The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 22, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 WAYCROSS IS DISSATISFIED. M tIOH HMliHT't ITION DOM MKT PUUSC Mi. Trnntiifßl ** Kltrna Him *rlt.a at a Tnhl lr H.. 11 ti a and t oaalraaa tkr Tarllra I a.d at tke iiiarra Mona. Wrrtlai-Tko) D.- •*t deal, How.*.r. >*t taa Pat Oat aa tapposltloa Ttrkrl, Rat to oriaaltr for Neat Near WayrroMa Ga.. Deo. a.—Notwithstand |, a tt. tact that Hon A M KalfM ta renran’raiad a. candidate (or Mayor, without opfaoalltor. a Isrgr number of Notere are far from uiiaßad. Early In the neck a numerous.y signed peitton > rinrulated. easing that a Ixanocratlc maao sne-un* be held at the Court Hoot. •Thursday r.trht. for the purport of de elding whether to piece an opposition t kaat tn the fiehl anal a'.ao to appoint a liemurra’lc Executive Comm a tee to aer. the tutr,| year. An enthuaiaatlc and repraaentatlee gathering of taylte Democrat* a mem hie. I In the Superior Court room laat ntgnt V. I. Hear,ton *a> arerttd chairman Mr titantor. e.t.d that he dl.l not auppos# any bodi' in the rlty would a ctiae each a r.preeer’ative body of men of having any thin* hut the hear alternate of Wiacrts* a' heart. arxt hopJd that no one would m uee them of antaitor.Utng the railroad Jude* J. L. Sweat made a very eenafhle elk in favor of white prttnarte*. He at. atb’ ”1 to ehe method, employed at the •P*ra houee meeting, but did not think ft Wire to put out a ticket at thle late nay. He wa* perfectly satisfied that an mam* It ten ticket would re e|ve two-thlrvl* of the white vote*, but <he other one -and all of the colored contingent would wore for the anm-.nirtration. Judge Warren Imtl agreed with Jnde Sweat Me oppoeed plsumg a ticket In the field at thla late day, Inasmuch aa he had par t lot pared in the deltheratlona of the okh er body Hon. I, A Wilson did not think tnat the people were treated fairly at the tpera house meeting, hut he na not In favor of putting out an opposition tiaket Or J. \j Redding thought the neor-i* should follow the courage o? their con- Motion* He then went on to a.r the tamallpox ere re last year, showing how the adm Inlet ration had epent over to art |a out the epidemic while Pierce countv. with five times the number of • aee* to look after, only .pent $1,700, and Ald not lose a patient He favored wo me. •bale action I>r. A. P. English spoke on (he same line. Hon. C. C. Thomas did not think any 1 leaner rat should he hound by the action of that convention. It was not Pemo • ■alio 11 was fuel on are I he was not only In favor of e white primary, hut hoped a ticket would he pieced In the held In opposition to the fusion ticket. After more discueslor It was deemed Kesr not to nominate a ticker now. but to organise for neat year An executive committee was appointed with power to ceil while primaries for the purpose of *.initiating tickets w lITHUtt Ibk a NUTT.*. fall, of < r.ntl n another Federal I nsrt Olatrlrt la Georgia. Wsy. roae. Ga-. Dec II —The fire depart ment of Waycross ha* been railed out eleven time* during Ihe year 1. In HM they were csllrtl out twenty-three time*. It Is estimated that fire loaaes In Waycroea this year amount to not over IMN On Saturday Met a young lady loot some Jewelry and sl9 In money. Policeman T M Westborry got a fluey and yesterday arrested a negro woman pear end most of tha stolen property was re aovered Bibb A O'Quinn e|iect to erect a twe eters hrlck buHdlng early In I*ol It will be soxi* feet and will front on Pendle ton street. Mr James H Jones has purchased a fa If Interest In the dry goods business of tile father, J. A Jones, and will Win work with the nw firm Immediately aft er leaving Ihe Price-McCulley Company The aayle of the