The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 23, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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THREE killings in one day. Ift 4 %HO LINA'# ULOOOV NKC - • • fti> voh (iwiimiJti. ~,1 * %| laches I* All Ttirff Kill- Erldrr of Ifh \ rri old. Killed M l > rt|unll , i l,v n * ©known Party, Huppoanl 1., fin * e Hern an Irate I Itlsen—s. r Martin • allrd to III© lioor and • IH%%n In the Dark—Ow© Ne uro • Mead *ht • bjr Another Negro* 8 C.. Die. 22.—Three murder* m% day Is the record and there art i ** in each ca-e that |mh them be* u the ordinary class of killing*. !.,‘W Keldnr, 18 yearn of age. and ot . m family, wai OM of a party of nieu who went from 8u Georges, . „ter county, to rrifiuH'i, to at i dance last night. Thu i*arty went in on the Southern road. Arriving *n*ll‘a, it was found the social af i<i hern |k •!polled. The party, con- of level), kdtamd around tho town time to go to the depot to catch mu?** train for home. said that on the W’ay to the at at tun . were fired by the young men and * ime time guns were fired from i e side nee of Mr. I-oingfoid. It wa* IxK Felder war* missed. While he I.* 1? called, someone stumbled over „*< fie was dead. ©hot through the i is supposed by Hmditiri people. more mystery ai*out the case \.nteeti miles from Mimsboro, H P. i a farmer living alone. went to of nin house in response to the i harking of hts do*. As he opened ,l.u.r a nod of slugs was fired Into -tomach by someone standing in the Death resulted several hours aft • nerds. \ i egro. whose name ha* not been re rxi haw been arrested 4me narret y h *un had been freshly fired. the , was loaded with the same kind u.iar slugs fired into Mr Martin s ' ody • I h'tdewell. a negro, had hie head al io? off by a negro hoy of 18. Mr. 1 m On wan saw the hoy walk around im willi a gun. and a moment later *d the shot. Then the boy rati to him. * n* his throat and begged that n • \ cut It It was with difficulty M-. • war kept him away. No explanation . i killing i© given Milt J4AMT %II \ KRrtMIM. < oniftilllee of Officer© and f Itlsen© B|i|oinfed In lliianii. Ms ina. Dee. 22 -A committee of army f r * and citizen* ha* be, n appointed • I -*• !im* sanitary reform, and the new • and ■ for the sanitary department with fe.nee to house sewage, eespools and d'..l subjects. It consists of M.ijs. • Black, I-iine and Lye ter. for irmv. and St**n©re* Bustamante, Al • and lo t'ardenas, for the citizen*, cation of the commit tea is the out ..j . omplajnth of sanitary extravn and the unnecessary overhauilny |n the attempt to eradicate }* iv fever. *se of yellow fever among the • m>* has been r<qortd for several I there are in Lns Guay mas Ho*. • * • fen persons, all Spantartle, suf i 4 :rom the disease. M Black, the quartermaster, and hia vv return from the Castli!r I * to the second palace, w hich w is and two mouth* ago beemuso A *he •f MmJs. Cartwright. I.igo and Pat ■ normous yield of cane la creating Ik of a genera! strike among the m Eastern Culm. and f*yv. Gen. I preparing to send emigrant.* to :h© place* of the strikers should d.’, occur Ills 4 OMiITION 4 It I I 14 %L. lt*ae Tnltrn ro Tnllnh©©©** for Tresimeat. • i ir.* re, Fla., Dec. 22.-State Senator ■\\ <\ Mouse, who was shot and dangcr • ' wounded by Frank Waller, mer .int it l lumbcrmin. at Ashmore Thura l.i> til&ht us a result of a bustness tils* *it LK r Nims. House's brother-In .w M ing killed by Walker In the *am ■ dtukulty. was brought to Tallahassee by special train late this afternoon for suigl tr*itmeftt. lit* condition is extremely critical. Tbs L <* in his abdomen ha* not been local iii*l House Is too weak to stand prob ■ rnyalctan Mid :-nig?>i >■ . It i . is resting fairly well Just now • r 1 1 think he has h fighting chancr, but don't lke his symptoms.” Wniker I* in custody for the killing of Nun-, but not locked in a cell. His brother is sheriff of Wakulla county, w! . re the tragedy occurred. TIVU KILIM) It TAMP*. tii Old Alan mid Ilia liraaHaitn Kill ed hy Plant |alMii >o. 7N. r impt. 11l . Doc. 22 Fehppc Alferro. ag.-d eighty, mu! hi* grandson Joo. aged mi were killed by Plant System train No. 7s il l* morning a* It ** leaving the city. Both wore on the track when the train • nne along and became so excited that • ■ \ could t.nt got off. The train killed i•• old man Inatanily. mashing every bone In hli- body and crushing hia bead. The Imy lived about an hour. The engineer i ide every possible effort to elop the train after he saw they could not get ofT iii track, but struck them before he could top. No blame I* attached to MH ' • • r or i 10 road fiw the acetdaat TUB lit!' ft P DKI'EtnEH. The Keel tafeetafally CaacgltlH Vf the Mcreahoff. Teaterdwy. Bristol. It 1.. Dec. 22 -The keel for t new cup defemler was ttWMttfMly C 'liicleied at lha IlorreshOff*' lio|m> this afiemoan. The actual work of casting the great mass of upward* of ninety tone, took *U and a haif hour*, and wos don' e the south shop. The fires tvere lighted iider lho two melting pntt> between t ■ • lock nnd 5 o'clock this morning, the !• ' is having been previously filled with the pigs Of lead. Nn HerreshofT gave the order |o turn the valves which allowed • metal to run from the pots Into the k> el mould. NOTHING OP IHmRTARCC. ' lull'll f'entmltlee Adjourned Inlll After I b rise runs. West Point, N. Y„ Dec . 3.