The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 23, 1900, Page 18, Image 18

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18 ' T TW6 Matiaff and Si*ht linyfa • % Midnight Krldav Mghl-"W lint tn ,laafa. M From Ih* h .•in*** fmitH a t v!m* of fhe theatric*! nnn tt is proU*Ny w* II that thr* art but two AtiraciiocM# at the play houee tin* n**k Ho*rtey tn*e la always r. kv for th* nho* business. H*vt a ‘ A Midnight Boll** wtll the rtiriatmaf attra< tkm, arwl there will no rtoiibt b hfitiiM at both perfor r*af aa f r many paip* *.hoo*e thlf form on atawtmont on h* grewieet day In t‘* ytar Brow#Ui *e*a eperkling firra What Happmtd to Jone*" Frld> right. 'Th* Rwm After Dark.** a mrto • tretra dealing with Ufa oa Now York'* famoua tl*wx>ugtfare. m§ tlw* • ‘traction m tha thoatar la at right ar.d at a tta# ffftwday afternoon. Terrei a Mr- Oovmi. th* fighting woadar w th# prtnri |mU Miiwtm. He y.4ay* th* part of t bon ary hero. nn3 doaa a fata stunt* with th* glovaa In an exhibition. i hark* 11 Hoyt a • A Midnight Bell" la on* of th* many bright covnedtc# from th* fir a of the lata pky wr*ghf. It U • dlettnct and different from the K- ali<u far* • nomwdi* at (Mmcould wt*h. It la true that It la a ovmady, farolal In It natara, but It ha* a plot. a atory of aufllotwkt atrengih to oarry tha Imer*- t from wha txgmutr.f to Lhe and of th* p*y Thor* ho* b*an no *#r rifle* of that pe culiar faculty of cartcature nod comical ron to rqutgreraiioii that ha* heretofore dtatlnguiwr<*d Mr. Havt'a work. twit th** f*#tur*# have modi lied bv aoor|iill<n with incident* and other work* <W **- vtaua order, eo that it la quite a* amus ing aa other work* of its author when II to aitititw, and at the aame time oo upy a higher p.aiu* Uiwn tba oth- ****m QtALON PUTi HIsToOT IN H'* er*. “A Mtfoigtit BMI " presents an tn stcry In a legitimate, diainallc way, davslopii.g character consist! roly following a distinct. oar sillily devised l*ol. the mirth, gsiety and absurdity he- IHf rraaninbi* atljunrla or outputs of •ran* and rtrcumetam. a. AM.* H<iff and, who all appear at • Dot” the part originally played by Alauda Adams, la versatile actress, who Itaa wide .xperten, e, embracing several seasons with Augustin Italy's New York r'onipany. tier talents and her genius era of a stamp all her own. Tha artistic ex cel lama of her performance, the charm ing vivacity end grace, the truthfulness, precision and intensity of her own work captivate all who see her. Tbs supporting company includes Harry 8. Robinson as "Item-on Tldil.” the vil lage Pooh Hah. Goa Tate, us "Martin Tripp;" Harry Mainhalt aa thn lawyer; J. K Gregory, 1L B. Chirr, Horace Wright, Loudon Mof'ormiitc as a irrlest, Robert J. Riddell, C. J. Devlin, 11. R. Oory, Ray 8. Averlll, Emma Butler, Lucy Parker. Rachel Barr, R.atrchn Culhngtoo, Mil Hammond ami lillls lsawson, spe clAlly engaged to Introduce her tlea. The aotlon of "What Happened to Jones," George H. BriaidhuraCa suncess tui farce, all takes place In one avenlug In tha honut of Ebnuvzcr (ioodly, a pro feasor of anatomy. In an Eastern univer sity. Tbs professor's faintly consists of his wife, two dauKblers. his ward, his wife's maiden sister, and a Swedish serv ant girl. The tamtly Is expecting the ar rival of the Hev. Anthony Goodly. D. I>„ lllebop of Ballarat, who has not seen his brother for thirty yeara, and who has never met any of the member* of hie household Tha cbaracier of the Bishop Is tbovn by the hooks ha wrote, "The Mistakes of Darwin, or tha Falsity of Theory of Evolution,” and "Snowdrops and Violets." a few blossoms from hie poetical garden. Ostensibly the Bishop Is coming simply to sea l ie brother alter so many years separation, but really his visit la for a very different purpose. Tha professor. In his letters, had no des canted on tbs many virtues of hia tlster ta-iaw, that tha Bishop, although a stronger to her. had made hold to write ro her. tha result being, after several years of correspondence, he Is coming to marry bar. Jonas, a drummer for a hymn book house, who sells plsytng cards as aid* line, dons clerical garb and pla> tbe Bishop Tha farce has two very amus ing sub-plots running through It. Jones knows nothing of AusCrallw and leas of evolution, about which Minerva ts anx ious to Interrogate him When question ed shout "Bnowrops and Violets," ha dts eiaime all knowledge of horticulture. He falls m love with Cissy, the ward, and Is claimed by Alvina. the maiden slater. To •kin further complicate matters for him, the real Bishop cornea on the scene. The effort of Jones to keep tlic Bishop out of sight of the family lead to some extremely novel and funny eltuntions. Thera has been an Interesting an nouncement made during the past week If Is that J