The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 26, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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A BRAVE YOUNG WOMAN. i.rww hovw and ku ui a oa VIC'IUI M AWRO. Illlirrt KriiArtrk Unnird l Tnkr Hi* Wife *"> Fro m thr Ilona, mill Op-nrd Hrr RrtWMt Ho \\ no llrlooril-l’lrod TANARUS I‘latola lulu ikr I ruxil and F„iall> Wonnilnl n Hr. Ainuoun— t.a 11.rrr.l n, I'rulrrl lllm—u lirn Arrraird Ho Warn I'vnml lu limit- A'lvo AVnnailo. Mm un. Oa . Dm*. S.-lIIM Zona lMi-k --►on, a >oudk nhtir lady living In Man* , iit-Mrr. a üburb of Macon, hoi and imdly wounded Elbert Kendrick, a negro alio woe making an attack on her houii . irly ihi* morning ALea Ulckeon llvua with her eleter mol two brother*. Kendrick* wife n em. yilorad by them and the negro wanted her to leave He went to the home early tbi* morning, when only Ihe three women were at home and demanded that rhe leave with him On being refused he opened lire on the house Mia* Dl kron returneil the Hr. and there was a lively Interchange of otiota which soon attract' ioj a crowd. Kendrick lwd two platol* an-1 emydUd >o>th of them Into the crowd. Uifllvtitig a wound on Hr. Tohe .Amazon, which will ..rove fatal. He made hi* eaeape to the home of hi* father, where a crowd of armed negroes gathered to protect him. Deputy Sheriff Phil Stephen and a poe went to the house and took the negro. ll wav tfiken to the Macon hospital, where It was found he had been wounded five times, notie of the wounds being serious. He |s now tn jail. 'TfILKPHOmi I ADF.H SE A. sueeeaaful Ksperlwienl lletireen Key West and tfamnn. Key Weel. Fla . Dec. 2u. An Interesting • tl-erlmi nt has Just been made here which demonstrate* conclusively that a proper telephone cable communication ran lie ha I with foreign countries. In the presen* e of several prominent |>-oplr ihe officers of Ihe Southern Hell Tele phone I'ompaiiv ,-onnecicd the telephone wires here and at Havnnnah with the tlulf cable between the two oltlev For a few minute* a roaring nedso prevented any i-Hiimuntcatlon. but Anally this sutoi-ted and the officials here heard Havana dis tinctly. the words. "1 cannot understand von," being clearly transmitted. Havana, however, failed to clearly understand. The first experiment was regarded a* highly eurcaaaft)!. roll <VM.A> IA THE AAIHII.E. Jenkins. A\ ho tin. Also Hetomed From Enwland. It oe the Hare. San % Francls* o, Drr 2u.—Jo- kcy To,I ftluan math hip flret apt-nt-anse in the saddle to.lav since hi* returti from Kng h-nd. It wws at Tanforan In the Christ mae Handicap. The race was woti by Ivklle Jones, ail otitslder. with Jenkins up I wa* also Jenkins' first ride alnce returning from Hngitnd. Veeuvlaii. on which Hloan made hi* first was Installed Joint favorite with his pta hh ctn|si mot, Andrlssa. Oreyfeld and Advance Guars received strong nupport. while llfldle Jones and Mortgage were ■ copied at 7 to I. , AItIIKKTED Ft llt 111 I,K HOHIII'H IF.*. John Vtnrrnv Helleved tn Have stolen Silks In Many Cities. Chicago. Dee. 3ft. —John Murray, alias JMIIam l*nvts. alias ‘‘Bloomington Rad." was nrreste.l here to-day while at his Christmas dinner and Is held, (tending In '•■stlgstlon of recent silk robberies at He lolt and Janesville. Wls,, Klkhsrt and La T'orte. Ind.. Ottawa. Qulney and M>metiee, 111 Dubut|ue. la.. Detroit. Mich., and at ether fs’lnts tn the Middle Western states. Silks to the value of I3>*n. mild to have Ison stolen from a store In Qolney. 111., last tbabl were found in Murray * posses sion. A IHI.I, 14 III* Orlando Bots Get In Trowhlr Willi n Pistol, Orlando, Fla.. Dee. S.-Th f'hrlstmaa accident resulting from the arele** handling of flrvarmn*. occurred here lsat night. Willard Makin, a ial of ulioiit 17 years, had been monkeying with a pistol moat of the day. In ?h --evening, as he was sitting In the house, I accidentally discharged If. the ball en tering his abdomen, and passing almost ttirough his body. It was located by his physician and taken out at the opposite side lie is In fair condition to-day. and It is hoped that he wHI recover. - -0- - y It WHIR LOHT AT ABA. Tng roinmn* Mr port* !.•• of ttarge No J Wltli I.MMI Tons of ( oil, Key West, Fla.. Dec. 25.—The ateam tug Povamas has arrived from Norfolk and roports that on the Ifth, while ahe had the government barge No. 2 In tow, with I.lo* tons of coal, the barge sprung a leak and after two days* hard work had to be abandoned, and whs lost at sea. The erew was all saved, hut their per sonal effects were not saved. The coal was for Cibe. tllAMl’lbh noWI.FH AHOKHTKI). Thomas W .In* barged With I'm* heaslemrti t of to AUI.tNMI. lndlanapolb, Iml.. Dec. 25—Thomas W'ebh Jay. Icral manager for the Frick Manufacturing Comi*nv of Waynesboro, 111., and rhanpion bowler of the mate, was arrested tday on the charge of em hesslrment. Ifh shot.ige Is variously es timated gt front to $12.Wl The ar rest was made it the Instance of fl B. Hlitchart. presUhnt of the company. II It OH K W SItI D’N It HI 'OH D Indianapolis Wan Makes Howling leore nf 210 Oat of tt*n, Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 25— Tho?nas Webb Jay of this city broke the world’s fowling record at th City Club to-night by bowling 91 out of the possible 200 ler- M score Strike after strike was made h hie game with thru? oomrades. until tha last ball, which mleted the eighth pin EAT-WELL Salad Dressing Differ* From All Other*. MUNYON’S RHEUMATISM _ CURE nfn Prof Munyon eay* h,* Rhiuny- Cure will run- rheumatism there n i hii) guesswork atniiit U— inn t any fa!