-The court •f Inquiry Investigating the allegation hat the late Oscar 1,. Boost w* so 111 rented whllQ a cadet at the military cadetny that bis health was Impaired be an work early to-day. Intending to finish i* labors ut noon fadeta Sherrill and latl of North Carolina gave some unlm ■irtarrt testimony, such as baa been often ■peated tn the course of this mvestlg*- on. The court adjourned until Wcdnto ay. Dec. St leeonrl lllrei' 1 not in 1..1..U to fte Aliollnbetl. Washington. Mr. 22.—The river and irbor bill as It Will be reported from the ou*e Committee' soon after the rccon nlng of Congrce on Jan S will carry a ’ovtalob abolishing thu Missouri Stiver tuunusloo, _ ■ ~ ~‘—- THE POOR PORTO RICANS. I hetr 4 oiniiumi \\ orir I niter Xraier lean Hole Hum t mler **,*• 4* l> Kmitir-iiirn l.i ©%©m. Jacksonvi.le. Fin I 2'.’—Dr. A. D Williams, assistant surgeon of the United States army, has arrived from Porto HleC, where he was detailed to make a report on conditions of the p*o|He as observed by him on a march with soldiers aero*-* the island That rcj*rt was mule to the ad jutant general, department of Porto Rico, <Ban Ju.m. A >py f the report was giv en out to-night by Dr. Williams, and shows an alarming condition. *'At Log Mina-,'’ the report says, *‘w began to see the vanguard of misery. In that small, squalid town there h* no inM- Lai man. Many were tick. A Mr Toti ciiand. the American school teachar tlw*rf, told me that many of the not only •if ti ie surrounding * untry. bit of the town, were in grea- distress. 1 a*kxi him the cau*c of jmi much sickness and w> tnnny deaths. He answered without hesi tation, 'For w iat of food.' The r i*irt continues. “At AdJuntH- the conditions were ap palling. men, w< ineti uk! hlldren, s>w*d len, bloated, dis*- ise<i uih! etna- rated, who** pinched .ii *| haggard fvatureg ap l*erred w* ighte<B with tne oorrows of years Wh n 1 isk-d tne city physician of Ad- Juntas. the * a use of such a large <kitth rate—62 deaths aiwl 4 births the week im mediateiy preceding our visit there, he replied: 'The death rata is anout the ■•"I" every w*-k. The prime cause, chronic starva ion.* " Dr. Wiiilame. in his report, declares that with fourteen patients in the hos pital hi this place and three nurses, the municipal authorities allow the steward to draw only one dollar a day In munici pal stamp.* for the subsisted-<> and care of the to*tier,*- and that the steward can reallxu only fs> rents for his stamps, and with that nmNin! daily* he has to provide the scanty hospital food. Lorr III.It CbOTHKa AT PFJiD. Itevenar tlfllerri VHinl %Ha 4 ondlt •inilli’* I’nrlti 4ln4ttf. N'ew York. Dec. 22 Miss Mary Condit- Smlth'a baggage was retained by the cus toms authorities when it was taken from •he Ame r l an Line steamship S. Louis to day and sent to the appraisers' store*. Mbs Condit-Smlthexplained tht*h* had k>M all her clothing In the siege of Pekin and that xh* had purchased new* ward rote whih in I*arl*. Bhe pleaded that her (Indies had been lost in the defense of Pekin she was entitled to bring into this country that which *ne had purchased abroad. Depute Oallector Herrlman and Deputy Purveyor Dowling said, however, that It was not for them to interpret the law-, and that they, therefore have to con fiscate her trunk* and loigx. DF.HATK ON % % NTA CLAI . Ihr Philadelphia Mothers* 4 Inti %a nd Without llrnrhing n lleds lon. From ihe Philadelphia Press The Philadelphia Mother's Club under took. at 1227 Arch street to smash Santa Claus Into ever‘.at* ting mi:hereens. Pres ident Mrs Herman 11. Btrney r*a*l a pa per on the subject. There w'ere exactly iwenty-two sotnoii present, twenty-one of w hom were mot hern. Five mom women subsequently arrived, .-willing the num ler to twenty-seven. Laoh had from threw to eleven bundles, imtrstbly in hunc* of the fact that there was no Santa Claus Mrs. Illruey itu.d that our OhrlMmes** were too elaborate, not only a* regarts trees with electric lights uml chUdren lie id* told the enormoua price of their pres ents. but that • uduration came in the telling of Santa Claus. * limit-ad of a simple story of Santa Claus," she said, “mothers tell of the Ice l>ala> © at tlwv North Pole and of hi# work shop, and low. when chimneys ate too -mall, tf. ntu. iom*e in at ti* windows. Now. ad that Is o%er-eiaborutlon and trouble i* nure to result.'' "Tli tha children what Hanta Claus typifies, not so much what lie is* Hay he i stands for u big. generous heart, for good will and love. When tha child get* old enough tell him that Rants Claus merely stands (or certain things, but has no tea: •iXlstvnc ." Then followed a flood of question# from the bundle-burdened throng, "When should you t#ll the truth to tin childvk(d Mrs*. Rlocum. "When he a>k* vou." answtsrcd Mrs. Blrney. "I heard of a chlkl," saki Mrs. Patter -on, “who was afraid of Hants Claus Ho her mother told her not to be ilmid. that the Santa Claus story was only made up to pleas© little children. A few day s after ward. while passing the nursery, she was horrified to hear her little daughter felt one of the neighbor # children tiiat there was no such things es God and the an* gels—that such stories were only made up to pica#** little children." Another member wanted to know If It wasn't possible for a child to enjoy a gift lust as much if the present came from a ! friend ar.d not from Han*a Claus? This led to a great deal of comment, on© w<man declaring that she always toid her