The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 23, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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A LIST FOR LADIES. Fine Fur Wraps. House Jackets. House Gowns. Perrins’ Gloves. Fine Umbrellas. Rare Neckwear. Handkerchiefs. Lovely Nubias. Thimbles. Fans. Fine Hosiery. Fur Collarettes. Pocket Books. Fine Hosiery. Tailor Made Suits, Skirts and Waists. Novelties. MODERN FABLES BY GEORGE ADE. (Copyright, 1900, by Robert Howard Bumull. Once there was a cold-blooded Tourist who tied been Everywhere and seen Everythin*. Hl* Suit-Case wa Tapered with Foreign I.ihela. He knew snore about the Old World Ilian does the Wise Herman who wrtle* the Baedeker Guide-Hooka and can tell you the Price of Schnllxel at the moat remote Ilostlery In the Duchy of Hrat nurst. He had seen so many Sight* that now nothin* eoukt Move him Everything un der the Shining Canopy had become Dull and ordinary. He waa a Track-Hero Ter lormer. who had overlooked nothin* ex cept the North and Booth l’oles and a few Whlstllng-Post* on the Jerk-Water Divi sion of sha Fremont awl Elkhorn. When ilita Case-Hardened Traveler came back to the Inland Town In which hls Family had been set up as Ihe Ba<Ved White Cow for several Generations. It was not because the Bur* appealed to him. but because he had Done tho World so Thoroughly that alt Towns looked alike to him. It woolil be a case of Veg ■tatlng whether ha squatted in Vienna or Council Bluffs. For he had run the Gamut of Kxclte ment and was as Oaliotmed a Bteve dore. What he bad Been Throu*h would make a Jules Verne Narrative sound like one of the Ell Books written for the cul tured little Girls of Cambrld*o, Mass. He had been mixed up In so many Stir ling Adventures that P was about a Tie between him and Roosevelt. Ha had fought Bulb* In Seville and hunt ed Hl* Game In India. He bud been Ship wrecked In the Bouih Bea* and escaped o\sr ths Coral Beefs with the Man-Eat ing Sharks nibbling at hi* Toes. The Waat Rtvar Pirates had given him the Run In Chino. H* hod Stopped a Grlssly Bear In the Rookie- ami Perforated tho Rustlers lit Wyoming and put the Black Shroud on the Wheel at Slome Carlo and broken Window Glass at Port Hatd And now he returned to Ms Old Home, that had no Attraction* except a Free Reading Room and a Basket Ball Team. He felt that ke hat Played hht String and gone hls Length. He was what one might term Blase*, although It Is not hatd to be That In a town which pronounce* It Btaxe. He seldom came off of the HUfh Hors* or Ist down from the Puma. Ha did not THE EVE OF CHRISTMAS. Cotton to the Humble Joys of M 'ldle Class Americana, it was a Matter of l*rid< with him that hls Pulse never Jiggled and hi* Temperament never soooled up to Fever licit. Any Show of Emotion was regiarded ws Vulgar. When the whole Country having Its Quadrennial Epileptic Convulsion, known as the National Cam|algn, he did not so much as rememlier the Names of the Candidates. He wets lo an Arena to see a Cham ptonshtp Battle beiween Iwo Grand Idt lle Boys who did 133 at the Ringside. It was a Twenty Round Quarrel, full of Gore and Knock-!towns, but It never gave him a Tingle. While the Saloon Men were shrieking to the Participants to Real hls Block off and Jam him In the Kisser the yudid Traveller ant and read a Utile Book of Sonnets that he had Picked I'p In london. After the Kid had been car ried out of the King, looking like a Ham burger Bleak, tha Globe-Trotter looked up Wearily ami asked what the Score was It was the same as Cricket lo him. Even at a Foot Ball Game he was Calm as a Graven Image. He never But ted an Eye when the Peerless Half-Back went down the Field like a forked Flash of Lightning, leaving the Gridiron strewn with writhing Giants who were sure to get their Picture* In the Paper, with a Toss-I'p between the Obituary Column and the Sporting Page At the Supreme Moment. When the Hero threw hltnseff catapultllke across lie- Linear of White wash. and ion