H. Ntoddart will likely make his farewell appearsr-•<• upon the stage next season. He Is to star In a play built upon lan Maclarv-n> "Beside the llonnle Ilrtev Bush." Mr Rtoddart Is probably the oldest actor upon the stage. He Is 73 years of ago, and bis first appearance was msde at the age of 1. He Is the sen. lor of Joseph Jefferson by a few months. If appears that Rlclwnl Mansfield. In spite of doleful auguries that accompan ied Ms production of "Henry V." Is meet ing with a degree of appreciation. He jiorts of his receipts from authoritative source* are gratifying. If Mansfield Is accorded the patronage that hi* venture obviously deserves It Is a matter of eon -mlolation. for It Is known that pre vious to Ms Injury during a duel on th* stage Hot hern was not suffering finan cially because ha dared to do "Hamlet There may ettll be hope tor William £naknapeafe’a Immortality In the theater as w.ll as In literature Maude Odell, wiio IS remembered as James O'Neill s leading woman last year here was until recently a member of tha Imperial stock. . lamia. She resigned because of an extra rastlnse without *<t ihttonal salary, and now curiously enoug.i Is going into epaia. Baa will appear with ■fha Cattle P iuar Coen pan v In Chicago. Deo. ill -1 tig in g the contralto role In ‘Hob Hoy.” fltuart Rolwon I.a-* an unpicturaaqua h* net-organ whi* h. though It la in* port that ItwHana pi#v* in tti street, com .\l Hobaofi marly I ■ #<• ft , tie <yi!v rem k*t# olirp he ha- of at #p#r* * i>tl The Cadi." In which Thomue iVihnukß w tha etur •■! Mr. Koheoct the ang* I. And Mr Hobpini do** not ogre for hatid-orgtn fnuavie. The benefit performance for the widow of Joseph *!t at the New York Theater ► ur*l $3 d0 including fI.(C given hy Hire Mr and a elmtUr amount fon trknifed by the While Kata A benefit at the H*’a#d Square Th-ater r*allx*d several hundre| d<uta:a and two mora |r f< rrii *i • are yet to be given. A finny atorv of Richard Manafleld'a %%lt 1* being widely rtftwited. He recent ly Invited a theatri al man to a aociai function he held and received In reply a letter In which the Invited on* said he would of MOMPitr be In a distant city >n that day, and berwua# of hie Inability to appear in two pla< #w at once would he un able to attend M trufield replied “Your exrua* |e auftW lent. I have already seen you Wfrpear in two piece*.” Korb** Robtrtpnn, the Fwiglteli actor haa announced tbnt he tio|ev to be united In wedlock to ilerfrude Klllott, th* pretty tatar-tn*law of Nat Goodwin, during th* Christmas time and that neit apring he meditates a piodu Hon of “The Winter'* Tale.' with Mu* KUkitt os Perdlta. Florence Heel the daughter of Koland Red. In to enter the vaudeville rank* Viola Alien will present *'ln the Falaco of the King" In New York on Dec. 31. 'The Village Few. t mas ter" will ree<h Its thousandth periormatica on Chrlatma* l.'va. Sarah Rerni..rdt aa La Toaea and C'#- ) qualln as 8-arpta In Hardou's famous play wers the principal feature of last week s theatricals In New York. Mrs. John Thlltp Swiss, wife of the popular composer. Is no 111 from typhoid l-neumonla In New York that her hus band has been summoned to her side Daniel Bandmann, once famous as a HI tke-7" < ’ o '(■ 1 to erf r 1t" ranks of vaudeville, his "specialty" being a scene from "The Merchant of Venice." The music lovers of Savannah are try ing to Induce the Icnert Jackson Con cert Company, which I* touring through Ihe East and South, en route to the West, to visit Havaimah on Jan. 7. Miss Jack eon la a pupil of the great master of the violin. Prof. Joachim, of Germany, who after Instructing her for five years, pro nounced her the greatest living worn in violinist and by far the greatest talent In music that America had aa yet pro duced. Her success In all the large cities of Europe and In the North and East of this country has established the truth of her master's assertion, made over three years ago. Heiduii Brail, who accom panies her. Is known to Savannah as the brilliant accompanist of Mm*. Nevada of last winter lie Is with Miss Jackson and will be the solo pianist on this occasion A pupil of lleiurl h Barth’s of Berlin, that master predicted for him au excep tionally hrtlilan career aa technician and Interpreter of the hlgheat class of music Mias Elborus, as a pupil of Lilli l,*h minn, has already won for herself In th* North and Hast a place amongst the first artists of song In 4hl country. It la sin cerely hoped that the public will re|*>ml to the earnest effort tietng made to •- j curs these rare artists for one evening In our city, and the tickets wtll be placed at one*, both upon private and public sale. Anew hurlerqu* to he produced short ly In Now York shows peter HruyVesant •lug up In Printing House Square after a sleep of two hundred and forty years, to go through the usual exciting expert. 