children that papa ami mama were Santa Claus. Another said sh* didn’t ad vocate Santa Claus stories, because on© was compelled to coff trad lot them later. “Then sweep out ail the fairy tales, the mythology and the poetry from yom bookshelf." sweetly commented a mother “What have you to say of the Hanta Claus we sec in oil the big stores and who speak to the children?" asked <i woman. • Hut h a Hanta Claus l* too gross." an swered Mrs. llirney loftily. "It 1# too ma terial There Is no mysticism to such a figure—no poetry.". . . . The meeting broke up before 6 o clock, to that tha mothers could resume their shopping. Every woman had either ask „<l or answered a question concerning Hants Claus, ami not a blessed soul had .icrldrd on .nytliln* one way or th other. <la Their NA Inter I raise. Norfolk. Va . Dec. 3 -The l-attol States tiattlcshlp* Kcarsargc and Malta - ebuaetta parsed out the Capa this non, n,g .-ii route to Pensacola. Ha., the.r first stop, on their winter .-rutse. The! will reach there about Dec. 3 or 11. -The expedient of allowing a carrier pigeon, alien'd to have been stolen, lo flv away from Ihe court lo order lhat Its home might be known WO* #**- ed In Ka*t Orange. N. J . the <*her day, wllli such success Ibat il.sirge llennetl was held for tlv grind Jury on a charge of larceny He hsd lieen accused of steal ing sane cocks and a homing pigeon from Robert Kuratg. but the evVNtnce was so conflicting that Ii • derided 10 '*"*!'’J’' pig,-on out and see where It went. Hhorl ly after It had been rebn-rd the dove was found In Euralg s loft. —The handsome brosnte tablet. 12 feet by B. which th# slots of New Hampshire pro rented to the new battleship AJaboma. I* giving the officers a good deal of trouble || was Intended to occupy a position on h* exterior of the forward lurret. directly under and between th* two 12-lnrh gun.. Figureheads having be.-nme obsolete, that portion of a man-of-war I. owed nowaday, to receive the ahip's escutcheon But the workmen find it ImpoaaiW. to bora luge. In th* Ware* vised steel In order lo rivet It. and It may have to occupy a lea* con spl-nott* potdtlon. —Mr* Evangeline Heart*, the only worn.... member of the lower House of Colorado's legislature. I* now being talk e,l of fur U" i*U_e ot Speaker ot tbaj body. M THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 211, 190 b. THE DEATH OF DR. DEDGE. FATALLY SHOT AT A\l.l IP. HI Y4II N4i LEO* HORKRTA. I nlhrr* mill *ua In m Blood* shoot ing \*fY rn % —'l h•- FJder Hehtrta Radiy U ouMdrd-tll the Psrtlei • o the Htltlcul4* l*rmlnenf Men In Their Nelnhhorhol—'l he 4 anee af IN* Trenhle. OfferriMii. Ga. t IVc JB— News lias Just re.ichrd here by telephone of a shoot trig affray at Halite, a email Mutton on the Offerman and Western Hal.way, about i twenty mlicit north of this place. In which a number of prominent vAuiens were in ' volved and one probably fatally wounded. Dr. c w. Dftg* became engaged In a ■ quarrel nidi F. M. Hol**ris anout a sha4kty h* had tented to one of Uoler4' hand.- l>*on. a ftou of F. M Roberts, was near ami hearing D*Ug© curm his father inter fered. and he and Ddg* .hgd a lively tight, lasting about twenty tmnutce Dr. Dcdge left and the fight was | '.bought to I*© over, bu: iHdge returned lat* In the evening with hi* father Hl* fkther and old man Hobeita had a per sonal encounter in which Dr. D#dg© again ! took (Mir?. Old man Dedge and a man named Walker, from NloholD. drew their pistol* iml dar*d any on* to Interfere, after j Dedge had Roberts on the ground and nearly choked to death Jeovi Ro^*ert* I drew his pistol ami fired, the IhbU enter ing Dr Dedge;# body near th® heart D©dg© flr.*ii ml him three time# and fed •a k aying: “You have shot me through lint heart." Dr I ledge Is now dying and Leon Hob ! erts has a serious, but not fatal wound IH\ Dedg* owns extensive turpentine j interest* In Florida and *• a in*'tai j young dentist F M Roberts is a cross tie contractor. He is al*o at the i*olnt of death. 4 Hlt l#T M% * IN Ml: tiro. I'he I‘esllsnl llt-glna December 1. (( iinint 4 tiai tni— Ihr Pnaadna. From the New York Evening Post, rity of Mexico. Dec. 10.—A 4'hrisrma* in Mexico is celebrate*l In a way ho entirely dlffttrent from the #mvti* seasoti In the I'nlted Htrtfes that It is km<uilt to rcsvUae that the birth af th© sani# Havlour is be ing honored. As the ysaf# roll by tlie festlvllle* are .ees strictly observed in a purely religious wav. am! with lee* and ostentatkHi sociaily. law# have h*©n passml which forbid the beautiful church procession* going liej'oml the tloor*. In former days regiments of soldiers, generals, governors, preshlents. and the high church dignita ries took part, and the entire city sue pandad all business either to Join in the solemn inarch or reverently view it A# li* ruin wo implies, the Christmoa Novena lasts nine days. twl ronai*t pritteipaily of posnla-. the first lv*M on the evening of I>c* I<>. the last on Ia Noche Huerwa this U rle :nva Kve, or the Good night. Tli* two HtrwMts ktounding on the north and wet th* Alameda, with it;* trees ami How ore, fountains and shaded s*ats. are ('hoaen for the display of artiriaa for sai* lx>ads of evergreens, bright Iterria# and rich nvoases ar* brmvght In from the ooun ?rv by Indians, and piled along tha weet rn street, wtiiv delicate and feathery , gras#**. Among th© greens and browns. Indian women and children took and eat ihelr peppery dishes while the sales go ! on. On the north #l*l* ar* th© hamioaa. . or slm'lh. where are sw*©t* of file most tiiiuriitg color# and designs for all who havo tie money to buy. These good I** are to Is* used in t!