thousand Partisans KOt up on their Hind l egs ami yowled like Co yotes ami the Girls squealed ami fell be tween the Chairs ami loosened their Bach llalr. It was then that the Human Ice- Box sat there rewarding hls Finger Nalls and wearing ths? small dry Smile of tha Chap who Is Dreadfully Bored. He was undoubtedly the Champion Wet Blanket. It seemed that nothing short Of Electrocution would have sent a Thrill UP the Back of Hl* Neck. He would lean up against a Hot Water Pipe and have It Stone Cold on the Count of Ten He had what People who know a l.ttl* French call an Awful Case of the Ennui. Nothing Interested him and nothin* dis pleased him. He was Supremely ItvMffer rnt Ho was tha kind that gets up and Saunters out of the Theater when all of the Common Run have Goose Pimples up und down them ami their Eye* bulging out. wondering whether the Heroine Is going to Come Back at the Nobleman with a Dirk or accept the Money ond pi v with him. one Evening he went to a Party be cause It was too much TrouMe to send Be*.at* He slxed up the Assemblage with .. Fishy Eye while seated on a Moorish Divan.made In Orand Rapid*. Mich. Near him sat a Young Thing with a Baby B,,re. whose Brain-Throbs ran about four o the Minute Her Photograph may £ Un in front of am Gallery. She was not a World-Beater a* to Shape. S'? t*or General Get-Up She J.a.n*. hot not 100 Young The M ',r k etMn would have called her a good slxabla Broiler The Globe-Trotter had seen whole Flo k. Of the Same Kind com , ... 0 ( candy Store* and Wednesday M lilnee* In Budapest and Pari* he had “Cd up Doaen. who had her beaten . Block And yet she *■* ’*• Bta sort of srrouged over to make room forgot her Young People, snd her Elbow happened to touch llgblly the Dree# Cost ..f llie Cold Storage proposition. He fait B couple of Volts enter hi* System, and h( . began to curt an Autumn Leaf. He yj hunted through Mesopotamia and Malaheteland for a New Sensation with out getting 11. but he found Ic good ami ol.nty then and there on the queer Sofa, tie had heard of the Magnetic Girl, or the Georgia Wonder, but hr had not believed that any living Malden could send IM Currant crackling Into him. (or ha waa a To-morrow will be “CHRISTMAS EVE!” This seems a fit opportunity to wish our friends and patrons—and truly they are “legion”— A MERRY CHRISTMAS, And we trust it may be followed by many more “Merry Christmases” for them. OURS WILL BE A PLEASANT ONE* A GENEROUS PUBLIC HAS CONSPIRED, FOR A YEAR, TO THAT END. 1 There Is Only One First Class Fine CLOTHING and FURNISHING HOUSE in SAVANNAH. At least that was the impression conveyed by the crowds that taxed THE 810 STORE’S space and abilities during the past week. We feel no delicacy in saying that no other estab lishment in the city would have proven equal to the occasion. OUR STOCK IS REDUCED. But by no means exhausted. TO-MORROW’S DEMANDS Will as capably met and as satisfactorily supplied. B. H. LEVY & BRO. The Modern Fable of the Satiated Globe Trotter Who Found a New Kind of Nerve Twister Waiting for Him at Home. Non-Conductor, and In.-ul.iled t" Id*" But little l>ai-y, the Coming-Out Girl, did thi- Trick without an Effort. lie edited to Talk to her. hut It was Gtaalby to ths Carele-s Else of Manner. !•■■ t." Ku lii a Trance. Shi* held lo a But.on .a. hls Coat and buki-l up Into ... and . i ak Ia and the Wax on the Moor, und he Mt himself wafted away on a Fleecy Cloud, with two Angel- hov-rlng o\cr him and playing Rag-Time on Jeweled Mandolins. He, the Ca-t-lron Veteran, who had left strange, dark Women pining on IH-tant Shores, because he would not Warm Up. and whose Pride and Boikt It had been that nothing could Jar him. was now a. ally-hooted to the Queen's Taste, with hla Nervous System full of Hard Knot-. Hls Pulse pounded like a Steam Riveter Every Chandelier In the Room became a revolving Pin-Wheel. Someone had built a Fire under him. and he was -Jow ly Broiling In an Agony of Confused Hap piness She treated him to more White- Hot