1 .-nee of the resurrecUxl center of Interest in such pieces. A apoelat road company has been or ganised to play "Mistress Nell." tha sue. i eras ns.i" by Henrietta Ooeman In New York This company will make n tour of New Tork state, Pennsylvania and Ohio. The actress sglected for the title part Is said to be practically' unknown. James O’Neill esilmeres that he has played Monte t’rlsto" 3(W 0 times. Paul Keeter Is at work on a dramati zation of Mark Twain's "Tom Sawyer," and Is to take up "Huckleberry Finn" af terward. In Washington, Joseph Jefferson has on axhibftion 86 pointing* of hit own. When Sir Arthur Sullivan’s death oc curred he was well along In the composi tion of u new Irish opera for the I-on ilon Savoy Theater. Hcnrl*ta Prosman Is about the only star In New York who has rt yet an nounoe-| the "last performance." She Is still marked Inddlrlte. Stuart Robson Is the author of a recent magaxihe article *-ntltb-d "Fifty Year* on the Stage." In that time Mr Robson play ed over .100 different character-. Sara Rrrnlwrdt last week was intro duced to Ella Wh" ler Wilcox, ihe "poet ess of passion.” They indulg'd In some judicious flattery nnd finally settled to a discussion of gowns Ada Bernard, who aueceoded Jessie Maekaye with Jeff D- Angeles for a time, made a favorable impression and may again assume the cole which 1* now be ing filled by Paula Kdwarde*. -Max Iltnighelm and Max Etchenshel mer. two stildenta from Heidelberg, the noted German University, arrived In Now York recently ami havn now started on a walking tour across the continent They wear khaki eoatume and will help pay their expenssa by Uvlivciiug oc.-aaloual lecture*. TTTE MORNING NE VF: SFNDAY. DECEMBER 2-T. 1900. CHRISTMAS AT THE TRACK. (HACK RTRPfRRM l\ TlflC MPT ron m>t>u"t Kvt:m. The Katriea for tlie Trotting Rare* iiMrd and the I .Ulrica lor the \ Mile IhMh niiil Heat* and \ Haal* tn I lose T•-mitrrim light—'l hr starfrra In the Ifarweaa Ibrata ••Hmy 11..** '‘llnberf F./* ‘Ploat'a Iti tiers," **lloll7 Wood >nt,” and “Admiral.** Manager A. F. Doyle will save anrise noted horsew in tba aventa at (be Thun derbolt Park Christmas day. Tba I bor ough turds now at the tra-.'k Include Arlon, Irlah Hoy. Dutch Comedian. Klh* Fenian',, Htampt Henry Gibb.'. fCMter. Golden Hatties, Aba Karat. Imperator. King KuA and Irena Moore Jn addition to thaaa, J. H llat>4 baa a .rroad of yearlings and the noted Western horoa inan may probably etar:, aotna of the tn the abort ra eg. To-morrow morning the er.trtea (or the three-eighth mtle laah. Ilva-clghth mlK' h**ti aid three-quarter ni • la*h will lose, and Manager Doyla • kpe*-t to have large tleki* In a.i o( llirw * vents. Tno candidates In (he special harness m all In active Homing. hi**l all of them vi;l no doubt slum up a# th' dltiort. The starter* are May B Rob ert FV. flloal a Hitters. llo*i> Wood Nut and Admiral Henry lilavk 1* coming with larla Ham tnond. Henry II e**l fiwttlce. and wiil likely arrive -to-day. The Barnwell horse man I well known here, and tne 1 It.a. k stable will be well received by tae horaa men at the track. Mai.ager Doyla intends calling his card at a m o ( lock in order iha* the patrons of the track may have a hauce to *• all of the eve-iM* be fore dark. The track m lit good condition, having been worked all w>ek by the not*d rem*n>an Geonr- Haight Honu fast time H predicted by horsemen for Tuesday. Tlrtm* Interested in the stepper* are tn vited to visit the track to-day and wrlt nesn the fast ones receive their final workout hrunhew for th* ra ep Tuesday SMITH TIMHs RKADY. football tiattH* llefwws Hasanawh and Ft. Screven Will lie a Lively One. Th, football Rome that will be playntl (’tirtatmaa morning between the Savannah Football Team anJ team from Kort Screven to t*e a sharply conteat e<l one. I .lent. Hoyden telephoned from Tyt>ee yeetertoy that hU team la In Rood condi tion. ready for the Ram*, and would be up to the city early Tuoaday nwrntnß, com ing from tho lel.nd on a launch that hod secured for rhot purpoee The Savannah team 1* also In ei'-ellent . cndtUot. T*racllees have been held ev ery nlßht eacepi Saturday. The team has had >nlderablc new material added to it. etie e It wa, flret oruama and. and this. to*ether wkh the continued practice that has been had. mak.a M more than likely that spectators will see a much harder and more ectentill. otniKßle than they did at the former Rame. Among th'iee who are likely lo play In tht Rome that did not play before are l.ynah, Krenaon, and Ftitrh The Ilne-up of both teams will be .immunced t.