The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 25, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 2Tljc fftafnins Mmn| HU<ll*c Mmabali. b\ It I>IIAV. Dm %tl H lA, I(MNI. Hrntrl at tot ro*tofli.- r. PAvio^th I 111 HOH Ht\a MW* every )•> in the ymu, xikl 1 o *uu#xiU>*rt in the city, or •#■: by mo.!. t 7n cetu* e month. I* r O f r i.x month*, iu.<t is 00 for one year. mt: MOMAIty tewi, ty nuit 9 fix iitrm a wt#k (without burnUy !*;•). thre* mouth*. 11 kO. til mof.the, 32.0, un* >i er UlO. Till. WRF.KI.T NEkl two blue I ' iMontley eu and Thu*J>) by mtl.. trfie year. I. u rtptsone piyab!# In edvan.'e U'* m'.t by money order, check or r*ff!#t*Vfel le:t<-r Curren y *nt by cneii et rLII of tender. , Treii**lent idTertlvmert*. other t*vn •fo t! <x4umn local or reading notices, tin .-emf ijh and cheap or want columr*. rente • Ike Fourth n linen of type—equal to ore in h in depth—4* itindirl <4 niAJ>tirenwr.t Contract rites end discounts mwde known on application at busine#* off) e Order* f r delivery of the Mom n; New* to either residence or piece of t uflneas can be male by mall or by tele I hor.e No 2.10. Any Irrsg daftly in de v thould le ImmMiately rcpn-iel Letters and telegram* should be ad dreaped 1 bORyiHQ HEhJ," s* ex r.ah Ge OFTir*. 23 r*rk R w. New York city If. C. Faulkner. Manege; INDEX 10 m ADVERTISEMENTS. 'll Notice*- Ah Ip Notice Feteraor- Tvrninff Company. Coosien**a. Utiwsneo sp-'.ne* Water. Ship Notice. Warm*.' Master Rrltleh flteamehlp Lvnalder: Ship Nonce, J. If (Troaaley. Master Rfltbh • •eemehlp Pydn*; F. J Ruckert of Wlen t<alen and Merry Chrlstm** *rr| N *-m Y*-ar; Truatees’ Sale Stock of Carflayr*. Warona. Etc A L. Alexander. Trute# ef Mark Appl*. Hankrupt; Citvnlnjr* of City Ofhce. nivxderv! Nr. 12*. Fifteen Klee trie lilumtnfitlrur Company of Riven nah; Notice to Street Cor Patronp. S TANARUS, and I. of 11. Railway. Budn Not! ■*ee—E A* V laundry; Old ATv Whisky I>e|ral Not! ew-Ap to Huntlrr on North ard South End Oaaahaw, W T* Nevln Financial—Report of the Merchant m' National FV.nk of Savannah: F II Rop ers A Cos. New York A Merry **hri-?m.* and a Happy New Year—For Patrons of the Bee. Hive. KM-Weil—Salad Dropping Wh%*ky—Yellow Label Whisky. Miaaes* a*l Children's Shoes—Byck Bros. A Wonderful Store—Foye A Eckstein. Amuaements— “What Happened to Jones/’ at Theater. Friday Kventn* A Royal Gift—Cohen-Kwlmati Cxirrlnffc nrd Wafon Company. A Merry Christmas—ljlndsay A Morawn Cheroots—Old Virginia Cheroot*. Medical—Pyramid Pile Cure; Hood's Sarsaparilla; Plantation Srsaparllla; # wwe run* nr Hathaway Company; World’s* Dispensary Preparations; Can tor la. Cheap Column Advertisements—Help Wanted; Employment Want#**!; For Rent; For Sale; l/owt: Personal; Miscellaneous. The Uralhrr. The Indications far Georgia to-day are for fair weather light to north winds; and for Ussiern Florida. partly cloudy w athcr. probably shower* In central por tion: variably wtnd True happiness b to be fourvl In mak ing other* hapny Therefore. ronembM the poor to-<lay. Ft* Wet Is doing much to vindicate hi* sobriquet of "the Stonewall J.trkson of TV-.:. I'. Afrlrs." tvfortiHiataljr for De Wat. Ilka the original Btoncwsll. hi* cause 1* foredoom-d to d#few( Tha Pan-American Steamship Company, with a capital of *S.O. haa bran char tered in Naty Jersey, art*l will at oner proceed to acquire a number of vessels Thara haa barn no watting for tha pa**, log of tha ship-subsidy bill. and tha com pany will go steadily ctimr.l no matter what tha fata of tha bill may ha Thara will no doubt ha kaan dlanppolnt mant In Florida at tha Information that William Jennlrg* Bryan will not at land tha Inauguration of hi* cousin. William Jannlng*. aa Governor. In January, aa ha had contemplated doing Mr Ilryan'a angagamanr* ara *urh that ha cannot apara tha tlma to makr tha Florida trip *1 that tlma. though ha contemplates vls- Itlng Texas ahortty. Tha Florida Inaugu ration. however. will no rlouht gw ga If nothing ha<l occurra*!. Oan IV. Wat la something of a Joker a* wall a* a flghtar. Rntrir day* ago ha cap • urad thra* ocout* of lha Imp* rial Vao man. Ho told tham that ha would glya them thalr lloarty upon tha aondltlon ton! Ihay would agraa lo deliver person • fly Into tha hand* of tha British g-p.rat n dispatch which ha mould wrlta. Tory agreed. of couraa. Whan the dispatch was plaaad In lha handa of Gan. Hondia h- opanad 1* and rad: "t>aar Sir: Please rtraln up thaaa thrae davlh*. a* J natch tham every day Tour*. Da Wet.’’ w ■ * ♦ ■ Talk may ha cheap In lha majority of Inatan* aa. but thara ara orrasion* whan It • irmu high, a.van out aid a of the court !iou* A case In point occurred In \Vah lngton tha other day. The talker* war# Solicitor O’Con nail of tha Treasury De partment ami Director of the Mint Rob s' t The listener waa Andrew Carnegie. ’! * trio wa'kad together a block and a h Uf. in nboul five minutes. while lha t king wa* going on. and than Mr. Oar -1 • l< raid ho would gtve $30,t00 to the ally of Fort Dortga. I*., for a public library. * I* no doubt ona of tha cleverest ' (Of he*" on record. kidnaping o< the Cudahy boy In • >;;.