-- t.t*tn*nt about I: It simply jUM exactly what hr says t will i|it |( cure* more quikly than cxiH, t It curen without Ira vim; •ny 111 effects It U n splendid stomach anJ nerve tonic, a* well a# a positive nirr for rheumatism Ail ftie Munyon rameii*f arr Just a* rr liahlf.. Any drtiggtet f&<- vial. Tar Guide t* Health 1* fn*\ mj la medical advice. If you write to IhuoUwuy and Ath street. Nrw York \%M%T 'llhl> THK III'. %It I NEAT. CHlcagn I'HtaltiloaUtii llrrlarr If la Common Salt In thr Hlond. < hlraffx Deo. 2’ —Thr Uecord to-mor rnw wUI iy: Kxtorlmci ta on turtle# have convinced Jaquea le> h an 1 l'rof. D J. Luigb*. phyaiolotii'<. tt,. r ;vir -n-> of Chlv’Uk'". chat common sal*. In th* bk#>d maker the hrari beat. What 1# more, they claim that not only *4**■ > rail keep ih* lirart In acJon, hut tha? It pii|hly may cause the hciirt to h*.' attain after if ha# on c stopped. For aeveral monthr Dr I.oeb and Prof I.lnjclr have Urn experimenting to m ure •he necessary result* to provr thrlr tneory Thry have ('otutuctol awrier of delicate scientific trrtr *N*orlng upon thr pulsation of the h**rt. an<l to-day mle l*tihH> the m.tiiiiiii . mi ni that the mailta ih* y obtained had vrrlflrd bryorui a doubt thru throry that tnr pr rrn*- of aait in thr olood I'fiatd th#- twatr of lh* ht*art In thr experiments I w*rk ly th** two phyriok>K>atr turUr were uw.l almost rxdurlvrly. Aftrr rni;f>lnK off thr hadln a* humanr way ar powlhlr ftr lowrr part of the rhril war rrmo\r*i and thr lu-art lakrn |Mrrf7%iun of. Inr trail of taking the organ ar a wholr a rmall rtrlp frn tuif- of thr crntrlcln* war uaMi. Thr blood war rrmovrd aid a piror of flr-h ruapendr*! In dlffrrrnt aoluUona Ivi thir way their conclusion* worr n*lduc(Ml l>r 1 eO**• i and Prof. Utifle claim tiiat thr fa ila i• y of thr *arly hrllrf that in** hr*rt iipmih h*. hum It I* full of Mood w. quickly rhowti when a rtrlp of t'lr tu*- tlr * heart wax aua|*rMlrt| tn a *olu tion of rrlium <-hlorkl and n rraular rarir* of brat* Maan. B<purated from all nerve conitectlona thr lifeless rtrlp of heart muscle rrrponded perfectly to thr prer nc‘ of the rally aoltMton. kVr we-k* thr rxfrrlmentere work to ascertain what qualities po** rseil to cauae thir rhythmic heat Ini; of fh** heart th. were not poaaoaaod by calcium or potaMlum. the aalta f which enter Into th* composition of ihe Mood They found t ao4utton of th* proVem in fact that the action of sodium *hlorkie was due to the |>ecullar char* ter of th s*elium ion* In makintr the InvratMation they discovered that a pure rswliutn hloride Moltitlon wr d*'r:rctlve of heart ti*uer and that hv mixing ciiMum atel rotar*ium solutloci* with the sodium m>~ luttonr they found that the <*flfe.-t* of the sodium chloride were dr at royeri. < oki: prick* in-:inc. ti t. Producers Ire Involved In lVnr Or er 4 onf rani. Pittsburg, Dac. 25.—Producers of coke hove become involved In n price war over the contract* for furtta< r-ok*. which are now being closed for the delivery dur ing the first half of the ne# year. The result Is that some of the Independent non-f onnellsvi!!** producer* are selling furnice coke as low as II 40 per ton In volved In the conflict over the cuke prices are rhieflv the II C. Frick Company, the* J U llalney Coke Company, the Washington Coal ami Coke Company. nnd the Bessemer Coke Company. The Ftt k Company Is sahl to he holding to a mini mum price of 11.75 per ton. on furna v coke st the ovens, w hile lnd|*ndrnt com petltorc are piloting mn low as the figures named and one of the larger of these in terests is holding to 1 :*V NOT mu: MAKgI FTTK*I, Ills llnnra In I'oim'mliiii of War ciaette < olleae. MllwNnker. Milwaukee. Wis . TVr 25.—Surprise was occasioned in this city hv the report of the discovery of the sup|K>*ed lionr* of Father Marquette near Frankfort. Mich. It has been generally sup|Hieed for the past twsnty years that the remains of Father Marquette ara In possession of Marquette Collage*, this city. They were located by Father Jacker. an Indian mis sionary. in 187 k. at Ht. Ignace. Mich., on the site of the cha|e! of the mission at 8t Ignatius, which Father Marquette founded in lt*7l Father Jacker found the ruins of the chapel and digging beneath the altar aite discovered the relics. They were sent to Marquette College, which was then being built. CHICAVO'S liUlll) C I<KKH. HHlvmloN %rm> Pml aad *lif Poor tt rll fared for. Chicago, Deo. K—A feature of th* Christmas .toy was tho provision mad* to carry fowl cheer to tho poor. If a man. woman or child remained hun gry It waa not the fault of thoee who distributed Christmas arret in* In th substantial form of food. Tha Salvation Army fed .*> person* in a hall where prls'-flghts have been fre quently held. The PsoMe Harden mission served din ner In the afternoon to between *0) and ton men and women, mosi of whom were out-'•eta. flight lhanaatd men were Riven dinner* In the fourteen hurne of the Cnion Tra ’- tion Company during the day. n.ARKE nut o'linLU Man I Treated for Nhopliff lag May lie Wanted for Murder. PHtnhurß. Dec. JS.—What nuy prove an important arrant made In Allecheny to-day. J. C. Clarke and hi* wife warn a Treated on a charaa of shoplifting and con*lderalde loot waa fount In their po e**lon A *earcli of t 'larke * effect* dis cloaed the fad that h< had tieen arrested in Hi leoula Oct I. ISB. charged with murder. It I* heileved hi* real name I* J C O’Neill, and that he wae one of the notorlou* "Bllnkey" Morgan gang, n lid operated *>> e*tn*lv*ly 111 thta eec tlon a number of year* a an. ‘"larke and hi* wife, the police think, are wanted In other cltiea. 0 > ~ tmif T. IIKIIW MBAD. t llallroad Man llr From Fall Pr Ml* Horae. St. Louis. Dec. *-Aolln T Drew RMieral freight agent of tha Missouri. Kanaa* and Taia*. while horasbsek rktiiiß to-day in Korsst Park, fell from hi* home, cauauig ooncu#lon of tha btaln Thh> In conjunction with uraemia ftom whteh Mr. Drew ha* lona been a eulferer. cau*ed hi* death at 10 o'clock to-nlghf. hr. Drew wa* born at Par*one Kan , arid ha* been connected with toe M., K. * T. road for twenty yeare. