The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 26, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 THE ORPHAN AND DESTITUTE. iinißpmu) by cHHium .%• EBOIITY or IAV.4YYAH PMIAE. The Dar • r tttl*ly In thr Orphan nnri MUr narll hlr Inal It utinna— In .411 of Then* Thrrr Wrrr ( hrlilmaa Dinner# mi 4 Prrarali for Ihr < barari. Firework* at HI. Marj'e Nome, lair 1* at jtaTMnnnti Female Orphan Home Iflnndaoanely lt*-*mr mhrrrtl. Old l*rnplr Yraat on Ihr Pal of the land—Tbr (alom off brlattnaa (.Ivliiff Marked the lnj. Christmas day Waa fittingly celebrated In the hornet for the orphan and desti tute in Havannah. In all of them the rutom that mark th** day were more or l**s observed, and ihn moM revered runocn of all, the Chrlatmaa dinner, held a prominent pU*a In the programme of feMlvltle*. At every one of these Institutions where Inquiries were made there eras one fan prominently mentioned—that the friends of the Institution and the public generally had been moat cordial and gen erous in their donations and that the management had been nabled to gladden the hearta of their chargee with such evidences of Christmas good cheer as are demanded by the season. It was this fact that was most univer sally gratifying. The Christmas spirt! was abroad and Ita manifestations were everywhere. Rveryone se-med to he im pressed for the time with the truth of the scriptural saying. "It I* more hle**d to give than to receive,** and determined to have hts full share of the blessing that comes In this fashion. At 81. Mary's Orphan Home, on Haber pham and Thirty-second street* the good sisters arranged anl carried into execu tion a most delightful programme for their little charges. They dined yesterday on the fat of the taml ami In the afternoon and early evening enjoyed a display of fireworks In the extensive grotifiift* of the home Cap! P P Gieawm. the presi dent of the Institution, was grand master of the display of pyrotechnics ami the chiMrrn gave hint devoted and silling as sistance. Th* Christmas tree has been set up In one of the rooms and ft Is adorned with a profusion of candles and tinsel and diamond dust and preside*l over by the marry figure of Saint Nicholas, whose ruddy fsce looks out from the branches of the tree. The tree is covered with presents for the little folks at the home, which will be distributed tlim morning In thw rhiprl there Hi a iwert, rustic reproduction of the Nativity. The Infant Jesua sleep# In th** mnnit*r, while cheru bim. seeming to hymn hi* praise* and voice the joy of the world, hover over hi# bead With bowed heads, or either aide of the manger, are the figure* of the hie***d Virgin and *4t Jom|*h The ox and the ash of the stnrv of th Nativity •re looking on> the background At the tlavannah Ketuah orptutn A*y ltim. at the comer of Oglethorpe •venue and Wear Bread street, the custom* that •re uaual there were curtailed because of the llln**a of Mr* Bragg, the flrat matron. An effort was made to have the ('hrlwmas c<lei*rllon something les- Txw*y than la uaual. hut one of the rna Cron*. between a atgh and a smile. con fessed that tnl* was not altogether feas ible when the partidpanta were forty two perfantly he ilthy and happy gtrla The ohildrati received many presents, each of them having two or three at least, and the f'hristma# dinner war a feast of #rAnd thing*. Mrs. Bragg was much hotter and the children all jwrfactly well, so • hat there was nothing to mar the joy of the oresaSeft The Hftli.’upal Orphan* Home, m mm tnon with lta slater institution*. shared In the gene mar y of t lie of Havan tt.ih The friend* of the home had given freely and the friend* of the children had not forgotten them. The day at the home was a day of rejoicing In the morning (he children attended divine service at Christ Church. After the regulation Christmas dinner, when* roast turkeya and plum puddings occu pied the place* of honor on the heavily laden tables, there were Christmas carol* around the tree In the parlors, from Which the gifts were distributed Seventy old person*, who are the ob ject* of the tender solicitude and rare of the Uttlo Bisters of the Poor, at their home on Abercorn and Thirty-seventh streets, ail down to a Christmas dinner there yesterday afternoon. The Bit tie Uls ters of the Poor and their charge* hail tio been forgotten in the epidemic of Christmas giving that pervaded Savan nah, and they fared sumptuously. Chris:mas day nt the home was ushered In by the celebration of masse*, at IS o'clock midnight of Monday. Itev Father Jlennessy was the celebrant. At other charitable Institutions there were slmhar celebration* during :he day. In ft* exhibition of those qualities of un pelflstiiir-s* and thought fulness for other* <hat make the day something more than a name It was as satisfactory a Christ ina# as gavannah has seen. Possibly, thi* was due to good time*, or to gs>! her. hut at any rate Itp result* were at Of ice perceptible and gratifying. < MHIWTM44 1% THE (HI HHIKS. Wn* C#lfcrß(#4, ** Is Customary, W llh M|>rrUt lcrTli k ra. The customary Christmas