The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 25, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. Cantorln I* n harmless *iihtitutr tor Caxtnr OH, Paro- ICortr. I(nip'< and Nootliiii}.' Nyrun*. Ii is IMeanatit. It <i>nt u.iv neither Opium* .''l• >rilt 1 i>v n<r other Nareotle dulMtanoo. It destroy* Wiinnn nml allnyw Fcvcrislii..-**. It currs l>iarrb<ra ami Wiml Colic. it relieve* Teeth lag TrouMea awl cure* Const!pnthm. it reralote* the Stomach amt UowrN. eivintt healthy ami natural lcc|>. Tlx* Children's l'anoceu—The Mother** Frieml. The Kind You Have Always Bought jj Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. - IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. - - MW OF THE TWO BTSTIOS TOM* IN I'AK lull %I*HS. Mayor in>llh Asks Hrlp for Ihr Poor. lirlSu to Ha vr Hlah Uci-nif for Four triir*—ttnrli • oltoo Hrt...* Hr 14 to rulumlm*— AuS'.-ta to To* t'rrni I■> m I'otM la ulra ■Ho •• * u * l.arro Importrr. Hit by **'*•- rrlor Court 11*.'1*1.... Mayor Brlil*** Smith of llurnn, who I* on of thr mo>i klmt-h*art> that avrr lived, has t*u<-.l a Christmas pr.x- am.i’km. cnlllna ujam alt w,| o ar ablr to do *o to rrrpoiHt to il >|>|- tl* tor holp which have lj n through the te n-rpapor Thl m*k well for Mayor Stmtu but poorly for Macon. limb Mrru.r for I'renaiooi < oinpnn- IH. Thr Finance Commute* of the An giiaia City Cos ir II lm* decided to pl..< a Itcpnee tax of 1* on .e h t.rrmlum company and alw* to . h.irge .• h nv-r --rhent uelng the system sl'.’ The prob ability fc* that the acti u •! the commltta * wid i ratltud by Council Tha premium coupon baauieea ha* lev I*> o v erdo* i• ■ In Augusta ami the outhotltle* are -ty poaed to call a halt. A Pena lon for Hla ttnatrr’a Widow. Jera May, one of Mncan'a mall oorrlere. 1 1 now making an eflort to get a penelon for hi# maater'a widow. Jere went through the wat with hia tnader and waa faithful to him throughout Sim* the war the family hilt met with revere.- and HOW the widow nerd, a ja-ii'lon Hlh- .11.1 not know i>on to g. about getting up the proof of her hu. u.-i a edrvn • . the Confederacy. Jer. May h ird about h< r effort and wrote to her. trillug tor that he could not only certify to It hltn*. If. but ihot he wa.ixl find hla tnaaler’e old comrade#. or* number of them, to prove It ond he h* lul conoi.lei-able corr.- n>oMlance In regard to IL May I' on* of the oldeat and tha mot faithful carrier# tn tha Macon offl.-e. Griffin Will Have Hlnli I.lcenae. —•— —. r~t- >He next four V tlHd to Pte Tim New* and Sun Mnoumf In •dvanre of th# count'll meeting this r k that th# annual ll*< n#* for barracan# next year will b* fixed at %M, ami tin* whole- I** liquor dealers' llceniw# aHi be Thl# whs obtain™! by Interview* with • *.* individual •Mormon. and whlk* aoim* fa-, voreJ h#*f a* much mere, the majority paid they would vote for the amount* num*!. Every on#* declared hlm**tf In favor of the same atrlct regul*Don* that prvvaiM so aatl#fciorlly Ju*t before pro hibition want in.o affect, with no aerren*. no her* In caHarr*. ami lifting at 10 o'clock If l* probab!# that each one who open* up will be r squired to glvi* bond and that violations of regulations will op erate a forfeiture of the llcenae. Much rotlnn Hrlri In Cotwmbne. A treat deal of cotton I* being held In ' Columbus SBI PHVWra- ■"* f''-IP' ■ kero, the warehouse* of Coltimbu* will carry over lo the new y ar l **' bales of ootion of the present season. Including • bout 1.000 baler *tovk on hand at the be ginning of the pieaesu cotton reaeon In tnort of the warehouses, raya the Colum bus Ledger. every available space ts mil teed for the storage of the fleecy staple, and while the market Is watched with In terest from day 10 day by the warehouse men and owners of the cotion nored with them. It may be accepted as a fact that the men who own the cotton are de termined nos to s. II It for lers than ten rens. The men who own the cotton, with few exception*. are nble to hold It till spring. If necessary, or even longer. Those who will need money b.