© plnstas. which play a more prominent |#rt each year in the los,vda# as th© outward religious manl iest at lorn decline The word posadi mean# inn. and the nine posadaa hekl on the nine evening# before La Navldad. tlw Nativity, are In memory of the weary search of Joseph and Mary fur a place of rest after their Journey to Bethlehem, or Helen. Accord ing to th©© tradition# it was not until the ninth evening that a kindly innkeeper, or posadero. took pity on th* expectant mother. Among th* tiny figure* offered for sale, th* good |*©#ud©r*. I* well repre sented, though Joseph and Mary are prominent. While Mury ( .on her way to Bethlehem D a!wa># on mulehack. Joseph •officiime# is seen t* walk and lead the snimal, an angel following: or the angel leads whil* Joseph follows with a tiny cudgel |n his hands. Little groups show ihe Three Wise Men on their way with glft to the new-born Lord. In a f-w of these, servants bear the presems. hut a# a usual thing th* venerable men |>erforin themselves the tn*k. Little stables wlt/i decorated and a manger. Nino Bmn tow of wax. or porcelain, or clay, are ready near by to be bought and carried in the poada procession and laid In th * Ctraai. It would b* hard to mention anything appropriate or ■uggestlve of the truvel# or life of the Hdy Family not fo be found in the atall* devoted t< their sal© Farm animal* and fowl*, milkmaid* and *tableboys, shepherds and their flo ks. Mars and angel*, ar* In pretty confusion, and th* careful buyer* know how to ar range them af home so that when guest* , HIM ii scan# baa bon 4 laverty interpreted and oil l* ready for the com ing of the rentr.ll figure—the Nino Santo —to be laid In the manger. One rnom In the house to which guests hsve been invited to take part In a pnswda Is set opart os the Inn end decorated sc cording to the means ami taste of the ho?* ami hostess. At a given signal those pres ent form a procession nnd wander through the room* and corridor*, around the pat io In and out the old Spanish arches, singing th* lltsnles and hymn*. The pro cession la always headed by one who car ries the babe—frequently a little girl Sometimes little children dressed aw an gels flit about, but this port of the poexda Is gradually vanishing At last the Inn door la reached. To the petitions of the travelers for admittance a denial I* chant ed from within, until after repeated ap peals. It Is told who It Is pleading for s refuge -then the door 1* flung open, a Joy ooo welcome Is givkn. all burst Into a hvmn of gladness. The babe Is taken arid laid In It* cuna or cradle In olden times this was always done by a priest. Now the evening gaieties tiegln The curious plnatas which have been displayed for sale In the stall* represent figures of human being* and animals, flowers and musbwl Instrument*, beauti ful and grotesque, but all bearing In their Interior, though daftly hidden by cover ings of tissue paper, a plnata or Jar of pottery to b* filled with goodies and toys During the evening one of several are suspended and turn* tak*n by the young folk and children, bl Iml fob led. In trying to break the plnata with * long stick When one aucceed*. 1 a scramble for the falling contents follow*. Thousand* of* have been spent on one posed* In the home# of th*. wealthy, the souvenir* being of Oliver and gold Such lavtwhnesa I* becoming a thing of Ihe past. SENATOR HANNA row* SOI TH. AA 111 Upend lloltdaja In Miami and Klees*here la Florida. Miami. Fia.. D-o. 3.-t’nlt*a Btataa Senator Marcus A. Hanna and family will arrive tn Miami to-morrow night on ~ -periel train over the Ei -t Coast Rail road. The holiday* will be spent In Ml anil. West I’alm Beach and outer points Ot interest in Houlli Florida. The special train will leave Jacksonville at 7Jtf o clock jsg-taviiow doming- >-c CRIMES IN HIGH PLACES. Grrsiau Hanker* Ulni Posed es Phi lanthropists and Is-il \ leton* Lifts Meet Their lleseeta. Berlin, Deo. fi -Public attention w oc. upled this week with cimvea in high places The sentem s Imposed on fftffli lerg, th** millionaire banker, of two and a half years nnprlsotitner* aiul five year* deprivation of civil rights for crinn .* against morality, satisfies ttie public con science and i* well merited retribution B<er.U*rg rapidly acquired a fortune. e> ttmated at 18.iXb.0UG mark* by shady method*. and maintained ao'isl relations with high oflh tail and military men for years, while and ugulslng hi* most loathsome Crimea In the lowest Berlin life, lie wa* related by marriage to high officers, and wa* a free giver for charitable purpose* It was said In hia defer#* before tlva court that he had mad© a will leaving to th* Prussian government the bulk f hi# fortune, to *Ntabllsh an Institution for Insuring la borsrs agaln*t kws of work Tha other great case thl# week, the nr rest of mortgage banker* a I rncts an Im mense anwtunt of attention. Tlw- pr s- i* pdntlng out the re>4!tnblaiic* to Jhe Hternberg affair, sine* wealthy bankers, moving in the highest society, have 'ar ri*d on fraudulent practice© for year*. The chief offender Handeti, ma I* pr* t*nses of the greatest |detv lb- had a private chapel in a luxurlotia villa n Potsdam Hi* home w■# th* center of th* highest