arnica were calibrated in muny of the churches yes terday. eapeetaliy In he Roman Catholic, Jlp.stwpal and Lutheran I'hunlira. Several niaaaea were celebrated at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, at the 8; Patrick’* t’hurvh, and at the Sacred Jiaart Church, while two aervlcea. an early celebration, and high celetwatlon were celebrated at St. PaiH’i Episcopal Church. ami at Ht Michael's Chattel. Holy communion was administered at Ht John * Church at 11 o’clock. Service* were held al*o at 11 o'clock at the I.uthoran Church of the A*< rtiulnn In all of the churches the music was a special feature. The programmes (tlvcr. and the singers were printed In Sunday * Mmtlnf New* At St. Patric k * Church at the M:Sn o'clock service was sun Mario* mas* In O, a difficult a* well as haAuttful compo sition that was splendidly lung The "Adeate Pldehs" of Novello also was attng. plat bo at mrruxi hill. Aad H u l anded la the Harraek* a* the Rrsnlt nf the (tame. A negro named Joe dtifttanon, twit who called himself Buffalo lull, elected ’yes terday afternoon to show the children that were playlns In Franklin Square what a real bad man was like. Dressing himself In fantastic toss, ha went to the square with the avowed Intention of elaamng It out. This intention he started to carry out. but bad proceeded with hi* plan but a short way whan Patrolman Clod hold who was In the neighborhood, took a hand In the (tint, and capturing the "bad man.’’ took bun to the call boa and sent him to the barrrack*. Dußignon showed fight, but lost his desire for it after he bed felt the weight of the patrol man s ciub a few times A white min, very drunk, who was at tracted by the crowd that surrounded the patrolman and his prisoner, essayed to take a hand In the proceedings, but he. *** arrested end WchC with Dußlg ut> to the bst racks. A Ht LI-FT TIINIM 4. It HIS 11111(1. Daniel Small, the Victim, bat Ills V slapcr la In W now a. Daniel Small, colored, was found dead yesterday with a bullet wound in his tern l.e. lie was found In the office of the Floyd <\>tton Pickery. on Lumber street, and had evidently been dead several hours, as th* body was cold and stiff. The discovery of the body was brought about by a report by a colored woman to Patrolmen Hmnm and Forgarly that she thought there was a dead man in the place. They investigated the report and found the tody. Small was In a kneeling position before one of the desks In the office. He had evidently tried to tele phono Information of the (rouble that led to his wound, for the re.-elver of the tele phone w u covered with clotted blood. A further Investigation of the premises would seem to show that the crime was committed not In the office, but at the gate leading into the yard of the pi k ery, for on the gate was found a zpLish of blood, probably thailrst spurt that fol lowed the wound- The trail of blood then led through the yard and Into the office to tire p|at where the man died Coroner Goeite was notified and visited the s> * m*. and took charge of the body. Small had been a watchman at the prk ery for some twelve years or so. and had always l*een known as a hard working ami Inoffensive man He waa on duty at the time that he received his death wound. A negro who Is zuppneeal to have com mit teed the act, or to be In some way onne*ted with It. waa arrested In the afternoon. The police ref rue to give the name of the prisoner, or the ground* of the *u*pl< •ff>n Against him. \ > OTIH.H %t 4lt 111.1. TO I'l LAiKI. Movement to I reef One In the Na tional I npltol. Mr K. I Ok arm* is endeavoring, through the commercial (todies nnd pa -11 loti - societies of Savannah to bring In fluence to bear ij|mf> Conxrtw to secure the erection In Washington of a monu ment to the gallant Pole, (‘mint Fastmir Pulaski, who fell in the defense of Ba vannah In 1779. In the early part of the century Con ic rau provided for such a monument in the national ipitnl, hut for some reason It was never erected, and with the ex ceptbm of a monument in Wisconsin. the stately marble In Monterey Square Is be lieved to be the only marble memorial in this country to the brave and heroic sol dier. The plan that has been adopted I* for the various t* die* and organisations throughout the countr> to name Hon. Joseph Hmo llnski of Washington their representative it the < apltal in the l*ula*kl monument movement He Is to ho authorized and empowered to memorialize Congrese and perform such duties s> may be conducive to erecting the monument at the nation’* capital to the brave Pole who, on leaving his native land, valiantly defended the colonies against the Invaders, offered hi* sword to the struggling colo nies and while fighting for American in dependence lost his life at th* siege of Savannah Mr Okarma expects to secure the Influ ence of the city government, the Cotton Exchange and Board of Trade, the Geor gia Historical Society. Sons of Revolution. Colonial Dames. Daughters of the Revolution. Society of Colonial Wars, the Ht Andrew's and Hibernian oocletlea nnd others that are willing