommitiei .■• 1 ■ hoice an*l t:ad ra< h and th* oM'di*itn tliat he would not have a great deal ot difficulty In organising a *|>;eiHlld com pany very speedily. By Jan. IS*, ("apt. Leonard *aid. in reply to a question from 4’ol Wylly. the >n piemen t required by low for the n* w com l*any • vuld ix* secured, and wou i be In read I ms* for mister in It* equipment and lriwrix tion would be next in order, and rapt Leonard thought he might promise that th company would !■ ready to parade by Feb 22 rapt Gleason sug •tested that rapt Leonard make tfie <lwt March 17. dear to all Irishmen, a* that would give him amp!** time for oiv’initn i t!on. and the two Irish companies might j tlien turn out in honor of St i*atri< a • apt Gleason sjs/ke in hearty '<ia*wt I <f the movement to organise amt . r < onw iwny among the Iri-hmen lie sa.d th *w,w (vmuiursl would have th.* u.dc?>e rnent of the Irish Jasper Greens, who would aid in It* organization an*l .level apmcr.L fits support had been pl**dget apt. Leonard, atal he ext*re*s>-i the h-ipe (hat it nught le hilt few We.k* :etore another ffourlehlng Irish company •night le in existence m Savannah. It was t*o|. NN ylly * and t'ap; Gleason * :da from the Inception of the plan to organise another company in Savannah to draw its materia, from among the Irish element, which is large and now wupports but one command. It is believed less difficulty would be found in rai*ing *uch a company than In raising one from some other distinctive element or from among the young men generally who are **ot already in*mth is of md.eory organi zations. At a meeting of the line officers of th First Ilmt.illon followed the me. t iii* of the regimental offl .rs. It wu moved bv CaiW. O. A I Jordon of th. Oglethorpe Idght lntantry thot the new ompiny lie tenalerod quarter* in ihe lleg Armory for a ywir free of cost Thle motion was tvirried, the offl -ers t- • i- Ing that every eiu-ouragement should tw hehl out to the prospective orgntilziition. When It h.w grown In strength. It l thought It will take It* pi ice imong (be other rrmpanle# upon their standing. Jiuit what quarters will be provided the new company was not determined, hut there |* some talk of building an annex to the Armory. This may give way ;o it project for the •'onversl.m of the pres ent officers' quarters on the first floor Into a company assembly room, either for the u.. of the n*-w company or for one of those occupying less rleslrahle quarters at present in which care th new company would lake the quarter, left vacant. I! was further determined that the r.ew company should l>e formed, of n-w ma terial It had been suggested that each company commander detail two men to form a nucleus for the I'tiwnet Klfle*. hut. upon muturer consideration, tt wa thought wiser to have the entire com mand consist of members not Idvnttrpxt with other oomisinles. f'apt I.eonanl will imme.lltely go to work lo raise Hie company Ills Huten. ants have not been determiner! upon, but he will have .1 voice In Ihelr seleotlon. A’ a future meeting of the officer* the lieu tenant* will lie elected 1-m' isxfm>i>km in his mind. Murd/w-l. I ki.bulm the Victim of a * Painful Accident. Murdock Chisholm, the 12-year-old son of Dr. an/I Mr*. T. B. Chisholm met with an extremely painful accident yesterday afternoon at S o'clock near hi* father * louse on Taylor strees. He was shooting fire cracker* of a targe slxe and carr leraly kept one of th< m In his hand too long after the fuse had been lighted. *o that tt exploded with the result that the end* of hi* t'nger* were blown off. aivl the remainder ot hi* hand Istdly lacerat ed. What makes It the more unfortunate !