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 2G. mna GROWING SUMATRA TOBACCO. brpnrtrarn t of Arlenlfarr lie porta I pon Very thperl* menf In I onnrellent. Washington. I>ec 3T* -The followtnf no Ib'e war |M*cted to-day by the Secretary of A*ricu!tur< Mil ion Whitney chief of dtvirton cf •oil*, report* a mi > **ful termination o. exprr liiu-litt* >'>r,du* (•■) in i eltn the ('win-i:xp*rlment Hi 4 loti in the production of Humatra tolmcco near Hartford. Ota*-third of an acre was plant ed utaler a ch ee<-U*t h shade nine feet high and cultivated and fermented un der the direction of M 1.. Kloyd. tobacco expert of the department The yield of cured tobacco waa ?ot* poun-l* making an estimated yield for one a ere of 2.1(0 poutul*. Tht* Kwl ahoui lt> per cent. In th* fermentation The crop ha* Jiawt been •ajUI by la. 11. HtiatjA A ’o oi Matt ford to Mitchelsoti Ar Hlbbnrd of Kansas fit> for 9473.7 b. making art estimated value for one a re of sl.d. The i'on of production. In cluding th*' whole coot of the shale—the frame for which will Inst five year* will not excetd f's per acre. l*<vlnic .1 net profit >f o\er IW* ia*r acre This wa* an average price of 71 cent* p*t iMjtmrl The crop up>wii in the same field, without the shade, and fermented In the *am* way yielded als*ut the same quantity nnd trrouxht 27 cwnt* p* r iound 01 at the rate **t SOO7 97 |er acn lAediictlnu the *oat of cultivation. fertlllMtksci and treat ln. this would Ic .va a profit of about $:• |*r acre Tire *fllntp crop *f the Connecticut valley l-r.nirs th* fa 1 met- atsmt 2r cent* per pouxnl r $• per acre. and. l* ducting th** • >st of expense*. leo\s a prAflt of about tA* |h*t acre The Sumatra tobacco rrown ender shade has Is hi submitte<l to New York and Philadelphia hutintw m#*n hiia! tH protrounA el entirely a.itl.-factory and fully rqiMl in|s>rte| Sion.itru ’riiesa- facts—taken In connection with the award at th* Pari* exposi tion of two point* for th* Florida grown Sumatra over that given for the :ni|*ort< and Surna r -show that we can arrow Sumatra toha o of the highest quality In this country and save our farmer* bat wean and $7 which is now sent abroad annually for the forelgn-ifrrtwn leaf This work Is the result of ihe soil survey made in the Connecti. ut Valley two y-ir a*n. *nd similar result* can is expected only from very limiteil area* where th* eoila and climatic eondlliona are similar to those in the Connect!* ut \ alley and In Florida. kOMR H 1V OF TNK 1VOHI4). Hospitality In n Sonlhern Home. Fame nf *'%unt lllnnh.*' From the New York Tribune. On the shores of what are galled rapid* in many of our streams one often see* near the scurrying end hurrying water* :hat carry everything swiftly on ward. quiet, placid pools. where th** w*tr develops, by reason of Its lamb. Into quite a different character mir roring in Its smooth surface the gnat* and flies that hover about If and affording w quiet haven for the fat trout that glide lazily atMJUt under the shallow of the veg etatlon cm the hank*. So. In places, *'f ir from the maddening crowd” there are. even in this e tger, busy country of ours. where every bne Is striving nnd pushing In the race for success, quiet communities, win re old time cuatom* still prevail and where the Inhabitants are quit* content with the simple pleasure* and occupations of their forbear* Particularly I* this the case In the rural districts of the Smith where. In •is* ! im!iwi : • ■ I .:d ru.iruM- :,■ i*e* o i -urr.Cifid*--i :l • i• r.•' .i r*• ■ t fi. scendaut* of the heroes of the Ist Cause still keep up the semblance of their for mer existence. Indifferent to the rush and turmoil of the outside world. And al though their crop* are gathered In by “hired nigger*” very different from the faithful serfs of yore, their stud of horaec reduced to a fewr ungroomed nags and money 1* more than a scarce commodity, they still dispense their hosHtulity with th** same generous spirit, and are unmis takably what they pride themselves on being—worthy representative* of the gen tlemen of the olden school both In m in ner* and appearance “It seemed very strange,“ remarked w Wall street man recently, who had Just returned from a business trip to the Inte rior of Mississippi, “to go straight from the routine of a broker's life at the Block Kxchange In New York into a community of Southern gentlemen farmer*, descend ants of the old planters, and 1 kept long ing tor the pen of n modern realistic au thor to Introduce soma of the Interest ing characters I met with lirto the great American novel. They ought to per petuated before the great business boom, which I* beginning to pervade the Houth sod which must ere long Inevitably de stroy these old-fashioned characteristics, becomes universal II seems a great pity that the selfishness mid greed of business competition must sooner or later destroy such types, for certainly they are flue old fellow*' 1 went there a complete strang er. stayed a week, and now feel that there are half dosen houses In the neight*orhood, where st any time I would be a welcome guest. Immediately on mr arrival st M our party was Invited to luncheon; or. rather. to take early dinner with Col. X. Arriving at the house we were ushered Into a *ia loo* hail, through which a hearty voice sounded from behind a closed door, "Slap right In, gentlvm’4 I will 1* with von In a mln ute. and. in' Go- means hlb . you II llu-l everything you want near the dining room door,“ meaning thereby a table lib- FIFTY TONS OF CANDY lime lire* Heat to Oar Soldiers la Ike Phlllpiilae Inland* by the floyrrnmrat. Fifty ton* of candy luv been aent to tile noldler* In the Philippine Island* by the coromHsary depurl ment of the army durtntf the lat three month* and larg • a mount a to the noldiera In Cuba and Por to Rico. Thla la dun* upon advice of the medical cUlcer* of the army, because It I* n ph> t slologtcel fact that