-for th it time will have no trouble In getting Is from the warehouse*. To Encourage It hllr Settlers. The Madison Advertiser: There Is a condition In Morgan county which bear* a fruitful Iraosn. Buyers are eager for lands In upper Morgan, the white belt section. Lands are held at double the value of those In the black bcls division This 1* no fancy It Is an observation of the real estate trade; but It Is reassur ing to know that a movement Is project ed SO change tide A b'n-c .jnd* in lower M rgan. tnd I mail Who has the brim Hub energy anil •plrlt to accomplish what he undertakes, remarked to the writer a few days since: "I am going to change this condition With what I own and control I’m going so open the way to while colonisation by aubdlvlatcn and selling on terms that will attract She white small farmer of small mean* and energy to *<ek a home in this quorter and to open It up lo prosperous conditions." There I* something cheerful In this proposition, because It will suc ceed, FLORIDA. tVlllle Brown, known a* tha "Tfellow 1 I." arrested on board th* Olivette Port Tama last week, on a .‘barge of ~on a telegram from Chief of Vlnrant. of Jacksonville, which oc •i about two weeks ago. Il I* clalm -1.11 there ts poetrtve evidence that VO took the policeman's pistol from , md etd fired one or more shots at •hc#r. after he wae ot first shot dr.n - It ■ tough-.ooknvg negro about 25 - o.d. and ha* a face w hich would , ot* I bat he I* mean enough to do thing. p css Tree Baser* nissallißcl' • Ualnesvtlle Bun: Some lime laat icr several per*on vtelted this part I'.orida purporting to represent the jK-n* Nursery at Angleton. lex made extensive aaie# of pecan trees „ delivered In the fell at • stipulated price. Trees have since beer, delivered in other persons claiming to represent the sente interests, but the stock Is not * m I'ontracts call for: and It Is further al.eged by thoae svho have made an In vestigation. that there la no such nurserr a' Angie ton Tex. It rcema to be th* gen eral belief of those wno hold contracts that they liav*> been victimised. W* know nothing regarding toe fact*, aui i**k only from hearsay. Ilntniin Tobacco Importer# Ifaril Hit. The Tami* Time# ray* that the clear Havana <l*ar uuinufrt turer* and th ln porter# of II iv.ina tobacco In this coun try were dealt a-• ver* blow by th* Su preme Court of tht t'nitcfl State*. In li* tlct-mion •u*talninf th* mlon* of the government m th#* f.trnu- Hothv ’hlld t*‘*t -■ which was le’KUti In Nt w York fl • i- .•*. This ca*e li.ik lm fi carrb*! through all of the court-, and th** Supreme Court so the | ’ KM els Its# oi the tariff an Havana tobacco ~ r i • • o mweb cm td-ntlon. Tlio *l*‘< l*lon virtually anroves the jr* •nt n***b *f a -nn ill. which Is deemed tha Impoi m extremely un jn>t . I’nder the confiruetlon of the Su premo Court the Injustice of the law to th** Importer I* apparent. In that If a bale of tobiitt o contain*- M per rent >f wrap* ping he l* permitted to pay 36 cents |*r duty on Ml jF-r cent of It a* filler. bu 4 If it should contain lit i***r #*ent. ol wrapper he k* c*om|H-lleti to pay 11.k6 per pound, not only upon the wra|>per, but ih N p# r cent, of filler contained in the bale. The Jacksonville Times ftnion and Citi zen sayw that the outlook for the east roast golf tournament this year