to Aid the movement. vannah except a pleasure society, and an effort will be made to organize here a branch of the polish Notional Alliance in furtherance of the monument movement. A ('HRIUTH %A A% KDDINCi. Miss % I Ice f. \% litter Becomes Mr#. Ilnhert 11. Anead. Mr. Robert Ralph Knead and Mies Alice | Florence Wilder were married laat night | at h W o'clock at the residence of the ■ bride’s ra rents. No. IM Park avenue, ecst. The wedding ceremony was per f rm* and In the parlors, which were tastily decorated with profusion of evergreen*. Many trietuis * ih r‘ sress w*-ro gat hen* 1 when the couple entered and slood lbefore Hev. Robert Van De venter of the I niffy Hint* Baptist Church, while he pronounced the words that made them man and wife. Miss Ka tie Shearouse wt* maid of honor, and Mr Charles C. Wlkler. brother of the bride, wa* best man At the conclusion of the ceremony Mr and Mrs Bnaid were heartily congratulated The bride is a daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. .1 II Wilder and has a wide circle of friend* The groom t* the son of Mrs. A. K Snead, and ha* char*;- of a large rice plantation near the city. Mr and Mr*. Snead wIM reside In Savannah. >14.1(0 until 11% IMII.M KilKt, (•fatal In llaad He Tried to Foeape I'rom A Yard %% here He %% as Foawtl. Sam Small, colored, was arrested yes terday by 'Patrolman Jemtgan ami Kan xtn on -the charge of assault with intent to murder Andrew Moi'all. colored. The •nan had been shooting a pistol promis cuously on the street and the policemen being told Of the matter went to get him. He was probably aware of their coating for be went Into house an Bumper street and tried to escape by the rear way. hut finding the officers on guard there drew nt* pistol with the evident intention of taking a pot shot at them onl thus Hearing the way. i The officers were prepares! for this however, and shot first, both bullet* j t iking effect, one in the shoulder and the ! other In the leg Small was then taken :• the barrack* where hi* received the attention of Dr. K W Osborne. Neither wound 1* likely to prove serious. SHUT 4 I OMIHKII II tilV. The Wound the Heealf of a trgrs'a Attempt ta Make a Merry rnteiaa. A 4-year-old colored girl was ahol In the left groin yesterday afternoon at 81m* and West Boundary streets by a negro named Neil Slater. Slater wae tak en tn charge by Patrolman Elver* and sent to the barrack* where the charge of assault with Intent to murder w.i enter ed against him. The shooting, from what can be learn ed about ihe mailer, was not Intentional. Slater simply atoor on the atreet and Bred his pistol at random. In a violent and what may prove to him expensive attempt to liven up Christmas. One of the bul lets struck the girl. Her wound may not prove fatal. He snem hered by the Mayor. The police were given e Christmas ra memhrance yesterday by Mayor Herman Myers who made the department a pres ent of five hoses of cigars. With last night's service the extra duty that they have heen called on to perform sealed, and to-day they return to the usual terms of duty. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1900. TWO GAMES OF FOOTBALL fl%VA*N4fl TK4M WON ON K ABO TMH I AJMCT* THK itTIIHH, Home Between Savannah suit the Fort Screven Team 44 a* Ployed In the Foreo*n and That Between the Illsh ArkotA nd the odeta In the IflrriHMio- 4 row da • the Ironies 44 ere Small—' Scarcely More 'I imn 2|fMt Attended the Morning borne, and There 44 ere Not S Many at the Second tiaae. Two football g.'imes were played yes terday at ’he Holton Htm t Park *1 he gmr between Savannah and Y ort H reven tex*m result'd in a victory for th* former, th** soldiers being defeated by a score of 16 to 0. This gitne was played In the morning The afternoon game was between the High Rchool and the Cadet*. It resulted In a victory for the Cadets, who defeated their opponents by a score of 17 to 0. The victory waa somewhat a surprise to the Cadets, for practically the same t#am played w few weeks <g" anl the High Bcho©l was then the winner, the s ore having been 10 to 0 At that time the C < le: team was that of the IjftWton Ca det > but. wtitle retaining th*' name of the Cadets, it has been strengthened by other players. At neither of the games was there n good crowd- Possibly there were a fear more st the morning game than there were at that in the afternoon, but even the n*rning game cou.d rot have ha 1 many, if nny, mor* than 2*W spectator!. At both games, however, there was pletUy of interest, rl.