■ta rroalla to *he Bprlngflrid RepuWt • it. the atory of a very remarkable faml >• fat yearn ago a sturdy Iriah labor - ilie name of Citdoby worked by the •) for a manufacturing concern In Mil t uiee. He had four aon*. Michael. Patr'ckond Edward all big *trong. i >1 :tded fellow* Tbp youngest of brothers If tha father of tha kid i lied boy. The four Cudahy*, who be gun with only brafcw and brawn, are now worth upwanl* of Ili.Wutlfa. employ 6,(Sw Ir.en and have nasi packing *tabli*h fa**d* tu boll a duua utai. i lilt I* I M %*. The nithlewi scythe of the • leot.flc his *arian and muralist has in down In the past two <1 >*d> 4 many of the harmln* iwtle nation* that were tha inspiration of our >ooth. Praise be, it Has left us Christmas. W i inti Tell and his son and the apple and the Austrian tyra; i been shown to be but the ft amen:* of someone s too fertile brain, and our muls are no hanger thrilled hy the Alpine thief* #x pla no:ion of why he retained an arrow In his quiver. Tftere are sr.eens at the truth of the story of the valiant Capt John Smith and (he dusky r*cahor><aa. and the moral take *># •he Fattier of Hi* Country and hi* fatn er s berry tree has been ra -wel to the miner # of father of the great Ameri can fa *rhood The srhuilmssirr nf the peasant is quoted aa Mitni that what a I eed* la t r u • •*.?•’ i will *e; it, even it it has to be < rammed clown his throw* Recently a so* e;y of Boston women grapf>lvl with the problem of Him* Claus Sane of tbsm were mightily trout * • th* *?>morai!tt of :..’r*r • • - t iklren wwnethii -g I bat was not en- HrH> l*orr.e out by the fact*. an>l they -rriou*i> queptloned if thty were not un •lermtr inr the i rdl Iren * ultimate f<eltef in th# great truths of life when they en tered upott • iborate explanation* of how the too corpulent Saint NichoUi* rrwanoged to **-• down too narrow < htmney* At fco*? as'coiwits they had left the problem still unsolved. The good ladies’ mxiety H not warrwn*- •*1 by the real e\ * of th** situation. Th* truth of the matter is that truth uii • dome.l is not ways *k**lrahlo. r.or Is It aiwars moral Certainly It Is a port Of the duty of mortal* here below** to make other mortal* feel easy, comfortable and happy. *ol a non* a* good n way as ran be found to fall in this duty 1* to he o\er-xsaioiu* In telling the truth, when to tell It would produce r good result. Al though there ar< and: 1, t the con*rar> it is more often the man sho ! eourel and disappointed with the world, angry with his friend ami disgruntled with himself that commits * crime or wallows In the mire, than he who harbors a good con r/!i of himself am) ie fit pea e To reverse the old *ayir*g. “Children are but men of a smaller growth ” A* long as a child Is happv. although he ma\ break into occasional outlHirsts of mls chlef. he Is more than likely to be reason xtbiv gmid. It la when hh idols an#! hi* Ideals are shattered and hi.* little heort Is clnu|) with the ah.ulow of discontent that he gets into unne. * -sarv fight* with the son and heir of the adjoining man sion. ••kies * the <ipc on the cat. ami makes onslaught.t on the family store of aw r eets I/l him retain hi belief in Santa Claus and all th** other sge*q old mvths that have gi. oldened the heart of childhood through the centuries. Disillusion (worse iuck!) will come soon enough, but when It comes It will sweep a wld*r Held than thee** myths cover. Th** destruction of two or Shre** illusions, more or less, <tir not lo any gr-at amount of harm. once in n year, on this d.y when ChfkM. our Ird, wan bom. we live In the lain! id* a s The soldi*! things of • arth are lanishe) from our sight, the love of our fellow nun 1* exalted In their stead. For a ilmc we approach the man ianl Shat In ur better moment* we set up for our guidance, and we catch a pa*- sing Insight into the K-autie-* of the City of Eternal Peace. Surely every b'geiid that helps to hallow .i day like this Is worthy of our forbearance, If not of our reverence; surely every custom that makes bright the live* of little chil dren • approved on high. Ig>ng live the good Hnlnl Ni hota * THK U MITE Ill.t’FF I’HUJF.tT. Wa cannot *aa why there should be any haaitatlnn on the part of tha City Coun cil In granting lo tha projected White Bluff Railroad lha right lo coma Into tha city. If It I* possible lo find streets tn which It cn enter and that thara ora mirri •trrri!i ffirrt* miws mt *•**• io **• any doubt. The railroad I* not asking for what It I* Impossible for tha Council to grant Of tha Importance of the road there I* tin question Tl I* conceded that It would be of vary great benefit ro the city and tha section of lha dounty through which II would pass The section I* about *he best In tha county. It already rontaln* a good many farm* and a vary considerable population A rapid transit road would help wonderfully to develop It. And White Bluff Itself woukl quickly grow Into a place of a* great Importance a* Thundehholt or tha Tsta of Hope No opportunity should be missed to de velop the county . It contain* a great deal of good land and should supply the markets of this city with about every thing a Georgia farm produces Inst -a t of helng practically a wlldernes* It should be doited all over with f irm*. The White Bluff Electric ronl woukl not. of course, hove the effect of bringing the whole county unitar cultivation, but it would give an Imp Mus In that direction It I* certain that It would have the effect of changing the appearance of the whole country between the ettv and White Bluff We have no hesitation In saying that the road would be of more benefit to the city than a half doxen fair*, a docen May Weeks or a hundred so-called carnival* It would build up tha .county and Ihu* add