military and aristocratic n l*ty. H* was Potsdam's w- cltl aen. It ha* been shown that rtandeii * Ivuslnes# prscli *• were most questionable, lie would -onitel lorrow*r# t the hank to buy on* of hi# lots at a fancy price The losses will fall heavily ©n small In vestor# Th* fall In share# obligation off the two banks already r*pi-*nt about 176,‘W.0U0 mark*. It Is considered certain that th* arrested directors will get long *rni# of lmprl#onment for falsifying the balance sheets MYSTERY EtMIIT. M % YD. strung* Psychic Gift Posseaaed hy an t nlettered Mnt*. From th* Uhi ago Inter-Ocean A strange story ha* just been mud# pub lic by Barry Pain, the weL-known Eng lish author. U refers to w mysterious personag© who died many years ago. but It wan only recently that a Igmdoti phy sician, on© of th* few who knew th* weird story, told It to .Mr Pain. Th* ►** ret had been kfd faithfully by all th* witnesses tor various reasons, chief among which was th* fear •♦iat the tab- would b* received in a manner that might in jure th* professional standing of tho#e concerned. “It Is rays Mr Pain, "that -ome may remember th* <©#• of Hi harvi Gel!, who wa- the subject of a few new* pa|>er paragrapha In May and June. I#7T He was an unedu Wted man, th* son of a North Country miner. He t ame to I/>n don So exhibit what was supposed to *• a trick and to maks what money h© couid out of It. Richard Gell was accus tomed to drink hard, and Ye was certain ly not honewt. Ills trick wa* never quit* -atDfartorlly explained, but the man had discredited himself, and respectable *tu dents of psychology did not think it worth while, a# a rule, to have anything to do with him “His trick was this: lie took a seat In a room, and a high # reeti won placed all around bun, so that he could not be reeti lit file umc room, but at a illutan from th* acremn, a tab> w.ia placed with a -h©*l of paper on It On th* paper w a mode* of m hand, rather less than Ilf* site, mad© apparently of some kind of pumice stone. Thl* hand held a pencil Question* were asked by people In th* room, and th© hand, moving with no ap parent cause, wrote replies. The trick whs done In any room, and any re*n and table could In' need. The model of fh baud could be examined by anybody and at any time for Instance, It might be raised from Ih© paper whL* It wu* In th* a t of writing It wa* shown that Do hand could not b* Influenced hy m pow erful magnet, and thl* disposed of u* first explanation suggewted But be for* ue liod been in lamdon a fortnight Gal! was fined in a police court f>r being drunk and dl-orderly. And i*-op> w!io had been inclined to lake him serioualv left him alone. "They could not think If piuillile that a man of that type should be possessed of any abnormal psychic power They took a view which by many p-ojUe would still be held tn lie ijulte rmtiirwl At the same time an unprejudiced Inquirer might be disposed to ask why abnormal powers of tld* description should tie confined to the respectable and ascetic Is It not, In fact, a Utile absurd to lay down rules for a world of which we praetlnally know nothing? That was the opinion of a few 'tor-tons who had interested themselves In UeU’s case: they paid his tine at the 1 oUca Court nnd looked after him: they also Investigated Ida trick, if U could be called a trick. "Toward the end of June, I*7l. (Jell died suddenly In a house in Harley street The cause of death was some form of heart failure, and tha Jury found a verdict ac cordingly The aenuai Circumstances of lha death were not dlsclo*ot n! the In quest. "Hut one of the doctors who was prea ent has at laat told me what happened "(Jell had taken no stiumlants that day; he via shaky and complained lhat he ■felt bad ' Itut lie was quite willing, and even anxious, that the teat of Ida pow era should proceed lie was very nroud of them, and quite realised that reporl favorable to their genuine character men- Ing from scientific men would be of great value to Idm. His one object whs to make money out of the trick; he said thae he neither knaw nor cared how he did It The answers to questions that iiu.l been written by the model hand so far had contained nothing extraordinary. They wore answer* that might have been writ ten by (Jell himself dlreclli and they evm reproduced the misspellings which were habitual with him "The teat took place at t o'clock In the evening In the drawing-room of the house, on the first floor, overlooking the Stree) flaside* tJell there were four doc tors present, one of whom was the ten ant of the house tJell took his place, os usual. In the middle of the room, and a heavy gilt leather screen which had lieen brought from the consulilng-room was placed round him. The table on which the hand aod sheet of puper were pa ed was 10 or )3 feet distant from the screen. To the first question the hatsl wrote a childish answer at once Then one of Ove doctors asked 'What Is my age " The hand trembled, but did not move. fSell "poke from behind the screen and asked for something to drink A glass of water wo* banded to him behind the screen. The question was repeated, and the hand began to wrrlte. amt suddenly stopped Other question* were suggested, but the hand remain**! abwihMoly motton. lea*. Ths host turned round toward the screen and called out. 