>4v;i, m>( the cr©wt* w*t> made up |>rin<ip!ly of rooters. The r u.'fcM.ij.d and the btoochers wet** practically dcHtrtai as th* crowds were content to run along the side lines. Th* g.ime could be w*t> he<i t greater ad vantage from positions that ooukl be • hanged with every play, and only those when* interest was not very keen re mained where they could sit. 11044 I'll SC I(4MR 4V %* IMdYK.I). Kretuon, 4 p Mint Patch Made binrhiiimm f*r Nstsmisli. Considerable improvement waa shown by the Savannah team since (he la;: game it playeal with Ja ?k*ofivllle. wh *n the score was 0 to 0. Team work w.u better, th* algnals w*re better under *o<ifl. lew* e was placed in In hvUlual p(i> s, there was leas fumbling and not such n desire to play one minute and rest three was displayed. The quicker work was commendable, and the spectators were relieved to see th.t the tactics of the former were not followed. As the team'* lld not hsvt a chance to train as do college players they could not. of course, run the aaue* snap Into their work, but it w.i* fast enough, both the citizen* and soldier, having all they wanted and welcomes the few brief rest* that came when some player would (• suffering temporarily from the effect* of h urnmm.ige. FHhaving was the line up of the Savannah Hatter/ Vunrhen center VatoH Wesneaky right guard Bhort Futch left guard Beasley Hewlett right tackle Colley Johnson lefi tackle ...... Bingham Smith. M right end Horn** By nab left end ........... Perrill quarter Brown Krenson right half James Hull ieft half Jones •luHignon full Moore Savannah had the kl k off ami the north goal, and it was not long before the local i team had shown It* anteriority on to k ing. end runs and trick plays It had the advantage, and in the first half, lasting twenty minutes, but seeming much long er. two touchdown* were made The first was made by Krenson amid wild cheering, the supporters of the t**m showing their enthusiasm The tiall was punted out. but wan not * aught, and there was no try for goal. v The score was made & to 0 in favor of H.tvar.nah by K reason's touchdown, but Harris <\*|* followed soon after with another, making the score 10 to *. ('ope tried for goal, but the ball went wild, latter In the half liertie Sullivan made n magntfh 'nt run of some 60 yard* and would have m.tdo n tout hdown had not one of the battery players outstripped nun. miiiavan nu clean neui before him. and it was only the sprinting of the battery rmin that prevented his scoring. The battery team had the kick off from the north goal, after the Intermission, but the soldier* did not w**em to he able • do anything with the Savannah hoy# at any titn*. Futch mad* a tou.<hdown for Savannah on .1 fluke during the latter half, emerging from a scrimmage with the Imill. which had been fumbk'd. and trotting fifty yards and touching It down liehlml the goal. H rrl* kicked the goal, making the score H to 0. where ft remain ed until time wa* called, the toll then Wnt about the mhklle of the field. Hon ors for Savannah were worn by Krenson, Cope, Hewlett, duidgnon, Futch ami Hull, while good playing for the '>(ro#ing side was put up by Beasley. James and Moore. cadet* iii'ir mh.ii <m iiddl. Tone li downs for the Pndrlf Were Made by l.aaaey and Hernhnrdt. The afternoon game t*egan at about 1:11 o'clock. The Cadet* had the kick off and the north goal, and their play was soon clearly shown to he better than that of tl.e High School boys. In weight, appar ently. the teams were about equal, but the < 'abets had picked up wotolorfully since the last game the teams had play ed. About a week of rather constant practice had been engaged In, am] the advantage of It was char. Trick play* seemed to succeed against the High School !y* whenever they were tried. The double pass Invariably worked successfully, and the High School lino was practically removed each time for th passage of 4he Cadet having the hall, th t.tglt School player* having all chased la the end to tackle the man whom they thought hud It. laiuney did the spectacular work for the Cadets, his runs around the end and his line bucking being excellent. He made the only touchdown of Ihe Brss half, but Bernhardt failed to kick goal, leaving the score for the ttrst half 5 to 0 tn favor of the Cadets. Two touchdown* were made In the #**•- ond half, the flrst by Bernhardt and the second by Isiuney. Bernhardt kicked both goals, leaving ihe score 17 to 0 against he High School when time was called. Following was the line up of the two teams: High School. Cadet*. Beckett center Robertson Hartridge. A ..right guard Well* Hartrldge. K...l*ft guard Doty Sullivan right tackle Kighton Collins left mckle Heyward Adams right end Strong Kelly left end Robertson Bell quarter back .... Cubbedge Renan right half bark .... Pritchard Webb lef half back Launey Kehoe full back Bernhardt Launev. Prpehard and Bernhardt were the bright particular stars among the Ca dets. while the laurels among the High School boy* were horn* oft by Ball. Ho nan and Kcbow Ff>\ Ml STEM* AT TMKIK BWPT. Han Down 1* Fovea la !