a moderate consiimp- I nun of confectionery promote* hetiith and *atl*fle* a natural craving of the *(om j ach. i’andy wa* never fmnl*hed to tho I'nlt i< and State* army before although It ha* | tieen lOdunonl) u*ad a* a ration by the ! French and Rrltlah troop* In the tropic*. Tht* explode* another old fashioned theory that *weet* were Injurious lo the ' ilißeallve organ*. while a moderate uae j of aweet* I* actually beneficial i Very few thing* are Injurious and the food crank* who advocat* the u*e of a few grain* and vegetable* and decry the use of sweet* and mca.s are In error, a* a wholesome variety of meat ami vege table food I* absolutely necessary for the maintenance of the high*et condition of health. The best rule to follow 1* to eat wlait the aptwtlte rrac*. uud If there 1* any 'Hsoomfort or trouble lu digesting meat and sweet*, tlie dllfbatlly cun be raadlly cvereome by the regular uae after meal* of some *afe dißeadvc < omtrated of pep sin and diastase which will a*lat tha stomach by Inert using the flow of gastric Juice and furr,tn the natural peptone larking In Wtuk stomachs The heat prepuratlon of thl* kind Is probably (Jtuart'g Dynpepelu Tablet* which mv iw found st all dtug store*. Years f use have demonstrated the value Uftd effectiveness of Stuart's Dya pepeta Tablets In all cases of Impaired dig astir The Bost Natural Aporicnt Water. BnnyatU Jdnos Acts p x^bri P . It Is A W onderful Kerncdv l or Those Suffering With Constipation and Hemorrhoids. €>*er Pkyalelaa* manv ef th# vu faa>n* in ttu-..|,i Teatlfy TaTht*. It art* witb ut fivta * rise .■ iotetiii%| irntaloxi and a.-ta apesdr *ir* and aetpte Averag* s luwbiertm ■*. u*|f | u r baloie bieakfaat will .m..- aropmoa ra. uattea, without tuinattut any dlsruintort t* th j ali. nt n,:w AMI ul Wubatltute* aad ,||.l| I1 <• |*k lor ihr fill \ %%| | Hunyadi Janos BLUE LABEL and RED CENTRE PANEL on BOTTLE. erally -pi*kid with liqtMTr# .itil .i| |H ii< i **f various dw'rl|Hio<i. from which he i itasembled guest* tu l|*l themseiv* ■ with iut ceremony, an*) where out boat Joined ‘ ua .* few iind* later, ouraHHin; hi* I toilet an h* came. , A* for the luncheon, I never such ! I*4 untv or sili'Ji deliczou* is*>klnit Hei 1 muater trropuseil w< -Ih>uUl naike .1 vl*li to Aunt lHnah, In the kitchen, who, h*‘ I told u*. adoi e%l compliment*. i*l w*s . character worth seHnn. a* she wa- the flni at rook In the neighlxirhcsMl an I w.i j sent for from f*r and n.*r to sup* tin 1 t h! the \ -roiD function- W nil .-* •• I ‘thai such n lunclioMi de.-* rved otirtliwnk .ind Mjeurned in a laaly to the kl’ het . where Aunt lhimh r •ivi.l us with th greatest digmlty and affability, and stioa t I u# the wonder* of her at ore room “One of the no n 1 met then* s|!* n aslly pre** rvt*d specimen of \ tgon u* old oat promt-* I nu> some (In* quail -h**t ing the next day. ind drove m- In • shabby oUI huggv with a beautiful M*>r ikUii man* t ad point, whet* .1 iOU|de of hors*"* were waiting for u* A*ach ridd n by a small <njlored Ik>> . with an ok hr man to tak* our (rap It * •**?• ter rklitw than walking.' exidalned (Jen B . ‘and we down when we want t# -hoot < 'offe*> and Ha mho will n>* witti us to take 1 are of the najfr*. and to my surprise (h* two little Imp- hopped nlm t iy up behlml us. holdlnj; on to our • at* to keep themselves from falling off The !or*e were steady old beast a. accustom ed to th* work, ami certainly It was an eaay wav of getting a day * >q*ort A splendid brace of |ofnter* h*-l|ed u* to u ha* of Uftv quail. *< tiia( on live whole l was well content with th* 1 flout hern fashion of ahuoimg It went on Fvery *ly wa* mark’d b\ seme ho-pi table kind 11 ** and I came away wi*hlna mv week . < uld have lm*en lengthened into n month." vAa Ait if* or \ torikvnotf. There Are Msm 4|nrer Applicant# at Urn# Mares. From the New York Tost Another case of smallpox has been dls covered since lad announcement, Ihb vi - tlm being Mr*. !,oul*e Temple U years old. Khe was taken to North Brother Island last night. No new case# were found this morning “When the present smallpox scare run* Its course. I do not think there will he mmy anti-vaccinationists In the city. ’ re marked a West-Bide druggist, whose shop Is near the district where the recent out break began. “It Is all right to be an anti-vaccinationist in times of no ej4- deraic, but ft Is different when th* smali l*>x comes next to you “When the present duthreak started In this neighborhood. I wa* amused at the conversation of M>ne of my customer*, educated people, too. They bravely aired their views stiout the danger of vm infla tion. dwelling In particular upon alleged instance* of blood-poisoning. tetanus and tuberculosis otiuol by th#* introduction of Impure vaccine In the blood of the pa tients. and they drew such vivid pictures of the suffering of the unfortunates that the uninitiated might well feel disposed never to trust to the operation. Hut since the spread of the disease more gen ,-rally, these sanv- theorist* have begun to nurse a sore left arm "The present ejddomk ha- ie* n m -du cat tonal movement for a g*at number, and there l* little doubt but It will have a good Influence upon tne very i*oor who inhabit the tenement district*. 