I* bright for n large attendance of fine players. More Intere-r. ven than heretofore hi been shown In ipo'.f circle* nil over the country this winter, and this means th*i u- mUtwinur approaches the players will ft*'k to I'isr-S.i. where the t**n|eritiire ’# just stiff I lently hrtrlng to make the sjort me enjoyable. The various links are b** irK ptw in readiness for the season now. and later the progtamm*- of tne touma fnents will be atmouncetl. The eightei'ii hob links at I’aim Heard are prnrthally Yearly for play now. With the splen-lid turf At I’aim Beach, this course ie con sidered one of the very best In the South. aim) many p*n>ers miv It has no equal. Although it will be |*s*s than 6.00 m yards. It Is neld that longer course Is not desir able In Florida. It is expected that there will he several minor tournaments early tn the month of Jewnitry. the dates of which have not en announ -*l I'uring *be latter t>art of January the turnament for the President's cup will be played, and this will protviMy be the first notaole •vent of the ESast Coast eeaton. MII. It OISE IMI’HOI INfi. A New Yertlon of thr Wakulla *linoti ii it tftn* tihrn, Ffa., TVc. 23. Senator W. C. Rouse Is .it the McCord House, where Dr i Gvrynn i* attending him Ills symptoms tiftvs Improve! in every particular. Quite a dlfT* rent story le now told In regard to the shooting of 8* nator House atkl l*>lg;r Nims. The shooting took place a* Ashmore, and the story Is now given as follow*: The trouble grew out of two dlepute* about timber cut ami hauled. The fire! dlepute was lietwcen Kilgar Mnu and Frank Walker, The econd was bet ween Walker and Rouse. As the story goes, Rouse was the ag greaaor. Roue, and Nima vlalted the bue incee place of Walker, ltouee was etnnd ing on Walker’s sti-iw, shaking hie list In Walkers' face, when Walker shot him In the otstomen. Mints then rushed u|K>n Walker und struck him In the face, with a pair of kiMFks. Walker ataggered hack a ft feet, but quickly recovering himself, shot Mime through the stomach and In Ihe heart. Nlm- walked a few paces and fell dead. A coroners' *Jur> rendered a ver dict of murder In the second degree, against Walker. t’apt. Charles Alfred Coy and Vise Florence Lorrnxo tk novar Were quietly married Sunday, a< the residence of the bride, by Rev. J. L. llugott of the t'aih olk Church. ItOI Mi M tV IIU OVtIR. The trial* Passed lealerday Without nn llpcrntlon. Tallahassee, Fla.. Dec. 24.—Tit* crietc. cam* lo the case of Senator House to day. An o(>emtloii was not neceasary. He Is decide.llv belter, and there Is latja- that he mny recover. Jt( lisotst 11.1.11'K Mitt CM 11. Or. Taylor'a totrl lil-a for Koys Who Move >o Home Life. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 21 —Jacksonville has anew cnndhldate for favor In the club line, the Cherokee Clult. While the S.-mlnolc one of !h* oldest In the city— has on Its membership roll the elite of the city, th Cherokee, on (he contrary, i has for member* hoya who hove no siand [ Ing, a* It were, hoy* who have little home 1 training or attraction*, and whs nerd help ! to make them good men. Thl* ts a plan of I>r. J. N. Taylor, phy Contagious Blood Poison. Till* Is a disease th* serious condition of which Is well understood. For cen turies Be baneful effects liavc lieen lain.led from on* generation to another, for unless ev*o r vestige of the disease Is sllmlmtl*,! Ihe dreadful taint Is certain m lw transmitted to posterity. My treatment for this disease Is a |elilve end perma r' nent cure, and ho* been so demons!rated In thousands K of cases. It gently but thoroughly cleanse* Ihe *>stem ot y &oi Wo* ■ every trace of the vile poison, removing