*-*• Than Three Hour* at Nandßjr. The Chatham Hunt Club covered Itself with glory yesterday. It caught two fozes In le** than three hours When the announcement was mode by the mas ter of hunt that the Aril relebratlon of Christmas by the club would be one long to be rememl>ered none dreamed it wouid be the event which it turned out to be Hixieen hunters followed the hounds at break-neck speed to the death Ml*a Kiif aheth Haskell led the riders, far and away, and captured the brush easily. It was <tn idewl day for foz hunting. The dogs had been confined for several days and were as keen as mustard for a run. At 7 BO o'clock the hunt party forme* 1 at Wheelmen's Park and rode to Sandfly In a half hour the dogs struck and in fifteen minutes Reynard was up and dancing nimbly In front of them He led a warm row ID bad deceived them three tithe* on previous hunts and was saucy For nearly two hours without a single inter ruption the dog* went pellmell through the pines around Sandfly, Ailing th* woods with their music. As the race became warmer th* rid*rt rod#* closer and nt 10 o'clock Reynard climbed h tree. It was a slender cypress, an l very tali, and the fox was perched on n branch near the top. The master of hunt and wtdp attempted to shake him out, hut the old fellow seemed to be glued 'to the limb The party was about to find Itself in a dilemma when Mr. George Haskell dis mounted and climbed the tree a short way. His attempt to dislodge th* fox however, whh fruitless and Mr. le*sh Haskell, who is horn** from Johns Hop kins on his vacation, went up the cypress like a squirrel. He climbed within reach of th* fox. and after teasing the animal some time shook him from his perch. Then came the death gallop. It lasted thirty minutes. The hounds were deter mined and the hunters rod* hard by, each eager to secure the brush. When the chase became too warm for Reynard, he turned u?>on the hound* in ofen view In his death struggle. And Ihe jig was up with him. Then It became a red-hot race letw***ii riders !• the hounds. When Miss Haskell reached the 'bars in the lead, she dismounted, and while they tugged at the fox's pretty coat, she raised the masterful fellow high above them, amid the deafening shouts of the hunters. And through the rest of the hunt she rode with Reynard on her sad dle The president of the club had wisely provided for another chase, which came off with the usual amount of excitement After nearly an hour's ride the bound'* put the second fox up a tree. After the hunters had looked at him and com|ared hi* size with the one which had been cap tured they voted him his liberty, "to run another day." so he wus not disturbed The imrty rode back to the city and at 1U o'clock became the guests of the proal <i nt for an hour The following members of the club composed the hunting party: Miss Elizabeth Ilookell on Anglic*. Mr Paul T Ha-keli on H Hie Buck. Dr M X <\>rhtn on Jerre. Mr Lewis Has Kell on Hoialb*. Mr Ralph Kltiott on I'lowhoy. Mr. 11. B Neal on Pauline. Mr John Fawcett on J<* Jefferson. Mr J. T Shuptfine on Ilia* k Hawk, Mr. G 1* Tenniile on ITtnoe Holho. Mr Kmmet Mmcrlef .n 1 on* Wilkes 11, Mr Drake oi. Hoy Charles. Mr lewis Haskell. Jr . on iu,l Hlrd. Mr J. K Pulver on Fox. Mr George Haskell on Black Flyer, in J. G. Jarrell on Gen l**e. and Mr Z. D Ksspt s on Gra> Nell MAN AM %% FROM Hit DEBT. Mas Taken to Bea Thief and Run One t by Patrolman Clad hold. A fleeing negro at Whitaker and Con gress streets, with a crowd calling. "Catch thief. ’ In hot pursuit, attracted the attention of Patrolman (Jodbold early yesterday afternoon. He. too. gave chase, and though the negro had easily • block an d a half's start over him. he Anally overhauled him at Jefferson street and Broughton street lane. From son* of the person* that had been in the chase h wa* learned that the man was wanted in m Bull street office, from which It was said be had stolen *om* - money. Color was lent o this story by the fact that the man had a good-six*-*! wad of bill* in hiw pocket. He was taken to the offi e. when It w.ia fouwi that he had not stolen the money, but simply aa * running away to keep from pacing anoth er employe |l€. that he owed him. There were no charge* to be preferred against the man. ho he wan released. He pal I 115 on the debt, and it Is a aafa as sertion tlvat he will not attempt to run £ .w iv from a debt, at least, not while so Heel-footed an officer as Gudbold Is In the vinlcity. M-:\t AN OHM K%F. PK TI MB. Mmarncki In Jail for % Inlatlon of !*■(• I lan*. George Masaracki is in jail under com mitment UMUed by the Flitted Btatew (’ominisslotscr, on m charge of sending ob scene matter through the malls. The warrant on which Masaracki was arrest ed was sworn to b> T. S Uamon. Mazo ra. ki is charged with having went through ibe mail to his wife, from whom he Is now separated, letter containing a vul gar and indecent picture. His wife is •he daughter of Mr laimon. Masaracki. it is said, did not deny the charge when arrested b> Deputy Marshal White, but remarked. "She 1* my wife and I gues* 1 can send her anything i want to." lie will be given a hearing before the com missioner this afternoon. (IT WITH i It IK HUH kill'll. M. Hardee. I olered. Makes a Murder ous Assault I pou J. J. Hrtlly. H Hardee, colored, was arrested yes terday aft< rnonn In York street lane Mr Price by Patrolman Winn, who sent him to the barracks on the charge of assault with Intent (u murder J. J. Mellly, col ored. The men had had a difficulty about some trivial matter and Hardee went for Reil ly with a butcher knife and slashtsl ht* left shoulder open, making a