-merrow. At the same lime that positions are decided on will he .etliert the question of the ofH< er of the Rsmc. Ko adfntaeton will he charxed ladles for entrance to the Rrounda and only a email one for admission to the Rrard stand. BOY a TO PI. tv roPTB.UU Utah School and lotsvtoa Cadets ‘I earns Will Meet. The hoy* of th* High S hool and th* I-awlon Cadet* are greatly Interested In the game of fnottall their respective teams are to play at the Holton Htreet Park Christmas day. The game wtll he • ailed at 4 o'clock In the afternoon and tt is expect eat lliat some excellent ploy ing will lar I). Bosh team* have been practicing hard for tbe contest, and there Is good ma terial on them. The average weight of the players 1 more than might be ex pected, being lit pounds White and blue are tha colors of lire High Hehool learn, sal those of the (*a <lets are orange and blue. It ts expocted that the cuairs of the terms will be worn by many of their respective admirers. I■ .Mowing 1* the line-up of the teams: High ftchool. Ca.lels Be.-kett center Robertson Hartrldge, A .. right guard Wells Hnr-Srtdge, E. left guard Doiv Hulltvan -.right tackle. .... Rlghton ColJltw leftt.ickle Heyward Adams right end Strong Kelly left end Rohertson 1t,.111y quarter ha k Cubbed*. right half hack...Pritchard Bell left half hack..*... lasuney Kfhoa fullback Rernhardl Substitutes: Fleming. Bythewood and Webb for the High £-bool. and Hams Dunlap ar.d Tyson for the Cadets. MAY rUf NEW OHMHM. Tram of Golfers From That City May Come to Savannah. A team representing the New Orleans Golf Club may visit Savannah between Christmas and New Year's day The team Is to play In Macon eoon, and correepond cure 1. on to ere If a match game with tho team from the Savannah club cannot be arranged The New Orleans tr im ha expressed a willingness to come to Savannah provid ed a return match can he arranged so tie played In New Orleans during tha next Mardl Oras. This Is th only question tbat prevent* the Havannah team from closing with the offer, as It is rot known that the local team can take the trip to the Mardl Gr*i. CURES BLOOD AND SKIN TROUBLES. TH I 41. THItTHFNT FH EH. la your blood poor? Is It thin? Now hlerdtig nnd headache? Pricking pain* In the -kin? Skin pale? Bkln feet hot ar.d swollen? All run down? Is your blood taut? Have you Pimples” Krup- Hone” Scrofula? Ealing Sores' Itch ing. burning Ecxema? 8011-? I 'tcers’i Cancer? Scaly Eruption*? Skin or Scalp itch” lllootl. Hair or Skin Hu mors? Tired out. with *' hes and pain* In bone# and Joints” Have you heredit ary or contracted Blood Poison? Ulcer- In throat or mouth” Swollen glands’ Rheumatism? As tired In rooming e* alien you went to bed” Have they P>- stsle.l mesßcal treatment” If you Iwve any of the above trouble* It B. H. tlto:- siile Blood Iktimi should Is- lik-n at once. B. H H has a peculiar effect— It drain* the impurities, poisons and humor* that cause all above troubles out of th* tdond. bone* and emtrn system, lest ling every sore, restoring to the Skin the Bloom of perfect health and making new, rich Bbsxt. Trial treatment of R B R free by ad dressing BLOOD HAi,M COMPANY. At lanta. Ga, Describe your trouble, amt w. wtll Include free medt<ai advice. B. H B. never falls to ruts quickly anil |*-r --manently. after all falls. Thoroughly tested tor thirty years Over 2.009 volun tary isal linonlaia of ounu by B. k U, Kf K RTVfCfHI W ERF. HIPPY. Thflr I hrlstanwg Ttw m Klndrrgwr ten bo. 1 %%*• KvJotH, The large ImU on Indian nrni Ann •treol*. (h i upir i bv Ih* Kii* BhMwIU Krw KlnJgrgwrttn. No. 1. wma the of munii luppirwi on KfMiy momliuK \*bek union dirt* Tings tree was l*eli there, *i.C uTTended by tb OhlMlttl StHl famiii*** ‘( be three kindergarten* c<wn* p(rhitig th* g>Tfll Upon tha trrn hung over 300 presents, the re-ii.* of neventl we* kl of hurt) work *f very amall hafgl-. To given to The luurent* or fHenri* of the children. There wen* ilendar* <!♦* *rau--i in vuriou* wave, picture franer-, r.*e*Yn* book?, blottar*. Icn wip* r*. match Iwldth. pin tr*y, at h-all* and mar y small artieba of i use. white the careful *ewirg. wa\irg. water fwintinr. paper-folding mno past ng bore wit tie to ktndargwrten in duatry. So many vl-lur -ecmed *kep*iegl h* to whtdhrr th* cnlldreu could do such work. Tiuit It t* well to relterat*- tlw*t the work was ell dons by tlw childPMi. • *C(pt in the c*v, of one or two who were Hick and had to !>• in order !to rtnieh in tlm* Speciai w#n> nuide fijt Mr. rd Mr* Ggorgo -I li*.d wln, Ml* Baldwin. Mr* MoOojr, the |rin til pul* of H • llffer.-nt ktbdergartoiig. td mmA t*en* factora of the children Krtili Hiul <ak ’ were atilt by kind frietel*. and werw dispetwed. while ea, 1 child wn given a csindg Iwg and rhrl-ttna.