promptly every V outward indication of the disease, and cures to stay ■ Jm' ured. Ido not dose my patients on strong drug* which damage the system, my treatment la thoroughly effective, but entirely harmless I have treated this disease auccete . /L si fully* for twenty y.strs. and by nn original method known <mly to myself, have cured more rases than any other _k jy-s ; A physician In Ihe t'nlted Slat**. I also treat with th* same . v a gc ,Y| J success nil chronic and private disease* of both men ‘ N ySr’ * v and women, auch na Loa* ot Manly Vigor, Birlcture. Verl fW ' cocei*. Skin Dlaeaae*. Kltney and Bladder Complelnta, J Newton Hathaway.M D. Female Weakness, etc. I invite every one to conau.t me without charge, either In pereon or hy letter, and will take pleasure In sending my newest *4-pa ge book end symptom blank*, explain ing fully my perfect system of home treatment. t'orrespondeno# strictly confi dential Private revet, lon room for ladies. S> A Bryan street. Baxoauxah. Via Office Houre-it to U, 2t06,7t0 2p. m. Banday, lt> a m to Ip. ni THE MOKNING NEWS: TUESDAY. DECEMBEK 21, 1900. slcian m ihe County Hospital. Home week. h. -wtftweveral boy* an a gave them a talk a*l a go<t mt>r#l lecture To hla .urprta. It pl.aae.l the boya ai><l they thanke<l him and aakwl that It b continued. They were boya more uaed to cigarette .rooking, playing <-mp. "cuk- Ing," •'■ . than to hear moral word., hence the lAoctor’a atirprl.e Me accept ed the mlp.ion and arranged for room. Here hi# boya met again and thy brought aeveral new one. with them Th. doctor, to further ht plan*, started a Hub ..rat called It <he Cherokee It *•> for boya with little- or no home attrac tion*. thoae whoae training had been neg lected. It war a .ucceoe. The memher rhlp ha. been wel|**d to over .eveary, lr Taylor. In epeaklng of the oraaniaa tion. .aid: "Jack.onvllla ha* m large number of hoy. who eerm <o be neglected and other, grit - Mgget be few. kt t > 1.1 .. >.g r. (hi San day .chool.. They re.|Utre ennu ihlng a! togetiier novel and I think we have It tn Ihe Cherokee Club. We meet every Friday evening and there la ten minute, moral lecture and ten mlnu.ea fun. kith thl. alternating for * couple of hour* the boy. ore antueel, and aome greatly Im pre.eed. It I* my purpnoe to enll.t a number of prominent cttiaen# In the work ••The amuaement. a hleh follow each lecture are tioxlng ron..U. football, .winging club, and other game* that will give the hoy. good exercl.e We allow no .wearing nnd do all In our tiower to elevate all who attend." IAM At. FMHNONAU Mr Ben Drew of Myotic I. a gueat of the Pulaokl. Ir. k: II Itaw 1. of Dublin I* reglatered at the Berev<n. Mr. If E. Weed of Griffin It a gue.t of Ihe Fi^aakl. Mr. M. C Taltwt of Atlanta 1 reglMer ed at the Pulaokl. Mr. J. It Tippett of Hawklnavllle I* a guest of the Screven. Mr. O Alaaa left via the Plant Sy.tem ypoiorday for Tamim Mr. <1 W. Gueat left via the Central la at night fur Macon. .Mlr*e K. and F laittlmorc orrlved loot night on the Kanea* City. Mr. Jme* W. Hngllth left over th# Central l*V bight for Ailantu. Mr. W Herman left via the Seaboard Air l.tne yesterday f<or Richmond. Mr*. Malcolm Cunningham left via the Central yeaterday lor Atlanta. Mr. C. B *Coburn arrived from New York la.t nigh! on the Kanaae City. Mr. J 11. Cavanaugh wug a pae.enger of the Central tut night for Atlanta. Mr. F, Huger w. a pa.aenger of the Plant By.tem yeaterday for Baltimore. A ptirty of ten lourlat* left over the Plant Byaiem ye-t.relay for B<. Augustine, Fla. Mr. W. J. Walker waa among the paxeengera of the Central la.t night for Augusta. Capt J ft F Tattnall and party left over 4he Plont System yeaterday