1 hardly have a customer nowaday* who does not stof* long enough to ask me a few ques tions about sma.lpog and vaccination. They have ail been vaccinated, and they arc curious to know something more about the disease and tin- remedy A;*>ut half of them ask if I have any literature on me subject which they can take horn, and read. For their benefit it would pay the Health Board to issue Just no* a popular and reliable pamphlet giving the history of the disease. Its cause, remedy, ami descriptions of tha grt the past. in flg.'Hit * •-- • * b . m: *• Hie gr -ate •oh a, * n,. - * • • superstition, and h campaign ilk# th* present could thus be converted Into a beneficial educational movement. “Many patients conic in here to pur chase the vaccine with the Intention of vaccinating themselves. What’s the good of paying your <loctor a dollar or two for something that you can accomplish yourself In five minute* at a oat of shout 10 cents? Now a man or woman <’n vac. clnate blmaelf or herself, provided th re I* sufficient nerve. It I* a fact that Seem* ridiculous, but nevertheless true, that not on-' out of ten ha* a-eually the nerve to lake any h*n> Instrument ami deliberately draw blood freely. I have had aeverwl Illustration* of thl* among my own friend*. Ilreat, big. strapping fellow* have attempted to vaccinate themselves, and only one ,to my knowl edge tarried the work through succera futly. I have aokl hundred# of the little glaa* tuba* lo would-be vaccinators which l know were never used. In moe! In stance* the doctor* have Anally performed the simple operation. ' ftpesklng Of iloclore. however, make* me think of the good thing some of Ih.-m have uiada out of the epidemic On# physician told mo that he had vaccinated 1.000 patients In the last four week*. Now. hi* tegular charge for an office call Is fvom one lo two dollar*. ami for a house call from two lo three If he charg ed the minimum cost of II a head, he would be In to the tune of SI,OOO a* the te sult of the pr sent outbreak, but It I* more than likely that he made |2.of or |l >*>, at the least. Other doctor* have fared pro|*>rtlonately well In the neigh borhood of the Infected district. "There ha* been a c|aa* of customer* In the store In the last few week* who have persistently *k'-l m* for some medicine to prevent the smallpox. It I* hard to make them believe Hist nothing except vscclnstlon will work Th* class I should rail the patent-medicine consumer*. They support the big concern* which pul up patent-medicine* for every 111 under *h sun. Imaginary or real. They have stieh Implicit faith In the*' medicines that they run lo the drugstore for some of th* med icine# as soon as they have a rold. cough, fever, or headache. It I* surprising how much this class spends In patent nostrums In the course of a year. I believe they actually spend more than If they hud' a physician attend them a d;>y oul of each week the year round It ho* been diffi cult to convince thl* class shat small pos was out of the category of ordinary diseases which patent medicine* could cure or prevent.” g , • —"Wlltr" exclaimed the first Londoner, stopping before the London Time* office, "lei's read these bulletin* about the situa tion In South Africa.” "No," replied the other, much disgrun tled, "I wan* lo know nothing about the It." "Then you ought to read these. Thav're official -Philadelphia Pres* NAPOLEON S GRANDSON • nun or % riiMiii miio *%%% i:ra 1/111.1 ov* *o\. H*Min|inrtl*t !liti*e t*nn<l-lad (tie Man W Ini I* wld to ll* Nn liulroa’s Only ll***eitNMt V\ 111 1.1% e in •t> lr Iu Purl* Fiom the New York Wot t The Third NM|H*leiui In direct |*<s cut for I ami' Bonaparte w a* mount’d til*- throne of I’niM ■ .is Napoleon 111 w * hvi? n nephew of the great foumler of hi- intnllv Ia tailor m Chrmnitx. (lei 1 man y lie is the only Avn of the ill-fatel I>uk of lie|ch*tad‘: •*f “1/Alglnn -the "Hint let’ wile-’ p.itheti *tor\ Item i;n 9t an I Mntsl’ Adam* .iave portra>tnl on the stage of that baliv King of Home whose very piav things a cup and ball—-were a h. epter and n globe in token of the uid versul k>inlnl<Hi that w.e to i*‘ his. hut who died piwrrlfM and forgiatten Th* claim* of th*- tallot are so well e*. tnl.laheil that Iktroti la-goux. lalrman of the Frm*h Imperial party, I* pr#|Mt' Inga home m Far I* for the direct b s endant of Fran*'* * greatest ruler Huron l. g x is raising m fund of 1.000,091 fr.MHH f him. it'd he will live rtt the interest .if this focune in a little pat • . on rite Champ- Ktysee* n>t far from the site of the old Tulilerict*. wliere hi* f*• ttr ee ssw th.* light l*rin e t*>gene Joseph Napoleon** fils; recohe't km* go hack to the town of Wurxett, m royal Saxony, where h** lived • the adoplfHl son of a tailor named Lud wig When he had grown to manlKxst hi# foster father told him that he came Into the fanillv in 1*4.1. and tnat previous to that tine lit- had resided with h motfi #i “u great lady.” at the paiac*> “Tire Cleat," he explained, was the inUtre** of one of the Austrian Km |*tor # grandson* Th* son of l/Aigiort says this Inform - tlon revived tn Us mind chlklhood re fle> done which heretofore lie had regard ed a dreams l|* remr mlerrd having several years in a stately hou*' and park where he owned a pony and carriage and fine plaything# The thought of establishing Mm Identity was uppermost In .Kugene Joseph** mind when it 21. he |#*fi his foster father and accepted m I’osttlou at lletgeiwlorf a vil lage near tlje imperial castle of K hoen hrunn As (he documents . ||| * of the young talk>r were In batln. Eugene Joseph had never learned their contents, and the vlfTuge pastor whs appealed to He dls coverod that the tie ailing* relating to par entage amt birth were rvot filled In ln- Hnul there wa- the remark Htate ac re!. in tiie keeping of the Minister of the Imperin! House. Hotburg." which seemed to Indicate that Eugene Joseph's father l>elonged to the reigning family of Aus tria The Information under "religion" read "Haptlxe<l In the religion of (he mother, a Hungarkm Prote*tant“ I’nder “menu* of kl’miincatton** was ltd* “Birth mark—Maltese cross on the |ef( hraast over the heart.'’ Kugene Joseph ■asl he poeseMse<| that and the priest ex amined him Finding that the tailor had told the truth th*- pastor s.ild "I am hound to take (hi- paper to the Vienna authorities, hut will give you an authen ticated copy.