new firm will be J. A done* A Bon Mr. H C. Motley, who has been wlfh J. A. Jones' dry goods rtors Ihe past year, will go on Ihe road for Guggen tieim.r A Cos. of Dynchburg, Va.. Ihe flrat of the year Ex-Sheriff S F Miller cultivates a one horse farm west of Ihe rlly. He made this year nearly *> bushels corn. I*' gal lons syrup. and saved IM$ need cane He gathered ITS bushels isee: pola’oe* Mr ■Miller served twelve years as aherifT of IVcre county and two years as city mar shal. It I* already given out as a fact shat he will enter Ihe race for sheriff again In I*C There has been quite a lltlle talk re. rentlv relative to the esiahlishment of another Federal Court district tn th southern section of laeorgla. and It Is generally understood that the matter will h.- lakcei up by our representatives .n Congress from South Georgia. The plan at present being dlscusetd la to divide me stale Into three districts instead of gwo as It Is now arranged to he known as the Northern Middle and Southern dl trlni of * .corgi* In the pfapoawl change the Idea seem* to he to take Columbus from the Juris diction of Judge Emory Speer, leaving Sa vanna -i and Augusta within hl district known as the Vli.kii- District t 'ntumbu* would be added to the new dlslrlct. and together with Wuycroae and Thom.isvUle, would .-onslltute the Southern Dlatrlct. Thht change would nece*aarlly resuli in th* erection of ErderaJ. buildings at hoi i Way cross anti Thom ivllle and would ad>l much lo the Importance and growth of the two cities. Mrs. J. A. May will celebrate her fif tieth birthday to-morrow, by giving a big dinner at her home, south of the city. A sermon will be preached by *om tVaycraas minister Mr* Ma> Is th* mother of eleven children ARRESTED FUR HIRI.I.ART. Tsvn Vgrties Held at the Harraclas oa That Charge. Two negroes were arrested yesterday and are held at the harrark* charged with the httrgMry of a store tomr miles out from Savannah. No record of the arrest has been made on the police blotter so nett her the names of the men nor the place of the crime can be made public, but It is known that the men when taken in custody bad in their possession two bottles of whisky, a hag of tobacco, two hoxea of cigars and some clothe* The case may not be tried until further evidence Is found against them The men irnhably resisted arrest, as their heads f t owed the elgns of blows when they were taken to the barracks. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt’s Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT’S Liver PIU^ COATED Look at jrourtoncue. It it coated? Then you have a btd taite in your mouth every moraine. Your appe tite it poor, and food distretaet you. You have frequent headache* and are often diuy. Your Momach it weak and your bowels are conati pated. There's a reliable cure: Pirid Don’t take a cathartic dose and then atop. Better take a laxative dote each night, just enough to cause one good free movement the day following. You feel better the very nextdat. Your appetite returns, your dyspepsia is cured, your head aches pass away, your tongue clears up, yonr liver acts well. jfc. xiim*,*.. •• I have taken Ayw a FilU for 28 years, snd I consular them th* u>t On pill doe* m more jr#w.d tis*n bwlf a box of way other kind riu*#* * #r tried. *’ Mr*. B. C. Tai weir. March tO, IMj Arrington, Kac HIMIUI* IIKMIIIIX \r IVtIMTI. Ihr liimorlh I rugnpr* on Krprfnrf nnfl roinmtlr)ilp. Bihop K R Hendrix Mr-*pi| • union meeting of Kjiworth Is *xu#*s of th# cHj lg#t nixht n* TrlnWy Church ll* #pok#' on “R#v#r#no# tar th# Put, find Com* ra<S#hip for th#’ Future ' A> d<' xamp> f>r u h r#v#r#n #• hr told of John We#- ►*>* on hi# father * tom£> an*l it* symbol- No tru# ohara t#*r I* lrrrv*r#nt. h# -aid for U found#'*! upon r#v#r and on#* of th* happy rewards of •hi# for th#- p**t i- th# pr#fra* tlon tha'. C xivr*. for th; fuiurr. Th#* Rlhop #puk- of John Waaloy'a la* fora Afnoi.K Mw iMIIMM which ha Ktkt >it 11m ** pmcntrU do#* of th#- hopeful field* open to Chria tlan rk Hr alao of rh# lnflu> #r>c#- of thr W#*wl-ys m Knlan#l. xtatinx that it wan largely to thlr Influrn#'#* and th#* influ#-n#* of thrlr thanghim and *ona tnat Knxtand ha 1 not b.