to the permanent trade of the city. II would help Improve the street* through which It would pas* and It would leave among the people the cost of lls con struction. which would be a good many thousand* of dollars. Il I* a fact that properly on Trice alrael I* not so salable since tha street railroad was removed from It. and It I* also a fact that the southern |mrt of Barnard street has been greatly benefllel by the electric line opened through It. There la a great deal to I** said In favor of thl* AVhlte muff rapid transit road, and, a* far as we can see. noth ing against 11. The taxpayers want It and so do people who are not taxpayers. It would help lha city and benefit Hie coun ty outside of he city. Therefore, If the (Ymnell opens a way for the road Into th city It will do who I the people want dona. J ■ How widespread era the hour.tic* of the McKinley ndmli*ttrila! It l# now an notanced that the lea crop thl* season will be early and large, and England wants some* thousand* more of mules for ttoutu Africa. The Tower* In China have signed their Joint note. Now the question la, will LI Hung Chang * diplomacy be ablw to Ji ount Itt THE MORNING NEWS: TEES DAY. DECEMBER 25. 1000. M N v tOHK. An artlrl# l Jolui ( ii.ul.r Bp*—S In tH* .-urr-nl punlvt u? l|jrir’ Wrrhly ron ilM mu n rood for ihought for iho** North.rn pver l ' who think th<? no- Itro iwrlrM t.'trr trMitmont In Ih# | North Ihjn In Ihr South. Thr Wttorr of Ihr n-irro in NV York rMy to tt \ \ i.- **-1 front Chr ontol tin*.* to lh i rr.rnt 1 1 . own ttmt Mr tomllllon r >w is worse 'tun ii was when he was a slave, or at any lint sine# he t,ti given hi* freedom. Hl* opportunities for •m --p \ ment *;• It;# .!• ! Ids material condi tion la worse. 11; U£o. at and as late as lO hf* had al most * xrlusfvr control of certain occupa tion* In \t&> he was the caterer, the barber, die toofbl:* k. th* waiter, th*- coahman an! the ’iOttiu of the rich and well-to-do people r,* gm men rr.d wm* n wer* employ' dto a very extent a* servants The r.egroee bad cotnf**rtnb>. iilihough cheap, home* and the percentage of crime among them was bus little greater tlmn that. among the whites. All of this i changed Therr ore very f. w negro caterers now. a* I those who *b* 4try on the business have very few customers outside of people of th*‘lr own -olor. Barber shops conbcted by ne grcee. cx^ef.* for negr*es, ir ilm< un known). White men have taken the place of negroes 0~. coachmen and th** Italians iff dhout the only tfootbl.if k- s* *n on ib* -treets A* for whltem ching. that I* an cvcupatlon of the pa#t The paint era do what there Is of It to be done There ir* few negro waller* bid. i-* a rub* white men are employed In th* hotels In the homes white servants have superseded negro servant* 4 It is well known, of course, that the trade# unions do md admit negro* * to membership Therefore, there are no negroes seen In the trader. It might be asked what do the negroes find to do for a living* The question woul) be xi diffl lit or< to answer. It b f. that # very large percentage of them does little or nothing They are hud dled together in out-of-sh* way quarters of th** city, and Ir id a most miserable ex- Ir fence. Asa consequence of their rowtlcd condition the percentage of crim inals U very large. nd vice flourishes Jo •n extra ordinary degr* e. In the |>opulatlon of New York city —that is Manhattan borough—was 1.513,- 301. (if thl number 23.674 wer* negroes In the imputation of that borough was 1.K0.000 and the number of negro*** was about 35.000 It will le seen from these figur* 4 that the negro population Is very small in comparison to the whit*- population. And it does not grow nearly fist as the whd* population. It woul*! not grow at nil If It were not for acces sion * from the outside. The birth rate is smaller than the deoth rate. The death rale |s 30 to the thousand while that of the whiles Is only 1? And It I* said that the negroes that go to New York ore al most wholly of the worst ori—the Idlers, the degenerates and the thieves. Negroes w*ho are honest and Industrious do not go to New* York, because they know that about all of the avenues of employment there ire closed against them It l different In case of white people. The • mMilmu and th<* -trong of th** whl • It Ip, kff.u.. thp oppor luiitfle.. for Improving Ihrlr matrrinl non illtton ihrro are bMtrr, nnJ th rrwarl# of talent and ln.lulry ore (fiealer. An a mailer of fart, the neuroen In New York city are •leadlty nlnklmc to lower depth, of lU'fra.Ulion. Their homea ,k>w- that. They cannot icei n houae In nny nelKhborhoo.l unlll all of the white, are ready to derert It. The old rookeries are then leaned to them end no repairs are ever mwde on Ihenv No doubt the steady decadence of ihe nerrne. <ff New York < ily Is largely due to rare prejudice If hcy cannot net respectable employment they must resort lo means not strictly lawful or decent to *<• a living They must starve or sir.,), nii.l an the;* tower In the social scwle the prejudice against them become, stronger The writer of the article In Harper's Weekly says that he was sur prised to hear native American* say. tm medtotely after Ihe recent rare riot In New York, that they were sorry that more of the negroes were not killed. It Is evident that the South Is much kinder to the negro than the North He may hove two or three privileges there which tie does not have here, but these are nothing to the superior advantages he has In the South for Improving his mate rial cdn.lttlon. In the South every ave nue for earning a living is open to him. nnd If he have the ability he can rise to considerable prominence * a farmer or n bittiness man. and Is certain to receive .11 the respect to which he I- entitled. 