• that It ! th* right hand that RM hurt. Christmas Decorations. A. C. Oelschig. Thunderbolt, offer* dur ing f’hrtstmas week at low prices, a beau tlful collection of palms ar.d decorative plants. There Is nothing prettier than an Aruu carle. Sag*. Areca*. Kentta, laitanla. Phoenix, Dracoena. etc He has also a splendid assortment of cut flowers, • roses, carnations, and hya cinth*. He Invite* the puhllc to visit hi* nur sery, which Is th'* moet extensive m th* state. He has 25.000 feet of glass. If you want roses, rut flower- or anythin,- with whk-h lo decorate, call him by elth r •phone at ISO or see Jaiadv Gardner, agent. 12 Bull street, east; 'phone I*3o ad. 91, .lames Hotel Opens. The Bt. James Hotel of Jacksonville Fla., opened this week. Among the many Improvement* of ths Bt. James, t* a n-w steel celling In the main entrance, which la eon meld a pur* white and decorated tn gold. A grand new stairway ha* been bulb, opening directly Into the office An on fashioned firepan-* has been built near the entrance stairway. The parlors have been redecorated and trimmed in who* and gold Additional bath room* have been placed In th* hotel. Th# location of th# Bt James It unmr. passed, being on th# hlgheet ground In Jacksonville. Mr J K. Campbell la proprietor ef the St. James. Huy lev’s lor !*•• The usual LioMday stork of Huyler'w candy Is now ready at the retail afore* of th* ffotomOßg Uo., Uongress and Har , ,r j a? i Bull and Fnar ton. This y*mr car j.i kagr are very handsome and st ir* five and no mor*- a • eptahie gift can la- • • ted than a Huyler Xmas box Um Hate* Darina the 4 hrlatmn llolida• via Plant Aystem. On rr 22, T-. 21 2T. 30 and SI. 1900 a’*n jin l, 1301, the p ant System will sell round trip ticket* to nli points at very low rat* •>efore purchasing your fi ket? call on ticket agent nt Lh* Hoto Hotel, or d*i**: 'Phone 71-ad. Presents for F.verybody Mav he found in Hternherg A Co.'* tre mendous Christmas stock of fine dia monds Jewelr y, silverware and gold an l sliver novelties.-ad. Hid 4*loves nt Ko)r A Eckstein's. A fre- i t-'ortmenl of kid glove* Just In time for Christmas. A fife glove ut 7v t The l>e*t dollar glove In Bavannah. The very b* ' glace gid glove.* at II.H*. Bin k-. white*, color*, all six** and tv|. > of fa*:enlng at Foyc A Eckstein*#, -ad. A Npreftal • lirlatnin* Sale. As long .* they lost, Sieniber* A Cos offer a hard'Ome line ot sterling *ilver purse* at t 2 SO each. Better hurry If you want one- ad. Mcniberat A Cos. pay the hig n-*t market price for old gok! -~a*l Hnndker *hlef ut Fo>e A lOcksteln’s. The most beautiful collection of holiday handkerchiefs ever seen In the city. Very fine linen embroidered at 26c. w She. at 7 T*c Exquisite style* tl.'.**. fl.Sfi. 12 • and 32 r 0 each Hem** tine examples of Is * hand kerchief* Pure linen *of: bleach**! hand kc? f? tn plain H Sot Wc. 16c, JfW*. 26 Also nice handker* nlefs At 3c and sc. gp *1 sab* on H.uarday at Foye A Eck stein's.—ad. Iloltdny Hales *in southern Hall way. Tickets on *ale to all points, a fare and a third for the round trip, on !*rc 22-23 24 L6-.k) and 21? t. I*.sjo also Jan. 1. 