*#>n torn ai**in#ir with h atrif#* Uk#* the French Revolution The *-*•# aonirw of Charlck Wentey th#- form of |nihll<- worship Th*. Knxilrh nation was largely pro**rved by the Uvea and examplea of thee#* aaintly raafi" The ap#>wker *ald that recently h** hd tH*an approached by a entl*man who had t**com** convln-ed tha4 the world war much worwe than It had been and wanted hi* opinion on ihe matter. He told him. *ie aatd. that th#* world wa* no worn#, hut that we live In a r**allx*Ton of evil, literature 1- ateaped with 1< and U h* daily brought to our attention by the newapaperr and I# uSo to be met with In our dally Uvea. Yet there 1* more good j h.#n evil, only one I#h*p not realise it ba- I rau*e It I* n<* giver th** pr< mlnen>-e that I evil lr. There 1a In the world pometbing greater than evil and that t good; eome thing that Inspire* m**n. and that U a faith In OoiV In the latter rart of hi* r-msrk h#- *eke of csenradeahip and friendship. d#> fining it ami llluatrating il by the story at Dtivld and Jonathai Hpeaking part,><nilarly to tie member* of the league* he wal l th.i? They ought to lie leer concerned al*out wi*wt they ought to do than about what they ought to he. The addreßf w pre*eded by several aongr by the choir and 4lwo by the con gregation. ••AN HOIK WITH 'I*ENNt V (ntrreatlns l.lterary Kierelam at at. VlaeeaCa Aeadeaiy. The Bt. orgJnliatk>n of the vnemhere of the grad uating clamm of Bt Vincent's Academy. : hel l an lnterex .ntf little m**ct:i.g in the music h.tll of the Academy yeaterday m*nmig It was ('tllel "An Hour With Tennyson ** The programme consisted of rei|inga ind songs fr<>m the work** of the po#*t. w!ro hail been eel#-ct*-d as the theme of the #>ccaslovi and Instrumental music, the compoeitloti of which had leen Inspired bv tom* of his productions Rt Rev Jiishop Keilev preskied at live exercises, and at their conclualon made a haiH*y little gpeech of apprreation aid crKour agement The programme was as follows; Kntrwn#*e h. • Th# Dream of Fair Women ‘ Miss Klnsteln. Roll call “Our Library Circle, ‘ an ad#lreas by the president. Ml-* M ri- M Mahon. fhography f Tennyson, by the aecre tary. Miss Rita Gutman •tlon Lady Claire.” Mm Ada instrumental solo Miss Rita Gutman Bong ‘ The Warrior Hold ” R**alit;g from In Memoriam. “Ring Out, Wild ReMs MUs Haas Hong. "Tears. Idle T#*arw ” Instrumental *o .i, "The of Bhal ott." Miss M Mioon Recitation. The Children’s Hospital.*' Miss llohenstejn. I'kalng Chorus. “<*rosslng the Bar.** The Flngwig wa" l#**| hy a uuartettc con sisting of Ml*-#*s V.iughn. MohensteJn. Cherry and Morgan The numbers were u'.l exceedingly wHI r*rvlered. and were well received by the email audience., which had gathered, by Invitation, to he them The recitations of Mies Haas and Mies Hohenstein .re enutied to specwl me r. tlon. gi vtok i>t a ninrtvv. Tim U In thr tom pel If lon for liar f ihr Tfcrrr I omntnnil*. Guyton want* one of the tu> military companies that arc to bn organised to b. attached to thr First Infantry, filttnar th vacancy lefl hy the wlthilmml of thr battalion of the Savannah Volunteer Guard*. Bylvama, Mount Vernon and Bwalnabon, arc also In the ran* for oom- Itanle*. and other place* may come In. Home twenty-live name* have already been no. urel upon a Hat In Guyton. Oil T. 8 