wound sev eral Inches long. Reilly, too. was taken to the barrack* along with the prisoner, and had his sltouldrr sewed up by Dr. Osborne. Th, wound I* not a dangerous one. IU, SLK Mill Ikli PICTTRJCX. Sunday School of Wesley Monument al ta He Entertained. The Christmas entertainment of the Sunday School of Wesley Monumental Church will be held to-nighe In Ihe lec ture room- The entertainment will be gin u' s o’clock, and not only the pupils, but their friend* a* well, will he made welcome. Klnetoacopc pictures will be shown, as It I# though* that they will furnish a form of diversion that will he more Instructive and entertaining than the usual Christmas tree. First ana Foremast In the field of medicine Is Hood’e Barsap urllla. It possesaes actual and unequalled merit by which It cures all diseases caus ed or promoted by Impure or Impoverish ed blood. If you have rheumatism, dys peps.a. scrofula or catarrh you may take Hood's Sarsaparilla and be cured. If you are run down and feel weak and tired you may be sura to will do you good. The favorite family cathartic Is Hood's PHI*, ad. MANY THOUSAND PACKAGES. POITOmnB 4MI BXPfIDM COM PANY 44 FllfC RI 9HED. Isiral Express Hiialnras 44 mm 44a j 4head of Thai Last Year— 44 agona Made Deliveries 411 Da> 4 ealer lm v —.l iitf Trade Said to Have Hern the Heaviest Ever kniies-Moff Than liNMMN* V*leeen of Mall Deliv ered oa Monday and Tneadny. T went*-five t arriers 44 ere l.oaJel Down 4% Ith Feilets and Package*. 4Yhateyer it was that made the present Christmas season *o |>rotperous a one. there Is every Indication of the fact in •he business of the postofllce and the Rout hern Kxt>r*** Company that it was the bet that ha been known for year* It may have been ten cent cotton • hat la responsible for the generosity of I purchasers, and there may have been other causes, never:heUv*s H h true that j there has not been a Christmas of such 1 great abundanc*. so to speak, in many years, even when business Ime been ut its l>wt. ' The local business of the Southern Ex- I press Company has been unusually heavy this >ear. Agent Brown <w:imaies *.at thl yrmr t tni.tti.vK from 10 tv* IS p*r | .-Mit, hMvltr than that of last y<—- I Having bwn hnr no ohort a tim<- h has j not hrrn able to make comparisons wi;h ' oih-r years, but tau- that the tvavan nah business has been *xceptionally large He ha, not yet l*een able to figure our the numoer of packaaea received in the city as the offt.w force tins be,i too busy harkt.lng the traffic to make up reports; hut 1; has required an extra force to succeed In making the usual prompt deliveries. The sajpiri. of the express company Were out making deliveries all <tay yes terday an,| up to 1# o'clock last night. Karh moron would take a certain section uf ths city. g out * kad-l to the gun wales, and then return for more. It Is said that one wagon carried deliveries to tie made only on Jon.-w street. The ex press forc-e woik. and rapidly, and by la ttight had delivered almost all of th < hristmas |v* -kages that cam*- In during the .lay yesterday. Hy noon 10-duy Ihe comjany will have delivered all of the packages that came in last night as well as those tvtilch arrive on the early ni.rn mg trains. It l said the express company had this year tire biggest jug trade over known here. There was carioo*! after carload of ..ugH—big jugs, little jugs, medium slmed jug* and other jugs thwt t**|ongd to non** of these classes—all on their way Into dry <ountl** where they were to I** rapidly transformed Into jag*—Big jags, little jig* and all the other kinds of jags that come Ir. between these two It 1* said If one man could have had the jug trade this season he might have retired wealthy. With the poHOifftce the rush has been •MtfnewhAt similar, though the carrier* had to make their dell verb** afoot In the postnffP a ami the express office, however, there were ctnpioyea who prao tl< ally work'd night and day for a cou ple of days in order to facilitate the dis patch of business. Twenty-live hotter carrier* have bee;> busy since (Saturday distributing the ac cumulated Christmas mail Th* hardest part of their work, however, came •*•> Monday and yesterday Monday they were busy #ll day, and yesterday there was a hard drive up to 1 o'clock, when they were allowed to quit and take half a day off On every trip each carrier started out with as much mall matter as he could possibly carry. The average mail carrier bore a striking resemblance to the pic tures in th- comic weeklies of commuters on suburban railroads. In some Instances ll would have been difficult to Imagine how so bundles xml package* of all kinds and description*, in Miklition to heavy bags of mall could have been car ried by one man And yet the carrier* made many a trip luuded down in this way. carrying with them Christmas cheer to many a heart and many a household The mall man Is always eagerly sought out never. It would seem, has he *• n so generous in hi* distributions It Is estimated that on Monday and Tues*uv each of the carriers distributed 3.000 pieces of mad. This