for 81 Align. tine Mr. C H Bill* wa. among tbe pattern ger* of the Kiiiisuh City k*t night from New York. Mr. amt xtr. T R Cooper were among •he pae.engera .if the Central laal night for Macon Mr. F. M. Oliver w.i* among the pa eenger* of the Plant Sy.tem yeaterday for Ki.elmni-c. Mr. B. Ilonaw —a. among the paa*-n --ger. of ihe Plant System yeaterday for Wtiahingion. Mr Jinnee Barrow of Athene l tn the city to apend a few day with hi# father, Hon. Pope Barrow. Mr John Ro**, .on of Mr Sam R 0... I. home from achool In Bo.too for the Christmas holiday*. V Mr F. H. Clarke was among the p**- •••. or .he Seaboard Air Line yes terday for New York. Mr and Mrs. W. P. Scruggs left yes terday for Orlando, w here they will spend Ihe Christmas holiday*. Capt and Mrs. T S. Lucas were among the passengers of the Seaboard Air Lin* yesterday for Charlotte. Mr. 11. Itay Miller and 11#]. H. W. Richardson left via the Seaboard Air Line yesterday for Garnett. Mr and Mrx. F. F. Wheeler were among the passengers of the Seaboard Air Line yesterday for Pori Orange. Fla. Mr and Mr*. Clark Howell of Atlanta arc In the city visiting at the home of Mr. H M. Comer. They will return to Atlanta to-night Mr Charles C. Martin. Jr . a Savannah lioy who Is In attendance thl* year at the Gordon Institute nt Rarnesvllle, Is spend ing Ihe Christmas holiday* with hi. par ent*. Miss I .aura May Connor of South Car olina. one of Varnvllla** popular young Indie*. I* spending Chrlslma* week with Miss Kleanor Middleton, at 1012 Lincoln street. Mr. O. A Whlrehead Jr . Hi In the city spending Christmas with his family and friend* Mr Whitehead I* now doing im portant railroad construction work in Tennessee. ■Mr. Jack Kennlh- H In the cltv to spend the holiday* at home and with tils friend*, lie I* at present studying law In Augusra. ami has alxiut com pi e is. I his course, lie will stand hts examination for entrance to the hor on Jn. 18. Mrs. Augusua Cavatintigh ami her .laughter. Miss Blanche Cavanaugh. Icfi list night for Alluntu, where they will spend a few day* Mr*. Cavanaugh'* son. Mr. Tom Cavanaugh, who t* there from Emory College for the bo.Bley* From Atlanta Mr*. Cavanaugh and Miss Blanche will bo to New York, where Mis -10,1 Ith Cavanaugh, nnolher .laughter. 1* perfecting her voire under the Instruction of Mr*. Kirin* They will remain In New York until next June, when they will re turn to Savannah. Prof. L W. Mehrtena left last night for Washington, ti.i where he will *|>eu<l Christmas. Prof Mehrten* -|<ent some y. ar* In Washington before .00.i,,K to Savannah which was fifteen year* ago He expected to find many change* In the historic town. flen. Toombs was among the res'.dents of 'Washington when Prof. MehMen* tvn* there, and the iatter will miss the famous ex-I'onfe.lerate ami others with whom he was associated dur ing hi* musical career In their town Prof Mehrtcsi* expected to play to-day on an organ m the Methodist Church that he was largely Instrumental in placing there. He was the leader In nn orgnnlx* tlon Ihal raised s!.t<n so purchase th organ The professor's former friends will doubtless be glad to see him in Wash ington. PLAR TATION A PERrCCT BLOOD PURiriEßj^ USHERED IN WITH A RACKET. (Continued from Eighth Pn** ) pifi-Hff* In through th* dangor* that beset houses when tbs small boy and th** firecracker or# nbrood In the lond Idfist Chliasmss #*xirsor*llnsry pr#n®r!t tiotis serf mi4(le by ihs firemen to svotd bluscs. A flr# pitrol w* put Ufsm the rrrccis. and the wagon was kept on the move* Mil the time It w* manned by n nimbi r of the laddie*, and their wrwtchful n* -* mty have prevented -erlous flre. Thl** Chrlotmiii Hupt. Mesulre h* not