Wylly. Jr., of th< Flrat Infantry haa tad'll a ran rial, and that without any careful canvass It ia expeveed that llttl* double will be found In raising the ad dltionul number tnat will be neccaaary for the muater In of the prospective com mand. Cap! J T. Wade called on Col. Wylly and told h m that a company I* needed In Screven county, am! that he did not think trouble would be encountered In lairing a autTlclent number of member* The country rommunltlea would like to have the protection of a military force. On* ■entletnan haa written Col. Wylly that acveral efforta to naiae companies in hi* neighborhood have failed for the reason that application* have reftt*ed by the Oovemor on the ground that, the military eat.iblldimeni, wa* at Me full strength ai*l no more command* could la> organised It ta probable that the place* allowing the greatest dispatch In the work ot Of- THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1900. garug tng comrnl m will he given the pnfrr*nc. Three more out-of-town a max el* to he attached to the Flrat Infan try ore ta be offiiuted If four town* enter the competition, one trill fall to land , HI 1 IMG NAM rmgHONRfl. VUmlranls- lluaara Report Blggee* Trade They Hose Known. The small hoy la In hlgti glee hecauee of tha ap{>roarh of the Christmas hoil da>i And his cor.asguent ilcetio to glv#* vent to hla enthusiasm b> the notwtnat meana h# <n hit upon Not only noise, but display aa wsli I* d-a- to the henrt of the boy at and ft rework* offer him op port unities to Indulge the desire that prompts him to make evidences of hm good spirits both heard and seer. "At Christmas, play and make good < be#*r For Chrirttnaa comes but on#*# a y#ar are lines thw were written In ehe six teenth rantury by Thomas Tueser. and •o r op<ur naa the wenttment bean that the injunction has be#m carried out to the letter many garieretions haring wurreed #d Master Tusser and made Christina* the moat jovou sea-*on of the year Tte lat ter of hla two lines quoted above has bean upon thousand* of iipe. but K la very doubtful tha? many persons have thought fhev were renting iha poetry of or.e who had lived so long sxo More firvfiorki. haw h—ft toll thtifi far this s-aoon than v-r bsfor* In Ssvsn i ti Tnt Is what tt ropr-s-ntattv- of on- of th- I—rllnx whoi-s-l- hoti—• H-vl- Ir.f In fir-work- said y-si-rday Somr tlmr wto, h- “aid his firm pinwl an or •|rr for a lar* q<Mntl;y of fir-works, or •t-rifix rlir-rt from th- fa-tory Apprs "latlnx th- nro—l*-roi>a 'ondltlon of rli -ountrv an<l knowing tnat thouswn-ls of boys an<t mr.. too. for that tnattsr. wotiH synl fir-works and haV- money with whlrh to buy th-m, th- firm 001-r-<l mora than he usua. AUMtltf, but II .lit not tak- long for th- supply to run out Th-n th- firm had to or.l-r —noth—r lot. It is said tha’ rnor- of th- btc whol-- sal- houaaw ar- handling fir-works this ssaaon lhar. -v-r b—for- Th-r- la ron -id-eabl- pr,git in Ih- Oasinsss when S Is aa brisk as It has bam thla Chrlat All of th-m. It Is -aid hav sold out thrlr firm ordrr- and plared ae-ond on-s Many Inquiries for th- good* hv* na*s-d from hwos- to hous- In Savan oo’ urns of ih-m bsiag out and anxious to fill ord-ra for th!r ruatom-ra Ftna works ar- nor handled by tha whol-sii- houses und-r fti- sam- roofs with thlr otb-r graala Th- Insoran. - rate Is greatly In, r-as-d when thla Is •lon-, and tt m-ri hanra therefore #. rur warehou—a In which th-y store nothing else man fireworks Many retail dealers do not handle th- goods for tha <am- r-a *° n - •* <*•>' 'lo not ear* to -ndang-r th-lr stork or pay the higher rare, of Insur ant e Much tne same at vie of fireworks Is sold to-day us the fathers that mak* their purchaser for lamoron* sons wer-, th-ms-ives wont to uaa