* born with a period of much Joyful no;*a aa a rvault of the larst. IMVUIOR IT POPPFR*. in*nlrr Sell Them to Clilldren of All Ages. Tne deadly cannon pppar. roeket and 1 Homan candl* wn>l a dozen other kinds of | firework*. Will h ive tho opportunity n gat In their work during this week. If mere la Anything the overage small boy takas a prkie in. It firing a popper Jus; u little bigger than the other boy, and taking n little bfcgg-r risk in holding It. A never goes by without bona youngaiar kjt-uni; a 11* t or tw. or . part of nla hand, o; an eye. or g**tting /da la.'*- disfigured hy a popper or roeket. This year's acrkL-nfs wurted 1n With young Murdo*k Htliliolin, who lost the end* of hi* Ungers by holding cannon popper Just n lit tie t<io long. The I'nnnnn |opper |a a dan gerous thing to fool with, atal the -won der is that more serious n ldt*nts k* not liMpism from th*au Tho tlrewrork 1 dealers and corner fniitstands s*ll them to boys without regard to age or slau so kng aa they have 4he price. IVirwnta. ton, wrtß not to mlrsl the danger In the ear splitting. evil gmelling i*optn*r until their hoy is minus some of his anatomy on a . oounf of 111 * ambition to get as near dan ger a he can i* far very few accidents ■ *ave been reis>! tel. btit with to-morrow, when i lie *rdinan--e aiUrw-ing fireworks for a week goes into effect, tho ohwnees are In favor of an incr**ae In flraworks casualties KMhHT* OF ROYAL AH4 II Udiner* f*r (hr I'.nsulng Yr*r Klvrl rl •( Annnwl Mn iln*. An wlwrtion of offlcpr* of i ho Knlrtvt* of Royal Arch ha a bten hi4d, and the followlnf officer* wet* -l*cb*d; Valiant Commander-Chari** Toue aalnt. Ll*iitat.ant ('oniman*l^r—Aumiat Oar*, tana Traaamrar—Jolm F. Luba. Rmordtr—W. F. Court nay. Chlaf Orator—Wm. M Walluaa. M**tar of (Ymtidilw -Thoma* Turner Captain of On*ri-Sm HtPlntnan. Tyler—Dick Hridenbark. iVMird of Minagart— Hanry Bctvroadtr. J K. Taylor and <V F. ('onnary. Mr IVaciry K. Drraaon ra.t tmderrh th#- iv xninaflon for valiant romman4#r. which position ha ha* h* Ul ev< r the ork'vintaat <#ti of th#* Knight* of th#* Royal Arch 1n Kavwnnah. but ho r#**i#*ftfully declined Mr. Ibramon l* ItautaiMiit com inaotW of tho Grain! !aigre of tho state and is acting grand \ illant cnmnuinder. making him tho high#**! ottl* #r in <Soor gta Mr l)ro(*d..n will install th- otfl#•#**•- of n*tn t'tty liOdfe, No. 5 on Jail. 3. '.m - -i SIM.Fit FROM *AY AY\ AH. Mr. ItsekesHe Gordon Rewarded as ••Finest Tenor In New York.'* Those of miutlrai testes nnd other# hi Savannah. wMI readily remember Mr Mackenzie Gordon, who, several yrsn ago. was connected with the choir of Christ Church Mr. Gonlon Is row In New York, whither he went from Hi vannah. Hnvannalilana will probable re call him n Mr. Ma dtensle, as he addc.l the "Oonlosi” afier leaving this city. He a recalled nl thin time by the receipt nf an announcement of a prospective aftor con. erf, lo la* given In the Astor Gallery. Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, on Jan. 1 Mr. Victor Harris will give fhe ms ert, producing for the Hr -1 time IJs.i l/dimann's "The Daisy Chain" and other naig cycles. Among those men lion cl as the eoneer. singer* are Mr. Mackenxie Gordon. Mrs. Heahury f. Ford Miss Marguerite Hall nnd Mr. Myron Whitney. Jr The young lady now studying vocal music In N.vv York from whom the announcement of the concert comes, la enthusiastic over Mr Gordon. She refers to him As the "flne.-t tenor in New York ” fIIICMW TO AT. AIUI STINE. New Thrnssh Houle for NYlnter Tourists |o He Inauauruletl. Anew train service direct from Chicago to Jacksonville and Ht. Augustine w-yi be Inaugurated by the Houthcm Railway this season for this first time. This means more for the Florida tour ist travel than at ftrst seems apparent. For many years the travel between Flor ida and Chicago has been ntlended by much discomfort. Changing sleepers tit uncomfortable hours, awaiting connections that made the Journey tedious, and all the discomforts attending to a long Journey where th* service was not a <Jlro,A one were |n< stents. The Chicago and Florida special will have a dally service, except Holiday, with an alternating service on the lines of the Chlcitgo and Eastern Illinois Railway, the Evansville ami Terre Haute Railroad and the Louisville and Nashville Railway to Cincinnati, and then via the Plant ftys teni and the Florida East Coast Railway to At Augustine, touching at Jackson ville. —A queer 'udlclal tangle Is reported from Osage county. Kansas It seem* that a young woman sued her hu-damd for ill force and got It. but after the decree bait been granted It was discovered that the husband was not yet of age ami there fore could not bo sued In a court of law It 4* said that the difficulty may he over come by anpotnUng a guardian for the bey amt then suing through him. -The Institution of Mining Engineers of