** This was Ihe last Eugene Joseph saw of Ihe original. Which was confiscated by Prince Metternlrh. while lefore the week was up he was marched toward die frontier of Saxony tietween two gendarme* ( a- on "obnoxious for eigner. " \ The ftchoenbronner?. Including several officials who had - e** to th** record*, assorted that hi* Ilf**’.* circumstances tal lied with what 1* known of th* fate of •u - n..b. r # .-• -• Thl* chlkl. (he%* said. was born In Pehoenhrunn toward the end of mi. and M* mother waa Comtesse Vllma von Bedlnlockv. n beautiful Hungarian. Reich*'adt died July 2L IM7. and Mill* von Hedlniocky and her child were hurried aw y from where the Imperial lover bad e-tahllehcd th*-m In a hunting lox The baby son was between 9 and h) month* old. Trine* Mettemh-h caused Mile von .♦. dlr.lorkv and her child to be taken to R.txony, whose King could lie truste<|. ** h- wa* under obligation* to Austrii and to the Bourbon* Kugen# Joseph instituted Inventlgntlon* j.t Worm and b-arned iha: n Hungarian lady, accomiHtnled by mal<- child, had l*eei a prisoner of *Me there, and her very considerable allowance wa* paid hy the Aiistrisn *-mba**y In Dr**d*i Nothing bad Interrupted the* prisoner * Hfe for ten o* more year* when a younr and handsome strsnrer. with *b* liesrlng of an Mrrnv officer, began to visit at the Phlm<’c ll and the t'otmtes* lecam* friend*, and on day he cm triad her off. the royal Governor looking benignly on. for She) were to !*• nut triad The little Imy wmm soon afterward re nvivol frrim the ra*tl** ami taken to Dres den. whence he returned a Htle later, not a* the pensioner of the palace, big a* the apprentice of Tailor Ludwig, who. It wa* understood, rrce!vd a large sum down. The servant* Of the ( were paid and discharged, the gnrrli>ti w;t* broken up and sent to distant {dace* nnd the oastle was turned Into government offices,* tie Joseph gathered that all that wa* needed to establish his MentHy was to And Vilms von Acdlnloclry, for there could le little doubt that she teas hi* mother He traveled for years, searching for the woman who ha 1 abandoned him The Aedtniorky* he dlS4*overed soon enough, there are two branches of th family, an Austrian and a Hungarian one. It-warr|ltig the fate of their relative. Vlltnw. they were silent, and when Ku gi tie Joseph contlnuenF'to bother them •aey procured hH removal from Hungary. H* <*i after K 'g in- Jo*efh had estah llshcd him. elf In Chetaiilti he wa* visited by fapt 1 aniel von Kassony. of the Hun garian Honveds. whose story of his fair, tillage coincided with the discoveries al r*h Iv made Moreover. 4he captain hid known Vllma von Sedlntocky personally -In fact she had Jilted him for the Duko of Kelrhatadt. kassonv ofTeretl to go to Hungary and continue the search for Kugeur Joseph's mother Trine, four month* passed At last the tailor rec#hd word to come to Nenudorf. Courtv Zips. Neudorf was Vllma's birthplace, and th,. Hungarian and Austrian authorities bad reported to the parson every change In her station of life, as the law pro vides. The record* showed that (Tomtoas* Vll nw I* rime the rm/tber >t a maJe child In Novemiiei IM2. ami that, in the follow ing August, ah. removed to n foreign state tßasotiyl. The child was l*aptigrd in the Protestant faith and rvnelved tne name of Kugeti* Joaepii Napoleon. Bhe entry was made Aug It, 1*45. It re*am*dial Vllma*# marriage to IJariti Ferdinand Hoicky f1: - M lieutenant In the Hung arum M>ikii#*l Notde (luurih Til*- isiir ltv%l together three year#. In January. Jfrc a *h tee of divorce w.t- ro -ctrd*i Th* iast entry r#iorJid thr uchayipv w* man # ilMth in kbvtemher, Iv* After that Eugen* J*#n*jli iseamrd ids fumli* * A(ue H itaparte, hut ’'a paM>'e tlireati> l iirrest It lie per*d t in using any other Inaii m mot tnr’a iuviim * - the aw relating to l.l’aliiiuste cM dren pr.e vl'k* Next the lalkrt wh* 'ontlliUd to a oil liiinse.i lam* ig tf oi tin* tVwims H hdts k \ |*f ;.-xt*M| M 44.10-1 lit# imp.a l t • Utk sliipi a j..\ ,r | id Napoleon 111 win. was Jus then guth ring .ill the Napoleon* hi# lino.’ Mm tilt* l<v- cei*n • oiiMii't ot 1 (in re A'gnltkai m th* TuUb t ir * The Ktni* tn we tifmhl if him cut ••rtill woiu.rt |( F,ti**i - J#‘-pti w i * * *4l a’l liii k* nf H-l' - li#lodt lie atwl iW’t tile Off# PI l tig lf tjlleell lb’ll’ il * might t*# ttk’Uglil cit'lllel to the ’hr*m Hill th* Hone par tea thnnthi tiwni(h *f the Candida* yto wish ti lein|w’rixe The *on if I. \ig *n ha- hi hi# #•-* --ion n let ter whk t tin lat* Frtn r Napoleon. ' Flon Fhai ' #’ iit him. Two ><ai * after Fugeiie Joee|h present •*d himself it th* Tulllerb*#. nut tie ISm l-rmt lit. High giving film prewents mil i p* union iefU%t to pedvi turn uiitlt the Investigation# cf I’rln • Nafolect> w> • mw link .i tn the fall of 1972 Fugei • Josupli In im* a t*Mthoti I‘hat was th*- la#t step taken by la lor Ludwig to etal’llsh his claims, w iildi la* consider# above eucpn ton. the ii”t* st a- th lea llrg Freiw h l **t >Mst in IntenoMlng thamscWeft t sga Meanwhile lie auik# at lit*, tra I**- mat of iadi< # tailor, in w til h in|wdl> lie Im# a* - •lulfed a icpirt.itkm Among his ou#totin*rs ar* the 1 .li. of tin* of Bad’ti Slid ItHiarls. wio [e.imol of hi# cxl#tein •' w tien Huron Lg**ux tiH|'itret afi* hltik l.llMit\*k Fit IV \I I !•%!.% FA. ilnnv lions* # I Hal %re Wortht t lie the % Immlcs f KlnM# From the ls>nd*m fcJxprca*. Is’islon may ih'. Im* a city of palace#, ut It <*>ntatns several hou see worthy to ?.