in th* long ago But very little change has been mat., of late y-tir* in the ordinary fireworks In fti- great lllumltistton* and dteplavs of grand ores,“ions there have, of . otiree be..n mighty advan -• mode, hut hoy* of tie •twv have sport -with practically the same sort of first ra' kera. Itormin t-andles skv rockets, whistle tomb- stsl torpedo** as ’t.eir fathers need to orcastonally knock *d off n nnrsr or powder-speck a face For some date th* crack of th- popper has been abroad in th- city, the am all hoy having h— n imahlr to wait until (’hristm.t* II- nas not even waited un til th- lime **t forth by ordinance wher.- In he imv fire his .-ra.-k-rr without dan ger of twdng yanked up before the Re order The ordtnane* sava fireworks mv he let loots* between Dec u „ n(t j.„ I. Inclu-lve. but the limits are not recoc n!**<l hy the emull boys, and they lirgjn to turn them loose as soon as they can g-t them The ordinance also sets llmlts tlona upon th* set-time In whk-h fireworks may be tinned loose The section nor'h of Utterly sir—; is held aarred from th* Invading youngsters by ordinance, (tut they get in their work there, leas Neither may fireworks be |et oft on Bull at reel, but in the Park Extension they may and bonfire, mav also he h,m ( there. Bovs have bee,) gathering bar ret- for their ('hrlstmaa bonfire* for month*. IjOcal Mr. J. Tjpon of of the Ftil-t>to * Mr A B Jones of Garnett U rwgltcrc#l at the INilnkl Mr. Porter Isangston of Atlanta Is h guess of the lie Soto Mr. Iletiry RuUt of Charleston Is res latered at the De Soto. Mr W. D Nash left via tha Central last night for Atlanta. Mr. W E Hart-old of Atnerlcua Is reg istered at the D* Soto. Mr. H H Knox of Darten waa a guest of tho Pulaski yesterilay Mr G. V Tillman of Bartow, Fla , Is registered at the Pulaski Mr \V F Cum miner ef Himptoei is reglaiertsl at the I‘ulaski I>r. D llopfo will leave y|g the South ern to-day for Philadelphia. Mr, F. J Speck left via the Plant Sys tem yesterday for New York Mr. Km!!* Newman will leave for New York to-day on the Southern. Mr. B. i Sleliels left via the Seaboard I Air line yesterday for Columbia Mr. A. l\ . Smith of tlarnett was among yesterday's arrivals at the Pulaski Mr*. A 1., Doikivkn left over the Sea board Air l.lne yesterday for fh-ala Mr, .1. A. Ilulett of Tarboro aruong the guest* of the Pulaski yesterday Ml IV. \V Timmons of Tlfton ,> among the arrivals yesterday at the Pu laski. Mr. >1 Bradley was a passenger via the Seaboard Air l.lne yesterday for Nrw York. Miss Ethel Mclntlre returned via the Southern yesterday from Georgetown. D C. Miss Crutchfield will he among the iwsKi-ngers of Ihe Southern to-day for Richmond Mrs I-. Nellson was among the pas sengers of the Plant Sy-sm yesterday fer Baltimore. Mr. IV J Burly w among the pas sengers of the Plant System yesh-rday for Now York. Miss M 1. Palmer was among the pas *• tigers of the Sea I ward Air Dine yester day for Columbus. ..Mr and Mrs. K. 1,. Cooper leave to-day for Dalton, where they will apenct the Christmas holiday*. Mr* C. D. IMltwin and Mr W. P llaldwln were nawngers via the Sew l-’.ird Air l.lne yesterday for Petersburg j Messrs S. Marvin Booth, 8 T. Dc- I>oach. J IWsoarh, IVm <J. M'arnelt ] John H. IV.irnell wrwj XV. C. Perkin*, all of Hagan, are registered at the Screven Mr. Neyle Habersham Stmklns and Mr. ] Hohert Sehtrm are among the unjvershy ! b< ys who are expected home to-dny from I Athens, to spend their Christmas holl-lsys among friends and relatives. CITY BREVITIES. The fifty.thirl annual commnnicstlon of CHnton lexlge of M.ysous will be held 1 e - -k, ■ of officer-* for the next year will take place. Apple Brown, a negro who, night ho- j fore lasi, took the club of l*atrolnMii I Coffee from h'm and gava him two vicious J btowa on the head with It, waa sent to r-RMENINA 50= IM FOR WOMEN AN INFALLIBLE REMEDY For FEN ALE DISORDERS !h# barrx' li* y#iter*lay b? a • lUwi H# trill probably gt>m n h#**rlng thl* mirrnlng h#>forr Recorder limrtrldg#* Th# Mornlivg N#*w• hj##* vwith t'omfilim^nt* of Coi J F r*#it)*rl •f#nt o# th*- N>w York LAf<* Ifisurmnc# !’