'What's the matter with you. (lelir Immediately the hand began to write. “Ii wrote from right to left, and In a character which waa not that of any lan guage with which any of the doctors present was acquainted The writing waa dona with great smooihneaa and regular ity Suddenly tbs hand shot over the side of th# table, fell on Ihe floor, and broka tn fragments. The host called out again. What's the matetr with you, Oelir There was no answer, and for a moment or two there was absolute silence In Ihe room. Then one of the men said: We had belter look Inlo this.' and went up to the acteen, "In attempting to pull It bark the jrkete tain* lU am ana a oath, Ue SISTERS OF GOOD SHEPHERD RELY ON PE-RU-NA TO FICHT CATARRH, COUGHS, COLOS, GRIP. Peruna for coughs I I dnd colis in children. ii 11 jin , . .yrk j I fAUtlxen __ j" JM:. —-Aj ■ |lf UUL m mm '■* I /P\ SISTERSGOODSHEPHERD Use Peruna for La GripDo and Winter Catarrh. N KVKKY country of the rlvtllxed w 'i ld th* Hi>lcr-* of Ih* (land Bh*|s h*rd ar* know tv Not roily do they mits*i*r to th* *pirituul and Intellect .m! n-#K of Ih* charge# committ©d to Ihetr an !*ut they hlmi minister t* their bodily n*ci#. Whi-iw v*-r t oughs nr colds, la gTl|stva or pneumonia moke tl*Mr ;t iqtcar aia** among the thl dr. n the** Hlster# are not dlacoti. *i n I. but know exactly the r*ma : die# to apply. With so nianv children to isk* '-ate of and to pntect from Hlmat* uml dl-e,***© the#** si*- A'kd prudent Hister# have found lVrunn a never tnlling safeguat l 4 olumltua. 0., July lo4k, ItHMi. I'he I'rrunu linis Mf*. ('•„ fnlnmhii*, 4. 4rn4lent*•*—>** % number id %-ars huh onr stteniion n called fo Dr. llurtmnn'B I'rninn mid alwee thro w* have sued 14 with snndrrfnl 11 so Its lor wrl|i, tmugliu, colds, and *• lurrlia I •Itseaecs of 4hr head and • lomncb ‘•I nr grip and sinter catarrh • speclnlly ll lws Itren id areaf ser % Ice fo th* tonintes of this lost If aftoa."—Mat era of th* 4. ood Mte|h©rd. There I# no other die* .<>* #* many •Meal tn its 111 so tnsldtmi* in IM .tpproti h. M (rnsiioiii |u hold upon th* RalMti, as la grippe 4>no© there. H Slavs until it i# cured, lax grtp|v Is oi * of th* ll h that titn* will not cure Th* affcr-*ffeci# of la gripp* do ni hswt* In any parilcular orgnn H iimouirts to a genet al irritability of th* mucous membraiuj of th* wiiol© body a flabbiness and paVtieaa of Die mu-oun niftnirat.* Rntnftink’t tii*r* la sn over emount of thin, watery nmooiu secrate.l. and at other times there is a dryness of lb* mucous surfa* **. Thera I* no remedy in th* world that tn**’- the conditions produced b> Ui gri(qm better than th* remetly f’erunn rerun a ftrengthans as it renovates. snoth*<- while It Miinmlaies. heals as It ox p unrates I*©runs is not a purgative, or cathartic, or arsLativ©. or silmiHant. nor u vegetabk or mineral poison. It reaches the source of all tßaease# of th* muooul membrane# by it** action on ih© vasoanotor system *f nerves. Th* following are of tlv© let ter# r*c-4ve I by I>r. Hartman cemcem mg th© curew Benina Is making lion F. Simmons, l ulled States Mar shal, \ltv4l*, Alabonvit. iqastkH It. hlgli ___________ prais* of Ih© mer its of IVruns ll* •g ip |i says: “After Jgei having n**d I>- | rufia for <i abort iif tlm* hml that mpp *' *br *xcei- "ft rem* lv hr th* grp Mikd ca . t tarrh ever pre *■ T > iatc*l I ran li©ar /‘•s f tUy recommend It 4l> any on*F. f VMwW BinwnoffW Vs| 7 Mr. Fra r,k Hauer, of Mlu i Hon. F. Hlmmon. Mlih^ rats. In iwwnt 1, _—l i,irr iv " I r* *>’ aiiyihlnir l—'‘ nl of > onr iw.llcli,.-. lor *. vrn Mlnlrr* 1 |ih<l *uff.r. I lih U Bilppo. n by ,*h Mila.'k no* , imllnr.t to the be*l. In t!.o winter of IWk. I w wtiw Kwl wttn hlml I* on hi* t h.ilr, with I.l* head l.w k ,ni,l hi* Jaw ilroppeJ. .t o*ll. Mon.- dea l. 11. M l- in In- llt. llme *n ni>- man, and now with tin *,<• flarlrnf abov him ha looked very ghastly. H© was wearing. I am told. dirty light suit, and tl of striking colors, with an Impoalbl© diamond In if. “Th* laxly was quit* cold, and rigor mortis had already set In. On* would hav* said that 8 had been dead at lsd thr<h hour,. There " lMtl* or nothin* 10 lx' done, bin llie do.-ton. dlru,ed It. and never mentioned what they were oil Ihlnkln* Tho* only eakl hen they rame .lownelolr* afterwar-l. All were u*re. ,| on one point-Kh hard <5. il inuet have t.... t. .h-H.I M'hlle the hand waa Kill! wrliln* Mt '-an never he proved.* rai l „„e of I hem. but I believe he dle.l Ju-t before Ihe hand raveraed, and wrote In the wranae eharaeler from right to left •'The art Una wa, ahown nihiequtiitly U> wall-known Orlanmllat. Ah he pick ed tip the paper he eald. ‘Why ihla Ih Santrttril * On looking at It more < loaely he Iht that thl, war wrong. Butt, la obvtmirly n Oriental language.