Great Britain at Its recent meeting listened to a report on the opening of a mine which had been tightly closed for fifteen months. The first rush of air woa analysed and found to contain *4 per cent, of liilrcwtr.. IS I'- r •—?v of rlre -i*mp ae.t 4|* r cent, of carbon dioxide The condi tion of the mine was practically un changed and no damage had been ilone by the gases. Bread was dried as hard as biscuit, cooked btiron was quite fresh and wain lot horses had not evaporated. TOYS A CHILD SHOULD HAVE. HIM flit lit IIRITER OF THUHI THAT ARR OOOD A.M BAD. *tiggeat Inn* That Stiunld Prove of Yalae (u the Tli*nend* Who Are Making Pnrcliaaee for *nill Hoy* and ktrl—Rflprla Tbwt irw Pro- Uurvd I pon t lt||di!t Hind* by t re tain Toy*—Many llavr Arvrr ton - *idererf That There la Much to He trained for * l hftld ly the rarettH 4flrrtlon of III* Toy*. Few of ua con*i<lcr. I believe, wnen wo go at this busy e*-a* *or, Into a toy shop to make a purchase to delight the heart of *onv small sister or broth or. m-phew or niece, what tha toy that we scle't ht going to mean to tha fortunate recipient. Home times It ia a question of making the toy fit the hurry of ihe moment, or the price of the donor, or come into line with the many others that must be bought before Santa Claus w nda his way into retire ment for another year. Very seldom in much thought expended upon the real value that cannot be cal culated In dollars and cents* of the toy *n q w-tion. Ho a few reflection* upon the value of toys, from the standtxknt of the cliiid, may not come amiss at this sea son of the "toy rampaivt.'* How many of us realise th* great an tiquity of to> *? It la rather a wonder ful thought, that 11 tf!• children. aUnost since the world began, have pra llcaily all loved th* name playthings, anl that doll.-i am) tops, lulls and marbles have l>eeii handled and cherished for genera tions. It 1m ink that, as far as I know neither Josephus nor Herodotus makes any moiiMon of the toys in vogue among tamilies of their a quaintances, but chll lren li, that unenlightened age were no: oon.*hb red objects of any Interest what ever and **r doubt!* m beneath an hi torian a notn e. li>w*ver, 1 suspect tha those far-away children flew knee when the wind Mew. nursed their doll* and |4a\ed at "keeping hoime” a- serenely as they do now w-*-n they are the >b- Jects of so much study. The <ll- ov* rv of ancient tlm< was man; f modern tim woman, and now the child hn just b en discovered, says some wise perwn. so It behooves tm to know something about hi* interest In toys. Every good toy (and th<re are plenty of poor ones on the market) satlsfles ome instinct In the nature of the child The "caring-for" Instinct is satisfied by dolls, woolly lam bn, frlzahy dogs and even impossible H(ufre<l rat*, kittens and rah- Mia. Almost all children love dolls—bov* and giris alike—an lln their |4avt with them we sec the mother and father-love manifested, ami many phases of life re produced. So. nrat of all. on our ll*t of gr-l toys com#* dolls—nice, sensible dolls, with 'Truly** clothes that will button an-1 unbutton; not (he reversible horrors with two heads or "painted ladles,” with glued clothes. Older children have toy* that *otl*f\ their instinct for activity, an l bail*, top* kites, drums, trumpet*, hobby-horses ar* to pull, wagon* to draw, hoop** to roll, in short, anything wiih which thr proud owner, feeling htrmHf a cause “ton make thing* go.” For th* other type of chl.d. Whose life do-< not espr* ‘tJMdf so much 4n activity, but w-ho-• tin ire**loMi often go desper. we And draw ing slate*, water *<4ors. painting books ar and scrap books to be filled with the frutls of his latior. M#< hani< al toys have a place of th*lr own In the -mall boy's heart, and simple ones that are easily kept In order, "man io-moblle*.“ a* one 3-year-old says, and steam car* that can run on their own tra.-ks. urn very g.iod. Musical toy*- when they arc musical, are welcome to rhe childish heart because of the Innate love of rhythm, which Is one of tha earl lest Instructive faculties to develop. All toys, if painted at all, should have •drone, bright, durable color, to satisfy ■ i. ii t child shar* wkh th#- primitive race*. We have not touched upon one very Im portant cl a of toys, ail thove that are miniature reproduction of some* useful ar ti-!e. such as tubs. Irons, stoves, etc. These appeal directly to the Instinct of imitation in the child, and much delight 1* felt by the small housewife In using her rolling pin to make "thimble biscuit," or in washing dolly's clothes. Blocks of all t*w!s are to be recommended, because (hey appeal to the constructive instinct. "Then I must understand," wavs the uninitiated, "that ail toys are good" For you have gone over the whole category wltn hearty commendations." No indeed. 