6% lITIWIATIIII i iwnnti. Commenting on Mr. Clevtdantl s article on thr future trolley of the Democratic iwrly In he Saturday Evening I*ost, the New York Sun says. "Whether Bryan or a Democrat of the opposing school will then (In MM) rep resent Democratic sentiment cannot now Ire foreseen. The South. In 1900 the sole remaining stronghold of Democracy, Is !r**|ng through a complete transforma tion anti beormins one of the most en terprising ond richest parts of the Union, What will the Southern Democracy de mand In 19M?” The question as to what Hie Southern Democracy will demand In ISM Is an In teresting one. It would of > ourse please Ihe Sun If II were certain tt woukl pur sue a course that would oistr the way for n wthlle Republican party In the South It Is not likely, however. Its pnlcy will he In the Interest of the Republican parly. There were Indication* In the last cam paign that In future It woukl not be so willing as It bad been lo follow Demo cratic leadership of other sections of the country. It has views of ll* own. which It will ln*l#l upon presenting when the proper lime arrives One of Ihe reasone for the light vole In every one of the Southern states Itt the last national riee llon was the dissatisfaction of Democrats with their party platform. Business and Industrial Internets are becoming such powerful factors In the South's malerta: affairs that their Influence will be felt to a greater extent than ever before In hrr imlltlcs In Ihe next four year*. Asslstshl Be- rotary of War MeiklJphn I* going lo make an active anvaaa for one of those Neoraskn ritator*!tipe. it might bes good Idea for him lo get up a torchlight procession and at the head of it burn a lew more nightshirt*. The late t acnellus Vanderbilt left In his will a spec .a. bequest of certain a. < to be divided equally between kit children. Alfred. Iteglnakl. Gertrude mat Gladys When the settlement came to be made the other day tt was found that the portion of caoh would be t1.4M.273 13q Since there M* no half certa cot red In tMs country, there was dUfn tUly In making th# exact chantre. In (hut situation, however, the two boya m xnurlmously waived their rights and permitted th. obi half cent- to go lo thetr aletrra. The girls, therefor.-, cot m, h ore cent more from th* estate of thetr father than did their brother* Kx-9eeretary of War .Vlger haa srrltten a book of reminiscences of public life, i-kune part* >f it are soon to be published In mag.ixlne. It |s urklerMouit it. Waah luc n that Ihe mag.ikine publication Is to tndurk. sperlflcally that chapter which treats of the tx-.-f scandal during the re cent air with Hpuin. Much n*w and sen sational milter. It Is predicted, wl.l be then m* public. Friends of Oen Alger kilm thnt he has not been treated fairly In the matter, hence ;e wIH lake occas ion to pot tiin.eelf Straight before the pub lic. It would appear .hut In some parts of Ohio they .to not record negroes us hu man beings One was recently on trial In Cleveland oh ■ charge of murder. Instead of pl.r mg him in the .kick or seating him In n chair, as would have tw-en done with a white mn. they placed on iron rage In the court room and locked the negro In It every time h* a ,< brought Into court. PKRttiy 1,. A bust of I-oulna M Alcott, th* gift and work of Frank Kdwln FI well, the well-known ■> ulptor. was unveiled al the I nlverslty of Kansas last Saturday Miss A ott, lieslde- being ~ writer of popular tales a ~ mo.-r active In her opposition to ' Nebra-k . bill. Mr Klw. Ilglrst -tudl.d art under Jli Aicott's alster at Concord. Mas, —The (irrmait F.mperor recently pre •ntrd a marble hu: of himself to Huron Beck chief of the stafT of the Austrian irmv The hust U <ai a large s ale, and < j K h* I.WO pminds. Huron Heck is h iv ing lit* house thoroughly overhauled hy military engineers to aa- ertiln If there be any spot In It capable of bearing so enormous a weight. King Alexander of Hervta aenl Ida me.ll. al man to the repreaer.tatlvea of a foreign life insurance company asking whether they would issue a policy of taw.- '•<> on his life The directors of th* com pany replied regretting their Inability to writ* the risk, saying that since the as sassination of th. King of Italy, who had !>e< n Insured for (dO.OUU. they had .le.-td • I not to .siter Into any further engage nl‘tits with reigning sovereigns —Capt. Hcrnier. a French Canadian, who Is now In Kngiand, Is making pun* to sail from Vancouver next summer In search of the North Hole. At a recent meeting of the Itoyal Geographical Society the |*rc*Pient, Btr Clements Maiktiam. •poke In encouraging terms of the pi ins amt proposals of the “Canadian Ice piki!.