* he m.i.l Til lake It away and let you know tn a day or two whni Ii to* ■Hut he never did He wa, found dead In hN tudy with Ihe paper before him." I’NOI.B s A It'S t* AAt El. IIKRD. (artwas fftory of th* Government'. Attempt to Itomeotleat* Ihe Comrl In Arlaona. From the Youth's Companion. Comparatively few people know that the I'ntted State* *t one time brought a large herd of camels to th* Boulhwest for army use*, and that a hoary, decrepit remnant of the herd has been wandering In Bouth ern Arison* and New Mexico until re cently The Importation of ramelo wo advised In the early 'W* when there wa tt great migration to the newly-found gold fields In California. Trains of osen horses an.l mules, wagon* loaded with human beings, household eWe. te and pro visions. In stow procession from Texas ami Missouri a< ros* the burning desert* of the Southwest on to Hie new K 1 Dorski. Transcontinental r.illroo-l wre hardly of In those days, and th- army was principally occupied tn the Ijeul iMward 7* Beale, sflerward a briaodbr general amt minister to Austria, while stationed at old Fort Yuma, on the border between California and Arlaona ami on th" *dg. Colorado desert, saw oi>* Of the stream* of migration pass. Ing by There waa so much disease and gsflerlng and death among the horse# and igjyp- that be cast about In hla mind for other animal* of transport, and cteroe to the opinion that camels could be uwed to Inestimable advantage So he. In con nection with Capt. Adams of Ihe garri son wrote at length on the matter to Jefferson If.vis. ihe Igecretary of War. Inclosing pi. lures showing Ibe different u* to which ihe "ship of the desert" might be put—carrying fl*kl cannon, hauling caitsvtw and comJ leg auaris- ■*. 11 wr i = rrr~- N | ;iid fol!r*we< la grlpf* 1 hint m forrild© *igh. I ft 'k*>i my wife to g* t m* Mtk >f !*<•- t uiat. I Alt us the druggist h<! not have it she jff*t g© iwtnHhliiK *ls* tiiat was tilghiv *e<tiifiievd*<i for la gripp**, <i ing th* *imc u# l**runn. 1 took tiiat, lut wa# not abb l Itwn ih* li©l. “1 lod my wlf* ihst If 1 d#i not get fVnma mnmi that 1 wnukl surely h* a srtpp© victim, as my Junsw f*lt s* | •tlckiixg lit fh*n I to town <mi g<i JaH nft V u nie a bottle of |v jOb |{ run#, aiul I took 2, I >t four s< j, Jr I cording to I** directln*** on lay I took flf <x i ar j * in> ahoullc ' hi;.l went iHit Into * Mr Frank Bauer* to chot wood. —— - “I had another slight attack, but i luhl Peruna lu the house It caused me but on© tnlng night. My wlf* want*"! to **nd for th© doctor hui I Um.K small <*<©*# itf Parana aveiy half hour snd knprovftl right slong ” Frank Hauer. Ilenry Dlstln, th* Inventor aisl maker of all th* band instrument* fur tha Henry Idstib Manuf.t* turmg <* , at WlUiatia*|M>it, Pa., is protiably the most active aid tnau in I'blladHphia 10-day He snd his wlf* raceiMly cslebrated llw* fiftieth annlveraary of tlielr marriage at their lsn*. on Routb Ninth street Mr. IhHiln cisnes from on* of th© most famous rn i #bul fsmlli* *f tt obi world, Ids father *nd grandfather lefrt him. m well os him**lf. having played at ikimost ii th© royal courts of England and tlm continent. Mr. Disiln writes concerning Peruna, the world-famous catarrh cur*, as fal lows: 1441 Mouth Ninth #tr**t Philadelphia. Pa.. May . \m Dr. 8. B Hartman: l>*ar Sir “I writ* to Inform you that I had t bad attack of la grippe laat shoolcrs at n brisk trut to the front of an engagement The Meat of the young officers were en thusiastically received by Mr. Davis, and a commission was soon sent oui from (tan Antonio. Tex., to Arlson.i to as. or tain the military uses to which camels could lie put In the (touthwes* Thn commission made a favorable report, and the ont come was a bill approprllftlng OO.OT) for tha pur. has,- and Imporiatlon of camels In December, 1*54 Mi) < Wayne was sent to I'lgypt mid Arabia to buy 77, cam el.' lie purchased the tint lot in Cairo. Having taken In these, Ihe navul stare* slph SiquMy sailed to Smyrna and t rim els of unother variety and from the Ara bleu .l. sert were bought These cost from i?a to I Mil each, sonn thing more than had Uni paid -for the Eg yj"lan sort The ttup|4y loaded whn < .uncle and fodder. iea. i1,. 1 Its |s,rl on the gulf of Mexico on February 10. 1*57. Three had died during the voyage, and slxiy-lwo remained well and hearty. The strange leasts were la boriously landed |n the course of aevrral •laya. I.'ndee the care of rapt J. N l’almer. about half the herd were taken Inland to ('amp Verde, when they began their military aervloe for Uncle Pam Th<- Othera were kept at ImllanoD where It sat proposed to experiment with them aa beasts of burden In moving army yupidiea In arid regions. In Texaa and the are men who to this day tell amusing stories ol the albinpts to use camels In tha army aer vler. A series of experiments ill testing th# physical strength and the ability to go long distance* In hot weather without water wore made. Hasksts and hamper# et provlstona of gr*i weigh! wee* experi mentally lashed to the came!** backs. But from the first Ihe hoetler* and stablemen were opposed to having anything lo do wllh the arrange beaats; leamsters de clined to transport provisions across Ihe deserts with them: the homes la the cav alry berante restive and ugly when sta bled or corraled with them. The animals were not (iroper.y cared for. Heveral died. In vain the army officers urged the hoatiers to give the camis a fair trial There were frequent re|*>rl* tiiat one or two bad broken away during the night and wandered away n ro* randy plans, and It has been suspected, that exiraordlnary *eal was not ala ly* pul forth to find the animals and tiring llirm back for military serve'* From May. I*B*. until IMI. some thlriv of them, which had become partly dome*- tlcated lo American wsv* and adapted to Ihe climate of the Southwest. were kep.' at the United Wales forts st Verde. El Paso and Yuma They were fed and oared for at the expense of fhe War Ilepart inent, but because lie troopers and team sters In the servke tfiukl not b* Induced or forded to use the beoat*. Instead of homes and mules, and Mpaclally hseiuse of the clumsiness of tha iimth' harness and the unusual labor tn packing and pre paring a "ship qf the desert" for service, they were seldom used. Jn the laat year or two of their Slav at the garrisons they were merely pensioners upon Uncle gum's bounty, and were never brought tmo ser vice. Then *he Civil War came on. and la lha •tir and wild exdiemtol ot tbos* day* la ; ! 