Em'Slono In Ten Minutes than he had found In Years of Travel. All that Night he followed Daisy around like a Trained Collie, and when he saw her dancing with veally Sopho more* and pinning Flower* on them, he went out Into the Conservatory, where he upset Flower Pot# ami gnawed the Geranium*. Next Day he wrote a Note and sent Orchid* and .wiled her up on the 'Phone and walked past the House two or three ' i Rot Ei... and he had to put Cold Water on hta Temples and take Nerve Food. He called every Evening unless she headed him off with sonic Excuse. Usual ly he found her with several Half-Bked Johnnies, whose Conversation was on the Order of a Supplement. He was Appalled to learn that Daisy regarded them a* Funny. Daisy dhl not earn whether a Man had been around ths World or only as far m> Indianapolis, so long as he could spring Jokes that would maae her Giggle. The Man of the World waa In a Fine Box Uke the Fellow In the Song, he couldn't tell why he loved her. hut ti dal He loved her so hard that he looked Wild out of the Eyes and went around with hi* Hair mue-l l.p, which was vary Amu-ing to little Daisy, for she could not see him at nil except as a Good Thing when ahe ran short on Violets and Choc olate Cream*. Hl* Rerord m a Traveler dal not make him any Stronger wllh her. The Apkwnb that 'omen from meeting the Ripping Swell* on the Continent never Touched her at all She simply wanted a nle*. gabhiy Boy who could take a Firm Hold and do the Two-Step for Hour* at a lime. The Globe-Trotter went Nanny. He fol lowed her hi the Street and tried to Soar* THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1000. I her lr.o an Acceptance by threatening fr him*Hf Whrticvpr bo l>rok* mm the Ho'tnft In- in lean I.rr ah.l Cry. H* *ot to ho .1 l*o*t ansi thoy h.l'l to Rtai kifftt him On the Day that IntiAv nnrrleil th** Ixow fV>mll.n of tho Amateur Dramatic Club tho < Jlobe-Trottcr tried to jump of* ho KnliroiHl Hri-lito. llm Hair tuml White in Hlx Month?* At pro*ont !io Mv** -if* a Hormft In tho Old M nA\ but ?*rmotimoji h i? onoountorwf late at niffht Jihtwrlnir to Moral- Somowh*ro there |a a Pilny wait ing wHh a Battery ufl hor fllreve. ■■■■■ 1,, i WITH A Tit %IV Kllrrt Owe Worn b> Mr. Itrwrj Vlml on Indian %\ onion. From tho City Journal. Fort Cl !>fon. I. T. Dec. 15—Mm (Jenr** I*wey, wife of tho f.imooa Admiral, wa* ! a resident of thl* pku*e ouee ujwn a timo. ; If ore he Apent hor first honeymoon. and tho oldor Indiin* ron>ombor hor well At tho timo of her murrkMto to (Jon. flaxen ho In command of tho troop* tho fort here They mad** no extended bridal tour, but came direct to the fort and bo k'.m opinir Their florae h.ul Jurt boon completed by the Ko%*tnment at a cant of IdO.flO 1 ). Tbo biul tlny xtill Aland*, and Is In almoet a* iroud rondition a a whon It waa dret built. It Ip a two-*tory Atone hous with a bapo motit. an*l a lurffo |or*’li run* t*ro#s the front. It 1a loomiihl on tho Mtchoat iioliit of “fjarrlpon hill." It contain* fourtoon room*, ah flnlphod in him k walnut. In ach room thoro la a hi* o|ot fireplace. Over the arch of tho ono In the room a* a parlor le thlw phrape, whl<h Mr*. thon Mm. Hascn. 1* Mid lo havo written: •'While I eh mutiny, the flro btim*" Hinoe Fort (Whpon wan as an army poet the houao* and barrack* built by tho irovernmenl at irr<wt coat have reverted to the C*heroko Indian tribe, and they are ueed a* roef<knoea principally by of the tribe. The rental nvney Into Uh- general fund. The home once occupied by the now Mrr. Dowry rent* for the munificent sum of $lO a month The old Cherokee* delipcht to talk of Mr*. Dowry. They all nwmltrr her wlib kindly foellngt*. While rhe was by far tha heat dre**ed woman tluit ever lived at the poet. *he wan never '**tu-k up." a* the Indian* nay. and waa a *rct favorlta amona them. In epewkiru? of her. Mr*. Georgia Hoott. an afod Cheroke*. woman, mid. •Mr*. Ha*en. now Mr*. lk‘Wcy. wa* (Mrhap* the flnext looking. l>e*t *lre*Ad ond wealthiest woman that ever Ilvwl at •he