“ and expressed a wish that the society should give hint every encouragement The Canadian government is likely to make a substantial grant In ukl of Oapt. Iternler's ex|>cd|t|on Ills crew Is to con sist of four ecl-nllsts. a doctor and six *. imen —eleven In all—and his vessel js being designed by the Armstrongs. IIHIGIIT MIT*. —When youthful .May waa to the altar led By wealthy old Dor cm her, every friend D- lared that wisely had the maiden wed. They thought his means had Justified her end. —Chicago Record. —Trek: AVH.H’* the matter. Hen? You look tinsl. Peck Yes, I’vp been a victim of dys pepsia for the last few .lays. Teck: Why. you’ve often told me you weren't subject to It at all. Peck: I m not. bill my wife |*._Phila delphia Press. , —"Yes, that Hllllklns who uses! to be re garded by most of the people around here ns being a little off ha* struck It rich They say he* made over I HI).On during the past year." Iloly smoln ' What did he do* Write an mrurrua] novel or **•; out a s.-o-. Issk for children?"—Chicago Tlme-Her ald —He: Why deny II ’ It I* because some gossip Intimates that I am not true lo you that you have broken our engage ment. v Hhe' Oh. no: It Is because I believe you truthful that I am breaking It. He: Indeed! She: Ye*. You remember you hive fre quently (old me that yon were not worthy of me —Philadelphia Press. —"Did you approach that mcmlier of the Legislature with an offer of pecuniary compensation?" said one practical poli’l ctau. "I did " answered the other. "He re podia led |ii. suggestion with scorn" ’’Hump' I'm afraid we’ll have to disci pline hint for acting proud and haughty, and trying lo convey the Impression that he .io* sii't nnd money like ordinary p*o -—Washington Biar ( I HR RUT tOMWKVr. The Springfield (Mass) Republican (lnd.) says: "Fretly conclusive evidence has been secured by the Indiana stale authorities that one of the negroe* lynch • I for Ihe Simon murder at Rockpart was Innocent and tlld not know of the crime until the day after It was com mitted A! the same time the news comes from Mississippi that the man lynched at Gulfport on Wednesday for the murder of the town marshal wa* wholly tmeon necteil with the crime. This Is a terrible, but necessarily common, feature of lynch law. and on this account. If on no other should call forth the whole piwcr ol pub lic authority to put It down.” The Hartford (Conn.) Time* (Dem i ways: "MaJ. Gen. Corbin Is slated to com mand the army when Gen. Miles retire*. In MOX It was for that purpose he had himself promoted, t'onsldering that Just twenty year* ago thl* officer wa* u cap tain In the Twenty-fourth Infantry, af ter having served since 19*1 his rise In ihe service I* truly phenomenal. But he Is an ■ mini n'. Ohio politic lan and owes hi* advancement to his personal hold on two Ohio men In Ihe While House—Hayes and McKinley.” The New York Evening post (lnd.) says: ” 'Unsettled question*.' said Garfield, 'have no pity for Ihe repose of nations ' The quistlon of fair play, of Justice, cf the maintenance of our Ideal* In our re lations with the Filipinos Mill disturbs our rr|>o*e The disturbance will eon tlmie until It shall be eettled In the only way that will ever end the agitation— by the vindication of those principles upon which the republic Is based.” The nnclnnatl Enquirer (Dem 1 *ay: "The Philadelphia Press Is preaching po litical purity to the South. The South might take the advice with better grace If It w ere possible for the A Yes* to per ceive some of the Imperfection* in the administration.” Nat % wed hr *sialir Plait. Th* location of his committee room Is a source of no small annoyance to Setuior Platt of New York, aays the Washing on correspondence of the New York tvvcnUuf Poet. In the distribution It fell to his lot to get a room adjoining that occupl**'! hy Senator Fairbanks us chairman of the Commit toe on Public Building* and Ground* In order to enter Mr Fair banks’ room. It Is necessary to go throiioi Mr Platt's room. The New Y.ak S* rutor .lows not like this, snd hi* trouble* are aggravated by th* Indifference ol p* opc who come to see Mr. Fair bank - aid do not know th* gr-at Mr Platt even by sight. The other day a young nun from Indianapolis hail a session with the till Senator from Indiana, and when h- urn out he waa a.cost.-I hy a cr * J ty-lookIn,: person, well past middle life who had en ter..! the outer office meanwhile “Did you leave that door open?" de nt .tided the rruety-louklnr person "Don't recollect," answered th* Booster airily. “Well. I like that door to be kept shut." snarl.,l the C. 1* P "Then jou had better stand there und tend It." was the retort The C. Is I*, removed hi* glasses .lnd wiped them, and his face took on a look of Intense and almost pained eurprt.c Hut he carried the conversation no fur ther The >oung man from Indian , had no a sloti soon to make another visit to Mr. Fairbanks' committee room, .net s* lie ws* leaving he asked the clerk “Who 1- that disagreeable old chap you keep tn your outer office?” The dark glanced through th* doorwa’ 111 In 1. taek with an expression of I That's Senator Plait of N.-w York he w hisp< red. "Oh." remarked Ihe Hoo*ier. "I'm gi id to know." And as he pass.*J out he I* f the door wide <g>en. • 4 W rll Isres.lle.” During Isst Thanksgiving week n pmib try man of the Northwest sent several bar rels of fst, dressed turkey* to n certain commission merchant, who i* an extrem |y "cloaa buyer.” and never fall* when he receives a consignment to claim an u !