'li' rro • "“Itjlrif Vr/ir 'tending 1 vl " i ape! sen/ictf: - f*- *m*ef ehioh l. t i more than x three months, and whtrh leß me with favS , itarrh, and several i.f m>* frioiwi# ad- X your wonderful mwllfllw, lYrtinu f Began wttti s loitl* th* firm wswh in Match, and it oariainUr did IT*- a great *ksil of g'-od J vus i*o well eat letted that I pir> another boril* ... WMI .iii.l fo||nw<,l ittrrvttoo*. SMi * (urnten with rv*r\ liotll*. nrt I •* k *’*" to Mtv that II h .-nrwl nr < t'-T --,„ti,K thr Prrtm* * all my IrlrtMl llrnrv DUllti Mr Jut.- mil, Ot HrM.irA.MII*. a. Milt ,h, lollowlii* "I Ihtnh • Imv, bnu h>n • t *> h*A not l„ ~, lor I’min.. Hi, yrwr, •*.. I had *tl|,|' v ry 1*4.1 Thr .hwlrtr . amr tn mo 111., rvrrv H.,y. hill t arad. tally ra worrr. I told iny litiahand I lt,.u*hl I ...,l<( run ly Ut. If 1 <l ml *i f*i* aonn. ••On© .lay I picked up the newspaper and accidentally found a teslimonlal of a w•man wtio had l**>en < ur*d of la gripp© by I‘ernna. I told any husbami I wanted to try i? l went directly b ih* drug and got a Inatle td IVruns 1 could see th* lni|*rov©m©r>! in a vary short tlm* and was soon aide •<> <8 ny work. 1 continued using It until 1 wa* entirely cured I have Indued a g* *• many to Irv tl* medirin* and sll hava had the iim* result. I have used It in my family for my liuslmuml and children for <*>kla end l.i gip|>*. I would not i> withmii it Iri th© house. I reaJly think It hsa added years to my life, and 1 fel I hav© no on© to tnank but did and Dr. Ilanniin. If otlmh Hufferers or* loducatl to try this wonderful inmlidii# they will Join me in Hits its prat see "- Airs. Jane tJlfi. Mr* TheophM* 8 hmlil. wife of tha #v-B*iT#tiry of th© German erifiiMt, writ** ih* following letter to Dr. Hart man in regard to IVrurva. 3417 Wabaah Av* , <*hlcjfo. 111. Tha l**ruii Medlcina Cos., ( Vdumbtis O : Gentlem* * I suffered thl* wlnler with s severe atla k fl la gupia*. and having r*p*at©dy iu-anl of th© value of such case#, f i would try it. 1 uaad It faithfully. and tvegari to feel a > charipa for tha better the aocniHi In tha ♦ LSicse of aw *k / 1 r very mudi Improved. Altar t *- HI using three hot r JP ties I not only W found the la grtpt-* ikad <ll*- i?sor**l. tmt my ■ ! gvueral Ii all h • was much hotter. Mr* Th* H- hmltt. *“ m "• 1 IVruim I* m *mt .l.-T ful r ■ tn I I v u nmly. n<l itU.lly ntor* !t." -Mr,. H< hmlli. A.i tr*Mt Th (Vruna M-M<-10, 00., of ColumtMM, Ohio, for • book troallii, mi calarrh. every army fort, ad attention was turned from Ihe camels The forts In Texas and fell Into .lieu**. and the hrssts w< re allowed to wander away at will. They traveled tn pairs, and sometimes In hunehes of four spfi.l six. across the des erts and Inlo ihe'mmintslns. Horn* lived for yesrs In the Panhandle of Texas, and In a few year* made thlr way a* far south aw the at.lie of Honors In Meildo In some Insian e* they muMlpdrd, hut In twenty years most of them died among the mountains, or were killed by lha In dians. At Intervals In Ibe lasi doaen year* th* soldiers In the garrisons In New Mesico nnd Arlx-mo have seen stray descendoata of Ihe original brrd running alsuia on tha alkali plains and amid lb* sag* brush in.l cactus. All mwrts agree that th# animals have grown while with age. are wild and Intractable as any mustang, that their hide has assumed a hard, leath ery appearance and that shey have hard, hotiy, horny hoofs, unlike lha cushiony Icet of the well-kept camel It le likely that a few of then* came.* till! survive, but they have not been seen In the central pert of either New Mesico or Arlaona In several years. A number of the members of the international Boun dary Commission ihwi reiontly finished a survey of the boundary line between the United States ami Mexico report that they saw two camels on their ptogree* through Southern Arlxona. and tha animals, al though seen well only through a fletd alass, upicared io be In their prime, and probably were descendants of soma of the original herd. TRULLKY < R CkriilnM klmppere’ Kaeltla* Ra lirrlrnrr tear l.ehalliia. I*i. Lebanon, I*. Dec, 2 -Two trolley care Oil the I .'ln non Valley Ktrr't Hallway, trawilxl with Chrlatmae ahoppere, collld '.l to-day between thia city and Annvllle. A number of per.ona were Injured, some aerloua. An lt-montha-old baby wee trampled upon by the [unu -atrteken pa nenpera unit I* not e* peeted to reoorwr. The front para of each car was reduced *n .pitmen ami tin- motormn aaved tlietitaelvea by Jumping. ' POtt Mt*' I UK I Mllll lIiKU. Hepublleana Will Hair Majority lit the %eaa l oarl. Frankfort, K y. .Deo 8 -The Court of Ap pcala adjourned to-day until the January t. rm wrdhout rendering a declaioo In tha taaa of e-Aecretary of Aiate Caleb I’oar rre, harped with complicity In the Uoebal amaanlnatlon am) eeeitnced to Ida tmprte ocimailt. Thla paaaea the appeal to tha new court, which will aland tout Ucpub- Ucane lo three Derooerata. Hli-yrlr It liter IHe Fro at Fall, New York. Dec. Xt — Aaronaon, the ntcycle rtiter, died In the New York lloapttat thin atternnon from tnjurtee re aulttnp from hia fail durimr the eii-dey bicycle race lo Madlaon ttquara UanJea. 9