1901. limited to Jan 4. returning In addition to above, students holding certificate* igned 1> sugerlntemlents or priin ii s of scnools or colleges will le sold tickets commencing Dec 16 and limited to Jan. v Jhs. Freeman, city i4*-enKer and ticket agent, 141 Bull street. 'Phones ACS) —ad. Holiday Hates via Plant System. The Plant System will sell round trip tickets on Dec. 22. 23. 24. 2S. 30 and 31. 1300. and Jan 1. 15>1. Tali on ticket agent for full Information ** to rates and limit* Ticket offices at I>* Hoto Hotel and de pot. 'Phone 73- ad Sternberg A to. Keep Open l*ate This Evening. On account of the short time intervening l*for© Christmas. Hternherg A <’o. are -•pen to a I*te hour evenings, to nff'r*l n opportunity to all to select from thetr magnifleen: hamoftd, jewelry, silverware and 'utgla-w stock Old gokl taken in exchange for new goods, or bought for ash at fu.l market value —4k! Fancy Guods at I o>f A Eckstein's. Gold belts, neck ruffles, stock collars, evening fans, pocketbook*. Jewelry, fine perfumery, boxes soap and extract, chat *4aine, coin pur*©?*, silk umbrelins. cornets, 'ilk hosiery, eilk nf- kwoir and thousand* of useful article* at Foye A Ecksteins. —ad. Nnffered .3.6 tears. "Graybeard cured me of catarrh from whi-h I hal suffered thirty-five years. Nothing on earth *o far as 1 was able i to obtain gave nu* relief. Since taking | Gray beard 1 *m © well a? ever. I had j atarrh of the head. Mr*. Kho*Ja Dean, Ballinger. Tex. Gray beard Is made only by Hespess Drug t*omiany. sole owners, and Is fold at drugstores for $1 a bottle —ad. Inspect Onr i harni'na stock And your Christmas selection- can ’<■ easily made. I.urgcsi and finest and: 1- fn*M.d aid Jewelry siork In Savannah.— ad. Men's linuil, nl Koye A Keksteln's. Men'* fancy shirt*, at $1 Oi and SI .VI M- n's silk n, all shape*. 25<’ an I .'*le. Men’* linen collars, K. & W. *tyles at 10/'. Men's Initial silk handkerchiefs. Sc n<l ie. Men's pure linen handker chiefs. 15c and 25e Men'* umbrellas, kid glove-, underwear. Men's silk suspenders, warm gloves and other men's belongings ot Foyt A Kek-leln's ad. tloti.lns Kate* Via Central of f.corgln R.llnst, Ticket* will be sold at rate of a fate and a third round trip on Dec. 22. 23, 24. 25. 30 and 21. 18W: aso Jan. t. 1901. final /imtt returning Jan I, 1901. In addition lo ttie ahovc. tickets will be sold to students of schools aiut col leges on presentation of certificate* signed by superintendent, president or principal thereof, on Her. 15 to 21, Inclusive, fina. limit returning Jan I. I lari. Ticket offl. e l'>T Dull rtreei and Central Passenger Stall an a<l. Upend I brl.lma. Will, 9 our Friends and Mrlaflse*. And see that your tlckel* read over the Plant System, the line with per fect passenger servl e: low rat* ticket* sold Dec. 22. 23, 21 25. 3ft and *l, 19tn. a;*o Jan. 1. 19ft1 'Phone TJ —ad. (•rand Dlsplny of Hinge. Slemt/erg * Cos. exhibit an imposing selection of fine rings, fancy, plain or set with handsome diamonds, rubles, emer ald*, etc. I/)wert price*.—ad. Toy* nod Moll. n t'>r A Fekateln'a. The new toy atore presents a busy scene these day* We must, however, have the room at>l for the next two day* we will sell every toy. every guns, and every doll at slaughter prices. Come quick to Koye & K/ ksteln's id. Mr. Deni kaya, •'Oraybeard has well nigh cured me of rheumatism from which I havo been a great sufferer th# last fifteen year*.” Mr- Den!'a postofflce la Bt. Simons Island. Oa Rev. John CbrlaUaA of Pierc*. Ala say* “Qraybaard n*j cured Mr*. John Childress of Baldwin county of rheum* turn. In February befor. began to take Oraybeard she was given up to die She is now sound and well.” Oraybeard la mad* only by Reap*.