been able to put on ft w.igon patrol. If 4 use the vehicle that WM* uee<| 1 • ytir l In the nho| to In* overhaulel and put In condition for use at the new sta tion, No. . that is now in |cocoss of erM-4ion on Brntrd street. Not havlna the w.igon. the superlntendsirt did tne n'xt be*l thin*:, whl h was to detail a number of men to move afoo! along the down-town streets and keep u|hs\ the lookout (or incipient flames. The firemen will be kept at this duty f long .is there in need for them. They will not only devote their *nerKleH to the *xtbiirui*tiinenl of an> very small blaXba they may In* able to nip In tha bud, but will i*o prev.nt violations of the ordinance that prohibits the use of hreworka north of liberty itreet. Any dangerous demon#* rat lon in the nature of pyrotechnics will he suppressed. TUB tO>YH TV BILL OF FARE. How They \% 111 He He*aled at the ( onnt) Farm and the The convict# at the county farm anil the camjN* throuuhout the county will b- given a full bo.iilay todsy. (*hrlstn*OF is the only day In the year which is thu* observed, and It will be e#dehrate#l today with more than the accustomed exuber ance H*.i generosity. The Chiletmas dinner for the convicts will boon rather n elaborate seal#, and It is nafe to n>. will be betier In many re. tipects than that which oms of the fortu nate poypeshots of their liberty will enjoy Chairman Du has directed that the con vlcts fee*l to-day of the beet, and Bupt. Chaplin ha# had prepared a wholesome menu. It is #e follow# Beef Soup. r. Rice. Barbecued pork, ' Irish Potatoes. Yellow Yam# Oranges. Apples Cake*. I'ilies of plug-cut tobacco. Artesian Punch. The convicts have lieer, told of whai Is In store for them, amt they are looking forward to u—lay's dinner In high antic ipation. Most of them are negroes, on whom the etlitnia of conviction and con finemt nt does not cast any very black shadow, and their Joy to-day will probably be without n Haw. (SANTA LAI * AT TYBliti Old At. Mrk Slade Hl* First Appear ance There. ftsnia Claus made hts appearance on Tybee Island yesterday, much lo the de . ... . hud there. Toy* were die ttihule.l among the sola, while the larg er children were rememltered In a near* substantia) way. As stated In yesterday s Morning New*, thl* remembrance to the children on Tyliee wen ntede possible through the effort* of th* Mlsse-i Sue and Elisabeth Schstick 11 wae OSM of those Chrlsltnas festival* whlali the llltle one* may thoroughly enjoy. T!* v*ii*rabH‘ Hiintii Clau* w ** an un known quant tty to many of tbo children, but they wrA promptly apprised of hi* mlf*lon after h de** * roll'd th* <tolmney Into the room, and kitrr took perfKMial charg* of th* dUirlbutlon of preaem*. The care taken to have a i;eneral dlr trt button wf hown In the fact that not oven the colored liildren on the island were forirotten. WKHA’K'F.a AT THU BtTHfib Kill nr Held for Bpeelal tteaellt of thr. There will be no further observance of Christmas ot the Htdiors' Bethel to-day than tlie religious service for Scandinavian seamen Ihal Will be held at : o'clock this morning. Th# Christmas festival at the mission will be held Thursday even ing Superintendent Iverson, of the Bethel, enld last night that il we* the Invariable custom In the Scandinavian countries to observe Christ mas In the churches, and it Is a part of the plan to make "those who g.. down lo the sc* In ships" thoroughly it home In Savannah to host the religious service of io-.hty. for the special benefit of the Swedes and Norwegian*. CHHISTAI Aw IA HIIBBUnVIMJ!. Pupils nf tin*pel Mission Had a Trer and Kxerclsea. Tlie pupils of ihe Sunday school at the Gospel Mission In Robertavllle enjoyed a Christmas