<xnpn)r, T- •cnimriv * i*r far 19M1 Like previous by NVw York lAf#* ibi for ?hr mm ng v#r i both •ttru#'!lvr xirvi convrn‘#n? for uj**. Thr Sunrlay wrhool of thr louthitd# Rgp tidt Church will hxv# it* brat lon at tho cburi'h W#* !n#**>iay night A iiruitramm* of rotation* orvd ha* 1# # n prp*re i for th## a> s*lon in I In #Millon !hrr will b#* |r*#nti for tnr rhJltr#n of th* #?hoo! Th# g#*n#rml p'ii>- U* In lnviu#! to b# j*r#*'#nt. Th# 'hriMtn ia numbtr of th# War Salvation Army # orga#i h an -t --traotlv#* on#*. 1# Uluttrttpd In olora. •h# titl#* rag# a pat hot ir pictur*. "Th# f!riipl#'a Ghrlutma# Th# |n*id# tar# #!#vot##l to Htivation Army work th# r#nt#r pirtur# b#lng two pag'** ix. <d!oi of Ma<ii” .ar< N#w York wish tht Chritmi j (tarty a y#ar ago, wti#r# 25 w (tour pro ps# wan* Th** twprr al#o half a dogMi png*- of Uhrlwtmaa r#afil;g har<igom#ly gluHtrat##l. omm or myrtmc i/idoe. Ki l|bo of P>thla* WFnil-% n nna I Dlrrlinn. At a maailbg of Myrtl# I s'Agr, No f*. K of P, h#ki la**t nkghf. th# foi-iowlng o.Uctri w#r# #leotfO for the framing ywr: C. C.—H .S M#rritt. V. C—R K Hank# T W R lkirtl#\ M. a? A.—W. R Zimmwt || M t E—l c Hemley. M of f.-W. I Clalbomcb M of W.-A Conrad K of K A W. J RMdy. 1 G—W F Cl#r O. O •—W. K KuMli) Hall A-ho# lot ion- -J N la. M K Jon#:# and K. H Ma#on. Grnarml R#ll#f < ’ommltt##—W Runaall? Jr, D. T El Hot I, Fr#d Blnafald. S%NT % CIsAV % %T KPUOHTI. Two Humlrt'd I hi Id r*n Mdf Happy Itb Chrllma# Vrrnrn l#. Th# Sunday School of tha Epworth M#thodltt ChtMfh h#ld iia Chridmi* c#l#- Strntion laa< night. Th# <*brl#tma lr###. iha main fiauir## of th# affair# war# two aplandld #|riw'# pin## from Main#, which wer# haautifully d#<orat#<i with brilliant hanging# and ornam#-ntal objac#* an! loaded with th# J#> or mor# pr#*-nt# that war# Intended for th# pupil# of th# achool. Tli### pr#*#n? war#* dl#trlbut#*<l ?ift#r an interesting programme of song# and reci tation* iiultab • to th#* ##.* - •i and o’ca*w>n bad been glv#*n. When ih# disirlbutton aa*# mad# It was by a liva Santn Oau*. KEEP OUT THE COLD BY USE OF WEATHER STRIP. ii n as. 113 Brouthion Street. West Contractors and Builders’ and Mill Supplies. Cxsttfixs. 81—1 Beams. Columns .10.1 Chsnoei Bolls. Roil*. Weights, Tsnk*. Towers rtr. Bte*l Wire an.l Manila Rod*. Hoisting Engine- ami Pumiw. Jarks. Dar rl.-ks. Crabs, chain and Rope Hoist* Cast every doy. Make quirk delivery. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND BUP I’LY COMPANY, Augusta, 'la. These tiny Capsule* are supr-iotj to Balsam of Copaiba, ✓ —, V| Ia 1 CubebsorlnjectionsandflUlOlf ll CURE IN 48 HOURSVCVI J the *ame disease* without! inconvenience. > i v tirur~irts, CUR£ YOURSELF! lit* *- fur uuoataral fin-hssret-ii, *>!*• rriuiitiai or uicertlic&i f inuron* iMßbflta. I noand not Mtriß> , •* or !*•#. n itt ***** by Ortifvltu, of •**! In plain *rpp*f, br eipna*, pfMafcT lot m nr. or * hotfix. ** Circolrr •** on rwcMl HAIR R BALSAM IjJei aad the ."Air. V¥l IVnaiM a los m*Ll ynrfy'#* rati# to Hrator* Oraj 3™*? 'L ffl Hair to Ita Youthful Color. jSBI Cure* v-a-r J •*.,, a hair ts.