poet. Her coaiuitn** d*xxb*d u*. The flr*t g*wn I ever taw with a long truln wsia worn by her. A n<rro servant fol lowed her nrouml and h* Id k up. It w;* the fUfMlteAt eight the Ch**n>keeA ever p;w. Many of our wom*n to follow •ult, and got comumm with long trokiA, an.l thetr old ei-*lavep hold h*m up The Indian* weren't particular what klrwl of cloth their gowns were made of. and M wa* not an uncommon thing to aee an Indian woman going down the du*fy road in tho middle of the day clad In a calico gown with a long train held up by **rv ant*. Hut this fad diet! out noon after Mr*. Ifaxen left here *Tirlng the HA***n*' etay In Fort Oib- I ran." continued Mm. Scott, "we furnthed her with butter nnd milk flhc was v*ry i fond of freeh wweet m Ik. and would often 1 come HTid drink It Juwt a* It frrgn Lhe w ho talked to every body and waa very-pJe**ant. Kverybody here llhrd her She u**d to go to the ebon try ami rather wild flower*, and ehe *p*nt much ! * In the ummer boating on th* Orand 1 river. Hhe er.joye.l ouidorjr life. be* ! came quite a goi rifle *hot. Mr*. Hwiten I rave nearly all (Iw children In and * round I lhe "old town" toy* for Chriatmue pree enl*. fikmt* of thoe toy* *tlll adorn the mantelpiece* In n few of our old home*." Intrinsic Merit Is the soul of Christinas giving. Oil) MEN, OLD LADIES, YOUNG MEN, YOUNG LADIES, YOUTHS, MISSES, BOVS, GIRLS and CHILDREN Will find in our expansive HOLIDAY selec tions, as well as in our superb General Stock Answers to Every Christmas Suggestion From a substantial SUIT of CLOTHES to a DAINTY HANDKERCHIEF. Y our "last” “shopping” day before the GREAT DAD SHOULD BE WISELY SPENT. ALICE HUGHES’ PHOTOGRAPHS. Chosen Photographer of Royalty and the Aristoc racy of Europe. LADY GREY BDOERTON AND HFR TWIN SONS. Ths I.or. ton phoiagrapltvr of grratvst famr Just non ts Miss Ail,-. Hughr* for whoso i jm-r, ps. rs and pss-rnasrs, priio * snd prlnrossvr doligW to alt. Tlllsd folk sr this shrewd business woman’s spesrtiil ty and Justly la sha famwj. Her* ** the symiwthMle and artlatlc *jre that saw tho possibilities ot posing pretty women with Dowr-r* and for two years an All T photograph eoukl he mognli-d at-r.s.- a r,m by sheaves of llltas, roses, haw thorns or trailing ftoevrlng vlle-s Urn fair subject varrlad In bar hands, held tn hr , lap. ot ltftr.l to her appreciative nose. It Is still the fashion Kith the London fashionable b> tn, photographed In Bet floral pteee* un|.-.a the subjei* Is tha mother of pretty children. Gracefully sur rounded by the pletureaque daughters of the Duchess of Fife, and tho equally handsome sor* of the Ditches* of York, ! Her Royal Highness the Prlnee** of Wale* served as Miss Hughes’ first lovely example of this new moth- of photograph* Jt was not ut all surprslng ttait very pretty young mother* In England wished to follow this lead and one of tho moat successful family groupings has bean A “MEMO” FOR MEN. Holiday Neckwear, Smoking Coats, Bath Gowns, Dressing Gowns. Silk Nightrobes, Underwear, Half Hose, Suspenders. Leather Toilet Goods. Fine Kid Gloves. Fancy Vests. Canes. Umbrellas. Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Etc. Superb Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Etc. FOR BOYS. Christmas Neckwear, Overcoats, Reefers, Sutts, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Shirts. FOP INFANTS. Cloaks, Sacques, Socks, Caps, Mttts, Bootees, and other pretty articles. of a famously Italr AmtrU-an wtH* of Sir Philip (iray-Krrton and their twin • Ijii> Uroy-Krr>.i Ix-foea bar irarrUya Minx ("uyler. tlaaiwhier at Major t'uylrr of tha I'nttnl Storm Army; and In IMS (Mu hrauty. wham Draadan Chinn, parfaetlon of coloring ami feature haa excited Ui* rrvateet admiration all ovar Kurope. •* wall aa har own > nuotrjr, married Ihr younit, Ktnal loofc naf and !ft ttlllatan' ha r lo and of lha (MM, moat hottorahta ami wealthy barotdee In !£n lnnd Their twin acna appear In tho < harming pit-1 taro aa the rod about Uia beautiful joutag mother. , 7