*• the •itN’-ie of King# Tnr* * memorable I mansion* overtook the tlteifi Fatk 4*l.if ford House, the town test*ten* of the 1 nik mid DU' heas of Mutbetkmd. is #awl to le the finest pi I vale ituus*- in file in ropolw The entraticc hall, stairews* . and banqueting room are worthy of Ver sailles The collection of pictures t# die tflbuied throughout me house, and some Ii fie iuoet valuable mi e to 1# seen In the Hut het Mul Haller), a sort ai<r • meni, with celling painted by Uuer- Kur The state room# are sp'.eiulki’y furnished. bu( tlie living rtionw- *f the family hear *?he au|>eiior #lanp of heir owners refined and cultured per sonality. Tiie I ruches# of Rutherlaiule i’ou’k’ii Is a* ha rising ly arranged, with many l*ok iiul picture#. an*l nlway's fresh wHh flower# aisl foreign plant# llrklg**water ||ou#r. bekmglng to laird and 1-idy Klb#im*ie. |# another notable dwelling and f*r*a ihe Ureen Park Tbs o4le Ibm of plctur* i# very flue, and • oiUain# among other# Itapnael s wurM ftirnniMi Vlerg* mii I'aimter." Near at hand stuiul# Spencer House, the lain dot i home of laird and Lady Spencer. Its distinguished featur*** aie the charm ing view from the windows, and the •croat beauty of laid) Spencer's red draw ing room In A; Juflies’ HtiuaH' stand* Norfola I louse, the town riieiislon of the Duke of Norfolk The sat of drawing room* ou the flrsi floor form a flu* suite ol apart uc*nts. terminated hy a stated dining hall lined with mirrors and having t • Him* rt hly Mdorii'l with carving a tid ing and pictures In the rear la |*rt of the okl hou*e u> wtilch tborg* 111 w.u torn. la tidoii llousi the oftb lal rea.- dcnce of the Bi*tni* of Isaekut, m also lii Ht .lame* Hipiare. wimtorne House, the I guidon home of Lortl and laid) Wlrniiorne, la In street, and ulm* iMka over the Green I’ark The great feature la the beauti ful hallway <*i the ground floor, with a musicians' gallery at one end and aaveral line reception rooms, and a conservatory >MM‘iilng out of it Wlmhort)** house lias been tho scene of many roywl l-al.s a ret princaly entertainments. The Mayfair district contain* many distinguished bolt*** Chesterfield House, the residence of lord ami (oil) JiurttNi, Is quite a his toric lit aide The house Sum built for th famous Lord CheatiVfleld, author of “let ters to Hl* Hon.” nnd this rather doubt ful Instructor of youth styled the tmudolr “the gayest room In Kngland. and the |i lrry the best “ He also speak* of the “Canonic*#| pillar*” eg his house, meaning the tolumnn brought from the Canons, the seat of the Duke* of Chnndo* The mnrhle staircase and the ball room are magnificent Nut fa r from Chesierfle.d House atnnd* Dorchagtar House, the proper!V *f Cant II ilfnrd wni-rry in flin Prince of Wale- From an architectural l*lnt of view thl* I* the finest prlva e palace in laaidon. It is built In the style of an Italian palasso, and oontalita a grand staircase of pure white marble The picture gallery la a notable one, and among many valuable painting* Is n mas terpiece of O reux*. called “The Girl With M Pigeon •• A few year* ago Dorchester House was occupied by the Hhahsada. and the stable* were converted into shamble* for the slaughter of animal* for food. •- •ordlng to the tenets of our royal visitor's Fastern religion Grosvcnor House. Fpper tJcotvcOOV 0 la the town hous* of the Duke of Westminster. The hatHlaornc screen of classic pillars with a double archway, di viding the courtvar>l from the street was in Hied In IM2 The Grosvenor gallery of picture* Is celebrated. It# mbrandt and Ru bens are sc#-n to great advantage, and In the drawing room Is Gainsborough's famous “Blue Boy “ Grosvemor llu*me ha* a falr-stsed garden latnedown*' House lie* on the south *t>le of Berkeley Hqoare. It wa* origins: ly built for n Marquis of Bute whn was minister to Georgs ill, and afterward iwssed to the latnado’wne family. Th* house contains many valuable pictures, but the sculpture gallery Is of far great er Interest The collection la of ancient I toman sculptures, many of them from II Adrian's villa m Home A large semi circular recess at tha end of the room hold* the moat itrqiortam statues Dnvofislilre House. Piccadilly, la a pa n, w*U-proportioned brick building m u court-yard, a rough ahell containing many features of beauty arsl treasures of art The magnlfl< ent marble staircase with Its balustrade of crystal Is unrivalled Home of the pictures anl portrait* are very line, ami the Devonshire gems safeguard ed In the library, the “Kemble Plays,“ a series of old Fngllsh (Hays, and some flr*t edition* of Hhak'*speare. arc among the treasures of this historic mansion. Devon, •hire House was the scene of the never to-be-forgotten fancy hall during the Dia mond Jubile* season of IBT The ground* extend to lanelowne House, and the*** two abodes may be styled palaces in dens. Ix>rwlon lerry House. Park lan-, the residence of laird and lad) Londonderry, Ift a covnmodbai- mansion, and remarka ble for Its grand gwlbrv and sHende! decorations. One of the rooms contains ; Tbe Ordeal is r ryinq • is a perfectly natural func- £S|agHK< ! ! tion. hut it is robbed of its terrors where ' 1 th. virtue ct “Mothor'n Friond" f j is known. This unioue liniment, applied i J externally, relaxes all the muscles, *o that 1 ; The ordeal is Easy \ ** Sold bf *n rvfgtMs. last by I 1 WILL BOLT, mt L.y*s>4*. !•*. erttn: •• *MetHw* Fritad* m* bf* W |>dt, ( I hSttlMSdayvidala l'un.p,.i b na*fcitwanJuktMeas;.** I-OP per Inl tlc. J TSi: RHIUni liigtO.lXATOlMO...!tla*t*.t*. j %asa# and tabic# of malacfilts, given by th* allied ’Aiverdgn# to Ihe aecond la^rd landonltirj‘. Aps|ey House. Hyde Park Corner, fkw ttslderc*- of use Duke of Wellington, waa presented to the Iron Duke hy a grata-, ful mintry its l%Cv Tlm #lte 1s one the \ bc#t tn ami. po*#Ubljr, In kbirope, ‘ There I# a picture gallery, called the Wa terloo (Sail* t), containing portraits, P(c tures. #t ime#, md gift# from many roy , tte On (h* ■talna## i# t’anova's coto*- mI statue of the great Napoleon #1 FI HSI ITIOAS ill THE TN4CK. Tridea h liieii Prevent the Rsrlsg lout* Irniii Medina. From llie New York TxlHflffc. I I**ll you It # a cinch ll# can't loo#.** Dow do you know .