tree last evening. The exer cise* consisted of singing and recitation* hv the children and the distribution of presents from the well-loaded tree. Oos pel Mission Chapel Is loealed at the cor ner of Lumber and Lhtle Jones street*. Bupl. locwls rtteven* of the White Rib lon Ml-eion. commenced early In the pist summer holding cottage meetings In this community, and In August the present lo cation was secured and regular unscctarl an meeting* and a Sunday school have *lnce been conducted. Kxperlrnced teach er* have been secured for Ihe school, and good result* are being obtained. About twenty-five children are regularly enroll ed as pupils, but thirty-five got presents from the tree last night. Mr Stmens ta superintendent of the echool and Mr. Ralph Poole, secretary. COIUTS WILL BE CLOSED. Officer* and Tbelr Force# Wilt All Have a Holiday To-day. All the courts In Savannah, thoe* of the United State* as well as those of tbe •tate. will be closed tijrht to-day and the officer# enjoying the good tlm#* and the good things of the Christmas season. There will be a holiday all along the Hoc. Not only will the state courts he closed but all the county officers at the Court ; House and their force." Will ba absawt from their office#. For mo Ft of there offi cer# and clerks the month of I) ember j ha# been a bu#y one and they will enjoy the holiday with a double zest. WILL 111. H Mil: A CARDINAI* Arrhlilabop Mnrflnelll, Win* lletll ewfed #n\Mtiniir i itfhetlral. It (ms been definitely announced from the Vatican that Archbishop Beha#tian Martlnelli. the pap.l legate m tnl# coun try, by whom the new cathedral here wu* dedicated last October, i# to b** raUl to the cardin.-ilate early during the com tug > er The new# will be gratifying to tho* Savaiinurtlan# who hal the p;*H#ure of meeting Mgr. Martlnelli while he war In Surannah. upon wnom he fn.tdc u pro found imp residue*. It is expectenl ihat the Pope will send two #pe. mi messenger#. the #■ r let beret la and the inaignbi of the Smr.d (\>llege to Mgr. MMrtinelli, ttnd there em Liemr of hi# dignity will h*- conferred upon idm formally by the Cardinal Archbi#hop Ulbhon#, at the Baltimore After thin ceremony the newly ma<ie car dual I will proceed to Rome, wnere he wiii reelvt the #, re| hat” directly from the hstnd* of the Po|n*. Mgr. Martlnelli, when he I# rai-e<l to the carlinalate. will be one of the youngest member# of the Barred College being but W >ear# old. lie la the head of the ancient Auguetlnian order, io which office he wa* choFrn In 18K* lie is the #c*(M.d |*i|**l legate to the Unit. I Htai* hi* only predecessor being Cardinal Fran cis Satoil!, whom he SUCx%eded in lh*.<7 Mgr Batolll wa* mode a cardinal only a ehort time before he was retailed to Rome and It 1# rather beitevM that Mgr Martinelir# eievztUiri I# but prellml nary to hi# recall. It is thought to be the pope # purpose not to keep his* . Indefinitely In thl# country, hut to change them at the end of definite period*. W ANT BANK.It! ITCV DECLARED. Petition Filed tssin#! tbe Nanniaii Foundry ii ml Hnehine t otn|Nin> . A petition In Involuntary bankruptcy win filed In the 1/ntud State* District Court yesterday morning ag ilnht the Sa vannah Foundry and Machine Company. U U contended by the moving creditors that the company ha# com mb ted an act of bankruptcy, In tht It ha* acknowledg ed in wrltln*. to one of its creditors It# inability to pay it* deb #. The petition wa.** filed by Messrs, du- Htgnon & Stephana, on behalf of the Pal mer Hardware Company, the Isaac Jo seph Iron Company and the Herman Coal and Wood Company, wlo#e claims aggre gate In amount about $1,126. Ii I# allege.