mean* a total of <5.0i0 ptacoss distributed by the twenty-live cur riers In two days. Ad-1 to this those dis tributer! at the registry window' in the tioxes and through the general delivery, and the amount for two days will go con siderably over MU.OOO. The posted!' e bad on hand lust night aUut I.OUb pieces of registered mail that had not been distributed. This did not I include those that arrived on the night ' trains and what will come this morning. I Tln-re will probably Ik* l.'tiO more on these ; Tain*. All of thl*. however, will Ik* de | livened to-day. Postmaster Doyle con ■ dders that the business on Monday and Tuesday was three times a* much a* the average. The rush is over now. however, and for the balance of the week the car riers will have easier sailing. •KT OFF Mt\% I 'lit BM OK KA. Park Kilrnahm Maht Ma* the Scene of Itrenteat Display. Christ mis was quite a* noisy as usual. In fact. If the statement* of the whole sale dealer* who handled fireworks may be taken a* Indicative of the amount of noiwe that was made, the day may have been marked by even greater uproar man ordinarily (alls to lta lot. All day Umg the small boy was In bis glory, cannon cracker*, those of the ••mailer variety, toy cannon and sulphur ball* serving to delight hi* heart with their report*. He resorted to many **x (•edlentw to elicit the greatest possible noise from the mom* at hi* . *mm.nd. and eminent success followed his efforts. Not only flrec rack era. but tin horns, cow bells and vocal acretches help*-*! to keep the city alive to the fact that It was In the throes of Chrlstm.ia, uproar ious young people being out in force for the good time that is beat when It Is loudest. The enjoyment of the day. however, paled In-fore that of the evening, when the darkness gave Roman can.llex an 1 skyrocket* # chance to be effective. Many anxious youngster* could not wait until night, but Insisted uion letting off their candle* and rockets during the day. Bon fires. too. were kindles! In the Park In tension. where the greatest demonstration occurred. It was clear from the noise of explod ing cracker* all day long and during the evening and from the display of candlea and rocket* In the Park Hxtension that the sale of fireworks, as the dealers de clared. must have been exceptionally large. Certain It was that there were more of them set off last night than on Christmas night last year. Hpe.'tator* found no little amusenv-nt In watching the boys at play around ?hc bonfire* Some of their frolic wan by r.o means devoid of danger, for they -1 their Roman *andl*A with never the slightest regard for their own safety. Bides were formed, and perfect battles raged. Many youngsters were struck by the flying balls of (Ire. but fortunateiy no eyes were put out. Burned spots In cloth ing. to be mended by mothers, were about the greatest damage that waa sustained. fader the JHasrs and Bar*. "Under the Stare and Bars, or Mem oir! of Four Teero* Service Ryth the •vorpee of Auguota. Oa." by Valter A. Clerk, orderly sergeant. Price, cloth, 75 cents; paper. fiO cents. For sale at Kstill’s News Dspot, 45 Bull afreet, Sa vannah. Ga—ad. STRAIGHT FRONT FN. v/y CORSETS GIVE nu MILITARY FIGURE • y \ meiVf knqaytaliilor frompoa f tjioitwikrtiglkjwa . > M Me mu qiwi tniod t " hrfnesi it dak and ow h'ps h*’ f\ Pricefronfl-up In*'/ i dtoTECTEb / J A v \ CORK CLASPS / ['; An exclusive feature / save annoyance from l\ . \ w rol > rust stains and relieve '#|r-”“'Vr^T5KKa3 P.N.COR SETS 519 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. ( HKITNi4 II 4D T44tl FIHKB. Product of (hr Day In That Line 44 mm Innsnall) Dw. Chrletma* paeecd with birt f.-w flrc*. that of the early morning ( the office of Capt. A F ChurchUl *n*l another of evening on Margaret *trc*t, l*cmg the only two to which th* department hA*l (wen cgllcHi out up to a late hour l**r tight. Hoth blazes were put out by the firemen of chemical engine No. 2. The second Arc waz at No. 625 Marga ret etreet. upon the premize* occupied by 8. FDedman. A pile of rubbizh under * at the rear of Mr. Friedman's houe* w.m ignit'd by n Roman candle flred (>y a rm ill hoy. The blaze had not azzumed formidable propA>nionM by the time the firemen arrived, and (hey were able to ex tinguish them without difficulty. I>ttl* damage waa done. The tire occurred or iiboui 7 o'clodk and the alarm wa oent in (ntn box No. 57, on Margaret ztret, Farm. It 1* a matter of yurprioe that there were not mon- Arcs, for rhriztmo* usually turn* out a greater number, only a goi*l providence averted blaz*z. however, for no -are w t exercized by th>ae who wre t i* Ir fireworks. 44 ON T 44 O 4 tVH IN NF.44 YORK. Ir. F. 44il*oiT t rn*L in t nrtnref I lut* Matckea. Dr. F. C. Wilson won fr -h honor* n lard shooting in the Christmas k> mulch** of the Carteret Gun Club in New York yesterday. He captured both th* Dnomber ami Christmas lay cupa. and killed aixty-one lumlh straight. Tld* ! equal to aiiout ninety-eight kl.led out of 100 blnlz and is remarkable *hnot;ng. !>r. Wilson made hk* first appearance among New York shot* la.