* Drug Company, aole owner*, and #old bv druggltta tor *1 00 a bottle. Every family ahould hav* a bo* of Oraybeard Pin* and Oraybeard Ointment —ad. A Htgb-Or ,de Institution (or I.adl*a _ Bhorter Colie**, Rom*. Ua. Write tor catategua—ad. TO-DAY’S THE DAY TO BUY THAT Juvenile Wheel, and the only place to p t BRYSON'S, BEX * A USE He has a big stock lit*- w,ie* s are bin t b> stand lis* wheels ire like grwn up at • IBs prices are the law* -• •Don*! make the kid's (’rriHimw in r happy one. Treat it the or sie rgh' •>( the Christmas w.# **i her* Get it t OI'EN UNTIL U I*. M T. A. BRYSON, Juvenile nnd Columbia Wheels. IT’S A CERTAINTY THAT Smith’s Chill Tonic A /p CO\ TRADE MARK. WILL CURE Oenps, Typhoid, intermittent, Malaria, And All Forms ol Fevers. ALL DREOGISTS SELL. IT ON A GUARANTEE —Manufactured by— COLUMBIA DRUG CO., SAVANNAH. GA. Sunset Route, <oi s u,i5CT SOLTMERN PACIFIC COMPANY. The Favorite and Best itoute Line To LOUSIANA. TEXAS. MEXICO. CALIFORNIA, and all Points Weal. STANDARD I'I'U.MAXS on -.11 trains daily. i:\CVRS\OX PALACE PULLMANS daily, except Monday, from N. w " ■/ • to California and Oregon points, at L per tierlh. FRKE CHAIR CARS daily. N'/w <ir- Iwsns to Iwlhi*. and all Allklie and Northern T* xs point!.. DAILY THHonilt PULLMANS t. MvXtcsy City utel Sun Fn n > The Fumoua SUNSET LIMITED. o\e/ Monday, Thuraday amt Saiutday. New Orleans to Sun FVur,cisco. For all information, address CLARENCE W. ML'RPHEY, T. P A , 15 East Bryan Hi . Hnvuiuuih, <>a. New Steamboat tor Sale Tho OKRTRI'DR DFDIaKY. length dr.ift K fe*"i. Roberts boM r. rompour-*! 4*ni;ina*. !>ullt ln>* sprlnir. iT(r rabim* on lossr and ilN’k. well apixrfnti oi Will ha soM at fool of M tin Jo<*k‘*oovllb\ Fla., on Mor.4k>, Ds 24. by **fMpoial mM'er, for Jw?t the booi for mail and rout* KLORID.% HARDWARE O* PeCMICNCSTta '9 INOIIIH ENNYROYAL PILLS %ri . **•*• •• v l-aidlma. • I” l* •* CHM lIiATRFK ENGLISH t* Mi l* ' .l* Men/ ms /‘i w/Ui V/u* r/vm/ Take *e(her. Hrfue. Hai,rnt> ..miUllM. Mf tuft* (tens. *•/ sf ft/seem sr ml 4r. ■un/s X' I’, Tntl—wki. •ul “R.llrr fftr Isfl/S*/. m<- * r— tars Msit. lewu- •>'>r I'rse.l—i Cklrhe.tsr < SraiteaH .. UnuftSme Ms.llSss S,.ur/. Pllll.A . i'l. uk>. yi-i.ieie a 1 •-. .. ume.ui.. > missus. We Save You Money —ON— Fire Works, Toys and dolls; see us quick. Rhone 675. DONNELLY DRl’O CO.. Liberty and Price stmt'. MLNGLEDOKPF& CO. MACHINE BLACKSMITHS AND BOILERMAKERS. T>!cj>boie 553. 510 Tnrilan Sivannsh. Oa Alii MBBSVTS. g%\ i\> in Tilt: %ti:h. MATINEE TO-DAY AND T >-NIOHT. DEC B. “The Bowery After Dark.” A thrilling melodrama of New York lift introducing terry McGovern. Bantam Feather r>.l Ughi Weight Cham pion of Ihe World. PRlCES—Matinee, adult- *•-. children 25c; night. $1 00. 71c. Ski and 3c. g AVAN* 111 THK ITIIK. CHRISTMAS DAT. DEC 55. MATINEE AND NIGHT. LAI'OHTER EVERY MINITE. IK )YTS “A MIDNIGHT BELL” with ALICE P.OSELAND as•• Dot,” and tn excellent supporting company, In cluding LIU,a Lawson, lha UtUs spcclslti queen; Harry s Robinson as "Pescor Ttdd." the Village Choir, and plenty music snd specialtteis. PRICES Matinee, 16c. 60c and *e Night, |BOO. Tic. c and SaJ.