} that the Foundry and Machine Company is, a# matter of fact, insolvent, and it I# a-k*l that It be declared bankrupt and a receiver oppolnted to manage its asset* for ilie Unfil: of the crc.'li:cr.\ Till* AtfIKIIH t* 4 \lt M \ IL. t romli In %tten]nne* anti the 4 lf> lurnnl Oirr to lll** Hrvelrr*. Amcricuf. Oa., Dec. 24.—Anierius’ *rr at Chfiatma* carnival openrd thl* morntok under hrlirhteat auaptcea and the week of Kalety and A hun dred tented attraction* fill the buflne>. atreetp nd did ruahtiiff buelneaa whll* thouMimla watched free atimtlonH out aUlo. T!ie Pealmird Hallway brought hun dreds of vtattora to-day n> did the <>n tral Railroad and the buslne** s>lr#*et‘- were thronged with the purging multitude of alyhtpeem and carnival revelere. The Queen of the Carnival make* her first public appearance to-morrow after noon and the occasion Is pleasantly an ticipated. Hu*ln**e* houses are yay with hunting and the streets to-nigh! present scenes of yreat festivity. AH restraint Is i alain kMM*d sml within bounds of pru dence the <Hty has been surrendered to the gay revelers during carnival week. % 4 hrla4niM* 4 nmt Hal!. I !**•♦•l morn. When iTirlul man l*>rn. We flaHly welcotin the*; Oar heart* are jo*y, Thl* <i*y. While fable forrowt flee. I>> nil be Klad, I>t none Ik* wkl. Hid Joy and love Incrowe; With naught amUi, In |H*rfect bllm Hrovlalm Him ’‘Trlnce of Pea^.** Plfpeiw yi 111*. H eouikl ye hlil*. Hif name in majefty! * Come, rich an 4 poor. Aral kneel be fora HU throne. He’ll comfort thee. Through ChrUt we llv#. To Kim we *ive Oar henna In filent prnyer; For on thl* mom The IdOnl wan born. HU prefence llfkfm near. Hal), blefeesl morn. W hen ChrUt lorn. Of *!l the <l.4yf the beat; HU |*r:iUef sii.k. Rich garland* bring. To breathe upon HU hreaft. —K >lph M-th\wn. Candy Esculetts Cores PILES or Money Reiunded. WHY SUFFER? Sold under guarantee at following store,: Kowllnakl'a. Jones. Masonic Temple, Knight r, W. F. Reid'e. Marlow • Cave land s. Donnelly's, and W. A. Ptgmaii'a, Savannah Oa. LI PPM AN BROS.. Savannah. Oe . and W. r. REID, Bavwanah. Oa, Dtetnbutora. ECKSTEIN’S Id and I*l Broughton St., West, Christmas Greetings! We extend to our friends and patrons our best wishes for fl MERRY CHRISTMAS! This week we offer all our Holiday Goods at special ly low prices, and have made great reductions in all use ful articles suitable lor Holiday Presents. ALBIUS, DRESSING CASES, PORTFOLIOS, MANICI’RE SETS, SHAVING SETS, GAMES, COLLAR AND CLEF BOXES, GLOVE BOXES, HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, TOILET CASES, FAN BOXES, WORE BOXES, WKITINC DESKS, DOLLS, CINS, MAGIC LANTERNS, HORNS, SAVINGS BANKS, LOTTO, DOMINOES, PIANOS, DRUMS, TEA SETS, CORNETS, DOLL TRUNKS, GENTS’ FINE NECKWEAR, GENTS’ GLOVES, GENTS’ HANDKERCHIEFS, GENTS’ UMBRELLAS, LADIES’ FINE NECKWEAR, LADIES’ CLOVES, LADIES’ FIR COLLARS, LADIES’ H R CAPES, LADIES’ HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES' JACKETS, BOX COATS, READY TO WEAR SKIRTS, LADIES' SILK W AISTS, LADIES' SILK SKIRTS, INFANTS' CAPS, INFANTS’ CLOAKS, BOOTEES, SHOPPING BAGS, CHATELAINE BAGS, APRONS, REGS, ART SQUARES, TABLE COVERS, LAMBREQUINS, CUSHION COVERS, CUSHIONS, RENAISSANCE SCARES AND SQUARES. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN & CO. In addition to wishing our Friends and Patrons A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, we desire to thank them for having frequently gone out of their way to do their trading here. THE BEE HIVE, N. Schutz. 1900 ' 190!. A Merry Christmas to ail our friends, both great and small, with many thanks for their lib= eral patronage. LINDSAYS MORGAN, ORDER BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS. SAVANNAH.