1 have left ut quite a number of "prev alent" toy*, prevalent aa th* meatdea and quite a- dbeiinKif A toy unnon that explodes, and toy plstois that snap pow der into the eyes, all the easily tx-nl tin toy* with sharp . dges fo cut small linger, ail the gaudy French "chiffons.*' that come to piece* If one looks at lh> m: all the elaborate contrivances that tly apart and are destroy'd when little hands wish to Inquire tneo the true Inwardness of them! Oh how I would like to throw ell these into tne w and wave many punishment* given by thoughtless moth ers for "destructlvene**," when the in stinct of Investigation that prompted the growing mind behind tile busy lingers Is entirely over-looked. Whose fault t* tt, I ask. In all fairness. If a remarkable structure of pa;* r and tinsel resembling a house, with no visible openings. I* giv en a child, ami !-,<• poke- In a shorn door or window to see what I* Inel l : or If. In a slUy thing composed of sliding bucket* going up and down for tro reason, he tries o take the buckets off to put them to retd n-e. or If he takes a stupid clown off his wire because ho would llk to see him in other positions than on his head, and his feet, alternately? Along with th'-e Impoaltlon- on the good nature of childhood, i would like to con sign to oblivion nil really Inartistic, ugly toys, and some of the funny ones tliat spulrm nnd wriggle ami Jump, when yon least expect It, and give nervous children food for bad dreams. Select your toy* with a view to a child's Imagination. Ho decs not like anythin* too-flnlshed. too perfect, for the reason that It does wot allow him any exercise for his creative faculties I owe heard a mother lamenting that her children took no plea-tire In an elaborate doll's bruise, or more correctly speaking mansion. w,th “all the modern Improvements ami fur nlsh< <1 In every particular even to the toy dishes with Imitation f <i on thent placed on tbe tallies." I could have told her the reason w hy. but some time* it t* a case of t'earls and other things not mentioned In polite society. There W i absolutely nothing for the children to do bat to gaxe ami admire, awl Hut Is n n a long process In childhood. Then, What about the (Killer patrol wagon reett so often nowadays? Granted that the moral able Involved In outside of a child’s experience, 1* the train of thought suggested n very healthy or elo vattng one? I have watched Innumerable children with patrol wagons, and unless they use It simply to ride |n (when surely an express wagon would do a* well), they invariably play nt "hiking up" p. raom and putting them in Jail, as Indent |. „ n ii to te expected. A flremsn's outfit I- ~ thing that tiring* suggestions of personal ccurnge. daring and rescue of the helpless but I cannot believe that parents quit take m th* significance of th* üblquttou* "police patrol." or a* the children them selves say. "Red Marta.” We see. then, that there Is a prin -|p|,. lo be found In the selection of toy/, in every thing else. All toys are good that are strong, durable, of good coto r and admit of Investigation, use ami re construction. alt toys that Imitate uat ur . or tha adivlUaa of Ufa and all toys that HOGAN’S Christmas Offerings. Fancy Pin Cushions. Pictures and Picture Frames. Dressed and Undressed Dolls. Soaps and Perfumes. Toilet Sets. Ladies’ and Gents’ Initial Handkerchiefs Fancy Sofa Pillows. Lambrequins and Pillow Shams. Ladies’ and Gents’ Fancy Hose and Half Hose. And every conceiva ble style of Ladies and Gents’ Ties. Lovely line of Satin Spreads, the $3.50 kind for $2.59. The swellest line of Lace Curtains in the city from 75c to SB.OO a pair. Eat your Christ mas Turkey on one Of our 75c yard Table Damasks, They are beauties. OCEAN STEAMSHIP^COMPANY LOR NEW YORK, BGSTON AND THE EAST. cabin All the convfort* c 4 a modern hotel. Blw*- trlc llghde l neictlled tat4o. Tickets Include moal* and bertha aboard iWp. PASSENGER FARES FROM SAVANNAH. To NEW TOHK Flint Chin. W>: Mr* <’ahln Hound Trip, I*s. Ino>rmMl ar Cabin. S1.VOO: Intrrtn. !!,le Cabin. Ronral Trip, J2l<#. St. rraß*. |l*>- TO BOSTON h'lrai Cabin, tKtini Cabin Knim<l Trip, sS>l. IntrrtnMUata Cabin JIT.OO, IntPrmriltatc Cabin, Hound Trip. #2* <t' Btrrraß,. HI TS. Th, npm. .laamshlpa of Ihl* line ara appoiniod lo aall from Savannah. Can iral (9th) meridian time, aa follow*: UVASNAH TO AKW YMHH. CITY OF ACOCSTA. Capt. I>a*Rtt, SATTRDAY. Dee. £:## p m. NAOOI v 'HKH Capt. Smlih, TT'ESDAY, Ih’C. i">, 7. .To p. m. KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fisher. THURB - IV-. J 7, SO' p. m. <-a|>t Asklns. SATL'K t>AY. Pec. 2S, 11:00 p m. CITY OF A' C.t STA. Capt. D ißßelt. TI’KSDAY. Jun. 1, 2 U 0 p. m •CITY OF RIKMINOHAM. C.ipl Rcrß. WnONKSIIAY. J in. 2. .1 p. m. NACOI K'HF.F, Capt. Smith, TirUHS DAY. Jnn 3, 3.30 p. m, KANSAS CITY. Fi*her. SATt'R DAY, Jan. J. 3:30 p. m. TAI.I.AIIASSKK Capt A-kihs. TIBS DAY, .ln. A. 7. J0 p. m. CITY OK AUOUHTA. Capt. Daggett, THURHIYAY. Jan. 10, 9 n p. m NAF(m)(’HKK, SATURDAY, Jan. 12. 