-t April when he made an almost phenomena! score. He will rvmafn in N**w Y*rk during the holi day* and next Saturday and New Year's lay will shoot again in th** Carteret matches. Dr. Wiiam'z record in rill* "Ttootuig is well known. A little mor than a year ago he took up bird shoot ing aial niz rea’oni yettervlty |Htt* llm among, if not in the lead, of the crack bird idiot* of the country. DID % (It i:\Klt Scratch ioor lira*! I util inor Scalp Wmm Tender and kore. When brushing your hair your coat col lar would be literally covered with white flake*. That la Dandruff, and a warring to you of a diseased sculp, whi.'h will shortly destroy the hair root* and have you bald Do you wish to stop this un leanly dl ease In 4k hours, save premature bHldncws and have a sweet cl* an. an*l pure h. alp? Coke 1 >andruff Cure, which ha* cured th<u.-und* of (arson*, and possibly one of your most Intimate friends, will testify to its great merit. Phywirlan* use It. druggists. harb*rw, and hair dresses use ami recommend it the world over, and guarantee it to cure. Procure a bottle and try.—ad. BRIGHT PHOSPFdTfI. Tech's Second Term. Beg inning December Hist. The recent unusual good fortune of the Georgia School of Technology will in crease Us efficiency. No entrance examina tion will Ik* required hereafter, and stu dents entertng without sufficient prepar ation for the lowest das* will lx* advanc ed a* rapidly am possible. Students may enter at any time, hut are advised to enter at the beginning of the term. I>ec. 31 Applicant* for admission are requested to write at once for particulars. Address Lyman Hall. President, Atlanta. Go..—ad Thnnonii* f llcliy People , Have been cured quickly by Telterine. It cure* any form of ekin disease. Mrs.. M. R. Bat lime**. Biloxi. Miss., had an iichy breaking oui on her skin. Hhe sends 11 for two boxes postpaid to t/ie manufac turer. J T Bhurptrlne, Buvannah, Oa., and writes. "Telterine is the only thing • hat gives me r* teltcf." Bend 50 cents in stumps for a tx>x if your <lruggi*i doesn’t keep It —ad. For Over Fifty Tears. Mrs. Wins.ow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothe* th# .1 serf lens the gums, shays all pain cures wind colic, and Is Ihe best rtanedy for D.arrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle, —ad Mr. Vlent Stays, *’Grnyheard has well nigh cured mo of rheumatism from which 1 have been a great sufferer the lost fifteen years." Mr. Dent * postoftlce Is St. Simons Island. Ga. Rev. John Christian of Pierce. Ala., says: ’’Uraybranl has cured Mr* John Childress of Baldwin county of rheuma tism. In February before she began ’o lake Gray heard she was given up to die She Is now sound anti well." Groyheard l* made only by Rpp*,, Drug Company, sole owners, and sold hy drugctt* for 11 in a bottle Every family should have a box of Gruybeard Pill* and Oroybeard Ointment.—ad. Holiday Hnle* vtn Southern Roll, nay. Ticket* on sale o all points, a fare and a third for the round trip, on Dec. 22-23- 24-25-30 and 21st. I*S). also Jan. 1, ]pt>l. limited to Jan I. returning la addition to above, students holding eertlfleate* signed hy superintendent!- or principals of school* or colleges will be -old tickets commencing Dec IS and limited to Jan 1 Jas. 1 reeman, city |*i*-enger and ticket agent. 141 Bull street 'phone* At) -ad. Suffered an Tear*. •'Greybeard cured me of catarrh from which I had suffered thirty. fly® years Nothing on earth ao far a. I W(l „ b]o to obtain gave me relief, since taking Gray beard 1 am aa well as ever I had catarrh of the head. Mrs Iti.ods Dean Tax. - "■ Greybeard ts mad* only by Respess Drug Company, sols owner*, and Is sold at drugstores for *1 a bottle —ad. A Dtgh-Or and Institution for I-adlea Shorter College, Rome, Ga. Writ* for catalogue.—ad. Don’t Overlook the fact that we have the most com plete lines of La dies’, Men’s and Children’s Slippers. in kid, felt, satin and patent leather, made and designed especially for Holiday Presents. Set our Handsome Beaded Slippers. IT BROUGHTON ST-WEST,^ JUVENILE BICYCLES, STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES. WM. Sc H. H. LATTIMORE, <*■. s,™,. j The New Year I would be incomplete I indeed without The Gas Range —and — Gas Heater. We furnish both at very low iigures. Heaters as low as $3. MUTUAL |CAS LICHT CO. I 7 and U Congress street, wcat. B LANCARD’S for AN/CMIA. POORNESS of the HI.OOII, CONSfITt TIONAL weakness, SCROFII.A. Etc. None genuine utiles* signed ' Ruancaßl’" At.l. UK CUBIST* E.POCmiRAACO .N.Y.. Agents for 11. 5. We Save You Money —ON- Flre Work*. Toys and dolls; sea us quick. 'Phone 87S. DONNELLY’ DRUG CO.. Liberty and Price afreet. J. 0. WEED & CO gAVAMAM, UA. Leather Belting. Steam Packing 4 Hose Agents far NEW YORK BUBiiLH BELTING AND PACKING COMPANY. AMlgttMl-Tis. SAVANNAH THEATER. FRIDAY, EVENING, DEC. 23. Farewell Tour of Broodhurst'a Furiously Funny Farce, Hal Happened to Jones.” By GEORGE H. BItOADHCRST. nd presented by the Broadhurat Bros No. 1 Company. GREAT CAST! Ft'N.NIEU THAN EVER! Beau on sale. Prtces-ILW, 7&c, &0o and •A