*" ic *ok ut th* wav he's br#d and he's been winning right along." I ’•>< k*d at ti • guide this morning ami ii not iiu t unn. | in it Tht* I* his first start thl# v'at, 4ml. a# you nan ##e. It I# n race few maidens." Well. I know h*’# a • orker hy tha way he r (>re*l Him sire waa one of tin* fast* •' h*r-es ier raised In Kentucky anl hi** dam never wa# iieateti at any (stance up to seven furkngs." Mow i u* tired’ Who wa# his sir# •itil what wa* the name of the *lan?" U ell l can't remember Jihm now, but I know he t# well bred " Fcihafv# he i#. but vou don't know mu* h atiout him. for tie i# an imported Fitwling that he had made a "bad htwak tii*’ (out iri’iiHil id# Interwled vtc* tltn and lked rather crestfailan. In a few minute# a reporter tnanage<l to draw him into conversation. That gentleman lo**# not appear to hav* much uae f*r any Information you bavc to give hltn'*“ “Oh. In # •* good He*# one af 4ho#a peqtgtce crrtTik# who know# all about a ind dot i • I*ll hat ha iiasn't pi< k* and m winner tn tw% months “How ar< y<u making out po king wlu . . .# ( Ik ‘rid SO.'* What's your system?'* •Well, I *a*k out for n horse that's n*#wt due to win and then gef MOllkOily to play Mm He*# a# likely to b# worth the prt e h* goes for a# any of them, but thi<. you know. it*# all luok. anyhow. ‘Do you bellev# in lockt** Well, l shouki #) no I can always tell when I'm going to win." Ilow ?" “J feel lucky, and anybody that take# llie pain# t* iHttlcw little thing# can al ways do the same, no matter whether he know# Mnythlng snout horse* or not ** 'What little thing# lo you mean?" "Why, If you meet a cross-eyed man or woman when you're on the way to the p'A/lrourn you won't make a bet that day If you've got any #cn#c Home people #) the#*- thing# are all nonsense Tfctsy'll turn atound and go hark home for the leas* little thing thav've t**rg*tter like a I” *ket handkerchief or some trifle of that kind, because they aay there's nothing m luck But you Just let on# of fheoe fellow# ruetl* for Id# own living for a year or two. I jet him follow the races, play the hore# all Hie afternoon, play the latftik at night, and then crawl tn hih! sleep with the stable loyi at tha track from 4 o'clock till daylight, and then he’ll lenrn that (here Is something In luck, and he| pay attention to all the #ign of had and good luck." What ar** some of these euperstltlona of the turf?" "Oh. fher* are so many l couldn't think of half of them Now. If there's ever keen a lawsuit over ty horse I wouldn't play that horac at l< to 1 If he wa% lead ing twenty length' In (he stretch and all the other# had fallen down for I'd know he couldn't win any way they could fix It. •uch Horae# are always hoodooed as long a# they live. 1 like to play the first homo mg of the paddock. A man ought never to show hi# ticket or tell anybody tha horse he b# bet on. IF# all light to say you're going to get on thl# or that horae. hut after you have made n b*g don't tell anybody what horse you have het on. If any one o#k# vou. and you don't want to hurt hi# feeling#. Just lie to him. "Don't 'save stakes* with anybody, for then you will ho:li lose "I most always tear my ticket* shout half In tw<i a# soon ns I buy them. I don't think there # much In this, hut then, you know, when tt fellow Is hard up, h don’t like to (hrow away any chances. "I got hold of a fellow once when V was In great form and I had all the winners down pat for that day. nut somehow ev erything went wrong. The first one wo caught at 3 to 1, and after he had put a swell bit on him the horse was hacked down to 3 to &. ll** led tn the stretch hy eight length#, and I was only a flve-fur long race. Now, would you believe It, that onery eon of a gun Mowed up In tha last sixteenth and didn't finish ‘one, two. tltiee.* "The next one wa* sure to land for ug. for after o|tenlng nt and to 1. and slaying Just long enough for us to get down, ha wa* cut to 4 and at last went to tha post at 31% That looked like ready money, and we Just waited to rash our tickets, but he got off bad In a five eighths race, and then, when he wa* rounding Into the stretch, th’rd, with two rank quitter* ahead of him. an old yellow Texas gelding • hat was tiring badly In second place swerved from the whip and chucked him over on the Inside rail. I thought he was going over Into the Infield sure enough, though he didn't, hut th 4 hump on tho mil skinned hie near shoulder and put him out of hualne*. He finished last, and doad lame at that. “The third one we plaved that day was an even money, and after breaking out with the ]#od he had Ids nose In front oil the way. though he wa* tired ami stag gered In the laat sixteenth. Hi* number went up and then them onery Judges dis qualified him few swerving In the stretch. By that time I was all but out. and my friend, who wa a putting up tens along with my dollars, nnd declaring im* In with all his beta, concluded that tuck wa* against him and went home without wait ing to see the rest of the raring. It wa* just as well. too. for not one horae that I had picked that day took down any part of the money. ’'‘When f got t the house where 1 was boarding that nigtM 1 found out how It all happened I had been hoodooed by mis take There was a Csgten widow from ©no of the parishes boarding for a few days at the same house, and someone who had It in for her had sent an old houdoo nig ger lo sprinkle w hite sand on the steps so tha*. the would he the first to step on It coming out. The old scamp was cunning enough, for be rang th*' ieil and asked If the lived then Just a few minute* before I came out. He had found out when ahe wa- going up street, and sprinkled hla wind just In tlm* for her: hut after rha had her hand on the door to come out she ti rued around and ran hark to her room for a handkerchief, and It waa Just my luck to be ready to leave that minute, and so I was the flrsi one to step on the hoodoo sand, an*!, of course. I got H.** —“What are you leading. DorleT** “Pg pa * poems. M ' Been naughty7*’—Punch. 5