-uif Empty Honshcads. tiatfiy , Malaaer* Uogabead* faa C. M. GILBERT & CO. J Dyspepsia Gravbeard cured me of Dyspepsia Nervous Dyspepsia. I did not suffer continu ally, but had four or five attacks every year. At such times my suffering was intense. I almost de spaired of life, though the doctors did what they could for me. Last spring I began to take Graybeard. I improv ed from the first and have had but one attack since— that was the lighest I ever had. Graybeard is the only thing that has made me feel like myself. Mrs. S. E. Clary, Greensboro. Ala. 9$ • MUr at trig stares. RCiPI -D DRAG CO.. Sol* Owners. iwnciti. LIQI'OR LICENSES Cly of Savannah, office Clerk of Coun i*H. Savannah. Oa., Dor. n. ISO"—The fol lowing application* to retail liquor dur ing the y*ar 1901. worn resd at mooting of Council Doc. 12. lion and referred to Committee of the Whole. W P BAILET. Clerk of CounclL Blenjer. F. No. Ill* Wmi Broad at reel. Boley, M 12* Congress street, west. Book hook, F. H , Bay street extension and Fair atroea. Brinkman. H C., 22h St Julian street, went. Beylagh, Thos K . No. 325 Fast Broad atreet. Bornateln, J., northwest comer St. Ju lian and Barnard streets. Brown Bros., corner Anderson and Blast Broad streets. Cain. Julia. No M Bay street, wess. Oohessey, David, northwest corner In dian and Ann streets. Cordes, John F . Montgomery .-tree’ and Whatley avenue. Egan. J. J No Ml Blast Broad atreet, Kskedor, W. 11, Weed Broad and Wayne streets Fnrlgbt. J No. 213 Price street. Fnte4man. J. F.. No. !♦ Liberty street. east. Fehrenkamp. Henry, corner Bay street extension and Fair street Farrell. M. A., Bay and Lumber streets. Orimmt J. F.. northeast corner Ran dolph and Liberty streets Goodman Bros.. No. 13 Farm street Uartlerosn. W. H , Randolph and Ogle thorpe avenue. Ortnam. John H., President and Dray- Son street* Oerken. Henry. Agent, No 715 Wheaton street. Orimm, Albert, corner West Broad and Thirty-second streets. Hotchkiss A Nevlll. southwest corner Broughton and Jefferson street^. Harne. W A.. No 111 Tattnall street. Hersfeld. Hans. 558 Broughton street, corner Houston street. Hettman, C. H . Kast Broad and Bryan streets Joyce, James J., No. 214 Fast Broad street Jones. Oeorge H 139 West Broad street, Johnson. Martin. No 42 Reynolds street. Jachens, F H . 533 Pine street Jernlgan, F. 0., northwest corner Lum ber and Zubly streets. Jackson. Andrew, No. 42 Whitaker atreet Kink John. No. 412 Drayton street. Konemann. C. H , 283 Farm atreet. Landaverk. B. C„ No 17 Bay s’reet. ewst. Lang. Nicholas, No. 3* Barnard street. Morton. Peter. Manager, 312 Broughton *lret. fiat. Mon sees, C. H.. corner Hull and Jeffer son *4re*< Murk'll. Dora, Mra., Thunderbolt road, near tollgate. Perry. F. L. A Cos.. Bull and River street*. Ralntx. F W. H P 1 Indian street Ramin. M. A 800. Congrats and West Broad streets. Bllverstein. David. No. 232 Bt. Julian atreet. weal. Schnaar*. F.. corner Andrraon ard Whitaker streeas. Schroder, (leorge. southeast comer West Broad and Weldburg streets. Stem. J D.. No. 53* Jones street, west. Brhlotelburg. D., comer Price and Hall streets. Btnlth. W. T. K., 412 Congress street west. Banders, PhlUp. corner Bull and Twelfth gt retd*. . Slater, Jse. F., No. U Bail Broad street OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR NEW YOkk, BOSTON AND TME EAST. 1 b-n iivommod.itiorn All the cotnforts of n modern hottl. Elec tric lights. I tabic. Tit inclut!. and berths* aboiri ehlp. PASSENGER FARES FROM SAVANNAH. TO NEW YORK—First Cabin. IS). KVw Cabin Round Trip. 333; Intermedi ate Cabin, HI 90: Intermediate Cabin. Round Trip, 324 <V Steerage. |lO. TO BOSTON Kits- Cabin. 322. First Cabin Hound Trip, <;. Intermediate Cabin I< t; Intermediate Cabin, Round Trip, 323.0) S’eemgc, jn.75. The express *t-amshipa of this line are appointed to rail from Bavannah. Can tral (*Kh) meridian time, as follows; MUDIII TO >t:tv York. CITY OK AI'GI'STA. Capt. Daggett, BATTRDAY, I>*v 23. 6:09 p. m. NACOOCHBB, Capt. Smith. TI'KftDAY. Dec. 2i. * 39 p. m. KANSAS CITY Capi. Fisher, THURS DAY, Dev. 27. 