• wan re for something alleged to ha\ spoiled on th* way. sny* the Argon ii- Heretofore he had dealt exclusively tn llv< fowl*, aid probably th* corre-i nd> i • clerk got things mrxed. At uny rate, th* shipper was astonished to receive . letter b> return mall, runulng about a- follows “I*ar Blr: We regret to advise you that four of the turkey* 1n your consign ment of November resulted her • dead Please make deduction for same, and re turn correct amount. Yours truly.” The poultryman communed with himself and replied thus: "I>wr Sir: I am sorry to say I fln-l It Imiiotslble to make concession rcquest'.l I have established n rule requiring all customers who desire live dressed tur keys, to notify us in advance, so .• can send them In bested cars. Turkeys with out feathers and Insides on- llahlo to catch cold If shipped in the ordinary man ner. The mortality among dressed tur keys was very large this year. Yours moun fully." H'olseley .Merely a stripling. It Is pleasant to come across old war riors who. having fought in many dimes against many people, ore still hale nn.l hearty, says the Baturday Evening rsi. The other day one of England's veteran-: Field Marshal Blr Frederick I*. Haines, celebrated his Hat birthday. Just slxty-one year* ago he began his career as a warrior, and fifty-five years age he went through hi, first .-ampuls", seeing most of the fighting that look plara tn the ButleJ campaign <f IMS. Al most the first time he smelt powder he His next campaign was that In the Punjab In IMS-9, and later he fought through the 111-managed Crimea. Twen ty year* later he w* made commander in-chief In India, and was specially thank ed hy parliament for his tact and energv in the Afghanistan operation* The old warrior is hale und hearty and still has nn opinion of hie own. It Is told of him that a dictum of Lord Wol,eley's was quoted against one of his own. Blr Frederick rapped hia cane on the floor snd shouted: “Wotostoy! Wolseleyl A clever lad. I'll admit, but a mere stripling yet. sir, u mere stripling’" As Isrr.l Wolseley I* oniy 7. that settled 11. of course. A Modest Request. From the New York Mall ami Kxpre -1 don't want nothin’ much this year ’Cauxa pa'* been awful goal lo me; 11,’.. took tns gYffyghfr? •**•* When there * been anythin’ to see Why, when the circus was In town. There wasn't no way I could go TUI pa, he says. ’’Come on. young man; I aln'S too old to wee the show.” An' nw-she's made me pie nnsl cake An' when I along a rock at FI An’ made a big hump on hi* head An' everybody thought he'd die. Ma sort o' shamed me 'till I told Her nogs' I seen 81 hit a girl. Then dm, she cried and called me brave An' said I wa* her little pearl. Whatever that meant; bin 1 know That when 81* father eome around To tell my folks thae 81 was hurt. Ma wasn't nowhere* to be found An 'pa. he kinder toughed nml said, “Bub didn't mean lo torment 81, He only done what I'd ha' done If you had made a youngster cry." So, dear good Mister Santa Claus, I ain't a-askin' much, you see. Except a bob-sleigh an' gun. A fWh-rod wn’ a Christmas tree, A automobile, two white rat*. Some candy an' a bat an' ball. A watch, w drum, a book or I wo. J dunno but—l guess tbwt'a all —F. A. Cleveland. The Virgin's Lullaby, From the Cornhlll Msgazlntx Hush Thee, hush Thee, tittle Bon, Dearest and dlvlnest One; Thine are all the untamed herds Tnal ti|sMi the mountain go. Thine are all tha tlroui birds. Thine tha thunder* nml the snow. Cry not so Husho, my dear! Thornier shall not .lime Thee near While Us roar shall frlghlen Thee. Mother hold* Thee safe and w arm; Thou shala walk upon the sea Any cry "Peace" unto the storm. Thou shall take the souls of men In Thine hand, as Ia wren. Bill not ye*, not yet. my Son. Thou art still a ha be asleep: All Thy glories are un-won, All mine own Thou art lo keep. Some day I shall see The stand King and laird of every lamf. Now 1 feed Thee at my breast. And deHght to feel Ttse near. Some day—Ah! till* time is best. Hush Thee, hush Thee. Babe moot ikar! —Nora Hopper. At the other End. A certain naval officer wa* very pom pous and conceited when on duty, say* London Spare Moments. On# day. when he officer of the watch, and ha could not. as usual. ,| n d anything of consequence lo grumble about, he attempted to vent his spite on on* of the stokers uf the vessel, who was In the engine-room, on duty. "Going to the speaking lube, the officer yelled "Is lljere a blithering Idiot at the end of this tubeT' The reply came quick and startling: "Not at this end. air,” The feelings of the officer, as he turned away with a black frown, can be better tmaglnrd than described. ITEM* OF IYTEI4I7BT. —The r h <-upper deposit, of Alaska are htqlnnlnr to be ileveloped, the (list ship ment from the White Horse beh having n d-tut .tied to I xcana alrmdy. This Lult. tra r* a' a tributary of tile Yukon. t went > -five mile* lon* and four miles Tb ore l said to range from 2J to 7j f>*r cent copper ar.d carries h> to >lO per ion gold. Patrick M> I'utie, an old man was tak en to a New York hospital tn what a>- Icared to !*■ a destitute condition. His wretched r.g< w re exchanged for c.on fort-ible ctoililng snd Hien the astonlsh nl attcnd uit- toiind tint he had a chest protector nw.b of >SO bibs, the total 1",:.. >l.: ■ 1. I In-- It* of his old flunne, sldrt b.!n tMO —Efforts are to b. ma.le by Plilludel l>b.u |*-<ipj. to |we,ervi the old monas tery i. r Wb-ahlckon. The monu-tery was cutistrui t.d by the Seventh Day Bap tist* wh. n they wets an order, and dates U,, K *,. nturv orsl a half It Is of gnat historic Interest, but ha* fallen into decay dnro the ill* line of the onler, by whloh it was once irihuhitwl. Twenty-two Indians from the Gatta ratigtis re*ervatlon. near Erie. Pa., have -tort.