10. JO p. m. •NOTlCß—Steamship City of Birmingham will not carry passengers. Steamship City of Macon. Capt. Savage, will ply between New York and Bos ton on the following schedule: Leave New York for Horton (from Tier j Leave Boston for New York (from Lewis' 3'.. North River, at 5; 00 noon), Dec. ! Wharf) at 111*) (boom Dee 16 Jan 1 29. Jan. 6. u 19. 38 | 9, 18, S3 JO. Phis company re-erve* the right to ■ hang* Its sailings without cotlca and without liability or accountability therefor. Sailings New York for Savannah Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, 8 p. tr W. G BREWER, City Ticket and Paa-cnger Agent. IT Hull street, Savannah, Oa B O. TRF.7.KVA.NT. Agent, Savannah. Ga. T. E LEFEVRE, Manager, New Pier ST>, North River, New Tork. it? SUNSET ROUTE. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. The Favorite and Best Route Line T A Louisiana, Texas, Mexico, I U California, and all Points We9t. STANDARD PULLMANS on all trains daily. EXCURSION PALACE PULLMANS daily, except Monday, Iron New Orleans to California and Ure*nn point*, at $5.00 P*r berlb. From Atlanta and Montgomery every Tuesday, Thursday and S*t* urday. FREE CHAIR CARS daily. New Orleans to Dallas, and til Middle and Northern Texas points. Daily Through Pullmans to Mexico City and San Francisco. Ibe I amous SUNSET LIMITED, every Monday, Thursday and Sat urday. New Orleans to San Francisco. The Finest, Fasteat Long Dis tance Train in tbe world. For all information, addre.s CLARENCE W. MUIPHEY, T. P, A., IB E **l Bryan St.. SAVANNAH. GA hnvn hern trl-d, approved at,.l adopted l>y previous generations of children. I had lioja.l to say something of the destructive toys of different nations, but after all. nearly everything come* to America, an.l it Is American children • ar considering. so for nan I of spare e will have to let that, nnd the ethical values Involved In the care of toys, go by default. We have seen, at hasat. that there ero many questions to be asked. 1 l il decisions t< In the trivial occupation of buying toys. Martha O. Backtab Supervisor of the Kale Baldwin Krce Klnderganen*. —The King of Italy has granted |>er* mission to t'apt. Bread, brother of King It T-Hu,'* -u.n, hi* mo ,h. • maitlßA tiiim, Waist Pattern, Fancy Silk. worth $3.39, for $2.60. Waist Pattern. Novelty Silk worth $4.49, for $3.39. Waist Pattern, Novelty Silk, worth $5.59, for 53.98. - - 1 - ■" 1 1 == wsa=*2a* Remnants of Dress Goods. Odds and ends of Plain and Fancy, ranging from 2 to 7 yards. Some fine. Imported Goods in This Lot to go at HALF-PRICE. Now is the time to buy your Tapestry, Table Covers and Portieres. We Have Decided to Close out our entire stock of FURS and CAPES at New York cost Come and see and know that we mean business. DANIEL HOGANT Corner Broughton and Barnard. •CITY OF BIRMINGHAM Cap* Rer*. MONDAY, Jan. 14, 12 00 noon KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, TUESDAY, Jan. 12.30 p. m TALLAHASSEE, ('apt. Asktna, THURS DAY, J.m. 17, 2.39 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Oapt Daggatt SATURDAY. Jan. 19. 4 00 p. m. NACoocilEE, ( apt. Smith. TUESDAY, Jan. 22. 6 00 p m. KANSAS CITY, ('apt. Flahar. THURS DAY, Jan 24, 800 p. m •CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. <~apt Berg, THURSDAY. Jan. 24. 8.00 p m. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. Askln*, SATUR DAY, Jan. 26. O S) p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, TUESDAY. Jan. 29. 12 SO p. m. NAcoocilEE. Oapt. Smith, THURSDAY, Jan. 31, 1.30 p. ro. I R W SMITH. ■ g Freight Agent. Savannah, G*. [WALTER HAWKINS, General Agent. Trafltr Department. 224 W Rjy g t Jgrluonvllle. Fla W R IM.EABANT9. ' ieperal Freight and Paaaenger Agent. New Pier *. North River, New York A l>n(rroga *pnt. Savannah. On.'. Dec. a —Editor Morning News: I*ast night a colored men fell Into ! the Bilbo canal on Bolton .erect where the . anal censes to be revered. The arch over the canal stops right In Bolton street! and there Is no guard, fence, or anything whatever to prevent a fixd paasenger front walking ofT Into the canal. Thta Is what the negro did. It Is gross carelessness In the , liy to leave such a place and noma one will have a claim again* ihe city ona of these days. O. C. Tlschmeyer. —The oil Industry of Southern Call fori , I Is progressing mirfdly. Two hundred welp were completed In November In one of !#• older districts, and prospecting la ggigg ** In several new sections.