9 09 |. m. TAI,L>AHABSEE. Capt. Iskln*. BATCR- I'AY. Dee. . 11:00 p. m CITY OP AI'GI'STA. Capt. Daggett. Tt'KSDAY. Jsn 1. 2:00 p. ni. •CITY UK BIRMINGHAM Capt Ilerg. WEDNESDAY". Jan 3.3 p m NACOOCHHK. 'apt. Smith. THI'RS DAY. Jan. 3. S:sl p, m. KANSAS CITY. Capt. nher. BATCR- I'AY, Jan. 6. . r :3o p. m, TALI.AHASSKE, Cap: Askln*. Tt’ES DAY. Jan. 3. 7 30 p. m. CITY Of AI'GI'STA. '*apt_ Daggett. THI'RSDAV Jan. 1" X# |i. m. NACOOCREE. Cap* Smith. SATI'RDAY. Jan. 12, 10:39 |>. m. •NOTlCE—Steamship City of Birmingham will not carry passengers. Steamship City of Macon. Capt. Savage, will ply Igtween New York and Bod lon on thr following tchedult: L *f V ,”!£ ",°"' 0n ,frnm r i,r I I*!?ve *Vstor for New York (from Lewi. 1 , U .t ** UOO noon>l I Wharf) at 13:00 inoonl. Dec 2k. Jsn 1. Jdn - • *•• 3*. 3® I 9. M, 28 ) Thin • ompany rwrvm the right to ch;ng* its ..iinre ..* without llubllity or account ability thcrafor. w YOrl ‘ f ° r Bv “ nnah T-dr.. Thursdays and Saturdays. sp. m YV G BREWER. City Th’ket and Passenger Agent, 107 Bull street. Savannah. Ga R O TRKZEYANT. Agent. Savannah, Oa. P. E lbfevre. MaiMfrr, New Pier 25. North River, New York. steljea. A., northweet comer Jackson nnl Rejrnoldf iirrati. Hiater. J. C.. Congree* and Jefferson street*. Tholken. Geo H.. 172 Arnold atreet*. Taylor. J. K.. northwest corner Ogle thorpe avenue and Price atreet* Tletjen. John T.. 22J West Hroad atreet. Winter AJnplh. 1M Barnard atreet. SS allace. IA M . DOR Htewurt atreet Wellbrock. John F . r-24 J.lTereon atreet Thane*. F.ugene I).. 1S Bay etreet, east. JOHN G. HI TLER, -DEALERS IN- Patnta, Oil* and Qlaaa. Hash. Door*. Blind* and Builder* Bund..a, Plam and Decorative Wall Paper. Furtign ad Do mftlc i ' Oifnii. Lime. I’ltaier s*n<J H.ttr s>de Agent for Abnatlne Cold Water Paint 3D Congrea* street west. nj l* si Jullaii at reel. west. Buslntii Office Morning New*. , I Carbuncles J. W. Williamson of Cairo, Ga.. writes: “I thought for some time I would write to let you know what Graybeard has done for me. I was troubled with risings or carbuncles for eight years and notfc would do me any good. I have lost as many as 35 days with only one of these boils. I had a bad one when I began to take Graybeard, and two bottles stopped it, and I have not had one since, and this has been 3 years ago. The last year I had one, and before 1 began to take Graybeard I lost a third of the year from, it, 91 • botll# *1 drag r#r#. OHIO CO., Pal# fbvneri. •CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Cspt. Bsrg, MONDAY, Jan. 11. 12:hn noon. Kansas city, ca Pt Kiher. tl kbdat. Jsn. 15, 12 .30 p, ni TALLAHASSEE. i'apt. Asklns. THt'RS DAY. Jan. 17. mu p. m. CITY <r AIOFHTA Copt Daggett. BATFRDAY, Jan. I*. 4 in p. m. NACOOOHFE. Cspt. Smtih. TCESDAY, Jan. 22. ti 00 p nj. KANSAS city. (’apt. Fisher. THCRB - J;sn 24, Him p. m. •CITY oe BIRMINGHAM Capt. Berg. lit HKOAY, Jit: 21. I'ti p. m. TALLAHABBKK. Capt. Asklns, SATT'R HAY. J.n. 28, 9 *i p. m. CITI ni' A CGI 'STA Capt. Itaggelt. TfKSI'AY Jan, w. 12 p rr NACim.i-hkk, Copt Smith. THI RSDAT, Jan. 31, p. m E W. SMITH. Ciisn iit ~ Creignt Agent. Savannah. Oa. WALTER HAWKINS, Genera! Ascent. Trafll Department w. H. PLEASANTS. General Freisgnt ami Pasrenger Agent. New Pier 3S. North River. New York. =r==-_.:s:;:a c.=3 Bone Meal For Chicken I'cod and Fertiliser. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for "home-mixed" fertllisor. The cheapest and moat concentrated oa the market Send for partlculara IIAY.UHAIA, COW FEU). BRAY, EffT, SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, •Phone 221 1U Bay street, treat W. ROSS ORAVENER, Manufacturers Aflcnt, RAILW AY AID MILL SI I , I*LIK. Provident Build tog* w. Savannah, Om,