-.l for Westcott, Wyo. where they will affiliate with what l< left of <he on -e ( *jw. rfut >1 10. trite Th.* party I* to t4 c ,i* M.ivaik guard from those left on eastern reservation, all of whom are tiled of their present location- They claim that they can have more fn-olom in the West. Between tlie towns of lx* Angeles and r'.-sobi.i Botithern f'altfornla. there' I*--n >m*trucu*l nn overland path for the , J, uslve ii.e of cyclist* The ]Ulth I* built of wood, varies from three f>*B to fifty fe. • in hliiht .list ba- an average gradient of one In eighty. Tlie path .■- . 0mm..l it. * font m . nin., obrsoat and is lit thoroughly by electric light. Tb-1 • ;ire fimllie, nnd remnants of families In Galveston, itouil pisiple and or e well to 10, who lost thetr homes. • heir fumltur. everything in the storm. Hid bv nee. - .hy live In tents. Bom* of tn< m have l*-en so’proud they would not go to the commlttei for money sent for their relief, m l have only taken their hnro when It hu* lieen for. <*l u|>on them. —The brig Niagara, which was Commo dore Pi rry's s< oml rl.ighlp during the battle of I.ake Erie >n 1 ti|K>ii which he write • '.it I mous ni> usage to Gen. Har rison, "We have met the enemy and thetr our* " I* 4o rat*.,l from the sands of Ixtke Erie where she has latn since IST*', tf Ilepre*entativo Davenport of Erl* an |*-r le t’ongr* .1 to pass the hill h* Introduced In ihe house last week. —The fastet time ever made on a Ca nadian railroad was that of Ix>rd Hirath rona - train on the Canadian Pa cific from Montreal lo 'Mtowa on Nov. pi. when Ihe distance of 113 miles was covered In ltd minute,, or. deducting ten minuK-s for stoppage, anil -lowdowns In list This was good speed for *o long a run. < specially In view of Ihe fa t that He run wus made In u heavy snowstorm. —The s > inner Itosetil brought to New York last week a cargo of IM.biy bag, of coff.-e from Santos, Br.ixll Twenty year, ago the usual Biinto, cargo did not ex ceed 101. ...** and Itlo seldom cent more than S' bag. In one v'es**!. The HIo nnd Snntos cro|>s, which averaged .i.D00,- ll*. i ,g* from I*B3 to 189 g, Increased to 5.000.000 bag thl, year and will tw much larger iioxi v.-ir The cargo of the Ho aettl w t valued at over ?1 yii.ijn.', —Unique. Ind.*.l wo, the dinner given In Philadelphia the other .lay. where a Justice of the Supreme Court whine bobby is hltorl a| (lortrult* wa* Invited to sit whom rides his own particular hobby. One's hobby was engraving, another's was autographs, another's wo, precious •tone,, another's was original manu script- mother', wa* stamp*, and so or. through the whole category of hobble* —lt.cent s.-aiuSaJ* In .onn.* lion with the police administration In Berlin have di rect.,! attention to the >.w salaries pah] to n sponsible offl. .-rs Thu*, one of the Implicated om.lals. Commissary Tlilel, who ha- a wif-* and three children, 1, paid a ►> of only 3.3< mark* (>m.i iwr •ant.urn. together with an allowance, of Mi mark* til!’.) for hour, rent and .110 m irks (Pdi for .< room to le u*.*l as an office In his house. The highest salary laid to an otli. < r of the criminal depart mint of the Berlin fudl.-e- Is (2,000 a year —While .nreleeslv handling bag of mall In the Milwaukee pnstoffl.-e n clerk suddenly <-on*clous of an powerlng off. nrlve tdor. He dropped th p..uch and the odor Inereased In |*.wr Eventually It w a , discovered thai the tremendously .mphatlc effluvia nn*.. from the breakage of a Iwo-nunc. liottlc of oil extracted from that sleek but exceedingly odoriferous animal the "kunk Who sent the stuff through the mull* I* rot known, but U-for.- night many a Milwaukee man knew through the m.dlum of rank-melllng let ter* tnat It had been sent. -Prof Johnstone Btoney. In developing his theory of the escape of gases from planetary atmosphere* depending ii[m the force Of gravity of !he particular planets concerned, has concluded that helium „t present is slowly escaping from the earth and In a distant pn*t t| n ,e | t probably es *ai>od much more rapidly. From Mars he says, water vapor must have escaped with about ihe same readiness as helium fl"l trom the i.irth, and accordingly th • varlibl. while latches oltom o„. t>o |e* C) f Mars are not snow, hut frogen .atbon dioxide. Other nppeanuu-a. fre. quently observed on Mar* are due. he think*, to low-lying fogs of oarbon dioxide vapor shifting alternately between the pole and the region*. —At the reeent meeting of the British association. A. 8. Dav|. of Ijhol* ,howe 1 n mo-i Interesting barome er. A glass Mils t.-n Inches long and u, | n ,. h eter . ids In a bulb below nnd reaches above into a mercury basin. The mercury flows kwn the tub#*. romproMsjrur th*' nip l\ hen not In use, the barometer with Its Is kept upside down. Jr |* inverted for use and a reading quickly taken When the column has come to „ atand silh When the ordinary lurometer rises ihl- (all*. The Mils- Is water-jacket-*! and , deium chloride tube |„ inserted to dry the small quantity of j r sucked In The reeling, are - ,ld lo t>e very •e "ir.i c. though the range of each In -Whui the gnvernmenl Santa aoldiera writes ~ Sjn Domingo . orrespomlent of I :he New Orleans Tlm.s-Demo.rat, -Imply >. nds out Into the <untry districts j and seises them. At first ,„en s.liol nr. a 11u... t , ul wh , n , h onrt 'I* I*' 1 *' th,> V can do nothing the army hatter than In their ordinary haunts and Fiat then H * ~„y, ineffectual ray Of glory attached to th. r,rr>lng of a run and a gartrldge be t h , y ,* k , * ptlde In their new dignity. Ea.-h ma. 1 f,,r nlhts! with one suit of clothe* „ l'*':. “*.l 1 " 1 ** PWr.-se he gambles 'Zi J J r p - hu 1 0,,t ' • trouser. I U i. As the army, except on the ffrst Oil the year. Is alw,.y* composed of aol .lief. It. the different stage. „f gambling ..way their wardru..#, they make distinct •V a l.tclilreaqu# display s * they march through the Mtreet. on a state onoelotf r '" r " n ‘"f them four ere*. h ’’J I**’ 1 **’ fnr *vl". In the gr at h it of that climate. t„ kaaq. to Its The shoes furnish.-.! are surv "seit to be leather In reality th.yMro ,m but "" "" tfaMter* tueur ro fcreccc''* 00 '* ‘ h ‘* n> “ kes v ‘t> little dlf- A TEXAS WONDER. Hall's Great Ulaeovsry, One email bottle of tlall* Groat re covery cure, *ll kidney and bladder treu- Ldea, rtoiovti gravel, cures dlabothe. seta. Inal emissions, weak and lame Us-ks, rheumatism and all irregularities of th ktdsuya and bladder in both men and wo men. reguldta* bladder troubles In chil dren. It not sold by your druggist wid be sen! by moll -u receipt of >l. Une atu.i bottle Is two mouths' treatment, and will cure any rase above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer. I'. O. Box tut?, fit. Louts, klo. Mend for testlraunlala. Bold by all druggists und Mulotnoue Cos., fix . Jilt,ah. Li a Head Thl*. DMhen. Ala. July 12. ’.W> Dr. E, W. Hall, Bt. Ixwils. Mo.—Dear Blr: We have been selling your Texas Wonder, Hall's Great Discovery, for two years and rec.imm.-ti ! It to any one suf fering with any kidney trouble im being the best remedy wo ever aold. Yours truly. J. IL YOUNO. S. IS I. Of HOPE f! MD C 8 l RI Bt III.DI LE For Isle of Hope. Montgomery. Thundot* butt. Cattle Park and West Lnd. Dally except .Sunday a. Mubjecl to uiiaagq without notice ISLE OF HOPE, Lv. City for 10111 | L lsto’of Hop* r ' >am from T. nth j 6On am for Bolton 730 am from Tenth j SOu am for Tenth **i am from Tooth I 700 am for Tenth S Ii am from Holton | 8 Ub am for Tenth 10 30 am from Tenth lo u> htn for Tenth 12 n'n from Tenth jU oo arn for Bolton 1 15 pm from Bolton U 30 am for Tenth 2So pm from Tenth 2on pm for Tenth 330 pm from Tenth 3to pm for Boiina 430 pm from Tenth 300 pm for Tenth 5 13 i*n from Boltou , 530 pm from Tenth | 100 pm for Tenth 630 pm from Tenth | 00 pm for Tenth 730 pm from Tenth [7OO pm for Tontli 130 pm from Temh 00 pm for Tenth *3O pin from T-mh u 0 pm for Tenth 10 1 pin from Troth jw ou pm for Tenth |H M> pen for Tenth MONTGOMERY. I ■ > for M uig iy , Lv. Montgomery i9l am from Tenth |714 am for Tenth 33i pm ru.m Tenth . 1 14 pm for Tenth k3O pm 1 1 uni Tenth jou pni for Tenth CATTLE I'A UK. Lv city for Cat. Park) Lv Cattle Park ~ fi 30 am from Holton f7 00 am tor~Boltoa i Jl ain from Bolton | ( uo aiu for Holton 1 oo pm from Holton | 1 30 pm for Bolton i XI pm from Holton | 3 uo pm for Holton , o pm from Holion ; 7 3u pm for Bolton * w Pm from Holion | > 9) pm for Holton thfndehholtT - Car leaves Bolton street Junction (.34 a. m. and every thirty minutes Uiercafter until 11 aop m. Car leaves Thunderbolt at 6:00 a. m. and every thirty mlnutea thereafter until Il and) midnight, for Bolton street Junc tion. TreToht and PARCEL CAR This ear carries trailer for passengers on all trip* and leave* east ride of *uty inarket for Isle of Hope. Thunderbolt and all Intermediate points at 0:00 a. rn , l. 0 p m . st p m Leaves Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt. City Market and all Intermediate points ■' '■ ■< n.. 11:00 a. m , 2:0) p. m. WEST END CAR. Car leaves west side of city market for IVeat End 6:00 a. m. and every t*. minutes thereafter during the day until 11:30 p. m. Leave* Weat End nf 6:31 a m and st* ery to minutes thereafter during the day tmtll lieo o'cloek midnight Ft M T/IFTOV Gen Manager Merchanis S Miners Iraosportotlafl Cos Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Pmiaoeipnia Tickets on Sale to Ail Points North at, i Wsal. First-class tickets Include meals and berths Savannah to Baltimore and Phila delphia. Accommodations and cuisine unequaled. The steamships of this company art ap pointed to sail from Savannah aa followrs (Central Standard Ttm.): TU BALTIMORE. TEXAS, Capt. Eldredge, TFBSDAY, Dec, 26. 7 a. m. D H MILLER. Capt. Peters. THURS DAY. Dec. 27. at l?iO a. m. ITASCA, Capt. RHlu(>>. SATURDAY, Dec 79. 1.30 p. m. CHATHAM Capt. Easter. TUESDAY, Jan. 1, J: p m TO I'HILADBLPIHA. BERKSHIRE. Ctipl. Ryan, TUESDAY, Dec 2f,. S p. in. ALLEGHANY. Capt Foster. SATUR DAY Dec. *9. at 10:00 p m. BERKSHIRE. Capt. Ityan. WEDNES DAY. Jan. 2. 3:30 p. m. Ticket Office No. 112 Bull atroet. J. J. CAItOI.AN, Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN, Tray. Agt. Havannab, Ga. W. r TURNER. G. P A A D STEBBINS, A T M J. C. \\ HITN'EY. Traffic Manager. General Office* Buhlmor*. Md. IT'SHCERTIIHTY THAT Suit's Chill Tunic A TRADE MARK. J WILL CURE Denpe, Typhoid, Intermittent, Malaria, And All Forms of Fevers. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT ON A GUARANTEE. —Manufactured by— COLUMBIA DRUG CO., SAVANNAH. OA. TURPENTINE FARM FOR SALE. IT tie **ell equipped TurprnUn** i'arm nl private ■!*. on •cponnt tlcntli of partners. Thirty mi*"- I nlxir nnd round tlmlier plenty. Inn hr Itonitht nt n reit Ituritnlu. Address or vlnit MANSHIP CO., NlrholamHW-, Miller Onunljr. O*. Empty Hogsheads. UuiiliMia ni. hr . c. M. GILBERT & CO.